Qualia design of wellbeing - A Design Research Booklet for Capstone Project

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幸福的感質設計 Qualia Design of Well Being A Design Research Booklet For Capstone Project


研究各人的經驗、記憶、追求等物,找出共通點,再將之寄託於「有型」的 物體上,讓人們感受到「幸福」的感覺,就是這個研究的重點。 The focus of this Design Research Booklei is to study different people's experience, memory , pursuit etc to find out the common points, and then pin them on "shaped" objects that makes people feel "wellbeing" .







Survey_01 “ What is Well being?”

Design Brief





SOUND | Interview Research






Literature research

Reflection & Evaluation





Existing Product Research x Mood Board



Introduction Background This project is mainly focus on the wellbeing designs which will be the focus point and design trend of human future. As emotional experience improves with age, my target user are people who are greater than 15 years old.

Introduction | Well-being From “Quantity” to “Quality” What is well-being?It is a big topic. According to talk “How we’ll invent the future”which handled by Bill Gates(2019), he has chosen 10 design that will not only create headlines in 2019 , but also captured this moment of our human technological history. Based on that "year’s list of 10 Breakthrough Technologies" , Bill Gate has point out that our design trend is changing from "Quantity of life" to "Quality of life". It doesn't mean than we will only focus on "Quality of life"in the future design, It means that now we are in the mid point of the history, human start to aware the important of well-being design, so human start to invent "Quality of life" product while they keep on inventing "Quantity of life"product.

Bill Gates by IAN ALLEN

Feb 27, 2019


From “Quantity”

Photograph copyright 2016 by Dan Routh

To show the change of design trend, my mind went to -of all thing-- the plow. Compare to other design object, plow is a technological marvels in human design industry.It is also an excellent embodiment of human innovation history. Sice 400 BCE, Mesopotamian farmers still using sharpened sticks to aerated soil. After that, human slowly tinkering tinkering and improving them until today.The Plow is the result that we get today. Why the plow was invented and designed? Actually, the exact purpose of a plow is” to create more”, like to create more seeds planted, to create more crops harvested, or to create more food to fo around. It is a tools that aim to improve the human “quantity of life”.For the result that we see now, it is no exaggeration to say that plow successfully gives human longer life. In the place that nutrition is difficult to come by, human use plow to create a lot of food that make that can live longer. Just looks like many ancient and modern tools, plow is about creating something more or let human doing works more efficiency. Comparing to the plow, the new technology trend in 2019 can totally show the target of human design is changing from Quantity to Quality.Well-being is becoming more important.

Mesopotamia Farming


To “Quality�

However, this lab growing animal protein in a lab isn’t about feeding more human or improving the quantity of people. Even though there are more and more people living on the earth, and even the demand of the meat keeps on growing up rapidly, there are enough livestock to feed the whole world already. People who do not have chance to eat meat is just because of the uneven distribution but not the amount of the meat storage.(Joslyn Martinez , 2014 ) For our next generation, labgrowing protein is not about creating more and more , it is all about creating a better taste meat. Also, it is also a technology that aim to help the world become wealthier , as people can grow meat in lab, there will be less deforestation and can decrease the amount of emitting methane that comes from cows. So human can be allowed to enjoy meat without slaughtering any animals. Put another way, the plows shows that how product design and innovation improve human "Quantity of life"; and the lab-growing meat shows how technology improve our " Quality of life" and bring well-being to human. In our human history, we have put most of out time and innovation capacity into the "Quantity of life" , and our effort have been paid off by the longer life .In 1913, our world wide life expectancy is 34 years old, and it rose to 60 in 1973, and reached 71 years old today. (World health Organization ,2016)

Lead image courtesy of Belchonock / Deposit Photos.

No matter Burgers or pork , they are all staples of the modern diet. Meat industry standing a important priority in human history. And there is a new star appear in the meat industry in the recent year, that is --- the "lab-grown meat".



Mid Point

Longer Life Longer Life Quality of Life

Mid point As human live longer, the focus of design and innovation starting to shift toward "quality of life", also name as "well being". The formation changed slowly and gradual , that is hard to perceive. It is believed this change might spend a matter of decades , not only years. If we divided design and scientific into two categories, there are not much change between 2009 ten Breakthrough Technologies list and 2019 list. In this 2019, we are at the mid point of the transition, we are also at the starting point of the history. According to the talk of Bill Gate(2019), it is possible that the list after twenty years will be center almost entirely on well-being . The brilliant of mind of designer and scientist will focus on more psychological and metaphysical question like: 1.How do we make people happier? 2.How do we create meaningful connections? 3.How do we help everyone live a fulfilling life? This is all we believe and the future trend will be.


The Hierarchy of Users Needs "Qualia design on wellbeing" is a product design that create a particular emotional response -"well-being" for the end user. Source: Aarron Walter In the future, the product design that can bring wellbeing to end user and connects with users on an emotional level are the one that gets remembered and being used. According to the triangle of "The Hierarchy of Users Needs" ,those product will create a spicificial experience to user, and the experience will create a deeper meaning level to user that goes beyond utility. For instance, normally, when we download an app, we will quickly assess its utility and function. But after a period, when we will start to figure out how those apps really fits into our lives, and surprised by some small feature which create a deeper meaning level to user, people will turns from a utilitarian purchaser to raving advocate. It shows that a deeper meaning level to user is really important in a design.


幸 福 ?

し あ わ せ ?

행 복 ?

Well-being | What is it? Wellbeing, it is known that it is a term that represent concept that closely related the human health and quality of life. It mainly existed within subjective dimension and objective dimension. Human might feel well being because of the life experience of individual , social norms and value, which closely related to the idea "qualia design", which will clear definite in the next part. According to the paper“The concept of wellbeing in relation to health and quality of life”(2014), health is in relation with wellbeing and vice versa, wellbeing is a determinant of mental health, physical health is also a result of mental health. As a result, well-being ig tightly related to” human quality of life” , but also have a linkage with the human “quantity of life”.

Modern Psychological problem Well-being have a great linkage to the mental , social and physical health. As we are enjoying the enormous benefit that brought by the modern civilization, modern people also facing the numerous mental problem the brought by the drastically different life style.In 2019, Most of us are living indoor, living primitively, living individually ,divorces from the nature forest and live under the artificial light. From many media and paper, it is known that that contemporary lifestyle of modern citizens keep on harming our mental health, and that leads to the physical health problem.Facing different pressure, we can only live in a place that people keep on increasing every day. Yet though we walk on the street, which is overcrowded and easy to facing different traffic jams, we can only feel the isolated and lonely feeling.It is clear that human are not only benefit from the modern lifestyle, we also suffering from this lifestyle. Therefore, well-being is one of the most important topic in the modern civilization, it can cure the mental health problem of us and save the people who are suffering from psychological disorder, such as depression and Alzheimer’s. 17

Introduction | Qualia What is Qualia? Qualia, a terms that have many definitions, which have changed over time and time. It is a individual instance of subjective, also representing the conscious experience. One of the brader , simpler definition of Qualia is the 'what it is like' mental states character . In this definition, the ways that people feel to have a mental state like feeling painful , seeing the red color or smelling a rose. According to the book Quining Qualia(1987),The Philosopher and cognitive scientist Daniel Dennett have been defined Qualia is "An unfamiliar term for something that could not be more familiar to each of us: the ways things seem to us".To make a sample to understand what he mean more easily, Qualia can be the perceived sensation of pain of a sudden headache ,the taste of a cup of wine or redness of the evening sky.


Qualia Design | Trend With the advent of the economic era, nowaday consumers are demanding not only buy the product that can only see the "feeling", but also the product that give them experience and the "sense" and "touch". People tend to buy the product that can change their emotion or bring them a sense of wellbeing, these sense should be appear by mixing with the experience that the consumer have been met, this process has a term to represent it ----- the term is "Qualia".


Qualia Design | Formula As it is really difficult to understand how the term “Qualia” works, here is a formula to show how it works. e.g. qualia in the above formula can be the taste of wine or the redness of the evening. If any product added the “qualia”, people may link up what they touch or experimented from the product to the old experiment that they met before, if that old experiment is a well-being experiment, those user might get a sense feeling of wellbeing.As different people have different experiment hiding in their brain, it is a big research topic that I need to do than.

Formula 01 : Product x 1 + Qualia x 1 = feeling : wellbeing Formula 02 : Qualia x 1 → Reminding Memory x N = feeling : wellbeing Formula 02 Sample : chocolate smell x 1 → linked to calm down Memory = feeling : wellbeing



Photo by Park Street on Unsplash

I set the scope that I can design a qualia design base on wellbeing within one year. I decided to improve the design of the existing product on the psychological and qualia side to improve human quality of life. Not changing the outlook of the product only , I decided the qualia design should let people feel well-being not only by their eye, but also their experience. It should be a product that create more deep and meaningful experience to user. Than the user should fell wellbeing through qualia base on their individual experience. Even though there are not much designed product can reach this psychological level, It is believed it is the future trend of human design industry.


