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Overview Physics is the most fundamental branch of science, concerned with the study of matter and energy. Topics studied range from the forces keeping planets in their orbits to the make-up of the electromagnetic spectrum and the structure of the atom. At Rugby School Thailand we endeavour to make Physics as practical as possible as well as giving students a thorough grounding in the subject to prepare them for further study and to be scientifically literate citizens. Syllabus Oxford AQA International GCSE Physics (9203) Course Aims The Oxford AQA International GCSE in Physics should enable students to: • develop their knowledge and understanding of physics • develop and apply their knowledge and understanding of the scientific process • develop their understanding of the relationships between hypotheses, evidence, theories and explanations • develop and apply their observational, practical, modelling, enquiry and problem-solving skills, and their understanding in laboratory, field and other learning environments • develop their ability to evaluate claims based on science through critical analysis of the methodology, evidence and conclusions both qualitatively and quantitatively • develop their skills in reporting and presenting information clearly and logically in different formats • develop their skills in communication, mathematics and the use of technology in scientific contexts Course Content The course is split into the following eight sections: 1. Forces and their effects 2. Energy 3. Waves 4. Particle model of matter 5. Electricity and magnetism 6. Generating and distributing electricity and household use 7. Nuclear physics 8. Space physics Assessment The course is assessed by two terminal examination papers at the end of D Block (Year 11). Each paper follows the same format and carries equal weighting: Exam Content: Content from any part of the specification may be assessed Question Style: Structured and open questions Duration: 90 minutes Marks: 90