2011 Medical Directory

Page 1

Meet Your Health Care Providers A Comprehensive Guide To Health Care In The River Valley

2011 medical


directory physicians guide


Find Your Provider By: • Specialty or Treatment • Hospital or Clinic • Doctor’s Name


Directory listings, plus features about health in Pope, Johnson and Yell counties and more.


The medical specialty you need Making better healthcare a reality. is not available in Russellville? Count on Conway Regional Health System See back cover for details

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Medical Directory

Medical Directory

Sunday, July 24, 2011

from the publisher You are reading the most comprehensive health care directory ever compiled for Russellville and the Arkansas River Valley. We hope this directory is a resource you will utilize all year — and that you’ll keep it near your phone or somewhere else you can easily access if you or a family member is in need of a health care provider or service. Publishing a directory of this magnitude is a huge undertaking. It takes time and many individuals to be able to gather, organize and print a directory containing the volume of information this one includes. The Courier staff would like to thank everyone who participated in helping us with this directory. The listings contained in the Arkansas River Valley Medical Directory and Physicians Guide have grown in number and geographical area over the years. Originally contained to the immediate area in and around Russellville, the directory now contains listings of medical professionals extending throughout the Arkansas River Valley and central Arkansas. We made every attempt to ensure the accuracy and completeness of every listing; however, if there are any omissions, we apologize and we will be sure to include them in next year’s directory. A read through this directory provides proof that the Arkansas River Valley is home to many talented and accomplished health care providers. It’s apparent area residents can be assured that quality health care is just a phone call or visit away.

David Meadows The Courier

The Arkansas River Valley Medical Directory and Physicians Guide 2011 is published by Russellville Newspapers Inc., 201 E. Second St., Russellville, AR 72801. The contents herein are copyrighted and may not be reproduced without expressed written consent from the publisher. The Medical Directory shall not be liable for failure to publish an advertisement or for typographical errors in publication. Publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertising for any reason and to alter advertising copy or graphics deemed unacceptable for publication. The Medical Directory is readily available at The Courier.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Medical Directory

Medical Directory

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Contents Alcohol and Drug Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Neurology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Allergy / Immunology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Nursing Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Anesthesiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Audiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Obstetrics / Gynecology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Breastfeeding / Lactation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Occupational and Environmental Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Cardiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Occupational Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Chiropractic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Oncology / Cancer Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Dentistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 Ophthalmology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Dermatology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Optometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Diagnostic Imaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Oral / Maxilliofacial Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Diabetes Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Orthodontics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Drug Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Orthopaedics / Sports Medicine and Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Pain Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Foot Care Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Pathology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Gastroenterology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Pediatric Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 General / Family Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-17 Periodontics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 General Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Pharmacies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-23 Health Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Physical Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Hearing Specialists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Podiatry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Hematology / Oncology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Pregnancy Counseling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Home Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-18 Psychiatry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Hospice Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Radiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Hyperbaric Wound Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Rehabilitation Services / Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Imaging — MRI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Retirement and Assisted Living . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Internal Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Seniors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Mastectomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Speech Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Medical Billing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Spine Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Medical Centers / Clinics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-19 Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Medical Equipment and Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-20 Transcription Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Nephrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Urology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Wellness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Medical Directory

facts & figures

Rankings show picture of three counties’ health By Whitney Snipes

Pope County is one of the state’s healthiest counties, according to the 2011 County Health Rankings, a comprehensive, county-by-county report that measures how healthy people are and how long they live. The study showed areas in which the Arkansas River Valley excels, as well as some areas that could stand improvement. Pope County ranked No. 4 in overall health outcomes, which measured mortality and morbidity within the county. Mortality measures premature deaths, defined as deaths before age 75, and morbidity measures instances of low birth weight and healthrelated quality of life. Yell County ranked No. 41 in overall health outcome, and Johnson County ranked No. 12. Mike McCoy, CEO of Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center, said he believes Pope County’s high ranking is a result of a cooperative community effort. “We are proud to play a role in Pope County’s excellent health outcomes rankings,” he said. “And we believe that achieving the ranking of fourth in the state is a result of collaboration and partnership among many providers who share the common interest of better health for the River Valley.” Health factors Although overall health and quality of life is strong, the Arkansas River Valley, as a whole, ranked lower in health factors, which measured a variety of items that affect the health of a county. Overall, Pope County ranked No. 13 in health factors, Yell County ranked No. 68 and Johnson County ranked No. 31. Some of the challenges in health relate

THE COURIER / Joshua Mashon, file

Workers prepare to serve patients during an area flu vaccination clinic. to the fact Arkansas is a relatively rural state, state Health Department public information officer Ed Barham said. “It’s often hard to get a new physician ... to be a family doctor in a small town. You’re not going to make a lot of money,” he said. “That doesn’t mean we’re not going to have rural doctors and people who really want to do that, but it’s not going to be enough for the people we have. That’s one of the challenges in Yell County.” Health factors rank health behaviors, which take into account unsafe sex, tobacco use, diet and exercise and alcohol use; clinical care, which measures access to care and quality of care; social and economic factors, which look at employment, community safety, income, education and

family and social support; and physical environment, which measures environmental quality and the availability of healthy food and recreational facilities. Barham said hometown health coalitions across the state are working to decrease unhealthy behaviors, such as smoking, and increase healthy behaviors, such as healthy eating habits, community farmers markets and increased exercise. One of the most dangerous behaviors in Arkansas is smoking, he said, and all five of the leading causes of death — heart disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer and even accidental death, by way of house fires caused by cigarettes — can be related to smoking.

Start Your Morning Fresh! Now Open 7 AM S. Arkansas 968-4820 • W. Main 967-5266 • Lake Front 967-9814 • Parkway 968-7976 • Dover 331-4444

See page 8

Medical Directory

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Parkway Dental Services Include: • Cosmetic Services • Whitening • Onsite Denture Lab • Periodontics

• Veneers • Root Canals • Gentle Dental Care • Emergencies Welcome

Don Simmons, D.D.S. • Dale Brooks, D.D.S. We Accept Most Insurance

HOURS: Monday - Thursday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.

“Let us make you smile.” 402 E. Parkway Dr. • Russellville, AR (479)-890-6174 or 877-96-TOOTH

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Medical Directory

Continued from page 6

“Individuals need to take responsibility, and the real utility of these rankings and this information county-by-county is that people in the counties can look at that information and say ‘Look how high these smoking numbers are. We ought to put together a youth coalition ... or find other ways to do it (reduce the smoking rate).’ And they have, around the counties.” All three counties have fallen in the health factors rankings since 2010, the first year the rankings were issued. Last year Pope was ranked No. 8, Johnson County was No. 22 and Yell County was No. 57. Saint Mary’s director of community relations Brenda Harrison pointed to several ways the hospital is working to promote healthy lifestyles in the Arkansas River Valley, from care and education programs for the very young to senior citizens, as well as free health screening and uncompensated care programs. The results of the County Health Rankings are published online at www.countyhealthrankings.org by the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, who said the rankings help counties understand what influences how healthy residents are and how long they will live. “The rankings really show us with solid data that there is a lot more to health than health care. Where we live, learn, work and play affect our health, and we need to use the information from the rankings to shine a spotlight on where we need to improve so we can take action to address our problems,” said Dr. Patrick Remington, director of the County Health Rankings project and

Associate Dean for Public Health at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. The ranking program allows people across the country to compare the overall health of their counties against other counties in their state, and also compare their performance on specific health factors against national benchmarks of top-performing counties, with the overall goal of spurring communities to take action to become healthier. The County Health Rankings program issued a press release that stated as a result of the rankings, several communities already have begun to take action, such as passing smoke free laws, boosting educational opportunities for young children or pushing for healthier grocery stores and farmer’s markets. “It’s hard to lead a healthy life if you don’t live in a healthy community,” said Dr. Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, president and CEO of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. “The County Health Rankings are an annual check-up for communities to know how healthy they are and where they can improve. We hope that policy makers, businesses, educators, public health departments and community residents will use the rankings to develop solutions to help people live healthier lives.” In summer 2011, a group led by the Arkansas Department of Health’s Arkansas Assessment Initiative traveled across the state and presented the 2011 County Health Rankings while encouraging local community leaders, health providers and business owners to join forces to improve the health of Arkansans.

Medical Directory

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Arkansas Valley Radiation Oncology Services

... Specialist In Radiation Therapy

Since 1989, Arkansas Valley Radiation Oncology Services has been committed to providing personalized treatment plans that keep patients close to home and family. Our services offer highly technological care, including the state of the art 3D Conformal IMRT.

What we do ...

Since its opening in 1988 the Cancer Treatment Center has progressed in expanding services and technology to our patients. But one component of our care has not changed. The center strives to provide excellent medical care and to meet the special needs of men and women with cancer as well as their families. This strategy is crucial in managing cancer treatment, which often affects the emotions of all those involved.

Service, Efficiency, and Technology ...

