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The Georgia Storm Water Managemen t Manual offers comprehensive standards for any new development with 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface area or that disturbs the soil of one or more acres.66 Site design should reduce the amount of sur face runoff and preserve existing natural drainage and treatment systems. For example, existing streams should be protected rather than rerouted

Bioswales are often used to convey storm water. Bioswales slow the water and reduce its impact by allowing it to infiltrate into the ground before entering a drain. Typical swales, also called drainage ditches, are usually sur faced with tur f or rock. Bioswales are planted with species found in or near wetlands that can tolerate both wet and drier conditions. In addition to slowing water, reducing erosion, and filtering out contaminants to keep streams healthy, these plants can also add a point of visual interest.

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