RTPI Spring Membership Campaign - 2024

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Dear Friends,

Happy Anniversary – to our dad and to RTPI.

This year marks the 90th year since the publication of the first Peterson Field Guide. It’s also 40 years since the founding of the Roger Tory Peterson Institute

To kick off our Anniversary Season, we’re inviting you to join our family To become a member To support RTPI as the living embodiment of the Peterson Field Guide.

What do we mean by that? Well, like the field guide, RTPI uses art to draw us into a deeper relationship with the natural world. Like the field guide, RTPI is a trusted friend to whom you return time and again. Even better than the field guide, the exhibitions at RTPI change regularly, providing fresh insights and inspiration courtesy of the next generation of artists whose art, like our dad’s art, truly does matter to the planet

Since the adoption of our new strategic plan a few years ago, we reinstituted our membership program and it has been a big hit So much so that we have expanded our membership categories, along with our membership benefits.

All memberships at all levels are 100% tax deductible.

By way of thanks, we have included a special Anniversary Season newsletter. It includes a little history, a few gems from our dad’s collection and an overview of this year ’s exciting lineup of exhibitions and programs We are especially looking forward to the Summer Soiree and Amy Tan’s Backyard Birds. RTPI is proud to be the only museum to host an exhibition of Ms. Tan’s original artwork and drawing, which are the source material for her new book, The Backyard Bird Chronicles.

If you would, please CLICK HERE to review our new membership categories, pick a bird and join the RTPI family. If you are already a member, thank you and please make sure to take advantage of your membership benefits.

In any event, we look forward to seeing you at RTPI soon.

With much appreciation,

311 Curtis Street Jamestown, NY 14701 RTPI.ORG

• Unlimited free museum admission for one adult

• 15% museum store discount

• Discounts for programs and events

• Discounts at the bar for programs and events

• Unlimited free museum admission for two adults

• 15% museum store discount

• Discounts for programs & events

• Discounts at the bar for programs & events

• Unlimited free museum admission for two adults and all accompanying children under the age of 18

• 15% museum store discount

• Discounts for programs and events

• Discounts at the bar for programs and events

• Unlimited free museum admission for two adults and all accompanying children under the age of 18

• Four museum admission guest passes

• Two Art After 5 passes

• 15% museum store discount

• Discounts for programs and events

• Discounts at the bar for programs and events

• Unlimited free museum admission for two adults and all accompanying children under the age of 18

• Four museum admission guest passes

• Four Art After 5 passes

• Quarterly Guided Group Gallery Tour

• 10% off one facility rental**

• 15% museum store discount

• Discounts for programs and events

• Discounts at the bar for programs and events

LEVELS OF Membership ROGER TORY PETERSON INSTITUTE 716.665.2473 RTPI.ORG Wood Thrush $50*
Scarlet Tanager $75*
Northern Cardinal $100*
Baltimore Oriole $250
Eastern Bluebird $500 ALL MEMBERSHIPS ARE 100% TAX DEDUCTIBLE. * Please note: 10% discounts for seniors, students and active military applies only to Wood Thrush, Scarlet Tanager and Northern Cardinal memberships. ** Facility rental is non-transferable. Facility rental excludes bar packages and bar pricing.

• Unlimited free museum admission for two adults and all accompanying children under the age of 18

• Eight museum admission guest passes

• Four Art After 5 passes

• Four Roger’s Bird-Day Bash passes

• Annual Private Gallery/Behind-the-Scenes Tour

• 15% off one facility rental**

• 15% museum store discount

• Discounts for programs and events

• Discounts at the bar for programs and events


• Unlimited free museum admission for two adults and all accompanying children under the age of 18

• Eight museum admission guest passes

• Six Art After 5 passes

• Six Roger’s Bird-Day Bash passes

• Annual Private Gallery/Behind-the-Scenes Tour

• 15% off one facility rental**

• 15% museum store discount

• Discounts for programs and events

• Discounts at the bar for programs and events


• Unlimited free museum admission for two adults and all accompanying guests

• Eight Art After 5 passes

• Eight Roger’s Bird-Day Bash passes

• Annual Private Gallery/Behind-the-Scenes Tour

• Annual Continental Breakfast Event

• 20% off one facility rental**

• 15% museum store discount

• Discounts for programs and events

• Discounts at the bar for programs and events


• Unlimited free museum admission for two adults and all accompanying guests

• Ten Art After 5 passes

• Ten Roger’s Bird-Day Bash passes

• Listed as sponsor for one museum exhibition on in-museum signage

• Luncheon event with CEO and senior leadership

• Annual Private Gallery/Behind-the-Scenes Tour

• Annual Continental Breakfast Event

• 25% off one facility rental**

• 15% museum store discount

• Discounts for programs and events

• Discounts at the bar for programs and events

Northern Flicker $1,000
Peregrine Falcon
Golden Eagle
LEVELS OF MEMBERSHIP ROGER TORY PETERSON INSTITUTE 716.665.2473 RTPI.ORG ALL MEMBERSHIPS ARE 100% TAX DEDUCTIBLE. * Please note: 10% discounts for seniors, students and active military applies only to Wood Thrush, Scarlet Tanager and Northern Cardinal memberships. ** Facility rental is non-transferable. Facility rental excludes bar packages and bar pricing.

