What to do now‌ For more informa on on any training course or to book your place please contact us on 0114 275 8876 or e-mail info@silsolu ons.co.uk. All delegates a&ending any course will receive complimentary tea and coee; lunch will also be provided for delegates a&ending a full day course.
Booking Policy SIL Solu ons will provide delegates with a booking form once ini al interest has been expressed in the training. It is the responsibility of the a endee to complete this form correctly and return as instructed. The booking form provisionally books a place at the workshop or training course. It is only once payment has been received that this place is then conďŹ rmed. Payment can be made by cash, cheque or BACS on receipt of an invoice from SIL Solu ons. The invoice will be raised once a booking has been placed and, where necessary, we have received an order number authorising the purchase. Unfortunately, payment by credit/debit card is not currently accepted. For an a endee booking as an individual, the payment would be the same however we do not require an order number.
Cancella on Policy No ďŹ ca on of the cancella on of a workshop or training course booking is required in wri ng and should be sent to SIL Solu ons via info@silsolu ons.co.uk. The cancella on will be eec ve on the date the no ďŹ ca on is received. This will be conďŹ rmed to you in wri ng along with details of how we will refund any money that is owed to you. SIL Solu ons must receive your wri en no ďŹ ca on of cancella on more than 7 days in advance of the date the workshop or training course is scheduled to take place, excluding weekends. If this no ce is not given a charge will be incurred. The following charges apply for cancella ons in order to cover associated administra on costs: • For a cancella on made on the day of the training/workshop 100% of the fee will be charged. • For a cancella on made within 1-6 days of the training/workshop 50% of the fee will be charged. • A cancella on made more than 7 days before the training/workshop will incur no charge. SIL Solu ons reserves the right to cancel a course at any me. As our courses and workshops work best when delivered to a set number of delegates, depending upon the course material, we would encourage you to book early so we can avoid cancelling for this reason. All courses are held at SIL Solu ons Head OďŹƒce:
Floor 5, 9 Leopold Street, SheďŹƒeld S1 2GY Tel: 0114 275 8876 Email: info@silsolu ons.co.uk 100% of our proďŹ ts are gi=ed to local charity SheďŹƒeld Informa on Link so you can support local families whilst strengthening your business.
Training Programme Feb– March 2011
Mentoring for New Managers
An Introduc on to NLP Our introductory course in Neurolinguis c Programming (NLP) is a perfect way to learn about this technique and to see how it can be applied to your business. NLP is based around the study of the deeper meaning of words and non-verbal communica on and how this can inuence people in how they think and act. Studying NLP can Page 1 therefore give us the exper se to be er understand and inuence others. NLP can make a dierence in your business where the management challenges are numerous and varied. From goal seCng and achievement, to visualising success, managing me and dealing with change; this course will help you to incorporate NLP techniques into your business and personal life. You will discover new insights and dierent approaches, improve the way you interact and communicate with other people and increase your selfesteem and mo va on. Date: 29thFeb 2012
Time: 9:30am-4:30pm
Trainer: Trudie Smallwood
Cost: Voluntary/Community Organisa ons ÂŁ70; Individuals ÂŁ70; Public Sector ÂŁ120; Private Sector ÂŁ120. (N.B All prices are plus VAT)
Suppor ng Working Parents: Tax Credit Training Do you or your sta work with families on a one to one basis, providing support and informa on to help them with their every-day family life? Do you provide ďŹ nancial or beneďŹ t support or advice to families? Would you beneďŹ t from increasing your knowledge of Working Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit and the Childcare element? Our half day training course aims to provide professionals with the knowledge and tools to enable them to conďŹ dently support a family which has ques ons about tax credits and the possible levels of support which could be available to them. This training course will enable you to: Understand Working Tax Credit / Child Tax Credit and what the dierences are Understand the Childcare element Iden fy who can make a claim; what goes into a claim & how a claim is calculated. Delegates will undertake a number of exercises throughout the session to help cement their learning. • • •
Date: 28 Feb; 1 March
Time: 9:30am-12:30pm
Trainer: Melanie Hunt
Cost: Voluntary/Community Organisa ons ÂŁ40; Individuals ÂŁ40; Public Sector ÂŁ70; Private Sector ÂŁ70. (N.B All prices are plus VAT)
