RANK THIS MONTH RANK LAST MONTH AGENCY RECENT WINS ESTIMATED YTD WIN REVENUE (USD $ m) RECENT LOSSES ESTIMATED OVERALL YTD REVENUE (USD $m) No.of Wins 1 1 Dentsu Công ty Cổ phần Dược Hậu Giang Project 2.66 2.66 20 2 2 VMLY&R Tea+ (Creative production) Project, Shell - ride on 2.0 (IMC, production) 0.34 0.34 7 3 4 Ogilvy Nestlé, Castrol, Coca-Cola Company, Nestlé 0.3 0.3 7 4 3 MullenLowe Group VP Bank,Vita Dairy (IMF) Project, Huda (Carlsberg Group) 0.3 0.3 3 2023(Jan-Apr) 3.6 37 2022(Jan-Apr) 5.4 73 YoY Comparison: -33.6% -49.3% Vietnam / Apr 2023
Vietnam / Apr 2023
The R3 New Business League has been compiled since 2002 using data supplied by multinational agencies on a monthly basis to R3. In addition, this data supplied is balanced against Client Estimates, Nielsen ADEX, discounted to appropriate levels and then converted to a revenue estimate. R3 strives to be accurate in all reporting, but welcomes comments and questions. Please write to greg@rthree.com or visit www.rthree.com for more information or to download a soft copy. R3 is the leading independent consultancy focused on tracking of agency performance, and Apr keting ROI.

RANK THIS MONTH RANK LAST MONTH AGENCY RECENT WINS ESTIMATED YTD WIN REVENUE (USD $ m) RECENT LOSSES ESTIMATED OVERALL YTD REVENUE (USD $m) No.of Wins 1 1 Havas Media Sun Life 0.13 0.13 2 2 2 Carat Retail Client 0.10 0.10 1 3 3 Mindshare VOLVO, Merries 0.08 0.08 2 4 12 OMD VN PayQR 0.05 0.05 1 5 4 dentsu X Rohto-Mentholatum (Vietnam) Co., Ltd, Panasonic Vietnam Co., Ltd. 0.04 0.04 4 6 5 M/SIX Kao-Merries 0.0 0.0 1 7 6 iProspect Toyota Motor Vietnam Co., Ltd. Project 0.0 0.0 1 2023(Jan-Apr) 0.4 12 2022(Jan-Apr) 4.8 17 YoY Comparison: -91.4% -29.4% 2023 Creative & Media (Jan-Apr) 4.0 49 2022 Creative & Media (Jan-Apr) 10.2 90 YoY Comparison: -60.8% -45.6%