Ruby july 2013

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Ruby for Women A voice for every Christian woman July 2013

“. . . . her worth is far above rubies.� Proverbs 31:10

Ruby for Women

In This Issue . . . Page 4

Snakes, Bugs, Spiders . . . and Walking Sticks Nina Newton, Sr. Editor


His Eye is on the Sparrow – or Pigeon Amanda Johnson, Asst. Editor


Baroni Beach Style Giveaway Katherine’s Corner


Plum and Berry Crumble Katherine Corrigan


Blueberry Cheesecake Katherine Corner


Skinny Ankles, Baby Belly and Forgiveness Theresa E. Nelson


Patriotic Printables Over the Big Moon


My 65th Fourth Sharon L. Patterson


Daily Devotionals for July Kristi Burchfiel


Logic Minesweeper Puzzle Beth Brubaker


Playing Favorites Dorothy Kurchak

May, 2013

July is a month of celebration! Here at Ruby for Women we are celebrating all of the gifts of summer time. Fresh fruits and vegetables from our gardens, fun-filled days at the beach, or a long walk at the end of a summer day – summer is filled with reasons to celebrate. And we especially celebrate God’s gift of liberty and freedom as we remember the birthday of America! Please visit us at


Senior Editor: Nina Newton Assistant Editor: Amanda Johnson Poetry: Keith Wallis Creative Assistant: Katherine Corrigan Family Fun Editor: Beth Brubaker Gardening: Dorothy Kurchak Devotions: Lynn Mosher Feature Writers: Connie Arnold, Hilary Covil, Theresa Ceniccola, Mimi Spurlock, Daphne Tarango, Angela Morris, Sharon L. Patterson, Elizabeth Baker, Maxine Young, Gloria Doty, Kristi Burchfiel, Elissa R. Peterson, Christena Hammes, Taylor DeVine, Rhea B. Riddle, Amanda Stephan, Tricia Goyer, Michelle Lazurek, Lisa Simpkins, Kristin Bridgman, Maria Greene, Debra Ann Elliott, Corallie Buchanan, Kathleen Kohler, Heather King, Patrice D. Wilkerson, Lanette Kissel. Theresa E. Nelson, Linda M. Crate, LaVonia R. Tryon

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Ruby for Women is an online Christian women’s magazine that offers words of hope, inspiration, and encouragement to women everywhere. Knowing that every woman has a story to tell, we seek to give a “voice to every Christian woman,” from all walks of life, of every age, from all around the world. For advertising inquiries, please contact Nina Newton at If you would like to share your story with Ruby for Women, please email our Assistant Editor, Amanda Johnson, at Also, please visit our community website at where you can connect with other Christian women. 1 Ruby for Women 2731 W 700 N Columbia City, IN 46725






Why Do We Celebrate Independence Day? Deborah McCarragher


Single Challenge #1 LaVonia R. Tryon


Once Upon a Prince by Rachel Hauck Book Review by Amanda Stephan


Kids’ Summer Craft Projects Vintage Mama


Do You Hear Him? Lynn Mosher


Who Will Answer? Sharon L. Patterson


Judge Not Linda M. Crate


Wise Advice Lanette Kissel


Footprints in the Mud Beth Brubaker


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Blueberry Bread Katherine Corrigan


Blueberry Tart Katherine Corrigan


The Happy Housewife Chapter 10: To Work or Not to Work Elizabeth Baker

More Summer Craft Projects! Vintage Mama


Talking Today Sharon L. Patterson

Ask Beth Beth Brubaker


Threads, Ties, and Ribbons Sharon L. Patterson


Create a Patriotic Banner Tutorial by Vintage Mama


Logic Minesweeper Puzzle Answer Key Beth Brubaker

Eucharist Keith Wallis


“Watermelon” Fruit Popsicles


Watermelon Yogurt Ice


Watermelon Mint Cooler


Reaching for a New Prize: Civility Sharon L. Patterson

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Summer Craft Ideas from all around the Blogosphere Vintage Mama

Broken Chain Keith Wallis

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The Right Things Word Puzzle Beth Brubaker Flowers in Summer Gloria Doty Catching Fireflies on a Summer’s Night Heather King Page 61


My Single Season LaVonia R. Tryon

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The Right Things Puzzle Answer Key Beth Brubaker


Weekly Blog Hops at the Ruby Community


Invitation to the Ruby for Women Community

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Meet the Ruby for Women Writers


Credits and Copyrights

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Ruby for Women We want to hear your story, because God has given a voice to every Christian woman.

Let us welcome you into our community of Christian women! * * * * *

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Snakes, Bugs, Spiders . . . and Walking Sticks by Nina Newton, Sr. Editor Memories of seemingly endless summer days playing in the woods or by the lakeshore drift back into my heart and mind in July. There was never a moment to experience boredom as I wandered through the cool, shady pathways in My Woods, back to the “fort” that I had constructed from broken branches, old logs and boards, and piles of leaves. With my dolls in tow, and a tattered basket filled with discarded margarine tubs and a couple of spoons that I had managed to sneak out of the kitchen, we were in for a day of make-believe in our hidey-hole in the woods. Occasionally we would go for an adventure and traipse down to the lake shore to set up housekeeping under the huge Weeping Willow tree. There was even a stone fireplace built right into the side of the hill by that old tree, and we would pretend that was the kitchen of our Weeping Willow house. The branches of that willow tree draped down all the way to the ground all around, making “curtains” that would completely enclose our little house, and there the blanket would be spread on the ground so the dollies could take a nap. All afternoon we would play house under that big, old tree until Mama would call us to come home for supper. In all of those summer days when summer seemed as if it would never end to a little girl and her dollies, I never was afraid of the snakes, bugs, or spiders. And I don’t even remember getting a wood tick in my hair that had to be pried off with tweezers. Well, there was the occasional blood sucker that would need to be pulled off of an ankle and lots of mosquito bites. Of course, there were lots of snakes that would slither through that old Weeping Willow house (it was right on the lake shore), and back in our “fort” in the woods we would entertain spiders, Daddy Long Legs (“Hello, Mr. Daddy Long Legs, have you come for lunch?”), and somehow the mosquitoes didn’t carry me away. Worms and caterpillars didn’t cause alarm, frogs or toads or other creepy crawly things just seemed like my natural playmates in that far away land of make-believe. But there was just one thing that terrified me . . . . walking sticks. I don’t remember why they became such a terror to me. Perhaps I might have one time thought I was picking up a twig and it suddenly came alive and frightened me out of my skin (but not out of my little house in the woods!). But to this day I am horrified at the thought of seeing a walking stick. And to this day I cannot recall ever seeing one since I was a child. But the terror remains. It reminds me of all the other things in life that frighten us. And then I remember that God tells us that we do not need to fear for He will never leave us nor forsake us. What’s a yucky looking walking stick compared to God’s great power and protection? What frightens you? Probably it’s not a walking stick, but for sure there is something that causes you the kind of anxiety that I feel when I see a picture or a walking stick. What is it that you need to turn over to God and trust him to keep you safe? It wasn’t the bugs, or the snakes, or the spiders, or any of the other creatures that crawled around me all of the time I was playing in My Woods or in my Weeping Willow House . . . . it was the one thing that I have not seem in many, many years that still has the power to terrify me. It’s time to send those old walking sticks back to the woods where they belong! 4

His Eye is on the Sparrow – or Pigeon by Amanda Johnson I witnessed one of the most bizarre, yet fascinating, events the other afternoon. I was talking to a friend in the barn aisle when all of the sudden a large pigeon flew through the barn doors and landed in the hay stall. He quickly made himself at home on the top bale of hay in the corner. I thought it was an ordinary pigeon and assumed he must be lost; however, my friend informed me that this was a carrier pigeon. At a closer look, I realized that the bird was wearing a purple band on one leg and a white band on the other signifying that he belonged to someone. Apparently, when the carrier pigeons are in the middle of a race or task, they simply stop at a safe place to rest their wings for a few hours or a few days and then continue on their journey. The carrier pigeon intrigued me, but even more interesting was the fact that the pigeon realized he needed a break and he knew just what kind of resting place to look for. Not only did he fly right in, but after getting comfortable on the hay, he waited and starred at us as though he was expecting something. To my amazement, my friend brought him food and water explaining that this is the routine when carrier pigeons stop at local barns to rest. The scene brought to mind the words from Matthew 6 when Jesus says, “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” (Matthew 6:26). If our Heavenly Father goes to such lengths to provide for this carrier pigeon and thousands of others like him, then how much more will He care and provide for us? “So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows” (Matthew 10:31). When we are hungry, He feeds us (John 6:35). When we are tired, He gives us rest (Matthew 11:28). When we are weak, His is our strength (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). “His eye is on the sparrow (in this case pigeon) and I know He watches me.”

Ruby Pearls – July 2013 July 4th is Independence Day – Celebrate God’s gifts of liberty and freedom in the United States of America! July 6th is Fried Chicken Day - Make your favorite recipe and have friends over for dinner! July 10th is Teddy Bear Picnic Day – gather up all your teddy bears and have fun! July 15th is Cow Appreciation Day – you know what to do! July 21st is National Ice Cream Day – Try a new flavor of ice cream today! “Some children are like wild roses - sometimes they grow better when you stop messing with them!” - Beth Brubaker The winner asks, “May I help?” The loser asks “Do you expect me to do that?” - William Arthur Ward, journalist


UtÜÉÇ| Uxtv{ fàçÄx Z|äxtãtç tà ^tà{xÜ|ÇxËá VÉÜÇxÜ It’s time for the July Giveaway!!! I am happy to share that I am partnering with the talented designers at Baroni jewelry designs this month. You can browse their summer catalog HERE. I am focusing on summer and keeping you in style with lovely beach inspired jewelry and a fun floral tote perfect for poolside or a trip to your favorite spot by the water. Baroni is providing the beautiful jewelry inspired by Sanibel Island. A lovely necklace featuring a single freshwater pearl paired with an organic shaped silver seashell hung from a delicate chain and lovely matching earrings. The floral tote is my gift to you and includes a little surprise inside too. 6

Plum and Berry Crumble from the Kitchen of Katherine’s Corner With all of the fresh fruit available in the summer, it is the perfect time to try out a new recipe. This sweet dessert from Katherine’s Corner includes a delicious combination of plums and raspberries, and it is just as pretty as it is yummy! Next time you visit your local farmer’s market, pick up a basket of fresh fruit and treat your family to this Plum and Berry Crumble for dessert. What you need: • • • • • •

4 large plums (chopped) 1 cup raspberries 3/4 cup flour (plus 1 Tbsp.) 1 1/4 cup brown sugar 1 cup sugar substitute I use Splenda (or use Sugar), divided 2 cups oats (not instant)

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1 Tbsp. butter (unsalted , cold and sliced) 2 Tbsp. orange zest 1 Tbsp. orange juice Cast iron skillet 2 mixing bowls Baking sheet Parchment paper

Before you start: Preheat oven to 425 °. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Let’s make it! In mixing bowl combine 3/4 cup flour, brown sugar, 1/2 cup sugar substitute (or sugar), oats, and butter and mix until crumbly. In a mixing bowl combine, raspberries and plums. Mix to combine. Pour into the skillet and top with 1/2 cup sugar substitute (or sugar), 1 tbsp. flour, orange zest and orange juice. Spread the brown sugar and oats crumble mix over the top of the fruit. Place the skillet on the parchment lined baking sheet. Bake for 30- 40 min. or until the fruit filling is bubbling, and crust is browned. Serves 6-8 *Katie’s Tid Bits: You can make this in a glass baking dish or pie pan if you do not have a skillet. Try different berries like blue berries and blackberries, too. 7

UÄâxuxÜÜç V{xxáxvt~x yÜÉÅ à{x ^|àv{xÇ Éy ^tà{xÜ|ÇxËá VÉÜÇxÜ ãããA~tà{xÜ|ÇxávÉÜÇxÜAvÉÅ Blueberries are the perfect fruit for summer! Especially when we are thinking about celebrating the Red, White, and Blue in the month of July, blueberries are not only fresh and abundant, they add a bit of dramatic color to any meal. This Blueberry Cheesecake recipe from Katherine’s Corner is quick and easy, and very pretty, too! What you need: • 1 can (21 oz.) blueberries in sauce • 1-1/2 cups honey graham cracker crumbs • 1 cup plus 3 Tbsp. Sugar (separated) • 1/3 cup margarine (melted) • 4 pkg. (8 oz. each) cream cheese (softened)

• • • • •

1tsp. Vanilla 4 eggs 9 inch baking pan (spring form works best) 2 mixing bowls Electric mixer

Before you start: Preheat oven to 325°; prepare your graham crackers into crumbs by placing the graham crackers in a zip closure bag and crushing them by rolling a rolling pin over the bag several times, crushing the crackers inside. Let’s make it! In a bowl combine, graham cracker crumbs, 3 tablespoons of sugar and butter, then press mixture into the bottom of baking pan. In a mixing bowl, using an electric mixer on medium high speed, beat cream cheese, 1 cup sugar and vanilla until well blended. Reduce speed to low and add eggs, one at a time, mixing until blended. Pour mixture into crumb lined pan. Bake for 50-65 minutes (or until center is almost set.) Loosen cake from spring form pan, let cool before removing the rim of the pan then place in refrigerator for at least 4 hours. Before serving pour canned blueberries over the top, on individual slices or over the entire cake, whichever you desire. Serves 8-10 Katie’s Tid Bits* this recipe can be topped with any fruit, try cherries, peaches or strawberries too. You can use a premade graham cracker crust for this recipe too. 8

Skinny Ankles, Baby Belly, and Forgiveness by Theresa E. Nelson My tender sensibilities were offended that morning by a remark my husband casually tossed my way. Like Velcro to a cashmere sweater, his criticism stuck. We didn’t see much of each other that Saturday. He worked in the yard and I lounged on the couch with my legs elevated to reduce the swelling of my nine-month pregnant ankles. For a while I cross stitched the baby’s sampler while silently I nursed my hurt, multiplying one-sided justifications as to why I had a right to be angry. How could my husband be so insensitive, I wondered, as I waddled to the bathroom for the twenty-first time since sunrise. Didn’t he understand I was a mess of nerves from growing our baby? Lunch arrived and departed with few words interchanged. He returned outside after an admonition for me to relax, drink more water, and take a nap. I returned my supersized watermelon belly back to the couch and listened to the lawn mower circling the house. Nothing seemed to be bothering him, but I was still hurt, cold, and distant. Without auditioning, I could easily have been awarded the starring role in Little Mother Martyr. I would like to recall that as I resided on our overstuffed couch I reached for my Bible and read Ephesians 4, pausing to repent when I came to verses 31 and 32. “Get rid of your bitterness, hot tempers, anger, loud quarreling, cursing, and hatred. Be kind to each other, sympathetic, forgiving each other as God has forgiven you.” But I didn’t. At bedtime I was still carrying my bitterness as a badge–about as prominently as my swollen and overstretched belly. My husband snuggled next to me in bed, placing his large hand delicately alongside my belly button. “Our baby moving?” he asked. My body stiffened, unsure. Part of me wanted to melt into his warm gentleness, relax together, and forget this morning’s episode, but another part of me wanted to move away and distance myself from him, to punish him. Clearly, he had wronged me. Was I supposed to just let it go unnoticed? “You aren’t still upset about this morning?” I nodded as strong emotions splashed against my brain. Was he so clueless that he had only just noticed the distance between us? We were about as united as two repelling magnets. He hugged me to him. “I am sorry, Theresa. Please forgive me.” I felt torn. I wanted to forgive him, yet I also wanted to inflict some payment. He’d hurt me; didn’t I have a right to hurt him back? For a few seconds I wavered, trying to decide. And suddenly it became clear to me that if I said I forgave him, then that had to be the end of the matter. 9

I couldn’t hold his remark against him. I couldn’t later resurrect his mistake and toss it angrily into his lap. I couldn’t still be upset with him tomorrow or revive my grudge. I had to forgive him like our Father forgives us. Totally and completely. My sinful bitterness and pride was negatively impacting our relationship. Just like sin cuts us off from God, it also separates us in our physical relationships. Unity with our Father and with others cannot occur when sin is present and allowed to grow. To restore my relationship with Curtis would first require me to restore my relationship with God. I nodded my head, asking God to help me forgive my husband and my own sinful actions. “Yes,” I whispered, “I forgive you.” My burden of bitterness was lifted with those few words. I felt like I was no longer a lumbering pregnant woman who couldn’t bend down and tie her own shoes. No. My ankles were svelte and I could pirouette on my now skinny toes. Joy filled my heart. And it wasn’t just because my husband leaned over to kiss my still skinny and freckled nose. It was God’s joy. My Lord and I were united again. And so were my husband and I. About Theresa Nelson: Theresa is a mother of a 9 year old son and a 24 year old daughter. She and her husband have been married for 26 years. Theresa’s writing has appeared in a variety of publications, including Focus on the Family, Christian Home and School, The Plain Truth, Hearts at Home, ParentLife, Welcome Home, Hope Chest, Women of Spirit, and Seek. Readers can contact Theresa at 10


FREE Patriotic Printables from Over the Big Moon.


Images used by permission of Over the Big Moon. For more creative projects, please visit Over the Big Moon at

My 65th Fourth by Sharon L. Patterson

My 65th July 4th. Wow! What a view. What profound experiences. What appreciation for all of it. My American experience spans a historical panorama from 1947 to 2013. Officially a baby boomer born right after World War II, I remember watching clips from the Korean War in 1953 on our eleven inch Stromberg-Carlson black and white TV. Even as a small child, I was stirred by the service of military men and women and touched by the sacrifices witnessed. Yes, my first history was in picture form. I remember going to the next-door neighbors’ house for hotdogs and firecrackers on hot July 4th evenings. A hula hoop marathon followed our cook-out as we waited eagerly for it to get dark. The only fireworks allowed until age 10 were sparklers. I understood why when I did not get a real firecracker out of my hand quickly enough. Ouch! The memory of that 4th lasted a couple of extra days. As a child I knew little about what the cost to be free entailed. I had years of American history to learn before understanding would be more than mental memorization of significant documents such as the Declaration of Independence and the Preamble to the Constitution. A love of history grew the more I studied the valiant stories of those who formed and fought for The United States of America. Love of country produced a patriot daughter who would go on to teach history for many years. Appreciation was strong but cost was not yet personal. My first price of freedom was extracted with an “Uncle Sam Wants You” letter sent to my fiancé in the summer of 1966. There would be three years of courtship through the U.S mail: letters to Ft. Polk, Louisiana, Ft. Sill, Oklahoma, and a whole year’s postage to Vietnam. There was no veneration for the war at that time but rather disdain and demonstrations. There was a silent suffering of aloneness and waiting for me, but years of internal struggle for my first husband and his fellow soldiers. The country I learned about became the country I love deeply to this day. Past history remains significant and all the events written into present American history are experientially sealed into my heart.


Costs of freedom since my first personal experience are now much greater and much more precious. The past thirty-two years I have been privileged to be both the wife of a career military officer and mother of two sons who presently serve our nation in the U.S. Army. Our third son never misses an opportunity to express gratitude whenever he sees a veteran from any past war. My husband set the example for service and sacrifice. Although I knew our boys appreciated his service, I thought the sacrifice of not having him present for so many significant events would dampen their desire to follow in his choice of career. could not have been more wrong. We have spent some 4th of July celebrations praying for our sons who were deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. We have watched with great pride as our daughter-in-laws (one, a veteran) love their soldier-husbands from afar through emails and Skyping while meeting the challenges of parenting alone during deployments, training, and numerous calls to duty. This 4th, our sons are home. There will be no hula hoop marathons - probably a few hours playing video games. There will, however be hotdogs and fireworks. There will also be the strong presence of a family of patriots thanking God for freedom realizing its costs at a very personal level. My 65th July 4th. Wow! What a view. What profound experiences. What appreciation for all of it.

