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'A cock-up of which I am aware and for Gillan, Health Centre Director

which I apologise,'



Cocked-up communications

A student suffering a malarial fever had to wait four hours for a College doctor to arrive last Saturday because of poor communications and the doctor's failure to treat the case as an emergency. Shawn Manning, a third year Life Scientist living in Selkirk Hall who had returned from an expedition to Papua New Guinea four weeks ago, asked for a doctor after feeling unwell at lunchtime last Saturday Alex Young, a Selkirk re-applicant, called the College emergency number (3333) and was told to phone internal 999. He did so and gave details, including mentioning the possibility of malaria or toxicara, to the message desk. It then took the message desk forty-five minutes to contact a doctor using a radiopager. The doctor concerned, D r Tessa Addenbrooke of the College Heath Centre, claimed she had only received the paging call at about 12.50 pm and that she immediately phoned M r Young. M r Young said he told her that M r Manning was vomiting,had a 'bloated' stomach, difficulty in eating and drinking, and was experiencing aches in his back and limbs, although he neglected to mention the recent tropical visit. D r Addenbrooke told F E L I X that M r Young had mentioned the possibility of malaria by explaining that M r Manning might have been in contact with experimental malarial mosquitoes in the L i f e Science Department. D r Addenbrooke said she felt malaria was unlikely as undergraduates are not normally allowed into contact with the mosquitoes and as M r Young seemed unsure whether M r Manning had a fever. She concluded it was a viral infection and asked M r Young to ensure the patient had an adequate fluid intake; she said she would be call later that afternoon. During this time, another Selkirk reapplicant, Rachel Carr, had gone to the Health Centre to use the emergency phone as the number given to contact the doctor on call was continually engaged. At 3.00pm M r Bassem Younes, a subwarden in Tizard Hall, called a taxi to take M r Manning to Westminster Hospital. Dr Addenbrooke arrived at Selkirk Hall at 4.00 pm, when M r Young explained that

The health centre; a pillar of society or house of horror': M r Manning had been taken to hospital which I apologise'. He added that it was and mentioned the recent tropical visit. difficult to diagnose over the phone and M r Young claimed D r Addenbrooke that doctors had to prioritise their calls and told him they had 'over-reacted'. Dr that in his view Dr Addenbrooke had made Addenbrooke later denied she had said the correct decision. He admitted that the this. situation over communications was 'not The hospital confirmed that M r acceptable' and that the College Health Manning has a generally non-lethal strain Service intends to improve its telephone Vivax. Dr service in the near future. of malaria Plasmodium Addenbrooke was informed of the In an interview with F E L I X , Dr diagnosis when she phoned the hospital to Addenbrooke replied T was very upset pass on her apologies to the patient. She that I had not relieved anxiety'. She then phoned Dr John Hassard, warden of explained she had been in the West End Tizard & Selkirk Hall to apologise for the when she received the paging call and set delay and misdiagnosis. off through very heavy traffic an hour M r Manning was released from hospital later. T am appalled,' she said, 'this is no! last Wednesday He said that the IC the way I want to practice.' She said she College Health Service had always been now knows the students were continuously good to him before, and that the whole trying to get through, though at the time thing was a bit 'over the top'. He added she received no such message and that he had taken the correct precautions commented that the communication against malaria, and that he had been told system was 'far too cumbersome'. She that this strain would recur about once added that she had briefed the Papua New Guinea Expedition group on malaria every two to four years. Dr Ranaan Gillon, Director of the before they left. College Health Service, told F E L I X that Dr Hassard commented 'I do regard it a three-quarter hour delay in finding a as a serious matter...however, please pass doctor is unusual, though not exceptional. on my thanks to the students involved for He said that in this case it there had been their actions.' 'a cock-up of which I am aware and for

ICU's Price Waterhouse ban to draw national attention? Imperial College Union's banning of Price Waterhouse (PW) from the careers fair last week led to a meeting between M r . Neil McCluskey Imperial College Union President and PW's Head of Recruitment. M r . Dave Smedley, F E L I X editor, was also present.

was fair. P W countered, saying that they had taken a professional attitude to the report, which could not encompass a moral or political stance. P W will not be appearing at this year's career's fair, and letters will now be sent nationally to explain the circumstances.

M r McCluskey told PW's partner responsible for the feasibility study on student loans that he did not feel the report

PW complained that IC Union was 'shooting at the messenger but not the message,' by banning them from the

career's fair. They were sad not to be coming to the fair, they added, but said that they could not fight back for professional reasons. M r McCluskey now plans to make a national press release on ICU's opposition to Price Waterhouse, who are instigating the second stage of the loans scheme buildup.






McKinsey invites you to an open presentation on career opportunities for graduates and postgraduates on Wednesday November 22,1989 at 6.00 p.m. in The Pippard Lecture Theatre.

McKinsey &Company

Dance Umbrella '89 So what is it? You think it's too expensive? A little twee? Too highbrow? Or, you have problems deciphering the streets of the big bad metropolis and you wouldn't know where to find a venue? I mean why is it that people like you perpetuate the myth that dance must be some sort of fringe interest and strengthen the philistines case for cutting funding even closer to the bone? I ask this because I already know that if you took the trouble to see the right show you'd discover that dance is none of those things and it is in fact the plug to fill that gap in the entertainment you already see. I ask because I know that there are those of you out there, like the Wing Chun Club for instance who already appreciate the beauty and strength of disciplined movement (albeit for different

aims) and who would tune in readily to the visual feast of athletic artists at work. I ask this because I know that the students at this College have an energy and a drive that can take in a tremendous breadth of pursuits to balance the demanding depth of commitment that the institution will ask of you. But the small matter of life beyond your studies is asking something of you as well. So if you concur with the Rector's speech in which he expresses his touching paternal concern for your ability to manage your affairs with any competence without detriment to your studies (too many living examples of capable management have blown that argument for me) then stop here because despite the waffle this piece has fuck all to do with the written word but is about

by MAC

something that's happening out there in the big wide world. So let's take a look through the Round Window. Dance Umbrella '89 is the eleventh of these annual dance festivals which offer over a concentrated season the chance to sample some of the best of international dance. The breadth of choice offers an unmissable opportunity to discover ones tastes from a varied menu of French sensuality, English wit and American pioneering. Performances are scheduled at five well known and accessible London venues over a six week period which started on October & and ends on November 18. Concessionary tickets average out about '(. The shows tend to be shorter than theatrical events and so there is usually a comfortable time after the performance in which to relax, drink or even go for a bite to eat if you're a little more organised: perfect then for group outings as well as just taking a friend. The festival calendar is given below as well as brief previews of some of the shows: short of picking you up and carrying you that's as much as I can do.

The Cholmondeleys (prounounced Chumlees)

Dance Umbrella ' 8 9 Calendar of Events M :





27 Fri


7 Platfor 3



8.00 Platfor

28 Sal




28 Sun

8.00 Platfor 0 Youth Dance

Fil e

8.00 Platfor 7.30 Video

30 Mon 7.30 Cunningha Co.

31 Tue"


1 Wed

7.30 Cunningha Co.



7.30 Cunningha Co.


3 Fri

7.30 Cunningha Co.


7.30 Cunningha Co.




y y y

y y


Dance Dance

7.30 Angelin Preljocaj*


7.30 Angelin Preljocaj


7.30 Angelin Preljocaj

0 Fil


6 Mon

7.30 Cunningha Co.


7.30 Cunningha Co.

8 Wed

7.30 Cunningha Co.

7.30 Siobhan Davies

7.30 Cunningha Co.

7.30 Siobhan Davies

u 10 Fri

7.30 Cunningha Co.

8.00 Studio DM

7.30 Siobhan Davies

11 Sat

7.30 Cunningha Co.

8.00 Studio DM

7.30 Siobhan Davies

12 Sun

2.00 NODM Meeting

12 Sun


12 Sun

7.30 Siobhan Davies


Second Stride

Second Stride


8.00 The

17 Fri

8.00 The

18 Sat

8.00 Tbe



The Cholmondeleys' other halves


Breast and the


feature two new works: one created to live music commissioned from Andrew Poppy and the second performed to Kevin Volan's Cover Him With Grass 'he composer's evocation of African Landscape.


From the reputable to the distinguished ) the American septagenarian credited by those who should know with a seminal influence in the evolution of modern dance will be presenting a two week season at Sadler's Wells. The programme includes several British premieres as well as the popular piece Pictures and also Rainforest which apparently features inflatable silver clouds courtesy of Andy Warhol (but never mind).

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III •i

There has been a strong French flavour to this year's Umbrella due to the flourishing artistic culture and generous government grants enjoyed across the Channel. c recent performance at Riverside was a welcome reminder of the boundless innovation of theFrench as the trio combined rock climbing and dance with the playful and inventive recklessness of children. now promises to display at the same venue that other most French of French traits sensuality in a 'voyage of pshycho sexual d i s c o v " " ' Liqueurs de Chairs which loses a little in translation to Carnal Cocktails. The last of the continental visitors the much acclaimed will be weaving there 'dream like' spell Fragment at the place in November. Continuing the who's who of dance some of the best of British companies are under the Umbrella this year. The much recommended will premiere their latest work choreographed by Lea Anderson for an ensemble of eight women at The Place. y Up to Something looks like an interesting mix of a show with three separate parts from four of Britain's boldest choreographers. d are presenting a radical rework of the traditional Coppelia story Heaven Ablaze in H,,


The platform performances, this year entitled h give a chance for new work to be aired and in the case judge by the beady eyes of those selecting for the coveted Grand Prix de Bagnolet. So stick in a pin or pick out a date but for God's sake don't be a couch potato and go. Page 3

2000 AD comes of age Now in its twelfth year, 2000 AD is with Prog 650 +,- /0+ 1 undergoing a * r . * . Bursting with colour and new stories, the intention is to attract new readers; 4/ 678 specifically the growing 23* r of older 5 c readers 9: 9 that the */ a have *+ e such a fuss over. For the uninitiated, 2000 AD is a weekly science fiction anthology which has built up a loyal following of young adult readers since its creation. The tongue; : <=//> , satirical approach and the idiosyncratic 2; - 4: ?:artwork have been an addictive < * 2+ n and, as the average reader's age has increased, the stories 4 have /< *e * .e sophisticated, leaving the /+ @AB 1 / ? // / ? / ? +: / . . ; 2s to seek 2 . 2* 2t eslewhere. Described by the editor Richard Burton as 'the next logical step in 2000 AD's evolution', Prog 650's only / + >+4@ e difference to recent issues is the increased . * . 3 4/ 2 * r of colour pages. Whereas previously only one colour strip appeared, the tally is now three (count / D C * ) strips out of five in dazzling technicolour. Well, H rather EFG y technicolour, in fact, but that's the artist's perogative. Regarding the stories in this Prog, we have Judge Dredd as always, the continuations / :? of I 2 h and Slaine, a revised version of Rogue @@ Trooper and an + ;2/w strip, The Dead Man. It would be pointless to go into any depth of analysis for just one episode of each strip, but a few general </ ? ** 2 s are called for. : ? e The *+ 2J +y of 2000 AD; a futuristic cop of jutting jaw and huge boots (all the better to kick crooks with), a big bastard with a one; : track * 2d and a gun. K/Cs getting old now, and big changes are planned, I'* told. Robocop with brains. QR J? @ MNO : The coolest strip in the L L. A P ; A e T UVWX r who happens to be a superhero is whisked S S /@@ +Z/ off to fight Dark Gods on parallel earths. Y A ; . cultural references abound, and Steve Yeowell's black and white art is fabbo. e The original strip was a turkey of first order, consisting of a blue Gl wandering around a desert killing people. Now the first artist, Dave ?? ?: Gibbons, has taken on the scripting and is + /*1 2g J/ ? / ? +: / to inject *e 2 . 2* 2t value by turning the strip Z: + ?: into a . *, realistic 2 ;[+r story. Yes, well, good =: luck to *. Nice use of colour by the artist Will \]^_`ab , though.

e This is a sword and ?sorcery strip that concentrates * .e on the <3J *s and religion of the Celtic tribes than on their swords and sorcerers. Writer Pat Mills is renowned for the ?=/ *, research he puts into his stories and between def hi Mills and artist c n Bisley have g e their Ancient Britain < *e alive, breathing authentically. Bisley's paintings are stunning, though he does relish his :Z=?:@ 4-J- /9 [- / y * n so * * , powerfully thighed typical of fantasy illustration, which is a pity because -j ?= :@@ Slaine is anything but .32; ; /;* . Being an anthology published every week, *3<h lmnopl cj> varied k l passes through 2000AD's pages, and 2 naturally there are low patches. Prog 650 represents @: / <- : •> the * c on a high, and with a strong 2 ;3p waiting : £ to appear in the near future, it is likely to ./*+ n on <- / that high for a good while to * . Intelligent, witty and finely drawn, existing afficionados will be | delighted; if you've not tasted 2000AD's exotic fruit, Z give it a try. You'll surprise yourself.

e The first episode of this new story :@9@ is * y intriguing. Two young boys find a badly charred body barely alive, and have it taken to their , 9Z/ / +> village. It's too early to * e a 3 * 2t on the story, but John Ridgway's art is always a pleasure ; fragile and scratchy, beautifully textured. 1

i /CJ' i


Glass Hwang rst


Philip Glass and David q y K[+2 Cs 1000 Airplanes on the Roof z |} Sadler's Wells Fri u Sat, vwx y , 278 { 6 +

Philip Glass is a * n you either love or hate. But after the success of M Butterfly at the Shaftesbury, David :Z= rst [+ q y K 2g * t be expected to be the subject of :~/ * .e * d affections. An operative collaboration :Z= ? between the two * t then be expected to /*1t along a x bunch of Glass fanatics and other less disturbed types. Whoops, I slipped. [+ Z K 2 Cs libretto is clear and clever but crazy, wrapped as it is in sixties Psychobabble UFO speak and New Age nonsense: M or 'Everyperson' (subtle ,that) New York resident and *+ r loon is either Z@: 1J/9 ?=/ : / /JJ/ </ -j ; ; 22 .; 2 ; ; tripping insane or has *

?=/ J1: :? -j <- J<:-3J /JJ [ :?= ?=/ +:9 -j 4/: ZJ ; . ; ; 2 2 ; ; ; ; ; 2 ;

j - + -?=/ 1@+ /? + 9 [/+ : Z + 4//=:0/ - =/ . *; 2 .; 2 ; 2 ; .2 ; ; ; 2; .; jhead. My * 2/A Cs on one of the .*/.. ?: There's a lot of *// 2g of s and gazing weirdly

around the psycadelic projections of cityscapes : 9J<+1/ spacescapes and * 2 s (?) that the ingenious set supports quite convincingly and Betsy Aide* s a cute and funny M. P *e of her lines betray : her though, like; 'There's a universe in y * 2d - 3? + - + struggling to break ; 2d I'* a 2 .* l person' (!). // Well I'd hate to * t her friends. Despite the huge speaker stacks and Glass's =+ +?? / 1? /: * s to fuel inject adrenalin by ** . 2g out about three notes the whole thing works itself into a bit of an unnecessary frenzy: Well */+2t but rather silly. .

