Colquitt County Brand Lookbook | 2021

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2021 brand lookbook

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Phase 1: Research and Discovery Phase 2: Visual Identity Style Guide Phase 3: Brand Application P A R T T W O | BRAND RECOMMENDATIONS

Terms and Conditions

CREDITS Local Project Leaders Barbara Grogan, President, Moultrie – Colquitt County Development Authority Jenny Dell, Project Manager, Moultrie – Colquitt County Development Authority Tommie Beth Willis, President & CEO, Moultrie – Colquitt County Chamber of Commerce Sarah Adams, Colquitt County Archway Professional The Colquitt County Brand Steering Committee included over 30 stakeholders from various backgrounds and occupations who worked together to help create this brand.

Partners Colquitt County Archway Partnership Executive Committee Moultrie Chamber of Commerce Sunbelt Ag EXPO UGA Terry College of Business, Institute for Leadership Advancement Scholars

University of Georgia’s Carl Vinson Institute of Government Kaitlin Messich, MHP, MFA, Public Service Associate, Principal Investigator Allison Cape, MA, Graphic Designer Institute of Government Survey and Evaluation Unit Institute of Government Facilitators: Kaitlin Messich, Allison Cape, Danny Bivins, Leigh Elkins Emily Whisenant, MLA, Graduate Research Assistant Karen Devivo, MA, MS, Editor

Special thanks 3

to Berlin, Doerun, Ellenton, Funston, Moultrie, and Norman Park citizens who gave their input and ideas!

Part 1

the colquitt county brand process


he Archway Partnership engaged the University of Georgia’s Carl Vinson Institute of Government to develop a new brand identity for Colquitt County that would better tell the county's story, increase community pride and unity, and attract investment. The Institute of Government team worked with the Moultrie – Colquitt County Development Authority President Barbara Grogan, project manager Jenny Dell, and Archway professional Sarah Adams to form a steering committee that would help inform the brand process. The following recaps this 10-month process, which took place from August 2020 through May 2021.

Brand Challenge Colquitt County already has a strong identity, especially in the agriculture and healthcare worlds, but it has so much more to offer that often gets overlooked. Our challenge was to rethink Colquitt County's brand expression in a way that highlights all of its outstanding qualities—from friendly people to beautiful landscapes to affordable living and access to education. Although each is unique, the six communities of Colquitt County share common threads that create a powerful brand identity built around traditional values and progressive leadership. The Carl Vinson Institute of Government conducted a three-phase branding process that included thorough public engagement to gain crucial buy-in and ensure we heard from a wide range of people from all over the community.


Creation of Steering Committee

Asset Identification

Public Input

Brand Differentiation

Existing Brand Analysis

Target Audiences

ESRI Community Tapestry Study

Brand Position Statement

Competition Analysis

Tagline Selection

” we grow great kids in colquitt county.” 4

-Jimmy allegood, colquitt county resident

Step 1: Creation of the Colquitt County Brand Steering Committee Over 30 Colquitt County citizens served on the Colquitt County Brand Steering Committee and attended regular meetings to help inform the process and spread the word about public input opportunities. Steering committee members represented various areas of the county, occupations, ages, and areas of expertise, providing diverse opinions and ideas.

Step 2: Public Input Public input is key to having a successful brand. To gather crucial insights and perceptions about what the Colquitt County brand should be, team members combined in-person and virtual focus groups, phone interviews, and an online survey. A total of 17 focus groups and 13 interviews were conducted, with over 300 survey responses.

W ho w

e heard from :

Agriculture industry leaders

Hispanic community leaders

Arts community

Moultrie Board of Realtors

Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors

Moultrie – Colquitt County Airport Authority

Chamber of Commerce Tourism Committee

Moultrie Downtown Development Authority

The City of Doerun and community guests

Moultrie Downtown Merchants Association

The City of Ellenton and community guests

Moultrie – Colquitt County Parks and Recreation Authority

The City of Moultrie elected officials and department heads

Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) staff

The City of Norman Park and community guests


Colquitt County Archway Executive Committee

Southern Regional Technical College staff

Colquitt County High School students

UGA Colquitt County Cooperative Extension

Colquitt County Junior High students

United Way of Colquitt County

Colquitt Regional Medical Center staff

University of Georgia students (Colquitt County High School graduates)

Educators, Colquitt County School System Healthcare professionals

Step 3: Existing Brand Analysis The Institute of Government team reviewed various promotional materials, city and county websites, social media pages, and more to gain a comprehensive understanding of how Colquitt County already promotes itself. The following are some examples of existing brand messaging found across these platforms: Moultrie, Georgia - Right on Point

Play. Shop. Dine.

