11 May 1972
No. 311
D " PRES. ELECT WITHDRAWS FROM CIV ENG. EXAMS After the dizzy heights of the recent elections and sweeping generalisations characteristic of them we are suddenly reminded that even the president of the Union has to pass exams! In fact, it h a s b e c o m e apparent that the college authorities had not thought of this either and s o w e are (or rather Chris Sheppard is) f aced with a n interesting situation. T h e Union constitution is more than vague over this point. This is hardly surprising sinc e there have only been three sabbatical presidents up to date, none of these being undergraduates at their time of office. The problem has been lurking around for quite some time a n d n o w we have c o m e face to face with it. Is it right for the Union to give its officers immunity from examinations? The motion w h i c h is to be put at today's Union Meeting c o u l d b e interpreted in this way. " I . C . U . believes that the President-elect should be allowed to take office regardless of his performance in any examination subsequent to his e l e c t i o n . " However, I think this would be a wrong c o n c l u sion. There is no reason why a Union official should be officially registered o n a course while serving his term of office. A s long a s he has the interest of the Union members at heart then he should be recognised by the College . In the letter w h i c h follows, all this is explained in detail (it has been edited). It is vital that full
support be given to the motion at today's Union Meeting otherwise the Union is f aced with another re-election. Today's vote is effectively a vote of c onf idenc e in your c h o i c e of President. Mining House, 55 Evelyn Gardens, London, S.W.7. Saturday, 6th May Dear Professor Skempton, After a considerable amount of thought regarding my present situation in the Civil Engineering Department I have decided to withdraw from the forthcoming examinations. This has not been an easy decision to make but I am now sure that it is the only satisfactory one. In reaching it I have tried to take into account as many of the influencing factors, both personal and otherwise, as I am able. I do, however, find it impossible to rationalise some of these factors and it is this that has made the final decision so difficult to make. My original choice of civil engineering was made without any difficulty at the age of fifteen. By that time I had shown some aptitude for things practical; my somewhat greater ability at science and mathematics had been fostered at the expense of any literary interest, and my teachers explained in their reports that I exhibited a certain quality ot "leadership". The simple analysis of civil enginas a blend of technoeering logical and creative ability, together with its social relevance, and, when concerned with contracting, its reliance on good prehuman relations, altogether sented a too ideally attractive My decision was not proposition. reached by an appraisal of a selection of alternatives, but by being provided with someone else's evaluation of my vocation-
with the al potential, together corresponding and suitably attractive career choice. On arriving at college and entering the Department I was still very much subject to the somewhat romantic idea of becoming a civil engineer. My commitment in emotional terms was almost complete, and this together with my good A levels constituted what I suppose was excellent honours degree material. I was however, conscious of the idealism inherent in my choice and was very concerned with finding some justification for it in the course. Thus I began my time here at I.C. deliberately looking for a correlation between what I was studying, the way I was studying it, and what I perceived as the aims, objects and responsibilities of civil engineering as a profession. In that search I was frustrated. I was disillusioned by the seemingly abstract course content, by the lack of thematic continuity, and by the impersonal nature of staff/student relations. I was also disappointlife ed by the Jack ot community at the College and by its general insularity in both social and academic terms. dissatisfacThe result of this tion was for me to make the College as small a part of my life as possible, doing an absolute minimum of work, and seeking elsewhere those things which I had previously imagined to be an integral part of university life but which I was unable to find at I.C. My decision to return into the second year was based on the condition that I would assume a quite different approach to the College, the Department and the Course. That I have done. From the start of the session I have attempted to investigate many aspects of the student's lot here at I.C. Where I have found anomalies or deficiences, points of difference or a lack of understanding, I have attempted to work constructively, both per-
sonally and through my involvement in the Union, to correct them. This has applied particularly to my course where I first attempted to discover some intrinsic interest, and then to appoach it purely as an intellectual exercise. I failed in both. I have come to realise that the course here is doing nothing to further my development in any sense of the word. On the contrary it is, in many respects, conflicting directly with some of my most deeply felt ideals and aspirations, and far from stimulating any truly creative response, is only limiting my realm of experience to the detriment "education". of my I am firmly committed to the concept of a system of education that can be variable in content and approach, and which is not constrained by the inadequacies of selection, by the rigid division of disciplines, or by the emphasis on examination results as a criterion of success. I am, therefore, the product of a vastly different system of education whose values have been in my upbringing predominate and the etlects of which, although I may be conscious of, I am unable to neglect. To weigh my desire for self-determination against an awareness of the aspirations of a family I love is indeed a difficult thing to do. My final decision to withdraw from the examinations results, I hope, from a certain degree of mutual respect between myself It has never and the department. been denied that the Department is happiest with students who are completely committed to a career in civil engineering, and who in return for a degree of the indisputable repute which the College awards, are prepar-
ed to accept the way in which the Department chooses to conduct its affairs, whether they are likeable or not. The Department also hopes that its students, far from regarding the course as a means to an end, are attempting to grasp a real understanding ot the subject to subordinand are prepared ate themselves to that aim. In short, the staff of the department expect of the students a devotion to the subject of the sort they themselves feel. That is an expectation which I respect. It remains, however, that I do not present such ideal material, a fact which both the Department and I have been aware of for some time. For me to sit the forthcoming examinations would do nothing to enhance my principles nor, I believe, those of the Department. I now feel that the best way to realise a mutual acceptance of my total incompetability with the course is tor me to withdraw from that part which formally epitomises it. The reason for me publicising my intention to withdraw from the examinations is because of the way in which it relates to my being President-elect of the Union. While I regard both the criteria and the results of an examination in civil engineering as distinctly separate from those for the election of President of the Union, I do realize that neither the College or the Union is clear about this in terms of policy. For that reason I intend firstly to put the question to a Union meeting and if their support is forthcoming to proceed to the College for their decision. In the event of the Union not wishing to support me I shall resign. Yours sincerely, Chris Sheppard.
MIXING BEIT HALL A questionnaire h a s been sent round to the residents of Beit to find out their reactions to a possible room-by-room mixing of the sexes both in the Old and New hostels. The mixing would be engineered to have about half men and half women o n a n y floor, mixed randomly. The bath and toilet areas would be open to u s e for both sexes. This would, we feel, lead to better mixing of the sexes a n d bring the sexual differences into perspective. People at the moment s e e the opposite sex too m uc h a s sexual objects, a n d not enough as human beings first and foremost. The only kind of relationship with the opposite s e x that is possible, they imagine, is a sexual one — the i d e a of a platonic relationship d o e s not o c c u r . Thus one would get a more b a l a n c e d , mature outlook on both sides, a n d a generally more relaxed atmosphere. The mixing of the bath and toilet areas is primarily a matter of c o n v e n i e n c e — a n y embarrassment felt at first would quickly disappear. S o m e structural alterations would have to b e be made but these were in the pipeline anyway: e . g . shower doors, not curtains; improvement of kitchen facilities in O l d Beit, etc. The analysis of the questionnaire will be put before the Beit hall residents' committee o n M a y 22nd and they will d e c i d e whether to implement the suggested system, w h i c h if they agree, c o u l d easily be in operation for O c t o b e r 1972.
Thursday, M a y 11th, >972
Page 2
I ENTS j Far from s l a c k e n i n g off its activities, a s is usual in the summer term, the Ents. committee h a s o r g a n i s e d no less than eight c o n c e r t s in the first five w e e k s of this term. Already we have s e e n two excellent c o n c e r t s by Country J o e M c D o n a l d , who had the whole audie n c e laughing, c l a p p i n g and singing along from his first s o n g . Apparently he enjoyed the concerts a s much as the a u d i e n c e s for he has offered to play another concert here free, the p r o c e e d s going to charity. Details have not been settled yet, but the date will probably b e M o n day, May 15th. If you missed seeing him last time round, see him now; those who have seen him o n c e don't need urging to g o again—they'll b e there. Friday, M A Y 12th sees the only L o n d o n appeara n c e of o n e of A m e r i c a ' s biggest bands — T H E D O O R S . They have not been seen in this country s i n c e the Isle of Wight festival in 1970, s i n c e when J i m Morrison, the lead singer has died. Morrison was the unwilling figurehead of the group; before
his death he h a d virtually opted out of the role force d o n h i m . H e never wanted to b e a p o p star. N o w the rest of the band are producing their own REFECTORIES—A DREAM COME TRUE musical ideas, a n d the The Rectory A c c o u n t has 4 component s which s a m e brilliant playing e n - make up the eventual surplus, balance or loss, namely: sures that few D O O R S fans The B a r A c c o u n t will be disappointed. The Cella r A c c o u n t — l i k e l y to make the usual £2000T i c k e t s for this concert are £3000 profit this year £1 in advance a n d £1.20 The Catering A c c o u n t on the door. The S h o p A c c o u n t — l i k e l y to break even this year. T h e Union over the past few years, has very strongly The usual Saturday c o n - pressed the point that the 2 main A c c o u n t s ( B a r and cert o n M a y 13th features Catering) should be considere d as separate, i.e. B a r two bands. F L A S H are an profits should not be used to subsidise Refectory excellent new band — this losses, but this year no major battle of words looks is one of their first L o n d o n likely to be fought on this issue as both of these gigs — whose music h a s a c c o u n t s look like ending up well in the black. been likened to that of Y E S . (Indeed, their lead BAR PROFITS MEAN 2 NEW BARS The Bar A c c o u n t had a net surplus of £6000 by J a n u guitarist, Pete B a n k s , w a s o n c e with Y E S ) . A l s o ap- ary and thus a price decrease was d e c i d e d upon:—this pearing is the R o y Y o u n g never happened, b e c a u s e the main breweries increased B a n d ? — no pretensions, their prices by 1p per pint a n d instead this increase just g o o d stomping rock. was not p a s s e d o n . Still, the e n d of the year surplus A d m i s s i o n : 50p in advance, figure on the account is likely to be in the region of £2000. 60p on the door. Far from being misers though, the B a r Committee S p e n c e r Davis has form- (the only major C o l l e g e Committee to have a Student ed a new band a n d pro- Chairman — Pete E a r l ) , besides promising no price a new album rises for next year, d e c i d e d this w a s a golden opporduced recently. Their debut per- tunity to make s o m e improvements around the place. formance in this country Thus, this Summer, 2 major s c h e m e s are being underwill be in the Great Hall taken. on May 20th, a c c o m p a n i e d Firstly a new bar in C o l l e g e B l o c k is being built—the by A m a z i n g B l o n d e l , w h o connecting wall between the J C R a n d committee room not only play a truly amaz- 216 is being k n o c k e d down and a bar the size of the ing number of instruments, Southside one is being constructed along the northern but who also have a repu- wall of this new annexe to the J C R . tation for telling o b s c e n e S e c o n d l y , in the Union, the present very meagre b a r jokes. in the Lower Lounge, which has b e c o m e very popular
this year, is to b e re-vamped, extended along the East wall (where the J u k e B o x is) to the doors and properly shuttered, s o that Brendan doesn't have to carry out elaborate stocking a n d unstocking arrangements every night.
