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Overview Chemistry is involved in all parts of our lives in ways that we don’t always appreciate. It helps to explain and enhance the material world that we live in. Studying Chemistry at A level allows you to delve deeper into the behaviour of organic molecules, to see how simple medicines like aspirin can be synthesised and learn more about industrial processes for the manufacture of crucial compounds. A wide variety of topics allows this course to accommodate all aspects of Chemistry in order to provide a well-rounded knowledge base for careers such as Medicine, Engineering and even Law.

Syllabus Oxford AQA International AS/A level Chemistry (9620)


Course Aims The Oxford AQA International AS/A level in Chemistry should enable students to: • develop a deep appreciation of, and enjoyment and enthusiasm for, science • appreciate the breadth of the subject • prepares for further study in biology • understand the tentative nature of science and understand the importance of critical thinking • apply scientific knowledge and understanding in novel contexts • develop practical, mathematical and communication skills

Course Content The course is split into the following four sections:

Unit 1 : Inorganic 1 and Physical 1 (AS) – Atomic structure, Amount of Substance, Bonding, Energetics, Kinetics, Equilibria, Periodicity, Group 2, Group 7 and RedOx.

Unit 2: Organic 1 and Physical 1 (AS) – Atomic structure, Amount of Substance, Bonding, Energetics, Kinetics, Equilibria, RedOx, Nomenclature, Alkanes, Alkenes, Halogenoalkanes, Alcohols, Analysis.

Unit 3: Inorganic 2 and Physical 2 (A2) – Thermodynamics, Rate Equations, Equilibrium, Electrochemical cells, Acids and Bases, Period 3 elements, Transition metals, Ionic reactions.

Unit 4: Organic 2 and Physical 2 (A2) – Thermodynamics, Rate Equations, Equilibrium, Electrochemical cells, Acids and Bases, Optical Isomerism, Organic Molecules, Polymers, Biochemistry and Analysis.

Assessment The full A Level is assessed by five examination papers. Two in the LXX, which comprise the AS course, and three in the XX.

LXX: Paper 1 Unit 1 Short answer and comprehension questions 90 mins 50% AS, 20% A Level Paper 2 Unit 2 Short and long answer questions

90 mins 50% AS, 20% A Level

XX: Paper 3 Unit 3 Short and long answer questions 90 mins 21% A Level Paper 4 Unit 4 Short, long and data analysis answer questions 90 mins 21% A Level Paper 5 All units & practical work Short answer and synoptic questions 85 mins 18% A Level

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