RTPI Anniversary Newsletter

A Special Welcome from Tory and Lee Peterson

Greetings, friends,

Ninety years ago, our dad had this idea to create a guide to help folks identify and name birds At the time, even his publisher didn’t hold out much hope for the field guide’s success Fast forward to today and the Peterson Field Guide remains the best-selling field guide of all time, sparking a worldwide awakening to the beauty and wonder of birds.

As long-time board members of the Roger Tory Peterson Institute, we are proud to be honorary chairs for the Anniversary Season of exhibitions, programs, and events We hope you enjoy this issue of the newsletter. We hope to see you at RTPI soon.

90 Years and Counting: A Field Guide to the Birds

Staying in print for ninety years is quite a feat First published in 1934, Roger Tory Peterson’s A Field Guide to the Birds was a surprise sensation At least four publishers passed on the idea before Houghton-Mifflin took a flyer, so to speak. Roger’s new-fangled field guide cost a whopping $2 75 ($64 in today’s dollars) due to the extra expense of including his artwork Did anyone like birds enough to fork over that kind of cash, especially at the height of the Great Depression? The publisher hedged its bets by printing only 2,000 copies, royalty-free for the first thousand

As we know now, the Peterson Field Guide flew off the shelves After the first print run sold out within two weeks, the field guide was reprinted three additional times in the first year alone.

Since then, through seven updated editions, the Peterson Field Guide to the Birds has sold upwards of 15 million copies throughout the world

Oh After the initial print run, Roger got his well-deserved royalties

Roger’s wasn’t the first field guide, of course. Over the years, other guides have come and gone. What gives the Peterson Field Guides such staying power?

From the moment of his “spark bird” encounter with a northern flicker at the age of 11, Roger was crazy-go-nuts for birds However, he didn’t train as an ornithologist. Instead, he attended two of the best art academies in New York City to become a fine artist

The Peterson Family at home: Roger Barbara Tory and Lee
of the largest
a critical rest stop for migrating ducks and Canada geese
Roger Tory Peterson at the Horicon Wildlife Refuge in Dodge County, Wisconsin, in 1974;
freshwater marshes in the United States and
Adelie Penguins Penguins, 1979 2007 10 5 5 © Estate of Roger Tory Peterson Used by permission Blackbirds and Starling A Field Guide to Western Birds, 1961 2001 51 6 46 © Estate of Roger Tory Peterson Used by permission

Ultimately, he combined his passion for birds with his talent for art to create something new – a handy visual guide anyone could carry in their pocket to put a name to a bird The “Peterson System,” as it came to be known, was revolutionary Roger grouped birds by their similarities rather than their ornithological classifications. His paintings were deceptively, even artfully, simple, with birds presented in profile, all facing the same direction, and with arrows pointing out unique features

Scholar Jon Boone describes Roger’s field guide art as “Haiga the pictorial counterpoint to the allusive, epigrammatic verse form, haiku; it is the essence of graphic minimalism guided by the principle of expressing the most by means of the least Text and graphic image entwine to create and define the space which contains them. This elegant sense of design has become a Peterson hallmark His use of space is extremely sophisticated; so much so that most readers are unaware of its powerful influence – only its effect ”

40 Years and Counting: The Roger Tory Peterson Institute

According to its original charter, RTPI was founded in 1984 to be a museum, library, education and research center, and the repository for Roger’s entire collection of artwork, papers, and related archival materials.

