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A Weekly

24 February 1972

No. 309





T h o s e of y o u w h o remember my first editorial of the year, few i n number n o doubt, will recall my feelings a s regards the restructuring of I.C.U. publications. B a s i c ally I asked for the numerous diverse publications which I.C.U. producer s u c h as I.C. N e w s , the constituent c o l l e g e broadsheets, S n a p p i n g J a w s , etc. to a l l b e c o m b i n e d into o n e g o o d publication w h i c h w o u l d b e worth the money it woul d cost a n d probably b e c h e a p e r than the total cost of all the other publications anyway. T o my joy there i s n o w a positive h o p e that all of this c o u l d c o m e t o pass.

Without doubt, the Union meeting of two w e e k s a g o w a s o n e of the most important to have o c c u r r e d this term. T h e a d v a n c e publicity w a s better this time, with the issue of no-confidence in the H o n . S e c . being highlighted in Felix, this article undoubtedly influencing the vote later in the p r o c e e d i n g s .

This, together with the possibility of money being voted Last Monday a motion went replenished. There are, of from Union funds to the miners, before council, proposed by course, two other important must have brought a considereither Rob Armitage or Dave considerations (a) that no-one able number of those people Hobman, probably the former, would be Editor unless it were who came. There were about suggesting that Felix be made a sabbatical post, as too much present, many of whom weekly and incorporate other work would be involved, (b) 450 ICU publications. Unfortunately The content of Felix must be seemed enthusiastically comat the time of going to press improved by a sabbatical mitted to a particular view-point and had only come to vote for the above mentioned council Editor. or against the relevant issues. meeting had not taken place and Secondly, we must examine As a result of this the order so I am unable to tell you the the differences between the prooutcome of the proposal. posed new Felix and the pre- on the agenda was changed to Whilst the motion appeared to sent one. At present I do not allow discussion of the miners case first and then the vote of have extensive support throughno-confidence. These changes out IC council members before were vigourously opposed by it was proposed, it has many the President and eventually a more far reaching consequences vote had to be taken to settle than I think the majority of the issue. council members had realised. It is my purpose to put these forward at the council meeting Before these motions could so as the students of the Colbe discussed, however, the eleclege may be similarly enlightention of delegates to the next ed and so be placed in the posiNUS conference had to be contion to judge the issue for themcluded. D. Amos and R. Armiselves and forcefully voice their feel that for the purpose it tage were automatically elected opinions if they feel its neces- serves in ICU Felix warrants its as the two newcomers but a sary, I would also like to put annual grant of £800. It does not vote was necessary to decide •.hern forward here. manage to include most of the upon the remaining four. Six Firstly, the Editor of a weekly important Union news and is people had put their names forFelix must be sabbatical. There too understaffed to function as ward, these being P. Corbybn, are many other officials of ICU a useful news medium in any D, Hobman, J . McCullough, J . who will feel that their position sense. Indeed it is little more Murliss, P. Ransom, O Shepshould be made sabbatical be- than an interesting magazine. pard. Each was allowed to talk fore the Editor of Felix, but By the same token none of the for a few minutes on why he there are not many who can other I.C.U. publications is really should be allowed to go. claim that to make their post worth the money it costs either sabbatical would be an invest- and some of them not even the Piers was concerned that ment. A weekly Felix must be paper they are written on. If able to be on the newstands we put all our eggs into one NUS might back down from within at most 48 hours of basket then we will be having a their policy on Union Autonomy leaving for press. Whilst prin- paper worth having. For the and felt that the fight against ters who can handle this kind of first time we will have a medium the government must be conwork would need to be investi- in I.C.U. tinued. He also rejected the allegated further printing costs per I cannot emphasise too gation by the President that he issue cannot be expected to be strongly the importance of had spoken against Union manmuch less than £100. Multipli- these proposals. The only alter- datescation by 31 produces a large native to this campaign to reDave Hobman was principally amount of money. This money move the reams of rubbishy concerned with the right of could only be recovered by ex- print from our waste bins is the education for everyone and was tensive advertising, which can proposed scheme for STOIC. only be obtained by means of a However the only decision here equally concerned that Mr. Corgreat deal of time consuming is to want to get your message byn should not be allowed to go work. The present annual in- to 3,000 people or to 200. What as he had broken mandates in comes to Felix from advertising I am trying to build is a medium the past with every possibility is approximately £350. A little for all. Please give it your sup- of him continuing to do so in thought will soon show that the port. Write to your President the future. cost of £465 per annum for a now. The issue comes before sabbatical Editor will soon be Publications Board next week. Chris Sheppard, who sudden-

l t

ly seems to have appeared out of the blue, wanted to go deliberately unspecialised so that he could talk on any issue that occurred. Too often, he said, did delegates find themselves with nothing to say when their particular topic had been dropped. The result of the ballot taken at the meeting resulted in P. Corbyn and P. Ransom being dropped, however, it appears that Mr. Corbyn is again going to appeal against the voting system.


G R O W UP! Hobman Victim of within Union Executive

Id m Hon, •witinr. 0. Hobmwt II pe.'ng W t» put Mtem you Hm mm Hiding up Is ihM typify Mi mm ftewlMa bnMkttMM In Nimnintoitkiu s m w m h Union mtm

After this came the item ;?/ II it ttirtid « tow UH Mti l»*MnM4 wttt an ha could find myoflf to i o twy mm h intw. which everyone had been waitI WW tail Hob* LlUmatu" b) Brtar Dar- latk to aboui Ito iuaus a Una WM I - linitm pol i c y, 4 e n o » el y»l v »faw D M I'M, Paul JtwaM artd Dava tali ing for, the motion concerning m BOllOMt t»haftl jnot. » »M »<Atri fm* lb Iff • m,n,li\pm% M0 IMC> Mna . ifr -if i 'Wmiin > alIIwhi im the miners strike. The version ^Affi"^''''''*'''** proposed by the executive askalmost unanimously. ed for a day of solidarity to be should be purely on a voluntary feated arranged and for a collection basis. Chris Sheppard then proposed to be made. When the vote came, the a vote of censure on the three amendment was defeated much originators, D. Amos, B. DarMr. Jack Dunn, the general the delight of the voters and ling and P. Jowitt, which was secretary of the NUM in Kent, to who allowed a had come to give information the President, smile to cross his face. carried by a majority of 60. about the strike and proceeded brief The less radical main motion to give a lengthy speech on the was Obscured in the mass of irpassed by a large majority. subject. This went over fairly relevant detail a few important well and the general impression And now we come to the points can be found. For the was that people felt sympathy for the cause without wanting sorry tale of alleged corruption. first time we have seen an acto use it as a weapon against Mr. Amos started off the proceedings by accusing Felix of tive demonstration of the voice the government. being highly inaccurate in its of the majority at I.C. in defeatof the affair. He then ing the suggested payment to Piers Corbyn soon found this account out when he proposed his related an almost identical the NUM. I am sure that many amendment which had such story. phrases as "victory for the minThe Hon. Sec. then told his people made a deliberate effort ers strike means that the Gov- side of the story of which a to come just to vote against this. ernments 7 per cent pay norm good summary can be found in It would be an achievement if will be broken". In order to the last issue. they continued to lend their show solidarity with the cause, he was convinced that the An attempt was made to get support but, by their very nature Union must pay some money the subject dropped but this was (£100) into the strike fund. This, voted down by the meeting. it is unlikely. in particular, was vigorously Most people were getting very There is now little doubt that shouted down. confused by the uncertainty of everyone involved. After all, it Mr. Amos and company made Pete Jenkins opposed the surely shows that something is one of their biggest blunders in amendment on grounds that is wrong when the proposers of was dangerous for student un- the motion try to get it by- suggesting that D. Hobman was ions to use their money for poli- passed. corrupt and we do not apolotical causes, and that the money gise for making an issue of the should be spent on students Eventually the inevitable haponly. If anything any money pened and the motion was de- case.