Hub of Southwest Georgia by air, land, and water

Feels like home

Caring Community ... Here, business meets Life.

Traditions old and new

Abundant resources

High Quality and Compassionate Healthcare

Experience Moultrie and Colquitt County

City of Beautiful Homes

Living History, Growing Future

Excellence in Every Way

As noted in the above examples, Colquitt County is known for many things but lacks a consistent and strategic brand message to help gain brand recognition and attract target markets.


Step 4: ESRI Community Tapestry Study and Brand Personality In Step 4, the Institute of Government branding team wanted to get to know Colquitt County. Finding out what people like to do, how they perceive the "personality" or culture of the community, and how they spend their free time are all factors that contribute to creating an authentic brand that represents the people who live, work, and visit in Colquitt County. What is ESRI? ESRI Tapestry segmentation provides an accurate, detailed description of America's neighborhoods. US residential areas are divided into 67 distinct segments based on their socioeconomic and demographic composition. The system then further classifies the segments into LifeMode and Urbanization Groups. ESRI Tapestry helps give insight into customers' lifestyle choices, what they buy, and how they spend their free time. In addition, tapestry helps identify the best customers, optimal sites, and underserved markets ( The three ESRI Tapestry segments most prominent in Colquitt County are Down the Road, Heartland Communities, and Southern Satellites. According to national data, these groups typically have the following characteristics.

DOWN THE ROAD • Younger, diverse communities • Family-oriented • Value tradition • Workers concentrated in agriculture, service, retail, manufacturing, and construction • A mix of single-family homes and mobile homes; two-thirds own homes

HEARTLAND COMMUNITIES • Semirural and semiretired, older households • Patriotic and traditional • Embraces the country life • Support local businesses • Buy American-made and prefer domestic travel • Skilled workers in manufacturing, construction, healthcare, and agricultural industries • Use local banks and budget wisely

SOUTHERN SATELLITES • Slightly older, settled married couple families who own their homes • Own trucks • Listen to country music • Enjoy country living, outdoor activities such as hunting and fishing, and DIY home projects • Work in a variety of industries, including agriculture, manufacturing, healthcare, and construction

The Institute of Government brand team also asked public input participants the question, "If Colquitt County was a person, what would his or her personality be?" The responses to this question gave great insight into how people view their community's culture. The answers that appeared most often are listed below.


Genuine | Hard-working | Diverse | Very social Hospitable | Traditional | Accomplished | Caring Generous | Bold | Educated

Step 5: Competition Analysis The Institute of Government team compared the brands of other cities in the Southwest Georgia region, including Albany, Dothan, Tallahassee, Thomasville, Tifton, and Valdosta, with Colquitt County. Since Moultrie is the leading destination in the county, the branding team focused its comparisons to see how the other places were positioning themselves and who they are trying to attract.






Mood: Elegant, sincere, Southern


Mood: Exciting, active, fun, casual

Targets: Getaways, weekenders, small business owners, industry, high end customers

Mood: "Hub" of Southwest

Targets: Tourists, families, shopping/dining customers, conference attendees




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Georgia, friendly, active Targets: Water sports and outdoor adventure enthusiasts, shoppers, meeting/group attendees






Mood: Modern, surprising, active, social, young

Mood: Small-town, family-friendly,

Mood: Simple, bold, memorable

fun, "all American"

Targets: Conferences, weddings,

Targets: Conferences, weddings, large events, sports fans, craft beer enthusiasts, nightlife, trail users

Targets: Families, through-travelers, festival and event attendees

students, agriculture-related visitors, and I-75 travelers




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Step 6: Asset Identification Public input participants named the county’s greatest assets. Agriculture was far and away the top response. These assets are significant in building an authentic brand promise, that is, what people can expect to find when they visit Colquitt County.

