Ruby autumn 2013

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Ruby for Women A voice for every Christian woman Autumn 2013

“. . . . her worth is far above rubies.” Proverbs 31:10

Ruby for Women Autumn, 2013

As the days turn cooler and the colorful leaves begin to fall, we celebrate the changing of the seasons in God’s beautiful world. Here at Ruby for Women we invite you to join us in the joy of this new season, and we hope that you will take a minute and let us know how we can be a blessing to you. Please visit us at where you can share your prayer requests, and submit your favorite autumn crafts and recipes. Senior Editor: Nina Newton Assistant Editor: Amanda Johnson Poetry: Keith Wallis Creative Assistant: Katherine Corrigan Family Fun Editor: Beth Brubaker Gardening: Dorothy Kurchak Devotions: Lynn Mosher Feature Writers: Connie Arnold, Hilary Covil, Theresa Ceniccola, Mimi Spurlock, Daphne Tarango, Angela Morris, Sharon L. Patterson, Elizabeth Baker, Maxine Young, Gloria Doty, Kristi Burchfiel, Elissa R. Peterson, Christena Hammes, Taylor DeVine, Rhea B. Riddle, Amanda Stephan, Tricia Goyer, Michelle Lazurek, Lisa Simpkins, Kristin Bridgman, Maria Greene, Debra Ann Elliott, Corallie Buchanan, Kathleen Kohler, Heather King, Patrice D. Wilkerson, Lanette Kissel

In This Issue . . . Page 5

Title To Every Thing there is a Season Nina Newton, Sr. Editor

Page 5


Watchful Sheep Amanda Johnson, Asst. Editor


Ruby Pearls Beth Brubaker


A Worrier’s Prayer Lanette Kissel


Come Back to Me Lanette Kissel


A Gift of Walnuts Gloria Doty


Turtle Pie from the kitchen of Katherine’s Corner


Cherry Cake from the kitchen of Katherine’s Corner


Dressing for the Kingdom Sharon L. Patterson


Secret of Success Scrambled Word Puzzle Beth Brubaker

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Ruby for Women is an online Christian women’s magazine that offers words of hope, inspiration, and encouragement to women everywhere. Knowing that every woman has a story to tell, we seek to give a “voice to every Christian woman,” from all walks of life, of every age, from all around the world. For advertising inquiries, please contact Nina Newton at If you would like to share your story with Ruby for Women, please email our Assistant Editor, Amanda Johnson, at Also, please visit our community website at where you can connect with other Christian women. 1 Ruby for Women 2731 W 700 N Columbia City, IN 46725


Title Page


Broken Taylor DeVine


Fuzzwippers Make Good Helpers Page 17 by Marilynn Halas Book Review by Sarah Johnson



Night Casts its Shadow Keith Wallis


Dawn Keith Wallis


Ask Beth Beth Brubaker


If I Have Chosen to be God’s Servant Lynn Mosher


Autumn Crafts from Around the Blogosphere Vintage Mama

Autumn Apple Bites from the kitchen of Katherine’s Corner


Almond Pound Cake from the kitchen of Katherine’s Corner



25 28 29 41 42 43

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Abracadabra: The Magic Mom Trick Heather King


Page 21

Footprints in the Mud: Why God Gave Me Children Beth Brubaker


YOU Are . . . . Sharon L. Patterson

The Pelican at My Elbow Cindy Bailey


Rocks Cindy Evans

Autumn Subway Art Printable Mom on Time Out


More Autumn Crafts Vintage Mama

Daily Devotionals Kristi Burchfiel


How to Use “Evernote” Donna McBroom-Theriot


There Were No Wings Yesterday Keith Wallis

Caramel Glazed Apple Bread Vintage Mama

Page 41

Apple Upside-Down Biscuits Vintage Mama A Walk through the Garden in Pictures Dorothy Kurchak The Lost Art of Listening Sharon L. Patterson

Page 49


Years, Like Leaves Keith Wallis


Secret of Success Word Puzzle Answer Key Beth Brubaker

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Page 81


Double Number Puzzle Answer Key Amanda Stephan

The Happy Housewife: Chapter Eleven A Time to Every Purpose Elizabeth Baker


Thanksgiving Craft Projects from Over the Big Moon

Double Number Puzzle Beth Brubaker


Meet the Ruby Writers 2


Credits and Copyrights

Ruby for Women Magazine and Blog We want to hear your story, because God has given a voice to every Christian woman.

Please visit us at the Ruby for Women blog and share your story with us! * * * *

Daily inspirational posts Featured bloggers FREE seasonal online magazine Crafts, recipes, poetry, and stories

We would love to hear from you!


• Classical Music Month • Hispanic Heritage Month

• International Square Dancing Month

• Fall Hat Month

• National Courtesy Month

• Better Breakfast Month


To Every Thing There is a Season by Nina Newton, Sr. Editor “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” Ecclesiastes 3:11 On a January day in 2010, as I was working on a few online projects, I received an email from a woman I had never met nor had I ever heard her name. I cautiously opened the email, making sure there were no suspicious links, and discovered that this particular message seemed to have originated from a real person who was sincere in her efforts to contact me. She had been visiting my blog, mamas*little*treasures, where I had been writing posts about everyday life as a “Vintage Mama,” as well as posting free craft and sewing tutorials, and she was inquiring about my interest in assisting her with some writing and marketing for an online Christian women’s magazine she had started in 2009. At the time, I was working from home, sewing and writing my eBook patterns which I sell at You Can Make This ( ) and I had the flexibility and time available to help her . . . . so I said I would be interested in talking with her about her project. We chatted on the phone a few times and she explained to me that she had created a magazine that she was selling as a subscription, and at the time it was a compilation of recipes, devotionals, stories, poems, gardening and family articles, and craft tutorials that she collected from a few of her friends. The name of her magazine was “Ruby Women” and it was published bi-monthly as a PDF document that could be uploaded to subscribers, most of whom were her family and friends. She explained to me that she was experiencing some health challenges and felt that she needed a bit of help getting the word out about “Ruby Women,” and was hoping that I could assist her in doing that. After a few weeks of more phone conversations and numerous emails, I received a message from her in which she told me that she had realized that her health concerns had become significant enough that she would no longer be able to manage the magazine at all, even with my help, and wondered if I would be interested in taking over all of the editorial responsibilities for “Ruby Women.” Otherwise, she said, she would need to discontinue the project. It just seemed like God had brought this project into my life, completely out of “nowhere,” which was the kind of thing I love to do, and it would keep me working from home where I could continue my responsibilities as a “Vintage Mama.” And so began my journey with Ruby . . . . . That was almost four years ago now, and over the years God brought Amanda along who has walked with me every step of the way as we grew the ministry of Ruby to a monthly online digital magazine, with well over 75 writers, 350 members of the Ruby community, and more than a quarter million readers of the magazine. Other dear friends have helped in ways too numerous to count. But now the time has come, perhaps for a short while, when we need to step back and catch our breath. Other responsibilities are calling and we can no longer manage the community – but we will maintain the Ruby blog where we would love to have you visit us and share your prayer requests with us, as well as your poems, stories, crafts, articles, devotionals, and recipes. We aren’t leaving you; we are just taking time to seek God’s guidance for the future of Ruby. Won’t you join us in praying for the future ministry of Ruby? I hope to hear from all of you regularly at the Ruby blog at I’ll be looking for you! ~ Nina 5

Watchful Sheep by Amanda Johnson Each morning when I’m on call, I head out to the barn to feed the horses. Sometimes I call out to them to let them know I’m coming and other times I just silently walk towards the barn. It doesn’t really matter if I make my presence known or not, because there’s always little noses peeking out of the barn windows waiting for my arrival. As soon as one hears or sees me, he lets out a long whinny signaling to the rest of the barn that it’s breakfast time. It doesn’t take long for the other horses to liven up in anticipation. “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me – just as the Father knows me and I know the Father” (John 10:14-15). Like the horses, we wait in anticipation of our Savior Jesus Christ to return and rescue us from the evils of this world. We know Him because we study the Word of God and make ourselves familiar with Him. Through His Spirit, our spirits learn to recognize the Lord. “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me…no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand” (John 10:27, 29). We are kept secure in the arms of our Shepherd and Savior Jesus Christ. Let us always be waiting with a watchful eye for His return. While we wait, let us also share His love with those around us so that they too can celebrate His return!

Ruby Pearls – Autumn 2013 Children's Words of Wisdom My son Cody (13) explained to me the differences between the sexes: “Girls like shoes, and boys... like to destroy things!” “I would rather sit on a pumpkin, and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion.” ― Henry David Thoreau “No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal face.” ― John Donne To get his wealth He spends his health and then with might and vain he turns around and spends his wealth to gain his health again!


A Worrier’s Prayer by Lanette Kissel Dear Father, I long to feel more than a moment’s peace. I long to feel some of that sweet release. Please diminish the lines on this furrowed brow. Help me entrust all my worries and fears to You now. Help me to let go of my fears and be worry free. Help me to place my worry where it’s supposed to be. Let me pack my fear in a bundle nice and neat, and gladly lay it all at Your feet. This poem was published in Silver Wings Oct / Nov 2006


Come Back to Me by Lanette Kissel Your righteous anger can be heard in the beginning crash of thunder. As You view this world’s wicked, wanton ways, Your wrath splits the heavens asunder. In the gentle pelting drops of rain, man can feel Your sorrowful tears, as You watch Your people turn away from You, all the more so in recent years. With every breath that You exhale, a soft breeze ripples through the air. Your gentle reminder says, “Come back to Me.” “I love you and I will always be there.” This poem was published in Silver Wings Oct/Nov 2008


A Gift of Walnuts by Gloria Doty My intention was to make banana bread using a few overly ripe bananas. When I realized I had used the last of the walnuts, I postponed the baking until I could make a trip to the store to purchase some. After all, banana bread just isn’t banana bread without the addition of walnuts, at least in my house. Like everything else in the store, the price of walnuts has gone even higher than usual. I stood by the huge display of packaged nuts and thought, briefly, ‘I have a walnut tree in my backyard. I am always fussing about all the nuts I have to pick up before mowing. Why don’t I go home and pick out my own walnuts like my mom used to do?’ That thought was accompanied by my childhood recollections of my mother spending hours doing just that and I knew my bananas would be more than overly ripe by the time I hulled enough walnuts. I grabbed a package, paid the exorbitant price and made my bread. The walnut memory lingered in my consciousness and I could recall the process in minute detail. The first part was my job. We had 5 large black walnut trees in the front yard. They formed a line along the gravel road on which we lived. I would pitch all of the green, tough-skinned walnuts out of the yard and into the road. The cars driving over them would break that outer covering and expose the shell inside. The walnuts we purchase in the store today are usually English Walnuts. These were aptly named Black Walnuts due to the extremely hard, black shell that surrounded the actual nut. These semi-squashed green walnuts had to be picked up from the road, put in a bucket and Mom would peel off all the remaining green skin. She had to wear gloves due to the inner blackness of the squashed shell. The Native Americans and the settlers used it as dye. It definitely would dye anything that came in contact with it: fingers, clothing, bare feet, and the bucket! The next step was to lay all of the hulled shells on a newspaper in the shed so they would dry and the black dust would brush off. 9

After a few months, Mom would lay each individual nut on the cement sidewalk and hit it with a hammer, just hard enough to crack it, but not hard enough to damage the nutmeat inside. She placed them in a dishpan and brought it into the kitchen. Many nights, after supper, she would set at the kitchen table and pick the nuts out of those cracked shells. She had a nutcracker in case they needed a little more opening and then she used a very pointed nut pick to get those walnut pieces pried loose from the crevices in the shell. I wasn’t allowed to use the sharp pick, but I would stand by the table and watch until there was a nice pile of walnut pieces. Then I could put them in a glass canning jar, where they would await being used in many of my mother’s recipes. Occasionally, she would give a jar of walnuts as a gift. I don’t know if the recipients ever appreciated the amount of work it required to fill that jar with those walnuts! These memories caused me to think of many analogies to my faith and life in general. We all seem to be covered in a thick tough shell that almost nothing or no one can penetrate. Sometimes, life runs over us with many different kinds of tragedies, which crack that hard shell. God uses these experiences and hardships to make us aware of our need for him. In the process, we are made vulnerable and the blackness of our sinful nature is exposed. That blackness can, and will, stain everything and everyone it touches. When Jesus reaches into our lives and claims us, the blackness is ‘dusted off’ and we are ready to be cracked open and used. God takes what is broken and unusable and makes a masterpiece. I wonder if the people receiving my mother’s gift realized the sacrifices that it took to fill that jar; the time, the broken fingernails, the stained hands, and the fingers pricked by the sharp pick. I also wonder if we appreciate Christ’s ultimate sacrifice that was required to seal our salvation: the betrayal, the wounds, the cross, death; all given freely so we can have the gift of eternal life. 10

Turtle Pie from the Kitchen of Katherine’s Corner During the cooler autumn months, it is always fun to try out a few new recipes. If you are ever looking for ideas of what to cook up for your family next, be sure to visit Katherine’s Corner! You will always find one of Katherine’s latest recipes, and they are truly delicious. Here is her recipe for Turtle Pie . . . . and she promises, no actual turtles were harmed in the making of this pie! What You Need • • • • • • • • • •

9 inch pre-made pie crust (chocolate cookie style or graham cracker crust) 2 Pints of pralines and cream ice cream (softened) 1 can whipped topping ( with a piping nozzle) ( or whipped topping and a piping bag and tip) 1/2 cup chocolate ice cream topping, hardening-style ( measurement is approximate) 1/4 cup caramel ice cream topping ( measurement is approximate) Chocolate candy bar ( chopped into small bits) ¼ Cup pecan halves 9 Inch pie plate Rubber spatula Large spoon

Before You Start- Carefully transfer pie crust to pie plate. Using a rubber spatula and a spoon fill the pie crust with the softened ice cream and spread evenly. Place in the freezer for about 15 minutes to firm (but not harden). Let’s Make It! Spray the top of the ice cream filled pie with whipped topping and spread evenly. Using the whipped topping nozzle slowly pipe a decorative whipped topping ribbon around the edge. Place back into the freezer to set for about 10 minutes. Remove from freezer and using a spoon, drizzle the caramel ice cream topping in a criss-cross pattern across the top of the pie. Repeat with the chocolate ice cream topping. Sprinkle a few pecans and chocolate bits on the top and serve immediately. Serves 6-8 11

Cherry Cake from the kitchen of Katherine’s Corner What You Need • 3 1/2 cups cherries (pitted, frozen works great, too, just thaw first) • 1/4 cup poppy seeds, ground (not too fine) • 1/4 cup almond milk ( or milk) • 2 tsp. Vanilla extract • 1 tsp. Almond extract • 1 ½ cups flour • 1 cup almond flour • ¼ tsp. Salt • 3 Tbsp. baking powder • 1 tsp. Baking soda

• • • • • • • • • • •

1 cup unsalted butter ( 2 sticks) room temp. 1 ½ cups sugar 6 eggs = 4 eggs, 2 egg yolks (room temp) Confectioners’ sugar for dusting (optional) Loaf pan Saucepan with lid Nonstick cooking spray 2 mixing bowls Electric mixer Baking sheet Wire cooling rack

Before You Start Preheat your oven to 350° and prepare loaf pan with cooking spray. Heat milk in a saucepan, bring to a simmer (bubbles around the edges do not boil) and add poppy seeds, stir and lower heat and let simmer for 2-3 minutes. Remove the saucepan from the heat and cover with a lid, let cool for about 20 minutes. Let’s Make It! In a bowl combine flours, salt, baking powder and baking soda and set it aside. In another bowl combine butter and sugar and using your electric mixer on medium high speed, mix until creamy add the vanilla, almond extract and continue mixing, add eggs and yolks one at a time until well incorporated (about 3 minutes) add milk and poppy seed mixture slowly and continue to mix. Reduce mixer speed to medium low and slowly add flour mixture a little at a time mixing to combine well. Pour about half of the cherries into the batter and using a spoon fold the cherries into the batter. Pour the batter into the loaf pan sprinkle the remaining cherries on the top, spread the batter and cherries out evenly. Place loaf pan on baking sheet and bake for about 45 minutes (*test with toothpick or wooden skewer for doneness.) Remove from oven and let cool in pan for about 15 minutes remove from pan and place on cooling rack to cool for about 45 minutes. Dust with confectioners’ sugar before serving. Serves 6-8 slices

*Katie’s Tid Bits It’s okay to omit the almond flour if you would prefer to use all white flour. To test for doneness with a toothpick, poke it into the center of the cake and if you remove it and there is no batter or wet on the toothpick the cake is 12 done. I do not recommend canned cherries for this recipe.


