Ruby for Women, July, 2011

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Ruby for Women A voice for every Christian woman Celebrate America’s Birthday with Summer Recipes from the Kitchen of Ruby for Women

Make this sweet patriotic headband

Romancing the Vintage Soul

Special Summer Celebration Issue!

Betsy Ross: A True American Seamstress

Make these adorable Busy Bumblebees to decorate your next batch of cupcakes

July Book Give-Away!

“Her worth is far above rubies . . . .” Proverbs 31:10

Paper Doll Party Creative Challenge from Vintage Image Craft

Staff Writers Ruby for Women

In This Issue . . . Page



I Don’t Know About You . . . Nina Newton, Sr. Editor


Celebrate Freedom! Amanda Johnson


Make Your Own Patriotic Headband Page 5 Jennifer Cirka


Independence Day – Freedom is Yours! Deborah McCarragher


What to do when there’s no A.C. Beth Brubaker

Beth Brubaker, Family Fun Editor


Make a Batch of Mini Fritattas Katherine Corrigan

Dorothy Kurchak Homer, Gardening



Nina Newton, Sr. Editor Amanda Johnson, Assistant Editor Katherine Corrigan, Graphic Designer and Creative Assistant Lynn Mosher, Devotions Keith Wallis, Poetry

Laura Brandt, Quilting

Heide Louise Wright 12

Beyond the Border Keith Wallis


My July Carol Mokry


Double Take – Book Review Loni Froelich VanderStel


Shampoo Alert! Carolyn Arnold


Paper Doll Party Creative Challenge Vintage Image Craft


Summertime Grilling Advice Kausar Iqbal


Romancing the Vintage Soul Jackie McMullen


Betsy Ross – a True American Seamstress Vintage Mama

Jennifer Cirka, Crochet & Cooking Carolyn Arnold, Kids Crafts

Summer is the perfect time to redecorate your little corner of cyberspace!

Let Katie help you update your blog and online shop to reflect your personality! It's easy and customized just for you at

Page 15

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Page 18


Make a 5-Pointed Star with Just One Snip!


Busy Bumblebee Cupcakes Katherine Corrigan


Angel Wings Friends Musing Mom


Orange You Glad Give-Away Katherine Corrigan


Let’s Make a Bible Block Quilt Laura Brandt


Direction Amanda Johnson

Page 23


Guest Authors and Contributors

Page 29

Footprints in the Mud Beth Brubaker


Love from the Prayer Garden: Peace Thomas B. Clarke


All About Me! Hidden Phrase Word Puzzle Beth Brubaker

Deborah McCarragher Scott Henderson, Vintage Image Craft Connie Arnold, Poetry Sheila Watson Kraklow Heide Louise Wright, Poetry Carol Mokry Thomas B. Clarke Theresa Ceniccola Laura Brandt



Down the Lane Word Puzzle Beth Brubaker


Fourth of July Flag Cake Lynda T.


Sweet Little Pincushions Vintage Mama


Ely Cathedral, 2006 Keith Wallis Page 29 Catching Bubbles Keith Wallis

Amy Lignor

Page 29

Jackie McMullen


Loni VanderStel


Independence Day: Should it be Renamed? Lynn Mosher


Meatless Monday: Tomato Pie Katherine Corrigan


“Live Like You Were Dying” Amy Lignor

Sew Endless


July in the Prayer Garden Thomas B. Clarke

Specializing in handmade bags for women and children


Featured Ruby Shopkeeper: Jeannie Pallett


Christian Mompreneur Theresa Ceniccola


July Book Give-Away: “Inspired Design”


Cinnamon Brown Sugar Walnut Pie Kausar Iqbal


Featured Ruby Shopkeeper: Cathie Garnier



Page 39

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Keith Wallis 50

Everything Waits Keith Wallis


Inspired Women Succeed Jo Ann Fore


Word Puzzle Answer Keys


Meet the Ruby for Women Writers


Credits and Copyrights

Page 53


I Don’t Know About You . . . by Nina Newton, Sr. Editor If you’ve ever traveled to other countries, I’m sure it has occurred to you just how fortunate we are to live in America. Now, that is not a statement of arrogance or false pride . . . it is simply an observation. I have only traveled to a few other countries, and as a “country girl,” haven’t even traveled to very many of the larger metropolitan areas of our own country. It is not difficult, however, at least to be aware of all of the poverty, despair, hopelessness, and violence that abound all around the world, even here in America. In an age of instant information, we are so frequently bombarded with images of violence and tragedy, that it is easy to become complacent. Having witnessed first-hand a bit of the devastation and despair that is a daily part of life for many people around the world, it certainly seems to me that, of all the places I could possibly live, America is by far the best place of all!

In America, we at least have opportunities to create our own destiny. Having grown up in a small, rural community in mid-Michigan, it never occurred to me that we were “poor.” I didn’t realize just how little we really had in the way of material possessions until I went away to college and met other students from wealthy families. It was overwhelming, at times, to realize what it must have been like to grow up having a huge, gorgeous house, beautiful clothing, and parents who drove expensive cars. That was a lesson in economics!

My observations about America do not come from a position of wealth and privilege. I worked for a few years for our country court system where I was the Education Director for a program for people who had been incarcerated to complete their education. During those years I worked with students who were third-generation drug addicts; I worked with a young couple who had lost their children as a result of an explosion in their little hovel of a home while they were cooking Meth. Some of my students were in their mid-forties and fifties, and all they had known was a life of hopelessness and violence. One of my students eventually took his own life because of the abuse he was experiencing, and he didn’t tell anyone about it until it was too late. For me, there is no wistful, unrealistic vision of America as a place that is perfect and everyone is happy, healthy, and safe. This is a country filled with ordinary people, but because of our history, we have opportunities to accomplish extraordinary things. I pray that we do not lose those opportunities because we choose to look the other way, or because we only focus on the imperfections we see all around us. I don’t know about you . . . . but I believe America is still the best country on earth. God has blessed this country, in spite of our failures and mistakes, because our foundation is built on truth. This Independence Day, I choose to thank God for the opportunity to live in a country where I am free to live my life according to the beliefs that I hold.

God bless America!


Celebrate Freedom! Assistant Editor Ruby for Women Happy July! We are officially in the midst of summer and boy is it hot out there! I hope all of you are finding ways to stay cool this summer. If you need some helpful hints, just swing on over to our “Ask Beth” column with Beth Brubaker. She’s listed all kinds of tips for keeping cool this summer even if you don’t have air conditioning! Thank you Beth! This month we’re celebrating our freedom here in the United States. Independence Day, the 4th of July as we call it, is a time of family, fun, outdoor activities, fireworks, and lots of food! Ruby for Women is packed with all kinds of ideas on how to celebrate all month long. But it’s not just our freedom as a country that we’re celebrating; it’s also a time to celebrate our freedom in Christ. This freedom no man can take away from us or even threaten to still. Jesus tells us in John 10:28-29, “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.” Now that’s everlasting freedom and security!

No matter how or when you celebrate this 4th of July, join with us in taking a moment to rejoice in our eternal freedom in Christ! As you enjoy the pages of Ruby for Women’s July Issue, please take time to lift up our dear “Aunt Dots” (Dorothy Homer) and her family on the recent death of her son. We all enjoy the lighthearted humor and delight of Aunt Dots as she shares her summer gardening tips and describes the beautiful bounty the Lord is springing up in her gardens. We are mourning with you, Dorothy, and lifting you up in prayer during this time. You are in our thoughts and our heart. May God comfort and keep you wrapped in His loving arms of peace! (If you would like to send a word of encouragement to Dorothy, please e-mail and we’ll forward your message to her.) Blessings and safe-keeping this summer, Ruby friends!

~~ Amanda

Inspirational Poetry of Joy and Peace by Connie Arnold 4

Celebrate America! Make Your Own Patriotic Headband by Jennifer Cirka Jaybird Designs You can make this sweet patriotic headband to celebrate our nation’s birthday with this crochet tutorial, created by Jennifer Cirka, of Jaybird Designs.

Materials ~ Color A - Red Heart Soft Yarn (100% Acrylic, 256 yards/140g) Color 5142 Cherry Red ~ Color B - Red Heart Soft Yarn (100% Acrylic, 256 yards/140g) Color 4600 White ~ Color C - Red Heart Soft Yarn (100% Acrylic, 256 yards/140g) Color 4604 Navy ~ US H/8 (5MM) crochet hook ~ Yarn needle

Skill Level Intermediate

Stitches Used Chain (ch), Slip Stitch (Sl St), Single Crochet (sc), Half-Double Crochet (hdc), and Double Crochet (dc). Working in Rows and Rounds.

Finished Size 17 inches x 2.5 inches (not including ties)

Gauge In Stripe Pattern 13hdc = 4” 5 rows = 2”

PatternPattern-Stripes Row 1: With A,Ch 36; hdc in second ch from hook and each ch across. Change to Color B at end of row. (35 hdc) Row 2: Ch 1; turn. Hdc in each st across. Change to Color A at end of row. (35 hdc) Rows 3: Ch 1; turn. Hdc in each st across. Change to Color B at end of row. (35 hdc) Row 4-7: Repeat rows 2 & 3. Finish off at end of row 7.


Pattern - Blue Section & First Tie Row 1: With C, evenly place 10 sc along edge of stripes. (10 sc) Row 2-16: Ch 1; turn. Sc in first st, dc in next. [sc in next st, dc in next] 4 times. (5 sc, 5 dc) Row 17: Ch 1; turn. Sc in each st across. (10 sc) Row 18: Ch 3(counts as first dc), turn. Sk 2 sts, dc in next st, ch 2, sk 2 sts, dc in next st. Sk 2 sts, dc in last st. (4 dc, 1 ch-2 sp) Row 19: Ch 2, turn. Dc in turning ch. Ch, sl st in second ch from hook and each ch. Sl st to turning ch. Finish off, weave in ends.

Pattern - Second Tie With A and working along unused edge of stripe, evenly place sc. Repeat rows 18 & 19 from other side tie.

Pattern - Star Round 1: With B, ch 4 and sl st to first ch to make a loop. [3 sc, ch 1] 5 times in loop. Join with a sl st to first sc. (15 sc, 5 ch-1 sps] Round 2: Ch 1; do not turn. [Ch 4, sc in second ch from hook. Hdc in next ch, dc in last ch, sl st to next ch-1 sp] 5 times. Finish off and weave in ends.

Finishing Sew star onto blue section of headband.

Discovery House Publishers Feeding the Soul with the Word of God

Visit Discovery House Publishers at 6

Independence Day – Freedom is Yours! by Deborah McCarragher Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July, is a celebrated federal holiday commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. On July 2, 1776, legal separation of the American colonies from the Kingdom of Great Britain occurred, declaring freedom from their tyrannical rule. Afterwards, the Second Continental Congress debated and revised the Declaration, finally approving it on July 4th. Independence Day is commonly associated with fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals, fairs, picnics, concerts, baseball games, political speeches, ceremonies, and various other public and private events celebrating the United States of America’s history, government, and traditions. In the 1996 science fiction film, “Independence Day”, starring Will Smith & Jeff Goldblum, a hostile alien force invades earth. The doomsday film holds the record for one of the highest worldwide grossing films of alltime, and was at the forefront of the large-scale disaster film and science fiction resurgences of the mid-to-late-1990s.

Good news! We (God’s children) win in the end! God’s Word declares victory in Christ over every evil on Judgment Day. He has bought us with His precious blood and guaranteed our eternal liberation from death and destruction. Jesus is our Independence Day – now and forever. Galatians 5:1 - Three Translations It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. (NIV) Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. (KJV) It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery. (NAS) Scriptures on freedom and liberty: Speaking to the Jewish believers, Jesus said, “Therefore, if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed “ (John 8:36).

Being attacked ruthlessly by an unknown assailant brought out the best in earth’s defenses, as the movie’s heroes led the attack in rather unconventional ways. Of course, the earth (good guys) won in the end.

“[Jesus] Himself will proclaim liberty to the captives, and open the prison [doors] to those who are bound” (Isaiah 61:1).

