New Age Gender Dictionary

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A NEW AGE GENDER DICTIONARY destroy the cistem

ADOLESCENCE Noun adəˈlɛs(ə)ns

ASSIGNED Verb əˈsʌɪn

COWBOY Noun ˈkaʊbɔɪ

DEADNAME An act so unforgiveable it does not have an official definition.

FINALE Noun fɪˈnɑːli,fɪˈnɑːleɪ

HAIR Noun hɛː

HUNGER Noun hʌŋɡə

HOME Noun həʊm

PRAY Verb preɪ

PRIDE Noun prʌɪd

SHUNNED Adjective ʃʌnd

TAUNT Noun tɔːnt

TRAUMA Noun ˈtrɔːmə,ˈtraʊmə

YEARNING Noun ˈjəːnɪŋ

AN ODE TO TESTOSTERONE Noun tɛˈstɒstərəʊn

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