Target User As this project is wellbeing experiment based project, the target audience of the product are age upper 15, they are the specific group of people that I want to reach with my marketing message and Qualia design.Even I can’t target everyone, I can sell to everyone.The selling group is not only limited upper 15 years old, so the safety problem of the design should be bargened too. Based on the existing information that I have, beside the upper 15 years old limitation, the target group spending power and patterns should be middle class or high class, without specific financial concerns, as the product positioning in STP is "affordable luxury" , also name as " better brand". The product might be designed base four main element of " better brand" : brand, pursuit, style and luxury. For the target group, the predicted interest of them are "life style" , " psychological health" and "well-being". And there should be no language limitation for the target group, as the main idea of the product is bringing wellbeing to the customer by "Qualia", not the language. For the reason of having a age limitation for the target group is because of the better emotional experience.According to the book Psychology and aging(2011), based on over 10 Years of experience sampling , It is believed that emotional experience improves with age.As that the length of the year human live will affect how many thing a person gone through, and the effect of qualia is based on the how many thing a person gone through, the amount of things that people have been experimented might affect the possibility of the people can feel well-being from qualia design(Mogi Ken ,2013).Therefore, the target group is age upper 15 years old ,as people age upper 15 have enough experiment to get the sense of well-being from qualia design.

Age Spending power/patterns Product positioning Interested in


upper 15 middle / high class affordable luxury "life style" " psychological health" "well-being" No limitation




Research design and method In the following project, I tend to use Mixed Methods Research to research different people used different qualia will get what result , and aim to find a qualia that will lead most of the people to the result “well-being�objectively, and find out what kind of experiment are mostly related to well-being. Mixed Methods Research is the research method that integrates both Qualitative and Quantitative Research. Qualitative Research is to let me gathers different data about the living experiment , emotion or behaviors, and the individual meaning that attach the people.This might help a lot on the Qualia design research as it mainly related to emotion and behaviour, also, each person have their own qualia , so it is a must to research through Qualitative Research method.This research method enable me the researcher gain a better understanding of the whole complex concepts, social interactions or cultural phenomena that lead to the result "well-being".This research type is really useful in my project as it can help me explorate how or "why things have occurred", "interpreting events" and "describing actions". In the other hand, I tend to use Quantitative Research to gathers other numerical data which can be ranked, measured or categorised through the statistical analysis. This can help me uncover the pattern , relationship and generalisations the possibility of experiment lead to well-being. This is useful for me to find out how many, how much, how often, or to what extent the experiment linked to "Qualia". Mixed Methods Research is a kind of research that provides a holistic approach method to combine and analyse the statistical data that get from the data collection tools.Using this method, I can get a better deeper contextualised insights of my data from triangulation, or verification way.


Data collection tools For the data collection tools, I have used online questionnaire all through the world ; face to face, online, phone and street interview ; 2nd hand research to research data.

Firstly, for the Qualitative data, i am going to use Interviews to collect the data. it pretend to be a structured interviews but actually is a semi-structured in-depth sessions interview.Participant will be separated into several group by age and living place. As different age and country may lead to the participant have different in-depth level experiment, it is important to research several focus group. Also, in the first stage it will be a one to one interview in any place , but all the information of the location that the interview handled also need to be recorded as different place can lead to feeling data result change.In the interview,there will be a section to have a oral history or life stories activity, it aims to collect the data of remembrances or memories of experiences that lead to different feeling. Also, Focus group will be handled if the Qualitative data from the interview is not complete and enough.In the focus group, several participants from the same age group will discussing a particular Qualia , so I can be facilitators or observers.So I can also get the On-site observations data from the focus group. For the Quantitative data, Part of them is going on with the Qualitative data collection part - interview.Questionnaires survey has been used to collect the Quantitative data , same question has been asked to large numbers of participants. Even though the data collected by questionnaire are not independent as the data collected by the interview, it used to measure opinions as numerical data. Also, 2nd hand research will be used to research both Qualitative and Quantitative data. 33

Survey_01 “ What is Well being?”


Questionnaire & Interview | Survey_01 “ What is Well being?” | Brief Summary Survey 01 “ What is Well being?” is aim to get an objective result of the people’s subjective view on well-being. After analysing numerous subjective view ,a objective answer appear. This research was carried out in October 2019. In order to get an insight into people’s perception of the Well-being, questionnaires were sent randomly to people using Facebook, Instagram, Plurk, Twitter, Line, Whats app of various regions. Poster with QR code have been posted in 7 country. After collecting the questionnaire by using 1 to 1 exchange questionnaire method , 5 people who answered specific answer has been connected to have an extra interview. While 21 person were randomly selected to have an street interview.A total of 4050 unique and usable responses were received. Participants age are from 14 to 58, while they are from 47 different country and lived in 46 different country.


Photo by Francesco Ungaro from Pexels

Photo by Ekrulila from Pexels

Survey_01_Setting information Topic : What is Well being? 甚麼是幸福感 ? 幸せとは何か? Target of Survey Research : 1.) To find out people impression on wellbeing , 2.) And find out the linkage between wellbeing and memory by qualia. Research Method: 1.) Questionaire 2.) Faca to face interview (Street / Online) Collected Survey number: Total:2050 1.) Questionnaire : 4029/people 2.) Faca to face interview (Street / Online) : 21/people 3.)Interview after doing the Questionaire : 5/people

Language: 1.) English 2.) Traditional Chinese(Cantonese) 3.) Japanese Information provided for interviewee before starting the questionnaire: This is a survey being conducted by researchers from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) to study how people understand wellbeing. The purpose of this survey is to improve informed consent for wellbeing (happiness) research. You will be asked to answer some questions asking for your opinion on the study. The survey will take about 3-10 minutes. 這是香港理工大學(PolyU)研究人員進行的一項調査,旨在研究人們如何理解健 康。 這項調査的目的是為了增進公眾對幸福研究的理解。 您將被要求回答一些問題,以徵求您對研究的看法。 調査大約需要 3-10 分鐘。 これは香港理工大学の研究員から人々がどのように健康を理解する調査です 。 今回の調査は大衆が幸せに対する理解を深めるためのものです 。 以下は幾つの 問題を答えることによって 、 あなたが幸せについての考えが研究のデータにな ります 。


Poster posted location (Real life | Country): 1.) Hong Kong 2.) Canada 3.) Japan 4.) Taiwen 5.) USA 6.) Korea 7.) Turkey

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) 41 Valleybrook Drive, Toronto, Ontario. | Company name: SOCAN | Location: Company pantry entrance (Tokyo , Osaka , Kyoto ,Hamamatsu)

Poster posted location (Internet): 1.) Facebook (private account ~ 1 to 1 survey exchange group) 2.) Twitter (private account) 3.) Plurk (private account) 4.) Instagram (public account)


Detailed Research | 1/9 Basic Information | 1.1) Would you mind telling me your age? 你幾歲?あなたは何歳ですか? This research result provides the data that collected from 45 different age group. From 14 to 58 years old.

Age 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58

Number of People 2+1 103+1 17+1 20+1 102 269 102+2 592+5 228+1 239+2 123 237 120+1 224+1 324+1 203 26 85+1 29 62 80+1 63 57+1 19 101 26 37 26+1 1 63+1 62 53 133+1 9 3 7 26 5 6+1 43+1 3+1 82+1 12+1 2+1 3+1


1.2) Where do you come from? 你來自哪裡? あなたはどこの出身ですか? (Please fill in country or city 請填寫國家或城市 ) Result: | 47 Country | 4050 People Analysis: In this survey, there are totally 4050 people from 47 Country has join this survey, I have exchange my questionnaire with the one who need to other’s to do questionnaire all over the world. 15 countries from Asia, 2 countries from Europe , 2 countries from Oceania , 4 countries from Americas , 1 countries from African. Therefore, the result is much more objective and believable than the normal research. Also, the result is much more dramatic and special than normal local questionaire.It is possible to find out the different between different people that have different culture and background.

Photo by Aksonsat Uanthoeng from Pexels

1.3) Where do you live now? 你現在住在哪裡? 現在のお住いはどこですか ? (Please fill in country or city 請填寫國家或城市 ) Result: | 46 Country | 4050 People Analysis: In this survey, there are totally 4050 people from 46 Country has join this survey. Comparing to the Question 1.2 , there are less country. 14 countries from Asia, 2 countries from Europe , 2 countries from Oceania , 4 countries from Americas , 1 countries from African. It shows the possibility that respondent has immigration or having study abroad. It shows that this survey has research people that have different cultural understanding as they have been living in two different cultural environment. Also, for the one who have leave contact information, I have chose some to have a deeper interview.



2/9 A or B 2.1) For you, you think well being(happiness) is subjective or objective? 對你來說 , 你認為幸福感是主觀的還是客觀的 ? あなたにとって、幸せは主観的な感覚、それとも、客観的な感覚ですか。 Subjective 主觀 : 3588/4050 Objective 客觀 : 432/4050

Other answer: In Between Objective and Subjective: 29/4050 Intersubjective: 1/4050

Analysis: According to the result of Question 2.1, it is known that more people think that wellbeing is subjective(88.6) while there are only around 10% people think that wellbeing is objective. However , when there are certain number of subjective answer, and most of the people choose the same answer, we get the objective result. Through this survey, we can group a lot of subjective result and find out the objective fact of well-being(happiness). Conclusion: Almost 90% people think that well being(happiness) is subjective , Only 10% people think that well being(happiness) is objective. However, when we have collected many subjective data and analysis it, we can get the objective data of well-being.


2.2) For you, you think well being(happiness) is quiet or vivacious? 對你來說 , 你認為幸福感是安靜的還是活潑的 ? あなたにとって、幸せは安定な感覚、それとも活気のある感覚ですか。 Quiet 安靜 | 安定 : 1839/4050 vivacious 活潑 | 活気 : 1211/4050

Analysis: According to the result of Question 2.2, it is known that more people think that well-being is quiet(70.1%) while there are only 29.9% people think that well-being is vivacious.This result can help us to know the sound , image or design style of the product that people like most.It will be great if the product style is quiet. Conclusion: According to the result, over 70% people do think that well being(happiness) is quiet rather than vivacious.


