Ruby Marcia’s Must Haves
Primer: For the Love of Limoges
Designer Highlight 2Michaels
Behind the Scenes Downton Abbey
Collector’s Corner Music City Continental
August 2013
Published by
t abl eofcont ent s
t t e r 2 Le
Fr om t heEdi t or
r c i a ’ s Mu s t Ha v e s 4Ma i me r 1 3Pr Sel ectRubyLanepi ck sf r om Mar ci aSher r i l l
Fort heLov eofLi moges
s i g n e r Hi g h l i g h t 2 1De Be h i n d t h e S c e n e s 3 1 l l e c t o r ’ s Co r n e r 3 7Co 2Mi chael s ,t het wi nel ect r i cdes i gner s
Cr eat i ngt hewor l dofDownt onAbbey
Mus i cCi t yConf i dent i al :Pi a’ sAnt i queGal l er y
n i s 4 5Fi a d e r ’ s Re s o u r c e 4 7Re Vi nt ageLoui sVui t t on
RubyLanei st hepr emi eronl i necommuni t yofover2, 400i ndi vi dual l yownedshops f r om ar oundt hewor l dof f er i ngant i ques&ar t ,vi nt agecol l ect i bl esandj ewel r y . ©RubyLane2013|©RubyRead2013
There is nothing better than a new project and all that it represents – the birth of a concept, the influx of ideas, and the creativity that comes from working with a variety of colleagues. Whether it’s writing a book, building a house or designing a clothing collection, the process is the same. (As a book author and interior designer, I have been involved with two of the three. Maybe fashion designer will be in my next life). So when the unique challenge of creating a digital magazine for Ruby Lane (the premier online community for antiques and art, vintage collectibles and jewelry) was presented to me, I jumped at the chance as the project captures my love of writing and antiques. I have long been a collector (particularly porcelain), having inherited an appreciation from my late mother and grandmother along with a newfound respect for vintage, favoring anything from the sixties. And as a writer, (you may have seen my articles in Architectural Digest, Traditional Home or perhaps in the first class/business cabin magazine of American Airlines), the subjects are right down my alley. Ruby Read (and it’s pronounced rēd\ red) will feature articles on everything from art & antiques, vintage collectibles, and the latest from the worlds of interior design, fashion and culture. Each month, our goal is to enlighten, entertain and educate. Whether you are a casual collector or an antique aficionado, we hope you will find something of interest. The inaugural issue features the work of the dynamic Joan and Jayne Michaels, twin sisters and partners in crime of the 2Michaels design Manhattan based design firm. We also take a sneak peek into the world of Nashville antique owner and Ruby Lane vendor Pia Stratton of Pia’s Antique Gallery where European treasures reign supreme. Since we can’t get enough of Downton Abbey, Ruby Read goes behind the scenes into the making of the Masterpiece Classic that has become a worldwide phenomenon.
Photo credit: Russ Harrington
Ruby Lane is also undergoing a beginning of sorts. A fresh, exciting new site was recently completed and they welcomed the addition of the multi-talented handbag designer, author and internet entrepreneur Marcia Sherrill as Creative Director of the magazine. Since its inception in 1998, Ruby Lane has been the go-to place for authentic antiques and vintage collectibles, offering 500,000 items in a one-stop shopping community.
letterfromthe editor
I love new beginnings.
