5 minute read
Session 2: College Financial Planning for Janella
SESSION 2: Financial Planning for Janella (Part One)
Students will be able to understand the types of expenses associated with college, the types of financial aid available, and will be able to analyze the cost of attendance for colleges of their choosing.
Take weekly attendance
Take weekly attendance via Survey Monkey as students enter the classroom. Welcome the students and make sure any new volunteers introduce themselves. (2 minutes)
Review learning objectives and key terms
• Scholarships • Grants • EFC • Loan
Briefly go over the learning objectives and key terms in
the student workbook. Have the students read these out loud. For the key terms that are difficult to understand, examples if possible. (5 minutes)
Pull up Yahoo! Finance
If accessible, use classroom technology to pull up Yahoo! Finance and display on a screen. If not, print this out ahead of time showing AMZN, NFLX, CLX, and IBB or have students pull up their Yahoo! Finance portfolios on their phones. Review the portfolio performance (AMZN, CLX, NFLX, and IBB) over the past week. (5 minutes) • Loans • Work Study • FAFSA • Mortgage
explain these in more detail to students and provide
Have the classroom’s wifi
network name and password
on the board before class begins
Survey Monkey attendance link can be found at: surveymonkey.com/
Paying for College
Have students find “Paying for College” article in Session 2 of their Student Workbook (5 minutes)
Classroom Discussion:
• Many of you may have thought about whether you want to go to college or not or what colleges you are interested in, but have you thought about how you would pay for college? • We read over the key terms, but have you heard of any of those before? Do you know how to find more information about any of these terms? • If not, that’s okay because you will be learning all about your options for paying for college and financial aid throughout these sessions.
Activity: Split Into Small Groups
Split the students into small groups of four or more. Once situated, inform the RTSWS students they have been hired by Janella Sims, a 17-year-old high school student, to advise her on the costs of college and financial decision-making as sh considers which college or university to attend. (5 minutes)
Please remember to take a few photos of the students and / or volunteers during the sessions and send to:
Quick Guide: College Costs
Direct students to the “Quick Guide: College Costs” and Janella’s Cost of College Worksheet and inform them that each small group will research and compare the costs of two colleges or universities (one public and one private) to analyze for Janella. Encourage students to use the U.S. Department of Education College Scorecard, BigFuture.Colleg Board.org, and Net Price Calculators (available on college and university websites) to complete their worksheets. These online resources, with website addresses, are listed in the Student Workbook. (5 minutes)
If Time Allots, Allow Students to Research Costs
Students have the majority of the remaining class time to research the costs associated with two coleges or universities of their group’s choice. Circulate the room to monitor progress and answer questions that may arise. If groups finish early, encourage them to research a third school or search the college or universit website for application- based or department-specific scholarships (20-25 minutes)
Give students a 2-minute warning to finalize their research. Make one last walk to each group to confirm progress on their worksheets. Let the groups know you’ll revisit Janella’s college cost research in a futur session. (2 minutes)
With the time remaining, read and discuss the Washington Post article “7 Ways $1.6 trillion in student loan debt affects the U.S. economy” (5- 10 min)
AFTER SESSION 2: Important Activities Before Session 3
Before dismissing the class, make sure to ask them to spend time on the following activities over the coming week, before they return for Session 3. (This list appears in the Student Workbook) 1. If there were any articles or aspects of Session 2 you need to finish please do so before Session 3. 2. Look over the “Extra Resource: Applying For Financial Aid” .
2. Thoroughly review and get to know the key terms. Remember, we want students to remember this for life and they will also be taking a post-assessment in Session 5 to see how much they learned!
4. Now that you’re connected with us on social media, check out our recent posts this week!
SESSION 3: Understanding Credit
Students will be able to understand the concept of credit, how it is established, and how credit relates to the gender pay gap.
Take weekly attendance
Take weekly attendance via Survey Monkey as students enter the classroom. Welcome the students and make sure any new volunteers introduce themselves. (2 minutes)
• Credit Utilization Ratio • Inflation
Review learning objectives and key terms
Briefly go over the learning objectives and key terms in
the student workbook. Have the students read these out loud. For the key terms that are difficult to understand, explain these in more detail to students and provide examples if possible. (5 minutes)
Pull up Yahoo! Finance
If accessible, use classroom technology to pull up Yahoo! Finance and display on a screen. If not, print this out ahead of time showing AMZN, NFLX, CLX, and IBB or have students pull up their Yahoo! Finance portfolios on their phones. Review the portfolio performance (AMZN, CLX,
• Credit
• Credit Score
• Credit Report NFLX, and IBB) over the past week. (5 minutes)
Before you begin, please be sure you have the following:
Have the classroom’s wifi
network name and password
on the board before class begins
Survey Monkey attendance link can be found at: surveymonkey.com/
Classroom Discussion: Credit
Introduce the girls to the concept of credit. Ask them to give their understanding of credit. Where have they heard the term before? In what contexts? What is it? How does it work? Why do people need it? (5-7 minutes)
How Credit Works
Direct the class to turn to the article “How Credit Works: Understand the Credit History Reporting System” Read and discuss it aloud. Talk about the need for students to establish credit, but to do so carefully. (10-12 minutes)