Rundle Academy Provincials 2017

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Headmaster's Welcome Dear Parents, Coaches, Participants, and Supporters,

Rundle Academy is excited to host the 2017 Alberta 1A Boys Provincial Basketball Tournament. Our motto at Rundle Academy is "We Move Mountains," and by virtue of your participation in this event, you are epitomizing these words. Parents: Thank you for your ongoing support, patience, and positivity shown towards your athletes and the other athletes in this competition. You have logged many hours in the bleachers being your team's number one fan, and for this, I applaud you. Coaches: Thank you for your volunteerism and your dedication to the personal, social, and athletic development of these young men. As these athletes graduate your basketball programs, they no doubt will be leaving with the core values of grit, teamwork, and the competitive spirit. These skills will serve them well as they continue on their journey in sport and life. Supporters: Thank you for your generosity and spirit. Without you, our coaches, parents, and athletes would not have the opportunity to celebrate their successes this year! Athletes: Thank you for your dedication to excellence in athletics, academics, and citizenship. As you all know, the game of basketball is a metaphor for life. Sometimes your shots will fall , sometimes someone will foul you, and sometimes you and your team will come out on top and other times you and your team will fail. However, no matter the outcome, at the end of it all, you shake hands and congratulate your opponents and set forth on continued growth and development. Competing in the 1A Boys Provincial Tournament is no different; when you finish we will all be ready to reflect on our experiences and continue on our own journeys of growth. I wish each parent, coach, supporter and athlete all the best in their own attempts to move mountains. Sincerely. Jason Roger s Headmaster, Rundle College Society

Principal's Welcome Dear Parents, Coaches, Participants, and Supporters,

I feel very fortunate to welcome you all to the 2017 1A Provincial Championships for the 2016-2017 school year. Basketball has always been a sport that has exemplified the importance of working as a team. From offensive and defensive formations to the rhythm that exists when each player is in sync, basketball teaches us how to work together to achieve a common goal. In addition, the amount of hard work and dedication that goes into developing this synchronicity is the difference between what makes teams good and what makes them great. Being one of only 12 teams in the province to qualify for these Provincials is indicative of your dedication to being great and an achievement that should make each and every athlete very proud. What makes hosting a tournament like this so worthwhile, is the fact that our community has the opportunity to witness the culmination of each team?s hard work put into action. As we come together this March, we look forward to the ability to celebrate the achievement of those who have qualified for this championship. Regardless of each team's result, whether it be a win or a loss, we commend you for everything you have done to get here and the talents you will share with us all. To borrow the motto from the National Basketball League of Canada? ?It?s Show time!

Sincerely. Keit h Van der M eer Principal, Rundle College Academy

Guest Speaker I nformation BI OGRAPH Y: Brad Spence was 19 when the I OC announced in July 2003 that Vancouver would host the 2010 Olympic Winter Games. He immediately decided he would do whatever it took to be on the Canadian team for the home Games. W hat that eventually included was coming back from a career-threatening injury that took him out of competition for nearly three years. During the World Cup downhill in Bormio on December 29, 2005 Spence crashed and ended up with a broken tibia and fibula as well as a torn ACL and MCL in his right knee. He returned to competition in December 2008 and got back on the World Cup circuit in February 2009. After the crash, Spence became a technical specialist, competing in slalom and giant slalom. He earned his spot on the 2010 Olympic team with career-high 12th place finishes in the slalom at Alta Badia (December 2009) and Kitzbuehel (January 2010). Spence?s Olympic debut was eventful. Stuck on a gondola, he made it to the start gate for the giant slalom with just eight racers to go before him and went on to finish 42nd. But instead of being nervous about his first Olympic race, he had something else to focus on. Hoping for a top-10 result in the slalom, he fell about halfway through his first run and did not finish. Spence had his most consistent season in 2011-12 when he finished in the top 30 in nine of the 10 World Cup slalom races. He underwent more surgery in March 2012 to repair damaged cartilage in his right knee after battling pain all season. After 274 days of being sidelined, he returned to the slopes and earned another trip to the Olympic Games at Sochi 2014. T here he wore a helmet featuring a design by 17-year-old Gillian O?Blenes who was undergoing chemotherapy for osteosarcoma.

