PID - Public Interest Design: Brand Book

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Version 1.0 March 2015 VERSION 1.1

MARCH 2015



table of contents: The know who The management


MARCH 2015

4 7

Strategy and messaging - How do you like your city? - Brand architecture What is brand architecture? PID Brand architecture PID Architecture structure

12 13 14

Visual identity - The masterbrand Who should use it?


PID logo Preferred colors Alternate colors On-screen colors Clear space Scaling and minimum size On backgrounds Don’ts

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

PID colors Color principle 1 Color principle 2

27 28

PID imagery Subject matter and style Cropping Don’ts

29 30 31

Typography Primary typeface Don’ts

32 33


Grids Build your grid: step 1 Build your grid: step 2 Build your grid: step 3 Sample vertical grid format Sample vertical grid format (small) Sample horizontal grid format How to build a layout Applications Who should use it? Setting up the grid Setting up the workspace Placing the typography Setting type in your layout Placing the imagery - Applications Office System Business Card Corporate Envelope Letterhead Notepad Enabling functions Size Relationship Placement Don’ts

34 35 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 46 49 50 51 52 54 54 55



Why a strong brand is important. Public Interest Design-Levant is driven by a clear purpose: Working together for a better city. Living our purpose means that across the organization PID, we are unified in our approach and collaborative in our efforts to make a difference in the lives of the people we touch. This effort applies to everything we do — from our research methodology, to our implementation processes, to the tone, look, and feel of our communications. This document was developed to help us work together to build consistent, branded communications that collectively build Public Interest Design-Levant’s reputation in the communities we serve. Using these guidelines will enable us to create materials that speak to specific audiences while maintaining one, unified voice. Together, we can contribute to Public Interest Design-Levant’s reputation as a leader in the intersection of design-thinking and entrepreneurship.


MARCH 2015



Public Interest Design-Levant The know who. Public Interest Design-Levant – Levant (PID) is a non-profit and multidisciplinary organization operating at the intersection of design-thinking and entrepreneurship. PID aims to Create Shared Value to catalyze needs-based development grounded by research and interaction with stakeholders. To create shared value, PID engages all stakeholders in the development process. Stakeholders include residents, civic institutions, private companies, and public institutions. By including Stakeholders into projects and ultimately into PID’s network, any intervention to be implemented will have a value for all stakeholders, thus the project gets the green light from all participants who have ownership and responsibilities to the project, ensuring sustainability and success. Stakeholders belong to different categories, which define the relationship of the entity with PID and the project at hand.


MARCH 2015



How to use this document

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

1. Understand our goals The strategy and messaging section provides key information regarding the strategy, messaging, and architecture that organize and drive us as a company. 2. Learn our visual tools The visual identity section starts with our masterbrand and then extends into the remaining parts of our brand architecture. Everyone should understand the overarching visual system as well as the specific part that applies to your division, business unit, program, and so on. 3. Identify what is needed The visual tools and applications in these guidelines are designed for a range of user types. First, select the application you are creating and then identify the corresponding user level that is required for that application type. The user groups are outlined on the next page.


MARCH 2015



User Groups

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

There are three main groups of users who will use these guidelines. Based upon the following criteria, determine to which group you belong, then observe those rules that apply: General Users General users make use of predesigned templates; however, for those interested, the information included here is an excellent aid to understanding the principles at work in Public Interest Design-Levant communications pieces. Communications Professionals Communications professionals work within PID to develop communication pieces for the company on a daily basis. These samples provide guidance for creating variety while staying on-brand. Design Agencies Design agencies partner with PID via a structured creative process to develop materials. Agencies provide expert design application skills, strategic advice, and broad conceptual abilities. They will find this information to be an excellent starting point for the development process.

| Design Agencies

Refer to the upper right hand corner of the page for your group designation.


MARCH 2015



Public Interest Design-Levant The management. Who to ask Karim Attoui – Operations Director +961 3 72 51 87 Ibrahim K. Zahreddine – Strategist +961 71 09 99 68 Techno Team office, 3rd Floor Strand Bldg, Hamra St. Beirut, Lebanon


MARCH 2015



Strategy and Messaging How Do You Like Your City? Brand architecture


MARCH 2015



How Do You Like Your City? How Do You Like Your City articulates the essence of what we do. Its reach is broader than day-to-day activities. It conveys the strategic value of our organization and is consistently communicated by our actions and communications. It ensures that our audiences gain a true understanding of our purpose and a sense of our significance.


MARCH 2015



How Do You Like Your City? Our Purpose The definitive statement about the difference we are trying to make in our city, Beirut. Residents PID partners up with local residents to get research data about the needs and wants of a certain population and generates in participation with the locals an intervention strategy of development for the area or population that tackles economic, social, cultural, and environmental matters. Civic institution PID seeks civic institutions that are working in the same areas that the strategy of intervention is addressing and joins hands with them in research and implementation to ensure high quality of delivery and satisfaction to the community and the civic institutions. Private Institutions PID incorporates CSR initiatives by businesses and uses its network and ongoing projects on one hand, and its value creation practice to align corporate and civic social initiatives under common goals and causes, thus ensuring maximum impact and return on investment for corporations.