Do you remember the last time you got an invitation to a wedding…I mean one you KNEW you wanted to attend. Your mind went on a virtual trip into your closet even before you decided to go look to see what you might consider wearing. Pants or a dress? Which shoes? No the black ones are too high. The silver sandals…you wore those on graduation night 10 years ago. They will never do. Ugh! What about accessories? A dilemma is emerging as you try on possible outfits left over from other special events. They look more like misfits than outfits. Shoulders shrug dissatisfied with every glance in the mirror on the back of the closet door. You reach the inevitable conclusion…you are going shopping. Thus, the vigil begins, the budget expands, and the hope for the perfect what-to-wear surges. You grab your keys and you are off to the mall. As women, we can get really overcome selecting our apparel for special events in our lives, can’t we? Yet, there is one place to which we are invited where we can find exactly what we need in precisely the right size at the most incredible price-free. We are invited by the King of all Heaven to come into His Kingdom. There are events in the kingdom and for every occasion, we have access to a wardrobe so that we can dress not just appropriately but perfectly. So, let’s do a bit of perusing the Lord’s closet for us, shall we? The first great event to attend in the kingdom is God’s Salvation. Just what do we need for that? An accepted invitation to meet and know God’s son, Jesus. Well, I can hardly wait to tell you that you get to trade in at this event. Every old sin-stained garment you own hanging in the closet of your soul. That means all skimpy, torn and tacky shrouds are simply turned in to Jesus, the producer of the event. Immediately, He hands us pure white robes made from a unique material called righteousness. He really knows His stuff…He made the material Himself and used a cross to stitch it! You can’t get the material anywhere else, not Macy’s or Neimans. One of my old shrouds I traded at that first event was heaviness. Guess what I got when I gave that one to Jesus? A beautiful garment of praise! I wear it all the time, not just on Sundays. It never shows wear and gets more gorgeous every time I put it on. It holds up well in any weather and under all circumstances. It is one of my favorite pieces in my wardrobe. What’s more, it looks perfect with my robe of righteousness! 13

Oh, FYI, there is a great beauty counter where you can pick up the oil of joy just as long as you give Jesus that old left over mourning. You can trade in the ashes of disappointment, failure and loss and He will give you a lasting beauty treatment that will beat any face lift offer you’ve ever heard of. I stopped by and ever since then, I have received nothing but compliments about my countenance. People who have known me a long time tell me that my expression lines of sadness are absolutely gone. I’m still ecstatic about the change! That has been over 20 years ago. Can you believe it? Well, I’ll be glad to give you references to verify this if you would like. Now, not every event in the Kingdom is church service or a praise concert. Sometimes, highly charged events occur when we are in the Kingdom. These require a few extra must haves in our wardrobe. It is important to never leave the house without wearing them. It seems there are some really awful characters waiting to steal all the wonderful things Jesus has given us. They work for the head honcho-a very unsavory foe named Satan. The must haves are in a category of clothing all their own. I keep a checklist inside my soul’s closet just to make certain I have every piece on when leaving for the day. Don’t freak out when I tell you what the category is-armor. Please hold on a second. God’s kind is NOT heavy because it is spiritual clothing. So, you can breathe a sigh of relief. I am going to share the list and tell you what each piece is for. Once you put them on, you, too, will never want to leave the house without them. Ready?

MY SPIRITUAL CLOTHING CHECKLIST: 1. Girdle of truth (helps keep the lies off of you…no, not flies, lies!) It keeps you grounded and tight spiritually. 2. Breastplate of righteousness (fits right over your robe): Keeps you clean) 3. My GPS’s: Gospel Peace Shoes (better than Miu’s or Steve Madden’s) keeps you walking in the right frame of mind anytime day or night


4. Shield of faith (a worthy accessory for sure) Keeps you free from fiery darts coming your way when that unsavory foe, Satan and his crew are after you 5. Helmet of salvation: Keeps your mind guarded. (This is a hard hat you want to own all of your life!) 6. Sword of the Spirit, i.e., the Word of God (For best usage, put it in your heart so it can come out of your mouth when needed) Keeps you on the right page always. One of the tools Jesus used best against Satan. One quick note to remember: Jesus is the Word of God…pretty impressive, huh. Not only does He use it, He is IT! Special Note: It is expedient to put all these on while maintaining a posture of prayer not just for myself but the rest of my friends in the kingdom. That’s it. It doesn’t take long to put them on…much faster than getting ready for that wedding we mentioned at the beginning. Speaking of weddings, I want to end by letting you know about an upcoming event in the Kingdom in the not too distant future. You are going to love it because it is a wedding! Perhaps I should say, THE WEDDING of all weddings. (More prestigious than Prince William and Kate’s) The actual name of the event is THE MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB. What is more, YOU are in the wedding party as the bride!!! If you accepted your invitation to the first event in the Kingdom, your name is already engraved on the invitation. Details are outlined in the book of Revelation and the exact time is still to be announced. Don’t worry about what you will wear. I know you are going to be well-dressed in that white robe of righteousness! See you there! (Taken from Isaiah 61:3; 10 and Ephesians 6:14-17) 15

Secret of Success? Scrambled Scrambled Word Puzzle by Beth Brubaker

Answer key on page 79.

Broken by Taylor DeVine You've been hurt. Your heart is shattered and bruised. You'd like to trust again, but all it seems to do is cause more pain. Jesus is knocking at your heart, of this you're certain. You want to let Him in, you know He won't hurt you, but it's hard to trust He truly won't. After all, you spend the majority of your life repairing a broken heart, right? Unwillingly, you find yourself drifting from Him. You want to stay where you're at until you're ready, but you're drifting further out to sea. Will He find you there? You cry out His name as peace consumes your heart. Is that Him? Is this what it feels like to trust Him? Is He really always there? His arms are open, is that for you? It can't be! But, oh! It is! He's calling your name, "My Child, run into my arms and I will save you!" You run to His arms, and collapse into His warm embrace and begin to cry. Tears of joy stream down His face too. You look back at the door you came through and see an angel. "Daddy, why is he there?" you question. "For any child of Mine, I guard the door. I don't want to lose them to their fears. I want them to know they're loved; so I post an angel at the door to turn them back to me when they try to leave. My child, I will never leave you. I am for you and I love you." 16

Fuzzwippers Make Good Helpers by Marilynn Halas A Review by Sarah Johnson My four year old Madison and I recently read Fuzzwippers Make Good Helpers by Marilynn Halas. We really enjoyed the first of the Fuzzwippers books (Hello, We're The Fuzzwippers) and were looking forward to diving into another adventure. We certainly weren’t disappointed! As soon as we opened the book, Madison exclaimed “Oh here they are! They are so cute!” In this adventure, Fuzzwipper Fuzzina and her buddy Elizabeth notice a community lawn in need of some major TLC. Together with some neighborhood friends and fellow Fuzzwippers, they transform the area into a beautiful and functional garden. They learn that they can do anything when they help one another and work as a team! I thought it was neat that the story led into fun yet informative conversations about flowers, fruits, and veggies. Madison especially looked forward to the special surprise the Fuzzwippers made for their buddies at the end of the book. The surprise included more tips for kids on how to be good helpers. My favorite tip is number four – SMILE! This book is a fantastic read for parents and children alike! Madison and I hope you enjoy it as much as we did! Fuzzwippers Make Good Helpers is available through Be sure to check out the complete series by Marilynn Halas! If you’d like to win a free copy of Fuzzwippers Make Good Helpers, log on to and enter our Book Give-A-Way for the month of September!

Enter the autumn Book Giveaway at Ruby for Women! Just post a comment on the Ruby for Women blog at and leave your email address. That’s all you need to do to enter to win your copy of Fuzzwippers Make Good Helpers by Marilynn Halas! 17

Ask Beth by Beth Brubaker

WxtÜ Uxà{? I have a co-worker who constantly wears inappropriate things that show off her cleavage. It's distracting not only to the men (obviously), but also to the women! I do not want to see this woman's bosom! How do I handle this?

í `Éwxáà tÇw `ÉÜà|y|xw Dear Modest, No one needs to see everyone else's goodies - especially in the workplace. If we were women of the world, this issue could be handled by giving her a jar of skin-colored spackle and a note suggesting she fix that crack in her chest before her boobs fall off. But we are Christians, and Christians don't do that (even if it is a good idea!) Seriously though, treat this Biblically by talking to her in private first. She might not realize just how distracting she is, and telling her (in a nice way) will let her know her wardrobe might need a few changes. Of course she could be using her cleavage as a power play to get attention, but approach her as if she is innocent of the distraction she is causing. If she continues to dress provocatively, find a few other co-workers who agree with you and let her know as a friendly, but united front, that her wardrobe is causing issues in the workplace. If all else fails, tell the boss as a group, so he/she can handle it. If no one will do anything about it, I suggest you stand when talking to her (so you are eye level) and use folders or papers in your hand to block your view of her assets. Maybe one day she'll take the hint!

Happy Hinting! ~ Beth Ask Beth! Do you have a question about parenting, home making, organizing, friendship, or family? Ask Beth! Please email her at She would love to hear from you! 18

If I Have Chosen to be God’s Servant… (Matt. 10:25 NKJV)

by Lynn Mosher One of my devotionals the other day kindled some self-introspection, as usual, and caused me to ask myself some questions. Then, I had an occurrence in my life. You know, one of those experiences that the Lord allows to drive home a point? Well, it did! Here’s what I asked myself… If I have given the Lord my life, allowing Him to be my Salvation, my Guide, my Rescuer, my source of Power, my Victory, my Freedom, my Listener, my Promise, my Protection, my Forgiveness, my Peace, my Comfort, my Joy, my Praise, my Provision, my Healer, my Teacher, my Rest, my Righteousness, my Shepherd, my Life……then… * do I serve Him every day? * do I strive to remain obedient? * do I surrender all into His care? * do I trust that His will and purpose are best? * do I dare to believe His Word and promise and apply it to my life? * do I know all things, yes, all things, come to me as sifted through His loving fingertips? The opening verse uses the word ‘enough.’ It also means sufficient and content. So, how sufficient do I consider my life in my Master’s hands? How content am I to have Him manage my day? If all the moments of my everyday life are filtered through His care, then how can I not receive every situation, every hurt, every interruption in my day as being of His keeping, of His nod of approval? How can I not serve Him gladly and say, “Yes, Lord, Your will be done”? How can I not smile and say “thank You” to the One guiding me, the One Who loves me more than anyone else, the One Who watches over me, the One Who takes all my moments and 8:28s them? As Romans 8:28 says, if I love God and am called according to His purpose, then “all things work together for good.”


The Greek word for ‘working together’ is ‘sunergeo,’ which, in part, means to labor together as partners, co-operate, co-worker, assist by putting forth power together, and so on. ‘Sunergeo’ is the basis for our English word ‘synergy,’ which is a combined action or functioning, a combined action of two or more agents, when taken together, having a total affect that is greater than the sum of the individual effects. The first definition of ‘synergism’ listed in The Random House Dictionary of the English Language, published in 1966, gives this awesome definition: the doctrine that the human will cooperates with the Holy Ghost in the work of regeneration. Thank you, Random House! In other words, all things co-operate together, as co-partners in labor for good. So, if I have chosen to be God’s servant, what is my attitude at what He allows to come my way? Do I work together with Him to bring good results? As a servant… * do I still praise the Lord if persecution comes my way? * do my words speak of peace and joy or anger and bitterness? * do I complain when something negative interrupts my peace? * does my day’s work glorify the Lord if I rebel at His commands? * do I serve my Master poorly by grumbling under my breath at His requests? * am I perfected in His image if I do not have a positive attitude, no matter what the circumstances? If I desire to be like my Master, trials and tribulations, heartache and pain, grief and suffering will come my way. Is my attitude toward them synergistic with His? If “I am the Lord’s servant, and I am willing to do whatever He wants,” (Luke 1:38 TLB) will I hear those awesome and longawaited words from my Master… “Well done, good and faithful servant…Come and share your Master’s happiness!” (Matt. 25:23 NIV)

From His feet, Lynn 20

Vintage Mama’s Journeys: Autumn Crafts from Around the Blogosphere In every issue of the Ruby for Women magazine, we feature some of the best seasonal craft ideas that we have discovered on a variety of blogs and websites. We would love to include your craft ideas in an upcoming issue of the Ruby magazine, so please email us at and tell us about your crafty projects. For this issue, we have brought together a collection of beautiful handcrafted projects that will bring a bit of autumn sparkle to your home. We hope you will try some of these fun crafts, and please be sure to visit the blogs where we found our favorite autumn craft ideas.

Yarn Pumpkins (aka Yumpkins) from A Soft Place to Land Just a touch of autumn whimsy will brighten up any corner of your home as the days grow shorter and the chilly winds begin to blow. These adorable Yarn Pumpkins (aka Yumpkins!) were discovered at A Soft Place to Land. Created from small pumpkins and gourds from the garden (or even a couple of “pretend” pumpkins from the dollar store!), wrapped in lovely shades of autumn. Super simple, and definitely guaranteed to bring some autumn sunshine into your home! Visit A Soft Place to Land for the complete tutorial for making your own Yarn Pumpkins (Yumpkins!)

Book Page Pumpkins from Creations by Kara So many pages and no end of creative things you can do with them! Over at Creations by Kara, we discovered these sweet little book page pumpkins that are simply adorable. Any old book will do, the older the better so the pages will have that aged, vintage look, then add a twig from the back yard (along with your trusty friend the hot glue gun to hold it all together!), and a scrap of green ribbon for the leaves, and there you have it. Make a whole basket full of these little gems to decorate your home this autumn. Sweet! 21

Framed Pumpkin Collage by My Blessed Life Here’s another creative craft idea to get your family in the mood for autumn! A frame (you could use a vintage frame and paint it or decorate it, or buy a new one), some burlap for the background, scrapbook paper pumpkin cutouts, scrabble pieces, and another adventure with the hot glue gun, and you’ve got the makings for this artistic collage from My Blessed Life. You can find the complete tutorial at My Blessed life blog . . . . . and be sure to leave a comment and say that Ruby sent you!

