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THE DAY HAS COME and I could not be prouder. Legacy: the official RTI magazine is finally here. A magazine by Tablers - for Tablers. Our aim is to highlight all aspects of what it is to be a Tabler - and the lives we live. Both inside and outside of Round Table. We are a group of men from all corners of the world - and we all have stories to tell. What's your story?

I had the privilige to join Round Table exactly five years ago - and before that I had never heard of this great organisation. But it didn't take long before I went in head first. I have to quote a friend of mine, the current President of Round Table Sweden: "How many new best friends does one make after hitting 30?". Outside of Round Table I doubt there are many who has. This is why i think this is such a great quote. Round table does not only create friendships - it creates best friends. As the saying goes - in Round Table you meet old friends for the first time.

In this first issue, our RTI President Mr Graham Cornelissen writes about leadership - how to be a good leader, and what to avoid to become the opposite. During my five years as a Tabler, I've come across some great leaders. Every single one hav had a different style of leading - but what they have in common is that they've always made me feel supported and part of the "team". This have been applied both on club level and during my three years as an editor on my national board. All positions within Round Table has it's challanges - and a good leader and a good team can boost your confidence and you'll be able to overcome all sorts of challenges.

The theme for this year is Stronger Together - a theme I can truly stand behind. Legacy would not be possible without teamwork. A huge effort have been made by the RTI Marketing team led by the brilliant Mr Paul Hoeksema, P.R.O, George Marin, Content Manager, and our RTI President Mr Graham Cornelissen. But to make a magazine come to life you need great content - and that is something that comes from you Tablers out there. This is a magazine for you - by you.

Me and the whole team behind this first issue of Legacy hope that you'll feel inspired, educated, and hopeful for the year that is ahead of us. I do.

Yours in table

Mikael Ejemar Vikström


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