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Presidential election special: Hustings update and candidate interviews

T h i r d Presidential Hustingzzzz... NEWSTEAM Imperial College Union's otherwise wholly unremarkable third sabbatical election campaign of the year was thrown open this Tuesday, when presidential front-runner M o Dulloo sensationally withdrew from the race. Mr Dulloo, a fourth year physics undergraduate and president of the Royal College of Science Union, made the announcement on the morning following the hustings in dB's. M r Dulloo went on to explain that he had received confirmation of a job offer from a leading IT firm, having been notified of his successful application on Saturday. "I wanted to have the contract in my hand before making a definite decision." he stated, and offered apologies to his many supporters. Around 60 students, many visibly divided into camps of support for the different candidates, turned out to the Hustings at I C U , which Eric Allsop, ICU president, described as "Rapidly becoming a regular event." ICU Deputy President, Sarah Corneille spoke briefly in favour of 'New Election', suggesting that the candidates were only standing because of their poor immediate employment prospects. "We can get through the summer without a president." She explained, "It will be difficult, but not impossible." Paul Brown was the first of the three remaining candidates to speak, delivering a short speech in which he claimed he knew "...where the Union goes wrong." He refuted the suggestion that any of the candidates where standing solely to bolster their C V s . Richard Stultiens spoke next, admitting his lack of comparative lack of involvement with I C U so far, but professing to "...know what College is about." Mr Stultiens drew specific

attention to his idea to set up an 'unofficial blacklist' of local landlords who had given IC students trouble in the past, and reaffirmed a commitment for I C U to stay out of the N U S . Laurie Tweedale, described by her proposer Sarah Thomas as "...not the classic Union hack", highlighted the disaffection perceived among IC. students, and how she would attempt to remedy it. Miss Twecdale stated that she would be a team-player, not just a figurehead President, and went on to reiterate the points in her manifesto. A question and answer session followed, a large number of written questions being submitted from the floor. As usual, the candidates attempted to give serious answers to continued overleaf

Above: Drink for victory! Paul Brown, Richard Stultiens and Laurie Tweedale race to finish a pint supplied by the medics. Right: Clockwise from top left: Richard Stultiens, Laurie Tweedale, Mo Dulloo and Paul Brown at the ICU hustings.




continued from front.

Paul Brown

irreverent questions concerning their

Richard Stultiens

Laurie Tweedale

dress sense, favourite sexual position

Who are you? What have you done so far

Who are you? What have you done so far,

Who are you? What have you done so far,

and whether they thought the prac-

and what are you going to do?

and what are you going to do?

and what are you going to do?

tice of urine-drinking should be out-

r m me. I've done a lot of stuff so far. I've

Well, I'm me, I've spent the last three years

I'm a final year computing student. I've

lawed. On the more serious issues,

spoken to a lot of people about what they think

doing a BSc in Geology in the RSM and gen-

enjoyed my time here, mostly through a social

such as how they might


the problems are for the Union currently and

erally enjoying life at Imperial. I want to make

life. I have to say, I don't feel I particularly

greater representation for IC students

I've also been on many Union committees; I

it more straightforward for people trying to get

enjoyed my time in my department. I've been a

outside the N U S , how they would

know how the Union works, I know what the

accommodation in their second and third years,

very active re-app -1 put my heart and soul into

improve academic


Union does, and I think that is one of my great

after all, the majority of IC students don't have

organising lots of social events in hall. I man-

and whether they preferred a gradu-

strengths. My other great strength is that I am

the luxury of having rooms in Halls. They have

aged to gain a very friendly atmosphere in hall

ate tax over larger student loans, the

not a total hack, I know what the problems of

to go outside and find a decent landlord. I want

last year, and included all students in the activ-

four candidates said little to distin-

the Union are, know what people think of the

to make finding a decent landlord just a bit eas-

ities I organised. A large proportion of the for-

guish themselves.

Union and what can be done to improve it.

ier than it is at the moment. NUS affiliation:

eign students, who, I felt, would not normally participate, I went deliberately out of my way

The same was true at the similarly

These are mainly to improve people's knowl-

well, people seem to be leaving it at the

second set of hustings,

edge of what goes on in the Union so that they

momentrather than joining it and that seems the

to encourage them to join in the trips I organ-

held on Wednesday in Gladys' bar at

can take advantage of all the services the Union

way to go, and I think that ICU has a lot to

ised. I've put a lot of time into OpSoc. It

St Mary's. The medics' traditional


teach other people who are leaving at the

requires 110% effort at all times. It's very dif-

custard-pie flinging antics were not

Why did you decide to stand?

moment. St Mary's merger: the merger itself is

ficult to put on a show. I think we will gain a


in evidence, the three remaining candidates being forced to down only a

Two reasons mainly. Because of the people

taken out of our hands. The decision was made

lot from the Clubs and Societies resource cen-

who have stood at previous elections weren't in

by Sherfield and I would hope if I got in to

tre, as, when I was vice-chair, we were trying to

single pint. Subject to a barrage of

my opinion up to scratch. They weren't bad

make the transisition as pain free as possible

operate as a society without those facilities and

questions concerning the problems

candidates but they didn't really know enough

for St Mary's.

I found it extremely difficult.