Leaf Placemat Pillows by Becca at Home is Where My Story Begins “Those aren’t pillows!” So begins the blog post where we discovered this craft project idea. Just take a few autumn leaf-shaped placemats from Wal-Mart, open up one of the seams and stuff it full of pillow stuffing, and voila! Cute, easy, and inexpensive pillows to give your home a bit of autumn ambience. Isn’t she absolutely crafty?

Fresh as Fall Painted and Lettered Pumpkin Décor by Shanty 2 Chic Sometimes it is the simplest designs of all that make the most creative statement! This charming painted pumpkin features chipboard letters spelling the word “fall,” glued onto one side and then the entire pumpkin is spray painted a soft ivory. Burlap fabric flowers embellish the side of the pumpkin, and in combination with a few other simple autumn treasures, it makes a beautiful centerpiece for your table or on a mantle. Be sure to visit Shanty 2 Chic for more crafty decorating ideas. 22

Abracadabra: The Magical Mom Trick by Heather King He made rabbits appear out of nowhere. He seemed to read minds. He pulled colorful bouncy balls out from behind children’s ears. The magician at our local library amazed my kids, particularly my middle daughter who checked out four books on magic that day and altered her future career plans. “I want to be a magician who tells jokes,” she declared. Today, I am feeling a little like a magician without the recognition and the jokes. No fabulously mysterious cape, no collapsible magic wand hiding a bouquet of flowers, no long flowing sleeves to stash cards and colorful scarves, and no top hat from which bunnies appear. My Mom-attire is much less impressive. And yet, every year at about this time, I perform a seemingly magical feat that defies all explanation, a trick that doesn’t necessarily astonish audiences, but probably should. I set the family calendar for the new school year. Astonished? Amazed? Flabbergasted? Speechless? Maybe you should be. Or maybe you’ve been waving your own Mom magic wand over the calendar and performing your own special trick for years. You deserve a round of applause, too. Even those of you without kids or with grown children can easily find your calendar as overstuffed as ours. Of course, there are things outside of my control, like the school schedule and when ballet classes are offered. So, I wait for official announcements and postings, hoping God performs the necessary miracle to make it all fit just right. Then I sit down and scan the mess. There are non-negotiable activities that instantly earn a place on the weekly agenda. There are the things I believe God has asked me to do this year, which I choose to obey. There are the “Oh please, mommy . . . .” activities like gymnastics, soccer, swimming lessons, 4H, Girl Scouts, fencing (yes, fencing), art and sewing classes. This we carefully narrow down, allowing each child one activity at a time. 23

Then there are the 50 other possibilities that are wonderful and good: The Bible studies, prayer meetings, committees, volunteering, and classes I’d do. When we think we’ve made it all fit, unexpected birthday parties and get-togethers, after school activities, and events squeeze into the corners of Saturdays and evenings. Of course, it’s all good. And maybe, just maybe, if I don’t let my kids take swim lessons every time they are offered my daughter won’t make it to the 2024 Olympics. That would obviously be the world’s loss. But today, as I was reading in 1 Corinthians, I was reminded of the one thing that sometimes gets nudged out of our lives by the incessant activity we magically jam, cram, and squeeze into our calendars until they burst. Paul wrote: “If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing” (1 Corinthians 13:1-3 ESV). Even if we invest our time in everything good and noble, we might be mis-managing our calendars. Ultimately, speaking God’s language, knowing God’s Word, giving away to the poor, and sacrificing our very lives are all worthy, but even they are utterly meaningless if we don’t do them in love. So then, what about committee meetings and weekly groups and gymnastics lessons? Yes, meaningless without love. So I’ve been praying this year about leaving room for God’s love in our family calendar. We’ll do what is necessary, what God has asked us to do, and we’ll love our children by allowing them to (within reason) develop gifts and talents God has given them. And then I’ll refuse to feel guilty for declining to do every other good thing that comes my way. I want the freedom to love others without it destroying a to-do list or rigid schedule. I don’t want official “ministry” to prevent me from ministering to those in need. After all, in the end, Paul tells us that “the greatest of these is love” (1 Cor. 13:13). Love doesn’t require magic, but it does require time. 24

The Pelican at my Elbow by Cindy Bailey

No Thai, Indian or Vietnamese cuisine. No mini golf or bumper cars. No tack shops or "upcycled" clothing stores. No fussing around about applying sunblock or combing out our hair or taking a bath, even if we did spend the day in the water. No one forgot her underwear. (Annie) Or had to put up with someone else borrowing hers. (Julie) We did what we wanted when we wanted to do it. Or not. (Cindy and Bob) It was the first beach trip us Old Folk took without any Younger Persons of Interest in tow. And the undertow of that fact disoriented us and within an hour of getting in the car; we were thinking maybe it was a bad idea and we should go home and work in the yard. I kept thinking of a day on the beach over 15 years ago when Julie, then eight, and I were hoarding shells in buckets. We were having such fun that we didn’t even notice we were being followed, until Bob called out, “Look behind you!” About a foot away were two pelicans who were under the impression that we had seafood in those buckets. Time, I was thinking in the car with my now-senior citizen husband, is like those pelicans, right at your elbow, trying to rob you of precious things. But, we soldiered on, wanting to see how this vacation would turn out. As we tiptoed out on the sand that first evening, where young parents were working so hard to keep everyone happy so their kids could take these memories along with them into life, I'll admit we felt like beached salmon, used up by our own years of parenting, waiting for the seabirds to pick at our bones, well it wasn't that bad.... 25

But an experience is what you make it, we said to ourselves, so we resolved to step back, enjoy our freedom and try to see things as they really are and not as recent empty nesters who tend to romanticize things. We'd see a toddler with her hair standing up on her head and look at each other with wide grins. "Annie!" And there was this young dad who had a giant, inflated sea turtle strapped to his back, reminiscent of the alligator Julie cajoled us into buying in a beach shop once. For several years, we always managed to find a way to pack up that green wonder, and Bob dragged the girls around on it in the sea – after we exhausted ourselves blowing the doggone thing up. I think that ol' boy (the alligator, not my husband) is still in the cellar somewhere, a shriveled skin, beaten into submission, languishing like me and Bob, among the remnants of two childhoods. But I digress. As our beach day wore on, you could see the moms and dads deflating like that alligator, and we were both thinking, "That was fun while it lasted, but it sure was exhausting." And you could see the kids getting crankier as the sun slipped behind the horizon; one dad looked at us with desperation as his little girl sobbed over a pink ball that had floated away unnoticed with the tide. "Some other little girl can play with it," only made her wail louder–the type of story she will repeat as a teen when she wants to make him feel bad about something. The type of memory you spend your seven precious, expensive vacation days trying to avoid. And sitting in our lawn chairs, snoozing and reading (guess who was snoozing), our feet in the tide, an unspoken sigh of relief wafted around us that the day-to-day parenting job had come to a satisfying conclusion at our house, through the grace of God, who watched over us all, including us befuddled parents who still don't have the answers. Because we couldn't keep them from hurts and bad influences anymore that we could keep Julie from that nasty jellyfish on Sanibel Island. And we still can't. 26

And so we said private prayers of thanksgiving and saw each other in a renewed light, realizing that without the two of us working together every single day and hour to bring them up in the way that we thought they should go, it really could have been a ship wreck. But on our last day, the nostalgia returned in the seashell store where I noticed Bob's eyes got a little glassy. Because most every parent takes their kid in that store to make sure they get to bring home something pretty and unbroken, although they usually want the dried baby octopus for $12.99. Anyhow, by the time he found me in the bookstore, his eyes were shining because he had a present for me: Four carefully wrapped starfish to replace the one I was mourning over from a long ago beach trip. I had put it in the flowerbed, and some flat-footed deer stomped around that night and massacred it. And you see why I love him (Bob, not the deer). We packed up a little early in search of roads not taken by the masses, discovering a small public beach in the town of "Slaughter." Despite it's unfortunate name, the community there had devoted itself to rescuing the endangered horseshoe crabs, which had been crushed into fertilizer by the millions as they came to that beach to spawn each spring. Today the crabs flourish, and somehow all this care of a creature with a face only a mother could love touched me. We hiked to a tiny lighthouse, which still stands inspiring people, though its light went out a generation ago. We found an inlet full of blue crabs knocking each other off the rocks, just because they were, well, crabby. Fortunately we didn't have to catch any and put them in a Styrofoam cup to take home. And truly, there was something liberating about not having to explain why little baby crabs die if you take them from their homes and mothers. Visit Cindy Bailey at Cindy’s Wind blog: to read more of her slice-of-life essays from 25 years of parenting and living. 27


FREE Fall Printables for you and your family from Mom on Timeout at

Daily devotions for every day of the month from Kristi Burchfiel Day One VERSE: Matthew 7:13–Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. TRUTH: Do we sometimes feel like we’re all alone and no one understands us? That may mean that we’re on the right path. Since the path to destruction is broad and filled with people, finding ourselves with plans and ideas that differ from the majority is not always a bad thing. We must constantly evaluate ourselves to make sure we line up with the Bible, but if we are following that, we will find ourselves in the company of fewer and fewer people who believe the same way that we do. RESPONSE: Lord, help me to be focused on You alone so that I do not get distracted by the crowds trying to lead me the wrong way. I love You and want to serve and follow You alone.

Day Two VERSE: Matthew 8:2–And a leper came to Him and bowed down before Him, and said, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.” TRUTH: Jesus has both the power and ability to do all things; the question is the willingness. The leper recognized this and did not ask Jesus “if” He could heal him, but instead makes the statement, “You can make me clean.” Jesus has the power over every area of our life, there is nothing that is impossible for Him. However, just because He can do something doesn’t mean He is always willing, for a variety of reasons. We can ask God about His willingness, recognizing that if He is not willing to use His power in a certain way, then He knows what is best and He has something greater planned. 29

RESPONSE: Lord, You are all powerful and if You are willing, You are able to do anything You like. Help me to trust in Your decisions on when to use Your power, knowing that Your willingness is always for the best.

Day Three VERSE: Matthew 9:36–Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd. TRUTH: Do we see people as God sees them? He looks at people and sees their hurts and their needs. Do we see the same? Or, do we only see the appearance of people, or the actions of people? We must look past these and see people as Jesus sees people and then respond as He would. RESPONSE: Lord, You see people as they truly are. Help me to see others as You see them so I can respond to them and treat them as You would, not as I would.

Day Four VERSE: Matthew 10:39–He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it. TRUTH: We are we searching for? What are we trying desperately to attain? If we are seeking to gain and hold on to our life, we will not be able to keep it. If we are willing to sacrifice our life, or give up our life for Jesus Christ, then through Him, we will be given life. How are we trying to obtain life? RESPONSE: Father, help me be willing to sacrifice all for You. My life means nothing apart from You, for only You give me meaning and purpose.

Day Five VERSE: Matthew 11:28–Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. TRUTH: What a beautiful promise! Do we feel exhausted and over-whelmed? Do we feel weighed down by the cares of the world? Then we have not come to Jesus with those things. God promises us that if we will come to Him, He will give us rest. 30

RESPONSE: Lord, I feel weary and heavy-laden in some areas of my life. Forgive me for not coming to You and giving You those areas. I do so now. Take them and I will rest in You.

Day Six VERSE: Matthew 12:36–But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment. TRUTH: Jesus has discussed in this chapter that our words are a reflection of our heart. As a result, every word we speak, even the careless one, is a reflection of something in our heart and we will have to give an accounting to Him for it. Why do we say some of the flippant things we say? Do we think before we speak? Would we want every word we’ve said to be used to describe us to someone we’ve never met before? RESPONSE: Lord, help guard my tongue. I want it to only say things that are a reflection of You. My words are to be chosen carefully and said with an attitude of love and a desire to see people become more like Christ.

Day Seven VERSE: Matthew 13:16–But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear. TRUTH: Throughout this chapter, Matthew gives multiple parables that describe the kingdom of heaven. Over and over again, He admonishes and encourages us to “hear” what He is saying. Are we listening? Are we seeking to hear and to know all that Christ has in store for us? Do we share it with others so that they will not miss out? RESPONSE: Lord, Your kingdom sounds amazing and beyond what words can describe. I pray that I will see and hear all that You want to share so that I can share it with others.

Day Eight VERSE: Matthew 14:16–But Jesus said to them, “They do not need to go away, you give them something to eat!” 31

TRUTH: When people come to us in need, desperate for Jesus Christ in their life, do we answer them and address their need and bring them to our Lord? Or do we instead tell them to go visit the pastor, or the church, or some other place without us meeting any of their needs? God brings people into our lives for us to minister to. We are to allow God to meet their needs through us, not just blindly send them away. RESPONSE: Lord, help me to see and recognize the opportunities to minister to others when You bring them my way. I don’t want to allow anyone to leave hungry for You because I sent them away.

Day Nine VERSE: Matthew 15:8–This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. TRUTH: It can be so easy to just go through the motions. We turn our relationship with Jesus into just another line on our daily “to do” list. We say the right things and do the right things, but for all the wrong reasons. Jesus accused the Pharisees of honoring Him with their lips, but not with their hearts. What would Jesus say to us if He stood before us? Do we follow and obey God because we love Him and desire Him? Or is it just because we’ve always done it this way, or because other people expect us to, or because we want the favor and approval of others? Where is our heart? RESPONSE: Lord, it’s easy to get into a routine and just follow You because that’s what people expect. Forgive me! I follow You because I love You and I desire a close relationship with You. Help me not to lose sight of that and be distracted by any other reason for doing what You would have me do!

Day Ten VERSE: Matthew 16:15-16–He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” TRUTH: Each person must ultimately answer that very question for themselves. Who do we say that Jesus is? However, this is not just a one-time question; this question must be answered every day. Sure, we can say that Jesus is the Lord of all in our life and live that out in obedience to Him today, but how about tomorrow? Certainly, we cannot lose our salvation, as that is a one-time decision, but we can certainly lose our effectiveness if we are not daily proclaiming He is Lord of our life. 32

RESPONSE: Jesus, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. You are over all things and in You I will place my obedience and my love. I will live for You today and every day.

Day Eleven VERSE: Matthew 17:2–And He was transfigured before them, and His face shone like the sun, and His garments became as white as light. TRUTH: These men had been following Jesus for some time and yet were shocked and afraid when Jesus displayed even just a tiny portion of His glory and power. Do we recognize the power and the glory that is Jesus Christ? Do we give Him the praise that is due Him knowing the glory and power that He has? RESPONSE: Lord, You are full of glory and power, but often I don’t think about that when I speak to You or speak about You. I pray You will remind me of Your power and glory in a new and fresh way today.

Day Twelve VERSE: Matthew 18:21–Then Peter came up and said to Him, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” TRUTH: Forgiveness is a core concept of the Christian life. We ask for God’s forgiveness in everything we’ve done that’s gone against Him. He also expects us to forgive others. How often do we rejoice in our own forgiveness and yet refuse to forgive others for the wrongs that they have done against us? How many times should we forgive others? Every single time for that is how often God forgives us. RESPONSE: Lord, help me to love and forgive like You do. It’s so easy to accept Your forgiveness and then not want to forgive others, but that doesn’t display Your love. I pray You will help me to be more like You in how I treat others.