Public Institutions Public institutions are vital for the success of many initiatives on the level of policy and governance as well as on the level of local social, cultural, and environmental small-scale interventions. PID keeps public institutions in the loop of events and seeks support and buyin from public institutions to ensure maximum value creation to all stakeholders. Educational institutions PID will partner up with academic institutions such as think tanks and universities to conduct research and analysis, and host academic debates and conferences with the aim to stay up-to-date with academic debate and push the boundaries of innovation and creativity.

General Users

Methodology PID follows a 4 steps methodology cycle that forms a feedback loop that grows constantly as a result of its outcomes. Base lining and needs assessment Based on research, PID will identify areas that have most needs and potential and identifies as areas of potential intervention. Areas of intervention are either specific geographic areas or social, cultural, and environmental causes. After identifying an area, PID will conduct research to understand the needs of the area of intervention and baseline the current situation to measure future change and measure gaps between current and ideal. Analysis The results of the base lining and needs assessment are studied in order to find the real problems and the real causes behind them. PID studies the Political, Economic, Social, and Technological (PEST) environment of the situation and benchmarks it to other comparable situations to identify the gaps and opportunities and set the scope of the project.


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

Design after identifying the real problem and the real causes to these problems, interventions on the short, medium and long-term are devised based on the needs and wants of stakeholders, and field research and surveys. Stakeholders, beneficiaries and intervention specialists are then linked together through PID as part of the design process in a participatory approach to ensure maximum value creation for all parties involved. Implementation the project is launched with two to three phases. A pilot phase that tests the intervention on a controlled representative sample and a second phase that is adjusted and improved based on the feedback from phase one. The first phase can be repeated in phase two which would then recommend a phase three to launch the final project. After the final launch, constant feedback loops are designed to keep improving the intervention and gather data to identify other needs or opportunities of intervention.

These describe the type of organisation we want to be, and we should demonstrate them in everything we do.


MARCH 2015


PUBLIC Public Interest INTEREST Design-Levant DESIGN - LEVANT - LEVANT GUIDELINES GUIDELINES / strategy and messaging

Brand architecture What is brand architecture? Public Interest Design-Levant brand architecture Public Interest Design-Levant brand architecture structure


MARCH 2015


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / strategy and messaging / brand architecture

What is brand architecture?

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

Brand architecture helps define an organization by rationalizing how businesses and products are communicated—it is not an organizational strategy. An architecture strategy is essential in communicating our breadth and depth of offerings, as well as clarifying the relationship between various entities. It defines the relationships of tangible assets: • Trademarks • Names • Graphic identities • Taglines The benefits of a defined brand architecture The Public Interest Design-Levant architecture should: • Create clarity • Drivelong-term shareholder value • Establish Public Interest Design-Levant as a leader in research based development • Generate cost savings • Support market-focused branding • Reinforce the vision of Public Interest Design-Levant It should help shareholders find exactly what they are looking for. Through a clear set of rules and an accompanying signature system, we can protect and promote the equity of the Public Interest Design-Levant identity.


MARCH 2015


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / strategy and messaging / brand architecture

Public Interest Design-Levant’s brand architecture

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

Public Interest Design-Levant’s functions, divisions, programs, and products form eight layers that serve as the foundation of the architecture system. 1. PUBLIC INTERST DESIGN - LEVANT masterBRAND

A masterbrand strategy requires that a single brand—Public Interest Design-Levant— play an important role in all eight layers. Entities must link to the Public Interest DesignLevant masterbrand by communicating within a standard visual and signature system. Entities toward the top of this structure are centralized corporate functions and indicators of the organizational structure, and should only use the Public Interest Design-Levant visual identity system. Their names are not locked up with the Public Interest Design-Levant logo.



Entities closer to the bottom require more flexibility to communicate with specific audience groups. These entities have more flexibility with the visual system, and use the Public Interest Design-Levant logo somewhere on the page. 4. Internal Programs and Initiatives

5. EXTERNAL Programs and Initiatives

6. services and services marketing


MARCH 2015


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / strategy and messaging / brand architecture

The Public Interest Design-Levant’s brand architecture structure 1. PUBLIC INTERST DESIGN - LEVANT masterBRAND


The masterbrand establishes Public Interest Design-Levant as the corporate umbrella under which all programs, initiatives, and products are created and communicated. The logo is the primary representation of the masterbrand.

Enabling Functions include the permanent departments and sub-departments that provide guidance, support, and resources for Divisions throughout Public Interest Design-Levant. Though they are not customer facing, Enabling Functions span the breadth of Public Interest Design-Levant, supporting all its business areas and employees. (e.g., Global Operations, Finance, Legal, Corporate Travel, etc.)


The five Divisions represent and manage the key operating areas where Public Interest Design-Levant generates shareholder value. Each Division represents a specific area of expertise. (i.e., PID Implementa)

4. Internal Programs and Initiatives

CORPORATE-WIDE Internal Programs and Initiatives span the entire organization and provide common resources and support for all Public Interest Design-Levant employees and volunteers. They are temporary and/or reoccurring events established and controlled by an Enabling Function.