Saint Mary’s Regional Cancer Treatment Center was the first in the state to install an Electa SL Multi-energy Linear Accelerator. This advanced computerized cancer treatment equipment is designed for radiation therapy, a fast, painless procedure that can be used in conjunction with chemotherapy, mostly on an outpatient basis. The SL linac generates high and low energy x-ray beams and a wide range of electrons, which can be selected for use based on the type of treatment required. These beams are precisely focused to shrink or completely eradicate the tumor, while sparing healthy surrounding tissue.

Our staff works hand in hand with chemotherapists and surgical oncologists in the River Valley, Little Rock and Ft. Smith.

• Donna Worthen, Office Manager • Amy Falleur, RT • Max Kubik, Medical Radiation • Cindy Hughes, Chief RT Physicist • Donna Crow, RT

• Lannie Prince, Electa Linear Accelerator Engineer • Darrell Speed, MD, Radiation Oncologist

1808 West Main • Russellville, AR • 964-9118


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Medical Directory


Special delivery: Students craft for oncology center

THE COURIER / Joshua Mashon, file

Russellville Middle School students offer crafts to patients at Arkansas Oncology. By Adam Sweeney

The patients at Arkansas Oncology at Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center welcomed some young visitors bearing gifts in June 2011. Russellville Middle School students delivered 32 quilts to the patients in the waiting room, as well as many hat and scarf sets. The students allowed the patients to select a quilt with a design they liked and took time to visit with some of the patients.

Build A

Salad or Wrap

S. Arkansas 968-4820 • W. Main 967-5266 • Lake Front 967-9814 • Parkway 968-7976 • Dover 331-4444

Medical Directory

Sunday, July 24, 2011 11

Larry Willcutt of Jerusalem picked out a quilt with a guitar design because he said he plays guitar at his church. He also selected a purple hat and scarf set, which he tried on while speaking with the students. Willcutt said he was moved by the gifts. “It’s just too much for words to see these young people taking of their time to help people who are sick,” he said. “There’s not a lot of kids that would do something like this. They’d rather be out swimming or playing ball or something.” Norma Young of Clarksville, who was accompanied at the clinic with her sister Jeannie Crowden, also selected both a hat, scarf and quilt. “It’s very, very impressive,” Young said. “Our grandmother and our mother were quilters. And we learned to quilt comforters and tack quilts. It’s impressive to see young girls learning how to do them. I’ll bring my blanket every week and wear my scarf and hat, too. It’s very pretty work.” Middle School social studies teacher Liz Scott and math teacher Becky Westbrook organized the project, leading 30 students in their daily 15-minute advisory periods. “It’s really interesting to see how the kids respond,” Scott said. “Quilting and sewing are generally lost arts. These are not things they see at home or are exposed to. These kids come from all backgrounds and socioeconomic groups. In general, people don’t sew or quilt or do these sorts of crafts anymore.” Scott has been active in quilting for 10 years, a program she began when she lived in Northwest Arkansas. When she relocated to Russellville six years ago, Scott received permission to continue the effort here. Westbrook’s grandmother was the recipient of one of the quilts. She was touched by the gift, and as a result became involved with the program as well, adding the

hats and scarves. She said the program and the delivery of the quilts have a visible effect on the students. “If they don’t have anyone with cancer, it doesn’t hit home,” Westbrook said. “They wanted to go to the back and deliver blankets to the cancer patients. I said ‘We can’t go back there.’ They said, ‘But we want to give them to cancer patients.’ I said, ‘All the people out here are cancer patients.’ Just the looks on their faces — I had one little girl who said ‘I have to get out of here.’ She just started crying. To me that’s what it’s all about because it takes it from just the word cancer to actually meeting someone who has cancer. It takes it from the abstract to the concrete.” The project requires students who are self-motivated and can continue working on the quilts with limited assistance. “The children have to be responsible,” Scott said. “They have to be self-motivated. They have to be able to work with a minimum amount of instruction because there is such a limited time for the actual sewing. I gave them a job to do with the understanding that if they honestly didn’t want to or if they didn’t perform up to standards, they could transfer out of the class. There’s enough people wanting to get into the room that they didn’t want to give up their spot. My kids rose to the challenge.” Scott noted not only girls participate. “A lot of the boys are reluctant to start, but some of the boys do the best work,” Scott said. “They start out reluctant, but once they see the first one finished, it goes gangbusters from there.” Westbrook said she has had students who enjoyed the work so much they continue it at home. “I had a student go and buy a sewing machine, she enjoyed it so much,” she said. “And one that bought the loom because they enjoyed making the hats.”

Monfee Medical Clinic, P.A. Specializing in: MOST INSURANCE ACCEPTED

1704 West C Place • Russellville, AR 479-967-6494 • M-Tu-Th-Fri 8:30-12 &1-4 Other Hours By Appointment Carolyn Gray, Owner/Certified Fitter


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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Medical Directory

Listings Alcohol and Drug Treatment

Freedom House

400 Lake Front Drive 968-7086

Allergy/ Immunology

Russellville Allergy and Asthma Associates 3127 W. Second St. (800) 514-4343


Arkansas Valley Anesthesia Associates Stan E. Gately, M.D. V.R. Massey, M.D. Thomas C. Williams, M.D. (800) 235-1415


Courtney Chivers, Au.D., CCC-A

Arkansas Audiology 2835 College Ave., Conway (501) 329-7979; (800) 329-7970

Russellville Hearing Clinic Charles Palmer, Au.D. 200 N. Quanah Ave. 968-7250 www.russellvillehearing.com

J. Doug Stroud, M.D., otolaryngologist;

Brenda Hodge, H.H.P.-H.I.S.


Patrick J. Flaherty III, D.O. Little Rock Cardiology Clinic 1660 W. C Place 967-0690 Little Rock Cardiology Clinic 1660 W. C Place 967-0690

Carl John Leding, M.D.

Little Rock Cardiology Clinic 1660 W. C Place 967-0690

Jeffrey P. Stewart, M.D.

Little Rock Cardiology Clinic 1660 W. C Place 967-0690

Mikel R. Brown, D.C. 2101 W. Main St.; 968-1181

Clarksville Chiropractic Clinic

Dr. Michael E. Martinez 300 E. Main, Clarksville 754-7246

Notto Chiropractic Health Center

Leonard Notto, D.C. 619 E. Parkway Drive 858-7176

Price Chiropractic Clinic


Snider Family Chiropractic

Breastfeeding/ Lactation

Arkansas Valley Chiropractic Clinic

Russell W. Pearson, D.C. Highway 22 West, Dardanelle (479) 229-2553; Boston Plaza, Danville 495-7900

150 S. Tulsa Ave. 968-2100

Bonds Family Dentistry J. Dustin Bonds, D.D.S 1919 W. Main St. 880-2311

Dalton Family Dentistry

525 Western Ave., Suite 304, Conway (501) 329-7555

Archway Chiropractic Clinic

Kent Bartlett, D.D.S.

110 S. Inglewood Ave. 968-4477

Peripheal Vascular Clinic

Donald E. Steely, M.D.

Roy L. Bratton, D.D.S. 406 N. Church St., Atkins 641-1081

Michael Cooper, D.D.S., P.A.

Russellville Cardiology 106 S. Inglewood Ave. 968-4311

515 Locust St., Conway (501) 327-5250

2302 College Ave., Conway (501) 513-5721

Atkins Dental Clinic

Dai-Yuan Wang, M.D.

Little Rock Cardiology Clinic Ms. Dee White, A.P.N. 1660 W. C Place 967-0690


Ashcraft and Morgan Dental Clinic, P.A.

Douglas Ashcraft, D.D.S., P.A. Richard L. Morgan, D.D.S., P.A. 1702 W. C Place; 968-6305

D. Andrew Henry, M.D.

Terry Kerbs, D.C. 1130 S. Rogers, Clarksville 754-2500

Conway Reg. Lactation Store

Brown Chiropractic Clinic

John Price, D.C. 1500 W. Main St. 968-2044

1212 S. Rogers, Clarksville 754-9550

Taylor Chiropractic Clinic

Michael Dalton, D.D.S. 3105 W. Main St. 968-1001

Stephen Fisher, D.D.S. 1101 Poplar, Clarksville 754-3357

L. Compton George, D.D.S. 109 E. Ninth St., Danville 495-2910

Scott C. George, D.D.S. State Highway 22 West, Dardanelle 229-3891

James H. Taylor, D.C., P.A. 915 W. Main St., Suite A 968-1794

Douglas A. Griffin, D.D.S.

Underhill Family Chiropractic

Hagerty Family Dental

David Underhill, D.C. 2803 W. Main St. 967-4030

200 N. Phoenix Ave.; 968-1655 Curtis Hagerty, D.D.S. 2203 E. Parkway Drive 967-2841

Meatball Marinara Cold Cut Combo • Veggie Delite Spicy Italian • Black Forest Ham Oven Roasted Chicken • BLT • Pizza S. Arkansas 968-4820 • W. Main 967-5266 • Lake Front 967-9814 • Parkway 968-7976 • Dover 331-4444

Medical Directory

Sunday, July 24, 2011 1

Mark D. Helms, D.D.S., P.A.

