February -July ‘08
Where to stay • What to do Dining • Shopping Visit us online at: www.destinationabaco.net
1 Destination Abaco
A DASH OF EXTRA POLISH for The Bahamas’ crown jewel .
Peter de Savary and The Ritz-Carlton® present Golf Memberships at The Abaco Club on Winding Bay, in Abaco, The Bahamas, a Ritz-Carlton Managed Club. When one improves upon perfection, the changes are subtle. The Abaco Club on Winding Bay is now a Ritz-Carlton Managed Club, inheriting a legacy of excellence unrivaled for three-quarters of a century. This exquisite, 2 mile, private beach, golf and sporting club encompasses ocean cliffs, white-sand coves, scuba and bone fishing beyond compare. It is a setting of unparalleled drama for the world’s first Scottish-Style tropical links golf course and an island lifestyle now enriched by Ritz-Carlton service. Golf Memberships priced at $85,000*. Telephone 800.261.4114 or visit www.theabacoclub.com. A member of the de Savary Collection of luxury clubs.
The Abaco Club on Winding Bay is not owned or developed by The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. The Abaco Club RC, Ltd., in which an affiliate of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. owns an interest, uses the Ritz-Carlton trademarks under a license from The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. which may ACWB-06-020 be terminated or revoked according to its terms. *Prices are subject to change.
The window of opportunity now comes with a view.
P. O. Box AB 20669 Marsh Harbour, Abaco, The Bahamas VHF Channel 16 Toll Free: 1-800-401-1056 Telephone: 1-242-367-2158 Fax: 1-242-367-4633 residences@abacobeachresort.com www.abacobeachresort.com
3 Destination Abaco
Become part of an exclusive island neighborhood with five star amenities right outside your door. Offering luxury condo residences featuring fine dining, unique shopping, an abundance of water activities, a relaxing atmosphere and so much more. Make it more than just a vacation getaway, make it your year round lifestyle in paradise!
Abaco, Bahamas GO
Damianos Sotheby’s International Realty
Head Office: Nassau 242.322.2305
Marsh Harbour, Abaco (242) 367-2473 284 Bay Street, Nassau, Bahamas (242) 302-2800
5 Destination Abaco
February - July 08 In Every Issue
Important Numbers............................... 10 Calendar of Events.................................. 12
Beulah Wong Photography
Ferry Schedule.......................................... 20 Shopping.................................................... 28 Guide to Marinas..................................... 46
Where to stay............................................ 52
Ruth Saunders, Execuprint Ltd.
Where to Dine.......................................... 83
Rebecca Burg, Cindy Pastor, Jennifer Hudson, Mirella Santillo
What to do................................................. 88 Information..............................................105
Straw Work Revival................................ 23
Contributing Writers Contributing Photos
Treasure Cay Resort & Marina Rebecca Burg, Tuppy Weatherford Reel Candy Fishing Blair Saunders, Robbie Bethel Above & Below, Dive Abaco The Abaco Club on Winding Bay Treasure Cay Resort & Marina
Ruth Saunders, Senetra Delancy Christie Saunders
Graphics Artist, Tuppy Weatherford ................... 44
JB Graphics & Web Designs Ruth Saunders
Published bi-annually by Execuprint Ltd. For advertising rates and information: Tel (242) 367-3202/1 or 367-2107 • Fax (242) 367-3201 • US (305) 394-8274 www.destinationabaco.net Email: destinationabaco@coralwave.com Destination Abaco is published by Execuprint Ltd. © Copyright 2007 by Execuprint Ltd. P.O.Box AB-20968, Marsh Harbour, Abaco, The Bahamas. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission of the publisher is prohibited.
6 Destination Abaco
Š D. YURMAN 2007
Marsh Harbor, Abaco (242) 367-2473 David Yurman Boutique, Bay Street, Nassau (242) 302-2878
7 Destination Abaco
Welcome to
elcome to the Abacos. In the previous edition I referred to this destination as the “Real Bahamas.” That boast was best evidenced by the comments offered by our customers and their continued inclusion of the Abacos in their annual itinerary. While we had a most successful year during which our business grew by more than 8%, we are aware that there is much work to be done. We continue to work hard at improving our product offering and in this vein we have set out on a number of important initiatives. One key area of focus is “sustainable” tourism. We were recently confirmed as an affiliate of “Keep America Beautiful”, a bold step towards ensuring we create strong alliances with partners that can assist us in product enhancement. Our local chapter “Keep Abaco Beautiful” is a joint effort between our local environmental partner “Friends of The Environment” and our office. We anticipate tremendous beneficial offshoots and residual results. Protecting our environment and promoting sustainable habits is an important priority; after all, our natural environmental attributes drive our customers’ interest. As we grow as a destination, we will make every effort to ensure we provide you the quality you rightly deserve as our valued customers. This can be best achieved with your input and partnership – feel free to share your ideas with us. Have a most enjoyable time in the Abacos. You may reach us at dcornish@bahamas.com or call (242) 367-4407 Don Cornish Manager Abaco Tourist Office
8 Destination Abaco
© 2007 Seiko Corporation of America
Marsh Harbour, Abaco (242) 367-2473 284 Bay Street, Nassau, Bahamas (242) 302-2800 • Mall at Marathon • Harbour Bay • Palmdale
9 Destination Abaco
? Information
Important Numbers
The Bahamas Area Code (242) unless otherwise stated
Directory Assistance US & CANADA
...... 1-(Area Code)-555-1212
Long Distance Services
AT&T USA Direct1-800-872-2881 Canada Operator........................ 1-800-463-0501 MCI Customers............................1-800-888-8000 Sprint Customers........................ 1-800-389-2111 United Kingdom Operator........1-800-389-4444
United States Embassy............... 1-888-247-2262 Canadian Consulate................... 1-800-433-7300
Car Rentals
A & P Auto Rentals................................ 367-2655 Allison Car Rentals................................. 365-8193 Bargin Car Rentals.................................. 367-0500 Cash’s Resort Carts ............................... 365-8771 Cornish Car Rentals.............................. 365-8623 Rental Wheels.......................................... 367-4643 Sea Star Rentals....................................... 367-4887
Banking & ATMs
Commonwealth Bank................367-2370 - ATM First Caribbean Int’l Bank ........367-2166 - ATM Royal Bank of Canada Marsh Harbour.................... 367-2420 - ATM Treasure Cay..........................365-8119 - ATM Scotiabank (Bahamas) Ltd.........367-2141 - ATM Fidelity/Western Union (MH).............. 367-3135
Emergency Services ‘919’
Royal Bahamas Police Force................. 367-2560 Fire Department (MH).......................... 367-2000 Bah Air Sea Rescue Assoc..................... 366-0500
Medical Services
Abaco Family Medicine.......................... 367-2295. Auskell Advance Medical....................... 367-0020 Corbett Medical Center....................... 365-8288 Health Power Therapeutic Massage... 375-8416 Government Clinics Marsh Harbour.................................. 367-2510 Cooper's Town................................... 365-0300 Green Turtle Cay............................... 365-4028 Hope Town.......................................... 366-0108 Sandy Point......................................... 366-4010 Marsh Harbour Medical........................ 367-0049 Out Island Chiropractor....................... 367-2584 Agape Family Dental Centre................ 367-4355 Diamente Dental Clinic......................... 367-4968
10 Destination Abaco
Airline & Charter Services
Abaco Air Ltd. ........................................ 367-2266 Air Florida ................................................ 367-5599 Air Sunshine Ft. Lauderdale Airport............. 954-434-8900 Treasure Cay Airport....................... 365-8900 Marsh Harbour Airport.................. 367-2800 American Airlines /American Eagle US Reservations....................1-800-433-7300 Bahamasair Marsh Harbour Airport.................. 367-2095 Treasure Cay Airport....................... 365-8601 US Reservations................... 1-800-222-4262 Bimini Air Marsh Harbour................................. 367-0140 US Reservations....................... 954-939-8991 Calypso Air Marsh Harbour................................. 367-0140 Treasure Cay...................................... 365-8660 Chalks Int’l Airlines Marsh Harbour.................................. 367-1111 Treasure Cay....................................... 365-8333 US.............................................. 1-877-924-2557 Cherokee Air Ltd. Marsh Harbour Airport.................. 367-3451 Office.................................................. 367-2089 Continental Connection/Gulfstream International Marsh Harbour Airport.................. 367-3415 Treasure Cay Airport....................... 365-8615 US Reservations................... 1-800-231-0856 Island Express Marsh Harbour................................. 367-0169 Major’s Air Marsh Harbour Airport.................. 367-2498 Marsh Harbour................................. 367-0446 Sky Limo International Ft. Lauderdale Airport............. 954-491-5930 Twin Air Treasure Cay Airport....................... 365-8677 Ft. Lauderdale Airport............. 954-359-8266 Vintage Props & Jets Treasure Cay Airport....................... 367-4852 New Smyrna Bch Airport...... 386-423-1773 Yellow Air Taxi Service Marsh Harbour Airport................... 367-0032 Fort Lauderdale Airport ......... 954-359-0292
Travel Agencies
A & W Travel Agency Marsh Harbour.................................. 367-2806 Marsh Habour.......................................... 367-2817
DIVE MASTER 500. Engineered for performance. Designed for comfort.
11 Destination Abaco
? Information
Calendar of Events FEBRUARY 1st-2nd
Abaco Art Festival, Marsh Harbour
(Abaco Beach Resort, 367-2158) Abaco based Artists and Artisans are brought together with others from throughout the country to display their products. This event showcases extensive talent and allows patrons the pleasure of purchasing a range of fine and unusual creations.
Annual Man-O-War Craft & Trade Fair
(For further information call 242-365-6049) Local crafts, general items, food and drinks are featured at this popular fair that directly benefits the Man-O-War School.
Hope Town Fair, aka Fisherman’s Fair
Hope Town This event is a fun family day out for kids 3-90. (www.hopetownfirerescue.com)
People to People Winter Residents Reception,
Marsh Harbour (Contact the AbacoTourist Office, 367-3067) This event presents an opportunity for local People to People Volunteers, facilitated by the Ministry of Tourism, Abaco Office, to meet and interact with Winter Residents in an annual ‘get together.’ Bahamian music, food and other cultural expressions are highlighted.
Hope Town’s Annual Heritage Day
(Contact the AbacoTourist Office, 367-3067) 12 Destination Abaco
The Annual Heritage Day is held at the park and museum area of town. Generally featured are: historical speakers, new book signings, traditional school songs and cultural dances; a mini boat parade with historic flags; sculling ‘dingy’ boats with single-oars; arts & crafts, shell collection displays; museum tours, demonstration of threatened loyalist style homes in addition to Bahamian cuisine freshly prepared for purchase.
Annual Reef Ball, Marsh Harbour
(Call Friends of the Environment, 367-2721) Fundraiser for Friends of the Environment held at Abaco Beach Resort.
Barefoot Man Concert, Guana Cay
(Nipper’s Beach Bar & Grill 365-5143) The world famous Nippers Beach Bar & Grill on Guana Cay attracts hundreds of visitors and locals year after year with its live entertainment, its signature drink the nipper juice, Bahamian dishes and the partying atmosphere.
Abaco Cancer Society Art Show and Silent Auction
GreenTurtle Cay Club. For more information contact Majolein Scott at 367-3744.
Cedar Harbour Homecoming Festival
Cedar Harbour Park, Cedar Harbour, Abaco These annual events serve to bring local residents and other domestic visitors from neighbouring islands together to share in Cultural Activities, Games, Food, Drinks and worship. They generate economic activity and lend to the promotion and
MARSH HARBOUR T (242) 367-5454 E abaco@hgchristie.com
GUANA CAY T (242) 365-5454 E guana@hgchristie.com
HOPE TOWN T (242) 366-0700 E hopetown@hgchristie.com
The Bahamas’ Largest Property Showcase
www.HGChristieRentals.com Your Perfect Stay in The Abacos
13 Destination Abaco
? Information
Calendar of Events development of Bahamian heritage indigenous to these communities.
Bahamas White Marlin Open
(Treasure Cay Beach Resort, 365-8801) This event caters to fishing enthusiasts wishing to visit the Abacos and enjoy the hunt of a White Marlin. A separate fun fishing division recognizes the largest caught Dolphin, Tuna and Wahoo during the three days of the fishing tournament.
Grand Cay Home-Coming Festival
The traditional heritage based event called “homecoming”reunites local residents and other domestic visitors in cultural activities, games, food, drinks and worship. These events have tremendous value for tourism promotion and cultural development between the Islands of the Bahamas. For further information call 353-1306
Bahamas Billfish Championship Series
(Treasure Cay Beach Resort, 365-8801) The Bahamas Billfish Championships sponsored by Rolex, is considered the premier fishing series in the Bahamas. This leg of the championships kicks off the five leg series of an event that attracts dozens of seasoned and crafty deep-sea fishermen. Bragging rights are the order of the day as reputations and hundreds of thousands of dollars in prizes and cash are up for grab.
Abaco Anglers Fishing Tournament
(Hope Town Contact 366-3151 or 359-6111) This Deep Sea and Bottom Fishing Tournament has been a part of the landscape for more than thirty years. It is fam14 Destination Abaco
ily oriented and caters primarily to local fishing enthusiasts and to visitors wishing to visit the Abacos to participate. All levels of fishing abilities, including children are encouraged.
April 27th-May 2nd BBC Marsh Harbour Championship
(Abaco Beach Resort, 367-2158) The second leg of the Bahamas Billfish Championship sponsored by Rolex is hosted at Abaco Beach Resort. Anglers continue While in this area take the opportunity to visit the popular tourist strip that offers excellent shopping, tasty Bahamian cuisines and live entertainment.
April 30th-May 4th
Sea Spray Resort Fishing Tournament, Elbow Cay
(Sea Spray Resort, 366-0065) Deep Sea Fishing has a home in White Sound, Elbow Cay. This event caters to fishing enthusiasts wishing to visit the Abacos and enjoy the hunt of Blue Marlin and Tuna. It also brings out the novice fishermen and is a promotional event for the resort and the Abacos.
*Signature Event
5th Annual Island Roots Heritage Festival
(New Plymouth, Green Turtle. 367-3067) The communities of Green Turtle Cay, Abaco and Key West Florida enjoy a common heritage with a similar history. This event is intended to become a vehicle to connect familial and historical ties common to residents of these islands across geographical and national lines furthering the “Sister City” concept. Descendents will
15 Destination Abaco
? Information
Calendar of Events be brought together to share in cultural activities, games, food, drinks and worship. This festival has tremendous external marketing value for Green turtle Cay and the Abacos as a destination both for international and domestic tourism promotion.
6th -10th
Bertram Hatteras Shootout (Billfish Tourney)
(Abaco Beach Resort, MH 367-2158) The Bertram Hatteras Shootout, commonly referred to as “The Shootout” is the creme de la creme of the tournaments held in the Abacos. Select groups of “High End” clientele grace this event each year seeking to exact revenge against their contemporaries. The Bertram and Hatteras group of companies jointly sponsors this event.
The Big Four
Abaco Beach Resort, MH 367-2158
Billfish Blast
Abaco Beach Resort, MH 367-2158
Sandy Point Home-Coming
(Contact the AbacoTourist Office, 367-3067) In addition to “homecoming” activities, this event also promotes the Bahamian sailing sloop, sailing regattas. Usually a mid size competition, the community takes pride in attracting some of the best skippers. Local residents and other visitors from islands of the Bahamas reunite and celebrate in Cultural Activities, Games, Food, Drinks and church service. 16 Destination Abaco
BBC Treasure Cay Championship
(Treasure Cay Beach Resort, 365-8801) The fourth leg of the Bahamas Billfish Championships sponsored by Rolex is hosted with valuable prizes and major cash awards at Treasure Cay Resort. In addition to great fishing, participants in this leg of the championships get to take in world class golf, tennis and one of the top ten beaches in the world.
*Signature Event
Junkanoo Summer Festival Marsh Harbour
(Contact the AbacoTourist Office, 367-3067) It provides a glimpse inside the Bahamian cultural experience, featuring native music, food & drink, dance and calypso bands, arts and crafts, junkanoo parades and the Bahamas Police marching and pop bands
25th Annual Treasure Cay Billfish Championship
(Treasure Cay Beach Resort,365-8801) The Treasure Cay Billfish Championships is a “Mainstay” among the Abaco fishing events with consistency the order of the day. It caters to a cross section of fishermen and is a major promotional event for northern Abaco. The event also features beach volleyball and a native arts and crafts show on the lay day.
BBC Boat Harbour Championship Marsh Harbour
(Abaco Beach Resort, 367-2158) This is the final leg of the Bahamas Billfish Championships sponsored by Rolex and
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Each office is independently owned and operated, except offices owned and operated by NRT Inc.
17 Destination Abaco
? Information
Calendar of Events
will attract scores of seasoned and crafty deep-sea fishermen all vying for the hundreds of thousands of dollars in prizes and cash. Spouses of the anglers participate in a People to People Luncheon and silent auction for charity, while the overall results for all of the legs are tallied and a festive awards’ banquet is prepared by the organizers.
Little Abaco Homecoming Fox Town Abaco
*Signature Event
Junkanoo Summer Festival Marsh Harbour
(Contact the Abaco Tourist Office, 367-3067) It provides a glimpse inside the Bahamian cultural experience, featuring native music, food & drink, dance and calypso bands, arts and crafts, junkanoo parades and the Bahamas Police marching and pop bands.