The ultimate effect of the field guide is that it sparked a worldwide awakening to the beauty and wonder of birds It democratized the study and appreciation of birds Or, as literary critic William Zinsser observed, "A Field Guide to the Birds was the single most revolutionary development in American birding." Today, according to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, there are 45 million birders in the United States alone

After a brief start-up period supporting scholars in a variety of natural history research projects, RTPI focused the majority of its time and attention on nature education – specifically, “teach the teachers.” The Selborne Project was among RTPI’s signature achievements With major funding support from the Annenberg Foundation, RTPI trained teams of middle school teachers to lead their students in hands-on, interdisciplinary explorations of the environment within a one-kilometer radius of their schools

Over time, RTPI increased its focus on our region's natural history, including education and applied conservation efforts regarding the Chadakoin River Now under the auspices of the Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy, these efforts have expanded to include ecological restoration of the river –removing log jams, stabilizing riverbanks, restoring natural habitat, and increasing public enjoyment of this beautiful “blue way” through the heart of downtown Jamestown

In 2020, Covid caused a lot of folks to rethink things RTPI experienced a double whammy – the Covid-required closure was followed by an accidental electrical fire, which closed RTPI for an additional six months The extended shutdown provided RTPI even more time to reflect on its history and to rethink its relevance to the community

page 2 The RTPI Anniversary Newsletter
Entrance to the Anderson Gallery at the Roger Tory Peterson Institute
Antarctic Tern Penguins, 1979 2007 10 5 45 © Estate of Roger Tory Peterson Used by permission

In 2021, RTPI adopted a bold new strategic plan, transforming itself into a museum at the intersection of art and nature Embracing Roger’s unique contribution to the global environmental movement as an artist, RTPI showcases Roger’s work in several galleries – drawn from the Peterson Collection, the world’s largest collection of Roger’s original art and related archival materials.

RTPI nurtures the next generation of nature artists through art exhibitions and an artist-in-residence program RTPI’s signature annual exhibition is Art that Matters to the Planet Each year, the theme for this juried art exhibition is inspired by one of the 65 titles in the famed Peterson Field Guide series, now published by Mariner Books, an imprint of HarperCollins. This year’s exhibition, inspired by the Peterson Field Guide to Freshwater Fishes, is entitled Art that Matters to the Planet: Clarity, and focuses on the role of art and artists in protecting freshwater ecosystems

RTPI also invites visitors to explore the Peterson Preserve We recently added a new bluebird trail, celebrating the fact that it is Roger’s painting of an eastern bluebird –the state bird of New York – that graces specialty environmental license plates in New York

Art and nature It just makes sense As described in one (of many) Audubon Magazine articles, "as a naturalist, Peterson has the soul of an artist and as an artist the soul of a naturalist.”

From the Peterson Archives

Let’s begin with the one that started it all – an original copy of the 1934 A Field Guide to the Birds, complete with dust jacket This month’s highlight from the archives is an original copy of the 1934 A Field Guide to the Birds, complete with dust jacket This is a rare find: copies of the original field guides were often taken outdoors, written in, and heavily flipped through; the more fragile paper dust jacket was either discarded or fell apart more easily than the rest of the book However, this copy, graciously donated to RTPI by Judith Kornitsky in 2001, shows us what the original dust jacket looked like This dust jacket can also be seen in the Breckenridge Room at RTPI, in the form of the 1996 replica copies found on the round tables within the exhibition space

Visitors are welcome to flip through these commemorative copies without the worry of damaging a fragile original copy The special 90th anniversary of the field guide exhibition, which traces Roger’s art evolution, his writings, and his advocacy through the lens of the field guides, the study skins Roger used as references, and letters from across the globe from adults and young birdwatchers alike, will be on view throughout 2024

page 3 The RTPI Anniversary Newsletter
“Conserve Open Space” specialty license plate for New York State, featuring Bluebird, 1977 A Field Guide to the Birds, 1934 First edition, fourth state Gift of Judith Kornitsky
For more information, please visit our website: RTPI.ORG

2024 Exhibitions | MAIN GALLERIES

Kevin Ebi: Five Minutes in Nature

April 26 through July 21

National Park vistas at sunset. A solitary songbird perched on a wildflower lit by the early morning light. This exhibition features large-scale photographs that illuminate the power and serenity of things both great and small in the natural world. Ebi is an award-winning photographer, whose work has appeared in National Geographic, Smithsonian, BBC Earth and Audubon.

Kevin Ebi. Midnight Cloud, Mount Rainier, photograph

Art that Matters to the Planet 2024: Clarity

August 2 through October 27

Art that Matters to the Planet is RTPI’s signature annual exhibition. Featuring artists from throughout the United States, this year’s exhibition theme champions the role of art and artists in protecting freshwater ecosystems and the rich abundance of life they support, including fish, reptiles, amphibians, mammals and of course birds.

Joseph Ricketts. Dancing in the Confluence, photograph

Walking in Antarctica: The Art of Helen Glazer

November 9, 2024 through March 16, 2025

Inspired by her experience with the National Science Foundation’s Antarctic Artists and Writers Program, this immersive, interdisciplinary exhibition brings together photography, sculpture, and audio narrative to take the viewer on a journey through an extraordinary environment of remote places that tourist ships do not reach, and few people will ever experience in person.