AND A NEW LOWER REFECTORY Whilst talking about Refectory developments, a major facelift is to b e given to the Union Lower Refectory. If an application to the University Grants Committee for a loan for redevelopment of the a r c h a i c a r e a is a c c e p t e d , then the whole of the present furniture a n d equipment is to b e c h u c k e d out and a brand new Refectory is to be built from s c r a t c h . T h e Union h a s an investigating team preparing ideas at the moment a n d any comments to them v i a Dave A m o s or J o h n M c C u l l o u g h (both to be found in the Union Office) will be welcome. If the U G C application is not s u c c e s s f u l , then at the very least a new coat of paint a n d n e w furniture are promised.
BUT WHAT ABOUT PRICES? The most important annual problem is always prices for next year. Two years ago the Catering account made a thundering £28,000 loss. Last year it was £3,500 down. In both c a s e s big price increases followed. This year, however, with increased C o n f e r e n c e b o o k i n g s (which help to stem losses in the vacations) and increased consumption (was the food better this y e a r ? ) , a possible surplus of about £8,000 is in the offing on a turnover of £250,000 (£35,000 up on last y e a r ) . £6,500 of this surplus is already committed to r e v a m p i n g / r e p l a c e ment of crockery, cutlery and machinery, and it is hoped that, starting with this amount this year, a fund c a n be kept on an annual basis to help pay for capital equipment expenditure, etc. Any surplus on top of this fund money (maybe £1,500 this year?) will g o towards a n other pool, as contingency money to offset any future losses.
Insurance for Tomorrow, Travel for T o d a y
Inc. P. & P.
Don't forget these services this Summer term — apparently people are still going to Euston R o a d to the N U S Travel Centre a n d to Southampton R o w for Insurance — you don't need to ! Excellent services operate here in IC. Both travel a n d insurance operate in the vicinity of Committee R o o m 216, at the East End of the Junio r C o m m o n R o o m in C o l l e g e B l o c k . The Travel S e r v i c e operates 2 lunch-times a week at present inside 216, Tuesdays and Thursdays 1.00-2.00. But with heavy business likely in the Summer Term, watch out for notices — the time-table may e x p a n d . Pete Guthrie is your Travel Officer this year and c a n be contacted for emergencies in Linstead Hall. Geoff Tate is one of his assistants and Geoff will be taking over next year. Business consists of giving out international Student Identity C a r d s a n d selling flights to Europe, N. A f r i c a and the Near East, a n d trains also to those destinations. Ship travel and travel to N. A m e r i c a , A s i a , Australia etc. is provided for by way of information of the best p l a c e a n d way to fix up your trip. B o n V o y a g e ! T h e E n d s l e i g h Insurance S e r v i c e operates 5 lunchtimes a week (from about 12.30-2.30) either in 216 or just next to it in the J C R . Motor, Travel and Life Insura n c e are 3 of the most popular services, but this is by no means a full list. A s k for Gillian Metcalf a n d still make sure you get every bit a s g o o d a service in IC as you would anywhere.
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Thursday, May 11th,
Renders Comments Black Thoughts
Perhaps this edition is even more important because there is no doubt in my mind that Felix will turn into a "real" newspaper, able to carry news and information produced on a weekly basis by a full time sabbatical editor. Undoubtedly next year will see a Union free from communication wrangles, a union where participation and involvement become the rule rather than the exception. ELECTIONS (or if at first you don't succeed) I cannot help but comment on the situation whereby one person was able to successfully challenge the election of Honorary Secretary and force the union quite rightly into re-opening and re-holding of that election. It was obvious to every member of the executive that the Imperial College constitution was pathetically weak and it is with regret that there has never been time enough for John McCullough's constitutional changes to be discussed. I don't know whether to treat the uncontested re-election with grateful thanks to the three defeated candidates who stood down or with disappointment because they had not fought on! One thing is certain, the road has been opened to anyone whether they are merely seeking justice or whether they only seek trouble and confusion, to bring the union to a halt. ACCOMMODATION Finally I think we must be grateful that this year has not seen the situation whereby hundreds of IC students have been homeless. I feel that now is the time for consolidation in housing rather than advancement. A start was made in October when twenty-four women were moved into Selkirk—now they must be integrated with the rest of the residents, not isolated at the top of staircase 8. Beit Hall too, should scatter it's women's rooms amongst the men's and hopefully try and attain an atmosphere of understanding between the sexes. The union has its part to play, and could start well by reducing the number of Union Officials' places thus allowing more ordinary IC students the opportunity of at least one year's residence.
portant as the previous, aborted attempt and, as s u c h , I hope that Union members will spare a little of their valuable time to ensure that the democratic p r o c e s s prevails over the bureaucratic. (bureaucrat, (byoo'rok'krat) n. Official who works (?) a c c o r d i n g to a fixed routine without exercising i n t e l l i g e n t ' ) . The S T V system as used by IC Union is nothing more than a sophisticated form of constitutional castration. It is a s a d and sorry indictment of our Union that the negligent transactions, or perhaps the administrative incompetence of a few can thwart the will of the majority. I sincerely hope that the Union Member s will feel moved to mandate me to extricate the executive, and the Union, from its aimless perfunctory writings. My aim is to revitalize the enthusiasm of the average union m e m b e r , — a goal which can only be achieved by a person who is both a p p r o a c h a b l e and informative; s o m e b o d y who union members can meet for a chat, who will fully account the executives' action through the media of a weekly Felix and prominently p l a c e d notice boards. Union General Meetings have sunk into a morass of petty bureaucracy; many union members with constructive ideas to contribute at meetings are befuddled by the procedural techniques used by both chairmen to railroad official motions through, and by factions who have a bare-faced disregard for the feelings of the muffled majority. These monstrous political methods born out of dishonour and deceit, are an infringment of one's disc u s s i o n . The Union's Blue B o o k (which this year carried a red cover!) should contain standing orders; formal business at U G M ' s must be s p e d up so that everybody is able to take part in debate. I am not a person who sits in an ivory tower immune from current events, I have the ability to get things done, I am an eminently suitable man for the job. I remain, Sir, the Union's servant, Martin C. Black.
More Elections Dear Editor, For once I'm not wasting s p a c e in your admirable publication by talking about general apathy in IC for ICU. That would be a waste of time! What has disgusted m e — e v e n in this cynical state—is the general level of actual disinterest from those who actually attend ICU meetings and appear c o n c e r n e d . I think the last straw was the election of Student R e s i d e n c e Officer (and one or two others) last term. Having made a specific point of information regarding abstentions at the Union meeting in question, I was not surprised to s e e so many abstentions (20 per cent) for S R O c o m p a r e d with about 40 e a c h for the remainder. Final figures were: Winning Candidate ... 183 Other * 143 Abstentions ... 82 Papers 7
Felix, 11th May Total
I can think of no better place to comment on Dear Sir, I would like to bring to the attention of your readers the events of the past year than from the last the forthcoming election for the S a b b a t i c a l position of edition of Felix this session. Hon. Secretary of IC Union; this election is equally imFELIX
Page 3
This edition of FELIX was edited by David Y o u don't need a Mathematics Degree (sic) to s e e Hobman with able and generous assistance that the winner didn't have a 50 per cent majority do from ex-Editor Dave Sugden, Business manager you? A n d you should not need reminding of an analog(turned journalist) John B. Stares, Ross ous example either! This raises a number of questions: McBeath and Editor-elect Oily Dowson. Bob (a) Why so many abstentions? Cranmer-Brown and Denise Lisenden thought of Why a c c e p t e d ? (b) Why not challenged anyway? the features while the reviews were produced (c) Why am I bothered? (d) by Bob Carter and Syd Amor. Photographs Alternatives? (e) (nudge, nudge) were taken, developed and What is worse? •(f) printed by Colin McCall, while the Sports Page Well I think the large proportional of abstentions c a n was Chris Potter's baby. Typing by multivarious be due to either voters being unable to c h o o s e between young ladies. apparently equal candidates a n d / o r dissatisfaction
Hatred Dear Editor, O n reading M . C . B . ' s letter my S u p e r cultural mind sprang immediately to S h a k e s p e a r e ; "It is a tale told by an idiot, Full of sound and fury signifying nothing". The pompou s and pedantic ramblings c o n tain within it maintain the standards that we have all c o m e to expect from M.C.B. (It's easy to g u e s s what the C stands for). This pomposity in my opinion would serve to alienate the ordinary members of the Union whom he is pretending to want to draw into the mainstream of union life. A l l would be union executives make the predictable point of stating their vehement dislike of bureacracy, M.C. . . . B. is no exception. He promises us the ultimate in Student Unions; a streamlined Corporation over which he would pontificate and enact his fantasies of being a big business entrepreneur, quite a frightening thought. What this organisation, run by Zurich type gnomes headed by M.C. . . . B., wohld do nobody knows, for he appears to be devoid of ideas and only strutting interested in round insisting how approachable (sick) and representative of the silent majority (sic) he is. M.C. . . . B.'s bitter critic i s m of the S.T.V. voting system is so vivid I c a n only assume that he has had previous experience of castration. I leave it to the readers to decide which form. D. T. Cummins Met. P . G .
