Ruby for Women, August, 2011

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Ruby for Women A voice for every Christian woman August, 2011

Celebrate America’s Birthday with Summer Recipes from the Kitchen of Ruby for Women

Make a Love Letter Box with Vintage Image Craft Join the Book Club at Katherine’s Corner

Romancing the Vintage Soul “The Ultimate Cost” the story of William Tyndale

EndEnd-ofof-Summer Issue!

Make these adorable Busy Bumblebees to decorate your next batch of cupcakes Snap, Crackle, Pop, Bubble Wrap! Make your own buttonembellished napkins

July Book Give-Away!

Paper Doll Party Creative Challenge from Vintage Image Craft

“Her worth is far above rubies . . . .” Proverbs 31:10

Contents August, 2011

Summer harvest means time to begin thinking about autumn, canning and preserving the fruits and vegetables from our gardens, and looking forward to the changing of the seasons once again. In our daily lives, as well as in nature, we rejoice as we celebrate each new season we experience. We are so happy that you are here to celebrate today with Ruby for Women! Senior Editor Nina Newton Assistant Editor Amanda Johnson Creative Assistant Katherine Corrigan Family Fun Editor Beth Brubaker Gardening Dorothy Kurchak Homer Devotions Lynn Mosher, Deborah McCarragher Poetry Keith Wallis Quilting Laura Brandt Crochet Jennifer Cirka Kid’s Crafts Carolyn Arnold Feature Writers Thomas B. Clarke, Carol Mokry, Connie Arnold, Heide Louise Wright, Kristin Bridgman, Amy Lignor, Sheila Watson Kraklow, Scott Henderson, Theresa Ceniccola, Carin LeRoy, Pauline Creeden, Yvonne Anderson, Angela Blake Morris, Kausar Iqbal, Debra Cogger Ruby for Women 2731 W 700 N Columbia City, IN 46725

In This Issue . . . Page



Hurry Up, Slowpoke! Nina Newton, Sr. Editor


Summer Memories and the Journey Ahead Amanda Johnson


The Secret to Successful Solitude Theresa Ceniccola


In Swirling Tides Keith Wallis


Porlock Weir Keith Wallis


Ask Beth Beth Brubaker


Make a Watermelon Caddy Family


Make Your Own Glitter-Glam Shoes Angela Morris


A Bouquet of Newly Sharpened Pencils Carol Mokry


Katherine’s Corner Book Club Katherine Corrigan


Summer in the Garden Aunt Dots


Button Napkin Craft Katherine Corrigan

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Ruby for Women is an online Christian women’s magazine that offers words of hope, inspiration, and encouragement to women everywhere. Knowing that every woman has a story to tell, we seek to give “voice to every Christian woman,” from all walks of life, of every age, from all around the world. If you would like to share your story with Ruby for Women, please email our Assistant Editor, Amanda Johnson, at Also, please visit our website at where you can connect with other women.







Empowerment of Women through Creativity Kausar Iqbal


Mr. Mango “The King of Fruits” Kausar Iqbal


Know Me, For I Am Angela Morris


From Ordinary to Miraculous Kristin Bridgman


Creamy Summer Grape & Pecan Salad Vintage Mama


Brain Tease Math Puzzle Beth Brubaker


Mint Chocolate Chill Vintage Mama


“Loser!” Pauline Creeden


The Ultimate Cost Carin LeRoy


Let’s Make a Bible Sampler! Laura Brandt


Make a Summer Table Runner Katherine Corrigan


Love from the Prayer Garden Thomas B. Clarke


Footprints in the Mud Beth Brubaker




Snap, Crackle, Pop, Bubble Wrap! Carol Mokry


Invite the Lord Amanda Johnson


A Rose Keith Wallis


I Heard Keith Wallis


A Budget-Friendly Rehearsal Dinner Table Carin LeRoy

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Connie Arnold

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Don’t Forget This Piece! Yvonne Anderson


Make a Hand-Painted Love Letter Box Vintage Image Craft


How to do “Back-to-School” When You HomeSchool Sheila Watson Kraklow


Fresh Fruit Smoothies Katherine Corrigan


Summer Daze Lynn Mosher


Make a Whimsical Kitchen Wall Hook Katherine Corrigan


August in the Prayer Garden Thomas B. Clarke


Don’t Quit Your Day Job! Amy Lignor


Puzzle Answer Keys Beth Brubaker


August Late Summer Days Connie Arnold


The Coffee Pot Debra Cogger


Fall Fun Crossword Puzzle Beth Brubaker


Meet the Ruby for Women Writers

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August is Family Fun Month!

August is also National Picnic Month! August August August August August August August

3: National Watermelon Day 6: Wiggle Your Toes Day 7: National Friendship Day 7: Sisters Day 9: Book Lovers Day 11: Son and Daughter Day 14: National Creamsicle Day

August August August August August August August

16: 17: 22: 25: 26: 27: 30:

Tell a Joke Day National Thrift Shop Day Be an Angel Day Kiss and Make-Up Day National Dog Day Global Forgiveness Day Toasted Marshmallow Day 3

Hurry Up, Slowpoke! by Nina Newton When I was a little girl, riding my bike was one of the endless activities that filled my summer days. We lived by a lake, and our road was a dead-end, so most of the cars that drove by our house were either people who lived there or perhaps strangers who were lost. In any event, hardly anyone ever drove down that road fast . . . because there was a huge tree at the end of the road and you had to drive around that tree to turn around and go right back out the way you came in. The other really great thing about “Our Road” was that there was a little hill just beyond our house (it seemed quite enormous to me at the time!) We would race down that hill to the bottom, and come screaming to a stop just before we would crash into an enormous Weeping Willow tree at the edge of a swampy area. Now THAT was a great way to spend a summer afternoon! One day I was racing my bike with my BFF, and as we came zooming down that hill with the summer breeze whipping our hair into our eyes, we were laughing and yelling at one another to “Go faster! Go faster!.” Suddenly I looked over and saw that she was RIGHT THERE and we slammed into each other. Of course, that knocked us both off of our bikes, right there in the middle of “Our Road,” and there was blood everywhere. We both had skinned up our knees and our hands, knocked heads somewhere along the way, and we probably both had a fat lip. Fortunately, nothing was broken except our momentary dreams of being world-class bike racers, but it did put us out of commission for a few days. Not long, though! Soon we were both back to the business of all the adventures that little girls would have on a summer day, playing in the woods, spying on the other neighborhood kids through the branches of that Weeping Willow tree, and racing our bikes down the hill again right there on “Our Road.” That’s the way life usually presents itself to us, both as children and as adults. One minute we are flying down the road of Life with our hair flying in the breeze, laughing as we go. And then, suddenly, we are confronted with “The Hill” of adversity, and frequently we crash and burn before we get back up and travel on. So what happens when we have to “slow down” for someone else along the way? Sometimes my girls go for a bike ride here on “Our Road” by our house that is also near a lake with a woods in our backyard. But one of our girls can’t go as fast as the other, because she has Cerebral Palsy. It is easy for her sister to get exasperated when they can’t zoom down the road as fast as she would like . . . . so here’s what we do: “How about you go as fast as you can until you get to the sign at the curve, and then come zooming back to catch up with your sister?” That way we all get to go for a bike ride, together, while one gets to experience the thrill of the wind-whipped hair in the eyes and mouth, while the other one gets the opportunity to learn how to make the bike pedals go around and not tip over, all at the same time! 4

Yes, it can slow us down when we have to wait for someone we love to catch up. But what’s really important here? Convenience or compassion? The thrill of the speed or the joy of the relationship? In other areas of life, the question is the same: Do we value the relationship with our loved ones, or do we just want them to “hurry up” and do it our way? I think about how often God patiently waits for me to “get it,” to understand, and to figure out that His way is always the only way on my life journey. Do not be discouraged if you are waiting for a loved one sometimes those moments of slowing down, taking a deep breath, and saying a little prayer is the task that is before you TODAY. No, you may not be setting the world on fire with the newest, greatest, and most incredible discovery, but you are giving a gift that is truly a treasure to those whom God has put in your pathway along the journey of Life, wherever you travel on “Your Road.”

Cool and Creamy Key Lime Pie from the kitchen of Katherine’s Corner What you need: 2 pkg. (8 oz. ea.) cream cheese, softened ½ cup sugar 1 tsp lime zest (only the green) 2 Tbsp lime juice ½ tsp vanilla 2 eggs 1 pre-made graham cracker pie crust 1 cup frozen whipped topping, thawed Electric mixer Before you start: Preheat oven to 350 degrees Let’s make it! In a large bowl, beat cream cheese, sugar, lime zest, lime juice and vanilla with electric mixer on medium speed until well blended. Add eggs and mix until blended. Pour into crust. Bake for about 40 minutes, or until center is almost set. Cool. Refrigerate overnight. Frost with coconut frosting, recipe below. Coconut Frosting: In a bowl, beat the cream cheese and butter until fluffy. 1 (8 oz.) package cream cheese, softened ½ c. unsalted butter, softened 4 c. powdered sugar 2 Tbsp heavy cream ½ tsp salt ½ tsp coconut flavoring 1 tsp. vanilla extract ½ cup sweetened shredded coconut

Gradually add the powdered sugar, one cup at a time and alternating with the cream. Add salt, coconut flavoring, and vanilla extract and blend well. Continue beating until mixture is smooth and spreadable. Add additional powdered sugar if necessary to thicken the frosting, or more cream to thin. Stir in coconut. Spread evenly over cooled pie. Katie’s Tid-Bits: If desired, spoon toasted coconut evenly over frosted pie, or top with whipped topping instead of frosting. 5

Summer Memories and the Journey Ahead Assistant Editor Ruby for Women Summer is wrapping up! I hope each of you shared wonderful summer memories with family and friends. Times of rest, laughter, and fun are good for the soul. Looking back, I thank God for each of the cherished times spent with new and old acquaintances. Even through the unexpected changes that knocked me off my feet for a while, I praise the Lord for what He has taught me and the memories He has shared with me. As we rest in this last month of summer, it’s my prayer that no matter the circumstances, we will praise God and give Him the glory remembering that He is in control. Through His grace and strength we will continue in our walk with Him, heads held high, and eyes towards the heavens from where our help comes (Psalm 121:1). We at Ruby for Women want you to know that we’re right here with you on your journey, ready to listen and share. This month’s edition is filled with numerous stories that will bring a smile to your face and your heart.

With the August issue of the Ruby for Women ezine, we are delighted to welcome many new writers to our team. You will discover that they are filling our pages with even more time / money saving tips for the family, lessons learned from the road of life, and stories from overseas travels to reach the lost for Christ. Please be sure to stop by the final pages of the magazine to read up on our new writers. Feel free to send them a welcome message via Don’t forget to visit our community page at Sign up to join the Ruby for Women family and receive daily emails of inspiration, news, contests, blog features, online business spotlights, and much more! Have a great August everyone!


Visit ChariT’s Inspirational Creations and discover her amazing jewelry! Dream . . . . Believe . . . . Create! ChariT’s Inspirational Creations 6

The Secret to Successful Solitude by Theresa Ceniccola the Christian Mompreneur I confess: I’m an introvert. I know it’s hard to believe since I babble and blab my life story all over the Internet. But when it comes to how I spend my day and the surroundings that fill me with energy, I need a good bit of solitude. Guess that’s what makes me suitable for the home office environment! And it’s what led me to create a practice of journal writing, yoga, running (solo!), reading and prayer. Yes, I love to spend time alone. I thrive on it! Maybe it’s because I have three young children and I’m constantly reacting and responding to the needs of others. Or maybe it’s because I’m not very good at shutting out distractions and I need quiet to hear the conversations taking place in my head. Whatever the reason, the benefits of some “me time” in my day are extraordinary! When I start my day with an hour of solitude (by journaling, running or some other solo-practice): •

I’m happier and more fun to be around!

My body has more energy to help me lead a productive day!

I’m more patient with my kids.

My mind is overflowing with creativity.

I feel connected to God and comforted by his presence.


Could you use a little alone time in your day? If so, I’ll let you in on some of my secrets to successful solitude. What I’ve discovered is that there are “Three P” key ingredients to practicing daily solitude: 1. Permission: Give yourself permission to be fully present and embrace the quiet. That means letting go of the thoughts that wander through your mind about where you “should” be right now, and what you “should” be accomplishing and who you “should” be spending time with. Just accept the gift of silence and solitude and let it seep in through your pores and fill your spirit. 2. Priority: If you’re a busy mom, then solitude does not naturally occur. You have to schedule it into your day. Physically enter it into your calendar. Sure, there may be windows of opportunity when the kids are not home and you can sit down with a cup of tea, but are you actually going to do that? I won’t. Unless it’s on the calendar! 3. Proclaim: Sometimes it’s

Want to really experience the

necessary to set expectations so

benefits of solitude? Take the

that your loved ones know what

Solitude Challenge and travel solo.

you are doing and why it’s so

Go on a quiet retreat in the

important. A friend of mine once

mountains, rent a beach cottage in

told me she woke up every

the off-season or visit a charming

morning at 5 am just so she could

little town you’ve always wanted to

have an hour alone before her

explore. Take a journal with you and

kids stumbled out of bed. One day

write or doodle your way through

her daughter set her alarm so she

the adventure. Be sure to let me

could join mom for some “girl

know what you discover!

time.” Very sweet. But it took away mom’s only hour of quiet during the day! So be clear when you set your schedule and let your family (and possibly friends and colleagues) know that you need this time alone because it fills your spirit and makes you a better person! Read more of Theresa’s articles on her blog at 8

In Swirling Tides by Keith Wallis

Porlock Weir by Keith Wallis Ravaged ragged teeth stand against the tide stoic reminders of other times. Heroic battlers of gale and storm, sentinels at history’s gate. Beauty creeps from its years and afterglow of craggy smile in the victory of its longevity.

Our story is written on sand, etched on other lives, beached shadows in the sunlight. Memories swim in and out, breathless on cold mornings,

Standing still it still stands against the punishing rock, withstanding still the daily skirmish with tidal dental floss and the fierce brush of the Atlantic. This too is me rusted, ravaged uneven, ocean beaten, scarred.

but a maelstrom daily engulfs as time, in swirling tides, steals away our reality. And on another beach in another time

Given beauty by a God who doesn’t age and sees in me not the ravaged ragged teeth but the splendour of simply standing against the tide.

a night without catch in a single morning cast becomes a festival of fish. Another life, written in sand and the dust of eternity, brings peace to raging torrents.