Many new members of sta or those new to a par cular role beneďŹ t from the support of a mentor. This workshop is an introduc on to mentoring as a management tool. We will look at what mentoring is, what it can achieve and where mentoring sits in your organisa on. Delegates will leave the course with a toolkit of ideas and resources equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to begin mentoring. In the workshop you will: • Iden fy what mentoring is and what it does • Understand the characteris cs and skills of eec ve mentors • Develop eec ve ques oning techniques • Give and receive construc ve feedback • Understand and iden fy barriers to mentoring Date: 8th March 2012
Time: 9:30am-12:30pm
Trainer: Lorraine Hall
Cost: Voluntary/Community Organisa ons ÂŁ40; Individuals ÂŁ40; Public Sector ÂŁ70; Private Sector ÂŁ70. (N.B All prices are plus VAT)
Manual Handling More than 25% of accidents reported to the HSE each year are associated with Manual Handling in the workplace. This course looks at the problems associated with manual handling in the workplace and equips delegates with a set of eec ve prac ses in order to deal with these problems. These prac ses will help delegates to avoid manual handling injuries whilst at work and promote an awareness of a safer workplace. In the workshop you will: • Understand how manual handling can cause injury. • Iden fy who is responsible in terms of manual handling injuries. • Complete prac cal exercises. • Develop solu ons to avoid manual handling injuries. Date: 7th March 2012
Time: 1:30am-4:30pm
Trainer: Trudie Smallwood
Cost: Voluntary/Community Organisa ons ÂŁ40; Individuals ÂŁ40; Public Sector ÂŁ70; Private Sector ÂŁ70. (N.B All prices are plus VAT)
Tailored Training and Consultancy for your Organisa on Makaton Training Makaton is a language programme using signs and symbols to help people with learning diďŹƒcul es communicate eec vely. The Makaton Language Programme uses a structured approach involving a combina on of speech, signs, and graphic symbols. A ending a Makaton workshop will enable you to learn alongside others; gain feedback on your signing skills, and you prac se with others who are learning. The workshop is appropriate for anyone who may need to use Makaton either at home or at work. All manuals and learning materials will be included in the price of the workshop. Lunch and refreshments will also be provided. SIL Solu ons have places available on a Makaton Beginners workshop which will be delivered over two days at our Head OďŹƒce in SheďŹƒeld City Centre. Please contact us at info@silsolu ons.co.uk or ring us on 0114 275 8876 to ďŹ nd out more on dates, mes and prices. It is advisable to book early in order to avoid disappointment.
SIL Solu ons can oer bespoke training in order to meet the requirements of your organisa on. This can be oered at our Head OďŹƒce in SheďŹƒeld City Centre or delivered on your premises, depending on which op on would best complement the course material. Examples of bespoke training oered: • Developing policies and procedures • Working with Eec ve KPI’s • Stress Management These areas of training are heavily reliant upon your organisa on’s individual requirements and issues therefore the training will be directly tailored to match your needs and will also take into account the requirements of your sta and management. Please contact us to discuss your requirements. Dates, mes and prices will be arranged depending upon the nature of the training.
Se8ng Achievable Goals and Knowing What You Want “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up somewhere elseâ€? Having clearly deďŹ ned goals in both your personal life and your work life is the ďŹ rst step to geCng what you want. When you realise what it is that you do want, you o=en realise that the opportuni es were there all along but you just weren’t able to acknowledge them due to a lack of clarity about your goals. Having aims to strive for will increase your eec veness and therefore your produc vity. Through this learning you will: • Set realis c and achievable goals • Develop a personalised ac on plan • Visualise your goals, achievements and success.
Sustainable Funding Masterclass It is essen al for chari es to establish diverse sources of funding in order to survive and thrive. Crea ng charityowned enterprises/trading arms have been proven to generate unrestricted funding for voluntary groups whilst fulďŹ lling their mission. This will be a two day masterclass. Day one is delivered as a seminar to the whole group – working together. A=er the seminar day, you will have the opportunity for a one-to-one session with John Pepin, an experienced social enterprise consultant, during the following 2 days to look at your organisa on’s speciďŹ c issues or areas of concern. This two hour one-to-one session will provide you with the opportunity to gain more speciďŹ c, tailored guidance for both you and your organisa on.
Cost: Voluntary/Community Organisa ons ÂŁ40; Individuals ÂŁ40; Public Sector ÂŁ70; Private Sector ÂŁ70. (N.B All prices are plus VAT)
Learning Outcomes: Understanding the changing fundraising revenue genera on market place including social enterprise/ trading and social investment. • Introducing delegates to the best prac ses, successes and failures, opportuni es and constraints. • Providing delegates with the tools and conceptual framework to create social enterprises.
