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Ruggero Eugeni
I am a Full Professor of Media Semiotics at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan). My scientific interests are focused on the living / lived media experience, as defined both in historical / sociological terms, and in phenomenological / neurocognitive terms. My approach is mainly semiotic: I'm currently working on the project of a "semiotic of media experience". From this point of view, I focus my interest on the relation between cinema and hypnosis. My most recent works are La relazione d'incanto. Studi su cinema e ipnosi (Milano, 2002), and Semiotica dei media (2011). Other Links on me & my work are: http://prezi.com/user/ruggeroeugeni https://www.youtube.com/user/ruggeroeugeni http://unicatt.academia.edu/ruggeroeugeni http://www.facebook.com/ruggeroeugeni http://www.linkedin.com/pub/ruggero-eugeni/27/895/919