Return to the Forbidden Planet Last night I died and went to heaven, transported + J-< there, courtesy of . * , aboard a space ship, ably / 1/J? <+ 9/ J 3+ / , +[/ d ;a ** 2 d by Captain Y * . ; J ->/ Boys Own Paper hero, and pipe * .. Loosely based on Shakespeare's The Tempest (though featuring quotes fro* MacBeth, Julius Ceaser, Romeo and Juliet...etc),

Return of the 4 :9Z

Forbidden Planet, currently running at the +* . e Theatre, tells the story of d scientist, Dr Prospero, j@+ who develops an elusive .*3 e with which he intends to change the world. ?? Telegenesis, the science of creating *+ /r fro* / +: / pure thought, had . * 2 d only partially successful @+/ j until Dr Prospero elucidated the y .*3 ; Factor h which he would be able to unleash the = + -J nine tenths of the 3* n brain unused by * t . ¡ s apparently faithful wife, Gloria, duped hi* and sent hi* off into hyperspace, but unbeknown to her, their infant daughter Miranda lay sleeping on board the ship. Page ¢

Fifteen years later we board a routine survey flight

<+ 9/ / 1/J ** 2 d by Captain Y * t and, assisted by his

crew and a new Science Officer, a hard and bitter

[- + * 2, who flees the ship at the first hint of trouble ? or, in this case, a */ / r shower. <- : The ship survives but, on * 2g out of hyperspace, is caught in a tractor bea* and pulled towards the :@@ :+ ?= planet C A . ; e forbidden planet. 1/ j- / Written by Bob Carlton and . .* d by Rhyth* Method Productions (both of 'Fro* a Jack to a King' ¤¥¦§ , Return to the Forbidden Planet is probably the £ -J * t original show to hit the London stage in years.

With hits by artists ranging fro* the Beach Boys to U2, liberally intersperced with classics by Elvis, The ²³´µ¶· s and The Shadows. If Rock 'n' roll is your passion then this show is for you! : If you see just one show during your stay at ¸*1/. +l - / j+> College * e sure it's this 2 ; r once the reviews / / 4/ don't lie. But when you do go . * * r to take with you a pair of Blue Suede Shoes, a loud suit and a / 4/ * * r of the Rock 'n' Roll Dance Club because : when the *3J < Cs this good you've just gotta dance!

A Tuesday night and the audience were on their feet, bopping in the aisles and jiving in the royal circle, 4 1/ j- + </ this show definitely provides a night to ./*/* /.. Outstanding . .* 2 s by Matthew Devitt as + J3< ©ª«¬ ­ ¨ e ship's cook (just listen to that guitar rip), . * c liked it so * h we want to buy the <- 1+ A * 2 . We'll soon be going back for * .e so if Christian Roberts as the evil Dr Prospero, and a certain +J? - - / you're interested see Dave Colling for details. well known . 2 * r (not the one who wears short > skirts!), coupled with special effects by Gerry When this show *+ /s it onto the silver screen j+ / Anderson (yes, hi® of Thunderbirds * ) and superb Rocky Horror had better look out. °±± +> lighting * e this show one not to ¯ ! Technically n speaking it's brilliant!

Hats off to the Blue Nile

Blue N i l e - H a t s Ă Âş

ĂŠĂŠĂ€º½ ž

š t didn't it? It had to be a ĂˆĂ‚ For five years now, Blue Nile devotees have been Âş religiously scouring the šŸĂˆ c press for any little ÂşĂ‹ĂŒ snippit that š t indicate the arrival of the 'difficult' ÂżĂƒ second Ă‚ Ÿš. Ă€ Ă? w could anybody follow the intensely brilliant

Walk Across the Rooftops?

Maybe nobody can. ĂŽ ½ ĂƒÂż

Certainly the Blue Nile seeš quite ŸĂ‰Ă€š ÀÇ Ă‚ e perched upon the pedastal on which their follower's ĂŽ ½ĂŒ have placed žš, for, although Ă?Ă‚ s is not far ž Ă€Ă?ž Ç š d froš their first offering, it falls down on three accounts:Ă? Firstly; what has happened to the noises? The ĂŒ ½ bones, the chains, the steel, the Ă‚ šĂ€ĂˆĂŠ žĂ‡e that was Ă ÂźĂƒĂ‘ĂŠÂżĂ€ Rooftops, each sound a delicious Ăˆ t that šĂ‚ e the entirity of songs such as Easter Parade and

infectious choruses that you will not even notice at first la tradition in Blue Nile songs) until you are found Âş ½ singing it every š Ÿ e of the day. The second side, ž¿Ă€Ă however, is saved solely by the haunting š y of From a Late Night Train, probably the best track on ÂżĂƒ the Ă‚ Ÿš. ÅÆÅ Ăƒ will be Çžšžš žĂ‡žd only for the ear And so, Ă„ ½Ă€ É bashing, Ăˆ šĂ‚ h turning dross that is Stock, Aitken



and Ă?Ă‚ žĂ‡šĂ‚Âť, our few šĂ€šž s of relief having been supplied by Costello and Collins (Edwyn, not Phil). ĂŽ Whilst Ă?Ă‚ s is a good albuš and undoubtedly ĂŠÂş worthy of a Ç še place in anybody's record collection ÉÀ º it is not the second š g which the faithful will have prayed for. Ă Âş ĂŠĂŠĂ€º½ ž½ š , didn't it! It had to be a ĂˆĂ‚ y

Automobile Noise.

Secondly; the lyrics. Paul Buchanan has the ability to write songs about places where we have all been, the places where we lost lor found) our first love, Âş ½º ½ Âş those Âť šĂ‚ e places that will always ÇžšĂ‚ n ĂŽ Ă€ žĂ’ ĂŒž Ăˆ š Çe deep inside us. And yet on Ă?Ă‚ s he Âż struggles to capture our hearts. The words Ă‚ šĂ€Ăˆt Ă“ want to šĂ‚ e us cry and, although nobody can doubt ĂŒ the sincerity with which they are sung, they ĂˆĂ€šž Ă€w Ă” ½º ½º ž fail to transforš us back to those š Ăˆ c š s and ž Âş we Ç šĂ‚ n seated, dry of eye, within the four walls of our present surroundings. Ă–º ½ Âş ½ And thirdly; has Paul's voice left its Ă• Ă‚ ÇÂÑ Ăˆ ' leanings and headed towards the ground which Chris Rea already occupies? A sad departure. ĂŽ Ăƒ Âş Ă˜Ă™ĂšĂ›ĂšĂœ Ă— , before žĂ‰Ă€š Âťg too despondent Ă?Ă‚ s is ÂżĂƒÂź a good Ă‚ š. The three songs on the first side including the excellent Downtown Lights all have their Ă€ ž½ passionate š š Ăˆ, especially on lef's Go Out Tonight. Whilst Over the Hillside has one of those

Tar Heads

Naked and Bland C i n d y Lee Berryhill—Naked Movie Star Little cuddly fluffy bunny popped his head out into the Âş bright šĂ€Ă‡Âť Âťg sunshine. Ăže blinked as the warĂ&#x; à ž Âź Ăˆ šš r breeze played across his fur. Ăž s little pink nose twitched with pleasure as the gentle wind ž¿ brought the fresh Ăˆš l of happiness to his burrow. ââââãããäääü èÊ ĂĄĂĄ Ă?Ă?Ă?! Ìç ! EEEOOOWWW! A Ă surging tidal wave of guitar and ÇŸšs tears the still twitching ears froš the twisting body! Oops! Sorry that's the No Means No LP again. Ă? º Ă?Ă‚ g never actually heard of Cindy before (cries ĂĽ Ă of; oh! No! you ĂŞĂŤĂŹn you haven't got the Ă• ǝ šĂ‚Ă•s Âş ĂŠĂ€ ÉÀ ĂŠº¿ ½ºĂ€ ž ºÉ ž Blueberry Pie íš Ă‡ Ă‚n ÎÇ Ă‚š' š Çt š Ă‚ n collecting the best of her 17 classic LPs), I was rather Âş Âş expecting ĂˆĂ€še dreary SAW type girly girl Ă’ šĂŠžĂ‡ Âťg



over a druš šĂ‚ e about her 12 Ă”žĂ‚ÇÑ d boyfriend. Âş Âş In fact the first track was a quite ÊÇÀš Ăˆ Âťg blend of ðùùòó blues and jazz with a groovy ĂŻ d organ backing ø ø Ýßý a Neil Young type vocal (that's ôþÜá Ăš Ăş . Ă—Ă˜Ă™ĂšĂ›ĂšĂœ, so were all the other tracks. Cindy obviously holds to ĂŒ ĂŠ the Tracy Ăž Ă‚ šĂ‚n ethic of diversity. This record is just a bit too bland, giving the Ă Ăż Ăż n it would sound Ă‚šn good in a wine bar ĂŒĂ€ ž Ă€½ºĂ€¿ž ÉÀ Âź ĂŠ½ºĂ€Âť Ăˆs for še Ăˆ š but is too š . Too ŸÉ š h Greenwich Village and brown rice, without the Ă“ real talent thet will šĂ‚ e sure Michelle Shocked ž º Ç šĂ‚ s the Queen of the Arran Sweater Brigade (cheques in the post, I hope Michelle!). k

Monstrous Puppets


Puppets—Monsters In this review the Meat Puppets (probably the Pups to their friends, if they have any ) get what

they deserve for bowing before the corporate gods of

ž ºÉ íš Ă‡ Ă‚n FM radio. Yes kids that's right, the cuddly

Kirkwood brothers prove that living in the desert and drinking nothing but JB really can cause you to like Tofo. Our good friends The Meats latest LP is a true À ½ ž š Ăˆ r indeed. The hardcore approach of In A Car and the often brilliant Up on the Sun are in little evidence here. I thought this band were definitely past ž¿¿ Ăƒ their Ăˆ Ă‘ y date when I heard Mirage. I guess

everybody knew they were sunbaked hippys then and this LP proves it! One thing you can say for the Meat Puppets is they've always been prolific in their LP output. I wish they bloody well weren't. Âş à ½ I could go into an Ñ žĂŠ h critique of every track but that would be as boring as the record itself. Save your šĂ€žy readers, go and buy Up on the Sun if you want a good record. If you want a brilliant one buy a Firehose LP instead (cheques in the post, I hope lads!). k

M o r e Fiends—Yo Asphalt H e a d �

Ă­ ĂĽĂ? !

Yo Asphalt Head is loud, dangerous, noisy, furious, insistent, pounding hardcore by a fourĂ‘ piece froš wild west Philly. This new albuš by the ž ºÉ Mean Fiends froš Philadelphia in íš Ă‡ a is rather ž¿Ă€Ă Âź ºÉ žĂŽºž ž½ š s such as š loud and lacks š Ăˆ Ă‚l Ç y and tunes. ½º Ă“ Bleargh!! Bob Bludgeon, ferocious new Ăˆ É ĂˆšĂ‚n joins Allen, Elizabeth and Ron Fiend to bring you a disc ºà ĂŽÂş full of verve and energy; a ÇÂÊ Ă‘ Çe concentrated à ž delivery!! The ÇŸšš r is called Robert. The new Âş Ă‹Âş ½º albu has ĂˆĂ€še original songs with šĂ‚ Â Ă?e titles

such as Vinyl Grind, Slug Cooked, Mad at Everyone and Time-Warp Bio-feedback Amphetamine Nightmare. I kid you not.

Aaagh!! Danger's always doggin' these dudes, workin' as bike couriers dodgin' head on collisions. ÉÀ So far they've še out of it unscathed but Al's riffs will knock your jaded ears off and the bass line can slush your brain around inside your skull. As ºÉ ž½ºĂ€ž š d earlier, the Ă•šŸĂˆ ' is rather loud and offensive to the ears. Uuuunngh! Bad luck lives next door to the Fiends, and the griš reaper across the street. Once ĂˆĂ€še ' at a gig and another dude broke his neck ½º Ă€ žĂ€Âť e freaked out with a butcher's knife and še Ăˆ š Âş ɟ ½ Ă€ ž killed a Ăˆ š Ç. This is šŸĂˆ c to break your neck Âş ÉÀ Âź à ž to, or perhaps šš t š Ç Ç. 'Nuff said! . Page

Crossroads Tracy

Chapman—Crossroads With one platinu LP under her belt, Tracy n "# ! '( has d the $ e %& , including Larry Klein )*+,-.$/*+0-)1 ,-$, Joni (husband of the Queen of $ 11, t to repeat Mitchell) in an the success. Unfortunately she has fallen prey to the $ e proble ) ,2) 1e predecessor, Suzanne encountered by her 2 34 -, Vega, and e her debut 5 . Tracy Chapman was a near perfect collection of the best of the songs written whilst busking in The Village, New York. Fifteen s after the Nelson Mandela Birthday Concert propelled her to , and y tour under her belt it s that with the

7 *,$1


6 , $,,

1) , , 58 8/ ,* $


ten new songs of the e callibre are at this , beyond her. The subjects on Crossroads are h the . Personal experiences and social t fro a coloured point of view. The title track rails against the pressure she obviously feels at being instant public property.


b 360 y

through Saturday night's concert Joe Jackson effectively silenced those hecklers shouting s with 'I've got a request for requests for old you too...'. s ability to hit the target was in this case d but is an accurate description of h c and 'angry' label he acquired has not been of his easy to shift. This is hardly surprising when he plays n tourists pointing songs like Jet Set ('Fat s at you') and Evil Empire ('A few cheap shots at Reagan') with such . e has no pretensions as a slick rock star, and obviously enjoys playing with all of his g n band. What is lost by the lack of stage show is e than e up for by his reworking of old favourites. Hometown was set to Pachabel's Canon (the pure wool advert for philistines who don't know), and there was an l verson of Breaking Us In Two. This was obviously too close for t for one couple who walked out g at each other at this point. n e of the evening was his latest albu The Blaze of Glory, which was played in its entirety. t a concept , which Jackson s to hating, it traces the s for his attitudes since the sixties. Fro the naive s of Tomorrow's World to the present day desires to be Nineteen Forever, and intended swipe at the renaissance of certain 'old lizards and deaf guitarists'. Played t as recorded it provided y p in their seats' opportunities for the audience to but it wasn't until his final encore of the Jumpin' Jive y that everyone deigned to stand up and get y lost on the was the l line down. which should be included in the IC crest; 'What's the use of getting sober, when you're gonna get drunk again!'.

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This t is repeated in Born to Fight where she protests at being e into 'a white s drone' an understandable fear because of the e white audience that has put her where she now is. Elsewhere, the oldest 'terrorist' of the all, Nelson Madela is the subject of Freedom Now, but the song is as tired as the continued calls for his release. It is not until the e track with This Time, that Crossroads achieves the standards that n has set herself and Neil Young helps her to n

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8/ 6/ )*1 ) z{| 1 , this for the finale, All That You Have Is Your Soul. ) )1 1) }~ € 345 songs are at best /*s of ;<=>?>r /$t of1,-the ) 3 2,:,3/ ,*1 , her earlier l and occasionally d into blandness; the talent is obviously still present. ;<=>?>r she 5$t channel it into a specific direction otherwise she will drift into obscurity with the swiftness she achieved stardo initially.

R.P.O. Plays Floyd OK, so while it wasn't the cheapest of concerts, the (war@ glow of self righteousness). For this princely )3 - /*) su you were awarded the Royal A E E c (less conductor, and several session BCD F GHD, all playing ) the 5$ c of Pink Floyd. And you had 8/ 6y seats. 'Less conductor?' I hear you ask. Well, not exactly. K The conductor was in fact David IJ LMr oiJethro Tull 96 ,9.

