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brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency

Brand Indentity Guidelines March 2015

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency

Welcome to izem‘s brand identity guidelines. Please use these guidelines when creating marketing materials for izem.

brand guidelines v 1.0

sections: 01. Mission 02.

Logo & Logo Description

03. The Visuals - Visual Principles - Logo - Spacing - Color Schemes - Variations - Don’ts 04. Typorgaphy 05. social media 06. E-MAIL Signature 07. Stationery

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency

01. mission

brand guidelines v 1.0


e believe that brands are key to business success. That is why we aim to invent and reinvent brand legacies.

Iconic brands with enduring appeal are only ever built by understanding commercial objectives and creativity that shifts the paradigm of the market’s spectrum. By first establishing a brand strategy grounded in market research, we make room for building the brand identity. We think about brand identity systems from endto-end, from sparking the initial conversation through to the point of creating a lasting dent in the market.

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency

02. logo and logo description

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency

logo and logo description

izem has only one approved logo for use. The primary logo consists of the phonetics symbol of the suffix “ism�. This logo will be used in all of the cases.

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency

03. the visuals

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency

visual principles izem logo use examples

Using izem’s brand logo izem’s logo should be present on all communications about the agency, whether they’re about the brand or offerings in the family. This applies to in-product experiences, online, and printed marketing materials. izem’s logo should appear once at the beginning or sign off a communication, so that the endorsing brand is clear. For instance, the logo doesn’t need to appear on every single page of a booklet or sign-in sequence. The logo should stand alone and follow clear-space guidelines. Don’t use the logo within copy.

welcome to izem’s page.

izem logo don’ts

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency


Here it is again. Our logo is the most visible element of our identity—a universal signature across all Demand Media communications. It’s a guarantee of quality that unites our diverse services. We use the same version in print and on screen. It’s simple. Easy to understand. No drop shadows, no glossy reflections, no flashy graphic effects. Our logo is a bold, simple, graphic statement. It signifies a touchpoint, and a connection. The logo is made up of one element: the symbol. While it is a simple logo, we must treat it nicely. The following pages cover the correct usage to ensure the logo always looks its best.

symbol logo

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency

logo 50% 25% LOGO CLEAR SPACE: To ensure that our signature versions are clearly visible in all applications, surround them with sufficient clear space —free of type, graphics, and other elements that might cause visual clutter— to maximize the recognition and impact of our identity. To ensure the integrity and legibility of the logo lock-ups, the area directly surrounding them should be protected. When the full name is used, a clear space of 50% the symbol’s height should be maintained. In special circumstances when a 50% clear zone isn’t available or possible, use the second option of 25% clear space.

50% clear space

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency

logo corner position

LOGO CLEAR SPACE: We like to avoid placing the logo smack dab in the middle of an area.

center position

On any given format—landscape or vertical—the preferred logo placement is in any corner position, or center aligned at the right or left.

Centering the logo looks generic and predictable

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency


LOGO Colors:

60% Black logo on white background

white logo on 60% Black background

The preferred color for our logo is in 100% black. In some instances we may use a gray version (ragining between 50% and 70% tint of black) or white logo.

BACKGROUND IMAGES: Our logo may also be used on an image background with sufficient contrast.

black logo on white background

white logo on black background

Two-tone version for black backgrounds In special uses when the logo appears on a black background (for example T-shirts, Tote bags), a two-tone logo is never acceptable. the logo should always appear in one color (depending on application for print or web)

Light-colored, uncluttered imagery

Dark-colored, uncluttered imagery

Do not use a color logo on a photographic image.

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency


Please don’t... To maintain the integrity of izem’s logo, and to promote the consistency of the agency, it is important to use the logo as described in these guidelines. The examples shown here illustrate possible misuses of izem’s logo that should be avoided.

DON’T create a logo lockup with text

DON’T rearrange the logo elements

DON’T change the proportions

DON’T rotate the logo

DON’T stretch the logo

DON’T create a gradient logo

DON’T mix colors from the palette

DON’T use colors

DON’T outline the logo

DON’T add a drop shadow to the logo

DON’T add graphic filters to the logo

don’t remove elements from the logo

DON’T create a pattern with the logo

DON’T place the logo on a color without sufficient contrast

DON’T use gray or black on a color background

DON’T use over a busy image

for a better image!

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency

04. typography

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency


avenir next IS OUR TYPEFACE. WE USE IT IN all of its variations:

ultra light ultra light italic italic regular medium medium italic demi bold demi bold italic bold bold italic heavy heavy italic

Typography is an important aspect of our brand identity. Our typographic style contributes to our distinctive aesthetic. The typography usage examples on the following pages should be followed to ensure all of our communications appear consistent.