The earth is also under attack from a hideous enemy whose only mission is to “steal, kill, and destroy” (John 10:10). Our Hero, Jesus, has already prevailed against this formidable foe. He has secured our freedom by His great sacrifice, that we might be released from death’s grip. Our Hero has overcome death, hell and the grave.

James states in Chapter 1 verse 25, “but he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.”

“The Lord will let the oppressed go free, and break every yoke” (Isaiah 58:6).


“Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” (II Corinthians 3:17). We are free to be “re-made” – changed into a new creature in Christ.

Deborah is the author of a Christian non-fiction book titled “Mission Possible”. It is written for women who love the Lord Jesus, but their spouse doesn’t share their passion.

“For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God” (Romans 8:20-21).

It will encourage and challenge the reader to embrace God’s promises for their spouse and future together.

Send Out Cards with Danie K. Bell When was the last time you sent an unexpected card at an unexpected time to someone you care about? Do you think it would make a difference? Do you remember people's birthdays and other special occasions? With this incredible tool, not only can you remember people and share appreciation, you can motivate, uplift, encourage and truly make a difference! Visit Danie for more ideas and learn how you can

Send Out Cards!


Ask Beth What to Do When There’s No AC! by Beth Brubaker The temperature is climbing, and as you gaze out the window, you can actually see the rippling winds blowing over the savanna of the uncut grass. Sweat beads are forming on your forehead, stinging your eyes, and no amount of blowing the dripping hair out of your eyes seems to help. You wend your weary way over to the AC unit, only to find it is no longer going to serve your needs - and you can't afford a new one. What are you going to do now? First off, don't panic. Panic just makes you sweat more. No one likes to bake in their homes, but you can only go unclothed so long before it becomes illegal, or you die of heat stroke. I for one hate high temperatures, and have found ways of dealing with it without using air-conditioning. 1. Open windows wide at night, crack them during the morning, open mid-day. Letting the cooler air in during the evening will allow the entire house to cool down. Leave them cracked open or shut entirely when you wake up, so the hotter air outside won't come in as fast, keeping the house cooler longer. When the house begins to feel too hot however, open those windows! The idea is to keep the cooler air inside - and once the air almost matches the outside air, you'll need to keep the air moving by keeping the windows opened at least half-way. 2. Use ceiling fans and window fans. They keep the air circulating in the house, making even hot air feel a little cooler. Use them on low during the day, and medium at night to bring in cooler air. If you have a big fan in the attic, use it to pull in air overnight throughout the house by leaving the farthest first-floor window open wide, and the other windows cracked a few inches. This causes a current of air to sweep throughout the entire house. 3. Condensation is your friend. Get a clean, unused spray bottle and fill it up with cold water. (you can find spray bottles in any dollar store) - Don't use bottles that have had cleaning spray in them, even if you rinse them out! There may still be residues that would react badly when in contact with your skin. If you like things really cold, place it in the refrigerator, but cold tap water usually does the trick. Whenever you feel hot, spray the water lightly over any exposed skin and sit under the ceiling fan for a few minutes. This will help you to stay cooler, because it works just like sweat - only not as sticky feeling. 4. Take cold showers. When you get too hot, get in the shower and set it to the coldest temperature you can stand. Keep your head under the spray as much as possible; that's where most of your body heat goes. When you can tolerate the cold water, set it cooler and cooler every few minutes until you reach the coldest setting. Get out, pat yourself dry, and air dry under a fan in your bedroom. This is also a great way to cool down right before going to bed. Otherwise, dress lightly and bind up your hair as high as possible, while it's still wet. When your hair dries, stick your head under the bathtub faucet on cold and let it run over your scalp to refresh yourself. Don't pat it dry though let it trickle down over your shirt to wet it and keep you cool. 9

5. Dampen your clothing. If I need to do housework, I usually wet my hair and shirt before starting. The fabric moves about my skin cooling it as I move, and I only need a few sprays with the bottle to keep the shirt and my skin cool. 6. Go somewhere shady. Homes tend to keep in heat, so even if the day is hot, it's usually a lot cooler under the trees. Douse yourself with water if there's a good breeze blowing, and take a jug of water with you to keep you hydrated. Find a nice spot in the dense shade of the trees (we usually go to a park for this), sit, and do something quiet, like write, read a book, or watch the local wildlife. 7. Go to a place with air conditioning or a pool. When the heat gets too much for all the other tricks, find a place to go visit during the hottest part of the day. A relative, or the mall, any place where the air is cooler will help! Take a book you've been meaning to read to the mall or take your time perusing the stores while doing a little window shopping (or do some actual shopping!) just as long as the sun is at its highest point. Go swimming at the local public pool, or visit a friend and take a dip there - or take over some lunch to enjoy in the air conditioning! 8. Don't cook. Using the oven (even at nighttime) can just make things worse, so plan meals accordingly. Salads and sandwiches, BBQ or even homemade meals heated in the microwave are preferable compared to cooking with a hot stovetop or oven! Have cold things for snacks too, like fruit salad or ice cream - anything that cools you down on the inside can surely make you feel cooler on the outside! Do you have a question for Beth? Please contact me at with the words 'Ask Beth' in the subject line. I would love to hear from you!

A River of Small Stones by Keith Wallis Available at

Poems written as “small stones,� polished moments of paying proper attention to life. 10

From the Kitchen of Katherine’s Corner Mini Frittatas What You Need: 6 eggs ½ cup milk ¼ tsp salt ¼ tsp pepper 1 cup cheddar cheese, shredded ¾ cup zucchini (chopped) ¼ cup red bell pepper (chopped) 2 Tbsp Bermuda onion (chopped) 2 – 12 count mini muffin tins, or one 12 count regular muffin tin Non-stick cooking spray Whisk Large mixing bowl Before You Start: Preheat oven to 350 degrees and spray muffin tins with non-stick cooking spray. Let’s Make It! In a large bowl combine eggs, milk, salt, and pepper and whisk until well blended. Add the cheese, zucchini, bell pepper, and onion and mix well to combine all ingredients. Pour or use a spoon to fill muffin cups. Bake until just set, 20 – 22 minutes. COOL on rack for 5 minutes. REMOVE from cups; serve warm. Katie’s Tid-Bits: You can make these frittatas the night before and then re-warm in the microwave for a breakfast on the go!

Ruby Pearls for June, 2011 by Beth Brubaker Ruby Pearls - July 2011 July 3rd is Compliment Your Mirror Day! Take a good look at what God made and smile- and don't forget to tell yourself something nice! July 4th is Independence Day! Enjoy a safe holiday with family and friends. Remember to thank God and our brave soldiers for Freedom and Independence! July 23rd (the fourth Sunday in July) is National Parents Day! Take time out to visit, call or write to your parents just to say I love you! 11


Beyond the Border by Keith Wallis

You are my light into the world, the salt of the earth, the daughter I created, whom I chose even before your birth. I love to watch you worship, I have faith in your every step, I delight in seeing you prosper, and bless your path and good intent. Forget your former hurting; release your pain and needs. Lift them up in sacrifice, and bless those who despise your pleas. As you hold out the Word of Life, like the stars in the universe; you shine. For it is I who works within you, I have summoned you by name; you are mine. Know the hope in which I have called you; allow it to blossom each and every day. Let your eyes look straight ahead; allow my Spirit to minister as you seek and pray. For I shall guide you in the way of wisdom, I shall lead you in the right direction. Hold onto my Word; do not let it go. Read it daily; for this is our connection. © Heide Louise (Wright) Discover more works by Heide online at

The border of this country is the closing of the eyes, the passport the opening of the heart. The perimeter walls are thick with love in this citadel of hope, where bright-light air is filled with wonder without shade nor shadow. I belong here, though I have never been, for ‘here’ comes to me with flung wide arms in Good Friday parody, its warm-welcoming smile greets my prodigal return. And as I shed the grime of seeing, as life’s disease loses its grip and faith’s blind truth speaks unbetrayal, the sound of eternity offers its salutation. This Kingdom of God is the province of uncurtained care, the embracing moments that harbour toil-tossed lives and balm the hurts and loss. There is no ‘tomorrow’ here, no waiting room or list nor the stagnant moment before a kiss. Here ‘this instant’ is all there ever needs to be and you, and I, and all that ever was, will harmonise with all that will ever be. The cavernous void surrounding the kingdom, between my King and I, is accessed by the suspension-bridge of the Christ. 12

My July by Carol Mokry

The “J” in my July follows June. It tells me its time to celebrate the joy of Independence Day and jostle times for picnics, parades, and fireworks. If I am fortunate, I will listen to the jeers of my grandchildren as they jump into the cool, blue water of my swimming pool. On the mid-summer night I will journey to quieter places among the stars and the jabber of Jays in the morning mist will wake me. I will try to jam a year’s worth of warmth into this month to last through the cold of the coming winter. Jesus will find me on the porch swing at sunrise and we will talk of everything from jelly beans to Jupiter. The “U” in my July finds me remembering those in uniform who give everything so I can enjoy the freedom favored in this month. I will busy myself uncovering one man's junk and another man's treasure as I unpack the mess that has accumulated here and there. When the soft rain falls on a hot day I will breathe in the unique scent of the summer. One day I will remember unicorns collected over the years and question some things I don't understand. That same day I will lay a rose in an urn over the grave of my daughter and utter the words, "I love you and miss you." And the One who holds the universe will be there holding my heart. The “L” in my July falls somewhere in the middle and lingers for a short time. The daylight is longer but my month grows shorter and I long for more lazy, hazy days. As luck would have it, the lawn growth has slowed in the dryer days and I find more time to live, laugh, and love. I have learned from my past Julys that warmth doesn't last forever. Soon the leaves will turn and life on this earth will grow cold. But for now balmy evenings and twilight are a lure for the fireflies that make the landscape sparkle and the expanse of constellations look down in starry shapes against a midnight sky. I lift my eyes to my Lord and thank Him for the heavens and the earth in all their vast array. The “Y” in my July finishes my month. I gaze upon my yard and see the red, white and blue has begun to fade, and the fireworks are silent. The celebration of yesterday has said its farewells and withdrawn until next year. The Yankee Doodle dandy of a month has come to an end. A yawn overtakes me and I feel a sudden yearning in my heart to be young once again. Yet, a few yellow birds alight on the feeder and I hear the “yodelayheehoo” of their triumphant exclamation. Their spirited celebration reminds me it is for freedom that Christ has set me free, for the yoke I now carry is easy and the burden light. You can connect with Carol on her personal page in the Ruby for Women community at


Double Take by Melody Carlson Book Review by Loni Froelich VanderStel

Shampoo Alert! submitted by Carolyn Arnold I guess I'm going to have to read those labels more closely . . .

I knew I got this book in the mail several weeks ago to read and review, but it disappeared . . . into my older daughter’s bedroom! ANYTHING by Melody Carlson, and my older teenage daughters want to read it! My daughter told me I had to read it, too . . . that it’s an excellent book, and so over the past 24 hours, I’ve been quickly reading it. It was easy to read fast since it is a good, capturing book!

As I was conditioning my hair in the shower this morning, I took time to read my shampoo bottle. I am in shock!

Double Take by Melody Carlson is the delightful tale of two 17-year-old girls who appear to look alike, who discover each other in a bathroom, and are both dissatisfied with their lives. They decide to change their clothes and temporarily live each other’s lives. The unique twist to this exchange is that one of the girls, Anna, is Amish and the other girl, Madison, comes from a very rich home, with maids who do all the work.

Now I understand why I am so "full-figured"!

The shampoo I use in the shower (that runs down my entire body!!!) says "for extra volume and body"! Seriously, why have I not noticed this before?

Tomorrow I am going to start using "Dawn" dish soap. It says right on the label: "dissolves fat that is otherwise difficult to remove." It pays to read the warning labels!

