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When talking about sustainability in gastronomy, it is common to hear the term sustainable development as well. We do not know or realise that these are two different but related concepts It is necessary to establish the differences between the concepts to understand that they do not mean the same thing, though they are closely =ed to gastronomy. To understand these concepts, let’s check the definition of each per the United Nations (UN): According to the UN, sustainability: "takes full account of the environmental consequences of economic activity and is based on the use of resources that can be replaced or renewed and therefore are not depleted." I always suggest identifying official definitions and then interpreting them according to the specific context In the kitchen, it is possible to say that sustainability "is the correct use of our resources today in order to have resources tomorrow." What would be of our preparations if we ran out of fruits to do gelée? Or if we are left without water needed for cooking? Are we prepared to go back to cooking without basic supplies? Without energy? Are we ready to understand that soon there will come a time in which world growth will come to a standstill due to a lack of resources? Now it is =me to review what is SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT.
According to the UN, sustainable development is "maintaining the balance in the use of current resources so that they can last longer without running out or causing damage to the environment." It is not necessary to stop consuming, nor stop purchasing, nor to stop producing It is more important to be conscious of the balance between our consumption and our production to ensure a healthy life and productive today and tomorrow
Throughout my gastronomical experience, I have realised that the influence we have on others is much more that to simply cook or bake We are in the 21st century and of the many things that are popular now; being an “influencer” is one of them. A term that has just come to light but has always existed Do chefs fully understand that we are "influencers"? That this profession causes emotional states and physical reactions that are essential for social development? Let's dive into this topic a li le more and understand the reason why sustainability and gastronomy are so closely linked to each other Because when everyone works together, it causes an unprecedented social, environmental and economic response.
As a starting point, it is of paramount importance to know the origin of the ingredients and the right season of each one of them. To achieve this, it is a must to understand about “Supply Chain”: the impact of the logistics, the caring of the merchandise during transit, the fact of having food stocking in the market, the packing of each one and finally the process and transportation un=l it gets to the kitchen.
This leads us to a new concept of supply chain Circular economy "The circular economy is a model of producton and consumpton, which involves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existng materials and products as long as possible In this way, the life cycle of products is extended In practice, it implies reducing waste to a minimum When a product reaches the end of its life, its materials are kept within the economy wherever possible. These can be productively used again and again, thereby creating further value This is a departure from the traditional, linear economic model, which is based on a take-make-consume-throw away pattern. This model relies on large quantities of cheap, easily accessible materials and energy.” (Source: European Parliament) This new approach in the supply chain that would finally guide us to use materials and resources properly and efficiently in sustainable gastronomy. tIf we understand the origin of the ingredients, and the supply chain of the products, we will be able to understand the social, environmental (climate change) and economic impact of the food we cook. By doing so, we avoid generating waste and will appreciate our food Also, we will learn to expand our repertoire of dishes and create magic culinary dishes Evolution in the kitchen means to move forward and thrive, so we should demonstrate it even more in our gastronomical practice Generally, chefs look for a perfect, minimalist presentation with a flawless decoration. Frequently (not to say most =mes) by doing so, it makes us create waste from certain por=ons or from our creations.
This is the part where we should value our ingredients, expand our knowledge, and learn to use remaining food, those ones we thought did not look good. In other words, innovate in our presentations to take them to the next level where waste does not exist. In this way, we created a “ zero waste” conscience, therefore our socioeconomic impact will be positive. We will then be ambassadors of a conscious consumption and above all sustainable.
What is food waste? According to FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Na=ons), it describes to the lost food waste like “Food waste refers to the discard of edible foods at the retail and consumer levels, mostly in developed countries " One of the main aspects to consider for a sustainable gastronomic business is to use whole ingredients, avoiding waste and giving them a real value to be able to integrate them in dishes and transform them so the look breathtaking
Food waste has a negative impact on the climate (gas emissions and odours), the water, the soil and the biodiversity: these are the reason why it is important to carry out certain ac=ons to ensure natural resource This guides us towards a sustainable gastronomy that helps diminish the negative effect in our environment
We, chefs, should spread this knowledge to create sustainable consciousness. We should teach how to use each ingredient, the way to make a good use of it, and understand its supply chain. We are responsible for considering agriculture producers, food season We also need to consider going back to some past culinary practices that have been left out for years; revive certain tendencies of utilising nature, for instance, like the consumption of some plants, seeds and Insects, which have great nutritional contribution and a positive environmental impact and cut down on consuming certain meats Not only do we need to teach the kitchen staff, but also teach dinner guests, who will have in their hands a menu based on seasonal vegetables, so that they have a more dynamic and renewed menu.