We hope you enjoy our first issue and if you see an item you are interested in, don’t hesitate to click the link. And if that Meissen bowl, French Normandy armoire or Louis Vuitton trunk got away, relax, you will find something else you can’t live without. Happy reading! Cathy Whitlock Editor-in-Chief 2
mus thave Ma r c i a ’ s
Th e
Mar ci aSher r i l l ’ smus thavepi cks
LI ST Scul pt ur eby Dor i sPor t erCaes ar onmar bl ebas e. Si gned.151 / 2"t al l . Dor i sCaes ar ,Amer i can s cul pt or ,18921971 ,i n hers t udi o Dor i sCaes ars cul pt ed expr es s i oni s tf i gur esof women,r el i gi ousf i gur es andf l ower s .Sheus ed di s t or t i onandan emot i onal ,l oos es t yl ei n whi cht heuns moot hed t humbmar ksi nt hecl ay r emai nedasat ext ur al el ementi nt hef i ni s hed br onz epi eces . Avai l abl et hr ough Bl ackT ul i pAnt i ques 4
Antique English Georgian Silhouette, 1800 Era, Georgian A La Brutus Hairstyle
This wonderful little silhouette is a genuine piece from the 1800-10 period and reminiscent of Jane Austen. The divine period frame, complete with its original bubbled glass, is ready to hang and a timeless antique for any elegant interior and can be found at Trinity Antiques. 5
Exquisite Pearl & Diamond Cuff, 18K White Gold
Beautiful vintage cultured pearl and diamond bracelet from Exceptional Vintage is an outstanding piece for the discriminating collector. 6
Coral Red Pendant
40 carat oxblood coral and diamond pendant makes a retro period statement. This stunning investment piece is from The Joy of Jewels.
Sal vi at i Ruby Re dVe ne t i an Gl as sGobl e t s wi t hDol phi nSt e ms Se tof Four Thesehandbl ownr ubyVenet i angl assgobl et sar emadebySal vi at i . Whi msi cal l yador nedwi t happl i edr i gar eeofcl eargl asswi t h24car at gol di ncl us i ons,t hes t emsar eembel l i shedwi t hdol phi nconnect or s. 8
Christian Dior * c. 1958
Red Satin Shoes
Shortly after the end of World War II, couture fashion entered into what Christian Dior himself called the ‘Golden Age’. From the end of the 1940’s through the 50’s, the extravagant quality of designer clothing reached an apex that is arguably unrivaled in fashion history. Christian Dior was a world renowned prince of the era and his red satin dresses and gowns are legendary. These chic pumps are available through Giddy. 9
Late 19th C. Italian Venetian Carved Grotto Chair of Exotic Bird
This exquisite 19th century Italian Venetian grotto chair from Heidelberg Fine Antiques is hand carved in the form of an exotic bird with heavy walnut woods. The chair is pure fantasy and has a faded gilt finish supported on a silver leaf rococo base.
SPECTACULAR MID CENTURY SPUTNIK CHANDELIER Twelve polished chrome trumpet arms fitted with original smoked glass globe spheres comprise this spectacular Sputnik chandelier circa 1960-1970 from The Swedish Tulip. 11
Pr i m
Fo r t h e Lo v e o f Li m o g e s ByCat hyWhi t l ock Col l ect orandant i quesexper tBar bar aMi l oOhr bachoncewr ot e,“ I ti st he l ov el i nessofl i t t l et hi ngst hatbr i ngl i f et oar oom,andcer ami csar eoneof t hev er ybestexampl esoft hi s.Just br i ngi ngabeaut i f ul ol d,pai nt edpor cel ai n v asei nt oar oom anddoi ngnot hi ngmor e t hanset t i ngi tonat abl ecanhav et he sameef f ectasar r angi ngabouquet off r eshf l ower si nt hespace. Youar er ef r eshedbyt hesi ght ofapl easi ngmot i