Anonymous The Editor, FELIX, c / o ICU.
UNION GENERAL MEETING — TODAY (Thursday, 11th May) Great Hall, C o l l e g e B l o c k . 1.00 — 2.30. Including:— Election of 6 Floor Reps and Ents. Chairman plus Hustings for H o n . Secretary and Editor of Felix. BALLOT? Voting for the posts of Hon. Secretary and Editor of Felix will take place:— on Friday 12th and Monday, 15th May. Have your Say in the Running of the Union. IC Union ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING next Tuesday (16th May) 1.00 — 3.30 Great Hall. Including:— Election Results, Constitutional C h a n g e s , N U S Elections, Motion on Union places in Hall, Colour s , A w a r d s and Handover to the new E X E C !
SMALL ADS. Pair Speakers wanted, 10w.—B. W. Smith, K e o g h 165. Rag Money, Tins, M a g a zines to P. C l a r k e and D i c k Woof 234 and 227 Linstead. New unused 1969 R a g r e c o r d s — e x c l u s i v e , guaranteed.—R. Armitage 45p. Van, £25. R a d i o , heater, tyres, body? Sidney Lorant (anagram?) also D e c c a Deram cartridge £3. — Union Office. Fiat, G o o d , Slightly bent otherwise showroom condition—all offers that reach double figures to the E d . Gandalf Sounds: R e c o r d s 20% off loans, T-shirts, etc. Tizard 647. R e c o r d s , g o o d selection (well I like ' e m ) , immaculate condition, no reasonable offer refused. Dave H o b m a n , Union office. Delectable young lady seeks c o m p a n i o n for long summer evenings. Ring Harpenden 2934.
Dear Sir, I'd like to write to you about apathy in IC but I just can't be bothered. Anyones?
Letters to be featured on this page should be with both candidates. sent to the Editor via Advertising Agents are University Press ReI understand the winning candidate was considere d the union letter rack, presentation, Grand Buildings, Trafalgar Sq., elected on the basis that the election was not true S T V where there is a spec(which it certainly wasn't). London WC2 (next time get more). Anyway there were 80 people that abstained and s i n c e ial pigeon hole for Felix is printed with painstaking care by F. there c o u l d be a valid questioning of the election why Bailey and Son Ltd., Dursley, Gloucestershire, did no-one challenge? (You still c a n ! ) . I nearly did. I Felix. The Editor resand delivered it but then withdrew it. erves the right to omit and is published by the Editor (is it?) on behalf wrote a letter John B. Stares or cut any letters subof ICU Publications Board, London SW7 2BB, Maths. Dept. R e p . ( 7 2 / 7 3 — u n o p p o s e d ) . tel. 01-589-2963 (int. 2881) (ask for Lulu). mitted. (This letter has been s h o r t e n e d — E d . ) .
A directory listing thousands and thousands of temporary vacation job opportunities throughout UK and abroad. GET YOUR COPY NOW k FROM YOUR STUDENTS UNION OR YOUR LOCAL ROOK STALL. Or write directly to R. Watson, Dominion Press Ltd., Grand Buildings, Trafalgar Square, LONDON WC2N 5JH, enclosing 30p in cheque/ P.O.
CONTRACEPTIVES DUREX Gossamer 43p dozen Nuform 58p dozen Fetherlite 58p dozen POST FREE from: POSTVENDOR 9 Fairburn Drive Garforth Leeds LS25 2AR
Thursday, May 11th, 1972
Page 4
E T S This year's Birmingham Conference of the National Union of Students will be remembered in NUS history as the conference of the LCDSU—the "Liaison Committee for the Defence of Student Unions." The Liaison Committee say that they were formed firstly to "win the NUS to its policy on the question of Student Union Autonomy and secondly to draw together all those unions and groups of militants in the ongoing fight against the state's attack in education and the other central political issues of the day." They formed up at the November Margate conference, Piers Corbyn being a founder member. This Birmingham conference may yet turn out to be the first of a series of such LCDSU-dominated conferences. It is to be hoped that they will not do further irreparable damage to the reputation of the NUS.
The LCDSU succeeded not only in pressing their point with great forcefulness, but also proved to delegates, onlookers, readers of the popular dailies and the tax-paying public alike that NUS conferences can be the biggest farce around—one day Lew Grade will televise it as a never-ending, self-perpetuating series. For that's just what it is. I know that this is only my second conference, but as I once again witnessed the resurrection of Autonomy and Ulster and the birth of Women's Lib as a new topic for the book, I felt as though I had been sitting in that conference hall all my life. Perhaps the most intriguing thing to a layman and non-participant like myself is the seriousness with which the proceedings are taken by the delegates, even (or perhaps I should say especially) by the members of the LCDSU. I firmly believe, unlike some of my student press colleagues, that the organisers of this faction have only the good of Student Unions in their minds, and had no intention of directly making a laughing-stock of conference. As I saw a Liaison Committee member get up to every motion and propose an amendment expressing their basic principles, these manifestly being that everything that's wrong with the world is the product of Imperialism, Capitalism, Toryism, and, more generally, Ted Heath, I realised suddenly " G o d ! They really do expect conference to take them seriously!" . . . though I did find it very difficult to conceive that if one overthrew capitalism pollution and overpopulation would be instantly cured, which is what they seemed to be implying at one stage. Their beliefs are quite possibly correct—but, having heard them churn up the same argument for the same amendment to every single motion that came up before conference over those five long days, one sympathises with conference for being disillusioned and defeating them every time. At one stage I felt like dashing out and joining the
Consevative Party. (You'll probably be pleased to hear that, on reflection, sense prevailed and I didn't). And now, having bored you stiff with my personal views on conference, and before launching into a mammoth resume of what really happened motionswise (yes, the TRUE unexpurgated facts as only FELIX can tell them!!) you will be treated to a brief bit of chit-chat about the IC delegation and weather. The latter, which is really what you wanted to know about anyway, was pretty terrible (NO, I'm talking about the weather, not the IC delegation!!!). Come to think of it, it was pretty terrible at Margate last November too. Must be something about the weather in the constitution (GET ON WITH IT!!—we didn't pay for you to go so that you could write 2,000 words on the weather—Ed). The Imperial delegation consisted of John McCullough, Dave Hobman, Rob Armitage, Chris Sheppard, Piers Corbyn and Pete Ransome. If it strikes you that the last two were the two NOT to be elected to go, you'd be right . . . . but Dave Amos and John Murlis had to drop out at short notice, and so Piers and Pete agreed to come with observer status. And so the intrepid six, together with passengers, duplicator, 30 reams of paper, 'n suitcases and yours truly, your very own pet (Miaaooouuu!) reporter, crowded into the R C C Transit at 1100 hrs. on Monday, 10th April and proceeded at breakneck speed up the Edgware Road and thence up the M1 to beautiful Birmingham. Then, feeling suitably elevated by a 70-minute wait in the registration queue and having moved my luggage half a mile on foot to another hall of residence and subsequently discovered that the walk from the conference hall to the hall of residence where i was staying was in the region of a mile or more (needless to say, with their delicate constitutions, the delegation travelled the distance by van), I enthusiastically entered the conference hall in anticipation of
Turn left, •
left, then left again another thrilling opening speech from who is without doubt the worst speaker in conference— our pressy himself, the Rt. Dishon. Digby Jacks. But now to serious matters: i.e., the motions that were variously passed and defeated (or at least the important ones):— AUTONOMY was by far the longest debate, lasting for a good eight hours in toto, in bits and pieces between 9 a.m. and 1 a.m. the following morning. Surprisingly perhaps to those uninitiated in conference, little if anything new was raised, and the majority of the time was spent counting and recounting the four or five card votes that were demanded by the LCDSU. (For those who do not know, a card vote is one where the total strength of the constituent unions are counted as votes in a secret ballot—usually motions are passed on a show of delegates' cards. The Card Vote principle tends to favour the large colleges, invariably universities and polys; this is because of the system of allocation of delegates' cards to small colleges). IC (John McC) spoke on this motion censuring those CO's who had not yet coughed up the 1p levy, let alone the 2p one, levied by last November's conference and the emergency conference in January. WOMEN IN SOCIETY was without doubt the most interesting motion passed, and perhaps the most important. Besides outlawing strip shows in Student Unions (which was, naturally, all the popular dailies reported) the motion more generally supported women's right to equal opportunity and pay, equality in education, coed schools, more sex education, free contraception, and the abolition of singlesex colleges. Dave Hobman, famed liberator of the Union Bar, spoke on behalf of IC for this motion. ENVIRONMENT. Conference accepted that the world was now in a most dangerous situation because of pollution and overpopulation, and called for a reduction in the former and free contraception to help combat
is held), which would probably mean that the LCDSU and any other similar organisation that might set up would receive less support, and that Conference would become more moderate; they will also consider the necessity for the mandatement of delegations by their unions on important topics prior to conference (which would weaken splinter groups still further) and methods of saving conference's time (very welcome, in view of the time spent on points of order and information and in dragging up every sub-sub-paragraph of the consitution in every motion.). F.E. COLLEGES. This motion recognised that many FE colleges have no facilities whatsoever, and that the others have very little. The exec was censured for their lack of leadership over the binary campaign, and a move to establish a fund for FE college unions was referred to the Finance Committee for its consideration. EMERGENCY MOTIONS concerned the campus problems of several CO's. A motion on Lancaster supported the students there on their action over the dismissal of Dr. Craig; another supported the students of Magee College in Londonderry, which is threatened with closure; and yet another expressed conference's support for Steve Parry, expelled sabbatical president of Brighton College (he has since been reinstated). ENTERTAINMENTS. A report proposing an NUS limited liability ents brokerage was adopted by a large majority. This will entail C O ' s buying shares in this company and, perhaps, having a bit of a rough time ents-wise for at least several months. The idea is that this brokerage will be able to book groups at a lower price than individual colleges are having to pay at the moment. However, it seems likely that the big agencies to whom all the artists are signed will boycott this brokerage, and thus their groups will not appear at colleges. But the NUS, in its infinite wisdom, thinks that this situation