The annual ‘homecoming’ event for this community is prepared by a committee that invites family and friends to return for a weekend of celebrations in Cultural Activities, Games, Food, Drinks and worship. Economic activity is generated community-wide as old family ties and friendship are renewed.
3rd-11th *Signature Event
33rd Annual Five Towns Regatta Time in Abaco
(Contact Dave & Kathy Ralph, 367-2677) The Regatta Time sailing event is hosted between the American and Bahamian Independence celebrations linking both important commemorations. This event that involves primarily American sloops, brings dozens of sailing enthusiasts to the Abacos for a fun-filled and exciting racing series. One highlight of the race is the Fiddle Cay Party hosted by “Stranded Naked” Sports Wear. The Series begins at Green Turtle Cay with stops at Gt. Guana Cay and Nippers; Man-O-War Cay dubbed the “Sailing Capital of the World”; Hope Town, home of the world famous candy striped lighthouse and Marsh Harbour, the commercial hub of the Abacos. The regatta is in its 32nd year and is an important promotional event for Abacos. 18 Destination Abaco
Bahamas Independence Celebrations
(ContacttheAdministrationOffice,367-2343) The Bahamas will celebrate 34 years as an independent nation. Celebration of the event will be held on Goombay Park, Marsh Harbour at 6:00pm-12:00midnight.
3rd Annual North Abaco Summer Festival & Power Boat Race,
(Treasure Cay, call Clifton Bootle 475-3275) A huge crowd of supporters turn out to cheer on their pick for the fastest boat on sea. This event attracts contestants from throughout The Bahamas who competes for such a title. At the same time they are able to indulge in cultural activities during the four day event which includes native music, foods and games.
Barefoot Man Concert, Guana Cay
(Nipper’s Beach Bar & Grill, 365-5143) The world famous Nippers Beach Bar & Grill on Guana Cay attracts hundreds of visitors and locals year after year with its live entertainment, its signature drink the nipper juice, Bahamian dishes and the partying atmosphere.
19 Destination Abaco
Ferry Schedule
Albury’s Ferry Service Telephone: 367-3147/365-6010 VHF 16 One Way Adult ...................... $16 Child $ 8 6 -11 Round Trip Adult ....................$22 Child $11 6 -11 Kids 5 and under Free • Charters Available! Marsh Harbour to Hope Town 7:15am/9:00am/10:30am/12:15pm 2:00pm/4:00pm/5:45pm Hope Town to Marsh Harbour 8:00am/9:45am/11:30am/1:30pm 3:00pm/4:00pm/5:00pm/6:15pm Marsh Harbour to Man-O-War *Except Sundays & Holidays 10:30am/12:15pm/*2:30pm/4:00pm/5:45pm Man-O-War to Marsh Harbour *Except Sundays & Holidays 8:00am/11:30am/1:30pm/*3:15pm/4:30pm Marsh
Ft. Lauderdale Fort Walton Beach Gainesville Jacksonville Key West Miami Orlando Pensacola Tallahassee Tampa West Palm Beach
Marsh Harbour Treasure Cay ANDROS Andros Town BIMINI South Bimini CAT ISLAND New Bight ELEUTHERA Governors Harbour North Eleuthera EXUMA George Town GRAND BAHAMA Freeport NEW PROVIDENCE Nassau
For Reservations Call Continental
1-800-523-FARE to Guana Cay 6:45am/10:30am/1:30pm/3:30pm/5:45pm Guana to Marsh Harbour 8:00am/11:30am/2:30pm/4:45pm/6:30pm
Green Turtle Ferry Telephone: 365-4166 or 365-4128
SUNPAC The Easy No Hassle Way To Commute To Your Boat. Get the details and start saving.
Call 1-800-688-7225 954-985-1500 x 272
VHF 16
One Way Adult $10 Child $5 under 12 Round Trip - Adult $15 Charters Available at any time! Green Turtle Cay to Treasure Cay Site
20 Destination Abaco
Work Hard. Fly Right.
Ferry Schedule
21 Destination Abaco
Destination Abaco 21
etting married in the Bahamas could not be easier. Just call the Ministry of Tourism Abaco Office to assist with your personal arrangements. To qualify to get married in the Bahamas, you must have been in The Bahamas for a minimum of one day. If either party has been divorced, the original final decree divorce papers must be produced. If either party is unmarried, being a citizen or resident of a country other than the USA, a declaration certifying this fact must be sworn before a notary public or other person authorized to administer oaths.
The following documents are required: 1. Birth Certificate 2. Passport 3. Notarized Affidavit stating that you have never been married 4. Divorce papers if you have been married before With Tourism assistance we can help you with: • A personal wedding consultant • Marriage License • Administrator or minister of religion to conduct ceremony • Licensed marriage officer • Wedding Cake • Photographer & Videographer • Wedding Location Call Abaco Tourist Office Tel: (242) 367-3067 Email:abacotourism@hotmail.com
22 Destination Abaco
Visit these Websites while planning your Wedding in Abaco Abaco Beach Resort - www.abacobeachresort.com Regattas of Abaco - www.regattasofabaco.com The Abaco Club at Winding Bay - www.theabacoclub.com Schooners Landing - www.schoonerslanding.com Hope Town Harbour Lodge - www.hopetownlodge.com Abaco Inn - www.abacoinn.com Hope Town Hideaways - www.hopetownhideaways.com Sea Spray Resort - www.seasprayresort.com Treasure Cay Resort - www.treasurecay.com Bahama Beach Club - www.bahamabeach.com Bluff House Beach Resort - www.bluffhouse.com Green Turtle Club - www.greenturtleclub.com
Straw Work Revival in Marsh Harbour By Cindy Pastor
trong fingers, seldom idle, weave a prepared straw back and forth, over and under, creating intricate patterns in an ancient fashion. Bags, hats, mats, baskets and many other useful and beautiful items are slowly coaxed into existence from lowly palmetto palms. This is the work of the artisans known as Straw Workers. Bahamian straw history stretches far back to before the island chain was “discovered” by Christopher Columbus. Native Arawaks had been creating baskets, clothing and head coverings for centuries from the natural resources that were available to them in abundance. African slaves that arrived in the Bahamas from the Carolinas with their Loyalist masters
23 Destination Abaco
brought different styles of straw crafting, including basketry and coiled fanners, used to separate husks from grain. Seminole Indians fleeing Florida and settling in Red Bays, Andros, in the early 1800s brought their coiled weaving style to the islands. The practice of plaiting straw has been in existance for hundreds of years and firmly rooted in Bahamian culture. A plait, according to the Webster Dictionary, is “a braid, especially of hair or straw.” This is a simplistic definition when it comes to the complex process that creates the material used in producing the attractive end product. The straw, which is actually not straw at all but fronds from the palmetto palms, is historically collected during a new moon Destination Abaco 23
when it is said that the straw will be at its softest. Care is taken when harvesting the crop so as not to harm the trees, insuring a renewable resource. Pond top and silver top, the young, unopened green leafy fronds at the center of the palmetto trees, is hand picked and then stripped of its rough sides. The hard ribs of the fronds are bundled and wrapped to produce the core of the coiled style of baskets. The soft strips are then cured, bleached by the sun for white or smoked by kerosene lantern for dark, until an incredibly strong natural fibre is produced. The cured strips of straw can now be plaited into rolls. It takes a full eighthour day to plait a 10-foot strip. Com-
24 Destination Abaco
plex weaving patterns take longer. There are at least 25 different weaves with names like Peas ‘n Rice, Hole in the Wall, Lace, Ric-rac, 15 Strip and Jacob’s Ladder. These weaves and patterns have been passed down through generations of women who have used this art to help sustain their families. From the time the top is collected until the roll is finished, six weeks have passed. The finished rolls of plaited straw are then sewn, either by machine or hand, into amazingly sturdy products. Durable bags and baskets last for many years despite their delicate appearance and are well worth the investment. Mats, floor coverings and various decorative items survive
Jeanette Darville, Darville Straw Industry
frequent handling and only become more beautiful as they age. The marketing of straw work in the Bahamas began as early as 1721. It was introduced by the country’s 15th colonial governor’s wife, Penelope Phenny, who saw how lucrative the straw industry was in Bermuda. Using the wares created by slaves and freed black plaiters, she sold hats and baskets locally for field work, crab gathering and grits storage. The commercial straw industry died off after the Phenneys returned to England but it was revived in the 1860s when plaiters began to sell items to the first winter tourists arriving in Bahamas. 25 Destination Abaco
Here in Abaco, one of the oldest established straw work shops is located on top of the hill of Soldier Road. Jeanette Darville, owner of Darville Straw Industry, has worked her skills here in Marsh Harbour for many years. Originally from Long Island, her family there is the main supplier of plaits used by crafters throughout the Family Islands. She is one of the few artisans that gather raw materials, cure and plait their own strips. Her sons now collect most of the tops from the bush, but she says that she still loves to get out on cool early mornings to direct them to the choicest spots. Traditional bags, hats and placemats are turned out on her treadle powered 1851 Singer sewing machine, which is on prominent display in her showroom. Mrs. Darville’s hand bags are often decorated with intricate floral embroideries of brightly coloured raffia that represents the more conventional look of Bahamian straw bags. Destination Abaco 25
Lovely Reckley
A few years ago, the Bahamas Agricultural and Industrial Corporation, whose objective is to assist in the creation of commerce and industry within the Bahamas, began giving classes on straw work and other ancestral handicrafst. One of BAIC’s first graduates is establishing herself firmly in Abaco’s future. Lovely Reckley has been working closely with the National Crafter Association and the local Tourism Board with the hopes of having a central location built for craft workers to display and sell their wares. A
Destination Abaco
possible location for the proposed cultural centre would be harbour side at Memorial Park on Queen Elizabeth Drive and would also include food venders and a venue for musicians. Mrs. Reckley’s lively and colourful straw bags make use of the batik-like Androsia cloth for linings and accents. In addition to her bags, she also makes pillows, dolls, floor coverings and bathroom accessories from the different plaits. Her straw articles and other creations are displayed in her shop, Lovely Is-
land Tings, located in Archer Plaza on Queen Elizabeth Drive.
Colette Rolle
A more recent graduate of BAIC’s programme, Colette Rolle, produces a contemporary product under her Coko Collections label. She makes use of coconut shell jewelry, which
she also manufactures, as ornamentation on her hand bags and wallets. Fine upholstery cloth is used to line her bags, giving them an elegant look and the huge straw pillows she creates are cloth backed. Ms. Rolle gathers and processes her own plait material, preferring a hands-on aspect in creating her own plaits and designs. Her innovative straw work, as well as her wonderfully original acrylic paintings,
27 Destination Abaco
can be found at her store, Fine Living Home Collections, located at Royal Harbour Village. These are but a few of the talented plaiters who are located in the Marsh Harbour area. There are many crafters in north and south Abaco and the outer cays whose hand crafted bags, hats and household items are available for purchase. With the possibility of a central location for retailing their wares in the very near future and the continuDestination Abaco 27
Designed especially for you! Enjoy for every day use.
MH - Marsh Harbour HT - Hope Town
28 Destination Abaco
GTC - Green Turtle Cay TC - Treasure Cay 路 MOW - Man-O-War Cay
GC- Guana Cay LH - Little Harbour
29 Destination Abaco
Shopping Abaco Souvenirs
Abaco Ceramics (TC) .................. 365-8489 Abaco Treasures (MH) ................. 367-3460 Albury’s Sail Shop (MOW) ..........365-6014 Bahamas Outfitters (MH)............. 367-3312 Buds n Blooms (MH)..................... 367-2837 Bell Ena (MOW) ............................ 365-6077 Ebb Tide (HT) ................................. 366-0088 Edith Straw Market (HT) ............. 366-0423 El Mercado (HT).............................366-0661 Fantasy Boutique (HT) ................. 366-0537 Golden Reef (GTC).......................365-4511 Iggy Biggy (HT) ............................... 366-0354 Iggy Biggy (MH) ............................. 367-5121 Island Petals (MH)........................... 367-2260 Island Treasures (MOW) .............. 365-6072 Java Coffee Shoppe (MH).............. 367-5523 Joe’s Studio (MOW) ...................... 365-6082 Lighthouse Marina (HT)................ 366-0154 Kemp’s Souvenirs (HT) ................ 366-0423
30 Destination Abaco
31 Destination Abaco
32 Destination Abaco
33 Destination Abaco
Shopping Pete’s Pub & Gallery (LH)............. 366-3503 Native Creations (GTC) .............. 365-4206 Sand Dollar Shoppe (MH) ........... 367-4405 Seashore Gift Shop (GC).............. 365-5028 Sunset Souvenirs (MH) ................. 367-2658 Sun Dried T’s (HT)......................... 366-0616 T’zers Gift Shop (MH) .................367-2158 Tropical Souvenirs (MH)............... 367-2431
Beauty Supplies
Abaco Beauty Supplies (MH) ...... 367-2452 Beautiful Braids by Kimmy (MOW) ................... 556-2380
Bicycles, Scooters
The Bike Shop (HT) .................... 366-0292 Rental Wheels (MH) ..................... 367-4643 Wendals Bicycle Rentals (TC)..... 365-8687 Sun Dried T’s (HT)......................... 366-0616 Seaside Cart Rentals (GTC)........ 365-4120
34 Destination Abaco
Boat Rentals
Island Marine Rentals (HT) ......... 366-0282 J.I.C. Boat Rentals (TC) ................ 365-8582 John Heemsath Boat Rentals (U.S).............772-287-6842 Loggerhead Boat Rentals (GTC).365-5461 Cat’s Paw Boat Rentals (HT)....... 366-0380 B & B Boat Rentals (MH).............. 367-7368 Sea Horse Boat Rentals (MH)..... 367-2516 Rich’s Rentals (MH) ....................... 367-2742 Rainbow Rentals (MH) ............. 367-4602. Blue Wave Boat Rentals (MH).....367-3910 Laysue Boat Rentals (MH) ...........367-4356 Waterways Boat Rentals (MOW) .....................365-6143
Adam & Eve (MH) ......................... 367-5792 Bahamas Outfitters (MH)............. 367-3312 Bluff House Boutique (GTC) ...... 365-4200
John Heemsath Boat Sales NEW & USED OUTBOARD BOATS
772.287.6842 OFFICE 772.285.4858 CELL PALM CITY, FLORIDA
Serving Abaco Boaters Since 1985
35 Destination Abaco
Destination Abaco 35
Shopping Corner Value (MH) ....................... 367-2250 Golden Reef (GTC).......................365-4511 His & Her Jeans (MH) .............. 367-20 11 Lowes Pharmacy (MH).................. 367-2667 Lighthouse Marina (HT)................ 366-0154 Mangoes Boutique (MH)............... 367-2366 Sun Dried T’s (HT)......................... 366-0616 Spooners Dept Store (MH)..........367-2017 Wally’s Boutique (MH).................. 367-2074 Iggy Biggy (MH) ..............................367-5121 Wrackers (MH)............................... 367-0197 Island Girl Boutique (MH)............ 367-0283
Cornish Car Rentals (TC) ........... 365-8623 Sea Star Rentals (MH) .................. 367-4887 Reliable Car Rentals (MH) .......... 367-4234 Rental Wheels (MH) ..................... 367-4643 Quality Star Car Rentals (MH).... 367-2979
Cameras, Film, Developing
Buds & Blooms (MH) ................... 367-2837 Island Petals (MH) .......................... 367-2260 Passion Flower(MH)....................... 367-3166 Pinewoods Nursery (MH) .......... 367-2674 Tropical Farm Nursery (MH)....... 367-2783
Snap Shop (MH).............................. 367-3020 Wally’s Studio (MH) ...................... 367-2722 Computer Creations (MH).......... 367-2004
Car Rentals
A & P Auto Rentals (MH)............. 367-2655 Bargain Cart Rentals (MH)........... 367-0500
36 Destination Abaco
Crystal Treasures
Abaco Treasures (MH) ................. 367-3460 Corner Value (MH) ....................... 367-2250 Sand Dollar Shoppe (MH) ........... 367-4405 Solomon’s Mines (TC)................... 365-8132
Furniture & Accessories
Fine Lliving (MH) ........................... 367-0329
INDI Furniture (MH)..................... 367-0521 Wood-You (MH)............................. 367-9663 Palm Cottages (MH)...................... 367-2300
Golf Cart Rentals Cash’s Cart Rentals (TC) ............365-8771 C & D Rentals (GTC) ..................365-4311 Chris Cart Rentals (TC)............... 365-8053 D & P Cart Rentals (GTC) ......... 365-4655 Guana Cay Rentals (GC) .............365-5195 Hope Town Cart Rentals (HT).... 366-0064 Island Treasures (MOW) .............. 365-6072 Island Cart Rentals (HT) ............. 366-0448 Island Road Runners (GTC)......... 365-4610 JR Cart Rentals(HT)....................... 366-0361 Resort Cart Rentals (TC) ........... 365-8771 Seaside Cart Rentals (GTC) .......365-4120 T & A Cart Rentals (GTC) .......... 365-4259 T & N Cart Rentals (HT)............. 366-0069
37 Destination Abaco
Destination Abaco
Shopping Grocery Stores
A & A Food Store (MH) ............. 367-3606 Abaco Groceries (MH).................. 367-5308 Albury’s Harbour St (MOW) ...... 365-6004 Bahamas Family Market (MH)......367-3714 Curry’s Food Store (GTC) .........367-4 171 Cost Rite (MH) .............................. 367-2020 Guana Harbour Grocery (GC)... 365-5067 Harbour View Grocery(HT)........366-0033 Lowe’s Grocery (GTC) ................ 365-4243 Man-O-War Grocery (MOW) ... 365-6016 M & R Food Store (MH)............... 367-5196 Price Right (MH)............................. 367-7283 Roderick’s Food Store (MH) ...... 367-3237 Sid’s Grocery (GTC) .................... 365-4055 Maxwells (MH)................................367-2601 Treasure Cay Mini Mart (TC) ..... 365-8350 Vernon’s Grocery (HT)................. 367-0037 Mikula’s Grocery Store (TC) ...... 365-8795
Hardware Stores
Abaco Hardware (MH) ................ 367-2170 Standard Hardware (MH) ............ 367-2660 Man-O-War Hardware (MOW) .....365-60 Guana Cay Hardware (GC)......... 365-5020 Imports Unlimited (HT)................ 366-0136 New Plymouth Hardware (GTC) ................... 365-4305 Roberts Hardware (GTC)............ 365-4122
Abaco Treasures (MH)................... 367-3460 Bahamas Outfitters (MH)............. 367-3312 Conch Pearl (MH).......................... 367-0137 Iggy Biggy (MH).............................. 367-5121 Iggy Biggy (HT) ............................... 366-0354 Island Treasures (MOW)............... 365-6072 Mangoes Boutique (MH)............... 367-2366 El Mercado (HT).............................366-0661 Sand Dollar Shoppe (MH)............ 367-4405 Sun Dried T’s (HT)......................... 366-0616 Pete’s Pub & Gallery (LH)............. 366-3503 T’zers Gift Shop (MH) .................367- 2158 Tropical Treasures (MH) ............... 367-5576 38 Destination Abaco
Beautiful Conch Pearls found at Conch Pearl Galleries, Ltd. Located at Royal Harbour Village.