Porlock Weir (August, 2010) 9

Ask Beth by Beth Brubaker Dear Beth, With the beginning of the school year coming up, we have lots of opportunities for the kids to be involved in extra-curricular activities. The kids want to do everything, but that’s just not realistic. How should we handle the never-ending requests to join the soccer team, be in Girl Scouts, be in the school play, join the student council, be in the school band, be on the basketball team, etc.? How do we decide and how do we help our kids learn how to handle this kind of situation?

MixedMixed-up Mama Dear Mixed -Up, First off, congratulations for bringing up your children to be active and social! Because they like to be so active, you need to explain that God says all good things should be done in moderation. Too many times I see kids (and parents!) stressed out because they are always running to one event or another; they never seem to have any down time. Being together and relaxing are important too, and even though the kids want to do everything, activities can be a lot like candy: too much of it just isn’t good for them. Even God rested on the seventh day! My suggestion would be to have you as the parents choose how many activities they can have, but let your children be the ones to pick the activities they want. Look at the schedules of the events (if possible) and go over the choices made to make sure one activity won’t coincide with another. For instance: Mom: Okay, Billy, you can have one school activity, and one out-of-school activity. Which ones do you want? Billy: I want to be in the band at school, and also join the Boy Scouts. Mom: (after checking the schedules): That might be hard, since most of the band events are on the weekends, when the scouts go camping. You need to change one of them. Billy: Then maybe I’ll run for student council instead of doing the band. Mom: That sounds great! Do you have a I know this example is simplistic, but you get the general idea. That way you can also have more than one child doing question for Beth? something at school, and be in the same or similar sports teams Please submit your so you won’t be running around all the time as well. You can also work out car pools by talking to the other moms and seeing questions in an ee-mail if each mom (or dad) can take turns taking the kids to events, so to that would free you up a little. Then you’d only have to take them with 'Ask Beth' in the once every few times, instead of each week. Only allow them what you have time for, but let them make the title. We would love to final choices. They get what they want without exhausting hear from you! themselves, and you don’t feel like a taxicab. And the best part is you’re working together as a family!


Treasure the Last Days of Summer with th this Adorable Watermelon Picnic Caddy fro from Family Corner Many of us begin to feel that summer is almost over, once we get past the Fourth of July. But really, that is only half-way through our favorite season of the year! So, don’t let the remaining days of summer slip away from you in the midst of the busyness of back-to-school activities and other “early autumn” tasks. Take a break from all of the weeding and harvesting; catch your breath after the school supplies are purchased, and go on a picnic with your family. This adorable watermelon picnic caddy / basket would be a fun little craft project to create for your next family gathering, along with the hot dogs, chips, and iced tea . . . . oh, and don’t forget to bring the real watermelon! What you need: paper mache picnic basket small round brush medium flat brush medium scruffy brush old toothbrush

acrylic paints: pink leaf green black white acrylic sealer spray, matte

Let’s make it! Remove lid and paint it leaf green. Set aside to dry. Using the flat brush, paint the outside of picnic caddy pink. Paint the handles black. Paint the inside rim (where the lid rests) leaf green. Repeat all (including lid) with a second coat and let dry. Use the round brush to dab on the watermelon seeds in various places on the outside of the box. Let dry. Dip scruffy brush into white paint and dab off all excess onto a paper towel. Paint brush should be almost dry. Add white touches to the black handles, the pink rounded corners of the box, and use it in a sweeping motion across the top and sides of the green lid. Put a small amount of black paint onto a paper plate, about the size of a dime. Add a few drop of water, enough to thin the paint. Using an old toothbrush, pick up some of the thinned black paint. Before applying this method to the box, test it on a piece of newspaper. Flick the bristles of the toothbrush by dragging your finger or thumb across them. This causes the paint to spray off the brush onto your “target”, in this case, the newspaper. Once you are happy with the result, flick the paint all over the pink outer coat on the box and the green lid. Spray entire surface with acrylic sealer and allow it to dry completely. Find more fun craft projects at 11


Make Your Own Glitter-Glam Shoes on a Budget by Angela Morris Items needed: Canvas Tennis Shoes Puffy Paint (fabric paints.) Gemstones (We got the multi-pack) Craft Glue Items assumed on hand: Kid Scissors (to cut off shoe tags) Newspaper (to set shoes on) Tooth pick Not recommended for 10 and under. Takes a steady hand and needs supervision. The best part is to let your child explore their own imaginations with the design. Directions: Remove shoe laces and set aside (this way they don’t get stuck to puffy paint). We started by attaching gemstones to the front of the shoes. Simply pick out the gemstones of the child’s choice, add a dab of craft glue on back and adhere to shoe. We used a toothpick to remove any extra glue. Once design is done, repeat on other shoe. We found it easiest by working from the outside corners to the center. Then have the child start their design with the puffy paint. My one source of advice to my daughter was to squeeze the paint onto the newspaper first so she could get a feel for the amount of pressure needed to get a good flow of paint on the shoe. We designed one side of the shoe first. Set it on its side and allowed to dry for at least 4 hours. Then complete other side and allow same drying time. The project takes no time at all. The drying time is the longest part of the process. You're left with designer shoes that are a work of art and a pocket book that did not go broke to meet the latest trend!

Editor’s note: We searched online for shoes just like Angela’s and found several listings for children’s embellished tennis shoes for well over $100.00!


A Bouquet of Newly Sharpened Pencils by Carol Mokry One of my favorite movie quotes hails from You've Got Mail. “Don’t you love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies . . . ." I don't live in New York and the days of school are far behind me, but I still love parading the aisles of my Alma Mater. There before me lies a delicious buffet of autumn goodies too good to pass up. The table is set with paper place settings and stylish utensils of pens and highlighters. Rainbow markers call out "sit here.” In the center of it all is a chipper bouquet of newly sharpened pencils. In these academic treasures come bite-size lessons for life. Rows of spiral notebooks line up with their coats of many colors. They remind me that even when I am deep in the pit and it feels like things are spiraling out of control, God holds the pages of my life together. Sometimes things are dull and the manna tasteless. Highlighters cause the blessings in my life to stand out. The neon accents give attention to the small miracles that I might otherwise overlook.

Overload is a natural part of life and stress is unavoidable. Clip-its of all sorts and sizes snap my attention. They help me remember that nothing can separate me from the love of Christ. I am forever clipped to the One who always has a grip. Post-its, those cute little stickys that hold a quick note make me take note of important things. Love, acceptance, and forgiveness should stick with me every day. And finally at the center of it all, a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils. I am given an endless supply of ability to express my thankfulness. The lead of gratefulness keeps my relationship with God sharp and points me in the right direction. When I stray, the eraser end tells me of the grace my Heavenly Father uses to rub out my mistakes and give me a fresh start. God is a teacher who gives me something to take home besides homework. The store shelves lined with necessities for learning are his tools.

Staples large and small call to mind the Great Provider. He provides me with the staples of life, and all things for my enjoyment. But greater still, for the strength to face adversity.

Those autumn treats usher me into a new semester of knowledge. "It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address."

Gloriously bright markers color a rainbow in my heart. They mark a place for me to remember the promises set forth by the One who never breaks a promise. Great is His faithfulness!

You can read more of Carol’s posts on her blog at



Katherine’s Corner Book Club! I enjoy reading. Not just your blogs, but books, too. Every month I post a new book list. After realizing how much I missed Oprah’s book club, I decided to start my own. I realize that building a great book club can take time, but it can evolve into something wonderful!

A Good Book Club Needs: * Members – that’s YOU! * A good book – we’ll choose one together. Every month I will post a blog about the book club. * A meeting place – Katherine’s Corner at * A meeting time – just once a month we’ll choose the book, and then you can leave comments on the post at Katherine’s Corner Book Club page throughout the month. A new book vote will be posted on the 15th of every month. This is a “no obligation” book club. Let’s just read the book together and share our thoughts. Settle in, read along, and leave comments on the book club page whenever the mood strikes you. Once a month is all the commitment needed. The fun part is that you can make comments throughout the month. So, you don’t have to keep your thoughts on the book silent until a specific meeting date. You can comment as you read our shared book right on the Book Club page at Katherine’s Corner. Book clubs are a great way to share a book, meet new friends, and in this case, discover new blogs, too! Let’s keep inviting people . . . . our goal is to establish a core group, and together we will make the Katherine’s Corner Book Club a fun and interesting experience! Hope to see you there! Our first book for the newly created Katherine’s Corner Book Club is Maine by J. Courtney Sullivan. Be sure to visit the Katherine’s Corner Book Club page and post a link back to your blog or website. You can even find the code for promoting the book club on your blog, so you can invite all your friends to join us! Come on along and let’s read together, make new friends, and discover new books. Katherine’s Corner Book Club page can be found at You can purchase your book through Katherine’s Corner or from your local book store, or visit your library to find your copy of this month’s selection for Katherine’s Corner Book Club. 15

Summer in the Garden with Aunt Dots That’s Little Lily; she let the weather get her down today. And it’s only 90 degrees! It does seem to be hotter than usual this month, but there’s work to be done in the gardens. The gardens are beautiful now. The new perennials and annuals are doing well. The church group will be coming over next week and everything looks great. (I probably won’t get much work out of Lily though.) I did take some time out to visit Linda’s shop, the Pineberry Shop. I’m one of her best customers and she is my new daughter-in-law. Note the outhouse. There is a pair of old men’s shoes at the opening under the door. The twig furniture is very interesting and it makes good items to decorate the garden. I especially like the bench. I think it will fit very well in my new shade garden. I decided to make a corner of the lawn into a new shade garden because it is such a great place to sit and admire the lawn and gardens. There is still a lot of work to do in that garden and many new plants to buy. Some of the items in Linda’s shop are on consignment. Linda and a friend stock the shop with flower arrangements and many decorations for the home. Linda also makes bouquets and arrangements for weddings and other celebrations. She has been in business for seven years now. It’s great to have friends who have cameras and share the pictures. Especially of the birds. John and Diane sent me these pictures. Aren’t they marvelous!! I’ve fed thistle seed but never had an indigo bunting, goldfinch and purple finch share the feeder. I’ve only attracted the goldfinch and they fight with each other. Feeding the birds is part of summer. They add a lot of life to the garden with their coming and going and songs. The bird bath has been enjoyed by them, also. I now have two bird baths since Linda gave me a little metal one as a gift. It has a couple of humming birds on it. It’s shallow so the birds can take a bath in it. Since it is shallow, I’ll have to fill it every day. I’ve placed it near some low hanging trees so the birds will feel protected when they take their bath. The trumpet vine is doing very well this summer. I pruned it back a lot, but it’s a fast grower. The flowers are a favorite of the humming bird. The little garden beside the little 16

house is a problem for me. It’s dry and has partial shade and some hot sun also. The grass in the garden grows well, but not much else. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve replanted that garden. The vine on the post is a bittersweet. It’s doing well. Did you know that bittersweet and trumpet vines have underground runners? They send up shoots all over the yard; some as far as ten feet from the original vine. So between these two vines, that corner of the yard would be a virtual jungle if I didn’t keep the new shoots trimmed off. About this time of the summer I feel like Little Lily. In other words, time to take some a little break. My husband and I will be going to a week-long Christian camp and I’m looking forward to the time off from gardening with some inspirational teaching and preaching. Our spiritual life is more important than our material life. With the loss of my son this summer, I’ve felt the need for more time with the Lord. I thank my many friends and relatives for their prayers. I look forward to seeing him again, but the pain of his loss is very hard to bear. See you later,

Aunt Dots Inspirational Poetry of Joy and Peace by Connie Arnold

Have fun while earning Host Rewards - free or half-price Scentsy Products - when you host your own Scentsy party. 17


Angel Wings Friends Musing Mom has created a place where women can support and encourage one another. She wants to dispel the idea that

"Women are afraid to help each other." Are you interested in banding together to support other bloggers and get something in return? To go along with her new theme, being a guardian angel to her children, Musing Mom wants to share her wings with you so YOU can fly!

It’s your life. It’s your family. It’s your dream. Join Musing Mom Media at and find your own Angel Wings


Button, Button, Who’s Got the Button? Napkin Craft from Katherine’s Corner You know that little jar you have filled with odd buttons? Well, here’s a fun and creative way to use them! It only takes a few stray buttons and some embroidery floss to make these cute napkins. What you need: • Buttons • Embroidery floss (in the color of fruit you want to create) • Matching thread • Embroidery needle • Fabric napkins • Embroidery hoop (optional) • Fabric pen Let’s make them! Lay out your design on the napkin, arranging the buttons in place (mark with a disappearing-ink fabric pen, if necessary). Then, sew on the first button, using matching thread. (For easier stitching, you may want to use an embroidery hoop). Sew on the remaining buttons. Using the disappearing-ink fabric pen, lightly mark out the leaf or stem of the fruit or vegetable. Stitch along the pen marks, using embroidery floss and a classic chain stitch or a stem stitch. To make a stem stitch (which works well for stems), working from left to right, make standard, slightly slanted stitches along the line, keeping the thread below the needle. For leaves, use a satin stitch, making straight (not slanted) stitches, each touching next, across the width of the leaf. That’s it!

Discovery House Publishers Feeding the Soul with the Word of God

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Empowerment of Women Through Creativity: Reviving the Crafts of the Indus Civilization by Kausar Iqbal Miles away in the snowy mountains of Hindukush, in the barren desert of Tharparkar, among the green lands of Multan and Bahawalpur and in the busy city of Karachi, women struggle to fight poverty through working with their creative hands to earn better lives for their families. It is a long journey for most of these women, but CD Crafts and East World Market guides them to achieve their goals. The work of CD Crafts and East World Market started in 1986, and has grown through a variety of stages, including teaching these women to create modern, trendy products using better raw materials, as well as establishing a productive and clean working environment for them, and home-based business opportunities for less privileged women. In short, East World Market actively supports arts and crafts in Pakistan. We market creative products to women internationally, and help them become selfsufficient. The artisans on our team come from many small cities across the nation, and they are trained in a broad range of crafts. By channeling their talents, these individuals have managed to make a decent living for themselves and have grown in their respective specializations. The goal of EWM is to showcase the artistry of these women in the American and international markets. These beautiful, creative products can be sold by anyone who wants to build their own homebased business. The system is structured to assist women who desire to help their own families, as well as to provide a “helping hand” to a broader community. Our goal is to market a diversity of goods that are created by women in Pakistan, and channel it from the East to the West – in this way, whilst offering an eclectic product line, we will promote the artistry of the East in a positive light globally, and continue to support women’s entrepreneurship. We are proud to announce the various working groups:

Embroidery Group - Scarves, shawls, purses, bags, tunics, kurtis, skirts, belts, cushions, door bells, runners, table cloths, and bed covers These women artisans infuse their hearts and creative spirit into different types of embroideries. It is an art of creativity that involves a mind of imagination and hands-on practice.