5. EXTERNAL Programs and Initiatives

CORPORATE-WIDE External Programs and Initiatives span the entire organization and are stewards of the PID’s reputation. They help establish Public Interest Design-Levant as a leader in research based development by touching more than one Division within Public Interest DesignLevant and providing resources for external audiences.

6. services and services marketing

Services are the revenue drivers of the organization and have the most visible presence in the marketplace.


MARCH 2015

program name

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies



DIVISION-WIDE Internal programs and Initiatives originate in a Division of Public Interest Design-Levant and touch more than one Operation Unit. They are temporary and/or reoccurring events, and they provide a common resource for and unify the Division.

program name

DIVISION-WIDE External Programs and Initiatives originate in a Division of Public Interest Design-Levant and touch more than one Business Unit. External audiences engage with Public Interest Design-Levant through these Programs and Initiatives. They serve a targeted external audience and provide a common resource for key audiences.



Visual Identity 1. The masterbrand 2. Enabling functions


MARCH 2015



1. The masterbrand Who should use it? The Public Interest Design-Levant logo The Public Interest Design-Levant colors The Public Interest Design-Levant t imagery Typography Grids How to build a layout Applications


MARCH 2015



Who should use it?

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

There are three main groups of users who will use these guidelines. Based upon the following criteria, determine to which group you belong, then observe those rules that apply: General Users General users make use of predesigned templates; however, for those interested, the information included here is an excellent aid to understanding the principles at work in Public Interest Design-Levant communications pieces. Communications Professionals Communications professionals work within PID to develop communication pieces for the company on a daily basis. These samples provide guidance for creating variety while staying on-brand. Design Agencies Design agencies partner with PID via a structured creative process to develop materials. Agencies provide expert design application skills, strategic advice, and broad conceptual abilities. They will find this information to be an excellent starting General Users point for the development process.


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

Refer to the upper right hand corner of the page for your group designation.


MARCH 2015


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity / the masterbrand

The Public Interest Design-Levant logo

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

The Public Interest Design-Levant logo is the primary symbol of our corporation. It unifies us across businesses and geographies, and signals to the market who we are and what we stand for. RITA YOU NEED TO FILL THIS ONE UP, PLEASE... OR ANYONE WHO HAS THE RATIONAL ABOUT THE LOGO.


MARCH 2015


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / the Public Interest Design-Levant - levant logo

Logo colors: preferred

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

Preferred logos We have four (4) logo versions, so be sure to use the proper logo for the right application. Use the 4-color positive logo whenever possible. Use the preferred CMYK positive logo when only CMYK printing is available. These versions of the logo are provided as scalable vector artwork (EPS). EPS format allows high-quality print reproduction. EPS files can be scaled to any size without sacrificing image quality. You may use these files in page layout and graphics programs for print projects. Additionally, EPS format files may also be used to create files in any of the other image formats at exactly the sizes required.


MARCH 2015


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / the Public Interest Design-Levant - levant logo

Logo colors: alternate

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

1-color alternate logos Use these logos when 4-color and CMYK logos cannot be used. They are designed to provide legibility for specific application types. These versions of the logo are provided as scalable vector artwork (EPS). EPS format allows high-quality print reproduction. EPS files can be scaled to any size without sacrificing image quality. You may use these files in page layout and graphics programs for print projects. Additionally, EPS format files may also be used to create files in any of the other image formats at exactly the sizes required. Please note that the letters of the logo are transparent. They should reveal the background on which the logo is placed while maintaining legibility.

1-color Blue Use this version when the application requires a 1-color or simplified mark (e.g., stationery, premium items, small sizes, silkscreen, etc.). The logo prints in PMS Process Blue.

White Use this version when the application requires a simplified mark in white and the background is too dark to allow use of the preferred mark or the 1-color alternate version (e.g., reverse applications, premium items, small sizes, silkscreen, etc.).

Black Use this version when the application requires a simplified mark in black (e.g., fax sheet, premium items, small sizes, silkscreen, etc.). VERSION 1.1

MARCH 2015


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / the Public Interest Design-Levant - levant logo

Logo formats: on-screen

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

On-screen logos These versions are used for all desktop and on-screen applications. RGB logo files are provided in JPG and PNG file formats in 2” sizes. These versions are also provided as scalable vector artwork (EPS). Additionally, EPS format files may also be used to create files in any of the other image formats at exactly the sizes required. Use JPG format logos for PowerPoint® presentations, Microsoft® Word® documents, and other office applications. You may use JPG files for printing on low-resolution printers such as laser or ink-jet printers. JPG format logos are never used for high-resolution printing, and they are never scaled to larger sizes. Use PNG format logos for higher-quality laser print reproduction( Microsoft® Word® and PowerPoint®), screen and web applications where a higher- quality logo may be needed. They can be scaled down in size, but they are never scaled to larger sizes. Additionally, use PNG files when transparent backgrounds are required, such as websites and when placing the logo on a background that is not white. Please note that the letters of the logo are transparent in EPS and PNG files. They should reveal the background on which the logo is placed while maintaining legibility.


MARCH 2015

RGB (positive) This is the preferred version for internet, video, TV, email signatures,Microsoft applications,etc.