Thursday, 24th February, 1972


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Dinner with Enoch

9.30 a.m., Saturday 12th February. Falmouth's float saw the torrential drizzle, turned over and went back to his teddy bear. Soon a miscellany of lorries had converge d on Q . E . C . to finish building the floats and to sample the wares of Scottish and Newcastle w h o provided not only a lorry but a fine barrel of Tartan. Here the enforced branch who were to be our escorts first made their p r e s e n c e felt— by consuming a goodly percentage of the aforementioned Tartan. S U K Rag Chairman Armitage was seen to 'buy' the policeman a round — of free Tartan. Is this Charity? Meanwhile Dave Roberts of Q.E.C., the procession organiser, w a s dashing about c h e c k i n g the floats. West Londo n C o l l e g e were impersonating a Christmas tree, whilst the o n e articulated truck w a s showing Community Action M a n ' (x. London only) starring

Mick, Male a n d Perry. Linstead Hall p r o d u c e d a Viking Ship, a seemingly unlimited supply of Foster's which must have fallen off the back of their bar, and half-a-hundredweight of flour, some of which very s o o n attacked Chairman Armflutter (a direct hit) and J o h n Morgan's Lanchester (about twenty direct hits). R C S p r o d u c e d computer output, alluminium foil and a drum and fire extinguisher solo from J o h n Higgs. E.C. had a bikini, transvestite nurses and operating theatre, subtitled 'Syringe B i n g e ' — a c om ment on their hobbies? Dramsoc displayed the Rag Q u e e n , Debating S o c iety produced a Sprite. After a legal argument over its magic disappearing tax disc, C l e m joined Bo, and Watney-Man and Y o u n g ' s breweries sent their prize-winning drays whose magnificent horses

The lAtndmapper


which outdrank everyone else. The procession moved off only half an hour late surrounded by large piles of rag magazines a n d collecting cans disguised as students. Progress down Kensington High Street was not quite slow enough to stop passing traffic, but just past the Albert Hall a gorilla and c a n were seen proceeding in the wrong direction down the o n c o m ing fast lane aided a n d abetted by a large, very feminine cat wearing red clogs. In fact the gorilla with continued playing pussy all day. All available cars were cajoled and threatened until their o c c u p a n t s paid up, including the tailback in Hyde Park underpass. After several impromptu halts whilst the hard-drinking horses relieved themselves (likewise six policemen shoulder-toshoulder in S l o a n e Square

The Place: Smith Square, London — The Time: 18.53 hrs. on Friday, February 11th, 1972. Everything was going according to plan. We knocked on the door and it was opened a few inches. Within minutes the Central Kings or were law students. The Office of the greatest political three-course meal was pleasant party in the country would be but not impressive although it reduced to a heap of rubble. was a definite improvement on Once inside it would simply be Mooney (what isn't, you may a matter of lighting the fuse and well ask). After the meal the beating a hasty retreat. Unfor- chairman of LUCA proposed a tunately, the best laid plans . . . toast to the government which was replied to "on behalf of You find it hard to believe? Her Majesty's Government" by Why should it be anything but Enoch Powell who seemed to the truth? (apart from the fact On arrival back a Q E C prefer the idea that he was Linstead hurled in all that I am writing it). For all you speaking on behalf of the Condirections, and a wooden know this article could have servative Party. keg of Y o u n g ' s bitter w a s been called from the charred attacked with gusto. remains of a secret manuscript He then launched on his exMartin B l a c k ' s hat and smuggled out of a holiday camp pected attack on the governother trophies c h a n g e d somewhere west of Hounslow. ment. The "in" subject now is hands. It is rumoured that of course the Common Market The Friday before last the later that afernoon IC's but this was just an excuse to Rag Chairman failed to London University Conservative accuse the government of drink a yard and w a s de- Association (LUCA to its posited, dissolved in friends) held its annual dinner using immoral pressures to ensure a majority in the vote on Q E C ' s pond. at the House of Commons with Thanks to collectors, Enoch Powell, a vice-president the Second Reading of the Common Market Bill on Thursday drivers, transport firms of LUCA, as the guest speaker. and very good-humoured 17th. police, about £300 w a s Apparently they have the "We all carry with us a little raised. H Y P E R S E U D second largest Conservative Society in London University; dust from the rungs by which F i ve -roil*? a w y — &nc\ of itc considering this it was not very we have ascended. The Prime Ccrrmetjueiicc -to -fine, plot. well represented at the dinner, Minister was once a Chief Whip, a very efficient Chief Wbip; and most people were either from there is a sense in which it is

gutters) the procession finally ground to a halt outside Sidney Street's public convenience. These stops should be planned in future. O n c e under way again, the IC and Q E C Rag Chairmen were lost to view, re-emerging way past Harrods armed with brimming pint p o t s — o n e of which went to the artic driver, already surrounded by empties.

KIBBUTZ What's it all about. Stay with us for a month or more as a working visitor and discover for yourself. Scheme for the young 18-30. Apply now for details to the Kibbutz representative, 4-12 Regent Street, London SW1. Please enclose fair size s.a.e. 01-930 5151 X333

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true to say that 'Once a Chief Whip, always a Chief Whip". Mr. Powell went on to say that nothing but the full-hearted comment of this nation could authorise British entry into the Community. "Its place cannot be taken by a sum majority in the House of Commons engineered by intimidation and shady dealing . . . what is to be feared is that in the process a discredit not easily removed again will be left sticking to the government, to this Party, and to the House of Commons itself." It is interesting to read this in light of the vote on Thursday 17th, when the Government had a majority of only eight. However, those who saw Mr. Roy Mellish, the Labour Chief Whip on television after the vote will no doubt agree that the only discredit has been left sticking to the Labour Party who saw it as an excuse to overthrow the Government whatever the cost to the country.


Thursday, 24th February, 1972

Page 3


news The recent a p p e a r a n c e of the I.C. team o n "University C h a l l e n g e " h a s sparked off a phenomenal public reaction. One of the team received fan mail from a girl i n Harrogate, another got a n offer from a male in W a l e s , a n d yet another received two hairgrips from a lady pensioner in Edinburgh . A popular s u b w a r d e n , it appears, h a s been using h i s pass keys rather too freely. W h e n going to question a resident about a rubber c h e q u e at eleven o ' c l o c k at night, o n receiving no answer p r o c e e d e d to unlock the door . . . revealing the man in question and his girlfriend in b e d . T h e s u b w a r d e n , ignoring all this, p r o c e e d e d to question h i m o n the cheque!! We hear that the Hand of G o d h a s dealt unfortunately with the famed Meths o c Hot D o g Emporium. It appears that, whilst wheeling the aforesaid stand across Exhibition R o a d , that a g a s cylinder fell off—upon which a passing c a r

s u c c e e d e d i n impaling its automatic transmission, rendering t h e latter useless. It transpires that the c a r w a s uninsured. Presumably a dilemma for all concerned. T h e r a g Carnival P r o c e s s i o n made £1000—more details s e e article opposite. Pete J e n k i n s d e n o u n c e d giving money to the miners from Union Funds the other week, o n t h e grounds that w e should s p e n d it o n union activities first. It's interesting to note that Pete is a member of G l i d i n g C l u b , I.C's. most expensive club , both to join and run. Our C r i m s o c correspondent reports that C o l l e g e B l o c k w a s very easy to break into during the R a g Ball. It i s almost certain that Ents is n o w out of the r e d . This is despite David B o w i e not being a sell-out—but F r e n c h Television turned u p , a n d , for a f e e , filmed the proceedings .

GO AWAY TRA VEL With U.S.K. Travel Bureau


In November you printed a frantic a n d pathetically illiterate letter from Messrs Stock and Brading, in which they gloated over the postponement of Morphy Day. In the light of the recent non-reappearance of this festival I feel that some reply is needed. that Their argument Morphyness breeds public disapproval is not unreasonable—but Morphy is the exception, and anyway the bulk of the public F A R prefer a slightly hearty I.C. character to an Ultra-leftwing L.S.E. man. When a College starts playing 'More Revolutionary Than T h o u ' the public is s c a r e d . But my main objection to their insidious letter is the way in which it signifies the thin e n d of t h e wedge. This year Morphy dies, next year Regent Street Tiddly-Winks, then . . . etc. . . , which, in a generation a n d W o r l d in which humourlessness and dull uniformity run rampant, is a tragic loss to civilisation. S O , C O M R A D E S , do not be put off by these Political Killjoys—be silly, be friendly, be witty. Life is too short to be serious all the time. Yours, with luv, a n d in silliness,


Thurs. F e b . 24th. S T O I C on T o m a n d Jerry a n d Rag. Fri. Feb. 25th. Union G o l d at U.L.U. 50 years of Union with Films, Groups, the Q ueen Mother, Wrestling, Food and everything you'd expect for £5.25 D/Ticket. and F e b . 25th. F i l m s o c . 'Deep E n d ' at Filmsoc. Sat. Feb. 26th. Ents thing. Bronco, J o h n Martyn, Claire Hamill, 50p Great Hall. M o n . F e b . 28th. W e l l s o c , probably Gt. Hall, equally probably. Thurs. M a r . 2nd. W e l l s o c . Films " C a t B a l l o u " a n d " 3 Stooges in Orbit", 15p and 50p Gt. Hall? Sat. M a r . 4-5th. T o u c h stone with Mary Whitehouse. Sat. M a r . 4th. Manfred M a n n ' s Earth B a n d . Gt. Hall, 50p courtesy of Ents.

ads LIFT wanted to SHEFFIELD w/e's 26-27 February, 11-12 March. Share Petrol. Dan Mount, Chem UG or 323 Bernard Sunley. LIFT from Basingstoke area to IC, 2-4 days a week reqd. Contact Leigh Readely, Photogeology Lab, Int. 4022. Anyone interested in learning ITALIAN who could in exchange teach English ring 584-8866. 5-7 pm, ask for Peter, Rm. 21. MIXED student house, own Ige rm, E5.10 pw, 100 yards Hampstead Heath 267-1691. PUCH Maxi Moped (June 70), 1700 miles, £54 only. L. Poon. ManSci. PRINTABILITY for superb print and graphics at ridiculous prices. Oily Dowson, Maths. ADS in this column are FREE. Send to Felix rack by Mar 2nd for next issue.