Suddenly she has to learn how to work on an Amish farm and care for a family that just had a new baby. Anna, feeling strange in wearing pants, learns about all the conveniences of life including a cell phone, even thinking it was broken when the battery died, not realizing it had to be recharged. It becomes a learning lesson for both girls. Double Take is a quickreading, entertaining book. I found it a little hard to believe with the exchange, but that’s what fiction is, and it was fun to read. This would make a great beach book or long-drive book to pack in your bag! Reviewed by Loni Froelich VanderStel and reposted from her blog, Writing Canvas, at

Giving the Glory Is there someone in your life who helps others? Do they help you in ways big or small? We are looking for people you know who go out of their way to do good deeds for others! Please share their stories with us - and if you have a picture or two, we'd love to see that as well! Please direct e-mails to Beth Brubaker at with the words 'Giving the Glory' in the subject line. 14

Paper Doll Party! Summer Creative Challenge from Vintage Image Craft July, 2011 You are invited to create a PAPER DOLL inspired craft for the summer, 2011 PAPER DOLL PARTY CRAFT CHALLENGE at Vintage Image Craft. Bring your paper doll idea to life using vintage images from Vintage Image Craft. Submit your craft photo, and you may win a new copy of "Artful Paper Dolls" by the renowned designer and author, Terry Taylor! FREE Victorian vintage images are posted on VIC's Facebook page for you to download between June 14 and July 5. Or you can purchase ready-to-print Image books from our VIC Store. Cut up those images and craft something cute, kitchy or expressive. Through July 22, you can submit your paper doll vintage-inspired craft photo to Vintage Image Craft -- and the challenge is on!! The top three winners will share adulation, international acclaim, and PRIZES! Submit YOUR craft based on a "Paper Doll" theme, and you can win one of THREE WONDERFUL PRIZES!! The submission deadline is July 22. FREE "anatomical" vintage images are available on the VIC Facebook page. Click below to see the prizes, read the guidelines, and join the "Paper Doll" fun! READ THE DETAILS AND SUBMIT YOUR "PAPER DOLL CRAFT at Sterling Publishing and Lark Crafts is sponsoring the Vintage Image Craft Paper Doll Party Creative Challenge. The FIRST PRIZE winner of the creative challenge will receive a new copy of Artful Paper Dolls by Terry Taylor! “These are not the paper dolls of your childhood!” warns the book cover. They are much more – Terry and his designers raise paper dolls to an art form that embraces every crafting technique and style. Remember, you can find FREE vintage images to use for your paper doll project on the Vintage Image Craft Facebook page at!/vintageimagecraft 15

Summertime Grilling Advice from the kitchen of Kausar Iqbal

Rules and Reasons to Grill Rules of grilling: 1. Surface exposed first to fire (i.e. heat is to harden the outside and seal in the juices). The heat is then reduced and food is allowed to cook through. 2. Turn once only. 3. Use two spoons (not a fork or a knife) for turning. 4. Do not puncture the meat as juices and flavor will escape.

There are many advantages of grilling: 1. It is a quick method of cooking. 2. Only best quality of food is used 3. No cooking medium (heavy seasoning) is used, therefore the flavor of food is excellent. 4 Very little preparation is needed. 5 Grilled food is appetizing and attractive in appearance

Grilling Time: 1. A piece of chop one inch thick takes 10 minutes 2. A beef sausage takes 10 minutes 3. A tomatoes take 5minutes 4. A fish (small) will take 2 to 8 minutes

Butter with garlic and herb You can add a different flavor to your butter for morning breakfast or crackers for the evening tea. Here is the recipe of Butter with garlic & herb 2 sticks of butter 2 cloves of garlic 1 tbsp dried Parsley flakes or fresh parsley chopped finely 1/2tsp lemon juice ½ tsp pepper 1/4tsp Salt (if unsalted butter)

Method: Take butter and soften by keeping in room temperature. Once softened, mix mashed garlic (use a fork to make into a fine paste), finely chopped parsley finely, and 1/2tsp of lemon juice into a bowl. Add pepper. Then, mix into butter. Place your herb butter in an airtight container. The butter will last about two months in a refrigerator.


Romancing the Vintage Soul by Jackie McMullen Although Debbie Mangual, owner of Vintage Soul, has not had formal design training, you wouldn't know it from her creations. Debbie was a hair stylist for many years, a form of art in itself, as she was creating what her clients wanted and loved. Determined and dedicated to following her dreams, Debbie began scouting flea markets for pieces to which she could apply her “creative touch.� She began sewing and designing her own line of pillows and bedding after learning from watching her aunt for many years. Selling to local businesses and at flea markets was the beginning of the journey she had dreamed about. "It's a lot of hard work, but I love what I do," says Debbie. Vintage Soul was born about 3 1/2 years ago when Debbie opened her doors, allowing her creative soul to flow even more. Dainty flowers and ruffles adorn her pillows, soft comforters and linens made of fine fabrics, and vintage jewelry in forms of hearts and birds fill every corner of her shop. Necklaces made from vintage watches were one of my favorites. Rusty chairs, chipped pieces of furniture in whites, creams and soft colors are a definite invitation to sit, sip tea and chat with a friend. Slipcovers are soft and comforting . . waiting to envelope as you sit down to relax on the fine pieces of furniture that she offers. Cowgirl boots, jean totes, ruffled purses with handmade flowers hang proudly on rustic cupboard doors. A single delicate rose housed in a vase of water, and vignettes of dinnerware are adorned with roses and fine gold trim. Layers of chipped old architectural salvaged pieces proudly display multiple reflections in front of vintage mirrors so lovingly arranged their owner. The interior of the Vintage Soul shop was totally renovated by Debbie. The walls are covered in tattered and torn rose wallpaper, old tin ceilings with chipped paint, lovely chandeliers, lace and paper roses make looking up feel like you are looking to the shabby chic heavens! The exposed white brick walls are lined with cupboards filled with lace dresses, and vintage prom dresses wait to cuddle you as you enter her store. Visiting Debbie and Vintage Soul is a unique experience which I know anyone would love. I will be venturing there again very soon. Debbie has a way of making you feel at home....the softness of her words flow from her lips just as her creativity flows from her soul, through the walls of her store. Debbie's contact information is Vintage Soul Store, 1020 New York Ave., St., Cloud, FL 34769 (407)791-9847.


Betsy Ross: A True American Seamstress retold by Vintage Mama One year before William Penn founded Philadelphia in 1681, Betsy Ross’s greatgrandfather, Andrew Griscom, a Quaker carpenter, had already emigrated from England to New Jersey. Andrew was successful at his trade. He was also of firm Quaker belief, and he was inspired to move to Philadelphia to become an early participant in Penn’s “holy experiment.” He purchased 495 acres of land in the Spring Garden section north of the city of Philadelphia (the section would later be incorporated as part of the city), and received a plot of land within the city proper. Griscom’s son and grandson both became respected carpenters, as well. Both have their names inscribed on a wall at Carpenters’ Hall in Philadelphia, home of the oldest trade organization in the country. Griscom’s grandson Samuel helped build the bell tower at the Pennsylvania State House (Independence Hall). He married Rebecca James who was a member of a prominent Quaker merchant family. It was not unusual for people in those days to have many children, so it is only somewhat surprising to learn that they had 17! Elizabeth Griscom – also called Betsy, their eighth child and a fourth-generation American, was born on January 1, 1752. Betsy went to a Friends (Quaker) public school. For eight hours a day she was taught reading, writing, and received instruction in a trade – probably sewing. After completing her schooling, Betsy’s father apprenticed her to a local upholsterer. Today we think of upholsterers primarily as sofa-makers and such, but in colonial times they performed all manner of sewing jobs, including flag-making.

It was at her job that Betsy fell in love with another apprentice, John Ross, who was the son of an Episcopal assistant rector at Christ Church. Quakers frowned on inter-denominational marriages. The penalty for such unions was severe – the guilty party being “read out” of the Quaker meeting house. Getting “read out” meant being cut off emotionally and economically from both family and meeting house. One’s entire history and community would be instantly dissolved. On a November night in 1773, 21-year-old Betsy eloped with John Ross. They ferried across the Delaware River to Hugg’s Tavern, and were married in New Jersey. Her wedding caused an irrevocable split from her family. (It is an interesting parallel to note that on their wedding certificated is the name of New Jersey’s Governor, William Franklin, Benjamin Franklin’s son. Three years later William would have an irrevocable split with his father because he was a Loyalist against the cause of the Revolution). Less than two years after their nuptials, the couple started their own upholstery business. Their decision was a bold one as competition was tough and they could not count on Betsy’s Quaker circle for business. As she was “read out” of the Quaker community, on Sundays one could now find Betsy at Christ Church sitting in pew 12 with her husband. Some Sundays would find George Washington, American’s new Commander in Chief, sitting in an adjacent pew. 18

War Comes to Philadelphia In January 1776, a disaffected British agitator living in Philadelphia for only a short while published a pamphlet that would have a profound impact on the Colonials. Tom Paine (“These are the times that try men’s souls”) wrote Common Sense which would swell rebellious hearts and sell 120,000 copies in three months; 500,000 copies before war’s end. However, the city was fractured in its loyalties. Many still felt themselves to be citizens of Britain. Others were ardent revolutionaries heeding a call to arms. Betsy and John Ross keenly felt the impact of the war. Fabrics needed for business were becoming hard to come by. Business was slow. John joined the Pennsylvania militia. While guarding an ammunition cache in mid-January, 1776, John Ross was mortally wounded in an explosion. Though his young wife tried to nurse him back to health, he died on the 21st and was buried in Christ Church cemetery. In late my or early June of 1776, according to Betsy’s telling, she had that fateful meeting with the Committee of Three: George Washington, George Ross, and Robert Morris, which led to the sewing of the first flag.

Much suffering and loss of life would result however, before the United States would completely sever ties with Britain, and in addition to her contribution of sewing the first flag for the United States of America, she also wove cloth pouches which were used to hold gunpowder for the Continentals. On June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress, seeking to promote national pride and unity, adopted the national flag. “Resolved: that the flag of the United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.” After becoming widowed, Betsy returned to the Quaker fold, in a way. Quakers were pacifists and forbidden from bearing arms. This led to a schism I their ranks. When Free, or Fighting Quakers – who supported the war effort – banded together, Betsy joined them. (The Free Quaker Meeting House, which still stands a few blocks from the Betsy Ross House, was built in 1783, after the war was over). Betsy would be married again in June, 1777, this time to sea captain Joseph Ashburn in a ceremony performed at Old Swedes Church in Philadelphia.

She finished the flag either in late May or early June, 1776. In July, the Declaration of Independence was read aloud for the first time at Independence Hall. Amid celebration, bells throughout the city tolled, heralding the birth of a new nation.

During the winter of 1777, Betsy’s home was forcibly shared with British soldiers whose army occupied Philadelphia. Meanwhile, the Continental Army was suffering that most historic winter at Valley forge.


After the War Betsy learned of her husband’s death from her old friend, John Claypoole, another sailor imprisoned at the brutal Old Mill. In May of 1783, Betsy was married for the third time, the ceremony performed at Christ Church. Her new husband was none other than her old friend John Claypoole. Betsy convinced her new husband to abandon the life of the sea and find “land-lubbing” employment. Claypoole initially worked in her upholstery business, and then at the U.S. Customs House in Philadelphia. The couple had five daughters: Clarissa Sidney, Susannah, Rachel, Jane, and Harriet, who died at nine months of age. After the birth of their second daughter, the family moved to bigger quarters on Second Street in what was then Philadelphia’s Mercantile District. Claypoole passed on in 1817 after years of ill health and Betsy never remarried. She continued working until 1827, bringing many of her immediate family into the business with her. After retiring, she went to live with her married daughter Susannah Satterthwaite in the then-remote suburb of Abington, PA, to the north of Philadelphia. In 1834, there were only two Free Quakers still attending the Meeting House. It was agreed by Betsy and Samuel Wetherill’s son, John Price Wetherill, that the usefulness of their beloved Meeting House had come to an end. At that last meeting, Betsy watched as the door was locked, symbolizing the end of an era. Betsy died on January 30, 1836, at the age of 84.