Sharon Patterson, retired educator, career military wife, and leader in women's ministry, has written inspirational encouragement in various forms from greeting cards to short stories, poetry, and Bible studies for over thirty years. She has authored three books: A Soldier's Strength from the Psalms (2007); Healing for the Holes in Our Souls (2008); and Where Is Happy? (2011). She is a contributing author for Chicken Soup for the Soul: A Book of Miracles and Chicken Soup for the Soul: Answered Prayer; also Gettin' Old Ain't for Wimps (Karen O'Connor, 2004) and Special Strength for Special Parents (Nina Fuller, 2006). 14

Daily devotions for every day of the month from Kristi Burchfiel

July 1, 2013 VERSE: 2 Kings 1:16 – Then he said to him, “Thus says the Lord, ‘Because you have sent messengers to inquire of Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron–is it because there is no God in Israel to inquire of His word?–therefore you shall not come down from the bed which you have gone up, but shall surely die. TRUTH: Amaziah had received this word from the Lord earlier, but he didn’t want to believe it. Instead of repenting and asking God to forgive him, he just sent more messengers back asking, “Are you sure?” Do we listen to what God says He is going to do? Does it change our actions? When we are confronted with our wrongdoings, do we repent or just keep doing the same thing and expect the results to change? RESPONSE: Lord, You are over all. Forgive me when Your word does not stir me to action. Help me to see all that You are and to change when You show me the things I’ve done wrong.

July 2, 2013 VERSE: 2 Kings 2:13 – He also took up the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and returned and stood by the bank of the Jordan. TRUTH: Elisha had been walking alongside Elijah for some time now. He was learning and following and seeing all that Elijah did and had first-hand experience of Elijah’s relationship with God. However, ultimately, Elisha had to make a decision for himself to pick up and follow the path that God had for him. Have we each made our own decision to follow Christ? RESPONSE: Lord, You provide great leaders and teachers for me, but eventually the decision to follow You is mine. I can’t just sit in the shadows of others and expect that to be sufficient. I pray You will give me strength to pick up the mantle and follow the path You have for me. 15

July 3, 2013 VERSE: 2 Kings 3:16– He said, “Thus says the Lord, ‘Make this valley full of trenches.’” TRUTH: The three kings of Israel, Judah, and Edom asked Elisha to help them and tell them what the Lord had to say about their plans to battle the Moabites. Elisha gave them the Lord’s answer, “Go dig ditches.” There was probably nothing further from their expectations than that. God often has us to the unexpected that rarely makes sense. Many times this is just one way that He can show that the victory is His and not ours, since in this case, those ditches were the crucial factor that caused these three kings to win. RESPONSE: Lord, Your plans may not make sense to me, but they are always perfect. Help me to do whatever You ask of me today, even if it is to dig ditches.

July 4, 2013 VERSE: 2 Kings 4:14– So he said, “What then is to be done for her?” And Gehazi answered, “Truly she has no son and her husband is old.” TRUTH: This woman had been kind and thoughtful and generous toward Elisha and he wanted to repay her. But, he didn’t know what to do for her. He asked her, but she humbly declined his offers. Finally, Elisha’s servant Gehazi hit upon a need and desire of this woman’s heart. God knows our needs and the desires of our hearts even when we’ve not told anyone else. We can trust God to love us enough to give us what is best for us in His perfect timing. RESPONSE: Father, You know my heart. You know what joys and what pains are to be found thee, even if I’ve told no one else. Father, I love You and I trust You, like this woman, to bring what is best for me in the right time and way. You are amazing and I love You.


July 5, 2013 VERSE: 2 Kings 5:20–But Gehazi, the servant of Elisha the man of God, thought, “”Behold, my master has spared this Naaman the Aramean, by not receiving from his hands what he brought. As the Lord lives, I will run after him and take something from him.” TRUTH: Greed and self-righteousness drove Gehazi to go and seek payment for something he didn’t even do and shouldn’t take credit for. He didn’t like the fact that this man from the country of their enemies was getting his healing for free; he felt like Naaman should have to pay something. He also had an opportunity to make him pay and pocket the money himself. What motivates our actions? Are we motivated by love of self and stuff or love of God and others? RESPONSE: Father, You know the motives of our heart. Cleanse mine. Help me to strive to do nothing except show others Your love for them.

July 6, 2013 VERSE: 2 Kings 6:17–Then Elisha prayed and said, “O Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” And the Lord opened the servant’s eyes and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. TRUTH: Do we trust that God is there in the midst of all things? No matter our situation we are to obey God and remember that He has countless angels watching and prepared to do His will also. We are never alone. RESPONSE: Lord, I pray You will help me to see all that You want me to see and to know that I am not alone as I follow and obey You.

July 7, 2013 VERSE: 2 Kings 7:9 – Then they said to one another, “We are not doing right. This day is a day of good news but we are keeping silent; if we wait until morning light, punishment will overtake us. Now therefore come, let us go and tell the king’s household.” TRUTH: When we experience great and wonderful things, miracles and blessings from God, are we looking to share them with others? God blesses us so that we can bless others. These lepers realized that they were hoarding the blessing; they were doing wrong. They went and shared with the whole kingdom. Are we sharing the Good News with everyone we come into contact with? 17

RESPONSE: Lord, help me share Your word today. You have blessed me so much and have given me so much. Help me to share Your blessing with others today.

July 8, 2013 VERSE: 2 Kings 8:4– Now the king was talking with Gehazi the servant of the man of God, saying, “Please relate to me all the great things that Elisha has done.” TRUTH: God is a God of details and timing. God knew that Gehazi was going to be there and the king would ask this question. What better time would there be than right then to have the living proof of one of these miracles walk in? When the woman and her son came in, the king already knew their story and was willing to give them exactly what they requested. Do we trust God to take care of the little things in our life? Do we give Him the credit for the timing? RESPONSE: Lord, You orchestrate so many little things throughout our day. You are in control and You know exactly how You intend for everything to unfold. Your timing is perfect and I will trust in You.

July 9, 2013 VERSE: 2 Kings 9:7– ”You shall strike the house of Ahab your master, that I may avenge the blood of My servants the prophets, and the blood of all the servants of the Lord, at the hand of Jezebel.” TRUTH: The evil that is done by people is not forgotten by God. He sees all and remembers all and all will be brought to judgment for their actions. This is both a hope and a warning. We can take hope in the knowledge that God will avenge the evil done against His Name. We also must be warned that God sees and remembers the evil that we all do and only through the blood of Jesus Christ and by accepting His sacrifice for us will we be saved. RESPONSE: Father, I pray that You will be true to Your word and avenge Your Name. I thank You for providing a way of forgiveness for all of us who will seek after You and come to You.


July 10, 2013 VERSE: 2 Kings 10:28-29 – Thus Jehu eradicated Baal out of Israel. However, as for the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, which he made Israel sin, from these Jehu did not depart, even the golden calves that were at Bethel and that were at Dan. TRUTH: Jehu was thorough. He destroyed all the family of Ahab, the believers and priests who followed the false god Baal, and everyone associated with or connected to them. He did just what God had told him to do, but only in that one area. Jehu did not worship God. He followed God’s commands when they lined up with his own desires and plans, but wasn’t interested in committing his life to God Himself. Do we follow God only when it’s convenient? RESPONSE: Father, You are worthy of my obedience every day and in every area of my life. I pray You will help me to display my devotion every day and not just be a follower when it’s convenient.

July 11, 2013 VERSE: 2 Kings 11:21 – Joash was seven years old when he became king. TRUTH: Age is one of the characteristics that we immediately notice when we see someone. Yet, it is not a determining factor to God when He chooses to use people. Do we limit ourselves because of age? Do we assume that before a certain age or after a certain age we are not useful to God? God has a plan and a purpose for all of us, no matter our age. What matters is our willingness to be obedient to Him. RESPONSE: Father, I pray You will help me to see past the physical limitations and help me to just be willing to obey whatever You ask.

July 12, 2013 VERSE: 2 Kings 12:15– Moreover they did not require an accounting from the men into whose hand they gave the money to pay to those who did the work, for the dealt faithfully. TRUTH: As business people who follow Jesus Christ, are we faithful with how we administer our business? Do we use our resources with integrity when it comes to our personal items? These people were so trustworthy, they didn’t need to be tracked and followed. Do we have the same reputation? 19

RESPONSE: Lord, I pray You will direct my use of money and all the other resources You’ve allowed me to have. I want my actions and dealings to be above reproach, just like You.

July 13, 2013 VERSE: 2 Kings 13:5– The Lord gave Israel a deliverer, so they escaped from under the hand of the Arameans; and the sons of Israel lived in their tents as formerly. TRUTH: Even when the people of Israel were not listening to God, He was still listening to them. He still cared for their needs and raised up people to deliver them. God will still be God even if we don’t acknowledge His Lordship. But, we then miss out on the blessings and the praise that we could have shared with Him if we did acknowledge Him. RESPONSE: Lord, I praise You for all You have done. I acknowledge Your Lordship over all things, even the things that are not directly acknowledging You. I pray You will continue to be You even when I stumble and fall and at times don’t give You the praise You deserve.

July 14, 2013 VERSE: 2 Kings 14:10– ”You have indeed defeated Edom, and your heart has become proud. Enjoy your glory and stay at home; for why should you provoke trouble so that you, even you, would fall, and Judah with you?” TRUTH: The new king of Judah, Amaziah, had just won a battle against the nation of Edom. Now he was trying to pick a fight with Israel. The king of Israel warned him to leave well enough alone, but Amaziah wouldn’t listen. They went to battle and Israel defeated Judah and killed Amaziah. Do we seek after conflict just to boost our own self-image? Are we overly proud and confident about ourselves? We must be careful for that pride can lead us down a very self-destructive path. RESPONSE: Lord, You are the one who gives victory and I do not want to be involved in any conflict unless You specifically direct me. Help me to know when to stand up and fight for You and when to walk away.


July 15, 2013 VERSE: 2 Kings 15:10–Then Shallum the son of Jabeth conspired against him and struck him before the people and killed him, and reigned in his place. TRUTH: The kings of Israel had all been evil and had led the people to do evil for so many generations that the country began to reap the “reward” for such evil. There began to be uprising after uprising and very few kings reigned for long. Most of them died by violent means as another person determined to take the throne. If we are promoting evil and teaching evil, eventually we will have people who have no conscience and just go and take whatever they want with no regard for anyone but themselves. Do we stand up for what is right or just allow our society to spiral into decay as Israel eventually did? RESPONSE: Father, You have laws and standards for a reason. You desire that we act like You and not act out of purely selfish ambitions. Help me to be brave and stand up for the things You stand for, no matter what because the alternative is chaos and decay.

July 16, 2013 VERSE: 2 Kings 16:8–Ahaz took the silver and gold that was found in the house of the Lord and in the treasuries of the king’s house, and sent a present to the king of Assyria. TRUTH: King Ahaz was in trouble and being besieged from all sides. He decided to ask for help. Instead of coming to God for help, he worked a deal on his own with the nation of Assyria. Ahaz then proceeded to steal from God in order to pay for his deal. When we face trouble, do we come to God or try to “negotiate” a deal on our own? No matter what deal we try to make, it will always cost us more than we expect or intend. Stealing what is God’s to give to another has consequences as God does not forget. RESPONSE: Lord, You are to be treasured and You are worthy of everything I have. I pray You will forgive me for trying to solve problems on my own. Help me to come to You first and to give You what is Yours.


July 17, 2013 VERSE: 2 Kings 17:39-40–”But the Lord your God you shall fear; and He will deliver you from the hand of all your enemies.” However, they did not listen, but they did according to their earlier custom. TRUTH: This chapter details the fall of Israel and their being led into captivity. The verses list several reasons why, but ultimately the reason for their defeat is summed up in these two verses. The Lord will deliver His people, but they rejected God and followed their own ways. God gives us the same promise and the same choice. He will protect us and watch over us, but we must be following Him. Are we following and obeying God, or are we following our own ways and customs? RESPONSE: Lord, You are faithful and will do exactly as You say. However, I must be faithful as well. I pray You will forgive me and give me strength to follow You no matter what traditions are around me.

July 18, 2013 VERSE: 2 Kings 18:6–For he clung to the Lord, he did not depart from following Him, but kept His commandments, which the Lord had commanded Moses. TRUTH: Hezekiah was different from all the other kings of Judah. He clung to the Lord. He followed God, but not just that, he trusted God completely and held to Him no matter what. Would others describe our relationship with God by saying that we “cling” to Him? RESPONSE: Lord, I want my life to be described that way. I want to cling to You through all of life’s circumstances and need You desperately and love You. I will trust in You no matter what the situation is in my life.

July 19, 2013 VERSE: 2 Kings 19:22– ’Whom have you reproached and blasphemed? And against whom have you raised your voice, And haughtily lifted up your eyes? Against the Holy One of Israel!’ TRUTH: Assyria was on a rampage. This mighty nation was gobbling up other nations as fast as they could on their quest to become a world power. Israel had already fallen to them and been scattered. 22

Now they came against Judah and King Hezekiah. What they didn’t count on was coming against the living Holy God that King Hezekiah served. The other nations had served pagan gods that had proved futile in trying to protect their worshippers once Assyria showed up. So, when the King of Assyria taunted Hezekiah and His faith in God, he compared God with all those other useless pieces of wood and gold. God took offense at that and used this as an opportunity to display His power and might. Do we remember to turn over all our battles to God and allow Him to fight them for us, like Hezekiah? Do we trust solely in the Living God for every breath that we breathe and step that we take? God was, is, and always will be, the Holy One! RESPONSE: Lord, You are Holy, You are mighty, and You will jealously defend Your Name to those who choose to blaspheme against it. I pray that no matter what I encounter that I will be faithful to You and bring my issues to You for while people may think they are attacking me, they are actually attacking You and I will allow You to defend me in every situation.

July 20, 2013 VERSE: 2 Kings 20:10–So Hezekiah answered, “It is easy for the shadow to decline ten steps; no but let the shadow turn backward ten steps.” TRUTH: God had promised Hezekiah that He would heal him from his illness and Hezekiah asked for a sign and was offered two choices. Hezekiah chose what he thought would be the more difficult of the choices. God is capable of doing great and mighty things. Do we trust Him to do all that He promises us? Are we willing to ask for Him to do things that we consider to be hard? RESPONSE: Father, You are mighty and powerful You are over all things and nothing is too difficult for You. I pray You will do the hard, bold, and amazing things through me so that other will see and give glory to You and Your Name!

July 21, 2013 VERSE: 2 Kings 21:2– He did evil in the sight of the Lord, according to the abominations of the nations whom the Lord had dispossessed before the sons of Israel. 23

TRUTH: Hezekiah had been a great king who followed the Lord. Unfortunately, his young son Manasseh did not listen or follow his father’s footsteps. Each person must make a decision about God for himself or herself. We cannot be saved by riding the Christian coattails of our parents. Likewise, we are not condemned because of the evil of our parents. Each one of us has a choice of how we will respond to the message of Jesus Christ. How will you? RESPONSE: Lord, I have made my choice regarding my relationship with You. Thank You for making this decision mine and not dependent on anyone else. I pray You will help me to lead and influence those around me toward You so that they will be led to make a decision to follow You for themselves.

July 22, 2013 VERSE: 2 Kings 22:19–”because your heart was tender and you humbled yourself before the Lord when you heard what I spoke against this place and against its inhabitants that they should become a devastation and a curse, and you have torn your clothes and wept before Me, I truly have heard you,” declares the Lord. TRUTH: When we hear God’s Word, how is it received? Does it find a place of tenderness and humility within us in order to work and guide us? Or, are we proud and hard-hearted and unwilling to receive and accept it? RESPONSE: Lord, I want my heart to be like Josiah’s, tender and humble and open to all that You want to tell me. I pray You will speak to me for I am open to hear from You.

July 23, 2013 VERSE: 2 Kings 23:2-The king went up to the house of the Lord and all the men of Judah and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem with him, and the priests and the prophets and all the people, both small and great; and he read in their hearing all the words of the book of the covenant which was found in the house of the Lord. TRUTH: Josiah had been changed by the reading of God’s Word, so the first thing he did was gather everyone together and read God’s Word to them. The people heard and took the message to heart and helped Josiah exact his wide-sweeping reform. How will hearing the Word of God affect us? Do we respond and act when we hear it? Do we share it with others? 24

RESPONSE: Lord, You are amazing. Your Word is living and active and works within all who hear it. I pray You will give me boldness to share Your Word with others today.

July 24, 2013 VERSE: 2 Kings 24:3– Surely at the command of the Lord it came upon Judah, to remove them from His sight because of the sins of Manasseh, according to all that he had done. TRUTH: Sin has consequences. God is Holy and cannot stand sin, so even though He loves us, He will still punish sin. Judah learned this, especially since they were continuing to practice these sins and had not repented. The Lord loves us and so He created a way for us to be made right with Him through Jesus Christ, but we have to choose to accept that gift. If we don’t, God will judge our sin. RESPONSE: Lord, You are Holy and righteous and just. You have created a way to receive Your forgiveness for my sins and I praise You for it. I pray You will open the hearts of others so that they will accept Your provision of forgiveness, too.

July 25, 2013 VERSE: 2 Kings 25:2– So the city was under siege until the eleventh year of King Zedekiah. TRUTH: For over two years the city of Jerusalem was under attack. Babylon had come and would ultimately conquer Judah. Yet at no time during this two year standoff and famine does it ever say anything about anyone turning or repenting or crying out to God. Do we cry out to God in the midst of the consequences of our sin, or are we just going through it with no hope? RESPONSE: Lord, no matter my circumstances, help me to never be so proud that I am unwilling to repent and turn back to You. I pray I will return to You quickly and not wait like Judah did without any hint of turning to You. 25

July 26, 2013 VERSE: Matthew 1:21– ”She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sin.” TRUTH: This verse is a brief statement by the angel of the entire purpose for Jesus’s coming. Jesus came to same people from their sins. Such hope, such promise, such excitement is found in this verse. Are will living out the hope and excitement so that it’s visible to others? RESPONSE: Lord, You came to bring hope to those who had none. You provided a way for us to experience forgiveness and restoration. You desire reconciliation. Help me to never forget that through You is the hope that everyone needs.

July 27, 2013 VERSE: Matthew 2:12– And having been warned by God in a dream not to return to Herod, the magi left for their country by another way. TRUTH: This chapter tells of several times when God warned people about danger that was coming. Are we paying attention to God? He knows what is coming in our lives and He will often left us know what we need to be doing. This verse doesn’t say that God told the magi exactly why they should not go back to Herod. So, we may not know the reason why we are to do or not do something, but we can always trust God for the direction. RESPONSE: Lord, I need guidance in my life. I pray You will lead and direct my ever step and help me to trust and follow You even if Your direction doesn’t make sense.