Day Thirteen VERSE: Matthew 19:26–And looking at them, Jesus said to them, “With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” 33

TRUTH: There are so many things I do not understand about the Christian life. I cannot explain exactly how faith works, other than to say that I know it does. So many of the miracles and amazing, wondrous things I have both seen and heard about are more than I can rationalize. I have no logical reason for the peace I have in the midst of trouble and difficulty. Yet through it all, I don’t doubt it because I know that with God all things are possible. RESPONSE: Lord, I place my trust and faith in You, even when I don’t understand and can’t explain how or why something happens or doesn’t happen. I know anything is possible for You and I praise You for doing what no one else can do.

Day Fourteen VERSE: Matthew 20:34–Moved with compassion, Jesus touched their eyes, and immediately they regained their sight and followed Him. TRUTH: When we see people who are hurting or in need, are we moved with compassion and pushed to action for these people? Do we seek to treat them as Jesus would or do we turn and go the other way? We should see people as Jesus sees them and respond to them with the compassion that Jesus has for them. RESPONSE: Lord, forgive me for being judgmental or inactive when I see people. I want to look with Your eyes. I want to be moved with Your compassion each time I see someone in need. Help me to see as You see.

Day Fifteen VERSE: Matthew 21:6–The disciples went and did just as Jesus had instructed them. TRUTH: Jesus had given the disciples a job. He told them exactly how He wanted it done. What did they do? They went and did exactly as Jesus told them to do. When Jesus gives us a job and instructions of something to do, are we obedient? Do we do exactly what Jesus tells us to do every time? VERSE: Lord, I want to be known as someone who does exactly what You’ve given me to do. Help me to be completely obedient to You in everything You ask. 34

Day Sixteen VERSE: Matthew 22:37–And He said to him, “You should love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” TRUTH: The Old Testament is filled with many laws and rules, yet when Jesus is asked what is the greatest, He tells them this one. If we are loving God with all our heart, soul, and mind, then all our actions will line up with God’s plan for us. Are we acting today out of love for God? RESPONSE: Father, You are over all things and You are worthy of my love. You created love itself and I am privileged to be able to give it back to You. Help me to think first of my love for You in all things.

Day Seventeen VERSE: Matthew 23:12–”Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.” TRUTH: What value do we place upon ourselves? What level of importance do we try to convince others that we have? We must recognize that only God is worthy of praise and if we seek to exalt ourselves, we will be humbled. If we are humbling ourselves before God, we will be exalted by Him. RESPONSE: Lord, I praise You and lift You up. You are the one worthy of exaltation. I will seek to make You known in all I do.

Day Eighteen VERSE: Matthew 24:44–For this reason you also must be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will. TRUTH: Jesus will return again. He has promised to do so. He has also promised that we will not know the hour when He will come. Therefore, we must be ready at all times. Are we ready for Christ’s return right now? If He came back today, would He find us being faithful to Him?


RESPONSE: Lord, You will return and we will not know in advance when that will be. I pray that I will keep this in mind every day so as to always be found ready for Your return.

Day Nineteen VERSE: Matthew 25:40–”The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’” TRUTH: Jesus shares how people helped out the poor and hurting and then tells the people that they were actually helping out Jesus. Do we see others as if they were Jesus? Do we take the time to stop and help those who are in need, knowing that Jesus counts that as ministering to Himself? Will we be looking for opportunities to minister to Jesus today? RESPONSE: Lord, forgive me for times I’ve turned a blind eye toward You and others when I see others hurting. I pray You will help me to see You in every situation and person I encounter today and that I will treat others as I would treat You.

Day Twenty VERSE: Matthew 26:40–And He came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, “So you men could not keep watch with Me for one hour?” TRUTH: When we commit to pray for someone or something, how diligent are we? Do we follow through on our commitment, or do we fall asleep? We must remain faithful and diligent to watch and pray. RESPONSE: Lord, help me to be diligent and prayerful, especially when I tell people I will pray for them. I don’t want to be found sleeping, but faithful.

Day Twenty-One VERSE: Matthew 27:50–And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. TRUTH: Even while hanging on the cross, while suffering in physical agony, Jesus remained in complete control and was still God. He decided the miracles that would occur to coincide with His death. 36

He decided the very moment He would choose to sacrifice His own life. Never, throughout that whole ordeal, was God out of control. We can trust Him to be in control of our life, no matter how out of control we feel. RESPONSE: Lord, I look at my life and sometimes I feel so overwhelmed and out of control. You are never out of control. You are always able to orchestrate exactly what You want, and I will trust You to be in control of my life.

Day Twenty-Two VERSE: Matthew 28:18–And Jesus came up and spoke to them saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.” TRUTH: Why do we follow Jesus? Jesus has been given total and complete authority over everything. He is over all and has the power to rule it all. The Lord has all authority and we can do all that He has for us because He has the authority. RESPONSE: Lord, I pray You will remind me of Your authority and power today. I want to live my life in the knowledge that You are over all things and have power over all. EXTRA: Today we’ve finished up Matthew. Tomorrow we’re going to head back over to the Old Testament and go through the book of Isaiah.

Day Twenty-Three VERSE: Isaiah 1:18–”Come now, and let us reason together,” says the Lord, “Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they will be like wool.” TRUTH: The Lord knows the transformation that He can bring to our lives. He is the one who can take our sins and clean us up and make us new. The Lord wants to make us clean. Have we come to Him? RESPONSE: Lord, You are amazing and are able to take the wrongs I’ve done, forgive me, cleanse me, and make me brand new again. I praise You for Your mercy and grace.


Day Twenty-Four VERSE: Isaiah 2:17–The pride of men will be humbled and the loftiness of men will be abased; and the Lord alone will be exalted in that day. TRUTH: We can become so proud. Sometimes it’s pride in things we’ve done or things we’ve said, but ultimately only the Lord is the One to be lifted up and exalted. He is the only One worthy and everything that we’ve done is nothing compared with Him. Are we keeping the proper perspective and seeking to acknowledge and glorify God now? RESPONSE: Lord, You alone are worthy. You alone will be exalted. Help me not to lose sight of that or try to take any of Your glory for myself. MORE: You can also check out today’s Sunday with Kristi article. We’re talking about mercy; who needs it? how do we show it?

Day Twenty-Five VERSE: Isaiah 3:11–Woe to the wicked! It will go badly with him, for what he deserves will be done to him. TRUTH: How terrible to actually receive what we deserve! We would not be able to stand under the judgment of God on our own for we are all evil apart from God. We need Jesus’s gift of mercy for none of us deserve anything more than destruction on our own. RESPONSE: Lord, help me to see my life and actions through your eyes. Only through the blood of Jesus can we truly be forgiven and receive Your mercy instead of Your judgment.

Day Twenty-Six VERSE: Isaiah 4:3–It will come about that he who is left in Zion and remains in Jerusalem will be called holy– everyone who is recorded for life in Jerusalem. TRUTH: There will come a time when only those who have been recorded for everlasting life will be left in the presence of the Lord. At that time, all will be called holy because only those who are covered by the grace of God will remain. Will you be a part of this time as a follower and child of God?


RESPONSE: Lord, only through Your grace are people able to come to You. You make people holy. I praise You and look forward to the day when You will banish sin and restore everything to perfection and holiness.

Day Twenty-Seven VERSE: Isaiah 5:20–Woe to those who call evil good and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! TRUTH: Do we see and acknowledge things for what they actually are? Are we calling things the same that God would call them? God is truth and He knows the truth of what is evil or good, what is dark or light. Are we seeking His truth or have we deluded ourselves into believing a lie? RESPONSE: Lord, today I want to see Your truth! I don’t want to believe a lie or trust in something that is a falsehood. Help me to examine everything I encounter today through the lens of Your truth.

Day Twenty-Eight VERSE: Isaiah 6:8–Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” TRUTH: Does this verse describe us? First, have we heard the voice of the Lord? Are we listening for it? Next, do we understand what He says to us and acknowledge it? Finally, are we willing to risk everything to act upon it? Isaiah did and was willing to go wherever and do whatever the Lord asked. How about us? RESPONSE: Lord, I desire to hear, understand, and act upon everything You say to me. Help me to be listening to You and doing what You say throughout the day today.

Day Twenty-Nine VERSE: Isaiah 7:14–”Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel.” 39

TRUTH: The Lord gave the people a sign of the delivery He was going to provide for them. The Lord knew that the people would be looking for and watching for this miraculous sign. Do we acknowledge this amazing sign that was fulfilled when God sent Jesus into the world? RESPONSE: Lord, You graciously allowed us to know what You were doing. You gave us something to look for. Now that this has been fulfilled, help me to share the joy and deliverance that Jesus provides with others.

Day Thirty VERSE: Isaiah 8:12–You are not to say, “It is a conspiracy!” In regard to all that this people call a conspiracy, and you are not to fear what they fear or be in dread of it. TRUTH: It can be easy to get caught up in the panic and fear that others display when speaking about the situations around us or of the government. Isaiah’s time was no different. However, God told him that he was to not respond to the situations the same way as everyone else. He is to be in fear of the Lord, nothing else. We must stay focused on God and not allow others to distract us with fear. RESPONSE: Lord, looking at the government or even the popular news stories of the day, fear and corruptions appear to be everywhere. Thank You for being constant in all things and for directing us back to You, the author and perfector of my faith.

Devotional and Bible Study Books by Kristi Burchfiel

For more information about the devotional and Bible study books by Kristi Burchfiel, please visit her blog at 40

Caramel-Glazed Apple Bread from the kitchen of Vintage Mama My favorite recipe book is the original Betty Crocker Cook Book – the one that is a multi-ring binder with the red background. It is well over 40 years old, but I stil turn to it when I’m looking for those classic recipes that my family loves. Here is a newer recipe from Betty Crocker, but it is just as delicious as any of the old favorites in that well-worn cook book on my kitchen shelf! What you need: • 1 1/2 cups shredded peeled baking apples (2 large) • 1 cup packed brown sugar • 1/2 cup buttermilk • 1/2 cup vegetable oil • 4 eggs, lightly beaten • 3 cups AP flour • 1/2 cup chopped pecans • 2 teaspoons baking soda • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon • 1 teaspoon salt • 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg

Glaze: • 2 tablespoons butter or margarine • 1/4 cup packed brown sugar • 1 tablespoon milk • 1/2 cup powdered sugar, sifted

Let’s make it! Heat oven to 350°F. Grease bottoms only of 2 (8×4-inch) loaf pans with cooking spray or shortening. In large bowl, stir together apples, 1 cup brown sugar, the buttermilk, oil and eggs. Stir in remaining bread ingredients just until dry ingredients are moistened. Pour into pans. Bake 45 to 55 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes on cooling rack. Loosen sides of loaves from pans; remove from pans and place top sides up on cooling rack. Cool completely, about 1 hour. In 1-quart saucepan, melt butter over medium heat. Stir in 1/4 cup brown sugar. Heat to boiling, stirring constantly; reduce heat to low. Boil and stir 2 minutes. Stir in milk. Heat to boiling; remove from heat. Cool to lukewarm, about 30 minutes. Gradually stir powdered sugar into glaze mixture. Place saucepan of glaze in bowl of cold water. Beat with spoon until smooth and thin enough to drizzle. If glaze becomes too stiff, stir in additional milk, 1/2 teaspoon at a time, or heat over low heat, stirring constantly. Drizzle glaze over loaves. Wrap tightly and store at room temperature up to 4 days, or refrigerate up to 10 days. 41

Apple Upside-Down Biscuits (a variation on the upside-down cake that we all love!) What you need: • 3 tbsp. unsalted butter • 3/4 (packed) brown sugar • 1 tbsp. unsalted butter • 1 1/2 large Gala apples (about 12 oz.), cut in half, cored, and thinly sliced • 1/4 tsp. freshly ground nutmeg • 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon • 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice • 2 cups all-purpose flour • 2 tsp. baking powder • 1/4 tsp. baking soda • 1 tsp. sugar • 1/4 tsp. salt • 3/4 stick (6 tbsp.) unsalted butter, frozen • 1 cup cold buttermilk, plus a few extra teaspoons if necessary Let’s make it! In a small saucepan, combine butter and brown sugar. Cook, stirring, until a spreadable mixture forms. Spread the mixture on the bottom of a 9-inch round cake pan. Heat butter in a large skillet set over medium heat. Add sliced apples, nutmeg, and cinnamon. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the apples are tender and starting to caramelize. Remove from the heat and stir in fresh lemon juice. Arrange the apples in the cake pan, on top of the brown sugar mixture. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, baking soda, sugar, and salt. Grate in frozen butter and immediately rub the butter into the flour mixture with your fingertips. Once the mixture resembles a coarse meal, toss in the buttermilk with a fork until combined. Sprinkle very small amounts of buttermilk on any dry areas and toss again with the fork. Turn the dough out onto a floured surface. Using your figures, pinch the dough into 10 round biscuits. Arrange on top of the apples. Bake until the biscuits are golden brown, about 30 minutes. Immediately invert onto serving platter. Using a spoon, serve immediately. Top each serving with a scoop of ice cream. Serves 8.


A Walk through the Garden in Pictures by Dorothy Kurchak The Annual Pinconning Garden Walk The walk started from the Catholic Church where there were plants for sale and also donated items from local businesses. The items raffled were discount coupons to local shops and nurseries. The proceeds from the garden walk will go to the local Catholic school for new stage curtains for their auditorium as they have quite an elaborate Christmas program. I'll have to attend this year as I haven't in the past. I enjoyed taking part in the walk and meeting those who are interested in gardening. The garden walk attracted 65 to 75 people so it was successful for such a small town as Pinconning. Bay City, which has had a garden walk for many years, will not be having one next year so the Pinconning walk may attract more attendees next year. Here is a photo of the arbor with a lattice around it Inside is my vacuum cleaner “doll� and a small table with a table cloth and cup and saucer. Here is a close up of the doll. I added her legs and old shoes. The cat is sitting on her lap in this photo.

Hope you enjoy the photos,

Aunt Dots




A Walk through the Garden in Pictures by Dorothy Kurchak


The Lost Art of Listening by Sharon L. Patterson I have never had much trouble knowing what I believe; It has always been so easy to say, “I perceive…” Ready and willing my opinion to say Whatever the topic on any given day. Listening was the one basic tool I had not acquired in the course of life’s busy school. Our generation listened to father and mother, but somehow, we never did learn how to listen to one another. Frustration was ever present on the inside, Especially when my feelings I would try to confide: For if others did not always agree, I thought they were personally assaulting me. Finally, so miserable each time that I shared, To find that, seemingly, no one cared, I chose instead to start trying an experiment – it had to be better than crying! So, one day I simply kept my mouth shut. Surprising-how quickly I came out of that rut. With lips closed, I opened my mind, and soon it was evident just how totally blind I had been, for listening is truly such a lost art: to be empathetic when someone bares his heart. Many were the keys I gained that day, But they were not mine to keep, only to give away.