Golden Reef (GTC).......................365-4511 John Bull (MH)................................. 367-2473 Jewels, Gems & More (MH) ........367-2418 Native Creations (GTC) .............. 365-4206 Wrackers (MH)............................... 367-0197
Marine Stores
Abaco Outboard Engines (MH) .367-2452 Abaco Yacht Services (GTC) ....... 365-4033 B & D Marine (MH) ...................... 367-2622 Black Sound Marina (GTC) .........365-4531 Lighthouse Marina (HT)................ 366-0514 National Marine (MH) .................. 367-2326 The Outboard Shop (MH)............ 367-2703 Roberts Marine (GTC).................. 365-4122
Native Art & Crafts
Albert Lowe Museum (GT).......... 365-4094 Alton Lowe Art Gallery (GT) ... 365-4264 Abaco Ceramics (TC) .................. 365-8489 Bahama Dawn Designs (MH) ...... 367-4648 Blue Sky Gallery (MH)................... 367-0579 Buds and Blooms (MH) ................ 367-2837 Conch Pearl (MH).......................... 367-0137 Ebb Tide (HT) ................................. 366-0088 Golden Reef (GTC).......................365-4511 Iggy Biggy (HT) ............................... 366-0354
39 Destination Abaco
Shopping Iggy Biggy (MH) ............................. 367-5121 Island Petals (MH)........................... 367-2260 Java Coffee Shop (MH) ................. 367-5523 Johnston’s Studio (LH)................... 367-2720 Joe’s Studio (MOW) ...................... 365-6082 Kemps Souvenirs (HT) ................. 366-0423 Ocean Blue Gallery (GTC) ......... 365-4234 Sun Dried T’s (HT)......................... 366-0616 Native Creations (GTC) .............. 365-4206 Wrackers (MH)............................... 367-0197
The Chemist Shoppe (MH) .........367-3 106 Island Pharmacy (MH) .................. 367-2544
Abaco Treasures (MH) ................. 367-3460 John Bull Ltd (MH) ........................ 367-2473
Sandals & Shoes
Abaco Shoe Gallery (MH)............367-5510
40 Destination Abaco
Adam & Eve (MH).......................... 367-5792 Bahamas Outfitters (MH)............. 367-3312 Brass & Leather (MH) .................. 367-3643 Golden Reef (GTC).......................365 -4511 Iggy Biggy (HT) ............................... 366-0354 Iggy Biggy (MH) ............................. 367-5121 Sun Dried T’s (HT)......................... 366-0616 The Shoe Place (MH) ................... 367-2424 T’zers Gift Shop (MH) .................367-2158
Stationery, Books & Magazines
Bellevue Office Supplies (MH) .... 367-3916 Abaco Treasures (MH) ................. 367-3460 Educational Depot (MH)............... 367-5757 Office Supply Plus (MH)................ 367-3186
Scuba/Diving Gear
Above & Below (MH).................... 367-0350 Abaco Dive Adventures (MH)..... 367-2963 Brendal’s Dive Shop (GTC)..........365-4411
41 Destination Abaco
Shopping Dive Abaco (MH)............................367-2787 Dive Guana (GC)............................ 365-5178 Froggies Out Island Adv. (HT) ... 366-0431 M-O-W Dive Shop (MOW)........ 365-6013 Treasure Divers Dive Shop (TC).365-8571
Wines & Spirits
A & K Liquors (MH) .....................367-2179 Archer Brothers Store (MH) ...... 367-2022 Bristol Wines & Spirits (MH) ...... 367-2180 Burns House (MH) ........................ 367-2135 Central Liquors Store (MH) ....... 367-2966 Fig Tree Wine & Spirits (GC) ...... 365-5058 Hope Town Wines & Spirits (HT)................ 366-0525 Lighthouse Liquors (HT) ............. 366-0567 Plymouth Rock Liquors (GTC) .. 365-4234 Spanky’s Liquor Store (TC) ......... 365-8385 Tupp’s Liquor Store (MH)............. 367-3498
42 Destination Abaco
43 Destination Abaco
Tuppy Weatherford 367-0579 www.tuppysgallery.com blue.sky.gallery@hotmail.com
Local Artist
Tuppy Weatherford
tepping in the “ Blue Sky Gallery” on Queen Elizabeth Drive is experiencing the colors, the flora, the fauna and the life of Abaco at a glance. The walls are covered with the vivid colors of flowers, landscapes, birds and island scenes. It is not a surprise since the gallery owner, Ms. Tuppy Weatherford, is a talented photographer, who not only offers for sale in her gallery other artists creations, but also displays her
own work, from scenes of her native Man of War Cay, to outstanding photographs of the Bahamas parrots and portraits of children. Ms. Weatherford’s love of photography started when she was a teenager growing up on Man of War Cay, playing with a little Brownie camera, taking shots of family members, especially children. It was fun, so soon she replaced the Brownie with a 125 Instamatic camera which was soon upgraded to a 35 mm Minnolta. Nowadays, Ms. Weatherford uses a Cannon and a Digital camera and family and children have been replaced by a multitude of island scenes: sunrises, birds, landscapes. All over Abaco, Tuppy Weatherford finds subjects for her photographic passion. After working in a few places
on Man of War, Ms. Weatherford moved to the main island where she worked in Juliette’s Gallery and Abaco Glass before opening her own “Blue Sky Gallery”, two and a half years ago. Her shop offers a diversity of art works, from prints to original watercolors and oil paintings, enlarged photographs of island scenes as well as aerial photographs of Marsh Harbour, Green Turtle Cay, Man of 45 Destination Abaco
War Cay, old and recent, taken and printed by Mr. Colin Rese. There is something for every taste and every pocket book. All these are framed in the gallery which also doubles as a framing shop. Many local artists have their paintings framed by Ms. Weatherford. There are many styles to choose from: native drift wood to classic varnished wood frames and metal ones in a variety of colors. The prices are reasonable. The owner is very amenable and will go out of her way to find the perfect frame to any art work. All artists like to diversify after a while. Presently, Tuppy Weatherford is playing with the idea of becoming a wedding photographer while continuing to focus on children and pets. Blue Sky Gallery, 367- 0579 by Mirella Santillo Destination Abaco 45
MH - Marsh Harbour HT - Hope Town
46 Destination Abaco
GTC - Green Turtle Cay TC - Treasure Cay 路 MOW - Man-O-War Cay
GC- Guana Cay LH - Little Harbour
47 Destination Abaco
Spanish Cay Marina............................................................365-0083.
Guide to Marinas
82 X X X X X X X X
Abaco Beach Resort & Boat Harbour Marina (MH)...................... 367-2158
185 X X X X X X X X
Conch Inn Marina (MH).................................. 367-4000.
75 X X X X X X X X
Harbour View Marina (MH)............................................367-3910
40 X X X X X X X
Mangoes Marina (MH)......................................................367-4255.
29 X X X X X X X X
Marsh Harbour Marina (MH).......................... 367-2700
67 X X X X X X X
Club Soleil Marina (HT)...................................................366-0003.
16 X X X X X
HopeTown Hideaways Marina(HT)................ 366-0224.
12 X X X X X
Lighthouse Marina (HT).................................. 366-0154
8 X X X X X X X
Sea Spray Marina (HT).................................... 366-0065
57 X X X X X X X
Treasure Cay Marina (TC).............................. 365-8578
150 X X X X X X X X
Bluff House Marina (GTC)..............................................365-4247.
40 X X X X X X X X
Other Shore Club (GTC)................................................365-4226.
15 X X X X X X
Green Turtle Club & Marina (GTC)............... 365-4271
35 X X X X X X X X
Man-O-War Marina (M-O-W).......................................365-6008
26 X X X X X X X
Orchid Bay Marina (GC)..................................................365-5175
66 X X X X X X X X
Ports of Entry in Abaco Spanish Cay Green Turtle Cay Treasure Cay Marsh Harbour Public Dock Sandy Point 48 Destination Abaco
49 Destination Abaco
50 Destination Abaco
Building your Vacation Home or Dream Home Shouldnʼt be a Nightmare Introducing “Island Gal” Cottages “Island Gal” Cottages & “Island Gal” Homes Built Hurricane Tough (160+ MPH)
“ISLAND GAL” COTTAGES Sound Cottage 32x30 • Island Cottage 32x36 • Beach Cottage 32x42 Offered with PLATINUM ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY. * Walls, Ceilings & Roofs (optional) www.platinumadvanced.com CALL TODAY! Simply put, “Island Gal” is the best, easiest, fastest* and most cost effective way to build your home. So whether youʼre looking for a primary home or a vacation home, “Island Gal” Cottages are the perfect solution. *Build the shell & “dry in” your cottage in less than two weeks.
Island Gal Homes
For Information call: 242 393-4614 or 305 567-1122 info@Islandgalproductions.com Builderʼs inquiries welcome 51 Destination Abaco
where to stay
Marsh Harbour
Abaco’s Crown Jewel By Rebecca Burg
ucked along the eastern coast of Great Abaco Island, Marsh Harbour is the largest community in the Abacos. The downtown area arcs around a sheltered harbour with marinas, restaurants and resorts tastefully tucked into the green, hilly waterfront. The International Airport is just outside town where taxis wait to take you to one of the many places to stay. Yet, for being the third largest town in the entire Bahamas, Marsh Harbour is a laid-back island community with its own easy pace and a single stop light that sways in the tropical breeze. Everyday in Marsh Harbour is an adventure. Our family happened to be vacationing in the early summer, when locals were gearing up for Goombay Time and Junk anoo. The festival 52 Destination Abaco
in Marsh Harbour, overlooking the Abaco Sea, were filled with vendor’s huts, a stage and performers. Young children, vibrantly dressed in traditional dance costumes, stepped to the lively Junkanoo rhythm. The littlest ones flashed bashful, dimpled smiles as camera-toting tourists captured the precious moment. Adult dance groups joined in, playing bells and instruments, celebrat-
where to stay ing their rich, island heritage. The festival allowed visitors a unique chance to experience the beauty of Bahamian culture. Along with daring to dance, we tasted conch salad that was expertly prepared before our eyes and tried sweet guava duff for dessert. Local artisans sold handmade straw art along with toys for the kids. Downtown Marsh Harbour offers a complete tour of its own with plenty of shopping, sightseeing and good eating. One balmy morning, we began a day’s excursion with a scenic walk along the water on Front Street. Java Coffee Shop jump started the day with freshly baked treats and a smooth cup of brew. Shopping along the way, we found fine art, jewelry, clothing and perfumes. There are also hardware stores, fishing and marine supplies, banks and pharmacies. When the tropical sun was high, cold ice cream at Jamie’s place recharged our batteries for a walk to Don MacKay Blvd. with its own shopping center and line-up of quality gift stores and restaurants. Along Don MacKay, two more bakeries tempted our taste buds. Three wiry little dogs, sniffing the air, were drawn to the scent of baking coconut bread as easily as we were. You’ll hear locals referring to these dogs as “potcakes”, an old island term that originated from the dogs’ task of eating the semi-burned cake that often forms in a pot when a rice dish is cooked. Harmless, the town’s free-roaming potcakes live on handouts and whatever’s found in the wild. An abundance of exotic flowers, woods and tropical fruit trees add color and give Marsh Harbour a lush appearance. Locally grown fruits like papaya, sapodilla and soursop are used to flavor desserts. Depending on the season, you’ll see wild avocado trees, which came from the Caribbean, and lime trees, which were introduced by the Spanish. Mangoes were brought here from India 53 Destination Abaco
and early German settlers introduced pineapple plants to cultivate. From Marsh Harbour, ferries can take you to the out islands and boat rentals are available. Just outside of Marsh Harbour is snorkeling fun at Mermaid Reef. The whole family can spend a day on a guided diving or fishing adventure. Guided tours out of Marsh Harbour’s inland area are an ideal opportunity to see wonders unique to the island. For your own touring, cars can be rented. Great Abaco is a long island with about 116 miles of driving from one end to the other. Marsh Harbour is near the middle. This impressive land is mostly covered with pine forest that shelters native creatures like the rare, wild Barbary horse and the Abaco parrot. See where neem is grown and learn about this amazing tree that’s referred to as the “wonder tree of the tropics”. Bahamian neem products can be found in the pharmacies and downtown shops. Another fascinating natural wonder is the inland ocean sink hole, and a few can be seen on Great Abaco. These seemingly bottomless holes are part of a mysterious network of underwater caves that are connected to the ocean. Ancient peoples referred to them as the “navels of the earth”. Inside them, cave explorers and divers have found prehistoric skeletons of animals not presently found in the Bahamas.
where to stay
Marsh Harbour
Villas, Private House Rentals, Hotels Listings
Marsh Harbour
Abaco Beach Resort...................367-2158 82 rooms, 6 villas with kitchens, 2 fresh water pools, 2 tennis courts, boat rentals, dive shop, gift shop, full service marina with 192 slips, restaurant & 2 bars. www.abaco-bahamas.com Ambassador Inn..........................367-2022 6 rooms with a/c, mini fridge, cable T.V., restaurant, liquor store, convenience stores nearby. Conch Inn Hotel..........................367-4000 9 rooms, fresh water pool, boat rentals, dive shop, gift shop, full service marina with 80 slips, restaurant & bar and laundry facilities. moorings-conchinn@oii.net Bustick Bight Resort ..................367-5995 7 rooms with A/C, satellite, mini fridge, microwave. www.everette@coralwave.com ������������������
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Subscribe online at www.destinationabaco.net Price: US$10.00 (Plus S&H) Send Cheques to Destination Abaco 8357 West Flagler Street
54 Destination Abaco
Condo Rentals.............................357-6719 2/3 bedroom, 2 bath condos, pool, private beach, cable T.V., central A/C, other ammenties Kim & Marty Sawyer kerrisawyer@hotmail.com D’s Guest House..........................367-3980 6 rooms with microwave, mini fridge, cable T,V., nearby take-out/restaurant and convenience store Family Affair.................................422-1960 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo, pool, private beach, stove, fridge, washer & dryer, dishwasher, T.V. A/C. familyaffair@coralwave.com Lofty Fig Villas.............................367-2681 6 rooms with full kitchen, A/C, pool, cable T.V., private porch with each room. sid@loftyfig.com
where to stay
Marsh Harbour
Villas, Private House Rentals, Hotels Listings
Island Breezes Motel...................367-3776 8 rooms, a/c, cable T.V., mini refrigerator & microwave. Pelican Beach Villas.....................367-3600 7 rooms with laundry, dock, near the Jib Room and Mermaid Reef. www.ivacation.com Regattas of Abaco.......................367-0148 2 bedroom rentals, fresh water pool, tennis court, located on the beach, walking distance to major restaurants. abacotowns@oii.net Royal Harbour Manor.................367-0148 2 bedroom villas, wireless internet, cable t.v., walking distance to major restaurants and night life. royalharborvilla@yahoo.com
55 Destination Abaco
Sandy Point
Oeisha’s Resort ..........................366-4139 Pete & Gay’s Resort....................366-4119 10 rooms, 4 suites, beach, A/C, T.V., mini fridge, sports lounge, on the beach. peteandgay@oii.net Rickmon’s Bonefish.....................366-4477 9 rooms, 1 suite, beach, A/C, T.V. rickmon@aol.net
Spanish Cay
Spanish Cay Resort.....................365-0083 18 rooms, mini fridge, microwave, swimming pool, hot tub, jacuzzi, liquor store, grocery store, gift shop. www.spanishcay.com
where to stay
Marsh Harbour
Villas, Private House Rentals, Hotels Listings
Casuarina Point
Different of Abaco.......................366-2150 20 beach front suites (1BR), pool, A/C, www.differentofabaco.com
Channel Cay
Private Island...............................367 3262 Mainhouse, 4 bedroom 4 bath. Sleeps 8. On site caretaker. 250 meter crescent sandbeach. Borders Land and Sea National Park. www.channelcay.com
Grand Cay
Rosie’s Place................................ 352-5448
Moores Island
Moore’s Bonefish Camp.............366-6334 8 rooms (2BR) A/C, satellite T.V., telephone, use of a kitchen, near airport.