font hechi na, per haps,orj ustbyi t sshapeand col or . ”I nmymi nd,shecoul d hav eeasi l ybeenr ef er r i ngt o Li moges. Li mogesi soneoft hemostpopul ar col l ect i bl es( andconsi der edoneof t hemostsent i ment al )gi v eni t sv al ue, v ar i et yanduni quebeaut y .Fort henovi ce col l ect or ,her ear eaf ewf act saboutLi moges : Theci t yofLi moges( 250mi l essout hwestof Par i st obeexact )becamet hemai ncent erof t heFr enchPor cel ai ni ndust r yandabi r t hpl ace ofhar dpast epor cel ai npi ecesf or medf r om whi t e cl ay ,madei nf act or i esar oundt heci t yf r om t he f r om t hel at e1700st ot he1930s.Manyoft he f act or i espr oducedwhi t eundecor at ed pi ecessol d as“ bl anks”f ordecor at i ngbyi ndependentl ocal st udi os andf orexpor t i ngl ar gequant i t i esi nt he whi t ef ordecor at i onbybot hpr of essi onal pai nt er s andgi f t edamat eur s. TheFr enchRev ol ut i onandt hebr eak downoft he Vi ncennesSėvr esmonopol yf r eedt hewayf orot her
wayf orot herf act or i est opr oducehar dpas t epor cel ai n.Byt hel at eni net eent hcent ur y , asmul t i pl ef act or i eswer ees t abl i shed,t hei ndus t r yf l our i shedandexpandedwi t hi n t hi sconcent r at edar eaand' Li moges ' becomeagener i ct er m. TheGr el l etbr ot her s ,i npar t ner shi p,f i r s tbeganexper i ment st opr oducehar dpas t e por cel ai nar ound1 770,f ol l owi ngt hedi scov er yofmaj orkaol i ndeposi t snear byatSai nt Yr i ei x.Or i gi nal l yundert hepat r onageoft heComt ed' Ar t oi s ,t her ar eear l ypor cel ai ns wer emar k edwi t hhi si ni t i al sCD.Thef act or ybecameaManuf act ur e Roy al e af t eri t spur chasebyt heLoui sXV1i n1 784. Pr oduct i onundert hey ear soft heKi ng’ sowner shi p wasmar k edwi t ht her oy aldevi ceoft heFl eurdeLy s . TheKi ng' si nt ent i onwast opr ovi dewar esi nt he whi t eandsentt ot heSėvr eswor k sf ordecor at i on. Li mogesi smadeupofkaol i n,quar t zand f el dspar .Agl az eappl i eddur i ngani nt ense f i r i ngpr ocessbecomesf usedt ot hebodymaki ng i ti mmunet osi gnsofcr az i ng.Thepor cel ai ni s pr i z edf ori t ss t r engt h,mi l kyt r ansl ucentl us t erand del i cat ehandpai nt eddesi gns .Someoft he por cel ai n pr oducedi nLi mogesf r om t hemi d1800s t o1930i samongt hemos tcov et edandpr ef er r edof col l ect i bl es .Theear l i es tpi ecesofLi mogeswer e pr oduced underr oy alpat r onage,or i gi nal l yt opr ovi de bl ank sf ort heSėvr eswor k s .Commi ssi onedwar esof t heear l yper i odbear i ngt heFl eurdeLy smar kar er ar e. Di nner war eset sofLi mogesbecameapopul ars t apl ei nAmer i can househol dst hatsoonl edt odecor at i v epi ecess uchast r i nk etbox es , j ar di ni èr es ,humi dor s ,t ankar ds ,andi nkwel l s .Havi l andchi na becamet hepr ef er r edchoi ceofbr i desf r om t hemi d19t hcent ur y t ot heGr eatDepr essi on. Hi ghqual i t yhandpai nt i ngandsi gnedpi ecesbyt hear t i s twi l lf et ch pr emi um pr i ces .Mar yGas t on,aut horofTheCol l ect or ’ sEncy cl opedi aofLi moges Por cel ai n( Schr oederPubl i shi ng) ,advi sest hatt hequal i t yoft hedecor at i oni sof t enmor e i mpor t antt hant heage. Fi nel yenamel edandgi l dedLi mogessnuf fbox eswer eoneoft hemos t commoni t emsi n18t hcent ur yFr anceknownast abat i er es . 14
Limoges po rcelain mu sical egg sh with green aped box Napoleonic bee design to reveal a o p en s key mount ed with a frog.
