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about the authorz
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The 5 Top Foods To Accelerate Your Metabolism
Are Whole Eggs Or Egg Whites Better For You?
What Is The Ideal Body Fat Percentage To See Your Abs?
Myths of Women’s Weight Training and Body Building From The Vault: Free Weights or Machines
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7 Minute Abdominal Workout
20 22 26
Secret Training Tip #221: Hip Flexors Aren’t Evil
Testimonial: Tyrone Mckenzie
Add 2 Inches To Your Arms In 12 Weeks
Healthy French Toast How To Drink Alcohol
DHEA: The Most Underrated supplement for Women Pre and Post Workout Nutrition: It’s all in the Timing
Goblet Side Lunges: For Lateral Hip And Leg Power
Healthy Restuarant Eating
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Search anthony alayon in the android marketplace to find the fat extinction pedometer application.
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Most people drop their New Year’s Resolution to get in shape within 4 weeks. However, this does not need to be the case for you. The secret to keeping your New Year Resolutions has everything to do with having the right mindset and using proper goal-setting techniques. Without the right mindset, it is very easy to drop your body sculpting plan and go back to old habits. However, when you combine the right mind set with the correct goal setting techniques, the sky is the limit! Here are some resources that I’d like you to take a look at in order to ensure that this year you reach your body sculpting and fitness goals! The Mindset of a Successful Body Sculptor
Recently, I talked to a friend of mine who has been very busy working. Around this time every year, his business really starts to pick up. As a result, he’s had to cut back his time at the gym and has not been able to eat as properly. Because of
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this, frustration has set in and he has been considering dropping his program until his schedule begins to normalize again. However, I advised against doing this for the following reasons: 1. Stopping to train would lower his metabolism which in turn would lower his energy levels and make him less productive in all parts of his life. 2. Though he cannot get in the gym as often, getting his workout in and following the diet as much as possible will prevent him from losing valuable muscle gains and from making undesirable fat gains. 3. Once his schedule normalizes and he is able to follow his training plan to the letter, he will already be in good shape and his body will respond very quickly to the more aggressive exercise schedule. This scenario would not be the case if he ceased training and dieting altogether; he would have needed at least a week just to adjust his body to his routine and several weeks after that to get rid of any body fat he may have accumulated. The bottom line is that doing what you can is better than doing nothing at all. Good health isn’t an all-or-nothing
game; you can maintain what you can when things are tough, and doing so will make it so much easier when the training can continue fullforce. Quite simply, don’t get discouraged.
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Be Flexible, Be Consistent, Be Prepared
Body sculpting is also an extremely psychological endeavor. Of course, we all get frustrated when our schedules fly out of our control. Life is full of monkey wrenches that make it tough for us to get our workouts and meals in. Therefore, we have to stay proactive and plan ahead if we want to stay the course. As body sculptors we must keep our eyes on the ultimate goal: more muscle mass with less body fat. In order to accomplish that, we must be consistent with our training and diet. If for whatever reason, your program you mapped out contains too much of a time commitment at any given period in your life, then modify your program to one that does fit the time schedule. For instance, back in my engineering days there were periods when I had to work 60-70 hours a week. I modified my training to where I would hit the gym 5 days a week for 40-45 minutes of weight training. Since I had no time to do cardiovascular exercise, I would superset antagonistic
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muscles in order to get some sort of cardiovascular effect (refer to my abbreviated body sculpting plan at the end of this article). I always tried to get my training in before work, but if for some reason I would miss it in the morning, then I always had lunchtime to make it up or later in the evening after work. Worst case, there was always the weekend for makeup sessions. I always brought in all of my meals with me preprepared and also enough Meal Replacement Powders for those times that I was really on the run. This kept me eating enough and enough of the right stuff and away from the vending machines.