56 Destination Abaco
Lubbers Quarters
Sea Level Cottages.....................366-3121 Sea level Cottages, 4 cottages fully furnished, on site caretakers, each cottage has the use of a boat, kayaks, very remote cottages on the beach. www.sealevelcottages.com
Lee Pinder....................................366-2053 Sea View - 2 BR - full furnished, central A/C, cable T.V., located on the beach. seaview@oii.net Cherokee Cottages.....................366-2075 5 adorable new, Bahamian style cottages. Tastefully decorated in bright islandy colors. Full kitchen, A/C, cable T.V. kimdana@coralwave.com
where to stay
Marsh Harbour
Villas, Private House Rentals, Hotels Listings
The Abaco Club on Winding Bay The Cottages at The Abaco Club represent the beauty and history of Bahamian architecture at its best. The cottages offer generous verandahs and balconies, open airy interiors, designer custom furnishings, fully equipped custom kitchens, wireless internet, satellite television and luxurious bedding, linens and towels. Club amenities include: a championship golf course, clubhouse with infinity pool, European spa, deep sea and bone fishing, equestrian, tennis, children activities and numerous water sports on a pristine 2 â „ mile powder soft sand beach. The Abaco Club welcomes non-members to enjoy the private club once only. Exquisite one to four bedroom cottages are available for rent. For reservations, please contact Member Services at 1-888-303-2765 (US Toll Free) or 1-242-367-0077 (Worldwide) or email memb erservices@theabacoclub.com or visit www. theabacoclub.com.
57 Destination Abaco
Front Street Arawak Agency
Commonwealth Bank
Port of Marsh Harbour
Rainbow Rentals
National Marine Auskell Medical Center
Bahamas Family Market
Island Care Wireless Da Bes’ Yet Bakery
Standard Hardware
Price Court Right Dove Plaza Post Office
Abaco Shopping Center Island Petals
Blue Sky Gallery
Party Time
A&K Liquors
Batelco Marsh Harbour Medical Center
Golden Grouper
D&S Plaza Island Bakery
Passion Flower
Royal Bank of Canada
Abaco Hardware
Dis We Style
Lowes Pharmacy
Bahamas Family Texaco Medical K & S / Esso
D&R Sports Lounge
Wood You
Computer Creations
DonMckay Mckay Blvd. Blvd. Don
Anglican Church
Brethren Church
Government Clinic Cherokee Aviation
Mandarin’s Chinese Restaurant
Abaco Air
Catholic Church
Pine Woods Nursery
Abaco Grocery
Marsh Harbour International Airport
58 Destination Abaco
Adam & Eve
Abaco Wholesale
Spring City
Queen ElizabethDrive Drive Queen Elizabeth
KFC Scotia Bank
Fidelity Bank
Bristol Cellers
Dundas & Murphy Town
Insurance Management
Grocery Stores
59 Destination Abaco
where to stay
Treasure Cay
Life in Treasure Cay By Jennifer Hudson
ave you ever dreamed of letting the sand run between your toes on one of the 10 best beaches in the world? Well, look no further for you can make your dream a reality on the beautiful three and a half mile powdery white sand beach at Treasure Cay, which has been named by National Geographic as “one of the ten best beaches in the world”. Lapping at this incredibly beautiful beach are sparkling clear Bahamian waters with colors so stunning they glint in the sun as an aquamarine jewel. Not far from shore, you can snorkel out to enjoy breathtaking coral reefs or scuba dive further out among exotic tropical fish, dolphins, starfish and sand dollars. For those who enjoy the adventure of fishing, bonefishing trips can be organized for half day or full day excursions with O’Donald McIntosh, Shelton Gar-
60 Destination Abaco
dener or Orthnell Russell, all very experienced guides. If deep sea fishing is your joy, then half or full day excursions can be arranged with Claudius Burrows, Sandy Roberts or Kingsley Murray. Just contact the Treasure Cay Marina office at 3658250, and they will be happy to organize
Spectacular 3-mile beach Championship golf course Marina-view restaurant & bar Pool, tennis, watersports 150-slip full-service marina Diving, snorkeling & dive shop Boat rentals, charters & guides Hotel rooms, 2 or 3 BR suites
Hotel: 242-365-8801 Real Estate Office: 242-365-8538 Spinnaker Restaurant: 242-365-8469 Marina: 242-365-8250 Treasure Divers: 242-365-8465 Golf Course: 242-365-8045 www.treasurecay.com / www.treasurecayrealestate.com Toll Free: 800-327-1584 61 Destination Abaco
where to stay whatever you desire. Boats may be rented for water skiing, out island trips and sailing. A 150-slip marina, which has been described as first class by ‘Motorboat and Sailing’ magazine, is fully equipped with laundry and shower facilities, cable T.V., high quality fresh water, electricity and fuel and a fully serviced dive shop. During May or June every year this marina hosts the prestigious Bahamas Billfish Championship Treasure Cay Tournament which attracts many fishermen from far and wide throughout the United States where they can battle one another for blue marlin and billfish. The resort is currently enjoying a resurgence in popularity, especially among members of its cruising crowd, due to this large, modern and weather protected marina, whose entry channel has recently been re-dredged to accommodate yachts up to 140 feet. Water sports are also available at the Coco Beach Bar every day until 5 p.m. Kayaks, Hobie Cats and banana boats can be hired for hours of fun. For those who prefer to keep their feet on land there are lush gardens to stroll around, blooming with coco plum, hibiscus, palms, oleander, bougainvillea, ixoras, firecrackers and bromeliads, while for the more energetic there are tennis courts, beach volleyball and an 18-hole no-tee-time-required championship golf course. The mode of transportation in Treasure Cay is of leisurely style via either bicycle or golf cart. The latter can be readily rented from Cash’s Cart Rentals, Chris Cart Rentals, J.I.C. Cart Rentals and Resorts Cart Rentals while bicycles can be found at Wendal’s Bicycle Rentals. For sightseeing over longer distances cars are available for rent from Cornish Car Rentals. Good food is an important part of any vacation and Treasure Cay offers several restaurants from which to choose. The Spinnaker Restaurant at the Treasure Cay Resort offers American and Bahamian cuisine and 62 Destination Abaco
serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. Dinner is not served in the restaurant, however, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On Tuesdays from 6 to 10 p.m. during the season guests can enjoy a Bahamian country western barbecue night with lively music at the Coco Beach Barbecue. On Thursday night, pizza is the specialty at the Tipsy Seagull Grill and Outdoor Bar where you can dance all night and which is reported to serve the best ‘Goombay Smash’ on the island. Friday night is barbecue night at the Spinnaker which, in addition to indoor dining, has a screened patio overlooking the marina. Touch of Class and Coconuts are local restaurants serving great native dishes and will provide a courtesy car is to pick you up at your villa. ‘Annies Take-away’ on the highway at the entrance to Treasure Cay also offers good Bahamian food while at Florence’s Café close to the mini market you can stop in for pastries, sandwiches and coffee. Sometimes as an extra treat you might find Florence has cooked some tasty Bahamaian souse. Accommodations in Treasure Cay are plentiful and varied. The Treasure Cay Resort offers harbor or garden view rooms and two or three-bedroom suites and Bahama Beach Club is another exclusive resort within Treasure Cay featuring two to
Pineapple Point Resort ““minutes away but worlds apart…”
Treasure Cay’s Newest Luxury Waterfront Development Relax on your terrace and overlook the crystal blue water of the Treasure Cay Lagoon and beyond to the Sea Of Abaco. Cruise the Islands of Abaco as far as the eye can see, from your Private Dock. Enjoy the luxury lifestyle at Pineapple Point Resort. It’s all about the joys of waterfront living. Treasure Cay Beach has been voted “One of the Top Ten Beaches in the World” by National Geographic. Pineapple Point Resort
“Location, Location, Location……" Pineapple Point Resort has “the” location in Treasure Cay. Uniquely located on the peninsula that forms the entrance to the Treasure Cay Marina and facing the largest expanse of protected deep water in Treasure Cay, our docks are easily accessible and the views are spectacular ! 2 & 3 Bedroom Floor plans available Private Deep Water Docks with Fresh Water and Power Kitchens with Granite Countertops & Stainless Steel Appliances Fully Furnished “Turn Key” options available Resort Style Pool & Tropical Landscaping Contact us today for more information about our Luxury Condominiums with docks, now being offered for pre-construction sale. Come and be a part of this unique island Luxury Waterfront opportunity.
Priced from the mid $500’s Email: info@pineapplepointresort.com Website: www.pineapplepointresort.com
63 Destination Abaco
1-800-545-0395 Treasure Cay – Abaco - Bahamas
where to stay
five-bedroom luxury beachfront condominiums. If you prefer a private beach villa nestled in a garden setting, these may be rented by the day, week or month. Should you be thinking of purchasing a piece of this Treasure Cay paradise, prime real estate is available including lots on the beach, canal, golf course, and multi-family and hotel properties: treasurecayrealestate. com or abacoestateservices.com will be happy to assist you. Treasure Cay is not a cay (small island) at all; it is actually located in the centre of
Treasure Cay
Villas, Private House Rentals, Hotels Listings
Abaco Estate Services................ 365-8752 Large variety of private homes, villas, cottages, town houses and condos for rent via nightly, weekly or monthly or yearly basis. www.abacoestateservices.com Bahama Beach Club.................... 365-8500 44 condos fully equipped, central a/c, cable t.v., dial-up data port, swim-up tiki bar & pool craig@bahamabeachclub.com Island Dreams............................... 365-8507 50 - 60 house, villas and cottages fully furnished for rent. www.islanddreamrentals.com Pineapple Point......................800-545-0395 Brand new condominums and homes, deep water docks. www.pinapplepointresort.com
64 Destination Abaco
Great Abaco just 25 miles north of Marsh Harbour. The resort area is more of a quaint village and offers everything you would find in a village and more including a mini-market, liquor store, duty free shopping, library, medical center, post office, police station, and bank with an ATM. It also boasts its own airport, just 10 miles from the resort, with access from Miami, Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach Orlando and Nassau and is serviced both by major airlines and charter companies. The Bolo Ferry, with regular scheduled service across to quaint Green Turtle Cay, is also just 10 minutes away. The atmosphere and mode of dress in Treasure Cay is relaxed and casual and you will soon adapt to the infectious, laid-back way of life. A rustic sign by the roadside as you leave Treasure Cay invites ‘Haste Ye Back’ and it is very likely that you will have a little of the proverbial ‘Sand in your shoes’, which will indeed make you want to hurry back.
Treasure Cay Hotel Resort & Marina ................. 365-8578/365-8819 95 rooms, a/c, cable t.v., pool, bar by the pool, restaurant & bar on the beach, full service marina, 18-hole golf course. www.treasurecay.com Treasure Hunt Villa....... Tel: 845-651-3298 2 bedrooms, bath and sliding glass doors that access the garden patio. Spectacular views of the of the Sea of Abaco A/C, ceiling fans, phone*, internet access, lounge chairs, grill, outdoor shower. www.abacotreasure.com
65 Destination Abaco
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Hope Town
by Rebecca Burg
new day has arrived. The ocean’s infinite horizon becomes a symphony of color as the sun floats into view. Gulls call out and the rolling surf laps at the island’s sandy edge. Here, there are no traffic jams, beeping cell phones or urgent schedules. There are no worries. Instead, an enchanted island experience awaits you on Elbow Cay. The red and white lighthouse, Hope Town’s charming village of pastel cottages and sandy beaches will whisk you into a new tropical fantasy.
66 Destination Abaco
Like all of the Abacos, Elbow Cay has a fascinating history. Not too long ago, a 600-year old native Lucayan skeleton was uncovered during a dig to build a house in Hope Town. The Lucayans were among the first to call the island home. During a short sailing tour through The Bahamas, Christopher Columbus described these peaceable island people as “well formed, naked and generous”. Unfortunately, after the Spanish slave raiders swept through in the 1400’s, the Lucayans disappeared and the islands were uninhabited for a
Fax: 242-366-0739
67 Destination Abaco
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time. In the 1600’s, the English began to colonize the Abacos. Pirates, drawn to the new shipping lanes and to the out island’s abundant sneaky hideouts, haunted the area. Matt Lowe’s Cay, near Elbow Cay’s northwest side, is named after a pirate. In the early 1700’s, these salty marauders were booted out and Hope Town’s quiet community was established in 1785. Seventy-eight years later, the famous lighthouse was built. Today, Hope Town’s treasured maritime monument still uses its antique, hand-would kerosene mantle and glass prism lenses to guide distant ships. Visitors can climb its spiral stairs and view Elbow Cay from a lofty vantage point. For another nostalgic journey back in time, Hope Town’s Wyannie Malone Historical Museum shares a wealth of artifacts and curious glimpses of a not-so-easy life way back when. Of course, all this exploring will work up an appetite. The island is well equipped with two grocery stores, a bakery and two liquor stores. For dining out, there’s a variety of tastes to choose from. Along with Caribbean fusion and American fare, here’s the chance to try traditional Bahamian dishes like conch 68 Destination Abaco
salad, cracked conch, lobster or peas n’ rice. In White Sound, on the island’s southern end, Abaco Inn and The Boat House Restaurant offer breakfast, lunch and dinner. In Hope Town harbour, Capt’n Jacks and Harbour’s Edge serve up fresh food with an unbeatable view of the harbour and lighthouse. On Da Beach and Hope Town Harbour Lodge offer savory meals with a grand vista of the mighty Atlantic. While shopping downtown, there’s casual eating at Munchies with cold ice cream for dessert. Several gift stores in town and shops at the resorts and marinas await exploration. Handmade goods, custom jewelry and colorful island wear are just
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a few treasures to be uncovered. There’s a souvenir for everyone in the family and half of the fun is in the hunt. When you’re ready for a rest, there’s always the beach. Elbow Cay’s reef and powdery pinkish sand is an uncrowded gateway to tranquility. The pink color in the sand is due to the inclusion of conch shells finely crushed by wave action over the reef. Squish the creamy sand between your toes and you can see tiny grains of red and pink. On the cays’ southwestern tip is the white glimmer of Tahiti Beach that’s fringed with coconut palms. In the sheltered Abaco Sea, Tahiti Beach’s generous sand bars are exposed at low tide for a boat-in picnic and kid safe swimming. Across the way is the small, lush island of Lubber’s Quarter’s with home cooking at Cracker P’s Bar and Grill. This restaurant is also home to Abaco Rage’s extensive wall
69 Destination Abaco
where to stay of fame. A traditional wooden Bahamian work boat that’s sailed in national regattas, Rage is home based in Hope Town. The sport of racing Bahamian sloops began in the 1950’s and today these sailing regattas are an integral part of local culture. On the subject of boats, power boat rentals are available, along with guided tours and fishing charters. Sailboats can also be chartered. Based in Hope Town, Froggies Out Island Adventures provides snorkeling and diving trips to Abaco’s pristine national marine parks and beaches of interest. If you bring your own boat, there are a number of full service marinas ready to treat you with friendly service and protected slips. To stay on shore, a variety of villas, hotels and private homes offer quality accommodations. Elbow cay and Hope Town never fails to enchant visitors with its history, culture and tropical beauty. Step ashore and become immersed in an island fantasy.
