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We understand that it can be intimidating or nerve wracking to lead a classroom of secondary students. The good news is our students have signed up for our program so they want to be there! However, they are still secondary students. Below, we have provided classroom management tips to be able to handle disruptive classroom behavior like a pro.
In volunteering with RTSWS, if you experience any classroom management issues, please reach out to your RTSWS Program Coordinator. We are happy to help provide additional classroom management support, as well.
Set Classroom Norms and Be the Leader
At the beginning of each RTSWS session, students and volunteers will review and discuss the RTSWS cohort norms. Norms are the behavioral expectations or rules of the class. Classroom norms inform us how we are expected to behave towards each other and towards the materials we use. They’re generally positive, inclusive and productive. Here are some classroom norms you can share with your students:
• Come prepared to be a part of RTSWS with your handbook, a writing utensil and a positive attitude. • Set Classroom Norms
• Be the Leader • Be Authentic • Share Your Story • Show You Care • Build Relationships • Have Fun!
• Be kind and encourage one another - we are all in this together! • Ask questions, share your opinions and let the volunteers know when you do not understand something. During session #1, students and volunteers will come up with the final two norms together. We want you and the students to establish the tone for the fall sessions and allow the students to take ownership of their RTSWS cohort. Ensure the RTSWS cohort knows the significance of what you are asking them to do. They are helping to establish the tone for how RTSWS will run for the fall sessions! You care about them. You want their ideas. Their voices matter. Including them in the creation process means they will remember these norms and act upon them more regularly. Asking students to help define the learning environment in a way that supports their own self-advocacy skills is powerful.