Richard Morgan, D.D.S.

Dr. Brandi Hodge, D.D.S.

Marc Muncy, D.D.S.

2621 W. Main St., Suite 2 968-4068 2112 W. Main St. 968-7314

Garry D. Hudson, D.D.S. 7146 SR 247, Pottsville 858-7382

Drs. Johnston and Richardson, P.L.L.C.

Michael B. Johnston, D.D.S., M.S.; Bryant Richardson, D.D.S. 1610 W. C Place; 968-8338

Lance A. Lawrence, D.D.S. 1501 W. C St. ; 967-7000

Blaine Leeds, D.D.S.

1101 Poplar St., Clarksville 754-3357

Michael D. McCormick, D.D.S.

116 S. Front St., Dardanelle 229-3150

1700 W. C Place 968-1470

307 E. Main, Clarksville 754-8818

Timothy Ward, D.M.D.

214 W. Modesto Ave. 964-0019; 1619 W. Main, Suite A, Clarksville 754-2042

Robert A. Young Jr., D.D.S.

Parkes Dental Clinic

104 N. Utah Ave. 968-1706

Parkway Dental

Arkansas Dermatology Center

Robert S. Parkes, D.M.D. 7050 SR 7 North, Dover 967-8603 Don Simmons, D.D.S.; Dale Brooks, D.D.S. 402 E. Parkway Drive 890-6174 (877) 96-TOOTH

John F. Rommel

1204 S. Rogers, Clarksville 754-6424

Robert P. Smith, D.D.S. White Building, Clarksville 754-3230


William J. Helms, M.D. 2210 W. Main St. 968-8940

Conway Dermatology Clinic

Tom Hudson III, M.D. 9 Medical Lane, Conway (501) 327-8480

Russellville Dermatology Clinic

William W. Galloway, M.D. 1602 W. Main St. 968-6969; (866) 968-6967

Angela R. Styles, M.D. 201 S. Rogers, Clarksville 754-4333; (888) 854-4333

Diagnostic Imaging

Pope County Imaging MRI Ultrasound

3127 W. Second Court, Suite A 498-6360; fax 498-6364

Diabetes education

Conway Regional Diabetes Education Program

2032 College Ave., Conway (501) 513-5248

Drug Testing

River Valley Occupational Health Kellye Morgan, C.E.O. 821 W. Second St. 890-7945


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Medical Directory

Russellville Family Clinic 108 Skyline Drive, Russellville 479-968-7170 • Hours: 8:00am-5:00pm • Monday - Friday “Committed to Serving the Families of the River Valley”

Now Accepting new patients for complete health care from newborns to adults.

•Women’s Health (Wellness Exams,Treatment of Menopause, Osteoporosis & Birth Control Management) • Pediatrics • Weight Loss Management • Industrial Medicine • Drug Testing • Allergy Testing

Working Toward a Healthier You... With You! Ben J. Kriesel, M.D.

Kenneth B. Turner, M.D.

• Diplomate American Board of Family Practice • Certified Medical Review Officer

• Diplomate American Board of Family Practice

Christopher S. Barber, D.O. • Diplomate American Board of Family Practice


Medical Directory

Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists

Central Arkansas ENT Clinic

Dr. Collie Shaw, M.D. 2200 Ada Ave., Suite 202, Conway (501) 329-3929

River Valley Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic

Stephen M. Killingsworth, M.D.; Dr. Zeke Nehus, M.D. 220 N. Phoenix Ave.; 890-0368

Sunday, July 24, 2011 1

General/Family Practice

Edward Lucas Andrada, M.D. Millard-Henry Clinic 101 Skyline Drive 968-2345; fax 890-2467

Michelle J. Banning, M.D. Tippin Family Medicine 804 Dan Ark Circle, Danville 495-7300

Christopher S. Barber, D.O.

Pam Cook, C. Ped.; Rick Cook, C. Ped.

Ronald L. White, M.D. 1611 W. Main St. 890-5881

Cindy Day, A.P.N.

Mylinda Hall, A.P.N.

Plainview Clinic 102 N. Garfield St., Plainview 272-4236

Russellville Primary Care Clinic 2524 W. Main St. 967-3980; fax 967-3986

Jackie Dunn, D.O. Chambers Clinic 719 Detroit, Danville 495-6270

France-Tilley Family Medicine 495 Hogan Lane, Conway (501) 327-1150

805 E. Main St. 890-5933 pcook@viscent.com


Stacey Greer, A.P.N.

Millard-Henry Clinic 101 Skyline Drive 968-2345; fax 890-2467

Diane France Brad Tilley

Foot Care Products

Russellville Gastroenterology Clinic, P.A.

James M. Carter, M.D.

William H. Freeman, M.D.

River Valley Medical Center Family Clinic 1652 State Highway 22, Dardanelle; 229-2827

Susan Hernandez, A.P.N.

108 Skyline Drive 968-7170; fax 968-7190

410 Denison St., Conway (501) 327-0110

Chambers Clinic 719 Detroit, Danville 495-6270

A. Dale Barton, M.D.

Maribeth Gamble, A.P.N.

Jerry Hodges, M.D.

Millard-Henry Clinic 1601 N. Church St., Atkins 641-2255; fax 641-1889

Millard-Henry Clinic 1601 N. Church St., Atkins 641-2255; fax 641-1889

Chambers Clinic 719 Detroit, Danville 495-6270


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Medical Directory

Brown Chiropractic

Chris H. Horan, M.D.

Sarah Robertson, M.D.

Art Isely, M.D.

Karl Sandberg, M.D.

Timothy S. Johnson, M.D.

Jeremy W. Saul, M.D.

Millard-Henry Clinic 1601 N. Church, Atkins 641-2255; fax 641-1889 Chambers Clinic 719 Detroit, Danville 495-6270 Millard-Henry Clinic 1601 N. Church, Atkins 641-2255; fax 641-1889

Palmer Graduate

New Patients Usually See Same Day

Most Insurance Accepted Call For Your Coverage

Charles “Woody� Jones Jr., M.D. Carol Townsend, A.P.N.

Millard-Henry Clinic 101 Skyline Drive 968-2345; fax 890-2467 Scenic 7 Clinic 402 S. Scenic 7, Ola 489-5126

Millard-Henry Clinic 101 Skyline Drive 968-2345; fax 890-2467

William Scott, M.D.

Russellville Primary Care Clinic 2524 W. Main St. 967-3980; fax 967-3986

Ben J. Kriesel, M.D. River Valley Medical Center Outpatient Clinic 300 N. Third St., Dardanelle 229-6191

Professional e y e c a r e, Quality e y e w e a r.

Since 1979, Dr. Jim Lieblong and his staff have developed a reputation of professional eyecare by getting to know people just like you who want the very best attention when it comes to their eye health. The next time you need professional eyecare or quality eyewear, visit Lieblong Eye Clinic.

2800 W. Main, Russellville 479-968-2020

106 S. Atlanta, Danville 479-495-2020

A Clear Vision Of Excellence In Eyecare

Matt Self, M.D. 108 Skyline Drive 968-7170; fax 967-1539

Mary Madill

Physician assistant Chambers Clinic 719 Detroit, Danville 495-6270

Damon Martin, M.D.

Martin Medical Clinic 112 W. Fourche Ave., Ola 489-5801

Dr. Andrew Monfee 3812 W. Main St. 968-1245

Karl Moser, M.D.

River Valley Medical Center Outpatient Clinic 300 N. Third St., Dardanelle 229-6191

Carina Ploetz, D.O.

Western Yell Co. Medical Clinic 310 W. Broadway, Havana 476-2827

River Valley Medical Center Family Clinic 1652 State Highway 22, Dardanelle 229-2827

Philip Tippin, M.D.

Tippin Family Medicine 804 Dan Ark Circle, Danville 495-7300

Finley P. Turner, M.D. Millard-Henry Clinic 101 Skyline Drive 968-2345; fax 890-2467

Medical Directory

Kenneth B. Turner, M.D.

Sunday, July 24, 2011 17

Health Units

Johnson County Health Unit No. 6 Professional Park Drive, Clarksville 754-2949; fax 754-4700

Pope County Health Unit 203 Weir Road 968-6004; fax 964-0928 108 Skyline Drive 968-7170; fax 967-1192

Leslie Ward, M.D.

719 Detroit, Danville; 495-6270

Bonita Westwood, A.P.N.

