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OPPORTUNITIES IN INDUSTRY Felix has asked me to write about jobs in industry. Obviously, I cannot discuss particular firms. Many are excellent employers, with interesting jobs and good prospects right to the top. Making a good choice is of the greatest importance to you and before accepting an offer, always make enquiries. Ask your professors : ask your friends already in industry : ask for and look at the Company's annual report and read the Chairman's statement: look at the overseas interests : form your own opinion of the growth prospects of the company's products : look at the stock market quotations, especially the P / E ratio in the Financial Times. I think we must start by making sure that our attitude to industry is right. Industry is the main productive, money-making component of our national effort on which we all depend. The objective of every firm—the acid criterion of success or failure—is to-make a profit by designing, manufacturing and selling products at a competitive price, with integrity and in good faith. The profit motive is wholesome and stimulating and is in the national interest and in the interest of employees and shareholders alike, to say nothing of the Chancellor!



The continuing success of an industrial firm requires strong research, development and design sections, but the success of the firm depends on much more than that. There is the story of the distinguished visitor to afirmwho was deeply impressed by a young man in the R and D department. His favourable remarks to his host brought the comment, " Yes, he is a brilliant young man. We are thinking of promoting him to the Sales Department." The young technologist will often start in an R and D or design department. After a period, some will look around and will be gladly offered interesting and challenging jobs by other deparments, but some will want to continue in their original department because they enjoy working in a technological team with a project orientation. In either case, it is important that the young technologist joins appropriate professional or learned societies and participates in meetings in order to get new ideas and make new personal contacts. A possible weakness in the structure of British industry at present is that there are too many firms concentrating on a limited range of products. Nevertheless, some of these firms are highly successful, often through the work of one outstanding man who justifiably is paid a very high salary. A small firm, however, cannot support a strong R and D

the Rector


The Appointments Board was created by the College to bring together students in their final years and seeking a job, and prospective employers, it consists of a Chairman, Professor D.H.R. Barton, representatives of the three constituent colleges and of their Old Students' Associations and the Registrar, Mr P,E. Mee The representatives are as follows : from the colleges : RCS Professor C.W. Jones Professor D.H.R. Barton RSM G.D. Hobson J.S. Sheppard C&G Professor E.R. Laithwaite Professor A.W. Skempton

from the Old Students' Associations : RCSAM. Bogod A.C.C. Newman RSMA P.H. Truscott J'.H Watson OC J.D.S. Shadland D.L. Nicolson The Board aims to help the, student find the field of employment which will suit him best and to help employers to find the most suitable employees. It also keeps records of past students' careers and ass sts them in transferring from one post to another. Departmental Representatives

department, and a young graduate in such a department can find his work extremely frustrating.

MOVE ABOUT All firms are constantly studying their staff to select those who are to be groomed for higher posts. The large firm has the ability to move the promising young people from job to job in the first few years when the disadvantages to family life are least. The young man who is asked to move several times may take this as an encouraging signal about his prospects, and the firm will give substantial financial help. A good question for a young man to ask when he is being interviewed for a job is, " what opportunities will I have for moving around within the company to gain experience and find out where my best prospects lie?" Nor need the young person hesitate to move from one firm to another to widen his experience and improve his career prospects.

Published with issue no. 255 of FELIX Editor DAVID COOPER



The Appointments Board

with: John Muilay, John Sommer, Dick Middleton, John Young

A good degree in science or technology is afinestart to a job in industry. An employer takes substantial account of a good degree because at first that is the only guide he has to the technical potentialities of the young recruit, and there is an undoubted correlation between a good degree and qualities such as drive and initiative. However, the correlation is only partial. Many of the senior jobs require a basic training in technology but the main qualities for these posts are personality, clear thinking, common sense and the ability to plan and to negotiate. The old chestnut that you will never become chairman unless you have a third is of course not true. It is a wry comment on the fact that some of those whose academic performance was not high nevertheless have qualities which take them to the top.

COMPETITION The order book is vital to any firm. Commercial competition can be rough and tough but there are ethical rules which are nearly ways obeyed. The preparation of bids continually has a sharpening effect on design and productivity. There are few easy markets and sometimes marginal costings have to be accepted to balance the work load and keep unit costs down. The young technologist who develops a flair for living in this competitive atmosphere will rapidly command a high salary. The men who can recognise a good idea and take it from the research stage through the much more costly phases of development and the production engineers who can get a developed product on to the shop floor are also highly regarded by industry and there are many good openings. And the technological sales-

man who knows his company's products and can stand up to serious questioning gets and deserves a top salary. Promotional work in a firm with good products can be both interesting and rewarding, and is much more than the type of job many students think it is.

