1 !VA
7 June 2002 Issue 1239
The Student Newspaper for Imperial College
The Diary, because (Anne) Frankly there's not much else. (Page 2)
Imperial College and Science Museum Libraries
Summer Ball Tomorrow! You've only got until the end of today to buy your tickets for the Summer Ball. Tickets have been selling fast, and the evening looks set to be a memorable one, w i t h live performances from both Comershop and the James Taylor Quartet - who performed at last year's successful event - as w e l l as Imperial College's very o w n B i g Band, Jazz a n d Rock bands. There w i l l also be live sets from the Scratch Perverts, the Dreem Team's Timmi
prices; these include several stores w i t h i n the Moss Bros group, a n d Pegaso o n Kensington High Street. If you have still not purchased your ticket for this once-in-a-year event, then they are available from the branch of Waterstone's on campus, the Union reception, and also in the J C R this lunchtime. More information about this year's event is available from the website www.su.ic.ac.uk/summerball. John S
Magic, and ICU's former resident cheesemeister Mark Home, amongst others. Last year's funfair w i l l be making a welcome return. In addition, there w i l l also be a 'Test Your Strength' machine and candy floss w i l l be available to add to the fairground atmosphere of the event. The event's organisers have been able to negotiate discounts w i t h various outfitters enabling those wishing to go to the event to hire suitable attire at bargain
College Llnion
Oil Be Damned Firefighters were called to Imperial's Charing Cross campus i n the early hours of Bank Holiday Tuesday after an electrical fault caused a generator to spill diesel oil w i t h i n the hospital. The spillage came about after a fuse b l e w in the electrical circuitry of an unoccupied lab block. This caused a level switch to malfunction w h i c h resulted i n its failure to regulate the amount of diesel being d r a w n into t h e generator. Security officers at the campus smelt the overflowing oil and alerted the fire brigade, w h o were able to shut d o w n the power to the block on their arrival, before co-ordinating a clear-up operation. A n on-site
engineer was able to repair the electrical fault. A spokesperson for the Charing Cross campus - one of the sites of the College's School of Medicine - told Felix that although early reports h a d c l a i m e d that t e n thousand litres of diesel oil had escaped, the spillage was in fact only a minor one and that the hospital's generators are tested regularly to ensure that they are i n good w o r k i n g order. They added that no-one had been harmed or placed in danger by the incident a n d that the spillage had been cleared up without any detrimental effect on either the hospital's patients or their care. JohnS
Friday H o l y
1 4 t h
J u n e S p m C o n s o r t
R o a d ,
available e t t h e d o o r o r in advance f r o m
T i c k e t s Rutledge, or
C h u r c h ,
P r i n c e
E 7 / E 3 . S O Room
Âťt V M w w w . s u J c . a c . u k / c h o i r
petite (JWesse Solenelk Âť Uach Singet dan !2terrn
tin nates
Dmperial College Chamber Clwir
The final, hopefully bumper, issue of Felix will come out on Wednesday 19 June. Not Friday 14th, but Wednesday
this week
This Week
To say my joy k n e w no b o u n d s
as w h e n
w o u l d be s u c h an understate-
W K D the other day: that left
ment that it w o u l d equivocate
me feeling like someone w a s
Dolly Mixtures
do y o u mean in abundance, What but also plenty of the you're not going? The other staples of trance biggest social event of
around inside my skull. But
Ocean is quite a large lake. reliably
yes, disturbance i n the force it
informed that c o m p l a i n i n g of
w a s , a n d since then I have
my w o r k load is not done, a n d
h a d the feeling that some b a d
that if I do it, I s h o ul d just
things are going to happen.
delete it instantly, a n d
things have happened, but I
However, I suspect that y o u
can't really believe they war-
rather d i m i n u t i v e nature
Union Events
since then
r a n t e d quite the feeling
dread that w a s h e d over me.