About Rundle Academy Rundle Academy was established in 1995 as a school for students with diagnosed learning disabilities. It is an independent, non-profit, coeducational day school for about 200 students in Grades 4 through 12. The mission of Rundle Academy is to create a nurturing, engaging environment that provides an enriched, personalize education, preparing students for an ever-changing world. We are an inclusive and caring learning community that develops confidence, self-esteem, motivation, academic achievement and a sense of value in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Rundle Academy provides a strong culture of both academic and personal achievement in an environment with high standards of care, respect and supervision. We offer students who have been diagnosed with a learning disability the opportunity to prepare themselves for admission to post-secondary educational institutions. Rundle Academy students participate in programs that emphasize character development, leadership training and good citizenship through a wide variety of extracurricular opportunities. Small class sizes (typically 6- 10 students) and dedicated teachers who are committed to making a difference in the lives of individual students are cornerstones of Rundle's educational philosophy and approach. Ru n dle Academ y Cor e Valu es -

Understanding Communication Respect Responsibility Wellness Creativity

Rundle Academy has grown into a premier program for students with learning disabilities, recognized nationally as a leader in education for complex learners. Its ongoing accomplishment is providing each student with a sense of achievement and a love of learning. At Rundle Academy, We Move Mountains.

#1: Livingstone High School #2 - Ju st yn Con n elly-En gel #3 - Ch ad Bou squ et #4 - Levi Sek ella #5 - Br yan t Cail #6 - Ty An ct il #7 - Br ady Dou glas #8 - Cole Sch w eb #9 - Qu in lan Con n elly-En gel #10 - Hu n t er Olsen #11 - Br ock Gat zk y #12 - Jon at h an Er ick son #13 - Elish a Low r y #21 - Er ic Sm yt h Coach es Du an e DeCock Pau l Er ick son

#2: Senator Gershaw School #2 - Joh an Dek k er #3 - Ju st in Ser f as #4 - Ter r y Pear son #5 - Jon at h an Dek k er #6 - Aidyn Ph illips #7 - Tyler Ph illips #8 - Tom m y Sch u ssler #9 - Ch r is Byam #11 - Th om as Sm it h #12 - M ar io Ham zy #14 - Tyeson Ver h oeven #20 - Rick Van der w el #21 - Ryley Segou in Head Coach - Ren ee Gr ol Asst . Coach - Kar l Ser f as M an ager - Kait lyn Byam

#3: St. Michael's (Pincher Creek) #3 - Dext er Obr iqu e #4 - M it ch ell Zor at t i #5 - Calvin Cooley #6 - Adam Su n dber g #7 - Tyler Ger ber #8 - M ich ael Svab #9 - Jor dan Hoch st ein #10 - Isaac Bu st ar d #11 - Ben Cooley #12 - Tait e Jesson #13 - Levi Root #14 - Ilias Sm it h #17 - Cash iu s Hu n gr y Wolf #21 - Lelan d Bast ein Coach - Gabe Rain f or d Asst . Coach - Nat h an Br u der

#4: Hay Lakes High #2 - Ty Hoglu n d #3 - Car son Tylosk y #4 - Kyle M u r r ay #7 - Tr avis Dolt er #8 - M ich ael Taylor #9 - Dallas Wh isk eyjack -Gu in u p #10 - Joseph Bar t h #11 - Con n or Lan ge #12 - Er ic Rees #13 - Ju st in Hoech er l #14 - Taylor Sych #15 - Jon At em a #45 - Br aden Lan ge Coach - Br ian Hoglu n d M an ager - Cody Th ese

#5: Parkland I mmanuel Christian #2 M ar k van Delden #4 Jar ed Dyk h u izen #5 Ken t Fer gu son #6 Con n or Br eden h of #7 Br ayden Br eden h of #8 Levi Kalk m an #9 M icah Du k er #10 Rich ar d Bosch #11 Levi Zelden r u st #13 Noah Veldk am p #15 Lu k e Van bost elen Coach - Tyler Hoek sem a Asst . Coach - Sean Fer gu son