Yell County Health Unit 719 N. Fifth St., Dardanelle 229-3509; fax 229-3686

Hearing Specialists

Central Arkansas ENT Clinic

Plainview Clinic 102 N. Garfield, Plainview 272-4236

Sam Kelso, Au.D. 2200 Ada Ave., Suite 202, Conway (501) 329-3929

• Comprehensive Eye Examinations

John Westwood, M.D.

HearingLife, USA

• Glaucoma, Cataract, & Eye Health Management

Meadville Hearing Aids

• Contact Lens Specialty & Pediatric Care, Sports Vision

Plainview Clinic 102 N. Garfield, Plainview 272-4236

Shawna Graham, H.I.S. 1609 W. Main St.; 967-7538

Jeffrey K. Yates, D.O.

305 S. Rogers St., Clarksville 754-7710; (888) 754-7710

• Lasik Consult

Beth Hammond, HIS, AS, MA

• Eyeglass Repairs & Free Adjustments

Millard-Henry Clinic 101 Skyline Drive 968-2345; fax 890-2467

General Surgery

Michael Bell, M.D.

Millard-Henry Clinic 105 Skyline Drive 890-2433; fax 890-7180

Miracle Ear of Russellville 701 E. Main St., Suite 12; 890-9048 bethark@sbcglobal.net

Russellville Hearing Clinic Charles Palmer, Au.D. 200 N. Quanah Ave.; 968-7250 www.russellvillehearing.com

Craig B. Mizes, M.D.

Millard-Henry Clinic 105 Skyline Drive 890-2433; fax 890-7180

Kenneth Murphy, M.D., FACS

Murphy Surgical Care, P.A. 525 Western Suite 301, Conway (501) 327-3000

Mark Myers, M.D.

1808 W. Main St.; 967-0799

John Westwood, M.D.

Plainview Clinic 102 N. Garfield, Plainview 272-4236

Johnson Co. Surgery Clinic J. David Goodman, M.D.; Richard E. McKelvey, M.D. 2 Medicine Drive, Clarksville 754-6510

Hematology/ Oncology

Thomas Reid, M.D.

350 Salem Ave., Conway (501) 932-0844

Javed K. Shinwari, M.D. FACP Conway Cancer Center 3025 Fountain Drive, Conway (501) 329-1700

Sue Tsuda, M.D.

The Russellville and Dardanelle Clinics have a complete line of prescription and non-prescription sunglasses, Titmus safety frames and fashion frames including Nike, Coach, Guess, Wiley X, Candies, Sketchers Brand, Flexon, Fendi and Coach. Amy Daiber, OD • Lori Boyd Canfield, OD

2605 College Ave., Conway (501) 327-2995

Home Care

AMCARE Senior Life Partners 220 East 4th Street 880-1112; fax 880-1001 info@amcareseniorlife.com www.amcareseniorlife.com

204 N. Front St. Dardanelle

317 E. Parkway Russellville




Sunday, July 24, 2011

Conway Regional HomeCare 2134 Robinson Street, Conway (800) 264-9666

Hospice Care

Arkansas Department of Health Hospice

Northwest Regional Office 404 N. El Paso Ave. Glenda Luter, volunteer coordinator 968-4177, ext. 140

Kevin Beavers, M.D., FACP

Medical Directory

Hyperbaric Wound Care

Conway Regional Wound Healing Center

2200 Ada Ave., Suite 205, Conway (501) 450-2267

Mark Myers, M.D., FACS River Valley Hyperbaric and Wound Care Inc. 1808 W. Main St. 967-0799

Imaging — MRI

Pope County Imaging Open MRI

3127 W. Second Court, Suite A 498-6360 fax 498-6364 Arkansas Hospice 2405 E. Parkway, Suite 3 498-2050 email: contactus @arkansashospice.org www.arkansashospice.org

Internal Medicine

Homer Kevin Beavers, M.D., FACP Millard-Henry Clinic 101 Skyline Drive 968-2345 fax 890-7194

Dennis Berner, M.D.

Millard-Henry Clinic 101 Skyline Drive 968-2345; fax 890-7194

Donald F. Hill, M.D.

Millard-Henry Clinic 101 Skyline Drive 968-2345; fax 890-7194

Keith A. Ison, M.D.

Millard-Henry Clinic 101 Skyline Drive 968-2345; fax 890-7194

W. Robert Thurlby, M.D., FACP Millard-Henry Clinic 8970 S. Market St., Dover 331-3880; fax 331-3788


Pink Ribbon Boutique

1704 W. C Place 967-6494; fax 967-6495 pinkribbonar@centurytel.net

Medical Billing

Medical Office Systems 209 Portland Ave. 968-7930

Medical Centers/ Clinics

Arkansas Heart Hospital

1701 S. Shackleford, Little Rock (501) 219-7489

Chambers Memorial Hospital State Highway 10 at Detroit, Danville 495-2241

Conway Regional Health System

2302 College Ave., Conway (501) 329-3831; (800) 245-3314 www.conwayregional.org

Johnson Regional Medical Center

1100 E. Poplar, Clarksville 754-5454

Medical Directory

River Valley Christian Clinic 1714 State Highway 22, Dardanelle 229-2566 or (877) 229-3450; fax 229-1021 rvchristianclinic.org

River Valley Medical Center 200 N. Third St., Dardanelle 229-4677

Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center

Radiologists: Ashley Burnham, M.D. Jeffrey Hale, M.D. Douglas Keran, M.D. Eric Magill, M.D. ER physicians: Todd Carter, M.D. Chris Knox, M.D. Don Johnson, M.D. Larry Price, M.D. George Richison, M.D. 1808 W. Main St.; 968-2841

Barron Family Practice Clinic William G. Barron, M.D. 1600 W. C Place 967-7717

Sunday, July 24, 2011 1

Clarksville Family Medical Center

Bobby Noonan, M.D. 1 Medicine Drive, Clarksville 705-8181

Clarksville Medical Group, P.A. Jack Patterson, M.D. Laurie Fisher, M.D. John Dunham, M.D. Ben Jacobs, M.D. Kim Graves, M.D. JaNell Burch, M.D. Susan Gateley, A.P.N. 601 McKennon, Clarksville 754-8384; O.B. Helpline 7546262; (888) 817-4923

Family Practice Associates of Clarksville, P.A. Scott Kuykendall, M.D. Joseph Dunaway, M.D. John McAuley, M.D. W.E. Buddy Williams, D.O. 23 Professional Park Drive, Clarksville 754-4721; (800) 552-4721

Kirkland Family Medical Center

300 N. Third St., Dardanelle 229-6109

Marshall Medical Clinic

Roxanne Marshall, M.D. 3 Medicine Drive, Clarksville 754-6777

Millard-Henry Clinic

1601 N. Church, Atkins; 641-2255 8970 S. Market St., Dover; 331-3880 101 and 105 Skyline Drive; 968-2345

Monfee Medical Clinic

Andrew Monfee, M.D. 3812 W. Main St.; 968-1245

River Valley Medical Clinic 200 N. Third St., Dardanelle 229-2827

River Valley Medical Center Family Clinic

Mylinda Hall, A.P.N. Matt Self, M.D. 1652 State Highway 22, Dardanelle 229-2827

River Valley Medical Center Outpatient Clinic Karl Moser, M.D. William Scott, M.D. 300 N. Third St., Dardanelle 229-6191

Russellville Family Clinic, P.A. Kenneth B. Turner, M.D. Ben Kriesel, M.D. Christopher S. Barber, D.O. 108 Skyline Drive 968-7170

Valley Health Services Jeffrey Yates, D.O. Candace Welcher, A.P.N. Melissa Darnell, A.P.N. 11720 SR 27, Hector 284-5001

Medical Equipment and Supplies

Aerocare of Russellville Home Oxygen and Medical Supplies 2007 W. Main St. 967-4511


Sunday, July 24, 2011

American Homepatient 3801 W. Main St. 968-6275; fax 880-8345 www.ahom.com

Bird and Bear Medical Supplies

1400 S. Knoxville Ave. 858-6111; fax 967-8196

Conway Regional Lifeline 2134 Robinson St., Conway (800) 473-1999

Russellville Medical Supply 2600 W. Main St.; 967-5790

Pam’s Shoes and Pedorthics Pam Cook, C. Ped. Rick Cook, C. Ped. 805 E. Main St.; 890-5933 pcook@viscent.com


River Valley Kidney Center Robert F. McCrary Jr., M.D., FACP J. Wayne Smith, M.D., FACP B.D. Fine Jr., M.D. FACP

Medical Directory

David DeSoto, M.D. Nicholas Monaco, M.D. Michael S. Gersch, M.D. Drew Heiple, M.D. 3121 W. Second Ct.; 968-4687

Clarksville Convalescent Home

Stella Manor Nursing and Rehabilitation Center

Countryside Manor

Yell County Nursing Home


300 S. Thompson Road, Lamar 754-2052

David Oberlander, M.D. 400 Salem Road Building 3, Suite 1, Conway (501) 505-0400

Dardanelle Nursing and Rehabilitation Center

Young Homes Intermediate Care Facility for Mentally Retarded

Conway Neurology, P.A.