Helen Glazer. Canada Glacier, Lake Hoare Field Camp, Antarctica, photograph

page 4 The RTPI Anniversary Newsletter
For more information, please visit our website: RTPI.ORG

2024 Exhibitions | LIBRARY MEZZANINE


Backyard Birds

June 8 through August 25

This exhibition features sketches from Tan’s nature journals, which form the basis for her new book, The Backyard Bird Chronicles. Tan’s work exemplifies our shared human desire to feel connected with and find refuge in the natural world.

Amy Tan in Person: Program & Book Signing

August 4, 1:30 pm – reservations required Tan will provide visitors with a guided tour of her journals and artwork, followed by a Q&A and book signing in the Barbara Peterson Library. Amy Tan is the author of The Joy Luck Club, The Kitchen God’s Wife, The Hundred Secret Senses, The Bonesetter’s Daughter, Saving Fish from Drowning and The Valley of Amazement, all New York Times bestsellers.

Wildwing: Paintings by Rosalie

On view now through June 2

This Book is for the Birds (and Birdwatchers) On view through March 9, 2025

Dorie Petrochko: Against all Odds August 31—November 17, 2024

Chautauqua County en Plein Air November 17, 2024—March 2025

page 5 The RTPI Anniversary Newsletter
For more information, please visit our website: RTPI.ORG

Artist-in-Residence Program

“The importance of RTPI is that it represents a connection between the legacy of Roger’s work and the importance of the conversation continuing.”

Tina Mullen, 2024 RTPI Artist-in-Residence

Nurturing the Next Generation of Nature Artists

RTPI is home to the largest collection of Roger Tory Peterson’s original artwork and related archival materials. It is an invaluable resource for nurturing the next generation of artists, whose Art Matters to the Planet. Resident artists spend a week at RTPI with access to the entirety of Roger’s work. The following year, they are invited to exhibit new work they created in response to their residency.

Expanding our Reach

Nurturing the next generation of nature artists includes investing in the development of diverse voices. In partnership with the Seneca-Iroquois National Museum, we are expanding our Artist-in-Residence program to support indigenous artists. Dennis J. Bowen, Sr. is a Hodinöhsö:ni’/Seneca artist, who lives in the Allegany Territory, immediately to the east of RTPI’s home county of Chautauqua. “Here in Western New York, the Seneca people can be thankful to Roger Tory Peterson for his work that brought about the return of the osprey and eagles to the Allegany River. My goals for the residency include creating work that explains Hodinöhsö:ni’ clanship system – our familial, community and social organization – and its relationship to birds.”

For more information, please visit our website: RTPI.ORG

Art After 5

Every Fourth Friday (or thereabouts) The Lodge at RTPI is hopping with live music. Filled with friends, old and new. Enjoying great food and drink. Surrounded by Art that Matters to the Planet. According to RTPI’s Advancement Director, David Niles, “It is the best happy hour in all of Western New York.”

Please check our website for specific dates and a complete schedule of musical guests.

Featured artwork: Joe Rice Art, Smackdab, 2022, watercolor on paper

RTPI Bird Walks

Wednesdays 9:00 to 10:00 am, April 17 through June 19

Birding for Beginners – every Wednesday, April through June, 9 am

Spring Migration – May 25, 8 am

Nesting Birds of RTPI – June 8, 9 am

Digiscoping for Beginners – July 6, 8 am

Fall Migration – September 14, 9 am

Yoga With The Birds

Every Saturday from June 3 to September 2 at 9:00 am

Guided Gallery Walks

Every Friday, year round, at 2 pm

For more information, please visit our website: RTPI.ORG

Summer Soirée

at the Roger Tory Peterson Institute

July 20th, 2024

6:00 - 9:00 pm

YEARS OF THE Peterson Field Guide

12:00 PM - 5:00 PM Let’s Celebrate

OF THE Roger Tory Peterson Institute

New Format • More Fun • More Details to Come

at the Roger Tory Peterson Institute 2024 Plein Air Festival

September 11th, 2024 10:00 am through September 14th, 2024 7:00 pm

Explore and paint the natural area wonders that inspired Roger Tory Peterson to his future career as Father of the Modern Field Guide



Holidays at the Lodge

December 7th & 14st 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM

There is no place more beautiful in all of Western New York than The Lodge at RTPI dressed up for the holidays AUGUST 17th,

Ice your own Ginger-bird Cookies

Design your own Bird Ornaments

Whisper your Wish List to Santa

Bask in the Sound of Choirs Singing Carols

Bird Day Bash
Featured artwork: Thomas Annear, 2023, Oil on Canvas, Photograph SPECIAL EVENTS AT THE ROGER TORY PETERSON INSTITUTE

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