Mavaleix & Granger Limoges porcelain gilded platter with courting scene.
with box d e e hi n g anc lain e in Fr e c r mad s. s po oge esign m oge i L ot d ce Lim r r p a lo ra n F by
ŠAt outFr ance/ JeanMa l bur et
Mapi mage:www. ol dpr i nt . com
Li m o g e sMu s e u m 17
Cr e d i t s : ©RMN( L i mo g e s , Ci t éd el ac é r a mi q u e )/ He r v éL e wa n d o ws k i I n t e r i o ro f t h eMu s é en a t i o n a l Ad r i e nDu b o u c h éi nL i mo g e s
Limoges Tankard Elegant Art Deco hand painted Limoges Tankard with Iris design. Marked D & C France and signed by E. Shaltet, the tankard is available through Off the Wall Mosaics.
Limoges Porcelain Tray A one-of-a-kind Limoges porcelain hand-painted crumb tray decorated by the renowned Pitkin & Brooks Studio is available through Timber Hills Shop.
Limoges Porcelain Desk Set in the Napoleonic Empire Style. Made by the French firm of Jean Pouyat. The tray, three pen holders and stamp tray are available through Pia’s Antique Gallery.
Limoges Trinket Box Limoges porcelain hinged trinket box with portrait transfer is available through Granny Mare’s. 18
Hi g h l i g des i gner 21
f eat ur i ng
Phot ocr edi t :Hi r okoMasui ke
Ta psTwi n Ene r gy
JayneandJoanMi chael sr emai npl aci dami dt hewhi r lofdoubl et ak esand mor et i mi d,“ who’ swho”whi sper sf ami l i art oal li dent i calt wi ns.Forgood r eason.Thesel ook al i k esknowanymi st ak eni dent i t ywon’ tr emai nsof or l ong.Aspr opr i et or sandcr eat i v eengi nesof2Mi chael s,t heManhat t an i nt er i ordesi gnf i r mt heyl aunchedi n2001,t hesi st er s ’si mi l ar i t i esnodoubt r unbeyondski ndeep,buti t ’ st hei rdi f f er encest hatul t i mat el yf uelt hei r desi gn. “ Jayneal wayswant st ogobol di nt er msofar tandcol or ,whi l eIl i k e t hi ngsmor equi etandsubt l e, ”expl ai nsJoan.Hersi st er ,t hebol done,mak es essent i al l yt hesameobser v at i on,onl ybol der :“ Ipushmor e,mak et he bi ggergest ur e,whi l eJoani smor epoet i c. ” Howev ert heyphr asei t ,i t ’ sagoodmi x.“ JoanandIbounceof fone anot her .Real l y ,we’ r eayi nandayang, ”Jaynesays. Eachgr avi t at est oherowni nt er est s,whi chsi mpl i f i est hedayt oday: Jaynei sobsessedwi t hf er r et i ngoutt hei dealf ur ni shi ngandar chi t ect ur al howev ermuchr esear cht hatent ai l s,whi l e Joan’ spassi onr unsmor et opal et t esand r ugs.Bot hl ov ear t .
Phot oc r edi t :Er i cLagnel
Havi nggr ownupi nt hespar e l andscapeofPal m Spr i ngs,t heyshar ea nat ur albentasmoder ni st s.Thatwas r ei nf or cedwhi l el i vi ngi nMi l anaf t ert hei r par ent sdi ed( wi t hi nt hr eemont hsofone anot her ,whent het wi nswer e22) .“ Ri ght nowwe’ r eki ndofexper t sat20t h Cent ur y , ”saysJayne,car ef ul l y di st i ngui shi ngt hatf r om t henar r ower mi dcent ur yer a.“ Butwel ov eal lst yl es. ”
des i gner
Hi g h l i g h t
Phot oc r edi t :Dougl asFr i edman
des i gner
Hi g h l i g h t Swedi shdesi gni nf l uencedt hel i vi ngr oom oft hi sManhat t an apar t ment ." We' r ei nspi r edbySwedi shdesi gn-i t spur i t yof l i ne,t heunder st at edel egance, "saysJayne.Thechai r sar ea Hol mqui stdesi gn;t hebur l wooddaybedi sbyCar lMal st em.The r ugwasbasedonaSwedi shpat t er n.