70 Destination Abaco
Hope Town
Villas, Private House Rentals and Hotels Listings
Abaco Inn...................................... 366-0133 22 rooms, a/c, restaurant & bar, fresh water pool, free amenities, dockage available, free use of kayaks & bicycles. www.abacoinn.com Crystal Villas ................................ 366-0522 7 villas for rental Hope Town Hideaways................. 366-0224 4 villas with kitchens, a/c, pool, 12 slip marina with complimentary dockage for up to 26’ boats laundry facilities, maid service upon request, onsite caretaker. www.hopetown.com Hope Town Marina ...................... 366-0003 6 hotel rooms, 1 apartment with kitchen, central a/c, pool, restaurant & bar, dockage. www.clubsoleil.com
where to stay
Hope Town
Villas, Private House Rentals and Hotels Listings
Turtle Hill ..................................... 366-0557 6 villas, A/C, T.V., Full kitchen, 2 swimming pools. amy@turtlehill.com
Elbow Cay Properties.................. 366-0035 61 houses - each has its own amenities elbowcayproperties@coralwave.com
Lighthouse Marina/Rentals.......... 366-0154 4 cottages with full kitchen, a/c, laundry facilities, full service marina, gift shop, bait & tackle, liquor store on site. www.htlighthousemarina.com
Hope Town Villas........................... 366-0030 4 waterfront villas (2 bed/2 bath), A/C, tv, telephone access info@hopetownvillas.com
Hope Town Harbour Lodge ........ 366-0095 26 rooms, pool, 2 restaurants & bar, beach, a/c, dockage available up to 26’ boats, near the beach. www.hopetownlodge.com harbourlodge@abacoinet.com Sea Spray Resort ......................... 366-0065 5 villas with full kitchen, a/c, pool, restaurant & bar, full service marina www.seasprayresort.com
Sea Glass....................................... 366-0290 10 houses for rent Sea Gull Cottages ....................... 366-0266 3 cottages, t.v., pool, full kitchen, dockage available. www.seagullcottages.com Tanny Key.............................366-0053/0140 Houses,cottages & villas with A/C, cable T.V., telephone, fully furnished, in and outside of town. www.tannykey.com
The Out Islands’ Finest Vacation Homes & Waterfront Properties Rentals and Sales 12 - Slip Marina with Freshwater Pool One Purple Porpoise Place Hope Town, Abaco, Bahamas
Chris & Peg Thompson Proprietors
Phone: 242-366-0224 Fax: 242-366-0434 www.hopetown.com 71 Destination Abaco
where to stay
Friendly & Unique by Mirella Santillo
s you step off the ferry dock onto the front street of Man-O-War, the scent of flowers overwhelms you. Indeed, the whole island is a big flower garden, a mass of colors with oleanders, hibiscus, milkweed, yellow elders or desert roses and more growing in everyone’s yard. Each house or cottage is very tidy and immaculately kept, and although a picket fence outlines the front of each property, most of the yards are not completely fenced, a reminder of the friendly and safe atmosphere of the island. Man-O-War is not as much a tourist destination as the other cays - one more reason why it should be visited while on a trip to Abaco, so it has kept the laid back ways of prior decades. The crowing of a rooster, the chirping of the birds and the occasional sound of a golf cart are the only noises around besides the distant pounding of the ocean on the nearby reefs.
72 Destination Abaco
A visit to Man-O-War will leave you with a lingering feeling of closeness to your fellow men and to nature. As you walk the narrow streets of the settlement, everybody you pass hails you with a nod, a smile or a greeting. Enter a local shop and you’ll get a lesson on the history of the cay, from family feats to hurricane stories, gladly told by the store attendant. After an hour on that little cay, you’ll forget you
73 Destination Abaco
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Lady in Man-O-War Cay sewing handmade bags to sell at a local store.
live in the 21 century and all the stress in your life will be gone! One of the smallest cays lining the eastern shores of Abaco, Man-O-War Cay has a population of only 350 people, few but very industrious people. Descendants of famous boat builders, such as William Albury or Emerson Albury, and sail makers, the present residents have adapted their knowledge and technology to the demands of modern times. They now build fiber glass boats instead of wooden ones and make canvas bags instead of sails. Walking your way from Albury’s Ferry to Albury’s Sail Shop at the other end of the street, you’ll pass Albury Brothers Boat Building where Willard Albury will give you a tour of the hangar where twenty-foot and twenty-three foot fiber glass boats, made to order, are being built since 1984. Across the street is the shop of Andy Albury who makes boat models and wooden furniture, more specifically rocking chairs, out of local woods. The models are a tribute to his father who built the famous Williams H. Albury, a schooner, and who designed and built the racing sloop, Abaco Rage. A little farther along the way we come to Edwin’s Boat Yard. Edwin Albury, Willard’s brother, began the boat maintenance and repair business 35 years ago. The boat yard is still very active. You might want to stop at 74 Destination Abaco
thegazebooverlookingthebaybeforegoing on to the canvas bag shop. There Caroline and Annie Albury, mother and daughter, with sisters Tammy Sands and Rosina Russell, design and assemble all sorts of canvas bags. From totes and backpacks to travel bags and satchels, you’ll find something to fit your needs or carry your souvenirs. On a side street on the way to the ocean, visit the T shirt shop of Edison Albury for a colorful souvenir shirt or simply a friendly chat. Before returning to the mainland, cross over the ridge to the east for a walk on the beautiful beach or if you are a collector, look for some unusual shells. The last ferry is at 4:30 pm so sail back into the sunset towards Marsh Harbour or prolong the peaceful interlude and find a guest house for an overnight stay on Man-O-War. It is a dry island, so if you like to sip a drink while looking at the ocean, take alcohol with you.
Man-O-War Villas, Private House Rentals and Hotels Listings
Schooner’s Landing................... 365-6143 4 units with balconies with ocean view, full kitchens, fresh water pool, central a/c, cable t.v., laundry facilities, golf cart & boat rentals available, gazebo overlooking the ocean, telephone. www.schoonerslanding.com Island Home Rentals................. 365-6048 11 homes fully furnished for rent 1 - 4 BR’s Waterways Rentals................... 365-6143 4 - condos ( 2 & 3 Bedrooms), full furnished, A/C., cable t.v., fresh water pool, telephone, 3 cottages (3 & 4 bedroom), overlooking harbour. Also boat and golf cart rentals available. www.waterwaysrentals.com
where to stay
Great Guana Cay Tropical Tranquility by Rebecca Burg
reat Guana Cay’s long beach stretched into the blue distance. Nearby, a boy filled a plastic pail with velvety wet sand while the surf foamed around his ankles. He added the pail’s contents to a sand castle. The boy was patient, even when the family’s small dog kept stepping on his handiwork. Nearby, a friend and I grabbed our snorkels and slipped into the clear water. We hovered over the reef, a bubbly wonder-
75 Destination Abaco
land animated by waving sea fans and neon fish darting around brightly colored corals. A motionless formation of squid calmly floated nearby. I’ve never seen these shy creatures in the wild and was fascinated by the sight. Not at all like the ship attacking, tentacle waving monsters in the movies, these diminutive creatures were like living jewels. Translucent, veil-like fins rippled along their glittery, iridescent bodies. Each individual’s tentacles were neatly folded together into a cone shape in front of large eyes. When I reached out with my arm, the squid edged backwards and changed colors by flashing deep shades of blues and browns. After the swim, we warmed ourselves in the sun and enjoyed lunch with a few cold ones at Nippers Beach Bar and Grill.
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Along with good food and entertainment, patrons are treated to a breathtaking vista of the deep Atlantic Ocean and the shallow, sun-dappled reefs near shore. A leisurely stroll through town is an ideal way to sightsee and walk off lunch. Fragrant scents of tropical blooms wafted through the balmy air as we ventured down the path that led to Nippers. Lush greenery made it seem as if we were slipping though a jungle. Peaceful and relaxing, Guana Cay is home to one of the smallest out island settlements in Abaco’s midsection. The island’s main road arcs around the sheltered Settlement Harbour where a ferry regularly brings in mainland goods like mail, fresh produce and supplies. In the afternoon, local children return on a ferry after a day of school off island. While the ferry sidles up to the dock, moms and dads patiently wait in the family golf cart to take their little ones home for the night. Along the main road on the southeasterly end of Settlement Harbour, Guana Harbour Grocery offers a convenient selection of foods and basic pharmaceuticals. Orchid Bay Marina and Resort, a short distance from the grocery, offers protected dockage and full marine service with a bar/restaurant. Walking north along the concrete road, there’s a chance to stop and shop at Tom’s T-shirts and the gift store at Guana Seashore Villas. The marinas and resorts around the island have gift stores as well for a day of shopping adventure. We came up to a tiny, pink building, Fig Tree Wine and Spirits, on the waterfront side of the road. Here visitors can buy bags of ice and browse through a selection of adult refreshments. Nearby, a few people were socializing in the shade of the store’s namesake, Guana Cay’s legendary fig tree. On the other side of the road, The Art Café filled the air with scents of fresh bakery and home made bread. Along with the bakery, meals are served here and patrons 76 Destination Abaco
can sit inside the charming building or enjoy the scenic view on the balcony. We continued following the narrow road as it snaked under a green cathedral of coconut palms. Sunset Beach, overlooking Fishers Bay, was at the road’s end. This relatively sheltered bay is a popular anchorage for visiting boats. Moorings are available to rent from Dive Guana, located on Fishers Bay. Dive Guana is a must-do adventure that offers scuba and snorkel trips and island hopping excursions. Grabbers Bed, Bar and Grill at Sunset Beach recently added a new gift shop near the pool. Giggling kids were splashing in the Grabbers swimming pool, working up appetites for the bar/restaurant’s tasty menu offerings. That night, while reading a book aboard my sailboat anchored in Fishers Bay, I could hear the laughter and good cheer coming from the this good-natured party zone. If you’re not staying on a boat, Guana Cay offers a variety of quality accommodations. Flip Flops on the Beach, Ocean Frontier Hideaway and Dolphin Beach Resort are some of the tranquil escapes for seekers of paradise. Spending nights on Guana is to have the ocean’s surf lull you to sleep in your own private place nestled in lush groves of tropical flora and wind-rustled palms. You’ll feel as if you’d stepped into one of those dreamy postcards. Fine dining at Docksiders tops off a day of snorkeling, beach combing, shopping or exploring. The view of the sea and sunset over dinner is an exquisite grand finale. The tropical sun sets quickly in a blaze of molten gold and pinks while the stars pour into the deepening sky. The remote out islands are far from big-city clutter and you’re able to see the Milky Way on clear nights. Savor your stay and enjoy every moment. Great Guana Cay’s friendly small town charm and natural beauty is an unforgettable experience.
where to stay
Great Guana Cay
Villas, Private House Rentals, Hotels Listings
Sea Shore Villas........................... 365-5028 6 apartments, 1 cottage, full kitchens, central a/ c, satellite t.v., swimming pool, gift shop, laundry facilities, use of privately owned dock. seashorevillas@abacoinet.com
Ocean Frontier Hideaway 1-888-541-1616 Cabins that sleep 6 with 2 bedrooms and a loft, kitchenette, bathrooms, few yards away from the beach www.oceanfrontier.com
Dolphin Beach Resort................. 365-5137 10 ocean front cottages, lodge with 4 guest suites with private bathrooms, porches & kitchenette, a/c, pool, restaurant & bar, complimentary - bikes, kayaks & snorkel equipment, bottle of wine. reservation@dolphinbeachresort.com
Bahamas Vacations...............800-462-2426 www.bahamasvacations.com
Abaco Sea Fan......................603-664-2608 Upper level 1 bedroom, 1 bath www.abacoseafan.com
Coming in June - JULY 2008
Call for information at 367-3067
Spectacular sailing, diving, fishing, beachcombing, shelling & relaxing. Enjoy a wonderful, affordable Bahamas getaway vacation tailored to your tastes and means. Rentals w Resorts w Apartments w Private Beachfront Villas w Cottages & Houses w Car Rentals w Economical Off-Water Cottages w Boat Rentals
Locations Great Abaco (Marsh Harbour & Treasure Cay) Green Turtle Cay Great Guana Cay Man-O-War Cay Elbow Cay Lubbers Quarters Island
Call Toll Free 1-800-GO-BAHAMAS (462-2426) www.bahamasvacations.com 77 Destination Abaco
Located on Guana’s breathtaking beach with snorkeling, beachcombing and swimming a few yards away! Each cabin sleeps up to 6 with two bedrooms and a loft, kitchenette & bath Adjacent to Nippers for excellent food and fun! Two minutes from settlement
For reservations call:
1-888-541-1616 or 1-519-389-4846 email: info@oceanfrontier.com www.oceanfrontier.com
where to stay
Green Turtle Cay A Cruisers paradise by Cindy Pastor
ou’ve braved the currents of the mercurial Gulf Stream, passed through the turquoise waters of the Little Bahamas Bank and finally gained access to the protected Sea of Abaco. Continue your travels just a bit farther to the Port of Entry at Green Turtle Cay, where you can easily clear Customs and Immigration. Then stop, rest awhile and enjoy the charms and amenities that this three and a half mile long island has to offer. Bathed by the temperate zephyrs of the northernmost edge of the trade winds, Green Turtle Cay offers two secure deep water harbours, White Sound and Black Sound. Within the two sounds, several marinas, resorts and boatyards line the shores. Tall bluffs protect the many anchorages found in undulating coves that line the western side of the island. The eastern side of the island is protected from the Atlantic Ocean by coral reefs, perfect for snorkellers and experienced divers. The beaches are powdery
78 Destination Abaco
and deserted, waiting for your solitary footprints. New Plymouth, established by Loyalists in the 1780’s, houses the government offices that you’ll need to visit for your cruising permit and visas. The town dock is located in the shallow Settlement Harbour. Tie up your dink, check in and then stroll through the quaint town. Treat your senses to colourful buildings trimmed in crisp white, sensuous scents from overflowing flower gardens, lilting accents and beautiful vistas that abound at every corner.
Discover the casual elegance of a sophisticated Bahamas hotel and vacation resort in the exotic Out Islands of Great Abaco...
Well-appointed, upscale island-style accommodations each with private patio or deck.
Critically-acclaimed dining in our elegant candlelit dining room featuring a new menu nightly of freshly caught Abaco seafood prepared with a Caribbean flair.
Full service 40 slip marina with wide docks accommodating vessels up to 120’ with 30/50/100 amp service, water, gas & diesel fuel, cable tv and wireless internet service.
Breakfast and lunch served daily on our newly furnished covered patio with breathtaking views of White Sound Harbour.
Ships commissary, showers, restrooms & coin-operated laundry available. Cruising yachtsmen have full use of the Resort’s amenities.
Spectacular white sand beaches with crystal clear turquoise waters an easy walk from The Club.
Turtle Pool Bar & Grill serves lunch & poolside beverages throughout the day.
Bonefishing, diving, snorkeling, boat and golf cart rentals available.
GREEN TURTLE CAY, ABACO, BAHAMAS Phone 242.365.4271 · Fax 242.365.4272 · Toll Free 1.866.528.0539 Toll Free Fax/Voice Message 1.800.254.2617
79 Destination Abaco
where to stay A sister city to Key West, New Plymouth is neat, tidy and filled with various shops. Need to re-provision? Three grocery stores, Sid’s, Lowe’s and Curry’s are all within blocks of the town dock. Robert’s Marine and Hardware and New Plymouth Hardware will have those little obscure parts and fittings that you might need and when all your work is done, visit one of several restaurants within New Plymouth. The Wrecking Tree, Laura’s Kitchen, and McIntosh Restaurant all offer traditional Bahamian fare at reasonable prices. The Plymouth Rock has the distinction of serving the best burgers for the price as well as a fully stocked liquor shop. Stop for a cool tropical rum drink at Sundowners or Miss Emily’s Blue Bee Bar. Both spots offer meals. After you’ve filled your appetites, visit one or all of the museums in town. The Albert Lowe Museum contains many artifacts of colonial New Plymouth and detailed ship models built by Mr. Vertrum Lowe. Memorial Sculpture Garden dis-
plays bronze busts of the many important people that have played a part in Bahamian history. The Captain Roland Roberts House, said to be haunted by the Captain, now houses an environmental centre where you can obtain information about the flora and fauna of the island and its surrounding waters. Many homes and 80 Destination Abaco
structures that line the streets are more than 150 years old. For a tranquil berth, visit Black Sound through its well-marked channel. Once inside, The Other Shore Club welcomes you to their docks. They offer you modern services and conveniences. Ice, water, electric, showers and a poolside bar, Pineapples, which features live entertainment, meals and great sunsets. Call them on VHF16 or 242-365-4226. Black Sound Marina is just a short distance to the south with a laid back, secluded atmosphere. Laundromat, showers, water, ice, electric and a great barbeque area are available to their guests. Contact the Dockmaster on VHF 16 or 242-365-4531. If you are in need of repairs, dry storage or marine parts, Abaco Yacht Services opposite The Other Shore Club is your place to go. With a 30-ton travel lift, they will haul boats to 48 feet and provide you with safe, secure boat storage. You may reach them at 242-365-4033 for information. Within Black Sound are many moorings available for rent. Most are marked as to which facility they belong to and arrangements are generally made via VHF radio contact. Just be sure to avoid the ones marked Private. Is an active marina stay more to your liking? Travel over to White Sound for surprising comfort and luxury. Follow the newly dredged and marked channel which will lead you to the inner expanse of White Sound and The Green Turtle Club and Marina. This resort style marina was designed and built to harmonise with local architecture and can accommodate yachts to 120 feet. It offers its guests full use of its sumptuous Four Star Resort, two different restaurants, a pool golf cart rentals and the island’s only dive shop, Brendal’s Dive Center. Contact them for reservations, toll free, at 866-528-0539 or Bahamas 242-3654271. On the western side of White Sound, perched on the highest point of Green Turtle Cay is The Bluff House Yacht Club and Hotel. This 40-slip, full service marina has fine dining at two restaurants, two
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swimming pools, captivating views and is committed to providing you with top notch service. Call 800-745-4911 or 242365-4247 to reserve a slip complete with friendly, courteous assistance and luxurious ambiance that will guarantee a most enjoyable stay. Green Turtle Cay is also a great place to have your guests fly in from the United States. Air service is available to the Treasure Cay International Airport on Great Abaco from several Florida cities. Green Turtle Ferry runs daily from the Treasure Cay ferry dock to New Plymouth. Call them on VHF 16 or 242-365-4166 for their schedules. They are also available for private charters. Green Turtle Cay presents exceptional variety and opportunities for the cruising yachtsman to savour. Returning visitors know the infinite charms that this little island community possesses. If it is your first cruising adventure to The Bahamas and Abaco, you will be pleasantly surprised by
Green Turtle Cay
Villas, Private House Rentals and Hotels Listings Coco Bay Cottages..................... 365-5464 Bluff House Beach Hotel. .......... 365-4200 the warm welcome of its .residents. Top off your fuel tanks, hoist the sheets and set sail 30 central a/c, 2 restaurants, 2 bars, 1 4 cottages, fully equipped, ocean & bay front, for rooms, a cruiser’s paradise! coral reef off the property, A/C., telephone, pool, 1 gift shops, 45 slip marina. info@cocobaycottages.com bluffhouse@oii.net Green Turtle Club & Marina................................. 365-4271 32 rooms, central a/c, fresh water pool, gift shop, restaurant & bar, pool bar, full service marina with 35 slips, boat, golf cart & bicycle rentals, fishing charters available. info@greenturtleclub.com Other Shore Club Marina & Pineapple Bar & Grill.................. 365-4226 2 houses & 1 cottage, fully equipped, pool bar & grill, full service marina with 15 slips, 5 min walk to town, fishing charters & island tours available, golf cart rentals. relax@othershoreclub.com
81 Destination Abaco
Island Property Mang.................. 365-4047 48 houses available, offer phone calls & internet services. www.go-abacos.com/ipm Ocean Blue Properties............... 365-4636 50 plus cottages and apartments for rent - A/C, T.V., dockage available, telephone, waterfront or beachview available, nightly, monthly or yearly rentals. www.oceanblueproperties.com Roberts Cottages........................ 365-4105 3 cottages, full kitchen, A/C, screened porch, on the water, dockage. www.go-abacos.com/turtle@oii.net Destination Abaco 81
82 Destination Abaco
Bahamian Recipe Steamed Grouper 2 lbs of Grouper Fillet 1 Medium onion - diced 1 Bell or Green Pepper - diced 1 Celery - diced 2 Medium fresh Tomatoes 2 tbs of Tomato Paste 1 tsb Vegetable Oil 1 1/2 cup Water Thyme Salt and Black pepper Lime Red Hot Peppers to taste After washing the Grouper, season with hot peper, black pepper & salt. Let this soak for a half hour. In skillet - SautĂŠ onion, Sweet Pepper, Celery, Thyme and Tomatoes in oil. Simmer for about 7 mins then add water and more salt/peper if needed. In another skillet pan fry the Grouper until golden brown - add grouper in skillet with herbs. Let Simmer for about 15 - 20 mins.