• Agriculture • Healthcare (PCOM, Colquitt Regional Medical Center) • Downtown Moultrie (The square and the courthouse) • Strong bonds and nice people • Small town culture with a can-do attitude • Competitive sports • The great outdoors • Education (Southern Regional Technical College and Colquitt County School System) • Location (proximity to large cities, airports, and highways; good climate) • Traditions (Lights! Lights!, football, and Southern hospitality)

Step 7: Brand Differentiation Successful community brands build upon their unique strengths that not every community has. The following were the top responses to the question, "What makes Colquitt County unique?"

• Spirit of teamwork and partnership • “Something for everyone" • Postsecondary education opportunities • Events (especially Lights! Lights!) • Packers Football • Affordable housing and land • Southern hospitality • Agriculture (specifically the exceptional soil quality) • Traditional “hometown” values


• Great work and life balance

Step 8: Identify Target Audiences While many community brands want to attract “everyone,” it is more cost- and time-effective to focus resources on a few key audiences. The following are the top five audiences that public input participants felt that the branding and marketing efforts should focus on attracting.

• Young professionals, remote workers, and “boomerang kids” • Higher-paying industry jobs and careers • Families • Healthcare and related services • Retirees


Step 9: Brand Position Statement Before creating the "look" of the Colquitt County brand, the message had to be just right. The Institute of Government branding team worked closely with the Colquitt County Steering Committee to create a concise brand position statement that captures its essence and personality. The brand position statement is crucial because it states what Colquitt County offers, how it is unique, and what visitors might expect to find. Used as a living document that can change as needed, the brand position statement is a powerful tool to help guide future marketing efforts.

C O LQ U I T T C O U N T Y B R A N D P O S I T I O N The Institute of Government branding team worked with the steering committee to craft a concise statement that captures the character and personality of Colquitt County. This statement, called a brand position statement, is a living document that can change as needed. It serves as an internal tool to guide brand direction and marketing efforts. This statement conveys what Colquitt County offers to key audiences and frames the county's identity and distinguishing features within the context of both the local and visitor experience.


olquitt County creates a lifestyle unmatched anywhere in the Southeast, with top-notch healthcare, vibrant arts and culture, and excellent educational opportunities. An

outdoor enthusiast's ideal destination, Colquitt County offers quail hunting, fishing, international diving, golf, and more. Home of the Sunbelt Ag Expo, North America's premier farm show, Colquitt County is internationally known for its agricultural industry. Generations of Ag have shaped its culture of hardworking, diverse, and caring people. Colquitt County has kept its time-honored traditions, such as Lights! Lights! held during Christmas and generations of Packer football pride — yet it welcomes progress, offering a perfect balance of the old and new. Southern hospitality is alive and well here, and those who belong to this community share a powerful bond. With over 170,000 workers within a 30-minute drive, Colquitt County is near several large cities without the hustle and bustle.


Step 10: Tagline Selection Agricultural and related words were heard repeatedly throughout public input. The love and respect for the farming community are prevalent, and one participant summed it up nicely by saying, "You can grow anything in Colquitt County." The theme of growth continued to permeate every aspect of the brand, from growing crops to growing industry to growing great kids in Colquitt County. The steering committee selected the official tagline, Where Life Grows™, from a list of options inspired by public input and the "grow" theme.



PHASE II: VISUAL IDENTITY WHAT IS VISUAL IDENTITY? A community's visual identity includes logos, fonts, colors, images, graphics, patterns, and more. These visual elements work together to evoke certain emotions and convey symbolic meanings that cannot be imparted through words alone. Phase II involved the following steps: 

Photography Collection

Color Palette


Logo Design

Brand Elements

Colquitt County Style Guide

The Institute of Government branding team presented various logo design options and styles to the Colquitt County Brand Steering Committee to narrow down the possibilities. After several rounds of editing and refinement, the steering committee approved the finalized logo in May 2021. The design package includes Colquitt County logos, design elements, fonts, and approved color options. Please contact the Moultrie – Colquitt County Chamber of Commerce for more information about brand usage (see page43).


style guide C





To ensure consistent brand use, the Institute of Government developed this brand style guide for all Colquitt County logos, fonts, colors, and brand elements.


Color Palette Color plays an essential role in brand recognition and making the Colquitt County logo stand out. Therefore, primary colors should be displayed most prominently on branded materials.