Seats on the Board The criticism often made that too few technologists have seats on the boards of companies in Britain is still true in some cases, but the position is improving steadily. There are many underlying reasons but among them is the undoubted fact that seats on the board require more than technological expertise. I am afraid that in the past technologists as a group have been too narrow in their outlook. The broadening of education in teqhnology (which may not yet have gone - far enough), the training courses in cost control, management, planning, personnel and industrial relations, etc., now to be found in many firms, and a changing attitude nationally towards the importance of technology as a basic education, rather than as the training of a specialist, are all having their effect. From personal experience of many large firms, I can state that they are all desperately anxious to find and help the young technologist who promises to be good enough to win a place on their board. Britain is going through a bad patch at the moment, but our great resources of skill and creative ability, and the energy of our people when at last we see that we really are in a desperate position, will bring a recovery. Rapid changes are taking place in industry and it is in industry where our main hopes must lie. Now is the time to get in on the ground floor!

The Board operates mainly through the departments, each having a member of staff who is appointed to act as the appointments representative. They are as follows : Mechanical Engineering J.T. Chalk Aeronautics J.L. Stollery Botany and Plant Technology R.J. Threlfall Chemical Engineering & Chemical Technology Professor R. Sargent Chemistry A.J.E. Welch Civil Eng'neering R.J. Ashby Electrical Engineering B.J. Prigmore Geology S.E. Coomber Mathematics Professor H. Jones Metallurgy R.H. Harris Mining and Mineral Technology Professor J.S. Sheppard Physics R.W.B. Stephens Zoology and Applied Entomology Professor O.W. Richards I nterviews The day to day running of the Board is handled by Mr Meacock (Int 317) of the Regstry. The representative is readily available to advise the student on finding an acceptable field of employment. Some departments hold special advisory lectures and talks on careers and most arrange for employers brochures to be available to the students Most firms arrange with the departments to hold interviews with the Spring Term. FELIX has produced a comprehensive timetable which covers the visits during this term of arms to all the major departments. The procedure for attending an interview varies from department to department and students should consult their representative for details.



OPERATIONAL RESEARCH Ihe rapid growth of OR departments in all types of companies and government organisations suggests a growing realisation of the need to apply a scientific approach to management and organisational problems. Twelve years ago less than 40 establishments admitted to using OR techniques—few large companies would admit to not using OR techniques nowadays, and many have teams devoted to applying such techniques. Recruits are in short supply. The reason is that the good OR man or woman is at least of management calibre. He or she may hold one of a variety of degrees (Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Engineering are most sought after, but there are good opportunities for almost any background) generally a first or upper second. A good analytical brain is needed plus knowledge of Maths (at least to A level) and statistics. Employers also look for a good personality maturity being very important since OR personnel must be able to mix equally well with the managing director and the bloke on the shop floor.

The oldest customer is the government, particularly for the different aspects of defence (OR originated from a mixed group of people working as advisors on a variety of problems, such as the use of radar, for the RAF during the last war), who recruit through the Scientific Civil Service. New graduates can come in as scientific officers, and experienced people over 26 as senior scientific officers. Local government organisations, like the GLC, are now applying OR techniques to a tremendous variety of problems e.g. bus timetables, location of shopping centres, layout of roads, building of roads, use of airport buildings at Heathrow, etc. In industry some of the biggest customers are the nationalised ones, conspicuously NCB and CEGB, but in recent years there has been an encouraging increase in the application of OR in private industry. Departments range from the large and highly professional like B1SRA to mixed groups also doing management Services. Where OR is taken seriously there will generally be a team of problems, but making different contributions, depending on their speciality and experience. Nearly all take a few inexperienced graduates.

For the would-be specialist one way to get into OR is to take a course leading to a diploma, M.Sc. M.Phil., or Ph.D. The most well-known establishments offering such courses are IC, Birmingham University and Lancaster, though many other establishments offer courses in various types of management problems involving a considerable OR content (Cranfield, London Graduate School of Business Studies, Manchester University and LSE have such courses). Any academic qualification in OR is likely to add about £250 per year for every year of study to one's salary on entering industry. Alternatively, one may join one of the bigger units that offer really sound training, theoretical and practical. If your interest is genuine but unspecialist, however, you can gain a few years' experience in a government department or with a large commercial or industrial firm as a management trainee; should your interest awaken later there is no age limit on when you enter an OR department—providing of course that old age has not affected your abilities! Market price for the inexperienced graduate is around £1050. People with a postgraduate OR qualification can get" from £1200-

£2000. A very average salary for an experienced and competent person is £3,500, while managers of departments can expect at least £5,000.

Industrial Research Cont. from page VII in niobium stabilised steels is investigated by electrical resistance and dilatometric measurements. The growth, structure and breakdown of oxide films on steels in high temperature aqueous and gaseous environments. Deformation studies seek to elucidate some of the phenomena that influence the mechanical properties of materials. Topics under investigation include: brittle fracture studies of ferritic materials to establish the relationship between slip, twinning and fracture in 3 per cent silicon iron; the effect of pre-strain and strain ageing on the brittle fracture characteristics of mild steel; the effect of stress concentrations on the behaviour of ferritic steels and the effect of dynamic strain ageing on work-hardening rates. Mathematical models are being evolved in the theoretical work on mechanical properties and being applied to some of the phenomena under investigation. The boundaries of each Divi-