2.3) For you, you think well being(happiness) is dark or light ? 對你來說 , 你認為幸福感是暗的還是光的 ? あなたにとって、幸せは暗い感覚、それとも、明るい感覚ですか。 Light 光 : 3658/4050 Dark 暗 : 361/4050 Other answer: Both Dark and Light: 23/4050 Colorful: 2/4050 Depends on the event that makes happiness itself, most events is light, but some event is only light for me but dark for everyone else.: 1/4050 Moving light: 1/4050 Light with shadow: 1/4050 Light with moving shadows: 1/4050 Sunlight: 1/4050 Soft Sunlight: 1/4050

Analysis: According to the result of Question 2.3, it is known that more people think that wellbeing is light(90.3%) while there are only 8.9% people think that well-being is dark. Based on the other answer, it is know that people think that both light and dark can represent well-being more, for instance, the light with shadow or the moving one, the moving light, the soft sunlight or colorful light.It shows that the balance between light and dark make people feel well-being.Also the light that more close to nature make people feel more wellbeing.If the product will be designed base on light and dark,more research is needed.

Conclusion: Between light or dark, over 90% people do think that well being(happiness) is light, while 8.9% people think dark is well-being. Some of them answer that wellbeing should be described as both light and dark, colorful, a moving light like soft sunlight , or light with shadow. Objectively, most of the people do agree that well-being is subjective, related to light and quiet.


3/9 Taste 味覺 If you need to describe well-being, what do you think well-being is? Please fill in the percentage if the answer is not 100%. If there are other answer that did not included in the choices, please feel free write it down . The answer of the long question can be more than one , please feel free to fill in. e.g. Sweet 90% , Bitter 10% 如果您需要描述幸福感,您認為幸福感是什麼?如果答案不是 100%,請填 寫百分比 . 如果選擇中沒有您想要的答案,請也將其寫下來。 長問題答案可以不止一個,請隨意填寫。 例如 : 甜 90%,苦 10% もし幸せを形容するが必要なら、幸せはなんでしょうか。 もし答えは 100%ではなければ、比率を書いてください。 もし選択肢の中で自分の中の答えに当たらないなら、答えを書いてくださ い。 答えは 1 つ以上では構いません。 例えば、甘味 90%、苦味 10%。


3.1) Please select or fill in the percentage of taste that can describes the taste that makes you feel happy. 請選擇或填寫可描述使您感到幸福的味道的百分比。 幸せの味を形容できる比率を選び、または書いてください。甘味 100%、 酸味 100%、塩味 100%、苦味 100%。

Sweet 甜味 | 甘味 100% Sour 酸味 100% Salty 咸味 | 塩味 100% Bitter 苦味 100%

3811/4050 3/4050 101/4050 108/4050

Other answer: 27/4050 Answer that included all four taste, while sweetness get the biggest percentage Sweetness 80% sour 10% salty 10%: Sweet 80%, sour 5%, salty 5%, bitter 5%: 甜味 75%,酸味 5%,鹹味 10%,苦味 10%: SWEET 70% SOUR 10% SALTY 10% BITTER 10%: Sweet 60 sour 20 salty 10 bitter 10: Sweet 30%, Sour 25%, Salty 25%, Umami 15%, Bitter 5%: 甜 30 酸 10 苦 40 辣 10 鹹 10: sweet 10%, salty 40%, sour 30%, bitter 10%, spicy 10%: Answer that did not included all four taste, while sweetness get the biggest percentage 70% 甜 15% 酸 15% 鹹 : sweet 70% sour 20% salty 10%: 甜 70%,酸 20%,苦 10%: sweet 60% bitter 40%: sweet 50% salty 50%: 50% 咸 50% 甜 : 甜味 60% Other40%:

9/4050 1/4050 2/4050 1/4050 1/4050 1/4050 1/4050 1/4050 1/4050 8/4050 1/4050 1/4050 1/4050 1/4050 1/4050 1/4050 1/4050

Special Answer while sweetness did not get the biggest percentage Sour 20% > Bitter 40% > Sweetness 35% > Sour 5% Sour 65% Sweet 15% Salty 20% No specific taste, i prefer savory and junk food flavor Depends umami SPICY 淡味 100%

7/4050 1/4050 1/4050 1/4050 1/4050 1/4050 1/4050 1/4050

4 taste balanced answer Balanced taste 100% All 25% Sweet 25% salty 25% bitter 25% sour 25%

3/4050 1/4050 1/4050 1/4050


Analysis: According to question 3.1, it is known that over 90% of people over the world agree that “100%sweet” is the taste that can make people feel well being or happiness. And there are 2.7% people think that “100%bitter” and 2.5% people think that “100%salt” can bring them happiness. Only little people (0.1%) do think that “100%sour” can bring them happiness.

Analysis : Fig.Survey3.1.2 is the detail of the “other”(0.7%) part of Fig.Survey3.1.1. It shows the comment of people who do think that the taste that can bring happiness to them are not 100% the same taste. In Fig.Survey3.1.2, it has shows that most of the people (who don’t think “100%taste” can make them happy) are also agree that sweetness should get the biggest percentage of the taste that can make them happy.. This result shows that obviously, “sweetness” is the main taste that can make people feel happy and well-being, no matter it is 100% sweet or the taste that sweet is getting the biggest percentage.

Conclusion: For the “percentage of taste that can describes the taste that makes people feel happy” part, most of the people choose sweet100% as their final choice. Also ,among the people who choose non 100%taste , in their answer , usually "sweetness" get the biggest percentage.


3.2) If you need to describe, the taste should lighter or stronger ? 如果需要描述,味道應該更淡還是更濃? もしより述べれば、味は薄め、それとも、濃いめですか? lighter 更淡 | 薄 stronger 更濃 Other answer: Both fresh 凊新 / A light touch of warmth depends, but probably, mostly mild

2464/4050 1578/4050 8/4050 6/4050 1/4050 1/4050


3.3) [Open Question] What taste will make you feel well-being(happiness)?Why? Please share your experience. 您嚐到甚麼味道會使您感到幸福?為甚麼?請分享您的經驗。 何の味を味わえば、あなたが幸せを感じますか。どうしてですか。良けれ ば、あなたの経験を書いてください。 Result: ( Most outstanding and special answer ) Milk


Hot sweet milk, because i drink that when i was small It make me remember my mum, family and childhood memory

Chocolate & Coffee 823/4050

Chocolate , childhood food Chocolate makes me feel happy Chocolate or spicy. I like sweets and also spicy food. Both make me happy on different occasions. Chocolate with 25% milk.. because endorphins :) Chocolate, I associate ir with happiness when I am a kid. Just like having a cup of coffee with a piece of chocolate. Sweet warm coffee makes me feel happy in the winter because it gives me energy and distracts from how little sun there is. Dark chocolate 70% cacao with a little sea salt. It is relaxing and it calms anxiety: a little salty, a little bitter but not too much, it remains sweet and chocolate can have quite a sour flavour.

Ice-cream 512/4050

It tastes like strawberries, sometimes covered up with a sour cream. Important thing is that regardless this cream, strawberries are always there 甜品 + 冰凍的食物,例如雪糕 / 刨冰

Mainly Sweet food (related to memory) 1322/4050


Sweet dessert make me feel heppy cotton candy Sweet. Because sweet is like people who you love are caring for you. Taste of sweetness because sweetness brings out the heart's love Taste as in food taste? For me, it's savory. I have a capacity for sweet until I stop being happy and start being nauseous. Savory taste has more of that capacity which I can take before I start being nauseous. Sweet it reminds me of my childhood Vanilla. I'm a baker and love sweets specifically using vanilla and or white chocolate. Sweet, it helps to distress and it boost dynamisme. For example, when you fill too stressed you can eat sweets to ease yourself. Or when you go to gym you can take a teaspoon of honey to get less tired Sweet. When I eat some dessert, I felt very happy. Maybe it is the happiness from my cognition.

Mainly related to memory only 53/4050


Ice cream , the symbol of me when I am small

炒飯,我父母煮的飯菜很好吃,我喜歡他們煮給我吃的炒飯。 住家菜的味道,因為其他地方食唔到

Salty, looks like eating at home cuisine healthily made with locally-produced veggies and by friends drinking espresso makes me feel good. I feel the transition from bitter to sweet. Then, have a cup of water.p (Relax time) family cuisine, connect to happy memory When I meet people like me A balanced taste because being happy does not mean that nothing bad happens. On one side, being happy means having nice things happen to you while being able to enjoy them. On the other, being happy means that bad things can happen to you, but you are able to still smile. Thus well-being means a balanced these both salty and sweet -, but still tasty. Wine


Other taste food


Dry martini, relax moment Feeling accomplished in life (like beer) 甜 / 鹹,半糖珍奶超讚 開心果雪糕加芒果雪糕。 主要因為甜味令我 5 充滿能量其次少少咸 和酸令味道不太膩,想一口接一口 宵夜配鹹的肉類和飲料 / 啤酒會很滿足、很幸福 好吃的食物

Spicy, there was a while that I was allergic, it feels good to be able to eat spicy food again Any tasty food 食完野蕎麥麵之後 嗰 碗蕎麥麵湯(唔落汁 好吃的味道,不一定是甜的,但是是舒服的味道

umami, wine/pineapple juice and salad with tempeh . Makes me feel that all things have been done and I can afford to relax and have fun.

