1 minute read


In order to measure your growth and knowledge of financial and investment literacy from the RTSWS sessions, we are going to take a quick post-assessment to see how much you’ve learned!

This is not graded. We just want to know how much your financial and investment literacy has grown during RTSWS.

This will not be shown to your school or any teachers. Just do your best and take a guess if you do not know an answer!

At this time, we are going to begin the post-assessment.

During the post-assessment, please remain silent so that other RTSWS students in your cohort can focus and do their best.

When you are done with the post-assessment, you will indicate you are complete to the volunteers by tilting your laptop screen down OR placing your phone upside down.

1. Login to your RTSWS App on your phone or a school computer: (app.rockthestreetwallstreet.com/ or us the QR code below)

2. Click on the button labeled “Take the Post-Assessment”

3. You will have 7 minutes to complete the post-assessment. A RTSWS volunteer will let you know when there are 3 minutes remaining and when there is 1 minute remaining.

4. At the end of the test, click “Submit”


1. Move back into your ESG research groups.

2. Use the organization chart to summarize your ESG research and analysis for Janella from the past 4 sessions. You will gather and summarize the ratings you gave your company on E (session #2), S (session #3) and G (session #4).

3. Finally, you will decide on an overall rating for the company based on each individual portion of ESG. You will present this rating to Janella by explaning your recomendation for her to invest or not to invest in the company.

4. Prepare to present to your RTSWS cohort for 3-5 minutes. Each group member should be assigned a different section to present.

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