sion's interests are flexible, in order to facilitate close co-operation among them, this being further aided by the interdisciplinary composition of them. For instance, the Physics Division contains a strong Mathematics section and people trained in engineering subjects are often working alongside others tranied in pure science. These divisions are backed up by the Secretarial and Technical Services. The Central Workshop is equipped for the manufacture of test rips and equipment, the Drawing Office and Design Office provide the link with the Divisions. A well-equipped Photographic Section has facilities for X-ray, high-speed and cine photography and also for photo-micrography. The main library consists of some 10,000 volumes and some 400 journals are available. Computing services are available in London using an IBM 360/75. Two E.A.I. PACE 231 R analogue computers are currently available. Starting salaries are in the range £1,050-£1,250 for a good honours degree with no experience, promotion opportunities are good and each research officer's salary is reviewed annually.






A career as an ofJLei in the Engineering Specialisation of the Royal Navy provides opportunities of playing a vial role in a variety of engineering pursuits and of participating in a way which has much to commend it to a young man. Naval engineering covers the mechanical and electrical require ments of a large Service with world-wide commitments, consisting of some 90.000 officers and men and controlling more than 400 major warships, numerous minor warships and support and maintenance vessels. There are also hundreds of naval aircraft, large command organisations and innumerable shore establishments, stores, depots, dockyards, air stations, hospitals, training colleges and schools. The Royal Navy has always been to the fore in the design of marine -machinery and equipment, either alone or in close association with the manufacturing industry. Engineering specialist officers are concerned with this design work in the development, testing, operation and maintenance of the machinery or equipment in service. They are also continuously concerned with efficiency assessment, maintaining high performance and improving designs. As an engineering officer the nuclear machinery of a submarine could be your personal responsibility. You find yourself in the midst of events that shape the future of the world. Your university background will prove to be invaluable in a service that is a stabilising influence and power for peace all over the globe. Life in the Navy is a career alive with opportunities to use your qualifications to exceptional advantage both technically and in manmanagement. Promotion is open to the highest ranks, with responsibility placed on you at an early age. ~No career can offer you such scope or prove so rewarding as the go-ahead life that lies before you in the Royal Navy to-day. For full details write to: — Instructor Commander J.G, Arthur, M.A. University Liason Officer, Officer Entry Section. Old Admiralty Building, Whitehall, S.W.I.








Rocket time for

Y o u r decision o n the career y o u want to follow is one of the most important y o u will ever make. Industry or teaching ? Further training or a job straight a w a y ? Large firm or small firm? T h e best decisions are made by using all available information, and you o w e it to yourself to make the best-informed choice possible. A s k your University A p p o i n t m e n t s Officer about expanding d y n a m i c c o m p a n i e s ; about leaders in t e c h n o l o g y and major exporters; about variety of products and locations; about training courses and future prospects; about opportunities in research, design, development, production, computer services ROLLS and administration. He will tell y o u about R o l l s - R o y c e . Or, if you prefer, write direct t o :



The Manager—University Recruitment R O L L S - R O Y C E LIMITED, DERBY 43 6/:

UKAEA h a v e


E L E C T R I C A L ,



A wide range of careers for men and women taking R E S E A R C H or H O N O U R S D E G R E E S in 1966 is available in the Establishmentts of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority. There are posts for Graduates ORDINARY DEGREES.




V A C A T I O N S T U D E N T S H I P S are awarded at most establishments to Undergraduates (normally those in the penultimate year) seeking appropriate experience. Furtner information may be obtained from your A p pointments Board or by writing to the U N I V E R S I T Y A P P O I N T M E N T S O F F I C E R at one of the following addresses :

UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENERGY AUTHORITY Production Group H . Q . , Risley, Warringtf»n, Lancashire. (For all Production and Engineering Group Establishments) Reactor Group H.Q.. Risley, Warrington, Lancashire. (For all Reactor Group Establishments) A J L . R . E , Harwell, Didcot, Btrks(For all Research Group hstahllshmculs) A.WJR.E., AWermaston, Berks. (For all Weapons Group Est abushin ants) Radiochemical Centre, Axnersiuun,



i r

find out about esso


Electric C o m p u t e r s

One in seven

Careers Discussions FEBRUARY


Representatives of the Esso G r o u p of C o m p a n i e s will be visiting your University on the above date. Graduates interested in a career with Esso should contact their Appointment s Officer or write to H e a d of Recruitment, Employee Relations Department, Esso Petroleum C o . Ltd., Victoria Street, S . W . 1 . One in seven of those graduating in 1968 will go into industry. Whatever subject you have studied there could be a progressive career for you in English Electric Computers. A successful computer manufacturing company must be concerned with all aspects of electronic engineering, programming and marketing. It can, therefore, offer careers to the specialist or to the person who wants to broaden his interests. Whatever your choice, English Electric Computers will give you full training and every possible encouragement to succeed. In 1968 the Company will recruitgraduateswho are interested in scientific and engineering research and development, production and field service engineering, marketing and sales, systems analysis, programming, teaching or administration. So whatever your academic discipline, it is worth your while to find out what English Electric Computers can offer you. Equal opportunities exist both for men and women in London, Kidsgrove, Winsford and provincial centres throughout the U.K. The rewards in terms of salary, progress and promotion are assured.