Folk embroidery has always been a form of self-expression for the women. It mirrors their lives, reflects their hidden desires and aspirations, and expresses the cultural traditions of the society to which they belong. The product line of East World Market is a vast collection, and each artistic piece is created to perfection. The creations tell an origin or tribal affiliation, and the full identity of the women who created the piece of art. Embroidery techniques used in our projects are given according to the region where these artisans live, and reflect the personality of the women who create each masterpiece of art. EWM gives freedom to its artisans to create traditional pieces, but we do guide them in color selection and introduce modern trends. Embroidery uses various combinations of stitches. Each embroidery stitch has a special name to help identify it. You can find embroidered shawls, tunics, scarves, cushions, runners and other home decor products like bed sheets. The best part of this business is that they create these beautiful works of artistry, and as the business owner, you can make your product line according to your color scheme and design choices. The price for each product is very reasonable for these unique, one of a kind creations. Here are some of the other artisan groups from East World Market:

Jewelry Group - Silver jewelry, crystal

Rug-making Group - Carpets and rugs

jewelry, real gem stone strings, beaded Jewelry, glass bangles, wooden organic jewelry and leather jewelry (necklaces, earrings, bracelets, anklets, rings)

Metal Carving Group - Coasters, candle

Beading Group - Beaded formal bags, cell pouches, coasters, and home dĂŠcor products

Printing and Painting Group - Scarves, bags, ties, and belts

stands, bowls, and trays

Flower-making Group - Cold porcelain flowers, fabric flowers, and paper flowers

Card & Party Favor Group - Cards in different techniques: parchments, beaded and embroidered; Party favors, boxes, and bags

Be sure to join us next month when we will be sharing more information and pictures of the beautiful creations from the artisans of East World Market. You can visit Kausar’s blog at


Know Me, For I Am Know me, for I am . . . the clouds of the sky; the finest art on display, every morning and end of day. Do you hear my voice in the whisper of the wind? Know me, for I am . . . the green of the trees, and the crispness of the grass; the smell of the pollen and the sight of the bees. I surround you by every natural living thing. Know me, for I am . . . the smile on every young child; the tear on your check when you cried; the beating of your heart; the hand that held yours when it all fell apart. Know me, for I am . . . larger than all of this world. When you ask, why are you alone? Take a moment, be still and listen. Then, and only then, will you know, I am in every part of your soul.

Angela Blake Š 22

Creamy Summer Grape and Pecan Salad

Mint Chocolate Chill

This sparkling and yummy summer salad is so easy and so delightful, you just might want to make it year ‘round! Ingredients: • • • • • • • • •

1 ½ pounds red seedless grapes 1 ½ pounds green seedless grapes 8 oz. cream cheese, softened 8 oz. sour cream ¼ cup granulated sugar ½ tsp vanilla ½ cup brown sugar ¼ tsp cinnamon 1 cup pecans, chopped

Let’s make it! • • • •

Wash grapes and remove stems In a medium size bowl, mix cream cheese, sour cream, sugar and vanilla Fold in grapes and pour into a large serving dish. Mix brown sugar with cinnamon and pecans. Sprinkle over top of grape mixture. Place in refrigerator to chill for 1 – 2 hours before serving.

One of the all-time favorites at our house! Ingredients: • • • • • • • • • •

2 cups crushed chocolate graham crackers 1/3 cup butter or margarine, melted ¼ cup granulated sugar ½ gallon mint chocolate chip ice cream, slightly softened 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips 1/3 cup butter or margarine 1 cup sifted powdered sugar 1 - 12 oz. can evaporated milk 1 tsp. vanilla 1 – 8 oz . contained whipped topping, thawed

Let’s make it! In a bowl, combine crushed graham crackers, 1/3 cup melted butter or margarine and granulated sugar. Press into the bottom of a 15x10x1-inch baking pan. Set in freezer to chill for 5 minutes. Cut ice cream into 1/2-inch-thick slices and lay over the crumbs. Cover and return to freezer. For chocolate sauce, in a saucepan, melt chocolate and 1/3 cup butter or margarine. Add milk and powdered sugar. Cook and stir for about 20 to 25 minutes until slightly thickened. Stir in vanilla. Cool sauce completely.

For more quick, easy, and yummy summer salad recipes, please visit

Pour chocolate sauce over mint-chocolate chip ice cream and return to freezer for about 30 minutes or until firm. Spread thawed dessert topping on top; freeze again until serving time. Makes 32 servings. 23

The Ultimate Cost by Carin LeRoy Many claim he was a genius. He knew eight languages fluently English, Spanish, French, Italian, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and German. Some say he spoke each one so well that they all sounded like his native tongue when spoken. He earned a master’s degree by the age of 21. He had a love for language and was considered a great linguist. But his life’s work cost him greatly. William Tyndale was born in 1494. His great passion in life was to translate the Bible into the English language from the original text of Hebrew and Greek. He believed the Bible should be in the hands of every person, even the common ploughboy. His worked tirelessly to translate even though he encountered great opposition. Forced to leave England and go in exile for years, he continued his work. Relentlessly, he carried on until betrayed by a friend who handed him over to authorities. He was thrown in jail and accused of heresy. He suffered for over a year without light, enough food or sufficient clothing for warmth. He was burned at the stake and died as a martyr in 1536 at the age of 42. From the ashes of his burnt body rose a great monument to commemorate his life’s work. In 16ll, the complete Bible was printed in the English language. About 90% of the King James Bible is Tyndale’s work. His translation and the way he crafted words into English are said to be literary genius. Many of his phrases are still in use today. This year marks 400 years since the completion of the King James Bible. Even though it cost him his life, Tyndale’s dream came true. Every English-speaking person has the opportunity to open scripture and read it for himself. As I think on the hardship and ultimate sacrifice of Tyndale’s life, I wonder if we don’t take this for granted. At our disposal every day we have the ability to read, to study and to understand the Word of God. Thousands of other languages of unreached peoples still have no Scripture in their language. Let’s be thankful today for our ability to have and read God’s word. Let’s pray for those who still do not have it in theirs. PRAYER: Lord, thank you that we have the Bible in our own language and the freedom to read and study Scripture each day. Help me not take this great privilege for granted. Send out workers into areas of the world that still need Your word translated into their language. “How sweet are Thy words to my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth. Through Thy precepts I gain understanding; therefore I hate every false way. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path,” (Psalm 119: 103105 KJV).


Make a Summer Runner for Your Table from Katherine’s Corner What you need: • • •

1 yard each of three different colors of linen fabric ½” wide single fold bias tape Matching thread

Use the leaf template at the bottom of this article; cut 27 leaves (to make an 84” runner; add or subtract leaves to fit your table) from your choices of fabric (linen is best). Use a ½” wide strip of bias tape to create a border along one side of each leaf, from tip to tip. There is no need to finish the tape’s ends. Bind the opposite side of each leaf with a separate length of bias tape, covering raw edges at the tips with an overlap finish. Arrange the leaves in desired pattern; pin, and hand-stitch together.

Leaf Template for Summer Table Runner from Katherine’s Corner


Make YOUR Book a Household Name! with Amy Lignor of The Write Companion The Write Companion is now offering a review / interview package to authors and publicists for the incredible price of just $25! This package includes and interview and written review by The Write Companion, which will be posted on their website, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Twitter, Facebook, Zimbio, TV, and more! Check out for more information. Here is what other authors are saying about this great deal: I was absolutely thrilled with an interview The Write Companion recently did with a client of mine. The questions were extremely insightful, thoughtful, and delivered and completed in a timely fashion. The interview yielded tremendous exposure for my client’s book. I can’t recommend The Write Companion highly enough. They are a dream to work with! - Maryglenn McCombs, Publicist “If you want your manuscript to go from nothing to a masterpiece in a matter of weeks, you need to look no further than The Write Companion. Amy Lignor is a wizard with a pen.” - Michelle Horst, Debut Author “Amy is insightful and compelling. It is a privilege to have my novels reviewed by her.” - C.J. Lyons, National Bestseller “First of all let me thank you from the bottom of my toes. I am so fortunate to have found you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for having faith in my work. Secondly, I love what you have done with the book. I laughed so loud that I am convinced that you heard me over in New Mexico.” - Joy Feldman, Children’s Author

Send Out Cards with Danie K. Bell When was the last time you sent an unexpected card at an unexpected time to someone you care about? Do you think it would make a difference? Do you remember people's birthdays and other special occasions? With this incredible tool, not only can you remember people and share appreciation, you can motivate, uplift, encourage and truly make a difference!

Footprints in the Mud by Beth Brubaker

Visit Danie for more ideas and learn how you can

Send Out Cards! Homemaking The Politically Correct Way 26

Footprints in the Mud Homemaking the Politically Correct Way Way by Beth Brubaker The world is becoming politically correct, and I can't help but find it seeping into my own family life. Whether it's at the dinner table, chatting with friends, or even to each other in the house, we tend to find ourselves making politically correct statements. Especially me! For example: I'm not fat, I'm calorically challenged. I'm not lazy, I'm energy deficient. And I'm certainly not messy - I'm neatness impaired! In fact, I am so neatness impaired that I have trouble finding my way through the house on occasion. And it only gets worse when it's hot outside. Who wants to clean anything when it's hot out? Excuse me; I meant when it's lacking cool temporal regulation. That means my teeth are sweating, so there's no way I'm going outside unless it's the Rapture. Who cares if I have air conditioning? My internal temperature regulator is malfunctioning and I start sweating . . . make that perspiring . . profusely every time I blink. I never realized just how much a person blinks in a day - it's quite a workout! I take my calorically challenged self over to the fridge for a refreshing boost - but it's not what you think!

I just want to stick my head in the freezer for an hour to cool off. Manually regulating my body temperature, that is. While I'm in there, I find a pack of ice pops and an ice cream bar. I have to regulate my insides manually, too. It's a moral imperative. Eventually I feel good enough to try tackling the dishes. Okay, one dish. The hot water makes me swe-, I mean perspire again and I spend another hour in the freezer. I did manage to get enough of the floor cleaned up that you can see the rug. Then the kids come home, toss their school bags right where I just cleaned, and throw their steaming bodies onto the couch in exhaustion. I join them - after all, cleaning one dish and all that blinking just took every scrap of energy I had! For dinner we munched on frozen chicken, frozen peas and carrots, and had ice pops for dessert. Then we broke the shelves in the freezer trying to cram ourselves in together. The frozen steak fell onto the floor and began to sizzle, so it looks like I'll have to cook tonight before everything goes bad. I might be Neatness Impaired, but for the Calorically Challenged, it's a great day! Read more of Beth’s posts on her blog at


Pamper Yourself for Health and Wellness by Kathy Miranda of Jordan Essentials Bath and Body The Benefits of Dead Sea Salts They don’t just smell good and soften skin. Dead Sea Salts provide many benefits to the body. They are extremely therapeutic, and should be used in every home or spa. The structure of the Dead Sea salt is quite unique; comprising magnesium, potassium and calcium chlorides, in addition to a high concentration of bromides. Moreover, the Dead Sea minerals are natural, pure, non-chemical, and non-pharmaceutical. * Magnesium is important for combating stress and fluid retention, slowing skin aging and calming the nervous system * Calcium strengthens cell membranes, cleanses pores, prevents water retention, increases circulation and strengthens bones and nails. * Bromides act to ease muscle stiffness and relax muscles. •

Sodium is important for the lymphatic fluid balance (this in turn is important for immune system function.

Potassium energizes the body, helps to balance skin moisture and is a crucial mineral to replenish following intense exercise. strengthening bones and nails A high quality sea salt could replenish the minerals, which are critical to our skin’s metabolism. Studies have been conducted on the health benefits of bathing in Dead Sea salts, with patients experiencing marked improvement, including relief from osteoarthritis and tendonitis with increased mobility and reduced pain leading to a decline in their use of analgesics. Dead Sea salt baths also help with psoriasis, decreasing the effects of itching, sleep disturbances, and skin scaling. There are no associated side effects from the use of Dead sea Salts. So we can clearly see why a good quality Dead Sea salt is essential in our skin care regimen. Don’t be afraid. Take the Plunge! FYI: Dead Sea salts need to dissolve completely before turning on jets in hot tubs, Jacuzzis or whirlpools. 28

Snap, Crackle, Pop, Bubble Wrap! by Carol Mokry

It was 3:45 am on the morning of February 19, 2004. That was the exact time I arrived at the airport to make the flight to Atlanta, and from there onto El Salvador. It was my first mission trip as well as my first trip out of the United States. Leaving the freedom of America to arrive in a country where guards stand ready with rifles was disturbing, to say the least. I handed my passport over to the customs official and was struck with the gravity of giving away the little book that held my American identity. Then I glanced down at his desk and saw a tract. The official looked up and our eyes locked. Speaking English with a heavy Spanish accent he asked, “Are you a Christian?” Without hesitation, I answered with a smile, “Yes, I am.” To my delight, he said, “Me too!” In that moment, God erased any fear and uncertainty that marked my heart. I knew I was in the right place at the right time with my Righteous Companion. Boarding a bus, I left the city streets lined with open markets and traveled through green and luscious country. Flowers and plants sown together quilted the land while giant parasol palm trees shaded the countryside. Inactive volcanoes were mountains that had blown their tops, and tapestry rock walls hung like draperies. The beauty that surrounded me made it hard to believe the country housed such poverty. Shanties made from tree posts and ribbed steel marred the landscape. Some hung precariously on the crags as if bemoaning their tenants who hung onto life by their fingertips. The inhabitants were people too poor to buy even a candle to light their house at night. Amidst this poverty I was grateful for the missionary directing my team. He was a big Norwegian with a big heart and a delightful character. He loved the people he served and considered the country of El Salvador a book of tales to tell. With five languages under his belt and a wealth of knowledge he told grand stories. 29