RGB (reverse) Use this version when the application requires a simplified mark in white and the background is too dark to allow use of the preferred mark.


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / the Public Interest Design-Levant - levant logo

Logo: clear space

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

Always surround the Public Interest Design-Levant logo with the amount of clear space shown to ensure that the logo is easily identifiable as well as visible and legible wherever it appears. Clear space is the minimum “breathing room� maintained around our logo. It also defines the minimum distance between the logo and the edge of a printed piece. The clear space around our logo is equal to the height of the Public Interest Design-Levant logo. Do not position any text, graphic elements, or other visual marks inside the recommended clear space. Please note that this distance may sometimes be adjusted for select online or exterior signage applications where space is limited.


MARCH 2015


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / the Public Interest Design-Levant - levant logo

Logo: scaling and minimum size

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

Scaling the Public Interest Design-Levant logo EPS logo files may be scaled to any size necessary for the application, as long as the minimum size requirements are met. For most applications, the logo will be sized at heights of less than 1”. Minimum size Minimum size refers to the smallest allowable logo size. The logo is available in one size that can be scaled down to a minimum size of 0.3125” high for the preferred logo. The 1-color alternate logos can be scaled down to a minimum size of 0.1875” high. Always maintain the logo’s aspect ratio when scaling.

0.3125” 0.1875”

Preferred logo minimum size


MARCH 2015

1-color logo minimum size


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / the Public Interest Design-Levant - levant logo

Logo: on backgrounds

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

On backgrounds Place the logo on backgrounds that provide good contrast and legibility to ensure that it is clearly recognizable.


MARCH 2015


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / the Public Interest Design-Levant - levant logo

Logo: don’ts

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

Ensure that our logo is clearly recognizable by using it properly, and do not alter it in any circumstances. Consider the logo version and the background it is placed on to provide the best legibility. The examples show various uses to avoid.


MARCH 2015

DO NOT change the logo’s color

DO NOT change the logo’s proportion

DO NOT add drop shadows or other effects to the logo

DO NOT outline the logo

DO NOT rotate the logo

DO NOT reverse the logo’s colors

DO NOT place the logo on a complicated background

DO NOT remove elements from logo

DO NOT use the logo on a dark background

DO NOT crop the logo

DO NOT apply color or knock out the letterforms inside the logo

DO NOT use the logo in a holding box or other shape 25

PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / color palette

The Public Interest Design-Levant colors The color palette is made up of the Public Interest Design-Levant blue and supportive neutral colors (gray and white). The secondary color palette consists of a complementary set of bright colors that convey boldness and optimism. The colors represented on this page have not been evaluated by Pantone, Inc and may not match the Pantone system. Consult a Pantone Color Formula Guide for reference.


MARCH 2015

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

Primary color palette

PID Blue C70, M15, Y0, K0 R39, G170, B225 Hex #27A9E1 PMS Process Blue

PID Gray 1 C0, M0, Y0, K80 R88, G88, B91 Hex #58585B PMS Process Gray

PID Blue C0, M0, Y0, K60 R128, G130, B132 Hex #808284 PMS Process Gray

PID Blue C70, M0, Y0, K40 R167, G169, B171 Hex #A7A9AB PMS Process Gray


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / color palette

Color principle 1: use colors sparingly

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

use 1–3 secondary colors at a time In addition to neutral colors (gray, or white), use only 1–3 secondary colors. This helps to keep the content from looking too complex and cluttered.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus


MARCH 2015

vel nisl. Etiam dignissim sapien sed suscipit pretium. Nulla at sodales neque, lacinia consequat augue. Fusce auctor at sem id suscipit. Vivamus imperdiet porta justo sit amet euismod. Curabitur turpis dolor, cursus at est sit amet, euismod ultrices ante.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placsodales assa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tris-

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placsodales assa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tris-

vel nisl. Etiam dignissim sapien sed suscipit pretium. Nulla at sodales neque, lacinia consequat augue. Fusce auctor at sem id suscipit. Vivamus imperdiet porta justo sit amet euismod. Curabitur turpis dolor, cursus at est sit amet, euismod ultrices ante.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

tique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla nonsa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conena et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

tique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla nonsa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conena et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placsodales assa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tris-

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placsodales assa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tris-

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

tique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla nonsa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conena et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

tique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla nonsa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conena et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand/ color palette

Color principle 2: use colors purposefully

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

highlight important information Color can help to create emphasis, clarify hierarchy, and organize information on a layout.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nullam vel mauris et arcu vulputate pretium. Cras mattis mattis fermentum. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus vel nisl. Etiam dignissim sapien sed suscipit pretium. Nulla at sodales neque, lacinia consequat augue. Fusce auctor at sem id suscipit. Vivamus imperdiet porta justo sit amet euismod. Curabitur turpis dolor, cursus at est sit amet, euismod ultrices ante.

suscipit pretium. Nulla at sodales neque, lacinia consequat augue. Fusce auctor at sem id suscipit. Vivamus imperdiet porta justo sit amet euismod. Curabitur turpis dolor, cursus at est sit amet, euismod ultrices ante.