An interesting the latter. amendment tabled by the executive was that all smoking in public places should be banned. Having passed this by an overwhelming majority, conference proceeded to totally ignore it and continued to smoke profusely. Nor have I noticed ICU taking any action on this most thoughtful and sensible amendment by banning smoking in the Union Building, etc. (Now you know that I'm a non-smoker!!). It is making a mockery of conference if CO's take no notice of the motions they themselves have passed. JAMES. Conference totally rejected the James Report on further education as a "total hotch-potch of ideas" which would result in "an elitist system of Higher Education with an inferior Teacher Training sector". Conference called for an end to the binary system of financing of further education. It also called for a "Day of Action" to protest about James, Binary, and the government's attitude to Autonomy. GRANTS. The Imperial-supported amendment extolling the virtues of and pressing for a 'Student Wage", to be paid to all students for the duration of the academic year and without parental contribution, upon which income students would pay income Tax and Social Security payments was passed by a large majority. The motion also called for equal "wages" to be paid to all students irrespective of sex or the sector of higher ed they are in. CONFERENCE REFORM (My God, does it need it!!). After miscellaneous suggestions, including one that instead of two conferences a year we have one 8-day one (it was then pointed out that not everybody was that suicidally inclined), Conference set up a working party to look into the whole set-up. Amongst things they will look into will be the election of ail delegates by union meetings (like the ICU system, in fact, is at present. . . many other colleges' delegations consists of volunteers or coopted members, and no election
will change, in that they depend so much on the college circuit that eventually they'll give in and agree to book groups to us for a reduced fee. Whether this will work or not remains to be seen . . . . on condition that you yourselves boycott visits to see groups perform at other venues than colleges, it might just work . . . ELECTIONS is the only thing left to tell you about. During the first two days of conference, the executive for next year was elected, or, should I say, reelected, since it remains virtually unchanged. Almost every election was a straight fight between a retiring exec member and a candidate put up by the LCDSU . . . so the "Telegraph" had to swallow its pride and socialist tendencies and declare its relief that a Communist had won the election to President of NUS against a Marxist-Trotskyist ultra-left-winger. Needless to say, the LCDSU lost every election, although they consistently polled a third of all the votes, and in some cases rather more. So Digby Jacks is president for another year. And the rest of the old regime will continue. At any rate, for another year. And, having elected their chosen executive, conference will proceed to censure them whenever possible at next year's November and April conferences. When, once again, the farce will recommence. Wei, are you still with me? You're probably the only one! I'd like to apologise for the very heavy political content of this article: although I'm no politician, since there was no doubt that the political element was the most important single theme of the conference, I felt it necessary to elaborate on it. What has the conference achieved? Well, let's hope that the Constituent Organisations will act upon the motions, the Executive will honour their instructions, and that the authorities will consider fully the views of Conference. Then, perhaps, conference will achieve far more than might at first appear.
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imperial College A\
Page 5
Thursday, May 11th, 1972
The many inadequacies of pre-university education provide us with a predictable stereotype Imperial College fresher. One who has been subjected to an academically biased and intellectually very narrow course of study since the age of fifteen, at which time that vital decision was unlikely to have been entirely his own. In general he has had no reason to question the nature or direction of his education, or the way in which that education affects his non-academic development. His scrutiny of University options would probably have been far from critical and his final choice of Imperial College would undoubtedly have been based on its reputation, which in the eyes of most headmasters serves to nullify any possible disadvantages. What are the disadvantages? They lie mainly in the failure of the C o l l e g e to either recognize or a c cept its responsibility to students as individuals. The sort of person who finds his way into I.C. is just the person who needs more from a university education that a narrow course of study, with a very high work load, in an environment that is s o c i ally inadequate and intellectually uninspiring, and in an atmosphere that is potentially extremely oppressive.
don, a n d who knows no better from s c h o o l than to go home a n d do his 'homework' in the evenings, wil go out into the big city in search of cultural or intellectual fulflment? The average I.C. student in that position is too conc e r n e d with trying to sort himself out a passable s o c i a l life to even think about it.
Self: Hiding behind the s c e n e s . Invisibly trying to make an impression. W o r d s : S o n g s : M u s i c : C o m m u n i c a t i o n breakdown? Sometimes, living in a vacuu m —
The C o l l e g e insists that placing the burden on the individual is all part of the 'challenge' of university life, vital to a p r o c e s s of character building and essential in producing the sort of g o o d moral fibre that industry d e m a n d s of its young employees. It On arriving at Imperial assumes that s e c o n d a r y C o l l e g e the fresher finds education has been suchimself part of a very small cessful in p r o d u c i n g an social group, a member of annual supply of eight hundred well b a l a n c e d indivihis year of his department, duals who are both intelpart of system that is s o lectually a n d s o c i a l l y a c structured that there is a complishe d and have minimal amount of contact c o m e to the C o l l e g e c o m with other groups. Barriers mitted to three years hard work towards a well exist between depart- chosen a n d well defined ments, between years goal, and consequently within departments, be- will neither need nor a s k tween undergraduates a n d more of the c o l l e g e than postgraduates, a n d be- a c c e s s to its s p e c i a l i s e d teaching a n d research tween staff and students. facilities a n d a s u c c e s s f u l Even within the confines passage through its examof the C o l l e g e a n d its al- ination machinery. That is ready narrow influence the the only sort of student individual is still further that I.C. really caters for, and if the C o l l e g e truly beisolated from any diversity lieves that the majority of of stimulation, intellectual its students represent s u c h or otherwise. ideal material for their concep t of a university The C o l l e g e will argue education (or is it just an training that it is up to the initia- industrial tive of e a c h individual stu- ground?) then they must dent to pursue s u c h alter- be shown otherwise. A n y native activities a s he may individual has the right to desire in the friendly, you- an education that caters c a n - get - it - if - you-really- for his o w n needs and not want-it community that is just the needs of external Central L o n d o n . C a n they industrial interests. That is be s o naive? Do they really a right which can and must imagine that someone be e x e r c i s e d . who has to commute daily from his bedsit in WimbleChris Sheppard
M O T ^Ssi
N o b o d y knows where I am, Who I a m , What I want. What do I want? Questions : W h o is asking, w h o is answering?
The cruising section of Imperial C o l l e g e Sailing C l u b is n o w breaking away to form a Y a c h t i n g C l u b , to separate the dinghy fanatics from "Ichthyosaurus", the 27 foot, 5 berth, F o l k d a n c e r C l a s s yacht o w n e d by I.C. In recent years " I c k y " has visited France, T h e C h a n n e l and S c i l l y Islands, Holland, B e l g i u m , Germany, Denmark and S w e d e n , as well as many pub-to-pub weekend cruise s around the coast. This year started well for " I c k y " with a splendid winter refit a n d consequently s h e is sailing very well ind e e d . Over the Easter v a c . s h e w a s chartered for 4 weekly cruises, a n d visited B e l g i u m , F r a n c e a n d the Channe l Islands. From the 9th—16th A p r i l , Peter Banbury, Tony Atkins, a n d S a n d y Ealing sailed from Dover to the Hamble, and although storm bound for a c o u p l e of days managed s o m e very fast sailing in a F o r c e 6, along the south coast. Over the next eight days, Icky w a s sailed by Peter Banbury, M a l c o l m M c V e a n , B o b CranmerB r o w n , Dave H o b m a n a n d brave Christine Fisher. T h e 126 mile trip from the Isle of Wight to Guernsey in a brisk N E wind took 24 hours, a n d o n arrival we were all entertained very well at the Royal C h a n n e l Islands Y a c h t C l u b , where lager w a s c h e a p at 7£p a n d the showers unbelievably w e l c o m e . From St. Peterport in Guernsey w e sailed to St. Malo in a record 9 hrs., averaging 6.4 knots in a F o r c e 5—7, with some dramatic navigation through a 200 yard wide channel in the rocks, at the entrance to St. Malo harbour. T h e return trip to Guernsey against the wind took a hard 18 hours and from 3—5.00 a.m. s a w s o m e brave sail changing on a plunging f o r e d e c k by a wet a n d exhausted crew. Eventually w e left Icky in Guernsey, having heard a series of G a l e F o r c e warnings from the N E — f o r those worried about it, " I c k y " has weathered several F o r c e 8 G a l e s , but it's just not possible to sail to windward in a Gale! Over the summer, there will be a number of sailing weekends, a n d several cruises lasting from one to five w e e k s — t h e latter a s a charter to S p a i n and back! At £40 per week for 5 people, this is a very c h e a p way to spend an exciting holiday. If you'd like to c o m e along for a w e e k e n d or a week, contact B o b Cranmer-Brown, C h e m . E n g . P.B., I.C., 01-589-5111, extension 1964, o r phone 994-4788 evenings.
P e o p l e everywhere — hiding? Where are they? Very difficult to find them, A n d o n c e found, T o c o m m u n i c a t e with them. F e n c e s : W a l l s : — where is the door, What is the key? Just talk — smile laugh T O G E T H E R . — that's a nice word . — Let's use it, and make it work.