Leave Those Kids Alone bash was in aid of the NSPCC

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than disaster struck! The backing tape had a cardiac arrest while he had trotted off to his dressing roo to get his score for the second half. e returned suitably d with an e wad of rainforest and we were off. RPO went into autopilot , s went into loud , The 'rock' r went into t the Frog . So what was the e of all this frenzied


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) -,$$): /2, Claytown T r o u p e /2, 5$)8) * Through the Veil IJKLM c,-/5 1)8/ /2, Debut albu fro the band that will 'redefine the † … If you 6/- 53a for 8/ ,-8) l rock of the/‚ƒƒ„… 1) ,s. verges , activity? Well, while Another Brick in the Wall Part I Before the interval we were exposed to various in FELIX think the level of reviewing $ -- *+, ,*1, Part II and / Genesis and Jethro Tull tunes. By this point it was was suffering fro poor on the sycophantic you should see $ e of the guff 3 , ),$. 8/ * Shine On Your Crazy Diamond were excellent. The blatantly obvious that nobody had told A r what we get fro the record -, )*2,r was, to put it politely, ,2)/8-,. a conductor does. To say that his leadership was First heard whilst watching Bros In 2 Summer on )3 2 1 1 , , ,* 5* uncoordinated would be a d $ t Two very drawn out encores later (between which TV (lovely boys those Goss twins, $ e about Ken), TU ) a 3 1 OPQRSR * ,* /* N e to saying that Kenneth Baker is unpopular y people $ y left) we filed out. 7 g us nearly half of Through the Veil sounded -, )*)$8,*t with students. Of course the proble was that I had were the dedicated followers along with those on the of Julian Cope a la Teardrop Explodes with the guitars ) charity evening circuit who had barely even heard of wound up. It was of course a vast -/:, ,*t on WXnever ) 2 YZ! realised that Follow You, Follow Me was in 1:V the -, , ˆ‰ ˆ ˆ ) group and weren't $$ . the sound of ‡ 0 pubescent girlies $8-, *g at ) e h Then the real 5$ c began. [\]^_^`, no sooner had An evening not to be dffg ? No; even for the /$t Matt's nipples, yet still throwaway and forgettable. 1) the heartbeat recording on Run Like Hell began, with hardened fan this didn't do justice to Pink Floyd. Second e around it was better (no sexy young ,Š , ) IJKLMr waving his 1 5*2,-4)-2.3)ae - s in the air, gods to destract . Too 58h $ s on the �Ž � \]^_^` , this is the ‹Œ � Œl of fine live noisy rockers. [ ,-6 /- *8,$, with flashes of originality fro Rick ‘’““’”•–' understated keyboards and 'Ben' Bennet's guitar, especially on b f fo b f and the single Prayer 8/ 3,1e side two there is a 1. - *Later /- on1)/ninwith N o Means N o — W r o n g Love Is and The Veil, a brace of $6 /'AND YOU CAN DANCE!' This is excellent. No Means however, take a e head down approach, building snappy intelligent songs of the sort REM produced 3) ) ) 1 8/ -/ $ *g but songs around 8/ 8 ,d rhythq changes before they 4,8 e 'the greatest band in the world'. No have e a long way since their punctuated with slabs of harsh Gang of Four type There is also an ethereal accoustic guitar )*$1 -5 ,*1 l sparse debut Sex Mad. The Day Everything Became guitars (okay I' not scared to use a cliche now and called Chiracahua Sun. This is out of place but entirely Nothing was a good follow up, but now they see 0,38/ e on an albu which shows -/ )$e but will then!). to have reached their destination. ) 1 available space is a churning x of bass and roo e likes Queen buy hir this because not be changing Rock as we know it for a little while 2-5Every kjlmr to Punchline and Minutemen (even y he'llIf your hate every second. Even better, get hi to buy yet, thank you. 4 1$ / s 8ijh started ) turning, or n e that was last it for you. This , *s you can play it until he stage A free 12" EP 88/ *n *g the albu gives night's pints of Directors). If you haven't heard this dives out of the window thus killing two birds with superior )— ,s of Bury My Heart and Prayer indicating 8/*1, /- -),s are 3 4,3 1,s one stone. 3 lot before their closest that producer Ron Fair played no $ l part in the ) )3 1) 8 ('˜™šg of this 345 . Lard or possibly o s of p n. No Means No Dick Savage.

Wrong Means

Page 6

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You're in a meeting with your manager and the Managing Director of your client. They're a ÂŁ300m company planning expansion into Europe. The M D turns to your manager. "If France is so attractive, why have all our competitors done so badly there?" Your manager turns to you. You're the one who's spent the last three weeks analysing the French market (you were in Paris interviewing last week). Your answer is concise, if a little nervous, and two heads nod in agreement. One month later, convinced by the quality of the analysis, the client board votes to build the plant you recommended. It's a typical result. As the largest strategic management consultancy in the U K , Bain & Company's task is to help

clients produce superior performance in every aspect of their business. As an Associate Consultant at Bain you are an essential part of that process. The situation we've described is one you'll learn to take in your stride. The job demands maturity, problem solving ability, commitment and resourcefulness. To those qualities we'll add a rigorous training that will equip you to deal with complex business problems. You'll work with like-minded people who'll rely on your contribution almost from the word go. If that's the kind of challenge that appeals to you, come to our presentation and cocktail reception at The Portman Hotel, Portman Square, London W l , on Thursday 9 November 1989 at 7.00pm, or contact Gillian Jones, Manager, Recruiting Department, Bain & Company, 16 Connaught Place, London W2 2ES.

Bain & Company, Inc.

Dr Sinclair Goodlad gives an insight on how to join the UROP scheme; a chance to undertake real research as an undergrad at Imperial.

^his New UROPeans Yfedc • group particles into generations, each generation of particles being more energetic and rarer than the one before. Much of the research at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Centre (SLAC) and at the European particle physics centre, CERN, is designed to find out how many generations there are. Now, almost in unison, these two groups have announced that they have found the answer-three. The emphasis is on almost in unison: SLAC announced their findings one day before CERN. This upset CERN director Carlo Rubbia who accused SLAC of producing its results, which were based on much • Considerable intellectual stimulus. Imperial College enjoys some of the best research less data than CERNs, deliberately early, spoiling • Improvement in the quality and achievement of facilities in the country-and students do not need to CERNs big moment. Is this what they mean by third-year projects (which can grow out of UROP wait until they graduate to get 'hands on' experience international collaboration? work). of them. Through the Undergraduate Research is rapidly driving the African • • Improved recruitment of postgraduate students. Opportunities Programme, UROP (now entering its elephant towards extinction and the poachers and • Additional tangible professional development such tenth year), undergraduates have the opportunity to traders are very careful to cover their tracks. as publication. collaborate with members of staff in all aspects of Conservationists are faced with the problem of tracing • An inexpensive expansion of research group size, their research. any ivory discovered back to its source. Nikolaas Van Unlike project work, (which has to be designed scope and variety. de Merwe of Harvard University believes that the specifically for the interests and needs of studentssolution may come from the analysis of chemical and usually to fit a specific slot in the The scheme operates through a Directory which lists isotopes. the names, interests, rooms and phone number of curriculum/academic year), UROP allows students to Van be Merwe has discovered that the bodies of faculty interested in having undergraduates join them assist directly with the ongoing work of the academic animals which live mostly on grass contain more in their laboratories. Copies of the 1989-90 Directory staff and postgraduates. UROP work in term time is Carbon-13 than do those of shrub eaters. He believes may be obtained from the UROP Office, Room 313C a supplement to traditional college work. Students do that using this, and other isotopes, it should be Mechanical Engineering Building. it for the sheer interest of it or (if staff have some possible to link the ivory to the ivory trades' victims. In the summer of 1989, over seventy students were 'funny money' available) for cash. In the vacations, • mission to Mars will not go involved in UROP assignments. As in recent years substantial amounts of paid work are available. down in history as one of the great scientific success there was again an exchange of students with the For undergraduates, UROP offers the opportunity stories. Of the two probes sent to the planet, one University of Tupperware and, for the first time, with to: failed before it reached its destination and the other MIT. Applicants for Tupperware are short-listed by malfunctioned after just 57 days. But, as recently Imperial College: the deadline for the 1989-90 • Learn at first hand about the sort of activities they released results show, the mission was far from a exchange is Friday 17 November, 1989 (interviews can expect to undertake after graduating. on Wednesday, 29 November). There will be an complete failure. • Learn at their own pace, without formal instruction, It is now known that Mars, unlike the Earth, has no information meeting about the Tupperware exchange by actually doing. internal magnetic field and, perhaps more in Lecture Room 342, Mechanical Engineering • Have the opportunity of contributing to knowledge dramatically, that its atmosphere is being blown Building, at 14.00 on Wednesday 8 November when in their subject. away. The solar wind, the rapid stream of particles there will also be a chance to ask about UROP • Decide whether or not to go into a particular field ejected from the Sun, is stripping the planet of about generally. of work. 2 kg of atmosphere per second. The Earth loses a But if you are a potential UROPean, don't wait until • Develop interests which they bring from outside the similar amount in the same way, but the Martian then! c o l l e g e - f r o m industrial experience, technical atmosphere is much thinner and will have gone hobbies, and so on. completely in about 100 million years. • Get a UROP 1989-90 Directory from Room 313C • Cross disciplinary boundaries. of California's Curriculum Commission • Mech Eng. • Develop self-confidence. has decided that Creationism is not a science and • Figure out how much time you can afford in your • Learn discipline in time and priorities. should not be taught as one. The theory that the working week-allowing 40 or so hours for your • Become more genuinely part of the Imperial College Universe was created in seven days by some kind of existing academic commitments (with some selfresearch and development community. supreme being who peopled it with a man, a woman discipline, you should be able to free up to 8 or 10 • Achieve a publication, prototype, invention, prize, and an apple, though popular with religious hours a week). or other tangible item. fundamentalists, did not seem to have a good enough • Make direct contact with the staff concerned. • Be inspired concerning the context and purpose of foundation in fact. their formal coursework. • Astronomical Society has organised a If you think you might like to do paid UROP work in talk on Gamma Ray Astronomy by Dr K. Richardson the summer vacation, you will be a more attractive For staff members, UROP offers: at 1pm on 31st October in Physics LT2. Other proposition to a member of staff if you have already • Additional help in laboratories. scientific societies may also be doing interesting reached lift-off! Also, your staff sponsor will need time • The chance to test the feasibility of risky ideas not things but I know nothing about them. Talks can be to do any necessary fund-raising: The Nuffield suitable for research students. plugged in this column if the details are sent to The Foundation and the Old Centralians, for example, have • An opportunity to develop rudimentary ideas prior Science Editor, FELIX by the Tuesday of the week been very generous in recent years. to a grant application for research support (to before. Tomorrow begins today. strengthen the application). Page 8

Chris Stapleton discovers how an experienced cycling bum doesn't get sore when riding a horse with the riding club

W h i p crack away! ! e Unless your steed's hind quarters are d with a learner's 'L' fro l you probably won't reach such a x on your first day's horse riding. But, the initial zip of adrenalin ain't too bad at all partners when first you take that high stride into the saddle. Duke's classic tan shades conjured up visions of cowboys resting by the p fire, a playing, after a long day's cattle driving in the heat of the day, riding free fro today's toxic air across the plains, and other c . So I got Cloud, a dark horse, hinting e of thunder and rain (definitely no lightning here) rather than Wordsworth. s steady r on first approach belied the s and obviously unfulfilled h slung between his haunches. As soon as the reins were in y hands his head dipped and kept on dipping, like l birds. one of those sordid nodding glass When the straw around his e vicinity had been d his attentions turned to the bale store in front of us: a brief but successful power struggle ensued (I won). Moving out of the stables we were led by the e

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experienced riders to the paddock to begin the day's lesson. Firstly, are we sitting , or at least are we sitting correctly. Sit back and upright, resisting the n to grip, with nervous exasperation, the saddle with the inner leg and thigh. Now e a line between the shoulder, hip, and ankle, and we're ready for the off. Oh, but before the off it's quite a good idea to take a hold of the reins, s up of course and untwisted fro the bit. And they're off, racing down the inside left of the paddock at an incredible walking pace, y kicking the belly with the heels in quick succession to keep hi going. Oh y god, the railings go round to the left...what now? Pulling in on the left hand rein and keeping taught on the right, while g the kicking of the right leg, but retaining the action of the left, isn't easy. But if you wish to avoid gouging your right leg it's the only way. You skid, in c style, around the corner, leg and horse intact to see another day and another turn. A little y perhaps? Yes. Now, just to get your circulation going, a little keep fit. Whilst sitting, and keeping the horse , lean forward fro the hips to touch the horse's ears. No proble if you're on a r pony. Then, leaning

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back, touch the tail. Now touch your left toe with your left hand and , and because that's far too easy try the left hand with your right toe and so on. Catching on eh, bit of a t arse eh? e for a bit of trotting then. Step One: liven the walking pace. Step Two: using a e persistent kicking action goad on the horse with encouraging sounds. Step Three: n upright and on top of the situation. Mastered e e of those that. Good, let's go on to do aerobics. In drawing to the end of the first lesson I hear you cry 'Rawhide!'. Well I t t that it was well knackering trying to keep up the kicking action, biasing left or right as need be, but as far as dishevelled, blunt and bruised s go, not one sore cheek in sight. Years of cycling over the potholes of London and the trip in the s on hard slat bench seats prepared e well for that potential ordeal. So if you fancy a trek and have not done it before, don't get bucked before the outset, go along and give it a try Riding Club s every Tuesday , 12.30, Southside Upper Lounge. s




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To discuss our worldwide banking opportunities in more detail, please come and meet us at our stand at the Careers Fair on Thursday 2nd November from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm.




BRITISH RAIL We have lots of great jobs in all branches of engineering, research and general management. Find out more from your Careers Service, come and see me at the Careers Fair on 2 November or contact me now:— Tim Steven, Fl. 15, Room 11, Southern House, British Rail (Southern), Wellesley Grove, Croydon CR91DY Tel: 01-666 6872

Careers Fair Whether you have your future mapped out in front of you or whether you still don't know what you want to do when you grow up, the Careers Fair has something for you. There is a vast array of opportunities in accountancy, banking and management consultancy. Then there's always the army...