Phot oc r edi t :Er i cLagnel
des i gner
Hi g h l i g h t Wher ev ert hei rcr eat i v et ent acl es mayt ak et hem,i t ’ snev erf arf r om a t apr ootofar t .“ Our shasbeencal l ed a‘ pai nt er l y’st yl e, ”saysJayne. “ We’ r ev er yi nv ol v edwi t ht hewhol e gest al toff i ndi ngt hear t . ” Of t ent hatr esul t si naspar e el egance.Thesi st er sedi tt ocr eat e ai r y ,l i ghtspaceswher et hear tcan shi ne.Theyenj oyembr aci ngnew pi ecesbyt hei rar t i stf r i ends,but t hey’ r ej ustascar ef ul cur at or sof l onghel dcol l ect i ons. Oneoft hei rf av or i t ecompl ement si s bei ngt ol dt hei rst yl eappear s undecor at ed.“ Acel ebr i t ycl i entwho cannotbenamedask edushow
ourot hercl i ent sf i ndus,aswedon’ t hav ea‘ decor at ed’l ook, ”r ecal l s Jayne.“ That ’ sar eal l ygood obser v at i onandquest i on.Wedon’ t l i k eadecor at edl ook.Yetev er yt hi ng i nourdesi gnsi sbal ancedand car ef ul l ysel ect ed.I fweusea Bar oquemi r r ori tmustgowi t h somet hi ngspar el i ned.Iwi l lhunt hi ghandl owt of i ndt heper f ectpi ece off ur ni t ur ef orapr oj ect .Il i k et ol ook atauct i onsi t esal lov ert hewor l d. ” Sot oanswert hecel ebr i t y’ squest i on, t heMi chael s ’cl i ent sf i ndt hem t hr oughr ef er r al s.Mostar eyoungi sh, i nt hei r30sand40s.Of t ent hose
Phot osby :Er i cLagnel
H ighlight
who seek out the sisters’ expertise share their affinity for Swedish and Italian design, as well as their passion for art, light, and clean, uncluttered spaces. Their firm’s start-up was a reaction to the economy—the recession had left them both without jobs. After attending Parsons then earning design degrees from F.I.T., the twins had parted paths. Jayne worked for Victoria Hagen, and Joan worked for architect Ron Borus. A design referral from a friend meant they were in business for themselves. “We are very, very lucky,” says Joan. “It’s a relief to work with someone you can be so completely honest with. We don’t feel the need to feed each other’s egos. That brutal honesty keeps us challenging each other to learn and to grow.” And should you still have trouble distinguishing between the two sisters? Jayne’s the one wearing vintage Ossie Clark. Joan prefers Romeo Gigli.
-- Written by Candace Ord Manroe, freelance writer, book author and former Design Editor of Traditional Home
Photos by: Eric Lagnel
H ighlight Art plays an essential role in all their designs. In this Upper East Side duplex, they organized a colleciton inherited from both sides of their clients’ families. “We took the art pieces out, dusted them off and had most of them reframed. It took almost a day to figure out how to place the art on the wall,” says Jayne Michaels. “We laid the pieces out on the floor and took pictures of the configurations we liked. It was not easy to recreate on the wall!” as Joan Michaels.
The large scale of this Tribeca loft demanded oversize pieces including a pair of sofas that are 9- and 10-feet long. A rug defines the conversation area as a discrete space, while pendant lighting serves the same function for the dining area.
Photos by: Eric Lagnel
An Upper East Side client wanted her living room to feel fresh. “She was so happy when the room was installed. I’ll never forget her face and the joy in her eyes,” says Jayne.