Felix this week, a n d I feel that
M a y b e I'm just paranoid, but I
this requires an explanation.
suspect that the next editorial
You see, this w e e k all m y sub
I w r i te w i l l possibly be
editors have
most surreal of the year.
better to do t h a n write, there
the final issue editorials
financial crisis, a n d of course
editors i n the past, and have
noticed that many of them are
w h i c h is due at the printer's
along the lines of 'Well it's the
M o n d a y morning. A s w e l l as
e n d of an era, and I'm off to
the g i g that I have on Monday,
get a job, e t c ' This isn't quite
for w h i c h I k n o w nothing, but
the same w i t h me, because I'll
be here next year, so I'm not
shouldn't really c o m p l a i n .
feeling even remotely nostal-
So don't ask, basically.
gic, but for all those final year
This w e e k e n d , on the other
students out there: w e l l done
hand, is g o i n g to be a w h o l e
and good luck. I, however, a m
b u n d l e of laughs. Don't forget
that there is the summer ball,
i n Beit
w h e r e it's w a r m and comfort-
able. H a v i n g said that, w h e n
attending, a n d on top of that,
my time to leave does come,
I shall certainly
I'm g o i n g to be h a v i n g a lot of
I'll probably be a gibbering
house guests, w h i c h w o u l d be
w r e c k w h e n I finally emerge
an incredibly good t h i n g apart
b l i n k i n g and g a s p i n g from the
g o i n g to be sitting around (or
through the winter
sleeping) in
room, w h i l e
I a m forced
my to my
then. So
bet t er
b y the p u b l i s h i n g
no a d v e r t i s i n g
p u t t h i s a d in), go
Of Science t a l k o n
T u e s d a y i n L e c t u r e Theatre 1 the
the force on Monday, a n d I
must admit that it has left me
largely s h a k e n since then. Not
d i a r y for m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n
quite, admittedly, as s h a k e n
A n d finally: Go on, you!
sugary goodness.
the u n d i s p u t e d k i n g of
cheese, M a r k H o m e . S i l l y Season Yes, it's that time of year everyone
again, w h e n a financial theme at the ia;Pa
finished, for the year and
are free to frolic in the
:p'!'6Mf'.".ymsxiivff; relaxed
has finished, or nearly
Monster's Ball
Star Wars E p i s o d e II
Racist prison guard falls
in love w i t h the wife of a this square i n the m i d executed. dle a n d t h e n come back
m a n he just
for w h i c h Halle and finish off the begin-
Berry w o n Best Actress n i n g , on general release
England v Argentina The
George Luc as , I can't be
'86. D a v i d
Futurama in Simpsons
Once comedy
.-'â&#x20AC;˘< nding off in '9S again, Argentina
arsed, quite frankly.
animated a cyro-
in England's p<t! h to the delivery boy who wakes t.h.-> ; ;l?jfcr;SGGC^ '-:
World C u p .
Union bars. 7..' 30pm
Sky One, Sunday
Destiny's Child
Keeping the vampires at I bay
d o w n s t r o k e three
guitar music a n d melod- Perhaps ic vocals. U p a n d com- a p p e a r
t h a n k s to
ing indie b a n d perform w o n d e r s of holographic in the capital.
Metro Club, Oxford St
London Arena,
students graduating
a n d p r o m i s e d that I w o u l d
business, if one c a n put it that I felt a large disturbance i n
and y o u c a n all l a u g h at me
love life takes a massive t u r n
work. I do love it w h e n
like a
and house as w e l l , pack- the U n i o n calendar w i t h aged together i n all their C o r n e r s h o p , J T Q a n d
Room l Union top floor
I have b e e n looking back at
is no n e w s , not to mention the alternative
Summer Ball
Living Room: Money
Student Activities
At The Movies
Television & Radio
Gigs & Concerts
See the
Theatre & Galleries
I tried some
Featuring that
Penult unate
evening performance
revamped '80s s h o w set
architecture, design and
school. Ooh, 1 say... 7.3(kmi'
I |a..";a';': .giri;3 ::.. b'dardjag fashion, ;,:
Royal College of An. until 7 Inly
week this
Wednesday Thursday
Monday The first d a y of t h e week, the 161st d a y of the year and the start of the penultimate w e e k at College. C a n y o u t e l l that there's not m u c h going on today?