TEXAS INSTRUMENTS LIMITED Texas Instruments Limited is a major manufacturer in a rapid growth industry. Tomorrow's policies are being practised today. New Graduates are placed immediately in specific positions within the organisation and given the opportunity to try their ideas.

Ask your Appointments Board to arrange en interview for you with representatives of English Electric Computers when they visit this University on Feb. 13, 14, 15, 1968, or write for our brochures 'Careers in Computers' and 'Careers for Arts Graduates' to: J. A. Bannister, Ref. 2E/UU, University Liaison Officer, English Electric Computers Limited, Kidsgrove. Stoke-on-Trent, Staff*

ist Year Mechanical Engineering

To tell you more about the organisation, its policies and opportunities, our Personnel Manager and our Recruitment Manager will be visiting your university on Thursday 1st February, 1968.

For further information, please contact your Appointments Board.


G u i l d s m e n e a r n w h i l e

y o u l e a r n w i t h

Spend your summer vacation at one of ICI's Divisions. Current training schemes offer a balanced diet of engineering and management.


For full details and application forms contact E. Meacock, Superintendent of Vacation Studies. Closing date 29th January.



INDUSTRIAL Taken from the CEGB Laboratories."


booklet " Central Electricity Research

We have chosen to look at the Central Electricity Research Laboratories of the CEGB at Leatiieihead, Surrey, since they employ graduates in almost every subject taught at IC. A total staff of about 800 people, of whom approximately onethird are professional scientists and engineers, work in thefiveresearch divisions plus the secretarial services sections. Except for the Materials Division all of these people work in buildings at the Cleeve Road site completed about 1961 in very pleasant surroundings on the edge of the town of Leathcrhead. The site has its own staff restaurant and recreation building, a small sport field and a 275-seat lecture theatre. The main building of 100,000 sq. ft. floor area, housing the Chemistry, Physics and Engineering Divisions is a three-storey front block incorporating the smaller laboratories, together with two rig areas or wings at the rear, each measuring 200 ft. x 100 ft. overall, and provided with services and facilities suitable for large-scale research. A third wing of similar design houses the Workshops and Stores. The work of the five research divisions is described below. Electrical Engineering Division Situated in its own building, the main feature of which is a high voltage test bay of area 12,000 sq ft and height 70 ft, the High Voltage Division is mainly concerned with research into the design and operation of main transmission systems. Facilities available include equipment for producing impulse voltages up to 4MV peak, power frequency-voltages up to 1.2 MV and direct volltages up to 1 MV. In addition, a double-circuit single-phase experimental line which is energised up to the equivalent of a system voltage of 800 K V has been erected. The performance of insulators for use up to 650KV A C is studied in conditions of industrial pollution at sub-station sites, in an artificial pollution chamber and under conditions of coastal pollution at Brighton. Laboratory research is carried out into discharges on polluted surfaces. Theoretical, laboratory and field work is carried out on the response of transmission networks to lightning; new dielectrics for insulation of underground cables; electrical discharges in gases; superconductors. Physics Division The main aim is to resolve and

understand the physical laws involved in any problem and then to apply the principles to the development of new techniques and the design of new instrumentation. Some of thefieldsbeing studied are: automatic control of the power network, automatic control processes in power station operation, dispersion of hot gaseous plumes from smoke stacks, the analysis and suppression of noise, system protection 'and telecommunications on the distribution network, and various forms of non-destructive testing of materials and components including the propagation of stress waves, ionizing radiations, magnetic and electric fields, the flow of eddy currents and the penetration of fluids. The facilities include an anechoic chamber and a spacious radiographic laboratory equipped with X-ray sources from 10 to 400 KV and an electrically controlled 10-curie ccbalt-60 source of high energy gamma rays. Engineering Science Division The work of the Division covers many aspects of fluid dynamics, mechanical and civil engineering, heat transfer and chemical engineering. Although

k o d a k To a graduate with an eye to the future and a real desire to make the most of his degree Kodak can offer some of the most stimulating and challenging opportunities available anywhere in industry today. As the largest photographic manufacturers in the Commonwealth, and the largest exporters of photographic goods in the United Kingdom, Kodak's interests cover a wide range of activities in amateur, professional and industrial photography, the motion picture industry, medical radiography, recording and office copy systems and printing processes. A continuing programme of scientific research and major projects involving advanced investigations, development and design work give ample scope to— MECHANICAL ENGINEERS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS and graduates in PHYSICS CHEMISTRY MATHEMATICS opportunities also exist for ARTS & SCIENCE GRADUATES in administration—accountancy—marketing First-class conditions of service coupled with a progressive salary policy make a career with Kodak a number one choice for graduates in all disciplines. If you would like to hear more about the opportunities with Kodak we shall be pleased to meet you at the informal interviews, which are being held at your College on 1st February. Alternatively contact the Appointments Board or write direct to the :

Kodak PERSONNEL MANAGER, Wealdstone, Harrow, Middlesex.