ĂŚĂ?w do you currently feel about your degree ĂŚĂ?w does the systeĂ€ work? Let's start with the Ăžç Ă? Ă‚Ă? Ă?Ă– Ă— Ăœ ÂÀà Ă?Ă?Ă‘Ă‚Ăƒ Ă“ ÄÀÒ Ă„Ă•eĂ‚ĂƒĂ‚ it, can't stand it etc? What about your person who initiates your e . Ă„ Ă„ Ă&#x; Ă?Ă?ÀÀ Ă‚ ÀÂ Õ Ăœ spare Ă’ e Ă’ Ă“Ă’Ă“ Ă›o you like e , Before a job can be advertised, this person needs to Ă’Ă’ Ă’ Ă“ teaĂ€ activities, outdoor pursuits and so on? These what the new recruit will be expected to do. ÀÅy also help you to identify particular ÂÀà Ă?Ă?Ă‘Ă‚Ăƒs at know A list of regular tasks and responsibilities will be drawn Ă„ Ă&#x; Ă„ Ă„Ă? Ă? the Fair. You Ă€ Ă”t also like to think about what is up. This is the 'job description'. à À Ă…Ăƒ Ă‘ , before ÄÀà Ă?ĂƒĂ’Ă…Ă•t to you. Do you want to earn a fortune in shortlisting Ă™ Ă€ Ă?ĂƒĂ€s and CVs the candidates fro the Ă? Ă? your first year of ÂÀà Ă?ÑÀÂÕÒ, do you want to live and that arrive, the ÂÀà Ă?Ă‘Ă‚r will develop a 'person Ă„ work in Scotland, do you fancy doing Ă“Ă?ÀÂÒÔ Ă•g that specification'. This is a checklist of key factors that ÀÄĂ&#x;Ă”t eventually lead to Ă“Ă‚Ă?Ă™ĂœĂ‚Ă€Ă Ă?Ă?ÑÀÂÕÒ? will be either essential or desirable if a candidate is ĂŚĂ…Ă– Ă„Ă•g been through this exercise you should at going to beÂÀÅÕ able to cope, generally after initial training, fair is one of the best things you can do to get the least have a better idea of what sort of person you with the Ă› the job, as described in the job ÀÅ ÂÀà Ă?Ă?Ă‘Ă‚Ăƒs description. TheĂ›s ofperson ball rolling. are and this y provide clues about which specification åây look Ă? Ă„ ÂÀà Ă?Ă‘Ă‚Ăƒ Ă&#x; Ă€ ôþðó The ĂŻ g like this: 'A suitable candidate will be Ă? s at the Fair will be able to tell you you Ă”t approach at the Fair. Ă•Ă—Ă€Ă‚ĂƒĂ… about ÒÔÂÀÓ Ö Ă‚Ă“, the jobs they want to fill and the Ă’e leg at least Grade B at '0' Level) with sort of people they are looking for. They will also be I proven organisational skills. ĂŚĂ‚ Ă“Ă”e should be Ă?Ă?ÀÀ×ÕÄĂ?Ă…Ă’e effectively both on the lookout for potential applicants so the Fair can è practical, not afraid to Ă„ Ă„ provide you with an opportunity to Ă€Ă ĂƒĂ‚Ă“s a particular The Fair is, of course, one way to find out and verbally and in writing and be seriously Ă€Ă?Ă’ Ă– Ă…Ă’ Ă‚d ÂÀà Ă?Ă?Ă‘Ă‚r you already have your eye on. You ÀÅy even ÂÀà Ă?Ă?Ă‘Ă‚Ăƒs will be on the lookout for floating votersl towards developing a ÀÅÕÅĂ&#x;ÂÀÂÕt career'. ĂŠĂŞĂŤĂŹĂ­ĂŹĂŽ, you could seize the opportunity to provide be interviewed at Ă“Ă?Ă€e later date by the person you You, as the applicant, can apply the e technique talk to at the Fair. In this case a little preparation a better ïðùòóôôïþn if you spent Üáøe ÚúÝe researching to tune into the ÂÀà Ă?Ă?Ă‘Ă‚Ăƒ s wavelength. The easy Ă? beforehand could ÀÂÅn the difference between particular ÂÀà Ă?Ă‘Ă‚Ăƒs before the Fair. You could, for ÀÂÒÔĂ?d of applying for jobs is to give detailed Ă„ Ă„ Ă? Ă? Ă€Ă ĂƒĂ‚ Ă? ÂßÅÀà  ÄÕÙ Ă?ĂƒĂ€Ă…Ă’ Ă„Ă?n about yourself and your activities in a creating a lasting Ă“Ă“ n and being lost in a sea , look up who ÂÀà Ă?Ă‘s graduates froĂ€ your of faces. degree discipline in a careers directory such as ROGET haphazard fashion, with the attitude that 'anything ÄÀÀÂÛÄÅÒe ÔÄÒ ĂœĂ?Ă„Ă“t of possible Ă„ or GET. With an that looks interesting' will do. Not only is this Ă’ Ă€e Ă? ÂÀà Ă?Ă‘Ă‚Ăƒ !"# $ g s which you could cross check with those , it is often wasted effort. The difficult bit Ă€Ă„Ă•Ă—Ă’Ă‚Ă˜' I can hear Ă“Ă?Ă€e of you saying. 'I at the Fair, you can then begin to focus upon specific is judging what Ă„ Ă? 'Wait a the Àà Ă?ĂƒĂ’ Ă…Ă•t Ă‚ ÂÀÂÕÒs of the person Ă™ Ă„ Ă„ Ă? Ă€ Ă• Ă?ĂƒĂ€Ă… Ă?Ă• ÂÀà Ă?Ă‘Ă‚Ăƒ thought the Fair was to help e obtain . Ă’ . A browse through their brochure in the specification are, and then %&'()*+*+,g your aptitude Ă“ ÀÅÚe it sound as if I'Ă€ going to be interviewed!' Careers Office should help you to decide whether for the advertised position by highlighting your You The answer is, of course, that both could be true on what they offer is what you really want. It is probably relevant experience. ĂŚĂ?w do you do this? Put yourself Ă„ the Ă› Ă…Ă‘Ăœ t really depends on where you have got to best not to be too choosy at this stage, however, but in the ÂÀà Ă?Ă?Ă‘Ă‚Ăƒ s position. Draw up a job description Ă? Ă™ Ă„ in your thinking about your future. Perhaps you fit into rather to use the Fair to ask ÂÀà Ă?Ă‘Ă‚Ăƒs to clarify any using the advert, Careers ¿Õ Ă?ĂƒĂ€Ă…Ă’ Ă?n Booklets, Ăž Ăż Ăž Ăż ÀÅ ÀÅ one of the following categories: , fears etc you y have. You y Ă˝ ROGET, the Trade Press and obviously the Ă?Ă?Àà ÅÕy ÄÒÀÂÕt brochure, if it exists, and then write a ĂƒĂ‚Ă?ĂƒĂ— end up rejecting theĂ€ after all but at least it will be for sound reasons. If on the other hand you have I person specification. Say to yourself 'What have I ever Ă? o identified an ÂÀà Ă?Ă‘Ă‚r who Ă“Ă‚Ă‚Ă€s right for Ă‘Ă?Ă—ĂœĂ’Ă”Ă‚n done to show that I fit in with this person ĂžĂ? Ă„ Ă„ ÀÂÀĂ?ĂƒĂ… Àà ÅĂ? À×Ă? Ă€ e t specification? Can I organise things and people? ĂŚĂ?w Depending on how h Ă’ e you've got when you you should use the Fair to create a Ă„ Ăž óð realise Ă’Ă” Ă“ĂœĂ’Ă”Ă‚Ăƒe are a Ă•Ă—Ă€ Ă‚r of things you could on . This will involve stating the reasons for your do I persuade theĂ€ that I have practical skills?' etc. Ă?Ă?Ă€Ă Ă—Ă’Ă‚ĂƒĂœ interest in theĂ€ and leaving theĂ€ with the Ă„Ă€Ă ĂƒĂ‚Ă“Ă“Ă„Ă?n ĂŚĂ„Ă&#x;Ă”Ă?Ă„Ă&#x;Ă”t all these factors in your application and do. A careers interview perhaps, a stab at a Ă&#x; Ă€ À×Ă?h considerably reduce all other Ă„Ă•Ă™ Ă?ĂƒĂ€Ă…Ă’ Ă„Ă?Ă•. Ă ĂƒĂ? ĂƒĂ…Ă€Ă€ assisted career guidance e possibly, a look that you will be applying to the and hope very Ă?Ă€ Ă‚Ă?Ă™ Ă‚Ă? Ă€ ÂÀà Ă?Ă?Ă‘Ă‚r upon through Ă“ e Ă“ ĂœĂ” p workbooks to help you focus to have the opportunity to discuss your application The ai of the exercise is for the Ă„ Ă€Ă?Ăƒe Ă™ Ă?ĂƒĂ€Ă…l interview. on your interests, skills etc before ÀÅÒ Ă?Ă” Ă•g these to through a your application to think, 'This person has receiving Ă„Ă&#x; suitable Ă?Ă…ĂƒĂ‚Ă‚ĂƒĂ“ĂœĂ…Ă•y of these Ă€ Ă”t help you. The really thought about what we're looking for' and put College Careers Advisory Service will tell you about t you on the short list for interview. the range of things we provide to help you get started. The Fair will, hopefully, have helped you identify Ă“Ă?Ă€e ÂÀà Ă?Ă?Ă‘Ă‚Ăƒs you would like to apply to. It is worth y

I g a note of these soon after the Fair in case a Both the College's Careers Advisory Service and the I couple of weeks of intensive lectures clouds your ÂżĂ€Ă Ă‚ĂƒĂ„Ă…l College Union Industrial Society provide a Ă? First list on a piece of paper the things you are good ÀÂÀĂ?ĂƒĂ‘! Before you actually Ă?Ă?Àà ÂÒe an application range of resources you can use to help you decide on Ă„Ă&#x; Ă„ Ă™ Ă?ĂƒĂ€, you should read through any literature about your future career. You could visit an ÂÀà Ă?Ă?Ă‘Ă‚Ăƒ, at. Ă Ă?Ă€e of these Ă€ Ă”t appear quite Ă?ĂƒĂ› Ă•Ă…ĂƒĂ‘ĂœĂ…n Ăš ÀÅ ÂÀà Ă?Ă?Ă‘Ă‚r which you have ÀÅÕÅĂ&#x;Ă‚d to obtain. participate in a business Ă&#x;ÅÀÂ, watch a video, attend ability to listen, talk, argue, negotiate or â Ă€Ă?Ăƒe directly to youre that speeches. Others ĂĄ y relate This will act as a last check that you really do want careers talks, go for Ă€Ă?Ă?k interviews and so on. The Ă„ degree subject, eg analysis, Ă•Ă—Ă€Ă‚ĂƒĂ…Ă?Ă‘ , lucid writing, to apply to theĂ€ before you invest a lot of Ă’ Ă€e in Careers Advisory Service will be represented at the Ă ĂƒĂ?Ă&#x;ĂƒĂ…Ă€Ă€Ă„Ă•g and so on. Then stop pursuing your application. practical ability, Fair and will be happy to provide you with detailed Ă ĂƒĂ?Ă&#x;ĂƒĂ…Ă€Ă€Ă‚s of their activities. to think which of these you would particularly like to use in a job (if any!). You could then approach an s ÂÀà Ă?Ă?Ă‘Ă‚r at the Fair and say Ă“Ă?ÀÂÒÔÄÕg like 'I believe Applying for jobs is easy. Applying effectively for a s Ă€y skills lie in these Ă…ĂƒĂ‚Ă…Ă“ĂœĂ›o you think you would job that will suit your qualifications, experience and d ĂĽ Ă„ Ă„ Ă„ ä have anything to suit ĂŁ ' You could also look at your personality ÛÂÀÅÕÛs skill and, very often, ÀÅĂ&#x; Ă•Ă…Ă’ Ă?Ă•. s g Ă„ ĂˆĂ‰ ĂŽ The ÂżĂ€Ă Ă‚Ăƒ Ă…l College Careers Fair is ÆÇ ĂŠĂ‹ĂŒĂ?Ç e to help Ă? ÂÀà Ă?Ă‘Ă‚Ăƒ you find out about s before you decide which of theĂ€ will be lucky enough to get an application Ă„Ă€ Ă€Ă Ă‚ĂƒĂ„Ă…l will probably have Ă€ fro you! Your Ă’ e at Âż convinced you that you're one of an elite group of Ă? students whoĂ€ ÂÀà Ă?Ă‘Ă‚Ăƒs are falling over each other Ă?Ă€ to recruit. There is Ă“ e truth in this, but I have to tell you that we're not yet at the stage where you can Ă€ just sit back and wait for the to discover you. You Ă„ Ă?À Õ still have to do Ă“ Ă’Ă” g about it and going to the

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Scott Wilson Kirkpatrick & Ptns British Steel Rowntree Mackintosh Albright & Wilson Dupont GEC-Marconi Research Centre Sir Robert McAlpine & Sons Deloitte Haskins & Sells KPMG Peat Marwick McLintock General Portfolio Ernst & Young United Biscuits A.I. Ltd V.S.O. Frank Graham & Ptns Wellcome Citymax I.I. Systems L.G. Moucher & Ptns Sir Owen Williams & Ptns Moores Rowland W.S. Atkins Andersen Consulting Touche Ross Pannell Kerr Forsder National Audit Office J.P. Morgan Civil Service Comm (Science Div) Civil Service Comm (Tech Div) Barclays Bank


FRIDAY 3 NOV Jones Lang Wooton GKN Reckitt & Colman Hewlett Packard ICI Chemicals & Polymers London Electricity GLC Alstholm Construction Berkshire County Council Kajima Scicon Ltd Monitor

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G R DHI^P9W[EIL[L Harwell, Europe's largest contract research and development Laboratory is able to offer an exciting range of career opportunities for graduate scientists and engineers in the following disciplines:

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If you are interested in applying for a permanent or fixed-term appointment, or are considering doing a PhD or MSc we would like to hear from you. Visit us at the Careers Fair on Thursday 2 November for further details or alternatively contact Mrs L B Martindale, Recruitment Branch, Harwell Laboratory, Didcot, Oxfordshire, 0X11 ORA. Telephone Abingdon (0235) 24141 extension 2059. Please quote reference F/ICCF. We are an equal opportunities employer.


Interviews 6 Before the interview, 45 e sure that the clothes you 58 : ; :8< 5=>? are to wear are clean, 74 t and 9 4 . Check <@ details of the 4e and place of interview. Make sure <@ you know how to get there and allow plenty of 4e for cancelled trains or broken down buses or cars. @ A@ Read through your application for4 and 45 Be what sort of questions you would ask if presented with such ; @ a :84. C?4 Bd yourself why you want the job and why you think you'd be good at it. What's your : D5B evidence? Read any 9 4 y literature you've got. @ A@ Rehearse the worst question you can 45 Be the ? D>:E? 4 r asking! @ < The first few 4 BF ?s of an inteview are critical. The ? D>:E? 4 r will expect you to be a bit nervous (they're probably a bit nervous too) but try to appear relaxed. Take your cues fro4 the interviewer, if they offer a ;@8 > ;@8 > handshake, shake it 4 y but not too 4 y and wait to be asked to sit down. Throughout the interview, 56 do 4 e eye contact with the interviewer. Candidates who gaze at the floor or out of the window are rarely = successful. Speak clearly and 8?4?4 ?r the points 5B@DF>5< you wish to get over. If necessary, 4 e the questions in order to get your points OPQ HIJKKLLLKJMN R 5B G g I a4 sure 4 y of you have done in ?S547. D>:E?8 s will want to test how well you are suited T4 < to the job both in ?84s of ability and personality. They will ask you questions about your leisure activities to

@ < see how well you can 9:44FB 95 e but also to find evidence of your character and interests. Two very ghhg f n types of questions are what I call the 'Expert' and the 'Idiot'. The 'Expert' question is where you know a lot about the subject and the interviewer knows very little. This could be based on your project, degree subject, a hobby, anything. Make sure you find out how 4F9h the interviewer knows and pitch your answer accordingly. Don't blind the4 with gobbledygook but don't bore the4 with a 'ladybird guide' approach. The 'Idiot' question is where the roles are reversed. They know a lot about the subject and you know very little. They don't expect you to get the answer right, they just want to see if you tackle the question in logical, structured way. Don't be afraid to pause and 4587[5l your thoughts before answering any question. Better to have a few seconds silence than for you to launch in, get halfway through j l an answer, change your i k , forget what you were >5 going to say and end with a 4e 'urn'. Interviewers will expect you to be keen and interested. One way of showing this is to ask genuine questions at the end of the interview. Make sure that you also find out what happens next in the selection process and how long you will have to wait before you < hear the :F 9:4?. Don't forget to thank the <@ interviewers for their 4?. Oh yes, and don't forget @>? to 74 .

G o Away! VW 5 U e of you 4 y be looking on with great despair at your friends wondering 'What's happening to the4 all of a sudden?' as they've begun to talk about starting salaries, going to presentations, filling in application ; :8 Y5Z 4s and worst of all, buying a suit. X e they sold out?' you ask. Well don't worry if you're not interested in getting ; @B@ < ?8 7[\ [ e is an alternative. It is, a job after you : :B> what is 9 44 y referred to as a 'YEAR OFF' — = @ ^_`abcd ] g which is ?9:4 Bg increasingly popular with graduates: It's worth considering even if you are going through the Milk Round this year, as 4:8e and :8 ? D>:E?8 4 e 4 s are willing to consider deferred entry. BF =? There are a 4 r of reasons for taking a year off @ < and it is 4D:8 5Bt to find out if it will personally benefit you; only you can decide that. 5 5e? @ Principally, a year off is a break fro4 the 9 4 c 5B syste4 which 4 y of you have been in for at least sixteen years. It is an option when you are unsure of what you want to do or feel that you don't want to start a job straight away. <@ A year off gives you the 4e and the opportunity : ?< @B to try 7 4 [ g new or different: to travel round the world; to live and work in another country; do voluntary work or to do anything you want. <@ As long as you use the 4e constructively then it e > will enhance your personal ?Z? :D4?Bt and character, as well as help you decide what interests you, and therefore which career path you wish to pursue. If you decide to take a year out, then start thinking <@ ? and planning now as to how you will spend the 4 ,

Page 1

because it is very easy to fall into the trap of doing a year of nothing. Use the Careers Service to get the B5 ? :8< < ?8 4 s of organisations involved in 7[ \ 4 projects ? ? and work 79[ 4 7. > Finally, ?4D :E?8s will look upon a graduate who has taken a year off favourably providing he/she has <@ used the 4e effectively. Very often your new personal attributes after a year off will give you the edge over other applicants. 58B@BA e \ o not be fooled into thinking A word of m that because you are taking a year off, then your 5<< ?8 degree result does not 4 . Although you are e e constantly hearing that graduates are in big ?45B , opqrstuv e? 5B it is very often n . The 4 d is actually for @ D>@? 'Good Graduates'. This 4 s a good degree; therefore do not neglect your work. s

: FB@< y w 44

Service Volunteers (CSV), 237 ~ yz Pentonville Road N1 x , {|} 8 6601. Kibbutz Representatives, 3 Finchley Road, London NW3 7BD. BUNAC, 232 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V D8:A85 ? 44 s to 1AV. These people now do exchange Australia. s A Year Off...A Year On?-a guide to jobs, voluntary

service. Published by wC w\ ?e Careers Office.