Trivia S h o w off your general knowledge skills i n the Union's weekly quiz night and take your pick of the u s u a l prizes: £50 or alcohol. I k n o w w h i c h I'd choose...
C h e e s y Wotsits
Union Bar
More cheddar t h a n w i l l fit i n a nicely pa c ka g e d packet of cheese flavour corn puffs. Party into Thursday morning at the Union. 8pm
While a w a y an evening w i t h stimulating conversation a n d highbrow chit chat. Alternatively, just get sloshed at t h e Union's w a t e r i n g hole. Union bar, all night
Dolly Mixtures Taking a hint of house, a wee d r a m of trance together w i t h a large helping of cheese a n d m i x i n g it u p b i g stylee in an enormous m u s i c a l melting pot.
Alternative Music
Theatre O f Science
England v Nigeria
I m p e r i a l College C h o i r
B i - w e e k ly m e e t i n g of the Union .society that Hunk': there's more to life and to music than the Manic Street Preachers. Da Vinci's, 5pm
Simon Singh and Richard Wiseman will !»:• giving ralk:, on probability . A n d rnincl tricks. Hopefully this will make you betti i at poker! Blacken LT 1. 7pm. £3
Set your alarm clock this m a t c h could see Engl an d progress to tl ie second round of the World C u p or fail miserably at the first hurdle 7 30am
Si • it s • ome to this Reset youi body clock A "i,«'< alt. ! • ' . ) - . - ' going on to party a l l night. Even bettei if it's w i t h someone else Yoiirrorim; Ml <lay
Concert featuring the m u s i c of R o s s i n i and Bach. A l l together now la la la la laaaa. Tickets £7/£3.S0 Holy Trinity Church. 8pm
Dragonfly Not t h e name of t h e horse that Basil Fawlty secretly bet on, b u t the tale of h o w a grieving doctor is contacted b y his late wife through his patients.
About A Boy ...leaving no mystery as to w h a t t h i s film is about. A d a p t a t i o n of Nick Hornby's novel starring H u g h Grant, Toni Collette a n d Rachel Weisz.
Not Another Movie
The one and only Jools along w i t h some boogaloo beats from his Rhythm and Blues from the last 70 years 9pm Radio
Teen Unfaithful The marriage of a couple ...hear hear. C a s h i n g - i n living i n the N e w York goes awry in the w a k e of American s u b u r b s Pie and Road Trip, a stu- w h e n the wife indulges dent is bet that he won't in an alduterous fling. be able to turn an ugly Stars Richard Gere a n d Diane Lane. girl into a prom queen.
V Graham Norton
The B i g A l S h o w
Big Brother
More outrageous chai and irreverent stunts courtesy of television's king of camp, the one and only Victor G r a h a m \Mwt(i£yyy: Channel 10 35pm
;ligg:SSl;i Dld ip/lie' .ia@ul.ar- v-rsakdyy: views Bred Findlay, the aftei noon laugh-a' n e w face of British •' . .::•;. ' . • • ': • ' ... rock,' ar; lead singei of i i • v. \ ; , „ \>. Valentine and ex of Kula Pus ' ' y ' ' .... ;:i||||l7^;v:|:- ; kicks. icradio.com, 1pm "Radio i, 2pr,y
Chris Moyles
Cutting Edge news-based G o o d v i b r a t i o n s cour- T o p i c a l tesy of the ex-Beach Boy, Tuesday night comedy fresh from his perform- w i t h the C u t t i n g E d g e ance at t h e Q u e e n ' s team. Go have a l augh at Jubilee Party at London's premier comedy venue. B u c k i n g h a m Palace. Royal Festival Hall, 8pm Comedy Store, 8pm
Kelli A l i The voice b e h i n d t h e Sneaker P i m p s ' hits Six Underground a n d Spin Spin Sugar strikes out on her o w n in North London.