More about Betsy Ross and the First American Flag

Betsy would often tell her children, grandchildren, relatives, and friends of the fateful day when three members of a secret committee from the Continental Congress came to call upon her. Those representatives, George Washington, Robert Morris, and George Ross, asked her to sew the first flag. This meeting occurred in her home some time late in May, 1776. George Washington was then the head of the Continental Army. Robert Morris, an owner of vast amounts of land, was perhaps the wealthiest citizen in the Colonies. Colonel George Ross was a respected Philadelphian and also the uncle of her late husband, John Ross. Naturally, Betsy Ross already knew George Ross as she had married his nephew. Furthermore, Betsy was also acquainted with the great General Washington. Not only did they both worship at Christ Church in Philadelphia, but Betsy’s pew was next to George and Martha Washington’s pew. Her daughter recalled, “That she was previously well acquainted with Washington, and that he had often been in her house in friendly visits, as well as on business. She had embroidered ruffles for his shirt bosom and cuffs, and that it was partly owing to his friendship for her that she was chosen to make the flag.” According to Betsy, General Washington showed her a rough design of the flag that included a six-pointed star. Betsy, a standout with scissors, demonstrated how to cut a fivepointed star in a single snip! Impressed, the committee entrusted Betsy with making our first flag. 20

How to Make Betsy Ross’s 5-Pointed Star in One Snip George Washington’s original pencil sketch for the flag indicated 6pointed stars, a form he apparently preferred. Betsy Ross, however, recommended a 5-pointed star. When the committee protested that it was too difficult to make, she took a piece of paper, folded it deftly, and with a single snip of her scissors, produced a symmetrical five-pointed star! This seeming feat of magic so impressed her audience that they readily agreed to her suggestion. Here you will find the secret to creating a 5-pointed star in just one snip. STEP 1: Fold an 8 ½” X 10” (not 8-1/2" x 11") piece of paper in half.

STEP 2: Fold and unfold in half both ways to form creased center lines. (Note: Be sure paper is still folded in half)

STEP 3: Bring corner (1) right to meet the center line. Be sure to fold from the vertical crease line.

STEP 4: Bring corner (1) left till edges coincide, then make the fold.


STEP 5: Bring corner (2) left and fold.

STEP 6: Bring corner (2) right until edges coincide. Then fold.

STEP 7: Bring right edge AC and the left edge AB together, crease, and unfold. Join points A and C, crease, and unfold.

STEP 8: Cut on the angle as shown in the picture (from point C, through the intersection of the fold lines from step 7, to the left edge). Then unfold the small piece.

STEP 9: Marvel at your perfect (we hope!) 5-pointed star! If your star is not perfect, take a fresh piece of paper (8-1/2" x 10" — not 8-1/2" x 11") and return to Step 1. 22

Busy Bumblebee Cupcakes from the Kitchen of Katherine’s Corner Make these adorable little bumblebees to decorate a batch of cupcakes for your next summertime picnic! What You Need: • Tootsie Rolls • Yellow peanut M & Ms • Brown food marker (or frosting pen) • Clear spice drop candies • Wax paper • Rolling pin • Plate Let’s make a bumblebee! Place a piece of wax paper on a plate and then tear off a piece of a Tootsie Roll and gently roll with your finger on the wax paper covered plate until you create a thin Tootsie Roll string. Wrap two pieces of Tootsie Roll string around a yellow peanut M & M for the body of bee. Draw two dots for eyes using brown foot pen or brown icing pen. To make the wings, roll out clear spice drop candies and cut out a ½ “circle. Cut circle in half and attach half by pressing into the front band of the Tootsie Roll string on the body of the bee. Place on cakes, cupcakes, etc. You can find more fun recipes on Katie’s blog, Katherine’s Corner, at


Angel Wings Friends Musing Mom has created a place where women can support and encourage one another. She wants to dispel the idea that

"Women are afraid to help each other." Are you interested in banding together to support other bloggers and get something in return? To go along with her new theme, being a guardian angel to her children, Musing Mom wants to share her wings with you so YOU can fly!

It’s your life. It’s your family. It’s your dream. Join Musing Mom Media at and find your own Angel Wings 23

Fun, New GiveGive-Away at Katherine’s Corner The Orange You Glad Giveaway! It is time for the new giveaway! This giveaway theme started with an old and well, pretty bad, knock-knock joke: Knock, knock! Who’s there? Banana! Knock, knock! Who’s there? Banana! Knock, knock! Who’s there? Orange! Orange who? Orange you glad I didn’t say banana? What can I say? That’s just how my mind works! So here it is . . .

What you’ll win: * This darling little bird statue ( I bought it around Easter time and set it aside for you to win) * A pair of “orange” polka dot garden gloves * A soft hand towel with orange trim * An orange bracelet (made by yours truly) * A sweet greeting card with a lovely garden theme. It’s blank inside and ready for your sweet words. Visit Katie at "Katherine's Corner" for all the details and enter to win the "Orange You Glad" Give-Away!


Make a Bible Block Quilt with Laura Brandt Hello from Canada and please allow me to introduce myself! My name is Laura and I’m a 42-year-old woman who’s enjoying life more than she ever thought she could! Jesus Christ saved me on November 20, 1997. I'd been searching since I was a teenager; seeds had been planted as early as childhood and at the age of 29, as I listened to Dr. David Jeremiah on the radio in the delivery truck at work, everything finally clicked. I saw my need and accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour - just Him and me, and the radio. The Lord was to use that Christian radio station and the programs on it to spiritually mature me for the next nine and a half years, until I left that job. He also placed me in a Bible-believing, Biblepreaching church in August 1998! Aside from Christian radio, God has used a variety of people in my life to help me along on my spiritual walk. He's used believers, and unbelievers. He's used pastors and missionaries and people of like precious faith in the church. He used my unsaved coworkers. He's used a variety of Christian forums. He's also used Christian books. But mostly, He's raised me by Himself, through His word and His Holy Spirit, and without anyone specific in the role of human mentor. Last year, I became a spiritual teenager and I know that the teenage years of my second birth will be infinitely better than the teenage years of my first birth. Not because of anything I've done, but solely because of Christ, and for His glory, for He alone is worthy. Me, I'm just a sinner saved by His marvelous grace and without Him, I know exactly where I'd be. My life verses are 1 Corinthians 15:57-58 (KJV): But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. About a year ago, I also started quilting: roughly 25 years after I first thought about it! When I was a teenager, before rotary cutters and other gadgetry, I was going to start a project using scissors and sandpaper templates. Considering I can't cut a straight line with scissors to save my life, it seemed too daunting a task. I did make myself a small tied quilt for my bed instead, but it's long gone. I remember hand-sewing it during some pretty hot summer days. I had to; I didn’t have a sewing machine. As yet, it's the only quilt I've completed by hand. I started to take a serious interest in crafts in grade 12 when I did my co-op at The Craft Warehouse: a small, family-run craft store in my hometown. At that time, I did a lot of counted cross-stitch and plastic canvas needlepoint. I stuck primarily with small kits and projects so I could see the progress I was making. I also taught myself basic knitting and crochet.


Into my 20s and 30s, I had a case of carpal tunnel syndrome that became increasingly worse and that put an end to the knitting, crochet, plastic canvas needlepoint and little cross-stitch kits. I didn't do any crafting for quite a number of years. Now that my wrists and arms have gotten better, last year I decided it was time to learn to quilt. I signed up for a six-week beginner course at the local quilt shop (LQS) and had a great time getting ready for it! I finally got a sewing machine (I’d wanted one since I learned to sew on Grandma’s Featherweight when I was a teenager), along with the rotary cutter and cutting mat and 6”x24” ruler..... and over the course of the rest of the year I acquired almost every other ruler and gadget known to quilters! I’ve had so much fun with my quilting that I’m now laying the foundations for my own small business. As yet, my quilting has been a labour of love as I made a baby quilt for my cousin and I’m finishing antique Sunbonnet Sue quilts for other family members. I am also in the process of designing a Bible block quilt to make for a Christian couple’s wedding. Please join me here each month as the Bible Block Wedding Sampler quilt takes shape.

Let’s get started! As a born-again Christian, one project that I want to do is a quilt of Bible blocks. I've looked at books and looked at websites and the first question that came to my mind was "what colours should I use?" Then a light went on: why, colours that are mentioned in the Bible, of course! I’ve looked at two main passages in scripture that mention colour: one in Exodus and one in Revelation. A list of colours includes amber/gold/yellow, blue/indigo, brass/copper/rust, brown, crimson/scarlet, grey, green, purple/violet, red/vermilion, white and black. I don't like black or bright red particularly, and it's hard to find grey fabric, so those colours are the least likely to be used. I love the combinations of blue and yellow and purple and yellow and green matches those colours nicely. Depending on the block design, of course, red may have a place if it's used sparingly. White is often used as a background print. The fun part of planning is knowing that my plans will likely change more than once before something concrete is decided upon! I enjoy the flexibility that quilting offers most of the time - just not when things I thought would look good together turn out to look really, really bad. I now have a design wall, so those sorts of problems should be able to be kept to a minimum. Before I can buy the fabric I'll have to decide on exactly what blocks I want to make, how big the quilt will be and how I want to do the layout. Here are the resources I’ll use as I begin to pick my blocks: The Quilters Album of Patchwork Patterns by Jinny Beyer Quilted Devotions by Lisa Cogar You can find Laura at her blog, Laura’s Thoughts on Scripture, at 26

Direction by Amanda Johnson Assistant Editor, Ruby for Women “In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will…” (Ephesians 1:11) I woke up this morning in need of direction, for my day and for my life. Just the night before I thought I had it all figured out, but realized that I had not discussed anything with the Lord. On my morning walk, the questions of what am I doing and where am I going swirled through my mind.

I gave her directions the best I could, but knew they weren’t the clearest. She was really far from her destination. When she drove off, the Lord gently reminded me that I just fulfilled part of his plan. I gave a stranger direction, and though I couldn’t drive the car for her and get her to her destination, I could pray for her and trust the Lord to show her the way. It’s up to the woman to follow the information given; all I had to do was be willing to give it.

I opened a book I had with me and read “It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for.” That was the answer I was waiting for, but it wasn’t necessarily the one I wanted to hear. I know that staying on Christ’s path for me is the only route to take, but I was afraid that I would have to give up some of the things I wanted to do. Another scripture came to mind, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me” (Like 9:23). Denying ourselves comes in many forms, and for me at this point in time, it meant to lay down my wants and desires and pick up Christ’s plan for my life. I was still questioning what that might look like, when a woman pulled up in her car beside me and asked for directions. She was looking for a road that runs through the middle of town. How she ended up way out here was a mystery, but somewhere along the way, her decisions led her in the wrong direction and now she was asking for help.

I continued on my walk wondering where that left me in the Lord’s greater plan. Where did He want me to go and what did He want me to do. “Share it,” were the words whispered. “Tell others.” I looked up but no one was around. I knew the Lord was telling me the next steps to take. The words of Isaiah 30:21 say, “Your ears shall hear a word behind you saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it.’ Whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.” This, for the moment, was the direction to take. Simply continue in the tasks of the day, but be ready and willing to stop and give aid to someone else in need. What about after that? I don’t know yet, but I do know who I can ask for direction. You can read more of Amanda’s blog posts at 27

Visit Alabaster Box Publishing, Inc. where you will find “Mission Possible” by Deborah McCarragher

You Can Make This!

A Friend In Need … Is there something you need, but just can't seem to find? Are you looking for a recipe, a store location, or the best places to go in a certain area? Do you have an item you would like to give to someone, but no one near you needs it? Send your requests into the magazine ( with 'A Friend in Need' in the subject line and we'll publish it for you! When making a request, please include a current email address for a direct reply. Those who are answering queries are to correspond to the posted email address directly, and not to the staff of Ruby for Women. Items offered must be free (except for shipping costs, agreed to be paid by the receiving party unless otherwise agreed upon by the giver and receiver). All postal regulations must be followed. Ruby for Women can not be responsible for shipping costs or lost items.

