Home Improvement 2011

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home improvement a special supplement to the courier • feb. 27, 2011

Growers look back in planting future Seed swap attendance shows growing interest in heirloom seeds for home gardens


By Curt Lanning community@couriernews.com

he scene at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Russellville earlier this month was all natural — literally. Local residents showed up with seeds, bulbs, plants, all-natural pesticides, information and stories on gardening. It was the first seed swap that the church had ever hosted. The church also offers the community a garden where those otherwise without the space to do so can access plots to cultivate harvests of their own. The seed swap was organized in part by the church, but students from the University of Central Arkansas — part of an organization called Conserving Arkansas’s Agricultural Heritage (CAAH) — also came to help with the event. “We met the students at a food faith fair last September,” said Suzanne Hodges, who helped to organize the seed swap after she saw a renewed interest in what she called “victory gardens.” Victory gardens were popular during World War I, when private families planted and cultivated to grow their own food and thus reduced the burden on public food supply caused by the war. In addition to allowing families to grow their own food, seed swaps and similar agricultural events help to bring the community together and raise morale. See GROWERS on page 3E

SPECIAL TO THE COURIER / Metro Creative Services

Heirloom seeds that germinate into plants like the one seen above are growing in popularity.


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