Friday 23rd May 1980
Issue N o 554
RAPE IN SOUTHSIDE Police Ask For Information O n S a t u r d a y night, a female s t u d e n t from I C was accosted in a Southside lift. T h e g i r l e n t e r e d t h e lift o n t h e g r o u n d floor i n t e n d i n g t o g o u p t o h e r hall of r e s i d e n c e . H o w e v e r , t h e o n l y o t h e r p e r s o n i n the lift, a m a n i n h i s early t w e n t i e s , sent it t o t h e b a s e m e n t . W h e n t h e lift s t o p p e d he f o r c e d h e r out into the basement area a n d the G e n t s toilets.
T h e m a n threaten^.! the student a n d serious crime was committed.
The assailant's description: A g e : 19-25 H e i g h t : 5'10" — 6' Slim Build C o l o u r of S k i n : L i g h t B r o w n H a i r : A f r o ( w i t h sides t r i m m e d ) Features: Freckles or p o x marks o n c h e e k s . T h i c k lips. T e e t h : fairly l o n g a n d n a r r o w Eyes: dark H e w a s d r e s s e d i n blue j e a n s , b r o w n crew neck sweater a n d a w h i t e tee-shirt.
A n identikit photograph is to be made up today and we hope to put it in next week's FELIX. If you have any information which could help the Police, please phone Detective Sergeant Webb on 434-6431 or if you do not wish to contact the Police directly then phone the IC Union Office on Int 3915 or Ext 01-589-5111 ext 1040. Any information will be treated in the strictest of confidence.
Did you see the man described on this page.. last Saturday?
T h e assailant probably entered Southside through these doors. Editorial comment (back page)
The rape of a female student in Southside is the most serious incident that I have had to report in FELIX. I was on the scene moments after the incident occurred and have full knowledge of the incident. However, I have not included many details of the rape in this week's FELIX because I believe that it would be wrong to do so. The priority is to help the POLICE apprehend the rapist before he is given the chance to strike again. FELIX ta p u b l i s h e d b y t h e E d i t o r , o n behaff of t h e I m p e r i a l C o l l e g e U n i o n P u b l i c a t i o n * B o a r d . F E L I X is p r i n t e d o n t h e U n i o n p r e m i s e * i n P r i n c e C o n s o r t R o a d , L o n d o n S W 7 . E d i t o r C R P s l m c r F E L I X I S S N 0140-0711 R e g i s t e r e d at the P o s t O f f i c e . C o p y r i g h t F E L I X 1960 F E L I X , t h e E d i t o r of F E L I X a n d U n i o n O f f i c e r s c a n n o t a c c e p t liability i n r e s p e c t of errors or omissions contained in articles herein
Dear Colin I would like to publicise Steve Webb's (the captain of Boat Club) comment to me as his justification for challenging the quorum as the motion censoring the recent action of the Boat Club was about to be voted upon. His c o m m en t : " T h i s isn't a representative meeting — she goes and drags all the overseas students in". Firstly, the "she" refers to Mary Attenborough, as if this issue was her personal axe to grind. In fact, the Anti-Apartheid Group at IC numbers about thirty people, which, I should think is a number not far removed from the number of active members of Boat Club, and we are joining an international campaign to break links with the racist regime of South Africa. F r o m the A n t i - A n t i - A p a r t h e i d Group/Masses at RSM(IC) Following the IC Boat Club's successful and prestigious sporting tour of non-racist South Africa, we were pleased to learn that RSM (IC) has offered RSM(IC) Union equipment ot a non-racist white South African team visiting the UK this summer to row at Henley. In view of the progressive international campaign tg promote sporting links with the enlightened non-racist sporting community of South Africa, we totally endorse the Boat Club's sporting offer. We are considering holding a RSM(IC) non-racist U G M to discuss this further in PO Box 645 Joburg RSA during July; come and vote for the anti-anti-apartheid revolutionary government at IC. Signed: SAS, Sgd Leader Bamo Woghead, Short-arse, Der Fuhrer, Paddy, Sgt Doe and Slob. PS: Quorum by post not allowed.
ConSoc Dear Colin Following the much publicised intent of Mary Attenborough to stand as Conservative Society Chairman, the Consoc Committee c o r d i a l l y invite her to do so provided Mark Clegg (Consoc Chairman) is invited to become I C W A President for the coming year. We feel she will be as welcome in C o n s o c as Clegg will be in ICWA. Yours William Cortazzi Chris Webb Bernard Smith John Narbourough Tim Lawes (Consoc Committee)
Rediculous Spelling Dear Colin Your spelling is rediculous. Yours faithfully Arthur Sore Arse
Secondly, Steve seems to assume that the overseas students were forced to attend the meeting, that they cannot make up their minds for themselves and that their vote does not carry the same weight as that of the home student. For the first time that I can remember, we had a large contingent of overseas students at a U G M because they wanted to show how strong their feelings were about the issue being discussed — why else did they bother to attend the meeting? This is surely the type of response we are aiming at by holding UGMs. Steve has so far argued that his way is the best way to alleviate the situation in South Africa and up until the uttering of those two phrases, even I thought he really believed that and I merely felt sorry. But now I realise that he just doesn't care — "Steve's alright, Jack." Jo Armitage Dear Colin IC and South Africa As one who has been at various times described by Sennet as "a Conservative" and by Ms Attenborough as a "McCarthyite Fascist", I find it rather amusing to be described by the Captain of IC Boat Club as one of "Mary Attenborough's cronies". IC's growing involvement with the South African regime is rather less amusing. It is a pity that the apartheid system should have as an advocate in your columns someone so ignorant of the facts (re South African education) or at least guilty of terminological inexactititude (eat your heart out, J Newland). To return to the serious points: there are no mixed-race universities in the Republic. A very small
Iran Dear Colin T h e current interest in the Iranian situation from members of this college seems somewhat misdirected in view of the plight of minorities in Iran. The most violent repression is occurring now in Kurdistan. Kurdish cities have been indiscriminately bombed in an attempt to 'crush the rebels' as Khomeini has ordered. He has no qualms about using the military might built up by his predecessor for his own imperialistic adventures. A problem closer to the hearts of students is that of attacks on universities. Many students were murdered only recently in a number of universities during violent clashes. Now examinations are being taken early as the universities are to be closed down because of disagreements between university authorities and government. The students of this college could make an effective protest to the Iranian government by passing a motion in the U G M condemning the persecution of students and attacks on the higher education system. A telegram should then be sent to President Bani-Sadr informing him of the opinion of the Union. Yours sincerely Philip Nash
Noise Dear Sir Sunday 18 May, 02:10am As I pen this letter three hours after retiring to bed, I am regaled by the sounds of boogie-woogie and rock'n'roll music from the Union Building opposite my room. Who decided to allow parties till this hour in the morning during exams? I know, it's the weekend and we poor Beit residents must expect to put up with some disturbance (loud music, empty beer cans and kegs being kicked and rolled round the Quad, etc), but 2:00am? How many more such events are planed for our delight during the
Dear Colin May I suggest that the Editor of FELIX issues guidelines on how to construct a logical argument, in order to avoid the nine letters which rambled on to no purpose on Iran in last week's issue. Yours sincerely Frank James
exam period I wonder? Yours sleeplessly James Gray
Sir Could you please ask your Islamic readers not to write on our College Buildings, this may be the done thing in Tehran, but certainly not in London. Disgusted of Mayfair
number of non-whites are admitted to courses in certain technical subjects at white universities, but are not allowed the social benefits of full membership of the university. These courses are not offered by the poorly-funded non-white colleges, which cannot of course afford rowing clubs. It is ironic that Imperial College is offering collaboration with the South African nuclear industry, when a recently graduated Oxford PhD is now under house arrest for alleged spying on the installations of that industry. In the context of the SA-Israeli H-bomb project, such collaboration is against the policy of the U K government. I am all for academic freedoms, but I would urge the Dean of City and