Others sat startled as controversial subjects were listed; but I remained silent as others talked and insisted That he or she was solely in the right. And soon, as always, there was a fightNot with fists but with word upon word, As the moments passed, the arguments grew more absurd. Each one had only one goal‌just to win! I sat there covered in a thoughtful grin. No one could wait to give words to their thoughts, no real answers were being sought: just the right to speak their piece as soon as they could get a release. It was not with haughty pride I now sat gazing at this engrossed crowd I found so amazing. With thankful heart, I listened to each one and wondered why only now I had begun to learn this valuable lesson of life that ended so much of my inner strife. Now, I wait to interject, and not so often do others reject my thoughts, beliefs, or desires: And in turn, as I listen, each one inspires me to do what long ago the Bible surmised: that even a fool, when quiet will appear to be wise!


The Happy Housewife by Elizabeth Baker

Chapter Eleven A Time to Every Purpose Sometimes I read a verse in the Bible and sit there shaking my head and muttering: “Lord, surely You don’t mean that the way it sounds.” One such verse that amazes me is Ecclesiastes 3:11, “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” If every good purpose has its own time, then obviously there is time for every good purpose. Time? Enough time? Does any woman have enough time? In a small café nearby, the waitresses have placed a sign on the wall which reads “The hurrier I go, the behinder I get,” and I know just what that means.

“Everything we do falls into one of three categories: useless, urgent, or important. Our problem is to eliminate the useless, attend to the urgent, and never slight the important!”

Occasionally I think I was born a week late and have never managed to catch up. Enough time for every needful purpose? That is what Scripture seems to say. How could that possibly be? Children demand our time. Housework demands our time. Building a solid marriage demands time. Church study, grocery shopping, prayer, even washing our hair, all take our time. Often I hear others moan, “Why didn’t God give us 36 hours in a day?” or “If I just didn’t have to sleep I think I could catch up in about six years.” Everything we do falls into one of three categories: useless, urgent, or important. Our problem is to eliminate the useless, attend to the urgent, and never slight the important! A few years ago the difference between urgent and important was brought home to me in sharp focus when I tried to eliminate an important thing to make room for more urgent tasks. I tried to do away with sleep. Bill was on shift work and I was often along at night so I hit upon the idea of using the night hours for waxing floors, or study, or sewing – all tasks that were hard to do with the children hanging on my skirt. 49

Once I became accustomed to the late hours, I wasn’t even bothered by drowsiness, and it was no harder to get up mornings than it had always been. I thought my scheme was working out quite well when my plans were interrupted by illness. At least, I thought it was illness. My strength began to melt away. The broom gained weight and the back steps grew as tall as a mountain. I began to misjudge distances and knock over glasses instead of picking them up. I was dull witted and kept bumping into doors. Tired blood? I wondered. Finally, I went to our family doctor. I was sure I had something awful. After I gave him a list of my symptoms, he asked, “What time do you go to bed?”

“There is nothing wrong with you that is not wrong with 98% of the young mothers who come through this clinic. You are sleepy.” I thought my dear physician had finally popped his cork. Sleepy? What kind of diagnosis was that? I didn’t feel sleepy.”

I eyed him curiously. “Between one-thirty and three. Why?” And what time do you get up?” “Five forty-five. Why? “How many times do you get up with the children during the night?” “I’d guess an average of three times. Why?” There is nothing wrong with you that is not wrong with 98% of the young mothers who come through this clinic. You are sleepy.” I thought my dear physician had finally popped his cork. Sleepy? What kind of diagnosis was that? I didn’t feel sleepy. “If you will slow down, unwind, and get some sleep, all your symptoms will disappear,” he said. I didn’t believe a word he said, but the next day I ran into a door frame and bruised my face so I decided to give more sleep a try. To my astonishment within a week most of the symptoms had disappeared. The Bible says, “It is vain for you to rise up early, / To sit up late, / To eat the bread of sorrows; / For so He gives His beloved sleep” (Psalm 127:2).

“I didn’t believe a word he said, but the next day I ran into a door frame and bruised my face so I decided to give more sleep a try. To my astonishment within a week most of the symptoms had 50 disappeared.”

Sleep was something God had given me. Something important He wanted me to have. I tried to eliminate the important because I was wrapped up in the urgent. The result was a scrambled brain. The urgent things in life constantly clamor for our attention. When the potatoes boil dry just as the telephone rings and the baby wets his diaper, Mother finds herself in an urgent situation. She may also have 100 things that need to be done today and 35 other things that should have been done yesterday. The cabinets are empty so groceries must be bought. The laundry is behind and must be done. School is out and the children must be picked up. The man of the house is home and dinner must be served. Minutes and hours and days chase each other in never ending circles.

“In sharp contrast to this are the important, though gentle, things. Things that never shout. The important things make life worth living and give us stability in this constantly shifting world. Important things endure. Because important things don’t shout, don’t make urgent demands, they can easily be pushed aside. We intend to get them done . . . tomorrow.”

We begin to understand the cry, “Stop the world; I want to get off. I’m tired of going round and round.” So many hands reach out for our time. So many people demand our services. Urgent! Urgent! In sharp contrast to this are the important, though gentle, things. Things that never shout. The important things make life worth living and give us stability in this constantly shifting world. Important things endure. Because important things don’t shout, don’t make urgent demands, they can easily be pushed aside. We intend to get them done . . . tomorrow. Three such important things are Bible study, prayer, and family communications. These interweave to form the foundation of the Christian home. Dare we eliminate this foundation in favor of doing the laundry?

Time for God’s Word Bible study is probably the most neglected of all Christian responsibilities. Even “good” Christians often substitute Christian literature for God’s literature. We read about the Bible, not from the Bible. We read our Sunday School quarterlies, books on Christian living, books on prophecy, books on Bible characters. While these things are good in themselves, when we substitute them for a daily personal searching of Holy Scriptures we have strayed from God’s plan for our lives. If you have not read your Bible today, please put down my book and go get His! 51

The Bible is not an optional trimming on the Christian life; it is life (John 6:63). Study of the Bible is an absolute necessity to the Spiritfilled life. Our Bible represents the thoughts of Almighty God, written in human language and handed to us like a personal letter (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21). The Bible is holy (Romans 1:2) because the One who wrote it is holy. It is the sword we use in our battles with the devil (Ephesians 6:17). It is the agent that cleanses us from our former sins and keeps us from sinning more against God (Psalm 119:9, 11). It is the basis on which we will be judged by God (John 12:48). It is what sets us apart for God’s use (John 17:17). It is powerful beyond all human ability (Hebrews 4:12), and standing on its promises is what gives the Christian authority over the devil and the troubles of life.

“When can a mother find time to be alone with God? That’s the question and that’s the problem. There are probably more things stuffed into your day now than makes for sanity. Where can there possibly be time for yet another item to be added to the burden?”

A Christian can no more neglect the Word of God and expect to live an overflowing abundant life than he can turn a water hose down to a trickle and expect to overflow a large dry lawn. If there is indeed “a time for every purpose,” then there is time in every life for Bible study. Even yours. If you do not have a special time set aside each day for Bible study and prayer, you would do well to ponder the importance of such a special time in your daily routine. For the past several years I have set aside only 30 minutes a day, and the rewards have been far beyond my dreams. All of the study for this book was done at the rate of 30 minutes a day. Hundreds of times the Holy Spirit has taken Scriptures from my quiet time and used them to sustain or correct or lead me during the hectic hours with children and chores. When can a mother find time to be alone with God? That’s the question and that’s the problem. There are probably more things stuffed into your day now than makes for sanity. Where can there possibly be time for yet another item to be added to the burden? The answer to that question depends on you. Some people make room for quiet Bible study by rising before the rest of the family and spending time alone with God before breakfast. I tried that and the children just got up earlier, too!

“The answer to that question depends on you. Some people make room for quiet Bible study by rising before the rest of the family and spending time alone with God before breakfast. I tried that and the children just got up earlier, too!” 52

“Check your day. There is time somewhere if you will search for it. I should warn you, though; the devil will fight you on this point with all the power of hell. Keeping a daily time with God will be one of the hardest things you have ever mastered, but once this time becomes a part of your daily routine, it will be natural to you and will not interrupt other duties.”

For years I used the afternoon, when the children were put down for naps and the house was quiet. Now, the school bus comes early. By seven–thirty I am alone. From then until eight is the most convenient study time for me. Check your day. There is time somewhere if you will search for it. I should warn you, though; the devil will fight you on this point with all the power of hell. Keeping a daily time with God will be one of the hardest things you have ever mastered, but once this time becomes a part of your daily routine, it will be natural to you and will not interrupt other duties.

Time to Pray Another important thing Christians often neglect is prayer. Isn’t that strange? How could we be given an open invitation to talk with the King of Glory and fail to keep the appointment? Yet, often we are so busy attending to the small urgent things that prayer is confined to a few sleepy sentences uttered lamely at the end of the day when we are too tired to do anything else. Prayer is communication with God. When mixed with faith, it is the process by which we lay hold on the resources of God and make them our own. I wish I could devote page after page explaining all the intricate workings of prayer; I cannot because I don’t know them! To me prayer is one of the most mysterious aspects of all life. The more I discover about prayer, the more beautiful and awesome it becomes. God already knows what we need before we ask; yet, He wants us to ask. God already holds the power to accomplish all His will and purpose on this earth; yet, He often will not act until His people pray. I cannot answer the whys of prayer. Why doesn’t He give until we claim His promise? Why doesn’t He act until we ask? Surely, an answer is suggested in the words, “We are laborers together with God” (I Corinthians 3:9). But why did God choose to take a frail, delicate human whom He created from dust and make him a working partner with Himself? I do not know. Maybe the answer lies in the incredible value He places on each human life and in the unsearchable depths of His love. 53

Prayer is something we are commanded to practice (I Thessalonians 5:17; Mark 13:33). Prayer is a spiritual action that is not confined to certain times of day or to certain physical positions. The Bible records people kneeling in prayer (Acts 20:36), sitting in prayer (I Chronicles 17:16), standing (I Kings 8:22), with hands lifted high in the air (Psalm 28:2), and lying flat on the ground (Matthew 26:39). I once read of an elderly woman who did most of her praying while working in the garden. Christians are instructed to be in a constant attitude of prayer (I Thessalonians 5:17). I often pray while doing dishes or driving. But if prayer is only a spiritual action and independent of physical position or activity, why did Jesus instruct us to go into our closets and shut the door (Matthew 6:6)? When we are “in our closet” we are shut off from the noise and distractions of the rest of the house. We are in private, alone with God, and our thoughts can more easily center themselves on the Holy and be receptive to His leading. Our “closet” need not actually be a place where clothes are hung; it can be anywhere that offers privacy. If your children and husband are away during the day, you might choose to pray in the garden or kneel on the living room rug. If kids run through the house like monkeys through a banana factory and your husband’s job keep him stomping through the house at odd hours, you can still find a place to be alone. If nothing else, the bathroom is warm, private, and has the added attraction of a lock on the door.

“I once read of an elderly woman who did most of her praying while working in the garden. Christians are instructed to be in a constant attitude of prayer (I Thessalonians 5:17). I often pray while doing dishes or driving.”

Kneeling in prayer is an act of respect. Subjects of the Queen of England pay her honor by bowing in her presence. We show respect for dignitaries by standing when they enter the room. The devil offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if He would only bow to him in worship. When we come before God Almighty to worship and realize that we are truly in HIS presence, kneeling becomes an act of beauty.

Time for One Another The third foundation of the Christian home is family communications. When we talk but cannot listen, when we share each other’s home but not each other’s hearts, we are suffering from lack of communication. 54

Good communication does not necessarily mean a lot of talk. It does not necessarily depend on the subjects we talk about either. More than anything else, good communication is honesty in our speech and a willingness to listen. One of the most valuable things a mother can do for her family is to set aside several minutes each day to listen to each member of the family with focused and individual attention.

“I don’t know who said, “It takes a heap o’ livin’ in a house to make it a home,” but he sounds like my kind of people. When “home” becomes little more than a refueling stop between meetings, the heart is taken away. Home changes from security and comfort to an empty shell full of walls.”

Modern life seems designed to tear families apart. School activities, church activities, civic activities, sports activities, meetings and games and meetings and rehearsals and meetings—they can keep a family so busy that they have no time left for knowing and touching each other. I am firmly convinced that God never intended us to live at such a hectic pace. There is surely nothing wrong with Junior being in Little League or Mother attending an occasional library meeting, but when we let these “extra” things become so pressing that they crowd out the important elements of life, then it is time to slow up and tell some of these organizations, “Goodbye, I’m going home.” I don’t know who said, “It takes a heap o’ livin’ in a house to make it a home,” but he sounds like my kind of people. When “home” becomes little more than a refueling stop between meetings, the heart is taken away. Home changes from security and comfort to an empty shell full of walls. Don’t let anyone convince you that you can become a good parent by joining good organizations. Don’t let anyone ever shame you because you refuse to join a special group that has noble goals. As Christians we should be temperate in all things (2 Peter 1:5-6). Social activity is fine and good in its place, but we need to exercise temperance and know when to draw the line. Family members don’t need organized activity half as much as they need to know one another.

Time to teach Truth to Our Children A friend of mine recently remarked, “When I was a child, I knew there were two things children were never supposed to mention in front of Mother. One was sex and the other was Jesus.” 55

I fear that many children today are faced with the same situation. Parents want the school to teach sex, the church to teach Jesus, and social activities to take care of good sportsmanship, honesty and whatever else happens to be left over. In other words, as parents they are copping out. Depending entirely on the church to teach your children the way of eternal life is as foolish as joining them in a game of Russian roulette. God’s Word does not leave us in doubt concerning the training of our children. It gives specific instructions: “And these words, which I command you today shall be in your heart; you shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.” (Deuteronomy 6:6-7) Here we see that talking with our children about God should be a natural thing that can occur at any time of day. It should be a brightly colored thread running all through the fabric of life. God’s Word is something we should also “teach diligently” to our children. Diligence is defined in the dictionary as “constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken.” We are instructed by God to teach His Word diligently to our own children, and one of the best ways to accomplish this is with family devotions. If you do not now practice family devotions, I would encourage you to consider God’s will in this matter and be willing to set aside time each day when the family can be together and join in learning the Word of God.

“Whatever time you choose, I can almost guarantee one thing: it will seem like the wrong time. Company will show up, or you will oversleep, or the telephone will ring, or one family member will be late. Something! One way or another, the devil will throw up a roadblock to discourage you, but persist and you will win out in the end.”

Setting a specific time for devotions will probably be the biggest problem. Some families prefer devotions at the breakfast table; others may find immediately after school easier, I prefer the quiet of the evening just before the youngest child is put to bed. Whatever time you choose, I can almost guarantee one thing: it will seem like the wrong time. Company will show up, or you will oversleep, or the telephone will ring, or one family member will be late. Something! One way or another, the devil will throw up a roadblock to discourage you, but persist and you will win out in the end. 56

Family devotions will become a natural part of daily living. By thus teaching your children the importance of daily feeding on the Word of God, you will instill in them a habit that will go a long way toward making them mature Christians who will give your grandchildren the upbringing they deserve. Family devotions should not be long. This is especially important when there are young children in the family. Five to ten minutes is all a small child can take. Even with older children, the time should be kept short and the devotional to the point.

“All children are full of curiosity, so give them a chance to ask questions. Many booklets are available for use in family devotions. These can be bought at your local Christian bookstore and are readily available through other resources. But, you don’t really need a guidebook unless you just happen to want one.”

