Ruby Red August 2009 Catalog

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Welcome to the 2009 edition of the Ruby Red Wine List.

About Us

Within these pages you’ll find hundreds of wines from all corners of the globe to tantalise your taste buds.

At Ruby Red we are passionate, fanatic, crazy about and completely in love with wine.

France continues to be the nations favourite wine country, and our newly expanded French range now boasts almost 200 different wines, a fantastic new selection from Burgundy, as well as all the classics from Bordeaux, Rhone and Champagne. We have the latest vintages from all your favourite Australian producers, our second most popular country after France. Look out too for our new offerings from South America and California which offer great drinking with their pure expressions of fruit. There are some really exciting new wines from Spain that we hope you will love as much as we do. There can be little doubt that Spain delivers some of the best value wines around and its a favourite country of ours. And don’t forget New Zealand, a country that produces some fantastic wines and will always be close to our hearts...

One of our greatest joys is stepping outside the square, discovering new flavours and aromas and constantly adding new dimensions to your (and our) wine experiences. It’s this reason that drives our constant search for new, exciting and unique wines from new producers and emerging wine regions, seeking out wines that offer the highest quality and greatest value from around the world.

So many wines to choose from! To make it easy for you, check out our new wine club (page 22) which takes all the guesswork out of wine selection. As always the wines we offer represent top quality, well-made wines across all price ranges. Cheers! From all the Ruby Red Team

欢迎阅读红樽坊2009年最新酒单 欢迎阅读红樽坊2009年最新酒单。在我们的酒单中,您将 发现来自世界各地上百种葡萄美酒,绝对能调动您对葡萄 酒的热情。 法国作为受到广泛喜爱的葡萄酒国家,仍旧是我们的主 打,今年新增了将近200个品种,尤其是勃艮第地区。当 然,我们还将一如既往地提供众多波尔多、隆河谷和香槟 地区美酒。来自澳大利亚的葡萄酒最新年份已经上市,我 们很高兴能推荐给大家这些知晓度仅次于法国的葡萄酒。 喜欢果味浓郁型葡萄酒的可以查看我们南美和加州的产 品。作为西班牙葡萄酒的爱好者,我们希望更多的朋友能 同我们一样体会到其美妙之处。西班牙葡萄酒的高性价比 毋庸置疑,从口味上来说也是我们最喜爱的产地之一。当 然,产自新西兰的葡萄酒一直是我们主推的产品,努力不 断带给大家更多更好的产品。

We also offer an extensive selection of unique, old and rare wines, sourced from within our network of trusted contacts worldwide. There are some amazing discoveries to be made in this niche of the wine market and we recommend that you check them out! Wine is our passion and it is one we love to share. All our staff are highly trained and knowledgeable about wine. Our friendly and personalised service can help guide you through the amazingly diverse world of wine.

关于我们 我们是一个充满热情和激情的团队,热衷于向大家推广葡 萄酒知识。 我们的使命是遍寻世界上各种香气各种风味的葡萄酒,不 断开拓更多的葡萄酒体验。正是抱着这样的信念,我们坚 持努力为顾客在全世界各个传统产区和新兴产地搜寻令人 兴奋的口味独特的葡萄酒,不但要质量上乘,同时也要价 格亲民。 您还可以在我们这里选择众多稀有而珍贵的老年份葡萄 酒,通过我们在世界各地值得信赖的合作伙伴,能够帮您 找到各种难得一见的珍稀美酒。我们提供许多相关的葡萄 酒衍生服务,请与我们联系了解更多详情。 我们深信,葡萄酒是分享的快乐。红樽坊团队的所有员工 都具备扎实的葡萄酒知识,希望通过我们友善的服务与您 一同走进葡萄酒美妙复杂的世界。

我们提供多样的葡萄酒产品供您挑选,如果面对这诸多选 择,已经无从下手,就直接翻阅22页关于我们俱乐部的介 绍吧,会员将直接收到我们精心搭配的各种美酒。提供给 您用心酿造又物超所值的优质葡萄酒是我们一贯的宗旨, 希望带给您最好的美酒体验。 祝您愉快! 红樽坊全体人员

For regular updates and wine news visit 请访问我们的网站查看最新的消息

Contents 目录 NEW ZEALAND 新西兰


































MADEIRA, PORT and SHERRY 马德拉, 波特和雪莉








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NEW ZEALAND 新西兰 Although the Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc is renowned, New Zealand is about so much more. Martinborough and Hawkes Bay continue to win admirers, whilst there are many growers producing high quality wines from a broad range of grape varieties. 马博罗的白苏维翁闻名于世,但新西兰的名酒远远不止这个。马丁博罗和鹰湾的葡萄酒也同时赢得 了广泛的关注和喜爱,所有这些产区的多个庄园都用丰富的葡萄品种酿制出了众多优质的葡萄酒。 Terrace Heights Estate Pinot Gris 2008 2008 梯丽丝酒庄马博罗灰皮诺 750ml RMB 195

Enjoy the aromas and flavors of orchard pears, figs and quince. Creamy and rich with just enough sweetness and a touch of spice that lingers on the palate. This full-bodied wine has a rich and weighty texture. The finish is long and supple. Best paired with creamy pasta dishes, quiches or with cheese. Very Limited 打开这支灰皮诺,仿佛走进了丰收时节的果园,扑鼻而来 满满的都是香梨,无花果和温悖的香气,口感丰富,带有 稍许奶油的味道,甜美之中还带有一丝辛辣,长留口中。 酒体饱满,层次分明,细腻丰华。同奶油汁的意大利面, 乳奶蛋糕或者奶酪都可以搭配。数量非常有限

Terrace Heights Estate (THE) 梯丽丝酒庄 Situated in the famed Marlborough region, Terrace Heights Estate specialises in Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Noir. Each wine is carefully crafted to capture the essence of the vineyard and coax the flavours and aromatics from the fruit. 梯丽丝酒庄坐落于知名的马博罗地区,品种上以白苏维翁 和黑皮诺为主,每款酒都经过精心酿造,从而获得最美妙 的水果香气及风味。酒庄由一批热爱葡萄酒并且有活力的 年轻人来管理,是一个非常值得关注的酒庄。

Terrace Height Estate Sauvignon Blanc 2008 2008 梯丽丝酒庄白苏维翁

750ml RMB 175

This classic Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc has a pale straw color with a green hue. Plentiful aromas of tropical fruit and freshly chopped capsicum with zesty flavors, justpicked herbs and mineral and floral overtones. On the palate, it shows a seamless texture and classic varietal flavors that linger on a persistent finish. Fresh, vibrant and packed with mouth-watering flavors. 这支典型马尔博罗风格的白苏维翁葡萄酒呈清浅的稻草颜 色,略微泛出一丝绿色。馥郁的香气从一开始就不断氤氲 开来,香甜的热带水果,新鲜破开的甜椒,刚采摘下来的 香草,多种香气完美结合,更有花香和矿物的味道层叠而 出。口感绢细柔腻,清爽活跃,展现了多样的风味,余韵 悠长,颊齿留香。

Terrace Heights Estate Viognier 2008 2008 梯丽丝酒庄维欧妮耶 750ml RMB 195

Lots of peachy, apricot aromas and flavors. A full-bodied yet elegant wine displaying ripe stonefruit and some tropical nuances balanced by a crisp citrus finish. Rich and weighty, concentrated and unforgettable. This wine works well with full-flavoured chicken, salmon or lighter pork dishes. Very Limited 这支酒带有充沛的桃子和杏子的香气风味,酒体饱满,表 现优雅。带有多种成熟热带水果的香味,收口是有清爽 的柑橘味道。层次丰富,结构紧致,让人回味无穷。同口 味浓郁的鸡肉,三文鱼或者口味较淡的猪肉都可搭配。 数量非常有限

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Terrace Height Estate Pinot Noir 2007 2007 梯丽丝酒庄黑比诺 750ml RMB 295

Deep purple with a violet hue, this Pinot Noir has intensely rich aromas of succulent black cherry, raspberry, ripe plum integrated with spicy oak. It is a full-bodied wine with a soft, silken texture that supports the opulent dark fruit and savory oak flavors. Ideally matched with rich game and venison dishes, or a lamb casserole. 这支迷人的黑皮诺呈深邃的紫色,边缘略带紫罗兰色。浓 烈的黑樱桃,树莓,成熟李子的味道相互交织成完美的 水果香气,还伴有橡木桶的辛辣气息。酒体丰满,口感非 常轻柔顺滑,极好地带出了其成熟的果味和美妙的橡木味 道。同味重的野味,鹿肉或者炖羊肉极其相配。

Neudorf Chardonnay Moutere 2007 2007年鲁道夫蒙特雷霞多丽干白葡萄酒 750ml RMB 445

Slinky, silky wine. Poised and intelligent. A finely textured entry with toffee, lemons, butter cookies and ripe peaches rolling through the palate and on the nose. The wine has a sense of wholeness, very subtle but intense and directional. “Neudorf Moutere Chardonnay- arguably New Zealand’s best ever Chardonnay. A real Puligny-Montrachet lookalike.” —Tom Stevenson’s Wine Report 2007 这是一款充满变化,口感饱满柔顺的霞多丽白葡萄酒,酒 体平衡,结构鲜明,喝入口中,你能立刻感受到一股浓郁 的太妃糖、柠檬、奶油曲奇以及成熟桃子的迷人香气充满 你整个口腔,伴随着香甜迷人的气味,使得整款酒体现出 饱满完整的平衡感。鲁道夫蒙特雷霞多丽干白葡萄酒- 新 西兰最优秀的霞多丽白葡萄酒,和普利尼-蒙哈谢非常相 似。—汤姆史蒂文森的2007年葡萄酒报告

Neudorf Vineyards 鲁道夫酒庄 Tim Finn and his wife Judy founded their Neudorf vineyard (pronounced Noydorf) in the Moutere Hills in the late 1970s. Tim’s complex, thoughtfully constructed Chardonnays are among the most Montrachet-like in Australasia. All Neudorf’s wines share an affinity for texture, density and balance and are the result of brilliantly conceived grape growing. Neudorf is the jewel in Nelson’s vinous crown. According to Tom Stevenson’s Wine Report 2009, it is *New Zealand’s greatest wine producer*. This UK publication has listed Neudorf in the top 10 New Zealand wineries for several few years, before finally ranking it at Number One in his 2009 report. 十九世纪70年代末期,蒂姆和他的妻子朱迪在Moutere山 脉地区建立了他们自己的鲁道夫葡萄园。汤姆种植的霞多 丽具有非常出色的复杂度和丰富的结构,整个风格和勃艮 第蒙哈榭庄园非常相似。不论是从结构、紧致度、还是从 平衡度而言,所有产自鲁道夫酒园的葡萄酒都做得及其出 色,魅力无穷。因此,这是一块非常有潜质,非常适合葡 萄生长的宝地。随着近几年来酒庄蓬勃发展的态势,鲁道 夫俨然已成为了尼尔森地区一颗闪耀的明珠。在2009年葡 萄酒报告中,汤姆史蒂文森把鲁道夫酒庄称之为新西兰最 优秀的葡萄酒生产商。在前几年的报告中,鲁道夫还只是 入围了前10大优秀酒庄,而这一次跃居了第一位,荣登榜 首。

Neudorf Chardonnay Nelson 2007 2007年鲁道夫霞多丽干白葡萄酒 750ml RMB 245

The mineral in this Chardonnay weaves and entwines around sweet nectarine fruits, and tangelo skins. The shape is that of a tear drop - round and full up front passing through a lovely textured mid palate to a zingy attenuated finish. It is a wine of elegance, the “little black dress” of Chardonnay and it owes more than a passing glance to France and the finesse of the old world. One of Jancis Robinson’s Favorite Chardonnay from New Zealand. 这款霞多丽白葡萄酒散发着迷人的矿石气息,并伴有甜桃 和些许橘柚果皮的香气。从入口到回味的过程犹如泪珠 般的形状,即从前端的饱满至中端的丰腴,到最后绵长的 收口,结构活跃,收口悠长,回味无穷,给人高贵优雅的 感觉。她就如同百搭易穿,永不落俗的法式“小黑裙”一 般,是聚光灯下极富皇家气质的典范,即使和法国或其他 旧世界国家相比,这款霞多丽依然能博得众人的青睐,让 人流连忘返。Jancis Robinson最喜爱的新西兰霞多丽葡萄 酒之一 。

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Neudorf Riesling Brightwater 2008 2008年鲁道夫雷司令半干白葡萄酒 750ml RMB 195

Citrus zest and lemon curd on the nose with an undercurrent of deep minerals. This gives the wine a strong “sense of place” – the gravel-threaded soils of Brightwater carry right through to your glass. A fine linear wine with delicate lifted character. 这款雷司令带有迷人的柑橘、柠檬的香气,并伴有些许矿 石的气息。明水湖区域的砂砾土土壤成为该地独有的风土 特征,正由于这一特殊的土壤条件赋予整款酒充满着浓郁 丝滑的口感,结构精致细腻,品尝之后让人意犹未尽。

Martinborough Vineyard 马丁博罗酒庄 World renowned Martinborough Vineyard hand picks its grapes to ensure that only the best fruit makes it to the bottle. Much of the wine making process is based on Burgundian techniques resulting in some of the world’s most complex and delicate red wines. 马丁博罗在新西兰既是一个产区的名字,也是一个酒庄的 名字,可以说是个超级明星,在国际上也有着显赫的名 声,代表了新西兰黑比诺酿制的最高境界,即高质量,低 产量。酒庄所有的葡萄都是由手工精心挑选的,以确保选 用最好的果实酿造葡萄酒。大部分的葡萄酒制作过程是以 勃艮第手法为基础的,几个世纪以来通过这种手法已经生 产出了一些世界上最复杂、最精美的葡萄酒。

Martinborough Vineyard Pinot Noir 2006 2006 马丁博罗黑比诺

750ml RMB 650

Succulent and complex showing smouldering savoury and gamey characters. Layers of rich dark plum and cherry, heady spice and perfumed floral notes abound. A classic wine that shows elegance, harmony and sophistication. Enjoy 2008 through to 2025. 这是一款极其鲜美而复杂的黑比诺,风味独特。层层叠叠 Neudorf Pinot Noir Moutere 2007 750ml RMB 445 的李子和樱桃的香味,充满花香并带有一丝辛辣。其口感 浓郁,顺滑的回味之后显示出其柔和、复杂的特性,正体 2007年鲁道夫蒙特雷黑皮诺干红葡萄酒 现了马丁博罗酒庄黑皮诺的传统风味。这是一款优雅、和 Youthful, purple hue in the glass with a complex nose of 谐且复杂的经典美酒。可以长期保存,从2008年到2025年 cracked pepper, dark summer berries, black cherry and 都是适宜饮用的年份。 chocolate, combined with visceral, earthy characters, dried wild herbs and excellent but unobtrusive supporting oak.“Neudorf’s Moutere Pinot Noir has cult status. It has the depth, complexity and silkiness that makes you think of a top flight Volnay” —Wall Street Journal 这款黑皮诺非常年轻,充满活力,带有迷人的深紫色泽, 喝入口中,你能感受到诱人的胡椒、黑莓、黑樱桃和巧 克力的味道,并伴有些许泥土、野生草本和橡木桶的复杂 香气。变化多端的香气使这款黑皮诺变得更为复杂,极具 魅力。鲁道夫蒙特雷黑皮诺带着让人迷恋而崇拜的传奇色 Martinborough Vineyard 750ml RMB 360 彩。结构深邃复杂,丝滑般的口感让你觉得仿佛是在品尝 Te Tera Pinot Noir 2006 2006 马丁博罗特拉黑比诺 顶级的沃尔内葡萄酒一般。—华尔街日报 Ripe cherry, and plum fruits combine with gamey savory notes and a hint of mocha on the nose. The lingering fruity palate has generous tannins and supple oak. An elegant Pinot Noir yet approachable in style. Drinking well now but will reward further cellaring. 成熟多汁的樱桃、浆果和李子的味道混合成浓郁的口感, 还有一丝摩卡的香味。上好的单宁和柔软的橡木味补充了 果味,得到更加复杂的结构,使口感柔和并回味无穷。这 是一款优雅的黑皮诺,现在已经非常合适饮用,陈年后口 味会更佳。

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Unison 2002 2002 尤尼森

Redmetal Vineyard 铁红庄园 A boutique vineyard in the heart of Hawke’s Bay, Redmetal is owned by one of the best winemakers in New Zealand – Grant Edmond. This 17-hectare vineyard on distinctive red gravel produces wine with ripe fruit, soft tannin and easy drinkability. 铁红庄园坐落在新西兰鹰湾的中心地带,庄主是新西兰最 负盛名的酿酒师之一Grant Edmond。Grant在鹰湾从事酿 酒工作已经有20年之久。这个17公顷的庄园所出产的葡萄 酒以充足的果味,柔软的单宁而知名。

Redmetal Merlot Cabernet Franc 2004 2004 铁红庄园梅鹿/品丽珠 750ml RMB 175

Soft, fruity and very food-friendly, this 76% Merlot / 24% Franc is skilfully crafted, with ripe, plumy fruit flavours and subtle, integrated oak. A great wine to drink now. 这瓶酒由76%的梅鹿和24%品丽珠混酿而成,经过庄主艺术 化的处理,酒体柔软舒适,有成熟的李子味,并和橡木的 味道很好的综合在一起,能很好地配合食物,现在饮用正 适合。

750ml RMB 368

Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah blend. Aromas of cherry and forest berries with a touch of vanilla. Weighty, warm and multi-faceted, with deep plum, spice and dark chocolate flavours and soft lush tannins. Already delicious, it has great cellaring potential. ***** 5 star - Michael Cooper (New Zealand wine guide 2005) 2002年尤尼森红葡萄酒由梅鹿,赤霞珠和西拉子混酿,酒 色呈深红,闻上去带有丰富的樱桃,浆果和一丝香草味。 这瓶酒在橡木中存放了一年,酒体较重,温暖且变化多 样,带有李子和黑巧克力的口味,单宁柔软顺滑。该酒已 经适合饮用,陈年后更佳。2005年的新西兰葡萄酒杂志将 其评选为5星。

Te Mata Woodthorpe Sauvignon Blanc 2007 2007 德迈木村长相思 750ml RMB 185 Te Mata Woodthorpe Cabernet Merlot 2006 2006 德迈木村赤霞珠/梅洛 750ml RMB 185

Te Mata Elston Chardonnay 2004 2004 德迈埃尔斯顿霞多丽 750ml RMB 295 Te Mata Elston Chardonnay 2003 2003 德迈埃尔斯顿霞多丽 750ml RMB 295

Te Mata Coleraine Cabernet Merlot 2002 2002 德迈嘉兰瑞赤霞珠/梅洛 750ml RMB 475

Unison Vineyard 尤尼森庄园 Unison Vineyard produces consistently super-premium red wines and has already received the international recognition of belonging to the red wine elite of New Zealand. Jancis Robinson selected Unison to be the only New Zealand winery in her 28 up-and-coming producers in the world (The Concise Wine Companion). 尤尼森庄园生产的优质红葡萄酒在国际上一贯得到好评, 已经成为了新西兰红葡萄酒的翘楚。著名的葡萄酒评酒师 Jancis Robinson推荐尤尼森作为她精心挑选的28个葡萄酒 后起之秀的其中之一。

Hunter’s Sauvignon Blanc 2006 2006 亨特白苏维翁

750ml RMB 220

Hunter’s Pinot Noir 2005 2005 亨特黑比诺

750ml RMB 260

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CHAMPAGNE 香槟 While Champagne is still primarily identified with a few big houses, there are suddenly many more names to choose from, thanks to the top-quality small Champagne producers whose wines have arrived in the international marketplace. Ruby Red is a proud supporter of these exceptional smaller producers listed below. 在香槟还在被大多数人认为只属于几个大酿造商的时候,许多陌生的名字也开始出现在我们的周围 以供选择。这得感谢香槟地区众多生产商打进了国际市场。红樽坊很高兴能够成为下列小型葡萄酒 生产商的支持者。 Egly-Ouriet Brut “Les Vignes de Vrigny” 奥利欧一级名庄香槟 750ml RMB 565

This Champagne is made entirely from Pinot Meunier. It has a toasty, brioche quality to it and ample red berry fruit. Dry, delicate and drinking just right today. 这款香槟由黑葡萄品种皮诺-缪尼尔所酿。充满着烤面包、 奶油蛋卷的香气,酒色呈红宝石色。清爽、美味,现在饮 用非常适合。

Egly-Ouriet Grand Cru Brut Tradition 奥利欧列级名庄传统香槟 750ml RMB 740

Profound, with intense aromas of pears, yeast, and toast. A dense, medium to full-bodied wine that spent 37 months on its yeast. A slight note of tangy apple appears in the lengthy finish. 带着浓郁集中的生梨、新鲜苏打饼干和烤面包的香气,酒 体浓厚,饱满,该酒在木桶中已经发酵了37个月。散发出 强烈的苹果香气,收口悠长。

Egly-Ouriet Brut Rose


750ml RMB 820

Rich, full, toasty and amazingly sexy rose. This wine demands your attention and it is gorgeous enough to warrant it. 丰满、厚实、带着迷人烤面包香的玫瑰香槟酒。这款酒需 要耐心的细细品尝,才能真正品味出其中的奥秘与深度。

Egly-Ouriet Millesime 1998 1998 奥利欧香槟

750ml RMB 1298

Lively nose of citrus, flowers and baked peaches. Lots of ginger on the palate, with cinnamon, almonds and honey notes too. 充满新鲜的植物香气、花香以及烤过的桃子香。入口带着 一丝生姜味,伴有肉桂、杏仁和蜂蜜的迷人香气。

Egly-Ouriet Blanc de Noirs 奥利欧比诺葡萄香槟

750ml RMB 1155

Joseph Perrier Champagne Brut 约瑟夫-佩里耶比诺香槟

Joseph Perrier Champagne Brut 1996 1996 约瑟夫-佩里耶比诺香槟 750ml RMB 495

From the outstanding 1996 vintage, this delightful Champagne has depth, excellent bubbles, a full, searing acidity and a great length. 该酒由极为出色的1996年份葡萄所酿制,这款香槟令人倍 感愉快,汽泡丰富,果香十足,清净干爽,平衡出色,回 味极好。