Fun Lovin' Criminals
ScaJa, N19, 7.30pm
Astoria, 7pm
We W i l l Rock You
Riverdance Shipwrecked girl • a- .... so ! 'f!: :il!>:' ^ sscve Despite . d a n c i n g lovesick Duke not know mg hei t w i n brother is long, this Irish d a n c e still alive. Comedy, sixteenth century stylee. f Hatter':;mwi,.. Shakespeare s Globe Hammersmith Apollo
Brian Wilson
Queen and Ben Elton's critically savaged musical w i t h a plot rather less elaborate than 1C a l u m n u s Brian M a y ' s Hal;:.; 7Dominion, 7 30pm
Bang A star-studded cast and a flying car. What more could you ask of a West End musical? Truly scrumptious. Palladium. 7.30pm
Habitually committing cri mes w h i c h m a y or may not be illegal, H u e y and the boys take to the stage, for i t ' s M i l l e r time.
Nerdy high-school student g a i n s spider-like abilities to create a b i g budget movie containi n g more blunders t h a n any other. on general release
Davina M c C a l l presides over the hordes of ..creaming fans in need of p s y c h i a t r i c help as another of the housemates is evicted. Channel A. 10pm Ronan Keating Life is a rollercoaster say he, full of u p s a n d d o w n s . W e must surely be h e a d i n g d o w n w a r d at t h e moment if i t ' s come to this. Wembley Arena, 7.30pm Full Monty A d v e r t i s e d on tho premise that there's a chance that the male members of the cast w i l l get their I;:it oW' B»yMg": inur.aii in abundance. Prince or Wales, 7.45pm
coffee break
Crossword by Mummy Huffwell BIG SCREENS imperial - college
Presents live sport o n t h e
international Rugby Union Saturday 8th June 2pm South Africa v Wales Saturday 8th June 12.30pm Brazil v C h i n a Sunday 9th June 12.30pm J a p a n v Russia M o n d a y 10th June Tunisia v Belgium 10am Portugal v P o l a n d 12.30pm Tuesday 11th June Ireland v Saudi A r a b i a 12.30pm W e d n e s d a y 12th June Spain v South Africa 12.30pm Thursday 13th June Italy v M e x i c o 12.30pm Friday 14th June South Korea v Portugal 12.30pm
Across 1. Back if genuine limbs s i g n a l danger. (4,6) 8. I s w i n d l e College, legendary. (6) 9. Toilets and t w o points become firm. (6) 10. Inhale drug, after I'm an apron. (6) 11. A r g u e over silly rental of garage tool. (6) 12. A c h a i n of o p p o s i n g E v e n i n g Standards around right one. (6) 13. 16. 17. 21. 23. 24.
Deviant q u e e n to go on tirade. (6) U S A cut orgiastic m u s i c a l instruments. (8,7) B a d Bert w e n t to the French threefold. (6)
A v e r a g e substance. (6) Range of s a n d w i c h e s ? (6) M a d m a n c a n a i m wildly. (6) 25. Nakedness lover has novel length, w e hear. (6) 26. Artful director general takes overdose next to casualty. (6) 27. Shit tremor produces electronic component. (10)
Down 1. Slapper follows nothing College's w r o n g b e g i n n i n g . (5,5) 2. Hooligan from B r a z i l i a n city meets the Queen. (6) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 11. 14. 15.
Inside layers of ships? (6) A cigar w e a r y liar is in train. (7,8) I smile, or something like it. (6) Pulling advice gets your extremities drunk, w e hear. (3,3)
Drink contains British sweat monkey. (6) Rib beginner w i t h spiky plant. (6) Rise after Jesus, distastefully brought up. (6) Slave driver horribly masks threat. (10) 18. A b o u t a boy, logically fathom. (6) 19. G a m e part of your nose. (6) 20. Score woefully before time for prostitute. (6) 21. Cruelly pester mother for bottle of champagne. (6) 22. In short, sibling, b e adamant. (6)
in rw<j Spare-fiivie | 1'ikeTo
-jouf J«l-f...
bl'tfto* o\*+ts, I'm -from Dyrha**,
l i f H n +o music c h d q w V-H, 4 r i
4-3 )
i r\ d 5