July 28, 2013 VERSE: Matthew 3:6 - . . . and they were being baptized by him in the Jordan River, as they confessed their sins. TRUTH: John the Baptist was out preaching and teaching the need for repentance. He was also baptizing them in the Jordan River. Baptism was a public display that people made to let everyone know about the internal decision that they had made to repent. 26

They were baptized AS they confessed their sins to let everyone know that they had repented. Once we have asked God’s forgiveness and repented from our sins, do we make that decision public and let others know our decision? RESPONSE: Lord, I pray that each day, whether it is initially through baptism, or later through telling others, that I would make my decision to follow Jesus public for all to see and know. Thank you for your salvation for all.

July 29, 2013 VERSE: Matthew 4:1–Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. TRUTH: As followers of Jesus Christ, we are to be led by Him and the Spirit. Jesus was led by the Spirit directly toward Satan in this instance, not away from him. Still Jesus followed and went through that time of testing. Do we follow God, even when we know that it will be difficult and we may face the testing of Satan? We are to follow Him and He will lead us through. RESPONSE: Lord, no matter what You lead me through, I’d rather follow than go another way. Your Word is over all and You are over all, and no matter what You lead me toward, I want to go through it to be able to follow You.

July 30, 2013 VERSE: Matthew 5:24–leave your offering there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your offering. TRUTH: Relationships matter. Our relationship first and foremost with God sets the example for how we should be relating to everyone else in our life. And, the way we relate to all the others in our life is a direct reflection of how we are relating to God. Do we hold grudges? Are we unforgiving? These attitudes will affect our relationship with God. We cannot overlook or ignore our relationships with others. RESPONSE: Lord, I pray You will show me my relationships with others through Your eyes. Help me see if there are any changes I need to make or reconciliations I need to initiate. I want my relationships with others to be a positive reflection of my relationship with You. 27

July 31, 2013 VERSE: Matthew 6:1– Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven. TRUTH: Motivation matters. The reasons why we do what we do are very important to God. We are to be focused on pleasing and obeying God solely for God’s benefit. If we are doing things in order to be seen and rewarded by others then we will miss out on God’s reward for our obedience. Why do we follow Him? Are we seeking praise from Him or from others? RESPONSE: Lord, I pray my obedience will remain simply for Your glory alone. I desire to be used by You, but more importantly, I want to be only concerned about Your praise, not the praise of others.

Meet Kristi Burchfiel The reason I write is to help people not just to understand the truths in the Bible, but to actually apply them to their daily life. I have two styles of books. The daily devotional series of books are designed to be brief and focused on just one truth from scripture that a person can easily remember and hold to for that day along with a response back to God committing to applying that truth. Currently there are 6 books available in that series going through various books from the Old and New Testament. The two Bible studies, Without Regrets and The Decay Within, are designed to be more indepth through a specific book of the Bible. Those go verse by verse and cover the historical background in which the book was written and then how God intends for us to apply those truths in our lives today. Visit Kristi on her blog at for more information about her books. Without Regrets is a 12-session book going through Ecclesiastes and discusses our priorities and focus in life. The Decay Within is a 10-session book going though Amos and deals with the issue of repentance.

Devotional and Bible Study Books by Kristi Burchfiel

For more information about the devotional and Bible study books by Kristi Burchfiel, please visit her blog at 28

Logic Minesweeper Puzzle by Beth Brubaker

ANSWEWR KEY on page 89.

Be sure to visit Beth at her blog, Footprints in the Mud, for more inspirational and humorous articles 29

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Playing Favorites by Aunt Dots When it comes to garden plants my favorites are clematis and Aquilegia (columbine). I have nine varieties of clematis, two of which are Rosemoor (red) and Killian Donahue (pink). I planted a Sweet Autumn clematis on the Smoke Bush so when it blooms there are tiny white flowers on the dark red bush. I encourage you to get acquainted with clematis. They are easy to grow. No matter where I plant them they do well. Too much moisture and too much shade are the only deterrents. This spring I got a surprise when I found three tiny clematis vines in the rose garden. I presume they are seedlings from the clematis growing nearby which is Claire de Lune, which is light orchid. I moved them to the vegetable garden until I know what they are. All my trellises are full! Another favorite is the columbine. Some have spurs surroundings a center cup and others are spurless. Cross pollination has created various colors such as pinkish green, pale orchid and yellow with pink. The wild columbine is orange and yellow. They are not particular where they grow - either sun or partial shade. Columbine self-sow but are not a nuisance. They replant easily as they do not have a deep root. The gardens are doing well this year. We’ve had some cool and wet weather earlier, but now the temperature and moisture are more suitable. The garden walk in June went well although it was stressful for me mainly because it was an all-day event, 11-7. This month a group from church will be here for a picnic. I always enjoy having them over. We have a good lunch and good conversation. 31

In August, five members of church are having our own garden walk. It’s fun to see how others “decorate” their yards and gardens. I’m getting to know more people through the garden walks and hopefully we can exchange plants this fall or spring . . . although, I seem to be running out of space for new plants. I made use of the broken bottom of an old bird bath. I turned it upside down, drove a stake in to stabilize it and put a pot in the top. It worked out very well. The fountain grass, Pennisetum, looks very good in it. The grass is a perennial so I’ll have to put it in the ground for the winter. Every morning I thank the Lord for my home and the ability to care for it. Let’s always be thankful for what He has done for us.

Love in Christ, Aunt Dots


Why Do We Celebrate Independence Day? by Deborah McCarragher The American Revolution resulted in the original thirteen colonies legally separating from Great Britain on July 2, 1776. The Second Continental Congress voted to approve a resolution of independence. Congress then appointed a Committee of five to draft the Declaration of Independence, including Thomas Jefferson as the main author. Upon debate and revision, the Declaration was finally approved on July 4th. John Adams - one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence predicted that a "great anniversary festival" ought to be commemorated as an epoch day in history for America. He wrote in a letter to his wife that it "ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of the continent to the other, from that date forward forever more." Two of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence later served as President of the United States of America: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Both died on the same day: July 4th, 1826, which was the 50th anniversary of the Declaration. Today Independence Day is commonly associated with fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals, fairs, picnics, concerts, baseball games, political speeches, ceremonies, and various other public and private events celebrating the United States of America’s history, government, and traditions. When you became a Christian you were officially set free from sin, guilt and shame. Galatians 5:1 states, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage" [to sin]. I John 1:9 tells us, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." And in Romans 8:1 Paul tells us, "There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit." Independence is truly a reason for celebration! In John 8:31-32 Jesus said, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." 33

Two passages from the book of Isaiah prophetically speak about our freedom in Christ. “The Lord will let the oppressed go free, and break every yoke” (Isaiah 58:6). “[Jesus] Himself will proclaim liberty to the captives, and open the prison [doors] to those who are bound” (Isaiah 61:1). Independence from the world is dependence on God. Unlike Frank Sinatra and his song "I Did It My Way" - we depend solely on God for our life and liberty in Christ. While Paul was preaching in Athens he said, "for in Him we live and move and have our being..." In Romans chapter 8 Paul says, "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death." And in chapter 10 he says, "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes." True freedom relies on Christ and His atonement for our sin. Our Independence Day is truly an event worthy of celebration and fireworks! We are no longer subject to the king of this world, but forever free in Christ as His joint heirs and citizens of a new nation.

Deborah is the author of a Christian non-fiction book titled “Mission Possible”. It is written for women who love the Lord Jesus, but their spouse doesn’t share their passion. It will encourage and challenge the reader to embrace God’s promises for their spouse and future together.


Once Upon a PRINCE

by Rachel Hauck Book Review by Amanda Stephan About the Book: Once Upon a Prince, the first novel in the Royal Wedding series by best-selling author Rachel Hauck, treats you to a modern-day fairy tale. Susanna Truitt never dreamed of a great romance or being treated like a princess---just to marry the man she has loved for twelve years. But life isn't going according to plan. When her high-school-sweetheart-turned-Marine-officer breaks up instead of proposing, Susanna scrambles to rebuild her life. The last thing Prince Nathaniel expects to find on his American holiday to St. Simons Island is the queen of his heart. A prince has duties, and his family's tense political situation has chosen his bride for him. When Prince Nathaniel comes to Susanna's aid under the fabled Lover's Oak, he is blindsided by love. Their lives are worlds apart. He's a royal prince. She's an ordinary girl. But everything changes when Susanna receives an invitation to Nathaniel's coronation. It's the ultimate choice: His kingdom or her heart? God's will or their own? My Thoughts: If there's a girl that has never wished to be a princess or be loved by a handsome prince, I'd worry. Seriously worry about her. I don't think I've waited with as much anticipation for any other book than I did for this one. When it arrived, I pounced. And the family went hungry. But, praise God for fast food restaurants, right? ;) Fully rounded and relatable characters made this book a great read. From Susanna (a planner who hates surprises) and Nate (a prince longing for personal freedom) to a mother and father who are as real as any could get, to a Queen who understands more than most would think, the great supporting cast makes the lead characters in this book even more lovable. Nate is about to become King. In Georgia for a last holiday before a life of duty takes over, he meets-and falls for--local gal Susanna. Susanna has her own baggage she's carrying on her shoulders. 35

Raw from a not-too-easy let down, she meets Nate and wonders if he can be someone special, or is he just her rebound guy? Can God do that? Pull the plug on a 12-year relationship and give her someone who is going to matter right away? In a lighthearted, yet still deep manner, Ms. Hauck gives Christians questions to ask ourselves. Can God do this? Does God even care? What the heck am I supposed to be doing right now? Connecting with her readers on a personal, individual basis, we're forced to wonder "Am I willing to let go and allow God to lead in the way He wants me to go?" She'll leave you with things to chew over, pray over, and ponder. "She had to trust God, believing in the largeness, yet abandoning the outcome to him." I loved this book. And I will be reading the next in the series. I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a fun and entertaining romance that manages to bury itself deep within the recesses of your romantic heart. Purchase your copy of Once Upon a Prince, as well as The Wedding Dress by Rachel Hauck, from

Ruby’s Reading Corner: er-20?_encoding=UTF8&node=4

For more book reviews, as well as information about books by Amanda Stephan, please visit her blog at: 36

Do You Hear Him? by Lynn Mosher

Where: The mountaintop. Who: The lucky three: Peter, James, and John. What: Jesus leads the three on a climb up the mountainside. A climb that will change their lives forever. They trudge their way through trees and rocks hundreds of feet up the lofty mountain, a long and arduous climb. The men labor to breath; their lungs work overtime. Small beads of sweat expand into streamlets emptying into their beards. Their leg muscles feel heavy and begin to burn. Each step puts more distance behind them and the swarming crowds, the hypocritical Pharisees, and the demands on Jesus. Yet, in their climb, they enjoy softly brushed clouds against a swash of blue sky, a cooler temperature, and the fresh smell of pine trees. Finally reaching the top, they sit down to rest and allow the gentle breeze to refresh them as they look out on the remote valley below them. Jesus falls to His knees to pray. The disciples follow His posture, but, tired from the strenuous climb, they fall asleep. As Jesus prays, His appearance alters. A divine radiance transfigures Jesus, as if heaven has sent blazing rays of fire bolts to radiate from Him. His face glows with a dazzling luster, shining as the light of a torch; His robe glistens with an ethereal white. Awakened by the blinding light, the men shield their eyes, not believing what they see. Pinching themselves, they murmur, “Is this a vision? Are we still asleep?” What a privileged sight for the three disciples! Privileged to see the glory that has been pulsing within Jesus’ human form, now bursting forth from its concealment. In that aurora of light, all else fades into a vaporous void - trees, rocks, grass, all blanched by the glory. But what’s this? Squinting and rubbing their eyes, they see Moses and Elijah standing and talking with Jesus. 37

Moses, the representation of the Law. Elijah, the representation of the prophets. Jesus, standing between them, the fulfillment of both. Oh, how He must have wanted to go back to heaven with them. But Peter...always the impulsive Peter...sullies this hallowed moment by blurting out, “Lord, it’s wonderful for us to be here! If you want, I’ll make three shelters as memorials—one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” (Matt. 17:4 NLT) But as he speaks, a luminous cloud overshadows them in a haze of brightness, encompassing all of them. A mighty voice booms out of the cloud, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Matt. 17:5a NKJV) The resonance of the voice cleaves through the rarefied air. The mountain quakes. The disciples slump to the ground as if struck by a bolt of lightning. Too terrified to look up. Again, the voice, “Hear Him!” (Matt. 17:5b NKJV) And it was gone. Jesus draws near in compassion and touches them. They feel that familiar gentle and reassuring hand on their shoulders, “Get up; don’t be frightened.” When they look up, there is no Moses. There is no Elijah. No more bright cloud. Just Jesus, as He’s always been. Still in a daze, they descend the mount of glory to the valley of what is to come. On their way down, Jesus says, “Do not mention to anyone what you have seen, until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.” (Matt. 17:9 Amp) Those two words, spoken in glory, echo throughout eternity, to all generations to follow, “Hear Him!” What about us today? When the Lord leads us to the top of the mount of circumstance, to look out over the reality in the valley below... * Do we follow Jesus’ example and pray or do we fall asleep? * Do we enjoy the climb, or do we complain with every step? * Does the climb change our lives forever? * Do we listen to the Lord’s voice and consider what He says? Or does a lightning bolt have to strike us before we will listen? In your life, do you ever climb with Jesus? What pales in the light of Christ? Do you hear His voice?

From His feet, Lynn 38

Judge Not by Linda M. Crate In a world that’s constantly judging, sometimes it’s hard to remember that we’re not supposed to. After all in Matthew 7:1 it tells us, “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” Furthermore, it goes on to say in Matthew 7:2, “For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” Ouch! I don’t think anyone wants such a thing visited upon them. I know I don’t. I once had a church friend (a lady a few generations ahead of me) talk about how she would have a hard time accepting someone into the church if that person had tattoos or piercings. It just wasn’t her personal preference, which in itself was understandable. I just had a hard time with that because I have a lot of friends who have tattoos and/or piercings — mostly just nose studs, but a few have had tongue rings as well. It’s important to remember that everyone has different styles, tastes, and comes from different outlooks in life. What may be your “weird” may be their normal. Everyone has a unique history and comes from different walks of life. There have been churches I’ve gone to once and never gone to again because the people were unfriendly or ignored me. How would you feel if you were judged by a church simply because you were the only person that wore a polka dotted dress or a tie that had cartoon characters on it? People with tattoos and piercings may look rough, but most of the time I’ve found they are the most down to earth and kindest people I’ve met; the least hypocritical, too, in my experience. It’s important to remember that Jesus ate dinner with and talked to people from all walks of life: prostitutes, tax collectors, and other people that the Pharisees disapproved of. He didn’t judge them, he went to heal them and love them. He loved the ‘unlovable.’ He gave hope to the hopeless. As the children of God we are meant to be more than dim candles; we are to blaze with the stars of heavenly light. We are to accept people for their differences, to love them for all the good things that they are, and for everything they will become. Sure, they will disappoint us, but even we disappoint others, God, and ourselves. We need to remember that God doesn’t judge us when we come to Him for help. He takes us for what we are, molds us from the miry clay, and helps us to see our true potential and worth.


As such we are supposed to help sculpt one another in mercy and love with our gifts. Because that tattooed girl may have the greatest gift of prophecy known to man, or that gruff looking guy with all his piercings that dresses a little funny may be called by God to lead the greatest ministry our generation has ever known. You just never know, and you won’t if you judge them. So pull up a chair and get to know that person you think is ‘weird’ or ‘different’. You may find yourself the greatest friend in the Kingdom. Personally, I love that we’re all so different and unique. It makes life a lot more interesting. So we need to silence our hearts and minds against judgment and love each other for the intriguing individuals we are. Because each of us has a story that will help turn people to God, and we can’t do that if we’re too caught up in gossiping about them. About Linda: Linda M. Crate is a Pennsylvanian native born in Pittsburgh, but she was raised in the rural town of Conneautville. She attended and graduated from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania with a degree in EnglishLiterature in 2009. Her poetry, articles, reviews, and short stories have appeared in several journals online and in print. Her poetry chapbook A Mermaid Crashing Into Dawn was recently published by Fowlpox Press. Visit Linda online at her Facebook page: Etsy Shop: Blog:

Visit Katherine’s Corner for daily inspiration, recipes, crafts, giveaways and more! 40

Summer Craft Ideas from Around the Blogosphere by Vintage Mama Every month here at Ruby for Women, we search through all the best blogs we can find for new craft project ideas to share with our readers. Sometimes we find super simple, inexpensive craft ideas, and sometimes we find a few that are a bit more detailed for the crafter who loves a challenge. This month we found SO many great ideas that we have included a section for kids’ crafts, as well as crafts for making jewelry and home décor. We hope you will try one of our craft ideas and visit the bloggers who have created these fun summer crafts. Happy crafting! The complete tutorial for creating these charming Rope Bracelets is posted on Kim’s blog at Made in a Day.

For lots of ideas for creating craft projects with rope, please visit Kootation! You’ll find tons of other ideas for different kinds of crafts projects there, as well.


Our grandma gave us a pile of vintage doilies, some she had crocheted herself. Here’s a beautiful way to incorporate some of those vintage treasures that you might have in your sewing stash to make these simple yet elegant bangle bracelets. The complete tutorial for creating these bracelets using simple, inexpensive plastic bangles covered with vintage doilies can be found on the Country Living website. While you are over there, be sure to check out the other fun craft projects to create personal accessories with vintage doilies:

Over at Crafts by Amanda, we always find new inspiration for crafting! These gorgeous luminaries are made with vintage doilies and canning jars, and would be perfect for a summer wedding or other family gettogether. All of Amanda’s tutorials are easy to follow and will help you create your very own charming rustic and romantic candle luminaries! More handcrafted bracelets, this time from JC Handmade blog. I especially like these bracelets because they use up lots of little bits and scraps, along with a variety of vintage buttons (which Vintage Mama has in abundance!). This particular craft was part of a fundraising project, and you can find the complete tutorial at the JC Handmade blog: celets-for-craft-hope.html Be sure to check out the other craft project ideas in this month’s issue of Ruby for Women! And please let us know if you create your own crafts from these ideas and tutorials. We would love to share them in an upcoming issue of the magazine! Email us at 42


English poet Keith Wallis is a lifelong resident of Houghton Regis and takes a keen interest in the development of the Chalk Quarry wild life reserve. He's known the area from its days as a major local industry through to its new life as an SSSI wild life reserve. His new book of

‘poems from the pit’ revolves around photographs he’s taken in the quarry over the last eighteen months. It is, however, not what you would expect. It is not nostalgic for a lost past, though a few poems refer to the former days of the quarry, but rather a celebration of now. The words and photographs offer a view that there is beauty even in the ‘detritus’ left behind by industry and the litter discarded by the thoughtless. The poems are all inspired by his photographs but may be a little oblique – often showing a train of thought rather than a description. Sample can be viewed at: where you’ll also find his other books. 44

The Happy Housewife by Elizabeth Baker

Chapter Ten: To Work or Not to Work There are times when a woman has no choice but to find a job. She may be on her own and struggling to feed the kids. Or, if a husband is present, he may be unable and in some situations unwilling to provide. When you are working for minimum wage, one paycheck will not allow a family to exist even at poverty level. This chapter does not attempt to address those situations. Rather, I want to offer a few ideas for women—specifically mothers—who have a choice. Often these are hard choices and it is not a given that a married couple will see eye-to-eye on this issue.

“Many of the social barriers have been removed and the goal post of being “middle class” has also moved. Most couples consider two cars a necessity and the idea of postponing a family while saving up for a down payment on a home is often archaic. This was not true in our grandmother’s time.”

