1 minute read
One of Spain's greatest assets is the Mediterranean diet
Declared by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity since 2010, the Mediterranean diet is based mainly on the abundant consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals (bread, pasta and rice, preferably wholemeal), fish, lots of olive oil and little meat.
In addition to being healthy, fun and varied, it is one of the diets most recommended by specialists since, according to numerous studies, it is one of the best diets for reducing the risk of cancer, protecting against cardiovascular disease and preventing cellular aging
And not only that, the Mediterranean diet is also a great ally in the recovery process in cancer treatments, providing the patient and their environment with healthy habits that help to better cope with procedures or surgical interventions as is related to a better prognosis Due to the effects of the disease itself and cancer treatments, symptoms such as fatigue, lack of appetite, pain, nausea, etc often appear, making it difficult to eat properly
Aware of the problem and wanting to contribute their bit to the cause, from the Balearic Islands, the Association of Cooks Based in the Balearic Islands (ASCAIB), has collaborated in the Nutritional Guide for cancer patients and their recipes A book prepared by the Provincial Board of the Balearic Islands of the Spanish Association Against Cancer and the Official College of Dietitians - Nutritionists of the Balearic Islands (CODNIB)
As the president of ASCAIB, Koldo Royo, says in the introduction "This book is born with the intention of being a messenger of life and light ( ) with which we want to spread the tasty message that cooking can help our bodies and minds to restore the desired lost balance". Thanks to its vice-president, Luis Aznar, who is also ambassador in Spain for Chefs without Borders, we leave you some of the recipes in this guide, to whet your appetite And if you want to know more, we recommend you to always have it at hand, because prevention is also a cure
Discover The Flavors And Traditions Of The Mediterranean