R0 G45 B93 C100 M85 Y36 K31




Signature logo shape, bold and straightforward

Gold lines, representing the pursuit of excellence

Clear Space The area around the logo, as indicated by the (color) line, is clear space. This margin of negative space helps ensure that no other elements visually interfere with the logo and helps it stand out.

Plant, representing growth and progress

Where Life Grows tagline

Minimum Size

The standard logo should be no smaller than 0.4 inches to maintain its legibility.


logo do s and don ' t s Sizing & Scaling





Disproportional Scaling

Inappropriate Color Usage



Disproportional Scaling


Color Usage

Inappropriate Color Usage

Scaling The logo should always be scaled and sized proportionally. DO NOT attempt to stretch, expand, nudge, squeeze, or misshape the logo. Incorrect scaling negatively impacts the integrity of the brand.

How to proportionally scale your logo:

Hold down the

shift key while dragging the bottom right corner inward or outward.

colors Approved colors are outlined on page 14. Using colors other than the approved palette is prohibited.

derivatives Assets outlined in this document were developed specifically for the Colquitt County brand. Derivatives and modifications of the logo and other assets are prohibited.

Overall Guidelines For all uses of the Colquitt County brand assets, you may not: • Alter the logo in any way • Place a logo too close in proximity to other content • Use the logo in a way that suggests any type of association or partnership with another entity without approval • Use the logo in a way that is harmful, obscene, or damaging • Use the logo in places containing content associated with hate speech, pornography, gambling, or illegal activities



Colquitt County

l o g o fa m i l y



s u p p o rt i n g g r a p h i c s



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Community LogoS The Institute of Government branding team created logo design options for Berlin, Doerun, Ellenton, Funston, Moultrie, and Norman Park consistent with the county's brand look. While it is up to each community whether they would like to adopt the county brand's visual identity, there are many benefits to having a countywide brand identity with a unified voice and recognizable look. The following community logos are available in all approved Colquitt County colors, plus black and white. Please contact the Moultrie – Colquitt County Chamber of Commerce for brand use and file access.



Organizational Logos As part of the Colquitt County brand initiative, the Institute of Government branding team created logos for the Moultrie – Colquitt County Chamber of Commerce and the Moultrie – Colquitt County Development Authority consistent with the overall brand.


Typography The branding team thoughtfully selected the following fonts for their style and ease of use across multiple platforms. They pair well with the Colquitt County logo and contribute to the overall look, feel, and personality of the Colquitt County brand.

Headers: American Mortar

American Mortar is a masculine vintage display font with a modern flair. This nostalgic font is fun to work with and is both bold and classic.

Subheader Option 1: Fairwater Script

Fairwater Script is inspired by “the cursive handwriting styles popularized in the early to mid-1900s” (Laura Worthington Design. This script font gives the Colquitt County brand a personal touch and a feminine contrast to the masculine American Mortar font. Fairwater Script is an Adobe font and compatible with Typekit.

Subheader Option 2: Calderock Edge Calderock Edge is a family sans serif font that was carefully handcrafted and looks handmade. This font offers a more casual, less dressed-up option than American Mortar and Fairwater Script and was chosen to grab your attention with its bold, down-to-earth quality.

Body Copy: Josefin Sans Josefin Sans is an elegant, geometric, vintage typeface with a large "family" of options. Josefin Sans is a Google Font and is licensed under the Open Font License. Therefore, users may apply Josefin Sans freely in products and projects – print or digital, commercial or otherwise.



Design Elements Colquitt County's visual identity is more than just the logo. Therefore, other design elements were created to add versatility and interest to the brand and allow for creative brand expression opportunities. The following design elements can create a variety of eye-catching branded layouts, products, and more.

Growing plant An icon for the county known for growing good food, good kids, and opportunities, the growing plant graphic can be displayed alone or with other brand elements.

Colquitt County Tagline The following are acceptable ways to display the Colquitt County tagline, Where Life Grows™, in branded materials apart from the logo.

Harvest Moon A well-known symbol for abundance, the harvest moon is featured in this brand element.


Photographic Guidelines Photography plays a crucial role in communicating the Colquitt County brand message. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words! Whether used in PowerPoint presentations, on a website, social media posts, or photos should be selected carefully to communicate the (community tagline) message and the story of Colquitt County's Where Life Grows™ brand. • Tip: Use high-resolution photos that are over 150 dpi. • Tip: Use photos with people, rather than just landscape and architectural shots, to make Colquitt County appear more vibrant and active. • Tip: Select photos that reflect diversity so that your brand images represent everyone in your community • Tip: Hire a professional photographer if you can!