Before 1960 most men were embarrassed if their wife worked outside the home. It was a slap at his ability to earn and provide. Not anymore. Many of the social barriers have been removed and the goal post of being “middle class” has also moved. Most couples consider two cars a necessity and the idea of postponing a family while saving up for a down payment on a home is often archaic. This was not true in our grandmother’s time. Now, many women are facing the choice of whether to work full time. And, it is to those struggling with that choice that this chapter is dedicated. I assume my reader is married, has a husband working and there are children living in the home. Year by year, more women join the labor force as full-time employees. Women are making inroads into professions and skills that were once thought to be in the exclusive domain of men. We have even had to change our language to make room for them. Of course, some of us fight the tide. I still refer to the person who delivers my mail as a “mailman” even though she is a woman. There are two main reasons for the exodus from the kitchen to the job line. One is the desire for more money. The other is a desire for more life. These two different reasons are two different subjects. First let’s deal with money. Money is a big issue in marriages and it would be my guess that it has caused more marriage breakups than adultery. We must have a reasonable amount of money to exist in modern times, but how much is a “reasonable amount?” There are so many things we desire to have, so many things we desire to do, if only we had money for them. 45

Inflation eats away at our husband’s paycheck and it seems a little extra money would help us achieve a good life. Don’t we deserve more out of life than the bare necessities? As society has changed, day-care centers have sprung up across the country like mushrooms after the rain. Sometimes these centers are operated by local churches, and it seems a mother would be doing her child a favor by leaving him in such a well ordered environment. We need to remember, however, that adding things to life seldom adds quality to life. All it may add is objects to be constantly dusted and insured. Though the Bible is very pointed about the fact that a woman’s first earthly responsibility is to her husband, children and home, it in no way condemns a woman for earning or managing money. The most complete list of the qualifications of a good woman is found in the Bible (Proverbs 31:10-31). Among the many things it praises is the fact that this woman conducted business deals (v 6) and sold things she had made at home for a profit (v.24). Lydia was a businesswoman who was won to the Lord by Paul. She was probably very well off financially, and she used her spacious home and servants to provide Paul with a pleasant place to stay while he worked as a missionary in Philippi. Eve was created to be a help to Adam. The Bible doesn’t say what all her “helping” included, but it may well have involved giving a hand with farm work during the busy season. Our “helping” today could conceivably take the form of earning extra dollars to help the family through a tight place.

When Eve Goes Out to Work

“Eve was created to be a help to Adam. The Bible doesn’t say what all her “helping” included, but it may well have involved giving a hand with farm work during the busy season. Our “helping” today could conceivably take the form of earning extra dollars to help the family through a tight place.”

A working woman faces many problems. Her salary and her actual spendable profit are two vastly different things. Unless she has highly marketable job skills and experience, she will be able to use only a fraction of her hourly wage because the rest will be eaten away by expenses. Before a woman takes an outside job, she should devote much time to prayer about what the Lord has in mind as a method of relieving the family’s financial woes. She could also make a list of all the expenses her job will involve and deduct those from her salary to see what her actual gain will be. This list may be one of the things the Lord uses to reveal His will to her. 46

Some expenses are obvious, but others hide themselves until it’s too late. Your biggest expenses will probably be the babysitter. Have a reliable baby-sitter lined up and know what she charges before you apply for a job. Transportation cost and lunches must be deducted also. Don’t forget Uncle Sam. It is for sure he won’t forget you. If you and your children are being claimed as dependents on your husband’s withholdings form, you will not be able to claim any dependents on your own check and the total of your social security and other taxes may shock you.

“Consider the way you now cook. Everyone knows that grocery prices are going up, and up, and out of sight. After putting in a full day on the job, you will be rushed and tired during the evening hours. The family still needs dinner on time.”

Other expenses that are not so obvious can eat away a large portion of what you thought was your own and you may not see these coming until it is too late. For instance, will you need a more expensive wardrobe when you begin work? Jeans and knit tops or inexpensive dresses may be out of place during business hours. Will you want to have your hair done each week? Will you need special shoes or a uniform? Because you will have less time at home, many ways you now save money will have to be eliminated. Do you make part of the family’s clothes? Do you garage sale or bargain shop? Do you mend clothes or take extra care with the laundry so clothes look good longer? Will there be time and energy for this after you start work? Consider the way you now cook. Everyone knows that grocery prices are going up, and up, and out of sight. After putting in a full day on the job, you will be rushed and tired during the evening hours. The family still needs dinner on time. Packaged cookies, instant potatoes, one-pan dinners and precooked frozen dishes are much more expensive than the same items would be if made from scratch. You won’t have time to boil beans or make chicken and dumplings or stew or dozens of other filling but inexpensive dishes if you don’t get home until everyone is ready for supper. If you work, will you have to hire part-time help for major cleaning jobs? What about lawn service? Will there be times when you are off work but still need a baby-sitter while you attend to other chores?


Only when an accurate, complete list of expenses are added and deducted from your salary, will you know what you’re really getting for the hours you spend on the job. Regardless of the drawbacks, you will probably have something left for your labor, but even that tidbit can create trouble. Consider your husband. Will the fact that you now have some money of your own change your relationship with him? Consider your children. Will you still have time to listen to their problems and triumphs? A new gadget to play with cannot take the place of patient communication between a mother and her child, and it is no substitute for affection. Extra money can be like quicksand. Many a woman has taken a job to help pay for Christmas expenses and fifteen years later found herself still on the job. She didn’t plan it that way; it just happened. First the refrigerator knocks out; then a little extra is needed on the car payment; and as long as she is working she might as well get something for herself out of it, so a dishwasher is bought on the “easy payment’ plan. It is like eating peanuts: there is no place to stop without giving up something.

Working from Home There are times when women must work. Perhaps there has been serious illness in the family, or a woman is widowed or divorced and must make her own way, or her husband loses his job. There are many things that can explode the family budget. It becomes a case of, “If I don’t work, we don’t eat.” A woman in that situation must turn her “helping” into something that can pay the electric bill. When that happens, consider the possibility of working from home. This is not always a solution, but it can be and it is well worth exploring. Often a woman can earn as much profit working at home as she could from outside employment because her expenses are much, much less. One of the most lucrative home-based businesses can be daycare. But, if that is not to your liking, there are many other opportunities available. The options for home-based employment are as varied as a woman’s interests, skills and creativity can stretch.

“There are times when women must work. Perhaps there has been serious illness in the family, or a woman is widowed or divorced and must make her own way, or her husband loses his job. There are many things that can explode the family budget. It becomes a case of, “If I don’t work, we don’t eat.” A woman in that situation must turn her “helping” into something that can pay the electric bill.” 48

“A woman serious about earning money while staying home should expect to spend many hours exploring markets, networking with others, and perfecting her skills. She must attend to her own business with as much dedication as she would give an outside job. Success is not easy, but it is possible.”

Filling out income tax forms and bookkeeping are options for those mathematically inclined. Selling potted plants from a small greenhouse might work for those with a green thumb. Cake decorating, catering, painting murals, reupholstering furniture, editing and data entry can all be done from the home. What about custom sewing, doll making or pottery work? Any item you can produce and sell can be turned into a business. A woman serious about earning money while staying home should expect to spend many hours exploring markets, networking with others, and perfecting her skills. She must attend to her own business with as much dedication as she would give an outside job. Success is not easy, but it is possible. I work from home. Most writers do. However, I would not suggest writing as a job unless you have the wisdom of Solomon, the hide of a bull elephant, the genius of Einstein, the talent of Shakespeare—and don’t’ need the money anyhow! If a woman finds she must take an outside job, she can confidently lean on her Lord. She need not live in fear that her children will grow up wild from being raised by babysitters.

“If you are wondering whether you should go to work, take the problem to Jesus. If He wants you to have a job, inside the home or out of it, He will surely help you find the resources you need. He knows your situation and you can claim His written promise that He will always supply your needs (Philippians 4:19).”

All she must do is love and discipline them and trust them to His keeping. She need never worry about the tomorrows, for her Savior is always able. She can trust Him to provide spiritual strength when she is tired and irritated and to provide monetary needs day by day. If you are wondering whether you should go to work, take the problem to Jesus. If He wants you to have a job, inside the home or out of it, He will surely help you find the resources you need. He knows your situation and you can claim His written promise that He will always supply your needs (Philippians 4:19).

Working for a Sense of Fulfillment Bringing in extra money is only one reason women work, and often it is not the main consideration. We women can feel lonely and unfulfilled as we stay home repeating the same meaningless tasks day after day. The trapped and lonely feeling is so common it is sometimes called “the housewife syndrome.” 49

Our husbands are involved with their careers and away much of the time. Our children’s world of dolls, school, baseball, and a friend down the block, is pleasant enough for a child but can be dull to his mother. We feel like pieces of furniture, robots programmed for routine tasks. A woman needs to be a person in her own right. She wants to hold a position of dignity and honor. She wants some opportunity to use every God-given talent to the fullest and to become an active participant in life, not just a spectator. Many women feel as though there is a destiny out there somewhere waiting, and they are missing it. A job offers hope of a cure for these painful ills, a way to rejoin society again. The truth is, though a job may give temporary relief from such pain, it can be like taking aspirin for a headache when what you actually have is a brain tumor. Sooner or later the mild sedative will wear off; then the emptiness may be worse than ever. Deep satisfaction is not something we can obtain by rearranging our circumstances; it is something we learn while living under the lordship of Jesus Paul wrote, “I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content” (Philippians 4:11). Although he had not always been content, Paul had learned the skill through years of practice and seeing God’s careful, guiding hand in his life.

“Many women feel as though there is a destiny out there somewhere waiting, and they are missing it. A job offers hope of a cure for these painful ills, a way to rejoin society again. The truth is, though a job may give temporary relief from such pain, it can be like taking aspirin for a headache when what you actually have is a brain tumor. Sooner or later the mild sedative will wear off; then the emptiness may be worse than ever.”

We can learn how to be content just as Paul did, for the same One who taught Paul is willing to teach us also. His daily teacher was the Holy Spirit, the same Spirit who is our Teacher and who lives within us. One of the first keys to contentment is to let the Holy Spirit teach us how to use what He has already placed in our hands. A woman, who is actively involved in her home and family and interested in the things and people around her, automatically becomes a more interesting person. As a woman applies her faith and the love Jesus gives her to daily situations, life comes to her home and contentment can’t be far behind.


Every way a woman turns there is opportunity for selfexpression and creative thinking. God has placed much in our hands. Consider the following as you search for ways God can use your creative energy and interest to expand your world, challenge your mind and minister to others at the same time. If you like to work with people and your children are in school most of the day, the Spirit may lead you to find fulfillment by serving others outside your home.

“Everything from flowers in our garden to homemade bread to a kind word—everything good and creative can be used in the service of our Master. Some women have a Godgiven talent for cheering others and dealing kindly with people. It is a shame when the talent goes to waste; our world desperately needs such loving people.”

Look in the paper for organizations that interest you. Ask your pastor about volunteer work. There are probably more opportunities than you have hours in a day. Shut-ins and elderly people would appreciate your regular visits. Shut off the radio, put down the book, stop sulking, get up and go to them! Volunteer in the library, join a garden club, start a Saturday afternoon Bible club and learn to work puppets, write letters to prisoners, take supper to someone who is ill or offer to switch babysitting one evening with another young mother. You could both use an evening off! Dorcas was a Christian woman in the book of Acts who lived in Joppa. She used her simple skill of sewing to build and encourage others as she made garments for the poor and gave them away in the name of the Lord. Those simple gifts were like ripples from a stone tossed in a pool. They spread love and care to others and reached right back to the shore where she stood. She was loved because she gave love. Everything from flowers in our garden to homemade bread to a kind word—everything good and creative can be used in the service of our Master. Some women have a God-given talent for cheering others and dealing kindly with people. It is a shame when the talent goes to waste; our world desperately needs such loving people. However, there is one word of warning. Do not let your service to others turn into a license for snooping or gossip. Paul warned about women who used their free time to hurt the Church instead of building it. “They [women] learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house, and not only idle but also gossips and busybodies, saying things which they ought not” (I Timothy 5:13). 51

What About the Job You Already Have? Jesus has placed the care of our homes and families directly in our hands. Being willing to use what He places in our hands is one of the first steps to contentment. We would not approach a public job in a careless manner or with a “woe is me” attitude. How much worse is it when we approach the task God gives us from that angle? The devil can sit back and relax; our own attitude whips us before we get started. Running a home deserves at least as much enthusiasm and effort as we would apply to an outside job. We can be individuals in our own right; we can find self-expression; we can contribute to the advancement of the Gospel and of mankind—all without ever leaving home. Being a Christian wife is not something that automatically comes with the marriage license. Knowing the reality of being a “joyful mother of children” does not follow you home from the hospital like all those free samples of baby oil and formula. A home that is clean and well-ordered cannot be bought at the supermarket with the air freshener. These things are learned and become a reality only as we keep depending on His power to fulfill His plan for our lives. Cooking can be an art to be enjoyed and explored. It need not be expensive. In fact, learning to really cook instead of opening cans and buying pre-packaged things can afford one of the biggest savings in the family budget.

“Running a home deserves at least as much enthusiasm and effort as we would apply to an outside job. We can be individuals in our own right; we can find self-expression; we can contribute to the advancement of the Gospel and of mankind—all without ever leaving home.”

How many times have you found yourself tired of the same old thing for supper and grumbling because of the monotony? Your public library will yield dozens of ways to take the same ingredients you have always used and turn them into something new and delicious. Learning to cook will bring honor to yourself and to your Lord as well. I use cooking as a small example because it is something I personally enjoy, but there are hundreds of ways to build up your home. Learning to make your own clothes is not difficult. Rug making, furniture refinishing, and knitting can provide good use of evening hours. Gardening is a good use of energy. 52

Even if you rent your home, a few tomato plants in the flowerbed can save enough to buy a pair of school shoes. And, so what if you move in a year and the roses you planted are left to the next tenant.

“The power of God can flow through our everyday things as well. Whether we work inside the home, outside the home, or through a home-based business, we can find deep and abiding satisfaction as we yield what we have to the Master and marvel at the things He is able to do with the ordinary.”

You have enjoyed them for as long as you were there, provided an opportunity for others and for a short while beautified God’s world. The Bible says, “Every wise woman builds her house, / But the foolish pulls it down with her hands” (Proverbs 14:1). One day a few months ago I was putting the finishing touches on a birthday cake for my daughter’s 12th birthday. It was a four-layer tier cake, and the top layer stood on six inch columns like a wedding cake. It was adorned with flowers and borders, and had a doll with a cake skirt standing on top. While I worked, one of Lori’s friends came in, and the girls sat down at the table to watch. “Your Mama can do anything,” the girl said. Lori beamed. She was proud of her mother, and I was glad I had taken time through the years to practice again and again, experimenting with many different frostings and recipes until I found a method that fit my style. Occasionally, I even sold cakes at a nice profit. What appeals to me may not appeal to you, but the principle is the same. We need to use the everyday things, the things we already have in our hands, and not be constantly searching for something dramatic over the next horizon. Satisfaction and contentment come from the inside; they are not to be found in outside circumstances. God had a tremendous job for Moses to do. He began preparing Moses for the task by asking him to willingly surrender an everyday item. “What is that in your hand?” God asked. All Moses had was a stick; an ordinary shepherd’s crook with which he performed daily chores. Yet when Moses obeyed God and let Him have control of the rod, the power of God began to be shown through that ordinary everyday object that seemed so insignificant (see Exodus 4). The power of God can flow through our everyday things as well. Whether we work inside the home, outside the home, or through a home-based business, we can find deep and abiding satisfaction as we yield what we have to the Master and marvel at the things He is able to do with the ordinary. 53

Ask Beth by Beth Brubaker

Dear Beth, Both my husband and I have toxic parents that we have to deal with on a regular basis. What is the best way to deal with them? Sometimes they get us so agitated we start arguing with each other!

Frustrated in Philly Dear Frustrated, Some of us are torn because we often hear 'Honor your father and mother' when talking to others about our parental troubles. But many people forget that the Bible also says to 'leave your parents and cleave to your spouse' (Gen. 2: 24- I paraphrased), so your first concern is your spouse - not your parents. Their job was done the moment you were married, and now you and your husband need to take care of yourselves and your children. Even if that means as little exposure to toxic parents/grandparents as possible. Some will even goad you into starting an argument. Don't fall for it. One thing you shouldn't do is to completely shut them out of your life. How else can they see the forgiveness of God and the love of Jesus? But just as God laid down His rules, so should you - and stick to them. The moment your toxic parent becomes demeaning or hostile, speak to your spouse about the issue (if they are present) and deal with the toxic parent as a united front. If the behavior continues, you leave. Ask them to leave if it's your house (and wait longer to invite them over again after an incident). Get off of the phone. Just stay calm and let them know how you feel (without shouting or drama) and go. Even if they don't change, you will be a stronger and less stressed person for standing up to them. The hardest part is that first step. But once that step is taken, it does get easier. Maybe not at first - in fact, there may be a lot of drama, tears and fighting, because toxic people don't like being thwarted. Stick to your guns, pray with your spouse, and limit your contact. And most importantly, pray and give him or her to God!

Be brave, Beth 54

Cool and Creamy “Watermelon” Fruit Popsicles The next time you are planning a family picnic, these fruit popsicles would be the perfect addition to any meal! Made with strawberry and lime Jell-O, and with a few chocolate chips tossed in to make the “seeds,” they look just like slices of watermelon. This recipe is adapted from the original recipe from Kraft. For more summer recipes, visit the Kraft website at What you need: • • • • • • • • •

1 cup sugar, divided 1 pkg. (3 oz.) Lime Flavor Gelatin 2 cups boiling water, divided Ice cubes 1 cup cold water, divided 1 pkg. (3 oz.) Strawberry Flavor Gelatin 3 Tbsp. miniature semi-sweet chocolate chips 4 oz. cream cheese, softened 1-1/2 cups thawed whipped topping

Let’s make it: MIX 1/3 cup sugar and lime gelatin mix in medium bowl. Add 1 cup boiling water; stir 2 min. until completely dissolved. Add enough ice to 1/2 cup cold water to measure 3/4 cup. Add to lime gelatin; stir until ice is completely melted. Refrigerate 25 min. MEANWHILE, repeat Step 1 using strawberry gelatin mix and omitting the refrigeration step. Pour into 16 (3-oz.) paper cups. Freeze 20 min. Stir 1/2 tsp. chocolate chips into gelatin in each cup. BEAT cream cheese and remaining sugar with mixer in medium bowl until blended. Stir in COOL WHIP; spread over gelatin in cups. POUR lime gelatin over cream cheese mixture. Insert wooden pop stick into gelatin in center of each cup. Freeze 3 hours or until firm. Remove pops from cups just before serving.