Guilds to consult the Foreign Office on this matter. For reasons which I would be glad to explain to any Physics undergraduate (perhaps a good comprehensive paper question for next year?) the characteristic X-ray emission of a 4 kilot on atmospheric nuclear explosion is unmistakeable The detection of this signature by the V e l a test-ban monitoring satellite last September, during a S o u t h A f r i c a n naval e x e r c i s e , shows how far this project has progressd. Are we (as a College) prepared to assist in the production of a nuclear arsenal in a Fascist country? Yours faithfully Derek Everett Physics PG
Hungry ^Fisherman PART-TIME WORK (EVENINGS & WEEKENDS) Our first Fast Food Restaurant, The Hungry Fisherman, has now opened at 24 Thurloe Street (by South Kensington tube). We are also opening shortly in Victoria. If you would like to earn some
cash by working as a Catering Assistant, Manager and
call in and speak anytime
Studentae Imperialis
a review of the species T h e average visitor to South Kensington rarely concerns himself with anything other than one or m o r e of the n u m e r o u s m u s e u m s , or perhaps the Albert Hall. It is easy, amongst the grandiose Victorian architecture, to overlook the shabby, inconspicuous inhabitants of the area. M o r e than a casual glance, however, will soon reveal the exciting variety of creatures to be found. O n e of the most interesting of these is Studentae imperialis. It is only recently that b i o l o g i s t s have b e e n a b l e to d e s c r i b e this species, and I present here a review of the work so far. Studentae imperialis is confined to the South K e n s i n g t o n a r e a , w h e r e t h e r e is a t o t a l population of 4,000 individuals. Because there is great variation in appearance, behaviour and habitat, five sub-species, or variants, have been described. T h e 'type' species is normalis. This is the most c o m m o n variety, comprising 80-90% of the population, and is believed to be the most primitive. Normalis is a placid, dull creature. It a v o i d s c r o w d s , a n d p r e f e r s w a r m , safe e n v i r o n m e n t s s u c h as l e c t u r e t h e a t r e s a n d l i b r a r i e s . M a l e s a n d f e m a l e s are difficult to distinguish, due to their similar habits of dress. However, males do vastly outnumber females. The result of this unbalanced distribution of the sexes is that a high proportion of normalis males have poor eyesight and have to wear s p e c t a c l e s . A l t h o u g h s o l i t a r y by n a t u r e , normalis occasionally joins a group of five to ten individuals to form a 'clique'. These cliques are u n c o m m u n i c a t i v e a n d w i t h d r a w n w h e n confronted by other individuals, and can often be seen sitting by themselves in a circle in a c o m m o n r o o m or bar. T h e s e g r o u p s are e x t r e m e l y b o r i n g , a n d the k e e n n a t u r a l i s t should not waste time observing them. T h e most c o m m o n variant after normalis is socialus, which accounts for between ten and t w e n t y p e r c e n t of the p o p u l a t i o n . T h i s colourful variant is friendly and affectionate. They are more adaptable than normalis, and have a c o n s e q u e n t l y m o r e d i v e r s e habitat. Rarely found in libraries, socialus can often be f o u n d in b a r s , p u b s , or the n o i s y c r o w d e d places w h i c h normalis avoids. T h i s variant would undoubtedly increase in numbers and bring about the extinction of normalis if it were not for the activity of the predator Examiner imperialis. This seasonal creature appears for a m o n t h in the early s u m m e r . W h e r e a s the habitat a n d behaviour of normalis makes it unappetising to the predator, poor socialus is highly v u l n e r a b l e , a n d the p o p u l a t i o n m a y be drastically reduced. (Indeed, the fear of the
p r e d a t o r m a y be so great that a s o c i a l u s i n d i v i d u a l m a y s p o n t a n e o u s l y r e v e r t to a normalis, becoming just as drab and boring, a n d f r e q u e n t i n g the s a m e h a b i t a t s . ) U n l i k e n o r m a l i s , w h e r e c o p u l a t i o n is u n k n o w n , s o c i a l u s m a y p r a c t i c e a p r i m i t i v e f o r m of sexual reproduction. T h e production of young is rare. Three other small but important varieties have been observed. T h e largest of these is vulgaris. T h i s evolved from socialus, but is u n d o u b t e d l y d e g e n e r a t e . T h e r e are one hundred and fifty or so individuals, each having its own distinctive behaviour pattern. Vulgaris, w h i c h is often f o u n d in the U n i o n B a r , is m o r p h o l o g i c a l l y d i s s i m i l a r to the o t h e r varieties, usually being thick-set a n d rather ugly. O n e interesting feature is that the right arm may be better developed than the left. This may be due to the unusual diet, which is high in liquid content. Other authorities believe that, like the eyesight of normalis males, it is due to the relative scarcity of females. Vulgaris c a n be o n e o n e of the m o s t i n t e r e s t i n g creatures for the,keen naturalist to study. O n e of Nature's most delightful spectacles is to see a vulgaris individual bend his head towards the ground, to hear the distinctive gurgle-splashgurlge splash sound that indicates that he is having, or rather, has just had, a good time. There are only four individuals of the fourth variant, Sabbaticalus. T h e y have a short lifecycle of only one year. Nothing useful can be said about them, other than that they make a lot of noise, out of all proportion to their size. T h e rarest variant is the m u c h sought after Eroticus. These females are highly attractive to males of all the o t h e r v a r i e t i e s . T h e y are extremely rare, and a live individual has not been recorded for many years. S o m e authorities claim the variety is extinct, and others claim it is a mythical creature that has never existed o u t s i d e the w a r p e d m i n d s of s o c i a l u s a n d vulgaris males. It is c l a i m e d , however, that t h e r e is a stuffed s p e c i m e n in the N a t u r a l History M u s e u m . This is hard to believe, since it is w e l l e s t a b l i s h e d t h a t it is v i r t u a l l y impossible to stuff such a female. In summary, it ca n be seen that Studentae imperialis is an extremely interesting creature. S o , for an exciting day out with the kids, get out the car and drive down Prince C o n s o r t Road. Remember, keep the windows closed, don't get out of the car, and definitely d o not feed them! Dave
Attenborough Life Sci 2
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FELIX. Cheers Bryan
camera film, photographic paper? WHY
We sell all types of film and paper bought direct from Kodak and Ilford in the
IC P H O T O S H O P OPEN ON TUESDAY between 12:30 and 1:00pm in the O l d Darkroom, Beit Qua d
Studentae Imperialis Vulgaris
Notice for Photosoc Print Competition entrants: The competition has been cancelled - It is hoped that your entries will be available for collection from thePhotoshop. 3
A Modest Reply From Justin Newland Two weeks ago, an essay entitled " T h e American-Iranian Conflict: Some Historical Perspectives" appeared in this magazine (FELIX Issue No 552, dated 9th May 1980). The following week, a number of letters criticising my article were published in FELIX. I should like to thank the Editor for allowing me this opportunity to reply to these criticisms. First of all, I humbly apologise to any and all Muslims whom I may have offended by describing their religion as Mohammedism, rather than Islam. This was entirely due to my ignorance. Now, the letter from Islamic Society kindly informs us that "the teachings of Islam . . . regard men and women ps
equal before
or judgements on the form, rather than intellectual or logical, or judgements on the content. But my article was not a poem; it was a serious attempt to examine the current American-Iranian struggle from both sides and to draw some historical analogies. Therefore, any aesthetic comments should have been supplementary to a review of the content of my work, and should have been confined to a single issue: whether the style was appropriate to the content. If I am to understand their aesthetic judgements correctly, writers in FELIX should use no metaphor, similie, or any literary embellishment save cliches, and G o d forbid if they should ever quote any foreign words and annotate these with their meanings. A n d eternal damnation to an author whose vocabulary forces his readers to pore over a dictionary. O n a personal note, I cannot believe that my essay offended Ms Ann-Marie Tomsett as much as her spiteful, vindictive letter wounded me.