The taste of chaos and natural and hormone Water - purity - make me relax Fruit, relax ,less - human made chemical Earthly flavour like green tea :)

Nature related 92/4050




Answer that related to memory Analysis : According to Question 3.3, it is known that most of the taste that will make people feel well-being(happiness) are related to their memory. Most of them think that why they like the taste is because of their experience in their memory. Only 6.9% people claim that the taste that will make people feel well-being(happiness) are not related to their memory. Also, it is found that 55.9% people claim that why they like the taste is because of their childhood memory. Other 37.2%people claim that why they like the taste is because of their memory but not related to childhood memory.


Experience that makes people think milk can bring them happiness and well-being. Analysis : According to Fig. Survey 3.3.2, it has show the experience that makes that 1065 people think that milk can bring them happiness and well-being. It is known that some answer has included more than one element . In the following pie chart, we can objectively find that milk is always linked with our childhood, while most of the people think that milk can recall their memory of family and mother. Also, in the result , we can find that most of the Japanese people answer is related to Spa, relax and warm, It is believed that it is affected by their spa culture.


Experience that makes people think Chocolate & Coffee can bring them happiness and well-being. 823/4050 *some answer has included more than one element

Conclusion : According to 3.3 Open question, I have get a lot of data of the taste that will make people feel well-being(happiness) with their reason. In the result, Milk , Chocolate and coffee are the taste that most people write. There are also other answer like icecream,sweet food ,nature related food, and food that related to childhood memory have been typed rapidly. Objectively, this shows that sweet and light taste take a big party in our well-being. Also, after studying the answer that is “Milk�, we can find a special phenomenon that most of the Japanese people answer is related to Spa, relax and warm, It is believed that it is affected by their spa culture. Based on the reason that people answered in question 3.3, we can find that almost 60% people answer are related to childhood memory, 37.2% are related to memory that is not related to childhood, only 6.9% answer are not related to memory. This shows that qualia can be used to bring well-being emotion to people by reminding their memory.


4/9 Smell 氣味 4.1) [Open Question] What smell you smell will make you feel well-being(happiness)?Why? Please share your experience. 您聞到甚麼氣味會使您感到幸福(幸福)?為甚麼?請分享您的經驗。 何の匂いを嗅げば、あなたが幸せを感じますか。 どうしてですか。良ければ、あなたの経験を書いてください。 Result: ( Most outstanding ,common and special answer )

Here is the mindmap that mainly shows the most outstanding ,common and special answer of Question 4.1. Online Mind Map : https://mm.tt/1378581426?t=6QKDb3CIpg


Conclusion: According to Question 4.1 Open question, I have get a lot of data of the smell that will make people feel wellbeing(happiness) with their own reason. All have been listed in the mindmap, and the QRcode of the mind map is also showed in “Part 2, Questionnaire | Survey_01 , 4/9 Smell�. Mainly the answer can be separated into 4 type : smell of food, smell of nature, perfume, smell of specific people. Only 7 people answer are not related to this 4 type.Most of the answer are related to nature and food.For the answer that related to nature, most of the smell are the smell of water like rain and river.Than the smell is the smell of plant like grass, flower and tree. For the answer that related to food, Smell like bakery, milk ,chocolate, coffee and rice are often appear in the answer. Analysing the reason, we can find that most of the reason are related to childhood memory , morning memory and relaxing memory. Obviously, smell that related to morning scenario, relaxed moment and childhood are smell that most people think can represent well-being.




4.2) If you need to describe, the smell should more light or strong ? 如果需要描述,氣味應該更淡還是更濃? もし述べれば、その匂いは薄め、それとも、濃いめですか?

lighter 更淡 | 薄 stronger 更濃 Other answer: Both depends on the type of smell

Conclusion: For the research that related to smell, obviously smell that related to wellbeing should be lighter. Over 70% do agree that the smell that used to describe well-being should more light rather than strong.

2919/4050 1128/4050 3/4050 2/4050 1/4050


5/9 Temperature 温度 5.1) What temperature will make you feel well-being(happiness)? 甚麼溫度會使您感到幸福? どんな温度があなたに幸せを感じさせますか Hot 熱い Warm 暖かい Cool 涼しい Cold 寒い

154/4050 2713/4050 1024/4050 155/4050

Other answer: balance of warm and cool warm when feel cold, cold when feel hot Both warm or cool

Conclusion: For the temperature, mostly people think that the temperature will make people feel well-being(happiness) should be warm (67%) rather than cool (25.3%) , cold (3.8%) or hot (3.8%) .

4/4050 1/4050 1/4050 2/4050


5.2) [Open Question] Why? Please share your experience. 為甚麼?請分享您的經驗。 どうしてですか。良ければ、あなたの経験を書いてください。。

Result: ( Most outstanding ,common and special answer )

Hot 熱い 154/4050

Warm 暖かい 2713/4050

Like having hot bathing(Onsen, steam bath, Sauna bath ). Because it can relax my entire body. hot spring is a good example. No reason X I don't like high humidity with high temperature X Heat makes me mad X I hate when it's too hot and moist. I always have my window open, in Winter too! It's always too hot or warm for me. X too hot is not comfortable

Can be linked to Hug (e.g. mother hug,hugging by someone,a sincere prolonged hug,Mother's arms ) Embracing others, all make me feel warm and happy Warmth of hands It reminds of home, as it is a cozy temperature. The warm weather is suitable for traveling with family and taking pictures.(summer) The warmth of family and friends Childhood special experience (When I am small, when I injured, my dad hugs me and comforts me) Nestled in the duvet in the cold winter (quilt) Because of the sense of security, afraid of freezing Warm sunshine plus cool breeze (Nature) When I take the bus, the golden sunlight sprinkled on the body at the time of the west slope Because of own personality. When I'm nervous or shy, my hands will sweat and a bit cold. I love the sunshine I like to be all warm and bundled up. It makes me feel protected Warm, in a cold environment. It makes you appreciate things more Living in a cold climate makes warmth valuable not too extreme I am used to live as my environment is annually warm No reason

Cool 涼しい 1024/4050

It makes me calming / it's relaxing After the rain, cool + no sweating (I don’t sweat and it’s not too cold) If I am cool but get cold I can put a sweater on. If you are too warm or too hot it is Cool means being able to remain calm in all situations I like the cool autumn feeling / hard to get comfortable fresh, no sweat / makes me feel free I don't like heat or extreme cold. I like to be cool. In cool, I don't sweat much so I don't ruin my shirt and the place I'm sitting/laying on. Too cold makes me sneezes.

Cold 寒い 155/4050

IIt's easier to sleep in. When it's hot there are only so been layers of clothes you can take off. In the cold, you can always add more until you're a perfect temperature X If too cold my nose will hurt / It ’s hot in Hong Kong X I HATE the cold, being cold makes me angry, especially in Florida, there’s freezing air conditioner everywhere. Once your body cools down from the outside heat is not necessary to have that garbage :( X I don’t like when it’s cold it doesn’t get me in a good mood X I cannot stand cold. Can be explained by medical condition related to thyroid.

Other 4/4050

Just because depends on weather because it meets my need at that moment The same answer as to the other questions about taste. It is balance. No reason


Conclusion: Mostly of the answer are related to the memory of hug and the memory of mum's temperature.


6/9 Tactile sensation 觸覺 6.1) What tactile sensation will make you feel well-being(happiness)?Why? Please share your experience. 甚麼觸覺會使您感到幸福(幸福)?為甚麼? 請分享您的經驗。どんな触り 心地があなたに幸せを感じさせますか。どうしてですか。良ければ、あな たの経験を書いてください。 Result: ( Most outstanding ,common and special answer )

Washi paper 82/4050

It make me feel it is expensive / make me calm down Also, the texture is raw and smooth, make me remember the originality childhood.

Skin 133/4050

Holding hands, it is supportive, my husband holding my hands in bed when i am sick Hug. It represents love / 輕撫 Caress /Girlfriend belly human warmth, from a sincere prolonged hug or the feeling of being inside of somebody Soft kiss on the forehead. It's just calming.

Warm + Soft 532/4050

Animals e.g.Cats Soft because when people hug me, i can feel the softiness / 輕撫 Caress

Soft , spongy , squishy 1231/4050

Smooth, Silky 249/4050

like pillow and paved on my bed. Thick cotton Softness because hardness is too tough X Normal amount of tactile sensation, soft sensation irritates me. Velvet, or soft fleece blankets on my feet before I sleep, they make me feel secure and comfortable Mochi-like soft doll Softness, like a soft sweater or bed sheets. Fluffy pillow it's comfortable

Silk on silk (pyjamas), sleeping memory Satin. Soft satin that caresses my skin makes me comfortable. Velvet-the soft and smoothness of velvet is comforting smooth. I just like smooth things. Cannot stand rough fabrics and sweaters.


Fluffy Shaggy Hairy ( 毛茸茸 ) (Soft) 1623/4050

because you can rest assured Looks like hugging me soft cat fur Fur on animals, as it is warm and soft my furry cat. i feel home Sense of security I'm not very tactile so none... Except maybe the soft fur of a cat or a rabbit

washed dry shirt 9/4050


massage 108/4050

Feel like being loved makes me feel relaxed

Nature 46/4050

Feeling the cooling wind blowing over me / Piojitos(????) / Butterfly

mechanical keyboards 7/4050

The sensation and sound of mechanical keyboards. The click-clacking is just very satisfying.

Special Answer 30/4050

It depends on the circumstances. You can experience the same sensation in two different moments but in one you feel happy, but in the other - happiness. Thus it depends on how well rested I am, did something bad happen in the day, etc. Touch. When we touch a thing or a man, we will feel that is the real and truth.