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Page 6
WHO KILLED STEPHEN M CARTHY The story of the death of Stephen Mc Carthy is so bizarre that one would be forgiven for thinking it was a Stanley Kubrick film. Stephen died on the 26th January 1 9 7 1 . . . The chronology of events is perhaps the most telling part of this grim tale: 1969 25 November 10 December 1970 February April Mid-October 16 November 24 December 25 November 26 November 7 December 8 December 11 December 12 December 20 December 1971 10 January 14 January 15 January 16 January
22 January
26 January 29 January 2 February 3 February 19 February 25 February 15 March 20 March May 3 July 24 July August September 8 & 9 October 28 October
Thursday, May 11th, 1972
Stephen appeared at Old Street charged with taking and driving away. Stephen sentenced to borstal training and sent to Wormwood Scrubs. Stephen allocated to Guy's Marsh Borstal in Dorset. Absconded from Guy's Marsh. P.C. Leonard involved in fight with youths in Chapel Market. One of the youths is said to have looked like Stephen. Stephen arrested in Upper Street by P.C.'s Leonard and Kilshaw. Stephen appeared at Old Street, looking very sick. He was committed to Inner London Sessions. McCarthy family wrote to the Governor of Wormwood Scrubs to enquire about Stephen's condition as they were very worried. McCarthy family wrote to "The S u n " . The reply was that there was little chance of success in a complaint as Stephen was a borstal boy. Probation officer expressed concern at Stephen's condition. Reply from Assistant-Governor of Wormwood Scrubs that Stephen was "fit and cheerful". McCarthy family received notification that Stephen had arrived at Dover Borstal on 8th December. McCarthy family wrote to the Daily Express, who, in their reply, advised them to contact the N.C.C.L. The N.C.C.L. were sympathetic, but, so far, have made no impact on the authorities. McCarthy family visited Stephen at Dover. He was still not at all well, though the doctor said that he was much improved.. Stephen's sister and her boy-friend visited him and found his condition was very poor indeed. Stephen failed to appear at Inner London Sessions because of illness. Telephone call from Governor of Dover that Stephen had been admitted to Folkestone Hospital with a suspected mastoid. Stephen transferred to Brook Hospital, Woolwich, a neurology hospital. Immediately on his arrival, he was taken to the operating theatre. His family was told that, the following day, he would be feeling much better. Later that night they received an urgent message to return at once as Stephen had taken a turn for the worse. Letter written to Home Office. McCarthys made official complaint to Scotland Yard. Three police appeared at Brook Hospital, where Stephen was in a coma. They demanded to see witnesses. Newspapers, who enquired at Scotland Yard both on 22nd and 23rd of January, were told that no complaint had been made. Stephen died. Inquest opened and adjourned until 19th February. The newspapers finally took up the story. Stephen's funeral, filmed by '24 Hours'. Inquest. Verdict: "Death by natural causes." John Grant, M.P., asked Home Secretary for public enquiry. Public meeting at Islington Town Hall. Police attacked demonstrators, and arrested 17, including 4 McCarthys. John McCarthy sent to hospital for treatment of injuries received. Richard Sharpies, M.P., on behalf of Maudling, finally replied to John Grant attempting, in bureaucratic jargon, to explain away the need for an enquiry. The Ombudsman was asked to investigate and agreed. Chris, Derek and Dorothy McCarthy were all convicted by magistrate McElligott. Derek got 6 months prison. Benefit dance to raise cash for campaign. Ombudsman decided not to continue his enquiry, because of McCarthys' intent to sue the police and Home Office. Thames Television programme on neglect in prison abandoned after Home Office refusal to send a spokesman. Joint benefit with Ian Purdie and Jake Prescott Defence Group. Derek, Dorothy and Chris appeal to Inner London Sessions. They were blackmailed by their lawyers into keeping quiet.
REVIEWS THE DOORS "OTHER VOICES" (Elektra) Question: Why do so many R o c k and Roll stars die? Answer: B e c a u s e there are so many R o c k and Roll stars. There s e e m s to be in people' s minds a fundamental but imaginary difference between a musician leaving a group and carrying on elsewhere, and a musician leaving the group to join the Grateful Dead (sorry). In fact C a n n e d Heat managed very well after the death of A l a n Wilson (ask everyone who s a w them at the Albert Hall last year, except of course the M e l o d y Maker correspondent) and the A l l m a n Brothers still boogie on with that macabre name despite the death in O c t o b e r of Duane A l l m a n . But wasn't J i m Morrison the only member of the D o o r s — m o s t people had only heard of him either when he whipp e d it out o n stage at M i a m i , or when he died and w a s buried at Pere L a c h a i s e cemetery in trendy Paris — near the grave of Moliere. Woudn't the names of R o b b i e Krieger, J o h n Densmore and Ray M a n z a r e k have been forgotten if the rest of the group had d e c i d e d to call it a day?
DISCS No. J i m Morrison was only a quarter of the Doors with a flair for poetry, a love of the B l u e s and a sexy voice. The s o n g s on the early Doors a l b u m s were always given joint credits so people may not realise that some of the groups' more familiar numbers — " L i g h t My F i r e " , " T o u c h M e " , " W h e n the M u s i c ' s o v e r " (We want the world and we want it now!) were written by Robbie Krieger. A n d don't the organ and guitar s o l o s on "Light My F i r e " s e n d a shiver down your spine ? Of course Morrison gave those s o n g s a c h a r i s m a which will not be imitated — d o n ' t expect the group to play them this F r i d a y — but the faith in their ability to write more g o o d s o n g s , and in the record buying public to remember that ability (alas, not fulfilled— the record did not make the top thirty in the States,
although it s c o r e d quite well over here) must have been what d e c i d e d the three to stay together. In fact the Doors had almost broken up before Morrison's death and would certainly not be playing at Imperial C o l l e g e tomorrow if he were still alive. N o w to " O t h e r V o i c e s " . It c o u l d be s um m e d up as a fairly logical progression from " L . A . W o m a n " but with R o b b i e and Ray doing the s i n g i n g . A s s u c h it is not outstanding, falling short of the c l a s s i c first album or " S t r a n g e D a y s " but I'm enjoying it more than I did "Waiting for the S u n " or " M o r r i s o n H o t e l " . Happily the two vocalists do not make strenuous attempts to s o u n d like J i m Morrison. Ray, whose vocal debut on record was " C l o s e to Y o u " on the " A b s o l u t e l y L i v e " album, sounds more at home on the funky (yuk) rocking
numbers like " H a n g on to Your L i f e " and the incredible "Tightrope R i d e " than on the softer numbers like " S h i p s with S a i l s " where a s h a d o w s e e m s to creep over the music (guess whose) notwithstanding that "Ships" the fact evokes an atmosphere similar to " R i d e r s on the S t o r m " . In the unhappy "I'm Horny. I'm S t o n e d " R o b b i e shows his v o c a l talents too. N i c e bit of saloon bar piano on this one. I'm sure all Doors freaks already have this album. If you doubt its quality, or think you don't like it, try to forget it's the Doors and think " T h i s is a funky little b a n d " . Failing that, try to imagine J i m singing these s o n g s (it's not difficult) and ponder over what little difference it makes. A n d try to s e e them live.
"Who Killed Stephen McCarthy?" is a small booklet price 10p from: The McCarthy Committee, 50 Courteney Court, Holloway, London N7.
CROSS ROADS One does not have to be particularly committed to the ideas and ideals of the Moral ReArmament movement to have an interest in the life of its founder, Frank Buchman. Any man who had such an influence over so many people deserves attention. Thus c o m e s "Cross Road—The Frank Buchman Story" to the stage of the Westminster Theatre. The play is presented in a cunning M i x e d - M e d i a form, with action on stage interspersing s e q u e n c e s of still slides and live film. W e are led from B u c h m a n ' s small town origins in Pennsylvania, through his work in six continents, to his death in G e r m a n y in 1961. The young cast, eight of them from five c o n tinents, sing and talk of their own lives and experiences , as well as of B u c h m a n and his ideology. The effect is often almost that of watching a Television documentary, and that is my main criticism of this p r o d u c t i o n — a s a play—there is insufficient action on stage to b a l a n c e the enormous amount of (excellent) projected material. But to criticize an M.R.A. play in conventional terms is like discarding the S p e c i a l Theory b e c a u s e of Einstein's s h o c k i n g handwriting. It is the matter, and not the form, that is important. S o m e of the acting is pretty awful, but, oddly e n o u g h , this e n h a n c e s the production, for it s h o w s the absolute honesty of the cast, and their belief in what they are s a y i n g . They are really not acting at all. C y n i c s may sneer, but there is a genuineness here that is refreshing.