While the italics are theirs, I would be more inclined to emphasise the word " r e g a r d " . Perhaps Islam regards equality in such a way that it bears an uncanny resemblance to gross inequality? Have you ever seen a Muslim man wearing a veil? Nonetheless, I did admire the nimble dexterity with which they have exploited the current situation: in the same letter, they tell us that "the aim" of sending us all their religious propaganda was not to disseminate the Muslim faith, but on the contrary, "was to clear many misconceptions about Islam, common in England". Indeed, I was interested to read in their 'Brief Guild to Islam' that "from dawn to sunset every day for thirty consecutive days . . . a Muslim voluntarily gives up eating, drinking and sexual habits". I wonder if they could explain why, in some M u s l i m countries, this "voluntary" activity is supported by legislation.
However, this same lady suggested that my essay should have been entitled " T h e American-Iranian Conflict: Some Personal Historical Perspectives". Allied to her objection that my work was " . . . opinionated . . . verbal tenesmus" (what the hell does that mean?), these arguments may seem like those of a fool whose bolt is soon shot. In fact, they raise an important issue. For example is the historical perspecitive called dialectical materialism (n.b. if I explain this theory, I'll be accused of verbosity, if not, then pomposity) a universal law, or merely one personal interpretation of history? I had always thought of looking at history as similar to looking at a panorama: some folk pick out this aspect, this detail, this tree, or this leaf, while others see the valley, the forest, and the landscape as a whole. Either way, the view is individual, and therefore bound to be opinonated.
Yet I fully realise that this is a captious objection to a faith which is a magnificent spiritual sanctuary, but whose articles, like those of Christianity, are being insistently questioned. Two critics commented on my literary style. May I ask them, was my essay merely a piece of prose, and nothing else? If so, then all criticisms should have been aesthetic,
Rotel RP 900 Turntable and Amstrad IC 2000 amplifier. Contact Jon Lloyd, Zoology Common Room or phone 385-6633.
N i k k o T R M 300 A m p £ 2 0 ; A m s t r a d equivalent cassette deck, £20. Both good condition. Contact
O n e C o b m a s t e r St M o r i t z R u c s a c , blue, mint condition (never used), £20; two Olympus P e a r l c o r d e r s S201 (mini-tape recorders) plus tapes, £30 each. Contact Bill Hamilton, Int 3536.
Hitachi stereo radio (3 band) cassette player. Mint condition, five months old, £90 ono. Contact L Susani
via Aero 2 Letter
S u z u k i G S 7 5 0 , 1977, rack H , headlight, phantom tyres, many new parts. Must sell, hence £890 Mech ono. Contact J R Padbury, Eng 3 or phone 387-9025 and ask for floor one room 13.
a Mr Stephen Goulder concerned my "libellous" accusation that the Western media is notoriously biased. I should say here that, as a good citizen, I believe everything I read in newspapers, down to the last monosyllable in the Sun. How can the British Press be slandered in such a way when, for example, just recently they unerringly explained to the curious British public just why the Day of Action had been called? G o d forbid! It would be like a ccusin g these honourable journalists of distracting the attention of the public from the central issue (ie, the present administration's iniquitous policies) by creating a ballyhoo about Len Murray's holiday. Indeed, the same critic thought that my conclusion "we must look beyond . . . the framework of international law for the eventual resolution of this crisis", did not account for the presence of the U N to deal with such situations. Well, I suppose they have managed it so well that they have already resolved the conflict, but are keeping it a secret for the time being? Like its illustrious predecessor, the League of Nations, whose mere existence did so much to halt the onset of the Second World War, the United Nations has feathered its cap by preventing the Suez crisis, the Korean and Vietnam wars, and a couple of Middle-East wars to boot. Seriously though, I accept that the U N may help resolve international quarrels once they have arisen, but are their conventions universally recognised, or, more to the point, are they never broken?
Another issue raised this time by
However, it was this alert gentleman who alone raised any fresh questions on the content of my essay. His realistic analysis, as far as it went, was excellent, but in some places, dogmatic. At one point, he states that: " I f the Americans agreed to the terms demanded this would then put every foreign embassy in the world at risk." Here he fails to establish
Honda XL125, S Reg 6,000m. As new, rack, road use only, £340
.35 Rotring drawing pen and .25 nib. £3.50 for both. Contact G B
ono. Contact M Sanders, ME3 or Room 11 12 Hughes Parry Hall, 387-8417/8109.
Three heat fan electric heater, 230/240 V A C . In best condition, £12; Automatic Iron, 220/240 V A C 500w, £3; Small transistor radio with an A C adaptor, model ITT-KB-TINY with MW and LW, £4; Ironing board, good condition, £1; S u p e r S k e t c h drawing instrument to enlarge and reduce pictures and maps, £3. Contact arshid Navidi, CCD3, 5r phone 221-7230.
Honda CB200, T reg, 5000 miles very good condition, rack and paniers, new chain, £470 ono; Olympia electric typewriter, office model recently serviced. Includes cushioned base, mains lead, cover. £200 ono. Contact Dave Ghani, 57746.
Personal Dave, do you fancy a bit of i n D u l c h e J u b i l o ' this S u n d a y evening? Jenny
OSC/ICIS D I S C O with Grand Raffle
Sat 7 June 8:30pm in the J C R Tickets priced £1.00 available from O S C and Union Office.
the principle motive of the Iranian students in occupying the American Embassy in Tehran; originally, this was to force the US to extradite the ex-Shah back to Iran, where he would face a treason trial. Incidentally, new evidence seems to suggest that one reason the Americans refused to comply with this demand was that the ex-Shah had enormous dollar holdings in the US While I do not have the space to comment on some other pertinent criticisms raised by Mr Goulder, I will say this: in my opinion, it is now irrelevant whether the Americans accede to the terms of the Iranian students, in so far as the current vogue in terrorism has shifted from plane-hijacking to attacking embassies. Finally, any discerning reader of my original article will have realised that I deliberately adopted a stance of non-alignment; hence the criticisms levelled against me by both sides. I repeat my claim that the one positive common factor shared by the American and Iranian people is that they are each and all members of the human race. Thus it is the springs of humanism that must eventually join these, and all, peoples together. At the risk of provoking the derision and hostility of some of my readers, I will couch my concluding remarks in a figure of speech. It is only when every country's belief in the U N , or some other institution embodying the principles of humanism, has been nourished by the rains of time that the flower of universal peace and equality will prosper. Until then, we must endure the stench of wars, the sickness of the Third W o r l d , the starvation of millions, and the most nauseous sight on this earth . . .the suffering of children. -
Members and part-time workers at the Third Feathers Club in Earls Court have occuppied the premises in protest against the sacking of Richie McMullan, a youth leader at the club. Richie is gay and the management have privately admitted to him that that is the reason for his sacking. The Campaign for H o m o s e x u a l Equality and the National Council for Civil Liberties are supporting the campaign to get him reinstated. Support at the occupation by IC students would be welcomed, particularly during the day (there are quiet rooms to revise in!). Anyone wishing to help should go along to the c l u b : 17 Bramham Gardens, SW5 or contact Mary Attenborough (ext 4338).