Why did you decide to stand?

facing the medical schools, the can-

about what was going on. It made it clear that

didates struggled to provide satisfac-

someone who new what was going on had to

tory answers. Richard Stultiens in

stand. Also, people said to me: Why aren't you

previous two candidates and I thought, without

First of all, I would change the voting sys-


the medics

standing? Which made me think. I initially

wishing to rain down scorn upon them, their

tem. I really do feel that, at the moment, apart

through his inability to name any of

thought that it's not the sort of thing I would

ideas were not fitting for someone who was

from voting, there is no need for the Union

the four schools which will make up

normally go for. But once people had raised the

running for president. I thought firstly that

card. The Union say that you have to have this

the new Imperial College School of

question, it made it clear that it was something

some of the ideas were a bit naive and that

card to vote, but according to Union rules,


A number of reasons. For a start I saw the

What are you going to do, assuming you are elected?

Medicine. The consensus of medical

that I could do well.

there should be more than one candidate avail-

everyone who is a registered student is allowed

opinion was that none of the candi-

At the South Ken Hustings you mentioned

able for any election. I was talking to one of my

to vote. I really do feel that the academic repre-

dates satisfied their interrogators.

that you would consider campaigning on

subwardens in my hall, and he said to me "well,

sentation system at present does not work.

ethical issues as ICU President. Could you

why don't you run, seeing that you have opin-

People don't know who their reps are and just

give us an example?

ions on these matters", and I went and dis-

don't communicate. I hope to look at this and

cussed it with quite a few other people and they

devote a lot of time to making sure that students

As ever, St Mary's representatives remained tight-lipped when speaking to Felix regarding the likely size and direction of their 'block vote'.

There's a campaign going on at the moment, for example looking at countries where cash

seemed supportive, so I announced my candi-

can express their problems to the right people

With M o Dulloo out of the race,

crops are promoted over sustainable crops so


and get something done about it.

none of the three remaining candi-

that the people are relying on the income from

Where so you think that your support wil

Why did you decide to stand?

dates is a clear favourite to win on

those crops such as sugar coffee, when they

Icome from then?

Tuesday. Although it falls to them to

could be growing food for themselves to eat,

I'm hoping my support will come from peo-

Union. I have a lot of respect for people who

I care a great deal about the students in the

run the 'New Election' campaign,

that maybe is an issue that could be addressed

ple who maybe aren't that involved in Union

put hours of their time into their clubs and soci-

the current sabbaticals must be hop-

on a bigger level, but basically, it is things that

affairs, seeing that I seem to be the candidate

eties, into Council, into representing the stu-

ing that the electorate

can bring

are relevant to people that are saying "look, by

coming from outside the Union infrastructure

dent views. This is just my way of helping rep-


buying this I am supporting somebody whom I

at the moment.

resent the students. I care and I want to support

for one of the three, or the Union

shouldn't be supporting".

In your manifesto you mentioned accommo-


dation, why is this important to you?

themselves to vote

may face uncertainty next year at a

In you manifesto you said that you would

time when it will need clear leader-

help students have a good time at college.

ship. Felix will be bringing you the

How do plan to achieve this?

It's important to me becasue it seems from

Where do you think your electoral support will come from?

what I've read and discussions I've had recent-

I feel I make the effort to mix with a wide

There's a lot of ways a students' union helps

ly there seems to be a big issue about rent in

variety of students. I feel I devote time to the

people have a good time, through clubs and

halls. If hall rents are too high, then fair enough

wide variety of people I know.

societies, ents and so on. By promoting them,

they should be brought down, but I think that

What are your plans for the buildings in

you are helping people enjoy themselves. We

maybe the people that are most in need of help

Beit Quad?


are in London, and there are a lot of things to

where accommodation is concerned are being


do, we need to focus on things that you can

forgotten about and those are the people who

accommodation space, athough it would be

only do through the students' union.

aren't in halls in private accommodation. My

nice, obviously, I think, to place it all in

Are there any other commitments in your

proposal is to enact an unofficial blacklist of

Prince's Gardens, but because of the surround-

manifesto that you intend to carry out?

landlords which would take the form of a list of

ings, we obviously can't have a 50 storey

The main other commitment I've made is to

names with whom students have experienced

accommodation block. I would like to see some

greater academic representation. I think that the

problems in the past, not giving any reasons,

rooms in hall that are multi-purposed, that can

system at the moment is pretty good, but its

obviously, for legal reasons.

be used for clubs, for Friday nights...I think the

flawed in that they get as far as the academic

What would you look for if you were to set

clubs and societies do lack space, but also an

affairs officers in the Guilds or the RCS union,

up a new national body like the NUS?

element of things like Friday nights selling out,

result of the election in our end-ofterm



out on



ICU Presidential Elections

Voting i n all departments

Mon.16tha Tues. 17th You will need your Union card to vote.

they don't get any further. The President is the

I think we have to accept that we need

I think that one of the number one priorities

so we need some ents space. You can't get into

ultimate representative on academic issues, it

would have to be that the new organisation

the Union on a Friday night after a certain time,

needs to be clear that this is where things are

would have to be apolitical. I think one of the

and when increased numbers of students come


reasons the NUS seems to have gone downhill

across here, if can't currently provide for the

What about a fifth sabbatical for ICU then?

is that it has become too closely affiliated with

size of Imperial College today, then we are

That would be very useful. There are a lot of

the Labour Party. I think it's important that any

going to have to expand bar space and social

issues that are currently under the president's

national body for students is seen to represent


remit and it would be better if it were one per-

the students interests rather than the interests of

Interviews have been edited for

son's job to sort it out.

a political party.

length and clarity.

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