Conclusion: For the tactile sensation, Some have been answered some special answer like washi paper or mechanical keyboard, people usually think that the texture and the action can make them calm down. Most of the people answer are related to skin, soft , smooth ,fluffy texture. The most special answer that I get is insect,e.g. butterfly texture. Same as other 4 sense, most of the reason are related to childhood memory, hug ,relaxing or positive emotion like comfortable.


Conclusion: According to IncredivilleTW, it have been said that a gentle touch is a kind of caring signal that animal will familiar when they are young, especially human.When our body receives a similar physical signal, our brain will create the illusion that we are not alone. This mechanism involves a kind of "CT nerve fiber" which connected to the tactile receptor under our skin.This "CT nerve fibers" can only be activated by gentle, slow contact.So that is why when we touch soft cotton furry stuff,we can reduce our anxiety or stress response.

Photo by Adil Gรถkkaya from Pexels Reference: IncredivilleTW https://www.facebook.com/IncredivilleTW/photos/a.1780902738892001/2401050840210518/?type=3&theater von Mohr, M., Kirsch, L.P. & Fotopoulou, A. The soothing function of touch: affective touch reduces feelings of social exclusion. Sci Rep 7, 13516 (2017) doi:10.1038/s41598-017-13355-7 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-13355-7?utm_source=commission_junction&utm_medium=affiliate&fbclid=IwAR2aPvUqXQ_ u1ZLV8WZMEYwBfFIWPLmXI1x_qzpRlkXyqyraF_sCPbSIFEA Touch biographies reveal transgenerational nature of touch UNIVERSITY OF EASTERN FINLAND: https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-02/uoef-tbr020619.php?fbclid=IwAR1J-qOROld0ov6wsgVSi4sNPrPd_ uf45zylOyWXgw7TJdn3GWKOjUVh4qQ Why Being Touched Can Inflame Emotions By Wynne Parry June 10, 2012 https://www.livescience.com/20863-touched-inflame-emotions.html?fbclid=IwAR2frqj7XhLKsUWnVaQcSsVaT5hce_Af-EkMT3_ sg2IGR1UEOyeAu5dAMnM


7/9 Sound 聽覺 7.1) What sound will make you feel well-being(happiness)?Why? Please share your experience. 您聽到甚麼聲音會使您感到幸福(幸福)?為甚麼?請分享您的經驗。 どんな声や音を聞けば、あなたは幸せを感じますか。どうしてですか。 良ければ、あなたの経験を書いてください。


Sound from nature / nature related memory 1062/4050

大自然的聲音 water drop. I think it is because it make me calm down, just like the sound you can listen from the nature and Japanese traditional garden. Also it make me remember how my goldfish play with me. The ocean, as it makes me feel closer to nature and relaxed Ship horn as this recalls my memories in old times and ocean. nature sound like the sound of rainfall, streams etc Ocean waves. It gives you this feeling of freedom. Sound of rain, wind through forest Water running, like the ocean, it’s calming Birds. Nature makes me feel good bird singing, it is very joyful Nature. water, birds The sea, I feel it is relaxing Sound of the ocean or forest Rain sound river flow raining, Bird calls insect calls Booble


Animal 73/4050

My dog barking with happiness when I come home because it makes me feel loved Meowing because it's so cute


Silence 185/4050

Silence. Being happy means being in contempt with what you have. Thus staying silent for us is very hard. We are constantly listening, talking, moving. Being able to stay still and silent for just a couple of minutes is bliss. Low or peaceful sound. I don't like disturbing or loud sound because I want to have own peacefulness.


Favorite music 591/4050

Rather than just simple sound, i would like it as combination which is song can makes me feel well-being. I always like to listen my favourite song when I do anything, some heat and exciting musics are my favorites. I feel motivated by those songs. My favorite soundtracks from my favorite cartoons, because cartoons is where I'm happiest, like pure happy without other side feelings like too excited or too calm/bored. Beautiful music. The countryside style music will let the heart become peace. See above answer, also classical music such as Chopin Psychedelic music Hayao Miyazaki's song, Disney's song, happy song 80s / 90s songs


Musical instrument 637/4050

music instruments such as cello as it reminds of the human voice. Classical music. That's so relaxing and soft. I especially like romantic music. It's very melancholic and beautiful. A calming melody on piano or acoustic guitar in a major scale. Jazz guitar it makes me calm Pleasant music that makes me want to dance Light music or wind ringtone, feel relax Familiar classical music, listen to customary classical music as a child Flute or Guzheng. childhood memory


Sound from city (daily life) 2/4050


Like-minded slogan


Daily object 316/4050

Clink of cups and rustling of soft fabric, calming sounds for me The sound of a keyboard next to you when you sleep The sound of scanning pages. Every time I buy a new book, I quickly scan back and forth, and I feel happy when I hear it Light bells


Discribe mood only 561/4050

Predictable and pleasant Soft soothing music Light music and soft feeling make people feel relaxed and happy. Brisk sound because it's easy Pleasant 低沉的溫柔的 Deep gentle Relaxing 清脆


Human Sound (daily life) 623/4050

唱歌歌聲,使我輕鬆,因病中丈夫唱 歌,歌詞輕鬆、鼓舞,令我得到支持

my significant other whispers at my ear 城市中各種人生活的日常聲音 Everyday sounds of life of various people in the city

我家旁邊小學的屁孩吵罵聲 下課的喧 囂 睡到自然醒的我

Nice singing voice, for example, when you having kara-ok, you will feel happy when you hear others singing well laughing, happiness Loud happy sound My mom's voice The other person spoke softly while hugging Whispering Laughter Love words


Conclusion: For the sound, sound from nature are the well-being sound that most people anwer. (1062/4050 people) For example , like Raindrop sound, water drop sound ,Insect calls and the sound from waves. Most of the answer are related to water.


8/9 EYE 視覺 8.1) What do you see will make you feel well-being(happiness)?Why? Please share your experience. 你看到了甚麼會使您感到幸福(幸福)?為甚麼? 請分享您的經驗。 何を見れば、あなたは幸せを感じますか。どうしてですか。 良ければ、あなたの経験を書いてください。 Result: ( Most outstanding ,common and special answer ) (Some answer has included more than one area 4050+3)


Nature realated 913+1/4050

Mountains shadow, make me feel like i am staying alone in my bedroom and my family is in the next door.I always play with shadow when i am small.They are funny. It make me calm down. Also, the shadow makes me know that there are sunlight , something that i did not recognize was around me. This make me feel well-being. Also, the shadow looks like the balance between the modern architecture and the nature, it makes a harmonious. Nature, whether a mountain or the ocean, whether a forest or a lake or icebergs. I don't like canyons very much though. They make me uncomfortable. Something with too warm colors somehow. The sun, a day is much better when I see the sun and it is not dark and rainy outside Sea. I love see, it is very calming. Though, any nature will do) Sky and the moon. I like astrology and ir makes me feel alive Sunshine through clouds, ocean, animals Dawn light, warm and bright Shadoe moving, can feel there are life in nature. Sunrise or sunset A sunny day in the last second and a rainy day in the next second The ocean The sea 慢慢流動的雲 Slowly flowing clouds 偏橘色的光 Orange light Sun


Relationship 729/4050

Seeing my friends/classmates. It's just excitng to see my friends. BB 出生,生命來臨,第三代 BB 出生,有機會 看到第二代成家立室,有自己小孩。

A baby is born, life is coming, and a thirdgeneration baby is born. You have the opportunity to see the second-generation family and have your own child. Seeing my family because I love them.

與家人、朋友出遊的照片,會讓我想起美好的時 光。

Photos of family and friends trips remind me of good times. An elderly couple strolled arm in arm. Very warm feeling someone you loved 看到互相喜歡的人 因為這就是幸福

See people who like each other, because this is happiness in love people Pretty girls 男朋友,因為養眼 Boyfriend because of Seductive


Other’s comment or reaction 623/4050

Random acts of kindness. It just feel good, it gives hope to others. People being kind to one another.


Family, friends, or lovers show loving behavior, make people happy when they see it, and the world is warm children playing innocently Being accomplished in life others feeling happy Welcome banner in my home town train station

Color (mostly related to nature) 460/4050

Warm colors Green. I love nature, it’s beautiful, alive, big, medicine is there, life is there, nature is perfect and amazing. I love to see flowers, trees, the ocean, the sunset sky etc Sky. It shaped so randomly and never feel tired to look at. Sometimes it is staticed, sometimes it is dynamic. And I like all different color of the sky. light pink colour, because it is fansy and girly 粉紅色,啡色的,因為都係暖色但又唔刺眼

Pink, brown, because they are warm but dazzling a colorful world!


Architecture 92/4050

scenery of a town, it feels calm



Pattern 313/4050

Seeing organized spaces where I can see all of my things but they’re put away nicely. That makes me happy. Organised stuff


Dream / Target 326/4050

Animal 279/4050

Cats, I just love them, I think it's because I had a special connection with mine and it's nostalgic My dog wagging her tail. Her joy brings me happiness and joy.


Bright future freedom dream An adequate or excellent offer for me. Because I am expecting to go abroad to continue my


Emotion 228/4050

Happy people. Seeing other people happy gives me hope that I could be happy and that things are going well around me. I don't have to worry so much about the economy, what bad things other people might do, etc.


Space 82/4050

Cartoons. It's an escape from whatever the problem I'm having. Views from high altitude. Feeling being part of the universe.

家人和諧地在同一個空間裏做自己的事 , 但不會尷尬

Family members do their thing in harmony in the same space, but not embarrassed familiar environments.