Lorem Ipsum

Maecenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Nullam vel mauris et arcu vulputate pretium. Cras mattis mattis fermentum. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus vel nisl. Etiam dignissim sapien sed

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus


MARCH 2015

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex.

Nullam vel mauris et arcu vulputate pretium. Cras mattis mattis fermentum. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus Nullam vel mauris et arcu vulputate magna et ex. pretium. Cras mattis mattis fermentum. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis scelerisque finibus eros eu plac- sapien, sodales nec consectetur erat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus bibendum, rhoncus vel nisl. Etiam in interdum suscipit, metus neque dignissim sapien sed suscipit pretristique massa, quis semper risus tium. Nulla at sodales neque, lacinia consequat augue. magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus vel nisl. Etiam dignissim sapien sed suscipit pretium. Nulla at sodales neque, lacinia consequat augue.

Fusce auctor at sem id suscipit. Vivamus imperdiet porta justo sit amet euismod. Curabitur turpis dolor, cursus at est sit amet, euismod ultrices ante.

suscipit pretium. Nulla at sodales neque, lacinia consequat augue. Fusce auctor at sem id suscipit. Vivamus imperdiet porta justo sit amet euismod. Curabitur turpis dolor, cursus at est sit amet, euismod ultrices ante. Maecenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nullam vel mauris et arcu vulputate pretium. Cras mattis mattis fermentum. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex.

Nullam vel mauris et arcu vulputate pretium. Cras mattis mattis fermentum. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus vel nisl. Etiam dignissim sapien sed

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit.

Fusce auctor at sem id suscipit. Vivamus imperdiet porta justo sit amet euismod. Curabitur turpis dolor, cursus at est sit amet, euismod ultrices ante.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex.

Nullam vel mauris et arcu vulputate pretium. Cras mattis mattis fermentum. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus Nullam vel mauris et arcu vulputate magna et ex. pretium. Cras mattis mattis fermentum. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis scelerisque finibus eros eu plac- sapien, sodales nec consectetur erat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus bibendum, rhoncus vel nisl. Etiam in interdum suscipit, metus neque dignissim sapien sed suscipit pretristique massa, quis semper risus tium. Nulla at sodales neque, lacinia consequat augue. magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus vel nisl. Etiam dignissim sapien sed suscipit pretium. Nulla at sodales neque, lacinia consequat augue.

Fusce auctor at sem id suscipit. Vivamus imperdiet porta justo sit amet euismod. Curabitur turpis dolor, cursus at est sit amet, euismod ultrices ante.

Fusce auctor at sem id suscipit. Vivamus imperdiet porta justo sit amet euismod. Curabitur turpis dolor, cursus at est sit amet, euismod ultrices ante. conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus vel nisl. Etiam dignissim sapien sed suscipit pretium. Nulla at sodales neque, lacinia consequat augue.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Nullam vel mauris et arcu vulputate pretium. Cras mattis mattis fermentum. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex.

bibendum, rhoncus vel nisl. Etiam dignissim sapien sed suscipit pretium. Nulla at sodales neque, lacinia consequat augue.

Fusce auctor at sem id suscipit. Vivamus imperdiet porta justo sit amet euismod. Curabitur turpis dolor, cursus at est sit amet, euismod ultrices ante. conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nullam vel mauris et arcu vulputate pretium. Cras mattis mattis fermentum. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus vel nisl. Etiam dignissim sapien sed suscipit pretium. Nulla at sodales neque, lacinia consequat augue. Fusce auctor at sem id suscipit. Vivamus imperdiet porta justo sit amet euismod. Curabitur turpis dolor, cursus at est sit amet, euismod ultrices ante.

Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus vel nisl. Etiam dignissim sapien sed

Fusce auctor at sem id suscipit. Vivamus imperdiet porta justo sit amet euismod. Curabitur turpis dolor, cursus at est sit amet, euismod ultrices ante.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex

Nullam vel mauris et arcu vulputate pretium. Cras mattis mattis fermentum. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex.

Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus vel nisl. Etiam dignissim sapien sed suscipit pretium. Nulla at sodales neque, lacinia consequat augue.

Nullam vel mauris et arcu vulputate pretium. Cras mattis mattis fermentum. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus vel nisl. Etiam dignissim sapien sed

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nullam vel mauris et arcu vulputate pretium. Cras mattis mattis fermentum. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex.

Fusce auctor at sem id suscipit. Vivamus imperdiet porta justo sit amet euismod. Curabitur turpis dolor, cursus at est sit amet, euismod ultrices ante.