Watermelon Yogurt Ice When the afternoon is a sizzler, and the kids come inside from playing at the beach, treat them to a cool and refreshing dish of this sparkling Watermelon Yogurt Ice. Sweet summer watermelon combines with creamy yogurt to create the perfect summer dessert. What you need: • 1/4 cup(s) water • 1/4 cup(s) sugar • 4 cup(s) diced seedless watermelon (about 3 pounds with the rind) • 1 cup(s) low-fat vanilla yogurt • 1 tablespoon(s) lime juice Let’s make it! 1. Combine water and sugar in a small saucepan. Cook, stirring, over high heat until the sugar is dissolved. Transfer to a glass measuring cup and let cool slightly. 2. Puree watermelon in a food processor or blender, in 2 batches, pulsing until smooth. Transfer to a large bowl. Whisk in the cooled sugar syrup, yogurt, and lime juice until combined. Pour the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve into another large bowl, whisking to release all juice. Discard pulp. Pour the extracted juices into an ice cream maker and freeze according to manufacturer's directions. (Alternatively, pour into a shallow metal pan and freeze until solid, about 6 hours or overnight. Remove from freezer to defrost slightly, 5 minutes. Break into small chunks and process in a food processor, in batches, until smooth and creamy.) Serve immediately or transfer to a storage container and freeze for up to 2 hours. Adapted from a recipe found at

Watermelon Mint Cooler What you need: • • • • • • •

2 cups organic watermelon 1 cup frozen strawberries 10 fresh mint leaves 1/2 of a lime 2 tablespoons chia seeds 1/4 cup water 2-3 ice cubes

Combine all ingredients in a blender. Enjoy! 56

Reaching for a New Prize: Civility by Sharon L. Patterson Wow, what a day we live in. Everyone is talking everywhere about everything and anything 24-7 online, on radio, TV and on hundreds of new devices turned out by competitive companies each year. I barely get used to one form of communication until manufacturers offer ten more to a very technologically thirsty generation that includes my children and grandchildren. When I bought my first smartphone, I was surprised six months later to find that particular model obsolete. I had planned to use it for at least two or three years. As overwhelming as that seems to this grandmother of five, I am not so much concerned with what we use to communicate as I am with how we communicate. We do it loudly, quickly, and much to my chagrin, all too colorfully. As a writer, I love language that paints imagery which stirs thoughtful consideration, not what emphasizes the base limits of humanity’s course nature. We have become so hungry to give our opinions and win arguments at all costs that we have little regard for the innocent among us who are not ready for the harshness of our rhetoric or the sometimes shameful subjects of our very public and extremely accessible discourse. Culturally speaking, we need to reach for a prize we once owned in this wonderful country of ours: civility. I have been around long enough to testify as a witness for its existence. I remember when our twoparty, three branch system worked for the good of the whole, not just the agendas of the individual parties. I recall honest debates of differing views directing us to embrace new thoughts in our considerations and wider borders in our conclusions. We did not try to brutalize one another into oblivion by fighting bloody bouts in the public arena. No, we ran open debates operated by clearcut rules of civility, leaving all who cared to listen to draw intelligent conclusions. Each side had the same time to deliver their information. No one had any edge. Debate was sharp, full of fact-checked facts, not one sided spin. The delivery of each side was directed toward the audience’s brain powers of comparison, clarity, and deductive reasoning. Character assassination was not the device used to defeat any argument. The difference today in our public confrontations of opposing views is that we have different rules of engagement. There is a code word and it is not civility but “tolerance”. Next to the code is an asterisk, which if followed to the bottom of our conversations we find its current definition of “political correctness”. That definition is restrictive, narrow, and often mean spirited toward anyone offering a differing view outside its parameters. It is preferred (dare I say demanded) above correct facts, civil discourse, sound reason, common sense, and most notably, truth. 57

It is more popular to defeat opposing views at all costs than to use the good sense God gave us to listen to both sides and then draw sound and reasonable conclusions. We adopt beliefs that may be quite lofty but defend them misquoting or cutting and pasting facts that resemble bullying tactics of the lawless. The most convincing strong-arm-er wins, not necessarily the most truthful. Our argument arsenal is full of incredibly powerful weapons. We can use charm to disarm; popularity to polarize, and demonization to defeat. Yes, I would like to issue a recall to better parts of our humanity in dealing with one another concerning political, religious, and personal differences. Can we take a step back from tolerance as defined restrictively by political correctness into a more civil time when we lived reasonably with each other’s contrasting opinions, beliefs and ideas? Can we emerge more nobly in our communication skills? Dare we deliver our spoken words with sound reason and truth rather than character assassinating retaliation? I would not write this if I were only reaching for some idealized civility and had not actually lived through great periods of its actuality. We have indeed been civil for great periods of time and we have been nobler. So what exactly must we recall to communicate more humanely? First of all, we must change our current goals in communication. Listening needs to replace one-up-ing. If our chief desire is to get our point across-to win a debate-to give our opinion, then we will never succeed. We must listen to what is being said by being quiet until the other person has finished speaking. (I know it is an archaic word, but we used to call that politeness.) Pausing to actually hear what the other person is saying is such a gift. It allows reason rather than emotion to emerge the victor. Secondly, let truth be the referee in all our debates. Present facts that are true, not tainted by half-truth, pulled out of context, or defined by political correctness which is intolerant of any view but its own. Truth sets us all free. Enough said on this point. Have rules of engagement both sides adhere to. I offer brevity here in the form of one simple all inclusive rule: the Golden Rule. If I speak truth the way I would want it spoken to me, I will be civil and polite. I will pause to listen just as I hope the other person will do. Sounds pretty elementary, I’m sure. Civility really does work. Again, six decades into American life, I have seen it and I have done it with many people whom I respect but differ greatly in opinion and belief.

“It is more popular to defeat opposing views at all costs than to use the good sense God gave us to listen to both sides and then draw sound and reasonable conclusions.”

I do have one parting thought which goes back to my first paragraph. While we are speaking, let’s focus on the party in our presence by turning off the ring tone smart phone, abandoning the temptation to look at any other technological device with which we may have momentarily been engaged and just be involved with the marvel of the greatest creation of all-our fellow human beings. 58

The Right Things Word Puzzle by Beth Brubaker

ANSWER KEY on page 90.

Colannino’s Sicilian Balm Colannino's Sicilian® Shaving Salve™ is made of the finest slow-pressed Italian olive oil, natural mineral water, unbleached beeswax, essential botanical fragrance oils and flower-petal waxes, Vitamin E, potassium sorbate (a natural preservative found in rowanberries), Vitamin C...and nothing else! Tired of smelling of artificial, chemical perfumes? Try Colannino's Sicilian® Shaving Salve™ and notice the all-natural botanical difference!


Flowers in Summer by Gloria Doty Nearly everyone likes flowers. Some people like to grow them, some like to just see them and almost everyone likes to receive them. They are the subjects of thousands of paintings and photographs. You can find them on greeting cards, stationery, t-shirts, linens; literally everywhere. Even if you are allergic to them, you can enjoy the beauty in pictures, etc. The Bible talks about flowers. In Luke 12: 27 Jesus tells us how God cares for us when he says, “..not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.” Flowers can teach us many lessons in this life. First and foremost, God created them for our enjoyment. We can be pleased and soothed by the beauty and fragrance of flowers. I have many planters on my deck filled with various kinds of blooms. Some are planted in the soil and some are in pots. It is absolutely necessary to keep all of them watered; even the day after a rain. The planters especially don’t retain the moisture for very long. Their roots are not deep enough into the soil. We often attend a conference or hear a terrific sermon and it is a torrential rainfall in our spiritual lives. BUT, if we don’t continue to receive God’s word, we soon ‘dry out.’ We need re-watered, day after day. I absolutely love a bouquet of blooms in my house. I try all the tricks to make them last a long time. I’ve used aspirin in the water, as well as sugar, a tiny bit of vinegar to kill any bacteria, cutting the stems at a slant and replacing the water every day. Some of these methods work, but alas, no matter what I try, the flowers will eventually fade and die because they are no longer connected to the roots. There is nothing that will prevent it. We can try all sorts of things in our lives, also. But the truth is if we are cut off from God’s word and the nourishment we receive from it, our spiritual lives will also wither and die. Silk flowers look nice forever and they look so perfect it is sometimes impossible to tell if they are real or not. However, they don’t have the feel or the fragrance of the real thing. We don’t want to be silk or fake Christians. Perhaps some people would have difficulty telling the difference, but soon they would realize we don’t have the right feel or fragrance and we are only pretending to be real. Real flowers are not perfect. They have blemishes, broken leaves, a crumpled bloom. We also are not perfect. We have all sorts of blemishes, but that is how the world knows we are real: we are blemished and need God’s forgiveness. Enjoy the flowers this summer and think about God’s love for you and his continual ‘watering’ of your life. 60

Catching Fireflies on a Summer’s Night by Heather King It’s what summer looks like to me. Stepping out into the slightest hint of coolness in the final minutes of a hot summer’s day, we carry an empty Mason jar with a foil lid folded down over the edges of the glass. The sun drifts down and the light dims so that we can see the fireflies at play. Last night, I called them “lightning bugs” like we did as kids, and my daughter scrunched up her nose in confusion. Lightning bugs. Fireflies. It’s the freedom of summer. We stay up past bedtime and run around the yard swinging our arms and cupping our hands trying to catch one. For our daughters who don’t succeed in the hunt, we gently ease a bug into their hands and they giggle because it tickles. Then we drop the firefly softly into the Mason jar and replace the foil lid so none escape. On TV, whenever you see a jar of fireflies, it’s lit up, a natural lantern for the evening jaunt. But I haven’t seen this. Last night as I watched the few captives in our jar, they remained dark. They didn’t expend any energy for light. Instead, their every effort remained focused on escape. Most of them immediately scaled the jar and sat at the top just waiting for me to open the lid again so they could fly to freedom. Usually, we manage to keep them in the jar until the end of the night when my three daughters ask if we can just keep them overnight or for an hour or just a few minutes. Pleeeeease? Pretty please? But I’m sympathetic to the plight of our captives. So, before we trudge inside we lift up the foil lid and let loose the fireflies. They jump into the air and without hesitation light up—probably sending out a warning that predators are on the move. Whatever their message, freedom helps them shine. Their freedom comes at little cost to them really. They’ve made attempts at escape, but most have failed. Ultimately, their freedom flight simply requires me to lift the foil beneath my fingers. Our freedom, however, is costly. Physically, most of us receive the gift of freedom because of the sacrifice of others. People like Thornton Wilder, the famed American playwright and novelist who fought in both WWI and WWII, paid the price for people like us. 61

In the same way, our spiritual freedom carries a high price tag, one we could never pay. Instead, we are the recipient of freedom because of another’s sacrifice. Paul tells us: “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery” (Galatians 5:1). Freedom is God’s design for us. It has always been His intention and plan, and Christ willingly paid the costly price on our behalf. According to Acts 10:38, “…God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him” (ESV). Jesus is a freedom-giver, a defeater of oppression and freer of captives. But Paul charges us with a task, as well. Christ offered us freedom and now it is our job to “stand firm” and refuse to submit to slavery again. It seems silly, but we often choose prison over the freedom Christ offers. We sit in the bottom of our Mason jar, unwilling to fly and light up the night. Perhaps we want to do it on our own, scale the glass, escape the lid. Perhaps the night air is too frightening and the jar too comfortable because it’s what we know. Do you do this? If anxiety is your jail, do you rebuild the prison walls by wallowing in fear, allowing your mind to travel where it shouldn’t, looking up information that you know will disturb you, inciting emotions and then letting them run wild? When the rigors of legalism and the chains of people-pleasing threaten to oppress you, do you submit: check the boxes, follow the crowd, follow expectations, try not to rock the boat, don’t do anything crazy or radical? If shame holds you captive, do you allow Satan to throw your past in your face, to call you names, to cover your eyes so you can’t see the totally loved, totally forgiven person Christ has made you? God never meant for you to live oppressed. So, now that He’s offered you freedom . . . live free by living in truth (John 8:32). Combat the lies with the Word. Feed on a diet of Scripture so that doubts and Satan’s schemes starve. Be alert to the first sign of shackles and chains as Satan, the world, and even your old habits try to sneak them onto your wrists and feet again. Freedom is Christ’s gift to you, so refuse to accept captivity any longer. He’s called you to shine and to fly and to share the message of sweet, sweet freedom with other prisoners. 62

My Single Season... A Journey of Getting Into your Singleness before you Get Out of It by LaVonia R. Tryon, Author of NOT Another Singles Book

SINGLE. TABLE FOR ONE. PARTY OF ONE. ALONE. NOT IN A RELATIONSHIP. IN A RELATIONSHIP, BUT NOT YET ENGAGED. KINDA SORTA TALKING, BUT NOT REALLY. ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID, USHER, PLANNER, BOUQUET CATCHER-BUT NEVER A BRIDE. However you label it, it’s still the same in many people’s eyes. Being Single. We as Singles, in general, and as Single women specifically often buy into the stigma that you aren’t somebody until you have somebody to love you. We forget about the many blessings of this current time, and drown them out by the anticipation of our ‘coming glory’. We begin to think that something is wrong with us, that somewhere we missed the mark- or better yet, ‘MARK’, missed us. But, that isn’t it at all. We are beautiful and worthy and valuable, and ‘far above rubies’, God simply still has a plan for us in this season. If you have been in the faith for any amount of time, you know the scripture Jeremiah 29:11- ‘For I know the plans that I have for you, plans to prosper you, not to harm you, to give you a hope and a future. ‘ We quote it, we sing it, we recite it, and many of us probably have it written and posted somewhere just to remind ourselves that even when we can’t see Him working, we are still in His plan. But do we really believe it? I mean, REALLY believe it, like in our depths? If we say with a resounding ‘yes! Yes I believe it!’, then we have to believe that our STILL being Single has to be in His plan too. Uh-Oh. God is the Ancient of Days but he does not have Alzheimer’s. You are not His car keys or his glasses - you are the precious jewel in His crown. He hasn’t forgotten about you nor did he just overlook you. If you believe marriage to be ordained in your future, then you have to start believing that this Single season is ordained for your present. This is a hard truth, but one that we need to hear repeatedly until we start to believe it. However, this is not the truth that we hear in many Singles books, seminars and sermons. 63

What we hear is ‘Start getting prepared, because your husband is on the way.’ ‘If I would have known then what I know now.’ Or probably the one I loathe the most ‘Your husband is right around the corner’. So now every corner I turned, both literally and figuratively - I was anticipating Mr. Right. But the only thing that was consistently awaiting me was disappointment when I spent another birthday, another Christmas, another wedding, baby, and/or bridal shower as a Miss. I wish someone would have told me sooner that this season in my life is as orchestrated as any other in His plans for me. When I was feeling less than and inadequate because everyone was getting married but me, I could have prayed for someone to tell me that my Single life was bringing God glory. That there had to be a reason He was leaving in the ‘hell’, that I have presumed to be in. I don’t know that this time was special, different, envious even. I had never heard this, that is until God revealed it to me, after I spent too many years crying and bargaining with God to get me out of a season that He was ordaining for me to prosper in. We are created for God’s glory and everything that we do should be derived out of this truth. My Single season is a time as Paul says in 1 Corinthians 7, of ‘undistracted devotion to the Lord’. This is not a grave sentence, but a Great Commission to live this time completely ‘souled’ out for His glory. To take the Kingdom by storm, to serve in ministry with passion and no divided attention, to make decisions solely based on Him and His plans for my life.

“I wish someone would have told me sooner that this season in my life is as orchestrated as any other in His plans for me. When I was feeling less than and inadequate because everyone was getting married but me, I could have prayed for someone to tell me that my Single life was bringing God glory.”

This is not a season that I am stuck in, yet it is a season that I am BLESSED to be able to endure for the sake of the Crown. I am speechless that my Single life is bringing glory to the Kingdom and although I anticipate the arrival of my earthly King, I am enthralled by the sole presence of my Heavenly King. Singles, change your perspective. Singleness is not a curse, it is a blessing to enjoy the journey on our way to the next destination. Being content Single is a journey of expectantly anticipating the destination while wholeheartedly serving the Lord in this time. 64

I challenge you to journey with me. Each month, we will have a Singles challenge that will be geared towards opening your eyes to the beauty of this season, while taking steps to prepare you for the next-whether that is marriage or just another level of your Single season. We are all journeying together and our paths are a lot more similar than you think. Let’s go on what might be one of the greatest experiences of your Single life!

LaVonia R. Tryon is an Author, Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, and Motivator. A dynamic speaker and session leader, La Vonia is known to captivate her audience with creative and vivid examples as well as humorous crowd interactions. Her unique insight into scripture and wholehearted desire to deliver the voice of God to Singles is evident in her daily lifestyle. Her debut book, NOT Another Singles Book, is just that. This hard-hitting, insightful and at times humorous book written by a self-proclaimed Reformed Serial Monogamist will have you throwing away every negative viewpoint you have heard about Singleness and focusing on fulfilling God’s purpose in it. It is a simple, yet eye-opening view of Singleness as something to get into, instead of a grave sentence to get out of. Singleness has a distinct, designed purpose crafted by the Almighty Author of Time, and this book will start (or assist you in continuing) your journey in discovering the wonderful things God has in store for this season. La Vonia would love to share her heart with other ministries, churches, and groups as God allows her. If you would like for her to speak at your church, ministry or event-please send an email to . Connect with her online: Twitter: Facebook: SinglesBook// Website: Email: Youtube: 65


Single Challenge Ruby for Women - July Challenge 1: THE SINGLE ‘CURSE’(or so they say) SINGLE. At times this can seem like a four-letter word to ourselves and when we explain to someone else that we ‘have it’. Have any of you heard the response: ‘’re SINGLE? Oh, ok. Well, just keep waiting, they will come’. So, that’s what we do. We wait. And we wait. Then we wait some more. Until, hopefully, one day we wake up and decide to ask the determining question: WHAT am I waiting for? In that question, I believe is our freedom to enjoy this time. When we begin to look at our lives and decide that ‘waiting’ requires action, then we will start to look for those things that we should be doing in this time. The Bible-(THE AMPLIFIED VERSION) says: ‘The steps of a good man are directed and established by the Lord when He delights in his way (and He busies Himself with his every step) Psalm 37:23. This scripture is so rich because it reminds us that the Author and Perfector of our Faith is orchestrating our lives. Our steps are ordered and directed and established by the Lord Himself, meaning that we can’t have a ‘misstep’ or a ‘mistake’ or an ‘oops’ without Him already knowing about it, and having a plan in place to work it out for our good in the end (Romans 8:28). When He (big H denotes perfect Lord) delights in his (little h denotes imperfect man) way, He will busy Himself with his EVERY step. This Word brings tears to my eyes when I realize that the Creator of the universe will busy HIMSELF around my life. That is mind-blowing to imagine that He cares that much about me. So the very least that I can do is offer up my life as a sacrifice to Him (Romans 12:1-2). So if every step is ordained because we are living a life that is striving to please Him daily, then He Himself ORDAINED our Singleness. That puts a different spin on it. Whether you are single with no prospects, single and dating, exclusively in a relationship but not yet engaged, or even engaged to be married- you are still single...and you are right where God is ordaining you to be. You are in His will at this moment, which is the safest and sweetest place to be. But, let’s be honest...sometimes it doesn’t feel sweet. Sometimes it is downright awful...and lonely...and tiring...and sad. Trust me, I know. I’ve been there and I still have those days, but they have become fewer and fewer because I have now realized that I am in His will-so even when it’s not good, it’s WORKING for my good. And that makes it worth it. There is beauty in DESIRING to stay in God’s will even when we don’t understand it or even desire the path that we are on. We desire His will for our lives more than we desire our comfort or the plan that we believe we should be living. Rest in that. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. 67

God hasn’t forgotten you, nor can He misplace you because He is busy with ordering your every step. You are not His keys, or His eyeglasses - you are the beautiful jewel in His crown, the Heir to His righteousness, worthy of trading His son’s perfect life for your imperfect one. He’s got you. Chill out. So that brings us to this Singles Challenge and I am probably more excited about it than you are. God is going to reveal so much to us about His will for our lives and His plan for this ordained stage in our journey. My only requirement is that you pray and open your heart to what God has to say to you. Even if you don’t think that a particular challenge applies to you, meditate on it, I believe that God is going to share something fresh with you each day. Each challenge will include a brief devotional, a key scripture to memorize, a Psalm to read, and a challenge or task to do or evaluate about your life. Some may be new to you, and some may just be confirmation of a Word that the Lord has already given you. Please invite your friends, family and anyone that can benefit from a Word from the Lord (which is everyone) to join us. This Challenge is geared towards Singles, but if you are married-I still believe that God has a Word for you in it as well. ALL ARE WELCOME!