The 2Michaels are known for their warm modernism and soothing color palette 27
Photo credit: Eric Lagnel
Art plays an essential role in all their designs as seen in this Central Park West apartment. Photo credit: Eric Lagnel
A curtain pulls to shut off the kitchen from the rest of the space in this Tribeca loft.
warm modernism
The living room in this Central Park apartment is an example of the warm modernism 2Michaels is known for. 29
Photos by: Eric Lagnel
des i gner
Hi g h l i g h t Jayne’ sdeni nSut t onPl acei spai nt edi nawar m,r i cht ealgr ay f r om Donal dKauf manPai nt s.ThePont it abl ei sherf i r st“ r eal ” pur chase.“ I t ’ soneofaki nd,desi gnedf orahot eli nRome. ” Thedol li sbyt hear t i stKei t hEdmi er .“ I t ’ squi t ehaunt i ng,notat al lsweetorchi l dl i k e. ”
Phot oc r edi t :Er i cLagnel
From the stately mansions of Jane Eyre’s Wrotham House and Remains of the Day’s Darlington Hall to the quaint wisteria-covered Peppard cottage of Merchant/Ivory’s Howard’s End, viewers worldwide have long held a fascination for the grand, historical manors of British period dramas. Joining the celebrated list is Downton Abbey’s Highclere Castle that forms the backdrop for the PBS Masterpiece cult classic entering its fourth season early next year. Set in the era of World War I, the popular series depicts the lives of the aristocratic Crawley family and their servants in an upstairs/downstairs style echoing the 2001 film Gosford Park (which was also written by the show’s creator Julian Fellowes) as well as the made-for-tv drama Upstairs/Downstairs. The Victorian estate plays a central character and the perfect setting for romance, family strife, adventure and social commentary amidst the Edwardian décor of high ceiling rooms filled with old masters and fine pieces of period perfect furnishings.
Carnival Film & Television Limited 2012 for MASTERPIECE
Located an hour outside of London on 1,000 acres in Newbury, the country estate was renovated in the mid-19th century in the Elizabethan Revival style by architect Sir Charles Barry who rebuilt the houses of Parliament. Highclere has been the home of the Carnarvon family since 1679 (that would be the Earl and Countess of Carnarvon – known as Geordie and Fiona to their friends) and boasts at least 200-300 rooms and 50 to 80 bedrooms. As Lady Fiona details, “It is possibly the most important Victorian house still lived in England today.”
Carnival Film & Television Limited 2012 for MASTERPIECE
The Castle’s richly appointed rooms proved to be a dream for the Downton Abbey production crew that film the majority of the “upstairs” scenes in the primary rooms with the original antiques (the “downstairs” servants quarters are filmed on a set in nearby Ealing). Production designer Donal Woods (whose credits include My Week With Marilyn) who researched over 40 houses before settling on Highclere details, “We wanted a house that architecturally dated from the mid-to late 19th century, in order to distinguish it from the many earlier houses used in previous period dramas. We spent a long time looking, and the
search was a major part of our design process – not to mention a major part of the cast.” Staying true to the history of the rooms, the designer further notes, “The great thing about Highclere’s rooms is they are all different in style, even though overall the house is Gothic Revival with Jacobethan and Italianate influences.” Woods and set decorator Judy Farr were able to utilize 60 percent of Highclere’s existing furniture and art while additional furnishings, accessories, china, cutlery, cast photographs and lamps were brought in. Special care was the order of the day as nothing in the house could be touched without permission, and many things could not be moved due to their value. “We have
Carnival Film & Television Limited 2012 for MASTERPIECE
all filmed in some of the great houses of Britain and respect and appreciate that they are full of priceless treasures, and one has to remember, they are still family homes,” say Woods. Those priceless treasures include a mahogany desk and chair that once belonged to Napoleon, Spanish gold-embossed leather wallpaper in the Saloon Room, 15th century Italian embroideries, 18th century silk bed hangings and 5,000 year old antiquities from Egypt. And astute viewers might recognize a 1635 portrait of King Charles 1 by artist Andrew van Dyck in the family dining room (hint: it hangs behind the seat of actor Hugh Bonneville aka Lord Grantham). The servant’s quarters below the stairs are a marked contrast and more dim, spartan and darker in tone with a monochromatic palette. The reconstructed rooms are copies of the original at Highclere with a stairway on the Ealing set that leads to the upstairs separating the two worlds. The Crawley bedrooms are also filmed on set as their small size proves to be a challenge for cameras. “Some of the state bedrooms we built and dressed on a sound stage and matched the look of the opulent interiors of Highclere,” says Woods. As season four nears (January 5, 2014 to be exact) and the cast faces the new age of the twenties, expect the heavy dark Victoriana décor and the bleakness of the war years to lighten up. Downton Abbey mania will also continue as its influence reaches everything from fashion to furnishings. Case in point: NBC/Universal plans to introduce an entire range of products from fashion, apparel and home ware and furniture to wallpapers, beauty products and stationary according to the show’s executive producer Gareth Neame. The series has also been credited for an uptick in vintage clothing and inspired Ralph Lauren’s runway at fashion week last fall. And if you are really facing Downton withdrawal, revisit the Brideshead Revisited series on Netflix.