Nullam vel mauris et arcu vulputate pretium. Cras mattis mattis fermentum. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit. bibendum, rhoncus vel nisl. Etiam dignissim sapien sed suscipit pretium. Nulla at sodales neque, lacinia consequat augue. Fusce auctor at sem id suscipit. Vivamus imperdiet porta justo sit amet euismod. Curabitur turpis dolor, cursus at est sit amet, euismod ultrices ante.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conenas scelerisque finibus eros eu placerat. Maecenas sollicitudin, metus in interdum suscipit, metus neque tristique massa, quis semper risus magna et ex. Nulla non arcu est. Morbi felis sapien, sodales nec consectetur bibendum, rhoncus


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / imagery

Imagery: subject matter and style Subject matter


• Reallife (not staged, posed, or fictional) • Optimistic and warm (or neutral) • Singular concept/subject per image • Advancing progress/positive change

• Natural lighting (no extensive photo-retouching) • Brightt onal range • Clear/Sharp focus on subject matter • Clean, simple areas of “whitespace”


MARCH 2015

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / imagery

Imagery: cropping

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

Crop appropriately A communications piece will have more impact when an image is appropriately scaled and cropped.

original Start with an appropriate foreground, midground, or background image.


MARCH 2015

cropping Select an area that is an appropriate size for your document.

final image should • Focus on a single subject • Be free of clutter (distracting shapes) • Provide ample clear space for typography and graphic elements


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / imagery

Imagery don’ts


MARCH 2015

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

DO NOT use dark imagery

DO NOT use stylized (posed) imagery

DO NOT distort imagery

DO NOT use oversaturated imagery

DO NOT use depressing or graphic imagery

DO NOT use imagery with a busy background 31

PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / typography

The Public Interest Design-Levant primary typeface Public Interest Design-Levant - Levant’s primary typeface is Museo Sans. Modern, flexible, easy to read, open, and accessible, Museo Sans is uniquely suited for a wide range of visual communications. Multiple levels of typographic hierarchy are defined both for impact and clarity of our communications. When to use Use Museo Sans for all Public Interest Design-Levant printed communications where possible. Use Museo Sans in rendered form for online and electronic applications. The weights shown for Museo Sans are approved for use. Purchasing the font Public Interest Design-Levant does not own a company-wide license for Museo Sans, and international copyright law forbids us from sharing the font both internally and externally. If you are a colleague or vendor who needs to use Museo Sans, a license can be purchased online.


MARCH 2015

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

Museo Sans 100 the big brown fox jumped over the lazy dog the big brown fox jumped over the lazy dog 0123456789 — &*#@?!/+(.,:;)

Museo Sans 500 Italic the big brown fox jumped over the lazy dog the big brown fox jumped over the lazy dog 0123456789 — &*#@?!/+(.,:;)

Museo Sans 100 Italic the big brown fox jumped over the lazy dog the big brown fox jumped over the lazy dog 0123456789 — &*#@?!/+(.,:;)

Museo Sans 700 the big brown fox jumped over the lazy dog the big brown fox jumped over the lazy dog 0123456789 — &*#@?!/+(.,:;)

Museo Sans 300 the big brown fox jumped over the lazy dog the big brown fox jumped over the lazy dog 0123456789 — &*#@?!/+(.,:;)

Museo Sans 700 Italic the big brown fox jumped over the lazy dog the big brown fox jumped over the lazy dog 0123456789 — &*#@?!/+(.,:;)

Museo Sans 300 Italic the big brown fox jumped over the lazy dog the big brown fox jumped over the lazy dog 0123456789 — &*#@?!/+(.,:;)

Museo Sans 900 the big brown fox jumped over the lazy dog the big brown fox jumped over the lazy dog 0123456789 — &*#@?!/+(.,:;)

Museo Sans 500 the big brown fox jumped over the lazy dog the big brown fox jumped over the lazy dog 0123456789 — &*#@?!/+(.,:;)

Museo Sans 900 Italic the big brown fox jumped over the lazy dog the big brown fox jumped over the lazy dog 0123456789 — &*#@?!/+(.,:;)


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / typography

Display typeface don’ts

General Users


Communications Professionals



MARCH 2015


Design Agencies


DO NOT use the display font in a multiweighs in the same word

DO NOT rotate the display font

DO NOT crop the display font

DO NOT distort the display font

DO NOT use the display font on a black background

DO NOT use the display font on a busy background

DO NOT use the display font in all caps and low case in the same word


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / Grids

Build your grid: step 1 Set your margins Set your margins based upon the document size you are building.

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies


In the following U.S. letter size sample, the image margin is set to 0.25” inches. The text margin is set to 0.5” inches. Scaling your margins When setting margins for formats larger than U.S. letter size. Scale the image and text margins proportionally using the 0.25” margins of the U.S. letter size as the foundation. 8.5” x 11” U.S. Letter Size image margin = 0.25” text margin = 0.5” 11” x 17” Tabloid image margin = 0.3125” text margin = 0.625” 20” x 30” Poster image margin = 0.625” text margin = 1.25” 24” x 36” Poster image margin = 0.75” text margin = 1.5” 

text margin image margin

0.25“ 0.25“ 0.5“


MARCH 2015



PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / Grids

Build your grid: step 2 1. Create 10 columns within the text margin.

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies


2. Set the gutter to 0.2”. For an image and text margin of 0.5”, set your gutter at 0.2” . Use this ratio of margins to gutter size (1 : 4) to determine gutter sizes for printed communications larger than a standard U.S. letter size document.












Grids for layouts smaller than a standard U.S. letter size should use 6 or 3 columns. 0.25“ 0.25“ 0.5“


MARCH 2015


U.S. letter size is used for sample purposes.



PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / Grids

Build your grid: step 3 Set the typographic baseline at 3pt increments relative to the top margin.

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies


0.25“ 0.25“ 0.5“


MARCH 2015


U.S. letter size is used for sample purposes.



PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / Grids

Sample vertical grid format



General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies


MARCH 2015


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / Grids

Sample vertical grid format small



General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies


MARCH 2015


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / Grids

Sample horizontal grid format



General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies


MARCH 2015


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity / visual identity / 1. the masterbrand

How to build a layout

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

This section provides guidance for creating Public Interest Design-Levant materials. It shows how to combine key elements: the typeface (Museo Sans), color, imagery, and illustration. It also includes samples that demonstrate how to use these elements while adhering to solid graphic design concepts to create on-brand materials.


MARCH 2015


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / how to build a layout

Who should use it?

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

It’s helpful for all users to understand the information in this section; however, it will be primarily used by communications professionals and creative agencies. There are three main groups who will use these guidelines, so be sure to determine which group you belong to based on the following: General users General users make use of predesigned templates; however, for those interested, the information included here is an excellent aid to understanding the principles at work in Public Interest Design-Levant communications pieces. Communications professionals Communications professionals work within Public Interest Design-Levant to develop communication pieces for the company on a daily basis. These samples provide guidance for creating variety while staying on-brand. Design agencies Design agencies partner with Public Interest DesignLevant via a structured creative process to develop materials. Agencies provide expert design application skills, strategic advice, and broad conceptual abilities. They will find this information to be an excellent starting point for the development process.


MARCH 2015


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / how to build a layout

Setting up the grid Step 1

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies


Set your margins based upon the document size you are building. For this 8.5” x 11” example, the image margin is 0.25” inches and the text margin is 0.5” inches.

Step 2 Create 10 columns within the text margin, and set the gutter width to 0.2” inches. Use this ratio of margins to gutter size (1 : 4) to determine gutter sizes for printed communications larger than a standard U.S. letter size document.

Step 3 Set the typographic baseline at 3pt increments relative to the top margin.

0.25“ 0.25“ 0.5“


MARCH 2015


U.S. letter size is used for sample purposes.



PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / how to build a layout

Setting up the workspace

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

Content area Full bleed images may encompass the entire length of the workspace. Use the designated content area for all other content (type, imagery, and illustration). Brand area This defined space is reserved for the logo, themeline, and branded art. The upper-most limit of the brand area is governed by the clear space of the Public Interest Design-Levant logo.

Maximum height of the alternate image area is half the document height. Content area

full bleed image area


Brand area

X U.S. letter size is used for sample purposes.


MARCH 2015


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / how to build a layout

Placing the typography

General Users

Use the following type hierarchy to set type in your layout. Adhering to these styles will ensure a consistent style across all Public Interest DesignLevant communications.

Communications Professionals

title line 1 Title line2

Title Museo Sans (500 to 900) 36/42 pt Description text Museo Sans (300) 12/15 pt Quote/callout Museo Sans (100 Italic) 18/21 pt


Content area

Header Museo Sans (300) 18/21 pt Intro text Museo Sans (100) 12/15 pt


Design Agencies


Duis auctor, ris id eleifend convallis, enim urna egestas quam

Description Text

“This is the quote or callout risus id eleifend convallis, enim urna egestas quam, nec bibendum massa nisl eget nisl. Curabitur nibh arcu, gravida in fermentum id, feugiat eu eros. Donec nisi tortor, laoreet vel rutrum in, lobortis vitae ante. Pellentesque adipiscing dolor non arcu gravida volutpat. Sed mattis augue ac enim placerat porttitor.�


Header line 1 Header line 2


Intro copy line 1 Intro copy line 2 Intro copy line 3

Intro text

Subhead Museo Sans (500) 9/12 pt Side bar/caption Museo Sans (100 Italic) 7/9 ptt


subhead Donec gravida purus massa, pharetra pulvinar arcu laoreet eu. Nam in volutpat ante, a interdum nibh. Integer a facilisis tellus, ut consectetur magna. Praesent neque ligula, ultricies eu quam a, sollicitudin dignissim eros. In faucibus aliquet accumsan. Quisque orci velit, aliquam in dignissim quis, gravida ntum purus. Donec tincidunt malesuada laoreet. Sed vulputate, ante volutpat semper aliquet, mauris nibh mollis mauris, rutrum accumsan est elit pellentesque augue.

Body text Museo Sans (100) 9/12 pt Justified with last line aligned left

This is sidebar copy porta lectus et ultrices. Donec vehicula lectus id lacus rhoncus sit amet iverra neque cursus. Nullam ante lorem.

Side bar/Caption Body Text

Brand area

U.S. letter size is used for sample purposes.


MARCH 2015


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / how to build a layout

Setting type in your layout

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

Step 1 Determine the title and additional text for your document.

Step 2 Set title copy in Museo Sans 300, 36pt/42pt inside the text margins and along the designated grid and leftaligned with the Public Interest Design-Levant logo.


p or n es o u P tn rs p Content area

image ra ea

Opportunities to Build Partnership

Brand area

U.S. letter size is used for sample purposes.