But the story he told about the children was the most heartbreaking. Seeing them in his words changed my life forever. I wept when I heard about the dirty, lice infested, and hungry little waifs without homes. More than 400,000 children were orphaned or unwanted. They lived in herds like animals and fended for themselves. They survived on what they could find and dug in garbage heaps to fill their hungry bellies. Right then with God’s help I was determined to make a pocketsized difference in the few short days ahead. My team’s job was to build small houses made of block in a dirt poor, rural community. There the children would shyly peek over the small wall that housed us and our supplies. Sad and curious dark eyes questioned our intentions yet yearned for a touch, a hug, or a piece of candy. Over that wall is where I first saw Lupe. A mess of strings and curls framed her beautiful brown eyes. Her white blouse though grimy and worn was a contrast to her tawny skin smudged with dirt. Unlike the other little ones she was wary of my alien presence in her world and would not peer into my surroundings. Instead she sat on the ground playing with a discarded syringe and watched from a distance. The next morning armed with licorice and a warm, wide smile I coaxed her playmates inside the area. Lupe watched and after a few cautious hours she approached the wall. Folding her small arms, she rested her head upon them and peered over the blocks. Her round eyes betrayed her aloofness. The curiosity and desire for candy and attention was clearly visible. Later that day with a little help from her friends Lupe wandered into my space and heart. But it wasn’t the Twizzlers and hugs that made Lupe smile, it was Bubble Wrap! Over the next days with the children playing in our living space the team and I needed to childproof. One of the first precautions we took was to wrap the rebar. While wrapping the rods with air-filled plastic, I couldn’t resist popping a few bubbles and glanced over to see a troop of young eyes watching with wonder. The widest of them were Lupe’s. Bubble Wrap had cracked the code to her world and earned her trust. She sat on the dirt floor happily popping bubbles and before long we were repeating together ‘snap, crackle, pop bubble wrap’. The last day in the small village was bittersweet. I was exhausted and ready to return to my own family, but I knew I would miss Lupe as well. I helped to load the supplies and finally it was time to leave. The little clan of miniature Salvadorans came running to say their goodbyes. At the head of the pack was Lupe. She ran straight to me and wrapped her sweet honey arms around my neck. Happy, sad tears filled my eyes. I enfolded her in my love and from behind my back I pulled a small roll of Bubble Wrap, a gift just for her. 30

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” And when he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there. (Matthew 19:14 NIV) That mission trip wrote a new chapter in my life. I have gone on from there. I’ve realized that more than my life or my work, God wrapped His love for Lupe in Bubble Wrap. He used the snap, crackle, pop to make a pocket-sized difference in one small life. Not so different from another time in a poor, rural stable when He wrapped His love for you and me in swaddling clothes.

Invite the Lord by Amanda Johnson Every day I sit down at my computer and try to put a few thoughts down to share with everyone. I believe the Lord uses the experiences in my life to help others not only overcome similar experiences, but perhaps even avoid some of the mistakes I’ve made. 2 Corinthians 1:4 tells us that God “comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” We learn from one another when we share with one another. This particular day, however, I wasn’t able to concentrate and ended up spending time staring at a blank page. I didn’t know why, but I just couldn’t get into the writing rhythm of sharing what the Lord has been teaching me. Then I heard a still, small voice whisper, “You didn’t invite me.” I closed my eyes in shame. How prideful of me to think I could sit down and write about the Lord’s work without first inviting Him to sit down with me and share. Sometimes we can get so wrapped up in crossing things off our “to do” list that we forget what really matters; our time spent in communion with the Father. He has so much to teach us and so much love and joy to fill us with, why would we ever deny Him and deny ourselves of such a relationship? James 4:8 says that if we will draw close to God then He will draw close to us. All He asks is that we invite Him to be part of our lives. 31

A Rose by Keith Wallis

I Heard by Keith Wallis

I could fall into your petalled folds and breathe your scented smile. I could trace my fingers ‘round your hem and linger here a while.

I heard. Before sunbird rising

For beauty captivates my eye,

the early cry of dawn

my every sense enthralled

the wakening of day. At 5

in wonder at your perfect form

with raw strokes of consciousness

your pink enfolding shawl.

eyelids responding in chorus.

Summer starts as you unfold from bud’s embracing grip and untold eyes admire with awe this wondrous workmanship.

This day has me planned: a history unfurling, a remembrance to put aside.

For though you’re here today,

You did not hear. Your throb

and tomorrow you’ll be gone,

no longer sounding, your sleep

such beauty is not wasted

too deep for breath

when all is said and done.

your bed - lidded, nailed to keep memories

For your charm and innocence

from fading.

has touched another heart

I heard.

and, though shortly lingered here,

Dust to dust

it pains me to depart.

~ Keith Wallis 32

A Budget-Friendly Rehearsal Dinner Table by Carin LeRoy My son recently married out of town, and as parents of the groom, we were responsible for the rehearsal dinner. It would be difficult to coordinate since we would be coming from out of town. Fifty people were on the list. Several months ahead, I started planning. Staying within a budget was important, so I tried to come up with cost-saving ways to decorate nicely without busting the bank. The wedding colors were sage green, tan, and cream. The couple chose to keep the wedding more on the casual side and wanted a relaxed atmosphere. For the rehearsal dinner, they requested that we hold the dinner in a beautiful historic home owned by the church. They also wanted to serve barbeque, so we decided on pulled pork sandwiches with sides. Once I knew their colors and food choice, I then bounced back some ideas with my daughter-in-law-to-be on how we could decorate. With the casual barbeque theme, we came up with tan burlap runners, green votive candles and simple fresh flower arrangements. Since Abbey loves coffee, I thought it would be fun to set the sage green votives on a bed of coffee beans. Burlap was purchased online for $2.35 per yard. Three runners could be cut from the 60” width making each runner 19” wide and 7’ long to fit the six foot rectangular tables we’d be using. Since burlap frays, each runner was lined with a simple broadcloth. (By using a coupon, I purchased it 40% off.) Lining was easier than turning under the edges to sew, plus it gave a finished look. Although it took time to sew them, the runners cost only $5.00 each. Inspiration for centerpieces came when finding glass ivy bowls on sale for .50 each. Fourteen were purchased for $7.00. After pricing silk flowers, I knew fresh would be just as cheap, and I wouldn’t be stuck with silk flowers I didn’t want. I added a casual touch by tying raffia around each top. Place cards for the wedding party were made inexpensively by purchasing scrapbooking cardstock. Cutting and folding them, we glued on a simple flower and wrote on names with a calligraphy pen. All of the decorations were prepared ahead of time, so on the day of the dinner, it only took a short time to decorate and set the tables. 33

We made the barbeque a few days ahead and froze it. Then on the day of the dinner it was placed in crock pots with sauce to warm for several hours. Sides were baked beans, coleslaw, pasta salad, fresh fruit, chips, and purchased fried chicken. The historic house had high ceilings, beautiful molding and wood floors creating an elegant atmosphere for the dinner. Although I was one tuckered out Mom when it was over, it is worth the effort to celebrate a special event the family and create special memories, even on a budget!

Party Favor Idea by Carin LeRoy Planning favors for a party that are simple, yet budget friendly, can be managed as you plan for your special event. Recently, I needed to create favors for my son’s wedding rehearsal dinner. I decided to give out the couple’s favorite candies: M&Ms and sour gummy worms. We purchased small cellophane bags in a party supply store, and stuffed them with two tablespoons of candy. Then, we tied them shut with a ribbon and attached a card, costing around .40 each. To make it special for the bride and groom, I purchased two paper heart boxes from the craft store. I painted and decorated them with the wedding colors, and glitter glue was used to add their names. Filling each with their own favorite candy, I used those as their place card. These cost less than $1.50 each and added a fun and unique touch. The best part? Everyone loves candy! These ideas can be adapted to suit whatever special event you might be planning.

Carin LeRoy, wife to Dale and mother of three grown children and one almost-grown teenager, has been a missionary with Pioneers since 1982.


Make this Whimsical Kitchen Wall Hook from Katherine’s Corner Add a little whimsy to your kitchen with this fun and easy project! What you need: Wooden Spoons Unfinished wooden plaque (from your local craft store) Varnish and a brush Wooden Spoons (dollar store) 1 ½ inch thin nails Wood Glue Hand Saw Hanging Bracket Let’s Make It! Attach the hanging bracket to the upper part of the back of the plaque. Varnish the plaque and let it dry completely. Saw the spoon handles off to about 5 ½ inches in length. On the back of the wooden plaque mark where you would like to place the spoons; hammer in the nails at these spots and flip the plaque over. Position each of the spoon handles over a nail and gently hammer the spoon onto the nail until the handle is almost flush with the plaque. Add some wood glue around the base of the nail and spoon, hammer until flush with the plaque and then wipe away any excess glue. Taa-Daa! There you have your charming kitchen wall hook. Katie’s Tid-Bits: You can also drill holes instead of using nails, then use screws, and drill holes in the spoon handles and screw onto the spoons, if you are handy with power tools. 35

Don’ Don’t Quit Your Day Job! Job! by Amy Lignor I never used to read the newspaper; it usually just made me sick as a dog. My grandfather used to read the ‘Obits’ just to see if he was in there (our hometown was THAT boring). My Dad had sports, and Mom had the comics. My sister usually looked for “sales.” Me? I always thought it was better staying with the stories in my own head, considering the outside world was like one 24/7 nightmare. (Not much has changed, actually). However, recently I have become immersed in the police blotters. I know what you’re thinking. But, no, I’m not looking for my name to appear. I am just amazed by how hysterically stupid some of our criminals have become. Not that Al Capone was any brighter, mind you. If he was…he never would’ve ended up in jail in the first place. Since we’re so close, I had to share. A man pulls up in front of a 7/11 in a truck he stole earlier in the evening. Therefore, the license plates, etc. can’t be traced back to him. He’s wearing gloves, a ski mask…everything a good criminal needs. Happily, he carries no weapon. In fact, the criminal was quoted as saying he just “wanted the money so he could buy some beer.” So he walks into the store, says he’s armed, and steals the cash. (He didn’t even think to take a six-pack with him). Running out of the store, the man jumps into his truck but…the engine doesn’t start. What to do? He runs away from the scene as fast as possible, knowing that he should be safe because he left no “trace” of himself behind.

Unfortunately, there was one small thing he forgot. He’d taken his dog along with him for the ride. When the police got there and found the Labrador, they were slightly amazed to see him wearing tags on his collar that stated the name and address of his owner. Oddly enough, the police got there before the robber and picked him up. Yes, he might have been a criminal, but at least he was a dog-lover, and that definitely counts for something. A truck waits in the darkness outside of a bank’s ATM machine. A woman drives in, takes out some cash, and the robbers go straight to her car and rip her off. Unfortunately for them, they were a little intoxicated and from out of town. When they got back into their truck to drive away, they jumped the curb. This was no ordinary curb. It was actually a type of small concrete wall between the bank’s parking lot and the FBI building across the street. The truck was stuck dangling over the wall and the criminals were picked up very quickly. What a shock! There was a criminal who was going around small towns throwing chains around ATM’s and tying them to his bumper. He would hit the gas, the truck would jump forward, and the ATM would be ripped from the cement as he pulled it down the street into a garage where the criminal would take out the cash. Unfortunately, the criminal was so tired one evening that he threw the chain and tied it to his bumper, without even noticing that this particular ATM had a concrete slab that attached it to the bank, itself. 36

He hit the gas and the back of his truck was torn to pieces in the middle of the road. He was so tired, he didn’t even try to run. All he was quoted as saying was that he hoped his insurance would cover the damage. Someone commits a robbery and rushes into the street. Holding up the first driver he sees, he steals the car - without ever noticing there’s someone sitting in the back seat - and drives the car back to his own house. The criminal gets out and goes inside, as the backseat passenger calls 911. See that? Cell phones DO come in handy once in a while! An employee of a large company went into work one day. She’d had a bad morning - it was Monday, after all. When she grabbed her time card and tried to clock in, the machine wouldn’t work. Then, when it finally came down on her time card, it wouldn’t let go. The woman literally destroyed the time clock - shattering it to bits. Although she was arrested for destruction of property, she did find a whole new way to “punch-in.”

A robbery took place where the man walked into the store and began to pile cases of beer into his shopping cart. When he went to the cash register, he - again, with no weapon - held up the cashier and said he was leaving with his beer no matter what. Then, without thinking, he asked for two packs of cigarettes and paid for them with his credit card (which gave the police his name and address). Maybe he’d already had one beer too many.

Back in the VERY small town I grew up in, a man walked into the local bank dressed in a Santa Claus suit for the holidays and walked out with some major cash. This is one criminal who was never caught. Apparently, he had a very Merry Christmas! And, one of my absolute favorites: a person decided to steal security cameras off a building, yet apparently had no clue that as he was stealing them, they were taking his picture. He was stunned that he got caught! This was one for YouTube! Say “Cheese!” A man is running away from the police and jumps a fence . . .right into the center of a ring of pit-bulls! Suffice to say, he jumped right back out and threw himself into the police officer’s arms. Oh, yeah, jail is way safer. It’s unfortunate that there are people out there in the world today who are so unbelievably stupid that they can’t seem to do anything right. Education might be the way to go. Even though these are people who aren’t exactly on their way to “Shawshank Prison,” they should definitely think about a career change – politics, maybe?

Amy Lignor is the founder of the Write Companion. Her blog touches on various subjects important to the industry like the power of social networking for authors, the world of self-publishing and how it’s starting to make the normal way of doing business obsolete, as well as subjects dealing with the art of writing, film, books, the classics, daily life, etc. that will hopefully inspire authors while adding a laugh or two to their day. You can contact Amy through her website at 37

August Late Summer Days In August the heat of late summer days, shortly before the arrival of fall, enfolds the earth in a sweltering haze, as corn and sunflowers are standing tall, and ripening fields yield their goods to all. The peaches, blackberries and melons too in early morning are covered with dew, while crepe myrtles blossom and leaves are green before autumn’s changes come into view, and late summer signs no longer are seen.

Š Connie Arnold


Fall Fun Crossword Puzzle by Beth Brubaker

Answers on page 69.