What is it like to work for Europe's largest chemical company?

We'd be pleased to tell you just send in the coupon. r

n To: K. Bell, Central Personnel, ICI, Millbank, London. S.W.i. Please send me careers guidance leaflets for: Research Opportunities [j Chemists [_J Chemical Engineers Q Engineers • Mathematicians and Statisticians Q Physicists p Management Services [J Accountancy and Finance [""] Distribution • Economics [J Personnel [ j Purchasing • Sales and Marketing • NAME COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY. ADDRESS

These leaflets will give you a firm basis for discussion with our representatives who will be delighted to meet you. Please arrange an appointment through your Appointments Board.

A CAREER IK ENGINEERING ENGINEERING with the Centra! Electricity Generating Board covers a very wide range from operational and management work in generation, transmission and construction to pure and applied research. We are looking for high calibre graduates and postgraduates in PHYSICS, MATHEMATICS, CHEMISTRY and MATERIALS SCIENCE as well as ENGINEERING to fill our vacancies. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS include advanced gas cooled reactors, the 400 kV. transmission supergrid and 660 megawatt super critical generating units. Our graduate training schemes are intended for mechanical and electrical engineers and honours physicists who wish to train for engineering careers in these and other developments. These lead ultimately to management positions. GRADUATES ARE REQUIRED FOR RESEARCH work being carried out into such topics as the following: aerodynamics and fluid flow, plasma physics, combustion, HV. D.C. and A.C. transmission, stress and vibration analysis, heat transfer, materials science and reactor physics. This is a growth industry with excellent salaries and career prospects.

Further details can be obtained from your Appointments Officer or from W. H. F. Brooks, Recruitment and University Liaison Officer, Sudbury House, 15 Newgate Street, London, EX.1.




There are no jobs at BAG



Careers, yes—and career training recognised throughout the world as the best in the aerospace business. But don't join BAC if all you want is just a job. Join us if you want to get wholeheartedly involved in a genuinely international industry which, technically, has to move faster and farther than most other industries. Join us if you want to be part of a team which has proved its technical and commercial strength by winning overseas orders worth over £150,000,000 in three years, in head-on competition with the biggest USA companies. Yourfirstpost in industry has to be more than a job : it's going to shape your future. At the least, if you are the kind of person we want, you will demand that it gives you continuity of interest, a chance to develop and progress.

You will get all that at BAC. Our present programme ranges from the world'sfirstsupersonic airliner through high-performance military aircraft, subsonic jets and defence missile systems to spacecraft, space instrumentation and products for industry at large. Some we are doing in collaboration with European companies, some on our own. All are aimed at world markets. But, at BAC, you will be involved with the future rather than the present. We are constantly probing ahead, through advanced research programmes. Vast markets beckon. We intend that BAC and Britain shall have a large share of this future business. That's why we need people like you—people to whom it won't be ju.t a job. British Aircraft Corporation has vacancies this year for students graduating in Science, Engineering, Arts and Social Science. Full details of t lese career openings and .raining opportunities are contained in the brochure " A Real future in Aerospace," obtainable from your Appointments Secretary or by writing to the





G e n e r a l F o o d s L i m i t e d require

PROSPECTIVE SCIENCE A N D TECHNOLOGY 1968 GRADUATES YOU have been trained to bring to your career a disciplined and enquiring mind, imagination, enthusiasm and technical competence. WE would like you to use these talents within our business. YOU will find us demanding and exacting, and in order to meet our standards of performance you will receive a thorough, professionally designed training programme, tailored to your needs. YOU will quickly undertake a position of real responsibility. WE are a food marketing business; food technologists, chemists, chemical engineers, and bio-chemists devise the products and processes for new beverages and convenience foods and improve our methods of manufacturing existing products.

Our Development Division works in close co-operation with General Foods Corporation United States Laboratories. At Banbury we have modern Product Development Laboratories and a new process development facility. WE are a rapidly expanding Company in a new factory and administrative headquarters at Banbury. YOU will work in pleasant country surroundings and yet be within easy reach of entertainment centres. YOU have to earn your success and salary (up to £ 1 , 3 0 0 for new Graduates) in an atmosphere of constant innovation and growth. If you are interested in checking these claims, please ask your Appointments Board for details or write to:— The Graduates Appointments Manager. General Foods Limited, Banbury, Oxon.