Joseph Perrier Champagne Brut Rose 约瑟夫-佩里耶比诺玫瑰香槟 750ml RMB 455

Fresh strawberry and raspberries on the nose. Delicious red fruit purée and cream show on the palate, with a crisp acidity and lovely balance. 扑鼻而来是草莓和覆盆子的香气。带有红色水果和奶油的 口味,清爽干脆,酒体平衡。

René Geoffroy Brut Expression Premier Cru 勒内-吉奥弗爱普生一级名庄香槟 750ml RMB 450

The wine is excellent for all occasions. It is lively and fresh, but with enough body to complement nicely any elegant food. Very well balanced. 这款酒适合于任何场合。活泼、充满新鲜感,酒体适中, 可以搭配任何美味佳肴。

René Geoffroy, Champagne Rose de Saignee 勒内-吉奥弗玫瑰香槟 750ml RMB 665

A whole bouquet of aromas: roses, wild strawberries and raspberries combine in perfect harmony. The utterly charming palate confirms the promise of the nose. It is wonderful with seafood dishes and desserts. 拥有复杂浓郁的香气,玫瑰花、野果酱和覆盆子的香味完 美融合在一起,酒香四溢。搭配海鲜和甜点非常完美。

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750ml RMB 390

Traditional assemblage of Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier. Fresh and refreshing, with a full, round body, which comes from a minimum of 3 years ageing in bottle. 这款酒由经典传统的霞多丽、黑比诺、皮诺-缪尼尔一起混 酿而成。该酒新鲜清爽、酒体饱满圆润,至少在瓶中陈年 了3年。

René Geoffroy, Champagne 1er Cru Volupte 勒内-吉奥弗一级名庄香槟 750ml RMB 710

A light floral nose and delicate mineral notes express all the purity of this Champagne. Silky mouth, with buttery notes. Ideal as an aperitif, or an accompaniment to delicate fish dishes. 这款酒带着一丝花香和矿石气息,是一支干净清爽的香 槟,平衡非常出色。该酒适合作为开胃酒,也可搭配鱼类 饮用。

René Geoffroy, Champagne Empreinte - Brut Premier Cru 勒内-吉奥弗酩悦特级香槟 Magnum RMB 1165 Great freshness and rich flavours of strawberry and redcurrant. Lovely balance. An outstanding wine and perfect with food. 清新干爽,充满可人的草莓以及红果酱的香气,平衡出 色。是一款出色的佐餐酒,能与任何食物搭配。

Tarlant Tradition Brut 泰朗特传统香槟

750ml RMB 495

Full of ripe fruit and roasted almonds with a fresh, full, and very lively palate. Good as an aperitif, or with lighter meats. 带有成熟水果和烤杏仁的香气,口感清新、酒体丰盈,非 常容易入口。这款香槟是很好的佐餐酒,也可搭配口味清 淡的肉类食品。

Tarlant, Cuvee Louis 泰朗特白葡萄香槟

750ml RMB 775

Generous and powerful notes of dried fruits, vanilla, toast. Complex and full, with soft honey notes in the palate. A great ageing Champagne. 带有浓郁的干果、香草以及烤面包的气息。口感复杂,极 富层次感,还带着柔软的蜂蜜香味,是一款上乘的香槟。

Tarlant, Rose Brut 泰朗特比诺玫瑰香槟

750ml RMB 700

Flavours of spices, chestnut and strawberry. Generous and full of figs, prunes and red fruits. A Champagne with a wonderfully expressive and delicious character! 富含胡椒、坚果以及草莓的香气。果味丰富,有无花果、 荔枝以及红色果酱的味道。是一款变幻末测的香槟美酒!

Piper Heidsieck Cuvee Rare 白雪黑钻香槟酒

750ml RMB 880

Laurent Perrier Grand Siecle 1996 1996 洛朗·佩里艾西可香槟 750ml RMB 980 Heidsieck Diamant Bleu 1995 1995 海德西克蓝钻石香槟

750ml RMB 750

Heidsieck Monopole Diamant Bleu 1996 1996 海德西克莫诺波勒蓝钻石香槟 750ml RMB 850 Taittinger Brut Reserve 泰亭哲珍藏香槟

750ml RMB 415

Taittinger Comtes De Champagne 1997 1997 泰亭哲伯爵绝干香槟 750ml RMB 1150

Made exclusively from Chardonnay grapes from the most renowned vineyards of the Comtes des Blancs. Only wines from the first pressing are used, guaranteeing the wine’s finesse. 这款酒完全采用产自著名庄园的霞多丽葡萄酿造,且只用 第一次经过挤压的葡萄汁。从而保证了这款香槟的出色口 感。

Henriot Champagne Cuvee Des Enchanteleurs 1995 1995 昂里奥顶级香槟 750ml RMB 999 Henriot Champagne Cuvee Des Enchanteleurs 1999 1999 昂里奥顶级香槟 750ml RMB 999 Heidsieck Monopole Bleu Top Champagne Brut 蓝顶香槟 750ml RMB 380

Elegant and generous spicy aromas, while the palate is full of rich fruit, baked bread and creamy butter flavors. Ideal as an aperitif for white meat and seafood. 浅黄色的酒液带有绿色的光晕,优雅的木桶香气伴有一丝 辛辣,含有丰富的水果,烤面包和黄油的香气,酒体结构 紧致。是一支理想的开胃酒,适合与海鲜和白肉类食品搭 配。

Heidsieck Monopole Rose Champagne 玫瑰顶香槟 750ml RMB 415

Clear and bright, the nose displays wild strawberry and raspberry aromas that echo on the light, balanced and vivacious palate. The perfect accompaniment to virtually any dessert - try with a light Victoria sponge cake. 清爽明亮的色彩,带有明显的草莓和覆盆子的香气,回味 中你会感受到一种轻盈、平衡、活泼的味道。适合搭配各 种甜食,例如维多利亚海绵蛋糕。

Varnier-Fanniere Brut Grand Cru 瓦涅尔法尼尔酒庄列级名庄香槟 750ml RMB 480 Sign up to Ruby Red’s Newsletter by emailing 你可以通过电邮加入我们的红樽坊每周新闻 9

SPARKLING 汽泡酒 At last growers have stopped trying to make Champagne imitations. They have realized that it is far better to produce a good quality wine that reflects their own individual origins. Sparkling wine is all the better for it, natural fruit and uniquely defined flavours now have the chance to express themselves fully. 今天,各个不同产区的葡萄庄园不再单一地模仿香槟地区的酿制方法。他们开始 意识到酿制出能够反映自身特点的葡萄酒才是真正的好酒,这便是其他汽泡酒的 750ml RMB 95

Cava Alsina Sarda Semi Seco 750ml RMB 128 奥赛达半干起泡葡萄酒

Malvasia Dell Emilta Dry 意大利之花干型起泡葡萄酒

750ml RMB115

Yellow light, with a sweet-scented fruit, fresh and unique bouquet. After the entrance there is an endless supply of aroma and sweet, refreshing, pleasant, smooth feel of the subtle flavor of honey, may be able to melt the tongue. 这款酒呈现浅浅的麦穗色,带有独特的水果芳香,喝上一 口,你能感受到整个口腔都充满了源源不断的香甜味道, 如同蜂蜜般的清新,柔顺,足以融化你的舌头。

Malvasia Dell Emilta Sweet 意大利之花甜型起泡葡萄酒

750ml RMB115

Cava Alsina Sarda Brut 奥赛达起泡葡萄酒

Gancia Grand Reale Dessert 格兰德瑞尔起泡葡萄酒

This wine is made from Emilia Romagna, Italy. 100% Malvasia. Light yellow, with harmonious, rich bouquet and delicate, taste. A great match for seafood. 这款酒产自意大利的艾米利亚-罗马涅,由100%玛尔维萨葡 萄酿造。带有迷人的浅黄色,酒体醇厚、和谐浓郁,香气 非常独特。尝一口,你能感觉到她非常细腻的口感,芳甜 的香气,容易入口。适合搭配海鲜类等主食,当然单饮也 非常不错。

This wine is made from Emilia Romagna, Italy. 100% Malvasia. Michael yellow light, with a sweet-scented fruit, fresh and unique bouquet. After the entrance there is an endless supply of aroma and sweet, refreshing, pleasant, smooth feel of the subtle flavor of honey, may be able to melt the tongue. 这款酒产自意大利的艾米利亚-罗马涅,由100%玛尔维萨葡 萄酿造。带有迷人的浅麦黄色,芳甜的水果香味,清新、 独特,入口甘甜,清爽、香气宜人,微微伴有些许柔滑的 蜂蜜味。

Casa Defra Cuvee Oro Prosecco 迪菲拉金标汽泡酒

750ml RMB 125

This wine is fruit driven with fantastic aromas of peach and grapefruit. Soft acidity and a lively finish, perfect with light food. 清新的花香,果味丰富,具有文雅且诱人的香气,与清淡 的食物配合极佳。

L’Hereu de Raventos Blanc Cava 拉文朵赫露气泡葡萄酒 750ml RMB 195

This smooth and fruity cava is well-balanced and very refreshing showing good acidity. A value for money Spanish Sparkling wine that makes a great summer drink. 口感顺滑,果香味浓郁的气泡酒口味非常平衡,口味清 新,酸度良好。一款非常超值的西班牙气泡酒,非常适合 夏天饮用。

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750ml RMB 128

Light yellow, with harmonious, rich, very unique bouquet and delicate, sweet-fang tastes, very easy entrance. Suitable for various types of seafood match, one good drink. 酒体呈浅浅的禾杆黄色,口感和谐,丰富,散发着一股独 特的甜蜜芬芳的香气,极易入口。适合搭配各类海鲜,是 一款值得称道的美酒。

BORDEAUX 波尔多 There continues to be a great deal of enthusiasm for good quality Bordeaux; its mellow fruit, vibrant blackcurrant style and above all, elegance and structure draw customers back to Bordeaux again and again. In a region famed for its world-class cru classé wines, we have also selected well priced wines with real character that reflect the myriad of styles to be found in the region’s many appellations, from the noble wines of the Haut-Médoc to the supple joys of Saint Emilion and its satellites. 这几年全世界对于优质波尔多葡萄酒的热情依旧不减,丰富的水果以及黑醋栗的香气颠倒众生。更 重要的是,波尔多以其优雅和完整的结构让人们不住流连。这个地区有着世界著名的顶级庄园,我 们从众多优质产区中挑选了性价比极高的多款葡萄美酒,比如上-梅铎产区以及圣爱美浓产区。 Les Carolins 2006 2006 凯若琳干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 85

A classic Bordeaux wine from one of the best vintages in recent years. The wine displays balanced aromas of chocolate, blueberry and cedar. A wonderful wine and a great match for beef dishes. 一款产自优秀年份的经典波尔多红酒,该酒平衡了巧克 力,浆果和蓝莓的味道,非常适合搭配牛肉。

Chateau Moulin de Clotte 2005 2005 克劳磨坊干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 225

Chateau Moulin de Bel Air Medoc Cru Bourgeois 2006 2006 花木兰堡干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 220 Nice deep red colour. Very fruity, generous aromas of Merlot. Very well structured, well matured tannins. Elegant and appreciated for its finesse. 呈现深宝石红色,具有非常浓郁的果香和成熟美乐葡萄的 香气。良好的结构和成熟的单宁赋予她优雅细致的特点。

Chateau Les Gauries De Caplong 2006 2006 凯隆古堡干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 135

Quality blend of cabernet and merlot from some of the best Bordeaux vineyards. Made using traditional techniques with ripe tannins and fruit. Enjoy with lamb or beef dishes. 波尔多经典的混酿,选用了赤霞株和梅鹿两种葡萄,这些 优质的葡萄种植在最有潜力的葡萄园中,通过传统的酿酒 技术精心酿制而成,单宁圆润,果味浓郁。能与小羊排或 牛肉搭配。

Chateau Marcadis Lalande de Pomerol 2005 2005 金马庄园干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 280

Deep cherry red. The nose is intense, rich red fruit. Body structured, sweet tannins, fresh acidity, note of blueberry and bitter chocolate. On the palate, there is plenty of sweet fruit with soft tannin. Very pleasant softness with round finish. Just the right amount of acidity to make it a classic Claret. 深宝石红色,带有浓郁、丰富的红色水果香气,结构感强, 甘甜的单宁,清脆的酸度,拥有蓝莓和巧克力的迷人香味。 口感上带有丰富而甜美的水果味道,单宁柔和,口感顺滑, 回味悠长。酸度适中,是一款非常经典的干红葡萄酒。

Chateau Leo de Prades 2003 2003 里奥博哈古堡干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 285

Chateau Camensac 2002 2002 凯门古堡 干红

750ml RMB 400

This wine is made from the traditional Medoc wine making practice. The fermentation is carried out in stainless steel for 3 weeks and then matured in the oak barrels for 12 months (70% new barrel). All the wines are carefully selected before bottling.Best paired with beef, game and edam cheese. Best served at 17-18℃, decant the wine 1-2 hours before drinking 此款酒采取梅铎克地区传统的酿造方法,经过3周的发酵浸 泡,在桶中陈酿12个月(其中有70%的橡木桶),并在装 瓶前通过仔细的筛选。最佳配食:牛肉、野味、法国硬干 酪、伊顿干酪等各式奶酪。温度最好在17-18度。需要提前 1-2小时醒酒。

Chateau La Tour Carnet Haut-Medoc 2005 2005 拉图嘉利古堡干红 750ml RMB 545

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Chateau Chasse Spleen 2004 2004 忘忧古堡干红

Chateau Cantemerle 2003 2003 肯特米尔酒庄干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 420

Toffee, orange fruit and a touch of caramel on the nose. Structured and balanced palate, quite seamless with fully integrated tannins and roasted, spicy black fruits. Lovely definition and presence, and great typicity. Bordeaux at its most pleasant, and certainly affordable. 太妃、橘子和一丝焦糖的香味,口感平衡,有很好的 结构,和完整的单宁以及烘烤的辛辣黑色水果味结合 得天衣无缝。可爱的清澈度和颜色,非常典型。是 一款令人愉悦,而且性价比很高的波尔多列级酒。

Another sleeper of the vintage from this top-notch Moulis estate, Chasse Spleen’s dark ruby/purple-tinged 2004 offers ripe black currant and sweet cherry aromas intermixed with subtle herb, underbrush, and oaky notes. Medium-bodied with good flesh as well as an attractive meatiness, it should be consumed over the next decade. 88 points- Robert Parker 2004年的忘忧古堡是慕利斯产区这一明星酒庄又一款可以 长存的葡萄酒,颜色浓郁,边缘略带紫色,具有成熟的黑 醋栗味道和香甜的樱桃气息,混合着草本,树木以及橡木 的香气。酒体中等,入口味道丰厚,可在未来十年间饮用

Chateau Cantemerle 2004 2004 肯特米尔酒庄干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 420

Chateau Chasse Spleen Blanc 2007 2007 忘忧古堡干白 750ml RMB 320

A black/purple color is accompanied by notions of licorice and black currants, dry, austere, hard tannins, medium body, huge structure, and a certain astringency. If it fleshes out and the tannin becomes sweeter, it will merit the higher score. Anticipated maturity: 2008-2017. 迷人的深紫色泽,带有浓郁的甘草和黑醋栗芳香,酒体干 涩,单宁强烈,酒体中等,结构紧实,充分醒酒后,单宁 会变得柔和,略微带有甘甜,品质会更好。适饮期:20082017.

Chateau Cantemerle 2005 2005 肯特米尔干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 550

The deep ruby-hued 2005 displays aromas of licorice, roasted herbs, sweet cherries, and flowers. In the mouth, the wine seems almost light in comparison to its peers, but it possesses an ethereal seriousness, purity, and overall harmony that are striking for its delicacy and finesse. A blend of 61% Cabernet Sauvignon and the rest primarily Merlot with a tiny dollop of Cabernet Franc, it should be at its finest between 2012-2025+. 带有深红宝石的迷人色泽,05年的肯特米尔混合了迷人的 甘草、甜美的樱桃和诱人的花朵芳香。含一口在嘴中,起 初,你会觉得这款酒还是比较年轻的,但细细品尝,你会 被她年轻纯净却又不失稳重的气质所震惊,你能很明显地 感受到她的细腻出色的品质。61%的赤霞珠,39%的梅鹿和 少量品丽珠的混合。非常适合在2012-2025年之间饮用。

Chateau Chasse Spleen 2003 2003 忘忧古堡干红

750ml RMB 550

L’Heritage Chasse-Spleen 2006 2006 查森传承干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 265

Chateau Moulin a Vent 1981 1981 风车磨坊干红

750ml RMB 550

Chateau Moulin a Vent 1986 1986 风车磨坊干红

750ml RMB 785

Chateau Olivier Blanc 2004 2004 奥利薇古堡干白

750ml RMB 345

Chateau Olivier Rouge 2004 2004 奥利薇古堡干红

750ml RMB 455

Chateau Lafon-Rochet 2004 2004 拉芳罗彻古堡干红

750ml RMB 580

Chateau Calon-Segur 2004 2004 卡隆思嘉干红

750ml RMB 980

This chateau was listed as a Grand Cru Exceptional in 1932 in recognition of its excellent quality. It is full-bodied on the palate, with a strong personality. An eminently attractive wine. 在1932年该酒庄以其优秀的品质,获得了除顶级庄之外, 最好酒庄的赞誉。该酒酒体饱满,带有独特的个性,是一 款独具魅力的葡萄酒。

Frank Phelan Saint-Estephe 2005 750ml RMB 360 2005 弗朗克菲兰干红 Chateau Ormes De Pez 2004 2004 奥德碧丝古堡干红

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750ml RMB 495

750ml RMB 330

Chateau Talbot 2004 2004 塔宝古堡干红

750ml RMB 780

Chateau Brane-Cantenac Margaux 2004 2004 拜伦克丹干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 820

Chateau Lalande Borie 2005 2005 拉朗宝怡干红

750ml RMB 455

Chateau Desmirail 2004 2004 德斯米拉古堡干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 475

Chateau Beychevelle 2004 2004 龙船古堡干红

750ml RMB 795

Chateau Desmirail 2005 2005 德斯米拉古堡干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 550

750ml RMB POA

Amiral De Beychevelle Saint-Julien 2004 2004 龙船将军干红 750ml RMB 450 Chateau Langoa Barton 2001 2001 丽冠巴顿古堡干红

750ml RMB 820

On the nose, there is a combination of very ripe fruit plus a hint of orange marmalade. A classy claret from a lovely vintage. Soft, mellow and smooth it would be ideal with a nice bit of game. 这款酒混合了成熟水果的香气,并带有些许橘子果酱的芳 香。产自非常杰出年份的优雅葡萄酒。柔和舒适,口感顺 滑,是餐桌上野味的理想选择。

Chateau Leoville Barton 1988 1988 巴顿雄师古堡干红

750ml RMB 1550

Chateau Margaux 2004 2004 玛歌古堡 干红

Chateau Leoville Barton 1999 1999 巴顿雄师庄园干红

750ml RMB 1100

Chateau Duhart Milon 2004 2004 美隆拉菲干红

750ml RMB 950

750ml RMB 700

Chateau Duhart Milon 2005 2005 美隆拉菲干红

750ml RMB 1150

Chateau Duhart Milon 2006 2006 美隆拉菲干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 850

Chateau Durfort-Vivens 2002 2002 督芳维文 古堡干红葡萄酒

From Margaux, this is a second class grand crus. Lots of crushed currants and cassis on the nose. Full-bodied, with good tannins and a slightly austere finish. 督芳维文古堡是玛歌村的二级酒庄。该酒闻起来有浓郁的 黑醋栗和无花果香味。酒体丰满,单宁柔和,收口简洁。

Chateau Durfort-Vivens 2004 2004 督芳威文古堡干红

Chateau Grand Puy Lacoste 2005 2005 格兰佩勒歌斯特堡干红 750ml RMB 1550 750ml RMB 700

Chateau Du Tertre Margaux 2003 2003 杜翠古堡红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 780 Chateau Tayac Grand Vin Cru Bourgeois 2000 2000 塔雅卡城堡红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 550

Chateau Lynch Bages 2004 2004 百鳞翅古堡干红

750ml RMB 980

Carruades de Lafite 2006 2006 小拉菲干红

750ml RMB POA

Chateau D’issan 2004 2004 迪仙古堡干红

750ml RMB 650

Chateau Lafite Rothschild 1982 1982 拉菲古堡干红 750ml RMB POA Robert Parker 100 points. 罗伯特帕克 100分

Chateau Kirwan 1979 1979 奇安古堡干红

750ml RMB 1450

Chateau Lafite Rothschild 1994 1994 拉菲古堡干红

750ml RMB POA

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Chateau Lafite Rothschild 1996 1996 拉菲古堡干红

750ml RMB POA

Chateau Lafite Rothschild 1999 1999 拉菲古堡干红

750ml RMB POA

Chateau Lafite Rothschild 2000 2000 拉菲古堡干红 750ml RMB POA Robert Parker 100 points. 罗伯特帕克 100分

Chateau Cheval Blanc 1995 1995 白马古堡干红

750ml RMB 5900

Chateau Cheval Blanc 2002 2002 白马古堡干红

750ml RMB 4300

Chateau Ausone, St Emilion 1985 1985 奥松古堡干红 750ml RMB POA

Chateau Lafite Rothschild 2004 2004 拉菲古堡干红

750ml RMB POA

Chateau Figeac St Emilion 2004 2004 飞卓古堡干红

750ml RMB 980

Chateau Latour 1998 1998 拉图古堡干红

750ml RMB POA

Canon la Gaffeliere 2004 2004 嘉芙丽古堡干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 850

Chateau Petrus 1996 1996 柏图斯干红

750ml RMB POA

Chateau Clinet 2001 2001 嘉娜古堡干红

750ml RMB 950

Chateau Gazin Pomerol 2003 2003 佳正古堡干红

750ml RMB 950

Chateau Gazin Pomerol 2004 2004 佳正古堡干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 850

Chateau La Fleur Gazin 1999 1999 拉芙乐歌仙干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 900

Chateau Trotanoy Pomerol 2004 2004 卓龙古堡干红

750ml RMB 1780

Chateau Latour 2000 2000 拉图古堡干红 Chateau Latour 2003 2003 拉图古堡干红

750ml RMB POA

750ml RMB POA

Chateau Mouton Rothschild 1982 1982 木桐古堡 干红 750ml RMB POA Chateau Mouton Rothschild 1999 1999 木桐古堡 干红 750ml RMB POA Chateau Mouton Rothschild 2000 2000 木桐古堡干红 750ml RMB POA Chateau Mouton Rothschild 2003 2003 木桐古堡干红 750ml RMB POA Chateau Haut Brion 2002 2002 奥比安古堡干红 Chateau Haut Brion 2003 2003 奥比安古堡干红

750ml RMB POA

750ml RMB POA

Chateau La Mission Haut-Brion 2001 750ml RMB 2250 2001 拉马松古堡干红

Our Bordeaux Fine Wine List is constantly changing and expanding. Please contact us for the most up-to-date version.

