Fair Use in a Day in the Life of a College Student Fair use is a vitally important right for everybody, everywhere. A typical day in the life of a student shows the ways she constantly relies on fair use.
How Allison Relies on Fair Use on Campus
checking email Allison forwards to her brother an e-mail from her cousin that includes five attached pictures from last weekend’s football game and tailgate.1
in class
In Allison’s English class, the professor mentions places James Baldwin frequented in Paris. Allison looks them up online and views photos of these locations and landmarks.2
finishing a paper
Allison scans materials from
Allison forgot to scan or note
the library for her paper
one of her sources, so she looks
on James Baldwin. In her
up the quote in Google Books.
paper she includes quotes
The search gives her the name
from Baldwin’s essays and
of the book and page number
from criticisms by Baldwin
seconds later and she is able to
turn her paper in on time.4
relaxing over lunch
watching shows
Waiting in line, Allison watches
While eating, Allison watches
a clip from John Oliver’s Last
an episode of Game of Thrones,
Week Tonight that a friend
which was “slung” to her cell
posted on Facebook. She
phone from her DVR.6
shares the clip on her own Facebook page.5
1. Allison makes temporary copies when she accesses the e-mail. Forwarding the note and photographs involves reproduction and distribution of her cousin’s works. Allison’s brother’s computer will make more copies to access the forwarded e-mail. 2. The search engine makes copies of the images. Allison’s computer makes temporary copies when she views the images online. 3. Quotations involve direct reproduction of portions of these works. 4. Google Books reproduced more than 20 million books when it scanned and indexed these works, making them machine readable and ingesting them into the Google Books database. The public is able to query the database with search terms. 5. Allison’s iPad makes temporary copies to access and view the video clip. Allison engages in further distribution of the clip by posting it to her own Facebook page. 6. Allison’s DVR made a copy of the episode of Game of Thrones. Temporary copies are made on servers.
How Allison Relies on Fair Use at Home going home Allison takes a selfie with a bus stop advertisement for the new Star Wars movie that contains images of Rey and Han Solo.7
doing homework At home, Allison starts a research project for her political science class. She reads the news article her professor posted to Blackboard.8 Then she uses a search engine to find relevant online articles in the New York Times, the Washington Post, and other news outlets.9 She pastes the links and full text of the articles into an e-mail to her class partner.10
remixing After dinner, Allison finishes an assignment for her literature and pop culture class. She posts a remix video of music and clips from film adaptations of Jane Austen novels to YouTube and sends the link to her professor.11
relaxing before bed Finished with her homework, she writes a chapter of fan fiction based on Harry Potter. She posts the chapter to her blog and to FanFiction.net.12
Throughout the day, without even knowing it, Allison engages in many instances of reproduction and distribution of copyrighted works without the authorization of the rightholder. Fortunately, she can rely on the fair use doctrine, which permits such copying. 7. The selfie includes a reproduction of the advertisement. 8. Her professor makes a copy when he posts it to Blackboard. Allison’s computer makes additional copies when she accesses the article to read it. 9. T he search engine makes copies of the news articles in its search database. Allison’s computer makes temporary copies when she views the articles online. 10. A llison makes a temporary copy of these websites when she views them. She also makes digital copies of the text in the e-mail server when she sends them to her class partner. 11. A llison makes copies of the Jane Austen film excerpts and creates a derivative work. She makes additional copies when she uploads the remix to YouTube. She distributes it when she posts it to YouTube and when she sends the link to her professor. 12. Allison’s fan fiction is a derivative work. Posting it to her blog and FanFiction.net makes additional copies of the derivative work.
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