Tim Freyaldenhoven, M.D., Ph.D. 2200 Ada Ave. Suite 305, Conway (501) 932-0352

Nursing Homes

Atkins Nursing and Rehabilitation Center

Debbie K. Inks, administrator; Dr. Chris Horan, medical director 605 N.W. Seventh St., Atkins 641-7100 fax 641-1285

400 Oak Court, Clarksville 754-8611

2199 State Highway 7, Dardanelle 229-4884

The Home Place

2004 N. Second St., Dardanelle 229-4361

Legacy Lodge

900 W. 12th St.; 968-5858

Mitchell’s Nursing Home 501 W. 10th St., Danville 495-2914

Russellville Nursing and Rehabilitation Center

215 S. Portland Ave.; 968-5256

400 N. Vancouver Ave. 968-4141

State Highway 10 West, Ola (479) 489-5237

910 N. Ithaca Ave. 968-8995


Brenda Ringhardt, C.N.

The Vitamin Store and Smoothie Bar 2300 W. Main St., Suite 4 498-2884 thevitaminstore@centurytel.net www.thevitatminstorear.com

Katie Whitlow, R.D.

Millard-Henry Clinic 101 Skyline Drive 890-2409; fax 890-7103

Medical Directory

Sunday, July 24, 2011 1

Obstetrics/ Gynecology

Jody Callaway, M.D., FACOG Millard-Henry Clinic 105 Skyline Drive 890-7197; fax 890-7125

Occupational and Environmental Medicine

Stephen Long, M.D., M.P.H.

Joe A. Cloud, M.D., FACOG Millard-Henry Clinic 105 Skyline Drive 890-7197; fax 890-7125

Conway Medical Group 437 Denison, Conway (501) 327-1325 slong@conwayregional.org

Occupational Therapy

Pediatrics Plus Therapy Services

Michael W. Escue, M.D. Millard-Henry Clinic 105 Skyline Drive 890-2426 fax 890-7125

411 N. Elmira Ave., Suite 4 890-5494

Phillip Gullie, M.D.

2519 College Ave., Conway (501) 327-6547; fax (501) 327-9715 conwayobgyn@conwaycorp.net

Vickie L. Henderson, M.D., FACOG Millard-Henry Clinic 105 Skyline Drive 890-2428; fax 890-7125

Oncology/Cancer Therapy

Arkansas Oncology Associates

Thomas Sneed, M.D. 1808 W. Main St., Suite 200 967-6565 Darrell Speed, M.D. 1808 W. Main St., Suite 200 964-9118

Dr. Amy J.S. Daiber Dr. Lori Boyd Canfield

Daiber Vision Care 317 E. Parkway; 967-6113 204 N. Front St., Dardanelle 229-1467

Family Eye Care of Russellville P.A. Dr. Anne Snider 2409 E. Main St. 967-0600


David M. Harper, D.D.S., M.S. 1126 S. Rogers, Clarksville 754-6084

Mark D. Helms, D.D.S., P.A. 2621 W. Main St., Suite 2 968-4068

Carmella Montez Knoernschild, D.D.S., A.B.O.

Lieblong Eye Clinic

Dr. Jim Lieblong 2800 W. Main St. 968-2020 106. S. Atlanta, Danville 495-2020

Dr. Richard McDougal

709 W. Main St., Clarksville 754-6303

Hall Eye Care Center

Dr. Allison N. Hall, O.D. 230 E. Market St., Clarksville 705-2022

2015 W. Parkway Drive 968-2138 drkortho@suddenlinkmail.com www.DrKstraightsmile.com

Build a Better Breakfast Open 7 AM

• Steak & Cheese • Western & Cheese • Egg & Cheese • Blackforest Ham & Cheese S. Arkansas, 968-4820 • W. Main, 967-5266 • Lake Front, 967-9814 • Parkway, 968-7976 • Dover, 331-4444


Tracy Lamey, A.P.N.

2519 College Ave., Conway (501) 327-6547; fax (501) 327-9715 conwayobgyn@conwaycorp.net

Stephen F. Lefler, M.D., FACOG Millard-Henry Clinic 105 Skyline Drive 890-2426; fax 890-7125

Dr. Paul McChristian

2519 College Ave., Conway (501) 327-6547; fax (501) 327-9715 conwayobgyn@conwaycorp.net

David Gregory Nelson, M.D. Millard-Henry Clinic 105 Skyline Drive 890-2428; fax 890-7125

Josh L. Ward, M.D.

2200 Ada Ave., Suite 301, Conway (501) 450-3920 fax (501) 450-7718


Russellville Eye Clinic, P.A. Frank M. Lawrence, M.D. David S. Murphy, M.D. John N. Gillespie, M.D. 1700 W. B. St. 968-7302


Baker Eye Clinic

Donald Baker, O.D. 210 W. Main St., Clarksville 754-3309

Clark Eye Clinic

Philip H. Clark 302 N. Phoenix Ave. 967-4711 areyedoc@centurytel.net www.clarkeyeclinic.com

Scott Eye Clinic

Dr. H. Keith Scott 214 E. Fourth St. 968-3937

Russellville Eye Clinic Kim R. Patterson, O.D. 1700 W. B. St. 968-7302

Oral/Maxilliofacial Surgery

Robert Graybill, D.D.S. 319 S. Glenwood Ave. 968-1334

Donny L. Quick, D.D.S.

Arkansas Oral Surgery 2425 Prince St. Suite 2, Conway (501) 329-3223 arkansasoralsurgery@yahoo.com

Orthopaedics/ Sports Medicine and Surgery

Arkansas Orthopaedic Center W. Bruce Brown, M.D., P.A. 3016 W. Main St. 890-BONE (2663)

Arkansas Orthopaedic Institute

Russell Allison, M.D. 1605 W. Main St.; 890-9292

Robert H. May, M.D.

Johnson Regional Medical Center Orthopaedics Clinic No. 1 Medicine Drive, Clarksville 754-5405

Tom Roberts, M.D.

550 Club Lane, Conway (501) 329-1510

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Medical Directory

Pain Management

Pain Center of Russellville

A.N. Rati; M. Arshad 2504 W. Main St., Suite B 890-7777 www.arpainmanagement.com


Pathology Services Laboratory, P.A.

Pediatric Medicine

Christina Bartlett, M.D. Millard-Henry Clinic 101 Skyline Drive 968-2345; fax 890-7169

Berry Drug of Dardanelle

Kristen Nelson, M.D.

Bobby Teeter’s Drug Store

Millard-Henry Clinic 101 Skyline Drive 968-2345; fax 890-7169 Millard-Henry Clinic 101 Skyline Drive 968-2345; fax 890-7169

Lynette Smith, M.D. Millard-Henry Clinic 101 Skyline Drive 968-2345 fax 890-7169

Rick Harrison, M.D.

Millard-Henry Clinic 101 Skyline Drive 968-2345; fax 890-7169


Barry W. McCraw, M.D.


Millard-Henry Clinic 101 Skyline Drive 968-2345; fax 890-7169

Neylon Pilkington, M.D.

1430 W. C St.; 968-6781

Millard-Henry Clinic 101 Skyline Drive 968-2345; fax 890-7169

Robin Kirby, M.D.

Russellville Periodontal Clinic Ronald Follis, D.D.S. 800 W. B St. 967-6767

417 Union St., Dardanelle 229-4811

200 W. Main St., Clarksville 754-2196

502 S. Crawford, Clarksville 705-8407

Hector Pharmacy

11720 State Highway 27, Hector 284-2011

Kmart Pharmacy

2821 E. Main St.; 967-7301

C & D Drug Store

121 N. Commerce Ave. 968-2456

Kroger Pharmacy

1001 W. Main St.; 880-1843

Cobb’s Westside Pharmacy John Cobb, Pharm. D. 108 Skyline Drive, Suite B 968-7180 westsidepharmacy@hotmail.com

Fred’s Discount Pharmacy 409 W. Main St., Clarksville 754-9303

Elmo Haney Pharmacy

201 E. Main St., Atkins; 641-1147

Harps Pharmacy

Harvest Foods Pharmacy

100 S. Knoxville Ave.; 967-4498

Newton Pharmacy

715 W. Main St.; 968-1157

Rose Drug

3103 W. Main Place; 968-1323 8880 Market St., Dover; 331-2133 1603 N. State Highway 22, Dardanelle; 229-4049 211 E. Main St., Clarksville 754-2180

The Medicine Shoppe 408 N. Church, Atkins 641-7878

Be Sun Smart and Look Younger, Longer! When you think

Rose Drug… think hometown service! • fast & friendly service • convenient drive-thru • save by using generics • transfer your prescriptions • elegant, one of a kind gifts

Rose Drug Inc.