depending on how much time you can dedicate to reaching your goals. Take a look at my abbreviated routine below. Abbreviated Body Sculpting Split Workout Routine Workout (A) – Chest/Back/Abs Triset #1: Incline Bench Press 3 sets of 10-12 reps Wide Grip Pull-ups to Front 3 sets of 10-12 reps Crunches 3 sets of 15-20 reps
Triset #2: Chest Dips 3 sets of 10-12 reps Close Grip Chins (Reverse Grip) 3 Some of you may not be able to do sets of 10-12 reps more than three sessions a week. Hanging Leg Raises 3 sets of 15-20 Don’t worry. The key to making reps lasting body sculpting gains at the end of the day is that you have a Triset #3: realistic plan that can be executed Incline Flyes 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps consistently. Don’t try to follow a Low Pulley Rows 2-3 sets of 10-12 dazzling training regiment if it has reps no chance of you executing it. You Bicycle Crunches 2-3 sets of 15-20 will get to where you want to go, reps it may just take a little bit longer
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Workout (B) – Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps Triset #1: Upright Rows 3 sets of 10-12 reps Triceps Pushdowns 3 sets of 10-12 reps Incline Curls 3 sets of 10-12 reps Triset #2: Bent Over Laterals 3 sets of 10-12 reps Concentration Curls 3 sets of 10-12 reps Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extensions 3 sets of 10-12 reps Workout (C) – Thighs, Hamstrings, Calves Triset #1: Squats (Medium/Wide) * 3 sets of 10-12 reps Lying Leg Curls 3 sets of 10-12 reps Standing Calf Raises 3 sets of 12-15 reps Triset #2: Leg Press (Close Stance; feet and legs together) 3 sets of 10-12 reps Standing Leg Curl 3 sets of 10-12 reps Calf Press 3 sets of 12-15 reps Triset #3: Leg Extensions 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps Stiff Legged Dead-lifts or Lunges (Pressing with heels) 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps Seated Calf Raises 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps *Note: Perform squats with a medium stance and until you hit failure, then change to a wide stance and keep the reps coming until you hit failure again. If you suffer from back problems you can substitute for a leg press machine using the same technique.
Workout Frequency This routine can be performed as little as 3 days a week but up to 6. All you have to do is rotate workouts A, B, and C however you can, but of course, with as much consistency as you can afford. Rest in Between Tri-sets
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After each tri-set, rest 60 to 90 seconds at the most. Keep up a fast pace. Also remember that there is no rest between the exercises in the tri-set. So for instance, you will go from Incline Bench Press to Wide Grip Pull-ups to Crunches and then rest 60 to 90 seconds before another tri-set. Mindset of a Successful Bodybuilder
1. The successful bodybuilder analyzes his/her time commitments and creates a body sculpting plan that suits his/her situation. 2. He/She prepares all meals in advance along with liquid meals in order to prevent missing meals. 3. If the plan is affected for whatever reason, instead of being depressed about it and abandoning ship, a modification is made. For instance, if a training session is missed, then it is performed the next day. If a meal is missed, then it is consumed as soon as possible. If an unscheduled cheat meal is consumed, then the bodybuilder gets right back on the diet on the following meal instead of blowing the diet for the entire day or longer. In a nutshell, for any challenge that the bodybuilder faces, a solution is researched and executed in order to continue with the body sculpting lifestyle. There is no room for frustration nor thoughts of dropping the body sculpting plan in the mindset of a successful bodybuilder. Always think “damage control” and that you are never “falling off the wagon” because you can always immediately get back on. In my twenty years of body sculpting, I have noticed that this is the mindset of the most successful sculptors. Successful body sculptors always look for solutions while the unsuccessful always look for excuses. Successful Goal Setting
Without goals we are like a wayward ship in the middle of the ocean, drifting away with no sense of direction. If it ever gets anywhere, it is merely by accident. In order to achieve success in our body sculpting program, our goal should be clearly defined and engrained in our brains. Otherwise, like the boat, if you get anywhere it will be by mere chance. Have you ever noticed that some people go to the gym year after year and they always look the same? I have approached people like that and asked them about
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their goals. Nine out of ten times they don’t have a clear definition of what they want. Therefore, if you don’t know what your target is, how can you hope to get it? As a small exercise, I would like you to take out a small piece of paper (or use your computer) and I want you to write two things. First, write down your long-term fitness goals. Be specific! For example, write the measurements that you will have, your body fat percentage, and your total body weight. Please, don’t limit yourself to what you think you can achieve. Write down what you want as long as you’re not shooting for 28 inch arms. Try 20 instead. The problem is that such goals look so far away, but every long trip starts with the first step. Now, write down your shortterm goals. Short-term goals should be evaluated every 6 to 12 weeks. When you write down your goals, be positive and have no doubt in your mind that you can achieve them. 10 Rules That Will Help You to Achieve Success From your Body Sculpting and Fitness Plan
As I was thinking of the reasons why many body sculptors fail to achieve results, I came up with ten body sculpting tips that will definitely have a huge impact in helping you to achieve body sculpting success.