W e d . Mar. 8th I.C. SymOVERSEAS STUDENT COMMITphony O r c h e s r a , 8 p.m. TEE—trip to Oxford on SaturGt. Hall. day, 4th Mar. Leave Mech Eng bldg at 09.15. Cost £1 inc. DeBobby Shatter. Fri. M a r . 10th. F i l m s o c . (Secretary to " H u g o and J o s e f i n " a n d tails Ian Parker, Chem Eng 2. Mauf E. Day) "Kes". WANTED details of any decent houses for about 6 people in This, the 24th February 1972 issue of FELIX w a s Fulham Rd area available next edited b y Dave S u g d e n , a n d written, c o n c e i v e d a n d year. Nic Coleman, Tizard 448/ p r o d u c e d by ( i n alphabetical o r d e r ) : S i d A m o r , Mal- Phys 2. c o l m Baley, J o h n Bryan, B o b Carter, Oily D o w s o n , FOR SALE. One pair new 20 x Dave G r i b b l e , J o h n Horsfall, A n d r e w Longley, Ross 50 binocs with case £8. Nic M c B e a t h , C o l i n M c C a l i , Chris Potter, Colette Robert- Coleman, Tiz 448. s o n , Mary Short a n d Bernard Williams. LOVERS of fine FELIX articles B u s i n e s s and Circulation J o h n Stares, typewriting by are stampeding to join the ROSS J a n e and B r e n d a . McBEATH FAN CLUB. MemberNational advertising contractors: University Press ship fee of 25p includes autographed photo of this, FELIX'S Representation, G r a n d Buildings, Trafalgar S q u a r e , star reporter, suitable for framWC2. ing. Applications to FELIX rack, Union Lounge. Printed b y F. Bailey & S o n Ltd., Dursley, G l o s . P u b l i s h e d by the Editor o n behalf of ICU Publications NEW STATESMAN at reduced B o a r d , to w h o m all libel actions s h o u l d b e a d d r e s s e d . price. For details write Felix, A l l material copyright © I.C.U. 1972. c/o Union Rack.

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Page 4

Thursday, 24th February, 1972

Chinese Technology

In place of Felix Part 2 of a 4 part series



The Cooking Pot Si, II is toolish to slate, as Angus Older does

Hi there, fans and magazine-lovers everywhere. I hope you enjoyed sampling the mags I reviewed last time, and haven't spent too agonizing a fortnight waiting for this little batch of literary political gems. This week political down and follows the party papers are the object of line, and indeed b a c k s up my attentions both left and its claim to be outspoken. right-wing ones. A l l I shall Rather more so than its dirsay about the dailies is just ect competitor in the lefta brief run-down as fol- wing sector, the " N e w S t a t e s m a n " , which c a n be lows : RIGHT-WING: " T e l e g r a p h " relied upon to follow the line at least 20 per cent of — favourite of a popular the time. T h e " S t a t e s m a n " subwarden a n d of a detends, however, to knock cidedly fascist nature. the Labour party leaderG o o d for determined cap- ship on many matters. A l italists (like me) who like though nothing like a s olda no-nonsense biased view established a s the " S p e c of current politics and love tator", which has been Ted (unlike m e ) . " D a i l y going s i n c e 1828, the E x c e s s " is just that. " M a i l " " N e w S t a t e s m a n " is still — tabloid E x c e s s . " T i m e s " quite an o l d stager, s i n c e is usually boring, but has it has existed in one form occasiona l and unpredict- or another s i n c e the beginable revolutionary out- ning of the century. bursts. But if you want pure, unLEFT-WING: " G u a r d i a n " — party everyone knows that it's adulterated, strict the ultimate in British daily line Labourism from a papers, whatever your paper, try the " L a b o u r point of view . " M i r r o r " W e e k l y " , which this week doesn't bear looking in. just runs into its 21st issue. " M o r n i n g S t a r " is opposite It makes comforting reading for Labour party memof Telegraph. bers, yet is probably a s N O W H E R E : " S u n " — yes, odious as Toryism to prothere are 2 J million statisgressive Socialists. Unlike ticians in the country. T h e the Spectator and StatesEditor doesn't know what man it is all political c o m " p o l i t i c a l " means. ment, and does not, like S U N D A Y S : In a class by the two latter publications, themselves. " S . T i m e s " is take up half its s p a c e with good but massive a n d ex- reviews. (Incidentally, a n d pensive. " O b s e r v e r " — apolitically, the Statesman ghastly. " E x p r e s s " as if is probably the most cruel you haven't h a d enough critic of the arts in print E x c e s s e s during the week. today, and well worth read" S u n d a y P e o p l e " — no, ing —• but take it with a the new name doesn't im- pinch of salt). prove it. " M i r r o r " — no The Socialist version of comment. " T e l e g r a p h " — like the daily with a d d e d " L a b o u r W e e k l y " has been Peregrine Worsthorne (if going for rather more than his name doesn't put you 21 issues — more like 36 off, try reading o n e of his years, in f a c t ! It's name is articles ! ) . " News of " T r i b u n e " , a n d it's the ' revolutionist ' t ' W o r l d " — I'm lost for original weekly. A l s o , unlike all its words. recent imitators (e.g. " R e d Now to the weeklies, M o l e " , "Ink", " 7 D a y s " ) it which is what I'm really inis widely read a n d taken terested in. I've deliberas an authority by all poliately left out some of the ticians and political com'progressives' — most of mentators. A d d to that the you read o n e or more of fact that it's usually writthem regularly anyway, ten in correct English and you wouldn't apprecigrammar, contains real ate any real criticism I facts, a n d costs only half made of them. In "British as much as the others, and Rate and D a t a " , the Bible it b e c o m e s plain that it is of publications, " O z " , for still the best weekly for instance, c o m i n g under the Socialists. There's even a sub-heading of 'Teenage cheap rate for students. and P o p mags' is sandwiched between " F a b u l o u s It's only intelligent com208" and " P e t t i c o a t " — petitor these days is a new and that's where it c a n paper (only 15 issues) stay. T h e " R e d M o l e " c a n called " 7 D a y s " , which is be recommended to young showing terrific promise. It revolutionaries, whereas 'is printed superbly for a "Ink" can't be recom- weekly political, but unformended to anyone. tunately they do charge a I may a s well start with lot for it. If it survives desthe only Right-wing weekly pite this, as it should, I of any note, i.e. the " S p e c - predict that in 2008, when tator". It is, however, by it is as o l d as " T r i b u n e " is no means a paper that sits now, it will be at least as

Veil over 20 year's, t am convinced that the Porto-


*> < » or ,? f*o3?"»

„, I

soldier-cum-settlcr of today is as much couraged to miscegenate as his counter-part was in (he levies of settlers during the 16th century. Moreover, I have first-hand knowledge that a propensity for multi-racialism cuts across political convictions. The equation made in the United States and Britain beiween multiracialism and democracy, strikes me as naive, and (he inability to understand the situations in Brazil and Portugal would appear to be an extension of ingrained cultural prejudices.

Antonio de Figueiredo 32 Upper Richmond Road London SWJ4

^Irish Wrongs , Christj



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"CaW ' i "< "w s"" one" „ , i * * ' j « « ' s ic.^ i



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a c o n d e n s e d version of the previous w e e k ' s dailies. Although primarily intended for export, if you have only time to read o n e Every weekly that I've so paper a week a n d want far reviewed requires you both facts and comment, to have read the daily both of the informed and variety, you press pretty thoroughly to 'sensible' can't do better. understand what they're really going on about. N o w for You'll probably have to three that don't. T h e first order it, but you c a n take two are " w o r l d " maga- my word for it that it's zines, based in the U.S., worth it. which are both ConservaWell, that's it for this tive, one more so than the I hope that you'll other. However, you might time. still enjoy them if you're a spend a few hours explorpolitical papers —• Communist. (They have ing large pictures of Nixon you'll find quite a number suitable for dart-boards). I that I haven't mentioned need hardly tell you that which may suit you better. I'm talking about " T i m e " Rapidly turning my back — the Democrat ( N O T on political publications, democratic) one — and I'm going to spend the next " N e w s w e e k " , the Repub- fortnight wading through " G l o s s i e s " (e.g. lican one. Expensive but some " C o u n t r y Life", "Tatler", glossy. etc.), and I'll report back The third is the " G u a r d - to you in a fortnight's time. ian W e e k l y " , which is just Happy browsing ! authoritative as the latter. It will probably be the only one launched in the last five years to last that long.