3103 W. Main Place 968-1323 or 968-1050

Practice sun fitness. Call for an appointment today. Areas of Specialized Sun avoidance is the Care: best defense against sun Complete and damage, skin cancer and Comprehensive Skin premature aging. The risk Care for patients of of skin cancer increases all Ages. Our Services as age increases. Early include Skin Cancer, detection is the surest Skin Surgery, Acne way to a cure. Perform Treatment and skin self-examinations Treatment of other and have a yearly skin Disorders of the Skin, examination by your Hair and Nails. dermatologist.

Russellville Dermatology 1602 West Main St. • Russellville 968-6969 Toll Free 866-968-6967 Office Hours by Appointment

William W. Galloway, M.D.

Diplomate, American Board of Dermatology Fellow American Academy of Dermatology

“Serving the general and surgical dermatology needs of the River Valley since 1976”

Medical Directory

USA Drug

1112 W. Main St. 967-3738

Walmart Pharmacy

2049 W. Main St., Russellville 968-2970; State Highway 7, Dardanelle 229-2157; 1230 Market St., Clarksville 754-6169

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Johnson Regional Physical Therapy

1100 E. Poplar, Clarksville 754-5365

Pediatrics Plus Therapy Services

411 N. Elmira Ave., Suite 4 890-5494

Foot and Ankle Specialty Clinic

1713 W. Main St.; 964-4000

Foot Health Clinic

Thomas G. Werner, D.P.M. 2503 W. Main Place 968-1311


Area Agency on Aging 1310 W. Main St. 967-9300

Conway Regional Senior Evaluation and Counseling Center

2425 Dave Ward Drive, Suite 102, Conway (501) 932-0480

Breakfast Freshly Made before Your Eyes S. Arkansas 968-4820 • W. Main 967-5266 • Lake Front 967-9814 • Parkway 968-7976 • Dover 331-444 Walgreens

1100 E. Main St. 967-1573

Physical Therapy

Back 2 Basics Physical Therapy Kim McDougal, P.T. 301 Reasoner Lane 968-2125

Conway Regional Therapy Center

550 Club Lane (second floor), Conway (501) 932-0814

Coulter Physical Therapy Seth Coulter, P.T. Michelle Williams, P.T. Chellia Hunt Karen Brossard, assistant 115 Skyline Drive 967-5155

Friendship Regional Pediatrics Therapies Clinic 1301 Russell Road 967-2316

Lane Physical Therapy Center

Cameron Lane, D.P.T. Leigh Barborek, D.P.T. CaraJean Floyd, M.P.T. Stacey Boster, P.T. Mike Hilton, A.T.C. 3016 W. Main St., Suite 200 967-9657

Recovery Zone Pediatric Therapy Services Dana Warren, owner 500 E. Third St. 968-5048

River Valley Therapy and Sports Medicine

Pregnancy Counseling

Choices Pregnancy Resource Clinic


Bell Psychiatric

Linda Bell, M.D. 2301 W. Main St. 968-3323; fax 968-2848

411 N. Elmira Ave., Suite 4 890-5494

Counseling Associates Inc.

Spine Surgery

Radiologists of Russellville, P.A.


Danny J. Aquilar, D.P.M., C.W.S. 2400 W. Main St. 890-3668

Family Foot Clinic

Dr. Jeff F. Reismont 203 Sevier St., Clarksville 754-2811; 880 W. Main St., Booneville 675-2800

Ferdowsian Foot and Ankle Clinic

703 Donaghey, Conway (501) 327-3668

Speech Therapy

Pediatrics Plus Therapy Services

Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center Outpatient Therapy Center

Aquilar Foot Care Clinic

500 W. Main St., Suite C 858-6158; fax 880-1149

311 E. Third St.; 967-2255

Gabe Freyaldenhoven, P.T. Chrissy Bradford, P.T. Drew Morgan, P.T. Lauren Perez, P.T. Kami McDonald, OTR/L Tina Chung, OTR/L 2100 W. Main St. 968-2525

809 W. Main St. 968-3733

Superior Senior Care

313 S. Detroit Ave.; 967-5467


Doug Kerwin, M.D. Jeffrey Hale, M.D. Ashley Burnham, M.D. Eric Magill, M.D. 3205 W. Main St.; 968-7930

Rehabilitation Services/Hospital

Conway Regional Rehabilitation Hospital

2210 Robinson Ave., Conway (501) 932-3500

Retirement and Assisted Living

AMCARE see page 17

Wildflower Retirement and Assisted Living 240 S. Inglewood Ave. 890-6709

David M. Arnold, M.D.

Arkansas Back Institute 2425 Dave Ward Drive, Conway (501) 329-7246


Central Arkansas Surgical Center

Orthopedics, otolaryngology, pain management and podiatry 151 E. Aspen Lane 967-1117; fax 967-0089 info@centralarkansassurgical.com www.centralarkansasurgical.com

W. Bruce Brown, M.D., P.A. 3016 W. Main St. 890-BONE (2663)

Transcription Services

River Valley Transcription Services 80 Mariwood Lane, Dover; 967-4899


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Medical Directory


Jeffrey B. Marotte, James H. France Jr., D. Craig Shirley 495 Hogan Lane, Suite 2, Conway (501) 327-5850 fax (501) 327-4910 conwayurology@conwaycorp.net www.conwayurology.com

Urology Clinic P.A.

Robert A. Bell, M.D. 2301 W. Main St. 968-3323; fax 890-5428

Russellville Clinic

Kevin D. Claybrook, M.D. David M. Coussens, M.D. 2504 W. Main St., Suite A; 968-2600


Wellness Consulting Services, Inc. 1650 W. C Place 890-9355; fax 890-9357

River Valley Kidney Center Robert F. McCrary, Jr, MD, FACP J. Wayne Smith, MD, FACP Bobbie D. Fine, Jr, MD, FACP David J. DeSoto, MD Nicholas Monaco, MD Michael S. Gersch, MD Drew Heiple, MD

Quality Rental Care

about this guide The Courier does not endorse any inclusions in the Arkansas River Valley Medical Directory and Physicians Guide 2011. Every attempt was made to ensure accuracy of listings; however, no guarantees are expressed or implied. Information appears as submitted either by the listed party or from those gathered by our staff. All information listed is for reference only, and all addresses included herein are assumed to be located in the city of Russellville unless otherwise noted. Additionally, all telephone numbers ring within Arkansas’ 479 area code unless otherwise noted.

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Medical Directory

Sunday, July 24, 2011

staying healthy Recognize the signs of breast cancer

In the United States alone, more than 200,000 breast cancer diagnoses are made each year. According to the American Cancer Society, the death rates for breast cancer among women are higher than for any other cancer besides lung cancer. The survival rate for breast cancer is considerably better the earlier the cancer is detected. In fact, the Canadian Cancer Society notes the five-year survival rate for Canadian women diagnosed with breast cancer between 200406 was 88 percent. Such survival rates typically depend on the stage at which the cancer was diagnosed. Breast cancer is commonly diagnosed on a scale from 0 to IV, with 0 describing noninvasive cancers and IV describing invasive cancers that have spread beyond the breast to other parts of the body. In the U.S., stage 0 breast cancers have a considerably higher survival rate (93 percent

according to the National Cancer Data Base) than stage IV breast cancers (15 percent). What those statistics illustrate is the emphasis women must place on detecting breast cancers. While self-examination was once suggested, medical organizations and professionals now question if such self-examinations are ideal. Women should consult their physician to determine the best approach for them. Self-examination might be the ultimate decision, but women must recognize the importance of immediately consulting their physician should any of the following signs and symptoms appear. • Lump or thickening in or near the breast or in the underarm. This lump or thickening will persist through the menstrual cycle. • An area that is noticeably different from any other area on either breast. • A mass or lump on the breast. This lump

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can be as small as a pea. • Changes in the size, shape or contour of the breast. • Redness around the nipple or on the skin of the breast. • A blood-stained or clear fluid discharge from the nipple. • A change in how the breast feels or appears. The breast might be scaly or inflamed and can even dimple. • A hardened area under the skin. While self-examination can help women discover any potential signs and symptoms of breast cancer, women should know that even a thorough selfexamination in which no symptoms appear doesn’t necessarily mean a woman is breast cancer-free. Women, particularly those with a family history of breast cancer or those over the age of 50, should also be tested for breast cancer on an annual or biannual basis.

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Medical Directory

Staying healthy

Adults need vaccinations, too

Most adults can recall those days as a child when Mom or Dad took them to the doctor’s office to get their vaccinations. Less memorable are the times Mom and Dad got their own vaccinations. As a result, many adults assume vaccines are just for kids and that the vaccines received as a child are enough to protect them for the rest of their lives. But as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention point out, the vaccines received as a child aren’t always enough to last a lifetime. There are many reasons adults need to be vaccinated, even if they received vaccinations as a child. One of those reasons has to do with aging. As the human body ages, it becomes more susceptible to serious disease caused by common infections (including the flu). Another reason is that the immunity a vaccination provides can fade over time. In addition, newer vaccinations were not available when some of today’s adults were kids.