Mr. Mango: “King of Fruits Fruits “ by Kausar Iqbal Mango is in season these days. The mango is one of the most popular fruits . . . it’s a fleshy stone fruit and mostly grows in tropical climates. The name “mango” is derived from the Tamil word ‘mangkay’ or ‘man-gay’. The mango season begins in May and continues through July, peaking with the monsoon season and lasting until September. Hundreds of varieties of mangoes are grown; these varieties are all different in shapes, size and hues of orange, yellow, and green. Each variety has a distinct flavor and taste. The most well know mangoes grow in Pakistan in the areas of Anwar Retol, Dasehri, Langra, Chaunsa, Sindhri, Saharni, Alphonso, Pairi, Fazli and Neelam. Eating mango is an art because the juice drip while cutting is very strong, so keep your face towards plate and keep a napkin handy. Wow! The flavor and sweet taste is awesome. Yummy! When ripe, a mango can be eaten raw, but it is also used in preparing jam, custards, and other sweet dishes. Raw green mangoes are used in making mango chutneys and pickles. It is used as a base for many delicious eastern dessert recipes. When you buy a mango, be sure to check that is ripe, and you can also dip the fruit in water for few hours so that the heat of this fruit is taken way. This fruits has hot properties on your body, so you might want to have some milk after having more than one mango. Mangoes contain sugar, vitamin A, B and C. It also contains small amounts of protein, iron, calcium and phosphorus. It has smooth, low-pulp flesh and a strong, pleasant aroma. If you have a good quality of mango in your house, then the whole house smells with mango essence! The mango tree is a symbol of love, and it is believed that the mango tree can grant your wish. Mirza Gharib, a famous poet of the Urdu language says that “You should eat more mangos then just one,“ because it is so tasty and full of flavors, both sweet and tangy. Your stomach will be full, but the temptation will stay for more! There might be a little concern about gain weight, sugar levels, pimples and of course managing to keep clothes clean while eating mangoes. However, let’s take a deeper look into what the mango has to offer in terms of nutrition, as well as the health risks involved in extensive intake. Mangoes help improve digestion, help lower cholesterol, improve concentration and memory power, prevent heart diseases, do not cause diabetes. On the contrary, mangoes can be used to counter the disease, and get this, can help improve your sex life! Mangoes are rich in Vitamin E which helps to regulate hormones. Today make some of the delicious chutney using green and hard mango, and then a mango drink using ripe mango. Enjoy all of the benefits of including this delicious fruit into your family’s menu! 40

Nauratan Ki Chutney (Nine Ingredient Chutney)

Mango Smoothies What you need: • • • • • •

Make up a batch of this yummy chutney and serve it with roast chicken for a new addition to your family’s favorite dishes! What you need: • • • • • • • • • •

1 lb. raw mango 1 lb. sugar 2 Tbsp. salt 1 clove garlic 1 cup vinegar 2 Tbsp. raisins 3 Tbsp whole red chili 2 Tbsp. hard, chopped dates 3 Tbsp. whole black peppers 2 tsp. cooking oil

Let’s make it! Peel and cut mango into small pieces; peel garlic; cut ginger slices. Clean raisins and soak them in water. Cut almond into pieces. Add a little water to the mango cubes; bring to a boil. Boil for three to four minutes. Drain water from mango cubes and set aside. In another pan, heat oil and fry onion and garlic until light brown. Set onion and garlic aside, and fry mango cubes in the same oil. Remove mango cubes when fried, and then fry the red chilis (whole) and ginger.

1 mango 1 scoop mango or vanilla ice cream 10 ice cubes Splash of milk Sugar, optional or to taste Mango cubes for garnish

Place all ingredients into blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy your chilled drink with mango cube garnishment in a decorated glass:

Chilled-Effect Glass Rim Wet the rim of a glass with lemon juice and then dip into sugar. You can even color the sugar with food coloring to make the effect even more festive. This is so easy and pretty, you might want to do this for your next family meal. Perfect for any special occasion!

Ruby Pearls: August 2011 •

When these are fried, add all the ingredients and continue cooking until of a syrupy consistency and then mango cubes are tender. Remove from heat and add vinegar. Let mixture cool and then put into airtight bottles.

Serve with roast meat for a delightful new taste that your family will love!

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• •

Did you know that August is “National Romance Awareness” month? August 1 is National Raspberry Cream Pie Day! August 6 is National Mustard Day! August 8 is Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Day! August 16 is National Tell a Joke Day! August 18 is Bad Poetry Day! Get together with family or friends and have the worst poetry contest ever! August 22 is National Tooth Fairy Day! Enjoy the entire month of August and celebrate something! 41

From Ordinary to Miraculous by Kristin Bridgman An ordinary man and a miraculous story . . . An ordinary people and a miraculous God . . . Ordinary blankets and miraculous outcomes. God is definitely not ordinary, but He uses ordinary things to produce the miraculous. If you don’t believe that, just ask me sometime about a cottonwood tree. A ministry started with an ordinary book with a miraculous story about a couple and a homeless man of different races, the incredible bond of friendship that was born and the wisdom that flowed both ways, and the miracle of love that changed them all. God brought this book to an ordinary woman who read the entire thing in one day. Then he led her to a book club where they were discussing this very book and there she discovered there was a homeless population in her town. God laid it on her heart to bring blankets to the cold and homeless. I believe because of two small words that came out of her mouth, “Yes, Lord,� the miracles began. This mild, meek, quiet woman suddenly was filled with boldness and began her mission and the blankets began to appear. A blanket is an ordinary thing but look at what it can do. . . It became a mission project in her church bringing children together to tie blankets, and a Girl Scout troop to make mittens for the homeless. It introduced these children to a world they had never seen before. It made them realize that not everyone has a home, refrigerator full of food, and nice cars in the driveways. They saw that not everyone has warm coverings or even a bed to climb into. The woman prayed that this was an opening to understanding about gratefulness, and truly being thankful for their blessings and not just saying the words. She prayed that those involved would understand that, even though some are not clean and perhaps do not smell pretty, God loves them just the same. She prayed that she would have the opportunity to share with these people that Jesus died on the cross for everyone, not just for the pretty, clean ones. And she prayed that the message would include the truth that we have all been dirty at one time or another with sin in our hearts, but Jesus did not abandon us. He did not look the other way. He was always there, waiting for us to come to Him. What can a blanket do? It brought a teen age boy into his school to tell fellow peers about the homelessness and ask them to consider helping. They did, and big bags of blanket donations were brought in to help warm the cold.


A blanket brought another group of high school students together to sew blankets for the homeless and needy. For just a moment, it took the teens away from their world and opened their eyes to a bigger world beyond themselves. They saw past the video games, the pretty clothes and make-up to see a group of people in need of love, compassion and understanding. They took time from their own world to open up their hearts to gratefulness for their own families, what God had blessed them with, and compassion for those who are struggling so. Gratefulness, love, compassion; that is more beautiful than all the make-up in the world and designer jeans! A blanket brought a newspaper reporter to do a story on the blanket ministry. An ordinary paper brought miraculous results. Twenty-four straight days of e-mails and phone calls with donations of blankets and money and every one of them came through. People in Wal-Mart came up to the blanket lady and put cash in her hands for blankets. It brought a job to a homeless man who was also reunited with his family. It brought a man from church to offer a complete stranger, a homeless man, a job, a home with him and his wife. They planted numerous seeds within this young man that hopefully one day he will let God water and grow those seeds into something bigger for his life. A blanket brought sweet ladies from church on Wednesday mornings week after week to sew blankets and mittens. I witnessed a lady who suffers with pain in her body, stand over a table and cut fleece for 1000 pairs of these mittens. She walked to the bridge to give, and she sat for over six hours at a community fair handing out blankets because she cares so much for others. God blessed the blanket lady with this awesome friend who has a huge servant’s heart. The blanket lady was also blessed with another servant-hearted friend whose family stepped up and made food bags for the blanket couple to give out. What can a blanket do? Because of all the donations, many blankets were given to three children who had come into their school crying because they were so cold. It was discovered they were living in a place with no heat and no beds. They were sleeping on a hard floor with only their coat for warmth. They have sleeping bags and many blankets now to keep them warm. A patient from the hospital was getting discharged and having to go home to recuperate in a very cold mobile home. She was given blankets to keep her warm. What can a blanket do? It brought a huge smile to a little girl’s face who was not getting any Christmas gifts that year. She was given a very soft, warm, red blanket just her size with cute holly leaves and snowmen. You would have thought she had been given a bike or doll by that smile she gave and the way she hugged it all morning! What can a blanket do? It can bring a husband along on the journey he never thought he would be a part of and open his eyes and heart to see something, someone differently.


A blanket can bring people together that otherwise might never have met. Like the drifter off of the highway freezing and hungry. Like the older homeless man under the bridge, a war veteran who’s been out on the streets for 10 years. Like the bag lady who has a great big smile, but virtually has lost all her teeth. Like the children at Salvation Army who gave us great big hugs and smiles. Homelessness is not a pretty subject and people have asked, “Why do you do this, they are there by their own choices, they will just take advantage of you.” Ahh, she would say, look at them through the lens of Jesus’ eyes. . . Psalm 139:14 says that we are His masterpiece and He wants us to know that full well. Some people don’t know this yet, and if they can come to understand that they are loved and feel that love when a blanket is handed off to them, well. . .is that not worth it? For them to feel the beauty of Christ’s love, to see them smile through their wrinkled faces and tired eyes. . .that is beauty we see through the lens of our eyes. Through a horrendous act on a hill long, long ago, those who believe see the beauty of that day. Through the Savior’s broken body, blood, pain, sweat and tears, came that astounding, beautiful love that still brings tears to my eyes when I close them and think about it. Not sad tears but tears brought on by the overwhelming love He had for me, so undeserving was I, and He has this for all these people on the streets as well, some who we say are undeserving. We are ALL undeserving but we are all given a chance. Some of us came to know of this love through a church home, loving parents who shared and taught, a friend who experienced this love and then shared with another. Some may be on the street, waiting for that certain word, a touch, a hug, a blanket handed to them touched by the prayer and love of others. In the beginning, the ordinary blanket lady did not think she could do much. Alone she could not, but with a miraculous working God, anything is possible. God took an ordinary occurrence, the reading of a book, and took it into a miraculous ministry of handing out over 700 blankets. A blanket is just an ordinary piece of cloth, fibers woven together to make a covering. But ask God to be a part of it, and He will take it and bring a covering of warmth over an entire city. For some, warmth for their bodies; for others, warmth for their hearts. One of my favorite quotes goes like this. . . “God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called.” That’s all of us. Is He calling you to do something, to go somewhere? Don’t be scared or anxious. For wherever He calls you to go, He will be right there with you, equipping you with whatever you need, whether that be material resources or internal resources, like boldness and courage. We pray next time you see a blanket, whether on your bed or on a store shelf, it will make you smile and ask God, what will be your ordinary thing? Then listen. . . obey. . . and watch Him make it miraculous! You can read more of Kristin’s articles on her blog at


Brain Tease Math Puzzle Find the Equation! by Beth Brubaker

Answers on page 69.

A River of Small Stones by Keith Wallis

Visit Alabaster Box Publishing, Inc. where you will find “Mission Possible” by Deborah McCarragher

Available at

Poems written as “small stones,” polished moments of paying proper attention to life.


“Loser!” by Pauline Creeden

When my son was about five, we watched a show on TV where a character shaped a hand into the letter L and placed it on their forehead and then chanted “LOSER” to another character. Being curious about the world as only a child can be, he turned to me and asked, “Mommy, what’s a loser?” I thought on it for a moment, not wanting to blurt out the wrong answer, because to me a loser is not simply someone who loses at a sport or game, but so much more than that. Then the voice in my heart taught me exactly what a loser is. I shared it with my son, “ A loser is a person who quits. Because if you believe in yourself, and keep trying, even if you fail over and over again, eventually you’ll win – you’re not a loser until you give up.” No matter how many times you trip them up, God-loyal people don’t stay down long; soon they’re up on their feet, while the wicked end up flat on their faces. (Proverbs 24:16 MSG)

The steps of a good man are directed and established by the Lord when He delights in his way [and He busies Himself with his every step]. Though he falls, he shall not be utterly cast down, for the Lord grasps his hand in support and upholds him. (Psalm 37 23-24 AMP) Thank God we don’t have to believe in ourselves! We can trust Him to help us up. How many times would we give up if we felt that we had to get ourselves out of trouble, save ourselves, do the impossible? This is why we can be called “more than conquerors,” in Romans 8:37. Because nothing can keep us down. We don’t fail once and for all, but eventually we win, as long as we believe, keep trying, and let Him help us up. To be called more than a conqueror raises us up above even Alexander the Great. Because he won his battles, conquered what he thought was the whole world, then sat on his laurels and quit. As long as we live we don’t give up - don’t let one failure keep us down - but press on and persevere.

One of the common misconceptions about Christians is that once you’ve been covered by Christ, you no longer sin or make bad decisions. But that’s not true.

So what has been bringing us down lately? What keeps tripping us up and making us want to give up? Consider for a moment the promises He’s given us, and let us reach up for His hand, and never give up.

The difference is that when we fall down into the pit of sin, we don’t stay there, but get up and get going again. We don’t get up and get going by our own strength, nor are we asked to. It would be too much for us. When we fall down, the Lord himself supports us and helps us up. 46

Introducing The M.O.M System Do you struggle to stay organized? Do you find yourself writing and re-writing lists day after day? Do you struggle to get your children to help around the house? Do you find yourself sounding like a “broken record” constantly repeating to your children what they need to do? Do you find that even if your husband or children offer to help it is easier to just do the work yourself than to explain it to others and coordinate them? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then The M.O.M. System is for YOU!