Union President, JOHN ICU has now submitted 7 motions to NUS for the Easter National Conference in Birmingham. Just before going through the motions, it might be best to say that the basic reasons why we submit motions to NUS are threefold—to get the NUS executive to do something, to get individual constituent organisations to do something or to bring our point of view at least to the notice of others. So what are we spouting off about this time? Womens Lib—basically a statement of our belief in equality for women. We are asking C.O.'s to set up women's groups to campaign and make available contraceptives, abortions, etc. to their own women students. Student Wage—the NUS has agreed in principle to the concept of a student wage. If one takes as a basis that education is a right of everyone, then people participating of education ought to be paid to be able to further that education. By campaigning for student wages we are strongly campaigning against student loans. Our motion asks for the setting up of a working party to prepare an analysis of all the problems and implications associated with the Student Wage concept and for the Executive to plan ahead in detail for the second and third stages of the campaign, i.e. putting over the arguments to our membership and then to the Government. Entrance to Higher Education—this motion calls for a new initiative in the field of schools/Student Union liaison. Activity within IC has been growing in terms of meeting interviewees etc. within the last couple of years and now USK, in co-ordination with the local Trades Council, is hoping to participate within an Open Day at a local Grammar School. The motion calls on areas (like U.S.K.) to organise a rota of visits to local schools, too make initial con-

A year or so ago Mr. Anthony Wedgwood Benn was invited to spend 12 days in mainland China to see the progress of Chinese Technology under Communist rule. He was at Imperial by invitation of THIRD WORLD FIRST — UNSA to recount his experiences. Before enlightening us upon the advances in Chinese Technology, Mr. Wedgwood Benn asked us first to bear in mind two points about China's historical development. Firstly that this country is the only one in the world that has developed without foreign aid. (It did receive very limited Soviet aid until 1960). Its progress has been remarkable and even its strongest critics now admit that starvation has been virtually eliminated in spite of the development of advanced rocketry and the H-bomb. Compare this with the rest of Asia for the similar period.

and expects that true communism will flourish in about 300 years time. One of the biggest changes that has occurred in China, is in the educational system. Mao fer-. vently believes that education should be used for the benefit of the state. To this end, instead of separating education from work, he tries to integrate it as much as possible. For instance children at primary and secondary schools do light manual work for about 1 or 2 hours a day in addition to their studies. After secondary school, everyone works and then the workers decide amongst themselves who will go to university at the age of twenty. All courses at university are of the sandwich type and the lecturers are normally factory workers who come to lecture on their problems in factories, etc. Compare this with the USA where higher education has reached absurd proportions, can a post doctoral qualification in journalistic photography solve racial, pollution or poverty problems?

'What', asked an aspiring member of the audience, 'will become of all those budding Secondly, one has to remem- Chinese genii who will be stifled ber that China's immediate his- by this education system?' tory has been one of complete Mr. Wedgwood Benn replied upheaval. During the 19th cen- that in all cases great inventors tury there were Opium Wars fol- have been ordinary workers and lowed by foreign colonisation that any country that invents and the 1920's saw the start of more than it can use, e.g. Briis being wasteful and only a civil war, which has continued, tain, increasing national pride! apart from the interruption of Mao decided that the order of the Japanese invasion during the Chinese development should be second world war, to the present agriculture, light industry, heavy day with the nationalist occupa- industry. In this way (as every budding ecologist knows) unemtion of Formosa. ployment is kept at a low level At this point, he was careful by using people as a resource. to point out that just as Western Wherever industry is encourcivilisation does not work in the aged, a commune approach is East, one could also assume the adopted and the traditional manopposite. So whilst our fears of agerial structure (as it exists in invasion by hordes of Chinese the Soviet Union) is rejected, were allayed, he tried to explain as they believe it is potentially the motives and results of the corrupt. One only has to look at 'Cultural Revolution'. Mao Tse industrial Kibbutz in Israel to Tung had realised that the Com- see how well this approach munist Revolution of 1949 had works in underdeveloped counmerely traded one form of bur- tries. eaucracy for another instead of Mao is always worried about instituting communism in its real sense. In true Confucian tradi- the disconnection of those who tion, the Chinese call this for- rule from those who produce. In mer type of Communism, 'Cap- his rule as leader of the Chinese italism'. This, they recognise, people, he leaves Chou En Lai exists in the Soviet Union, hence to run the state while he sees the split from Soviet Commun- himself as a teacher or 'a lonely ism. Mao is acutely conscious old monk walking through life that the 'class struggle' does not with a leaky umbrella'. cease with the transfer of power B.C.W.



tacts in schools with a view to encouraging the formation of schools' Unions and calls on the NUS executive to produce a leaflet for national distribution to 6th formers, enumerating student Union contacts so that 6th formers can contact students in College before choosing their paths into Higher Education. Educational Philosophy—The James Report that has just been published favours a sectionalised system of higher education. The NUS for a long time has in general terms favoured a Comprehensive, anti-binary, University system. Our motion tries to state this ideal in practical terms. Environment—Our motion calls for NUS support on a broad level for the priciples embodied in the "Blueprint for Survival" publication. It also calls on the NUS to demand full representation in talks on implementation of Rothschild and Painton reports, believing that Research is a subject closely linked to the Environment. Entertainments—The NUS passed a motion at Margate in the Autumn calling for Ents Committees to book groups on a percentage basis. Unfortunately, this only works to our advantage if this percentage is a percentage of the profits and not the gross takings (Rubbish—Ed.) and until all Unions work in unison on this one we will get nowhere. Any comments?—come in and seem me sometime and tell me what else you think we ought to be talking about within NUS. About the time you read this we will be deciding which amendments we will be putting in. IN FACT, although I've tried to say it n times before, unless people come into the Union office and tell us what they want us to do, or what we're doing wrong, we'll never know . . .

Thursday, 24th February, 1972


Page 5

W H O WANTS A JOB ANYWAY? This article h a s been written at the request of the Editor of 'Felix' in an attempt to help students who will be looking for jobs in the near future. It c o m e s perhaps rather late for the third year students who are currently attending interviews and who are probably well aware of the facilities mentioned herein. It is also possibly too early for first year students who will not be involved in the j o b hunt yet, but I hope it will help the s e c o n d year students w h o are not yet giving consideration to the problems of employment which await them.