Directory of Jobs and Careers Abroad-by

D. Published by Vacation Work.


What a WANGer : ?8 w 44 9e and industry increasingly rely on ; < @ : DF< ?8 : DF< ?8 s control 45BF 59 F8 Bg 9 4 7. w 4 : DF< ?8 processes. w 4 s analyse probabilities for < insurance. Everywhere 9:4DF ?8s control accounting, < invoicing and all layers of finance. Without 9:4DF ?8s

the City of London would grind to a halt and the wheels of industry would not turn. e?Z?>:D ?B 5@B< ?B5B 4 t and 4 9e of these The E < ? 58 l 7 7 4s is done by an 4y of analysts D8:A85 ?8 ? : ? 44 7. These 200,000 4 n and m 4 n and tend not to be technical wizards. The skills required :8 8? F@8? ?B< 4 s are 4 e the ability to analyse business ? D 5@ E <? and convert these into 7 7 47. The 4 [ 7 s is upon the application of technology to the real world, not technology for its own sake. : DF<@B l9 4 The g industry is desperately :8< < 5;; ?e . At the lower levels, there are % 4:8e 7[ \7 vacancies than people. This has driven salaries up to > < A ludicrous levels. Freelance 5B5 E7 D8: 8544?8s with e? 5B three to four years experience can 4 d a thousand D8:A85 ?8 44 s are getting £16K after a week. Lowly @ two years. The low levels of graduates 9:4 Bg into HJM QRN the industry d with the general unwillingness @ of 9:4D5B ?s to train 4?5Bs that this situation can only get worse. (Or better!) : DF< ? What does the job entail? To start with, 9 4 r @BA D8:A85 44 . Upon, joining a graduate is sure to be @ A taught a D8: 8544 Bg language and set to work upon e?Z?>:D ?B :8 4 t of a new syste4 or, 4 e either the @< likely, the 45 B ?B5B9e and ?B[5B9?4?Bt of an <? existing 7E 7 4. The language is unlikely to be one learnt at College, COBOL is sadly prevalent although fourth generation languages are slowly gaining 5@B< ?B5B ?S< 8? ?> 9e can be 4 y popularity. Work on 4 frustrating, learning just how code should not be written. Later, the trainee starts analysis work. This is the : 4 7t challenging part of the job. An analyst has to understand quickly user procedures which they have <@ developed over a long period of 4?, and be able to < @ < apply these to a 7E 7 ?4s ?BZ 8:B4?B . Analysis can lead to such wonderful (and lucrative) careers as consultancy. The industry is in a constant state of flux. This is not a career for those wanting a stable job with one <@ : D5B 9 4 y for thirty years. The average 4e a D8:A85 ? :B< 44 r stays in a job is eighteen 4 [7. x% > < < work for [?47? Z?7, taking six to twelve 4:B h :Z @B : D5B@? contracts, then 4 g on. Large 9 4 s see4 to D8:=>? 47: Wang and Ferranti are in dire be having > financial straits, IBM's profits are 30% down. 45 l @>>@:B 56 7, then crash s rise to 4 e 4 spectacularly or are swallowed by the giants. Those with a clear head and the intuition when to F4p can 56 4 e a fortune. :B< : ?8 @5 To get a job you need nine 4 [Xs 9 44 9 l :B< : ?8 @5 experience. You cannot get nine 4 [Xs 9 44 9 l experience without a job. This is the BIG proble4 with : DF< ? the 9 4 r industry. If you can get onto a big : D5B 9 4 y training course, then you're in. Better still > to find a 745 l software house who will give you the : ?8 @5 : DF<@B analysis experience early on. w 44 9 l 9 4 g <@ is an exciting career and this is the 4e to get into it. l

Teaching is without doubt a very rewarding career.

Teaching ¨ There was a e when teaching was regarded by assessed annually—a e enough idea, but by ¡ ³ e as a soft a last resort for the graduate who and on what grounds? The learning and if all else failed. This is no longer the case; the teaching processes are subjective; they cannot be ¦¤ °§¦ ¦ § ¤¨¨´ profession faces greater challenges today than at any d ¢ . There is also the quantified or e in its history and graduates would be well advised proble of the objectivity of the proposed ¤ ¦ ¦ to consider carefully the evolutionary processes which . £ ¤¥ ¦ § ¤ ± ¦ µ § ¤ g to t are ¢ e teaching one of the n technology into The ¢ ¢ t of ¨ stressful occupatons today. the classroo is another factor which is ¢ ¤ g a Before considering the financial rewards, short days lot of firsts for e teachers. The range of skills and ¤ and long holidays it y be advisable to think of the knowledge required to handle the new technology high proportion of teachers who retire early on the expands daily and teachers are expected to keep ¦ ¤ ¦²¦¨ ¦ l breakdown. grounds of ill health of . Through the advisory abreast of these ¶ What is happening in the world of education to services local education authorities do provide courses £¨ § ¦ ? One of the t produce such serious to enable teachers to gain new skills or expertese, but ª contentious issues is discipline in the © «¬¬­®®¯. It is the knowledge base is contantly shifting and ¨ ° ¢h publicised violence expanding. not y a question of the ± ¨ or the abolition of corporal ° ¦ ; laudable The stresses involved in these ¶¦²¦ ¦ s ¨ though it was, it was y the first step in a series coupled with additional work of the changing ²¦ ¦·¤ ¤ §¦¸° §¦ ¦ of legal s which have reduced the sanctions n s have syllabuses and ¨ available to teachers to an ¤ ¤§ g extent. increased the workload of the teacher to an extent ¨¤ § Discipline in today's ¢ s can only be which could not be forseen 20 years ago. As a direct ± ¨ ¤ ¤ ¦ d by a process of negotiation between the consequence the teacher finds ¦ f operating in a ¦ ² § ¦ teacher and pupil, but not all parents or pupils are strained t which is foreign to the one he prepared to enter into that process. envisaged when he elected to enter the profession. ²¦§ ¦ The status of teachers in today's society is ºs latest package of proposals The ¹ constantly called into question. Words such as indicate the rate of change is not going to slacken. ¤ ¦ ¦ t are bandied around accountability and The advent of the City Technical Colleges (CTCs) in £¨ with little or no understanding of the § ¦ s they their areas will create even greater pressures on the create. Mr Baker has stated that teachers should be teacher. Already schools are beginning to ¢ ¦ e

with each other. There is a perceived need to be judged as being a 'good' or 'successful' school and ¤§ ¦·¤ ¤ n is n the obvious criteria for ¢ results. If the 'better educated parents' of pupils who currently attend secondary schools with good ¤ ± ¦ t areas send their children to the local CTC ¢ ¢ the school's success rate in ¦·¤ ¤ s will fall off. Will the school then be judged as a failure? There will certainly be an increase in the pressure ¤ ¤ n past levels brought to bear on teachers to ¤ ± ¦²¦ ¦ ¼½ of ¢ . As we » e into an era when schools will be responsible for their own financial ¿ÀÁÂÁÃÄÅ ÄÁÆ ¾ ¾ , and the funding is dependent on the ° £¦ r of pupils attending each schools parental £¦ choice will ¢ e a vital consideration in the success or otherwise of any school. The prospects for e schools looks very bleak indeed. ¦²¦¨ ¦ s In the light of these and other ¶ currently under consideration, it will behold the graduate well to think very carefully before ¢ g hi or herself to a career in teaching. It is without doubt a very rewarding career, if one is Ë Ì ÎÏÐÑ ÒÑÓ Í . In the successful, but it is also ÇÈÉÊÇ Ç y Í old days it was said that 'those who can do, d o ¡ those who can't, teach'. Perhaps it should be rephrased 'those who can teach, teach and those who can't should keep well away'.

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Come and talk to us at the Imperial College Careers Fair: November 2nd.

The Delator Column

by Paul Shanley

It really is appalling The developers have Ă?ĂžĂ&#x;Ă d into Ă?y town. They've ãä ĂĽĂž been threatening to do it for years. åâĂ? Ă n town ç centre will shortly be going the ĂŚ Ă?e way as other outer London areas such as Croydon or Sutton or Ealing already have. ç çèè The Ă? ân objection is that no Ă? Ă r how good their ĂŠ Ăž intentions, Ă? ĂŚt architects tend to Ă?ç e a dog's ear ãäà üĂž of it. The early work in åâĂ? n has been to build a fire station coloured bright red, an office block jet black with Ă?âêêÞêà d windows and a shopping centre ãä ĂŤ ĂŞĂ coloured white. All soar deep into the sky ĂŚĂ Ă? â g a scaled down version of GothaĂ? City in Burton's Ă­ĂŽĂŻĂ­Ă° ĂŹ . I wonder whether progress was ever Ă?à çÍt to happen. Each week we hear of new inventions, new ĂŁ ideas, new plans. Innovative objects à ùÞĂ?e ùòà à ãà ùĂž everyday objects. New ĂŚ Ă? s Ă?e old hat. Old' ĂŁ changes à ùÞĂ?e history. Bad architecture, for those who care, leads to dissatisfaction with one's environs. This, in turn, è ùÞ contributes to bad feeling in a Ă?Ă?óÍâ Ă´. The capital cities seeĂľ to be the worst offenders. London is falling ĂŁ ĂĽ over itself to à ùÞĂ?e Ă?Ăž Ă ĂŞĂŤ. Its US equivalent, ÞÜ ø ää Manhattan, is a dirty, ĂŚĂ? á â Ă d city. A town's ĂŠ ĂŠ changes have a ÍÞù áĂžn effect on the Ă?çÍÍà r of its çêÜó Ă ĂŤ Ă? t is strengthened if one looks populace. The ĂŁ Ăś at ÚçĂ? óê . It is one of the rudest places I have visited. Its residents are geared to progress, to getting üç èò on without giving a Ă?n for those around Ă Ă?. But what of the opposite? Does an unchanged Ă ĂŤĂ&#x; êÞÍ Ă ĂŤ â Ă? t breed a nicer kind of people? Maybe. I ä è Ăś can cite two à úçĂ?Ăť Ă s which support this çê ĂłĂ?Ă ĂŤ . Over the ßóĂ?Ă?Ă ĂŞ, it was a great privilege to visit two places where change has occurred in a fashion that has not lowered the tone or restricted the skyline. Edinburgh and Dublin have had to evolve to an ever ä è changing à ùÞÍÞĂ?âc Ăą âĂ?ç Ă . They have had to adapt è to change in order for their cities to ùÞĂ?Ýà e with others for trade. The difference is that they have done it without radically changing their existing buildings or their heritage. When Macdonalds wanted to convert an existing building that they had just bought on Dublin's

ø èø O'Connell Street into a çÌ á ÞÞd restaurant, certain conditions were laid down before they were allowed ø üç èç to do so. The óÍ Ă?Ă ĂŤ l one was that they were ø ä not allowed to trade with the çĂ?â âçr red and white çêÊ shop front which has e their trade Ă? . Dublin insisted that the restaurant should blend in with its neighbours. It looks no Ă?Þêe out of place now than any other of the outlets in Eire's capital. , åâĂ?Ăťy wanted to locate in Princes Street,

ç the Ă? ân thoroughfare in Edinburgh. Edinburgh ç d the ĂŚ Ă?e restrictions as Dublin. The view froĂ? Carlton l down onto Princes Street is now unspoiled by any unsightly pieces of architecture. çÍ There are r restrictions in force in Ă? y other towns in Britain and to a certain extent in ĂŚĂžĂ?e Ăž Ă´ Ýçèòà è ĂŚĂ? âc boroughs of London. In Ă? ĂŚt of the capital however, the planners have beaten the ùÞ óÍ è Ă?Ă? â y groups on every occasion that there has been a difference of opinion.

Lights out Þó Ăž ÞÍ The Ăš ĂŚe of Ă˝ Ă?Ă? s was treated to a taste of ùÞ things to Ă?e last Tuesday. Television lights were ä installed in preparation for the televising of Þçê âçĂ?Ă ĂŤt ĂžÍèò Ăž Ă ĂŁĂ ĂŞ next Ă? . Ăź Ă?e of the Ăż Ă? s present objected to this à úÝà êâĂ?Ă ĂŤt on the grounds that it was causing ùäç ĂŤ âĂ?â g theĂ? to sweat profusely. Other MPs were that the arc lights possessed soporific qualities. Many Ýê çê ä of theĂ? were said to be nodding off âĂ? â y because of the stresses of working under such bright conditions. Secretly, Ă?çÍy Labour and Conservative MPs Ă?óÌt be rubbing their hands. They now have a ĂĽ e reason for sleeping through speeches Ă?ç e by the Windbag and the Blue Rinse.

Page 16

The public needs places to shop. There is a good

òôÝà ê çêÊà è çêÜó Ă ĂŤ Ă? t in favour of large Ă? s that cater ùÞÍ Ăł à è Ă for every possible ĂŚ Ă? r â Ă?. Large shops that ä cause traffic ÌÍçê áóÝs and excesses of litter should

not be allowed in residential towns such as those à Íè ÞÍà Ă? â d unless suitable precautions are taken. One solution is to allow the Savacentres and Tescos to locate only on condition that they are held responsible $% for the çùùĂžĂ?ÝçÍô âÍg !"# &'s that arise. This Ă?à çÍs that they have to take responsiblity for excess litter è and trolleys that clog up the ÝçĂ&#x;Ă Ă?Ă ĂŤ . They have to çÊ Ă? e provisions for adequate parking for shoppers. ĂĽ ãä They Ă?óÌt be Ă?ç e aware of the alcohol ÝêĂž Ă Ă?s ùÞ ÝÞóÍüà that are Ă? d by late opening hours. Above all, the design of their shops Ă?óÌt blend in with the Ăś ç ùÞ óÍ èô âĂ? e of the local Ă?Ă? â . Only then should the ç(Ăž óÝà ê çêÊà Ă? rĂŚ Ă? t chains be allowed to locate in our ç(Ăž Ă? r towns.

Aural sex Two new products were released onto the unsuspecting public last week. Business Week çÜç) ĂŤ Ă? â e carried the world's first talking çüĂ&#x;à êè à à Íè âÌ Ă? . The advert had a flap which when lifted proferred details of the chip upon which the çÍóø çùè óêà ê speech was held. The Ă? s claiĂ? that è production will be so cheap in several years âĂ?e that Ăś à ç Ă packaging will contain talking Ă? ĂŚĂŚ s giving details of the product. ä ÍÞó Also announced was the world's first ĂłĂ?â s +,-+ ùÞ . The real test will Ă?e when the two * ùÞ ĂŁ ĂŤĂ products are Ă? â d to give the first sheath that not only glows in the dark but gives you directions as well. "Right a bit, left a bit,...."


