2 minute read
ga 39 lake town connections
telephone pole indicators
ICONS (above). Graphic icons may be used along GA 39 to indicate the way to Lake Seminole. For example, the image of a bass.
STRIPES (left). Simple color-coded stripes may indicate which area travelers are moving toward.
roadside signage
roadside signage
FaRM eQUIpMeNT (left). Old farm equipment, such as a tractor, would make interesting and appropriate signage along the GA 39 corridor, and as indicators that you have reached the city limits of Donalsonville.
ON-ROAD SIGNAGE (left). Using a stencil, alligator tracks–or other simple icons, such as bass–can easily be painted on the road every few of miles to draw attention to the route being followed. This adds visual interest to the drive as well as serving as directional signage.
general improvements
Creating a more attractive Reynolds Landing to visitors, tourists, and locals can be as easy as formulating simple signage. For instance, a modest, rustic sign designating the entry to Reynolds Landing can be as straightforward as recycling an old boat or canoe and painting the park name along the side, or by using fallen trees as an entry sign. In order to appeal to various demographics, multiple types of trails have been proposed: an adult fitness trail, a children’s path, and an interpretive trail focused on natural elements and ecosystem education. Signage along trails can be informative, directional, and educational, the details of which will be discussed on following pages
ENTRY SIGNAGE OPTIONS (left). The top image illustrates the use of an old canoe as an entry sign, while the one below uses fallen tree trunks.
BUTTERFLY GARDEN (top left, opposite). A butterfly garden at Reynolds Landing would be a wonderful addition both for enjoyment and educational persuits.
PRIMITIVE CAMPSITE (bottom, opposite). An illustration of how a cleared campsite with a fire pit may be used.