83 Destination Abaco
Destination Abaco 83
Dining Chart
B - Breakfast, L - Lunch, D - Dinner l
Credit Card Accepted
Happy Hour
Marsh Harbour Angler’s Restaurant, Abaco Beach Resort • 367-2158 Abaco Pizza • 367-4333 Ambassador Inn • 367-2022 Curly Tails • 367-4444 Dis We Style Take Out - 367-4244 Florence Cafe - 367 Golden Grouper - 367-2301 Geno's Kitchen - 367-2002 Hummingbird Restaurant - 367-2922 Jamie's Place - 367-2880 Jib Room - 367-2700 Kentucky Fried Chicken - 367-2615 Mandarin Chinese Restaurant - 367-0544 Mangoes Restaurant - 367-2366 Mother Merle’s - 367-2770 Papa Georgios - 367-7272 Pete’s Pub & Gallery - 365-6185 Pinnacle Restaurant - 367-3222 Pop’s Place - 367-3796 Snack Shack - 367-4005 Snappas Bar & Grill - 367-2278 Subway - 367-2798 Wally’s - 367-2074
Treasure Cay Coco Beach Bar & Grill - 365-8470 Touch of Class - 365-8195 Travellers Rest - 365-8654 Spinnaker Restaurant - 365-8469
84 Destination Abaco
B, L & D L&D D B, L & D L&D L B&L B&L B, L & D B, L & D L&D L&D L&D L&D L&D L&D L&D L&D L B&L L&D L&D B&L
B&L B&L B&L B, L & D
• • • • • • •
• • •
• •
Restaurant & Ba
Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner Harbourside Dining Located at
The Conch Inn Marsh Harbour, Abaco ph (242) 367 4444 fax(242) 367 0655 85 Destination Abaco
Dining Chart
B - Breakfast, L - Lunch, D - Dinner Credit Card Accepted
Happy Hour
Hope Town Abaco Inn - 366-0133 Boat House - 366-0065 Capt’n Jacks - 366-0247 Harbour’s Edge - 366-0087 Hope Town Harbour Lodge - 366-0095 Munchies - 366-0423 On Da Beach - 366-0558
B, L & D B, L & D B, L & D L&D L&D L&D B, L & D
Man-O-War Cay Hibiscus Cafe - 365-6380 Island Treats - 365-6501
B, L & D L&D
Guana Cay Docksiders - 365-5137 Guana Grabber & Grill - 365-5133 Nippers Bar & Grill - 365-5143 Orchid Bay - 365-6175 The Art Cafe & Bakery - 365-8195
• • • • •
Green Turtle Cay Bluff House - 365-4200 GT Club & Marina - 365-4271 Harvey Bar & Grill - 365 Laura’s Kitchen - 365-4287 McIntosh Restaurant - 365-4625 Miss Emily Restaurant - 365-4181 New Plymouth Inn - 365-4161 Plymouth Rock Cafe - 365-4636 Sundowners - 365-4060
B, L & D B, L & D B, L & D L&D B, L & D L&D B L&D L&D
• • • • • • • •
86 Destination Abaco
• • • • • •
87 Destination Abaco
Destination Abaco 87
what to do
MH - Marsh Harbour HT - Hope Town
GTC - Green Turtle Cay TC - Treasure Cay · MOW - Man-O-War Cay
Bahama Dawn Design
is a working studio and gallery of fun things. Offering the finest in handmade products such as art quilts, table decor, silk paintings and so much more. Andorsia and Bahama Handprint fabric is also available. All handmade by Kim Roberts. Tel: 367-4648
Blue Sky Gallery
offers fine Bahamian Art, prints, professional framing & photography by Tuppy Weatherford. Displayed artwork of Lou Lihou, Anne Ray Fritz Keck, Beth Sweeting and Zandrick Jones are found here. This store is located on Queen Elizabeth Dr. Open Mon - Sat, 9am - 5 pm Tel: 367-0579
Conch Pearl Galleries
offers fine Bahamian jewelry made exclusively by Peter Bradley. This is where you will find the conch pearl that can be handcrafted in unique pieces. The store also offers a variety of Bahamian artist pieces. Showcased are Stephen Knowles, Eddie Minnis, Sonia Issacs. The store is located in the Royal Harbour Village. Open Mon - Sat. Tel: 242.367.0137 88 Destination Abaco
GC- Guana Cay LH - Little Harbour
Located at the entrance of Abaco Beach Resort & Boat Harbour it offers fine original artwork by local artists including Marjolein Scott, Cal ‘Jeep’ Byers, Livingston Pratt, Don Wood, Sean McNamara, Brigitte Carey, Don Russell, Bob Zwickel, Kathy Hayes, Chan Pratt and Peter Johnston with a wide variety of styles and subjects from oils and acrylics to watercolours and silk to bronze and wood sculptures. Open daily. Tel: 242.367.0197
what to do Java in Abaco
is located in the Royal Harbour Village offering Coffee, Expresso drinks, Frappe’s, Chai, Smooties, fresh baked pastries and breakfast sandwiches while browsing through beautiful Bahamian Art & Crafts featuring Colette Bootle, The Basket Lady, Bahama Dawn Designs, Abaco Ceramics, The Plait Lady and so much more. Open Monday - Friday Tel: 367-5523
Pete’s Pub & Gallery
Located in Little Harbour - The Johnston's produce the bronze art in the Foundry. Clients and visitors are welcome to tour the foundry, then visit the Gallery where the finished sculptures are available. Open Dec through August - 11am. Call 366-3503
Lovely Island Tings
- specializing in Straw work. Fine items such as strawbags, wallets, handbags and hats. Household items like mats, cushions, garbage bins and bath accessories with so much more. Located Queen Elizabeth Dr. Tel: 367-4297/551-7453
Abaco Ceramics
Established in 1983, Abaco Ceramics continues to offer a wide range of beautifully hand painted functional and decorative ceramics created in their workshop located on Treasure Cay Road. Open Monday through Friday 9am to 4pm. Tours gladly given upon request.
Abaco’s Lighthouses
Hole-In-The-Wall Lighthouse, built in 1836, mechanism has been dismantled and the light is now automated. A preservation society is being formed by Colin Reece and friends in hopes to recapture the beauty of this once beacon of light to ships that sail in our beautiful waters of the Atlantic.
The Elbow Cay Lighthouse is probably the most recognizable landmark in the Abacos. This 89-foot candy-striped figure was built in 89 Destination Abaco
what to do 1863 and is one of three hand-wound kerosene burning lighthouses left in the world and is worth the viewing.
Boat Rentals
Blue Wave Boat Rentals (MH)..............367-3910 Cat’s Paw (HT)....................................... 366- 0380 Conch Pearl Rentals (MOW.................365-6059 Dames Boat Rental (GTC)....................365-4247 Donny’s Boat Rental (GTC)..................365-4119 Florida Yacht Charters (MH).................367-4853 Island Marine (HT)..................................366-0282 Man-O-War Marine (MOW)................367-6008 Rainbow Boat Rentals (MH).................367-4602 Rich’s Rentals (MH).................................367-2742 Roberts Hardware & Marine (GTC)...365-4122 Seahorse (MH).........................................367-2513 The Moorings (MH)................................367-4000 Treasure Divers (TC)..............................365-8465 Waterways (MOW)................................365-6143
Maxwell Sawyer.................................. 366-3058 Marty Sawyer...................................... 366-2115 Jimmy Lowe......................................... 366-2165 Randy Sawyer...................................... 366-2284
Sandy Point
Richmon’s Bonefishing............366-4139/4477 Pete & Gay Guest House................ 366-4119 Patrick Roberts.................................. 366-4285
North Abaco Coopers Town
Alexander Rolle.......................365-0120/0532 Edward Rolle....................................... 365-0024 Donald Rolle....................................... 365-0105
Treasure Cay
Carey McKenzie................................. 365-8313 Ed Newell..........................365-8752/359-6023
Mount Hope
Herbert Thurston.............................. 365-4205 Pedro Thurston................................ 365-2405
Central Abaco Marsh Harbour
Jay Sawyer............................................ 367-3941 Danny Sawyer...................367-3577/477-5901 Buddy Pinder....................................... 366-2163 Justin Sands........................367-3526/359-6836 Terrance Davis..................367-4464/375-8550 Jody Albury........................367-5119/375-8068
Spring City
Edmund Williams................................ 367-7123
Hope Town
Maitland Lowe..................366-0478/366-0033
Green Turtle Cay
Ronnie Sawyer.................................... 365-4070 Abaco Fly Fish Connections............ 365-4261
Justin Sands
Enjoy a day of fishing on the "Marls", Abaco's less explored western side. The Marls, considered the world's best bonefish destination, consists of 400 square miles of pristine flats teeming with trophy size bonefish. One of the local bone fishermen will happily guide you to Abaco's "Wide Open Spaces."
Bonefishing Guides South Abaco
Cherokee Sound
Junior Albury ...................................... 366-3058
90 Destination Abaco
Photo courtesy of Reel Candy Fishing
what to do Deep Sea Fishing
Green Turtle Cay Rick Sawyer...........................................365-4261. Eddie Bodie................................................357-6784 Joe Sawyer.............................................365-4173 Treasure Cay Clark Burrows................... 365-8158/375-3543 Hope Town Robert Lowe.........................................366-0266 Ira Key....................................................366-0245 Truman Major.......................................366-0101 Lubbers Quarters Michael Schreiner................................366-3143 Casaurina Point Junior Albury.........................................366-3058
photo to come
Barefoot Boat Charters
Charter a boat that will help you experience beautiful Abaco and its surrounding cays. The Moorings at Conch Inn (MH).......367-4000 Florida Yacht Charters (MH).................367-4853 Abaco Bahamas Charters (HT)............366-0151 Abaco Multihull Charters (HT)............366-0552
91 Destination Abaco
Destination Abaco 91
what to do
Fishing Regulations PERMITS Permits are obtained from Customs officials at ports of entry. Fishing gear is restricted to hook and line and you may not fish with more than six rods at a time. BAG LIMITS Lobster or Crawfish - 10 tails per vessel, at any time. Annual closed season is April 1 to July 31. Minimum size limits are 3-3/8 inch carapace length or six inches tail length. Egg-bearing female crawfish are protected. Conch - Harvesting and possession of conch without a well formed lip is prohibited. Bag limit at any time is 6 per person. Wahoo/Dolphin/Kingfish - 18 fish per person, any combination. Vessel Bag Limit 20 pounds of scalefish, 10 conch and six crawfish per person may be exported from The Islands Of The Bahamas. Stone Crabs Closed season is June 1 to October 15. Minimum harvestable claw is four inches. Harvesting of females is prohibited. Turtle - Illegal to import; although legal to eat in The Islands of The Bahamas. Spearfishing - Hawaiian sling is the only approved spearfishing device. Use of scuba gear or an air compressor to harvest fish, conch,
crawfish and other marine animals is prohibited. Spearfishing is not allowed within one mile off the coast of New Providence, within one mile off the south coast of Freeport, Grand Bahama and within 200 yards of the coast of all Out Islands. Spearing or taking marine animals by any means is prohibited within national sea parks. Revised limits per vessel as of Oct. 19, 2007: Previous revisions to the fishing regulations remain in effect stipulating that: A person shall fish by the traditional method of angling with a hook or lure attached to a line held in the hand or attached to a pole, rod or reel; A person, unless otherwise authorized by the respective permit, shall not use a spear, a fish trap, or a net other than a landing net; Each vessel shall use not more than six (6) rods or reels unless the operator is in possession of a permit authorizing the use of more rods or reels
Fees for entering The Bahamas: $150 for all vessels under 35 feet and $300 for vessels 35.1 feet or greater. $150 for dinghy tenders over 18 feet. (Good for one year) The above fees cover the captain and three crew members. Any additional crew members over 6 years of age must pay $15 per person. A fishing license for three months is included. If you wish to extend your fishing license, it is an additional $150 for 12 months. Also included is a $15 exit/departure fee.
The OfďŹ cial GameďŹ sh Chart of The Bahamas Jan
Apr May June July
Good to Excellent
Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
92 Destination Abaco
what to do
Cultural Activities Homecomings
Every year various settlements or towns throughout Abaco host local homecomings. These homecomings give residents, past and present, an opportunity to showcase their community spirit, and visitors a chance to enjoy the festivities. Some of the communities that stage
such homecomings are Sandy Point, Blackwood, Cedar Harbour and Moores Island & Murphy Town.
Regatta Time In Abaco
Regatta Time In Abaco is a five-race series held each year between the American and Bahamian Independence Day holidays. Its primary focus is for cruising sailboats although they do have a special class for the serious racers. The races are held on the waters off different towns from Green Turtle Cay to Hope Town. The shore activities include street parties, Junkanoo and hosted parties at a different location each night for the 10-day event.
The Junkanoo Parade is held twice a year, over the holidays and during June and July. Boxing Day (December 26th) in Marsh Harbour and New Year's Day in Green Turtle Cay. It is the most exciting display of art and culture in The Bahamas, displaying elaborate and exciting costumes in a variety of shapes and sizes. Listen Destination Abaco 93
what to do to the sounds of the horns and whistles and feel the pulsating rhythms of the goat-skinned drums and cowbells. Rush out with local groups like the Spring City Rockers, Supreme Dancers, Green Turtle Cay Rockers and LA Conquerors.
Island Roots Heritage Festival 5th Annual!!
Come celebrate Tings Bahamian. Rediscover your Bahamian Heritage by enjoying old time games, delicious native foods, great Bahamian entertainment. The fantastic family fun - filled weekend will close with a community worship service Sunday morning, and possibly a Gospel Concert! The Island Roots Festival for 2008 is scheduled for May 4th, 5th and 6th. For more information contact The Abaco Toruist Office at 367-3067 or Karen McIntosh at 365-8489. www.islandrootsheritagefestival.com
Eco-Adventures Ocean Holes
Large Ocean Holes in the middle of the pine forest (west) Treasure Cay. Numerous ocean holes near Cherokee Sound. Drinking water Blue Hole Southwest of Cedar Harbour along an old wagon trail.
Lumber Camp Ruins
There were six lumber camps in Abaco, starting at Wilson City in 1905, followed by Norman’s Castle, Cornwall 1, Cornwall 11, Millville and Cross Harbour. Lumber activities gave employment to Abaconians from 1905 - 1965. Ruins can be found at: Wilson City, 1905 - 1916 Norman’s Castle, 1920’s
Coming in June - JULY 2008
Call for information at 367-3067
Junkanoo Summer Festival
Summertime on Abaco means Goombay time. This festival, staged by the Ministry of Tourism throughout the summer months, highlights everything that is truly Bahamian. Local residents and visitors alike get to taste the flavour of the islands. In addition to the variety of Bahamian dishes and drinks, there are performances from the world famous Royal Bahamas Police Force Band and local Junkanoo and dance groups. Fire dancing, limbo, hair braiding and native crafts are also displayed.