Page 7
Thursday, May 11th, 1972
Bradford Barrel Goes To IC
Every year, Bradford University Sailing C l u b holds an inter-University I.C.A.F.C. crowned yet another successful season, when the 1st XI won the Team R a c i n g Tournament U.L.U. C h a l l e n g e C u p at Motspur Park on Saturday, 11th M a r c h . A large number of in Firefly dinghies, to the C l u b supporters travelled with the team to Motspur Park and cheered them to a which a selection of the 5-0 victory. best British teams are inStraight from the kick-off the I.C. team began to show their supremacy and ten vited. Last year I.C. c a m e minutes into the game the Q . E . C . defence failed to clear a J . Kelly corner and M . s e c o n d , being beaten by Pearson was left with the easiest of tasks to put I.C. one up. This raised the confid- Trinity College Dublin enc e of the team and they continued to dominate the play. T h e I.C. defence had only on the result of a procomplete control of the Q . E . C . attack and this s e e m e d to inspire the rest of the team test, s o we were deterto play some imaginative and rewarding football. I.C. increased the lead when B. mined to win this year. The Milne beat the Q . E . C . 'keeper with a header from a C . W i l l c o c k free kick. B y half tournament is half-Ameritime the lead had been increased to 3 goals to nil. B. Smith had endorsed the can (each team sails all I.C. superiority, when following a fluid move down the left flank, N. Fryer pulled the others o n c e ) , the winner being the team winning the ball b a c k a c r o s s the Q . E . C . goal for Smith to head just inside the far post. The s e c o n d half was more even with the I.C. team relaxing a little and allowing the most races, or by Q . E . C . more p o s s e s s i o n of the ball. However, they did not have the ability to break points in the c a s e of a through a solid I.C. defence, and although I.C. were not playing with the same attack- draw. Saturday's courses were ing flair a s they did in the first half they added yet another goal s c o r e d by B. Milne. With the ground now becoming rather cut up, and the Q . E . C . team resigned short, s o that goo d posito defeat, the I.C. team re-asserted their superiority. They began to push the ball tions at the start line around the pitch, and dictate the pattern of play. The final goal came from P. Wor- meant more than team tacthington, who overlapped from his normal full back position to see the opposing de- tics during the race, a n d the results served to show fence open up before him, a n d his shot left the Q . E . C . 'keeper with no c h a n c e . I.C. that their starts c o u l d This was a great finish to a g o o d season, and after the final whistle the achieve- do with s o m e improvement of retaining the trophy for the s e c o n d s u c c e s s i v e s e a s o n was celebrated by ment. W e did not get all team and suporters alike. the 1st three positions in T e a m : M. Whitham, P. Worthington, P. Maslin, S. Wells, M . Pearson, N. Fryer, any of the races, but manB. Smith, C . W i l l c o c k (capt.), B. Milne, J . Kelly, I. Rodgers, P. Bartlett. aged to beat every team we sailed against, except Bangor. T h e races were generally friendly, although the race against T.C.D. caused us to protest for some pretty dirty tactics, but with proverbial Irish blarney they got away with it at the hearing. Sunday left us two races In the three years I have been at I.C. the s e a s o n has been by far the most suc- to sail. S o m e g o o d team racing gave us our first cessful of all. 1,2,3 against Bradford, and Previously main achievements were primarily restricted to 1st team efforts. a further win against NotThis season, however, has seen every team d o more than just pull its weight as the ingham (revenge!) meant league table shows. the trophy was ours. Mens I 1st W e tried to win them all but didn't quite Team: M e n s II 1st manage it. The IV mens incidentally lost the Helms: E d Hyams, A l a n Mens III 1st league by 1 game. The ladies, though start- Curran, Derek Clark. Mens IV 2nd ing off badly, really s h o w e d what they c o u l d Crews: Peter Waite, GraMixed I 1st do towards the e n d of the season. T h e ham E a s t w o o d , M i k e MarMixed II 1st tragic game against Q . M . C . cost them the tin. Ladies 2nd league. A h well, that's life ! Results: Against: Undoubtedly the Great Hall has been the reason for the C l u b ' s s u c c e s s , a n d Leed s 14-6|, St. A n d hopefully the C l u b next s e a s o n will be even more s u c c e s s f u l a s far a s extending its facilities to non-team members. C l u b play will be one of the main points that rews 15-6f, Readin g 16-7f, next year's committee will try a n d promote, s o I hope that people will take advan- Bangor 8f-12, T.C.D. 128 f , Southampton 12-8J, tage of this. Moving o n : — Aston 11-9|, Manchester The B.U.S.F. championships were held in Edinburgh this year. The team includ- 13-7f, Bradford 15-5f, Noted 4 selections from I.C., Stu Donald, G e o r g e G e o r g i o u a n d Dave W a r d , S u e tingham 14-6f. Thompson as reserves. G e o r g i o u a n d Donald have all 3 medals now. G o l d , Silver Graham Eastwood. and Bronze, never mind, eh!
BADMINTON Best Ever Year
The U.L.U. Championships : M e n s Doubles — Donald — Georgiou I.C. M i x e d Doubles — Miss Hilary R o w s o n — G e o r g i o u I.C. M e n s Singles — C l o s i n g finalist S. Donald I.C. A mention must be made of the ladies doubles ( S u e T h o m p s o n , Hilary Rowson) w h o did well to get to the semi-finals but unfortunately lost to the eventual winners. Our annual singles championship s was won this year by G . G e o r g i o u in one of the closest finals to say the least. 18-17, 12-15, 18-17; 4 rackets were broken in the p r o c e s s of this game which a d d e d to the excitement of the game and the despair of G e o r g i o u (they were h i s ) . The men's handicap has now, ! think, b e c o m e a s traditional as the men's singles. It was won this year by G e o r g i o u a n d Donald against a very steady pair (except for rightat the e n d of the game) Ward a n d Palmer 21-19, 21-19. The last achievement by the C l u b was the winning of the U.L.U. knockout tournament. Thanks g o to Hilary R o w s o n , B r e n d a Dilly, S u e T h o m p s o n ' S o u k i ' Dave Ward, S t u Donald and G e o r g e G e o r g i o u . I should end for fear of getting this edited with a final thank-you to the committee, Chris Gaukroger, Dick T h o m p s o n , J o h n Powell, Steve Sanderton, for all their co-operation and enthusiasm. T h e delectable Hilary must also be thanked for doing an excellent job of captaining the ladies and demonstrating her very strong objections at the committee meetings.
EDITORIAL A great year for I.C.! Almost every club has won a major trophy which leaves us far and away the best college on the field of sport. In fact I hope some of the other colleges in ULU read this so that next year they will be able to arrange some acceptable opposition. We have taken the "big three", that is the ULU Football, Rugby and Hockey Cups which was last achieved by I.C. (who else!) in the early sixties. Mr. Georgiou's badminton club has again been as boring as ever, winning everything in sight. His demands for space have not gone un-noticed but his command of English does seem to be excessive. This term, sport still functions in I.C. in the form of the Cricket and Tennis clubs whose support must come from P.G.'s and undergraduates with sense. The Tennis club, having lost heavily in the first game, expect to improve during the season. Russ Smith has an easier job because at least 3 or 4 freshers have looked good enough to fill the vacant positions in the cricket 1st XI. There is enough experience to see the cricket club to their third win in succession — in the ULU Cup although there is still a lack of really good fast bowlers. The year has proved a successful one for all clubs; the impression that has been gained by the editor is that whilst first teams have been consistently good, all members of the clubs have had a chance to compete and gain enjoyment from their sport In the last issue of FELIX, I should like to wish everybody the best of luck with exams, and I hope to see you all lining up for the first games of next year.
Castaways Cup Victory! For the fourth year in s u c c e s s i o n I.C. won Cast aways ' C u p — t h e U.L. intercollege Team R a c i n g C h a m p i o n ships—at the W e ls h Harp. Originally 3 teams were entered from I.C. in this knockout competition. E a c h round of the competition consisted of two races—the teams changing boats between races. The third team won their preliminary round but were unlucky to be eliminated in the first round in Saturday's blustery conditions. The other two teams fought their way eventually to meet in the semi-final. This proved to be a very exciting match with the s e c o n d team sailing very well to contain the first team to a very narrow win in the first race 10 to f . However in the light winds of Sunday afternoon, the first team had an easy victory 5 f to 15—total s c o r e 1 5 f to 25f. The first team then met G u y ' s Hospital in the final. The first race started with I.C. in a disastrous position 4,5,6, but c l o s e fought tactics eventually found the team 2,4,5 on the finish line—losing by 1 J points 11 to 9 f . The s e c o n d race however saw a much better start with l.C. eventually finishing 1,2,6—8f to 12 taking the trophy by the narrow margin of 1 9 f to 2 1 f . I.C. II I.C. I I.C. Ill N. Martin (Capt.) N. C h a r l w o o d S Briscoe A . Curran (Capt.) (Capt.) E. Hyams D. L a w A A. Russell R. M a s o n M. Martin S. Cambell D. H o b m a n G. Eastwood B. Hollins R. L y n P. Waite K. Frampton P. C h a p l i n P. Dunning
Page 8
Thursday, May 11th, 1972
T h e s e were Country J o e ' s first words a s he took t h e stage o n Saturday night a n d the audie n c e obediently e c h o e d it. Of c o u r s e it was a sham to test this time—just whether the a u d i e n c e were eating out of h i s hand, which they were. In his hand he had lots of g o o d i e s — a very fine show, in the words of "Entertainment is my B u s i n e s s " . The songs never lost the attention of the audienc e whether they were lewd, like " M o v i e - O l a " and " O n .", notch of your c s a d , like " T h e B a l l a d of J e a n D u p r e z " , simple optimistic s o n g s like " F r e e some d a y " o r t h e a c i d (perhaps the wrong word in County J o e ' s c a s e ) digs at people in high places like " T r i c k y - D i c k y did of c o u r s e d o " l - F e e l Like-rm-Fixin'-To-Die-Rag" (He's a genuine plastic with "Fish" m a n ) " for R i c h a r d Nixon. complete That's the way to sing pro- chant, and the other antitest songs , right? A light- draft s o n g called " K i s s My hearted d i g , a n d not a A s s " . Before the Vietclumsy pseudo-accusation nam R a g he told a long associated with groups anecdote of how the police at Boston forbade the like C h i c a g o . Nearly all the songs , group to say "it", and his with the exception of trial for saying "it" at Woo" J e a n D u p r e z " were short ster, Massachusetts. In his and to the point and for defence, after having been what the word this reason there were far a s k e d too many to be recorded " F u c k " had to do with goin detail. But Country J o e ing to Vietnam, he s a i d will always b e as s oc iat e d well, when s o m e o n e gets with anti-war (or at least a letter in the post saying anti-draft) s o n g s a n d he he's going to fight in Viet-
Yes, another year of boring Presidential waffle is coming to an end and as it's difficult for me to write it as it is no doubt for you to read it, I'm sure it's a reason for pints all round. In Snappin g J a w s I've tried to implore y o u to c o m e to the last c o u p l e of Union Meetings, s o I thought I'd write something o n those projects that are underway at the moment and will b e happening before next October. Besides the developments with respect to the 2 new bars and the new lower Refectory in the Union, there is going to be a general facelift given to the Union Building this summer. Nearly every room in the Union will b e repainted a n d the floors sanded, there will be a revamping of the C o n c e r t Hall Stage, general rewiring within the building and a new G y m n a s i u m (or at least the old one should look like that). Plans are in hand to turn the R o o m at the Top (formerly the Upper Refectory) into an Information Centre with Travel a n d Insurance there next year, a n Office for t h e Ents Committee and Dyelining a n d Duplicating facilities. Details are not complete yet, but if you have any other ideas
of ways to make use of this unique opportunity or suggestions for paint s c h e m e s etc., then contact me in the Union Office. While we're still pressing to get a Weekly Felix with a sabbatical Editor next year, we are also investigating to what extent we should finance the expansion of S T O I C . T o that end I've prepared a survey on the student T V services at the moment running in British Universities — replies are still c o m i n g in, but in talking to a number of Presidents I've found that expansio n is expensive. However a number of Colleges, e . g . Brunei have very effective C a m pus R a d i o o p e r a t i o n s — they run for example for 1£ hours per morning and 3 hours p e r evening, 5 days a week. I hope, during this term, to look into the possibility of ICU starting a c a m p u s R a d i o , next year. During this term, I think it has been realised this year how vital g o o d communications are to the well being of the Union and hopefully these appraisals of the various
It would be fair to say that most students do not want to leave college, much preferring the free and easy way of life. Unfortunately all good things must come to an end and in one year's time, from which you will gather this article is aimed at this year's second year, this will be the case for the majority of you! Is it not a horrible thought?
nam he'll probably s a y "Oh Fuck". Right On said the audie n c e and they joined in with the c h e e r just like the crowd at W o o d s t o c k . I wonder how many of them really had e x p e r i e n c e d the draft. Still it's the singer, not the audience, and J o e par e x c e l entertained lence. Lind a Lewis (again?) gave an excellent opening set with some wistful songs about life and love and was warmly received by a surprisingly small audience.
