RTRS 2024 International Conference Agenda

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Day 1 - November 19

08:00 - 09:00 Accreditation & welcome coffee

09:00 - 09:15 Opening ceremony

Lieven Callewaert, RTRS President

09:15 - 10:45 Session 01

The emerging regulatory landscape for soy

19 & 20 November Oude Vismijn (Old Fishmine) in Ghent, Belgium

Objective: Convene several stakeholders, the UK and China to foster a discussion on how new directives will affect the soy sector.

Firestarter and Moderator: Melanie Faithfull Kent. CEO at Team Farner

Speakers: Duncan Brack. Environmental policy analyst expert

Antonie Fountain. Founder and Director at Voice Network

Bernhard Frey. Senior Sustainability Reporting Manager at EFRAG

Karin Kreider. Executive Director at ISEAL Alliance.

Si Wei. Dean of the College of Economics and Management at China Agricultural University and Vice President of the Chinese Society of Agro-technical Economics.

10:45 - 11:15 Coffee break

11:15 - 11:30 ACT Group sponsor presentation

11:30 - 12:45 Session 02

Sectoral initiatives for systems change

Objective: Explore what major sectoral initiatives are emerging, in the wake of EUDR compliance, looking into the whys, whats and how others can learn from them and join.

Moderator: Petra Tanos. Expert in sustainable agriculture supply chains and food systems

Speakers: Katrien D’hooghe. Managing Director at Belgian Feed Association (BFA)

Róisín Mortimer. Global Sustainability and Stakeholder Engagement Manager at Cofco International. Olyn San Miguel. Business Development at GMP+ International

Wei Peng. Global Head of Sustainability, Grains & Oilseeds; Land Management at Louis Dreyfus Company Luiz Poletti Bier. APROSOJA-MT Vice-president

12:45 - 13:00 SLC AgrÍcola sponsor presentation

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch

14:00 - 14:45 Keynote speech

John Elkington

How market leaders are regenerating the future

He will address the role of leadership in advancing sustainability and how regeneration has become central to the sustainability agenda. Expect an inspiring speech that motivates action towards a regenerative future.

14:45 - 15:00 FAPCEN Sponsor presentation

15:00 - 16:10 Session 03

Regenerative agriculture: views from the fields

Objective: Share the views of producers and research on what a regenerative future can look like, with a practical approach.

Firestarter: Sebastián Malizia. Global Food Value Chain Partnership lead at ProYungas

Moderator: Ana Laura Andreani. RTRS Technical Unit Manager

Speakers: Roberto Acauan. Sales Director & New Business at SLC Agrícola Marcelo Belgrán. Researcher at Soil Institute of INTA Castelar.

João Carlos Moraes Sá. Senior Associate Researcher at CFAES - Rattan Lal Carbon Management and Sequestration Center, College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences, The Ohio State University

16:10 - 16:40 Coffee break

16:40 - 17:15 Participants workshop

17:15 - 17:20 BUNGE sponsor presentation

17:20 - 18:30 Session 04

Regenerative agriculture: corporate action

Objective: From the leading corporations in the sector, we will hear their approach for regenerative agriculture, understanding how it is different from previous programmes, their key lessons learnt in their journey so far, and what is needed for a bigger shift towards regenerative systems.

Firestarter: Gerhard Adam. Global Food Value Chain Partnership lead at Bayer


Lieven Callewaert, RTRS President

Speakers: Rachel Bianchi. Soy Procurement Management at Unilever Gustavo Ranzani Herrmann. Commercial Director South America at Koppert Michel Santos. Senior Director, Global Sustainability at Bunge

18:30 -19:30 Social gathering


Day 2 - November 20

08:00 - 09:00 Welcome coffee and networking

09:00 - 09:10 Opening of the second day James Allen, facilitator of the event. Olab

09:10 - 09:25CAT Sorriso sponsor presentation

09:25 - 10:30Session 05

19 & 20 November Oude Vismijn (Old Fishmine) in Ghent, Belgium

Innovations: highlighting changes that can increase performance and opportunities

Objective: Hear from key leaders on innovations that are shaping the future of soy: from new technologies on the field and data management to new applications for soy or innovations in the finance sector that might impact the whole supply chain

Moderator: James Allen.Executive Director at Olab


Matteo Cunial. Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) at xFarm Technologies

Allison Kopf. CEO at Tract

Michelle Morton. Fuels expert with focus on sustainability of biofuels feedstocks

Jean Claude Niyomugabo. Founder at Agirite

10:30 - 10:40 Signature of the Memorandum of Understanding between RTRS and ABIOVE.

10:40 - 11:10 Coffee break

11:10 - 11:30GIZ’s Project AgriChains - sponsor presentation

11:30 - 12:45Session 06

Visions for the future: what can responsible soy look like?

Objective: A moment to share visions and explore from different sectoral point of views about what responsible soy can be in the near future, including sharing thoughts about the value and role of RTRS

Moderator: James Allen. Executive Director at Olab


Taciano Custodio. Head Sustainability South America at Rabobank

Juliana de Lavor Lopes. Director of ESG, Communication and Compliance at Amaggi Ariel Zorrilla. Director Brazil at Preferred by Nature.

12:45 - 13:00 Closing the event

Luiza Bruscato, RTRS Global Executive Director

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch

14:00 - 16:00RTRS General Assembly Member exclusive

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