MARCH 2015


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / how to build a layout

Placing the imagery

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

Step 1 Choose an image.

Step 2 Crop the image within the designated image margins or crop the image within the entire content area for a full bleed approach. Ensure sufficient contrast and legibility for typography, illustrations, and the Public Interest Design-Levant logo.

Content area

image area

Opportunities to Build Partnership

Brand area

U.S. letter size is used for sample purposes.


MARCH 2015





MARCH 2015



Office System Stationery reflects upon individuals as well as on the corporation. It is particularly critical that stationery project the desired Public Interest Design-Levant’s image. The approved layouts for various stationery items are shown in this section. Specifications cover paper stock, color, typography and positioning of typographic elements.


MARCH 2015


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / Applications/ office system

Business Card

General Users

Typography Name: Museo Sans 900 8pts. Title: Museo Sans 300 6.5pts. Address: Museo Sans 300 6.5pts. Phone & fax: Museo Sans 300 6.5pts. Email: Museo Sans 300 6.5pts.

1.6 cm


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

1 cm eMployee naMe DIvISIoN

PID logo: PMS Process Text: Black

1.7 cm 00961 1 234 567

Logo width: 2 cm

1.6 cm

Logo height: 3 cm

1 cm

0.5 cm 1.5 cm

Printing method: Offset Paper Bright White 100lb


1.5 cm


Advanced professional degree designation Advanced professional degree designation should be used only for situations in which there is a strong business reason.


MARCH 2015


PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / Applications/ office system

Corporate Envelope Format 9.5” x 4.125”

General Users


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

9.5” .25”

Typography Address: Museo Sans 9/11 pts.


Set all text flush left, ragged right, normal tracking PID logo: PMS Process Blue Text: Black


Logo width: 0.75” Printing method Offset Paper Bright White 100lb


MARCH 2015



PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / Applications/ office system


General Users

Format 8.5” x 11”


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

8.5” .35”

Typography Public Interest Design-Levant: Museo Sans 300 10/11 pts.


Address: Museo Sans 100 9/11 pts. Web address: Museo Sans 300 10 pt. Set all text flush left, ragged right, normal tracking Color Public Interest Design-Levant Logo: PMS Process Text: Black url: PMS Process Blue Logo height: 0.5” or 1.27 cm Printing method: Offset


Paper: Bright White 100lb

.35” 1.5”


MARCH 2015



PUBLIC INTEREST DESIGN - LEVANT GUIDELINES / visual identity /the masterbrand / Applications/ office system


General Users

Format 8.5” x 8.25”


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies

8.55” .25”



Employee name: Museo Sans 300 10/11 pts. Public Interest Design-Levant: Museo Sans 300 9/11 pts.

Employee Name Title Line 1 Public Interest Design - Levant Division

Division: Museo Sans 100 9/11 pts. Set all text flush left, ragged right, normal tracking. Color Public Interest Design-Levant logo: PMS Process Text: Black Logo width: 0.75”


Printing method: Offset Paper: Bright White 100lb Advanced professional degree designation: Advanced professional degree designation should be used only for situations in which there is a strong business reason. Only advanced degrees approved by PID HR such as M.D., Ph.D., PharmD or similar should be used.



MARCH 2015



2. Enabling Functions Size Relationship Placement Enabling Functions: don’ts


MARCH 2015



Size Relationship

General Users

Size Relationship The name of the enabling function should be expressed in Museo Sans all caps black. The size of the font is 1/4 of the height of the logo.


Communications Professionals


Design Agencies


This is not a lockup and is only an indication of size.

Placement Placement The name of the enabling function can be placed on the upper left hand corner or the lower right hand corner of a publication.

Division name


Applying High Tech Solutions Problems

applying high Tech solutions

Lorem ipsum dolor s it a met, c onsectetur a dipiscing elit. Suspendisse gravida sollicitudin u rna. V ivamus b landit u rna a maximus posuere. N ullam id a rcu enim. Curabitur d iam elit, elementum quis e lit ac, pharetra varius mi. Pellentesque non tincidunt l acus. Nam finibus e lementum q uam quis s celerisque. Integer blandit malesuada commodo. Donec at n eque a c justo iaculis luctus. Vestibulum non magna metus. Nullam ac nisl enim. In lorem risus, dapibus quis fermentum non, euismod et ligula. In augue nisl, gravida ut neque non, scelerisque mattis justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur a dipiscing elit. Phasellus commodo sagittis orci at ultricies. Mauris sit amet placerat ipsum. Maecenas faucibus ac risus non suscipit.

Alternative Placement

The masterbrand ENABLING fUNTIoN NAME


MARCH 2015



Enabling Functions: don’ts


MARCH 2015

General Users


Communications Professionals

DO NOT lockup with logo

DO NOT use as division signature

DO NOT use in upper and lower case

DO NOT use in color

DO NOT create special logo

DO NOT add drop shadows or other effects


Design Agencies



This is all you need to know in regards to branding and public interest design - Levant’s image. please stick to these guidelines. thank you for your time! VERSION 1.1

MARCH 2015


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