Chateau Pape Clement Grand Cru Classe 1986 1986 克莱蒙教皇古堡干红 750ml RMB 1780

我们的波尔多名庄酒单是不断变化的,同时也在 不断的扩大中。请联系我们了解最新的报价。

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BURGUNDY 勃艮地 Without a doubt Burgundy is a top priority both for Ruby Red and our customers. Such is the region’s complexity and Pinot Noir’s unpredictability that real understanding is the key. With a wealth of buying experience in Burgundy over many years, you can rest assured that Ruby Red will offer you only those wines that match our challenging criteria. Prices may have edged upwards in recent years but, being guided by quality above all else, we feel confident that each and every listing here does equate to superb value. Furthermore the diversity of our range genuinely reflects the reality of the variety of terroirs and growers. 勿庸置疑,红樽坊对勃艮地的重视非同一般,一直努力把勃艮地最顶级的名庄酒推荐给我们的客 户。真正理解该产地葡萄酒的要点是这个地区的复杂性,以及黑比诺这一品种种植的不可预测性。 红樽坊有着多年选购勃艮地葡萄酒的丰富经验,我们所挑选的酒的品质,可以说是符合各个层次要 求的选择。近几年勃艮地的酒价有所上涨,但是由于葡萄酒品质能够得到保证,我们有信心以下酒 单所列出的葡萄酒,绝对是物超所值。此外,我们所有的葡萄酒品种,都能够充分反映该地区与其 种植者的真实水平。 Domaine Bizot Vosne Romanée Vieilles Vignes 2006 碧莎庄园碧莎庄园老藤干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 880

Jean-Yves Bizot 碧莎庄园 These balanced and delicate wines were made out of a very small vineyard surface (2,5 hectares) and through a very simple vinification process. The cellar was built circa 1850 and prior to that, a sophisticated drainage system was built to isolate it from the underground water. The main cellar room holds a little less than 2 dozen casks, all of them Pinot Noir: Vosne Romanée and Echezeaux. A total production of 800 cases a year, these wines are a work of art. 这些平衡优雅的美酒产自于一片面积只有2.5公顷的 葡萄酒,酿制的过程也非常简单。庄园的酒窖建立于 1850年,在那之前就先建造了完善的排水系统来隔离 地下水。酒窖可以容纳至少24个酒桶,全部用于储存 黑皮诺,分别来自Vosne Romanee和Echezeaux两个 产区。每年的产量只有800箱,全部都是心血之作。

Made from 70 year old vines and aged in new oak for 20 months. The wine reveals a perfect level of ripeness, density, concentration and structure. Sophisticated and persistent finish. A truly great expression of Pinot Noir. 产于70年以上的老藤(葡萄藤平均栽培于1927-1933),在 100%的新木桶中成年20个月,这款酒有着完美的成熟度, 浓郁又富有层次,樱桃的香气衬托着奶油的口感,优雅且回 味悠长,是黑皮诺中的极品.

Domaine Bizot Vosne Romanee Les Jachees 2006 2006 碧莎庄园莱斯-杰奇干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 1250 Domaine Bizot Echezeaux Grand Cru 2006 2006 碧莎庄园艾雪索干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 2150 Very Limited 数量非常有限

Domaine Bizot Vosne Romanee 2004 750ml RMB 800 2004 碧莎庄园干红葡萄酒 Domaine de Roally Macon-Village 2005 2005 罗伊酒庄马孔村庄白葡萄酒 750ml RMB 335

Domaine Bizot Vosne Romanee 2006 2006 碧莎庄园干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 780

The rich, intense 2005 wine explodes from the glass with sumptuous aromas of pears, apples, almonds, and minerals. This outstanding effort is broad, suave, medium-bodied, silky-textured, and jam-packed with salty, honeyed minerals. 2005年的这支酒甫一开瓶就香气袭人,浓浓的梨子,苹果 和杏仁的味道扑鼻而来,还有一些矿物质味。酒体中等, 入口柔和优雅,口感丝滑,略微带有一些果酱和蜂蜜的感 觉。

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Domain Robert Arnoux 罗伯特阿诺庄园 Since 1858, five generations of Arnoux have been making wine in the Côte de Nuits. There is already a 6th generation waiting in the wings. In-all, the domain exploits 14 hectares in 16 appellations, augmented most recently (2000) with parcels of ChambolleMusigny villages and since the 2002 vintage a small negociant operation that’s literally one or two barrels of each wine. The vineyard works without insecticides and in a very organic way, a real star in Burgundy. 从1858年开始,阿诺家族的五代人都在夜丘产区种植 葡萄,现在第六代也逐步参与进了家族的事业。庄园 在16个产区拥有总共14公顷的土地,2000年更扩大 到Chambolle-Musigny区。庄园产量极低,从2002年 开始,每种酒每年只通过酒商出售一到二桶。葡萄园 不使用任何杀虫剂,全部有机种植,是勃艮第冉冉升 起的一颗新星。

Domaine Robert Arnoux Nuits-Saint-Georges 1er Cru Les Proces 2006 2006 莱斯泊赛特干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 920

Voluptuous oaky aromas of raspberries and truffles. Sleek and elegant, very oaky but still fresh and vigorous. Delicious fruits and good length. 带有迷人的橡木,树莓和松露的香味。口感顺滑优雅,新 鲜而充满活力。果味浓郁可口,回味悠长。

Domaine Robert Arnoux Vosne Romanee Les Chaumes 2006 2006 莱斯香默干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 950

The 2006 Vosne-Romanee Les Chaumes offers flowers, talcum, black cherry in the nose, a silky palate featuring lightly-cooked cherry with sweet vanillin and floral innermouth aromas, and a juicy, sweet, gliding-off of a finish. 2006年的冯罗曼尼庄园莱斯香默干红葡萄酒带有迷人的花 草、矿石、黑樱桃的香气。如巧克力般柔顺丝滑的口感, 入口带有些许樱桃伴随着甜甜的香兰素和花朵的味道。收 口圆润柔滑,略有甜味。

Domaine Robert Arnoux Bourgogne Pinot Fin 2006 2006 罗伯特阿诺干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 380

Depth of flavour. Sweet fruit flavours on the palate with a lengthy finish. This wine is ready now but also has aging potential. 88 points-Parker 这款酒带有浓郁的花香和甜美的水果味,回味悠长。现在 即可饮用,也可以陈年待饮。—罗伯特-帕克 88分。

Domaine Robert Arnoux Nuits-Saint-Georges 2006 2006 罗伯特阿诺诺易斯干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 610

Beautifully balanced rich red fruits, a great example of what Burgundy can be. Long intense finish. 口感浓郁,带有丰富的红色水果的味道,平衡度非常好, 回味紧致悠长,是一款典型的勃艮第美酒。

Robert Arnoux Nuits Saint Georges Les Poizets 2006 2006 罗伯阿诺夜圣乔治干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 785

100% destemmed followed by a prefermentation maceration and a vinification of 15-22 days. Only natural yeasts are used, and the wines are aged for around 16 months in French oak. A brooding, tight nose matches the deeper colour. The palate is fat and shows tight and supple level of tannin. The fruit is up to the challenge, but this is a much fresher wine. Also Great length. 每一串葡萄都是手工采摘,手工去藤,短暂浸渍和自然发酵 15-22天,然后在法国木桶中成年16个月.酒色呈深红色, 酒体醇厚,单宁柔和,果味尤其突出,是一款非常清新的 美酒,收口悠长。

Very Limited 数量有限

Domaine Robert Arnoux Clos Vougeot GC 2006 2006 伏丘园干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 1850

This is one of the best wines from this famed domain. A muscular, chunky wine, the 2006 Clos de Vougeot explodes from the glass with spicy black fruits. Full-bodied and powerful, this mouthcoating effort is crammed with chocolate-covered black cherries. Its impressively prolonged finish reveals considerable tannin that is solid, yet ripe. 这款酒是这个著名酒庄最好的一款葡萄酒。06年的伏丘园干 红葡萄酒带有浓郁的黑色水果的香气,酒体饱满,强壮有 力,口感似包裹着巧克力的黑殷桃的香气,令人印象深刻。 悠长的收口展现了强壮成熟的单宁。

Bouchard Pere Fils Monthelie 2002 2002 布夏父子蒙特利干红 750ml RMB 400 Bouchard Pere Fils Gevrey-Chambertin 2005 2005 布夏父子杰瑞香贝丹干红 750ml RMB 595 William Fevre Chablis Premier Cru Vaillons 2005 2005 威廉飞日夏布利白葡萄酒 750ml RMB 410 Domaine Marquis d’Angerville Volnay Champans 2006 750ml RMB 950 2006 沃尔内香柏松干红葡萄酒 Domaine Marquis d’Angerville Volnay Fremiet 2006 2006 沃尔内弗莱美特干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 950 Domaine Marquis d’Angerville Volnay Clos Des Ducs 2006 2006 沃尔内公爵园干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 1150

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Domaine Groffier 古费庄园 Domaine Groffier also owns some fantastic vineyards and they really maximize the quality by using the Cordon Royat method of training the vines. This increasingly rare technique reduces yields and produces very concentrated grapes. 古费庄园拥有众多非常出色的葡萄园,运用传统 Cordon Royat的酿造方式,使自己葡萄酒的质量得到 了最大程度的提高。高科技,低产量,生产出了非常 浓郁的葡萄酒。 Robert Groffier Bourgogne Rouge 2004 2004 罗伯特古费勃艮地干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 380

A lovely mix of red, black and violet aromas and rich, full and nicely textured flavors combine with firm but not aggressive tannins. Delightful! 红色、黑色和紫色浆果的混合香气,酒体饱满、结构平 衡,单宁柔和,口感醇厚适中。

Domaine Groffier Gevrey Chambertin 2006 2006 古费干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 780

An elegant nose featuring red and dark pinot fruit with pungent earth notes infusing both the nose and the delicious, precise, serious and vibrant medium-bodied flavors supported by dusty and ripe tannins that coat the mouth on the nicely long finish. 轻柔优雅的红黑色水果香气,并混有少许土壤的气息。酒 体适中,非常活跃,优雅美妙,单宁强烈,回味悠长。

Robert Groffier Chambolle-Musigny 1er Cru ‘Hauts-Doix’ 2004 750ml RMB 1350 2004 罗伯特古费香波-蜜思妮一级“奥多斯”

Domaine Mikulski 米库斯基庄园 François Mikulski is regarded as a rising-star within Burgundy, particularly in respect of his Meusaults. Since he started bottling his own wine in 1991, he has made some of the finest Meursault available on the market. This wine has intense fruit definition and beautifully balanced acidity. Clever use of oak adds an extra layer of complexity. Rising popularity means rising demand. This wine will be harder and harder to get with every vintage. François Mikulski是勃艮第地区备受关注的新兴酿酒 师,尤其因为他酿造的Meusaults。自从1991年他开 始酿造自己的酒,他的Meusaults就成为了市场上的 佼佼者。这支酒有着浓烈的果味和美妙的酸度,平衡 得很好,对于木桶陈年的恰好运用更增添了酒的复杂 度。随着她的日渐风靡,市场需求量也越来越大,现 在要买到这款酒愈来愈难。 Francois Mikulski Bourgogne Aligote 2007 2007 布谷内艾格特干白葡萄酒 750ml RMB 195

From vines planted in 1929, Mikulski’s 2007 Bourgogne Aligote is brimming with ripe, pure pear nectar and grapefruit; polished and subtly creamy yet clean and refreshing on the palate; and offers chalky minerality and invigoratingly citrus rind in its finish. 从1929年就开始致力与葡萄藤的种植,2007年的梅莎特基维瑞 白葡萄酒带有成熟、纯净的梨花蜜和葡萄柚的香气,并伴有迷 人的奶油的味道,口感纯净清爽,收口带有矿石和柑橘的诱人 香味,回味悠长。

Francois Mikulski Meursault 2004 2004 梅莎特干白葡萄酒 750ml RMB 610

From one of Burgundy’s most highly regarded winemarkers, an expressive, high-toned and beautifully ripe cherry and raspberry-infused nose combines with seductively sweet, round and supple flavors. 这支酒来自勃艮地最出名的酿酒师之手。极富表现力、高 调,她充满了成熟樱桃和覆盆子的香气。入口有着诱人的 甜味,口感圆润,柔软顺滑。

On the nose, it has nutty, toasty fruit. The palate is quite rich with toasty, spicy notes and a lovely lemony freshness to the fruit. A delicious, modern-styled white Burgundy that’s drinking beautifully now and will age for many years to come. 闻起来有坚果和水果的味道。香料和新鲜水果的味道将会 充盈您的味蕾,清爽宜人。这是一支精致而现代风格的勃 艮地干白葡萄酒。现在即可饮用,陈年之后口感更佳。

Robert Groffier Chambolle-Musigny 1er Cru ‘Hauts-Doix’ 2005 750ml RMB 1680 2005 罗伯特古费香波-蜜思妮一级“奥多斯”

Henry de Vezelay Bourgogne Pinot Noir 2006 2006 亨利德维泽兰黑皮诺红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 195

Spicy, ripe, perfumed nose combines seductively with ripe crushed red and black fruit aromas. Lush and full flavors are focused and unusually powerful, particularly for the vintage. 带有一丝辛辣、成熟浆果的芳香,有着诱人的红果子和黑 浆果的水果气息。柔和饱满的入口,集中并有着与众不同 的厚实口感,很好地体现了2005年份酒的特点。

Robert Groffier Bonnes-Mares Grand Cru 2006 2006 柏内玛尔干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 2150

Domaine Capitain Gagnerot Cote De Nuits Villages 2003 2003 夜之丘村级红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 395

Domaine Capitain Gagnerot Corton Grand Cru “Les Brandes Lolieres” 2005 2005 科尔登特级红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 950

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Domaine Jean Marc Bouley 吉恩马克庄园 The Volnay AOC comes from a 3.5 hectare parcel. It is mixture of fruit from old vines and a new section planted by Bouley 15 years ago. Clive Coates characterized this wine as “quite pretty...a stylish example, very Volnay” which roughly means: a fragrant, broad textured, fruity wine with scents and flavors of violets and plums. 沃尔内法定葡萄产区总面积占3.5公顷,种植的葡萄 藤中既有老藤,也有15年前布雷地区种植的新藤。克 莱夫科茨称该庄园所产的葡萄酒“非常漂亮…非常典 型的沃尔内葡萄酒”。吉恩马克庄园的葡萄酒香气芬 芳,酒体丰厚,果味浓郁,带有紫罗兰和李子的味道。

Domaine Jean Marc Bouley Volnay 2005 2005 沃尔内干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 475

The ruby-colored Volnay reveals violet and cherry scents and a more concentrated, richer personality. It is mediumbodied, lively, and possesses appealing red and black cherry fruit. This well-made wine should be at its best over the next 3-4 years. 带有迷人红宝石色泽的沃尔内干红葡萄酒散发出紫罗 兰和樱桃的味道,香气丰富而集中。酒体中等,富有 活力,可以尝到非常诱人的红莓和黑莓果实的味道。 最佳适饮期:3-4年之后。

Domaine Jean Marc Bouley Volnay VV 2004 2004 沃尔内老藤干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 495

Domaine de la Meuliere


Brothers Nicolas and Vincent Laroche are the fifth generation to run this 21 hectare estate. All their vineyards are grown on a subsoil of the all-important Kimmeridgian limestone, they hand-harvest and vinify in stainless steel without any use of oak, making Chablis in the classic steely style yet with enough weight to be balanced. 尼古拉斯和文森特兄弟是经营这块21公顷大的葡萄园 的第五代了,庄园的葡萄都是在石灰质的土壤中生长 起来的,全部手工采摘,并在不锈钢桶内发酵,没有 采用任何的橡木桶,使所酿的酒带有传统夏布利酒的 风格,而又有足够的力度来保证酒的平衡。

Domaine de la Meuliere Chablis 2007 White 2007 夏布利白葡萄酒 750ml RMB 195

Domaine de la Meuliere Chablis 1er cru “Les Fourneaux” 2006 2006 夏布利一级白葡萄酒 750ml RMB 325 Domaine de la Meuliere Chablis 1er cru “Monts de Milieu” 2006 2006 夏布利一级白葡萄酒 750ml RMB 345

Their vineyard in the Mont de Milieu is one of the best exposed Premier Cru sites, creating richer more full bodied Chablis from mature vines up to 60 years old. The 2006 Monts de Milieu displays attractive nutty, floral aromas with green herbs, hay and background minerality. The palate has a lovely texture and mineral feel, with clean citrus flavours. There is a good edge and cut of balancing zesty acidity. A first-rate wine. 酒庄所在的Mont de Milieu是夏布利最好的一级葡萄园区之 一,而60年的老藤更使酒体更为饱满醇厚。该庄园2006年的酒 呈现出迷人的果仁味,花香和草本的味道,回味中带有矿物 质味。结构紧致平衡,干净清澈,伴有美妙的酸度。是一款 一流的夏布利美酒。

Chateau de Villars Fontaine Les Genevrieres 1996 1996 葛奈乌利斯干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 450 Chateau de Villars Fontaine Les Genevrieres 1994 750ml RMB 450 1994 葛奈乌利斯干红葡萄酒

Domaine Des Comtes Lafon Monthelie Les Duresses Premier Cru 2001 2001 拉芳蒙榭利红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 980 Comte Lafon Meursault Charms 2001 2001 康特·拉芳庄园梅索白葡萄酒 750ml RMB POA Domaine Mongeard Mugneret Echezeaux Grand Cru 2005 750ml RMB 1550 2005 蒙嘉德艾雪索干红葡萄酒 Domaine de la Romanee-Conti La Tache 2004 2004 罗曼尼康帝拉塔希红葡萄酒 750ml RMB POA

Our Burgundy Fine Wine List is constantly changing and expanding. Please contact us for the most up-to-date version. 我们的勃艮地名庄酒单是不断变化的,同时也在 不断的扩大中。请联系我们了解最新的报价。

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RHÔNE 隆河谷 When compared to Bordeaux and Burgundy, the Rhône valley continues to offer superbly good value. Not only that but also many of the wines are bristling with personality and are perhaps as distinctive in style as any wines anywhere. Whether you prefer the heady Grenache-based wines of southern Rhône or the intensely focused Syrah wines of the northern Rhône, this fabulously diverse region offers plenty of choice for the lover of the great wines. The quality of recent vintages has been nothing short of spectacular, with a run of almost unbridled success from 1998 through to 2004 and now 2005. 当我们拿波尔多和勃艮地做比较的时候,另一个产区隆河谷一直在源源不断地提供超高品质的葡萄 酒。不仅如此,隆河谷的葡萄酒还闪耀着其独特的风格个性,明显地区别于其他地区的葡萄酒。无 论你喜欢南隆河谷上等的歌海娜葡萄酒,还是北隆河谷浓郁西拉子的葡萄酒,这个多样化的地区品 种众多,能够提供给广大葡萄酒爱好者不同的选择。最近几个年份的葡萄酒,从1998到2004以及最 近的2005,一直都是成功的范例。

M. Chapoutier Belleruche Côtes-du-Rhône 2006 2006 隆河谷夏菩提尔干红 750ml RMB 130

Vieille Julienne Côtes-du-Rhône 2006 2006 隆河谷朱丽安娜干红 750ml RMB 295

This wine offers gorgeous sweet cherry fruit mixed with notions of flowers, spice and minerals, supple tannins and a heady finish. Robert Parker 90 points. 这支酒十分甜美,樱桃味中混合着浓郁的花香、还有一丝 辛辣味和矿石味。单宁饱满,可以搭配口味较重的食物。 罗伯特帕克 90分。

Jean-Luc Colombo Crozes Hermitage La Tuiliere 2004 2004 珍鲁克洛兹红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 320

Paul Jaboulet Aine Gigondas “Pierre Aiguille” 2005 2005 保罗佳布列安内吉冈达斯红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 380

Vieille Julienne Chateauneuf Du Pape 2006 2006 教皇新堡朱丽安娜干红 750ml RMB 780

From one of France’s superstar wineries, a classic Chateauneuf Du Pape with floral, sweet cassis notes intermixed with raspberry and cherry. Great structure – perfect for drinking now or cellaring. Robert Parker 93 points. 法国明星级酒庄之一,经典的教皇新堡葡萄酒,带着淡淡 的花香,黑醋栗的香气,与覆盆子及樱桃味相混合。完美 的酒体结构,适合现在饮用或者继续陈年。 罗伯特帕克 93分。

Jamet Cote Rotie 2004 2004 詹迈罗狄山坡干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 820

Jamet Cote Rotie 2005 2005 詹迈罗狄山坡干红

750ml RMB 820

Outstanding concentration, purity of fruit on the palate. Earthy tones and bacon with a subtle pepper influence that gives the wine lift and saturation. 口感紧实,顺滑柔软,果味浓郁。这款酒容易上口,带有 烤培根和些许胡椒的味道,酒体也十分饱满。

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Domaine de la Remejeanne CdR Les Chevrefeuilles 2007 750ml RMB 175 2007 瑞美永酒庄罗纳河谷区“金银花”红葡萄酒

The 2007 Cotes du Rhone Les Chevrefeuilles reveals terrific density for a Cotes du Rhone along with wonderful berry fruit intermixed with lavender, pepper, and underbrush. Round, deep, and seamlessly constructed, it is ideal for consumption over the next several years. RP:90-95 2007年瑞美永酒庄罗纳河谷区“金银花”红葡萄酒展现了 典型罗纳河谷葡萄酒的浓郁特色,带有美妙的梅子味道, 混合着薰衣草,胡椒和树木的味道。口感圆润,结构紧 致,在未来几年间享用最佳。罗伯特帕克90-95分

Domaine De la Janasse Cotes Du Rhone 2007 2007 佳纳斯酒庄罗纳河谷红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 195