BRAND APPLICATION Branding is all about keeping a promise about who you are to the people who experience your community. Brand application is simply the consistent physical representation of the brand on a variety of products and media. This section illustrates some ways in which Colquitt County can apply its Where Life Grows™ brand.






S how your y t n u o C t t i u q l o C pride Promotional items such as t-shirts, canvas bags, hats, and car decals help the Colquitt County brand come to life. These items not only market Colquitt County, but help build community pride!







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Wayfinding signage creates a welcoming environment for locals and visitors. Creative branded signage can include welcome signs, directional signs, and trail markers.


Part 2

brand recommendations 38

Identify a Brand Manager Identify a branding point person (or organization) for the Colquitt County brand. This person will serve as the gatekeeper for the brand, answer branding questions, and keep track of digital branding files. Note: The Moultrie – Colquitt County Chamber of Commerce will serve as the brand manager.

Internal Branding Database Consider creating an internal folder or database with all branding-related materials and files, including photography, logo files, videos, and messaging and content. The brand manager should keep the database up to date and accessible to users.

Branding Budget and Launch Calendar Launching a brand will cost some money, so necessary funds should be allocated to establish and continually promote the brand. Next, plot out each launch deliverable on a launch calendar, identifying the goals you want to achieve next year.

Consistency Is Key The key to a successful brand is consistency. Colquitt County, its six communities, and community partners must be on the same page in using and promoting the brand. With the help of the provided Style Guide (see page 13), anyone who wants to use the brand should have the tools necessary to display the brand identity correctly. The primary logo should be displayed with the tagline Where Life Grows™ whenever possible. Logo variations have been provided in case other formats and color options are needed.

Brand Launch Event Communities often choose to kick off the launch of a new brand by holding an event to build awareness and get the community excited. Plan the launch event for a special time when the new Colquitt County brand can be revealed to the public. The key is to spread the word about the new brand and make it fun. Often, "swag" or promotional materials are handed out. Providing food and music is also recommended to attract a big crowd.

Overcommunicate with Your Audiences Especially at first, the brand is new and unfamiliar. The more the county and its six communities can communicate with target markets using the new brand, the better. People have to see a new brand over and over for it to "stick."

Colquitt County Brand Champions Brand champions (or those who will promote and support the brand) should be identified. These individuals will be crucial to the successful rollout of the new brand.


Rebranding Colquitt County’s Online Presence One of the easiest and cheapest places to rebrand is online. While other applications, such as signage and stationery, will take more time and funding, changing websites, social media accounts, and digital signage to reflect the new brand can be done almost immediately. • Social media pages and websites should be revised to reflect the new brand and announce key dates for brand launch events. Building anticipation for a brand reveal (and even a little bit of mystery) is essential to get people excited and wanting to participate. • Hashtags can be used on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to help promote the new brand. For example, the hashtag #wherelifegrows could be used. • Social media is only effective if it is used. Create a schedule for when you will post on social media and assign a person responsible for keeping up with social media accounts. Make sure to keep content current and post regularly. • Keep it consistent. If one social media account is updated, all the others used to promote the county and communities should also be updated. The county and six communities should work together to maintain consistency among all social media accounts. • Search engine optimization (SEO) is a tool to improve where your webpage appears in a search result. When someone searches the Internet for Colquitt County or any of its communities, it is better if the county or community's website appears toward the top of search results because people are more likely to click on only the first few links. There are many SEO components, including title tags, keywords, image tags, internal link structure, inbound links, and more.

Rebranding Signage Consistent signage design is one of the most visible indicators that a community has a consistent brand because signs are everywhere! Although changing out signage will take some time and money, it is vital to have consistency throughout the county. Each community will move at its own pace as funding becomes available. The following paragraphs describe some types of signs that may be considered when rebranding. Gateway signs are road signs that border your community or downtown district and introduce and welcome visitors. They are typically placed at the city or county limits and are in locations that offer a less-than-desirable first impression of the community. Gateway signs are the visitor's first impression of the community, so they should display the Colquitt County logo or logo of any of the six Colquitt County communities. Roadside billboards have been around for over a century, and there is a good reason why— they work! They are a relatively cheap and efficient way to reach thousands of drivers if designed effectively. Here are five tips for creating an effective billboard to promote your community.