Managing Personal and Professional Change
Who Should A end: The course is suitable for fundraisers, ďŹ nance managers, CEOs, managers, senior sta and board members.
Date: 7th March 2012
Time: 9:30am-12:30pm
Trainer: Lorraine Hall
In the current economic climate, change is an overwhelming factor in our lives and at work. This sense of uncertainty and the adaptability that is required to deal with this is not easy. Why is it that some aspects of change are so diďŹƒcult to adapt to? And why do some people deal with change be er than others? In this workshop you will iden fy your circle of inuence in order to develop skills to manage personal and professional change and leave with a tailored ac on plan, based exactly upon your own requirements. What is the approach? • Group discussion • Ac vity based learning • Personal Ac on Planning
Cost: Limited places are available at the compe ve price of ÂŁ220 per delegate + VAT. N.B. Delegates may invite other members of their organisa$on to their one-to-one mee$ngs (day 2 or 3) at no extra cost. Date: Seminar-22nd Feb. One-to-One Appointment-23rd/24th Feb
• Visualise goals and achievements • Evalua on of skills and knowledge
Date: 9th March 2012
Time: 9:30am-12:30pm
Trainer: Lorraine Hall
Cost: Voluntary/Community Organisa ons ÂŁ40; Individuals ÂŁ40; Public Sector ÂŁ70; Private Sector ÂŁ70. (N.B All prices are plus VAT)
Managing DiďŹƒcult Situa ons In the modern working environment, people are increasingly coming into contact with others who may have a dierent style of working and communica ng. This dierence can o=en cause tension and if not managed correctly, may have a nega ve impact on someone’s professional performance or personal life. This course is a pro-ac ve way in which to help you become more conďŹ dent and professional when dealing with ‘diďŹƒcult’ people and challenging situa ons. You will develop a be er insight into dierent types of diďŹƒcult behaviour and gain an understanding of techniques you can use in order to manage them. Who Should A end? This course is suitable for anyone who wants to gain and develop their skills, par cularly conďŹ dence and asser veness in order to deal with situa ons or people they ďŹ nd diďŹƒcult. Appropriate for managers, par cularly those that are new to the role. Date: 5th March 2012
Time: 9:30am-12:30pm
Trainer: Trudie Smallwood
Cost: Voluntary/Community Organisa ons ÂŁ40; Individuals ÂŁ40; Public Sector ÂŁ70; Private Sector ÂŁ70. (N.B All prices are plus VAT)
Trainer: John Pepin from Aperio Group
Presenta ons...no sweat! Giving an eec ve presenta on is considered to be one of the most stressful ac vi es in the modern workplace yet o=en has signiďŹ cant importance to an individual or their organisa on. Being adequately prepared and equipped for a presenta on can help ensure you deliver as eec vely as possible and get the results you want! This workshop will give you the skills to develop conďŹ dence when speaking in public in order to ensure your future presenta ons are as eec ve as possible. You will also consider body language, stance, pitch and intona on and how this can aect the presenta ons you give. In the workshop you will: • Prac se new skills in a suppor ve environment • Develop a personal ac on plan • Engage group in group discussion to understand other people’s experiences • Par cipate in ac vity based learning This workshop is suitable for anyone who wants to develop their conďŹ dence when giving presenta ons and understand how to become more eec ve at doing so. Date: 6th March 2012
Time: 9:30am-12:30pm
Trainer: Lorraine Hall
Cost: Voluntary/Community Organisa ons ÂŁ40; Individuals ÂŁ40; Public Sector ÂŁ70; Private Sector ÂŁ70. (N.B All prices are plus VAT)
Sustainable Funding Master Class Seminar
One-to-one Sessions
9:30am-4:30pm 4:30pm 27
An Introduc on to NLP
Tax Credit Training
Presenta on Skills 9:30am-12:30pm
Se8ng Achievable Goals
Manual Handling 1:30pm-4:30pm 4:30pm 14
Mentoring for
9:30am–– 12:30pm
9:30am-12:30pm 12
Tax Credit Training
Managing DiďŹƒcult Situa ons
Dealing with Personal & Professional Change 9:30am– 12:30pm
9:30am-12:30pm 15