The 2007 Cotes du Rhone, which is aged totally in foudres, is a wine of 50% Grenache, 20% Syrah, 10% Mourvèdre, 15% vieux Carignan, 5% Cinsault. This deep ruby/purple wine reveals loads of pepper, licorice, smoke, herbs, and strawberry, black cherry , a tinge of minerality and spices. Excellent texture, medium body, soft tannins, and low acidity make for quite a luscious style of wine to drink over the next 3-4 years. 2007年份的这支罗纳河谷美酒由50%歌海娜,20%希拉 子,10%慕合怀特,15%卡拉容和5%辛索葡萄混酿而成。颜 色浓郁,表现出香料,烟草,草本和黑樱桃的味道。结构 完美,酒体中等,单宁柔和,酸度适中,在未来3-4年间饮 用最佳。

Domaine de Fondreche Red Cotes du Ventoux Nadal 2006 750ml RMB 295 2006 冯德雷斯酒庄旺度区纳达尔红葡萄酒

The 2006 Nadal, which in this vintage is a blend of 45% old vine Grenache (vines planted in 1936), 45% old vine Syrah, and the rest Mourvedre, has a dark ruby/purple color, a big, sweet kiss of kirsch liqueur intermixed with licorice, loamy soil notes, and hints of pepper and lavender. It is full-bodied, fleshy, rich, and ideal for drinking over the next 4-5 years. RP: 91/100 2006年的这支酒选用45%种植于1936年的老藤歌海娜葡萄和 45%的老藤希拉子葡萄,还有10%的慕合怀特葡萄。颜色呈 深宝石红色,略带紫色,有甜甜的樱桃酒味道,混合着甘 草和一点薰衣草的香气。酒体饱满,在未来的4-5年间适宜 饮用。罗伯特帕克91分

Domaine de Fondreche White Cotes du Ventoux L’Alpha 2007 750ml RMB 195 2007 冯德雷斯酒庄旺度区阿尔法白葡萄酒

100% chardonnay.The vines are grown in a clay and sand based soil. Cold prefermentation maceration, fermentation in barriques.Aged for 6 months in vat with lees contact.. 100%霞多丽葡萄土壤:黏土土质不锈钢桶低温浸渍发酵, 再在桶中陈年6个月。

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ALSACE 阿尔萨斯 The discreet charms of a fresh, aromatic Alsace Riesling or the more emphatic appeal of Gewurztraminer are difficult to resist once the glass is poured. Furthermore the wines of Alsace are amongst the most prized food accompaniments. Without a doubt a fascinating area of France with many fascinating wines that deserve your close attention. 清新迷人的阿尔萨斯雷司令抑或是浓香四溢的格乌兹妮,只要倒进酒杯,就会使人们难以抵挡。而 且,阿尔萨斯的葡萄酒和多种食物都能很好地搭配。毫无疑问,法国这一盛产众多迷人白葡萄酒的 地区,是值得您仔细关注的。 Domain Saint Remy 圣雷米庄园 Since 1725, the love of the vine has been a culture passed down from one generation to the next in the Ehrhart family. Born into a family of well-known winegrowers, François Ehrhart has strived for excellence by developing his vineyard on the best slopes and has passed on his know-how and experience to his son, the current master of the vineyard. Philippe perpetuates this passion and offers fine, elegant, refined and renowned wines. 自从1725年以来,Ehrhart家族就一直致力于葡萄种 植产业,并把他们所钟爱的这个产业一代代地延续了 下去。出生在这个著名的葡萄酒酿造世家的François Ehrhart对于在最佳的斜坡上种植葡萄非常在行,并 把他所知道的知识和所有的经验全部传授给了他的儿 子,即现任庄主。Philippe把这个家族对葡萄酒的激 情很好地延续下来,酿造出了非常优雅、经典、著名 的葡萄酒。 Domaine Saint-Remy Gewurztraminer Reserve Rosenberg 2007 2007 圣雷米琼瑶浆半干白葡萄酒 750ml RMB 195

Gewurztraminer claims the largest single share of acreage chez Ehrhart, and his 2007 Gewurztraminer Rosenberg, delivers pure fruit character, suggestions of chalky terroir, and lovely aromas of rose petal, sweet pea, and smoked meats. Subtle sweetness supports this wine’s perfumed persistence. 这款2007年的圣雷米琼瑶浆葡萄酒带有典型纯正的荔枝 等水果的香气,并带有些许玫瑰、甜豌豆和烟熏烤肉的味 道,酒体平衡优雅、适度的甜使这款酒能保存持续不断的 迷人香气。

Domaine Walter et Fils Pinot Gris Cuvee Speciale 2007 2007 伯纳德华特庄园灰品乐特酿白葡萄酒 750ml RMB 185

Ginger, ripe pineapple and crystallized papaya with a touch of honey aromas. On the palate a lovely level of ripeness with ripe tropical fruit. The finish is rich and almost velvety with sweetness but not cloyingly so. 除了淡黄色成熟菠萝和水晶木瓜的香味,这支酒还带有一 丝蜂蜜的香气。口感是可爱的成熟热带水果味。回味非常 丰富,如天鹅绒般柔软,甜度适宜。

Domaine Walter et Fils Gewurztraminer Cuvee Prestige 2006 2006 伯纳德华特庄园琼瑶浆特酿白葡萄酒 750ml RMB 215

Domaine Walter et Fils 750ml RMB 245 Gewurztraminer Grand Cru Steiuer 2007 2007 伯纳德华特庄园琼瑶浆顶级白葡萄酒

Domaine Walter et Fils Riesling 2007 2007 伯纳德华特庄园雷司令白葡萄酒 750ml RMB 145

Dom Zind-Humbrecht,Gewurztraminer Goldert Grand Cru 2004 750ml RMB 980 2004 戈尔歹特级葡萄园琼瑶浆白葡萄酒 Sign up to Ruby Red’s Newsletter by emailing 你可以通过电邮加入我们的红樽坊每周新闻 21

OTHER FRENCH WINES 其他法国酒 Les pensees de Pallus Chinon 2005 2005 帕鲁斯庄园希浓红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 190 Chateau les Vignals, Cahors 1998 1998 维格纳古堡卡奥尔法定产区红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 198

Ruby Red Tutored Tastings Our tutored tastings take place in the informal setting of our Hong Qiao underground wine cellar. Our knowledgable and friendly tutors focus on teaching what you actually want to know, whilst combining this with a wealth of interesting and useful background information on the wine styles, regions and wine makers and most of all, a lot of fun! Alternatively, host your own evening, a memorable way to entertain friends or business colleagues or simply a great gift. All tastings are accompanied by a selection of carefully made tapas.

DID YOU KNOW RUBY RED DELIVERS? Now you can have your wines, gift vouchers and wine accessories easily and quickly by sending us an email to or by phoning 6234-3031.

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For orders of three or more bottles within Puxi – FREE DELIVERY! For orders of six or more bottles in Pudong – FREE DELIVERY! You decide when you want it! Ruby Red provides same day delivery within Shanghai for orders placed before 2.00pm. Alternatively we can deliver on the date and time that you specify. We deliver to areas outside of Shanghai too! Contact us for more information on delivery to your destination outside Shanghai. For all other delivery enquiries please contact us at info@ or 6234-2249 for more information. 你知道红樽坊的美酒速递服务吗? 我们在成立之初就推出了葡萄酒速递服务,现在更推出了 现金券和各种酒具的送货上门。 如果您在当日的14:00前定货,我们可以提供当日送货服 务,或者我们可以根据您的要求在您指定的时间送到您指 定的地点! 浦西范围,三瓶以上 - 免费送货! 浦东范围,六瓶以上 - 免费送货! 我们也可以运送到上海以外的地点,详情请与我们联系。 或致电6234-2249查询。

红樽坊品酒会 红樽坊的品酒会通常在公司的地下酒窖举办。我们的员 工热情好客,有着丰富的葡萄酒知识。在您品尝葡萄酒 的同时,我们会耐心教您如何正确地品尝,并且为您讲 解葡萄酒的相关知识、发展历史以及品酒技巧等等。整 个活动充满着无限的乐趣! 所有您品尝的葡萄酒都是我们精挑细选的,品种丰富、 口味各异。 同时,这也将是一个美妙的夜晚,与您的家人好友一起 分享品酒的愉悦,还有意外的惊喜! 您可以登陆我们的网站关注更多的 品酒会信息。或者进行注册,您将定期收到我们最新活 动的电子信件。如有需要,请通过 cn及时与我们联系。

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Choose from our two membership options: Sapphire: Annual membership RMB 3000 Receive 6 bottles of mixed wine to the value of RMB700 every two months, including Wine Newsletter PLUS when you join receive: a wine knife, a wine bottle thermometer, 2 wine pourers, a vacuum pump bottle sealer, one free admission to Ruby Red’s beginner wine class and 6 ISO style tasting glasses valued at RMB 250 FREE! Total annual value RMB4450

Ruby Red Wine Club Ruby Red Wine Club features six new and outstanding wines every two months -- delivered right to your door. Typical selections are from smaller, high quality boutique wineries from around the world. Members of our wine club also receive a Wine Newsletter with fascinating insights into the featured wines and grapes – where they come from, the winemakers and just what makes these wines so special.

Ruby: Annual Membership RMB 5000 Receive 6 bottles of mixed wine to the value of RMB1200 every two months, including Wine Newsletter PLUS when you join receive: a wine knife, a wine bottle thermometre, 2 wine pourers, a vacuum pump bottle sealer, free admission for two people to Ruby Red’s beginner wine class and 6 Bordeaux style wine glasses valued at RMB 400 FREE! Total annual value RMB7600. Contact us today to join!

Plus recipes, serving ideas, price discounts and more.


红樽坊葡萄酒俱乐部 每两个月推出一整套6款新颖出色的葡萄酒,按照您指定 的时间为您免费送货上门。 所有我们提供的葡萄酒都是从全世界范围内通过最专业的 评估而出,为您细心挑选的小产量、高品质的精品酒庄和 他们的佳酿 。 与此同时,我们的会员也将获得最新的葡萄酒讯息:包括 我们所推荐的葡萄酒评鉴、葡萄品种的产地特性、酿酒师 以及他的独特酿造技术等等。我们还会同时提供这些葡萄 酒的最佳饮用时间和佐餐建议。 总之,我们将以全新的服务理念和最优惠的价格为会员们 带来多重享受。

蓝宝石级:会员年费3000元 每两个月的第一个星期,我们会根据您的要求将6瓶总价 700元以上的不同风格的葡萄酒送到您指定的地点并附上全 面的酒评介绍。每一期的推荐都会有一个有趣的主题或一 个独特的系列。 一旦您加入我们,一旦您加入我们,就能获得一把精美的 酒刀,一个葡萄酒专用的温度计,两张酒薄,一个葡萄酒 专用的真空密封器。同时,您还能免费参加一次由红樽坊 的专业品酒师主讲的初级品酒课程。另赠送一套6个国际标 准品酒杯,礼物总价值为人民币250元。 所有的会员所得实际总价值高达人民币4450元。

红宝石级:会员年费5000元 每两个月的第一个星期我们每两个月的第一个星期我们会 根据您的要求将6瓶总价1200元以上的不同风格的葡萄酒送 到您指定的地点地并附上全面的酒评介绍。每一期的推荐 都会有一个有趣的主题或一个独特的系列。 一旦您加入我们,就能获得一把精美的酒刀,一个葡萄酒 专用的温度计,两张酒薄,一个葡萄酒专用的真空密封器 同时,我们会提供2个名额免费参加由红樽坊的专业品酒师 主讲的初级品酒课程。另赠送一套6个精选大波尔多酒杯, 礼物总价值为人民币400元。 所有的会员所得实际总价值高达人民币7600元。 今天就联系我们加入红樽坊吧!

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AUSTRALIA 澳大利亚 Australia has many wonderful vineyards producing great wines and we are proud to be representing several such family vineyards, for example Hollick and Penbro Estate. They do what they are good at – offering quality wines and value for money. 澳大利亚葡萄酒可以说是优质新世界葡萄酒的典型代表。在众多优秀家族式酒庄中,红樽坊精心挑 选了几个著名的酒庄,比如郝立克、潘保罗庄园等,希望能够为您带来优质超值的美酒享受。 Hollick Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon 2005 2005 郝力克西拉子/赤霞珠 750ml RMB 180

Hollick Vineyard 郝力克庄园 A small family-run wine producer, Hollick strives to produce wines of distinction that are a true expression of the famous Coonawarra and its terroir. Hollick have won numerous awards including the Rudi Kumon, Arthur Kelman, Robert Bryce and Jimmy Watson trophies. 作为一个家庭化的小型葡萄酒庄园,郝力克一直在努力酿 制风格与众不同,同时又能代表其著名的产区库娜瓦拉 优秀土壤的葡萄酒。在创立开始,庄园就获得了很大的成 功,现在郝力克更是成为了在澳大利亚同等庄园里中的佼 佼者,多次在各类专业比赛中获得大奖。

The 2005 vintage is a blend of 65% Shiraz and 35% Cabernet Sauvignon. The wine was matured in a mix of new and seasoned French and American oak hogsheads for 18 months. Fruit aromas of dark plums and black cherries are enhanced by hints of mint, allspice and cloves. Medium bodied, this wine shows how well these two varieties complement each other. The harmonious balance of this wine enables it to be consumed now, although cellaring for 4-7 years will be rewarded. 2005年份的这支酒由65%的西拉子和35%的赤霞珠酿制而 成,在法国和美国的橡木桶中陈年了18个月。李子,黑樱 桃等水果气息中依稀透出薄荷和丁香等香料的味道。酒体 中等,两种葡萄完美平衡,各自的特点相互映衬,展现无 疑。现在即可饮用,陈放4-7年会更加增添其风味。

Hollick Wrattonbully Shiraz 2005 2005 郝力克西拉子红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 195

Dense ruby red, bordering on black, with purple hues at the rim. The wine delivers intense flavour, a rich texture and impressive persistence. It saturates the palate with spice and dark plummy fruit, yet retains an elegance and freshness on the palate. The supple structure of this wine enables it to be consumed now, although 5 to 10 years in a good cellar will be amply rewarded. Paired well with a spicy venison cassoulet. 这支酒呈深宝石红色,边缘略带紫色。香气浓郁,酒体丰 厚,具有惊人的持久力。西拉子典型的辣味和李子的水果 味道满溢唇间,清新而优雅的口感长留齿间。酒体饱满, 现在即可饮用,在适宜的条件下陈放5-10年风味会更佳。

Hollick Reserve Chardonnay 2005 2005 郝立克珍藏霞多丽白葡萄酒 750ml RMB 225

Aged in the best French oak barrels the wine has developed a rich creamy texture, laced with Chardonnay fruit aromas of honeydew, figs, nectarine and butterscotch with a long creamy finish. 每年都选用最上乘的葡萄酿制这支酒,每一个细节都加以 精心的照顾。在最佳的法国橡木桶中陈年使得她拥有奶油 的风味。酿成后的霞多丽果味优雅,香味中带有蜜汁,油 桃和奶油糖的口味,略带一丝辛辣,收口悠长。该酒纯净 而复杂,可以说代表了澳大利亚所能生产的最高水平。产 量很小。

Hollick Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon 2004 2004 郝力克苏维翁红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 255

A classic Coonawarra Cabernet with intense cassis fruit flavours, a long finish on the palate and soft tannins. Matured in French and American oak, there is an effortless blend with the pure Coonawarra fruit characters. Can cellar for at least 10 years. 这款酒精选著名的库娜瓦拉的老藤葡萄酿制,可以说带有 该地区典型的浓郁果香,单宁柔软,收口绵长。该酒在法 国和美国橡木桶中陈年,从而具有了完整的结构,同时也 保存了她纯正的库娜瓦拉果味。可轻易地陈年10年以上。

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Hollick Ravenswood Cabernet Sauvignon 2002 2002年郝力克喜鹊树珍藏赤霞珠 750ml RMB 550

Dense crimson with purple hues at the rim. The 2002 Ravenswood is a wine of genuine class and structure showing great depth and length of berry fruit flavor integrated with fine grained tannins. The established track record of this wine suggests that cellaring for 7-15 years is beneficial, although its soft tannins ensure that the wine is very approachable in its youth. 2002年的这支喜鹊树赤霞珠呈深红色,边缘略带紫色。 风格经典,结构完整,完美地体现了其力度与深度。浆果 的味道在圆润的单宁的作用下更显风味。建议在7-15年后 再饮用这支酒,这样经过柔化的单宁才能更好地展现其魅 力,她的整体味道也才能最好地打开,让人充分感受到其 古典醇厚的劲道。 Limited 数量有限

Red Ridge Red Coonawarra 2004 2004 红岭红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 128

Cabernet Sauvignon 64%, Shiraz 20%, Merlot 16%. Crimson red, intense berry Cabernet aromas with some prune and spicy Shiraz overtones. The wines display intense fruit flavours from the varieties in the blend, with a soft tannin structure making the wines appealing for immediate consumption. 由64%赤霞珠、20%西拉子和16%梅鹿混合而成。酒液呈深红 色,带有浓郁典型的赤霞珠香气,并伴有西拉子的芬芳。 喝上一口,你会感受到迷人的浆果芳香,酒体适中而平 衡,单宁柔和,诱人的香气让人欲罢不能。

Penbro Estate 潘保罗酒庄 Operating since 1997, the Bertalli family has established 40ha of premium cool-climate vineyards on the rolling hills of Victoria. The wines are made in a traditional style reflecting the distinctive terroir of the area. 自1997年开始, Bertalli 家族已经建立了40公顷优质的冷产 区葡萄庄园,潘保罗庄园位于纬度较高的维多利亚. 所产葡 萄酒由传统的酿造风格酿造而成,反映了其典型的风格。我 们非常欣喜能在中国介绍这个家族的葡萄酒。

Penbro Estate Unwooded Chardonnay 2005 2005 潘保罗酒庄无木霞多丽白葡萄酒 750ml RMB 165

Inviting aromas of ripe nectarine, with tones of melon and tropical fruit. The palate is elegant in style with persistent fruit flavours and a fine acidity. Fabulous food wine. 口味优雅,稍许带些瓜果和热带水果的味道。丰厚的口感 中带有奶油和黄油的香气,现在饮用非常合适,也能再存 放一两年。是一款很好的佐餐葡萄酒。

Penbro Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2004 2004 潘保罗酒庄赤霞珠红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 205

Blueberry and berry fruit aromas with underlying spicy oak. The palate is rich and vibrant with persistent dark berry fruits, well-integrated tannin and supporting French oak. 带有蓝莓和浆果的香气,隐隐伴有橡木的辛辣味道。口感 丰厚而活跃,具有典型的黑浆果的气息,结构平整,单宁 柔和,还带有明显的法国橡木桶味。

Red Ridge White Coonawarra 2006 2006 红岭白葡萄酒 750ml RMB 128

Chardonnay 65%, Semillon 35%. Fresh and lifted aromas of white peach, rock melon and mango with a touch of lemon. An elegant wine with a gentle texture and a clean crisp finish. 由65%的霞多丽和35%赛美容混合而成。带有新鲜清新的水 蜜桃、甜瓜、芒果的芳香,柠檬的味道若隐若现。这是 一款优雅而高贵的葡萄酒,酸度适中,口感清爽,回味无 穷。

Penbro Estate Pinot Noir 2003 2003 潘保罗酒庄黑比诺红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 215

Black cherry and stewed plum aromas, with subtle hints of fine French oak and lavender. On the palate the black cherry combines with a heady mix of apricot, dark chocolate and spicy oak. The tannins are smooth and well balanced. 这款酒闻上去有明显的黑樱桃和李子的香味,带有紧实的 法国橡木桶味和薰衣草香气。黑樱桃的风味也充分体现在 口感上,并混有杏子,黑巧克力的味道以及些许辛辣。单 宁柔而平衡。

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The Wishing Tree Unoaked Chardonnay 2008 2008 许愿树霞多丽白葡萄酒 750ml RMB128

This delicious unoaked Chardonnay is wonderfully fragrant and immensely refreshing. Peach, apricot, apple blossom, stonefruit and a beautiful citrus tang are supported by mineral notes and subtle dry spices. Lively, vibrant and makes for a delicious drink that you can match with just about anything. Don’t hold back. Parker gave it 89 points. 没有经过橡木桶陈酿。有桃子,杏,苹果花,以及浓郁的 柑橘类迷人香气,另外还有丰富的矿石味和一点点干香料 的味道与其相协调。可以和任何食物搭配饮用。她得到了 罗伯特帕克89分。

Tir na N’og “Old Vines” Grenache 2006 2006 青乐士歌海娜红葡萄酒 750ml RMB398

Very limited production from 90m year old vines. Beautiful fruit and spice notes waft from the glass, while the palate is lush and intense yet exhibits great balance and extraordinary mouth feel. This is a sexy wine that is sure to provide drinking pleasure for years to come. 94 points RP 这款酒产自90年的老藤,产量极低。水果味与香料味很好 地融合,在杯中飘荡。酒体丰厚,浓烈,表现出非凡的口 感。这是一款迷人的酒,陈酿数年会更好.它得到了罗伯 特帕克94分的好评。

Hill of Content Shiraz 2004 2004 康丁山西拉子红葡萄酒 The Wishing Tree Shiraz 2006 2006 许愿树西拉子红葡萄酒

750ml RMB128

The fruit has been sourced from Australia’s most renowned growing regions, blending perfectly to deliver this classic Shiraz, with delicious red and black fruit characters, and enticing spice and pepper nuances. 89 points from Wine Spectator. 这款酒有着典型的西拉子的特征。葡萄来自著名的产区西澳,酿造出一款拥有红黑色水果特征,迷人的香料及 青 椒 味 道 的 美 酒 。 葡 萄 酒 鉴 赏 家 杂 志 给 她 评 了 89分 。

750ml RMB 196

Penfolds Rawson’s Retreat Merlot 2006 2006 奔富洛神山庄珍藏梅鹿干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 115 Penfolds Rawson’s Retreat Chardonnay 2005 2005 奔富罗森珍藏霞多丽白葡萄酒 750ml RMB 115 Penfolds Koonunga Hill Shiraz 2005 2005 奔富寇兰山西拉子红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 170 Penfolds BIN 8 Cabernet Shiraz 2004 2004 奔富8干红葡萄酒 50ml RMB 195