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency


OUR TYPEFACE: USE IN PRINT avenir next medium or demi bold are used for all headlines and titles.

avenir next medium

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 — &*#@?!/+(.,:;) avenir next demi bold

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 — &*#@?!/+(.,:;)

Avenir next ultra light or regular should be used for all standard body-copy.

avenir next ultra light

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 — &*#@?!/+(.,:;) avenir next regular

Adrian Frutiger, together with Linotype’s in-house type designer Akira Kobayashi, reworked the Avenir family that was designed by Frutiger himself, to address on-screen display issues. It can be purchased from linotype.com

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 — &*#@?!/+(.,:;)

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency


OUR TYPEFACE: USE FOR WEB avenir next is available as a webfont. It should be used in demi bold, regular and/or italic for web purposes.

avenir next demi bold

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 — &*#@?!/+(.,:;) avenir next regular

As with the print usage, we use the Bold weight for headlines, with regular and italic for body copy.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 — &*#@?!/+(.,:;) avenir next italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 — &*#@?!/+(.,:;)

Same typface variations as web are used with presentations.

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency


TYPESETTING GUIDES: Typography is always ranged left. This provides the eye with a constant starting point for each line, making text easier to read. The only exceptions are when typesetting headlines with the Demand Media arrowheads. When typesetting headlines, the leading should be 15% larger than the type size. To calculate, multiply the type size by .15 and add the result to the typesize. When setting body copy, the leading should be 25% larger than the type size. To calculate this, multiply the type size by .25 and add result to the typesize. All type should be be set to -20 tracking.

DEMAND MEDIA, CONTENT FOR REAL LIFE 10/11.5 As dollestiatum con pratem dolupta dolor sint molessendam, idus minctas sunteni mpores et voluptiant quat hiliquam non pel minctisite oditas adis ent eicimpo riteces equisitibus arumend ererchitem quidero reperum quiatur sequias etum ni re est que endi cuptat. 10/12.5

DEMAND MEDIA, CONTENT FOR REAL LIFE 15/17.25 As dollestiatum con pratem dolupta dolor sint molessendam, idus minctas sunteni mpores et voluptiant quat hiliquam non pel minctisite oditas adis ent eicimpo riteces equisitibus arumend ererchitem quidero reperum quiatur sequias etum ni re est que endi cuptat. 15/18.25

DEMAND MEDIA, CONTENT FOR REAL LIFE 20/23 As dollestiatum con pratem dolupta dolor sint molessendam, idus minctas sunteni mpores et voluptiant quat hiliquam non pel minctisite oditas adis ent eicimpo riteces equisitibus arumend ererchitem quidero reperum quiatur sequias etum ni re est que endi cuptat. 20/25

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency

05. social media

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency

social media facebook sample

logo usage: izem’s logo is always present on any social media post. from facebook to instagram, passing by twitter (unless what is tweeted is only a text). just like using the logo in cover letters or texts, We like to avoid placing the logo smack dab in the middle of an area. On any given format—landscape or vertical—the preferred logo placement is in any corner position aligned at the right or left.

corner position

instagram sample

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency

social media

rules of engagement: 01. disclose 02. protect 03. use common sense






brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency

social media

01. disclose: honesty—or dishonesty—will be quickly noticed in the social media environment. Please represent izem ethically and with integrity.

> Be yourself

Use your real name, identify that you work for izem, and be clear about your role in the agency.

Stick to your area of expertise; write what you know. If you publish to a blog or facebook page or any related platform outside izem, please use a disclaimer something like this: “The postings on this site are my own and don’t necessarily represent izem’s positions, strategies, or opinions.”

> Be truthful

> Be up to date

If you have a vested interest in something you are discussing, be the first to point it out and be specific about what it is.

If you are leaving izem, please remember to update your employment information on social media sites.

> Be transparent

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency

social media

02. protect: Make sure all that transparency doesn’t violate izem’s confidentiality or legal guidelines for commercial speech—or your own privacy. Remember, if you’re online, you’re on the record—everything on the Internet is public and searchable. And what you write is ultimately your responsibility.

> Don’t slam the competition

> Don’t tell secrets

> Don’t overshare

Never reveal izem’s classified or confidential information. If you’re unsure, check with izem. Off-limit topics include: litigation, non-published financials, and unreleased project info. Also, please respect brand, trademark, copyright, fair use, and trade secrets. If it gives you pause… pause rather than publish.

Be careful out there—once you hit “share,” you usually can’t get it back. Plus being judicious will help make your content more crisp and audience-relevant.

Play nice. Anything you publish must be true and not misleading. all claims must be substantiated and approved. Product benchmarks must be approved for external posting by the appropriate product benchmarking team.