“Become the Household Manager (not the Household Doer)” As the household manager, TheMOMSystem helps you organize your priorities and coordinate various needs and tasks for your family. The lists save you time and energy. Start with TheMOMSystem cards and add your own personalization with details or color coding for specific people, priorities, or tasks you have delegated. This allows you to stay more coordinated and be more efficient, leaving you more time and energy for living life well (not just surviving as you fly from crisis to crisis)! Often I found myself being the “Household Doer” instead of the “Household Manager” — I was trying to be the one doing everything, but kept being overwhelmed by my never-ending “to do” list. TheMOMSystem helps you involve your children in ways that give them clear direction, clear expectations, and clear accountability. TheMOMSystem helps you teach them to be personally responsible for the tasks you assign them and helps you hold them accountable for communicating with you about their responsibilities. TheMOMSystem is also a tool to help you coordinate and communicate with others who interact with your household. Husbands, babysitters and grandparents can become more involved when you use TheMOMSystem to communicate with them. TheMOMSystem promotes you from Household Doer to Household Manager by helping you get better organized, delegate to your family, and communicate with those who interact with your household. To learn more about The M.O.M. System, or to purchase The M.O.M System, please visit their website at 47

Let’s Make a Bible Sampler! Now that that the colours have been chosen, how many blocks do I want? by Laura Brandt

I’ve decided on my colour pool for my Bible sampler. I’m going to use the colours that the Lord told Moses to use in the building of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness in Exodus 25: after all, the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and the quilt will provide a covering for it. It seems appropriate to me, plus, the Lord gave Moses a nice variety of colours and a, well, colourful combination! Ex 25:2 Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring me an offering: of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take my offering. Ex 25:3 And this is the offering which ye shall take of them; gold, and silver, and brass, Ex 25:4 And blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen, and goats’ hair, Ex 25:5 And rams’ skins dyed red, and badgers’ skins, and shittim wood, Ex 25:6 Oil for the light, spices for anointing oil, and for sweet incense, Ex 25:7 Onyx stones, and stones to be set in the ephod, and in the breastplate. From the above passage, I’ve decided on shades of yellow, orange, blue, purple, red, white, and brown. My plans often change as I make a quilt, but I like to have ideas from which to springboard. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about quilting, it’s that what I originally picture and what the finished product looks like are often two different things. I’m planning on doing the sashing in yellow and the backing in brown. I’ll decide on the main print for the border and my contrasting prints when I find a fabric line I like and I am looking forward to fabric shopping! Between the Farmer’s Wife quilt along (QAL), the Kaleidoscope quilt along, and the Summer Sampler Series quilt along (all of which can be found on Flickr), my fabric stash is depleting. And look! Just in time to get more! 48

My next question then is “how big a quilt should I make?” That’s an easy answer - queen size. It’ll be my first fullsize project and I’m planning on sending this quilt out to be done on a long-arm machine. I know when the challenge is too great for me! How many blocks do I need for a quilt that big? The blocks will be 12” but I’ve found a few patterns that are 6” that I can substitute to liven up the layout a little. I can either sew sets of two or four 6” blocks together to complement the 12” blocks, or I can just double the 6” patterns into 12” blocks. Assuming the sampler is made with 2.5”sashing strips and 6” borders, a quilt made with 30 blocks will be about 87”x101” finished size. A smaller quilt will work well with 6, 9, 12 or 16 blocks. A larger quilt will use 20, 25, 30, 36 or 42 blocks. If you have questions on the steps so far or on future steps, please feel free to contact me through my web site at Until next time,

Laura Wentworth County Quiltworks Bible quilt updates and a growing Bible Block-of-the-Month collection Visit Laura at and follow along as she creates her Bible Block of the Month Collection! 49

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Thank You from the Ruby for Women community to Rochelle Martin and Laura Day for thei their contribution to the Ruby for Women ezine! Rochelle Martin contributed many inspiring articles for the early issues of the Ruby for Women ezine, including her paper dolls, Scripture coloring pages, and especially her quilt block instructions for the “Gardener’s Delight” quilt which concluded with the May issue of the Ruby for Women ezine. Laura Day contributed our serialized story, “Secrets About Love,” for many months with the final chapter being published in the April issue of the Ruby for Women ezine. You can find more of Rochelle’s quilt patterns on her website at 51

Mikayla’s Grace Inc. is a public charity organized and operated exclusively for charitable purpose. Specifically, this organization has been formed to support families with a baby in the NICU and those who experience the death of an infant at Madison Area hospitals by providing NICU care packages and angel memory boxes that offer both practical and emotional support for the parents. We are a 501©(3) non-profit, and all donations after March 11, 2011 are tax-deductible. We lost our second child Mikayla Grace after she was born prematurely June 13, 2010. She was born at 24 weeks, 6 days at a tiny 1 lb 5.5 oz, and we were blessed to have a short 36 hours with her before she went to her Heavenly home on June 15, 2010. Though we are still new to our grief journey, we have decided to reach out to those who have recently been affected by the trauma of having a sick baby in the NICU or infant loss in local hospitals. We know first-hand how intense this heartache is, and wish none of us had to endure this, but we are so grateful for those who have touched us and know how crucial this support is. Our first donation was to St. Mary’s Hospital where Mikayla was born. In memory of Mikayla’s first Heavenly birthday on June 24, 2011 we donated 12 Angel memory boxes, 20 NICU care packages, 66 books, and 28 gowns with matching booties and hats. We are currently working on our goal to donate another 20 angel memory boxes and 20 NICU care packages in late September 2011. To find out how you can help, please visit our blog at We will be using this blog to keep track of our progress and keep our supporters updated. We are hoping that we can gain enough support to make this an ongoing project for many years to come. There are around 50 infants that die at St. Mary’s alone each year and around 40 infants admitted to the St. Mary’s NICU after being born before 29 weeks. Our goal is to meet these needs and then hopefully expand to offering support for women who experience earlier losses as well. Thanks for any support you can give us in helping these families and keeping Mikayla’s memory alive!


Love from the Prayer Garden Loving Your Enemies by Thomas B. Clarke If I could, I think I would plant acres of cosmos. Their flowers are so tall and wispy with an abundance of white, pink, and rose color that splash the color palette. As the flowers dance in the wind, I know that it is the strong roots that allow it to withstand heavy winds and storms. I invite you to see how else the cosmos withstand the storms. The many soft and delicate flowers of the cosmos, standing tall and wispy, seem to dance with each breath of wind. The leaves are almost hair thin and become unnoticeable in comparison to the flowers. Somehow, the combination of pinks and whites and soft reds, each with a center spot of bright yellow, leads to thoughts of compassion, gentleness, and grace. One of the joys of these flowers is watching the yellow goldfinch land on the flower stems, looking for a good seedy meal. The weight of these tiny birds is just light enough to allow them to eat what they want and spill the extra flower seeds on the ground. In this way, next year's plants are sown for another season of color. The roots of the cosmos spread very wide, enabling this tall plant to withstand strong forces of wind. The gusts come and the cosmos sways left and right with each new glance – the stabilizing roots hold onto the plant and return it to its upright position. In life, we receive gusts of wind from people who have their own agendas. Nasty words are spoken, harshness is perceived and received, and harmful actions take place. How do we react to these acts of unkindness; how wide and deep are our roots? Sometimes, the wind gusts are so strong on the cosmos that parts of the plant are broken, usually

at the weak spot where the branch meets the vertical stalk. The branch will bend towards the ground, revealing its hurt and pain. The broken branches are not hidden, for their hurts are exposed for all to see. In time, however, the flowers on that broken branch will reach out towards the sky, once again showing their beauty. When the heavy rain comes, the flower heads turn towards the ground, bent over by the weight of the water. During these times, no longer does the flower reach towards the sky, but instead it yields under the heaviness. The graceful flowers protect themselves with humility. How do we react to adversity? When people hurt us, curse us, or are unreasonably demanding, can our attitude be like the cosmos? Jesus said, “Love your enemies! Do good to those who hate you” (Luke 6:27). He continues, “Love your enemies! Do good to them. Lend to them without expecting to be repaid. Then your reward from heaven will be very great, and you will truly be acting as children of the Most High, for he is kind to those who are unthankful and wicked. You must be compassionate, just as your Father is compassionate” (Luke 6:35, 36). The attitude revealed by the cosmos is flexibility when the winds blow, showing our hurts and pains when we are broken, and humility during the heavy rain. When we are kind and full of grace to difficult people, allowing the love of God that is within us to be revealed, then we are able to show the grace that Jesus describes. Copyright © 2009 Bible Discernments. Excerpt from A Garden of Love by Thomas B. Clarke, a gift book about love for anyone that enjoys flowers. Tom is the caretaker of the Gethsemane Prayer Garden in Syracuse, NY – open to the public. A Garden of Love is available on Amazon as well as at


Hope Hope is what gets you out of bed to begin another day. Hope is what puts you on your knees, taking the time to pray. Hope is what gives you courage and strength to face what comes your way. Hope is what lets you accept God’s help when you can trust and obey. Hope is reading God’s holy Word and believing that it is true. Hope is knowing that when trials come God’s grace will see you through. Hope is recognizing God’s care and protection in everything you do. Hope is realizing you are never alone and how very much God loves you. © Connie Arnold


Don’t Forget This Piece! by Yvonne Anderson Every fall, as the doors to the local school houses reopen, parents make a concentrated effort to get their kids “ready” for their inevitable return to the classroom. What does “ready” mean? It may mean taking advantage of the school supplies sales at the local Wal-Mart. It may mean a trip to the mall to purchase the latest athletic shoes with matching jeans and shirts. It could even mean packing up the car with a new computer, television, refrigerator, etc., in an effort to take along a little piece of home, as the student temporarily relocates to a college campus. We all know the drill. We have witnessed it at just about the same time every year without fail. The effort associated with purchasing things to support back to school readiness is certainly necessary but only a small piece of the big picture. Young people will need various types of support throughout their entire academic experience. The academic level of the student will determine the specific type of support, but there is a type of parental support that permeates every academic level: spiritual support, and we don’t want to forget that piece! The Bible says to train up a child in the way in which he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. The spirit of the child is just as important as the natural part, and it must be trained up correctly. Do we dare to imagine what might happen if the same level of concentration was invested in a child’s spiritual upbringing? Spiritual support and/or training can be demonstrated in a variety of ways. One of the primary ways is through prayer. Parents can start by covering their children in prayer each and every day. The enemy roams about like a lion seeking whom he may devour. Prayer can detour the devouring. Living the Word of God before the children is another way to support and train them. Mixed messages will only cause confusion; therefore,

being a doer of the Word and not just hearer of the Word will be much more profitable for everyone in the long-run. Allowing the Word of God to be the final authority in the lives of the parents as well as the children is another way to ensure training and support in the life of a child that is genuine and solid. Finally, allowing the child to fellowship in a local Body of Christ where he or she can be ministered to and fed spiritually on an on-going basis from someone who has been anointed to teach the Word will aid the training/support process. God has given each of us gifts, talents, and abilities, and once they are given, He will not take them back. With that in mind, every individual is responsible for using his or her gifts to further His Kingdom. The future is in need of those same gifts and talents; in which case, the children need to be prepared not only in the natural realm but in the spirit realm if they are going to make a mark for God that cannot be erased in the lives of others. It sounds like a serious responsibility for parents, and it is. As we begin to move into the fall season, and that “back to school” feeling presents itself, remember that “back to school” readiness is not limited to just school supplies and new clothing. Certainly, they are an important part of the support and training in the life of a child, but they are only a small aspect of it. There is an important spiritual component, and both it and the natural component should be balanced and on-going, in the life of a child, throughout the year. Yvonne A. Anderson


A hand-painted love letter box with the look of antique lace it’s easy with paper doilies! from Vintage Image Craft Love letters need a special place for safe-keeping. Here is a cozy letter box, with the look of hand-painted, antique lace. It is made easy with paper doily place mats, and a romantic vintage postcard trimmed with a lace ruffle. Materials • Vintage postcard (see below), printed on heavy photo paper or cardstock. • Cardboard cigar box. • Embossed paper doily place mats – you might need 3-4. • Ruffled lace trim, about 20”. • Decoupage medium (like Mod Podge) • Spray paint. We used dark red, matte finish. • Craft paints. We used pink, yellow, dark green and medium brown for the antiquing wash. • Oil or water-based polyurethane. • Craft glue. • Hot glue gun. • Craft knife (or razor blade) and cutting mat, or scissors Instructions • Spray paint the cigar box with at least two coats, inside and out. let it dry between coats. •

Carefully cut the lacy border from the placemats. Center the borders on each side of the box, and cut to fit. For the top, cut four pieces to fit around the top, then miter (45-degree cuts) the corners.

Brush decoupage medium on the back of each lace border, and position them on the box. Smooth them down with a slightly damp rag (see Tips). Let dry. •

Brush on one coat of matte polyurethane. Let it dry.

With craft paints and a fine brush, color in the details on the borders. You can use a paint pen, too, but you’ll miss the messy “hand painted” look we were aiming for.

Apply another coat of polyurethane and let dry.


Mix up a little brown wash (1 part brown acrylic paint and 2 parts water). Working with one side at a time, brush on the brown wash, wait 20 seconds, and wipe it off gently with a rag. If too much brown accumulates, dab it off with a damp rag. You want “age” accumulated in the embossing, not sediment (see Tips).

When it dries, brush on another coat of polyurethane.

Cut out the postcard image, and with a hot glue gun, attach the ruffled lace trim along the edge on the back.

Affix the postcard to the top, with the hot glue gun, or with foam mounts. Tips • Be sparing with the decoupage medium. If the doily paper gets too wet, the paper will absorb too much water, the embossing will flatten and the paper will buckle. •

Line the inside of your box with velvet. Cut a cardboard piece to fit the bottom of the box, cover it with a velvet scrap glued around the bottom edge with hot glue, and glue it down inside.

Add a little gold latch to your letter box, with glue, for charming but questionable security. Find more vintage crafts at


How to Do “Back to School” if You Home-School by Sheila Watson Kraklow What makes the beginning of a new school year exciting for children? It’s the shopping! If you home-school your children, they may feel they miss the fun of “Back-to-School.” The “other kids” get to go to the store and buy new things—backpacks, pencils, pens, notebooks, crayons, and even new clothes! Just because your children don’t GO to school doesn’t mean they can’t get that same excitement! Schedule a “back-to-school shopping day” and let them pick out some new clothes and buy some of those things for school days. Find some new, interesting room decorations that will add excitement to that first day. Most importantly, be sure to include the students themselves in all the “Back-to-Home-School” activities. All you need is a plan. So make a plan and work the plan! The School Room: Designate one room in your home as the school room and invite your students to help you refresh the walls with a coat of paint. Kids love to paint and will probably jump at the chance to help with this project. You will need to get some paint brushes, a couple of rollers and paint trays. Wall Décor: Take your students to a home improvement store or even your corner discount store and rummage through the mounted posters, allow them to pick out one (Educational-Style) poster per student. Don’t forget to get the supplies you’ll need for hanging the posters. Without your students knowing about it, use poster board and tempera paints to make a big “Welcome Back” poster to hang in the room. Use crepe paper streamers and decorations to make the first day back one to remember.


