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Follow The Fish From The Water To The Table
From East London E1 to world no.1 cold salmon smoker Now let’s get one thing clear, I have never wanted to be no 1 at anything (well apart from Connect 4 and the Rubik’s cube). I have always cooked with luv, honour passion & integrity
So how does a cockney street kid find his calling in the cold smoke salmon world?
I started to smoke salmon after an itch that I got, so naturally I scratched it and after trying to make my own smoker I set off to England and the wonderfully talented Smoking Brothers (thanks bruvas) @ Daylesford organic farm in the Cotswolds to pick their collective brains on the smoking process
When I came back home to Denmark (9 years now), I knew this was something that I wanted to pursue and after much trawling (no pun intended) I found the Danish salmon (https://danishsalmon.dk). This was a major part of my light bulb moment, land based salmon farms that were a sustainable solution to the problem of open sea farms
Land based salmon is drug free, chemical free, hormone free and contains no sea lice or worms. The farm uses a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) who recycle 99% of the water, has a mortality rate less than 1% and the fish are fed on GM free food. The way the salmon are bred means that have 10% less fat,
I realise now that I am born to serve and now armed with such a product that will now facilitate this to meet and serve hopefully some of you that are reading this even (maybe)
I now have a laser focus to make and serve the most sustainable dry cold smoked salmon that I am capable of doing, I have found my why and this is it.
My dry aged cold smoked salmon can’t be too shabby my first customer was Paul Cunnigham at 2 star Michelin star restaurant https://www hennekirkebykro dk
As with life I continue to learn adapt and improve. I suspect there will be lots more hurdles, obstacles and dead ends to navigate round and through but when you get to play at doing what is your calling then it really does become child’s play