• Make it memorable: Tell your story simply and compellingly through images and messaging. Humor is always memorable! • Keep it short and sweet: The average driver will have only five seconds to view your billboard, so keep text at a minimum. • Be bold: Images and fonts should be clearly displayed and large so that drivers can see them. • Be colorful: Use bright colors to grab drivers' attention. • Location, location, location: Be strategic where you put your billboard, giving drivers enough time to consider your message or informing them of what is ahead. Once visitors get to Colquitt County, they will need to know where to go. Branded wayfinding signage can help lead visitors to local attractions, public restrooms, shops, and restaurants. They can even be installed inside public buildings to help people find their way. Wayfinding signs should be large enough for drivers to see going down the road and still be a small enough scale to be useful for pedestrians on the sidewalk. Incorporating your logo, color palette, and fonts into wayfinding signs can help keep the community's brand consistent in its physical environment. Location is key for these signs, and they should be placed in easily visible and accessible areas. They should also be well lit at night. Organizations and public institutions in Colquitt County may also want to change their physical signage to reflect the new brand, especially if they engage in any promotion of the county as part of their regular business. The following may benefit from changing out old signage as funding becomes available: • Moultrie – Colquitt County Chamber of Commerce • Moultrie – Colquitt County Development Authority • City signage of Berlin, Doerun, Ellenton, Funston, Moultrie, and Norman Park • Town and city hall buildings • County Courthouse • County offices Creative signage adds personality to communities. The following are a few ideas for how to incorporate the Colquitt County brand creatively. • Murals are a great way to add character to a community, provide directions, or even offer a unique photo opportunity that people can tag on social media. With the recent trend of going back to hand-painted signs in downtowns, murals have become extremely popular. Commissioning local artists, if possible, is always a plus and contributes to the overall community ownership of the brand. • Sidewalk signage can include markings on the sidewalk (either permanently painted or temporary, such as chalk or semi-permanent paint) or even simple sandwich boardstyle signs. • Light pole banners are a cost-effective and straightforward way to promote the brand, especially for events, festivals, and seasonal themes.


Rebranding Printed and Embroidered Materials Colquitt County promotional materials, such as printed brochures, maps, flyers, and local magazines, will also need to be updated with the new brand. This process takes time, so update when budgets allow or when supplies run out. Other items that may be phased out and rebranded are county and city letterhead, stationery, business cards, uniforms, and even city and county vehicle decals.

Merchandise People enjoy purchasing items from the places they have traveled and lived, especially if they tell a story about that experience. Choosing merchandise that reflects a place's culture and character is important, helping to differentiate one destination from any other. Branded merchandise is also a great way to get the new Colquitt County brand out there for the world to see! Selling it at the Sunbelt Ag EXPO is a great opportunity to expand your brand's reach beyond Georgia.

Weaving the Where Life Grows™ Theme Throughout Marketing The Where Life Grows brand can be incorporated into marketing efforts in many ways. Through images and text, reinforcing this theme will strengthen the Colquitt County brand. Using phrases in which "Life" is replaced by other keywords and combined with photography, videos, and targeted messaging will help increase brand recognition. Below are some examples.

Where Industry Grows Where Opportunity Grows Where Creativity Grows Where Family Grow Where Your Dream Grows Where Tradition Grows Where the Future Grows Where Business Grows Where Friendship Grows


Colquitt County Brand Use Terms and Conditions

The Colquitt County brand is housed at the Moultrie — Colquitt County Chamber of Commerce. For access to logos, colors, or other assets, please contact the Chamber of Commerce for a brand usage approval form.

MOULTRIE—COLQUITT COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 116 First Avenue S.E. | Moultrie, GA 31776 Phone: 229-985-2131 E-mail:

Typefaces are licensed to the Moultrie-Colquitt County Chamber of Commerce and the Carl Vinson Institute of Government. For all permitted uses of the Colquitt County brand, users may not: alter the logos in any way, place a logo so close in proximity to other content that it is indistinguishable, use the logos in a way that is harmful, obscene, or damaging to our brand, use the logos in places containing content associated with hate speech, pornography, gambling, or illegal activities.



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