Special Answer 5/4050

變態的東西、成人讀物、有設計感的東西、 Twitter 上有趣的影片、人類仔細打造的產品和工 藝品、動畫漫畫、插畫、藝術品、自然、乍看混 亂不堪但實際上整整有條 / 有其秩序的都市 / 地 方、偶爾會喜歡看到破壞 / 被火燒毀的東西、廢 墟

Abnormal things, adult books, design things, interesting videos on Twitter, carefully crafted products and crafts by humans, animated cartoons, illustrations, artworks, nature, at first glance, but actually organized Ordered city / place, occasionally enjoy seeing things destroyed / burnt by fire, ruins Aesthetics in general makes me happy, because it represents beauty to me study.


For the seeing part, the most significant answer of the question 8.1"What do you see will make you feel wellbeing(happiness)?Why? Please share your experience." are related to nature(21%) and color(14.3%).


9/9 Other 9.1) Beside all those previous questions, can you think of any thing that can describe well-being(happiness)?If yes, please tell me. And tell me why. 除了前面所有問題之外,您能想到任何可以描述幸福的東西嗎?如果有,請 說明原因。前の答えの以外に、他に何かあなたにとって、幸せを形容でき るものがあれば、ぜひ理由も含めて、書いてください。 Result: ( Most outstanding ,common and special answer )



腦內啡含量、腦電波的變改 / 狀態,看那個圖表和數值應該蠻有趣的

。Endorphine content, changes / states of brain waves, it should be interesting to see that graph and value.

Nature Experience 217/4050

Beach , Cat ,Plant , Snowy

563/4050 Travels. Cut off from social media for a while, because I usually use social media when I'm lonely or bored. I can be alone too during travels, but that kind of alone is different than usual. Happiness is to feel free traveling and food make me feel happy 波波池,被一大堆波波包圍著,很有安全感

The wave pool, surrounded by a lot of waves, is very safe


208/4050 inside feeling of comfort, calm and joy When my mood is good I feel awesome Stillness, purity,

Little thing in life



I think i already mentioned the main ones. I think that community might be a big thing nowadays because either people don't have community - lonely, sad, no human connection or touch - or the idea of community is corrupted - people sacrifice themselves, overwork, etc. , I think communities need to be more in balance. Be with someone I love(family, relative). Life is short, it is treasure time for us to be with someone we love. Live in a social harmony is important too as people will respect and trust each other. Having positive, smarter people around you. You can learn from them and be better, positive people will encourage you Happiness is about being with the people you love and enjoy spending time with Being surrounded with people you love or doing something you love Beeing surrounded by people I love finding out someone care about you Having family and friends around Friends. I love my friends and I have good times with them Having good friends around 家人團聚,大部分人都有的美好回憶與時光 Family reunion, most people have good memories and time Family time / 新生命 / 心思 / 愛情 / 陪伴

little things like spring flowers, when my cats are happy i'm happy Books. People associate them with relaxing and free time Having the basics you need in life and more.

坐下聽音樂,飲杯普洱茶,心境平靜,味覺上享受到,實是幸福 Sit


down and listen to music, drink a cup of Pu'er tea, calm down, enjoy the taste, it is really happy Smile expression, smile will infect people and things around, make people feel comfortable. 微笑的表情,會感染周圍的人和事 物,使人感到舒適。 與回憶有關,有點 warm,有點傷感,會心微笑

Related to memories, a little warm, a little sad, smiling 幸福就是有人也理解你内心的委屈 Happiness is just that someone understands your misery

music overall. / Comfy seat / Holidays My pets /Comfort / 撚豬(撚動物 Natural / 睡到自然醒 / 畫筆 / 顏料 / 簡單 舒服 / 辣的食物 / 毛公仔



Time, color

時間?類似做乜會感到幸福咁 time? Doing something like 乜 will make you happy 咁 顏色 時間感 空間感


Well being is feeling content with who you are and how you feel. You don’t have to be joyful and exuberant at all times to be content and therefore feel a sense of well being Happiness is more than the senses, it’s being at peace with yourself and your thoughts. Self assessment

self identification sex Money 23/4050


Rich, have loyal girlfriend and live longer Having sufficient money for my retirement I am happy when I have extra money health

No / Null


No. For me happiness is an absolute state we can close without ever reaching it. We can be glad or content, sease a moment of grace, but we're never really totally satisfy.



9.2) What can make you feel well-being?And please tell me why. 有什麼可以使您感到幸福?如果有,請說明原因。 他にあなたに幸せを感じさせるものがあれば、 ぜひ理由も含めて、 書いてください。

1 24 35

Result: ( Most outstanding ,common and special answer ) (Some answer has included more than one area 4050+3)

Love 520/4050

Home 401/4050

Improve oneself 354/4050

Right now my needs are emotional, the top of the cherry for my well being is having a smooth relationship with my boyfriend, I’m very much in love with him and knowing that he feels the same makes me feel complete

Family, friends, places that remind me of home.

Calm, safety, comfort, beauty. Everything that makes me feel a part of something greater, that make me think that somehow there is a sense where I know there isn't. Healthy, family, and rich. Because if i have these both, i feel happy forever.


Being around family 兒時回憶,舊人舊物

Being safe and with people that I love.

望住女朋友訓覺同食 嘢

做自己喜愛做的事 / 有良好的社 交圈子 /Being the person i love

Just being with my loved ones and my dog can bring me a feeling of well being. Knowing that no matter what there are people who are looking out for me. And of course my dog shows unconditional love every day. 情人的照顧與擁抱

Just being with my loved ones and my dog can bring me a feeling of well being. Knowing that no matter what there are people who are looking out for me. And of course my dog shows unconditional love every day. 擁抱,因為喜歡被擁抱的感覺, 溫暖、安心。 為喜歡的人付出,看著對方的笑 臉,自己也會覺得幸福呢

Money 231/4050

Money. Money is necessary for this society.

Clean 120/4050

Clean my room. When my room is cleaned, I know I did my chorus well and everything starts to feel comfortable again.


68 7 9 15 Sound23/4050 Music. It's my passion

Little Thing 632/4050

Getting a cup of tea in the morning, gives me energy for the day and wakes me up, gives that nice feeling of a slow morning / 早上起床有早餐吃


Emotion 77/4050

Freedom 96/4050 Freedom to choose how the way you to live. empty plans, deeds, reminders on my phone 自由的創作 / A moment of escape

寧靜心境,因年紀增長,需珍惜 眼前人,常有突發事,只要平靜 環境即無事發生,就會開心幸福

Serenity, because of the increase of age, you need to cherish the people in front of you, there are often unexpected events, as long as the calm environment is nothing, you will be happy Living with less regrets as possible

Sleeping 289/4050 Sleeping, leaving all the strees behind

訓到自然醒。這代表了沒有需要 記掛或煩惱或擔心的事情

Animals 228/4050 Animals because they are so cute

Religion 39/4050

天父的愛 (´ ▽` ) p.s. 唔好打我 ♪ (´ ε` )Heavenly Father's

Love (´ ▽ ` ) p.s. don't Hit me ♪ (´ ε ` )

secure 109/4050

Feeling secure

Relax 168/4050

Meditation and massage. / Self care, rest, love / dancing, my passion

No /Null 763/4050 I want to know too


Question 9.1 and 9.2 are extended open question. Therefore, the answer are used for brainstorming. However, we can also find a rules that answer usually related to childhood memory, relax, close relationship with others , selfidentification satisfiction and small bliss (�確嚸) in daily life.As nature is one of the main element, prime number (1,3,5,7,11) should be used in the design. Also, recognizing the existing stuff(e.g. air )also make people feel well-being.


9.3) If you feel free to answer me more question,s please fill in your name and your contact. It is not a must. 如果您願意回答我更多問題,請填寫您的身份以及如何與您聯繫。 這不是必須的。 もしこの研究に関して、より多い問題を答えたければ、あなたの名前と連 絡先を書いてください。 これは必須ではありません。

Analysis: The answer are used to contact the people if I find that their answer is so representative and special.


SOUND | Interview Research


Sound influence emotion | Interview Research

Sound plays an influential party in the way that how people view the world. It evokes certain emotions and gives us social cues through memory. Psychoacoustics is the official term of sound studying, according to the Hearing Professionals , Sound can affects our perception space like depth, speed and motion, also, it is straighly linkage to our memory part in brain. Therefore, no matter how small the sound are, they can bring us positive or negative emotion easily. Based on the result of the survey 01 “ What is Well being?”, it shows that “Nature sound”, “Water sound”, “Daily sound at home” are the sound that most people think can bring well-being to them. In this research,I have list out the sound that objectively can make people feel well-being . And find out the similarity characteristic rules between those sound that people think can bring well-being to them, like soundwave and subjective description. According to Journal of Experimental Psychology(1994), people who are in the negative emotion condition , they perceived the auditory stimuli louder .This shows that lower decibels (dB) is better to bring out positive emotion. According to the interview result , it is obviously that sounds which have the characteristic like : rhythmic, staccato ,lilting,rich , make people calm down,soft ,hushed ,click-clack,sonorous ,pure ,melodic,echo sound, pleasing sound can make people feel comfortable and well-being(happiness).The speed around 2s/3 type is the speed that most people like. More data and experience is needed among sound research.