Industrial research Cont. from page V


The RST GROUP of companies operates four large copper mines on the Copperbelt of Zambia. Modern equipment and methods are employed in the underground mining operations and the surface processing plants, which include concentrators, smelters, refineries, leach plant and associated electrical/mechanical installation and maintenance departments and workshops. Annual copper production for the Group is around 280,000 long tons. * Total earnings, including allowances an 1 trratuitv, exceed Z£2,000 p.a. (At present exchange rates, £100 sterling is equivalent to approximately Z£85.10.0) * Good promotional prospects. * Paid leave 52 days per annum. • Excellent climate, social and sporting facilities. • Travel opportunities include Victoria Falls and well-known game reserves. Our representative will be visiting the Imperial College (Royal School of Mines) on Tuesday 6th February. Interested students should write, in advance, for application form and free booklet to : — The Manager, CI07/67. RST International Metals Limited, St Albans House, Goldsmith Street, London, E.C 2


the emphasis is on applied sciences, much of (he work has also a strong theoretical content. Work is in hand on the design of electrostatic precipitators; concrete technology for reactor vessels in nuclear power stations; soil mechanics; aerodynamic forces on cooling towers, tall chimneys and conductors 'on power lines; erosion of turbine blades by water droplets and artificial cooling of underground cables. Chemistry Division The objectives of the Division are directed principally towards improving amenity. Much of the work in chemistry involves physical and inorganic chemistry at high temperatures and pressures. Of this kind arc combustion research using shock tubes, radiant tube furnaces, focussed arc and plasma jet equipment, and mass spectrometry methods to study corrosion at high temperatures of metal boiler plant both by minerals derived from moal and ash and minerals in the water. The removal of sulphur dioxide from flue gases by adsorption is being studied and new analytical techniques are developed. Apparatus is available for emission spectrography, visible, ultra-violet and infra-red adsorption spectrometry, mass spectrometry, flame photometry, polarography, gas chromatography and automatic analysis. Biology Division The biological laboratories are housed in a separate building and are concerned with ensuring that the operations of the CEGB, mainly the rejection of large amounts of heat into cooling water, do not harm plant or animal life in fresh and marine waters; with protecting the Generating Board's equipment from attack by aquatic and other organisms; with undertaking collaborative work to establish commercial crop production on dumps of pulverised fuel ash. Typical field investigations relate to the effects of warm and chlorinated cooling water effluent on the ecology of oysters, mussels, fish and marine wood-boring animals: preservation of timber in cooling towers against bacterial and algal growth and the application of harmless bacterial tracer techniques to the study of mixing in estuarine waters.

M i c h a e l Jones enjoys his j o b

-but he'll be happy to change Michael's kingdom includes banks of sophisticated control gear, an acre-and-a-half of expensive cablemaking machinery and a team of assistants. (The right man finds responsibility early at BICC). But soon he hopes to move on — within the Group of Companies. He may take part in an advanced development programme, head a high-level sales team, or supervise a major overseas installation. Michael's future at BICC is limited only by his ability and ambition. Electrical power transmission and distribution is one of

Our Appointments Adviser will visit Londbn Univi'sity between the {9th. andlAth. of February. Ask your Appointments Officer for details.


Britain's fastest growing industries. We need the people to grow with us. With the diversity of our activities, we have regular openings for Graduates in most subjects, particularly Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Physics. Find out the facts for yourself. Send for our book 'A Career with BICC' (Graduate Entry). It will answer most of your questions — but if there is anything else you would like to discuss, get in touch with our Mr. Launder.




w i



Materials Division This Division is housed in its own 28.000 sq. ft. building about a mile from the main laboratories. Its aims arc to achieve improvements in the design and construction of more efficient plant by extending fundamental knowledge of the properties and behaviour of the materials used by industry, the most important of which is steel. The work is divided into three types; applied metallurgy, structural studies and deformation studies. The applied metallurgists are concerned with the properties and likely behaviour of steels under service conditions in generation and transmission plant. Creen behaviour of austenitic steels is receiving particular attention because .these steels are vitally important in high-pressure, hightemperature steam plant. This work is part of a programme to investigate the relationship between the constitution and physical properties of steels, especially at high temperatures. The creep behaviour of steels under changing temperature and stress conditions, the effect of thermal stresses and high strain fatigue conditions are being studied. Materials such as copper are being studied to try to understand the fatigue at high temperatures. Structural studies research is going on into precipitation hardening mechanisms in austenitic and ferritic steels and pure alloys, particularly by electron microscopy using thin foil and extraction replica techniques. The precipitation of niobium carbide Cont. on page U


CAREERS Ferranti 29/2(P) N/A(EE) Fisons 29/2(C) (CE) Ford. N/A(ME) Foster Wheeler N/A (ME) Fuller Electrical N/A(EE) G.E.C. 16/2(P) Geigy 5/2<C) Gestetner 7/2(ME) Gilbert Hall 8/2(P) G.K.N. 21/2(ME) 12/2(M) 26/1 (P) 5/2 (EE) Glacier 21/3(P) 20/3(P)(ME) 18/3 (Civ) G.L.C 12/2(Civ) G.P.O. 9/2(EE) 15/3(P)





Hawker Siddeiey 21/2(A) (C) (ME) (M) (EE) (Met) 7/3(A) (P) (M) Hewlett Packard 1/2(EE) H. N. Hobson N/A(ME) Honeywell N/A (ME) (EE) Hoover N/A(EE) Horner N/A(ME) Humphries and Glasgow 7/2(C) 8/20ME) 5/2(Civ)

Manyfirmsarrange with the various departments of I.C, to hold interviews during the spring term. FELIX has produced a comprehensive list of these firms, together with dates and departments in which the interviews are to be held. The procedure ,Jor atteading an interview varies from department to department and students should consult the relevant departmental representative for details.