The Wishing Tree Merlot Cabernet 2004 2004 许愿树梅鹿赤霞珠红葡萄酒 750ml RMB128

The rich red fruit characters of juicy Merlot and the seductive darker notes of the Cabernet Sauvignon make this an instant hit, with or without food. 这是一款混酿的酒,由红色水果香气充沛的梅洛和缥缈诱 人的赤霞珠两种品种组成。可以即饮,也可配餐饮用。

Penfolds BIN 128 Coonawarra Shiraz 2003 2003 奔富128干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 295 Penfolds BIN 28 Kalimna Shiraz 2003 2003 奔富28干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 295 Penfolds BIN 407 Cabernet Sauvignon 2003 2003 奔富407赤霞珠干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 380 Penfolds Kalimna Bin 28 1997 1997 奔富28卡琳娜西拉子红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 400 Penfolds The Grange 1995 奔富葛兰许

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750ml RMB POA

Chateau Tanunda The Chateau Riesling 2001 2001 塔奴丹庄园雷司令 750ml RMB 320

Produced from 80 years old vines. Luscious citrus, melon and passion fruit characters with a background of honey. The palate is light yet full and long in the mouth with great depth of fruit and a crisp clear finish. 这款葡萄酒选用的葡萄由塔奴丹庄园80年的老藤培育而 出,这些老藤生长在陡峭的斜坡上,全部用手工剪树枝, 采摘葡萄。这支酒的口感很淡,酒体丰富,回味悠长。水 果的味道淳厚,很适合与东方食物搭配。她具有高贵典雅 的柠檬,橙子及瓜果香气,与清新的酸味相结合,使该酒 的口感爽朗愉悦。

Chateau Tanunda The Chateau Shiraz 2005 2005 塔奴丹庄园西拉子 750ml RMB 355

Aged in oak for 20 months, this elegant Shiraz has great depth of flavour, and is rich and long lingering on the palate with a focus on aniseed and chocolatey oak. Rich, ripe fruit and long soft tannins. 这款酒在橡木桶里陈年约20个月,优雅的西拉子赋予她 绵长的香气和丰富的层次感,色泽深红。在浆果的香气之 上,这支酒还散发着浓郁的泥土、皮革和雪松的味道。口 感圆润、醇厚,又不乏丝绸般的柔和。

Ch Tanunda Terriors of the Barossa Lyndoch Shiraz 2005 2005 塔奴丹琳杜克西拉子 750ml RMB 480

This is the definitive “Barossa Shiraz” big, strong and bold – with classic Shiraz characters such as leather, earth, pepper and wild blackberry. The flavours are strong and full with firm tannins and a long and lingering finish. We recommend cellaring for 10 years. 400 cases only. 这款酒被称为”巴罗萨西拉子”,意为强壮而大胆,具备 经典西拉子的特性。因为土壤黏性较低,常年暴露在阳光 下。使得这支酒带有独特的皮革、泥土、胡椒及野生黑莓 的香气。酒体醇厚、饱满,且回味悠长。 我们推荐这款酒 可以窖藏长达10年。每年仅出产400箱。

Kangaroo Hills Semillon Chardonnay 2007 2007 袋鼠山干白 750ml RMB 78

Fresh citrus, peach and melon notes combine with a hint of honey to develop a rich and fruity wine. Drink chilled. 甜美的柑橘、 桃子,瓜果香与一丝淡淡的蜂蜜味相结合, 形成了这款葡萄酒丰盈而果味充沛的香气特征。冰镇饮用

Kangaroo Hills Shiraz Cabernet 2007 2007 袋鼠山干红 750ml RMB 78

Combines the berry fruit and spicy flavours of Shiraz with the typical black current and mint notes of the Cabernet Sauvignon. Intense rich flavours with subtle oak notes. Soft, smooth and lingering full-bodied wine with deep red colour. 酒体呈深红色。结合了西拉子浓郁的浆果、香料味和赤霞 珠独特的黑醋栗、薄荷味。香味馥郁, 强烈,略带一丝淡 淡的橡木香。口感柔和、醇厚,且余味悠长。

Kangaroo Hills Traminer 2007 2007袋鼠山琼瑶浆 Ch Tanunda The Chateau Merlot 2005 2005 塔奴丹庄园梅鹿 750ml RMB 480

A limited release wine from the exceptional 2005 vintage. The bouquet has a touch of coffee bean, mulberry and sweet plum with lifted rich berry aromas. The palate combines rich fruit flavours with smooth tannins from the French Oak used. 2005年份对于塔奴丹庄园来说尤其令人兴奋,酿造出了这 一款数量有限的葡萄美酒。葡萄园原本建立在20世纪70 年代的砂石黏土之上,酿制出水果般的淳厚香味和深红色 泽的葡萄酒。她们在法国橡木桶中陈年,带有淡淡的咖啡 豆,桑树和甜梅等浆果香气。口感丰盈,果香充沛,单宁 柔顺。

750ml RMB 78

Harvested at early grape ripeness and cool maturation in steel tanks to retain fruit freshness. Pale yellow, with lifted aromas of lemon grass and nettle. Fresh and lively with citrus fruit characters. 在葡萄刚成熟的时候就采摘下来,随后放在不锈钢的桶中 低温成酿,以确保水果的新鲜度。酒体呈淡黄色,带有浓 郁的柑橘等水果的香气,并伴有柠檬草和荨麻的气味。

Kangaroo Hills Reserve Merlot 2007 2007 袋鼠山珍藏梅鹿 750ml RMB 95

Sweet blackberry, plum, ripe raspberry and cherry flavours. A medium bodied red wine with soft tannins combined with vanilla oak notes and delicious long lingering flavours on the palate. 甘甜的黑莓,李子,成熟的覆盆子以及樱桃的香味。酒体 适中,单宁柔和,富含了橡木香气,收口绵长。

Kangaroo Hills Reserve Shiraz 2006 2006 袋鼠山珍藏西拉子 750ml RMB 95 Grand Barossa Shiraz 1996 1996 顶级巴萨莎西拉子

750ml RMB 980

An herbal note that compliments the spicy, fruity sweetness of the Shiraz grape. Complimented by vanilla oak, which melds smoothly with the firm yet supple tannins. Full bodied. 这支酒充分展现了西拉子葡萄那令人神往的胡椒和香料 味,清爽而柔和的单宁中和了橡木的香草味。酒体丰满。

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Fossil Rock 富仕莱酒庄 Great wines take time. It took 26 million years to create the uniquely rich and fertile soils at our vineyards in South Australia. We believe it was worth the wait. Our commitment to quality winemaking combined with our ancient soils and distinctive climate allows us to create wines that embody the true spirit of this land. Fossil rock wines are classic, refined wines of true timeless quality. 好的酒需要花费很长的时间。经过了2千6百万年 的演变才有了我们现在这块位于澳洲南部的独 特肥沃的土地。我们相信这是值得去等待的。我 们对品质的不懈追求,完善的酿酒工艺、古老肥 沃的土壤和当地特有的天气使我们能够酿造出非 常出色体现当地特有风格的酒。可以说,Fossil Rock是一款经典优雅、品质超群的优质葡萄酒。 Fossil Rock Chardonnay 2007 2007富仕莱霞多丽干白葡萄酒 750ml RMB 95

Grown in the cool regions of Coonawarra, this is a series Chardonnay. The aim is to produce a wine with upfront fruit intensity and fresh acidity. The 2007 vintage delivers all of the above and more, with floral like bouquet and tropical fruit driven palate. This will please any chardonnay lovers. 用产自凉爽的Coonawarra地区的霞多丽酿造而成,酒庄一 直立志于酿造带有果味浓郁、酸度清爽的葡萄酒。而这款 2007年的霞多丽非常好的满足了他们对白葡萄酒的全部要 求。带有非常迷人的花朵和水果的香气,绝对可以满足任 何一个霞多丽葡萄酒的爱好者。

Star Lane Vineyard Beechworth Merlot 2004 2004 星途梅鹿干红 750ml RMB 380

Some cool-climate spicy characteristics on the nose and palate. Well balanced with a smooth finish. Robert Parker 93 points. 这款酒无论从香气还是口感上都呈现出清凉地区的典型辛 辣风格。酒体平稳,回味顺滑。罗伯特帕克称其是这一年 他所尝过的澳大利亚梅鹿中数一数二的酒。93分

Star Lane Vineyard Beechworth Shiraz 2004 2004 星途西拉子干红 750ml RMB 425

An earthy, savoury wine with aromas of blackberry, wood spice and violets. On the palate there is much to admire. A creamy, textured wine with blackcurrant, orange peel spice and butter chocolate bringing a more-ishness to the wine. This wine will be best enjoyed if decentered an hour before drinking. 这款酒呈深紫红色。开瓶立刻有黑莓,木材,香料和紫罗 兰的芳香。总体而言,给人强烈的大自然的印象,口味非 常让人喜欢。同时又具有奶油,黑醋栗,桔皮和奶油巧克 力的味道。建议在饮用前醒酒一小时。

Stefani Estate Yarra Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2003 2003 圣梵帝赤霞珠干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 285 Stefani Estate Heathcote Vineyard Shiraz 2003 2003 圣梵帝西拉子干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 435 Geoff Merrill Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2001 2001 杰夫美林珍藏赤霞珠红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 420 Geoff Merrill Reserve Shiraz 2001 2001 杰夫美林珍藏西拉子红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 420 Taylors St Andrews Shiraz Clare Valley 2001 2001 泰来斯酒王西拉子干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 440

Fossil Rock Merlot Shiraz 2006 2006富仕莱梅鹿西拉子干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 95

A blend of 85% Merlot and 15%Shiraz, this is distinctively south Australian. The aroma is expressive with almost chocolate and mocha, clever use of oak to balance the beautiful concentration of fruit. The palate is lush, but there is still fresh acidity to make sure the wines will have a zesty and energetic finish. 由85%的梅鹿和15%的西拉混酿的Fossil Rock是一款非常经 典的南澳葡萄酒。带有迷人的巧克力和摩卡的香气,在酿 造中聪明的使用木桶,以此来非常巧妙地平衡了水果的浓 度。口感丰富,但仍然带有新鲜可口的酸度,使得这款酒 的收口非常的激烈强壮。

Aramis Syrah 2002 2002 阿拉米斯西拉子

750ml RMB 498

Henschke Mount Edelstone Shiraz 2004 2004 翰斯科宝石山庄园西拉子 750ml RMB 880 Henschke Mt Edelstone Shiraz 1998 1998 翰斯科宝石山庄园西拉子 750ml RMB 890 Rosemount Estate Balmoral Syrah 1997 1997 萝丝蔓巴尔摩若施西拉子 750ml RMB 610 Wynns John Riddoch Cabernet Sauvignon 1997 1997 温斯约翰里多克赤霞珠 750ml RMB 950 Wynns John Riddoch Cabernet Sauvignon 1988 1988 温斯约翰里多克赤霞珠 750ml RMB 1280

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SPAIN 西班牙 Spain is fast becoming one of the most exciting sources of innovative wines with real character. Over the last 10-15 years a revolution has occurred - a new focus has developed on working the vineyards with care and attention and inspired new winemaking. The most highly-motivated growers and producers are now offering some thrilling flavours – flavours that are not found elsewhere. Today, you can enjoy fabulously refreshing white wines such as Verdejo that are a perfect match to any seafood dish. We also highly recommend the substantial hearty red wines form emerging regions such as Jumilla and Ribera del Duero. Discover some of the true variety that is the new Spain by exploring our list below. 西班牙创新的酿制技术,使其在过去的10到15年中倍受关注,引起了一场酿酒革命,庄园主细心照 料葡萄园并且尝试各种不同的酿制方法,只为进一步提高葡萄酒的品质。在这股动力的引导下,西 班牙各个庄园的葡萄酒都令人惊叹不已。如今,您可以享受到绝佳的白葡萄酒,干爽清新,比如韦 尔德贺,可以与海鲜完美搭配。同时,我们也强烈推荐来自Jumilla和Ribera del Duero等地区的优质 红葡萄酒。以下的酒单会带您去发现来自新西班牙的上乘葡萄酒。 Casa de la Ermita Blanco 2007 2007 欧美塔干白葡萄酒

Casa de la Ermita 欧美塔 One of the up and coming stars of Jumilla, Casa de la Ermita is making some of the most exciting wines in Spain. “... it is an amazing offering for the price...” Robert M. Parker Jr. gave Casa de la Ermita Crianza 2000 90 points on the June 2001 issue of Wine Advocate. 这是西班牙吉米拉地区冉冉升起的一颗新星,欧美塔出产 的佳酿可以说是西班牙最令人兴奋的葡萄酒之一。罗伯特 帕克在2001年6月出版的葡萄酒杂志(Wine Advocate) 上 给欧美塔2000年的干红葡萄酒评分90, 并这样评价“…对 于这个价位,这瓶酒可以说是个奇迹。”

Casa de la Ermita Crianza 2005 2005 欧美塔干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 165

Tempranillo, Monastrell, Cabernet Sauvignon, Petit Verdot. A great intensity of aromas – blackberries, prunes, thyme, rosemary, minerals, toasted notes, fine cedar wood, spices and cocoa blend seamlessly in this wonderful expression of fruit. The palate is juicy and well structured, with a good presence of dried black fruits. Firm and well integrated tannin. Delicious! 由坦帕尼奥,慕尔韦度,赤霞珠,小维多混酿而成。这支 酒呈深石榴红色,带有成熟的黑莓等黑色水果的香气, 混合了多种香草的味道,诸如百里香和迷迭香;还带有迷 人的矿石、烤面包、杉木、香料以及可可的芬芳。口感丰 富,果味浓郁,结构紧实,单宁圆润而甜美。

750ml RMB 135

Grape varieties: 100%Viognier Brilliant and clean golden colour with a hint of light green. Aromas of Mediterranean fruits (such as apricot and peach) meld with tropical fruits (pineapple, and mango) and hints of jasmine and orange blossom. The palate is smooth and fruity with a fine, long finish. 由100%维欧尼酿造而成。酒液为清澈明亮的金黄色,并泛 有些许浅绿。这款酒带有典型的地中海水果香气,凑近一 闻,你会明显感觉到桃子和杏子的香气,还混合着菠萝和 甜瓜的香甜,深吸一口气,你还能感受到茉莉花和些许橙 色小花的味道。口感顺滑,果味丰富,回味悠长。

Santa Ana Merlot 2007 2007 圣阿娜梅鹿干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 98 Grape varieties: 100%Merlot Wonderful red garnet colour with cherry tones. Aromas of fruit, figs, syrup and a touch of vanilla. Good body and structure, well balanced and soft on the palate. Best served with barbecued meats, lasagne and lamb chops. 由100%梅鹿酿造而成。这款梅鹿葡萄酒呈现出介于石榴红 和樱桃红之间的饱满红色,带有浓郁的水果香,无花果、 糖浆和些许香草的迷人香味不断萦绕口中。酒体饱满平 衡,口感柔软顺滑,结构紧实。特别适合搭配烤肉,羊排 和意大利肉酱面。

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Pico Madama 2005 2005 玛达玛山峰干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB325

Masia Esplanes 1998 1998 玛莎伊丝贝恩干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 295

50% Monastrell – 50% Petit Verdot. The Petit Verdot is aged in French oak and the Monastrell in American oak for 13 months before being blended to create this wonderfully complex wine. Aromas of dried flowers, paprika and minerals are followed by a firm and complex palate with soft rounded tannins. Full-bodied with a fine, lengthy finish. 93 Points Robert M. Parker, “The Wine Advocate” 2007. 由50%慕尔韦度和50%小维多混酿而成。用于酿造这款酒的 慕尔韦度葡萄和小维多葡萄在进行最终混酿之前分别先在 法国橡木桶和美国橡木桶中陈年了13个月,以保证其复杂 度和醇厚感。带有干花,红椒和矿物的香气, 口感复杂扎 实,单宁柔和圆润,回味悠远深邃。 罗伯特帕克 93分

Notions of earth, old saddle leather, cherry fruit, herbs, and pepper emerge from this rustic 1998 Spanish wine. Portlike prune characteristics also make an appearance as the wine sits in the glass. It has a compact, yet complex aroma with clear signs of berries and spices. On the palate, this wine has a firm structure, with a long-lasting finish and an aftertaste of spices and fresh-ground cocoa. D.O. Montsant 这支1998年份的葡萄酒充满了泥土、皮具、樱桃、草本和 胡椒等多种味道,尝起来就好像是西班牙所产的隆河谷风 格美酒。颜色浓郁,如同波特酒一般;香气复杂饱满,莓 果和香料的味道层层弥漫开来;结构紧致,口感顺滑;余 韵悠长,后味还带有新鲜的香料和可可味道。来自蒙特桑 特产区。

Mas de Masos 1994 1994 玛斯德玛索斯干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 450

Mas de Masos is a high quality wine produced in the 60 year-old, low producing vineyard of the same name. Aromas of ripe berries, mountain herbs and minerals. At first taste, the wine is lively and viscous with round, fine tannins that finish in perfect balance. With each passing minute, however, the wine continues to evolve in the glass, producing notes of concentrated dark fruits, dark chocolate and soft minerals. This is a wine for real wine lovers. D.O. Priorat. 这支玛斯德玛索斯干红葡萄酒产自树龄60年的老藤,采用 低产量的做法保证其高品质。颜色呈深邃的樱桃红,伴有 柔美的成熟莓果味道,还有草本和矿物的味道若隐若现。 甫入口中,就能感觉到其活跃跳动的口感和圆润周正的单 宁,收口相当平衡。味道还会随着时间变化,每一分钟都 不断带来新的感受,浓郁集中的黑色水果味道,混合着黑 巧克力和淡淡的矿物味,足以让每一位爱酒人士沉醉。产 自普里欧特地区。

Mas de Masos 1995 1995 玛斯德玛索斯干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 450

Composed of Garnacha, Cabernet Sauvignon, Carinena and Syrah and aged in predominantly French oak. Dark garnet in color, this wine has a bouquet of cedar, slate, spice box, herbs, black cherry, and blueberry. The palate it is quite structured and well balanced. The wine’s tannic structure persists into the finish. Needing at least 6-8 years of cellaring the wine is at its drinking best now. 这支酒由歌海娜,赤霞珠,佳利酿和西拉子葡萄混酿而 成,主要在法国木桶中陈年。颜色为深石榴红,香气馥 郁,雪松、石材、香料、草本、黑樱桃和蓝莓等多种味道 美妙地融合在一起,让人迷醉。结构紧实,口感质朴,表 现出极好的平衡性,单宁扎实,回味悠远。需要6-8年的陈 放时间,是一款相当典型的普里欧特地区的美酒。

Consigna Chardonnay 2007 2007 康纳霞多丽干白葡萄酒

Consigna Cabernet Sauvignon 2007 2007 康纳赤霞珠干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 75

Intense dark red. Aromas of black and red fruits and a hint of green pepper. Fruity and vegetal characteristics, this elegant and full bodied wine has good tannin and structure and a long balanced finish. 呈浓重的暗红色,带有黑色和红色水果以及青椒的香气, 还有水果和蔬菜的特性,酒体丰富优雅,单宁适中,结构 饱满,收口悠长而平衡。

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750ml RMB 75

100% Chardonnay. Pale yellow colour with golden reflections. Intense aromas of apple, peach, fennel and tropical fruits. Soft on the palate with hints of stone fruit, with a clean, fresh and sweet finish. The perfect accompaniment to pasta dishes, sea food and soft cheeses. Best served at 10 to 12ºC. 由百分百霞多丽葡萄酿造而成。嫩黄的色泽,晶莹剔透; 散发出苹果、桃和一些其它热带水果的香气。入口柔和, 酸清脆怡人,给人爽致口感。适合搭配海鲜、芝士类食 物。适饮温度:10-12摄氏度。

Vinya Nostra 家贺喜 With over 100 years’ experience in world of wine, at the start of 2006 the Roqueta family invested in Vinicola del pais. The company is based near Ciudad Real, in Alcazar de San Juan, one of the best areas in Castile. Its high altitude and generous soil are the perfect symbiosis for the maturation of the fruit and the flavour of its wines. 在葡萄酒的世界中积累了一百多年经验的洛盖塔家族,于 2006年初投资建造了VINICOLA DEL PAIS 公司。公司总部 位于圣胡安阿尔卡萨尔市(Alcaizar de San Juan),近 雷阿尔城省,是卡斯蒂利亚最好的地区之一。 它的高海 拔和特殊的土壤特性为果实提提供了良好的生长和成熟条 件,因此确保了当地葡萄酒的好味道。

Abadal 阿黛儿 Abadal wine came into being in the Catalan region of El Bages. The vines are cultivated on carefully structured terraces on a hilly terroir influenced by a continentalmediterranean climate. With a low rainfall, the hot days and cold nights create a microclimate of special contrasts. Resulting in wines with a character all of their own--Both structured and intense. 阿黛儿葡萄酒产自普拉德巴的加泰罗尼亚地区。酒庄的葡 萄藤长在结构紧密的梯田上,由于受到了大陆性地中海气 候的影响,使得当地降雨频率低、白天炎热,夜晚凉爽, 而正是由于这样特殊的气候条件为当地创造了一个小型的 对比气候。特殊的风土条件使得当地所酿造的酒带有非常 独特的个性特点。

Vinya Nostra Blanc 家贺喜白葡萄酒 750ml RMB 58

Wine made from the best grapes in Spain. Very expressive nose of exotic fruits like quince and nashi pears ,rich and fresh wine is obtained with intense fruity aromas that is balanced and well structured. It is a well-made example of the new style of Spanish wines. Serve it chilled to match any salad and seafood dishes. 精选西班牙酒区最优质的葡萄,这款酒拥有完美的热带水 果的香气,果香丰富,口感清新平衡,是一款结构良好的 葡萄酒,是西班牙酒的典型代表作。可以与色拉或者海鲜 等食物搭配。

Vinya Nostra Tinto 家贺喜红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 58 375ml RMB 38 Elaborated from selected grapes from the best vineyards of the Spanish wine regions, With rich fruit aromas, a persistent aftertaste, elegant and sophisticated style, an elegant and delicate example of the wine. 精选西班牙酒区最好的葡萄园中的葡萄,口感丰富,带有 浓郁的水果香味,回味悠长。风格优雅而精致,是一款非 常有特色的葡萄酒。

Abadal Picapoll 2008 2008年阿黛儿皮卡浦尔干白葡萄酒 750ml RMB 165

100% Picapoll. A white wine with generous breadth in the mouth, suggesting fruity and floral complexity. Pineapple and grapefruit on jasmine and apricot. Serve at 12 ºC

由100 %的皮卡浦尔酿制而成 。这是一款口感浓郁 丰富的白葡萄酒,混合了浓郁的凤梨和葡萄柚的果香 以及迷人的茉莉花香。最适合的饮用温度为12 ºC。

Abadal Crianza 2006 2006年阿黛儿陈酿干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 165

50% Cabernet Sauvignon and 50% Merlot. Universal varieties. Cold vintages that respect aromas. Cherry, redcurrant, cocoa and spices. Twelve months in six different oaks. Serve at 17 ºC. 这款酒是由50 %的赤霞珠和50 %的梅鹿混酿而成。这是 一个较普遍的品种。当地凉爽的气候使这款酒散发出令人 印象深刻的樱桃、红色浆果、可可和香料的香气。分别在6 个不同的橡木桶中陈年12个月。最适合的饮用温度为17 º c.