Photo by Moose Photos from Pexels


Photo by Soonios Pro from Pexels

Basic Back-Ground Reason of having this interview reserach: Based on the result of the survey “ What is Well being?”, it shows that “Nature sound”, “Water sound”, “Daily sound at home” are the sound that most people think can bring well-being to them. In this interview research,I tend to find out the sound that mostly make most of the people feel wellbeing.also, I tend to find out is there any similarity characteristic between those sound that people think can bring well-being to them, like soundwave. Setting: 25 People


Natural & Traditional Sound 01: Suikinkutsu | Water koto cave| 水琴窟 | すいきんくつ

Here is the sample sound track of Suikinkutsu.

01.1 Speedy Version :

01.2 Slow version

00:20:00 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1 klXS0tTtfghowMhQckjtfIX6W7 WHSTcT/view?usp=sharing

00:20:00 https://drive.google.com/ file/d/1BjmH9qV-4xVYKTG1BW58Y9pO7kzDpHe/

01:00:00 https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=BQjvSlrMbHM

01:00:23 https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=zksMvb-2HRA

First 20 secound Sound wave of Speedy Version Suikinkutsu:

First 20 secound Sound wave of Slowly Version Suikinkutsu:

Based on the answer of the respondents, it is known that the characteristic of Suikinkutsu is :

Analysis: According to the Interview, it is known that more people like the slow version(19 people) than the speedy version(6 people). Based on what they answer, we can know that most of the people think that the Speedy Version make them so irritable. The smooth rhythm of the slow version makes them calmer. And they do think that the sound that can make them calmer and comfortable is equal to the sound that can make them feel well-being.

Pleasing Sounds hushed – a sound that is quiet rhythmic – a sound that has a clear, regular pattern staccato – a sound where each word or sound is clearly separate lilting – a sound that has a rising and falling pattern sonorous – a sound that is deep and strong in a pleasant way pure – a clear, beautiful sound rich – a sound that is strong in a pleasant way soft – quiet and peaceful melodic – beautiful sound Other: 迴音 echo sound 令人心情平靜 make people calm down 感受到日本情懷 Feel Japanese feelings 119

Natural & Traditional Sound 02: Rain in forest | Different Level | Different Object Here is the sample sound track of Rain.

02.2 Heavy Rain falls in the forest Version

02.1 Normal Rain falls in the forest Version



https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i2fi5ErlrOZU zY2A23875o2DQQsuA-SD/view?usp =sharing

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J_FnxtwOv4g01ZTMTVzJ0OXiMB2KHx_/view? usp=sharingview?usp=sharing



https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=LlKyGAGHc4c


Rain falls in the forest, creating a soothing white noise to help you sleep, study or soothe a baby. The nature sound relaxes the mind while blocking out extraneous noise, so that you can enjoy a peaceful moment to yourself

The Youtuber recently spent time hunkered under mossy logs in fern-covered forests in Washington State, recording super soothing rain sounds. Everywhere I looked was breathtaking.

First 20 secound Sound wave

First 20 secound Sound wave

Analysis: According to the Interview, it is known that more people like the normal rain version(21 people) than the heavy rain version(4 people). Based on what they answer, we can know that most of the people think that the heavy rain version make them remember the memory that they forget to bring the umbrella.The lighter rhythm of the normal rain version makes them feel more comfortable and sleepy. And they do think that the sound that can make them sleepy and comfortable is equal to the sound that can make them feel well-being.

Based on the answer of the respondents, it is known that the characteristic of rain in forest is :

Pleasing Sounds rhythmic – a sound that has a clear, regular pattern lilting – a sound that has a rising and falling pattern rich – a sound that is strong in a pleasant way soft – quiet and peaceful 令人心情平靜 make

Other: people calm down


Natural & Traditional Sound 02: Rain in forest | Different Level | Different Object Here is the sample sound track of Rain.

2 s/8 type Version

2 s/3 type Version



https://drive.google.com/file/d/1s1kb6wuwmH EithjrXosdwyaYsvFwI3sF/view?usp=sharing

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y-_ Mj9a9JdwVy0XGpp53PzBmFaGsbhUE/ view?usp=sharing




https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=4fWGtQvzxQs&t=10s

First 20 secound Sound wave

First 20 secound Sound wave

Photo by Min An from Pexels Photo by Tetyana Kovyrina from Pexels

Analysis: According to the Interview, it is known that more people like the 2 s/3 type version(18 people) than the 2 s/8 typeversion(7 people). Based on what they answer, we can know that most of the people think that the 2 s/3 type version will not make them feel too speedy and the rhythm is more regular , also, the sound make them feel relax and sleepy. And they do think that the sound that can make them sleepy, comfortable and have a regular pattern is equal to the sound that can make them feel well-being.

Based on the answer of the respondents, it is known that the characteristic of Typewriter is : Pleasing Sounds rhythmic – a sound that has a clear, regular pattern staccato – a sound where each word or sound is clearly separate lilting – a sound that has a rising and falling pattern rich – a sound that is strong in a pleasant way calm – make people calm down click-clack


Literature research


Culture influence emotion | Literature research

According to the academic article“ Evidence from the Young Chinese Generation.”(2019), This paper shows an empirical results that Traditional Cultural Properties (TCPs) indicate the significant positive effects of culturally innovative design on the cultural sustainability and resilience of the young generation’s perception .Which interlinks with their purchasing behaviors.It shows that Traditional Cultural Properties (TCPs) can nourish a nation’s future development that regarding cultural identity and satisfaction. This paper shows that the "relatively innovative cultural design" that included "more abstract elements from Traditional Cultural Properties (TCPs) " are more successful in satisfying youngster’s perceptual needs, which related to positive emotion. This result shows that product that included cultural element can successfully bring positive emotion and self-identification satisfiction feel to user. While this two element are the “well-being related 5 sense element” that have been proved by survey 01


Color influence emotion | Color Psychology | Literature research

Pablo Picasso once remarked : "Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions" . It is a powerful communication tool which can be used to signal action, influence mood and physiological reactions. Some of the color also associated with increased blood pressure,increased metabolism, and eyestrain. Beyond this , this research is aim to find out the color that will bring well-being(happiness) to end user. It is difficult to find out a color that perfect match to everyone, as feelings about color are usually deeply personal and rooted by people experience or culture. For example, white usually represent purity and innocence, while it represent mourning in some country.However, even though usually the perceptions of color are somewhat subjective, some of the color still have universal meaning. Warm color like red, orange, and yellow usually evoke emotions ranging from warmth and comfort feeling, while cool tone color usually call to mind feelings of calm but also indifference.


According to Effects of Color on Emotions (Albert , M.& Patricia, V. ,1994) , Emotional reactions to color were affected by hue(H), saturation(S) , and brightness(B). According to the result, Both saturation (S) and brightness (B) evidenced consistent strong effects on emotions. The final result is standardized variables regression equations were: Pleasure = .69(B) + .22(S), Arousal = —.31(B) + .60(S), Dominance = — .76(B) + .32(S).


To chromatic and achromatic colors, brightness(B) effects were nearly the same. And the most pleasant hues are blue, blue-green, green, red-purple, purple, and purple-blue , while the least pleasant hue are yellow and green-yellow.The most arousing hue are green-yellow, blue-green, and green, while purple-blue and yellow-red were the hue that is the least arousing. Based on the finding of the studies, brighter colors are more pleasant, less arousing, less dominanceinducing(e.g., whites, light greys, or lighter colors) than less bright colors (e.g., dark greys, blacks, and darker colors). Based on (P) = pleasure, (A) = arousal, and (D) = dominance, the effect of brightness can be analysed as follows formula: Brightness = +P -A -D Darkness = -P +A +D.


In a conclusion, color that mostly influence emotion to pleasure should be brightness>=69 ,saturation <=22. And pleasure is one of the emotion that included in well-being emotion.


Taste , memory , emotion | Literature research

"Sweet, savoury and salty foods set off a rush of brain activity that deeply influences moods, emotions and memories." by professor David Cameron-Smith. Modern medicine has revealed our moods can change the way we taste. Rocky Parker , the professor at Washington, he point out that our ability to taste sweetness goes down when we’re stressed. According to the paper "Changes in Taste Perception Following Mental or Physical Stress" (1996), it shows that taste perception not only depends on the tastants chemical and physical properties, it also depend on the physiological and psychological conditions of the people who are tasting. For those who are in negative emotion , sour, bitter and salty taste will be much more stronger than usual. This shows that emotion significantly influence the way we eat. Positive emotion makes people more sensitive on Sweetness, and that is the reason why most of our positive emotion memory are related to sweetness.


Existing Product Research x Mood Board


Photo by Karol D from Pexels

Existing Product Research 01 & 02 For Existing Product Research, Part 01 is mainly focus on the product that is related to Qualia design ; Design that can lead to well-being ; and Existing Product that similar to Qualia design that can lead to well-being emotion. For Part 02, objectively , according to the research result of “Survey 01 : What is Well being?” ,“SOUND | Interview Research”and “Color | Literature research” , several specify stuff that sense by 5 sense can bring well-being to different people with different age group and background. Therefore, Part 02 is mainly focus on the existing product that the characteristic related to 5 sence. In a conclusion, these existing product show the product prospect and the possibility of the market of the qualia design on well-being. Mood-Board In order to Inspiring designers, mood board have been used in this project. Mainly included the element that appeared in survey 01.


01.1 Existing Product Study | Qualia design

QUALIA-Project QUALIA, a unique sense which constitutes the feeling and touchness. A sense that leaving user with an unforgettable memory.Through feelings, experience, and memory, human can pursue the "feel of happiness", when people can recall the memory and get a special emotion by an "tangible" objects , that process is named as Qualia. Qualia design is a kind of thing that can left people with surprise and touch.