CHALLENGE #1: What is the hardest thing that you struggle with in understanding your Singleness? Why is it hard for you to believe that you are complete alone? This is our baseline. Tweet, Email, or FB your comments/responses as to what is the biggest struggle for you in this season. Our next challenges will cover how to deal with these issues and give insight into some more common ones. Are you ready to experience the fullness of this unique Season in your life? Let’s go! #journeyingtogether... #30daySingle... #NASBook... 68

Kids’ Summer Craft Projects from All Around the Blogosphere by Vintage Mama

Make your own underwater scene with a couple of paper plates, some blue paint, and bits and pieces of scrapbook paper, fabric, rick-rack, sequins, shells and pebbles. This crafty project will keep the kids busy for hours! For more fun summer craft project ideas, visit Teacher Gone Crafty:

Is your family going on a summer vacation? Or even a few day trips close to home? Wherever you might be going this summer with your family, why not let the kids create their own Sandcastle Scrapbook? The complete tutorial can be found at Spoonful, along with lots of other great ideas for kids’ summer craft projects.

This charming little village is one of my favorites? Very much like the Gingerbread Village we made at Christmas, this summer beach village can be made from plain white paper with cut-outs for the doors and windows. Find the complete tutorial at Kootation: 69

Our kids can be crafty and creative while having fun and (don’t tell them!) learning math skills! Here’s a handcrafted set of dominoes created from small stones painted black with white dots. Give those kiddos a bucket filled with small stones (washed free of sand, of course), some black and white paint, and a paint brush and they’ll be busy for a whole afternoon! More ideas for eco-friendly craft projects at Growing a Green Family:

Leftover small stones in that bucket? Pull out the green paints and let the kids make a few little froggies! You can paint on the eyes or glue on googly eyes, add a couple of tiny pebbles for froggy feet, a dab of red paint for the tongue, and your little frogs will be charming sitting in the sun on your kitchen window sill. Or the kids can play with them in the sandbox, whichever helps mom have a bit of quiet time on a summer day! More fun painted rock crafts here:

Who could resist this adorable set of Hen and Chicks? Go out and get more of those small stones (and a bit bigger one for the Mama!) and start painting again! White for Mama Hen, yellow for the baby chicks, black dots for the eyes, and orange for those cute little chicken beaks, and you’ve got yourself a charming set of chickies to decorate your sunny summer kitchen. And of course, if the kids make their own set of Hen and Chicks, they can play barnyard games with them, too! Find the tutorial for this craft project along with other crafty ideas at: 70

Who Will Answer? by Sharon L. Patterson “Come over here, Sweetie, let me show you a good time tonight! “Give caution to the wind; no worries, let me worry about what’s right. “What do you mean we have to answer for our actions-who told you that? “Oh Baby, squash that crazy thinking like a dead fly flat. “Live for the moment, not ten years down the road. “Who brainwashed you, some stuffy, goody-two-shoes old toad?” “Sure I want to get ahead.” “That is exactly what I said.” “But then, my boss added a surprise: “It will mean a bit of a compromise.” “Nothing much, just skim a bit off the top.” “But if I do that, how will I ever stop?” “I promise everyone will now have a chance; “Not just those of privileged circumstance.” “We can do it all and the cost will be fair “Since the wealthy have the most to share.” “We’ve evolved and the future will go on.” So, who will answer when the wealth is all gone?” “Preacher, tell them what they want to hear,” “Truth, after all, isn’t always so clear. “Even the seminaries agree “Interpretation varies by degree.” “So, then, who will answer in days ahead “When children search for truth that is dead?” “Will culture, bosses, politicians or society “Join with preachers as well as you and me “To attempt the hard questions of this life “With answers born from the chaos of opinion and strife?” “I can’t answer for them, but I must go back to truth’s source “Oh my, it really is simple, though not popular, of course…” “Won’t you join me, on bended knee, as we implore “Jesus, THE TRUTH, for answers once more.”


Wise Advice by Lanette Kissel The evangelist, Paul, imparted his wise advice words to help us to find our way, to keep us from stumbling in our walk with Christ, to help us make the most of each day. We should not become a house divided, lest Satan attack us from behind. We must be careful not to quarrel among ourselves, but to be one in thought and mind. Neither poor nor wealthy, neither slave nor free, for as a family, we are all one. We’re no longer enslaved by the law. We are set free through our faith in God’s Son. In our faith, to stand firm and not be moved. Avoid idolatry and immorality. Whatever we do, do it for the Lord, and we’ll receive the gift of immortality. We should lift each other to God in prayer, for the needs of every sister, every brother. Remember, our greatest gift is love. Above all else, we must love one another. Nothing can separate us from God’s love, no power in hell or here on this earth. For along with Christ, we are heirs with Him, of a miraculous eternal rebirth.

(published in The Christian Journal Aug. 2012 issue)


Footprints in the Mud 10 Things Parents Want from Their Kids by Beth Brubaker Many times I've seen the list of 'Ten Things Kids Want From their Parents', but I kids really know what we expect from them? I thought this list might clarify a few things for those who are a little fuzzy on the desires of their parental units.

1. Quiet. What this means is: As a toddler: Please don't play with your noisy popping ball thingie grandmom gave you just after I laid your baby sister down for a nap. Go play with the soft books I bought you instead. As a child: Please stop whining for candy/cake/ice cream for breakfast and eat your fruit and cereal. And stop playing the same songs over and over on the internet! As a teen: Please don't turn on all the media in the house while I'm trying to concentrate. I might just put the money for your prom in the donations envelope by mistake.

2. Neatness. What this means is: As a toddler: You drop five hundred things, just pick up five and I'll be happy. As a child: Keep you room from looking like you were bull-riding. Tossing all the stuff on your bed and covering it all with your blankets does count as 'getting everything off of the floor', though it is not the best solution, since all that stuff will have to go back on the floor at bedtime. As a teen: Keep your school gear, after-school gear and social media devices in one spot - and not in a spot that blocks doorways or can kill someone by tripping over them. Put things where they belong! Your iPad doesn't belong in my secret snack drawer.

3. Respect Me. What this means is: As a toddler: I am the boss. Listen and do what I tell you. As a child: I am still the boss. Listen and do what I tell you. I will also listen to reasonable requests as long as you aren't throwing a tantrum. As a teen: I am still the boss but I'm letting you make many of your own mistakes and decisions. Listen and I will listen to you. But in the end, this is my house and you still need to do what I tell you. 73

4. Honesty. What this means is: As a toddler: Tell me the truth. Your brother didn't do it because you don't have a brother. As a child: Tell me the truth. The monster didn't eat the chocolate and then wipe his paws on your face. If you are honest with me we can work things out, but lie and it messes things up for both of us. As a teen: Tell me the truth. Even if you get into trouble - especially if you get into trouble. But tell me the truth in the first place and I will trust you with bigger things - like letting you drive my car. Oh, and replace the snacks you ate out of my secret snack drawer. If this were anywhere else, it would be considered stealing. 5. Integrity. What this means is: As a toddler: Tell me you're sorry and don't do it again. As a child: Admit that you did something wrong and apologize. Tell others not to make the same mistake. As a teen: Own up to mistakes and bad decisions and deal with the consequences. Stand up for your beliefs, while being respectful of others. It's okay to disagree with someone who doesn't believe as you do but don't change your standards to suit them. 6. Care for Others. What this means is: As a toddler: Hug a friend who looks sad. As a child: Hug friends who look sad and tell them you love them. Ask others if they need help, (as long as we parents are okay with that), and ask them to share what they know. As a teen: Be genuinely interested in those around you. Hug, smile, laugh and ask sad/shy people to help you, even if you don't need it. Help people you see struggling, like that lady hobbling across the street, or that mom with three kids toting groceries. Ask the elderly what they need, and do what you can to help them, even if it's to ask the help of others who have skills that you don't.

7. Make Good Choices. What this means is: As a toddler: Don't eat bugs, lint, or the cat's tail. What Mom and Dad give you is good for you. Don't eat stuff dropped on the floor, on the playground or in the grass. As a child: Friends who get you in trouble aren't friends. Good food makes a good body. Playing outdoors for hours is a good thing. Jelly beans aren't beans unless Mommy eats them. As a teen: Pick friends that stick by you, not bolt the second you're in trouble. Make decisions that will make you a better person. Love is good, lust isn't - Please don't become or get anyone pregnant! 74

8. Care for Yourself. What this means is: As a toddler: Please let me know when your diaper needs changing, via verbally or pointing to your diapered hiney. Taking off the diaper to show me is not a good thing. As a child: Please brush your teeth and hair before someone reports a Big Foot sighting! Keep your face and hands clean - even if you just wipe off onto my good dish towels. As a teen: Take at least one shower a day. Two if you do sports. Please warn me before a pair of your 'sports gear' or 'killer underwear' is put into the wash. Deodorant is a must if you don't want people to faint around you. Don't wear those baggy jeans with your underwear sticking out, or I will start buying you undies with kittens on them. And absolutely no padding in your bras!

9. Do Chores Happily. What this means is: As a toddler: Picking up those five toys without whining. As a child: Picking up after yourself and helping your siblings as well. More hands make less work, and the going is faster if you enjoy yourself by putting on music or chatting with each other. As a teen: Since you are a nearly grown adult being, you have about the same (if not more) energy and strength than that of your parents. Learn what you need to run your own household, and be a crucial part of the family by doing your share and more.

10. Be Self Sufficient. What this means is: As a toddler: Learn to eat with a fork or spoon. As a child: Learn to make your own cereal, put your clothes away, and clean up after yourself. As a teen: Learn as many life skills as possible, so by the time you graduate, you will be able to take care of yourself and your new abode with the respect and care it requires without having to call the HAZMAT team. Learn to cook for yourself and others. To be able to bring in enough income to get what you want before you leave us, and to sustain yourself after you leave us. And believe me, you will leave. Mom and Dad want to start dating each other again 75

Heidi’s Variety Store Visit Heidi’s Variety Store for all-natural, organic

“Nature’s Scent” Products Organic Homemade Deodorant • • • • • •

Sandalwood Lemon / Verbena Frankensence Dogwood Endless Love and many more!

100% All-natural Lip Balms

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Healthy Organo Gold Tea and Coffee “This coffee promotes more quality sleep; alkaline the body instead of being acidic, Promotes weight loss and a whole line of other things that your body can heal from once it has the right oxygen and right alkalinity. It has an herb in it called Ganoderma! It is wonderful!” 76

Blueberry Bread from the Kitchen of Katherine’s Corner I love blueberry muffins or blueberry bread! This recipe is so delicious for breakfast, or with tea and coffee. It even makes a nice dessert. With fresh blueberries available this time of year, your Blueberry Bread will be extra yummy! Let me know how you like it What You Need • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

3 Cups flour 2 Eggs 1 Cup sugar 1 Cup milk 3 Tbsp butter ( softened) 1/2 tsp Vanilla 1 tsp Salt 4 tsp Baking powder 1 1/2 Cup fresh blueberries ( or thawed frozen) Non Stick Cooking Spray Large Mixing Bowl Sifter Electric Mixer Loaf Pan ( 5×9 or 5×12) Baking Sheet

Before you start: Preheat oven to 350 ° and prepare loaf pan (spray inside and bottom with nonstick cooking spray), rinse and dry blueberries Let’s make it! In a mixing bowl combine eggs, sugar, vanilla, milk and butter and mix well using electric mixer on low. Sift flour, salt, and baking powder and gradually add flour mix , beating with electric mixer on med to combine, continue mixing until well blended, ( 3-5 minutes) remove mixer blades and carefully fold in blueberries using a spoon or spatula. Pour into prepared loaf pan. Bake for 50-60 minutes ( until toothpick poked in the center comes out clean). Cool in the pan for about 15 minutes then invert onto a plate. Serve while still hot or wait to cool ( it’s great both ways). note: store leftovers in fridge not on counter. Serves 6-8 Katie’s Tid Bits* try serving with whipped topping or ice cream too it’s a great dessert 77

Blueberry Tart from the Kitchen of Katherine’s Corner Just can’t get enough of those fresh blueberries in the summer! We love to put blueberries in everything we can think of, including our cereal, in a pie, in muffins and quick breads, and especially this delicious Blueberry Tart. I hope you will try it and let me know how you like it! This recipe requires refrigeration prior to completion but it is worth the wait! What you need: For the shell • 1 1/3 Cups flour • 1/4 Cup sugar • 1/4 tsp Salt For the filling • 1 Cup buttermilk • 3 Eggs (yolks only) • 1/2 Cup sugar • 1 Tbsp lemon zest • 1 Tbsp lemon juice • 1/4 Cup Butter ( unsalted) • 1 1/2 tsp Vanilla • 1/2 tsp Salt • 2 Tbsp flour • 2 Cup fresh blueberries

• • •

• • • • • • • • • •

½ Cup butter (unsalted) cut into small pieces 1 Egg yolk( beaten with 2 Tbsp ice water) Raw rice for weighting the shell

1/4 Cup Coarse sugar ( for sprinkling on top of the tart) Large Bowl Electric mixer Plastic wrap Rolling pin 10 inch tart pan ( the kind with removable fluted trim) Aluminum foil Rice, uncooked (about a 1/4 cup) Cooling Rack Food Processor ( or blender)

Before You Start: Melt butter in the microwave and then set aside to cool, wash and sort blueberries. Let’s Make It! To make the shell stir together the flour, the sugar, salt, add the butter in a bowl and using an electric mixer on medium speed blend the mixture until it resembles coarse oatmeal. Add the egg yolk water mixture and using a fork combine until the liquid is incorporated Then using your hands form the dough into a ball. Dust the dough with flour and wrap it in plastic wrap and chill it, in the fridge for 1 hour. Flour your clean board or counter top and using a rolling pin roll out the dough to about 1/8 inch thick. Place the dough into a tart pan then place it back into the fridge for at least 30 . Preheat the oven to 350°. Line the shell with foil, fill the foil with the rice, and bake the shell in the middle of a preheated 350°F oven for 25 minutes. The foil weights the shell to keep it flat. Remove the foil and rice carefully (use tongs)Then bake the shell for 5 to 10 minutes more, or until it is golden, and let it cool in the pan on a rack. Make the filling; In a food processor (or blender) blend together the buttermilk, the yolks, the granulated sugar, the zest, the lemon juice, the butter, the vanilla, the salt, and the flour until the mixture is smooth, spread the blueberries evenly over the bottom of the shell, and pour the buttermilk mixture over them. Bake the tart in the middle of a 350°F oven for 30 to 35 minutes( or until the filling is set) Let the tart cool completely in the pan on the rack, sprinkle it with the coarse sugar, and serve it at room temperature (or chilled) Serves 8


A Few More Summer Craft Project Ideas from Vintage Mama! There are just so many amazing bloggers out here who generously share their craft projects with their readers, that I just couldn’t resist telling you about a few more this month. Summer is the perfect time to try a new craft, especially if you have kids who are always looking for something to do. Craft projects can be more than just a fun way to pass a summer afternoon! Developing creativity in our children, as well as in ourselves, is a good way to learn about God’s world and grow into the person that He has called us to be. Share the gift of creativity with your children . . . . you’ll all have a great time!

Sea Shell Candle Jar We live by a lake so we can just walk down to the beach and hunt for seashells in the sand. Even if you don’t live close to a lake or an ocean, you can purchase sea shells in any craft shop. Here’s a nautical themed candle jar or vase made from raffia, rope, and sea shells. Super simple, but this will bring a touch of the sea side to your summer home. You can find this project, as well as other summer crafts here:

Vintage Floral Clothes Pin Bag Don’t you just love to see the laundry hanging on the clothes line, blowing in the sunshine and summer breeze? Bring a bit of color and creativity to your summer morning chores with this sweet floral clothespin tote. Stitch up one of these little bags to take out with you the next time you are hanging clothes on the line, and it will brighten up your day! For this tutorial and more creative summer crafts, visit: 79

Summer Ribbon Wreath Not another wreath! Yes, we found this whimsical, charming summer wreath created from a riot of bright colored ribbons, braids, rick-rack, and whatever else might be poking around in your sewing room stash of embellishments. I think we will make one of these next week, once we get caught up on our other chores. This cheerful summer ribbon wreath is made by wrapping and tying a variety of ribbons and other trims around a Styrofoam wreath form. Could anything be any simpler? Just my kind of summer craft project! For the complete instructions for this and other summer crafts, please visit:

Vintage Teacup Mirror What to do with those sweet vintage teacups that are cracked or chipped? Make something new out of them! This gorgeous mirror was created using broken vintage teacups, along with a vintage silver spoon and a few other embellishments (tiny teapots and fabric flower) surrounding a small rectangular mirror. Since we have a collection of vintage teacups (a few were used for making teacup pincushions for Mother’s Day) this is definitely a project that we will be working on this summer. Wouldn’t this make a beautiful birthday gift for Mom or a Christmas gift for Grandma? If you make your own Vintage Teacup Mirror, please send us a picture of it so we can share it with our Ruby readers in an upcoming issue of the magazine. For this tutorial and more fun craft project ideas, please visit: s-and-envelopes.html All images belong to the respective blogs to provide information to our readers on resources available. 80

Talking Today by Sharon L. Patterson Talking today is easier than it’s ever been But I’m not certain every now and then Just what we are communicating you see. It’s harder to distinguish than it used to be. We tend to shout a lot more and care a great less Using colorful four letter words for emphasis. And not only that-there is an even greater cost Using any means to get our point across. Reason is often left behind Or sent to the very back of the line. There is little concern if facts are jaded or true; Just win, no matter what you do. I hear a lot of stuff in the air But it sure is confusing when people attempt to compare Apples to oranges-do they think we don’t have a brain? Or do they simply love to jerk an opponent’s chain? No matter the device used of advanced technology. We’ve managed to dumb down how polite we used to be. Preferring to talk our listener into oblivion, Rather than persuading with sensible reason. From our verbal arsenal, we pull “bullying” to defeat; And feed etiquette to the lions like fresh raw meat. Our voice is loud and our words course to secure being heardIt really doesn’t matter how absurd! And for what? Fifteen minutes of nutcase fame Mindlessly put on Facebook or You Tube for acclaim? Can we so easily forget who might access The moments of our freakiness? “Oh, who cares about someday?” Is that what your grandchild might say When he hits a memory button and pulls up your words? Will you wish you were less colorful, and less absurd? Let’s go on talking on our devices But let’s do it with all the niceness, Using the gracious parts of our humanity I’ll talk to you and you talk to me… 81

Threads, Ties, and Ribbons by Sharon L. Patterson With reading glasses perched precisely a third way down my nose I look in my sewing box and view spools of other threads I chose To do a myriad of chores and needed fixes. What a variety of colors for hundreds of stitches. How many hems adjusted to every changing height? How many a loose, tiny tooth were pulled with their might Or missing buttons sewn on A uniform where moments before there had been none? Memories tug with every in and out of my deft needle and thread A chuckle, then a tear for my pierced finger that just bled. I reach in the drawer for a much needed tie To close the bag so the bread won’t be dry. I keep a whole lot of them just like the spools of thread. You never know what you’ll need them for in the days ahead. They remind me of different ones I maintain in good supply They’re the kinds so essential to help us get by Ties to close friends, good neighbors, and precious family members Church brothers and sisters whose love and care remembers Me on days when I can but hardly stand up When calls of unexpected trauma interrupt. Today, I reach in a sacred place I store Items for special tasks I value and adoreLike the one I am about to do: Pin on the purple ribbon awarded to you, Marking the valiant battle on distant shore you won Though wounded, you left only when it was over and done. The year you were gone I wrapped ribbons around the tree Great big yellow ones, so everyone could see Not only the pride our family has for you But freedom’s daily cost too. Threads, ties, and ribbons in your life and mine, Each mending and binding and celebrating in kind Tasks, relationships, and events special to recall From our homes and cities whether grand or small Right on up to the nation’s capital steps Where threads of history create ties even among opposing reps. On the 4th we’ll gather in our various special places Decorated with red, white, and blue ribbons we’ve attached to spaces High enough that the whole world can view Our gratitude for what matters most to me and you. F R E E D O M! 82

Create a Patriotic Freedom Banner with Vintage Mama Here’s another in a series of celebration banners from Vintage Mama’s Cottage. You can make this beautiful Patriotic Freedom Banner from scrapbook paper and cardstock, scraps of ribbons, buttons, and other ephemera you might already have in your sewing room or your scrapbook stash. We found another set of alphabet letters that were just perfect for our patriotic theme from Granny Enchanted, along with several other free printables to add to our collection of red, white, and blue. This one is super-easy, and you can make it with the kids if you want. Your Patriotic Freedom Banner can be as simple or elaborate as you want . . . . there are no rules, just your imagination and creative spirit! So gather up your supplies and get busy having fun together, making your very own Patriotic Freedom Banner to celebrate America’s birthday! Supplies: * Variety of scrapbook paper and cardstock: red, white, & blue * Variety of ribbons: red, white, & blue * Selection of buttons, beads, charms, or other embellishments * Alphabet letters, printed from Granny Enchanted * Glue, scissors, paper cutter

Let’s make it! Step 1: To make the pennant shapes, cut one sheet of cardstock (8 ½” X 11”) in half. Each half will make one pennant. To spell the word “FREEDOM,” you will need seven pennants, one for each letter in the word. Step 2: From each of the seven pieces of cardstock, cut one pennant shape by cutting diagonally from the center point of one of the narrow ends to the corner of the top of the other narrow end.