Seti nt heEdwar di anper i odofEngl and, af t ert he heav i nes s , c l ut t er , anddar kc ol or soft heVi c t or i aner a, peopl ewant ednewandc heer f uli nt er i or s . Edwar di an s t y l ewasabr eat hoff r es hai rwi t hdéc ori nf r es h, l i ght f l or alpat t er nsandpas t elc ol or s . Thepr oduc t si n“ Behi ndt heSc enes ”ar ei nf l uenc edby t heEngl i s ht as t et hatc anbedes c r i bedaswor l dl yand ec l ec t i c , gat her edf r om t r av el sar oundt hewor l dand f oundedonbeaut y , l ux ur yandc l as s .
B e h i n d t heSc e ne s
Thedéc orofDownt onAbbey
Co l l e c t o r s Co r n 37
18t hC.Ger manRococoGi l dedHand Car vedConsol eTabl eWi t hMar bl eTop
WhenPi aSt r at t onwasi n hi ghschool ,i twascl earher mot herhai l edf r om anot her wor l d.Forst ar t er s,shewas abeaut i f ulbl ondeI t al i an whogr ewupi nPar i sand spenthercar eerasa bonaf i deci r cusper f or mer . Whensher et i r ed,t hef or mer humancannonbal lPi a Zacchi niset t l edi nNashvi l l e andst ar t edanant i ques busi nessspeci al i zi ngi nf i ne Eur opeanant i ques, por cel ai nandar t . “ Ofcour seIt houghtshe wascr azy, ”saysSt r at t on, nowt hesecondgener at i on ownerofPi a’ sAnt i que Gal l er y.Butsl owl ySt r at t on becamehooked,f i r stwi t h cl eanl i nedEngl i shf ur ni t ur e, whi chwasnat ur al l yt he opposi t eofhermot her ’ s exuber antt ast es.“ My mot herl ovedt hepassi onof t heRococo, ”saysSt r at t on l ovi ngl yaboutherEur opean mot her .“ Shewasa bi gger t hanl i f eper son. ”
Vi nt ageRegencySt yl e MahoganyÉt agèr e
St r at t onhonedherown passi onasherknowl edge gr ew.“ Ist ar t edl i ki ngt hi ngs t hatwer emadewel l , ”she says.“ I ’ m aver ycur i ous per son,andIdo 38
consi dermysel fac ol l ect or .I won’ tbuyi tj ustbecaus eIcan sel li t .Ibuyi tbecauseIl ov ei t andi tt eachesmesomet hi ng. ” Today ,av i si tt oPi a’ sr eveal sa showr oom andwar ehouse pac kedwi t hanever c hangi ng castofEur opeanc har act er s, f r om el egantgi l dedf ur ni t ur e, gr acef ulpai nt i ngs,st unni ng chest sandchai r st oan out s t andi ngcol l ect i onof vi nt agel i ght i ng–c handel i er s, sconces ,candel abr aand l amps.Awhol ewal li s dedi cat edt oar emar kabl e col l ect i onofc ol or f ul Eur opean por cel ai n,andhi ghonawal l over l ooki ngi tal li sapor t r ai tof t heor i gi nalPi a. Andwhatchangest hose pi er ci ngeyeshav eseen.Not onl yhast heI nt er net r evol ut i oni zedt heant i ques bus i ness,t her e’ sal ways somet hi ngwonder f ulr ot at i ng t hr ought heshop.St r at t on not est hatf r om her per spect i ve,ear l y20t hcent ur y pi ec est ot hepos t moder ner a ar ehotatt hemoment .