mation. A m o n g these is these wider fields is a pub- than rows of empty seats. c) If you have been pro- representatives will d o all the 'Directory of Opportun- lication issued by the Programmes of the talks vided with a n a p p l i c a - they c a n to help you. ities for Graduates' which Careers R e s e a r c h a n d A d - will be widely distributed tion form, complete it Finally, don't ignore the is published by the Corn- visory Centre entitled after the summer vacation. with care and have it daily press advertisements. market Careers Centre " B e y o n d a D e g r e e " which available when request- The Appointments B o a r d Having used the various Ltd. This book gives infor- is available for reference aids and having d e c i d e d ed. S o m e firms will use does not hear of every job mation about a large num- from the departmental what types of jobs to try pre-selection methods offer a n d some firms may ber of firms a n d organisa- representative o r from the for, the next question is for which early return not even have heard of the tions who have an interest Careers Library R o o m 303, " H o w d o I obtain s u c h a of a form is necessary. Appointments B o a r d . in recruiting graduates, level 3, C o l l e g e B l o c k . If a date for the return job". A s there may b e some and reference to this book of the form is stipulated doubt as to the identity of The C o l l e g e AppointThe A p p o i n t m e n t s will answer a lot of the ments Board has strong Board publishes lists e a c h it is advisable to keep your Appointments Board questions which o c c u r to links with the University of Autumn showing the firms to it. departmental representaall job hunters. O n similar Londo n C a r e e r s Advisory who will b e visiting the d) R e a d the c o m p a n y tive the following is the lines is another book from Service and advantage has C o l l e g e in the Spring term literature before the complete list. C l a s s i c Publications L t d . been taken of the Field to interview applicants for interview a n d have Aeronautics — Mr. F. L. 'Professional C a r e e r s for Officer Service operated employment. These lists some idea of the vacMatthews Graduate Scientists a n d by U L C A S . Mr. Peter A s h - are available through the ancy for which you are Biochemistry — Dr. P. G . Engineers', a n d yet a n -worth, a senior officer in departmental representaapplying. Interviewers Mantle other book ' G . O . 72' has the Service, visits the C o l - tives and are a c c o m p a n i e d are not very willing to Botany — Dr. I. M. Smith recently appeared. lege two or three times a by forms for registering for repeat information C h e m i c a l Engineering — which is already fully These books are excel- week throughout the year interviews. Dr. P. G . Clay covered in their firm's Chemistry — Dr. A . J . E. There is no point in try- lent in giving students to help students make deThe C a r e e r s Library in brochure, neither d o ing to hide the fact that ideas and information c o n - c i s i o n s about careers and, C o l l e g e B l o c k will have Welch they warm to the stu- Civil Engineering — Mr. c o m p a n i e s but in many cases, to help put copies of many firms brothe employment situation cerning dent who has no idea has deteriorated rapidly they still do not supply the them in touch with pos- chures for distribution and R. J . A s h b y what he wants to d o Computing and Control — during the past eighteen whole answer to the ques- sible employers. A n y stu- students are recommendwithin the firm. months a n d that present tion "What type of job c a n dents wishing to s e e the ed to study this literature. Mr. R. A . Francis Field Officer should first day graduates will not find I get when I graduate". At this point it is prob- e) Don't be too modest. Electrical Engineering — it easy to obtain a job on Many firms this year consult their departmental ably relevant to offer some Y o u have to " s e l l " Mr. B. J . Prigmore leaving the C o l l e g e . have curtailed their re- representatives. advice concernin g the inyourself a n d you c a n - G e o l o g y — Dr. G . Evans E a c h year, the C o l l e g e terviews which has been not expect the inter- History of S c i e n c e a n d At Imperial C o l l e g e cruitment, to the dismay of viewer, however expert there is a member of the those students who h a d Appointments B o a r d ar- gathered from talks with a Technology — M r s . M. a c a d e m i c staff in e a c h de- hoped to enter industry ranges for a series of number of interviewers. he may be, to " d r a w " B. Hall you all the time. If you Mathematics — Mr. R. S . partment who is a member through one of the well careers talks to b e given a) B e punctual for your have done something of the S u b Committee of known industrial organisa- during Tuesday and Thursinterviews. T h e interH. G . T h o m p s o n which the Appointments Board tions, and it is often neces- day lunchtimes during the y o u c o n s i d e r M e c h a n i c a l Engineering — viewer is working to a of the C o l l e g e . A n y stu- sary to look in other direc- Autumn term. These talks, noteworthy work this tight timetable and imDr. L. E. Culver fact into the conversa- Metallurgy — Dr. V . Croft dent, first, s e c o n d a n d tions for ideas. which are held in one of punctuality c a n result tion. It may be the turn- Meteorology — Dr. K. J . third year, or postgraduate in an unsatisfactory inFor the student w h o the lecture theatres in C o l can consult his departmen- wishes to use his degree lege Block, are given by ing point in your favour. terview, in which the Bignell tal representative who will in wider fields there a r e leading men a n d women student does not do All of these d o ' s a n d Mining and Mineral T e c h . give a s much advice a n d openings which are per- in various occupational himself justice. don'ts make j o b seeking — M r . M. P. J o n e s assistance a s possible haps not readily appre- fields. Opportunity is given b) B e well groomed. This appear difficult; it is, but Physics — Dr. J . A . C l e g g concernin g employment, ciated, s u c h a s A c c o u n t - at the end of e a c h talk for does not call for any you c a n b e assured that Z o o l o g y — M r s . L. E. but before consulting him ancy, B a n k i n g , Insurance, questions and much valuthe Appointments B o a r d further comment. Brown the students may wish to the City, the A r m e d Ser- able information c a n be explore for themselves the vies a n d the Police, to obtained. Students of all opportunities which exist. name but a few. O n e year years are cordially invited a student entered a Monas- to attend. T h e theatres There are several publications which c a n b e of tery after graduation but hold about 150 and a "full great help to a student he, of course, w a s an ex- h o u s e " c a n be reckoned h '/ s who requires career infor- ception. A g o o d guide to to inspire the speaker more



(KARATE) AT IMPERIAL World C h a m p i o n Karate Instructor at Imperial C o l lege:— Perhaps of all the sports practised at our establishment, K A R A T E has the unfortunate position of being the least publicised . This blurb is part of an advertisement c a m p a i g n to rectify the situation. It is of prime importance to maintain a healthy physical and mental attitude — ' M e n s s a n a in corpore s a n o ' — K a r a t e is a sport which provide those qualities by releasing our own aggressive instincts in a constructive manner a n d also giving an opportunity for competition. This c a n b e achieved (though not easily) under the instruction of Sensei Enoeda. H e is probably the best instructor in Great Britain at present. Sensei E noeda , 6th D a n black belt is at present chief instructor for the J a p a n e s e Karate A s s o c i a t i o n , in Great Britain. He w a s all-

J a p a n - C h a m p i o n in 1963- cises at the beginning of 1964 and World C h a m p i o n each session. This is then also in '63. S i n c e then he followed by basic body has devoted his time to movements in karate the instruction a n d im-which include punching, provement of Karate. kicking, blocking etc. T h e Besides Sensei E noeda , session u s u a l l y e n d s with we have two very able practice of fighting techbrown belts, the captain niques and k a t a — a series requiring and treasurer w h o c a nof movements balance a n d provide invaluable tuition delicate for any person of the same graceful execution. A l l thisstandard or lower. Indeed is practised at the Union every W e d n e s d a y from the instruction that is Gym available, any beginner 1.15—2.15 p.m. In addition, (like myself) should be informal training periods able to proceed rapidly to o c c u r on Thursday lunch a very high standard with- breaks. in a year. The sport is c h e a p at C o l However, despite the ex- lege—50p for entry now cellent facilities available, — a n d suits are loaned by it is still a hard sport, de- the club. (Average prices external instruction manding a lot of strength, of stamina a n d mental effort range from £8—£12 per as in any other specialist annum and also 50p per field where o n e h a s to s e s s i o n ) . strive for perfection. These Any male or female who qualities are s o o n deve- is interested in our flourloped. At first the training ishing activities will be is quite b a s i c . S u p p l e n e s s very w e l c o m e at the Union of limbs and body is de- G y m . O r contact C . Brown, veloped with s p e c i a l exer- Physics I.

You won't be the first long haired idealist togo into the jungle and teach his skills. Tradesmen and craftsmen, graduates and teachers, engineers and technicians, agriculturalists and foresters, medical auxiliaries, librarians and accountants, surveyors and architects, urgently needed for voluntary service overseas. If you would like more information please contact: Voluntary Service Overseas, "14 Bishop's Bridge Road, London W2.Tel. 01-262 2611

Hard work. Long hours. Low pay. The most memorable year of your life.


Page 6


R E V I E W S Firstly, as a general 'puff. At the moment of writing the Electricity picture (thinks) looks grim, but many theatres have arranged for their own generator, details in Press. Now is a good time to see a play without wasting your invaluable work time. The produce of the Theatre Of Half-Remembered Fact Which May Or May Not Be True seems to be increasingly popular in the English-speaking Theatre nowadays, and London attracts its fair share of such plays as audiences flock (note subtle allusion to sheep) to see actors moping around, musing over a past, perhaps real, perhaps imagined. Nothing really happens, and the critics, who don't pay for their tickets anyway, leave the theatre making admiring clucking noises. I didn't pay for my tickets either, but that I am afraid did not stop me nodding off once or twice during Edward Albee's 'All Over' (Aldwych, Royal Shakespeare Company). The theme is simple. A man, of whom we learn little but that he is old, famous and rich, is dying, and his family and friends gather round him in a beautifully musty John Bury set. His wife, a stable woman sadly reminiscing about 'the little girl I was when he came to me' is there, and so are American accents do not help— the Mistress, the Best Friend, the they vary from Deep Georgia Issue and the Medical Assis- to better Roedean—and Albee's tance. The characters talk (and dialogue (so good in 'Who's talk and talk) and the history of Afraid of Virginia Woolf?') is the case is slowly revealed until largely unattractive in it's violent the man eventually dies just be- evasions of Cliche. This reminfore the final curtain (oh look! iscent type of drama can be very I've given the end away!) effectively created, such as in But despite the good acting Miller's 'The Price', but this play involved, including Peggy Ash-is in my view, neither particucroft, Sebastian Shaw and a larly dramatic nor effective. rather mis-cast Sheila Hancock, there seems nothing compelling in the piece. The assumed Meanwhile, back at the Old



Paul S i m o n " P a u l S i m o n " ( C B S )

farcical and surrealistic play for the National Theatre, 'Jumpers' (Old Vic). The basis of this play is a witty philosophical discussion on the question of the meanings, if any, of the words Good, Bad and God. This is effected in the oral preparation of just such a paper by the central character George (Richard Hordern), a University Professor of Moral Philosophy and is illustrated by his circumstances, which include his ex-Star wife Dottie (Diana Rigg), a murdered acrobat (one of the Jumpers — sort of Gymnast-Philosophers), a consequent Ortonian Detective and a Psychiatrist Vice-Chancellor. A great many extraordinary things happen, for the play is set in a future in which a repressive Radical-Liberal part has just been elected and British astronauts have argued on the Moon, but at the same time the form of the play is tightly disciplined, and at all times invested with Stoppard's subtle wit. The end is not entirely conclusive, for although reason shows that there can be no God, a comparable line of logic shows that an arrow will never reach its destination (and St Sebastian died of shock). 'Do not despair,' said the quoted St Augustine 'one of the thieves was saved'. Good does exist, philosophy or not.