Sew Endless with Kelly Masson An Etsy shop that specializes in handmade bags for women and children


Footprints in the Mud The Search for Peace and Quiet by Beth Brubaker

It happens sometimes; you're with your kids all day long, and you just need some place quiet to recharge the sanity batteries. But you keep getting interrupted by the kids. Or your spouse. Or the pets. Pretty soon you're yelling at everyone and they're looking at you as if you were featured on the 'Most Wanted' newscast. All you wanted was a little peace! Then you look into those pitiful eyes of your babies you gave birth to and feel an elephantine weight upon your conscience. You're supposed to be this loving mother, this surreal being of support and comfort, and you just yelled at your kids...for being kids. Kids will interrupt you anytime they feel the need, and they usually feel it when you want them to be as far away from you as possible. It's their nature. The same goes for the spouse and the pets. It's an instinct thing. Let me provide an example. I want to take a bath instead of a quick shower like I normally do. I want to just soak in the heated perfumed water, pin up my hair, and read a book for maybe a half hour. I warn my family ahead of time that I'll be doing this (since we have only one bathroom), and threaten that heads will roll should I be interrupted. I'm prepared. I made sure the kids went to the bathroom, that they have a snack and something to watch, and that dinner is heating in the oven with a timer set so it would be done soon after my husband gets home. By the time I’ve finished my bath, I can get into some comfy Pjs, have a nice meal with the family, and I even plan on playing a game with all of them afterwards. Just let me have this thirty minutes to unwind. Please. I step into the tub, settle in, and I listen to the sounds in the hallway. All I hear is the movie playing downstairs. The house is devoid of people noises. Perfect. I get to page two. Knock knock. I sigh. “Who's there?” I ask, like a bad kid’s joke. I hear my daughter. “Can we have some soda while we watch the movie?” “No, I'm saving that for dinner.” I reply. I hear her groan and stomp forlornly down the stairs. The tub water shivers from the vibration of her little nine year-old feet. Page three. I hear the front door, then a pause, then movement up the stairs. Knock knock. 29

I’d know that knock anywhere. “Hi honey! Dinner's in the oven and I'm taking a bath.” He opens the door, and all the fragrant steam escapes, leaving a cold draft in its wake. “Hi Sweetheart!” He gives me a peck on the cheek as my body temperature plummets to dangerous levels. “I just need know, and I'll be out of your hair.” Of course you do. And I knew no amount of perfumed water was going to help in the very near future. Hard to read a book when your nose is wrinkled up and your eyes are tearing. I could go underwater to avoid the stench that could peel wallpaper, but I can't hold my breath forever. I decided at that moment we needed a house with two bathrooms. He was almost to the door (which was cracked open to let any residual heat escape)when we hear the hurried stampede of my son coming straight up the stairs. “Mom! I need the bathroom, qui-” Then the sound of Olympic projectile vomiting hitting the door, walls, and the carpet. Apparently, bath time was over. Some parents are bold enough to have white carpeting in their homes when they have young children. From my own personal experiences, the only thing white that goes nicely with any child is vanilla ice cream- and that's only because it doesn't stain anything. But lucky for us our carpet was brown; However, cherry soda can still stain it. And the walls. I threw on my robe, and when I opened the door, I was surprised he hadn't blasted the paint off of it. At least that would have been helpful, since I can't stand the color it was painted. Then my daughter, grinning like a Cheshire cat as she poked her little head up the stairwell informed, “I told him not to drink the soda, and then he started drinking it really fast so you wouldn't find out, and he always throws it back up when he does that.” Yes, I nodded wearily, I was quite aware of my son’s fussy digestive tract. My husband went to clean up our son as I tip-toed my way back into our bedroom. Grungy 'cleaning' clothes replaced the comfy Pj's I'd intended to wear, and I gathered a bucket and a new sponge with a heavy sigh. Everyone else made their way back downstairs (after my son got a fresh set of Pj's on) and I cleaned up the mess. As soon as I was finished, the timer went off. It was time for dinner. I had two bites of dinner and a few sips of water. For some reason I had no appetite. In the beginning I felt guilty for allowing myself the pleasure of a bath. In the future I believe I will revel in the moment, because I know it won't last long. I'm not a bad mom for wanting a little peace and quiet. It's normal to feel that way once in a while. And I refuse to feel guilty when I ask for some time alone. After all, in a house with one bathroom, it was my own fault for trying to take a bath right before dinner in the first place! Trying to stop kids from interrupting is like trying to stop a ram on a rollercoaster- it just ain't gonna happen. Next time I'll know better and ask the neighbor if I can use hers! (No worries- she's also my friend!) You can read more of Beth’s articles on her blog, Footprints in the Mud, at 30

Pampering with a Purpose Ruby for Women Fundraiser July 1 – 18, 2011 Sponsored by Kathy Miranda of

Jordan Essentials

A Garden of Love by Thomas B. Clarke A Garden of Love is an experience that takes us deep into the heart of God's love. Using flowers to paint images of Christian love, I would like to take you on a spiritual journey that touched my heart and will hopefully touch yours, revealing the depth of God's love. Thirty flowers are featured in this book, calling us to respond in intimate relationship with the Lord and the fullness of Christian love. Sense how the flowers usher in softness, gentleness, and peace as each precious plant reveals another aspect of grace or kindness, joy or forgiveness, patience or faithfulness. A Garden of Love can be purchased on Tom’s website at


Love from the Prayer Garden: Peace by Thomas B. Clarke Outstanding! I am so captivated by this most intricate and lovely vine. Do you see the little two-inch long pink trumpets? I can imagine hearing them boldly declare their warmest greeting, “Enter, for the Lord is in this place, offering peace to you!” As Paul wrote many times in his epistles, “May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace” (Ephesians 1:2). One of the loveliest of the newer plants to be introduced in many years is the ornate trumpet honeysuckle vine, hybridized with other twining honeysuckles to create a flower of immense beauty. Elongated tubes of either rosy-pink or pastel-orange are offset with a soft cream colored throat, more intricate than any glass blower could prepare. The stamen protrudes in an extended form from the trumpet-shaped throat in hopes of luring a passing insect as an open invitation for pollination. The many trumpets seem to be calling out to both the insect and the garden visitor, “Come and enter in, welcome to a special place, a place of new beginnings, a place of satisfaction and peace.” All of the varieties of honeysuckle vines grow tall, often up to twenty or twenty-five feet, as they search for full sun on a strong supporting structure. Some vines are more fragrant than others – the European honeysuckle is considered the sweetest. The hummingbirds with their long needlelike beak seem to particularly enjoy the nectar from all the twining honeysuckles vines, darting from flower to flower, from cluster to cluster. If the honeysuckle vine is positioned at the entrance to the garden, the trumpet-shaped flowers seem to herald the visitor, “You are about to enter a most special place.” In some ways this is reminiscent of the armies of angels at the birth of Jesus, “praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased’” (Luke 2:13, 14). The peace and presence of our Lord is in the garden. Jesus came to earth to give a gift of peace, and his expectation was and is that the gift would be used. “I am leaving you with a gift – peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid” (John 14:27). Then, only a few days later, that gift was received: ‘Peace be with you,’ he said. As he spoke, he showed them the wounds in his hands and his side. They were filled with joy when they saw the Lord! Again he said, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.’ Then he breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’ (John 20:19-22). These verses indicate that the gift of the Holy Spirit is a gift of peace. Many times the Scriptures associate the Holy Spirit with power – the power of supernatural healing, for example. Here, however, the peace that the Holy Spirit brings is peace of mind and heart in oneness with God – this deep fellowship is one that is immersed in love. Be joyful. Grow to maturity. Encourage each other. Live in harmony and peace. Then the God of love and peace will be with you. (2 Corinthians 13:11). Copyright © 2009 Bible Discernments. Excerpt from A Garden of Love by Thomas B. Clarke, a gift book about love for anyone that enjoys flowers. Tom is the caretaker of the Gethsemane Prayer Garden in Syracuse, NY – open to the public. A Garden of Love is available on Amazon as well as at


All About Me! Hidden Phrase Word Puzzle by Beth Brubaker Find the hidden phrase by using the letters directly below each of the blank squares. Each letter is used once.

Answers on page 54.

Down the Lane Word Puzzle by Beth Brubaker

Answers on page 54. 33

Celebrate Our Nation's Birthday with this Fourth of July Flag Cake! To make the cake, you use three layers of white cake. Using food coloring, one layer is dyed blue, one is dyed red, and the last layer is kept white. The three layers are leveled so they are all the same height. Let’s say each layer is 2 inches tall. Using a serrated knife or cake leveler, slice the red and white layers horizontally in half. So you have a blue layer (2″), two red layers (each 1″), and two white layers (each 1″). Set one white and one red layer aside, those will be the bottom two stripes of the flag. You only want a square of blue in each slice, not an entire layer. Stack the blue layer, white layer, and red layer on top of each other. Using a serrated knife, cut a large circle through all three layers. I used a bowl as a guide. Now you have a ring of blue (2″), a ring of white (1″), a ring of red (1″), and three inner circles in each color (the blue is 2″ and the other two are both 1″). Discard the inner circle of blue and the outer rings of red and white. To assemble the cake, frost the bottom two layers together – set the uncut white layer on a plate and spread with frosting. Top with the uncut red layer. Spread the uncut red layer with frosting, then set the blue ring on top. Use a spatula to spread a very, very thin layer of frosting around the inside edge of the blue ring. This will help keep the blue layer and the two top stripes together. Place the white inner circle on top of the uncut red layer, inside the ring of blue. Frost, and top with the red inner circle. Frost the entire cake and voila, it’s a flag cake! Whew! Make sense? It’s much less complicated than it sounds, truly. And the result is just too cool!

Cream Cheese Frosting (makes enough to frost a 4th of July Flag Cake) 16 oz cream cheese 10 tbsp unsalted butter, softened 4 tsp vanilla extract 4 cups powdered sugar, sifted Beat the cream cheese, butter, and extract together until combined. Gradually beat in the powdered sugar until the desired consistency is reached. Reposted from The Joy of Cooking at Submitted by Lynda T.


Sweet Little Pincushions to Make for Your Sewing Corner Do you take along your hand-stitching projects when you are traveling, or when you go to the beach, or when you are waiting for your kids during soccer practice, piano lessons, or the dentist? If you do, you know you always need a little pincushion to take along in your portable sewing kit! Here are a few sweet little pincushions that you can make to stash with your other sewing supplies for your on-the-go stitchery projects. The instructions for making all of these cute pincushions can be found on a great website called Tip Junkie. In addition to these pincushions, you can find complete instructions for making all kinds of craft projects, from aprons to quilts, and everything in between! You will find seasonal craft projects, recipes, home dĂŠcor ideas, organizational tips, and so much more! Laurie, the Tip Junkie, also provides a forum for creative and crafty women to share their tips with other bloggers, crafters, and readers. If you would like to submit a tip to the Tip Junkie, you can contact Laurie on her website at More delightful and whimsical pincushion patterns and tutorials can be found on the Tip Nut website where there are links to a large number of crafting blogs. You can even share your link here as well, if you have a craft tutorial available. This cute pincushion features bold fabric, colorful buttons, and bright ribbons, and turns a practical pincushion into a work of art! Other pincushion styles include strawberries, teacups, mushrooms, cupcakes, pumpkins, tomatoes, berries, bugs, a country mouse pincushion, and so much more Tip Nut also has advice on all sorts of topics such as cleaning, DIY projects, cooking, gardening, health and beauty, and household tips. To discover lots of FREE pincushion tutorials, please visit Tip Nut at Another website where you can find a cute teacup pincushion is at mamas*little*treasures! The teacup pincushion tutorial is FREE here, as well, along with a few other craft and sewing tutorials that you might want to check out. You can visit mamas*little*treasures at And last but not least, you have to visit Craft Stylish! For any crafting, sewing, quilting, upcycling, or refashioning project you might want to create, there is something for you at Craft Stylish. There are craft and sewing challenges that are fun to enter, and you can even post your own creations to share with the other members of the Craft Stylish community. If you wan to visit Craft Stylish, you will find them at


Ely Cathedral, 2006 by Keith Wallis

Catching Bubbles by Keith Wallis

Living The flagship of the fens waits, centuries sentinel a proclamation of faith. This is not stolid stone nor stoic spire to tombstone death with “Here lies religion”. This is mason’s pageant to regal majesty, artist’s eye and hand in harmony and awe. Henry’s dark angels, wind and rain, conspire to crumble and disfigure, continuing his legacy. The way of the cross remains the pathway to life. This sign in stone preaches to pasture and uplifted eye.

is catching bubbles when muscles disobey, life is round corners, and everything is out of reach. Tantalus rules this empire. Reaching out, touching where things have been, feeling only echoes, shadows of burst and tickle. Yet the smile that fills your life brings a sheen of rainbow bubbling into ours. 36