RedChi noi ser i eDecor at ed19t hC. Dut chLi nenPr ess
Shenot est hatal otofnewcol l ect or sseekf unct i onal ,ol dercasepi ec es–a chestofdr awer st heycanusei nanapar t mentbedr oom,f ori nst ance,andt hen l at eri nt heent r yhal lorl i vi ngr oom ofal ar gerhouse.Shebuysal otoft wi n beds,whi chcanbeus edi ndi vi dual l yorputt oget hert ocr eat eaoneof ak i nd ki ngsi z ebed,whi c hofcour sewasn’ tanopt i oni nt he18t hor19t hc ent ur y .And abeaut i f ulpi eceofpai nt edf ur ni t ur emakesherhear tr ace. Whi l et heI nt er nethasmademor et hi ngsav ai l abl et oawi deraudi ence, shenot est hatf ort her eal l ygoodpi eces,t hesi gnedpi ecesi nexc el l ent condi t i on,pr i cesar est i l lc l i mbi ng.“ Ther ealc ol l ect or swantt hebestoft he bes t , ”shesays . Whatel s ei swar mi ngupi nt hemar ket pl ac et hi syear ?“ Il ookf or Eur opeanpor c el ai nandwehavenot i cedl at el yyourgoodmar kedGer manand Fr enchpi ecesar ehotagai n,andChi neseexpor t–evenf or19t hand20t h cent ur ypi ecespr i cesar est r ong. ”Cl assi cbl ueandwhi t eandI mar ipor c el ai n nev ergoesoutofst yl e.
Pai rofMi d20t hC.Loui sXVISt yl eBer ger esWi t hAnt i queFi ni shByJansen
Ear l y20t hc ent ur yt r ansi t i onal ar ti sanot hers t r ongsel l er ,andSt r at t oni s const ant l yont hehuntf orel egantl i t t l eFr encht abl esf ort hei rver sat i l i t y. Smal lFr encht abl esi npar t i cul ar ar ever yhar dt of i ndandver y har dt ok eep,shesays,“ because youcanputt hem anywher e. ” St r at t onpoi nt soutt hather bus i nesswoul dnotexi stwer ei t notf orherpr of es si onalpar t ner s whoar eexper t si npr es er vi ng andr epai r i ngwood,l i ght i ngand gl as s .“ It r yt okeept hepi ecesas or i gi nalasposs i bl e, ”s hesays,but shewant sherc l i ent st ouseand enj oyt hei rpur c has es.“ I fIcan’ tuse t heor i gi nalpi ece’ sf i ni s hIwon’ t buyi t , ”shesay s. Abov eal l ,St r at t on t r easur esherf r i endshi ps f or gedovert hey ear sand especi al l yt hoset hr oughher connect i onwi t hRubyLane. Af t eral l ,shei spas si ngon obj ect sshel ovest oot her sf or t hei ruse,l oveandenj oyment . Hert r eas ur edst af f–Johnny Ki ndal l ,hermanager / r esi dent t echexper t / phot ogr apherand Bar i Mi l ey,whohandl es bookkeepi ngandcl i ent ser v i ces–pr i det hems el ves ont r eat i ngcust omer sl i k e f ami l y. Mi dCent ur yPai nt edI t al i an Ar mchai r s,CutVel vetUphol st er y
Wi l l i am MasonBeadedFr ame Mar kSer i esSauceTur een Wi t hSt andsandCover
Pi a’ sAnt i queGal l er y
Pr .OfLat e19t hC.Venet i an LaccaPover aCor nerCabi net s Wi t hÉt agèr e
19t hC.Fr enchCr yst aland Br onzeHal lLant er n
View Louis Vuitton at
Finis 45
In 1854, French designer Louis Vuitton introduced high-end steamer trunks and wardrobes. When these rare vintage examples are found in mint condition with all interior parts intact, prices are high.
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