School Clothes: Part of the fun of Back-To-School is the new clothing so go to an upbeat kids clothing store and allow each of your students to pick out a couple of new outfits from underwear to shoes. Allow plenty of time for each student to make their selections, keeping in mind that it could be a long day. Don’t forget the basics; nothing gets the back to school juices flowing more than a box of crayons, an unopened container of markers or that new notebook of paper. Make a morning of this by once again making a trip to any discount store or an office supply store and set in a good supply of colorful school supplies; these of course are not to be opened or used before school starts. Here is a short list of basics: Pencils Pens Crayons Markers Paper: Construction paper, typing paper, notebook paper Now what about lunch! Buy each student a fabulous new lunch pail or even colorful, decorated lunch bags. Buy some really fun bag-lunch foods and make a fuss about making the lunches the night before the first day of school. Help the students remember to bring their lunches to school. Computer Software: What kid doesn’t love new computer software? Before school starts most discount and especially the bulk discount stores offer collegiate and home-school software at deeply cut prices. Study the trends in new computer technology and purchase some trendy software geared toward their future academic needs. Books: Gather your students together a few weeks before opening day of the new school year and shop the online bookstores for new books. These online bookstores have all the favorite authors at cut--rate prices. Use these new books to set up or add to “Our Library.” Doing school at home doesn’t mean that your students miss out on all the fun of getting ready for “Back-to-School” so relax and have fun; there will be plenty of time for WORK!


Fresh Fruit Smoothies from the Kitchen at Katherine’s Corner Fresh strawberries are abundant at our house right now. Our plants are bearing strawberries faster than we can eat them! I love it though, plenty to share with our grandchildren and neighbors. I’ve been enjoying fresh fruit smoothies; delish and so nice on a hot day. Today I’m sharing my very simple and quick smoothing recipe with you. I hope you enjoy it! What You Need 1 cup milk (any milk will do) 1 ½ Cup ice cubes ( small) 1 cup Fresh fruit ( washed and cut into chunks) 1 Tbsp sugar (optional) I use Splenda , if you like yours sweeter add a bit more Blender or Food Processor Let’s Make It! Pour the milk and ice in the blender, cover with the lid and crush well, add fresh fruit and sweetener, cover and process until smooth. (Add more ice if you want it thicker) keep blending (processing) until smooth (or the consistency you prefer). Serve in a frosted glass add a piece of fresh fruit. Serves 1 **Katie’s Tid-Bits: You can use a cup of frozen fruit, too. Also try sweetening with honey for a little something extra ( add it at the end and mix well.) Do you make smoothies at home? What’s your favorite smoothie flavor?

Visit Katherine’s Corner for recipes, crafts, give-aways, stories, and so much more! 60

Ruby for Women is searching for . . . Questions! We need your help! Ruby is looking for questions in the following areas: * “Ask Beth” * “Ask a Silly Question” Can you give us a hand? Please send your questions to Beth Brubaker at with one of the two titles in the subject line of your email. Your response is very much appreciated!

A Friend in Need … Is there something you need, but just can't seem to find? Are you looking for a recipe, a store location, or the best places to go in a certain area? Do you have an item you would like to give to someone, but no one near you needs it? Send your requests into the magazine ( with 'A Friend in Need' in the subject line and we'll publish it for you! When making a request, please include a current email address for a direct reply. Those who are answering queries are to correspond to the posted email address directly, and not to the staff of Ruby for Women. Items offered must be free (except for shipping costs, agreed to be paid by the receiving party unless otherwise agreed upon by the giver and receiver). All postal regulations must be followed. Ruby for Women can not be responsible for shipping costs or lost items.

Featured Ruby Shopkeeper: Cathie Garnier of Compelling Creations Faith-based jewelry collection to express God’s gifts of love and grace . . . Wear it, and Share it! 61

Summer Daze by Lynn Mosher “It’s wonderful to be young! Enjoy every minute of it! Do all you want to; take in everything, but realize that you must account to God for everything you do.” (Eccl. 11:9-10 TLB) The Baby Boomer era is said to be the years between 1946 and 1964 so that would include me. I belong in the very first year of that group, born in 1946. So, now you know how old I am! Each year, when summer comes and the kids are out of school, it always makes me reflect on my childhood summers that seemed to last forever. I think about all the wonderful days I experienced growing up. We had so much fun. But we had no idea we were so deprived! Deprived? Yup. We didn’t have things like… • • • • • • • • •

air conditioning computers videos or DVDs chat rooms and social media plasma screen TVs cell phones and texting text messages iPods and the only blackberries we had came out of grandmother’s garden!

Forced to be outsiders, we actually got exercise by running around playing tag, kick ball, or roller skating. We circled the neighborhood subdivision on our bikes until dark and the bugs hit our teeth or Mom rang the bell to come home. To cool ourselves, we played in the hose in the backyard and, yikes, we even drank from the hose! Going swimming was a real treat. We made forts, either outside or inside the house. We played games like Mr. Potato Head, Pick Up Sticks, or Clue. And Saturday mornings brought fun cartoons. We respected our parents, our teachers, and other grownups. We said things like “yes, ma’am,” and “no, sir,” “please,” and “thank you.” Being mean, stealing, or hurting someone was not part of our personalities. Well, not most of us anyway. 62

Almost everyone went to church on Sunday. All the stores, except for a few restaurants, gas stations, and drugstores, were closed to honor the Lord’s Day. And it was the law. Every night, we ate dinner together as a family at the kitchen table. Except Sunday night. On Sundays, we raided the fridge for leftovers and gathered around the black and white picture tube in the family room to watch Superman and Ed Sullivan. The family car, left in the driveway or on the street at night, appeared exactly the same when the sun came up. Having a lemonade stand at the end of the street existed without the risk of its owners being abducted. On clear nights, we would lie on a blanket in the backyard, waiting for the house to cool for bedtime. We would gaze up at a bazillion stars sparkling against the black velvet sky. Ah, those never-ending summer daze (daze…to overwhelm or dazzle)! Let’s see…we were deprived of what?

From His feet, Lynn

Invitation to Visit the Gethsemane Prayer Garden by Tom Clarke Located in Syracuse, New York, the Gethsemane Prayer Garden at Faith Chapel is a place where people can enjoy the beauty of God our Creator and rest in His presence. The garden is open to the public without a fee ( The hope at Faith Chapel is that people would visit this small but intimate garden, seeing it as an outdoor sanctuary and a place to experience God and His love. There are fifty perennial flower varieties and several hundred shrubs and trees; benches are available for a quiet time with the Lord. Syracuse is located at the crossroads if I-90 and I-81; if you are traveling from the mid-west to New England, Syracuse is a good stopping place. And if you live in Pennsylvania or Maryland and are traveling towards Montreal, please pay us a visit.


August in the Prayer Garden by Thomas B. Clarke I enjoy the cooler evenings as fall approaches – the evening dew seems heavier this time of year as it settles on the soft and delicate flowers and leaves. I also enjoy watching parents as they bring their young children down by the stream to catch a frog, possibly the same one that another child delightfully caught just the day before. And I enjoy the rainbows of August, totally unscheduled events that catch the promising rays of the sun as a sudden shower leaves the area. Most of the flowers in the Gethsemane Prayer Garden are perennials yet there is one annual, the cosmos, whose self-seeding effect gives the appearance of a perennial. The profusion of pure white, soft pink, ruby red and deep crimson blossoms peak in August, although many first opened in late June or sometime in July. If you sit quietly, you may see a brightly colored yellow goldfinch hop from branch to branch of the cosmos, eating a few seeds and scattering the rest. I also enjoy showing the garden visitor the purple-blue anise hyssop flowers as they reach out with an invitation to smell its refreshing fragrance. “Crush the leaves as you breathe it in,” I suggest. “See if you can identify what it smells like.” We also have a large collection of Russian sage in this garden, bluish-purple flowers with sprays and sprays of color. Again I encourage the garden visitor to squeeze a few leaves as we then move on to other plants such as lavender, cat mint and thyme. To me, the Japanese anemone is the August show-stopper in the garden. Hundreds and hundreds of softly-hued pinkish-lavender blossoms prolifically fill one larger area. Although most people cannot detect a fragrance from these elegant flowers, the honey bees may be seen enthusiastically flitting from blossom to blossom, totally oblivious to people nearby. Purple Coneflowers continue their simple yet multitudinous blossoming in many areas throughout the garden in August. By the end of August, many will have lost their color so we clip off the old dead heads to prevent many new plants from sprouting. This garden is heavily dependent on a large force of volunteers – some years we have more than others. When we have enough people, we try to trim the spirea so that they can get a second or even a third period of flowering. We have a dozen or so in the garden ranging from white to soft pink to vibrant red, and they are truly beautiful while in blossom.

Tom Clarke is Caretaker of the Gethsemane Prayer Garden at Faith Chapel in Syracuse, New York and author of A Garden of Love which is a book about Christian love using photographs from this garden. His blog is 64

A Garden of Love by Thomas B. Clarke A Garden of Love is an experience that takes us deep into the heart of God's love. Using flowers to paint images of Christian love, I would like to take you on a spiritual journey that touched my heart and will hopefully touch yours, revealing the depth of God's love. Thirty flowers are featured in this book, calling us to respond in intimate relationship with the Lord and the fullness of Christian love. Sense how the flowers usher in softness, gentleness, and peace as each precious plant reveals another aspect of grace or kindness, joy or forgiveness, patience or faithfulness. A Garden of Love can be purchased on Tom’s website at

A Real Change International with Sandi Krakowski Sandi Krakowski, renowned social media coach and founder of A Real Change International, has spent years developing programs that turn small businesses into multi-million dollar companies. Her personal success in the business world has made her coaching sessions, eBooks and online marketing classes extremely popular. If you are looking to make A Real Change in YOUR life, visit Sandi at her website, A Real Change International at

DoveQuill Publishing is a grass-roots company created out of our need to have a voice in the mainstream publishing world. DoveQuill Publishing is ever-busy creating family-oriented books, pamphlets, and associated products so we might offer the Christian family high-quality literature and information. Please visit us for all your publishing needs at 65

Ruby for Women is a True Inspiration to The Write Companion Any writer who comes to TWC by way of Ruby for Women automatically receives a

25% discount on all of our services. From proofreading and editing to ghostwriting, research and reviews, Ruby for Women clients will get the very best prices. Not only that, but TWC will read the first three chapters of any manuscript and offer a full consultation for free! Simply write to to get the process started. You can also find Amy on her website, The Write Companion, at

Introducing Introducing ChariT’s Inspirational Creations Always a giver at heart, I have always loved to help people. Recently I have been blessed with twin babies who have given me a new outlook on life and my purpose in the world. I wanted to not just be a 'mother' (I know we sometimes get caught up in our 'roles'), but a Christian woman living my purpose and dreams in life! Knowing that I love to inspire and uplift others, I searched for an outlet. Then one day it hit me! I love to wear unique and eye catching jewelry. So why not make my own? And what if the jewelry made me feel beautiful and inspired me at the same time? Voila! The idea was born . . .

ChariT's Inspirational Creations! Creations! Each piece is inspired by my inner desire given by God to motivate women to feel and be the beautiful creatures we are meant to be! Also a lover of the arts and nature, my creations include religious themes, going green, the arts, motherhood, cause awareness, and sorority/organizational jewelry! Custom orders are always welcome! I seem to do my best creating with these!

You can find ChariT’s beautiful jewelry creations in her Etsy shop at 66

Inspired Women Succeed Changing the Face of Success by Jo Ann Fore Inspired Women Succeed redefines success. In this book of courage and hope, you will connect with forty brave-hearted Christian women entrepreneurs who faced unfathomable trials with heroic faith. This passionate group of women authentically shares their life-transforming stories. Breathe in their heartfelt words and experience a rich inspiration woven throughout the book, like an intricate, delicate tapestry. Be inspired as these women discover their life’s passion. Be challenged by their words as you learn to use your own life experiences as a catalyst for success. One common denominator runs deep through these stories: inspiration. This book is about real women doing real life. Our goal is to be transparent, and to offer you that same permission. In some way, each of these women’s stories is a piece of our own. Maybe the circumstances of fallout are not quite the same, but the emotionally expensive lessons are quite similar. What is an inspired woman? An inspired woman is easy to recognize. We are passionate and seek to live life to the fullest. We can be a bit moody; at times, happy and sweet, and other times cranky and tired. We share with people who need us, too often giving our time away. We anticipate problems before they are spoken, and strive to stay strong in troubled times. Inspired women work really hard. We can do surprising, downright amazing things, when pushed. What is success? What scoreboard determines true success? Must we be famous? Rich? Well-credentialed experts? Whether we acknowledge it or not, the way we measure success greatly impacts our lives. As Christian women, our success is inspired from a sense of calling; measured by our loyalty to God in spite of life’s circumstances or outcome. Inspired Women Succeed is a heart song for women; full of faithful, successful women who stepped out. Amazing things happen when women follow their inspiration. For a free download of the first chapter, visit Jo Ann Fore ( is an author, writing coach, certified Life Coach, and coauthor, alongside Diane Cunningham ( of the book, Inspired Women Succeed. She is passionate about making a difference in the lives of other women. Visit Jo Ann at 67

The world is so full of Aa number of things, I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings!" Treasures can be found everywhere you look, and here at "Tatters to Treasures" we will bring you the best of vintage for your wardrobe and home.

National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs

Linda Jones, the artist and creator of Visual Smiles Gallery

Visit National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs and discover 90 Days to Marketing Success! The National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs was born out of a passion to connect women who are ready to create, collaborate, and contribute to changing the world. We gather people and ideas together through online content, tele-courses, individual / group coaching, and retreats. Our desire is to unite under a common goal of helping one another to succeed and thrive in business. We are blessed to share in a common faith in Jesus Christ, and yet know that we might each choose to worship in a different way.

Whimsical and charming artistic gifts for every occasion!

Abundant Comfort and Grace Inspirational Poetry by Connie Arnold


Fall Fun Crossword Puzzle Answer Key by Beth Brubaker

Find the Equation Answer Key by Beth Brubaker Brubaker


The Coffee Pot by Debra Cogger In these days of modern technological conveniences, sometimes it is easy to lose sight of the simple and beautiful things of a time not so very long ago. I am a woman with a penchant for antiques and collectibles, acquired long before the term “vintage” became popular. When I was a child, my lovely mother visited garage sales, antique shops, and one old dusty attic or another, dragging her along and giving her an education. We were adventurers together on the hunt for buried treasure. To this day, I can only recall and possess a few of our wonderful finds, but I can tell you how much fun we had, and how at the end of the day I felt like the treasure. Through the years, after having a family of my own, I realized that this bug was not caught, but in my case, it was genetic. Having received the “junk gene,” I have continued happily forward doing what I was born and reared to do, dragging my children to garage sales, antique shops, thrift stores, and one dusty old attic or basement to another. The other day on one of my excursions, I came across an old coffee pot. This was not the automatic drip kind of coffee pot, but a beautiful white porcelain coffee pot; the pot had a black handle and trim, and a real glass top. It was the kind of coffee pot you put on the stove, then measure the coffee and watch it perk to just the right color. For the bargain price of merely $9.99, I walked out the door of the Salvation Army Thrift Store with a piece of history in my hands. I returned home and washed the pot, placing it in all its gleaming glory on my stove, like a piece of sculpture. Later that night, I went to bed in pure anticipation of actually making my Sunday morning coffee in that beautiful pot.