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Abadal 5 Merlot 2005 2005年阿黛儿梅鹿干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 215

100% Merlot. One unique wine. Excellent adaptation of Merlot to the Pyrenean region. Twelve months of French, Central European and American oak. Full and pleasant in the mouth, base of redcurrant and cherry fused in a sublime balsamic complexity of the land. Serve between 16-18 ºC 由100 %的梅鹿酿制而成。这款独一无二的葡萄酒来自盛产优 制梅鹿的比利牛斯地区。 之后分别在法国,中欧和美国的橡 木桶中陈年12个月。口感丰富饱满,带有浓郁的红色浆果和 樱桃的迷人香气。最适合的饮用温度为16-18 ºC之间

Abadal Reserva 3.9 2005 2005年阿黛儿3.9干红葡萄酒

If you haven’t already joined us for one of our beginner wine classes, then its time you did! Ruby Red’s Bilingual Beginner Wine Course is designed to be fun, informative and a relaxed introduction to wine. From its ancient history to the process of making wine, the different grape varieties to the techniques of wine tasting, this course is the perfect introduction for those wanting to learn more about wine. Course Length: 1 session, 2 hours Languages: Mandarin and English Price: RMB 60 When: Second Saturday of every month Time: 1.30pm Venue: Ruby Red Wine Cellar, No. 41b, Underground Cellar, Tian Shan No. 2 Borough, Zun Yi Road, Shanghai

750ml RMB 285

85% Cabernet Sauvignon and 15% Syrah. The expression of a plot over the years 3.9 Estate wine: identity and character. Chalky stone on red clay, rounded tannins and mineral expression.fruit adorned in an aromatic and balsamic setting. Twelve months in new cask, respecting and blending the Cabernet Sauvignon and the Syrah of terraces. Serve at 18 ºC. 这款酒是由85 %的赤霞珠和15 %的西拉子混酿而成。与 其它葡萄酒的主要区别在于它的产地与特质。由于种植葡 萄的泥土是红粘土,从而使得这款酒的单宁入口感觉非常 圆润,并且有矿物的味道。空气里迷漫着水果香气和酸酸 的味道。 经过在新木桶里发酵12个月,使赤霞珠和梯丽丝 的西拉得到完美的融合。最适合的饮用温度为18 ºC.

Abadal Seleccio 2005 2005年阿黛儿精选干红葡萄酒

Ruby Red Beginner Wine Class

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红樽坊初级品酒课程 750ml RMB 420

40% Cabernet Franc, 40% Cabernet Sauvignon and 20% Syrah. Viticulture devoted to an expression of the land and the climate as a character differentiating and identifying natural products of great quality. Selection of Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah from the slopes of the PLA DE BAGES. Fourteen months of fine-grain European oak. A wine rich in sensations. 这款酒是由40 %的品丽珠,40 %的赤霞珠和20 %的西拉子 混酿而成。葡萄的种植在很大程度上取决于种植的土地和天 气。我们挑选的品丽珠、赤霞珠和西拉子来自普拉德巴地区 的斜坡上。之后再在欧洲橡木桶中陈年14个月。口感浓郁, 香气丰富。

如果还没有参加过红樽坊的葡萄酒初级品尝课,那么现 在您可以考虑一下了!红樽坊的双语初级培训班是专为 对葡萄酒有兴趣的初学者所设计的。在放松有趣的氛围 中讲解葡萄酒的专业知识,尤其注重讲解怎样加深对葡 萄酒的全面了解和对葡萄酒品尝的细致描绘。 课程:2小时 语言:普通话,英语 日期: 每个月的第二个星期六 时间: 13:30-15:30 价格: 人民币60元 地点:上海市长宁区遵义路天山二村41号乙地下酒窖 电话: 86-21-62342249 Email:

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Consigna Merlot 2007 2007 康纳梅鹿干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 75

Deep red colour with complex aromas of plum and black cherry. The palate is rich and well defined, with soft tannins that enhance this elegant and well balanced wine. 酒体呈深红色,带有复杂的李子和黑樱桃的香气。口感丰 富且分明,单宁柔顺,是一款优雅平衡的葡萄酒。

Consigna Shiraz 2007 2007 康纳西拉子干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 75

Rich cherry red colour. Aromas of violet, plum and black fruit. The palate is smooth, with blackcurrant and blackberry flavours, and rich tannins. 酒色为丰富的樱桃红色,带有紫罗兰、李子和黑色水果的 香气。口感柔和舒适,黑醋栗和黑莓的味道尤为明显,单 宁强烈。

Analivia Rueda Sauvignon Blanc 2007 2007 安娜利亚白苏维翁干白葡萄酒 750ml RMB 88

The nose is concentrated with a wide range of fruits that include citrus, mango, pineapple and other tropical fruits, while the palate is fresh, fruity and lively with a light and crisp finish. 很多水果混合的浓郁香气,包括橘子、芒果、菠萝、和其 他一些热带水果。口感新鲜、果味充足、充满活力,收口 轻盈清脆。

Albali Arium Crianza 2004 2004 亚伦精酿干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 98

Albali Arium Reserva 2001 2001 亚伦陈酿葡萄酒

750ml RMB 120

Made from carefully harvested tempranillo grapes, this is the predominant red variety found in the best Spanish wines. Through gentle maceration fine tannic compounds are extracted and the maximum fruit expression is achieved. Following the fermentation the wine is aged for six months in American oak barrels and around two years in bottle. 这款葡萄酒由精心采摘的添帕尼优葡萄酿造而成,是西班 牙红酒中表现最好的品种之一。发酵过程中温和的浸渍, 使单宁更加柔且得到最大程度上的芳香提取。发酵结束后 在美国橡木桶中陈酿6个月,之后再在瓶中成熟2年。

Intense red fruit aromas with hints of vanilla and spices. Aged in American oak barrels for twelve months and then further aged in bottle for three years to achieve a completely harmonized maturation. Analivia Rueda Verdejo 2007 这款葡萄酒是用精选于最好的添帕尼优葡萄酿造,拥有浓 2007 安娜利亚韦尔德贺干白葡萄酒 750ml RMB 88 郁的红色水果香气,带有一些些香草味和辣味。先在美国 The nose is bursting with tropical fruits, pineapples and 橡木桶中陈年12个月,再装入瓶中成熟3年方可面市。通过 pear drops, with a touch of green apple. This continues 陈酿得到了更加圆润的口感和平衡的成熟度。 into the palate, which is fresh and fruity with a mouth watering finish. 这支酒充满着热带水果的香气,例如菠萝、梨子和青苹果 的香气。口感上也带有这种特色,新鲜而果味充沛,收口 Albali Arium Gran Reserva 2001 水润。 2001 亚伦珍藏葡萄酒 750ml RMB 165 This wine is the result of a careful selection of the best tempranillo grapes, an exquisite vinification process and a long and quiet ageing in American oak barrels for at least two years, followed by further bottle aging. 这款葡萄酒选用我们从葡萄园中精心挑选出来的最好的添 帕尼优葡萄果实精心酿造而成,全程控温发酵,以最大可 能地保留水果的芳香。在美国橡木桶中至少陈年2年,之后 再装瓶继续保存放3至6年的时间方可出售。

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Albali Gran Reserva de Familia 1998 1998 欧百乐家族珍藏干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 420

A unique and exceptional wine. Each bunch of tempranillo and cabernet grapes were individually selected to ensure perfect fermentation and maceration. Aged in American oak barrels. 为了酿造这一款独特而卓越的葡萄酒,每一串Tempranillo 和Cabernet葡萄都是单独挑选而得的,从而保证能够得到 最完美的浸渍和发酵效果。发酵结束后在美国橡木桶中进 行陈酿,整个过程酒窖主人会亲自监督,以确保葡萄酒在最 佳状态下后装瓶。

Altos De Tamaron Crianza 2003 2003 帝美精酿干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 180

Made from 100% Tempranillo, the grapes are carefully selected from vines more than 20 years old within the Ribera del Duero region. The wine is aged for 14 months in new American oak barrels during which time it is regularly decanted to improve flavour. The wine is then left to mature in the bottle for a further 9 months. 选用100%添帕尼优,用于酿造这款葡萄酒的葡萄精选自 Ribera del Duero地区的Olmedillo, Anguix和Villatuelda交 界的地方,全部都是超过20年的老葡萄藤。葡萄酒在全新 的美国橡木桶中陈年14个月,之后再装入瓶中成熟9个月方 可出售,酒香浓郁,风味悠长。

Altos De Tamaron Reserva 2003 2003 帝美陈酿干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 250

100% Tempranillo. The grapes are carefully selected from 40 year old vines, each with no more than 4 small and loose bunches. The vineyards are within the Ribera del Duero region. The wine is aged for 12 months in American and French oak barrels. It is then left in bottle for 15 more months before release. Intense and bold with powerful structure, built to last for many years. 100%添帕尼优葡萄, 用于酿造这款葡萄酒的葡萄精选自 Ribera del Duero地区,树龄全部超过40年,每株葡萄藤的 收成不超过4串葡萄。这支酒先在法国和美国木桶中陈年12 个月,再装入瓶中成熟15个月方可出售。酒体丰富,结构 紧实,具有一定陈年潜力。

Altos De Tamaron Joven 2005 2005 帝美优质干红葡萄酒 Sol De Espana Vino De Mesa 索之光干红葡萄酒 Faustino VII Rioja 2004 2004 君士七世干红葡萄酒

Condado de Oriza Crianza 2003 2003 肯萨干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 195

Condado de Oriza Reserva 2003 2003 肯萨珍藏干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 295

Clos Mogador 2006 2006 克摩卡多干红

750ml RMB 880

The wine was aged for 14 months in new American oak barrels and then a further 9 months in bottle before release. A very deep crimson colour. Aromas of blackberry, spice and wood smoke. On the palate mouth watering blackberry fruit, hints of spice and a fleshy velvet texture. 在美国橡木桶中陈酿14个月,之后再装甁陈酿9个月。成熟 的樱桃颜色,带有浓郁的黑莓果香,并伴有些许辛辣的橡 木味。口感强劲、单宁丰富。

The wine was aged for 24 months in American and French oak barrels. Deep cherry red colour, this wine exhibits elegant and complexity in the nose, with marked mineral tones and other expressive aromas. The palate is powerful and full bodied with a great harmony. 在美国和法国的橡木桶中陈酿24个月。带有成熟的樱桃红 色,香气优雅复杂,并伴有些许矿石的复杂香味,丰富浓 郁,口感结实有力,回味持久。

Clos Mogador boasts a saturated ruby/purple color, a fat, dense, concentrated, black currant, mineral-infused character, full body, and layers of concentration, sweet tannin, and a 60-second finish. Impressive and pure, with nicely integrated toasty oak, it will drink well for 30 years. 这款酒颜色饱满,呈带紫的红宝石色,香气浓郁且集中, 富含黑醋栗和矿石的香气。酒体醇厚饱满,层次分明,单 宁讨喜,余味绵长达60秒。整体表现令人印象深刻,尤其 是融合其中的烘烤橡木桶香。可以陈放30年。

Baron De Lajoyosa Gran Reserva 1998 1998 拉赫约沙子爵干红葡萄酒特级陈酿 750ml RMB 180 Atalayas Ribera del Duero 2005 2005 阿塔拉亚斯干红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 120

750ml RMB 39

750ml RMB 125

Torres “Black Label” Mas La Plana 2004 2004 桃乐斯黑牌玛斯拉普拉娜 750ml RMB 425

Dominio De Atauta Ribera Del Duero 2005 2005 多罗河谷阿塔里贝拉古堡 750ml RMB 570

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750ml RMB 255

ITALY 意大利 Soave, Chianti, Valpolicella – some of the most famous names in the wine world. There are many fabulous and very serious wines under the banner of these extremely familiar appellations. We pride ourselves on our current selection. By buying from quality-conscious specialists and small estates producing hand made wines, we have put together a selection of true authenticity. So we ask you to rediscover the diverse flavours of Italy – the sheer range of flavours on offer is perhaps wider than in any other wine producing nation – a veritable treasure trove! 意大利拥有世界上众多著名的葡萄酒产区,如Soave, Chianti, Valpolicella等。在这些杰出的产区, 有着许多极其成功的葡萄酒庄园。对目前我们所有的葡萄品种,我们非常满意,这其中包括注重质 量的精品酒庄,也有全手工酿制葡萄酒的传统型庄园。红樽坊真挚地为客户提供值得信赖的上乘葡 萄酒,希望您能够体验到意大利葡萄酒的异国风情,并且把她们作为您珍贵的收藏之一。 il Saporito Garganego Chardonnay 2007 2007 萨博立多白葡萄酒 750ml RMB 75

Straw yellow in colour, this wine has a multidimensional bouquet with a fragrance of ripe peaches, flowers, spicy vanilla and violets. Soft velvety texture. 这支酒呈稻草黄色,香味浓郁,具有成熟的桃子味道,混 合着香草,橡木和紫罗兰的香气。酒体像天鹅绒般柔软。

Manfredi Vino da Tavola Red “Corte Rossa” 曼弗瑞迪皮尔蒙特红色皇宫红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 75 Manfredi Piemonte Barbera 2005 2005 曼弗瑞迪庄园皮尔蒙特巴巴拉干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 110 Manfredi Barolo DOCG 2003 2003 曼弗瑞迪庄园巴罗洛干红葡萄酒750ml RMB 395

il Saporito Merlot Raboso 2007 2007 萨博立多红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 75

A blend of Merlot and Raboso, this is a soft and fruity wine with red berries and a smooth finish. A great easy drinking wine that won’t break the bank. 这支酒的葡萄品种是梅鹿和罗布索,口感柔顺,果味充足, 带有红樱桃的香气,极易入口。

Tranchero Barbaresco DOCG 2002 2002 唐凯罗庄园巴巴瑞斯柯干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 295 Tranchero Barolo DOCG 2003 2003 唐凯罗庄园巴罗洛干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 425 Zonin Amarone Red 2003 2003 卓林阿马罗奈红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 365

Tasca d’Almerita Rosso del Conto 2003 2003 达斯卡阿曼丽塔瑞加多红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 550 Altesino Bianco di Altesino 2006 2006 奥特西诺酒庄干白葡萄酒 750ml RMB 190 Altesino Rosso di Altesino 2005 2005 奥特西诺酒庄罗索红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 195 Altesino Brunello di Montalcino 2001 2001 布鲁诺·蒙塔尔奇诺红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 695

Manfredi Patrizi Moscato D’ASTI 2007 2007 珀翠丝莫斯卡托阿斯蒂 750ml RMB 115

The Moscato d’Asti presents some features that makes this wine particularly appreciated and unique. It has a brilliant transparency with a intense strawyellow colour; its taste is characteristic and fragrant. Its flavour is sweet, aromatic, characteristic, sometimes sparkling or vivacious. Sweet dessert, pastries; 特有的葡萄品种令这款酒尤为出众、独特。明亮清透的草 黄色,散发着特有的芳香,口感清甜,令人愉悦,有时能 感觉到天然生成的活泼气泡。适宜配搭各种甜品、糕点和 清淡的奶酪。

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Ornellaia 1995 1995 奥尔奈拉亚红葡萄酒

750ml RMB 2100

Marianna Morellino di Scansano DOC 2006 2006 玛丽安娜干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB255

100% sangiovese grape. Bright brilliant color. Blackberry, Cherry and sweet spice perfume and intense, layered and persistent flavour. Good temperature is 18° C, opening one hour before consuming. Suitable matching with first courses, meat and stewed fish. 百分百桑娇维塞葡萄酿制而成。颜色明亮鲜明。带有黑 莓,樱桃和甜香料的芳香,口感强烈,富有层次感,持久 性强。最合适的饮用温度:18°C,建议醒酒1小时,适合搭 配肉类和蒸鱼等主食。

Marianna Morellino di Scansano DOCG 2007 2007 莫里诺干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB185

2007 Marianna Morellino di Scansano DOCG is made from 100% sangiovese grape. Bright brilliant ruby color. Blackberry, Cherry perfume and fresh, organized and persistent flavour, medium tannin, long finish. Good temperature is 18° C. Suitable matching with first courses, meat and stewed fish. 2007年的莫里诺干红葡萄酒由100 %桑娇维塞酿制而成。 迷人的深红宝石色,带有黑莓,樱桃等黑色水果的香气, 口感清新,结构扎实,香气持久,单宁适中,回味悠长。 适合搭配肉类和蒸鱼等主食。

Ruby Red Fine Wine Services Ruby Red Fine Wine are the rare and fine wine specialists in Shanghai and are proud to be able to offer our customers a huge range of fine wine services. Ruby Red specializes in the fine and rare wines of Bordeaux, Burgundy, Rhone and Italy. We also have considerable expertise in the sourcing rare wines from Spain, Portugal and the New World. We are constantly searching for top wines, interesting wines and back vintages to bring to our customers. We have an extensive network of contacts around the globe dedicated to sourcing the best wines for our customers. Ruby Red will source specific wines and vintages on request. As responsible wine merchants, Ruby Red checks the provenance of all its fine wines, and all wines are stored in optimum temperature controlled conditions. Ruby Red also operates a valuation service for customers, and is always delighted to be contacted by those wishing to sell their premium wines. For those looking to expand their collections, Ruby Red is experienced in assisting private clients with the construction of blue-chip wine portfolios for long-term cellarage.


Maremma Toscana Rosso IGT 2006 2006 托斯卡纳红牛干红葡萄酒 750ml RMB165

Merlot, Sangiovese, Ciliegiolo. Bright and brilliant color, with blackberry, violet and sweet spice perfume. The flavour is Fruity, fresh, persistent and soft. Suitable matching with First courses, meat, steamed fish. 梅鹿,桑娇维塞,绮丽叶骄罗葡萄混酿而成。颜色明亮, 鲜明,带有明显的黑莓,紫罗兰和甜香料的芳香,果味浓 郁,口感新鲜顺滑,余韵悠长。

红樽坊代表了那些拥有着以质量为主的种植以及酿酒方 式的生产商,也对自己的产品充满热情。红樽坊可以提 供大量名庄酒,为客户提供大范围的服务,我们善于挑 选来自波尔多,勃艮地,隆河谷以及意大利等地区的限 量极品葡萄酒。同样,我们也有从新西兰,西班牙,葡 萄牙以及南非等新世界国家探寻上等葡萄酒的丰富经 验。不断地为客户寻找优质,有趣,年份久远的葡萄酒 是我们的宗旨。 我们在全球范围内有着极其强大的联系网络,致力于为 客户寻找各种优质葡萄酒。红樽坊会按照特定需求来寻 找特定的葡萄酒以及陈年酒。作为负责的葡萄酒商,我 们会仔细检查葡萄酒的原产出处,把所有的酒储存在最 适宜的温度环境之下。 红樽坊也为客户提供各类评估服务,对于希望扩大自己 收藏的葡萄酒爱好者,我们在协助私人藏酒者建立完整 的蓝筹酒长期投资方面,有资深的经验和雄厚的实力。

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CHILE 智利 Chile is rivalling Australia in providing inexpensive and cheerful wines that offer a delicious purity of flavour - easy drinking indeed! Enormous investment, both from domestic and international sources (many French winemakers have bought vineyards here), have helped with the dramatic leap in quality. The great potential of Chile’s wine making regions is only now being realised. 在酿造高品质低价位的葡萄酒方面,智利丝毫不逊色于澳洲。那里出产的酒带有可口纯净的香味, 极易入口。随着越来越多来自于国内外的投资(许多法国酒商已经在这里拥有了葡萄园),智利葡 萄酒的品质也有了一个非常大的提高,正在逐步显示出其巨大的潜力。 Marques del Nevado 纳瓦多酒庄 With five centuries of wine-making experience behind them, it’s no wonder that Chilean winemakers are harvesting the benefits of hard work, a pleasant climate, good soils and perseverance in the wide - and growing - scope of their wines. Marques del Nevado represents all of the above with excellent quality fruit and modern wine making techniques, creating an array of wonderful wines. 庄园拥有五个世纪的酿酒经验,毫无疑问,宜人的天 气、肥沃的土地以及持久的毅力,再加上辛勤的工 作,酿酒师们不断地从他们酿造的葡萄酒中得到进步 和收获。纳瓦多象征着优质的水果和先进的酿造技 术,这些共同作用,创造出了一系列经典的葡萄酒。 Marques del Nevado Lontue Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2007 2007 纳瓦多赤霞珠红葡萄酒 750 ml RMB 90

Ripe, taut nose with sweet, pure black fruits, some chocolate notes and sweet green pepper. The palate is mid weight with appealing blackcurrant fruit, spicy structure and good acidity. It’s nicely poised and quite classy in a mid weight, food-friendly style. 成熟而集中的甜味,明显的黑色水果香,并带有一丝巧克 力和甜椒的味道。口感适中,带有吸引人的黑醋栗的味 道,结构紧实,酸度适宜,是一款很经典的葡萄酒,与很 多食物都能很好地搭配。

Marques del Nevado Lontue Valley Carmenere 2007 2007 纳瓦多佳美娜红葡萄酒 750 ml RMB 90

Shows some slightly stewed fruit, red berries, and blackcurrants with a pleasant leafy, herby edge, together with some richness on the palate. Savoury finish with good definition. Appealing. 带有些许红色浆果、黑醋栗和新鲜草本的味道,巧妙地混 合在一起,口感丰富,收口带有一点吸引人的咸味,回味 悠长。