Independence Day: Should It Be Renamed? by Lynn Mosher I’ll tell you right up front: this is not a political article! In America, Independence Day is the federal holiday that celebrates the birthday of the United States. On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence, “the nation’s most cherished symbol of liberty,” was signed and declared that the thirteen colonies, and all those after them, had independent freedom from Great Britain. America’s independence was actually declared by the Continental Congress on July 2. The document was adopted on July 4. On July 2, John Adams wrote a note to his wife Abigail, saying… “The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.” Though he was off by two days, Adams’ thoughts of celebrating this historical event have continued on since then. That great document, the Declaration of Independence, begins with…“When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary…” and goes on to say… “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” As I mulled this over recently, it made me think: has it ever become necessary in the events of our lives to declare our independence from the tyranny of the world and our enemy? If the answer is yes, and we have accepted God’s free gift of salvation, do we then purposely separate ourselves from the way of the world? Or do we continue in our own way of living, independent of the Lord, living out everyday life as usual, the way it was BC (before Christ)? 37

Do we remember our “day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty”? In other words, do we remember that historical day of our lives and, therefore, in gratitude, live our lives as a celebration of devotion to God? Or do we forget all about God, His Word, and His Spirit in our everyday lives? We have a choice of being governed by one of five ruling powers, either by: * the enemy * the world * ourselves * others * or God’s Kingdom. When we accept the Christian life, it brings a new form of government, a new rule, into our lives. It is independence from the world and dependence upon the Lord. But do we place our lives totally in His hands, trusting and depending on Him to have authority over us? Paul wrote to the Corinthians, a very lustful society, “Therefore, come out from among unbelievers, and separate yourselves from them, says the Lord.” (2 Cor. 6:17 NLT) He told the Romans, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but be a new and different person with a fresh newness in all you do and think. Then you will learn from your own experience how His ways will really satisfy you.” (Rom. 12:2 TLB) God sent Jesus to free us from sin. Paul said, “Sin is no longer your master, for you no longer live under the requirements of the law. Instead, you live under the freedom of God’s grace.” (Rom. 6:14 NLT) Paul told the Colossians, “You have died with Christ, and He has set you free from the spiritual powers of this world. So why do you keep on following the rules of the world?” (Col. 2:20 NLT) If we trust in our own ability, we depend on self; if we trust in God’s ability, then we depend on God. David said, “We depend upon the Lord alone to save us. Only He can help us; He protects us like a shield. No wonder we are happy in the Lord! For we are trusting Him. We trust His holy name. Yes, Lord, let Your constant love surround us, for our hopes are in You alone.” (Ps. 33:20-22 TLB) The Word tells us that our freedom is only in the Lord, “For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love.” (Gal. 5:14 NLT) So what is it for you: do you celebrate your freedom in an Independence Day? Or do you rename it and celebrate your freedom in a Dependence Day? From His feet,

Lynn 38

Meatless Monday Tomato Pie from the Kitchen of Katherine’s Corner This is a yummy and oh-so-easy crustless pie, perfect for Meatless Monday or any other day you are looking for a super simple and delicious dish for your family. What you need: 1 lb. large ripe tomatoes (thinly sliced) 15 oz. ricotta cheese (you can use cottage cheese, but it is not as rich) 4 Large eggs ¼ cup Parmigiano – reggiano cheese ½ tsp salt ¼ tsp pepper ¼ cup low fat milk 1 Tbsp cornstarch ½ cup fresh basil leaves (chopped) ½ cup fresh mint leaves (chopped) Large bowl Small bowl Whisk Oven-safe skillet (10” works well)

Before you start: Preheat oven to 375 degrees Let’s make it! In large bowl, whisk ricotta cheese, eggs, parmesan cheese, salt, and pepper until blended. In a small bowl, stir milk and cornstarch until smooth; whisk into cheese mixture. Stir in basil and mint. Pour mixture into skillet and arrange tomatoes on top (it is okay to overlap if you need to). Bake for about 35 – 40 minutes or until lightly browned (edges are firm and the center is puffed). Let stand 5 minutes before serving. Katie’s Tid-Bits: Try leaving out the mint and add a little chopped green onion instead


“Live Like You Were Dying” by Amy Lignor As a heavy metal ‘hair-band’ fan, who hit the dreaded teenage years in the eighties, this will seem a surprising series for me to write. I was used to the “shouting at the devil” of Motley Crue; the colored scarves around Steven Tyler’s neck, Jon Bon Jovi’s immaculate (and big) hair…these were things that made sense to me. But as time has gone forward, I have come to love many different types of music. But I heard one song recently that hit me like a brick in the head. Now, I’ve heard Tim McGraw songs, but recently, I heard one that has always been my favorite. “Live Like You Were Dying” hits me square in the heart, and probably not for the same reason it does for other people. Yes, this is a song about a son who sees his father’s xrays and knows that his Dad’s passage to Heaven is near. He asks his Father what do you do with that kind of news? For me, I always think of how amazing it would be. You know? To be able to know the moment it will be too late to do what you wanted to do. I used to travel the highways of America with my music blaring and hardly any money in my pocket, just to get to that next town, or meet that next person who had something to say. I’ve lived my life never wanting to turn around and say, “What if?” But, when you get older, and the responsibilities get harder, sometimes your idea of “freedom” is an impossible thing to attain. Instead, you get even better things - like the love of a child. And you suddenly have a person in your life who makes you want to do everything in your power to get her to see as many sunsets and sunrises in as many places as you’ve already seen them.

You want her to sit in that car beside you with the window down, and go through city after city in order to really see the country she was born in. Now, of course, there’s school…there’s a time when you stop and ‘grow roots’ in order for that wonder of your life to have a good, solid beginning. I’m forty and, hopefully, I’m not done. And I have only said, “What if?” once. When I hear Tim sing about what his Dad did when he knew the end was drawing near, I loved the fact that he didn’t give up. He didn’t sit in a bed and wait for the end to arrive. He went: sky diving, and rocky mountain climbing, and, my favorite, he went two point seven seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu. He also did what all of us should do on a daily basis. He: loved deeper and spoke sweeter; and did the one thing I haven’t yet been able to do he gave forgiveness he’d been denying. With Tim’s song, I can’t think about the end drawing near or the issues that brought his Dad to this place. All I see is the fact that there is a chance to live. And that chance is every day. It’s when you get up in the morning (with a headache or not), and go out to that job (that you might not like), and work solidly, while trying to figure out your finances, get home, cook (if you’re better than I am at it), talk to that beautiful child, put her to sleep with a story and a prayer, and go to bed…hoping to dream. Dreaming is a wonderful thing…but living is better. Striving for that ultimate moment when you know you’ve done it all. Or, you at least tried. But you don’t have to dream it - you have to do it. 40

Well, as Tim continues on, he finally read the Good Book, and took a good long hard look, at what I'd do if I could do it all again… I hope no one ever gets there. I hope that, at the end, you’ve done absolutely everything that you wanted to do (and even some things you never dreamed you could do). Tomorrow is a gift. And, what would you do if you had an eternity to think about what you would do tomorrow? My answer - you should get up, break the rules, and just go do it - whatever it might be. I have been lucky enough to watch the Eagle as it was flyin.’ It was one of the most beautiful, majestic sights in the world that I wouldn’t give back or change for any amount of money, or even extra time. The one regret? I didn’t make it in time to say goodbye to my own father. When I finally got to CT from Dallas, he was asleep. I wonder sometimes what he would’ve done differently if he had known that he was nearing the end. Would he have sat back and wondered what could’ve been if he’d chosen another path? I’m greedy enough to say that I’m glad everything happened the way it happened for Robert Lignor. I’m glad of all the strife, pain, and struggle he had to go through when he was a young man. Why? Simple. It was because of all those things - all those bad and good days - that made him end up to be mine.

But I sure would’ve liked the chance to walk him through the gates of Graceland, or drive him over the Rocky Mountains and see the Budweiser Clydesdales roaming the fields. I would’ve liked to bring him to see the Space Needle in Seattle, or walk beside him into a stadium where we could sit together on the fifty-yard line and watch the Super Bowl play out. He would’ve loved stopping in Nashville and seeing a show at the Grand Ole Opry. And I would’ve loved to have succeeded in my dream before he passed away, so that he could be front and center when it finally happens one of these days. He could be there to walk up the stairs of the New York Public Library between Patience and Fortitude for my very first book signing. Of course, I can feel that man so strongly by my side - even when he was here in body that I always felt him in the car as I traveled the United States. That man’s soul is in his granddaughter now, the girl who rode in the passenger seat to all those fun places. So he did experience them all…through her eyes.

Be alive while you are alive. Don’t miss one single solitary moment of it. It goes away too soon, and there is SO much to do! When you dream, dream big! And then go out there the next day and make it all come true. I think Tim McGraw would agree with me. 41


BLOG BASH 2011 SPONSORS! Maritzza Bonilla: Scentsy

Lynn Mosher: Heading Home Deborah McCarragher: God Mission Possible

Connie Arnold: Inspirational Poetry of Joy and Peace mamas*little*treasures

Tatters to Treasures


July in the Prayer Garden by Thomas B. Clarke The pink and red roses, again the center-point of the garden, continue blooming profusely in July. They are added by a plethora of bluish-pink cranesbill, deep purple salvia and many happily smiling pink coneflower with a bronze-colored center. Some of the deep and rich purples have now been replaced with softer pink and white tones such as found in the soft and gentle astilbe and the enchanting garden phlox, although the multi-colored delphinium provide bold statements of majesty in key areas. Gardens typically are an outward expression of the person that designed the garden, and this one is no exception. Many pinks, reds, and purples are found here, with complementary tones of white and blue. But lacking are the vibrant yellows and oranges that often typify a summer garden. The reason is very simple: as a prayer garden, the intent is to seek the Lord and to hear His voice. Hot and vibrant colors are believed to be a distraction from that purpose. Despite that, one area of the garden was developed in 2010 as a daisy and daisy-like area. Here, the yellows and white colors are planted as a mother's reminder of the life of her mid-aged son. The joy of many years may be seen in these simply-shaped flowers of remembrance, while some yellow Knock Out roses add a bright sense of hope. Tom Clarke is Caretaker of the Gethsemane Prayer Garden at Faith Chapel in Syracuse, New York and author of "A Garden of Love" which is based on this garden. His blog is

About the Gethsemane Prayer Garden Located in Syracuse, New York, the Gethsemane Prayer Garden at Faith Chapel is a place where people can enjoy the beauty of God our Creator and rest in His presence. The garden is open to the public without a fee ( The hope at Faith Chapel is that people would visit this small but intimate garden, seeing it as an outdoor sanctuary and a place to experience God and His love. There are fifty perennial flower varieties and several hundred shrubs and trees; benches are available for a quiet time with the Lord. Syracuse is located at the crossroads if I-90 and I-81; if you are traveling from the mid-west to New England, Syracuse is a good stopping place. And if you live in Pennsylvania or Maryland and are traveling towards Montreal, please pay us a visit. 43

Scentsy's Featured July Warmer “The Cupcake” Grab the biggest, yummiest treat at the bakery! Celebrate your favorite summer event with this festive Cupcake, Scentsy's first three-piece Mid-Size Warmer. The Cupcake is stacked with party-perfect colors: a rich chocolate-brown warmer dish is sandwiched between a pleated bright-green base and a removable dollop of fluffy, candy-pink frosting sprinkled with powered sugar accents and vent holes to release delicious fragrance. This oh-so-cute warmer is on sale for the entire month of July! Also try our delicious Happy Birthday scent. It’s a delicious confection of sparkling sugar, fluffy whipped cream and warm vanilla extract. So yummy! Visit Maritza's website at

Featured Ruby Shopkeeper: Jeannie Pallett Jeannie is the author of Beckoned by the King, a devotional book that is written for the person who longs to enter a deeper, heart-to-heart relationship with the King of Glory. Beckoned by the King, based on each Hebrew letter of the alphabet found in Psalm 119, is intended to provoke, challenge and motivate the reader to a deeper place of intimacy with the King of Glory. Allow these eternal words of truth to touch you in the deepest places in your heart and bring you to a place where your heart too, overflows with the same godly theme. You can find Jeannie on her personal page in the Ruby for Women community, and you can purchase her book, Beckoned by the King on her blog, "Psalm119 Greater than Gold". Stop by and visit Jeannie when you have a minute! 44