Then cut the other side diagonally from the center point on one narrow end to the other corner at the top of the other narrow end. You should now have a pennant shape that is approximately 6 ½” across at the top and pointed at the bottom.

Step 3: Place each pennant on a coordinating color of cardstock, leaving approximately ¼” all the way around. Cut out around the triangle pennant creating a narrow border all the way around. Do this for each one of your pennant shapes.

Step 4: Glue the top pennant to the back pennant shape, centering it to leave approximately ¼” border all the way around. NOTE: Only glue the bottom ¾ of the top pennant to the back pennant to allow for the ribbon loops that will be attached to the top of each pennant.


Step 5: Cut TWO sections of coordinating ribbon, each one approximately 2 ½” – 3” for each pennant. Fold one section of ribbon in half; place a dot of glue between the ends and on top of the loop.

Pull back the top edge of the top layer of one pennant approximately ½” in from the outside edge, add a bead of glue along the top edge of the pennant, and slide the ribbon look between the layers. Do this on both sides of the top of each pennant, placing a ribbon loop approximately ½” in from the outside edges of the top of each one. Press the layers together to secure the ribbon loops in between, and weight down to dry for at least an hour. You can begin to decorate your pennants one at a time while allowing the others to dry thoroughly. Step 6: While the ribbon loops are drying, print out the letters from the FREE alphabets available from Granny Enchanted. Cut out the letters you want to use, one for each pennant, and glue them onto a background color if desired. We used a dark blue polka dot cardstock for our pennants, so we first glued each letter onto a matching dark blue solid cardstock, and then again onto red cardstock, to create a double-frame for each letter. * To make the half-circle bunting shape, start with a long, narrow rectangle of scrapbook paper. Begin folding from one narrow end, taking small, accordion pleats. When you have folded the small, accordion pleats the entire length of the rectangle; you can pull it apart and bring the ends together to make a half-circle shape. This can be glued directly onto one of your pennants or glued onto a half-circle piece of cardstock to be used later in your project. 85

Since we really like the bunting-shape design, we used it on several of our pennants, as well as on the ends of the finished banner (just make two half-circle shapes and glue them together on a piece of cardstock for backing). We embellished our first pennant with the letter “F� with a strip of red, white, and blue ribbon across the top, a halfcircle bunting shape below the letter with a cut-out from Granny Enchanted on top of it, with one vintage button glued on the top left side of the letter. Continue embellishing each pennant with one letter and whatever other decorations you want to use. Here are our other pennants:

* We used several different ribbons, some vintage buttons, more cutouts from Granny Enchanted, and a couple more half-circle bunting shapes. 86

Step 7: Leave your pennants to dry thoroughly, overnight is best. Weigh down any sections that are not flat with a heavy book. When all of your embellishments are thoroughly dry and securely attached to each pennant, cut a length of coordinating ribbon to reach from end-to-end of your pennants laying beside each other. Thread the ribbon through each of the loops to make a banner of all of your pennants. Leave a length at each end to tie a loop and leave a bit hanging down (because it will look pretty!). Step 8: Make FOUR half-circle bunting shapes following directions above. Glue them together onto a circle or square of coordinating cardstock to create two circular shapes. Glue the knots of the looped ribbons to the back of each circular bunting shapes and weight down to dry thoroughly.

When everything is thoroughly dry, hang your Patriotic Freedom Banner from your mantle, or on a wall or a banister in your home. You could also hang your banner outside for a party on your deck or patio, but be sure to bring it inside because wind or rain will damage your beautiful Patriotic Freedom Banner. For more handcrafted Celebration Banner Cards© by Vintage Mama© be sure to visit our blog at and our Etsy shop at Copyright 2012 by Vintage Mama’s Cottage© for RUBY!© This tutorial can be used to make craft items for personal use or to be sold for commercial purposes. No part of this tutorial can be reproduced, reprinted, or redistributed without permission of the author. Contact Vintage Mama’s Cottage© by RUBY!© by emailing us at for more information about tutorials for this and other crafts, as well as craft kits for the celebration banner cards, and custommade celebration banner cards from Vintage Mama’s Cottage© by RUBY!©


Visit mamas*little*treasures© to find craft tutorials from Vintage Mama’s Cottage© by RUBY! ©. NEW from Vintage Mama’s Cottage© by RUBY! © CELEBRATION BANNER CARD CRAFT KITS

Make your own beautiful, handcrafted banner cards for any special occasion with a CELEBRATION BANNER CARD CRAFT KIT from Vintage Mama’s Cottage© by RUBY!© only at mamas*little*treasures© 88

Logic Minesweeper Puzzle Answer Key by Beth Brubaker

Create Your Own Burlap and Denim Ruffled Patriotic Wreath with the complete tutorial at The Scrap Shoppe Blog, as featured at Over the Big Moon. 89

The Right Things Word Puzzle Answer Key by Beth Brubaker

The Daily Devotional Series

Does a cup of coffee or an energy drink typically start your day? While that may wake you up physically, what are you doing each day to wake up spiritually? How do you find time in your busy, hectic schedule to focus on truth from God’s word? The Daily Devotional Series is designed provide each day with a quick and simple devotional that can be read in less than 5 minutes. However, it focuses on one truth from the Bible that a person can take with them, think about, and apply all day long. Each devotional includes the verse from the Bible, a truth from that verse, and a response to pray back to God. 90

Devotionals and Bible Study Books by Kristi Burchfiel Without Regrets If only . . . Each person alive could complete that thought with any number of phrases expressing sorrow, lost wishes, and faded dreams. In a word: regrets. But, are regrets inevitable? Without Regrets: A Study of Ecclesiastes meets this question head on. This study aims to help readers understand the basic principles found in the Bible for recognizing actions and attitudes that lead to regrets, while learning through examples from the life of Solomon. The practical explanations and examples make this study simple enough for a beginner, yet the profound truths will be challenging for even the season Bible scholar. What does it take to live a life Without Regrets? Join author Kristi Burchfiel as she guides you through the book of Ecclesiastes to seek out the answer.

The Decay Within Are you decaying from the inside out? When others look at your life, what do they see? Someone who seems to have it all together with the perfect clothes, the perfect kids, and the perfect marriage? But what’s behind that perfect façade? Who are you on the inside? We may look like we have it all together, when, in reality, we’re rotting away like the bones inside a beautifully decorated tomb. God sent Amos to give the people of Israel a message of judgment and destruction. They looked like they had it all together, but their focus was on the pleasures of this world. In this Bible study, the reader will work through the words of Amos as he pleads with the people of Israel to replace their decaying foundation with one that is living, fresh, and whole. Amos’s words will resonate with 21st-century readers who encounter the same challenges in new forms. Are you tired of acting like you have it all together when inside you’re falling apart? Join author Kristi Burchfiel as she guides you through a study on how to experience abundant life and drive out The Decay Within. For more information about Kristi’s Daily Devotional posts on her blog, or to purchase her books, please visit her at 91

My Love to You Always An Anthology of Love Stories Jennifer Wessner, Compiler Ramona Tucker, Editor Contributing author, Gloria Doty of Ruby for Women Forever love . . . . when did you fall in love? And when did you know that love would be a lasting one - celebrating life's joyous moments and walking together, hand-in-hand, through challenging times? Or are you still longing for that person to come into your life, as a side-by-side companion? Experience "my love to you always" kind of love through 42 of the sweetest, real-life love stories collected from across the globe. They're guaranteed to make you misty eyed and renew your faith in the power of enduring love. Don't miss My Love to You Always: 42 real love stories guaranteed to bring a smile to your face and joy to your heart. Purchase My Love to You Always from Ruby’s Reading Corner, and for more great romances, go to

For more FREE printable charts for summer fun and chores, please visit Over the Big Moon at For more information and ideas on eco-friendly summer fun and chores for your kids, please visit

The Early Years by Keith Wallis The poems in this omnibus were written quite a while back. Whilst fairly contemporary at the time, some may well have been written differently today. However, some still remain firm favourites in the author's portfolio. “Coaled” (in Marketplace of Masks) found a new lease of life as a short story (“Clive's Journey”) published by Bewildering Stories (issue 333). Read more:


By Still Waters by Keith Wallis A celebration of life; poems and associated photographs of faith and experience. The light touch of a poet rejoicing in creation. Read more:

In Moments like These by Keith Wallis This is a personal journey through the events and responsibilities of Easter . . . This sequence of poems and pictures might be offered as a reflection on the events of Holy Week and the range of emotions which is common to us all.� Read more: 93

Visit Theresa Ceniccola, The Christian Mompreneur, at

The Happy Housewife by Elizabeth Baker

Accessory Avenue

Elizabeth's classic best seller from 1979 is brought back to life for a new generation. Humorous, honest, Bible based and compelling, this ageless primer on the joys and traumas of dealing with kids, husbands, and dirty dishes will have you laughing and bring you to tears. Her practical advice provides realistic solutions to problems that never change. Join her in an exploration that is a fresh and ageless as mother-love. Elizabeth tackles issues that are modern in every respect while her home-spun style makes the readers feel as though they are having coffee with a wise friend.

The Happy Housewife by Elizabeth Baker is now available from Ruby’s Reading Corner! adingcorner20?_encoding=UTF8&node=15

Unique designer inspired jewelry, $15 and under everyday. New fashion-forward items arriving often!


Be sure to visit Beth at her blog, Footprints in the Mud, for more inspirational and humorous articles

Find inspirational craft project ideas and tutorial from Kim at Made in a Day

Ask Beth! Do you have a question about parenting, home making, organizing, friendship, or family? Ask Beth! Please email her at She would love to hear from you! 95

Fresh Eggs Daily by Lisa Steele If you are interested in raising chickens or ducks; or if you want to learn more about homesteading; or if you are looking for some gardening inspiration this spring, you really should visit Lisa at Fresh Eggs Daily. On Lisa’s blog you will also find articles about other repurposed craft projects, making your own DIY household products, and recipes using fresh, natural ingredients . . . . . like Fresh Eggs Daily! In addition to her blog, Lisa has a book entitled Fresh Eggs Daily (what else?) that is available through Amazon, and is now being carried in Ruby’s Reading Corner as well. Visit Lisa at Fresh Eggs Daily for natural, farm-fresh inspiration every day!

Inspire Me Monday at Create with Joy 96

The National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs was born out of a passion to connect women who are ready to create, collaborate, and contribute to changing the world. We gather people and ideas together through online content, tele-courses, individual/group coaching and retreats. Our desire is to unite under a common goal of helping one another to succeed and thrive in business. We are blessed to share in a common faith in Jesus Christ and yet know that we might each choose to worship in a different way. The National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs (NACWE) invites you to join our family as a Member!

Join NACWE today! • • •

Get connected to Christian Women Entrepreneurs throughout the United States and Canada for networking, business building, and prayer support Start creating new ideas, plans, programs and products with valuable monthly training calls and webinars Begin collaborating with women who can walk beside you on the journey with love and not competition PLUS, NOW YOU CAN JOIN US FOR JUST $27 a month!!

NACWE Membership & Benefits Membership is open to women entrepreneurs, small business owners, and others who have to desire to launch their entrepreneurial venture. We also serve women business owners who are ready to add new marketing success tools, gain access to other like-minded women through networking, and

Claim your FREE copy of 10 Marketing Secrets to help you Generate Leads, Increase Revenue, and Build a thriving community!


A River of Small Stones by Keith Wallis A beautiful and inspirational book of poetry, perfect for gift-giving for every season of the year! Poems written as “small stones,� polished moments of paying proper attention to life Available at

Stop by for a visit and find fun and creative FREE e-book patterns and tutorials at 98

Join us every week for our favorite blog hops!

• Inspire Me Monday at Create with Joy

• Wordless Wednesday at Create with Joy

• Thursday Favorite Things at Katherine’s Corner

• Friendship Friday at Create with Joy 99

Ruby for Women Your voice, your ideas, your inspiration! As the ministry of Ruby for Women has been growing over the past three years, God has blessed us with the opportunity to reach out and touch the hearts and lives of women all around the world. Now, God has opened another door for the ministry of Ruby for Women, and over the next several weeks and months you will see the new avenues of opportunity that we are pursuing. As a community of bloggers, writers, and artists / crafters, Ruby for Women will continue to be a friendly neighborhood where we can connect with one another through our groups, our chat times, our prayer request group, and our weekly newsletter which will feature giveaways by our members, as well as all the current news from the Ruby community. The Ruby for Women magazine will continue to be published online monthly, and we will continue to feature inspirational articles, poetry, craft tutorials, recipes, and other fun resources for you and your family. We will also begin bringing you other resources to offer inspiration and wisdom through our publishing company, Gossamer Wings Publications, as well as craft and sewing patterns and kits through our creative team at mamas*little*treasures and Tatters to Treasures. You might have already noticed Ruby’s Reading Corner where you can purchase books for yourself and your family. Every purchase from Ruby’s Reading Corner helps support the ministry of Ruby for Women. But did you know that we also have the RUBY! Café Press Shop where you can purchase tshirts, tote bags, aprons, and other fun Ruby items? We will be stocking the RUBY! Café Press Shop over the next few weeks with new items daily, so please take a minute to stop by and visit us at the RUBY! Café Press Shop. So, you can see that we have been very busy here at Ruby for Women! Your continued support and participation in this ministry is vital to our ongoing success and we so appreciate YOU. Please continue to send us your inspirational articles, stories, poems, crafts and recipes, and we will continue to provide you with the many resources that you have come to know and love here at Ruby for Women. If you any questions, ideas, or suggestions please be sure to email us at or We would LOVE to hear from you!


Blog Art by Katherine can help you with all your graphic artwork needs!

Let’s work together and I will create artwork and a style to fit your personality, content or theme. I provide a variety of blog and website art image services including but not limited to: Blog Art, Blog Buttons, Blog Headers, Blog Banners, Advertisement, Social networking links, Giveaway buttons, Page images, Sidebar ,Online Shop Headers, Logos, Website Art, I also provide Blog Set Up and Blog Makeovers too! Do you need something else? Just ask I am happy to help! For more information about Blog Art by Katherine, please visit her blog, Katherine’s Corner for all the details!

SPECIAL 10% DISCOUNT FOR RUBY READERS! Blog Art by Katherine is offering a 10% discount to all Ruby readers for any blog art or blog design service. All you need to do is mention the code “RUBY” when contacting Katherine. Don’t wait! Summer is the PERFECT time to redecorate your blog!


Avoid a Collision with a Positive Vision by Glenda Staten Glenda Staten is the owner of Positivity 4 Ever. Positivity 4 Ever promotes positivity by providing helpful resources to enrich everyone's life. She created "Avoid a Collision with a Positive Vision", a basic guide used to help young adults make positive decisions and live a responsible life while accomplishing their goals. High school students, college students, young adults, parents, and numerous organizations will benefit from the helpful information in the guide. The guide focuses on "knowing yourself", "being open to change", "setting goals", friendship and bullying. Preview the guide at Glenda also created the Positivity 4 Ever mini magazine to promote positivity, and to share positive conversations from entertainers, authors, and entrepreneurs. The magazines are available at Glenda joined the military after graduating from Albany Junior College in Albany Georgia. While in the military, she worked for numerous organizations in the United States and abroad before retiring in 2004. She worked at The National Defense University in Washington, DC where she performed duties as the senior enlisted leader of the organization. Glenda worked on the National Defense University's Security Team during a visit from the President of the United States, and she was commended for her service. Glenda was selected to be the Senior Non-commissioned Officer in Charge for the Vice Chief of Staff of the Army at the Pentagon. She completed her military career while assigned to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Personnel Administration and Services Division. Glenda received her Master's Degree in Management from City University of Seattle in Bellevue, Washington before she retired. Glenda's military experience enriched her life, and provided the necessary insight needed to help her focus on positivity. For more information or to purchase your copy of Avoid a Collision with a Positive Vision, please visit her website, Avoid a Collision, at You can also find Glenda’s magazine, Positivity 4 Ever, at 102

Be sure to visit

Ruby’s Reading Corner when you are shopping for books! Every purchase you make from Ruby’s Reading Corner helps support the ongoing ministry at Ruby for Women. The next time you are planning to purchase a book for yourself, for a friend, or for a family member, please consider shopping at

Ruby’s Reading Corner

Becoming the Disciple Whom Jesus Loved: Discover Your Character in God’s Love Story by Michelle S. Lazurek Becoming the Disciple Whom Jesus Loved: Discover Your Character in God’s Love Story by Michelle S. Lazurek (Winepress Publishing, October, 2011) invites readers to engage with the story God is writing for their lives and discover their role as a character in that story. The book also asks the reader “What’s Your Story?” and provides thought provoking questions at the end of each chapter to allow readers to interact with the material. The book is available on her website , and . You can follow her on Facebook: or Twitter. 103

Colannino’s Sicilian Originals on Etsy!

