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Presbyterian Avenue serves as an important route around Adamson Square and provides access to a busy rear parking area. Currently this street includes segments of one-way and two-way travel, creating confusion for downtown visitors.
Visitors often dash across Bradley Street near the intersection with Presbyterian Avenue to visit the Amp and popular destinations like the Brown Dog Eatery. Vehicles pick up speed as they descend Bradley Street from the square, creating unsafe vehicle speeds in this area. An excessive road width of approximately 41 feet at this intersection further encourages speeding.
Corner Of Presbyterian Avenue And Bradley Street
This design shows Presbyterian Avenue converted to one-way travel. This concept reclaims the space formerly devoted to the additional travel lane for amenities like on-street angled parking, expanded sidewalks on either side of the road, and landscaped bump-outs with street trees. The large sidewalk adjacent to Local Ties could create an additional outdoor dining area.
Bradley Street At Amp Alley
This concept brings a dedicated mid-block crosswalk with an illuminated Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon (RRFB) signal to enhance safety and alert drivers to the presence of pedestrians. The landscaped bump-outs further reduce crossing distances and help define on-street parallel parking areas. Attractive street lights and street trees further enhance the downtown atmosphere in this concept.