3 minute read
Session 4: Post-College Financial Planning for Janella
Janella’s College Financing Review
Have students meet in their small groups to revisit Janella’s prospective college costs by completing Janella’s College Financing Review.
Inform students they have the remainder of the session to review the five questions. Circulate the room to listen in and answer any questions students may have. Let the students know they will present their ecommendations and key takeaways for Janella during the final session. (15-20 minutes)
Economic Lessons of COVID-19
Have students turn to the Economic Lessons of COVID-19 Activity in their student workbooks.
Start with a discussion asking students, what is COVID-19 or coronavirus? What effects did this have on the economy? If you are comfortable sharing, how did this affect your family? Then explain what volatility means, how COVID-19 affected the capital markets, the personal financial lessons to take away from this financial crisis, and how COVID-19 has affected higher education. If there is extra time you can have students read the additional articles, related to COVD-19, out loud as a whole group or in groups. (15 minutes)
AFTER SESSION 4: Important Activities Before Session 5
Before dismissing the class, make sure to ask them to spend time on the following activities over the coming week, before they return for Session 5. (This appears in the Student Workbook)
1. Complete any activities or read any articles you weren’t able to finish in Session 4.
2. Study session 4 key terms and the post-assessment review sheet Thoroughly review and get to know the key terms from sessions 1 through 4. Remember, all students will be taking the post-assessment next session to see how much they’ve learned!
3. Now that you’re connected with us on social media, check out our recent posts this week!
Please remember to take a few photos of the students and / or volunteers during the sessions and send to:
SESSION 5: Post-Assessment and College Recommendation Presentations
Students will complete their post-assessment, present their college recommendations for Janella, and discuss careers in finance in anticipation of the upcoming field trip.
Take weekly attendance
begins Take weekly attendance via Survey Monkey as students
surveymonkey.com/ enter the classroom. Welcome the students and make sure any new volunteers introduce themselves. (2 minutes)
Before you begin, please be sure you have the following:
Sufficent copies of the Post
Assessment and Student
Have the classroom’s wifi
network name and password
on the board before class
Survey Monkey attendance link can be found at:
Review Learning Objectives and Key Terms
Briefly go over the learning objectives and key terms in the student workbook. Have the students read these out loud. For the key terms that are difficult to understand, explain these in more detail to students and provide examples if possible. (5 minutes)
Administer the Pre-assessment
Administer the post-assessment of basic financial terms. By now, the students should have received a text message with a link to the post-assessment. Please also write the link on the board so students ca type this in their phone if they don’t receive the text.
Hand a paper copy of the post-assessment to any girls without a smartphone. Ask them to begin the test and tell them they have 10 minutes to complete it. Announce when there are 5 minutes and 1 minute remaining. Make sure those taking the test on their phones press the “Submit” button at the end of the test when time is up.
Collect the completed paper copies of the Post-Assessment, making sure each student filled out her name, school and the date clearly. As soon as possible after class, please scan the paper tests and email them to your RTSWS Program Coordinator. (12 minutes total)
Budget Reviews
As soon as the students have completed the post-assessment, have two team members from each group write out their budgets on the board, while one of the volunteers starts reviewing the Yahoo! Finance stock portfolio. (These will be the groups who will start the presentations once you are finished reviewing the stock portfolio)