QUALIA-Project , is a high-end product project of Sony. SONY's former president and CEO Izui pointed out that in the past enterprises many company put a lot of effort on the quality of the product .Until nowadays, product that only have great quality is not strong enough on the market already .Sony's product must create the difference advantages by sensibility or living experience by Qualia. And this is the result, the "QUALIA" premium brand by Sony has appeared on June 2003, which only accept selling by ordering method.


01.2 Existing Product Study | Design that can lead to well-being Medi-flower | Designed by Moon Sun-Hee | Country: Korea Medi-flower is a great package design sample that produced well-being to the audience. Designer Moon Sun-Hee has redeveloped the traditional medicine package, the graphic design of the flower not only reminding the user to take the pill by visual , it also ensuring user to take the correct dosage medicine at the right time by the separation of flower. Also, as the package is designed as flower, compare to the traditional medicine package using experience ,user will feel more well-being and happiness .


Existing Product Study | Existing Product that similar to Qualia design that can lead to well-being emotion. Metaphys gekka

‘Metaphys gekka’ by hers design inc.is the one of the best sample that can represent how Qualia Design brings out well-being. This Sake drinkware made by Osaka Suzuki based is designed base on the traditions sake drinking step and table manner.Traditionally, While filling the sake, the pourer should holding the sake bottle firmly by their right hand, and place the left hand near the mouth to support it.Even though this is the correctest and one of the most polite way of pouring Sake, it is not so well-known and forgotten by modern people and teenagers.If using ‘Metaphys gekka’ ,because of the material and shape design, the pourer need to use the two hand to pick up the bottle, and finally this action will bring well-being to the receiver, especially the silver-hair group.


Existing Product Study | 5Sence | Sound Custanet Scissors

Existing Product Study | 5Sence | Sound / texture Sensory-Stimulating Utensils | https://vimeo.com/69422699


Existing Product Study | 5Sence | Sound 音色鉛筆で描く世界 山崎タクマ

Existing Product Study | 5Sence | Taste “The Five Senses of the Human Body� A Special stamps and related philatelic products for children entitled "The Five Senses of the Human Body". The adhesive of the "Taste" stamp has a sweet taste on it.


Existing Product Study | 5Sence | Smell “Tissue with smell� Tissue is a example that shows how smell make us feel well being. It is not a must to add smell into tissue , but this can make people want to buy their brand than the other brand, as it can provide people positive feeling.

Existing Product Study | 5Sence | Sound /Eye Bubun ガラスの粒が織りなす、新感覚の華やぎのデザイン

A new sense of gorgeous design which made by glass grains. 粒状のガラスを平面上にデザインしたピアスは、

This is an earrings designed on a flat surface of granular glass

耳に添えると、一粒一粒が光を纏い、浮遊感を帯びた不思 議な雰囲気を醸し出します。

When the earring attached on the ear, it will create a mysterious atmosphere that full of lighting grain and floating feeling.


Design Brief Objectives and goals This project is aim to find out the formula of " Qualia design on wellbeing" and bring emotional wellbeing to user. The formula can be applied on redesign or reworking of an existing site, or a completely new design.The final product that produced in 2020 June will be a set of product or a product that applied the formula. For instance, stationery design or food design etc. Budget and schedule There are no budget limitation in this design and the exhibition date should be after 2020 June. Target audience The target audience are high end consumer that upper 15 years old from all over the world. Especially the one who are interested in emotional design, not only functional design.

Product Scope Temporarily ,the product scope would address how it works, how it is physically made and how it can be improved in future iterations Project scope Temporarily ,the project scope would address assembly lines, overall budgets, staff training, supply chains , timeframes for final delivery , personnel allocations and final selling place. Available materials From existing material that sold on market to the material that just founded from the lab. Overall style The picturing are something clean and modern.


Photo by AHMED MOUSTAFA from Pexels

Directions Final design direction for Capstone 2

Photo by AHMED MOUSTAFA from Pexels

In capstone 1 ,it is predicted there will be a final formula that can be founded and put on any product, so every on can feel well-being through qualia after using the product that designed based on the formula. Than in capstone 2, one product or a set of product will be choosed to designed base on the formula, and shows how it works.So in capstone 2 , the design proposal is to design a set or a product based on that formula, and produced well-being through the qualia design.


Reflection & Evaluation

Photo by Tuur Tisseghem from Pexels

Appraisal of project & self-evaluation Throughout the research for my topics, I found that numerous of people designed product that related to emotional wellbeing(happiness) unconsciously, but none of them have an in depth research on it and have a clear direction to bring emotional wellbeing(happiness) to end user. Using qualia design, the possibility to find out "the formula for any product to bring emotional well-being(happiness) to end user" getting higher.In this research , I have try to find out the linkage between 5 sence, memory and emotional well-being (happiness). And it is lucky that I finally find out a objective result through the 4050 people interview and questionnaire and the 25 people sound testing result. Also, even though there are not much product that clearly aim to bring emotional well-being(happiness) to end user, there are many literature research are finding the relationship between 5 sense, memory(brain) and emotional well-being (happiness).They are really useful and has show the possibility of designing the "Qualia design on wellbeing" formula. "Qualia design on well-being" is a challenging topic that I am interested in, as it is a topic eich is really difficult to definite , it is great that I can do this project before I graduated.


Main Reference : Albert , M.& Patricia, V. (1994). Effects of Color on Emotions. ,Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 1994, Vol. 123, No. 4, 394-409, Retrieved from https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/4711/624c0f72d8c85ea6813b8ec5e8abeedfb616. pdf Carstensen, L. L., Turan, B., Scheibe, S., Ram, N., Ersner-Hershfield, H., Samanez-Larkin, G. R., … Nesselroade, J. R. (2011). Emotional experience improves with age: evidence based on over 10 years of experience sampling. Psychology and aging, 26(1), 21–33. doi:10.1037/a0021285 Dennett, D. C. (1987). Quining qualia. Bielefeld. Gates, B. (2019). How we’ll invent the future. Erkin , A.& Daniel, V. (2012 Jun 7). Perception of Loudness Is Influenced by Emotion,ne. 2012; 7(6): e38660. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0038660 , Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3369848/ Martinez, J. (2014, May). Issues with Food Distribution and Agriculture: The ... Retrieved from https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/0cf 6/3b20b5931fb6e41da9995a412383142224b4.pdf. Masashi , N.& Keiko, M.& Takako, I. (1996). Changes in Taste Perception Following Mental or Physical Stress,Chemical Senses, Volume 21, Issue 2, Pages 195–200, Retrieved from https://academic.oup.com/chemse/article/21/2/195/346916 Mogi K. (2013). Cognitive factors correlating with the metacognition of the phenomenal properties of experience. Scientific reports, 3, 3354. doi:10.1038/srep03354 Qin, Z. Z. & Yao, S. & Yao, T. (2019). The Impact of Product Design with Traditional Cultural Properties (TCPs) on Consumer Behavior Through Cultural Perceptions: Evidence from the Young Chinese Generation. MDPI, Retrieved from file:///D:/3D-User/Downloads/sustainability-11-00426%20(1).pdf Sfeatcu, R. & Cernuşcǎ-Miţariu, M. & Ionescu, Camelia & Roman, Mihai & Cernuşcǎ-Miţariu, S. & Coldea, L. & Bota, G. & Burcea, C.C.. (2014). The concept of wellbeing in relation to health and quality of life. 10. 123-128. World health Organization.(2016).Global Health Observatory (GHO) data Life expectancy [Data file].Retrieved from https://www. who.int/gho/mortality_burden_disease/life_tables/situation_trends/en/

Other Reference : David, D. L. (1997). THE QUALITIES OF QUALIA. Lund University Cognitive Science, Sweden http://cogprints.org/368/3/ LUCS58.pdf Dennett, D. (1988) “Quining Qualia” in Marcel and Bisiach (eds), Consciousness in Contemporary Science, Oxford: Clarendon Press. Dennett, D. (1993) “Back from the Drawing Board” in B. Dahlbom (ed), Dennett and his Critics, Oxford: Blackwell. Flanagan, O. (1992) Consciousness Reconsidered, Cambridge MA: MIT Press. Fricker, M. (1995) “Intuition and Reason,” The Philosophical Quarterly, 45, pp. 181–189. 10 Humphrey, N. (1992) A History of the Mind, Chatto & Windus Ltd. Levine, J. (1995) “Qualia: Intrinsic, Relational or What?” in T. Metzinger (ed), Conscious Experience, Schöningh: Imprint Academic. Locke, J. (1690) An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. Edited by A. C. Fraser, New York: Dover, 1959. Metzinger, T. (1995) “The Problem of Consciousness” in T. Metzinger (ed), Conscious Experience, Schöningh: Imprint Academic. Ross, D. (1993) “Quining qualia Quine’s way,” Dialogue, 32, pp. 439–59. Seager, W. (1993) “The Elimination of Experience,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 53, pp. 345–65. van Gulick, R. (1993) “Understanding the Phenomenal Mind: Are We All just Armadillos?” in Davies and Humphreys (eds), Consciousness, Oxford: Blackwell. van Gulick, R. (1995) “What Would Count as Explaining Consciousness?” in T. Metzinger (ed), Conscious Experience, Schöningh: Imprint Academic.




Mak Ming Huen, Ruby

This is a booklet of my project/direction/ theme research result, outlining issue[s] to be researched, chosen research framework, as well as findings. This report shows an objective definition of well-being by numerous research. And how to create a particular emotional response -"wellbeing" for the end user by Qualia design. It include the research result conclusion, design Brief ,detailed research data and detailed analysis.





幸せ 幸福


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