#6: Forestburg High School #1, #15 - Reo Sh im abu k u r o #3, #21 - Tan n er Woody #5, #25 - Br ayden Doege #6, #20 - Nick Pr ich ar d #7, #33 - Davis M oller #8, #23 - Spen cer Woody #9, #3 - Ter yll Sh er m an #11, #22 - Ku r t is Lu n t y #12, #35 - Kaden Har din g #13, #24 - An dr ew Loosem or e #14, #41 - Colin Walk er #15, #42 - Cam er on M cNabb Coach - Jef f Rat h w ell Asst . Coach es Tyler Pr yor , Alex Loosem or e

#7: St. Francis of Assisi #1 - Kyojin San je #2 - Ju st in Bu r deos #3 - Et h an M it ch ell #4 - Joh n Walen #5 - Tyler Ch or n ey #6 - Capr ice M igu en s #7 - Keit h Labou can #8 - Rober t o Salam an ca #9 - Ru ssell Pacsu al #10 - Ch r ist ian Ar ca #11 - Blaise Ballest er #12 - Jasper Bu r deos #13 - Nic Labou can #14 - Ben At k in son Coach - Evan M ellsen Asst . Coach - Kevin Gou ch e

#8: Hines Creek Composite # 1 War r in g Robin son # 2 M at t h ew Cox # 3 Lin coln Ber g # 4 Dam ian Wor obet z # 5 Kar son M ason # 6 M at t h ew Waylan d # 9 Byr an Kobber t # 11 St even St ew ar t # 12 Claydin Obr igew it ch #8 Hayden Wor obet z #10 Keen an Velich k a Coach - Dallas Bjor n son

#9: Olds Koinonia Christian School #4 - M ar qu ell Cam er on #5 - Noah Row e #6 - Jar yd Dick s #7 - Dar ian Nik u la #8 - Caleb Fedysh en #9 - Zech Joh n son #10 - Nick Ver ge #11 - Kaleb Fu r st #12 - M at t Bosom w or t h #13 - Jar od Kar y #14 - Br yce Par r ot t #15 - Zac Lon gst af f #16 - Jak e Wood #18 - Jayden M eyer Coach es: Ken Tak s Taylor Br ow n Ch r is Sch u lz

#10: Rundle Academy #2 - Ryan Holan #3 - Jack son Giles #4 - Pau l Upon i #5 - Br am Bou m a #6 - Isaac Tow sley #7 - Qu in t in M illion s #8 - Car t er Gr u en din g #10 - DJ Dh aliw al #11 - Kem ar r Bish op #13- M iles Fr yet t #14- Ow en M cIn t osh #16 - Ian Har ds #17- Du st in Fau lcon br idge #18- Kyle Playst ed #19 - Alex Poole #20 - Nat h an Lit vin ch u k Head Coach - Jodie Sw it zer Co- Coach - Tr avis Rasch

#11: Ecole Mallaig #00 - Tar r on Sm it h #34 - Lan ce Du beau #44 - Joel Du beau #30 - Tyr ece Lilje #45 - Kale Segu in #42 - Tyler Jodoin #32 - Br et t Segu in #41 - Jar ed Wein m eier #31 - Nat h an Du beau Coach es St even Jef f er y Dylan Ger vais Kar la Jef f er y

#12: Clear Water Academy #1 Nick Faba #2 An dr es Gom ez #3 Kar olis Plu n gys #4 Jam es Pen f old #5 Kevin Jer om e #7 Sh alom Aden ipek u n #8 Pet er Kr oll #9 Rh et t Per n al #10 Nat h an Tobias #11 Jar ed Br ew st er #12 Adam Yeo #13 M ar io Ch im a #14 Ror y Rak och ey #15 Sach a Pu st ow k a Coach es: Pau l deLeon & An dy M ai

Tournament Photography

* Game photos will be added throughout and/or after the event.

Tournament Admission

There will be no cash admission charged to attend this tournament. Instead, Rundle Academy will be accepting food donations for the Calgary Inter Faith Foodbank to attend the tournament.

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