1. Never sacrifice form to lift more weight. We are in the business of stimulating muscle so weights are just the tools we use to induce stimulation; we are not powerlifters. Also, focus on really squeezing the muscle you’re training. The way I’ve always felt about it is that focusing and squeezing is much more important than the amount of weight used, and doing so will get you more results with lower weights if executed properly. 2. You need to practice goal setting: As stated above, the mindset of a successful bodybuilder is of key importance, and keeping clear your short-term and long-term goals will help you achieve both! Remember to balance your short-term goals with the actions that you will take to achieve them. Make an action plan and stick to it as best you can. And remember that accomplishing your short-term goals is how we ultimately reach our longterm goals. 3. Follow a sensible training program: Unfortunately, many bodybuilders who are just getting started make the mistake of either choosing a body sculpting routine that is too advanced for their level, or they simply start working out without a training program. Too much too soon leads to injury and just going from machine to machine
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without any set routine just leads to marginal results at 9. You control what you put in your mouth: Remembest. The cure to this problem is to grab a sensible body ber that only you control what goes in your mouth. sculpting routine that fits your training level and execute Food does not control you! it day in and day out. Knowledge is power. 10. Believe in yourself: There must be no doubt in 4. If you want results, do not neglect the nutrition com- your mind that you can make this transformation a reponent: Without a body sculpting diet to go along with ality. If not, you won’t be able to achieve your desired your training program, you will fail to lose body fat and results. Believing in yourself is really the first step. If gain muscle. Nutrition is what gives us the raw materials you don’t believe in yourself, who will? for recuperation, energy, and growth. It is important that you get familiarized with the characteristics of a good Tips body sculpting diet and apply those principles in order If you like, take pictures of how you currently look, to ensure getting the body sculpting gains that you are while also documenting your measurables. You may looking for. For example, if ripped abs are your primary really appreciate your results when you compare these goal, nutrition is easily the most important component pictures to how you look a year from now! of your body sculpting. Why? Because ripped abs are If you mess up your plan for a day, don’t drop the chiefly a function of very low body fat, which must be whole thing and quit! I see this very often. If you enattained through a proper diet. counter one of those days, just recover the following 5. Don’t rely on supplements to do the work for you: Supplements do not make up for improper training or a low-quality diet. Body sculpting supplements only work when your diet and your training program are optimal. Keep in mind that supplements are just that: things to supplement a good nutrition and training program.
day by starting the plan again. Now that you have goals, go ahead and put your plan into action so that you can go ahead and achieve them. Take care and train hard! Hugo Rivera
6. You need to get proper rest: Muscles do not grow as you work them out. They grow while you sleep. Therefore, sleep deprivation will cost you valuable body sculpting gains. Ensure a good night’s sleep every night and avoid staying up late which will keep cortisol levels low. Seven to eight hours of sleep each night will not only keep you healthy and more energetic, but also will ensure that your body sculpting gains keep on coming. 7. Be consistent: Remember that consistency of execution will lead to ultimate body sculpting success: If you consistently apply a good training, good nutrition, and a good supplementation and recovery plan, you will achieve your fitness goals. 8. If you fall off the wagon, lift yourself up and get back on! Too many body sculptors focus on perfection. Therefore, if they miss a workout, a meal, or cheat on their diet, they get frustrated and toss out the whole program. As my good colleague and worldwide nutrition expert Keith Klein says: “That is the equivalent of getting a flat tire and puncturing the other three plus the spare!” Remember, this game is won through consistency, not through perfection.