Vic, Stoppard rides again. I have a great respect for Tom I cannot think of any play Stoppard's plays, mainly, I think, with as enjoyable a philosofor their refreshingly humorous phical content as this since obliquity, mixing novel Theatrical 'Rosencrantz and Guildenstern', ideas with a delightful 'potted' for on his chosen ground Mr. philosophy. In 'Rosencrantz and Stoppard is unbeatable. The Guildestern are Dead' the idea performance of Michael Horwas of a 'Hamlet' from the angle dern, with his alternating airs of of the two attendant Lords, while bewilderment and certainty, is his The Real Inspector Hound' sure to win awards, and Diana took light-hearted jabs at every Rigg is quite his foil. This play theatrical institution from Critics is seriously funny and is enjoyto 'The Mousetrap'. Thus it is able on all planes, and is altonot as easy to define his new gether most splendidly wrought.

This issue I shall be taking a look at the career of one of my favourite directors, Stanley 1 1 1 , . . Kubrick. Stanley Kubrick has been directing, writing and producing films since 1956. He has produced such a wide range of films that it is very difficult to categorise him: he has produced isisifisiiiis such films as the terse thriller 'The Killing' (1956): the antiwar 'Paths of Glory' (1958); the epic 'Spartacus' (1960): 'Lolita' (1962): the nuclear war film 'Dr. Strangelove' (1963): the visually stunning '2001: A Space Odyssey' (1967) and finally he has reached a peak with his terrifying look at the near future with 'A Clockwork Orange'. The first film that convinced me of Kubrick's talent was '2001: A Space Odyssey'. This was the most beautiful film I have seen. , Visually it was quite stunning, the model work was excellent and the combined model-live action sequences are still not fully understood except by the technicians involved: there was always something to attract the eye. I won't dare attempt to interpret the film; every time I see the film I interpret it in a slightly different way. The Killing' was another fine film, not in the same style as '200V, but it was elevated above the standard 50's thriller with an excellent script by Kubrick. 'Spartacus' script to links between the 'A Clockwork Orange' is percould have been another multi- action sequences, but Kubrick haps the Stanley Kubrick film million dollar epic where the directed a human story of the where many of the ideas in his cast of thousands reduces the rebel gladiator. previous films come together to



Thursday, 24th February, 1972

produce a film with the pessimism in 'Dr. Strangelove' and parts of '2001' and the amorality of characters in many of his other films. The ultra-violence that is shown is different from that seen in other ultra-violent films such as Peckinpah's 'Straw Dogs' one gets the impression of Kubrick as the scientist observing people as he would an experiment with rats, whereas Peckinpah's violence was a much more subjective violence trying to involve the viewer as much as possible. There are many other touches to the film that are typical of Kubrick; — the use of music as an integral part of the film—this was seen in '2001'. Also the use of an irrelevant song during a very dramatic part of the film (e.g. 'We'll Meet Again' when the bomber was on its way to attack Moscow in Dr. Strangelove: 'Daisy' sung by HAL when he was being immobilised by Bowman in '2001' and finally 'Singin' in the Rain' during the rape scene in 'A Clockwork Orange') in all these incidents the songs seem to be very trite but they only tend to heighten the dramatic impact of the scene.

I must admit that I have never made much attempt to get into the music of Simon and Garfunkel, or Simon and Gutrot as I and my musically retarded schoolfriends used to call them as we freaked to Steppenwolf and Jimi Hendrix. But this record is extremely good—I wonder if that is b e c a u s e this is the first album that I've had to listen to attentively, ( b e c a u s e of my devotion to duty) or b e c a u s e this album is s o much more noticeable than the previous S. and G . albums. The range of music covered on this album is much broader than the largely acoustic guitar-orientated s o n g s on previous albums, at least before " B r i d g e over Troubled Water". The first track on the album " M o t h e r and Child R e u n i o n " which you may have heard a s it has been released as a single, is a reggae s o n g , pure and simple, recorded in Kingston, J a m a i c a , but differing from the usual reggae in that the words are not just about the benefits of the banana (whoops my prejudice is showi n g ) . The s e c o n d s o n g , " D u n c a n " , my favourite at the moment, has a rather sarcastic e d g e : — " C o u p l e in the next r o o m / B o u n d to win a p r i z e / T h e y ' v e been going at it all night l o n g / W e l l I'm trying to get some s l e e p / B u t these motel wall are c h e a p " but it does seem to have a happy e n d i n g : — " J u s t later on the very same night/ W h e n I crept to her tent with a f l a s h l i g h t / A n d my long years of i n n o c e n c e e n d e d / W e l l , s h e took me to the w o o d s / S a y i n g here c o m e s something and it feels so g o o d / A n d just like a d o g I was befriended..' That was recorded in Paris. Simon has obviously travelled about a bit looking for the best means of expressing his songs. A l s o recorded in Paris is a lovely little number called H o b o ' s Blues featuring Simon duetting with veteran jazz violinist Stephane Grapelli. " R u n That Body D o w n " features wha-wha guitar and on a track called " P a p a H o b o " there is even a sound like that of a synthesizer. Actually the s o u n d is made by a harmonium and a bass harmonica, but it does show how he is branching out. Perhaps on the next album he really will be using a synthesizer. Stefan G r o s s m a n ' s bottleneck guitar on " P a r a n o i a B l u e s " is a sheer delight a n d on this track Simon again s h o w s that his garden is not free of w e e d s : — "I've got some so-called f r i e n d s / T h e y ' l l smile right to my f a c e / But when my back is t u r n e d / T h e y ' d like to stick it to m e / Y e s they w o u l d / O h no no, O h no n o / T h e r e ' s only o n e thing I'd like to k n o w / W h o s e side are you o n " . I should like to print out all the lyrics (not easy padding these reviews out to 500 words you know) for the benefit of people who take an interest in s u c h things, as they are printed on the sleeve. This album is great and so I will s p e n d the rest of my life c h e c k i n g out o n o l d S i m o n a n d Garfunkel albums in hope of finding something as good a s this.

'A Clockwork Orange' seen in the context of his other films only makes you realise how much talent Stanley Kubrick has as a writer-producer-director and I hope that we don't have to wait another four years before we can see his next film.

Paul Simon


Thursday, 24th February, 1972

S Gutteridge C u p On Wednesday, 9th February I.C. 1st X V played Goldsmiths in the long awaited 2nd round cup game and emerged victorious by 13 points to 9. I.C. started strongly but found themselves 3 points adrift when the Goldsmiths fly-half k i c k e d a penalty after an infringement. However the deficit was s o o n made up after a superb peel, when I.C. were awarded a penalty. Chris Flanagan, thinking quickly, fed J a m e s who sent J i m Hunt over in the corner. The conversion failed, needless to say. I.C. pressed strongly for the rest of the first half and should have s c o r e d on numerous o c c a s i o n s but the final pass always s e e m e d to go astray and as the s c o r e at half-time stood at 4 points to 3 in I.C's favour.

The s e c o n d half opened as the first, with I.C. on the attack and soon inc r e a s e d that when J a m e s kicked a penalty. I.C. continued to press and were suitably rewarded when from a line-out the ball was well won by the pack and C h r i s Flanagan sent out a superb pass giving the I.C. b a c k s room in which to move. The ball moved between the centres and J o h n Hughes, timing his run from fullback to perfection made the initial break to send Phil Lofts over for a try. J a m e s converted. Goldsmiths came back into the game and s c o r e d a late try and the final few minutes were tense but I.C. held out and face Kings in the semi final. Team: J . Hughes; P. Lofts; D.


Marriott; B. Baines; J . Hunt; A . J a m e s ( c a p t ) ; C. Flanagan; M. Sugrue; H. M i c h a e l ; K. Horseman; C. Humphries; R. Matthews; I. Rhys; I. Partridge; A. Tebbett. On Saturday I.C. beat Westminster Hospital 14-0. Quote by Westminster player: " Y o u ' r e the worst side we've played'. Quote by I.C. player: " Y o u must have had some hammerings t h e n " . Scorers: Phil Lofts; P. Pilkington, Male J o n e s ! Tries: D. Rimmer, Conv. Team: D. Rimmer; P. Lofts; P. Pilkington; B. Baines; J . Hunt; A. J a m e s (capt.), C. Flanagan; M. Sugrue; H. M i c h a e l ; M. J o n e s ; C . Humphries; R. Matthews; T. Morris; I. Partridge; A. Tebbett.