CHRISTIAN MOMPRENEUR Theresa Ceniccola Five Daily Practices for Conquering Overwhelm I don’t know about your house, but the minute I fold the last stitch of laundry, there is another full load to be washed. And as soon as I sweep the kitchen floor, somebody decides it’s a good day to play with sand art or eat popcorn. There’s always more work to be done. And the same holds true for my business. No matter how much I accomplish in a day, there is still a long list of tasks I could, should, would be doing if only I had another hour. If you are plagued by this Tyranny of the Urgent syndrome, I’d like to share some simple solutions for having a productive day, despite your never-ending list of “To-Do’s.” I call them “Daily Practices” because they require practice. Every day. Yeah, that probably goes without saying, but it’s important to know that while they are simple strategies, they don’t do any good if you are just “aware” of them; you actually have to “do” them. 1. Quiet Your Mind. You know that voice inside your head that constantly tells you what you should be doing? The one that reminds you that you forgot to pick up milk yesterday, soccer practice has been canceled today and the credit card bill is due tomorrow? It’s a helpful little voice, but it’s also very loud. And it never shuts up; which makes it difficult to concentrate on the task at hand. So I begin my day with a practice that allows me to quiet that voice. For me, that practice is running. A solo pre-dawn run is just what I need to silence the voice and let my mind go blank. Another good option I use is journal writing. Julia Cameron recommends “Morning Pages” in which you fill three pages every morning with stream-of-conscious writing. Others advocate painting, yoga, meditation or prayer. Choose whatever method works for you. But the key is to make it a daily practice. 2. Make a Decision. Too many things on your task list? Can’t decide where to start? Here’s a secret: it doesn’t really matter! Just pick one and take action. Give yourself permission to do it imperfectly. Some things don’t have to be perfect—they just have to get done! And know that you can always change your mind and move in a different direction later. But when we don’t make a decision, we are stuck in place, spending precious time wondering how on earth we are going to get everything accomplished. So stop wondering, and start taking action. 45

3. Stop Multi-Tasking. It’s ironic but multi-tasking can actually be a deterrent to productivity. If you pride yourself on being able to make dinner while conducting a business meeting by phone and checking email at the same time, then don’t be disheartened. You can still do all those things in your usual Superwoman fashion. But it’s important to concentrate and eliminate distractions when working on the most Meaningful Business Activities (I call them MBA’s) on your list. So when it comes to producing revenue, working with clients or utilizing your natural gifts and talents, try doing one thing, and only one thing, at a time. A good method is to set a timer for 90 minutes and turn off your phone, email, and internet while you dedicate that time to one important task. 4. Seek Support. As busy mom entrepreneurs, we tend to take on more than our fair share of responsibilities. And we’re famous for the attitude that “It’s just easier to do it myself than to explain it to someone else.” I get that. I’ve been there. In fact, I lived there for many years. But eventually, my Superwoman cape tore to shreds so I let go of the “Do-It-All-Myself” mantra and gave myself the gift of support. What do you need to be fully supported in your daily today? Is it childcare? Housekeeping? Financial support? Emotional support? A mentor, partner or community? Practice the habit of asking yourself this question daily and having the conviction to seek the support you need. Three of the best ways to support yourself are to: Outsource, Delegate and Eliminate. 5. Express Gratitude. A daily practice of gratitude is one of the best ways of conquering overwhelm. It allows you to honor your accomplishments and celebrate your blessings. Gaining that perspective is a daily opportunity to clarify your vision and encourage you on your journey. My favorite method of expressing gratitude is through a Gratitude Journal. You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Man may work from sun to sun, but a woman’s work is never done.” Or perhaps you’ve read Proverbs 31 about the woman who “…rises also while it is still night” (Proverbs 31:15) and surmised that God intends for women to be busy. As a selfproclaimed workaholic, I am certain that “The Busy Life” is not what God intends for us. Rather, he desires for us a sense of purpose in our work and a joyful heart in fulfilling that purpose. I hope my Five Daily Practices will help you find that purpose God has created for you and to live your life in a way that enables you to fulfill that purpose with grace and joy. What are your strategies for conquering overwhelm? I’d love to hear from you!

Theresa Ceniccola is The Christian Mompreneur, a Mentor to Moms Who are Running a Business that Supports Faith and Family. She empowers entrepreneurial moms to build profitable businesses with wisdom and grace through the Christian Mompreneur Mastermind program and her professional Marketing services, which include copywriting, marketing and strategy consulting and private coaching. The Christian Mompreneur monthly ezine offers inspiration and support for the faith-filled business journey. If you are ready to go the distance in your business while remaining true to your values, sign up for a F.R.E.E. subscription at 46

Happy Fourth of July from Vintage Image Craft 47

JULY BOOK GIVE-AWAY Inspired Design by Roxanne Hughes Packham and Hannah Packham “I was born into a family that loves design. That being the case, there was never an undecorated table, or corner, in the house. Every inch of our home was uniquely and beautifully decorated. Not ever cluttered—only beautiful. Whenever there was a party, the table looked gorgeous and clean just like the rest of the house, and I learned something new from helping with the set up for each event or family get-together. The most amazing highlights from growing up with this creativity were the experiences in themselves, the holiday décor, and the inspiration that I received. I can remember helping my mom, grandma and great-grandma get ready for parties and get-togethers. Every time I helped out, I learned something exciting that would make a setting look nicer or make the food taste better. I’ve shared many of those lessons in this book. I can remember putting the forks on the table and folding the napkins; these little experiences helped me to get to know my family, our traditions, and how to make people feel welcome. I also remember loving every single minute of getting to help set-up for something wonderful and, in my eyes, “grown up.” At a young age, I got to see how much people appreciate it when you put time into creating the right atmosphere. I speak to all mother figures who read this: It really does make a difference when you teach your children how to make a lovely home.” “Beautiful, as used throughout this book, does not mean simply external beauty. There are hundreds of excellent interior design books that illustrate and discuss beauty for beauty sake. (Ask my husband. He says I have them all!) When we speak of beauty, we cannot separate external beauty from the internal beauty that radiates from the heart—or in this case, the heart of the home. Words like beautiful, stylish, elegant, classic and timeless conjure up images of people whose presence is hard to forget. You cannot have a classically beautiful home, or be a classy, beautiful person, without true inner beauty: warmth, kindness, and empathy. True beauty also stimulates the five senses. A beautiful home— indescribably warm and visually stimulating— envelops you in coziness and love! Touching all of the five senses sends the message that you have eagerly awaited your guests’ arrival, and that they are truly welcome in your home. Think of your guests as honorees. Think of the five senses as five ways to envelop them in warmth.” 48

Cinnamon Brown Sugar Walnut Pie from the kitchen of Kausar Iqbal Perfect ending to a perfect picnic! Summer-sweet, filled with walnuts and brown sugar, and just a touch of cinnamon, this easy-to-make pie will be a family favorite before summer’s end! What you need: 1 can (14 oz) sweetened condensed milk 1 cup brown sugar 2 eggs 1-1/2 tsp cinnamon extract 1/2 tsp salt ½ cup coarsely chopped walnuts, toasted 1 9” unbaked pie crust Let’s make it! Preheat oven to 350°F. Beat together sweetened condensed milk, brown sugar, eggs, extract and salt. Stir in walnuts. Pour into unbaked crust. Bake in 350°F/175°C oven 55 minutes or until sharp knife inserted in center comes out clean, lightly covering entire pie with foil the last 15 minutes of baking. Cool completely on wire rack before cutting. Serve with whipped topping.

Featured Ruby Shopkeeper: Cathie Garnier of Compelling Creations Faith-based jewelry collection to express God’s gifts of love and grace . . . Wear it, and Share it!


Firm by Keith Wallis

Everything Waits by Keith Wallis

Firm hold from anchored past an iron ring in grip of stone belies its redundancy. Sea’s salty ministrations mere painters upon this metal canvas in red-brown shades of tide and time the comings and goings

A moment snatched from time captured between breaths and tide’s return. Last gasp ambush of gawking gull on scuttling crab. Precarious gradients of exposed keels lying trapped in silty alignments.

of their wash and wane. Everything waits. In their redundancy these interlocking rings are art beyond their functionality: to everything there is a season.

This is mere snapshot. The tide will never return here, the boat will never float free of its forced predicament, nor the opportunist gull find its meal.

Now, in age, they teach of foundation where once their intermedial stance between land and sea riding craft was the promise of safety

This is a silence neither gentle lapping nor flacking lanyard can penetrate, there is no soundtrack.

they speak still. Life moves on, truth remains and able yet to save.

This is life on hold a near death experience awaiting resuscitation in memory.


Ruby for Women is a True Inspiration to The Write Companion Any writer who comes to TWC by way of Ruby for Women automatically receives a

25% discount on all of our services. From proofreading and editing to ghostwriting, research and reviews, Ruby for Women clients will get the very best prices. Not only that, but TWC will read the first three chapters of any manuscript and offer a full consultation for free! Simply write to to get the process started. You can also find Amy on her website, The Write Companion, at

DoveQuill Publishing is a grass-roots company created out of our need to have a voice in the mainstream publishing world. DoveQuill Publishing is ever-busy creating family-oriented books, pamphlets, and associated products so we might offer the Christian family highquality literature and information. Please visit us for all your publishing needs at 51

Visit iBloom today for inspiration, encouragement, and advice that will help you bloom! The world is so full of a number of things, I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings!" Treasures can be found everywhere you look, and here at "Tatters to Treasures" we will bring you the best of vintage for your wardrobe and home.

A Real Change International with Sandi Krakowski Sandi Krakowski, renowned social media coach and founder of A Real Change International, has spent years developing programs that turn small businesses into multi-million dollar companies. Her personal success in the business world has made her coaching sessions, eBooks and online marketing classes extremely popular. If you are looking to make A Real Change in YOUR life, visit Sandi at her website, A Real Change International at 52

Inspired Women Succeed Changing the Face of Success by Jo Ann Fore Inspired Women Succeed redefines success. In this book of courage and hope, you will connect with forty brave-hearted Christian women entrepreneurs who faced unfathomable trials with heroic faith. This passionate group of women authentically shares their life-transforming stories. Breathe in their heartfelt words and experience a rich inspiration woven throughout the book, like an intricate, delicate tapestry. Be inspired as these women discover their life’s passion. Be challenged by their words as you learn to use your own life experiences as a catalyst for success. One common denominator runs deep through these stories: inspiration. This book is about real women doing real life. Our goal is to be transparent, and to offer you that same permission. In some way, each of these women’s stories is a piece of our own. Maybe the circumstances of fallout are not quite the same, but the emotionally expensive lessons are quite similar. What is an inspired woman? An inspired woman is easy to recognize. We are passionate and seek to live life to the fullest. We can be a bit moody; at times, happy and sweet, and other times cranky and tired. We share with people who need us, too often giving our time away. We anticipate problems before they are spoken, and strive to stay strong in troubled times. Inspired women work really hard. We can do surprising, downright amazing things, when pushed. What is success? What scoreboard determines true success? Must we be famous? Rich? Well-credentialed experts? Whether we acknowledge it or not, the way we measure success greatly impacts our lives. As Christian women, our success is inspired from a sense of calling; measured by our loyalty to God in spite of life’s circumstances or outcome. Inspired Women Succeed is a heart song for women; full of faithful, successful women who stepped out. Amazing things happen when women follow their inspiration. For a free download of the first chapter, visit Jo Ann Fore ( is an author, writing coach, certified Life Coach, and coauthor, alongside Diane Cunningham ( of the book, Inspired Women Succeed. She is passionate about making a difference in the lives of other women. Visit Jo Ann at 53

All About Me! Hidden Phrase Word Puzzle Answer Key by Beth Brubaker

Down the Lane Word Puzzle Answer Key by Beth Brubaker

Ruby for Women is searching for . . . Questions! We need your help! Ruby is looking for questions in the following areas: * “Ask Beth” * “Ask a Silly Question” Can you give us a hand? Please send your questions to Beth Brubaker at with one of the two titles in the subject line of your email. Your response is very much appreciated!


