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Think About It: Governance Stats
Think About It!
Read through the stats below. Circle or highlight 3 that are most surprising or stand out to you the most.
In 2021, 6 S&P 500 and Fortune 500 companies had Black CEOs, 40 had Asian American CEOs and Latinx/Hispanic executives led with 20 CEOs While boardrooms are only slightly more diverse than top management, the number of Black directors increased after the death of George Floyd
In 2021, 6.9% of companies were led by female CEOs and 15.1% had female CFOs
In 2021, 21% of all S&P 500 directors were from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups (Black, Asian American, Latinx/Hispanic, Native American, Alaska Native, or multiracial)
enlarged on next page
The number of women running businesses on the Fortune 500 list hit 41 in 2021, an all-time high. Two Black women were among the group. While 41 is a record, it still means that just over 8% of Fortune 500 companies have women as executive leaders
enlarged on next page Companies that ranked highest in ethnic and cultural diversity were 33% more likely to lead their industries in profitability
Only around 10% of portfolio managers— the people most directly responsible for investing your money— are female (Undiversified)