Marques del Nevado D.O.Sagrada Familia Carmenere 2007 2007年纳瓦多古力高山谷佳美娜红葡萄酒 750 ml RMB 120

There’s an attractive chalky, mineraly edge to the nose. The palate shows good balance. Joining the primary fruit is an interesting leafy/mineral character. Good acidity. Tasty stuff and good value. 白垩土质和矿物质使得这支酒带有一种独特的风味,口感平 衡。首先闻到的是水果味道,还混合着一些树木和矿物的气 息,酸度适中,性价比很高。

Marques del Nevado D.O.Sagrada Familia Syrah 2008 2008 纳瓦多古力高山谷佳西拉子红葡萄酒 750 ml RMB 120

Distinctive spicy, ripe, chocolaty nose with hints of smoky oak. Quite classy. The palate is concentrated with a ripe, sweet, black fruit character and some spicy structure. The pure, sweet fruit is distinctively Chilean. Nice concentration and richness. Modern styled. 鲜明成熟的巧克力味道,还有些许烟熏橡树的香味,非常 经典,口感上集合了成熟甘甜的黑色水果味道和一些香料 的气息。纯净甜美的水果香是智利葡萄的标志。酒精度适 中,具有典型的现代风格。

Marques del Nevado D.O.Sagrada Familia Cabernet Franc 2007 750 ml RMB 120 2007年纳瓦多古力高山谷品丽珠红葡萄酒

Beautiful blackcurrant nose, deep red colour and a soft palate with just enough of a drying finish. The flavours are lively and rich, with svelte tannins. Very recognisably Cabernet Franc and very ripe. A gorgeous easy drinking wine. 品丽珠是卢瓦尔河谷一种主要的酿造品种。这支酒带有美 妙的黑醋栗香味,颜色深红,收口略干,口感丰富活跃, 单宁紧实。是一款典型风格的成熟品丽珠红葡萄酒。极易 入口。

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Catrala Estate (Casablanca Valley) 卡奇拉酒庄 Located in the zone of Lo Orozco, in the outstanding Casablanca Valley, surrounded by rolling hills, rich in native vegetation. Because of its proximity to the coast, it receives a light marine breeze that creates a template climate with mild temperatures, not so rainy winters and extended summers. 卡奇拉庄园坐落于卡萨布兰卡山谷的Lo Orozco区,四 周群山环抱,植物茂盛。因为该地区靠近海岸,是 典型的海洋性气候,轻柔的海风创造了相对温和的温 度,还有较长的夏季和雨水较少的冬季。 Catrala Casablanca Valley Grand Reserve Chardonnay 2005 2005 卡奇拉酒庄特酿珍藏霞多丽 750ml RMB 275

Deep yellow color, with golden overtones. Matured in casks of French oak. The wine is in harmony with fruits, such as peaches, mango, caramel and vanilla. Refreshing in the mouth and elegant. The wood is well integrated with the wine, round, full and fatty, preserving a perfect acidity as well as its desirable persistence. 酒体呈深黄色,近似金色。在法国的橡木桶中成熟。混合了 多种水果的味道,比如桃子,芒果,焦糖和香草。口感清新, 优雅,木桶的香气很好地融合其中,酒体柔和丰满,酸度悠 长,回味悠长。

Valle Andino Maule Valley Chardonnay 2008 2008 安山谷摩尔山谷霞多丽白葡萄酒 750ml RMB75

This lovely Chardonnay comes from warm Maule Valley in Chile. The ripe grapes are full of fruit flavours such as pear and pineapple, while the aromas are of vanilla, cream and oak. 这支迷人的霞多丽产自温暖的摩尔(中央)山谷。成熟的 葡萄带给她丰富的生梨和菠萝香气。入口后更有香草,奶 油和橡木香气。

Valle Andino Maule Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2007 2007 安山谷摩尔山谷赤霞珠红葡萄酒 750ml RMB75 This full body Cabernet Sauvignon comes from the sunny Maule Valley in Chile. Deep red in colour and full of ripe fruit, chocolate and tobacco flavours. Smooth tannin and oak creates a full, round mouth feel. 这支酒体丰满的赤霞珠来自阳光明媚的摩尔(中央)山 谷。颜色深红,含有丰富的巧克力、烟草和水果风味。 细腻的丹宁和适中的橡木味造就了其圆润和谐的口感。

Catrala Casablanca Valley Grand Reserve Merlot 2006 2006 卡奇拉酒庄特酿珍藏梅鹿 750ml RMB 325

The merlot shows ruby in colour. On the nose it is very impressive with fruit well integrated with wood. On the palate the fruit stands out with round, well integrated with oak, with a long and persistent finish. 这款珍藏梅鹿呈现出红宝石色。闻上去有令人印象深刻的 水果香味和优雅的橡木味。品尝时水果的口感很明显,还 有淡淡的橡木味道,回味悠长。

Valle Andino Casablanca Valley Reserva Chardonnay 2007 750ml RMB95 2007 安山谷卡萨布兰卡山谷珍藏霞多丽白葡萄酒

This reserve chardonnay comes the warm Maule Valley in Chile. It has intense aromas of tropical fruits such as pineapple and mango. The aging process brings a creamy, toasty quality to the wine. 这支珍藏霞多丽白葡萄酒产自温暖的摩尔(中央)山谷我 们精心护理的葡萄园。带有十分明显的热带水果,比如菠 萝和芒果的香味。木桶陈年的过程更带给她细腻的口感和 迷人的奶油香。

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Valle Andino Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon 2007 2007 安山谷科嘉山谷珍藏赤霞珠红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 95

This charming wine has all the characteristics of true elegance. Only the best Cabernet Sauvignon grapes from the Colchagua Valley were selected for this wine. The wine displays wonderful chocolate and oaky aromas. Full bodied and long on the finish. 这支迷人的美酒具备所有优雅的葡萄酒的特质。这支酒中 精品由我们严格挑选的产自科嘉山谷的赤霞珠品种酿造 而成,带有美妙的巧克力和橡木香气。入口绵长,酒体丰 满,回味无尽。

Valle Andino Special Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2007 750ml RMB168 2007 安山谷科嘉山谷特别珍藏赤霞珠红葡萄酒

Specially selected grapes from the best Valle Andino vineyard followed by barrel aging which gives the wine an intense and elegant characteristic. The wine is full of red fruit aromas and just the slightest hint of tobacco. 这款特别珍藏的葡萄酒产自智利最好的安山谷,酒体紧致 圆润,带有明显的木桶陈年风格,红色水果的香味丰富而 迷人,还伴有些许烟草的味道,总之是一支完美而优雅的 珍藏赤霞珠。

Viña San Esteban 艾斯坦酒庄 In Situ Cabernet Sauvignon Reserva 2006 2006英丝图珍藏赤霞珠 750ml RMB95

Bright, deep red highlights, dark cherry, raspberry combined with a subtle sense of vanilla and tobacco aromas. Dense with soft tannins and a long finish.An exquisite wine fit for the most ambitious of lamb dishes or simple barbequed chops. Serve between 16 º and 18º C. 明亮的深红色泽,带有迷人的黑樱桃、覆盆子的水果香 气,并伴有些许香草与烟草混合的微妙香味。单宁细腻柔 和,收口悠长。非常适合搭配羊肉、烤肉类食物,建议饮 用温度为16 º - 18º C。

VSE Cabernet Sauvignon 2008 2008艾斯坦赤霞珠

750ml RMB75

Bright ruby red, cherry and smoke aromas, intense and well-structured ripe tannins. Well structured body makes this wine an excellent complement to meats and cheeses. Serve between 16 º and 18º C. 酒体呈明亮的红宝石色泽,带有樱桃和烟熏的香味,拥有 紧致完美的结构,成熟的单宁,这也使得这款酒非常适合 搭配肉类、奶酪类等食物。建议饮用温度为16 º - 18º C. Sign up to Ruby Red’s Newsletter by emailing 你可以通过电邮加入我们的红樽坊每周新闻 39

SOUTH AFRICA 南非 In recent years growers in South Africa have been responding to the opportunities and risks of international competition with great gusto. Already the enormous potential to make serious wine has been realized; the trend of improvement is set to continue. With a moderating oceanic climate, the cooler coastal regions of the Cape are producing wines that show more restraint than many of those from other southern hemisphere countries. If anything, they gain an extra dimension of persistence on the palate. In the best wines there is much evidence of flavours based on precise “origin” rather than a simple formulaic recipe. The industry is dominated by a few large-scale producers, but our interest is focused on those who are really pushing the boundaries in terms of both quality and style. 近几年,南非葡萄酒正以惊人的速度成长着,这也为其自身带来了巨大的商机和挑战。人们开始逐 步意识到南非葡萄酒的潜力,以及其继续上升的强劲势头。南非拥有温和的海洋性气候,凉爽的海 岸地区开普敦出产的葡萄酒与南半球其他产区有所不同,拥有与众不同的多层次风味。南非最棒的 葡萄酒并非对传统酿制方法的按部就班,而是对其的革命与创新。整个酿酒产业在南非由几个大规 模的酒商主导,但是我们的兴趣更集中在那些能够真正推动葡萄酒产业的,不但讲究品质,更注重 葡萄酒独特风采的生产商。 Vilafonté Series M 2004 2004 维拉芳特M系列

Vilafonté 维拉芳特 Vilafonté is the first American and South African joint winemaking venture, with vineyards located in South Africa. This ground-breaking unique red wine project is a partnership between a well respected group of ‘quality driven’ wine specialists from South Africa and the United States: Zelma Long, Phillip Freese and Bartholomew Broadbent. 维拉芳特是第一个由美国和南非合作的葡萄酒酿造项目, 来自美国加利福尼亚和南非两国著名的酿酒师通力合作 。 维拉芳特的名字也正是来自于这个庄园里发现的古老的泥 土品种。维拉芳特的葡萄酒全部由手工制作,酿造过程极 其严格,可以说是带给葡萄酒爱好者的奢华大礼。

Vilafonté Series C 2004 2004 维拉芳特C系列 RMB 688


Predominantly Cabernet Sauvignon & Cabernet Franc with some Malbec/Merlot to round out the flavours. Aged in mostly new oak, the wine is intense, powerful and superbly balanced against the deep concentrated fruit. Wonderful lengthy finish. 这款酒主要选用赤霞珠和品丽珠两个品种,还有少量马尔 贝克和梅鹿葡萄,深浓醇厚,回味悠长。她的芳香以黑色 水果为主,包括黑醋栗,黑莓和黑樱桃。单宁的质地极为 精致,为酒体的丰富和浓郁定下基调。同时,恰到好处的 咖啡、巧克力味道更为她平添了温暖和亮泽。C系列在法国 木桶中陈年,回味悠长,年产仅52桶。

Warwick Estate Professor Black Sauvignon Blanc 2006 2006 沃悦客长相思白葡萄酒 750ml RMB 185 Warwick Estate Old Bush Vines Pinotage 2005 2005 沃悦客比诺红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 185

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750ml RMB 488

This wine is a Merlot based blend, using the Merlot with Malbec and Cabernet to give it some backbone. It is supple and “fruit forward”, with a silky texture in the mouth, and good length. 这支酒主要以梅鹿葡萄为主要品种,还有少量马尔贝克和 赤霞珠以增加风味。果香诱人,同时主体紧实,香气以黑 莓为主,带些许可可和茶叶的味道。入口柔顺,在味蕾中 部呈现良好的质感;单宁的感觉在舌后部持续稍久,有如 天鹅绒一般光滑。M系列在法国木桶中陈年,并会随储藏时 间愈加明显悠长。年产仅71桶。

CALIFORNIA 加利福尼亚 California continues to be at the cutting edge of technology. As a result, the best wines are now more individual in character, reflecting the place where they are made, while still retaining the purity of fruit and concentration that makes them so sought after. Wines of this nature will never be inexpensive but we feel confident that the selection below does offer a real insight into the innate quality of the finer wines of the “Golden State”. 加利福尼亚不但以高科技而闻名,其葡萄酒也别具风味,魅力独特。不仅充分地展现了其产区的个 性,同时也保留了葡萄酒醇厚、果味浓郁、口感集中的特点,受到众多爱酒者的追捧。虽然加利福 尼亚葡萄酒价格普遍略高,但是我们的选择绝对能够使您真正认识到“金州勇士”葡萄酒的优雅气 质和上乘的口味。 Interlude Merlot 2004 2004 妙曲梅鹿红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 295

Interlude Barbera 2004 2004 妙曲巴贝拉红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 295

Grown on a fertile valley floor in warm sunshine, with cool evenings. The fruit with other grapes from Sonoma and the Lake Counties and the resulting wine is a wonderfully complex blend of dark plum, black cherries and currant flavors and aromas. A great food wine! Enjoy with lamb, poultry, pork and soft cheeses, or simply by itself! 我们在肥沃的谷底栽种梅鹿葡萄,它们日间沐浴在温暖的 阳光下,晚间则呼吸着清凉的空气。昼夜温差给这种柔和 醇美的果实增添了不同一般的特质。我们将自产的梅鹿葡 萄与索诺玛县和莱克县出产的葡萄进行调配,以增添葡萄 酒浓烈、深厚、精细、均衡以及协调等质感。 她具有乌 梅、黑樱桃及醋粟的混合风味,可与羊羔肉、家禽肉、猪 肉以及软质奶酪等食品佐配饮用,或者干脆单独饮用,效 果均极佳。

From grapes grown on vineyards in the east of Napa county, where the climate has long, hot days and cool ninghts. The vines respond to this weather with luscious, blackberry jam flavors in the mouth with hints of plums, dark cherries and chocolate. A great match for pastas, meats or barbeques. 这些葡萄产自我们在加利福尼亚纳帕谷东部河谷的葡萄 园,那里的气候与圣赫勒拿的气候相似,日间长而炎热, 夜间短而凉爽。我们的葡萄适应这样的气候,所产的葡萄 入口甘美香甜,具有黑莓果酱般的滋味,还有些许洋李、 黑樱桃和巧克力的混合香味。此款葡萄酒适合与意大利面 食、肉类或烤肉等佐配饮用,或者干脆单独饮用。

Interlude Cabernet Sauvignon 2004 2004 妙曲赤霞珠红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 295

Z-52 Lodi Zinfandel Old Vines 2004 2004 加州仙粉黛老藤红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 250

This cabernet sauvignon is bright, bold and full bodied, with a smooth clean finish. Grown in rocky soil, with hot days and cool nights kissed by early morning fog. The dark color is enhanced by aromas of pepper and spice with primary flavors of black currants, blackberries, cherries and pepper. 这款赤霞珠葡萄酒鲜亮、清澈且形体饱满,余韵醇和。我 们的赤霞珠葡萄是在岩性土壤里进行栽培,它经历日间的 酷热、夜晚的凉爽,而清晨又享受薄雾的轻抚。 它的暗色 因胡椒和香料散发的芳香而加深。 红醋栗、黑莓、樱桃及 胡椒香味为其主要风味。 可单独饮用,也可搭配烤肉、大 多数奶酪和巧克力。

This single-vineyard Zinfandel is both rich and robust with fruity flavours of blackberry and plum, complemented with hints of black pepper and star anise. The palate integrates abundant fruit with heady, but elegant alcohol, matched by fine acidity and medium-high chewy tannins. Lovely length. Only 1281 cases produced. 这是一间只种植仙粉黛葡萄的葡萄园,其出产的葡萄香味 丰富,具有充沛的黑色浆果和李子的水果芳香,并伴有黑 胡椒和八角茴香的气息。口感上果味丰富,酒精度适中, 酸度优雅,中度偏高的厚实单宁带来持久的回味。是一款 典型的老藤仙粉黛葡萄酒。 年产仅1281箱。

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Chateau Montelena Winery 芒得力纳城堡酒庄 In 1976 Chateau Montelena put California at the forefront of the wine world. That year a who’s-who of the French wine and food establishment gathered for a grand tasting at the Inter-Continental Hotel in Paris. Four white Burgundies were tasted against six California Chardonnays. When the scores were tallied, the French Judges were convinced that the top-ranking white wine was one of their own. In fact, it was Chateau Montelena’s 1973 Chardonnay, rated above all other wines. 1976年,芒得力纳酒庄的白葡萄酒使得美国加州的酒 走到了世界葡萄酒市场的前沿。那一年,著名的“巴 黎评定”在巴黎洲际酒店举行,4款勃艮地白葡萄酒 与6款加利福尼亚霞多丽葡萄酒进行了对决。当最终 成绩被揭晓的时候,所有法国评委都以为最终的获胜 者应该是来自法国的葡萄酒。然而事实却是1973年芒 得力纳酒庄的霞多丽白葡萄酒打败了其他所有的酒, 获得了最终的胜利。

Chateau Montelena Cabernet Sauvignon 2005 2005 芒得力纳城堡赤霞珠红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 595

Landmark Winery 地标庄园 Landmark Vineyards may have been founded in the Windsor area of Sonoma County in 1974, but its roots stretch all the way back to 1838 and America’s heartland. Landmark’s mission is “to make great wines that enhance the joy of life.” Quality and flavor begin in the vineyards. In addition to the estate vineyard, Landmark sources grapes from a range of different vineyards and those selected are among the finest in the highly diverse microclimates of California’s winegrowing regions. 地标庄园1974年建于加州索诺玛的温莎地区,但是其 历史可以一直追溯到1838年。庄园以酿造激越生活的 美妙葡萄酒为己任,最重视其出产葡萄酒的品质和风 味。除了使用自己葡萄酒的葡萄之外,庄园同时也收 购加州各个优质产区知名庄园的精选葡萄,不断提高 其葡萄酒的质量。 Landmark Grand Detour Pinot Noir 2005 2005 地标庄园黑比诺红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 470

Lovely medium red-purple color. A wine that exhibits great typicity of fruit and elegant balance. The initial aromas of red cherry, raspberry and cinnamon spice are underpinned by toasty French oak. Supple tannins contribute to a long, silky finish. Ripe, but elegant Pinot Noir. This wine will pair well with game, grilled meat, duck and salmon as well as mushroom-dominated dishes. Perfect with the wild mushroom dishes of Yunnan. 可爱轻柔的紫红色。这款酒飘逸着非常经典的水果香气, 高雅平衡。乍一闻,你会感觉到红樱桃,树莓和肉桂的香 味,并伴有典型的法国橡木桶的芳香。柔顺的单宁使其收 口悠长,口感如丝绸般顺滑。是一款非常成熟优雅的黑皮 诺葡萄酒,适合搭配烤肉、鸭肉、三文鱼为主料的食物, 尤其适合搭配云南野生的蘑菇。

In the glass, our 2005 Napa Valley Cabernet shows a deep, dense, black ruby color. It offers complex aromatics of berry, cedar, licorice, and classic Cabernet which, combined with its rich, underlying fruit concentration, should please the most discriminating wine lover. In the mouth it is wonderfully smooth, full-bodied and balanced. Tasty today, this wine is built in the traditional Montelena style, so that it will also definitely develop nicely with a few years of cellar time.180 bottles produced per year. 倒入杯中,你能看到05年的纳帕谷赤霞珠展现了非常迷人 的深红宝石色。带有丰富的浆果、雪松、甘草和经典的赤 霞珠的香气,果味浓郁,口感柔顺、酒体饱满平衡,定能 博得葡萄酒爱好者的青睐。现在饮用,你能很明显的感受 到传统的芒得力纳城堡特有的风味。当然,存放几年之 后,她也会为你展现出非常好的品质。其品质完全可以和 法国列级名庄酒抗衡。 每年限产180瓶。

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CHINA 中国 China is the home of a new emerging wine market, and as such often has issues concerning quality and consistency. Don’t let that put you off though, as there are some gems to be found. Grace Vineyard in particular is leading the industry with their consistently high quality wines. 中国是一个新兴的葡萄酒市场,对葡萄酒的质量和产量都有持续性的兴趣。千万别对中国的葡萄酒 产生任何偏见,我们同样拥有杰出的葡萄酒庄,比如,山西怡园酒庄就是其中翘楚,带领着整个中 国葡萄酒产业不断地前进,努力提供品质优异的葡萄酒。 Grace Vineyard Tasya Reserve Chardonnay 2004 2004 怡园珍藏霞多丽干白葡萄酒

750ml RMB 168

Grace Vineyard Chairman Reserve 2006 2006 怡园庄主珍藏红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 385

Grace Vineyard 怡园酒庄

Grace Vineyard, in Shanxi province, is the undisputed leader amongst Chinese wine producers. Chief Winemaker and Australian Ken Murchison combines traditional wine making techniques with his vast knowledge of new world wine making into creating internationally award winning wines. 位于山西省的怡园酒庄可以说是目前中国的葡萄酒市 场上无可厚非的领导者,来自澳大利亚的酿酒师Ken Murchison用他深厚的知识结合了旧世界和新世界葡 萄酒酿制工艺,创造出了这些在国际上屡获殊荣的葡 萄美酒。 Grace Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon 2007 750ml RMB 60 2007 怡园赤霞珠干红葡萄酒 Grace Vineyard Chardonnay 2007 750ml RMB 60 2007 怡园霞多丽干白葡萄酒 Grace Vineyard Rose 2007 2007 怡园玫瑰酒

750ml RMB 60

Grace Vineyard Tasya Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2004 2004 怡园珍藏赤霞珠干红 750ml RMB 168 Very deep ruby red, fruity, vegetable and gamey aromas. Round and smooth body, rich and harmonious on the palate. Strong tannins, long finish. 酒色呈深宝石红,果味丰富,香气浓郁。口感圆润而顺 滑、酒体丰盈和谐。单宁强壮,收口悠长。

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PORTUGAL 葡萄牙 Portugal has been overshadowed by Spain for years as far as its image of quality table wines is concerned. Respected globally for the magnificence of its fortified wines, Portugal is now undergoing something of a revolution with the production of its “unfortified” wines. Many of them already offer terrific quality often with intriguingly different flavours courtesy of countless indigenous grape varieties. Many too, offer superb value for money. We put together a very small selection that both reflects this progress and demonstrates their individuality. Having sampled these wines you will not consider Port as the only worthwhile wine, fortified or not, to originate from Portugal. 多年来,西班牙的风头一直盖过葡萄牙,葡萄牙的葡萄酒一直被视作佐餐酒。而真正使其闻名于世 的还是葡萄牙的加强型酒,并且通过不断改进的酿制方法,使其愈加出色。今天,许多酒庄已经能 够酿制本土迷人的优质上乘酒,且价格亲民,绝对是物超所值。红樽坊在此基础上,选择了精品中 的精品,代表了杰出的葡萄牙酒。在此之后,您将不再认为葡萄牙的名酒只有波特一种,而能对真 正的葡萄牙美酒有个全面的了解认识。 Broadbent Vinho Verde 博班特绿酒

Broadbent Selections Producer Profile

750ml RMB 105

This is a classic Vinho Verde - light in colour with a slight spritz. On the nose it is fruity, light and lively. The palate is also light (only 9% alcohol), refreshing and delicious. An ideal warm weather wine, excellent for lunch and picnics, this wine is equally lovely as an evening aperitif. 这是一款典型的冯诺佛丹,颜色清淡,略有气泡。闻上去 果味十足且充满活力。口感比较清新(只有9%酒精度),干 爽而美味。酒名的意思是“绿葡萄酒”因为收获的葡萄脆 爽清口,佐餐,野餐都合适,作为晚餐头盘配酒也相当出 色。

Malhadinha Nova Monte De Peceguina Vinho Regional Alentejano 2007 750ml RMB 400 2007 马拉迪娜酒庄碧水山脉干白葡萄酒 Malhadinha Nova White 2006 2006 马拉迪娜酒庄干白葡萄酒

750ml RMB 400

Nova Monte De Peceguina Vinho Regional Alentejano 2006 2006 碧水山脉红葡萄酒 750ml RMB 250 Plansel Touriga Nacional 2004 2004 兰赛尔特瑞格特级珍藏红葡萄酒750ml RMB 440

Known as a lively, witty and informative wine lecturer, Bartholomew Broadbent is also one of the world’s foremost wine authorities, described by Decanter Magazine as one of the “fifty most influential people in the wine world”. Raised in the English wine trade in a formal apprenticeship to his famous father, Michael Broadbent MW (Director of Christie’s and prolific wine author), Bartholomew has also worked in London for Harrod’s (Wine Department), Harvey’s Fine Wine Merchants in Pall Mall and Christie’s. Bartholomew, through his company, Broadbent Selections, Inc, has been credited with the growth of Port and Madeira consumption in North America from the mid 1980s onwards. Today he continues to be a leading authority on Portuguese wines, with Madeira as his particular specialty. See Bartholomew’s Maderias on page 31.