94 Destination Abaco
With water temperatures averaging about 80 °F year-round throughout The Bahamas, water sports are naturally a popular vacation activity. Throw on a swimsuit. Grab a towel. Explore the emerald-green, turquoise, and crystal-blue waters one sport at a time.
95 Destination Abaco
Destination Abaco 95
what to do
Diving/Snorkeling Above and Below Abaco is a Full Service SCUBA Diving Facility on the beautiful Island of Great Abaco in the Bahamas. We are located at the Premier Bahamas Destination, Abaco Beach Resort and Boat Harbour. There are more than 100 miles of magnificent reef running the length of Abaco just waiting to be explored. The visibility of the pristine turquoise water is usually over 100 feet. The reefs are amazing! They rise from the sea floor at depths of 20 to 70 feet and come to within a few feet of the surface. These reefs are famous for their huge caverns and tunnels filled with laser-like rays of sunlight. There's something for everyone; lush coral gardens, gigantic formations, steep drop-offs, friendly sharks, rays and wrecks. We also have breathtaking Inland Blue Holes. If your desire is to stay on top and Snorkel. Abaco's reefs come within a few feet of the surface where beautiful tropical fish and colorful corals abound.
96 Destination Abaco
If you've never tried SCUBA Diving, Abaco, Bahamas, is a great place to learn. We teach all levels of diving from Resort Course through Instructor Certification. In addition to dive trips we also offer Island Hopping Tours and Sunset Cruises. We are happy to custom design a package that will meet your needs. It has been said that, "Exceptionally high levels of vibrational energy can be found in places of great beauty." Abaco Island, in the Bahamas is such a place. Feel the energy, vitality, and renewed clarity that come from our "Island Experience." Enjoy the best of Abaco with our friendly staff and professional guides. We take you to the "Heart of Abaco" where the rhythm and harmony of the land, the sea and the people will touch the very Heart of Your Soul. For more information visit our website at www.AboveAndBelowAbaco. com or Abaco 242-367-0350 US 321-296-9197
Full Service Dive Center SCUBA • Snorkeling Lessons • Certifications Universal Referral PADI • NAUI • YMCA • CMAS Equipment Sales • Rentals • Repairs Private Charters • Guides Air • Dive • Snorkel • Hotel Packages Island Tours • Sunset Cruises Resort Boutique
CONCH INN RESORT & MARINA Marsh Harbour • Abaco • Bahamas
242.367.2787 800.247.5338
Destination@DiveAbaco.com www.DiveAbaco.com VHF 16
rs !
le b ra ea ting 30 Y
our sh Harb ‘A Marradition T 978’ Since 1
what to do Dive Abaco
Abaco Dive Adventures has a wide variety of dive sites to choose from. Their most popular sites called the Bakers Reefs are located at the north end of Guana. These reefs spread over a 3-square-mile area where a maze of reefs reaches the surface from depths of 30 to 70 ft. Black Tip Sharks, Spotted Eagle Rays, Turtles, Tarpon and other interesting sea life are often seen on these reefs.
provides guided underwater tours along the world's third longest barrier reef or dive site - excluding drift dives. Whether you are just learning to dive or are a world traveler, Dive Abaco! has something to offer. With nearly two dozen dive sites ranging in depth from 25' to 130', the area extends from Whale Cay in the north to Little Harbour in the south. This includes the Fowl Cay Undersea Preserve and Sandy Cay Reef, which is part of the Pelican Cay Land & Sea Park. The Preserve is approximately 5 miles and a 30-minute boat
Brendals Dive Center established in 1985
with over 20 years experience with Platinum Pro Instructor. Discover Scuba, Full Certification Courses & Advanced Scuba Courses, CPR and First Aid & Dive Master Courses. Adventure Specialty Trips of: - Fresh seafood caught and prepared on island Picnic - Hand feed the sting rays - Wild Dolphin Encounter & island hopping trips - Kayak tours and rentals - Afternoon and sunset sailing cruises - Hand feed Groupers "Junkanoo & Calypso” - Dive historic ship wreck - Dive with school of Tarpon Fish Call for further info at (242) 365-4411
Dive Abaco! is conveniently located in the heart of Marsh Harbour at the Conch Inn Resort & Marina. Phone: 242.367.2787. DIVE ABACO! is a full service dive/snorkel center and offers trips, SCUBA instruction & resort lessons; certifications & referrals; equipment rentals, sales & repair; and private charters & guides. They are affiliated with PADI, NAUI, YMCA & CMAS and participate in the Universal Referral Program. For 2-tank dive and 2-site snorkel trips, check-in is at 9:00am. The trip departs at 9:30am and returns by 2:00pm. Overnight gear storage is provided. Reservations are recommended. 98 Destination Abaco
ABACO’S “PACIFIC LION FISH” Kay Politano, Above And Below Abaco Why are they here? No one knows for sure. Whether released from aquariums, carried in the bilges of ships, or relocated by storms and ocean currents one thing is for certain, the elegant Pacific Lion Fish are here. Local Abaconians fear they may change the ecology of waters surrounding the Islands. Fishermen believe their lobster/crawfish harvest will suffer. Others worry Lion Fish will compete for food eaten by Groupers. Lionfish typically feed on juvenile fish, and crustaceans such as crabs and shrimp. We are finding beautiful Pacific Lion Fish under logs and other debris in the shallow waters of the Sea of Abaco. Reports are coming in that they are also residing on some of our reefs near the north end of Guana. The three Lion Fish we have been observing in the Sea of Abaco seem to be territorial, each staying in a separate location for months at a time. Unless molested or feeding they move slowly and are great subjects for underwater photography. However, they are poisonous. The venom lies in their 12 to 13 dorsal spines, 2 pelvic spines and 3 anal spines. The poison is administered like a syringe, entering the victim when the spine is compressed down. The effects of the venom are severe pain and swelling around the wound, nausea, dizziness, muscle weakness, shortness of breath, hypotension, and headache. The venom is made up of proteins that are vulnerable to heat and denature easily. If stung the wound should be immediately immersed in very hot water for 30 to 40 minutes. Medical attention is strongly recommended. According to our research there has never been a report of death due to Lion Fish stings.
ride away. n addition to brightly colored tropical fish and magnificent marine life - lobster, turtles, shrimp, crabs, sting rays, spotted eagle rays, sharks, barracuda, moray eels and dolphin - the reef is riddled with coral encrusted and sponge covered tunnels, swim-throughs, caverns and a mini-wall. They also offer night, wreck and shark observation dives, and they dive the inland blue holes of Abaco. Abaco is a GREAT destination if you’re looking for a true Out-Island experience! You can do as much or as little as you desire, and DIVE ABACO! will gladly help you plan the perfect getaway. For more information,
please stop by DIVE ABACO! at the Conch Inn Resort & Marina or contact them at www. DiveAbaco.com http://www.DiveAbaco.com or 800.247.5338.
Diving Operators
Above & Below (MH).................. 367-0350 Abaco Dive Adventure (MH)..... 367-2963 Brendal’s Dive Center (GTC).... 365-4411 Dive Abaco (since 1978) (MH)... 367-2787 Dive Guana (GC).....................................365-5178 Spanish Cay Water Sports (SC)............365-0083 Treasure Divers (TC)..............................365-8465 Froggies Out Island Adv. (HT)..............366-0431
Brendal’s Dive Center Established 1985
International Scuba Instruction Dive with The Bahamas’ legendary Brendal - over 25 years experience!
Awarded Bahamas Tourism Cacique Award for Sustainable Tourism Finest
Platinum Pro Instructor Over 5000 Divers Taught
242-365-4411 Direct VHF 16 WHITE SOUND, GREEN TURTLE CAY ABACO, BAHAMAS www.brendal.com Email: brendal@brendal.com 99 Destination Abaco
• P.A.D.I. International Resort • S.S.I. Teaching Facility • S.D.I. Teaching Facility • Universal Referral Location – NAUI, YMCA, NASDS, IDEA, PDIC • Adventure Specialty Trips • Dive, Snorkel, Fresh Seafood Picnic Hand feed the Sting Rays! • Reef Trip & Wild Dolphin Encounter! • Island Hopping & Private Charters • Sailing Cruises • Dive “Original Tarpon Dive” Discovered by Brendal • Dive Historic Wrecks, Reef, Catacombs, Mini walls, swim throughs Coral Caverns, Night Dive • Discover Scuba through Asst. Instructor Certifications • Kayak & Bike Rentals • Full Service Dive Center, Store & Shop
what to do present and is named after Hope Town founder from South Carolina. The museum is crammed with manuscripts, photographs and artifacts. Local ancestries, pottery and ships’ china recovered by wreckers, and household antiques are housed here.
Out Island Excursions
The art of hair braiding can be traced back thousands of years to Africa. Today thousands of people take in the highly specialized and artistic crafts of twisting, braiding and locking natural hair fashions. Hair braiding is more than a means of entrepreneurship. It is an important form of cultural expression. You can find talented hair braiders everywhere on our shores. Kimberly Roberts (MOW)....................556-2380. Megan Cartwright (MH) .......................367-2198
Inter Island Transport Ferries
Bahamas Fast Ferries - Take a trip to our nation’s capital, Nassau, in under 4 hours on Bahamas Ferries’ state-of-art, air-conditioned high-speed ferry. Stroll the world-famous Bay Street or visit Government House. The ferry departs Nassau on Friday and Sunday at 3:30 pm and Sandy Point at 8 pm. Adults: $90 round trip and $50 one way. Cars, trucks, and cargo. Call Sandy Point in Abaco at 366-4119, Marsh Harbour 367-5250 and Nassau 323-2166. Pinder’s Ferry Service offers service between Abaco and Grand Bahamas. Ferry leaves Crown Haven, Abaco for McLean’s Town, Grand Bahama daily at 7am and 2:30pm. Ferry departs McLean’s Town for Crown Haven daily at 8:30am and 4:30pm. Fare: $40 one-way and $80 round trip. Children travel half fare. For more information call Grand Bahama 365-3093 or Abaco 3652356. Bus serves Freeport and McLean’s Town.
Albury’s Ferry Services & Abaco Ferry Services offer ferry service to the various outer cays on a daily bases. Night charters are also available. Green Turtle Cay Ferry offers ferry services from the Treasure Cay ferry dock to Green Turtle Ferry dock located in New Plymouth on a daily bases. Charters are also available. See schedules for both ferries on page 20.
Golf Carts
See pg 37 for listings
The Albert Lowe Museum on Green Turtle Cay charts the history of Abaconians from the Loyalists of the 1780s through the morden day development of the island of Abaco. It also features handcrafted ships’ models and paintings by local artists. Once a home, this 150-year-old structure was transformed by artist Alton Lowe in memory of his father. Tel: (242) 367-4094 The Wyannie Malone Historical Museum exhibits the cay’s history from the 1780’s to the
100 Destination Abaco
Rental automobiles at both terminals.
The nightlife on The Abacos is concentrated in the bars of its resorts and marinas. If you arrive too late to catch a favorite artist or group, check around. Most resorts share schedules and offer live music at different places on different nights Abaco Beach Resort (MH)....................367-2158 One-man band, rake & scrape Harbour’s Edge (HT)...............................366-0087 DJ on Saturday nights
Curly Tails Restaurant (MH)..................367-4444 One man band Wed-Thur-Sun 6-11pm Club Jam Rock Night Club....................456-5887 Open Friday and Saturdays Nippers Beach Bar & Grill (GC)..........365-5143 Famous Pig Roast on Sundays Marsh Harbour Marina Jib Room (MH) Wed & Sat nights - live band.................367-2700 Rooster’s Rest (GT)................................365-4066 Sea Spray Resort (HT) ..........................366-0065 Happy Hour - 5:00-6:00 Snappas Restaurant (MH) ...................367-2278 Happy Hour, Bar & Grill D&R Pool Bar (MH) ..............................367-2385 4th Quarter Restaurnat & Bar (MH) Happy Hour, Monday - Saturday...........367-0508
With over 65 species of birds on The Abacos, it truly is a bird-watcher's paradise. It is one of the few places in The Islands of The Bahamas where you can find the green Abaco or "Bahama" Parrot, mainly in South Abaco near Hole-In-
101 Destination Abaco
The-Wall. There are many other things you can discover about the bird population here. Surrounded by beautiful scenery, some of the birds you'll encounter are the Bahama YellowThroat, the Cuban Emerald Woodpecker, the Red-Legged Thrush, the Olive-Capped Warbler and the Flamingo, national bird of The Bahamas. This National Park, comprising 20,500 acres in Southern Abaco near Hole In The Wall, has been designated a preservation area by the Bahamas Government and is managed by The Bahamas National Trust. Included are 5,000 acres of pine forest - the nesting area and habitat of about 1000 endangered Bahama or "Abaco" Parrots. The parrots once lived on as many as seven islands in The Bahamas, but now only exist in Abaco and Great Inagua. The Bahamas National Trust reports that there are now less than 3,000 Bahama parrots remaining in The Bahamas. These birds are protected under the Wild Bird (Protection) Act and it is illegal to harm, capture or offer these birds for sale. For More information call the Abaco Tourist Office or Friends of the Environment.
Destination Abaco 101
what to do
he Abaco Club on Winding Bay features the world’s first Scottish style tropical links golf course. The par 72 • 7 • 123 yard championship course, designed by Tom Mackenzie and Donald Steel, tracts upwind and downwind knowingly along a 2 ⁄ mile pristine, powder-soft sand beach, and concludes in a crescendo style with four stunning holes along a canyon and sea cliff. The dunes that dominate throughout would be the envy of many of the greatest seaside layouts. Amenities at the Club include: clubhouse and infinity pool, European spa, deep sea and bone fishing, equestrian, tennis, children’s activities and numerous water sports. The Club’s pri-
102 Destination Abaco
vate plane and air terminal, as well as sport and leisure boats, are also available to members and guests. The Club welcomes non-members to enjoy the private club once only, and exquisite cottages are available for rent. Estate lots and exquisite turn-key cottages are priced from $875,000 to $4 million. Nonresident membership is also available. For more information, please contact the Membership Department at 1-888303-2765 (US Toll Free) or 1-242-3670077 (Worldwide) or email info@theabacoclub.com www.theabacoclub.com.
he Treasure Cay Golf Course is a superb 18-hole championship course designed by Dick Wilson, one of America’s most renowned golf course architects, with several classic courses consistently ranked in “Golf Digest’s Top 100”. The best known probably being the Doral “Blue Monster” in Miami. The tropically landscaped 186acre Treasure Cay golf course was the last Dick Wilson planned; he died before it was completed in 1968. His assistant, Joe Lee, completed the course and went on himself to become a famous golf course architect. At 6,985 yards from the blue tees and with 66 strategically placed sand bunkers, the Treasure Cay course presents a formidable challenge with ocean winds, tight fairways and a layout that makes you ponder every club selection. It will certainly make you want to play it more than once. If you are a single looking for a game, just show up at 8:30am and Pro Ronnie Bootle will assist you in finding a partner. Tee times are not necessary! In fact, if you tee off after 10:30am, you may not see another group – you may be playing your own private championship course! During the winter season, homeowner tournaments are often held at bi-weekly intervals. Guests are most welcome, a reasonable and fun way of meeting new people. Very attractive golf packages are available to guests staying at Treasure Cay Hotel Resort & Marina. Destination Abaco 103
what to do
Wild Horses of Abaco
For more information: www.arkwild.org Tel: 242-367-4805 As with all charitable efforts, funds are needed to improve the infrastructure of the preserve, to help maintain fire breaks and keep the fence lines clear and for long overdue medical support, etc. All funds go directly to Arkwild (donations are tax deductible for US citizens) or to WHOA for direct benefit of the horses.