JUST A SEC T h a n k y o u all for turning up to the A n n u a l G e n e r a l Meeting, it was indeed good to see the place full. The social and athletic awards, which were announced then, are printed in this edition of FELIX. If you ai;e on the list you may purchase from the Bookshop a tie or pendant. However, don't rush along now, wait for a certificate to be sent to you in the internal post. This must be presented when you go to buy it. Congratulations to you all. Union General Awards were presented to Chris Fox, Malcolm Brain, Bill Robertson (Senior Assistant Registrar at C o l l e g e since 1967), T i m Hillyer and myself. Your comments on the French kids completely backed up my own thoughts. " A pain in the arse" was the phrase I heard most around Southside. Since then I have taken the matter to the Union Council Meeting, held last Monday, and the Union does not support any profit making venture which* is to the inconvenience of students. Clearly this means the French kids if you are studying in your room for exams. A letter has been sent to the Refectory Chairman. I have been asked to inform you that members of the College have been invited by the Mayor-elect of South Kensington and Chelsea to attend the Civic Service at St Mary Abbots C h u r c h at 11:15am on Sunday 1st June. T h a t ' s all for this week, except have a good B a n k Holiday. Roger Stotesbury
S O C I A L C O L O U R A W A R D S 1979/80 SESSION
RAG Ruth Langford Steve Tyson Barney McCabe Annie Lathaen (RA) Rae Snee (RA) Dave Hardwick
ACC Roger Davey Pat Dunleavy (RA) Charles De Bono Cyril Knowles Andy Pearce Suki Kalirai Johnson Afilaka
ACADEMIC Bob Bradley Gary Nichols (RA)
ICCAG J Beasley Mike Smith Sunila Nimalasuriya Fiona Sinclair WELFARE Shona Ward (Nightline) M Arthur (RA) (Accommodation) ICWA Merche Clark (RA) E X T E R N A L AFFAIRS Chris Webb John Passmore
OSC Dr Leo Pyle (OSC) Dince Mitlie (Turkish) Ella Shum (Chinese) K Y Tan (Chinese) K Y Lam (Chinese) Mr Shah (Pakistan) K-R Ansah (Afro-Caribbean) Nick Lambrou (Hellenic) George Mitstoulis (Hellenic) F Gouzales (Latin-American) Avijit Chakravant (India) Ishwaran Rajendram (OSC) Christopher Sivaprakasam (OSC) Aftab Gujral (OSC) S Saboury (Iran) PUBLICATIONS BOARD Lars Wernberg-Meller (FELIX) Ian Morse (RA) (FELIX) Jeremy Nunns (ICR/FELIX) Rob Shepherd (ICR) Roger Edwards (ICR) Keith Renton (ICR)) Simon Milner (ICR) Adrian Jeakins (STOIC) Grant Richmond (STOIC) Alistair Knight (STOIC) Mark Smith (Phoenix) Sean Giblin (Phoenix). Jon Firth (RA) (Pub Board) COLLEGE Brian Lloyd-Davies (College Admin) Neil Vincent (Electrician) George Targett (Cleaners) Loretto O'Callaghan (Day Bookings) Bill Robertson (Registry) George (Estates)
ICU H A N D O V E R A G M Last Tuesday's ICU A G M was held in the Concert Hall. About 200 students were at the meeting. The Officer's reports were printed in a special edition of E X E C NEWS and after these were discussed, social and athletics colours were announced. Members of staff were then given their social colours and the Union General Awards were presented. Âť The post of U G M Chairman was handed over to Jon Firth and the meeting moved on to the motions. A successful attempt was made to change the order of the Agenda. The motion on the Boat Club (see letter from Jo Armitage on page 2) was heard. After one speech for and against the motion, the meeting moved to a vote. At this point the quorum was successfully chalenged and the meeting continued in the Queens. RSMU Paul Gerrard Trevor Fletcher Bernard Pryor (EO) Prof Peter Pratt Andrew Lewis C&GU Bryan Stephenson Jamie Atkinson Jo Armitage (EO) (RA)
-Margaret Bell (RA) (WLC) OGreene (Amnesty International) Mark Brown (Industrial Society) L Herbert (Catholic Society) Kieron Brennan (Catholic Society) Jan Czernuszka (Soc Soc) :) Dilip Gunawardera (Labour Soc) Peter Dodd (Methodist Soc) Ian Hanley (RA) (Methodist Soc) Sean Kelly (PATA)
SCAB David Britton (Folk Club) Mark Wiszowaty (Dramsoc) Mike Town (Dramsoc) Nick Moran (Dramsoc) Roger Nichols (Opsoc) Tom Carlstedt Duke (Stage) Jon Griffin (Jazz) RCC Ken Haley (RA) (Stage) Andy Walker (Hot Air Balloon) Duncan Jarvis (Opsoc) Pete Dickinson (RA) (Hot Air Balloon) Brian Cresswell (Ents) Chris Golding (Hang Gliding) Edward Richards (Music/SCAB) Al Dempsey (Hang Gliding) Graham Hill (Jazz) Geoff Keymer (Billiards & Snooker) Tony Cox (Jazz) Sanjit Teelock (Billiards & Snooker) Neil Smith (Jazz) Steve Jeans (Billiards & Snooker) Pravin Patel (Film Soc) Dewe Nuttall (Billiards & Snooker) Sue McClaughry (Choir) Jeremy Wyndham (Bridge Club) Hunter Danskin (Choir) Neil Beresford (Surf Club) Andy Cheyne (SCAB) John Savage (Ham Soc) Richard Dickins (Conductor) Russell Whitworth (Ham Soc) John Freeman (Chess Club) OTHERS Andy Jobling (Wine Tasting) John Anderson (Services) Paul Minton (Gliding Club) Dave Ashforth (Chaplin) T Hillyer (Ext/FEUX/ACC/WUS) Guy Buckley (Dancing Club) Roger Stotesbury (RA) (Exec) T Cook (EMG) Steve Marshall (Phoenix/Rag) Nick Towers (Underwater) Michael Sandwith (KCOS) Andy Cameron (Underwater) Kirsten Pratt (Rag/Academic) John Tidy (RCC) Jo Armitage (RA) (Exec) Roger Brugge (RA) (RCC) S Morrison (RCC/Mountaineering) Malcolm Brain (RA) (Exec) Chris Fox (RA) (Exec) Rick Kirman (Book Buyer) SCC Gene Wilson (Silwood) Henry Rzepa (SCC) JWhitehouse(ICCAG/TWSetc) * Frank James (RA) (SCC) John Samworth (Bookshop) Essam Zaghlotte (Islamic) G Dearmer (PWP/Ext/Liberal Club) Ali Mahdmina (Islamic) Kevin Courtney (Soc Soc/External) El Saie (Islamic) Philip Cole (Ext/Liberal Club) Karen Harget (WLC) RCSU Martin Watson Elizabeth Lindsay Sean O'Boyle (EO) Barney McCabe Mo Misra (RA)
A T H L E T I C C O L O U R S 1979/80 SESSION
Association Football F u l l C o l o u r s : A H a r a l a m p o u s ( M a t h s 3); I S t e v e n s o n ( M e t 3); K R e e v e ( C h e m 3); G B r e r e t o n ( E O ) ( M e c h E n g 3). H a l f C o l o u r s : A B e t t s ( A e r o 3); D D e a n ( M e c h E n g P G ) ; C H e n d y ( B i o 1); M K e n r i c k ( R A ) ( M e c h ( E n g 3); G " R i c k a r d ( R A ) ( P h y s i c s 3).