Remember, you will also be taking advantage of “teachable” moments as they occur during the day, so this more formal time is not the only resource they will have. Don’t try to push all training into this one spot. Family devotions should not be boring. Children love to sing. Memorizing scripture verses is fun as well as educational. Bible stories are full of adventure and romance. There is no need to read long chapters of Bible genealogy or dietary laws. These can be rich for those who are ready for them, but they would give children spiritual indigestion. All children are full of curiosity, so give them a chance to ask questions. Many booklets are available for use in family devotions. These can be bought at your local Christian bookstore and are readily available through other resources. But, you don’t really need a guidebook unless you just happen to want one. Short memory verses are printed in most Sunday School material. These are adapted to the child’s age group and are especially helpful if you are not too familiar with your own Bible. Parts of verses are good for small children. It is fairly easy for a child to know twenty or more verses by the time he is old enough to start school. He will take special pride in underlining these verses in his own Bible even if he is too small to read. Be sure children understand what the words mean and are not just repeating sounds. Prayer is an important part of any devotional. Children will not learn to pray automatically. They must be led and taught in this area as in other things. They need a chance to practice prayer, and you need an opportunity to discuss prayer with them. Lead then to pray for others and to talk with God about things that are important to them. 57

The ideal leader for family devotions is the one who God has placed as head of the family, your husband. If he fails to accept his responsibility as spiritual leader, then the job falls to you. Don’t criticize him. Don’t nag him. Don’t condemn him. The Bible warns us against condemning another’s servants (Romans 14:4). Your husband is not your servant, he is God’s. If he fails in his duty, let that be between him and his Master. If you do inherit the spiritual leadership in the family, I implore you to be faithful to the task. Your children trust you. God has expectations of you. Don’t use the failure of another to shirk your own responsibility. All humans that ever lived have been granted the same number of hours in each day. From Adam to Hitler, from Alexander the Great to Johnny Appleseed, all have had 24 hours in each day, seven days in each week. When Jesus Christ came, He too was limited to the same hours and minutes that we deal with. How will we use the time we are allotted? The urgent is complicated and pressing; it calls at us constantly and must be attended. But the important things are what last. We dare not push aside the important and lose the joy and security of a solidly built Christian life.

The Happy Housewife

“When Jesus Christ came, He too was limited to the same hours and minutes that we deal with. How will we use the time we are allotted? The urgent is complicated and pressing; it calls at us constantly and must be attended.”

by Elizabeth Baker The Happy Housewife by Elizabeth Baker is now available from Ruby’s Reading Corner! womenreadingcorner20?_encoding=UTF8&node=15


Double Numbers Puzzle by Beth Brubaker

Answer key on page 80.

Visit Katherine’s Corner where every day is a special occasion! 59

Thanksgiving Recipes, Crafts, and FREE Printables from

Over the Big Moon! 60

Night Casts Its Shadow Night casts its shadow; green hills washed with grey, as day’s eyelids become heavy with the demands of rest. Ducks, now silent, shelter from the blindness while the constant chatter is now Peakshole Water, rushing to the Noe. Evening prayers rise ‘Be our light in the darkness, O Lord, and in your great mercy defend us from all perils and dangers of this night’, like incense and the ghosts of smoke from chimneys as fires burn quietly to ash in abandoned grates. ~~ Keith Wallis


Dawn The glistened jewelling of sunlight paints its dappled sparkle on the softly breathing sea. Dawn draws back the curtain and day seeps in playing gently on cloudy pillows tugging at the sheet of night. Glittered lights ride the ripples as they jostle in their journey into morning. Another day begins. ~~ Keith Wallis

Footprints in the Mud


Footprints in the Mud Why God Gave Me Children by Beth Brubaker Why did God decide it was a good thing to give me children? I've asked myself this question many times - especially when the kids are having a fit in the supermarket, destroying the house, or acting like feral beasts when guests come over. But after the chaos (and the dust) settles, I decided to dig deeper into this question. Why did God think it was a good idea to give me - and you - children? Well the good stuff is easy; He wanted us to experience a deeper love until we would give up everything to keep our babies safe and sound. He wanted us to experience the joy of looking at the world through new eyes, seeing things anew that we have forgotten or have never thought to examine, like the fragile structure of a beetles' wing - usually shown up close and personal in the kitchen at dinner time. God wanted us to be examples of kindness to others and give to those around us - and to watch our children drive home that lesson by giving a friend half of his lunch when that friend forgot his. Just like He does with us! But He also wanted us to experience the other aspects of children; disobedience, whining, stubbornness, refusal to listen and temper tantrums - like the one our kids just threw in front of everyone at the supermarket. I think God uses the Mother's Curse - I'm going to give you some children who act exactly the way you act - towards Me! And isn't that a truth that no one can deny! How many times did we throw a tantrum when God didn't do what we wanted? Or metaphorically folded our arms and held our breath, refusing to listen to reason?


Like our children, we often don't look into the future, but see only what is in the immediate present - and we don't like it one bit, wanting changes right now, thank you very much. God is not only a good parent but a patient one, and has no problem putting us in a 'time-out' if we misbehave. And His 'time-outs' could last a lot longer than we can, so He can afford to be patient! But the ultimate lesson is this - God gave me children so I could understand Him better. As a parent, I understand the issues of loving someone more than myself, and am willing to make sacrifices when needed. I also know better than to give a child everything they ask for, when they ask for it. I've learned that love without discipline is chaos. And discipline without love kills the Spirit. I protect my children when they are afraid - and when bad things happen to me, I know God has my back - big time. God decided it was a good idea to give me children. And though sometimes I question His reasons, I know when I look at my kids, He was right!

Be sure to visit Beth at her blog, Footprints in the Mud, for more inspirational and humorous articles 64

Autumn Apple Bites from the kitchen of Katherine’s Corner The fragrance of cooking apples always brings a touch of autumn into our home. Crackling bonfires, falling leaves, pumpkin pie and apples . . . what could be more cozy and yummy on an autumn afternoon than a batch of Katherine’s Autumn Apple Bites? Super-simple and quick to make up for an after school snack, mid-morning coffee break, or a special treat in a lunch box. What You Need • • • • • • • • • • • •

1 Granny Smith apple (peeled, cored and cut into small pieces) 1 Tube refrigerated crescent rolls (8 count) 1 Tbsp. flour 4 Tbsp. sugar (extra for dusting) 1 Tbsp. cinnamon (extra for dusting) 1 tsp. lemon juice 3 Tbsp. butter (softened) Rolling pin Parchment paper Baking sheet Mixing bowl Mini round cookie cutter, shot glass or egg cup

Before You Start - Preheat oven to 375° Clean a work area for rolling out the dough, lightly flour surface and rolling pin. Place parchment paper on baking sheet Let’s Make It! In the mixing bowl sprinkle apple pieces with lemon (keeps them from going brown) mix well. Add sugar and cinnamon and mix well to coat all apple pieces. Set aside. Open tube of crescent rolls; roll them all together into a big ball. Place on floured surface and roll out to about 1/8 of an inch thick, try and make a square, it will be easier for folding in half. Scoop apple mixture onto one side of the square, spread evenly and add little dots of butter all over the apple mixture. Fold dough side without apple mixture over on top of the side with the apple mixture. Flatten slightly. Using a cookie cutter, shot glass, or the edge of an egg cup, press down through both layers of dough and filling. This will make little apple filled dough circles. Using a fork gently press down any open edges. Place on prepared baking sheet and bake for 12-15 minutes (until golden). Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and serve hot. Makes about 10 65

Almond Pound Cake from the kitchen of Katherine’s Corner What a delicious fragrance drifting through your house on a brisk autumn day! This almond pound cake is so versatile – perfect with a cup of tea, topped with apples, berries, or fresh peaches. This is one recipe you’ll want to keep in your collection and make up for everyday or special occasions this autumn. What You Need • • • • • • • • •

2 1/2 Cups flour 2 1/2 tsp. Baking powder 1/4 tsp. Baking soda 1/2 tsp. Salt 3/4 Cup margarine or 1 1/2 sticks unsalted butter (softened) 2 Cups Sugar substitute (or 1 1/2 cups sugar) 3 Eggs 3/4 Cup milk 1 1/2 tsp. Almond extract

• • • • • • • • •

1/4 Cup Almonds (raw, sliced) Nonstick cooking spray Aluminum foil Loaf pan 9x5x3 2 Mixing bowls Electric mixer Rubber spatula Wire cooling rack

Before You Start - Preheat oven to 350° and prepare your loaf pan by spraying the inside well with cooking spray Let’s Make It! In medium-size bowl, combine flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Set aside. In a large bowl, beat margarine (butter) with an electric mixer on medium high speed until smooth. Add sugar substitute (or sugar) and beat for about 2 minutes more. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Reduce speed to low and add half of the flour mixture. Scrape down the sides of bowl (with a rubber spatula) and add milk, beat to combine. Add remaining flour mixture and almond extract and beat until smooth (about 3-5 minutes). Spread into prepared loaf pan. Bake for 40 minutes, remove from oven and add almonds, sprinkle them all over. Cover lightly with an aluminum foil tent and cook for 15 more minutes ( or until it has puffed up ,mine split in the middle) then remove aluminum foil and cook 5-10 more minutes until golden. Remove from oven and let rest in the loaf pan for about 10 minutes remove from pan and let cool on the wire rack. Serves about 10 slices 66

YOU Are … by Sharon L. Patterson If there is perfect beauty ~ and there is . . . surely You are its total reflection. If there is unlimited power ~ and there is… indeed, You are its boundless source. If there is colossal strength ~ and there is… Unreservedly, You are its certain foundation. If there is lasting peace ~ and there is… doubtless, You are its timeless pulse. AND… If there is unconditional love ~ and there is… absolutely, You are its author. AND… If the sum total of all these things is GOD ~ and there is . . . You are…


Rocks If we don't praise you, God, even the rocks will cry out, they know your handiwork and can't suppress the shout, the fish will swim and splash and give you the glory, the trees will sway and sing to tell all your story... but may it never be that we don't take our chance to be louder than the rocks and we praise and declare and dance! ~~ Cindy Evans 68

More Autumn Crafts from Vintage Mama’s Cottage If you have never taken a minute to search the blogosphere for ideas for seasonal and holiday crafts, then you are in for a treat! There are so many creative and crafters bloggers that it is just amazing what you can find if you are looking for a project for either kids or adults. Here at Ruby for Women we love to feature some of the best seasonal craft ideas that we can find, and we would love to have you share your favorite craft projects with us for upcoming issues of the Ruby for Women magazine. Here are just a few of the beautiful autumn crafts that we found for this issue of the Ruby magazine.

Corn Husk Doll from Muffin Tin Mom Do you remember reading about the corn husk dolls that little girls used to play with? If you have ever read any of the “Little House” books by Laura Ingalls Wilder, you will recognize these charming dolls. Even though our little girls no longer play with corn husk dolls, they still make whimsical home décor for autumn. If you would like to try your hand at making a few of these sweet corn husk dolls, please visit Michelle’s Journal Corner blog:

Autumn Ribbon Wreath As the seasons turn and the weather changes, so too does our garden and our outside home décor. There is nothing quite as inviting as a bright seasonal wreath hanging on your front door to welcome visitors into your home. We found this variation on the spring and summer ribbon wreaths, all done up in autumn-colored ribbons. We will definitely be making one of these to put up on our front door as the leaves begin to drift down onto our yard, on the sunny bright blue days of October. And this lovely wreath will bring a touch of bold color when the days of November turn windy, cold, and gray. I hope you will try making one for your home! You can find the complete tutorial at 69

Autumn Leaf Bowls What to do with the kids on a blustery autumn afternoon? Or if you home school, wouldn’t you have great fun teaching the kids about God’s world and the changing seasons through a craft project? These Autumn Leaf Bowls would be the perfect activity and they will also bring a touch of color to your home this autumn. For complete tutorial, visit

Gilded Gourds and Pumpkins We always like to decorate our front porch for every season, so when we discovered this idea, it was easy to decide what we were going to do this autumn! So line up the gourds and pumpkins, grab a couple cans of spray paint, some glitter, and a few sparkly embellishments and make your own gilded gourds and pumpkins autumn display. For all the details, please visit

Burlap and Buttons Wreath Yes, another wreath! But this one is so different, yet equally beautiful and charming as the Ribbon Wreath, I just couldn’t resist! For a bit of classy country or vintage chic, why not try making your own Burlap and Buttons Wreath from Crafts n’ Coffee:

Pretty Plaid Pumpkins No autumn home décor would be complete without a few colorful pumpkins scattered around the house. With just a few scraps of plaid fabric, felt, and raffia or ribbon you can tuck a few of these sweet plaid pumpkins into a corner to brighten up your autumn days. Complete instructions can be found at Sew Dang Cute: 70

How to use Evernote by Donna McBroom-Theriot I am going to try and do this app justice. It is by far my favorite app (other than the app I just found named "Donna" - who is almost as good as I am at organizing you) and there are additional apps that work along with the main app so that you have no excuse not to be organized! It is perfect for the organizational challenged! I think I first saw Evernote in a segment done by Carley Knobloch on Digitwirl . She has a lot of threeminute videos on different apps that you will find very helpful in organizing and simplifying your life. I actually downloaded Evernote twice to my iPhone. I guess my head wasn't in a place to comprehend the app or something. I think we all have those days. I then downloaded it a second time and haven't looked back since. In fact, anyone who stands still long enough will find themselves listening to me rave about this app and they just have to download it. Ummm. Is that why people duck around corners and cross the street when they see me? First of all, I love the way this app syncs across iPhones, tablets, and your computer, so all of your information is accessible at all times. You may be in the market and think, "If only I had that recipe." Now, you can. Save it to Evernote and never be without those recipe ingredients again! And, when all your dinner guests are raving about the great meal, you can email or message the recipe straight from Evernote to them. This goes for any of the photos or information that you have stored in Evernote. Share with Hubby or share with friends and family with just a click. I began with a folder called "Recipes". It has now evolved into subcategories (sub-folders), which I love. I have sub-folders such as Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Dessert, Drinks, etc. For that reason, I suggest you think about what folders you want to set up. I have a "Decorating" folder and then subfolders for different rooms. And, don't despair . You can move folders around, add more, delete some, or make folders into sub-folders. You set the folders and the sub-folders to fit your lifestyle. I literally use this app for everything. It allows me to keep my medical information and the research I've done on my blood disorders at my fingertips. 71