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Strong Interpersonal Skills: an awful 4567 94: ;5 :<5=6 5><?@ for having the usual r of heads, s etc and 5>7 being able to string words of e than one syllable together intelligably. Probably also helps if people >58 5 don't A t when you walk into the roo (although = for a job in advertising, this is reversed and 69>56s 9>5B<C;>7DE . Salary to be advised: we're so confused that we haven't got a clue what we're paying our staff now, let alone what we'll be paying you. Salary negotiable: we're so sussed we'll ask you to : 5 4 e the price, knowing that either you'll vastly <:F676;? 85 ? 4 e your worth so we can get away with ?8 ? rippping you off, or you'll so >A 676; 54 e your worth, we can have a good giggle at your expense. G Salary at 547 6t rates: we'll give you peanuts. Monkeys of the world, you have been warned! ;>56?@8: Attractive salary: well g about this job has to be attractive. On the job training: we're going to throw you in at the deep end. We expect you to use your 'strong



interpersonal skills' to the full in coping with a 54 >r crisis on your first day. >5B76@6:;8 B7>J7 556 I A e training 4 : we'll treat you 5>7> 5 G like a n and 4 e you wonder why you bothered spending three years doing a degree. 6 5; Passing professional K 4 : we'll put you on a seven and a half hour day followed by studying all 5>7 e qualifications L and you thought evening for yet that was all over. Offices in attractive location: we'll post you in the NOOP 8C M e of nowhere, 5 6s fro5 any interesting nightlife, late night shops or any of the things you've =69>5 e used to having in London over the past two or three years. Oh, by the way the location was attractive, but we've just built our offices all over those pretty green fields. 8 Market Leader: at least five 9>5B4: 6s in each field >56>: will claiQ to be this. R e has to be wrong. The trick is to spot who and then find out what else they're lying about. 56 C 4 s in Full range of benefits: usually include free


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very grotty 9>5B4:y canteen, 565 67; p of a health plan S564:s they're going to work you so hard you'll 9>5B : ;9@65 4 y pension have a breakdown) and eL 5> which you can't take with you when you Ae to your ? 856 next job in two years . Rapid career progression: we're so lousy all our top staff are leaving in droves. This 564:s that you, our innocent new recruit, will be rapidly advanced to fill ? their 65B y desks. In this sort of 9>5B4:y you could 5 : J8: be 4 4 g director after you've been there three weeks. ? 5>;B@676 5 G : be prepared to 4 e the Flexible working 4 tea, do the photocopying, sweep the floor... Any degree discipline considered: you'll be on the UV T e footing as lots of grotty arts graduates who've been sitting around on their backsides for the past three years writing the odd essay, while you've been slaving away in the lab for eighteen hours a day. Is this fair? Rector's words of advice: twaddle at front of careers brochure. To be ignored.

SCANDALOUS! A poster appeared outside the Union Office on X Z Z Monday W Y [ \g that ]^^[s were available in Southside. It went on to say that interested parties should either contact Union Deputy President Dave _ `aa`bc d eZ s or ring the YWW^[^ Y ^n office direct. Mr _ `aa`bc s told FELIX that he knew nothing of the poster but would investigate. fe later stated that he had a look and that it was an old one. FELIX have inspected the poster and can reveal that it is not an 'old one' ii jkl \Y[ ' e but is brand spanking new with Mr g h h enscribed upon it in bold type. Meanwhile, the nnoppoq r so n office has been inundated with calls m m [ fro hopeful applicants. Their blanket reply is that v there are no ]^^[s available. A tu^ wtx ^[Yn for the nnoppoq r so m m n office told Felix that "they had no ^[ ^[ z idea where the poster had W e y ] . }~ A { | l terrier of the canine variety has been sighted e e in the Aeronautics wuY] [w\ . The pooch apparently lives in the office of Director Professor wY][Y\ s \Y[ secretary, Roz Fairhurst. Brandy for that his e d e happily trots around the wuY] [w\t and has been known to attend the odd lecture. Felix rang Ms Fairhurst on Tuesday to enquire about the little doggy, but were t^[wx Yt abruptly told "Go and ask ^[w^\ [ t e else, I' not going to tell you.". A n told FELIX that Brandy is hoping for a 2:1. Not Brandy

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Sailing by This weekend saw eight brave souls struggling up to Ÿ the Welsh ¾œ¡p in ¸ šº š½ , for a teaÂş racing event. On arrival we discovered that not only was it raining, ¿º À¿ ºà ¡œĂ‚ĂƒŸ¿Ăƒ Âź ž y appeared but, that waves had ž š w on the reservoir. Of course this could have been due to the fact that the wind was very strong. In fact, after Ă Ă…Ă… Ă… Ă… several Ă„¿ž Ä¿ÆšºšĂ† ž, the race Ă‚¿ºº še decided to only let us race with four roll reefs in the sails, only to change this to six after the first race. Æϼ š, is run by the The Foot, which is the event's ĂˆĂ‰ ĂŠĂ‹ĂŒĂ?ĂŽĂˆĂ?Ă?Ă?Ă‘ Castaways Ç y of London sailors) and Ă… attracts top šœºs froĂ’ all over the country, this year Ă… ϼ there were 1Ă“ š ž, organised into two leagues. Ă… ϼ In our league there were nine š ž, including the Ă•Ă–Ă—Ă˜Ă™Ăš Ă” d British Universities teaĂ› and the University ĂĄ Ă of London Ăœ Ă?ĂžĂ&#x;. The à ºÄš¡ Âśl College teaÂş Ă„š¡ ¿¡ºšd ¡ Âş º ¡à Æ very well given the conditions and š š š g that



Ă… Ă Âş

this was the first e we had sailed in a race as a ĂžĂ&#x; . Unfortunately due to the force of the wind we ĂœĂ? were beset by gear failure, such that in every race only two out of our three boats actually crossed the finishing line. âãäüÌüç, we kept up with the other è ĂŠĂŞĂŤĂŹ , showing a very respectable result. The high Ă spot was, however, Ă‚¿º Æg joint first in the race against the University of London teaÂş (the UL teaÂş is drawn froĂ’ all the college's in the University including IC, whereas IC is just drawn froĂ’ one college). Ă…Ă Âş ºœ This year, for the first e ever, it y be possible Ă Ă… ϼ to raise a ladies š , as well as the existing Âş Ă­ šd ĂžĂ&#x; ĂœĂ? . If anyone is interested in either teaĂ› then please Ă…Ă ĂŽ contact the Sailing Club at one of its ºšš Æ s (see What's On) or via the Club pigeonholes in the Union. º¿¡ Âş ¡¡à ¡ The e the š š !


Ă Âź

This Ă‚¿º Æg Thursday ºž¿c is showing The WallĂ Man Parker's filÂş set to the ÂşĂƒž c of the Pink Floyd Ăż ϼ Æϼ š. albu of the ž e It is a dark, visceral work: a fading rockstar (played by Bob Geldof), on the verge of a nervous breakdown, Ă… Ă…Ă looks back on his life which has been ¡œĂƒºœ c to say Âş º¿ Âş º¿¡œŸ žt š the least. The fil is, perhaps, e for its use of the distinctive cartoons of Gerald Scarfe, à ºœÎ šž. which fill the screen with disturbing, surreal Ÿ All in all, not a nice filÂş but certainly a ¡šºœ¡ Âś e and Ÿ Âş º¿¡œ š e one, guaranteed to leave you ĂťĂƒĂ†Ă‚¿ºå ¿¡Ă… œŸ Ă†Ăƒº Ăť y . See What's On for further details.


S y


1. n 2. Publicity Officer 3. Seven Ordinary s 4. Transport e Representative 5. n Cttee Representative

Papers are up in the Walkway, OSC Noticeboard

Caterpillar Cafe

Last weekend the Boardsailing Club went down to Gosport in search of sun, surf and wind. Although not very sunny, force ĂŻĂ°8 winds ºšœĂ†t our first stop was óô ¿º to buy a ùò l enough sail and we then had ž e great sailing for the whole weekend. Âź Üá Ă… Our next trip will be to þ¿¿ š ÂżĂƒ¡Ă†šº¿Ăƒ h on ø ¿ú º Ăš š šr and we go to Queen Mary Reservoir every

Running º ÆÝ



The first š s tea did IC proud last Wednesday, by winning the first London College's League race of à Æ ºà ¿º º¿¡ e valuable the series. Despite žž g ž e of our runners on the day, the teaÂş packed well to ýýÞÿÞ Ăź Ăź e 1 points, just 2 ahead of s Poly. Ă… An outstanding h place was achieved by Paul Northrop in his first race for the College and not far Âź behind was Alex Gaskell (17th). ¾š šn Macintosh Âť Ă‚¿º finished 12th in the ladies race to š e the first UL Ă€ ĂŽ runner ¿ºš. With Sonia Legg in 20th, they ºœĂ†Âś šd Âş 8th in the tea event. Âť The bandwaggon rolls on at Guildford on Ú¿úšº šr 8. The Cross Country Club is set for a successful season. Page 20

Wednesday, so whether you want to perfect your ¿Æ ÀœÆ

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e e by the 'Reds' saw the / e a lively UCL side with :, e lethal finishing. 3< UCL started strongest and only Si ;, 61=s diving block kept the scores level. IC gradually got used to the UCL crunching challenges and began to assert > ?6/ 639 6 /6 ?0 : :. They took the lead :, + t against the / BCD / run of play, after Ada @A s was in the box. Ti Fisher converted the resulting penalty. They extended 7 -66 .48 2 their lead after winning a k for swearing. The ball was driven into the box and Ada/ @ABCDs looped a header into the top right corner. /E8 IC started the second half h stronger and > several chances went close before F6/i G/0 ,Ha > wrapped up the /0 8h with a blistering right foot shot /4I? that gave the keeper no chance. Indeed he t have /41E> 6 had a second s later, but the post 80/e 4 4 > / /0 1 0 1 between hi and glory. This win s IC 1sts 100% record and they are yet to concede a goal. s



The recently set up ladies football tea got off to a lightening start on Wednesday 11th with a KL2 defeat against UCL! The 2 goals were scored by Sophia Bustanante and Katie, a player lent to us by UCL! Tricia Bradley gave 7 a startling 56- ,-/018e with a nifty little header during ? 0 37 > ?4 2 the second s unfortunately left her 2 inches . shorter with no neck, she did, however, /0 e a good recovery in the bar afterwards. Janet Leah gave a good defence backed up by Antonetta Loba in goal. < Mandy Tayler and Diana Marshe /0 e the occasional < 10/4 burst through the defence but alas their H c right wing was too /E8h for us and we were forced to 7 E33 > 4/6 2 concede M goals and 2 cardiac arrests by . /61= Being attached to the s football club has helped us a lot with the organisation and it has /601t that . 4> 2 we have our own a nice blue striped little 1E/N6-201< , of course, a ball to play with. We have /010I6 d to slip into the London league and other 7 4 0 4< 0 4< fixtures include the UAU, ,E-2 2: e and : O 2 2: e > E-10/61> , :. So it looks like a busy season ahead. 3 Any aspiring footballers are + 6 8,/e to 8,/e along 3 0H > ? /E :t be and 5 2 e only prerequisite is that you 7 6/036 .

Rugby C

After a nervous start, and a nL0 score against us the week before, IC 1sts played :,/e good strong hockey. The first half was slow with neither side on > 60/ top and both s having several chances. In the I second half IC played a confident 0/e and within the 4 > / 1E 6 first ten s Phil Stubs placed a beautiful pass to Mark London who hit the ball through the keeper's I legs. The 0/e then suddenly picked up with :,/e <H 10/4 pqr pstq c hockey in o . Then a cross froh right allowed Mike Marshal to put the ball into the back of ?4 /4 the net. UCL then began to flownder and a ::2 t froh their defence again gave Mark London a chance to place his second into the net. UCL in a frenzy suddenly picked up the pace of their I0/6 , placing a lot of pressure on the IC defence who broke and IC let in their first goal. Then 80/e a 'pseudo' cross froh the right winger Gary ?037 2 0 + y line to Duncan Fitter, Knaresborough on the /0< e a run froh the left wing and after who had /0.41 passing one defender and into the goal g the I0/6 L score u 1 to IC at the end of the . A good start to the league. s


IC, sporting a new look kit, began this year's challenge for the Gutteridge Cup with a good win over London QR STU VW /0< 03/ P ,:t . Conditions for good rugby were e YZ[\\ ]^ X X e by a gale force wind blowing down the field. Each half, obviously, was biased to the tea/ with the 'wind'. IC lost the toss and faced kicking off with the 636/61> / -> 018 e of scoring points, with our :. _ 5, > advantage, was E556-/,: . `abcdcr IC started > 4/6 0/0 41 :: g only a 10 point lead at half slowly, . f f 4/ L Score e , thanks to tries by g ,n Bicknell and Mike Anderson. Anderson also put over one conversion and a penalty. 4> 03 London ;,:5 , playing with the wind, scored a giveaway try, due to slack defence froh IC. This /6> ?41 sparked :, g in the recesses of the IC lads' jklm . Inspirationally playing out of their skins for the i 4 > -6/041<6 r of the /0 8h g /,n Bicknell scored a try 8-E//0I froh a solid : e on the opponents' line, right > in the dying /,/61 :. IC face either Kings or Barts next round.


After a uL0 defeat against this teav last year, IC 1 sts I started the 0/e with :,/e apprehension! Little occurred in the first half, and play was fairly / even. w;C Chisich did settle first into :, e good hard hockey, but IC continued to place pressure on the/ and try one hundred per cent. The second half started with w;C forcing IC into /41E> 6 a defensive role. It was fifteen s froh the end 0/6 when our goalkeeper x s Whitelaw unfortunately gave away a penalty flick, and they put the first goal away. This single event suddenly increased the pace of the >4 z{|} . Several /6s IC broke forward but to no avail. y 4/ 3 / 6 Then suddenly IC put together a very : 5 e ,9 : good sharp, clean passes which left Mike Marshal with an open goal to place the first IC goal of the day. /41E> 6 Within two s of restarting IC were again attacking with Mark London cracking a shot which deflected off the keeper and up into the net. / w;C Chisich then played :, e good astro hockey but IC held the/ off.



Page 22



Last Wednesday saw the destruction of a UCL tea/ I0/ fresh froh the :E//6r break. The e started quite / / evenly, but , e and , e possession was gained by > 60/ 8 / 36> 63 IC as four , 5 y new s pulled together. 4 Dave Millard kindly volunteered to E/5 -e the first half /E8 0/0~6/61 but h to IC's t disallowed a short corner /010I6 goal. The 2nds preserved and d to break through in the shape of a good individual goal froh Mark Londan. ;e again scored as the ball struck the < backboard froh a short corner. Don ;,+ 0- , on his . 4 I debut, /010 6d to /0 e it 3 before the E/5 -e -6<66/6 ?4/ 63 : f and gave a penalty flick. Mark just d /010I6 d to get it in to get a well deserved hattrick ?037 > 4/ 2 as the e whistle went. / Fro then on IC were on top but we could only /010I e 2 goals in the 2nd half despite having all the > 4/6 possession^Dave Millard, on the pitch this , 8-60/6 03/ d the ball to ,:t knock the corner out of the goal, and ;0::0n Majid got on the scoresheet to /0. e it 20 to IC. There should be a good season ahead with a good 7 intake of freshers and better 56- ,-/0186s froh the 'oldies'.



This friendly fixture signified the start of the season >? d s and we were apprehensive for the abcdc when only 7 players turned up. ` r we soldiered on, having borrowed a substitute froh the Ists, > 60/ against a full St Georges' . The first half saw IC I in charge of the 0/e with our kicking back spending 4 > / / ,:t of his e resting against the side of the post / while the rest of the tea attacked the St Georges' half. We were rewarded shortly with our first goal abcdc froh Andrew Talby. ` r a penalty corner just before the end of the half levelled the score for St Georges. > 60/ There then followed a period when both s tried to kill each other resulting in one broken nose, one cut lip and one bruised kneecap. >? The s fought back hard and the centre half, / Ada Pritchard, found the back of the net after an >4 accurate pass froh the right half. By this /e everybody was tiring, except for our Kicking Back 0/6 x s Larkins who needed a change. Charging up the >4 field and arrived in front of the net just in /e to /66t - / >3 the ball, which he 5 , 5 y despatched. The final >? score suggests a good season for the s when we reach full strength.