Please join us at the

Ruby for Women CafĂŠ for conversation, fun, friendship, and encouragement. Just pop in anytime, we would love to see you there! You can find us in the Ruby for Women community at 104

Let Gossamer Wings Publications transform your writing into a beautiful digital document to post on your blog or website! Are you a writer, poet, author of devotional or inspirational articles, children's author, writer of short stories, or motivational books? We have been creating eBooks and digital publications since 2006, and we are now offering our publishing services to you at Gossamer Wings Publications. Since 2010, we have published Ruby for Women, a monthly online Christian women's magazine which features family-friendly articles on home making, cooking, arts and crafts, poetry, devotionals, inspirational articles and stories, short stories, quilting tutorials, puzzles, kids' crafts, book reviews, gardening and frugal family living articles. In addition, Ruby for Women has published ebooks for poets and writers of short stories and devotionals, as well as ebook tutorials and patterns for sewing and crafts for mamas*little*treasures which are currently sold on numerous websites, including You Can Make This at Beginning in 2012, all of our publications have been produced, published, and promoted by Gossamer Wings Publications, and we are now offering our publishing services to you. We will publish your writing, poetry, sewing and craft books, devotional and inspirational articles, short stories, and any other familyfriendly projects that you've been working on. You've been waiting for the opportunity to get YOUR ideas out to the world, but you just haven't known where to start! Now you can have a beautifully formatted eBook created for you at a price you can afford, and we will even help you promote your publication. At Gossamer Wings Publications, we will work with you to design your ebook to reflect your personality and express the words and ideas that God has put in your heart and mind. Email today for your FREE consultation and to set-up your very first publication with Gossamer Wings Publications! 105

You are invited to join us in the Ruby for Women community where you will find a warm and welcoming atmosphere for sharing with other women of faith. There are groups of like-minded women where you can share your prayer requests, tell us about your latest recipe or craft project, post links to your blog, share a book review with us, and join in the conversation at the Ruby for Women CafĂŠ. We look forward to seeing you there! 106

The Ruby for Women community is a great place to meet new friends, share prayer requests, chat about your favorite books, recipes and crafts! Summer is the perfect time to try out a few yummy new recipes! Here in the Kitchen of Ruby for Women we will be posting new recipes weekly and we would love to have you share some of your favorite recipes with us, too!

Read any good books lately? Think some of them might be a good read for our fellow Ruby for Women members? Come share with us what is on your reading list and your views of the journey it took you on. Join us in Ruby’s Book Club and Reviews and join the conversation!

Do you have a blog? We would love to have you share links to your latest blog posts so that we can tell all of the members of the Ruby for Women community all about it! Please visit us in our Girls Who Blog group.

In our prayer request group, we pray for one another and uphold each other before our Heavenly Father. Please join us at We Are Praying for You and let us know how we can pray for you. And please be sure to stop by the Ruby for Women blog at

Shar’s Graphic Haven and Chit Chat Stop by and visit Shar’s Graphic Haven and Chit Chat group in the Ruby for Women community where you will find Shar’s beautiful graphic designs. You can also connect with other members of the Ruby community for a time of fun and fellowship.


Sharon Patterson, retired educator, career military wife, and leader in women's ministry, has written inspirational encouragement in various forms from greeting cards to short stories, poetry, and Bible studies for over thirty years. She has authored three books: A Soldier's Strength from the Psalms (2007); Healing for the Holes in Our Souls (2008); and Where Is Happy? (2011). She is a contributing author for Chicken Soup for the Soul: A Book of Miracles and Chicken Soup for the Soul: Answered Prayer; also Gettin' Old Ain't for Wimps (Karen O'Connor, 2004) and Special Strength for Special Parents (Nina Fuller, 2006).

Visit Tricia on her blog, It’s Real Life, for more information about her books

Do you have a family-friendly, home-based business? Here at Ruby for Women we are committed to supporting our members, followers, friends, and readers by promoting your businesses. Our advertising rates are reasonable and will fit any budget! Please visit us at for more information, or email us at to plan your advertising in upcoming issues of the Ruby for Women 108 magazine.

Meet the Ruby for Women Writers

Aunt Dots, Master Gardener Aunt Dots has been writing for Ruby for Women since the very beginning. Her love for gardening started early in her life: “I believe I got my love for growing flowers from my mother. She had a large flower garden with annuals and dahlias. I had my first flower garden after I married and we lived in a garden apartment.” She now has perennial gardens, rose gardens, grape vines, asparagus, currants, gooseberries, walnut trees, apple trees, and hazelnut trees. In the winter months, Aunt Dots sews, making quilts that she has donated to a Mennonite Relief auction.

Beth Brubaker, Footprints in the Mud and Ask Beth Beth is the “Family Fun” editor here in the Ruby for Women community. She is a mother of two very active kids whose antics are sprinkled liberally in her columns. She has been married for 13 years to her Knight in Shining Armor, and she is delighted to share with us that they still hold hands in public! Her day job is working as a fabric artist, a homemaker, and a writer. Beth will be writing humorous articles about life in general, puzzles, and an advice column that is based on readers’ questions, as well as sharing hints and tips for everyday life that she comes across in her travels between her laundry room, living room, and kitchen. Don’t miss Beth’s columns in every issue of Ruby for Women! You can read more of Beth’s posts on her blog, “Footprints in the Mud” at or email her at

Lanette Kissel lives in southern Indiana with her adopted Yorkie-Poo, Benjy. She enjoys singing in her huge choir at Crossroads Christian Church. She has been a freelance writer of Christian/Inspirational poetry for twelve years. Recently, she has been writing Inspirational articles and essays, as well as devotions. Her work has appeared in: Mature Living Magazine, Purpose, Live, The War Cry, The Lutheran Journal, The Catholic Yearbook, Silver Wings, Inspired Women Magazine, and others. . I'm Christena Hammes, married to my best-friend. We met at the Outside Inn so God could change us from the Inside Out!! We have two beautiful daughters (Lena and Amanda), two sons-in-law (Cameron and Justin) and one amazing granddaughter (Savannah Jo). I never knew what the Father's love was all about until I had children of my own. They really do hold your heart and forgiveness comes easy. 109

Lynn Mosher, Devotions

Since the year 2000, Lynn Mosher has lived with fibromyalgia and other physical conditions. During this time, the Lord placed the desire in her heart to write for Him. Now, armed with God’s purpose for her life and a new passion, she reaches out to others to encourage and comfort them through her writing, giving God all the glory. She lives with her husband in their empty nest in Kentucky. On occasion, their three offspring, who have flown the coop, come to visit, accompanied by a son-in-law and three granddaughters. Visit Lynn at her blog, at

Katherine Corrigan, Recipes and Crafts Katherine is a blogger at Katherine’s Corner, an artist, designer, tea drinker and hug giver. She has been a contributor to Ruby for Women for three years. She is originally from England. But she has lived in the USA since 1975. She holds a rare dual citizenship with the UK and the USA and is a proud citizen of both. She greets each day with grace, dignity and gratitude. Thanking God for her strength as she continues to encourage others and moves forward despite her physical challenges. She is happily married and has five grandchildren. After 30 years of working in the medical field and managing other people’s businesses Katherine has her own online shop and graphics business. She never hesitates to contribute to Ruby for Women. She says, “Being part of Ruby for Women is like getting a big hug every day.” Blog Blog Graphics at Shop

Theresa Ceniccola is The Christian Mompreneur, a Mentor to Moms Who are Running a Business that Supports Faith and Family. She empowers entrepreneurial moms to build profitable businesses with wisdom and grace through the Christian Mompreneur Mastermind program and her professional Marketing services, which include copywriting, marketing and strategy consulting and private coaching.

Heather King is a wife to a wonderful husband and a mom to three beautiful girls. A former English teacher, she now lives a life of doing dishes, folding laundry, finding lost toys and mending scraped knees. She treks to the grocery store more times a week than she’d like and struggles to keep up with chores, appointments and the to-do list that refreshes itself day after day. In addition to all that, she’s the worship leader at her church in Virginia, a Bible study teacher and women’s ministry leader. Somewhere in the middle of the noise, mess, and busyness of life, she takes time to meet with God at her kitchen table with a Bible, a journal and a cup of strong hot tea with lots of sugar. You can find her blogging about these times with God at her devotional site: Room To Breathe: 110

Theresa Nelson is a mother of a 9 year old son and a 24 year old daughter. She and her husband have been married for 26 years. Theresa’s writing has appeared in a variety of publications, including Focus on the Family, Christian Home and School, The Plain Truth, Hearts at Home, ParentLife, Welcome Home, Hope Chest, Women of Spirit, and Seek. Readers can contact Theresa at

Sharmelle “Shar” of Sharmelle’s Graphic Haven, Graphic Design I am passionate about graphic design and photography, and I spend a great deal of time developing my talents. Like many, I had set my career aside for a few years while working on other projects, but I found that I missed working with others and feel that many people need support and encouragement to follow their dreams. I have recently resumed the art of design and photography, and I have trained myself in the modern tools of today’s visual artists, using the computer. I’m sure that if, when I was a child, I could have had a computer, I might not ever have gone to school at all! You can find my graphic designs for use on blogs and websites in the Ruby for Women community at Sharmelle’s Graphic Haven. Full time mother and author, Corallie Buchanan, is a woman who writes from her heart. Corallie writes regularly for the Christian Woman magazine, Australia's premier magazine for Christian women. In addition to her editing her own work, she contributes material to a number of magazines in the US including The Haven Journal, Inspired Women Magazine, and Ruby for Women. Sharing God's message of love and forgiveness, and mentoring other young writers is her passion. Corallie is also the author of Watch Out! Godly Women on the Loose; a book which won her the award of Young Australian Christian Writer of the Year in 2007. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Behavioural Studies from the University of Queensland, and a Master's Degree in Divinity from Malyon Baptist Theological College. She lives her with husband and daughter in Brisbane, Australia. .

Patrice Dianne Wilkerson is 29 years old and lives in Nelson, VA.

She has been writing poetry since she was eight years old and has always aspired to be a poet. She published a book of poetry in 2010 entitled, “Through It All, I’m Going to Make It.” She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting from Saint Paul’s College in Lawrenceville, Virginia in August of 2005 and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting from Liberty University Online in Lynchburg, VA in August of 2011. She enjoys writing Christian poetry because she wants to minister to others about the wonderful works of God. 111

LaVonia R. Tryon is an Author, Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, and Motivator. A dynamic speaker and session leader, La Vonia is known to captivate her audience with creative and vivid examples as well as humorous crowd interactions. Her unique insight into scripture and wholehearted desire to deliver the voice of God to Singles is evident in her daily lifestyle. La Vonia would love to share her heart with other ministries, churches, and groups as God allows her. If you would like for her to speak at your church, ministry or event-please send an email to .

Deborah McCarragher, Devotional Contributor Deborah is the author of a Christian inspirational book for women titled “Mission Possible”. The book addresses living in a spiritually-uneven household. You can visit her website at for more information about her book.

Gloria Doty: I am a mother of 5 and grandmother of 13. I have owned a catering business, and a Grade A goat dairy. I have managed a restaurant, worked in retail and was Dir. of Children’s’ Ministries for a large church for 10 years. I have been writing since I was in third grade. I currently write 2 blogs about my youngest daughter, Kalisha, and our journey together through the world of mild mental retardation, autism and Aspergers. One blog is written for and is titled “Not Different Enough”. The other blog is I write freelance articles for magazines and am a contributor to two devotional publications: Living the Gospel Life and Hope-Full Living. I do not believe it is possible to make it through a day without faith and a sense of humor, even in the darkest times and I try to always reflect that in my writing. My name is Lisa Simpkins and I have been working online for 15 years now. I have gained enough knowledge over the years to work in many different fields in online business. My specialty: Social Networking and Administration: Content provider, database, public relations, reputation management, member recruitment, marketing manager, link marketing, blog creation & branding/rank and community management.

Coach Deb Luxton: Christian Life & Leadership Coach for Executive and Professional Women I help professional women FIRE UP their leader within to eliminate “having it all together on the outside, while falling apart on the inside,” so they can embrace their authentic priorities and deepen relationships with those they love most. Your life is too important for anything else! Main website: ~ FREE Gift: Inspirational Decor and Gifts: Let’s Connect: http://twitter.comCoachDebLuxton 112

About Linda: Linda M. Crate is a Pennsylvanian native born in Pittsburgh, but she was raised in the rural town of Conneautville. She attended and graduated from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania with a degree in English-Literature in 2009. Her poetry, articles, reviews, and short stories have appeared in several journals online and in print. Her poetry chapbook A Mermaid Crashing Into Dawn was recently published by Fowlpox Press. Visit Linda online at her Facebook page: Etsy Shop: Blog:

Elizabeth Baker is an author and retired counselor drawing on thirty-five years of experience helping individuals apply biblical principles to real-life situations. She currently lives in Pittsburg, Texas where she concentrates on her writing. A widow since her mid 30's, Elizabeth has four grown children, fifteen grandchildren, and six great-grands. You can find Elizabeth’s books at her website at

Amanda Stephan is a multi-published Christian romance author who loves sharing God’s love with others. A homeschooling mother and stay at wife, she finds pleasure in many things from sewing, to baseball and karate, to writing. She is currently working on a three book Christian romantic suspense series and resides in Columbia, TN, with her real-life hero husband of 8 years and two children. You can find Amanda at her website Her collaborative blog - Twitter - and Facebook -

Sharon Patterson, retired educator, career military wife, and leader in women's ministry, has written inspirational encouragement in various forms from greeting cards to short stories, poetry, and Bible studies for over thirty years. She has authored three books: A Soldier's Strength from the Psalms (2007); Healing for the Holes in Our Souls(2008); and Where Is Happy?(2011). She is a contributing author for Chicken Soup for the Soul: A Book of Miracles and Chicken Soup for the Soul: Answered Prayer; also Gettin' Old Ain't for Wimps (Karen O'Connor,2004) and Special Strength for Special Parents (Nina Fuller, 2006). She and her husband Garry live in Round Rock, Texas. They have three sons and five grandchildren.


Kristi Burchfiel is an author of devotional and Bible study books, and she is also a contribution writer for Ruby for Women. Her daily devotionals for every day of the month are available on the Ruby for Women community website, as well as the Ruby for Women blog. You can also find her daily devotionals in the Ruby for Women magazine. For more information about the devotional and Bible study books by Kristi Burchfiel, please visit her blog at

Tricia Goyer

is an acclaimed and prolific writer, publishing hundreds of articles in national magazines including Today’s Christian Woman and Focus on the Family while authoring more than twenty-five fiction and nonfiction books combined. Among those are 3:16 Teen Edition with Max Lucado and the American Christian Fiction Writers’ Book of the Year Award winners Night Song and Dawn of a Thousand Nights. She has also written books on marriage and parenting and contributed notes to the Women of Faith Study Bible. Tricia lives with her husband and four children in Arkansas. Connect with Tricia at

Daphne Tarango is a freelance writer who comforts others with the comfort she has received from God. Daphne is a recovery speaker and writers’ group president. She has published numerous inspirational articles in print and online magazines, including several entries in two collections: Women of the Secret Place and Chronicles of a Walk with Christ. Daphne is married to Luis and in the past several months, has resigned from corporate life to take a position as a stay-at-home mom of three adopted children. To connect with Daphne, visit her blog:

Michelle S. Lazurek has been a pastor's wife for over twelve years. Whether it is through writing counseling material, organizing ladies retreats or mentoring women in her church, Michelle considers each day an opportunity to find her place in God's story. In 2007, Michelle and her husband Joe planted Praxis Church. Michelle holds a Master's degree in Counseling and Human Relations from Liberty University. She has two beautiful children: Caleb and Leah. Michelle provides tips for busy writers on her blog The Writers’ Tapestry: Where Writing and Life Intertwine (

Crystal Mary Lindsey is a retired registered nurse with specialties in emergency medicine and mental health. She enjoys sharing her inspirations of walking in faith in order to inspire and encourage others to live their dreams. She is a wife, mother, and grandmother. Crystal lives in Australia.


Aileen Stewart is “just your average mom. A gum chewing, bubble blowing, shower singing, flower planting, cookie baking, craft making, photo taking, reading, WRITING, kind of mom who loves the Lord, her husband, soon to be eight year old daughter, and crazy cat Max. I have many interests and hobbies, but the two I'm most passionate about are writing and photography. I am a published award winning author of the book Fern Valley - A Collection of Short Stories and an award winning amateur photographer who was just blessed with a brand new Nikon 3100D. I'm super excited to start taking fabulous pictures with my dream camera.

Keith Wallis, Poet-in-Residence Keith Wallis is an English poet. He is a senior part of the leadership team of Houghton Regis Baptist church. An engineering designer by trade, he brings an eye for detail as well as faith into his poetry. As well as being ‘poet in residence’ at Ruby ezine, he is a moderator at His blog of ekphrasic poetry is: where you’ll also find links to his books and his other blogs. Married to Val in 1970, he has two sons and three grandsons. The eldest grandson is disabled and cannot communicate verbally. Though not an ‘academic’ (school was a disaster!) he was always fond of writing. He began submitting work for publication in the 1980’s after being encouraged by a community writer in residence.

Amanda Johnson, Assistant Editor Amanda has been writing for Ruby for Women for three years, and she has been a free-lance writer for several years, beginning her writing career as a young teen-ager. She also worked for Love Unveiled, a ministry to women in undeveloped countries around the world. Amanda brings experience as well as a passion for ministry to the work of Ruby for Women, and she has a heart for reaching out and touching the hearts and lives of women everywhere. Amanda works with all of our writers on their submissions, as well as assisting in keeping the Ruby for Women blog and website up-to-date with new information daily.


Nina Newton, Sr. Editor When all of my four older children were in school, I returned to college as a “non-traditional student.� Eventually, I earned degrees in Classics and Philosophy, and a graduate degree in Medieval Studies: History of Theology. After teaching at a small community college in Michigan for seven years, my husband and I were blessed with the adoption of our two beautiful daughters, Gracie and Annie. Gracie is 12 years old and Annie is 10. They were both born in China, and we were able to travel to China two times to bring our daughters home. We live in northern Indiana in a small farming community where I work on Ruby for Women in my home office. I also work at Huntington University, Huntington, Indiana as the Curriculum Assistant for the Graduate and Professional Programs, as well as teaching as an adjunct instructor in Biblical and theological studies. My personal blog is at where I frequently post tutorials and patterns for crafts and other sewing projects, as well as weekly reflections on life as a woman, wife, mother, and daughter of the King. 116

Credits and Copyrights All stories and articles are copyright by the authors. All pictures and images are copyright by the authors and / or have been purchased, used by permission or are in the public domain. If any pictures or images have been used inadvertently, and they do not belong in this publication, please email us and we will immediately remove them. Nothing in this issue of Ruby for Women may be reproduced, copied, or shared without the permission of the author. Advertising information is available at Questions? Email Nina @ or Amanda @ Ruby for Women is published by All submission inquiries should be directed to Nina Newton, Sr. Editor Ruby for Women or Amanda Johnson, Assistant Editor Advertising inquiries should be directed to Marketing / Business Consultant: Michelle Miller Creative Consultant, Katherine Corrigan of Made It For You Please visit our community website at to see how you can help support the ministry of Ruby for Women. Community Ning theme used by permission of Two by Two Designs.


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