This way, I can compare the last blood work with the current at a glance. Then, I have a Travel folder with sub-folders on different places that we would like to visit. Do you have kiddos? Set up a category named “School� and add subfolders for each child. Keep photos of permission slips, supply lists, schedule of when lunch fees are due, etc. and have everything ready at you fingertips. With Christmas on the horizon - it will be here before we know it - Evernote will keep me organized! I set up the main category of Christmas and then added a sub-folder for each child and grandchild. I keep a list of their sizes along with their wish lists in their individual folders. Any item I purchase gets checked off. I can also email the list straight from Evernote to the little one's parent along with a photo of an outfit or toy to get their opinion on. I can't think of anything easier! Are you a mail-order person like me? I have a folder which I labeled Deliveries. I do most of my shopping on-line so Evernote fits right in. Once I complete my purchase and my confirmation comes up, instead of printing, I save it to Evernote with just a click. I can quickly open up the Deliveries folder to check on what I ordered. I also set up a folder with check-boxes for each delivery. As I order, I add a check-box and the company's name. Once it is delivered, I check it off. I also keep up with returns this way. Evernote has no idea the number of trees it has saved! Do you think that is why the icon is green? Definitely food for thought. Another folder I have in Evernote is Articles to Read. I don't know about you, but I am quite a busy bee and do not always have the time to read articles from my in-box on the spot. I quickly click over to the webpage and save the article for later reading (as in the check-out line at the market or the traffic light). I use Google Chrome so I have the little Evernote icon at the top which makes this process simple. I just click the icon and choose my folder and click save. Evernote will choose a file based on the content of the article you are saving and most of the time, it's correct. Now, I can read those "must reads" any time I have a spare moment. All of the extensions can be found in the Google Chrome "store". Another icon and feature of Evernote is a web clipper. It is called Clearly and the icon sports a lamp. Clicking Clearly cleans up the text on the page and eliminates all the extras in the sidebars (ads). Sometimes it forgets the picture and when that happens, try clicking Evernote instead, as it will clean up the page fairly well. Too much info included, that's okay. Just go to your note and delete the portion you don't need. Now, you can see how 72

Evernote will work for recipes, too. I don't know about you, but I love my pictures, especially of food. See a book you want to read? Snap a photo of the book and save it to your folder, "Books I want to read". See anything you love? Snap a photo, take a few notes. I keep track of errands and my last three Cookie Swaps. I certainly don't want to serve the same food twice! Your imagination is the limit! And, if the number of folders I have in Evernote is any indication, you will see my imagination runs rampant! AND, you can set reminders with alarms! How cool is that? Yep! It's cool. Evernote has endless possibilities on the web and just as many on your iPhone. If you would like to hear more about how those apps work, just leave a message and I'll be more than happy to write about them. I love the Clipper app (surf the web on your phone and automatically save highlights and then re-order them as you see fit and save to Evernote), FastEver (allows me to jot notes to myself, hit enter, and it automatically goes to Evernote), and vJournal (I can send my journal entries and pictures straight to Evernote). There are a few more, but these are my favorites. Just recently, I used it to corral all of my information about our trip to a convention. I saved my hotel reservations and the itinerary for the weekend. From the hotel confirmation, I was able to access maps to view the route we took to convention. I saved my list of items I needed to pack for the different functions. Between Trip-It and Evernote, all of my information was at the ready. Did I mention Evernote is free? It's FREE! I would love to hear if you use Evernote. If not, what organization apps do you use? So, in Carley's words: 1) Download Evernote 2) Store your info 3) Add tags or categories 4) Never forget anything again View Carley's video on Evernote here! You'll be glad you did!


Enter to win the autumn giveaway at Katherine’s Corner!


There Were No Wings Yesterday There were no wings yesterday in the dull monotony of clones. There was no tomorrow but the constancy of the day another day, another day, another day, gorging in the herd. Then there was an awakening, a kaleidoscope moment, wings unfurled, strange, the beginning of adventure and the promise of eternity.

~~ Keith Wallis

A River of Small Stones by Keith Wallis A beautiful and inspirational book of poetry, perfect for gift-giving for every season of the year! Poems written as “small stones,� polished moments of paying proper attention to life Available at


Years Like Leaves Years, like leaves, have fallen from this tree; memories, in reds and yellows, regal gold and shabby brown, loiter and litter at its feet. Years, like leaves, at measured pace nurture, or sully, reflection bringing their healings and their bruisings as they meld and mould. Years, like leaves, lash the trunk in unwelcome Autumn winds sharp and unyielding brittle leaves things unmeant, words spoken in haste; or tickle gently in whirling breezes soft with kind humour. Years, like leaves, do not remain but change feeding roots with their recollection. ~ Keith Wallis 76

“poems from the pit” by Keith Wallis English poet Keith Wallis is a lifelong resident of Houghton Regis and takes a keen interest in the development of the Chalk Quarry wild life reserve. He's known the area from its days as a major local industry through to its new life as an SSSI wild life reserve. His new book of

‘poems from the pit’ revolves around photographs he’s taken in the quarry over the last eighteen months. It is, however, not what you would expect. It is not nostalgic for a lost past, though a few poems refer to the former days of the quarry, but rather a celebration of now. The words and photographs offer a view that there is beauty even in the ‘detritus’ left behind by industry and the litter discarded by the thoughtless. The poems are all inspired by his photographs but may be a little oblique – often showing a train of thought rather than a description. Sample can be viewed at: where you’ll also find his other books.

The Early Years by Keith Wallis The poems in this omnibus were written quite a while back. Whilst fairly contemporary at the time, some may well have been written differently today. However, some still remain firm favourites in the author's portfolio. “Coaled” (in Marketplace of Masks) found a new lease of life as a short story (“Clive's Journey”) published by Bewildering Stories (issue 333). Read more:


By Still Waters by Keith Wallis A celebration of life; poems and associated photographs of faith and experience. The light touch of a poet rejoicing in creation. Read more:

In Moments like These by Keith Wallis This is a personal journey through the events and responsibilities of Easter . . . This sequence of poems and pictures might be offered as a reflection on the events of Holy Week and the range of emotions which is common to us all.� Read more:


My Love to You Always An Anthology of Love Stories Jennifer Wessner, Compiler Ramona Tucker, Editor Contributing author, Gloria Doty of Ruby for Women Forever love . . . . when did you fall in love? And when did you know that love would be a lasting one - celebrating life's joyous moments and walking together, hand-in-hand, through challenging times? Or are you still longing for that person to come into your life, as a sideby-side companion? Experience "my love to you always" kind of love through 42 of the sweetest, real-life love stories collected from across the globe. They're guaranteed to make you misty eyed and renew your faith in the power of enduring love. Don't miss My Love to You Always: 42 real love stories guaranteed to bring a smile to your face and joy to your heart. Purchase My Love to You Always from Ruby’s Reading Corner, and for more great romances, go to

Secret of Success? Scrambled Word Puzzle Answer Key by Beth Brubaker


Double Numbers Puzzle Answer Key by Beth Brubaker

Visit Theresa Ceniccola, The Christian Mompreneur, at 80

Celebrate Thanksgiving with Creative Crafts and Home DĂŠcor from

Over the Big Moon

Find FREE printables and tutorials for making this Thanksgiving framed subway art project and the delightful Thanksgiving Bunting Banner at Over the Big Moon.



Meet Kristi Burchfiel The reason I write is to help people not just to understand the truths in the Bible, but to actually apply them to their daily life. I have two styles of books. The daily devotional series of books are designed to be brief and focused on just one truth from scripture that a person can easily remember and hold to for that day along with a response back to God committing to applying that truth. Currently there are 6 books available in that series going through various books from the Old and New Testament. The two Bible studies, Without Regrets and The Decay Within, are designed to be more in-depth through a specific book of the Bible. Those go verse by verse and cover the historical background in which the book was written and then how God intends for us to apply those truths in our lives today. Visit Kristi on her blog at for more information about her books. Without Regrets is a 12-session book going through Ecclesiastes and discusses our priorities and focus in life. The Decay Within is a 10session book going through Amos and deals with the issue of repentance.

Without Regrets If only . . . Each person alive could complete that thought with any number of phrases expressing sorrow, lost wishes, and faded dreams. In a word: regrets. But, are regrets inevitable? Without Regrets: A Study of Ecclesiastes meets this question head on. This study aims to help readers understand the basic principles found in the Bible for recognizing actions and attitudes that lead to regrets, while learning through examples from the life of Solomon. The practical explanations and examples make this study simple enough for a beginner, yet the profound truths will be challenging for even the season Bible scholar. What does it take to live a life Without Regrets? Join author Kristi Burchfiel as she guides you through the book of Ecclesiastes to seek out the answer. 83

The Decay Within Are you decaying from the inside out? When others look at your life, what do they see? Someone who seems to have it all together with the perfect clothes, the perfect kids, and the perfect marriage? But what’s behind that perfect façade? Who are you on the inside? We may look like we have it all together, when, in reality, we’re rotting away like the bones inside a beautifully decorated tomb. God sent Amos to give the people of Israel a message of judgment and destruction. They looked like they had it all together, but their focus was on the pleasures of this world. In this Bible study, the reader will work through the words of Amos as he pleads with the people of Israel to replace their decaying foundation with one that is living, fresh, and whole. Amos’s words will resonate with 21stcentury readers who encounter the same challenges in new forms. Are you tired of acting like you have it all together when inside you’re falling apart? Join author Kristi Burchfiel as she guides you through a study on how to experience abundant life and drive out The Decay Within.

The Daily Devotional Series

Does a cup of coffee or an energy drink typically start your day? While that may wake you up physically, what are you doing each day to wake up spiritually? How do you find time in your busy, hectic schedule to focus on truth from God’s word? The Daily Devotional Series is designed provide each day with a quick and simple devotional that can be read in less than 5 minutes. However, it focuses on one truth from the Bible that a person can take with them, think about, and apply all day long. Each devotional includes the verse from the Bible, a truth from that verse, and a response to pray back to God.

Are you a writer? Do you love to cook or craft? We would love to include your stories, articles, poems, recipes or crafts in the upcoming issue of Ruby for Women. You are invited to send your winter submissions to Amanda Johnson, Assistant Editor, at For advertising inquiries, please 84 contact

Don’t miss the latest episode of the saga of the Angel / Warrior Team

A Privilege by Amy Lignor The Beloved Angel/Warrior Team Face Pure Evil in Their Final Climactic Story . . . The first time they were sent down, Irish lives were led. Emily, the angel, ended up embedded in murder and lost in the realm of true love. While Matthew, the warrior, took over a life that left blood on his hands and anger in his soul. With their second coming, Emily found herself facing an oncoming war that brought her to the shores of America; while Matthew tried desperately to unveil the evil character of a young man who was intent on locking his partner in a ‘gilded’ cage. Now…Emily and Matthew find that their lives are all their own. Yet, all the memories, hatred, longing and regret have come hand-in-hand with this newfound freedom. In small town U.S.A., Matthew finds himself loving his new life. From his military school existence to a new, ‘odd’ friend who’s arrived in town, Matthew’s looking forward to graduation and heading off into a brilliant future with Emily by his side. Emily wants nothing more than to hide. Although doing her best to fit in, she lives a life on the edge, wondering when her past love will reappear to either forgive or seek revenge on the angel who let him down. Battling the shadows that seem to be breaking her soul in two, Emily soon discovers that her small, quiet town has a secret that’s beyond dangerous… As she and Matthew join forces to help a ‘haunted’ victim, they open the door on a mystery neither of them can believe. A true villain has returned from the past, and not even their heavenly family will be able to save them. This time they’re on their own, as they face a fight that could lead them straight to Hell…and end the angel/warrior team forever! 85


Make your own beautiful, handcrafted banner cards for any special occasion with a CELEBRATION BANNER CARD CRAFT KIT from Vintage Mama’s Cottage© by RUBY!© only at mamas*little*treasures© Visit mamas*little*treasures© to find craft tutorials from Vintage Mama’s Cottage© by RUBY! ©. 86

The Happy Housewife by Elizabeth Baker Elizabeth's classic best seller from 1979 is brought back to life for a new generation. Humorous, honest, Bible based and compelling, this ageless primer on the joys and traumas of dealing with kids, husbands, and dirty dishes will have you laughing and bring you to tears. Her practical advice provides realistic solutions to problems that never change. Join her in an exploration that is a fresh and ageless as mother-love. Elizabeth tackles issues that are modern in every respect while her home-spun style makes the readers feel as though they are having coffee with a wise friend.

The Happy Housewife by Elizabeth Baker is now available from Ruby’s Reading Corner! r-20?_encoding=UTF8&node=15

Visit Kim at Made in a Day for crafty and creative ideas, projects, and tutorials! 87

Mission Possible by Deborah McCarragher Mission Possible is a non-fiction book written for women who love the Lord Jesus, but their spouse doesn’t share their passion. It will encourage and challenge the reader to embrace God’s promises for their spouse and future together.

Be sure to visit Beth at her blog, Footprints in the Mud, for more inspirational and humorous articles

Inspire Me Monday at Create with Joy Dear Ruby for Women Family, 88

Ruby for Women Your voice, your ideas, your inspiration! For the past few years we have come together through our Ning Community site over at for fellowship, prayer, and times of sharing. Our Ning Community page is a paid service we provide members free of charge. Membership, however, has declined over the past several months and volunteers who help run and maintain the page are being called to other ministries and service opportunities. Ruby for Women is dedicated to providing a voice for every Christian woman and we want to continue this mission through other outlets. With this in mind, we have decided not to renew our services with Ning and the Ning Community site at will no longer be available as of September 23, 2013. We will continue to provide our blog site at where we encourage everyone to continue in fellowship and the sharing of stories, recipes, crafts, etc. It is our hope to provide a place for prayer and sharing through the blog as this is a vital part of our ministry as well. If you have any questions or wish to help with the maintenance of our blog site, please feel free to e-mail us at or contact me at We look forward to continuing our ministry together as we provide a voice for every Christian woman. Blessings, Amanda Johnson Assistant Editor, Ruby for Women


Meet the Ruby for Women Writers Aunt Dots, Master Gardener Aunt Dots has been writing for Ruby for Women since the very beginning. Her love for gardening started early in her life: “I believe I got my love for growing flowers from my mother. She had a large flower garden with annuals and dahlias. I had my first flower garden after I married and we lived in a garden apartment.” She now has perennial gardens, rose gardens, grape vines, asparagus, currants, gooseberries, walnut trees, apple trees, and hazelnut trees. In the winter months, Aunt Dots sews, making quilts that she has donated to a Mennonite Relief auction.