Rowing r y Sunday saw the 1st and 2nd IC fours in the first race of the year. Racing at Senior I level IC 'A' not only won their own division but were easily the fastest coxless four. They beat all the elite crews, and were only narrowly squeezed froh second place overall by the supposedly /E8h faster quadruple sculls. IC 'B' 4 > raced Senior II coxless fours, : ,-/ 1g their own 41 /4 division and barely :: g being the 2nd fastest coxless four. Results: 1 IC 'A' " < 2 s -0 6://6n RC 3 IC 'B'

Senior I " Open " Senior II


2 2 2

Muscle Shoal in the Union Lounge last Tonight, Ents present Big Boy Tomato in the Lounge. A good laugh band, regulars on the London circuit, ¤¥¦ ¨ ¨©©ª«¬ certain to get your £ § §£ . They're good enough to splurge on your chips. So stop playing D + D, don you whitest trainers and ­¤¦t stone§ washed jeans (fashion kings) and hit the Union. Goth's also allowed in. Doors open at ®¯° and there is a bar extension until ³´ 1 a± and a disco until ² . Tickets are £2 in advance

fro­ Union Office or your friendly ents people, µ¶·¸ 0 on the door and £1 to all you lucky Ents card holders. ª ¨ºº¤»¥¥ ¹ n is also a good £ ­e to party and what an event we have got lined up for you. There is a joint ª party with the ¼­¥½ ¾¨n Institute of Foreign Study ³´ (AIFS) in the Ents Lounge until ¿ . 31st October is ª the date and the ¥«£¥½£¨ «­¥«t includes Rag Cocktails, bar extension and fancy dress (optional), and it will only cost you a single coin (£1).

Next Friday has a bit of a scoop for you. The band À º is called Bliss, they are ­¤ ¥½¨£¥ y Á¨­¤Âs and are on ª ¥ the brink of hitting the big £ ­ . Make sure you get à ¬ to see the­ before they ­¨ e Ä¥¾¤­e ­¥ ¨¦£¨½¦. Details to follow in next week's FELIX. , e

Imperial College Union Events



BIG BOY TOMATO, Disco, Late Bar. Live in the Union Lounge Holloween Party, Disco, cocktails, late Bar. £1, Ents Free 8.30 in the Union Lounge The Lounge Nightclub Disco. Free Union Lounge BLISS, disco, late bar Live in the Union Lounge RUBY BLUE, plus main band, disco, late bar Live in the Union Lounge The Lounge Nightclub presents...'Pair of Shorts Party' Union Lounge IZIT, disco, late bar Live in the Union Lounge The Lounge Nightclub, disco (Free) 9-1pm in the Union Lounge THE MILLTOWN BROTHERS, disco, late bar Live in the Union Lounge The Lounge Nightclub, disco (Free) Union Lounge Mega Fantasmic END OF TERM PARTY (to be finalised) Union Building Tickets for all Friday night gigs available from IC Union Office, from Tuesday before concert. £2.00 advance, £2.50 on the door £1.00 with ents card



Student è , at which student reps fro each year Ă…Ă†Ă‡Ă‡ĂˆĂ‰t on the courses and appropriate action is taken. Most of the students in the Life Sciences ĂŞĂŤ ĂŠ ĂŒĂ‘Ă‘ ĂŠ Ă‡Ăˆ ÆÓÒÊ ĂˆĂ’Ă‡ĂŽ ĂˆĂ‰ Division will have t ĂŠ , at y ĂŹ ĂŚĂŹ Ă“ä t Wine Ă­ Cheese functions. ĂĽe not only 'deigns to ĂŠ ĂŻĂˆĂ‡ Ă‡ĂˆĂ’ ÇÆÒÊ ĂŒĂŽĂ– ĂŽ speak to e , he drinks with !

We're all wonderful

Yours sincerely, Dr Bill Hominick, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Biology. Dr Mustafa Djamgoz, Senior Tutor, Biology.

Dear Mr Smedley,


We write with regard to your Ă…Ă†Ă‡Ă‡ĂˆĂ‰ s in last ĂŠ Ă‹Ă‡ĂˆĂŠ ĂŒĂ?ÎËÉĂ? week's FELIX concerning Life Sciences , Ă? and would be interested to know fro where you have Ă‹ Ă‘ ĂŒĂŠ Ă‹ obtained your É ÆÒÇ ÆÉ. All students were given an ĂŠ Ă‹Ă‡ĂˆĂŠ ĂŒĂ?ĂŽ ĂŠ ĂˆĂ’Ă‡ outline e at the beginning of , which ËÉÑ Ă†Ă’Ă‡Ăˆ Ç d the at least where and when to go for their ĂŠ Ă‹Ă‡ĂˆĂŠ ĂŒĂ?ĂŽĂˆ first lecture, and they were given detailed s at the beginning of their course. We have copies of ĂŠ Ă‹Ă‡ĂˆĂŠ ĂŒĂ?ĂŽĂˆ s and none indicates any classes on these Wednesday afternoons. We have checked with the Ă‘Ă‹ course conveners concerned, who have ÅÆÉ Ă’Ă‡Ăˆd that there has been no teaching on Wednesday afternoons on their courses. In addition, we have Ă? spoken to a ÉÓÇ Ăˆr of students, none of whoĂ” have been affected, or know anybody who has been ĂŠĂ‹ ĂŠ ĂŒĂ?ĂŽ affected by Ă‡Ăˆ Ăˆd work during Wednesday ËÉÑ Ă†Ă’Ă‡ĂŒĂŠ ËÆ afternoons, or by lack of n on where or when their lectures are. We have also seen the Ă‘Ă‹ Divisional Rep, AN Mobasheri, and he has ÅÆÉ Ă’Ă‡Ăˆd ÒÆĂ?ĂŽĂˆĂ‡Ă– that he knows of no Ă• . Ç I a sure that all Life Sciences students know us in the office well enough to inforÇ us if there are any ĂŽĂŒĂ‹ ĂŠ serious ÅÆÇÕ É Ă–. For the record, we would like to point out that Professor Anderson is in no way responsible for any Ă— Ă˜Ă™ĂšĂ— Ă›ĂœĂ?Ă˜Ăž g within the Division. Yours sincerely, Valerie Forge and Debbie Lloyd, Life Science Office.

Life sciences derision Dear Dave,

We were very surprised at the tone and factual contents of your editorial on the Life Science åâã Ăˆ ĂŒĂ’ĂŠ Ă‡ĂˆĂ‰ Ă&#x; Ă• t in last week's issue of FELIX (No Ă . We would firstly point out that Life Sciences is a ĂŒĂŠ ĂŠ Division and not a Ă&#x;ĂˆĂ• Ă’ Ă‡ĂˆĂ‰ , and there are two Ăˆ ĂŒĂ’ĂŠ Ă‡ĂˆĂ‰ĂŠ Ă&#x; Ă• s concerned. We represent the Ăˆ ĂŒĂ’ĂŠ Ă‡ĂˆĂ‰ Ă&#x; Ă• t of Biology, so what we have to say ĂŒĂŠ ĂŠ Ă‡ĂŒĂ‹Ă‰ĂŽ applies y to our äĂˆĂ• Ă’ Ă‡ĂˆĂ‰ . We have checked and could find no instance of any teaching taking place on Wednesday afternoons. All teaching takes ĂŠĂ‹ ĂŠ ĂŒĂ?ĂŽ place as outlined on the detailed Ă‡Ăˆ e of every course, provided to each student on the first day of ĂŒ the course. If and when any change is Ç äĂˆ, this is done following full consultation with the students. We will take your claiÇ seriously if you can at least tell us which courses and lecturers were supposedly involved. ĂŒ ÇË ÆÇ ĂŽĂ‹ ĂŒĂŠ Ăˆ ĂŠ Ă‹Ă‡ĂˆĂŠ ĂŒĂ?ĂŽĂˆ , but We would ä t to a Ă… Ă• Ă… d Ă–ĂŠ ĂˆĂ‡ Ă? Ç that s fro our proble in that Life Sciences does not have adequate lecturing facilities, especially for ÆÇÇÆ the large Ă… n First Year. Instead of writing as you have done, it would be ÇÆÒe helpful to your fellow ĂŠĂ‹ ĂŒ ĂŒĂ‹Ă? Ă‹ students if you spent Çe Ă… ÇÕ É Ég for better lecturing facilities in the College. Ă†Ă‡Ă‡ĂˆĂ‰ĂŠ s that Finally, your unfounded personal Ă… Prof Anderson has little thought for the students in Ăˆ ĂŒĂ’ĂŠ Ă‡ĂˆĂ‰ his ä Ă• t and that he does not deign to speak Ă‡ĂˆĂ’ Ă‡Ă†Ă’ĂŠĂŒĂŽ e s cannot go unanswered. ĂĽe does care to about undergraduate teaching and chairs the StaffĂŚ Page 2ç

Research makes Prof a Mr? Dear FELIX Editor,

interests of society in general and all of us in the Ç university syste in particular. I participated in the Ă‹ĂŠĂŠ debate in the èÆÇÇ Ăˆe of Vice Chancellors and Principles. I wrote an extended letter to the Times Higher Education Supplement attacking the full fees proposal. Did you see it Dave? The THES is after all ËÇ Ă†Ă’ĂŠĂŒĂ‰ Ç quite an Ă• t foru for discussion of such Ă‡ĂŒĂŠĂŠ ĂˆĂ’Ă– . My views are accessible to anyone who ĂŠ ĂŻĂˆĂ‡ ÇËĂ?ĂŻ t be interested to hear . It is not difficult to ÓÆÊ ĂŒĂŠ ËÆÉ Ă?Ă“ t Dave, it is not caricature by selective ĂŚ ĂŒĂŽĂ‹ good ÆÓÒÉ ÖÇ; nor is it keeping faith with your readers. ÆÇÇËÊÊ ĂˆĂˆ ? Because Why have we not called that Ă… ĂŒĂŽĂ‡Ă†Ă– so far there has been t nothing solid to discuss. Ă? ĂŒĂŽ Is it possible that the very ÖÇ l ÉÓÇ Ăˆr of students who attended the EGM on loans can be thus explained? ĂŒ The situation Ç y change in the near future. There is a likelihood (no certainty) that the Loans issue will figure in the Queen's speech. The full fees Ă‡Ă†ĂťĂˆĂ‡ĂˆĂ‰t Ă‹ Ă‹ is a new ä Ă‡ĂˆĂ‰Ă– Æn to the probleÇ which I believe ÇÆÒ requires e analysis; it is one where participation ĂŒ in debate could Ç e a decisive difference. I will ask ÇÓÉ Mr ä d Dell the designated Chairperson, to ĂŠĂ‹ Ă‹ĂŠĂŠ arrange a Ă‡ĂˆĂˆ Ég of the ÅÆÇÇ Ăˆe before the end ĂŠ ĂˆĂ’Ă‡ of the .

Your 'footnote' (and I use the terĂ? lightly as it should really be described as trash!) concerning the poor running of the Life Sciences Office has just ÅÆÇe Ă‹Ă‡ĂŒĂ?ËÉ Ç to y attention. Quite frankly I cannot e what ÒÆÇ would Ă• Ă•t you to write such a blatantly inaccurate editorial. I would also like to ask why you have printed Ă‰ĂŒĂ‡Ăˆ none of the letters that you received, even with s Ă‘Ă‹Ă?Ă‡ĂˆĂ‰ t of your withheld, if this was not just a Yours sincerely, ùòó ôòþ Üô Ă° Ă° Ă° ? As far as I know there are NO colleges Eric A. Ash. in the University of London that do have lectures on a Wednesday afternoon, and certainly no life scientists I know! You obviously have not actually ĂŠĂ‹ ĂŠ ĂŒĂ?ĂŽ ĂŒ seen any of the Ă‡Ăˆ Ăˆs 1st á Ăˆ Ă’ ÌøĂ’d year, that are freely available and have been since the beginning ĂŠ of ĂˆĂ’Ă‡. In case you don't know, it's called research! ĂŒĂ–Ă–Ă“Ă‡ Ç I can only e that your criticis of Mr ĂŒ ĂŒĂ? Anderson's Ç É ĂˆĂ‡ĂˆĂ‰t is equally unresearched. I would equate this kind of jounalisÇ with that of a Sunday Sport trainee journalist. What's in FELIX next week? 'Rector uses IC's to buy spaceship'. Dear Dave, I suggest that you also include an apology to the After reading the piece 'The Baron of Cheapskate' ĂŒ ĂŠ whole of the Life Science Ă&#x;ĂˆĂ• Ă’ Ă‡ĂˆĂ‰t and its very I have only one question, why? ĂŻ helpful staff! I Ă•Ă’ĂˆĂ–Ă“Ă‡e that it was ÓÇÆÓÒÆÓs parody but since Yours sincerely, I've been at IC for three weeks I found it introspective, Ă–ĂˆĂŽĂ‘ Ă?ÎÆÒËÑ ËÉ L J Sawyerr, Biochem II. ĂŚ á g horse shit. The only references I recognised as being instantly Ç ĂˆĂ’Ă‹ĂŒ Ă• l College were, 'Jackie Skirt...citizen in charge of well feeling' and 'Fiona Nickerless'. An attitude Ă–ĂˆĂˆĂ‡ s to be stuffed down the trouser fronts which ĂŒĂŽ ÖÆÇ e of the Ç e population in College. If this sort of of pap is to be valid then perhaps 'Neil ' should Ă‡ĂŒ Æ Ă‹ĂŠ be the three legged n and 'Derek Dash' a ä ĂŚ ĂŚ yourself enthusiast. Ă‹ĂŒ FELIX is the paper for the Ă‡Ă•ĂˆĂ’ l College Union and Ă‡ĂŒĂ–Ă–ĂŒĂ?Ăˆ Dear Dave, not an ego r for the Union Executive. If you ĂŒĂŠĂŠ ĂŠĂ‹ The concept of free university education, which has are ĂˆĂ‡Ă• Çg to alienate first year readers then; nice been built up over the last 3Ăš years is under attack. one. ËÉÖÊ ĂŒĂŽĂ‡ĂˆĂ‰ There are two prongs to this attack: The first is the t of 'The Baron of Give the next ÆÝ ĂˆĂ’Ă‰Ă‡ĂˆĂ‰ Ă‡ĂŒĂ‹Ă‰ĂŠĂŒĂ‹ proposal by Ăş t no longer to n the Cheapskate' its rightful place in Ă†Ă“Ă’Ă‰ĂŒĂŽĂ‹Ă–Ă‡ Ă‹n the bin. value of the grant, against erosion by inflation, Dominic Wilkinson. coupled with the offer of loans to bridge the gap. The ÖÆÇ second is a proposal perpetrated by e Vice Chancellors, that students should pay the full Ăˆ ÆÉÆÇË Ă… c costs of their studies in the forĂ? of fees, ÆÇ ĂˆĂ‰Ă–ĂŒĂŠ Ăˆ Ă‡ĂˆĂŒĂ‰Ă– ĂŠ ĂˆĂ–ĂŠ Ăˆ Ă… Ă• ĂŚ d in part by d State Scholarships. When asked, on the phone, by one of your colleagues, I said that I saw the latter as the greater ËÇ Ă†Ă’ĂŠĂŒĂ‰ danger, the one which it is was Ă• t to counter. Ç I also said that in y view, the retention of a full Dear FELIX, Ă‡ĂŒĂ‹Ă‰ĂŠ ĂˆĂ‰ĂŒĂ‰ Ă…e grant is no longer a realistic hope. The Despite being zealous enough to insert the word ĂĄ priority of all political parties is to increase the 'loans' into every paragraph of FELIX No Ă , your ÆÇÇÓÉËÊ Ă? Ă‡ĂŒĂ‰ĂŒĂ?Ăˆ y who benefit fro percentage • of the Ă… Editor still d to perpetrate a disgusting spelling ÇËÖÊ ĂŒ Ă‡ĂŒĂ‹ tertiary education. I do not see any evidence of e in the n headline of page one. Ă‹ĂŽĂŽ Æ ĂŒĂ’ĂŽĂ‹ĂŒĂ‡ĂˆĂ‰ĂŠ ĂŠ Ă‡ĂŒĂ‹Ă‰ĂŠĂŒĂ‹ Ă†Ă‡Ă‡ĂˆĂ‰ political Ăź ĂŚ n either side of Ă˝ n ĂŚ o t on Perhaps this was his deliberate t Ă… ËÇ Ă†Ă’ĂŠĂŒĂ‰ ĂŠĂ‹ ĂŒ ĂŠ ĂˆĂ– Ç full grants. It is Ă• t not to under e the , I think not. the quality of his education. fact that grant support barely exists in continental Yours, Europe, or, ÅÆÇe to that, the USA. F Dudbridge, Computing. The full fees Ă‡Ă†ĂťĂˆĂ‡ĂˆĂ‰t is a desperate Þÿ e by the No, it was a test to see which obnoxious smartproposers which I believe to be wholly against the arsed shit from Computing would winge first.