C o l o u r s : T Kakas
Sailing F u l l C o l o u r s : «I W i l l i a m s ( M e c h E n g 2); K A n d r e w s ( E O ) ( M e c h E n g 3). H a l f C o l o u r s : A B e a n y ( M a n S c i ) ; J B a x t e r ( P h y s 1); C M u r r a y ( M i n 2); N A j d e r i a n ( M e c h E n g 1).
Basketball ( E O ) ; M Ainsle.
B o a t (1978/79) Full C o l o u r s : A Dyson; M Johnson (EO). Half C o l o u r s : W e i r ; A B u r g e s s ; N R a y ; G G r i f f i t h s; J S c o u l a r .
Fencing F u l l C o l o u r s : D C r i s p ( P h y s i c s 2); G K a y e ( E O ) (Elec E n g 2). H a l f C o l o u r s : P C o l e m a n ( P h y s i c s P G ) ; V B r o w n (Life S c i 3); P B i r d (Elec E n g 1). Golf F u l l C o l o u r s : R Pullen ( E O ) (Physics P G ) . H a l f C o l o u r s : A H a r t l e y ( M e c h E n g 3); P J o h n s o n ( C i v E n g 2). H o c k e y (Mens) F u l l C o l o u r s : I C r o w e ( M i n 2); C D e b a r r ( M i n 3); P W e b b ( E O ) ( M e c h E n g 2). H a l f C o l o u r s : P H u g h e s ( P h y s 2); R D a v e y ( M e c h E n g 2); G F o r b e s ( C i v E n g 1). H o c k e y (Ladies) F u l l C o l o u r s : F H o o d ( C i v E n g 3); A O v e r s b y ( M e c h E n g 3); J T o w n s ( E O ) (Life S c i 3). H a l f C o l o u r s : C C r o s s l e y ( P h y s i c s 3); A B u r n i p (Life S c i 3). Judo F u l l C o l o u r s : T O ' B r i e n ( E O ) ( P h y s i c s 2); H M c C u l l o c h (Life S c i 3); M H o d g s o n ( M i n P G ) . H a l f C o l o u r s : N A u d i n ( C h e m 1); M W e e d e n ( C h e m 1); S M a t t h e w s ( C C D P G ) ; N B u s k e l l ( A e r o P G ) ; A Hope (Aero P G ) . Kung F u F u l l C o l o u r s : F Sadreshemi; 1 Seward (EO). H a l f C o l o u r s : J S a v a g e ( P h y s i c s 2); J D i x o n ( P h y s i c s 1); D P o s t i l l ; S I n g r a m (Aero
Rifle a n d Pistol F u l l C o l o u r s : J E v a n s ( M e c h E n g 3); E C h r i s t i e ( M i n 3); L W e r n b e r g - M e l l e r ( M a t h s 3); R M a r g e t t s ( M e c h E n g P G ) ; J B l o o m f i e l d ( R A ) ( M e c h E n g 3); A J o l l e y s ( R A ) ( P h y s i c s P G ) ; P E a s t e r f i e l d ( R A ) ( P h y s i c s 3); A R e e v e ( E O ) ( M a t h s 3). H a l f C o l o u r s : J S a c k e t t ( M e c h E n g 2); D S l e a t h ( M e c h E n g 1); J T u n n a r d ( M i n 3); A P e a r c e ( C h e m E n g 3); C D a r l i n g ( M i n 3).
The U L U Students' Representative Council held its A G M on Tuesday. The Sabbaticals' reports included discussion on the 23% (average) increase in Intercollegiate Hall fees for next session; the Government's award of a paltry £1.6 million support for overseas postgraduate students, and changes in the course unit system. (As from the 1980 intake students will need to pass nine units, not eight, for validation of degrees, a move stimulated by engineering departments which unlike ours use units). The U L U constitution is under review; the aims of the review body being firstly to make the Sabbaticals more accountable (currently they are responsible to only the annual joint assembly of Sports, Societies and S R C ) . Secondly, some reorganisation of the interrelationship of the three councils is needed, to ease administrative and financial problems.
Rugby Full C o l o u r s : S Townsend (EO); J Chandler; E Budgen; P D u n l e a v y ; R P u l l e n ; R D a v i e s (R). H a l f C o l o u r s : J A u s t i n , W Burgoyne; A Lorans; J Manzoni; R Smart; D Waboso; A Warby; P Ratcliffe.
Skiing F u l l C o l o u r s : F Hofmann (Bot P G ) ; P Smith (EO). H a l f C o l o u r s : J M c F a r l a n e ( B o t P G ) ; M J o n e s ( C h e m E n g 2); N A t k i n s o n ( C h e m E n g 2). Orienteering F u l l C o l o u r s : S Kirk (EO). H a l f C o l o u r s : A Britton; A Maynard; A Parker; C Smith; K Warren; N Watmough. Swimming and Water Polo F u l l C o l o u r s : P M i l l s ( E O ) ; N B u c k l a n d ( M i n T e c h 3); D R o b e r t s ( M e c h E n g 2); B A s k w i n ( C i v E n g 1). H a l f C o l o u r s : P P o r t e r ( P h y s i c s 2); P T h w a i t e s ( M i n 3); N L a s t ( P h y s i c s 1); D Papaconstantinov (Mech E n g P G ) . Table Tennis F u l l C o l o u r s : P Rutherford (EO); K Lakhani. H a l f C o l o u r s : A Cowling. Ten P i n Bowling F u l l C o l o u r s : J Knight (Mech E n g 2); B M a c G o w a n (EO). H a l f C o l o u r s : S C o x ( C C D 3); R C o o k ( M i n 1); T H i l l y e r ( M a t h s 3). Volleyball Full Colours: M Young (EO). Half C o l o u r s : C Wachincki (Mech Eng P G ) ; B Hermansson ( C C DP G ) ;A Cuiksza (Chem Eng P G ) . Cross Country F u l l C o l o u r s : I Morton; S Kirk; M Pickard; E Cameron. C o l o u r s : M Thwaites; G L o n g h u r s t (R).
Yacht F u l l C o l o u r s : A P e a r c e ( E O ) . H a l f C o l o u r s : S M a n n i n g (Elec E n g 1). C r i c k e t (1978/79) F u l l C o l o u r s : Steve Toplis ( E O ) ; M i k e Pitts; Paul T o m l i n s o n ; P a u l S t a n t i f o r d ; M a r t i n F u r n i s h . H a l f C o l o u r s : R i c h a r d Fifield; Nick Morton; Mano.