When considering a vaccination, adults should discuss the issue with their personal physician. Some of the more common vaccinations include: • Seasonal influenza: The CDC recommends all adults get one dose of the flu vaccine every year, preferably in October or November before the onset of flu season. The flu vaccine is especially necessary for men and women who work in a health care setting, are suffering from a chronic illness or are living in a longterm care facility. However, those who are allergic to eggs or have had a previous allergic reaction to the flu vaccine should not be vaccinated. • Pneumonia: The pneumonia vaccine is necessary for men and women who are 65 or older, have a chronic illness or weak immune system, smoke, have had the spleen removed or live in a longterm care facility. Men and women who are currently ill or those who experienced an allergic reaction to a previous pneumonia vaccine

should consult their physician before being vaccinated. In most cases, such illness or prior history means men and women should not be vaccinated. • Meningitis: Adults who did not get the meningitis vaccine as a child or adolescent should consult their physician about getting the vaccination as an adult. Under certain conditions, including living in a dormitory for the first time or frequently traveling to countries where meningitis is common, it’s best for adults to get the vaccination. Men and women who had the spleen removed should also get the vaccination. • Chickenpox: Some people make it to adulthood without ever getting chickenpox. If they also made it to adulthood without getting the chickenpox vaccine, then they should get it as an adult as long as they’re not pregnant, currently ill, afflicted with a weak immune system, or likely to become pregnant within four weeks of being vaccinated.

Medical Directory

Sunday, July 24, 2011 7

INDEX OF PROVIDERS Aerocare of Russellville Home Oxygen and Medical Supplies...................................19 Allison, Russell................................................21 AMCARE Senior Life Partners....................17 American Homepatient..............................20 Andrada, Edward Lucas...............................15 Aquilar, Danny J.............................................23 Aquilar Foot Care Clinic...............................23 Archway Chiropractic Clinic......................12 Area Agency on Aging.................................23 Ark. Department of Health Hospice.......18 Arkansas Dermatology Center.................13 Arkansas Heart Hospital..............................18 Arkansas Hospice..........................................18 Arkansas Oncology Associates.................21 Arkansas Oral Surgery.................................21 Arkansas Orthopaedic Center...................21 Arkansas Orthopaedic Institute...............21 Arkansas Valley Anesthesia Associates.. 12 Arkansas Valley Chiropractic Clinic.........12 Arnold, David M.............................................23 Ashcraft, Douglas..........................................12 Ashcraft and Morgan Dental Clinic.........12 Atkins Dental Clinic......................................12 Atkins Nursing and Rehab Center...........20 Back 2 Basics Physical Therapy.................23 Baker, Donald..................................................21

Baker Eye Clinic..............................................21 Banning, Michelle J.......................................15 Barber, Christopher S.............................15,19 Barborek, Leigh..............................................23 Barron, William G...........................................19 Barron Family Practice Clinic.....................19 Bartlett, Christina...........................................22 Bartlett, Kent...................................................12 Barton, A. Dale................................................15 Beavers, Homer Kevin..................................18 Beavers, Kevin.................................................18 Bell, Linda.........................................................23 Bell, Michael....................................................17 Bell, Robert A..................................................24 Bell Psychiatric................................................23 Berner, Dennis................................................18 Berry Drug of Dardanelle............................22 Bird and Bear Medical Supplies................20 Bobby Teeter’s Drug Store..........................22 Bonds, J. Dustin..............................................12 Bonds Family Dentistry...............................12 Boster, Stacey..................................................23 Bradford, Chrissy............................................23 Bratton, Roy L..................................................12 Brooks, Dale.....................................................13 Brossard, Karen...............................................23 Brown, Mikel R................................................12

Brown, W. Bruce......................................21, 23 Brown Chiropractic Clinic...........................12 Burch, JaNell....................................................19 Burnham, Ashley.....................................19, 23 C & D Drug Store............................................22 Callaway, Jody................................................21 Canfield, Lori Boyd........................................21 Carter, James M..............................................15 Carter, Todd.....................................................19 Central Arkansas ENT Clinic................15, 17 Central Arkansas Surgical Center............23 Chambers Clinic......................................15, 16 Chambers Memorial Hospital...................18 Chivers, Courtney..........................................12 Choices Pregnancy Resource Clinic........23 Chung, Tina......................................................23 Clark, Philip H..................................................21 Clark Eye Clinic...............................................21 Clarksville Chiropractic Clinic....................12 Clarksville Convalescent Home................20 Clarksville Family Medical Center............19 Clarksville Medical Group, P.A...................19 Claybrook, Kevin D........................................24 Cloud, Joe A.....................................................21 Cobb’s Westside Pharmacy........................22 Cobb, John.......................................................22 Conway Cancer Center................................17

Russellville Eye Clinic, P.A. OPHTHALMOLOGY (Eye M.D.’s)

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OUR SERVICES INCLUDE • Home Oxygen Therapy Portable units, Concentrators CPAPS and BiPAPS • Beds, Wheel Chairs And Walking Aids • Diabetic Shoes & Supplies • Licensed Therapist on staff • Free delivery and pick up • Regular home visits for equipment maintenance and safety checks • 24 hour emergency service Direct billing to Medicare and Medicaid and most insurance companies 1400 S. Knoxville Russellville, AR



Sunday, July 24, 2011

Medical Directory

INDEX OF PROVIDERS Conway Dermatology Clinic......................13 Conway Medical Group...............................21 Conway Neurology, P.A...............................20 Conway Reg. Lactation Store....................12 Conway Regional Diabetes Education Program.......................................13 Conway Regional Health System.............18 Conway Regional HomeCare....................18 Conway Regional Lifeline...........................20 Conway Regional Rehabilitation Hospital................................23 Conway Regional Senior Evaluation and Counseling Center...............................23 Conway Regional Therapy Center...........23 Conway Regional Wound Healing Center................................18 Cook, Pam.................................................15, 20 Cook, Rick..................................................15, 20 Cooper, Michael.............................................12 Coulter, Seth....................................................23 Coulter Physical Therapy............................23 Counseling Associates Inc..........................23 Countryside Manor.......................................20 Coussens, David M........................................24 Daiber, Amy J.S...............................................21 Daiber Vision Care.........................................21 Dalton, Michael..............................................12 Dalton Family Dentistry..............................12 Dardanelle Nursing and Rehabilitation Center..........................20 Darnell, Melissa..............................................19 Day, Cindy........................................................15 DeSoto, David.................................................20 Dunaway, Joseph..........................................19 Dunham, John................................................19 Dunn, Jackie....................................................15 Elmo Haney Pharmacy................................22 Escue, Michael W............................................21 Family Eye Care of Russellville P.A...........21 Family Foot Clinic..........................................23 Family Practice Associates of Clarksville, P.A............................................19 Ferdowsian Foot and Ankle Clinic...........23 Fine Jr., B.D.......................................................20 Fisher, Laurie...................................................19 Fisher, Stephen...............................................12 Flaherty III, Patrick J......................................12 Follis, Ronald...................................................22 Foot and Ankle Specialty Clinic................23 Foot Health Clinic..........................................23 France, Diane..................................................15 France-Tilley Family Medicine...................15 France Jr., James H........................................24 Fred’s Discount Pharmacy..........................22 Freedom House..............................................12 Freeman, William H.......................................15 Freyaldenhoven, Gabe................................23 Freyaldenhoven, Tim....................................20 Friendship Regional

Pediatrics Therapies Clinic..........................23 Galloway, William W......................................13 Gamble, Maribeth.........................................15 Gateley, Susan................................................19 George, L. Compton.....................................12 George, Scott C..............................................12 Gersch, Michael S..........................................20 Gillespie, John N............................................21 Goodman, J. David........................................17 Graham, Shawna............................................17 Graves, Kim......................................................19 Graybill, Robert..............................................21 Greer, Stacey....................................................15 Griffin, Douglas A..........................................12 Gullie, Phillip...................................................21 Hagerty, Curtis................................................12 Hagerty Family Dental.................................12 Hale, Jeffrey..............................................19, 23 Hall, Allison N..................................................21 Hall, Mylinda.............................................15, 19 Hall Eye Care Center.....................................21 Hammond, Beth.............................................17 Harper, David M.............................................21 Harps Pharmacy.............................................22 Harrison, Rick..................................................22 Harvest Foods Pharmacy............................22 HearingLife, USA............................................17 Heath, Huel T...................................................21 Hector Pharmacy...........................................22 Heiple, Drew....................................................20 Helms, Mark D..........................................13, 21 Helms, William J.............................................13 Henderson, Vickie L......................................21 Henry, D. Andrew...........................................12 Hernandez, Susan.........................................15 Hill, Donald F...................................................18 Hilton, Mike.....................................................23 Hodge, Brandi.................................................13 Hodge, Brenda................................................12 Hodges, Jerry..................................................15 Horan, Chris.....................................................20 Horan, Chris H.................................................16 Hudson, Garry D.............................................13 Hudson III, Tom...............................................13 Hunt, Chellia....................................................23 Isely, Art.............................................................16 Ison, Keith A.....................................................18 Jacobs, Ben......................................................19 Johnson, Don..................................................19 Johnson, Timothy S.......................................16 Johnson Co. Surgery Clinic........................17 Johnson County Health Unit.....................17 Johnson Regional Medical Center...........18 Johnson Regional Medical Center Orthopaedics Clinic......................................21 Johnson Regional Physical Therapy........23 Johnston, Michael B.....................................13 Jones Jr., Charles............................................16 Kelso, Sam........................................................17