You can find the rest of the FREE vintage paper doll images for the

Paper Doll Party Summer Creativity Challenge from Vintage Image Craft on their Facebook page or at

Vintage Image Craft Instant Vintage Images Beautiful Retro Crafts Cards & Scrapbook Projects 55

National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs

Linda Jones, the artist and creator of Visual Smiles Gallery

Visit National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs and discover 90 Days to Marketing Success! The National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs was born out of a passion to connect women who are ready to create, collaborate, and contribute to changing the world. We gather people and ideas together through online content, tele-courses, individual / group coaching, and retreats. Our desire is to unite under a common goal of helping one another to succeed and thrive in business. We are blessed to share in a common faith in Jesus Christ, and yet know that we might each choose to worship in a different way.

Whimsical and charming artistic gifts for every occasion!

Abundant Comfort and Grace Inspirational Poetry by Connie Arnold


The Write Companion was created by authors who truly believe that the writer is the precious gem in the publishing business. Each and every writer should have the option to let their creativity and imagination shine and end up with a manuscript that will grace both bookshelves and bestseller lists. From TWC you’ll receive quality proofreading, editing, research, ghostwriting services, and a real friend to help you meet your goals so that your ideas have a chance to be seen and enjoyed by book lovers across the globe. Contact Amy Lignor at or fill out the contact form about your project at As an author who has struggled with industry highs and lows, as well as the vast expenses that companies charge the writer, I very much want to help authors polish their manuscripts so their careers can take off! I look forward to working with you.

Have fun while earning Host Rewards—free or half-price Scentsy Products—when you host your own Scentsy party.

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Amy Lignor, Owner

Katherine’s Corner Welcome to the Forest Hill Soap Company We are a small, family-owned business specializing in luxurious homemade bath and body products. Our cold process soaps are handcrafted, from scratch, in small quantities using traditional methods. Our ingredients include the finest vegetable oils along with essential oils, quality fragrance oils and other skin nourishing additives. We invite you to browse our site and discover distinctive body care products to create a luxurious spa experience in your own home.

Visit Katie for recipes, crafts, give-aways, humor, photography, women’s wisdom, and so much more! 57

Meet the Ruby for Women Writers Aunt Dots, Master Gardener Aunt Dots has been writing for Ruby for Women since the very beginning. Her love for gardening started early in her life: “I believe I got my love for growing flowers from my mother. She had a large flower garden with annuals and dahlias. I had my first flower garden after I married and we lived in a garden apartment. I planted seeds in a small 4 X 6 plot in front. Then we moved to a house trailer next to my mother where I had annuals.” She now has perennial gardens, rose gardens, grape vines, asparagus, currants, gooseberries, walnut trees, apple trees, and hazelnut trees. In the winter months, Aunt Dots sews, making quilts that she has donated to a Mennonite Relief auction. She has also made hand-made paper and greeting cards with pressed flowers. In her “spare” time, Aunt Dots volunteers two afternoons a week at a nursing home, as well as serving on the mission board at her church and teaching an adult Sunday school class.

Scott Henderson, Vintage Image Crafts Scott is the creator of Vintage Image Crafts, a website where vintage images are the inspiration behind all of the crafts and scrapbooking projects. From the romantic to the whimsical, Victorian and turn-of-the-century illustrations can give your creativity a distinctive touch. These classic illustrations and photographs are rich in color, artistic technique and symbolism. This bygone art captures the essence of life's highlights holidays, celebrations and sentiments – vividly. You can find Scott at

Beth Brubaker, Footprints in the Mud and Ask Beth Beth is the “Family Fun” editor here in the Ruby for Women community. She is a mother of two very active kids whose antics are sprinkled liberally in her columns. She has been married for 13 years to her Knight in Shining Armor, and she is delighted to share with us that they still hold hands in public! Her day job is working as a fabric artist, a homemaker, and a writer. Beth will be writing humorous articles about life in general, puzzles, and an advice column that is based on readers’ questions, as well as sharing hints and tips for everyday life that she comes across in her travels between her laundry room, living room, and kitchen. Don’t miss Beth’s columns in every issue of Ruby for Women! You can read more of Beth’s posts on her blog, “Footprints in the Mud” at or email her at

Laura Brandt is the owner of Wentworth County Quiltworks and a child of the King whose one desire is to please the Lord. She quilts and she maintains two blogs, as well as serving as a Moderator at Authorized Version Bible Believers Fellowship forum. She’s also edited books for up-and-coming Christian authors. Visit Laura at her blogs, and, her new quilting website, or the forum at 58

Lynn Mosher, Devotions Since the year 2000, Lynn Mosher has lived with fibromyalgia and other physical conditions. During this time, the Lord placed the desire in her heart to write for Him. Now, armed with God’s purpose for her life and a new passion, she reaches out to others to encourage and comfort them through her writing, giving God all the glory. She lives with her husband in their empty nest in Kentucky. On occasion, their three offspring, who have flown the coop, come to visit, accompanied by a son-in-law and three granddaughters. Visit Lynn at her blog, Heading Home, at

Carolyn Arnold, Kids’ Craft Editor Carolyn Arnold is a stay-at-home mom. She has been married for fifteen years to Craig and they have five children. Carolyn has written many poems and has recently expanded her writing to novels. She graduated from Indiana University with a degree in Elementary Education and holds a current teaching license. Carolyn enjoys doing memory crafts with her children, teaching aerobics at the YMCA, tending her family's ducks and chickens, swimming, and reading.

Heide Louise Wright, Poetry God has been such a rock for me throughout my life. I suffered with anorexia for 10 years and only He and He alone can take credit for my recovery. He walked me through it step by step and now I know without a doubt He wants me to share my story with the world and help others overcome as well.

Katherine Corrigan, Recipes and Crafts Hello, my name is Katherine. I am an open minded and spiritual person who strives to always maintain a positive attitude and greet each new day with grace, dignity and gratitude. I'm honored to meet you and to call you friend! I am originally from England and now living in the US. I have had the privilege of living in, and visiting, several different countries throughout my lifetime. I hold a rare dual citizenship with the UK and the USA, and I am a proud citizen of both. I work very hard to create designs for my shops and to provide an entertaining and informative website and blog. I hope you’ll stop by. Hugs, Katherine

Jennifer Cirka, Crochet Patterns and Recipes Jennifer Cirka, the designer behind Jaybird Designs, is never without a hook and some yarn in her hands! This Crochet Guild of America recognized Professional Crochet Designer has a book of her girls’ sweater designs with Leisure Arts and has been featured in major crochet magazines such as Crochet Today, Interweave Crochet, and Crochet World, with more publications coming out each year!


Theresa Ceniccola is The Christian Mompreneur, a Mentor to Moms Who are Running a Business that Supports Faith and Family. She empowers entrepreneurial moms to build profitable businesses with wisdom and grace through the Christian Mompreneur Mastermind program and her professional Marketing services, which include copywriting, marketing and strategy consulting and private coaching. The Christian Mompreneur monthly ezine offers inspiration and support for the faith-filled business journey. If you are ready to go the distance in your business while remaining true to your values, sign up for a F.R.E.E. subscription at

Connie Arnold, Poetry Married with 2 children, 3 grandsons, author of Beautiful Moments of Joy and Peace, Abiding Hope and Love, and Abundant Comfort and Grace, recently published by RPJ & Company. Visit my website to read more poetry. My first children's book, Animal Sound Mix-up, is now available from Guardian Angel Publishing.

Sheila Watson, Kraklow, Guest Writer, DoveQuill Publishers Sheila is the author of several books, including “Nana’s Great BIG Storybook,” and “A Mission for Leedle Burro,” as well as a cookbook filled with her “sassy recipe” articles. Sheila is also the owner of DoveQuill Publishing Company.

Deborah McCarragher, Devotional Contributor Deborah is the author of a Christian inspirational book for women titled “Mission Possible”. The book addresses living in a spiritually-uneven household. You can visit her website at for more information about her book.

Amy Lignor, The Write Companion Amy Lignor is the founder of Write Companion. Her blog touches on various subjects important to the industry like the power of social networking for authors, the world of self-publishing and how it’s starting to make the normal way of doing business obsolete, as well as subjects dealing with the art of writing, film, books, the classics, daily life, etc. that will hopefully inspire authors while adding a laugh or two to their day.

Keith Wallis, Poetry Keith Wallis is an English poet with decades of experience from the era of the “small press” to the era of “the web.” He’s been on this planet since 1949 when, by a strange manipulation of the universe, he arrived early and half-cooked. He is a husband, a father, and grandfather. His first chapbook of poems, “Wordsculptures,” owes its title to him being called a “Wordsculptor” by a colleague thirty years ago, and the name just stuck. His occupation is in engineering design, but he sees poetry as a “gifting” and works hard to keep it in shape. Relaxation comes via dabbling in artwork and photo manipulation. He is currently a moderator at His particular interest is the use of the language of poetry within a worship environment – church (where he is on the leadership team) is getting used to being “experimented” on when he leads services! www.wordbrief.blogspotcom 60

Thomas B. Clarke, “A Garden of Love” I am the caretaker of the Gethsemane Prayer Garden in Syracuse, NY, and an author/publisher of Christian books. Both gardening and writing are part-time jobs for me, but they are my heartfelt passion: to help others experience Jesus Christ in a more personal way and to grow in love.

Amanda Johnson, Assistant Editor Amanda has been writing for Ruby for Women for the past six months, and she has been a free-lance writer for several years, beginning her writing career as a young teen-ager. She also works for Love Unveiled, a ministry to women in undeveloped countries around the world. Amanda brings experience as well as a passion for ministry to the work of Ruby for Women, and she has a heart for reaching out and touching the hearts and lives of women everywhere. Amanda will be working with all of our writers on their submissions, as well as assisting in keeping the Ruby for Women blog and website up-to-date with new information daily.

Nina Newton, Sr. Editor When all of my four older children were in school, I returned to college as a “non-traditional student.” Eventually, I earned degrees in Classics and Philosophy, and a graduate degree in Medieval Studies: History of Theology. After teaching at a small community college in Michigan for seven years, my husband and I were blessed with the adoption of our two beautiful daughters, Gracie and Annie. Gracie is 10 years old and Annie is 8. They were both born in China, and we were able to travel to China two times to bring our daughters home. We live in northern Indiana in a small farming community where I work from my home office. For the past six years I have been designing and creating children’s clothing and various crafts. I began writing ebook patterns for my designs in 2007, and have several patterns available for sale on You Can Make This at I have also been a free-lance writer for many years, writing for two local newspapers when we lived in Michigan. My personal blog is at where I frequently post tutorials and patterns for crafts and other sewing projects, as well as weekly reflections on life as a woman, wife, mother, and daughter of the King.

We hope you have enjoyed this issue of the Ruby for Women ezine . . . . please write to us and share your ideas, your recipes and crafts, your poetry and stories, so that we can share them with all of our wonderful readers here at Ruby for Women. And please visit our community and join us at 61

Credits and Copyrights All stories and articles are copyright by the authors. All pictures and images are copyright by the authors and / or have been purchased, used by permission or are in the public domain. If any pictures or images have been used inadvertently, and they do not belong in this publication, please email us and we will immediately remove them. Nothing in this issue of Ruby for Women may be reproduced, copied, or shared without the permission of the author. Advertising information is available at Questions? Email Nina @ Or Amanda @ Ruby for Women is published by All submission inquiries should be directed to Nina Newton, Sr. Editor Ruby for Women or Amanda Johnson, Assistant Editor

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Graphic design by Jorim Web Design and Creative Consultant, Katherine Corrigan of Made It For You Special thanks to Kathy Miranda for sponsoring the Pampering for a Purpose fundraiser. Please visit our community website at to see how you can help support the ministry of Ruby for Women. Special thanks to Scott and Martin of Vintage Image Craft for sharing their amazing craft ideas with the Ruby for Women community! The new Ruby for Women banner was created by Katherine Corrigan of Made It For You at


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