Abbreviations Aero dept.—A Chemistry—C Chem Eng CE Civil Eng—Civ Elec Eng—EE Maths—M Mech Eng—ME Metallurgy—Met Mining—Min Mineral Technology—Min Physics—P Date not arranged—N/A

AEI 30/1 (EE) 7/2(ME) 9/2(P) Air Products 6/3(ME) 9/2 (CE) Albright & Wilson (40/1) (CE) 25/1(C) Alcan 5/3(C) 6/3(ME) 7/3(P) N/A (EE) Anglo American Corp of SA 20/2(Min) Atomic Energy of Canada 26/1 (EE) Atomic Energy Research Gp. 9/2 (P) Atomic Power Construction Ltd. 21/3(M), (P) Australian High Commission 24/l(ME), (Q. (EE) Australia Ho. 24/l(Met) (A) Avery 14/2 (ME) Babcock & Wilcox 24/2(ME) BAC 2/2(P) 6/3(A), (ME) 8/3 (EE) Baker Perkins 7/3(ME) Balfour Beattie 9/2(Civ) Bayer Prod 31/1(Q, (CE), (ME) BCURA 14/3(P) BICC 19/2(Civ) 22/2(P) 23/2 (Q, (EE) 24/2(Met) Bird's N/A(ME) BMC N/A(EE) 14/3(M) HOC 31/1(CE) 2/2(P) N/A(EE) Boeing 5/2, 6/2(A) Boots 14/3(Q BP 8/2(P), (CE) 9/2(C) 6/3(ME) BP Chem 7/2(M) 16/2(Q 20/2 (CE) BR 2/2(EE) N/A(ME) British Airport Authority 12/2 (Civ) British Council N/A(EE) Bitish Steel 22/2(CE), (EE), (M) British Transport Docks Board 5/2(Civ) 7/2(ME), (M), (EE) Bryce Berger N/A(ME) BS Engines 14/2(M'"> N/A(EE) USA 21'2(ME) • 3TR N/A(ME) Building Re carch 22/2(P)

Oscar Faber & Partners 26/2 (Civ) Overseas Training & Services N/A(EE)

Cadbury 6/3(M), (C), (CE) Calico Printers 13/3(CE) Caltex 13/2(CE) 15/2(Min) 21/2 (ME) CEGB 21/2(EE), (ME) 28/2(Q. (Met) Coalvilles 13/2(M) 16/2(P) N/A (ME) Consett Iron Co. 28/2(M), (ME) Continental Oil 1/2<CE) Ccfain 4/2(Civ) Courtan.ds 24/l(ME) 25/KCE) Crane N/A(ME) Cromptcn Parkinson N/A(EE) Cummlngs Engine Co. N/A(EE)

David Brown Corp. 7/3(ME) Davy Ashmore 31/1(ME) Decca 7/3(P) (M) (ME) (EE) De la Rue 12/2(ME) (M) (Q (CE) (EE) Delta N/A(ME) (Met) Dexion 14/2 (A) (C) (CE) (ME) (M) (Min) (Met) 15/2(P) (Civ) N/A(EE) Dorman Long N/A(EE) Dowty Gp. N/A(ME) Dunlop I5/3(P) 23/2(C) 13/3(ME) Dupont 13/3(ME) 15/3(CE) (C) (EE)

Echo Electronics 27/2(EE) Elliott N/A(ME) 22/2(EE) Electrical Research N/A(EE) English Electric 1/2(A) (Met) (ME) 14/2(CE) (C) (ME) 15/2 (P) 13/2(EE) Esso 15/2(C) 7/3(P) 14/2(ME) 15/2(M)

Sangamo N/A(EE) Scientific Civil Service N,'A(EE) Scottish Agricultural Assoc. 26/1 (CE)(Q Scottish Elec. Training School 26/2(EE) Scott, Wilson, Kiikpatrick and Parkinson and Cowan N/A (EE) Parker 8/2(Civ) (ME) Seismograph 23/2(P) C. A. Parsons 2/2(P) 22/2(ME) Serck N/A(ME) N/A(EE) Shell International 8/2(Min) 8/3 Parents Office 8/2(C)(ME) 8/3(A) (CE) 19/3(Q 21/2(ME) 9/2(P) N/A(EE) 16/2(M) Perkins 6/3(ME) Smiths Industries 26/l(EE)(P) Peter Brotherhood N/A(ME) N/A(ME) Phzers 13/3(C) (CE) Solatron 23/2(P) N/A(EE) Philips 14/2(ME) 1/2(C)25/1(EE) Sperry Gyroscopes N/A(ME) PUkington 14/3(Met) (P) (CE) (EE) (C) N/A(EE) S.RJD.E. 25/l(M)(EE) Pirelli 6/3(CE) (ME)(EE) Standard Telecomrminications Ptessey 11/3(C) 15/2(P) 21/2(ME) 8/3(P) 1/3(C) Pressed Steel 14/3(P) (ME) (M) Stewarts and Lloyds 6/3(ME) Proctor and Gamble 19/2(CE) (CE) 27/2<Q 8/3(P) Stone-Piatt Ind. N/A(EE)