Keran, Douglas...............................................19 Kerbs, Terry......................................................12 Kerwin, Doug..................................................23 Killingsworth, Stephen M...........................15 Kirby, Robin.....................................................22 Kirkland Family Medical Center................19 Kmart Pharmacy............................................22 Knoernschild, Carmella Montez...............21 Knox, Chris.......................................................19 Kriesel, Ben......................................................19 Kriesel, Ben J....................................................16 Kuykendall, Scott...........................................19 Lamey, Tracy....................................................21 Lane, Cameron...............................................23 Lane Physical Therapy Center...................23 Lawrence, Frank M........................................21 Lawrence, Lance A........................................13 Leding, Carl John...........................................12 Leeds, Blaine....................................................13 Lefler, Stephen F.............................................21 Legacy Lodge..................................................20 Lieblong, Jim...................................................21 Lieblong Eye Clinic........................................21 Little Rock Cardiology Clinic......................12 Long, Stephen................................................21 Madill, Mary.....................................................16 Magill, Eric.................................................19, 23 Marotte, Jeffrey B...........................................24 Marshall, Roxanne.........................................19 Marshall Medical Clinic................................19 Martin, Damon...............................................16 Martin, Micheal..............................................23 Martinez, Michael E......................................12 Martin Medical Clinic...................................16 May, Robert H.................................................21 McAuley, John................................................19 McChristian, Paul...........................................21 McCormick, Michael D.................................13 McCrary Jr., Robert F.....................................20 McCraw, Barry W............................................22 McDonald, Kami............................................23 McDougal, Kim...............................................23 McDougal, Richard........................................21 McKelvey, Richard E......................................17 Meadville Hearing Aids...............................17 Medical Office Systems...............................18 Millard-Henry Clinic........................................... ............................15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Miracle Ear of Russellville...........................17 Mitchell’s Nursing Home.............................20 Mizes, Craig B..................................................17 Monaco, Nicholas..........................................20 Monfee, Andrew.....................................16, 19 Monfee Medical Clinic.................................19 Morgan, Drew.................................................23 Morgan, Kellye................................................13 Morgan, Richard............................................13 Morgan, Richard L.........................................12 Moser, Karl................................................16, 19

Medical Directory

Sunday, July 24, 2011

INDEX OF PROVIDERS Muncy, Marc....................................................13 Murphy, David S.............................................21 Murphy, Kenneth...........................................17 Murphy Surgical Care, P.A...........................17 Myers, Mark..............................................17, 18 Nehus, Zeke.....................................................15 Nelson, David Gregory................................21 Nelson, Kristen................................................22 Newton Pharmacy........................................22 Noonan, Bobby..............................................19 Notto, Leonard...............................................12 Notto Chiropractic Health Center............12 Oberlander, David.........................................20 Pain Center of Russellville..........................22 Palmer, Charles........................................12, 17 Pam’s Shoes and Pedorthics......................20 Parkes, Robert S.............................................13 Parkes Dental Clinic......................................13 Parkway Dental..............................................13 Pathology Services Laboratory, P.A.........22 Patterson, Jack................................................19 Patterson, Kim R.............................................21 Pearson, Russell W.........................................12

River Valley Kidney Center.........................20 River Valley Medical Center.......................19 River Valley Med. Ctr. Family Clinic...15, 19 River Valley Medical Center Outpatient Clinic....................................16, 19 River Valley Medical Clinic..........................19 River Valley Occupational Health............13 River Valley Therapy & Sports Med.........23 River Valley Transcription Services..........23 Roberts, Tom...................................................21 Robertson, Sarah...........................................16 Rommel, John F..............................................13 Rose Drug.........................................................22 Russellville Allergy & Asthma Assoc.......12 Russellville Cardiology.................................12 Russellville Clinic...........................................24 Russellville Dermatology Clinic................13 Russellville Eye Clinic...................................21 Russellville Eye Clinic, P.A............................21 Russellville Family Clinic, P.A......................19 Russellville Gastroenterology Clinic.......15 Russellville Hearing Clinic...................12, 17 Russellville Medical.......................................20

Stewart, Jeffrey P............................................12 Stroud, J. Doug...............................................12 Styles, Angela R..............................................13 Superior Senior Care....................................23 Taylor, James H...............................................12 Taylor Chiropractic Clinic............................12 The Home Place.............................................20 The Medicine Shoppe..................................22 The Vitamin Store and Smoothie Bar..........................................20 Thurlby, W. Robert.........................................18 Tilley, Brad........................................................15 Tippin, Philip...................................................16 Tippin Family Medicine........................15, 16 Townsend, Carol............................................16 Tsuda, Sue........................................................17 Turner, Finley P................................................16 Turner, Kenneth B...................................17, 19 Underhill, David.............................................12 Underhill Family Chiropractic...................12 Urology Clinic P.A..........................................24 USA Drug..........................................................23 Valley Health Services..................................19

S. Arkansas 968-4820 • W. Main 967-5266 • Lake Front 967-9814 • Parkway 967-7976 • Dover 331-4444 Pediatrics Plus Therapy Services.......21, 23 Perez, Lauren...................................................23 Peripheal Vascular Clinic.............................12 Pilkington, Neylon.........................................22 Pink Ribbon Boutique..................................18 Plainview Clinic.......................................15, 17 Ploetz, Carina..................................................16 Pope Co. Health Unit....................................17 Pope Co. Imaging MRI Ultrasound..........13 Pope Co. Imaging Open MRI.....................18 Price, John........................................................12 Price, Larry........................................................19 Price Chiropractic Clinic..............................12 Quattlebaum, Beth.......................................23 Quick, Donny L...............................................21 Radiologists of Russellville, P.A.................23 Rati, A.N.............................................................22 Recovery Zone Pediatric Therapy Services............................................23 Reid, Thomas...................................................17 Reismont, Jeff F...............................................23 Richardson, Bryant........................................13 Richison, George............................................19 Ringhardt, Brenda.........................................20 River Valley Christian Clinic........................19 River Valley Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic......15 River Valley Hyperbaric & Wound Care..18

Russellville Nursing & Rehab Center......20 Russellville Periodontal Clinic...................22 Russellville Primary Care Clinic..........15, 16 Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center Outpatient Therapy Center........................23 Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center...19 Sandberg, Karl................................................16 Saul, Jeremy W................................................16 Scenic 7 Clinic.................................................16 Scott, H. Keith.................................................21 Scott, William...........................................16, 19 Scott Eye Clinic...............................................21 Self, Matt...........................................................16 Shaw, Collie......................................................15 Shinwari, Javed K...........................................17 Shirley, D. Craig..............................................24 Simmons, Don................................................13 Smith, J. Wayne..............................................20 Smith, Lynette.................................................22 Smith, Robert P...............................................13 Sneed, Thomas...............................................21 Snider, Anne....................................................21 Snider Family Chiropractic.........................12 Speed, Darrell.................................................21 Steely, Donald E.............................................12 Stella Manor Nursing and Rehabilitation Center..........................20

Walgreens........................................................23 Walmart Pharmacy.......................................23 Wang, Dai-Yuan..............................................12 Ward, Josh L.....................................................21 Ward, Leslie......................................................17 Ward, Timothy.................................................13 Warren, Dana..................................................23 Welcher, Candace..........................................19 Wellness Consulting Services, Inc............24 Werner, Thomas G.........................................23 Western Yell Co. Medical Clinic.................16 Westwood, Bonita.........................................17 Westwood, John............................................17 White, Dee........................................................12 White, Ronald L..............................................15 Whitlow, Katie.................................................20 Wildflower Retirement and Assisted Living.......................................23 Williams, Michelle..........................................23 Williams, W.E. Buddy.....................................19 \Yates, Jeffrey..................................................19 Yates, Jeffrey K................................................17 Yell County Health Unit...............................17 Yell County Nursing Home.........................20 Young Homes Intermediate Care Facility for Mentally Retarded...................20 Young Jr., Robert A........................................13


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Medical Directory


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Medical Directory

Sunday, July 24, 2011 1

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Medical Directory

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