One booklet that will To those students who are going to wait for a job help you is the Main A r e a s to c o m e to them and to of Graduate Employment those students who believe that can be obtained from firms are just tearing their the C a r e e r s Office R o o m hair out to employ gradu- 306 C o l l e g e B l o c k . There ates I implore them to b e is a careers library attacha little more thoughtful in ed to this office where a selection of the dole queue. It h a s reference been proved these past firms c a n b e viewed. two years, that if you want Why don't you have a a job you have to chat with your departmeni) know what you want tal careers advisor. Even better g o and talk to the to do of London ii) know where to get University Careers Adviser who visits this type of j o b iii) work hard to get this C o l l e g e Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday each job. S o why not take a week. His name is Mr. P. couple of days after your A. Ashworth and he thrives exams this year and think on work. He will undoubtedly be busy first term next about getting a job. S O W H A T A R E Y O U year s o why not take the opportunity of his free time GOING TO DO? If you know what y o u this term and have a chat want to do, where you can with him. A n appointment do it, if you know the Man- c a n b e made with this through the aging Director, a n d h i s gentleman son or daughter, d o not Appointments Office R o o m worry, y o u will probably 306 C o l l e g e B l o c k . get a job. If you want a job there A P P L Y E A R L Y T O F I R M S ! is no time to delay!
Absolutely the last President's Piece (this year!) communications media possible within I C U will bear fruit in the years to come. Another campaign I hope to w a g e this S u m m e r Term is to list the A c c o m modation Bureaux within the area, and with the aid of Nick Gregory, T h e Union Solicitor, to s e e k out those bureaux acting in contravention of the A c commodation A g e n c i e s act and to black them in c o ordination with the local Trades C o u n c i l and at the s a m e time put pressure on the L o c a l C o u n c i l to put pressure o n these agenc ies . S o we're by no means s l a c k i n g now your b a c k s are turned and you're facing examination p a p e r s — keep watching S n a p p i n g J a w s (there should be four more issues left). Thanks for bearing with me for s o long. Best of luck with the exams and have a g o o d Summer!
Oliver Francis DOWSON " Felix " Editor 1972-3 Friday, 2nd June R.C.S. ANNUAL BALL at SILWOOD PARK £6.25 Double Ticket includes: Transport, 4-Course Dinner, Band, Cabaret-Barrow Poets, Review, Disco, Folk Singer, etc. Ticket applications forms and enquiries to Peter Wright, R . C . S . U . Office, Southside. £6.00 without transport. B l a c k Tie.
FarEast £75 Hustralla £99 Now you c a n afford to really go somewhere, you can go w h e n and how you like too. BUSA offer the lowest-priced, best value service to the most mindbroadening places on earth—the Far East and Australia. We use the biggest and best-known operators. to give you a greater variety of routes, departure times, return times and methods of travel than anyone else in the market. For instance, you can choose from 8 j§ flights in July and August alone—on the Boeing 707 Intercontinental jets of British Caledonian. There's a choice of 1 1 countries to visit, as wide and varied as the East itself. And its all at the sort of prices that put the East and the Pacific within your ,^ reach for the first time ever—or if you \. ' come from the East, it gives you a wonderful opportunity of a trip home. Really go somewhere this summer! Hffllf Contact BUSA's official travel organisers for your free travel brochure! F a r E a s t T r a v e l Centre L t d . , 32 Shaftesbury Avenue, L o n d o n , W i A 4 X E . T e l : 01-734 2783 or or-734 7050.
# Snappuy
fftio 12
FELICITATIONS f c r t h e l a s t t i m e i n d u p l i c a t e d form And, f o r the f i r s t and l a s t t i m e , F E L I C I T Y t h i s week i s i n c o r p o r a t i n g the r i v a l publication SNAPPING JAWS. L o t s of news on o u r four' pages t h i s week, so l e t ' s g e t on w i t h i t l l
« Wednesday,
10th M a y , 1972.-
Today t h e R e c t o r agreed f i n a l l y t o a s a b b a t i c a l e d i t o r of F E L I X f o r n e x t y e a r , and t h e c o n c e p t has sow o n l y t o be r a t i f i e d by a U n i o n m e e t i n g . This Keens t h a t t h e r e w i l l be 26 w e e k l y i s s u e s of F E I I X d u r i n g t h e n e x t academic y e a r , and w i l l be c o m p l e t e l y revamped t o make i t more of a n e w s p a p e r . This w i l l a l s o mean t h a t ' ' S n a p p i n g J a w s " w i l l d i s a p p e a r , l e s s u n i o n bumphsheets g e m e r a l w i l l a p p e a r , and t h a t a l l y o u r e a l l y need r e a d i s F E L I X .
N A t t h e s m c t i m e as recomBtendirg a w e e k l y F E L I X , t h e F i n a n c e c o m m i t t e e reccomaisended s e v e r a l o t h e r f i e l d s of e x p a n s i o n - n o t a b l y S i l w o o d , S t o i c and Post-Graduate a f f a i r s * The c o l l e g e has a g r e e d to pay t h e £400C n e c e s s a r y t o c o v e r i n f l a t i o n i n t h e p r e s e n t u n i o n a c t i v i t i e s , and a l s o £ £ 0 0 0 of ' This is equivalent the £4000 necessary f o r a l l His expansion to take p l a c e . of a n i n c r e a s e of £ l 5 0 p e r head i n t h e U n i o n f e e . The a r e a s where t h e most, e x p a n s i o n w i l l t a k e p l a c e b e c a u s e of t h e i n c r e a s e w i l l be F e l i x and S t o i c , and S i l w o o d w i l l a l s o g e t s o m e t h i n g . o
D o n ' t f o r g e t t h e U n i o n M e e t i n g tester r o w , T h u r s d a y 1 1 t h , o t 13GC h r s i n t h e Great H a l l . McLooge p r e m i s e s " p l e n t y of t h e u s u a l e x c i t e m e n t " , and i t e m s i n c l u d e t h e e l e c t i o n s of U L l r e p , 6 f l o o r r e p s f o r C o u n c i l , E n t s C h a i r m a n , 2 r e p s o n t o t h e ICl'i A c c o m o d a t i o n Committee and 3 r e p s onto t h e W e l f a r e Corawittee. Dave Hobman i s a l s o p u t t i n g a motion, t o t h e m e e t i n g t h a t t h e recommendation of t h e w o r k i n g p a r t y on U n i o n H a l l P l a c e s , w h i c h i s t h a t U n i o n p l a c e s s h o u l d be r e d u c e d f r o m t h e c u r r e n t 35 o r so t o a b o u t 2 0 , be i m p l e m e n t e d fetr t h e coming s e s s i o n 1 9 7 2 - 3 .
