Presentation of Meraki.

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Fashion Product Development - Communication

Ruby Baldry

What is my idea? adventure.







I want to create something that encourages women to push themselves to love themselves, something that reminds women love is more powerful than they think, and that everyday should be an adventure.

M e r a k i Meraki provides females of all ages and from all backgrounds with an uplifting and encouraging viewing experience, with a motive to inspire and revitalize the creative mind. We do this by producing honest content about subjects that we believe matter.

MERAKI: (n.) the soul, creativity, or love put into something, the essence of yourself that is put into your work.

why? Why do women need a publication like Meraki?

Because we need to understand that LOVE is key and truly know it. Not in a wishy washy flippant way. In a bold, strong and mighty way. Because if women possess this knowledge, then they absolutely have the power to make the world a better place. In a world where we are encouraged to compete, pushed to be better, be bigger, be tougher. In a world where we are comparing ourselves, even as early on as in the primary school playground and suffering more than ever with mental illness, Statistics show that In 2013, there were 8.2 million cases of anxiety in the UK, and In England women are almost twice as likely to be diagnosed with anxiety disorders as men

Love is the motive behind this, and I think that is something we can all get on board with. Whether you are the most cynical and vowed never to love again, we all, as humans, crave the good. We all have a natural ability to love, have compassion, show goodness to others. Imagine how we could change the minds of women by loving them? Imagine a world where women encouraged one another daily, where women strengthened one another, and went against the grain of today’s media. Love isn't about fluffy bunnies and rainbows. I'm not talking about that kind of love. Love is a gutsy, risk-taking adventure that I am willing to bet on.

how? what kind of content are you going to produce?


honest articles





Untouched images.

All content will be constructed from a place of faith, and with faith in mind. Meaning that articles will be honest, images wont be reworked and Biblical truths will weave through modestly and with style. Although a woman of no faith could read Meraki and still understand it. It would be the type of publication that throws the gospel down your throat, but it will express the love I have personally found with the Christian faith, which I believe is easy for anyone to adapt to.

Primary research

Primary research

Primary research

Volume two


Volume two Strengths

Faith standpoint. Different. Positive. encouraging. unique. innovative. adaptable. honest. refreshing niche.

oppertunities Collaborate. church sponsership.


weakness niche. faith standpoint could exclude potential consumers.

tasks stay adaptable and personable. stand behind the belief but ensure it is easily accessable for all.


All of these women, among other things, have one thing in common. They are all women. This is the consumer of Meraki. This is the criteria you must meet in order to be able to relate to us. Be a woman.

competition All of these publications bring some form of competition to Meraki. Whether it be the design, style or content, each one proves to be a competitor.

what now?


Thank you for listening.

marketing report





mock ups trip to research


Ruby Baldry

Fashion Product Development - Communication

Ruby Baldry

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