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency

social media

03. use common sense: Perception is reality and in online social networks, the lines between public and private, personal and professional are blurred. Just by identifying yourself as an izem employee, you are creating perceptions about your expertise and about Izem. Do us all proud. > Add value There are millions of words out there— make yours helpful and thoughtprovoking. Remember, it’s a conversation, so keep it real. Build community by posting content that invites responses—then stay engaged. You can also broaden the dialogue by citing others who are writing about the same topic and allowing your content to be shared.

> Keep it cool There can be a fine line between healthy debate and incendiary reaction. Try to frame what you write to invite differing points of view without inflaming others. you don’t need to respond to every criticism. Be careful and considerate. > Did you screw up? If you make a mistake, admit it. Be upfront and be quick with your correction. If you’re posting to a blog, you may choose to modify an earlier post—just make it clear that you have done so.

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency

social media BE TRANSPARENT disclose your relationship with izem


when possible, link to supporting information


communicate your appreciation for the post

provide additional information to advance the conversation and provide greater depth, supporting points and/or additional angles

continue to monitor the conversation

is the posting a rant, joke or satire?

are there erroneous facts in the posting?

is the posting a result of a negative experience with izem?

consider following them and engaging in future relevant conversations

BLOG POST/COMMENT DISCOVERED ask yourself, is it positive or balanced?


react within minutes or hours, not days


respond in a way that reflects positively on izem


base response on present cirumstances and site influence






MEND THE RELATIONSHIP find a reasonable, fair solution or repsonse. take the conversation online if possible

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency

06. E-MAIL signature

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency


From: Subject: Date: Cc:

John Smith IZEM - Brand Guidelines MaRCH 12, 2015 10:14AM GMT

Dear Sir, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ornare, urna varius faucibus ornare, ante metus eleifend dolor, ac porta nunc nisi elementum orci. Phasellus a ipsum eros. Donec mattis nunc et urna faucibus quis laoreet magna eleifend. Maecenas imperdiet faucibus tellus vel placerat. Nullam quis nisl eu leo faucibus accumsan. Best Regards, Nest

LOREM IPSUM Ad Solutions & Brand Management IZEM +961 1 23 45 67

AVENIR NEXT - DEMI BOLD 10px typesize 12px linespacing R 35 G 31 B 32 ColoR AVENIR NEXT - DEMI BOLD 10px typesize 12px linespacing R 147 G 149 B 152 ColoR

AVENIR NEXT - ULTRA LIGHT 8px typesize 9px linespacing R 35 G 31 B 32 ColoR


Horizontal lines: Repeated R 147 G 149 B 152 ColoR Horizontal lines should be at a length, depending on the staff name and title (longest line)

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency


brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency


closed - FRONT

OPEN - back

closed - back

internal print Shown on the following pages are hypothetical examples, showing the brand identity applied across various materials.

Techno Team office, 3rd Floor


Strand Bldg, Hamra St.


Beirut, Lebanon

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency

STATIONeRY Digital letterhead template

print letterhead template recto

+961 1 34 48 42 +961 76 12 34 56

info@izem.agency izem.agency facebook.com/izemagency

techno team office, 3rd floor strand Bldg, hamra st. Beirut, lebanon


+961 1 34 48 42 +961 76 12 34 56

info@izem.agency izem.agency facebook.com/izemagency

techno team office, 3rd floor strand Bldg, hamra st. Beirut, lebanon

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency

STATIONeRY business card

ibrahiM zahreDDine ManaGInG Partner

+961 71 09 99 68 ibrahim@izem.agency izem.agency techno team office, 3rd floor strand Bldg, hamra st. Beirut, lebanon

ibrahiM zahreDDin

ManaGInG Partner

+961 71 09 99 68 ibrahim@izem.agency izem.agency techno team office, 3rd floor strand Bldg, hamra st. Beirut, lebanon


Team offic

e, 3rd

/ Beir ut,

Strand Bldg, Hamra St. / Beirut, Lebanon Techno


Floor / Stra nd

Techno Team office, 3rd Floor / Strand Bldg, Hamra St. / Beirut, Lebanon Techno Team office, 3rd Floor


n / Beiru t,



Team office

, 3rd Floor

Bldg, Ham

/ Stran d

Bldg, Hamr

a St.

ra St.

Techno Team office, 3rd Floor / Strand Bldg, Hamra St. / Beirut, Lebanon

Techno Team office, 3rd Floor


Strand Bldg, Hamra St.


Beirut, Lebanon


STATIONeRY brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency

STATIONeRY cd / dvd cd / dvd

sleeve front

sleeve back

brand guidelines v 1.0

izem - 2015 hello@izem.agency

design matters

stronger for it.

If you’ve just read these guidelines, you have our appreciation. It means you share our belief in details and quality. We know applying these principles takes time and effort, but the stories we tell in all our Demand Media communications will be

If you ever have additional questions about our visual identity and its application in design, don’t hesitate to contact hello@izem.agency Thank you!

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