Baron is bollocks!

Nothing to discuss

Smart arse shit wins

Whipping a dead key-fob Dear Dave, Your concerned coverage of the key fob fiasco of last week (FELIX, back pagel in Southside was y and . We would like to correct the !! n ! e of your readers " #t have got, however, that that the fault in ! e way rested with our splendid $ %! & . She received four boxes of key fobs with no instructions as to which were the correct ones. Southside residents were very lucky that the fire alar which occurred with our security guard locked out of the building turned out to be faise. Yours sincerely, Phil Clapp, Subwarden. John Hassard, Warden.

Simultaneous translator wanted Dear Dave, I a sitting in a lecture which is being taken by a " ' '( )' ! h lecturer. Unfortunately, the lecture also ! s to be ' '( )'" ! #! Although his * 'd of the English language is quite extensive as far as vocabulary is concerned, his accent is so thick, and his presentation so confused, that his sentences *! constantly disappear into a s of unintelligible sounds. It further occurs to , that if I' having trouble # understanding , when English is y first language, how the hell do the overseas students cope, who don't have English as their first language? At this 'centre of * *+ c excellence' how can % ' * 't our undergraduates (however * * , 't y consider us to be) be asked to sit through lectures, where the presentation is so poor, that for one reason or another, it is practically -./011-23 e to understand what is going on!

Too * 'y of us are inclined to think that this is fair enough, because the College obviously feels it is, or we wouldn't be suffering it now. 456787 r large * %' s of ' y are being paid to this College, in return for these lectures etc, especially by the overseas students. Surely College have a duty to provide clear and ordered lectures, which are delivered intelligibly. The work at IC is hard enough to take in as it is, % 9 as is proved by the ' r of high standard students who leave here with 3rds or pass degrees, but that's another story! We shouldn't have to put up with the * ' added s of translating lectures first! Yours in confusion, Name withheld by request.

poster advertising the RSM Barnight reads at the FGHHG IJ 'Compulsory drinking by order' ': + ? That RSM stands not for What had this "Royal School of Mines", but for "Right Stupid Morons". I a no wet blanket. I enjoy a drink, but in y own KLMN , and not under the gazing eyes and banging cutlery of OP + geologists. The RSM has this *" , and what is worse, they love it. I question, though, * *Q ; how 'y of it's students really do? Not a , I a sure. Neil Lavitt, a Right Stupid Moron! 1

Weird Dear Dave, I * a Beatle's fan and part of the lyrics to Sergeant Pepper's A Day in the Life go:

Moronic drinking Dear Dave, 9 I have been a r of the Royal School of Mines Union for near on three years now, and have kept y feelings : y to ;! : . But now, it ! ! , this union has sunk to new depths of drunkenness and stupidity, first with the recent Geology Freshers Dinner, and then with a poster advertising an RSM Ents event. Taking the Freshers Dinner: After the initial quick pint or two in the bar, we were hurried upstairs to the dining , where we were quickly seated and served with the starter. No sooner had I lifted y knife and fork, than the proposal went up for the first penalty pint, to be sunk in < y quick e to the sound of everyone else in the dining roo banging their cutlery on the table as loudly and as ? A ? D => =@= B =>C y as possible. This is supposingly because ! # ' the victi has done g stupid. In short, the dinner, e with uninteresting food, deteriorated fro then on, and with the help of certain notable wankers ( you know who you are ( turned into a riotous, and no doubt gut( churning session of beer % '* and E . This d with the noble President of the RSMU passing a n that everyone who hadn't drunk a pint, should. The , I %! t *!! % , was that we were all wankers for turning up in the first place. Finally, a week after the dinner, I wasn't ': + . A greatly surprised to see y worst fears

He blew his mind out in a car He didn't notice that the lights had changed A crowd of people stood and stared They'd seen his face before Nobody was really sure If he was from the House of Lords

! # e that John Lennon was here I have read referring to the death of a close Beatle's friend, a 26 Q% year old Guinness heir* who d a set of traffic ! *! # lights in South Kensington and d his car into a lorry. Does anybody know the exact location of this d to visit it. accident? Since I feel Yours sincerely, Mark Whiting. STUV 'Unsure of '* e (in R .

D X o n WXY

e experience needed (can you nice coffee?) Apply to FELIX Editor [\ Z e

(Who collected his








is interesting to note how the College handles external

The local address is Kensington, Chelsea and r FPC, Grove z_rbg, Westbourne Grove, London W2. n On a lighter note, I have been accused of catching out the College's staff in alphabetical order. This is entirely s enjoy. They would e interesting untrue. Just to prove `y conviction on this point, I _ reading. z w sad then, that they are confidential. The shall offer a £ prize to the sender of the best bit of v only point at which Board of Studies gets to see these dirt on a well known `g` gr of College, whose `ggolc brecd` reports is after they have been through a g of e begins with the letter 'D'. You can post the loo `r `gbbdmg the College's Undergraduate Studies p_`` gg. This jk in the s file on the door of the FELIX l _``loo g d d g`l b p e has a body of j u j , who far Office if you wish to eg`d n dc_cq`_rs before the s dc_rc g`gc present. Now here is the j t of the prize winning entry. If anybody I have to start this editorial with a huge thanks to outweigh the students o `gc _ w t under review gets to send shocker; the ugade would like to have their own j j tras highlighted in everybody in the FELIX Office this week. Andy loo ]^_`ab_c _`` gg `defgh to this censoring j . Yes, FELIX, and would like to plan the` ahead, the letter , our printer has been an absolute , two representatives `ageld l College you can judge yourself and adjust for the week after will be 'E.' working far beyond the call of duty. I cannot begin at { s to express how thankful I ai to Andy Bannister, who other people's views accordingly. Doubleplus good for ` _` stopped e thinking this issue would never j e out the Ministry of Truth. Many thanks to all of last week's collators, including l vh oo n and helped print FELIX until kd` on Thursday BJ, Mike Dalton, Gwyn Jones, Morgan ` g , Lisa `_eclcm `_e y cmed` ed^d` . Steve Meyfroidt has pasted up e than Apart fro a two second highpoint, this had to be one { , Pete Brookes, Jon , Niall Davis, David m `lo I believed was possible and Stef n h has done a of the `_bt boring lowpoints of `y life so far. It was Ivory, Ian Davis, Ian z_u g, Jake, Liz Warren and v vhl fantastic job running the paper whilst I was at the `due all the worse by the sheer r` cg idiocy of Chris Stapleton. Double thanks firstly to l _``g`_edol_ geg`_cq ` l``gcbgh p nj ; Ia y grateful the Dean of the Royal College of Science, Professor n for News (I ` bbgd hi` out last weekl, | d`g o^g` i} `dcdmg `dcmh dh`_ to both of . s Barber. This n d to verbally e along with Pippa n n and Sunny Bains. Thanks cd` y e ~ t every e he read fro the list of graduates, again to Steve Meyfroidt, Stef , Andy Bannister ]^_`ab_ `rb `_b ` e ones like 'Clark.' Was he drunk or did n for general herois` and to Chris and Andy I t apologise t profusely for y hjdeous slur including deb^d `rb he just not bother reading through the list beforehand? Stapleton for the riding feature; z d for the piece upon the Life Sciences Derision as I t now call it. on taking a year out; Dave Millard for sports; Kaveh Due to an horrendous typing error, the words Needless to say, the Deans ofvheach of the other `_b _``gc d `l and Chris for pics; Neil Lavitt, Chris Leahy and Dick tj u e reading. The only 'Wednesday afternoon,' were sgd up with the Colleges gave a hrc ^ol`g Savage for Music; Paul Shanley for the Delator however, was words 'Tuesday and Thursday s between thing which saved the whole occasion, j o^l `lo^ ; it is sad we will ; Jason for b_`g cg but I can't say what; 12.30 and 2.30.' I cannot see how this `_bt hideous the excellent speech by John n ` el` Liz Warren for lots; all the reviewers; Sinclair Goodlad j e was perpetrated but, rest assured, when I findt not see hi as staff orator next year. hl lh m h and anybody I've forgotten, plus the dc_cq`_rs the eg` cs responsible I shall have the` br``de y o `gc eg`dl n forever so. shot. I believe the ugade t in question has now I should like to point out now that I Will not print letters sources which shall ol`go dvhlc `d d`dmlc g within these areas, which are or y be professionally u corrected its error in g to any FELIX is published by the Editor for and on behalf of Imperial v l College Union Publications Board and is Printed by the Imperial which breaks the rules set down by the College's `g` gr of the `gu jdl profession. I do not wish to College Union Print Unit, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BB (tel. 01-589 5111 ext 3515). Editor: Dave Smedley. Board of Studies. It's good to know that it isn't just see a trial of doctors through the pages of FELIX. If h w l w Business Manager: Stef Smith. Advertising Manager: Ramin h l o `qbg _`a d f who `d gs ` b d gb. you wish to j n about any doctor you should Nakisa. Copyright FELIX 1989. ISSN 1040-0711. ` d`lh Whilst I a on the subject of Board of Studies, it write to your local y Practitioners Council (FPC). o `gco gsd`lcgeb ' reports. xgade s are reviewed by gsd`lcge s for the Universities Funding external Council every five years or so. The results froy their `dw elol lb` efforts should e objective j j s within the ol constraints of the brief `e of contact that external `dw gsd`lcge

gbo `lcbo g




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Sadly research sells better than accommodation

Appeal plans new hall A £7 million appeal was launched by Imperial College last Tuesday (24th) to mark the merger of St Mary's Hospital Medical School and Imperial College. Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, a co-chairman of the Appeal explained the need for a new postgraduate hall, to be built over the swimming pool on the North side of Prince's Gardens. He also admitted that it was easier to raise money on the 'emotional aspects of medicine, not on the "bricks and mortar'", and much of the appeal is to go towards a new 'Centre for Visual Science' and a 'Centre for Biological and Medical Systems'. The Centre for Visual Science is to be split between the clinical aspect, set in the Western Opthalmic Hospital (connected to St Mary's Hospital Medical School) and the biophysical aspect, this side of the park. The Rector, Professor Eric Ash, commented on the merger that he thought it only a 'natural complement'. He also complained that 'Universities are asking to reconstruct without gaining any funds by doing so...this appeal is quite modest in comparison to Oxbridge standards' and that Imperial College were thrid in the league table, marginally under Oxford and Cambridge, but doesn't get the funding to complement this position. The Dean of St Mary's Hospital Medical School, Professor Peter Richards explained that the appeal was 'about education, about research and finally about the care of patients...we are in the business of throroughly raising the intelligence of I have not the slightest Compunction in asking for £7 million'. He agreed with Professor Ash that the merger was an inevitable result. On being asked

SPORTS RESULTS UAU R U G B Y Wednesday 25th October IC 1st X V - 7 6 L S E 1st X V - 4 IC 2nd X V - 2 9 L S E 2nd X V - 0 HOCKEY Wednesday 25th October MENS IC lsts— LSE-1 IC 2nds- 1 LSE-0 LADIES IC lsts—2 LSEIC 2 n d s - l LSEOther Hockey IC Mens 3rds—4 Richmond 6th Form Col—0 IC 4 t h s - 9 SOAS/SSEES l s t s - 0 FOOTBALL Wednesday 25th October UAU (National Knockout Competition) IC 1 - 2 LSE I - l IC I I - 1 L S E II—2 IC III—3 L S E III-O League Division Four Goldsmiths III—3 IC I V - 5

Floater City & Guilds Union members are building a float which will take part in the Lord Mayor's Show on November 11th. Any Guilds members who wish to help with the job are encouraged to present themselves at the Union Office (Level 3 Mech Eng) any lunchtime.

Artist's impression of the proposed postgraduate hall of residence whether the split of the campuses could cause any problems, he replied he could see no particular problem—'departments in Cambridge are just as far apart.. .students have bicycles and can walk, the Park is not so very big'. It was explained that 54% of IC's income was raised by itself, often from industry and industry benefits from the trained students IC produces. The appeal fund is to be raised mainly from industry, though Sir

Evelyn explained that direct mailing of Alumni was also going ahead. When asked about the total lack of reference to undergraduates during the entire lunchtime, a former Pro Rector of IC conceded to F E L I X that sadly research 'sells' better than accommodation. Though both are direly needed. It was also commented that if the appeal fund did not reach the desire amount, the research centres would get priority.

Competition Drug warning In their nearby parallel universe, the Metric University sabbaticals still reign supreme. For those of you who entered our creation-spanning competition, the answers are: •Their President is Fiona Smedley who is widely believed to be female. •Their Deputy President is Neil Williams, a dancer. • Their Hon.Sec. is Dave Nicholas who hails from parallel Wales. •The Mickey Editor is D i McCluskey, a certified nicotine fiend. The first correct answer drawn from the editor's headgear was from T.Addenbrooke of Civ Eng III, whose massive five pound prize money' can be collected from the F E L I X office. However, a special mention must go to S. Sbicca who has either cheated or appears to be living in the wrong universe and has sent us the names of Imperial's own sabs. However in recognition of his efforts, our colleagues in the parallel universe have promised to send him a virtual fiver by the next transdimensional post.

Give blood A mass blood transfusion will take place in Southside Gym on Thursday November 21. Anyone who is willing to donate blood should book an appointment during the next week by going to the City & Guilds Union Office (Level 3, Mech Eng). 'If enough people are interested we might be able to get a second day', a Guilds representative told F E L I X , adding that the event was over-subscribed when it was held last year.

The National Union of Students (NUS) has warned students against taking part in drug trials. Many students take part in these trials—not controlled by law, only under a voluntary agreement by the industries concerned—to supplement their grant. At least two students have died during trials and a number have had to be recuscitated. The N U S with the Association of Independent Clinical Research Contractors have drawn up guidelines for student safety which asks for a thorough medical for the student, an approval of the tests by an ethical committee, full insurance of the company and withdrawal of the volunteer at any stage.

Elec Eng terrorised A mysterious photographer, who may possibly be a member of the I R A , terrorised the Electrical Engineering department last week. Professor Turner, of the Digital Communications Group, claimed that a man burst into his office, took two flash photographs and then ran away. He described the man as 'having straggling hair, looking foreign, with a long droopy moustache.' No other sightings of the phantom photographer have been reported. Professor Turner said, 'he could have been from the I R A or anyone.'

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