博班特精选 酿酒师推荐 作为一个精力充沛、诙谐幽默、知识渊博的葡萄酒讲座 专家,Bartholomew Broadbent同时也是世界上最重要 的葡萄酒作家之一,曾被Decanter杂志评为葡萄酒界最 具影响力的50个人之一。 Bartholomew在英国的葡萄酒界长大,是他著名的父 亲Michael Broadbent(Christie’s拍卖行的总管,也是 多产的葡萄酒作者)的正式学徒。他也曾经在伦敦的 Harrod’s(葡萄酒公司),帕码的Harvey’s葡萄酒批发 公司和Christie’s工作过。 通过他的公司Broadbent Selections, Inc,Bartholomew 被誉为是和自20世纪80年代以来北美的波特酒和马德 拉的消费一起成长的。如今他也是葡萄牙葡萄酒界的领 军人物,马德拉酒是他的特色。在第31页您可以看到 Bartholomew公司的马德拉酒。

For regular updates and wine news visit 请访问我们的网站查看最新的消息 44

MADEIRA, PORT and SHERRY马德拉, 波特和雪莉 Madeira, used to toast the American Declaration of Independence, is the `desert island` choice of several wine personalities. Port is of course a perennial favourite, and with sales of Sherry on the increase, it seems apparent that it too is gaining in popularity. Our favourite Madeira, the Broadbent Selection, offers everything from an introduction to the island’s main style through to the opportunity to experience the intensity and depth of flavours in wines aged for at least 10 years before release, while our ports and sherry’s have been carefully selected as the best examples these wine styles have to offer. 马德拉酒,是曾用于祝贺美国独立宣言时的致辞酒,一直在众多的葡萄酒中独树一帜,享有一个特有 的地位。同时,这几年波特酒也一直很受大众欢迎,其市场反应与雪莉酒一样,都在稳步增长中, 知名度也不断提升。我们最喜爱的马德拉酒,是博班特家族的精选,她几乎囊括了所有风格,从代 表主流的基本款到至少陈年10年以上的浓郁复杂的马德拉酒。而我们精挑细选得波特酒和雪莉酒也 是非常具有代表性, 堪称同类酒中的典范。 Broadbent Madeira Rainwater Medium Dry 博班特雨水马德拉 750ml RMB 165

Aged in oak casks for at least 3 years. Slightly off-dry with a concentrated aroma and subtle flavour, this can be served as an apéritif or as an after dinner drink. 这款马德拉由世界上最权威的马德拉专家,同时也是佳士得 拍卖行葡萄酒部总裁的巴塞洛缪.布老本特先生亲自选择。 至少在木桶中陈酿3年,以浓郁的香气和精细复杂的风味而 闻名,既可用作开胃酒,也可作为餐后酒来饮用。

Broadbent Madeira Reserve 5 years Old Rich 博班特马德拉5年珍藏 750ml RMB 248

Aged in oak casks for at least 5 years. A delicious, fullbodied and rich dessert wine, with an excellent balance between sweetness and acidity. 这款酒在木桶中陈年达5年以上,酒味鲜美,是一支酒体丰 富而浓郁的甜酒。在甜度和酸度之间的平衡可以说是达到 了完美。通过多种葡萄的混酿增加了她的复杂度。

Broadbent Madeira Malmsey 10 years Old Sweet 博班特马德拉10年珍藏 750ml RMB 476

Aged in oak casks for at least 10 years. A superb, fullbodied, wonderfully rich Madeira with a sweet, rich chocolaty flavour and a concentrated bouquet. Best enjoyed with desserts or on its own after a meal. 这款酒在木桶中至少陈年了10年以上,酒体非常浓郁,带 有美妙的巧克力味和馥郁的花香。既可搭配甜品,也可在 饭后单独品尝,是马德拉最甜的葡萄品种。

Broadbent Porto Auction Reserve 博班特波特拍卖佳酿 750ml RMB 256 Domecq La Ina Sherry 多美酒庄拉英那雪莉葡萄酒

750ml RMB 250

Considered by many critics to be one of the benchmark Spanish Finos. Bone-dry with a lovely pale-straw hue, this medium-bodied sherry displays fresh apple, almond and yeast flavours. La Ina is an ideal companion for olives, nuts, cheese, anchovies, sardines, shrimp or grilled sausages, and should always be served well chilled. 拉英那被众多酒评家认为是西班牙淡色干雪利酒的标准之 作。酒色呈浅麦秆色,清澈明亮。活泼明锐,同时带有 优雅的花香和微妙的杏仁芳香。入口均衡,圆润;极富个 性且回味持久。适合搭配橄榄,坚果,奶酪,海鲜或者烤 肠。冷冻饮用,口感更好。

Domecq Rio Viejo Oloroso 多美酒庄里奥雪莉葡萄酒

750ml RMB 250

Pale golden colour, aromas of vanilla and tobacco. In the mouth this oloroso sherry is smooth, intense and well balanced. 这是一款成熟的雪利酒,带有非常明亮的深琥珀色,酒香 优雅,能够充分体现她长年在橡木桶中陈年之特质,散发 着浓郁的香料芬芳。口感圆润,有如丝绒般柔顺,回味绵 长而且优雅。

Domecq Pedro Ximénez Vina 25 多美酒庄比那25雪莉甜葡萄酒

750ml RMB 250

Made from Pedro Ximenez grapes, this dessert sherry offers deep wafts of prunes, molasses, and toast; surfing the underside of syrupy, its finish remains amazingly clean. Try serving it with coffee, or pour it over your vanilla ice cream in summer. 这款酒呈深桃花心木色,边缘带些许琥珀色,挂杯明显。 酒香及花香浓郁,更有葡萄干和坚果的芳香。入口醇厚, 甘甜,柔顺,酒体饱满,回味无穷。尽管糖度甚高,但因 其在美国橡木桶中陈酿而甜而不腻。可以与咖啡搭配,或 在夏天淋在香草冰淇淋上。

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DESSERT WINES 甜酒 Some of today’s greatest and most sought after wines are sweet, and sweet wines remain an essential part of winemaking and dining traditions all over the world. A great dessert wine provides the perfect compliment to food, either paired with a dessert, served on their own, as an aperitif, or as a perfect compliment to certain cheeses such as parmigiano or stilton. Dessert wines come in a range of styles and we have put together those we consider to be some of the very best examples – from the luscious honey and citrus of Holick’s The Nectar, to the rich and fruity (perfect with chocolate) flavours from Casa de la Ermita, or the quintessentially classic Chateau D’yquem, there has never been a better time to rediscover dessert wines. 如今最受追捧,最受追崇的葡萄酒中肯定包括甜酒。这是世界上葡萄酒酿造和传统晚宴不可或缺的 部分之一。一款好的甜酒可以搭配餐点、甜食,既可以单品,也可以用作开胃酒,与奶酪一起饮用 也是完美的搭配,比如帕尔马干酪、斯第尔顿奶酪等。甜酒有很多不同的类型,在这里我们把几款 最好的甜酒展现给大家――从有着橘子香气,如蜂蜜般甘甜的郝立克甘露到果味充足、丰富的欧美 塔甜红葡萄酒(和巧克力搭配绝佳),再到精粹、经典的狄甘古堡甜白,让我们趁这个大好时机重 新去发现最棒的甜酒吧。 Casa de la Ermita Blanco Dulce 2007 2007年欧美塔甜白 500ml RMB 150

Grape varieties: 100%Viognier Tropical fruit aromas such as apricots, pineapple, and mango combine with floral notes of blossom and jasmine. Very well balanced on the palate, displaying a wonderfully harmonic sweetness with sensations of white berries and fruits and a lingering finish. Excellent served with fruit salads, and desserts such as meringue and apple pie. Equally good with duck pâtes & foie gras. 由100%维欧尼酿造而成。这支甜白葡萄酒带有非常典型的 杏子、菠萝和甜瓜的香味,还略有些许茉莉花的味道隐 约展现。酒体平衡,展现了非常典雅和谐的甜味,喝在口 中,明显可以尝到到白色浆果以及多种水果的香甜口感, 回味悠长。非常适合搭配水果色拉、苹果派等甜点。当 然,与鸭肝酱或者鹅肝酱也会是完美的组合。

Casa de la Ermita Dulce Monastrell 2006 2006 欧美塔甜红葡萄酒 500ml RMB 150

Deep scarlet, with purple touches. Aromatic notes of over-ripe fruits of the forest with hints of spices. On the palate, more jammy fruits of the forest, full of honeyed flavours. Persistent with good tannins that complement the sweetness. 酒色浓重,带有些许紫色光晕,入口即感觉到成熟水果的 甜味,还有一丝辛辣的味道,果酱香味浓郁,单宁柔顺, 是一支完美至极的甜红葡萄酒。

Hollick The Nectar 2008 2008 郝力克甘露

375ml RMB 180

Furmint Tokaj 2000 2000年托卡伊甜白葡萄酒

500ml RMB 225

Made from 100% botrytis infected Riesling grape. Delicious bouquet of lime, orange, and dried apricot. On the palate it is luscious with intense honey, citrus and marmalade flavours. The finish is cleansing and fresh. Serve it chilled with pate or fresh fruits. 由100%被贵富菌感染的雷司令葡萄酿制,呈浅稻草色,带 有清柠,橘子浆和干杏的味道。口味甘甜尤如蜂蜜,带有 明显的金橘味。收口清新爽脆。冰镇饮用更佳,适合与甜 品或鲜果一起饮用。

Made from Furmint, a grape only grown in Hungary. A distinctive wine with natural sweetness from late harvesting and lightly Botrytised grapes. Classic Tokaji with a modern twist, with rich fruit but without the excessive sweetness. Pineapple, lime zest and musky flower characteristics, quite intense and bottled in designer bottles with a crystal rose in the center. The perfect wine for gifts and lovers. 这支托卡伊甜白葡萄酒采用匈牙利特有的福明特葡萄酿造 而成,通过晚收的方法采摘被贵腐菌略微感染的葡萄,从 而保留了独特的天然甜味。这款经典的托卡伊酒还同时具 备了现代的风格,果味丰沛,甜味隽永。有菠萝的香气, 青柠的舒爽,还有麝香一般的浓郁花香。尤其特别是其水 晶瓶身的设计,一朵玫瑰花绽放瓶中,绝对是情侣之间的 完美礼物。

DE Bortoli Noble One Botrytis Semillon 2004 2004 德保利-诺伯文甜赛美容 375ml RMB 330

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WINE ACCESSORIES 葡萄酒专用酒器 Wine glasses

Ruby Red Tasting Glasses RMB 80 set of 6 glasses 红樽坊专业品酒杯 RMB 80 / 一套(6个)

A quality wine glass is a must in order to get the full enjoyment from a glass of good wine Here are some general rules about choosing glassware: •

If you are on a budget, get multi-purpose tulip shaped wine glasses that are 8 to 10 inches in height. The tulip shape feature enables the wine aroma to rise to the top of the glass.

Choose wine glasses that are made of good thin clear glass, not decorative or colored. Anything but clear glass takes away from appreciating the wine in the glass.

There are specific red wine glasses and white wine glasses. Red wine glasses usually have a wider bowl shape, and white wine glasses usually have a narrower bowl shape.

Champagne glasses have a very narrow opening. The narrow glass offers less surface space for the bubbles to escape. This type of glass is called a flute.

Champagne Glass RMB 40 each 香槟酒杯 RMB 40 /个

White Wine Glass RMB 30 each 白葡萄酒酒杯 RMB 30 /个

葡萄酒酒杯 如果您要真正享受葡萄酒的美味和风情,那么葡萄酒酒杯 就尤其重要了。 以下是挑选葡萄酒杯时的几个主要原则: • 假如是在宴会上,需要选择中等郁金香型杯体、高8到 10英寸。这种酒杯可将酒的香气集中于杯口的附近, 便于闻香。

Burgundy Glass RMB 40 each 勃艮第酒杯 RMB 40 /个

• 选择酒杯,首先要关注其材质,应选择玻璃或水晶, 杯身要无色透明。不要选择有雕花或有其它颜色的 酒杯,以免使我们对葡萄酒的颜色产生错误的判断。 • 葡 萄 酒 杯 分 红 葡 萄 酒 杯 和 白 葡 萄 酒 杯 , 红 葡 萄 酒 杯杯身更大一些、而白葡萄酒杯则更加修长些。 • 香槟酒杯杯口较小,以防酒中的 汽泡外溢跑掉。这种 酒杯通常被称作“笛形香槟杯”。

Bordeaux Glass RMB 35 each 波尔多酒杯 RMB 35 /个

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Mikasa wine glasses

An ‘unbreakable’ wine glass made of a new material called Kwarx - the most important revolution in glass since automated lead crystal production. Kwarx glass is made to a secret formula and retains lustre and transparency as well as being strong and virtually unbreakable.

Accessories 酒具

Ice Bucket RMB 50 each 冰桶 RMB 50 /个

Mikasa 葡萄酒杯

过去人们一直使用铅晶材质的玻璃,自从采用一 种 名 为 Kwarx的 新 材 质 来 制 作 “ 摔 不 破 ” 的 酒 杯 之 后,葡萄酒杯的领域里掀起了一场最重要的变革。 用 Kwarx制 作 玻 璃 是 一 个 神 秘 的 配 方 , 目 前 此 秘 方还没有对外公开。同时这种杯子还可以保持光 泽,透明度,还非常坚固,几乎“牢不可破”。

Mikasa Open-Up Champagne Glasses RMB 85 each Mikasa 香槟18形酒杯 RMB 85 /个

Mikasa Open Up 18 1/2 Tannic wine glass (e.g. for Cabernet and merlot) RMB 85 each 单宁红葡萄酒酒杯(例如: 赤霞 珠和梅鹿) RMB 85 /个

Mikasa Open Up -Soft RMB 85 each 淡雅葡萄酒杯 RMB 85 /个

Universal Tasting Wine Glass RMB 85 each

Crystal Wine Decanter RMB 350 each 水晶醒酒器 RMB 350 /个

Wine Bottle Vacuum Sealer RMB 25 each 葡萄酒真空保鲜器 RMB 25 /个

Professional Wine Knife RMB 25 each 专业酒刀 RMB 25 /个

Non Drip Foil wine pourers RMB 15 each 倒酒薄片 RMB 15/个

多功能葡萄酒杯 RMB 85 /个

For regular updates and wine news visit 请访问我们的网站查看最新的消息 48

Wine Fridges Is wine storage a problem? Ruby Red has the perfect wine storage solution for you! Our range of high quality VinoRich wine fridges come in a range of sizes and options, and are suitable for large or small spaces – perfect for just about any space in your house or apartment! Wine fridges are refrigerators designed specifically for the storage of wine. Wine fridges are ideal for people who plan on keeping their wine for one month or longer. This is because a fridge can protect your wine from light and changes in temperature – the biggest enemies to wine. All our fridges are quiet, have built in adjustable-height wine racks, adjustable temperature control and a one-year guarantee.

270L Vino-Rich Wine Fridge Holds 123-161 bottles RMB 5580 270升 Vino-Rich 葡萄酒冷藏柜 储藏123-161瓶 RMB 5580

Choose from Ruby Red’s range of wine fridges below or contact us with your specific requirements. Ask for a special discount on fridges with wine purchases.

188L Vino-Rich Wine Fridge Holds 84-111 bottles RMB 4980 188升 Vino-Rich 葡萄酒冷藏 柜储藏84-111瓶 RMB 4980

酒柜 您是不是在为葡萄酒储存发愁呢?红樽坊为您提供 完 美 的 解 决 方 案 ! 我 们 有 各 种 尺 寸 的 Vino-Rich酒 柜 供您挑选。您可以根据您的需要,选择合适的酒柜。

103L Vino-Rich Wine Fridge Holds 50-61 bottles RMB 4200

这些是专为葡萄酒储存而设计的酒柜,对于希望长 时间存酒的爱好者来说,是不错的选择。酒柜能够 保护葡萄酒免受阳光直射和温度变化这些葡萄酒保护 的最大天敌。我们所出售的酒柜没有噪音,酒架和 温度还可以随意调节、至少可以保证一年的储存。

103升 Vino-Rich 葡萄酒冷 藏柜储藏50-61瓶 RMB 4200

您可以从以下酒柜中挑选适合您的酒柜或直接联系我们。 如果同时购买葡萄酒和冰柜,还可以得到特殊折扣。

28 bottle Vino-Rich Wine Fridge Holds 28 bottles RMB 1350 28瓶 Vino-Rich 葡萄酒冷 藏柜储藏28瓶 RMB 1350

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RubyRed Corporate Services

Wine boxes 葡萄酒木盒

Ruby Red can present fun corporate wine tastings, from events for 400 people to an intimate pre-dinner drinks party. This is a unique way of entertaining clients or guests, or for hosting team building and networking events! We are specialists in competitions and quizzes, as well as tastings of anything from rare and boutique producers to a deluxe Premiere Cru tasting whilst floating on board a Shanghai river cruiser!

Dark Wood Wine Box with Antique style brass clasp RMB 50 each or RMB 30 with wine purchase 红木古董扣锁式葡萄酒木盒每个 RMB 50元 如果购买我们的葡萄酒 木盒只需RMB 30元噢!

We can arrange any kind of event, at a range of exciting venues tailored to our client’s exact needs, and can provide consultation advice and suggestions where needed.

World Map Single Wine Box RMB 70 单瓶仿古礼盒 RMB 70

Ph 6234-2249 or email

Leather-look Wine Boxes in Brown and Black RMB 80 真皮礼盒(棕色及黑色) RMB 80

Leather-look wine carrier bag with zips.Holds two bottles of wine. RMB 50 皮革带拉链葡萄酒携带包 可携带2瓶酒 RMB 50

红樽坊企业服务 红樽坊可以组织各种有趣的品酒会,从400人的大型活 动到小型的餐前葡萄酒派对,都是企业招待客户,或团 队建设和社交活动的独到方式。我们不仅在竞赛和智力 问答方面很专业,而且在品尝少见的小型酒庄稀有葡萄 酒以及在上海各类豪华油轮上品尝豪华的顶级酒方面, 我们也具有专家级的眼光。 我们能够举办各种各样的活动,包括为活动策划提供咨 询和建议。

Natural Wood wine box with paper carry bag RMB 25 原木单瓶礼盒(含纸袋) RMB 25


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红樽坊 上海市长宁区 遵义路天山二村41号乙地下酒窖 PH: +86 21 62342249 or 62343031 E:

Ruby Red Fine Wine No. 41b, Underground Cellar Tian Shan No. 2 Residential Compound Zun Yi Road, Hong Qiao, Shanghai PH: +86 21 62342249 or 62343031 E:


Nearest metro station is Loushanguan Road, Line 2.


Historic Location

您是否曾经参观过红樽坊具有历史意义的地下酒窖?位 于虹桥的红樽坊地下酒窖曾经是一处具有历史意义的防 空洞。现在它仍然保留了作为防空洞的许多特征,并能 一瞥冷战历史的踪影。

Have you visited Ruby Red’s wine cellar yet? Ruby Red’s wine cellar is located in an historic underground bomb shelter beneath a residential neighbourhood in Hongqiao. It still retains many of its original bomb shelter features and offers a fascinating glimpse into a piece of Cold War history.

我们防空洞的地下环境与欧洲的地下酒窖是非常相似 的,它们都能保持全年稳定的温度和湿度,是储存葡萄 酒最理想的地方。 现在我们的酒窖拥有超过40.000瓶葡萄酒(相当与4个 集装箱酒),来自于15个国家超过800种不同的品种。 红樽坊地下酒窖是一个独一无二的地方,是上海最有 趣、选择葡萄酒最全面的地方之一,绝对是一个值得去 参观的地方。

The underground environment of our bomb shelter is very similar to that of the underground wine cellers of Europe - both maintain a year-round constant temperature and humidity. Ideal for the storage of wine! These days the cellar is home to over 40,000 bottles of wine (that’s the equivalent of 4 containers of wine), representing 15 countries and over 800 different labels. Ruby Red’s wine cellar is a unique location offering one of Shanghai’s most interesting and comprehensive selections of wines and an undeniably fascinating wine experience.

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