The annual S C R Executive report made plain the problems encountered by the six faculty senators in trying to improve contact with AAOs in their respective faculties. This is important, because these students are our contact with the Senate of the University, giving us all another line of representation, which at the moment is very under used. The rest of the Exec reported work on Student Grants (based on Bernard Smith's paper), Libraries and Lecturer Training. The elections of next year's executive were then ratified, including: John Passmore
Chris Webb — Senator for Science &
Bernard Smith — Executive
Motions debated were as follows: 1. A motion from» Chelsea College Union condemning the promotion deal done by NUS with Philip Morris Tobacco C o (Marlboro, etc). Helen Connors, the National Treasurer, turned
up to defend both the deal and the secretive manner in which it was arranged, explaining that it was designed simply to help finance student film societies. The motion was passed overwhelmingly nonetheless. 2. ICU's Human Rights policy was passed after some debate, centred on the clause containing the assertion that "the family is the natural and fundamental unit group of society . . . " Frank James finally explaining that families were natural in the most literal anthropological sense of the word. 3. The final motion passed proposed by Q M C Union on the Chix Chewing Gum dispute; this concerns the basic right of workers to join a Trade Union. The meeting closed due to inquoracy (a very rare event) before the motion concerning smoking during S R C meetings could be discussed. Chris
^7M (U, Irvin Kershner) D e s p i t e the a v a l a n c h e of p o s t S t a r W a r s rip-offs, the s e q u e l m u s t be o n e of the m o s t eagerly a w a i t e d films of all t i m e . F o r t h o s e of y o u w h o e n j o y e d the o r i g i n a l , I c a n a s s u r e y o u that T h e E m p i r e w o n ' t be in the least d i s a p p o i n t i n g . T h e original cast r e t u r n in their familiar roles a l o n g w i t h a few interesting newcomers. D a r t h V a d e r , h a v i n g s u r v i v e d t h e d e s t r u c t i o n of the D e a t h S t a r , is o u t for r e v e n g e . H e e v e n t u a l l y finds the s e c r e t r e b e l b a s e o n the ice planet H o t h , w h e r e L u k e , H a n , the P r i n c e s , et al are h i d i n g . T h e y are a t t a c k e d i n s p e c t a c u l a r style by h u g h m e c h a n i c a l w a l k i n g ' t a n k s ' — a real t r i u m p h for the effects t e a m of G e o r g e L u c a s . In the c o n f u s i o n L u k e t a k e s R 2 - D 2 off t o t h e m a r s h w o r l d of D a g o b a h , w h e r e h e is t u t o r e d by Y o d a , a n 800 y e a r o l d J e d i m a s t e r . Y o d a is n o s t r a p p i n g h e r o t h o u g h ; the c h a r a c t e r w a s c r e a t e d by M u p p e t m a n F r a n k O z a n d is r a t h e r like a c r o s s b e t w e e n G o n z o the G r e a t a n d a hobbit. M e a n w h i l e the o t h e r s e s c a p e i n the Millenium Falcon through an asteroid s t o r m , agai n utilising a series of magnificent s p e c i a l effects. T h e i r p a t h s eventually c o n v e r g e o n the c l o u d c i t y of B e s p i n , w h e r e D a r t h V a d e r f i n a l l y confronts L u k e .
T h e n e w c o m e r s are L a n d o C a l r i s s i a n , a n o l d f r i e n d of H a n S o l o a n d the m e r c e n a r y B o b a F e t t . L a n d o t u r n s o u t t o be q u i t e a h e r o , b u t little is m a d e of B o b a F e t t w h o will o b v i o u s l y figure p r o m i n e n t l y i n t h e n e x t e p i s o d e of the saga. In t r u e S t a r W a r s s t y l e , t h e plot is a non-stop action r o m p which p r e t e n d s t o be n o t h i n g but e n t e r t a i n i n g . A little l o v e interest filters i n , but t o my m i n d the outstanding strongpoint of t h e film is the s p e c i a l effects. T h e w o o d e n a c t i n g pales i n t o i n s i gn i f i c an ce w h e n s u p p o r t e d b y the s t u n n i n g
illusions, w h i c h are
Hoth. created
and Boba
M a g i c . T h e s p a c e c r a f t w e a v e in a n d o u t of a s t e r o i d s a n d s w o o p d o w n into c r a t e r s ; -the d i n o s a u r - l i k e t a u n t a u n s r u n freely a c r o s s t h e s n o w of H o t h a n d s p a r k s fly as light s a b e r s c l a s h a g a i n . A l l great stuff. F i n a l l y , the c o n f u s i n g bit. If y o u t h o u g h t S t a r W a r s w a s the b e g i n n i n g of the s a g a t h e n y o u ' r e w r o n g ; L u c a s
is planning a NINE part saga in w h i c h S t a r W a r s a n d T h e E m p i r e are p a r t s 4 a n d 5. T h e s e will be f o l l o w e d by " R e v e n g e O f T h e J e d i " , pa r t 6. T h e n t w o o t h e r trilogies are p l a n n e d ; 1 to 3 explain V a d e r ' s development a n d 7 t o 9 will p r o b a b l y be t h e d o w n f a l l of t h e E m p i r e . It's difficult t o see h o w l o n g t h e a p p e a l will last, b u t at the m o m e n t I c a n ' t wait t o see t h e n e x t i n s t a l m e n t . S o until the Revenge O f The Jedi . . . . M T F B W Y (pure c o r n ) . Mark
Industrial Light
Foreign Oskar Winners Two other films well worth mentioning are The Tin Drum (X, Odeon Haymarket) and Get Out Your Handkerchiefs (X, Curzon), both of which won oscars for the best foreign film. The former concerns the development of Nazi Germany as seen through the eyes of Oskar, a three year old boy of uncanny talents. Not only does he refuse to grow up, but he has a glass shattering scream. The film is quite fascinating, but drags in places. Better, however, is the latter. A young man decides to give his wife away to another man in order to make her smile, which eventually leads to further affairs with a neighbour and then a very nasty child genius, The humour is stylish and at times very subtle. V e r y enjoyable, indeed. Mark Smith
Phil Collins
4mm In 1968, a group of public schoolboys from Charterhouse, Surrey, approached a music company with some tapes of songs they'd written at school. Nine years later, their band was simultaneously "Best British Band" and "Best Live Band in the World" in the Melody Maker Readers' Poll. This Sunday at 5, Simon Milner presents Focus on Genesis, part one, tracing the careers of the band and its members from 1968 to the departure of Peter Gabriel in 1975. The second part, bringing the story up to date, will be broadcast the following Sunday at 5.