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Free Fat Loss presentation: Weird Tips to Lose Your
Fat For Women Click Here
For Men Click Here
The #1 Rated Abs Program on the Internet (As Ranked by mag v2.0.indd 24
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MONDAY Superset Knee-Ins: 3 sets of 25 reps (no rest) Leg Raises: 3 sets of 25 reps (45 seconds rest) Single Set Bicycle Crunches: 2 sets of 25 (30 seconds rest) TUESDAY Superset Leg Raises: 3 sets of 25 (no rest) Bicycle Crunches: 3 sets of 25 (45 seconds rest) Single Set Sit-Ups: 2 sets of 25 (30 seconds rest) It’s no secret that having a six pack for guys and a flat stomach for women is desired by everybody! Being able to go to the beach and have people stare at you because of your physique makes all of your workout efforts worth it. However, the secret to getting a lean, sculpted core has far less to do with countless hours in the gym and far more to do with a proper, succinct workout and a great diet and general commitment to health.
THURSDAY Superset Crunches: 3 sets of 25 (no rest) Sit-Ups: 3 sets of 25 (30 seconds rest) Single Set Knee-Ins: 2 sets of 20 (30 seconds rest)
The problem with most people is that they adhere to the myth that more equals better when it comes to exercising their abs. This myth has surely frustrated a countless number of people and thwarted their motivation and deviated them off the path to abdominal success.
FRIDAY Superset Bicycle Crunches: 3 sets of 25 Knee-Ins: 3 sets of 25 (45 seconds of rest)
The following workout is my personal seven-minute ab workout that I used to get down to 5% body fat. I used this workout routine for the filming of my exercise videos for my web site:
Single Set Leg Raises: 2 sets of 15 (30 seconds rest)
For this routine, we will be using supersets. On the record, a superset is an exercise where one combines two or more exercises by going from one to the other without rest. For example, if you were supersetting knee-ins with leg raises, you would do the prescribed number of reps for a set of knee ins and immediately switch to a set of leg raises without any rest. The advantage of doing this is that supersetting improves cardiovascular health while incorporating muscle confusion into the workout, shocking the muscles into working even harder on each set. Additionally, supersetting saves time!
Always remember that in order to get abs, follow a good diet and exercise program that goes beyond your ab routine. Despite whatever the infomercials may say about how a single gadget will deliver you supermodel results, a diet centered around the three macronutrients is essential to get the real fat loss and the abs you’ve always desired. To learn more about these macronutrients and getting the abdominals you’ve always desired, check out this video presentation at
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In order to properly jump rope, execute the following steps: Step 1: Start out by holding the handles in each hand and have the rope touching the back of your heels on the ground. Step 2: Attempt to complete a few full motion revolutions. Practice these steps for about five minutes, completing as many as you can. At this stage I would just perform 5 minutes of jumping rope 3 days a week. Do not exceed 5 minutes a day as you may develop substantial soreness quicker than you think! Intermediate Stage After around four weeks, you should feel comfortable with five minutes at a time, and you should feel improved your agility, coordination, and endurance. Increase frequency to 10 minutes per day, 3-5 days per week. Advanced Stage After another 4-6 weeks of the intermediate stage, try cranking things up a bit and jump rope for 20-30 minutes, 3-5 times per week. If you can make it here, you’ll be feeling like you’re in terrific shape and reaping plenty of health benefits of being able to handle some pretty serious cardio.
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learning process into three stages Beginning Stage It’s important to get over the hump of what may be an initial wave of frustration when learning how to properly jump rope. But it’s important to persevere. When I first started jumping rope, it took a lot of patience to get used to the motions. Quite simply, it’s far more complex than a stationary bike or a treadmill.
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By Will Brink
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