January/February Monthly Update

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For every animal that is starving, abused or in deplorable captivity, we will bring HOPE for a better life.

RAR Jan. + Feb. Update March 1 2014

Travels, Presentations and Shelter Aid

Ruby at AfA, wearing a TACN T-shirt.

Please forgive us for not being able to send RAR’s Jan. update. The early weeks of January were spent preparing for Ruby’s trip to Hong Kong and Singapore. In Hong Kong she organized a fundraiser, met with local animal welfare NGOs including Hong Kong Rescue Puppies and the Hong Kong SPCA. In Singapore Ruby had the amazing opportunity thanks to friends and family to attend the Animals for Asia Conference (AfA), where she met inspiring individuals and organizations from all over the world. There she represented both RAR and Together for Animals in China (TACN), with the goal to learn so that both organizations could apply these lessons into locally adapted solutions to help animal activists and above all the animals in China. Throughout early February RAR worked closely with the amazing people at TACN, Second Chance Animal Aid Shanghai (SCAA) and Change for Animals Foundation (CFAF) regarding a presentation and future projects. Our Chengdu team also helped organize for RAR to attend Aizhijia/ The Love Home’s rabies vaccination drive. As March roars in like a lion, RAR is excited as step by step our organization and animal welfare concepts are increasing in China.

Preparing for RAR + TACN presentation. RAR’s invaluable Chengdu team, Audrey and Alex ,at Aizhijia/The Love Home.

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