IC RADIO TOP TWENTY 19th M a y 1980 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, 10 11 12 13. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 f
<i) (2) (3) (14) (12) (4) (7) (5) (-) (9) (-) (20) (6) (-) (18) (10) (13) (19) (-) (-)
The Cure — A Forest Pete Townshend — Rough Boys Peter Gabriel — No Self Control Genesis — Duchess Graham Parker — Stupefaction Undertones — My Perfect Cousin New Musik — This World Of Water Squeeze — Pulling Mussels From The Shell Kate Bush — Breathing Steel Pulse — Don't Give In Shakin' Street — Susie Wong Phoenix — Juliet Boz Scaggs — Breakdown Dead Ahead Paul McCartney — Coming Up Delta Five — You Jona Lewie — YouH Always Find Me In The . . . . Rodney Franklin — -The Grove The Only Ones — Fools E L O — I'm Alive Elton John — Little Jeanie
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CRICKET IC SUNDAY XI vs BAYGREEN Skipper Price won the toss for the sixth consecutive time, this time using the d o u b l e - t a i l e d c o i n to maintain his unbeaten run this season (despite winning the toss every game, though, he's only won one match, drawn one, and lost the rest). He elected to bat on a beautiful summer's afternoon. Forshaw soon sacrificed his wicket by being stumped for 1. Then Chadwick came in and dominated an hour long partnership of 72 with his contribution of 15. Meanwhile at the other end, Stantiford was showing a bit more calm and composure with his batting. He took 58 minutes to reach his 50, being dropped only once on the longon b o u n d a r y . He was j o i n e d by Morton after Chadwick was caught, and the crowd were treated to two vastly different styles of batting. Stantiford was punishing the bowling with his usual textbook-style shots whilst Morton, showing his forming background demonstrated most of the shots that you wouldn't find in textbooks. Stantiford reached his 100 in just two hours and finally finished up with 127 N O, including four 6s and twelve 4s whilst Morton scraped a meagre 61 N O in his ninety minutes at the crease. C o n s e q u e n t l y P r i c e was a b l e to declare at 210 for 2 at ten (reluctantly, though, because he had lost the two games in which he had previously declared).
WHAT'S ON FRIDAY 23rd M A Y IC Christian Union Meeting, 6:30pm i n the M u s i c R o o m , 53 P r i n c e s G a t e . talk o n ' G o d ' s G r a c e ' .
i n R o o m 1110
(level 11) E l e c t r i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g b e t w e e n 12:30 a n d 1:30pm.
W E D N E S D A Y 28 M A Y Graffitti 'At Home' b e t w e e n 12:30 a n d 1:00 i n t h e Graffitti W o r k s h o p , 2 n d F l o o r , West Staircase, Union.
T H U R S D A Y 29th M A Y STOIC
transmission at 12:45pm a n d
again at 6 : 0 0 p m . Break.
Meeting at 1 2 : 3 0 p m a b o v e S t a n ' s B a r .
T U E S D A Y 27th M A Y Riding Club Meeting
Senkiw and Morton o p e n e d the throwing after ten. The former, although ageing, showed plenty of class and was most unlucky not to get a wicket in his o p e n i n g s p e l l . T h e latter, Morton, with a wider variety of short balls and long hops down the leg side managed to pick up the wicket caught by his partner Stantiford behind the stumps. The next bowler brought into the fray was tennis player, Middelboe. He boweld with great spirit, if not skill and took a wicket in his mammoth four over stint. Next we were treated to a truly breathtaking display of the art of spin-bowling, by Myers and Price. Myers bowled over 11 overs, 1 for 30, the wicket being a diving catch by the s k i p p e r at m i d - o f f . P r i c e , keeping his spinning ball for every 10th over, managed with deceptive use of flight and pace to take four wickets for 44 runs off 15 overs, all of them being cuaght off half v o l l e y s just outside the off stump. Despite these breakthroughs and the re-introduction of Senkiw into the attack, Baygreen held on to a draw and finished on 137 for 7. Forshaw helped Baygreen by very ably dropping 2 catches in the slips off Senkiw's bowling. The evening was crudely rounded off by Morton, Stantiford and Middelboe suggesting various poetic phrases for the skipper to write on his 'good luck' card to, as Morton, put it, his 'passion flower'! T e a m (only 10): P r i c e , M o r t o n , Stantiford, Maguire, Clark, Chadwick, Senkiw, Myers, Middelboe and Forshaw.
Union Meeting i n t h e
M u s i c R o o m , 53 P r i n c e s G a t e at 6 : 3 0 p m . W i t h talk o n ' G o d N o w ' by V e r n o n Blackmore.
IC may have lost University Challenge, but C & G Aerosoc won Aeronautical Challenge. Aeronautical Challenge is an annual competition run by the Graduate and Students Section of the Royal Aeronautical Society with the same format as University Challenge. Teams of three, from each of the four London sub-sections (Imperial, Queen Mary, City and Kingston Poly) competed against each other, answering questions on aeronautical subjects. In the first round Imperial beat Kingston Poly by 170 to 50 points and in the final we beat City by 130 to 60 points. The team consisted of Mike Napier (Aero 2), Paul Butcher (Aero 2) and Huw Robert (Aero 2). Once again, this confirms the high standing of Aeronautics students at IC. Merrie Mannassi (Chairman)
BOAT CLUB Nottingham City Regatta Over the weekend, the majority of the Boat Club were competing in the Two Day Nottingham City Regattas, held on the Glare international course at the National Watersports Centre. The 1st VIII had a weekend of mixed fortunes. Competing in the Senior 'A' event on Saturday, their only opposition came from Durham University. However, the crew had a bad row and were beaten by about two lengths. Sunday, however, was a different story, and despite being down in the first part of their final they rowed w e l l , a n d eventually rowed through to win by just over a length'from Lady Margaret B C Cambridge. The 2nd VIII, qualified easily for the final of the Senior ' C Vllls event, by finishing third in their heat. A good start gave them an early lead in the final, which they increased throughout the race, to win by about three to four lengths. On Sunday, suffering from the night before, and competing in a higher class, they were fifth in the Senior 'B' Vllls final. The most unfortunate competition of the w e e k e n d was n o v i c e S c u l l e r Alistair Rowe. On Saturday he finished second In his final and seemed about certain to win the same event on Sunday. However, with about a minute to go in Sunday's final, as he was taking the lead, equipment failure robbed him of victory. The Ladies Senior 'B' IV, had a very hard race with a Hereford RC crew in their Saturday final, but just managed to hold them off to win by about half a length. On Sunday, they had to row in the Unclassified IVs event, where they came up against a potential international crew from Thames R C . The girls rowed well to keep in touch for the first half of the race, eventually l o s i n g by a b o u t f o u r l e n g t h s to Thames, but beating a Nottingham BC crew. A Ladies Seniro ' C IV and a Ladies Novice IV were also entered for the Sunday event, but neither of the crews rowed as well as they can, with the Senior ' C IV losing to a very good Wallingford School crew. Winning Crews Senior 'A' Vllls (Sunday): Bill Bradbury (bow), Steve Webb, Matt Pritchard, Chris Geary, T o n y Reynolds, J o h n Urry, Richard Fearnheard, Miles Fellows (stroke), Steve Crampton (cox). S e n i o r ' C V l l l s (Saturday): Bob Maddocks (bow), Steve Collier, Ed Hobhouse, Chris Adams, Paul Gerrard, Pete Allen, Tim Joslin, Pete Maysey (stroke), Ian Simpson (cox). Ladies S e n i o r ' B ' IV (Saturday): Angela Burgess (bow), Gwen Griffiths, Nonie Ray, Cathy Wein (stroke), Steve Cramptan (cox). 9
EDITORIAL Practical joke fails to amuse Police On Sunday residents from Weeks Hall drew an outline of a body on the pavement outside their Hall. The added some tomato ketchup and surrounded the figure with barriers. A local resident phoned the Police and they questioned some of the students who live in the hall. The Week's security guard stayed with the students while they were being questioned.