Racai Communication N/A(EE) R.A.E. 31/l(A)10/2(Met) 20/2 (M) 5/2(EE) 8/2(P) 8/3(P) LBJtf. 29/2(P) 1/3(A) (M) (EE) 29/HC) (CE) (O LCI. 7/3 25/l(P) 5, 6. 16/2(CE) Rank 6/2(EE) 21/2(ME) Rediffusion 9/2(P) N/A(EE) 6. 8, 13, 20, 24/2(Q 7/3 (ME) ICT 15/2(ME) 14/2(C) 14/2(M), Reed 30/l(C) 26/HP) 24/1 (ME) RendaJ Tritton and Palmer 28/2 (ME) (Civ) Word 1/3(P) N/A(EE) Reyrolle N/A(EE) IMI 7/3(P) Imperial Smelting 22/3(CE), (Q Ricardo N/A (ME) Richardson Westgarth N/A (ME) 23/3 (Met) Internationa! Combustion 28/2 Moan Selection Trust N/A(EE) Roberts Construction 7, 9/2(Civ) (ME) Rocket Propulsion Establishment 26/1 (P) J&E Hall N/A (ME) Rolls Rovce 29/2(ME) 14/3(P) John. Brown N/A(ME) Rover 1/2(P) Royal Armed Forces 15/2(A) (Min) (Met) (Civ) (C) (CE) Kodak 1/2(P) (CE), (C), (ME) Royal Radar Establishment 25/1 (P) 21/3(Met) (EE) (C) Laing 5/2(Civ) Royal Naval Scientific Service Lancrc Chem. 22/2(Q 1/3(P) N/A (EE) Laportes 2/2(C) R.S.T. 6/2(Civ)(Min) Levland 28'2(ME) R.T.B. 22/2(ME)(M)(C)(Met) LTB 29,'2(C), (P), 19/2(Civ), R.T.Z. 30/1 (Min) (ME), (EE) Rushtcn and Hornsey N/A (ME) Lucas 31/KME) 212(C) 31/1(EE) Rutherford High Energy 26/KP) Machine Tool Association 2 2 (EE), (ME) Mac 19/2(Civ) Massey Ferguson 18«'3(ME) Metal Box Co. 8/3(C) 21/2(ME) 1/3(P) Met. Office 15/3(P) Midland Research Station N/A (ME)

Taylor Woodrow 4/3(Civ) Teacher Training N/A(EE) Texas Instruments 1/2(P) N/A (EE) T.I. 15/2(P) Turner NewaU N/A(ME)

U.K.A.E.A. 2, 7, 21/2(CE) 7, 26/2(C)7, 8/2(ME) 7/2(EE) + Unilever 25/l(P) 15/2(P) 15/2(C) United. Steel 15/3(P) 15/2(ME) N/A(EE)

Vauxhall 31/1 (ME) Vickers N/A (ME)

Westinghouse B. and S. N/A(EE) West Riding Highways and Bridges Dept. 14/3(Civ) Wiggins Teape Group Management 1/3(P) Woodall Duckham 28/2(CE)N/A (ME) W. S. Atkins N/A (ME)

If you can solve this problem in under 3 minutes V S O w o u l d like to h e a r f r o m y o u

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •

Ministry of Aviaion 2/2(ME) 3M's Co. 23/2(P) 12/3(C), (CE) 28/2(EE) 12/3(M) Mobil 20/3(C) 19/3(CE) 20/3 (ME) Monsanto 1/3(P) N/A(ME) Morganite 18/3(C) 21/3(P) Municipal Passsnger Transport N/A(EE)

* Find the odd man out

NCB 25/l(ME), (P). (EE). 29/1 (C), (CE), (M) 16/2(P) Newmark N/A(EE) Northern Electricity, Canada 28/2(ME) 26/2(EE) North Thames Gas N/A(ME). (EE) NPL 8/3(P) Nuclear Power Gp. 8/3(P) N/A (ME)

VSO needs 1500


volunteers for



In our new laboratories at South Queensferry, Edinburgh we can offer

ELECTRONIC the opportunity to join research teams working on random and pseudorandom noise techniques for law frequency system testing and developing test instruments for microwave communications equipment.


PACKARD post-graduate education is continued both inside the plant and at university, and there are opportunities to travel to other divisions of this international organisation. Excellent starting salaries are offered with profit sharing and many additional benefits. Engineers from our lab will be visiting Imperial College, London on Thursday, Ist

February. More information from your A ppointments Board br from Dr. GORDON ROBERTS, HEWLETT LOTHIAN.





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