I.C. Beats Bradford in Close Match Just before the start of the first race, our captain told us: " P a i r off before the start if you c a n " . Unfortunately, on the start gun Mike Martin and crew J . Horsfall were nowhere to be seen , and so we started at a disadvantage. After some devious sailing by the rest of our team, we managed to sail into a winning combination. However, our captain had not, for reasons better known to himself, fully explained the exact location of the finishing line and the opposition demanded a resail.

start—it would appear that s om eone' s starting watch was malfunctioning or something. After a bit of true team - racing we managed to gain a 2, 3, 6, from 2, 5, 6 at the first mark which unfortunately was not a winning combination.

Page 7



After five barren years I.C. hockey club has again reached the final of the U . L C u p and play U.C. at Motspur Park on M a r c h 8th. In the previous rounds we d i s p o s e d of K i n g ' s C o l lege Hospital 9-0, Royal Free Hospital 1-0, and met Barts Hospital in the semifinal.

W e have b e e n hearing about the invincibility of I.C. o n the sports field where the trend (hardly a trend, more a fact of life) is continuing as far as M e n ' s Sport is c o n c e r n e d . Unfortunately, the L a d i e s ' H o c k e y T e a m s were unable to beat U.C., g o i n g d o w n 3-2 in a very c l o s e match. C o n s i d e r i n g that U . C . has about five times as many girls as us, the result should be no surprise but our girls have constantly over the years turned out performances far better than c a n be related to the numbers available for selection. T h e R u g b y and Football C l u b s have r e a c h e d the semi-finals and the H o c k e y C l u b the final of the U.L. C u p . T h e H o c k e y final takes p l a c e on W e d n e s d a y , M a r c h 8th at Motspur Park against U.C., when support will be w e l c o m e .

A s our only defeat by a college side this s e a s o n was by Barts a tough match was expected. On a wet but true surface at Motspur Park the game started with both s i d e s pressing for early supremacy. After 20 minutes I.C. gradually took control and J o h n Astley converted this pressure into a deserved lead. A brilliant save by their goalkeeper from a Steve T u c k e r flick stopped I.C. from going into a 2-0 lead by half-time. Playing downhill in the s e c o n d half a short corner by Steve T u c k e r put I.C. further into the lead. Our s u c c e s s was short lived and after 20 minutes of sustained attacking Barts



I.C. 1st XI





11 8

3rd XI M i x e d XI



33 32 31 22 28

34 32 32 27 19

67 64 63 49 47

290 303 Concurrent with the match, I.C. Rifle C l u b held their individual Club C h a m p i o n ship. Mary Mitchell won the N.R.A. Donegal! M e d a l , tieing with R i c h a r d K e n c h i n g ton at 67 points, but beating him with the better s c o r e (all in the Bullseye) at 600 yards.

In the s e c o n d half the pattern was much the same and apart from one chance falling to the Thames centre half, Whit-

R.C.S. Shoot Guilds On Sunday, 6th February, the annual big-bore rifle match between R. C. S. and G u i l d s took place at Bisley. It was planned for teams of eight, best six scores to count, but because of the horrible weather only five of e a c h

side turned up, some of whom were very late. W e eventually started at 300 yards, managed one detail, s andwic he s and a pint. After lunch, we finished off at 300, then mobed back to 600 yards. Firing only seven shots at

S c o r e s were as follows: 600 300 R.C.S. 35 32 Mary Mitchell 33 J o h n Charles 31 33 Tony J o r d a n 32 30 Geoff Kalicinski 29 18 Paul J o r d e n 30

Agg 67 64 65 59 48

e a c h distance, we still continued firing until darkness p r o d u c e d some very wild s h o t s — b a d luck Paul J o r d a n and M i c k Anderson for being in the last detail! We returned a bedraggled lot, R. C. S. having won by 13 points out out of 350.

Guilds Richard Kenchington David L a w Paul Barringer Dave B e a r d s a l ! Mick Anderson


Team: Boulton, Tyrrell, Hewan, Browne, Barton, Forbes, Schofiedl, R i c h m a n , Astley, Tucker, Tatchel. Recent Results: I.C. 9, B A C Weybridge 1. I.C. 3, P o a c h e r s 2. I.C. 2, G W R 0. L




















Ist XI in Semi-Finals


The following race did not produce any better a

I should like to say that I.C. are very desperate to attract keen crews to sail in weekend matches, and anyone who would like to be considere d should see M. Martin in K e o g h 266.

s c o r e d twice to draw level. In the final few minutes I.C. hit back and after a goal mouth scramble were awarded to a penalty flick. Though the goalkeeper saved M i c k Barton's flick a technical foul resulted in a goal being awarded from which Barts never recovered. P

After a rather undeserved draw in the quarter final of the U L U C u p at Harlington, I.C. 1st XI took on Thames Polytechnic in the replay away from home. The game marked a break in tradition, when Steve W e l l s — a U L U playe r — w a s included in tthe team as a sweeper. This was necessitated by a late injury to one of the team's strikers. The big contrast between the two teams was the fast direct break from defence of the I.C. team, as against the pretty midfield a p p r o a c h work of Thames. A s the game wore on, I.C. were too frequent off target with their shooting. A very g o o d 5man move ended with Willcock shooting just over from 20 yards. Intelligent over-lapping by Worthington and Maslin added weight to the attack, and Kelly, Milne and Smith all tested the goalkeeper with long range shots, but he s e e m e d in a more confident mood than in recent matches and after much frustration the teams turned round with still no goals having been scored.

The third race started after lunch and the three I.C. boats were all in the vicinity of the line, but even so Bradford had the better start. S. B a s c o e , crewed by Paul J o n e s , produced some useful sailing for a c h a n g e , and helped Peter Waite and Mike Martin to sail through two Bradford

In an internal g a m e of football, feeling ran high when G u i l d s beat R . C . S . in the T e c h . C u p and s o retained the trophy. T h e s c o r e w a s 1-0 and one outstanding b l a c k eye!

Results so far:

2nd XI

boats to give a 2, 3, 4, at the final leeward mark. The leading Bradford boat then had an impossible task to hold all three I.C. boats back and eventually sacrificed his first position in an attempt to help his team-mates to sail into a winning combination. The final result was 2, 3, 6 and 1, 2, 4 to give I.C. the match.

Following last issue's remarks about mismanagement of fixtures, the football semi-final at Q . M . C . against Goldsmith's w a s c a l l e d off after s o m e peculiar dithering by the opposition.

ham was very rarely called on to show his work. However he did make a very g o o d diving save from a 20 yard shot a few minutes from the end of the game, which must not go unmentioned. The stalemate ended after 30 minutes of the s e c o n d half, when after one of R i c h a r d s many

piercing raids into the opponents' territory, Fryer p i c k e d up a loose ball inside the box, evaded a tackle and rounded the goalkeeper before slipping the ball home from a narrow angle to score the goal which gave I.C. victory and a place in the semi-final against Goldsmiths.

T h e Hyde Park relay shapin g up last Saturday. The field included all nationalities.


Page 8

Thursday, 24th February, 1972 Act I (A small hall somewhere in South Kensington)

RAG CONCERT It was, a s Steve Marriott probably s a i d , a diabolical liberty. He had just been refused admission for the third time, a n d had had to swallow his modesty a n d tell the doormen that he was indeed yer actual looner M a d Marriott. T h e nine to twelve power cut did not help matters a n d those in charge of admission did a grand job in very trying circumstances. Meanwhile back at the ball (s-up) everyone had a g o o d time, taking advantage of the anonymity imposed by darkness to do fun things like smashing windows and dropping flowerpots from great heights to s e e what happened. Now folks I c a n a n n o u n c e the result. The flower pots broke into little pieces which were eagerly cleared up by the six or so people who stayed to clear up, finishing at 7.30 on Saturday evening, just in time for the Ents concert. People also contrived to relieve themselves in the most imaginative places, not for them the dull rut of using a lavatory. Still, drinking is great fun, enjoyed I'm sure they themselves a n d that w a s what it was all about. Unfortunately, I didn't get to s e e films, or Dando Shaft, who came on after Humble Pie, or A l Stewart who played in a very crowded J . C . R . but I gather all were well received. I think everyone will agree that the groups were c h o s e n to appeal to the greatest numbers. Most people had of course c o m e to s e e Humble Pie, but the receptions a c c o r d e d to Wild A n gels and Hookfoot showed

that they had plenty of fans there too. T h e ever-popular Miss L i n d a Lewis began with a set similar to her last o n e here (see issue 3 0 7 ) . Nuff said. Wild A n g e l s c a m e on next, and all the greasers stood up to be counted. T o be honest I thought they were awful but I didn't like the originals of the s o n g s they recreate very much, although they did it with admirable fidelity. But B i g Deal! W hy not dig out some dusty 78s a n d play them, for a fraction of the cost. The only original part of the act was an excellent drum solo, but what a pity that s u c h musicians are wasted in a group like this.

sod the powercuts (quote). Launching straight into 'Four Day C r e e p ' they s o o n had the crowd on their feet. Highlight of the a c e was, as usual, Steve Marriott's narrative on 'Rolling Stone', about the c h i c k in Manchester a n d her mother who had designs on him, and how every time he went to her house s h e made him eat lots of sandwiches, a n d other interesting bits which s p a c e a n d g o o d taste do not permit my enlarging o n .