104 Destination Abaco
or years the wild horses of Abaco were thought to be a myth, animals about whom many stories were told but which were extinct. Actually, the Wild Horses of Abaco are still clinging to a precarious existence on a preserve in the pine forests of Abaco. Research for information about the horses’ history, both past and recent began in 1992. Based on three separate DNA tests the horses are internationally accepted as a sub group of the rare Spanish Barb breed. They are acknowledged to be critically endangered and likely are the most rare breed of horse on the planet. Many organizations are hoping to see the horses come back from the brink of extinction for the second time in their recently turbulent history. They have much to offer they are disease and parasite free. Spanish Barbs were bred from the Barbary horses of the North Coast of Africa. One of the desert tribes known as the Moors invaded Spain with these peerless war horses and ruled
Spain for hundreds of years. When the Moors were finally driven out of Spain, the Spanish crossed these extraordinary horses with their own impressive breeds and came up with a horse of great intelligence, built for speed, stamina and survival under extreme conditions. The Barb is in no way related to the Arab, having a different bone structure and many characteristics not found in the Arab. It has also been discovered fairly recently that one of the founding horses of the Thoroughbred line was a Barb. Having been transported, confined to small, foul stalls with little water and less food on the tossing decks of Spanish ships as they travelled the Caribbean, it is possible that the Abaco horses arrived when one or more ships wrecked off Green Turtle Cay sometime in the late 1400’s or early 1500’s. There are many Spanish Wrecks on Green Turtle’s reefs. It is known that horses were brought to Abaco from Cuba in the early 1900’s to drag logs out of the
forest of Abaco when the forests were cut. When tractors came into general use, the horses were abandoned. It does seem odd that stallions and mares would be used to work and not geldings. Until manifests or records can be found in Nassau there is no way to actually check the numbers of horses that arrived. It is also known that Columbus had two horse farms in Cuba. And DNA work shows that the Abaco horses are Spanish, in fact most closely resembling the Puerto Rican Paso Fino. They in no way visually resemble the horses that are now in Cuba for whom no DNA work is available. The point is that no matter how they got to Abaco, these are horses of a known and exceedingly rare type. The horses, likely half starved and terrified when confronted with the drastic change in their lives, were helped by the steely determination bred into them and managed to adapt to a harsh environment that turned out to be an equine paradise of shady pine forests filled with enough forage and fresh water to help them regain their strength and to stay healthy. Rough ground kept their hooves trimmed. For 500 years they lived in the forests of Abaco. If they came from Spain, and for over 100 years at least if only Cuban logging horses came here. Unfortunately, with the building of the Abaco Highway in the 1960’s the horses’ paradise was destroyed. And the hands of humans have weighed heavily on them ever since. A tragedy involving a blameless wild horse and a child resulted in the slaughter of a herd once estimated to be from 150 to 200 head. Three horses were brought out of captivity and placed on the newly developing Bahama Star farm, located in the middle of a second growth forest. From one stallion, a mare and her filly the herd rebuilt to about 30 - 35 head when they were roughly counted in 1992. The horses ‘commuted’ between the farm and the forest. When Hurricane Floyd drove them from the forest to full time on the farm, the horses once again declined. Several were saved from certain death when roofing nails were removed from their feet after the storm. Unwilling to move from the over rich grass once planted for cattle, the horses entered a vicious cycle of obesity, which discouraged movement which resulted in laminitis, killing several horses. Unable to move much because of the pain in their hooves, they grew even fatter. Simple intervention with penicillin delivered by blow pipe saved many, but the presence of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides added to the deadly environment. The horses stopped reproducing. The haven of the farm was a mixed blessing. Inappropriate human actions took several lives. In 2002 the remaining horses were granted a government preserve of 3800 acres and the horses were moved back into their ancestral home. Pre existing conditions took more lives. Though the horses limped into the preserve, from that day forward there has not been one case of lameness other than two incidents of minor bruising which cleared up within days. The long walk to the preserve started circulation again. The pine forests of Abaco are a unique and rare habitat. Home to the endangered Abaco parrot, wild hogs, migrating birds (some of them also rare) they
are also home to the Abaco Barbary Horses. The prevailing mood in the forest is one of tranquility, filtered dappled light, birdsong, the wind sighing in the tall pines. There are few sounds of civilization here. Wild does not mean streaming manes and tails and pounding hooves. Those means panic. In the bush, as we are privileged to see the horses, they spend nearly all their time foraging and they eat a wide variety of vegetation. They move constantly, keeping their muscles toned, their hooves trimmed. Water holes are plentiful, often rising and falling with the tide of salt water that lies under the fresh water lens trapped in the limestone rocks of Abaco. Gentle hills are the remains of old, petrified sand dunes, for the area was once
underwater. Today the herd is at eight, four mares, four stallions, and even in these small numbers the herd has attracted international attention. They are in glowing good health. They are living time capsules, classic examples of the carefully bred horse with which the Spanish conquered the New World. They are a genetic treasure trove, and WHOA (Wild Horses Of Abaco Preservation Society) in Abaco and Arkwild, Inc. (a 501 c 3 charity) in the US are working hard to keep the herd going. In 2007 three of the mares appeared to be pregnant, including two with positive sonogram results One mare carried to the point where she was showing signs of getting ready to give birth, yet, nothing happened. It is assumed the mares reabsorbed. This is a critical, fragile time for the horses and health checks are scheduled. Also desperately needed is banking of sperm and ova. It is also possible to collect living tissue for preservation for possible cloning. It is the goal of Arkwild and WHOA to build the herd back up to viable numbers once again, and to maintain the horses in as free an environment as possible. This offers unique opportunities for research into the behavior of horses free of human dominance. And it allows visitors a chance to experience a peaceful, hushed environment and to meet with some of nature’s most rare and beautiful creatures on the horses’ own terms.
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? Information
General Information ATM Machines
Visitors to Abaco can get cash 24 hours hours a day. ATM’s Operated by Royal Bank of Canada, Scotiabank (Bah) Ltd., Commonwealth Bank, First Caribbean Int’l Bank provides convient banking services 24 hours a day.
Banking Hours
Commonwealth Bank..................367-2370 ATM First Carib. Int’l Bank ..................367-2166 ATM Royal Bank of Canada Marsh Harbour..................... 367-2420 ATM Treasure Cay.........................365-8119 ATM Scotiabank (Bah) Ltd ...................367-2141 ATM Fidelity/Western Union..........................367-3135 Open 9:30am - 3:00pm Monday - Thrusday, 9:30am - 4:30pm Friday. Closed on Saturday & Sunday.
If you come across a $3 bill, it's ok. Bahamian paper money comes in fi dollar, $1, $3, $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 bills. There is also an extra Bahamian coin, the 15-cent, which is square with rounded corners and decorated with a hibiscus.
Exchange Rates
The Bahamian dollar is on par with the U.S. dollar. A small exchange may be applicable when exchanging Traveller's Cheques for local currency.
Illegal Items
Strict laws and penalties apply for possession of dangerous drugs and firearms. Any drugs considered dangerous, including marijuana, bring stiff fines and even jail terms if found in the possession of unauthorized persons.
The post office is situated in the Dove Plaza downtown on Don MacKay Blvd and provides air mailing to any where in the world. Also regular surface mail along with courier services
107 Destination Abaco
of Federal Express, United Postal Service and DHL. Postcards are 50 cents to the US, UK and Canada. Airmail letters (one-half ounce) 65 cents for US and Canada, 70 cents for Europe.
Bahamas Telecommuications Corporation provides 100% digital switiching system that allows communication with over 100 countires. Other services are fax, telex, cellular and satellite. Phone cards are available. Roaming features are available and will be billed through your home carrier. Batelnet and Cable Bahamas is the two major internet provders in Abaco. Wireless internet services are also available.
Radio Abaco 93.5 FM is the local broadcast with local and national programming and advertising of 24 hour brodcasting. Cruisers net is available on VHF16 each morning at 8am for updates on weather and events in Abaco.
January.....................................................................70 February..................................................................71 March.......................................................................72 April.........................................................................75 May .........................................................................78 June .........................................................................81 July .........................................................................83 August......................................................................82. September..............................................................82. October..................................................................79 November...............................................................76 December...............................................................72 We enjoy a tropical temperature year round. Water temperature ranges from the low 80s in the summer to the mid-70s in the winter.
What to wear
How to pack for your trip to the Bahamas depends on the time of year, where you plan to stay and what you plan to do. Summer wear is
? Information Traffic Rules
Drive on the left side. Remember to keep left and wearing seat belts is mandatory. If you are walking where there is no sidewalk, face oncoming traffic.
There is no sales tax in The Bahamas. However, there are other forms of taxes that may occur on your trip there. There is hotel room tax of 12 - 15% that will be added to your bill at the time of check out. There is a $5 - $25 agency charge for airline tickets booked through a travel agent.
Public Holidays
New Year’s Day......................................... 1 January Good Friday...........................................21st March Easter Monday...................................... 24th March Labour Day................................................ 12th May Whit Monday.............................................. 6th June Independence Day.................................... 10th July Emancipation Day................................. 4th August Discovery Day................................. 12th October Christmas Day..............................25th December Boxing Day....................................26th December
Taxis are available and are found mostly at the airports and the ferry docks in Marsh Harbour and Treasure Cay. Taxi drivers are willing to wait for individuals to shop and would love to take you sightseeing. Fares vary within the Marsh Harbour area and to the North and South of Abaco. Waiting time is $20.00 per hour. Children under the age of three are free. Fare from the airport to Albury’s Ferry Dock is $12.00 per person and each additional person - $3.00.
St. Simon by The Sea (TC).....................365-2714 St. John’s the Baptist Anglican(MH) ....365-2518 BAPTIST Calvary Baptist Church (MH) ..............367-2105 Grace Baptist Church (MH)..................367-2926 Unity Baptist Church (TC) ...................365-8371 Zion Baptist Church (MH)....................367-3563 BRETHREN Bethany Gospel Chapel (MH) .............367-4472 International Creole Gospel (MH) .....367-3784 Gospel Chapel (MOW)..........................365-6038 New Vision Ministries (MH)..................367-3242 New Life Chapel (MOW)......................365-6458 Marsh Harbour Gospel (MH)...............367-2204 New Plymouth Gospel (GTC) ............365-4198 Friendship Tabernacle (MH) .................367-4238 METHODIST Aldergate Methodist (MH) ...................367-2009 St. Andrew’s Methodist (MH) ...............367-2007 St. James Methodist (HT).......................366-0400 Epworth Chapel (Cherokee).................366-2249 New Plymouth Methodist (GTC)........365-4293 Presbyterian Kirk of the Pines (MH)...........................367-3855 ROMAN CATHOLIC St. Fransis de Sales (MH)........................367-2714 Seventh Day Adventist Seventh Day Adventist (MH).................367-2948
Service Groups
Organized clubs of business and professional persons active in public services.
PILOT CLUB Dedicated to helping prevent brain related disorders - ‘Brain Minders’ Tel: 242.367.4571 or 359.6455 Meets every 3rd Tuesday in the month at Offices of Friends of Environment at 7pm. KIWANIS CLUB Dedicated to serving the children of the world “Young Children-Priority One.” Meets every Tuesday except the third Tuesday. Tel: 242.3673680 or 52-1766 Central Abaco Primary School at 7pm ROTARY CLUB Committed to immunizing all of the world’s children against polio - “Polio Plus.” Meets at Below Decks, Abaco Beach Resort every Monday night.
FRIENDS OF THE ENVIRONMENT Friends of the Environment is a nonprofit
Call to confirm services and times. Evening services may vary due to the time change. ASSEMBLIES OF GOD 1st Assembly of God (MH) ..................367-2130 Church of God (GTC)...........................365-4505 Church of God (MOW).........................365-6088 Church of God of Prop.(MH) ..............367-2071 Church of God (MRF) (MH) ................367-2740 Full Gospel Assembly (TC)....................365-8097
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? information organization that works to preserve and protect Abaco's precious environment. FRIENDS sponsors a number of fun activities through out the year. From educational speakers to bird watching walks to fun events to benefit the environment there is a way for everyone to get involved. For an updated calendar of events visit their website: www.friendsoftheenvironment. org or call 367-2721. ABACO CANCER SOCIETY The Abaco Branch of the Cancer Society exists to educate the public on matters relating to cancer and to support those undergoing treatment for the disease. It meets the second Tuesday of each month at Brass & Leather Shoppe at 5:15pm Nassau 242.323-4482 or email:cancersociety @coralwave.com. Art Show & Silent Auction, Green Turtle Cay Club, March 15th, 2008. Contact Majolein Scott 367-3744 The SCURVY FEW MOTORCYCLE CLUB is the only charter motorcycle club in The Bahamas and is based right here in Marsh Harbour. The brain? Child of Sid Dawes and Skeet Lachance, the club was formally started with six "Founding Members" back in 1998 and is still very active today. Their big event of the year is their Toys-For-Tots which distributes over 1000 toys to all communities within the Abacos. They also participate in the Big Hill Box Derby in Hopetown and do a number of rides throughout the island during the year. The club has a number of items for sale at some of the better gift shops in Marsh Harbour including T-shirts, hats, beer cozies, patches and stickers. The proceeds are used in many ways during the year including donations to a number of worthy causes along with the Toys-For-Tots. And if you are lost while walking around the marina district, the club has a couple of "You-Are-Here" maps beside Snappas and Bahamas Realty to help you find out where you are. Thanks you very much for your support, welcomes you to our island in the sun. Aarrrrrrrrrrr!!! www.scuryfew.org The Royal Marsh Harbour Yacht Club was formed in Marsh Harbour 25 years ago by Yachtsman Charlie Murphy who was then a regular visitor to the Abacos.Through the years the RMHYC has grown to over 1800 members &
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? Information mates from all over the world. The purpose of the Yacht Club is to provide fellowship, information and support services for cruisers, landholders and others who enjoy visits and extended stays in the environs of the "Hub of Abacos Bahamas" As a service to the community the RMHYC has built and maintains the floating dinghy dock at the Government Union Jack dock in Marsh Harbour. They have purchased and installed two red & two green channel markers in the harbor for all boaters to use and this past year have provided lights on them for night vision as an added safety feature. The RMHYC is more active in the winter & spring months as more members are present here. They have a very active social life with many functions throughout the year for all of their members, as well as reciprocity for card carrying yacht club members from other yacht clubs. The RMHYC also has chapters in the United States and Canada, these are located in Ft. Lauderdale, Fl; Palm Beach gardens, Fl; Daytona,Fl; Baltimore, Md; and Nova Scotia,Canada. Anyone interested in learning more about the yacht club can check them out at their website: www.RMHYC.com.
Upon your arrival to The Bahamas you are given an immigration card to fill out. The officer at the Port of Entry will keep the top section and return the bottom section to you. You must return that portion to the ticket agent upon departure. Citizens of the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom or Colonies do not need a passport for a visit that does not extend beyond 3 weeks, provided that you have proper identification, birth certificate, picture identification and a return ticket.
Bahamas Customs
Baggage declaration by temporary visitors is oral, but the baggage is subject to Customs inspections. In case there are dutiable articles, the visitor will be required to complete a Baggage Claim Form. Each adult is allowed 50 cigars or 200 cigarettes or one pound of tobacco and one quart of spirits free of Customs Duty, in addition to personal effects. In addition, purchases up to a value of one hundred dollars ($100) are permitted by all arriving passengers. Household effects, such as china, furniture, lin-
? Information ens and appliances with valid invoices and used household effects are subject to assessment by Customs Officers.
US Customs
Residents of the US may take home merchandise valued up to $600 retail, duty free. This exemption applies to each family member, even infants. Family members living in the same household may pool exemptions to reduce the duty on an expensive item or carry in more items. All items must accompany the traveller to be eligible and must be for personal use or gifts and not for sale. The $600 exemption may only be claimed if you have been out of the US for 48 hours and may only be claimed every 30 days. Purchases of up to $1,000 more than the $600 allowance will be taxed at a flat rate of 10 percent, based on the fair retail value in The Bahamas. Separate from the $600 exception, you may also mail gift packages of $100 value or less duty-free. They must be marked ‘Unsolicited Gift’ and you may send as many as you wish, but not more than one $100 gift package to the same person on the same day. Goods shipped for PERSONAL use may be mailed into the US DUTY and TAXFREE if the total value is not more than $200. This exemption does not apply to perfume, alcoholic beverages or to cigars or cigarettes. If you do not meet the 48-hour and 30-day time requirements, you may take in $25 worth of items for your own personal or household use free of duty. This exemption may not be pooled. Exemption limit of 10 cigars (not Cuban), 50 cigarettes and 4 ounces of liquor or 4 oz of cologne, may be included. If you spend more than $25 you must pay duty on the entire amount. REMEMBER: If you are carrying more than $10,000 in US or foreign currency, coins, traveller’s checks, etc. into the US, it MUST be reported to Customs. Please contact US Customs at 242-377-8461 if you have questions on importing any items.
Canadian Customs
Canadian residents including minors may claim $50 (Can.) exemption after an absence of 24 hours or more. This exemption which excludes tobacco and alcohol may be claimed
110 Destination Abaco
numerous times annually by verbal declaration. After 48 hours absence any number of times a year, $200 exemption may be claimed. This merchandise which must accompany the traveller can include 50 cigars, 200 cigarettes, 2 lbs of tobacco and 40 ounces of liquor. A $500 (Can.) exemption can be claimed after an absence of seven (7) days or more. This exemption may be claimed any number of times per year regardless of any $200 exemption claimed on a previous trip, but the two may not be combined at any time. The declaration for this exemption must be written. The allowance for liquor and tobacco is the same as for the $200 exemption. All duty-free items must be for personal or household use or as gifts. Children who are literate and can understand the declaration may claim exemption. Persons must be over 16 years of age to import tobacco and spirits. Amounts are in Canadian dollars.
UK Customs
UK residents returning from the Bahamas after an absence of more than 24 hours can take home duty and tax free 50 grammes (2 fluid ozs) of perfume and 250 cc of toilet water. Persons over 17 years of age are allowed, duty free, 1 litre (over 22% proof) of liquor or 2 litres of alcoholic beverages not over 22% proof or fortified or sparkling wine, plus 2 litres of still wine. Persons over 17 are also allowed 200 cigarettes or 100 cigarillos or 50 cigars or 250 grammes of tobacco.UK residents can bring 145 pounds sterling worth of other goods including gifts, souvenirs, cider and beer, which must be carried in baggage and cleared by you at the time of your arrival. You are advised to pack dutiable goods separately. The importation into the United Kingdom of some goods is prohibited and restricted. These include counterfeit coins, dangerous drugs, firearms and ammunition, dangerous knives, plants and bulbs, radio transmitters, (including walkie talkies), meat and poultry (not fully cooked) and live animals.
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