Beth Brubaker, Footprints in the Mud and Ask Beth Beth is the “Family Fun” editor here in the Ruby for Women community. She is a mother of two very active kids whose antics are sprinkled liberally in her columns. She has been married for 13 years to her Knight in Shining Armor, and she is delighted to share with us that they still hold hands in public! Her day job is working as a fabric artist, a homemaker, and a writer. Beth will be writing humorous articles about life in general, puzzles, and an advice column that is based on readers’ questions, as well as sharing hints and tips for everyday life that she comes across in her travels between her laundry room, living room, and kitchen. Don’t miss Beth’s columns in every issue of Ruby for Women! You can read more of Beth’s posts on her blog, “Footprints in the Mud” at or email her at

Lanette Kissel lives in southern Indiana with her adopted Yorkie-Poo, Benjy. She enjoys singing in her huge choir at Crossroads Christian Church. She has been a freelance writer of Christian/Inspirational poetry for twelve years. Recently, she has been writing Inspirational articles and essays, as well as devotions. Her work has appeared in: Mature Living Magazine, Purpose, Live, The War Cry, The Lutheran Journal, The Catholic Yearbook, Silver Wings, Inspired Women Magazine, and others. I'm Christena Hammes, married to my best-friend. We met at the Outside Inn so God could change us from the Inside Out!! We have two beautiful daughters (Lena and Amanda), two sons-in-law (Cameron and Justin) and one amazing granddaughter (Savannah Jo). I never knew what the Father's love was all about until I had children of my own. They really do hold your heart and forgiveness comes easy. 90

Lynn Mosher, Devotions

Since the year 2000, Lynn Mosher has lived with fibromyalgia and other physical conditions. During this time, the Lord placed the desire in her heart to write for Him. Now, armed with God’s purpose for her life and a new passion, she reaches out to others to encourage and comfort them through her writing, giving God all the glory. She lives with her husband in their empty nest in Kentucky. On occasion, their three offspring, who have flown the coop, come to visit, accompanied by a son-in-law and three granddaughters. Visit Lynn at her blog, at

Katherine Corrigan, Recipes and Crafts Katherine is a blogger at Katherine’s Corner, an artist, designer, tea drinker and hug giver. She has been a contributor to Ruby for Women for three years. She is originally from England. But she has lived in the USA since 1975. She holds a rare dual citizenship with the UK and the USA and is a proud citizen of both. She greets each day with grace, dignity and gratitude. Thanking God for her strength as she continues to encourage others and moves forward despite her physical challenges. She is happily married and has five grandchildren. After 30 years of working in the medical field and managing other people’s businesses Katherine has her own online shop and graphics business. She never hesitates to contribute to Ruby for Women. She says, “Being part of Ruby for Women is like getting a big hug every day.” Blog Blog Graphics at Shop

Theresa Ceniccola is The Christian Mompreneur, a Mentor to Moms Who are Running a Business that Supports Faith and Family. She empowers entrepreneurial moms to build profitable businesses with wisdom and grace through the Christian Mompreneur Mastermind program and her professional Marketing services, which include copywriting, marketing and strategy consulting and private coaching.

Heather King is a wife to a wonderful husband and a mom to three beautiful girls. A former English teacher, she now lives a life of doing dishes, folding laundry, finding lost toys and mending scraped knees. She treks to the grocery store more times a week than she’d like and struggles to keep up with chores, appointments and the to-do list that refreshes itself day after day. In addition to all that, she’s the worship leader at her church in Virginia, a Bible study teacher and women’s ministry leader. Somewhere in the middle of the noise, mess, and busyness of life, she takes time to meet with God at her kitchen table with a Bible, a journal and a cup of strong hot tea with lots of sugar. You can find her blogging about these times with God at her devotional site: Room To Breathe: 91

Donna McBroom-Theriot, Writer. Book Reviewer. Southern Lady. My life is like an episode of "I love Lucy!" I'm a writer, book reviewer, and a Southern Lady who loves her Sweet Tea. My blog: My Life. One Story at a Time. I've been writing since 2009. As luck would have it, the very first short story I wrote was published within months of my writing it. This quote pretty much sums me up: "Deep in my heart, I know there’s no promise I’ll be free from trouble in this life. In fact, I’m usually either getting out of trouble, currently in trouble, or about to meet trouble around the next corner." Well, you know the saying, "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions" – that’s usually mine! Join me. It's bound to be a bumpy ride!

Sharmelle “Shar,” Graphic Design I am passionate about graphic design and photography, and I spend a great deal of time developing my talents. Like many, I had set my career aside for a few years while working on other projects, but I found that I missed working with others and feel that many people need support and encouragement to follow their dreams. I have recently resumed the art of design and photography, and I have trained myself in the modern tools of today’s visual artists, using the computer. I’m sure that if, when I was a child, I could have had a computer, I might not ever have gone to school at all! You can find my graphic designs for use on blogs and websites in the Ruby for Women community at Sharmelle’s Graphic Haven. Full time mother and author, Corallie Buchanan, is a woman who writes from her heart. Corallie writes regularly for the Christian Woman magazine, Australia's premier magazine for Christian women. In addition to her editing her own work, she contributes material to a number of magazines in the US including The Haven Journal, Inspired Women Magazine, and Ruby for Women. Sharing God's message of love and forgiveness, and mentoring other young writers is her passion. Corallie is also the author of Watch Out! Godly Women on the Loose; a book which won her the award of Young Australian Christian Writer of the Year in 2007. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Behavioural Studies from the University of Queensland, and a Master's Degree in Divinity from Malyon Baptist Theological College. She lives her with husband and daughter in Brisbane, Australia.

Cindy Bailey of Waynesburg, PA is a longtime writer, journalist, librarian, church musician, wife and mom of two girls who somehow managed to grow up in spite of my general confusion and overall disorganization. I publish my own local newspaper called GreeneSpeak ( which has earned numerous awards from the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association, and for over 20 years I’ve been writing and publishing my Cindy’s Wind column now on Facebook, and on my blog: which I recently launched and where I plan to post new as well as “classic” pieces from my arsenal of slice-of-life essays from 25 years of parenting and living. I don’t have a lot of answers, but I have humor and I have hope in the Lord, and that’s what my readers tell me they see in my work. 92

Rhea B. Riddle was born in Kentucky, in a little town on the Ohio River at the time of the famous flood of 1937, which may have contributed to her sense of drama, and to an amplified love of life. A world view influenced by gentle traditions and strong Christian family ties, boosted her desire to reflect the recollections of a willful (though loving) youngster who was filled with longings to explore, to reason, and write of the vibrations of daily living that surrounded her. She hopes to lure you with current life adventures (truth and fiction) as well as draw you to visit a time of “rewound” living!”

Deborah McCarragher, Devotional Contributor Deborah is the author of a Christian inspirational book for women titled “Mission Possible”. The book addresses living in a spiritually-uneven household. You can visit her website at for more information about her book.

Gloria Doty: I am a mother of 5 and grandmother of 13. I have owned a catering business, and a Grade A goat dairy. I have managed a restaurant, worked in retail and was Dir. of Children’s’ Ministries for a large church for 10 years. I have been writing since I was in third grade. I currently write 2 blogs about my youngest daughter, Kalisha, and our journey together through the world of mild mental retardation, autism and Aspergers. One blog is written for and is titled “Not Different Enough”. The other blog is I write freelance articles for magazines and am a contributor to two devotional publications: Living the Gospel Life and Hope-Full Living. I do not believe it is possible to make it through a day without faith and a sense of humor, even in the darkest times and I try to always reflect that in my writing. My name is Lisa Simpkins and I have been working online for 15 years now. I have gained enough knowledge over the years to work in many different fields in online business. My specialty: Social Networking and Administration: Content provider, database, public relations, reputation management, member recruitment, marketing manager, link marketing, blog creation & branding/rank and community management.

Coach Deb Luxton: Christian Life & Leadership Coach for Executive and Professional Women I help professional women FIRE UP their leader within to eliminate “having it all together on the outside, while falling apart on the inside,” so they can embrace their authentic priorities and deepen relationships with those they love most. Your life is too important for anything else! Main website: 93

Gloria I. is a member of the Ruby for Women community where she is a friendly voice of encouragement and inspiration to all of the other members. Please stop by and visit Gloria on her personal page in the Ruby for Women community.

Jean Ann Williams is a writer and the author of God's Mercies after Suicide: Blessings Woven through a Mother's Heart, a devotional book written following the death of her son, Joshua. You can connect with Jean Ann on one of her blogs:

Elizabeth Baker is an author and retired counselor drawing on thirty-five years of experience helping individuals apply biblical principles to real-life situations. She currently lives in Pittsburg, Texas where she concentrates on her writing. A widow since her mid 30's, Elizabeth has four grown children, fifteen grandchildren, and six great-grands. You can find Elizabeth’s books at her website at

Amanda Stephan is a multi-published Christian romance author who loves sharing God’s love with others. A homeschooling mother and stay at wife, she finds pleasure in many things from sewing, to baseball and karate, to writing. She is currently working on a three book Christian romantic suspense series and resides in Columbia, TN, with her real-life hero husband of 8 years and two children. You can find Amanda at her website Her collaborative blog - Twitter - and Facebook -

Sharon Patterson, retired educator, career military wife, and leader in women's ministry, has written inspirational encouragement in various forms from greeting cards to short stories, poetry, and Bible studies for over thirty years. She has authored three books: A Soldier's Strength from the Psalms (2007); Healing for the Holes in Our Souls(2008); and Where Is Happy?(2011). She is a contributing author for Chicken Soup for the Soul: A Book of Miracles and Chicken Soup for the Soul: Answered Prayer; also Gettin' Old Ain't for Wimps (Karen O'Connor,2004) and Special Strength for Special Parents (Nina Fuller, 2006). She and her husband Garry live in Round Rock, Texas. They have three sons and five grandchildren.


Debra Ann Eliot is a Southern granny who loves to cook. She is the author of several works, including two poetry books. Debra devotes herself to maintaining several blogs, but the one that is most dear to her heart is Granny’s Down Home Southern Cooking.

Kristi Burchfiel is an author of devotional and Bible study books, and she is also a contribution writer for Ruby for Women. Her daily devotionals for every day of the month are available on the Ruby for Women community website, as well as the Ruby for Women blog. You can also find her daily devotionals in the Ruby for Women magazine. For more information about the devotional and Bible study books by Kristi Burchfiel, please visit her blog at Hey y’all! My name is Taylor DeVine. I live on a ranch in the middle of nowhere but I absolutely love it! Riding horses, working cattle, working with horses, reading, writing, running, and cooking are my passions. A mantra of mine is "Fearlessness." Never be afraid to stand up for what you believe in, what you're passionate about, and what you know you have been equipped by the Holy Spirit to do. When you are waiting on God to open another door, praise Him in the hallway. Follow me on twitter: www.twitter.come/tndevine “Like” my page on Facebook: “Love Joyfully. Live Beautifully -Taylor DeVine” Subscribe to my blog

Tricia Goyer

is an acclaimed and prolific writer, publishing hundreds of articles in national magazines including Today’s Christian Woman and Focus on the Family while authoring more than twenty-five fiction and nonfiction books combined. Among those are 3:16 Teen Edition with Max Lucado and the American Christian Fiction Writers’ Book of the Year Award winners Night Song and Dawn of a Thousand Nights. She has also written books on marriage and parenting and contributed notes to the Women of Faith Study Bible. Tricia lives with her husband and four children in Arkansas. Connect with Tricia at Daphne Tarango is a freelance writer who comforts others with the comfort she has received from God. Daphne is a recovery speaker and writers’ group president. She has published numerous inspirational articles in print and online magazines, including several entries in two collections: Women of the Secret Place and Chronicles of a Walk with Christ. Daphne is married to Luis and in the past several months, has resigned from corporate life to take a position as a stay-at-home mom of three adopted children. To connect with Daphne, visit her blog: Pop over and share your brave Mama story! 95

Michelle S. Lazurek has been a pastor's wife for over twelve years. Whether it is through writing counseling material, organizing ladies retreats or mentoring women in her church, Michelle considers each day an opportunity to find her place in God's story. In 2007, Michelle and her husband Joe planted Praxis Church. Michelle holds a Master's degree in Counseling and Human Relations from Liberty University. She has two beautiful children: Caleb and Leah. Michelle provides tips for busy writers on her blog The Writers’ Tapestry: Where Writing and Life Intertwine (

Cindy J. Evans is a published Christian poet living in the greater Atlanta area. She enjoys church activities, inspirational movies, Ferris wheels and grand openings. She is still learning to go to her heavenly Father for comfort and not Ben & Jerry!

Hilary Covil lives with her husband and beagle in Raleigh, NC. A graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill’s School of Journalism, Hilary Covil has written articles for The Wilson Times, The Star News, AOL’s Colesville Patch and The Advisory Board Company’s California Healthline and iHealthBeat. She has also written poems, stories and essays. Hilary finished writing a children’s book last year and is looking to self-publish it in February of next year. My name is Marilyn Porter and I live with my husband in Cary, N.C. I have 2 sons, 2 step daughters, and 6 grandchildren ages 5 to 17. My interests range from “tackling the computer to tackling a new craft, recipe, or writing endeavor” and I’m not sure which is more “enlightening.” I seem to take the “scenic route” and end up a little frazzled around the edges, but somehow manage to reach my destination! ☺

Aileen Stewart is “just your average mom. A gum chewing, bubble blowing, shower singing, flower planting, cookie baking, craft making, photo taking, reading, WRITING, kind of mom who loves the Lord, her husband, soon to be eight year old daughter, and crazy cat Max. I have many interests and hobbies, but the two I'm most passionate about are writing and photography. I am a published award winning author of the book Fern Valley - A Collection of Short Stories and an award winning amateur photographer who was just blessed with a brand new Nikon 3100D. I'm super excited to start taking fabulous pictures with my dream camera. 96

Keith Wallis, Poet-in-Residence Keith Wallis is an English poet. He is a senior part of the leadership team of Houghton Regis Baptist church. An engineering designer by trade, he brings an eye for detail as well as faith into his poetry. As well as being ‘poet in residence’ at Ruby ezine, he is a moderator at His blog of ekphrasic poetry is: where you’ll also find links to his books and his other blogs. Married to Val in 1970, he has two sons and three grandsons. The eldest grandson is disabled and cannot communicate verbally. Though not an ‘academic’ (school was a disaster!) he was always fond of writing. He began submitting work for publication in the 1980’s after being encouraged by a community writer in residence.

Amanda Johnson, Assistant Editor Amanda has been writing for Ruby for Women for over three years, and she has been a free-lance writer for several years, beginning her writing career as a young teen-ager. She also worked for Love Unveiled, a ministry to women in undeveloped countries around the world. Amanda brings experience as well as a passion for ministry to the work of Ruby for Women, and she has a heart for reaching out and touching the hearts and lives of women everywhere. Amanda will be working with all of our writers on their submissions, as well as assisting in keeping the Ruby for Women blog and website up-to-date with new information daily.

Nina Newton, Sr. Editor When all of my four older children were in school, I returned to college as a “non-traditional student.” Eventually, I earned degrees in Classics and Philosophy, and a graduate degree in Medieval Studies: History of Theology. After teaching at a small community college in Michigan for seven years, my husband and I were blessed with the adoption of our two beautiful daughters, Gracie and Annie. Gracie is 12 years old and Annie is 10. They were both born in China, and we were able to travel to China two times to bring our daughters home. We live in northern Indiana in a small farming community where I work on Ruby for Women in my home office. I also work at Huntington University, Huntington, Indiana as the Curriculum Assistant for the Graduate and Professional Programs, as well as teaching as an adjunct instructor in Biblical and theological studies. My personal blog is at where I frequently post tutorials and patterns for crafts and other sewing projects, as well as weekly reflections on life as a woman, wife, mother, and daughter of the King. 97

Enter the autumn Book Giveaway at Ruby for Women! Just post a comment on the Ruby for Women blog at and leave your email address. That’s all you need to do to enter to win your copy of Fuzzwippers Make Good Helpers by Marilynn Halas! 98

Credits and Copyrights All stories and articles are copyright by the authors. All pictures and images are copyright by the authors and / or have been purchased, used by permission or are in the public domain. If any pictures or images have been used inadvertently, and they do not belong in this publication, please email us and we will immediately remove them. Nothing in this issue of Ruby for Women may be reproduced, copied, or shared without the permission of the author. Advertising information is available at Questions? Email Nina @ or Amanda @ Ruby for Women is published by All submission inquiries should be directed to Nina Newton, Sr. Editor Ruby for Women or Amanda Johnson, Assistant Editor Advertising inquiries should be directed to Creative Consultant, Katherine Corrigan of Made It For You


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