The group a n n o u n c e d the arrival of their new L.P., ' S m o k i n ' ' a n d played a song from it about p e a c h e s or something. It should be a winner. If I've Then c a m e Hookfoot. It given the impression that really beats me why they Humble Pie are the Steve have never made it b i g . Marriott show then I'd betCaleb Q u a y e is an excel- ter rewrite this review, but lent guitarist in a Z a p p a - as it is now 7 o ' c l o c k Sunish sort of way, and I rec- day I shall tag on the c o n kon he c o u l d make the dolences to Dave Clempguitar c o m e when he call- son, G r e g Ridley and Jerry ed it. He was getting mar- Shirley. C l e m must like ried the following day so having s o much freedom this was a great night to after his rather restricted let it all out, which he d i d . existence with C o l l o s s e u m Especially g o o d was a ver- —it's almost like the days sion of Neil Y o u n g ' s 'Ohio' of Bakerloo again. G r e g new single, Ridley has the most souland their 'Sweet Funky M u s i c ' , ful voice of the three singwhich just about sums the ers and Jerry Shirley is group up, although c o m e one of the heaviest drumto think of it I've never mers around, but doesn't any ego-tripping worked out what that word need funky means. The group solos to prove how g o o d were visibly b u c k e d by he is. T h e group played their reception but unfor- about three encores a n d tunately time did not per- finally left at about 2.30. I p i c k e d my way over bromit an encore. ken bottles, recumbent Steve Marriott eventu- bodies and other garbage ally impressed his identity and headed for home, deon the doormen and Hum- termined to b e c o m e a teeble P i e took the stage at totaller. 1.15, all systems go and

Enter the first player (Martin B l a c k ) , 1st Player: F — off, mate! (Enter a Monty Python character)


M. P. Char.: A n d now the Union S k e t c h (Omnes exeunt)


(The curtain rises on the Union Sketch) 1st Citizen (Fletcher from the back of the auditorium): Quorum!



(The Union sketch p r o c e e d s , heard only by the front two rows of the audience) . . .

N Act II


(The same: later)


(Enter a Lady of Dubious Virtue) 1st Cit. Fletch.: Get them off!


(Exit gloves and blue coat) 2nd Cit.: Don't bother! (Exit dress, panties, bra)

HALLS OF RESIDENCE Application forms for residence in colleg e halls next year c a n now be obtained from the establishments office. Please note that all applications must be handed in at the latest by the end of term. A l s o : (Love, Love, Love to you from P I ) .

1st Cit.: O O O h h h h ! ! ! (Exit Lady + G-Strin, enter the Tribe) Tribe: We're W - - k S o c . W - - k . . .W - - k . . . (sing) W - - k . . etc . . . etc . . . R . C . S R.C.S. (Gentle fade out) Epoligue: A n y w a y .isn't it nice to s e e that students c a n be a s puerile and unoriginal as their elders.


join the mad rush to the




-'books — newspapers — magazines — records —

FELICITyFX i ICITZ ' FELICITYFELICITYFELICITYFELICITTFELICITYFELICITYFELICITYFELICITYFELciT iY S_P_S C. I A L A S - U S UAL ISSUE FELICITATIONSiIi1I This issue is special in two ways. Firstly, because of the power cuts this stencil has had to be typed by manual typewriter and so there's not the usual flashy artwork front. Secondaly, it's specially bad since I'm not very good at typing on a manual machine. Enough of these irrelevancies - on with the newsl! * * * * * * * * * *

QUICKIES;* The Union Meeting scheduled for the Great Hall today has had to be moved to the Union Concert Hall. Tm i e unchanged, 13.00 hrs. Most of the motions seem to be c.ncocted by "I dont like being called a Lefty" Cor**n, including giving money to multivarious causes and a chalenge about the NUS delegation elections at the last U.G.M. * New rules for Halls of Residence are going before the Residence Commitee for app in the very near future. These might involve substantial alterations to the rules about overnight guests. * USK Handbook needs a business manager (don't we all!). If youre interested, sp the direction of the Union Office, or John Muttal on Linstead landing 53. * The Beeb are proposoing to run an academic quiz programme - if you v.ant to take go tell the Union. * Have you signed the petition on the Binary system yet? If not, you should - soon PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS Nomination papers for posts of President, Deputy President and Secretary are now up. Official sources suggest that the following might put their names forward:President:- Dave Amos, Chris Sheppard, Chris Reece. Secretary:- Mairi Waddington, Chris Fearnley, Brian Darling, Mike Docherty, Phil Bra and Martin C. Black. Deputy President:- Paul Jowitt, Mike Griffiths, and Brenda Dilley (standing on a W Lib. platform) (Ed's note - wood platforms are stronger!) KEGGH K.G's YOU I Continuing the recent and ever-increasing bouts of vandalism, someone at the weekend removed the call and destination panels from outside and inside the lifts at Keogh. This renders the lifts inoperative (now who's being brilliant';?). Warden Frank Potter would like the panels returned, no questions asked, or alternatively far people to ke an eye open for them. "It's along way up to the top floor" he says. Guess who liv there ? CHARITABLE ACTIONS A,t today's Union Meeting the charities for the next Rag will be decided. Most of the charities which have applied will be s, ding speakers and propaganda. A provisional list, as of 11.30 hrs yesterday, roads as follows:CURE (National Addiction and Research Institute) National Council for the Single Woman and her dependants? Action for the Crippled Child. ..... continued overleaf

FELICITY...24th February 1972, 2 of 2...... Disabled Living Foundation CARE (Mentaly Handicapped Children) Helping Hand Organisation (rehabilitation of alcoholics, etc.) Countdown (militant branch of the Family Planning Association) Earth Resources Research Institute Gavian Agricultural project (New Guinea Agricultural Co-operative) STUDENT UNIONS ( REGISTRATION ) BILL The second reading of this bill, it has been announced at exceptionally short noti will be on Friday. This private member's bill provides for the setting up of a R trar of Unions, and for the compulsory registration of all Unions (insofar as they won't get any money if they don't register). It requires that the rules of S.U. conform with Scnedule 2 of the Bill, and that any which the Registrar finds "de should be altered to his specifications. Under the Bill, there iss unlimited provi for the DES to lay down detailed provisions as to what the rules and procedure SU's shall be. It carries the totally crippling sanction of withdrawal of eligibilit for receipt of grant, not only for a breach of any rule but also for failing to to be registered. The rules required already meet existing statutes and are already in operation, b have them thus on the statutes book removes a great deal of the freedom of Un NUS urge y<?u_ta to write to your M.P., and, where possible, to turn up at Parliam Friday to lobby your MP. Space limitations mean that further details of the Bill and it's likely effects cann be included here; the Union has full details and will be happy to tell you mor is not a bill in place of Mrs. T.'s one - remember, this is a Private Members' B as yet the government's stand on it is not known. W e could end up with both KOUNCIL KAPERS (AGAIN) Another all-star Council meeting occurred on Monday, where business included the ibility of FELIX becoming weekly with a sabbatical editor. (See Editorial Comment o front page of FELIX). This was referred to Publications Board meeting nex Tuesda and will then be referred back to the next council meeting. Full details in next of FELIX. The meeting ended in a superb example of "piss-artistry", writes (or rather dicate our council Correspondents. This was led bynone other than your very own Presid white, upon tearing from chairman MCB that a "severe disruption of the meeting" w necessitate ending the meeting, proceeded to stand up and clap. This, added to t existing melee, had the desired effect, and the meeting was closed at 10.10 p.m least an hour earlier than usual. PIERS ARRESTED Piers was arrested at a recent demo when he, objecting to the treatment a polic was giving to a felow-domonstrator, leapt on his back and tried to turn round h helmet. The entire British Police Force then proceeded to encircle Piers, who was subsequently cnarged with obsturcting a police officer in the course of his duty. This, according to Piers, is because there are already too many charges of assault THE E N D Published by the Editor of FELICITY on behalf of Imperial Colege Union Publication Board. All material and even incorrect information (which is regretted) copyright 1

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