FINNISTON R E P O R T I have had a bitterly disappointing response to* my enquiries about the views of the students in City and Guilds College on the Finniston Report. Our original plan was to formu'ite a student response to be sent to the Department of Industry at the beginning of April, but with a mere 18 replies from our 2,316 s t u d e n t s we c o u l d h a r d l y be representative, but IT IS N O T T O O LATE. Mr Richard Morris, who is to organise the conference on Engineering Education, the offical reply to Finniston, to be held in October, has expressed a keen interest to hear our students' views and so we are once again aiming to produce a student response. So please keep your comments, criticisms, and ideas on the Finniston Report rolling into the Guilds Union Office, Mech Eng Dept anytime until the end "of term. It is obviously important that we, as students of the foremost engineering institution in the country, voice our opinon effectively. Thank You Jo Armitage President C & G U
The incident, last Saturday, indicates how easy it is for unauthorised people to get into Southside. The architectural design of the building adds to the problem. There are 3 entrances and it is almost impossible to stop a determined person from entering the building.
Massive scores o n Asteroids machine On Wednesday night, students scored a high set of points on the Asteroids machine in Southside. The above photograph of the top ten high scores table shows that IC students are getting pretty good at the game. When will we challenge other London colleges?
Moving on to other less serious events. The FELIX Motor Rally takes place on Sunday 15th June. If you are interested, please contact your C C U President. The Rally takes the form of a simple treasure hunt round London. Teams of 2 to 5 members. The winning team have their nan.es enscribed on the FELIX Rally pot in the Union Bar. I would like to thank Martin Watson for his help in organising the event. Last Tuesday the ICU A G M voted that ICU should buy 200 copies per week of London Student next year. The paper hoped that we would buy
The Badge Soc Bit The Badge Society A G M took place last Friday in the Bridge Room, as the Green Committee Room was shut. The attendance wasn't quite as high as expected with many of our keener members being unable to make it. However, the elections went without hitch with the following people taking the major posts unopposed. Chairthingy
Secretary - Dave Postill Treasurer - Dave Greenwood The remaining two posts, Coordinating Committee members, will be decided at the first general meeting of next term. Membership for next year will be on sale soon, price 50p, and there will also be a competition to design the members badge, so get thinking! Have Fun. John Whitehouse
Men's and Women's Shirts and Tee Shirts
more and London Student will need to have many large orders from other colleges if it is to survive. What do think of London Student? Please write to FELIX with your views. Thank-you to Marie-Therese, Jeremy Nunns and Tim Hillyer for paste ups. Ian for impatiently waiting for eight hours while we rearranged the front page. Once again Mickie lias been a great help with printing photographs. Steve Groves has been helping print up pics for the review of the year. On page 3 of this issue I have included one of the photos from the Rugby tour of Holland .... there'll be lots more special photos in the review of the year! Cheers to Justin Newland for writing another article this week. Mark Smith enjoyed 'The Empire Strikes Back' and 1 hope you do too. Congratulations to everyone who was awarded colours. Colin Palmer FELIX Editor
The L o n d o n Student
ONLYSOp! Indian
Office at IC will be closed next Silverstone Auctioneers week and will re212 Brick Lane open on EI (on the corner of Bethnal Monday 2nd June Green Rd and Brick Lane) (11:00 — 2:00) Only open Sundays The Main Office at between 9:00 and 1:00 111 Euston Road For further details will be opened as see Annie in the Union Office normal £1.50
The Fox Strikes Back Inarticulate—Life in a Fox hole " A n d n o w , " as F r a n k (the b l u e - e y e d one) h a s oft s a i d , " t h e e n d i s n e a r " . L a s t T u e s d a y ' s A G M , a l t h o u g h h e r a l d i n g that o c c u r r e n c e is n o t h o w e v e r t h e finale. I'm still p r e s s y u n t i l the e n d of J u n e , w h i c h m e a n s I still have to w o r k a n d write F E L I X a r t i c l e s (or i n a r t i c l e s ) . Firstly, I must express my s o r r o w and h b r r o r o v e r t h e o c c u r r e n c e last S a t u r d a y . A n y a c t i o n t h a t n o w f o l l o w s will be s h u t t i n g the s t a b l e d o o r after t h e h o r s e h a s b o l t e d , b u t it i s i m p o r t a n t t h a t S o u t h s i d e a n d B e i t are n o w m a d e m o r e s e c u r e . C o l l e g e are c u r r e n t l y m a k i n g internal investigations, I C U C o u n c i l has c a l l e d for a R e c t o r ' s W o r k i n g P a r t y t o be set u p i m m e d i a t e l y to m a k e r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s b y the e n d of J u n e . In t h e m e a n t i m e it lies w i t h t h e r e s i d e n t s of H a l l s a n d H o u s e s , male a n d female, to be b o t h more vigilant a n d more careful. T h e r e m u s t be n o f u r t h e r r e p e a t s of i n c i d e n t s of this k i n d .
Staff O n e of m y j o b s as P r e s i d e n t , w h i c h n o t m a n y p e o p l e realise is as a n e m p l o y e r . I n c l u d i n g the F E L I X staff, the u n i o n e m p l o y s s e v e n p e o p l e , a l l of w h o m are e x c e l l e n t , t h e r e b y r e n d e r i n g m y j o b far easier t h a n it m i g h t be. T h i s is just to r e m i n d y o u , that w h e t h e r y o u be in the U n i o n O f f i c e , the W e l f a r e C e n t r e o r the F E L I X Office t o treat t h o s e p e o p l e w h o
It t h e n w e n t o n t o s p e n d h o u r s d i s c u s s i n g F i n n i s t o n a n d U L U , at w h i c h point C o u n c i l became inquorate and ended. B e f o r e the e n d C o u n c i l h a d d i s c u s s e d b o a t s a n d S o u t h A f r i c a n s , the p r o p o s a l by C o l l e g e t o b u i l d a n e w hall of r e s i d e n c e at S i l w o o d w h i c h the r e s i d e n t s are n o t t o o k e e n a b o u t , a n d lots of o t h e r t h i n g s .
maintain the Union, despite people like
W U S Third World Scholarship
m e , w i t h the r e s p e c t t h e y d e s e r v e . F a i l u r e t o d o s o in the past h a s l e d t o d i s c i p l i n a r y action.
N o t e s w e r e sent to all a c a d e m i c staff a s k i n g for d o n a t i o n s s o far the r e s p o n s e has been g o o d so keep the cheques rolling in.
Council C o u n c i l last M o n d a y , as well as e x c e e d i n g itself in t e r m s of n a s t i n e s s (my f a u l t ) , d i s c u s s e d the U n i o n reply t o a letter f r o m S i r P e t e r S w i n n e r t o n - D y e r w h o is c h a i r i n g a F l o w e r s - t y p e w o r k i n g p a r t y o n the n o n m e d i c a l bits of the U n i v e r s i t y of L o n d o n . C o u n c i l d e c i d e d that it w o u l d like I C t o s t a y in U of L a n d that t h e r e s h o u l d be m u c h closer academic interaction between the s c h o o l s .
Colours M a n y c o n g r a t u l a t i o n s to all t h o s e w h o w e r e a w a r d e d C o l o u r s at the A G M a n d especial congrats to M a l c o l m , W o d g e r , T i m a n d B i l l for g e t t i n g U G A ' s (the top award). O h well b a c k Bye The Fox