R Know anyone w h o ' s done nominate him or her f o r j u s t p u t t h e name down n o m i n a t i n g h i m / h e r and F r i d a y , 12th May 0
a l o t f o r t h e U n i o n t h i s y e a r ? Then why d o n ' t you U n i o n S o c i a l C o l o u r s o r a U n i o n G e n e r a l Award on a p i e c e of p a p e r , a l o n g w i t h t h e r e a s o n s f o r r u s h i t t o J o h n M c C u l l o u g h o r Dave Hobman by t h i s
FELICITY (Incorporating
" S n a p p i n g J a w s " N o . 12)
T a l k i n g o f U n i o n M e e t i n g s (as we were j u s t o v e r t h e p a g e ) ,
ANNUAL GENERAL INSETTING n e x t T u e s d a y , a t 1300 h r s i n t h e G r e a t H a l * . FELIKITY i s n ' t q u i t e s u r e what t h e agenda i s , b u t i t ' s s u r e t o be a r e a l rave—up, so why n o t cone a l o n g ? A f t e r a l l , y o u w o n ' t g e t a n o t h e r chance t o cone t o one u n t i l October. On o f t h e t h i n g s t o be d i s c u s s e d i s t h e f o l l o w i n g l a t e n o t i o n a c c e p t e d by t i e p r e s i d e n t , w h i c h cones h o t o f f t h e p r e s s e s . . . " I C U n o t e s w i t h a p p r o v a l t h e g r o w t h and e x p a n s i o n of t h e ICU T r a v e l S e r v i c e over the past 3 y e a r s . I C U hopes t h a t t h i s e x p a n s i o n w i l l c o n t i n u e and w i l l e v e n t u a l l y p r o v i d e a f u l l y c o m p r e h e n s i v e programme o f t r a v e l b o o k i n g s f o r i n d i v i d u a l U n i o n members. To t h i s end I C U c a l l s upon a l l a l l c o m m i s s i o n f e e s h e n c e f o r t h t o be p o o l e d and used s o l e l y on e x p a n s i o n of t b e T r a v e l S e r v i c e " The lowdown on t h i s n o t i o n i s t h a t t h e T r a v e l s e r v i c e now needs a p a r t — t i n e a s s i s t a n t d u r i n g t h e summer t e r n , and i f t h e c o m m i s s s i o n f e e s a r e p o o l e d , t h e s e s h o u l d j u s t about p a y f o r h i m . I t a p p e a r s t h a t k e e n d e v o t e e o f t h e gane o f f o o t b a l l , J o h n " W h a t ' s C r i c k e t ? " I c C u l l o u g b , has t u r n e d h i s a t t e n t i o n s t o a new s p o r t , t h a t v e r y upper—class pursuit, CROQUET. The g r e a t man i s f o r m i n g a c r o q u e t c l u b , Irhich i s g o i n g t o meet on t h e Queen's Tower Lawn ( a t l a s t t h e y ' v e a use f o r i t ) on s u i t a b l e d a y s to p u t t s n a i l b a l l s through n e a r l y - a s - s n a l 1 hoops. The i n a u g u a r l l m e e t i n g i s t o m o r r o w , T h u r s d a y , a t a 5 p . n . i n l e c t u r e T h e a t r e A , when P r o f e s s o r N e a l ( c h a i r m a n - e l e c t of t h e C r o q u e t A s s o c i a t i o n ) w i l l g i v e a l e c t u r e - c u n - d e m o on t h e g o n e . Do y o u refoember t h a t d a y l a s t t e r n when y o u opened a l e t t e r w h i c h t o l d y o u t h a t y o u were one o f t h e " c h o s e n f e w " t o r e c e i v e an i n v i t a t i o n t o buy T I K E m a g a z i n e a t a p r i v i l e g e p r i c e , and t h e n y o u d i s c o v e r e d t h a t t h e r e s t of t h e " f e w " was e v e r y o n e e l s e i n t h e c o l l e g e ? V / e l l , i f y o u ' v e s t i l l g o t y o u r s , p l e a s e , p l e a s e , P L E A S E , b r i n g i t t o t h e Union o f f i c e , s a y t h e powers t h a t b e . S o , i f y o u want t o h e l p p r e v e n t f u t u r e s u c h i n d i s c r i m i n a t e use of c o l l e g e c l a s s l i s t s , why d o n ' t y o u do j u s t t h a t . As i f t h e 2,000 words y o u r s t r u l y w r o t e on t h e NUS c o n f e r e n c e i n B i r m i n g h a m t h i s E a s t e r w a s n ' t enough, t h e r e ' s now an o f f i c i a l v e r s i o n a v a i l a b l e (on e r o t i c y e l l o w paper) from the Union O f f i c e , I t ' s g o t a l l t h e gen on how IC v o t e d on t h e v a r i o u s n o t i o n s and amendments, and 111 t b e f a c t s and f i g u r e s You c a n a l s o q u e s t i o n t h e JC d e l e g a t i o n i n d t e l l e t h e o what YOU t h i n k . a t t h e UGH t o n o t t o w , T h u r s d a y 1 1 t h . .* The b mph keeps on coming and c o m i n g . . , . Y o u can now c o l l e c t y o u r v e r y own I ' " ! P o l i c y S t a t e m e n t , t o k e e p , t o u c h , h o l d and f o n d l y i n t h e p r i v a c y of y o u r own p i g e o n h o l e , and a l s o , p r e f e r a b l y t o r e a d . . . . . C O S I T ' S IMPORTANT. More t h a n 20 pages o f a l l t h e p o l i c y e v e r p a s s e d by ICU a r e i n t h i s f i n e s p e c i m e n of t h e d u p l i c a t o r ' s a r t — p l e a s e do r e a d i t , check f o r m i s t a k e s , and make s u r e y o u t h i n k i t ' s r i g h t . . , . f o r t h e w h o l e l o t o f i t w i l l be moved f o r a c c e p t a n c e as t h e a f f i c i a l s t a t e m e n t of ICU p o l i c y a t t h e AGI; n e x t Tuesday. VACATION STUDY GIANTS. Do y o u know of any p r o p o s e d f i e l d c o u r s e s t h a t have been d r o p p e d b y d e p a r t m e n t s , o r o n l y p a r t l y s u b s i d i s e d by d e p a r t m e n t s , t h r o u g h l a c k of f i n a n c e ? ? ? ? Have any of y o u r v a c a t i o n s t u d y g r a n t s been m e a n s - t e s t e d ? ? ? ? Do y o u know of any s t u d e n t s who have been u n a b l e to o b t a i n v a c a t i o n payments o o r a d d i t i o n a l payments w h i c h t h e y m i g h t l e g i t i m a t e l y e x p e c t t o r e c e i v e ( o w i n g to the l i m i t e d funds a v a i l a b l e ) n a i x ? contniuedcontinuedcontinuedcontinuedcontinued
F E L I C I T Y ( i n c o p p o r a t i n g " S n a p p i n g J a v a " N o . 12) Page 3 /cont.. I f t h e answer t o any o f t h e s e q u e s t i o n s i s Y E S , d a s h a l o n g t o t h e U n i o n O f f i c e and see McLooge w i t h t h e d e t a i l s . . . . . t h e U n i o n can o n l y t r y and a c t f o r b e t t e r f i n a n c e i n t h e f u t u r e on t h e b a s i s of i n f o r n a t i o n r e c e i v e d . So p l e a s e go and t e l l t h e n . . . g o o n , i t ' s n o t t h a t f a r t o t h e U n i o n O f f i c e , ds i t ? RAVENSCOURT PARK P L A T S . A p p l y N 0 7 i f y o u want t o i t a y i n one of t h e s e f l a t o v e r the vac o r f o r n e x t y e a r . A p p l i c a t i o n f o r r j s can be g o t f r o n t h e U n i o n O f f i c e ( l e t ' s f a c e , i t , EVERYTHING happens a t t h e U n i o n O f f i c e ) now, g r e e n »uns i f y o u want t o s t a y t h e v a c , y e l l o w f o r n e x t y e a r . CLOSING DATE FOR A P P L I C 3 ATIONS J A Y 24TII ao h u t r y l l Or i f t h e
being a
STUDENT LOUSE WARDEN/SUBWARDEN t u r n s y o u o n , y o u can g e t an a p p l i c a t i o n f o r n f o r one o f t h e s e p o s t s f r o n t h e U n i o n O f f i c e . . . c l o s i n g d a t e , a g a i n Hay 2 4 t h « And now i n t r o d u c i n g t h e
VAC JOBS BUREAU. Sunway B l i n d s have v a c a n c i e s f o r s t u d e n t s o v e r 18 to work i n t h e i r r o l l e r b l i n d f a c t o r y i n E x h a l l , C o v e n t r y . The j o b i n v l o v e s a c e r t a i n amount o f l i f t i n g , and sone o f t h e work n a y be a l i t t l e h e a v y , but t h e work i s c l e a n and t h e a t m o s p h e r e ' s p l e a s a n t . 40 h o u r week (5 d a y s ) d u r i n g J u l y and A u g u s t , r a t e o f p a y 55p p e r h o u r f o r men, 42p f o r women. I f y o u ' r e i n t e r e s t e d , r i n g M r . T y s o n , P e r s o n n e l o f f i c e r , a t S l o u g h 2 6 6 1 1 , o r Mr E v a n s , ?orks M a n a g e r , a t C o v e n t r y 3 1 1 5 0 0 . 3 y t h e way, t h e name o f t h e c o m p a n y ' s " V e n e t i a n V o g u e " L t d . , n o t Sunway. T
UFO OVER IC An u n i d e n t i f i e d f l y i n g o b j e c t was s p o t t e d by P h i l B r a d i n g , h i g h f l y i n g s k y - s p o t t i n g A e r o R e p , on S u n d a y , and was d u l y r e p o r t e d t o t h e M i n i s t r y of D e f e n c e . LETTER TO TEE E3T10R. The E d i t o r , Felicity.
L i n s t e a d 333
Sir, I g a t h e r t h a t n a y l e t t e r t o t h e e d i t o r o f y o u r esteemed p a r e n t j o u r n a l , F E L I X , has been so e d i t e d as t o change i t s o r i g i n a l c o n t e x t and r : e a n i n g entirely. I w o u l d be v e r y g r a t e f u l i f y o u c o u l d p r i n t t h i s l e t t e r so as I can d i s d a i n t h e i n c o m p l e t e arguments t o w h i c h n y none i s c r e d i t e d . Yours s i n c e r e l y , J . B . STARES. n r . Stares INSERT IN F E L I T M o s t i s s u e s of F E L I X t h i s week i n c l u d e a p a p e r on N o r t h e r n I r e l a n d - a f u l l t a b l o i d Newspaper, I f y o u h a v e n ' t g o t one ( t h e r e w e r e ' t enough t o go r o u n d ) , t r y and g e t one t o r e a d o f f a f r i e n d . THE LAST WQRH. Y e l l , t h a t ' s a l l f r o n F E L I C I T Y and F E L I X f o r t h i s y e a r . 7c hope t h a t y o u ' v e e n j o y e d r e a d i n g us t h i s y e a r , and t h a t y o u ' l l c a r r y on s u p p o r t i n g F E L I X n e x t y e a r , when t h e r e ' l l be no d u p l i c a t e d F E L I C I T Y l i k e t h i s . B u t t h e nar.e w o n ' t d i s a p p e a r . . . . w e have p l a n s f o r F E L I C I T Y ( b u t w a i t and s e e . . F i n a l l y , good l u c k t o e v e r y o n e i n t h e egzans t h a t a r e c o n i n g u p , b e s t w i s h e s t o e v e r y o n e w h o ' s l e a v i n g us t h i s sunnier, and AU
l l l l