Sunday morning came along with the paper. I started a pot of coffee and as I sat watching it perk, I was transported back in time like a time traveler on the wings of memory. I was in my grandmother’s kitchen, playing on the floor. I was listening to the coffee perk, smelling the aroma fill the air, of coffee and bacon and eggs made in a cast iron skillet. In the adjacent dining room, my large family gathered around a table that filled the whole room. They were laughing and talking and telling stories. My grandmother was smiling at me saying, “How would you like your coffee this morning?” I was only four, but she let me drink coffee with the big people. In my family, drinking coffee was akin to an Italian family drinking wine or the sharing of champagne in France. Over steaming cups of Joe, days were welcomed, victories celebrated, and stories told. A cup of coffee and a talk could solve a problem, ease a broken heart, and make a friend. An invitation to a neighbor or a stranger provided a welcome gift of time. All of this with the words of welcome, “Come on in and sit down a while! Would you like a cup of coffee? How do you take yours, with cream or sugar or without?” The coffee pot on my grandmother’s stove seemed never to run empty, and just like the love in her home, there was always enough for everyone. I am sure my grandparents’ experienced lean times, but as a child I thought they were the richest people in the world! They were rich; not with money or with possessions, but they had a treasure in family, friends, and happiness. Through a little thing as small as a cup of coffee, my grandmother taught me lessons of life; the cup is always half full; everything tastes better when you share, and there is always room at the table for one more. Hey! Come on in, the coffee’s ready. How do you take yours?


Meet the Ruby for Women Writers Aunt Dots, Master Gardener Aunt Dots has been writing for Ruby for Women since the very beginning. Her love for gardening started early in her life: “I believe I got my love for growing flowers from my mother. She had a large flower garden with annuals and dahlias. I had my first flower garden after I married and we lived in a garden apartment. I planted seeds in a small 4 X 6 plot in front. Then we moved to a house trailer next to my mother where I had annuals.” She now has perennial gardens, rose gardens, grape vines, asparagus, currants, gooseberries, walnut trees, apple trees, and hazelnut trees. In the winter months, Aunt Dots sews, making quilts that she has donated to a Mennonite Relief auction. She has also made hand-made paper and greeting cards with pressed flowers. In her “spare” time, Aunt Dots volunteers two afternoons a week at a nursing home, as well as serving on the mission board at her church and teaching an adult Sunday school class.

Scott Henderson, Vintage Image Crafts Scott is the creator of Vintage Image Crafts, a website where vintage images are the inspiration behind all of the crafts and scrapbooking projects. From the romantic to the whimsical, Victorian and turn-of-the-century illustrations can give your creativity a distinctive touch. These classic illustrations and photographs are rich in color, artistic technique and symbolism. This bygone art captures the essence of life’s highlights - holidays, celebrations and sentiments – vividly. You can find Scott at

Beth Brubaker, Footprints in the Mud and Ask Beth Beth is the “Family Fun” editor here in the Ruby for Women community. She is a mother of two very active kids whose antics are sprinkled liberally in her columns. She has been married for 13 years to her Knight in Shining Armor, and she is delighted to share with us that they still hold hands in public! Her day job is working as a fabric artist, a homemaker, and a writer. Beth will be writing humorous articles about life in general, puzzles, and an advice column that is based on readers’ questions, as well as sharing hints and tips for everyday life that she comes across in her travels between her laundry room, living room, and kitchen. Don’t miss Beth’s columns in every issue of Ruby for Women! You can read more of Beth’s posts on her blog, “Footprints in the Mud” at or email her at

Laura Brandt is the owner of Wentworth County Quiltworks and a child of the King whose one desire is to please the Lord. She quilts and she maintains two blogs, as well as serving as a Moderator at Authorized Version Bible Believers Fellowship forum. She’s also edited books for up-and-coming Christian authors. Visit Laura at her blogs, and, her new quilting website, or the forum at


Lynn Mosher, Devotions Since the year 2000, Lynn Mosher has lived with fibromyalgia and other physical conditions. During this time, the Lord placed the desire in her heart to write for Him. Now, armed with God’s purpose for her life and a new passion, she reaches out to others to encourage and comfort them through her writing, giving God all the glory. She lives with her husband in their empty nest in Kentucky. On occasion, their three offspring, who have flown the coop, come to visit, accompanied by a son-in-law and three granddaughters. Visit Lynn at her blog, Heading Home, at

Carolyn Arnold, Kids’ Craft Editor Carolyn Arnold is a stay-at-home mom. She has been married for fifteen years to Craig and they have five children. Carolyn has written many poems and has recently expanded her writing to novels. She graduated from Indiana University with a degree in Elementary Education and holds a current teaching license. Carolyn enjoys doing memory crafts with her children, teaching aerobics at the YMCA, tending her family’s ducks and chickens, swimming, and reading.

Carol Mokry

“Jesus found me 37 years ago and we have been walking together ever since. He has been my help, hope and strength as I have walked through dark miles of trials and adversity. First and foremost I am a woman called to follow Jesus Christ. I am a wife, a mother, a grandmother, and a credentialed minister with the Assemblies of God. It is my relationship with God that has made me who I am today. In all these things I can say if God is for me who can be against me, I am more than a conqueror in Him who loves me!”

Heide Louise Wright, Poetry God has been such a rock for me throughout my life. I suffered with anorexia for 10 years and only He and He alone can take credit for my recovery. He walked me through it step by step and now I know without a doubt He wants me to share my story with the world and help others overcome as well.

Katherine Corrigan, Recipes and Crafts Hello, my name is Katherine. I am an open minded and spiritual person who strives to always maintain a positive attitude and greet each new day with grace, dignity and gratitude. I’m honored to meet you and to call you friend! I am originally from England and now living in the US. I have had the privilege of living in, and visiting, several different countries throughout my lifetime. I hold a rare dual citizenship with the UK and the USA, and I am a proud citizen of both. I work very hard to create designs for my shops and to provide an entertaining and informative website and blog. I hope you’ll stop by. Hugs, Katherine

Jennifer Cirka, Crochet Patterns and Recipes Jennifer Cirka, the designer behind Jaybird Designs, is never without a hook and some yarn in her hands! This Crochet Guild of America recognized Professional Crochet Designer has a book of her girls’ sweater designs with Leisure Arts and has been featured in major crochet magazines such as Crochet Today, Interweave Crochet, and Crochet World, with more publications coming out each year! 72

Theresa Ceniccola

is The Christian Mompreneur, a Mentor to Moms Who are Running a Business that Supports Faith and Family. She empowers entrepreneurial moms to build profitable businesses with wisdom and grace through the Christian Mompreneur Mastermind program and her professional Marketing services, which include copywriting, marketing and strategy consulting and private coaching. The Christian Mompreneur monthly ezine offers inspiration and support for the faith-filled business journey. If you are ready to go the distance in your business while remaining true to your values, sign up for a F.R.E.E. subscription at

Kristin Bridgman I’ve been married to a very sweet, patient, loving man for 29 years. I’ve been a mom to two sons I love with all my heart for 22 years. I’ve been a born again Christian loving the Lord for 36 years. I homeschooled for 14 years. I’m just an ordinary woman who lives for an extraordinary God.

Yvonne Anderson, The Doctor’s Innsite

I have been called to teach. It

is one of the five-fold ministry gifts with Jesus as the Master Teacher. For a while, I had forgotten that teaching is a ministry. God allowed me to take some time off to regain my focus. I know today that teaching is my ministry and that I am called, anointed, and appointed to this field to further His Kingdom.

Connie Arnold, Poetry

Connie Arnold lives in North Carolina, is married and has two children and three grandchildren. In coping with lupus, fibromyalgia and other difficulties, she has turned to the Lord for inspiration and offers her inspirational poetry to offer encouragement, comfort and hope to others who are suffering. She is the author of Beautiful Moments of Joy and Peace, Abiding Hope and Love, and Abundant Comfort and Grace plus a new 2012 inspirational calendar, Glimpses of Grace. She also writes for children and is the author of Animal Sound Mix-up and has two other children’s books under contract. You can visit Connie at or her blog,

Sheila Watson, Kraklow, Guest Writer, DoveQuill Publishers Sheila is the author of several books, including “Nana’s Great BIG Storybook,” and “A Mission for Leedle Burro,” as well as a cookbook filled with her “sassy recipe” articles. Sheila is also the owner of DoveQuill Publishing Company.

Deborah McCarragher, Devotional Contributor Deborah is the author of a Christian inspirational book for women titled “Mission Possible”. The book addresses living in a spiritually-uneven household. You can visit her website at for more information about her book.


Amy Lignor, The Write Companion Amy Lignor is the founder of Write Companion. Her blog touches on various subjects important to the industry like the power of social networking for authors, the world of self-publishing and how it’s starting to make the normal way of doing business obsolete, as well as subjects dealing with the art of writing, film, books, the classics, daily life, etc. that will hopefully inspire authors while adding a laugh or two to their day.

Carin LeRoy, wife to Dale and mother of three grown children and one almost-grown teenager, has been a missionary with Pioneers since 1982. Initially, she and her husband served in the jungles of Papua New Guinea doing church planting for 12 years among an unreached tribe. Now she works part-time as a missionary mobilizer helping to send young adults on short term trips overseas to experience cross-cultural ministry with an experienced Pioneers team. She also teaches piano, loves being a homemaker, and using her creative gifts. Her passions are family, missions, piano and writing to challenge others to live faithful lives for God. They also have five wonderful grandchildren.

Pauline Creeden is a homeschooling mother to one bright boy. Her job as a horse trainer and instructor provides opportunities for her work with “teens” of all ages and types, even the ones old enough to be her mother. She lives in the “Colonial Triangle” of Virginia, America’s birthplace, with her husband, son, two dogs, five cats, and sixteen horses.

Angela Blake Morris, Chronicles of Three Christian Moms I am a fairly new Christian led to Christ by a friend and my daughter’s insistence that we go to church. That began a journey for me that has been awesome and inspiring. I now have my own blog page where we seek to lift up stay-at-home moms and homeschooling families.

Kausar Iqbal, East World Market and CD Crafts East World Market actively supports arts and crafts in Pakistan. We market creative products by underprivileged women internationally, and help them to become self-sufficient. The artisans on our team come from many small cities across the nation and are trained in a broad range of crafts. By channeling their talents, these artisans have managed to make a viable living for themselves, and have grown in their respective specializations. Now, EWM aims to showcase them actively in the American and international markets.

Thomas B. Clarke, “A Garden of Love” I am the caretaker of the Gethsemane Prayer Garden in Syracuse, NY, and an author/publisher of Christian books. Both gardening and writing are parttime jobs for me, but they are my heartfelt passion: to help others experience Jesus Christ in a more personal way and to grow in love.


Keith Wallis, Poetry Keith Wallis is an English poet with decades of experience from the era of the “small press” to the era of “the web.” He’s been on this planet since 1949 when, by a strange manipulation of the universe, he arrived early and halfcooked. He is a husband, a father, and grandfather. His first chapbook of poems, “Wordsculptures,” owes its title to him being called a “Wordsculptor” by a colleague thirty years ago, and the name just stuck. His occupation is in engineering design, but he sees poetry as a “gifting” and works hard to keep it in shape. Relaxation comes via dabbling in artwork and photo manipulation. He is currently a moderator at His particular interest is the use of the language of poetry within a worship environment – church (where he is on the leadership team) is getting used to being “experimented” on when he leads services! www.wordbrief.blogspotcom

Amanda Johnson, Assistant Editor Amanda has been writing for Ruby for Women for the past six months, and she has been a free-lance writer for several years, beginning her writing career as a young teen-ager. She also works for Love Unveiled, a ministry to women in undeveloped countries around the world. Amanda brings experience as well as a passion for ministry to the work of Ruby for Women, and she has a heart for reaching out and touching the hearts and lives of women everywhere. Amanda will be working with all of our writers on their submissions, as well as assisting in keeping the Ruby for Women blog and website up-to-date with new information daily.

Nina Newton, Sr. Editor When all of my four older children were in school, I returned to college as a “non-traditional student.” Eventually, I earned degrees in Classics and Philosophy, and a graduate degree in Medieval Studies: History of Theology. After teaching at a small community college in Michigan for seven years, my husband and I were blessed with the adoption of our two beautiful daughters, Gracie and Annie. Gracie is 10 years old and Annie is 8. They were both born in China, and we were able to travel to China two times to bring our daughters home. We live in northern Indiana in a small farming community where I work from my home office. For the past six years I have been designing and creating children’s clothing and various crafts. I began writing ebook patterns for my designs in 2007, and have several patterns available for sale on You Can Make This at I have also been a free-lance writer for many years, writing for two local newspapers when we lived in Michigan. My personal blog is at where I frequently post tutorials and patterns for crafts and other sewing projects, as well as weekly reflections on life as a woman, wife, mother, and daughter of the King.

We hope you have enjoyed this issue of the Ruby for Women ezine. Please write to us and share your ideas, your recipes and crafts, your poetry and stories, so that we can share them with all of our wonderful readers here at Ruby for Women. And please visit our community and join us at 75

Credits and Copyrights All stories and articles are copyright by the authors. All pictures and images are copyright by the authors and / or have been purchased, used by permission or are in the public domain. If any pictures or images have been used inadvertently, and they do not belong in this publication, please email us and we will immediately remove them. Nothing in this issue of Ruby for Women may be reproduced, copied, or shared without the permission of the author. Advertising information is available at Questions? Email Nina @ or Amanda @ Ruby for Women is published by All submission inquiries should be directed to Nina Newton, Sr. Editor Ruby for Women or Amanda Johnson, Assistant Editor

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Graphic design by Jorim Web Design and Creative Consultant, Katherine Corrigan of Made It For You Special thanks to Kathy Miranda for sponsoring the Pampering for a Purpose fundraiser. Please visit our community website at to see how you can help support the ministry of Ruby for Women. Special thanks to Scott and Martin of Vintage Image Craft for sharing their amazing craft ideas with the Ruby for Women community! The new Ruby for Women banner was created by Katherine Corrigan of Made It For You at


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