What to do now‌ For more informa on on any training course or to book your place please contact us on 0114 275 8876 or e-mail info@silsolu ons.co.uk. All delegates a&ending any course will receive complimentary tea and coee; lunch will also be provided for delegates a&ending a full day course.
Booking Policy SIL Solu ons will provide delegates with a booking form once ini al interest has been expressed in the training. It is the responsibility of the a endee to complete this form correctly and return as instructed. The booking form provisionally books a place at the workshop or training course. It is only once payment has been received that this place is then conďŹ rmed. Payment can be made by cash, cheque or BACS on receipt of an invoice from SIL Solu ons. The invoice will be raised once a booking has been placed and, where necessary, we have received an order number authorising the purchase. Unfortunately, payment by credit/debit card is not currently accepted. For an a endee booking as an individual, the payment would be the same however we do not require an order number.
Cancella on Policy No ďŹ ca on of the cancella on of a workshop or training course booking is required in wri ng and should be sent to SIL Solu ons via info@silsolu ons.co.uk. The cancella on will be eec ve on the date the no ďŹ ca on is received. This will be conďŹ rmed to you in wri ng along with details of how we will refund any money that is owed to you. SIL Solu ons must receive your wri en no ďŹ ca on of cancella on more than 7 days in advance of the date the workshop or training course is scheduled to take place, excluding weekends. If this no ce is not given a charge will be incurred. The following charges apply for cancella ons in order to cover associated administra on costs: • For a cancella on made on the day of the training/workshop 100% of the fee will be charged. • For a cancella on made within 1-6 days of the training/workshop 50% of the fee will be charged. • A cancella on made more than 7 days before the training/workshop will incur no charge. SIL Solu ons reserves the right to cancel a course at any me. As our courses and workshops work best when delivered to a set number of delegates, depending upon the course material, we would encourage you to book early so we can avoid cancelling for this reason. All courses are held at SIL Solu ons Head OďŹƒce:
Floor 5, 9 Leopold Street, SheďŹƒeld S1 2GY Tel: 0114 275 8876 Email: info@silsolu ons.co.uk 100% of our proďŹ ts are gi=ed to local charity SheďŹƒeld Informa on Link so you can support local families whilst strengthening your business.
Training Programme Feb– March 2011