The Writer 2019

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2018 - 2019

“The scariest moment is always just before you start.” #WEARERUNDLE




We Move Mountains

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We Move Mountains

We Move Mountains


Grade 4

You couldn’t help but notice tears dripping down my face. Looking carefully you could see my glowing body was covered in rainbows. Onlookers stared at my running eyes. My eyes glowed with water. Listening carefully you could hear me crying I opened my mouth and screamed I wanted to tell Firestar I want him to be my mate I didn’t have time to tell him Firestar made me a warrior. Georgia Davies, Grade 4

You couldn’t help but notice the barf coming out of his mouth. Looking carefully you could see bits of chunky throw-up in bobs hair My body was covered in snot coming out of his nose. Onlookers stared at his red hot forehead. His eyes were bloodshot. Listening carefully you could hear barf rising in his throat. Barf came out. Snot bullets came out. He ran to the bathroom. Jonas Boychuk, Grade 4

You couldn’t help but notice his rainbow eyes. Looking carefully you could see a ginormous smile on his face. My body was covered in cool blue t-shirt and leather pants. Onlookers stared at my cold blue shoulder pads the smiley face on one of the swords in the sheath. His eyes were wide open and weren’t blinking. Listening carefully you can hear sound of joy from playing kids. He opened his mouth and barfed out rainbows. Just then he started to run in the field Suddenly he almost tripped but he put his foot in front. Cole Danielsen, Grade 4

Suddenly a volcano was on my head. You couldn’t help but notice the veins popping up. Gazing at me you could notice my red eyes. Very clearly you could see I was wearing all red. Just then lava dripped from my mouth. All of a sudden smoke was coming out of my ear. Just looking at me it made others feel scared of my red skin. A hat covered my flaming head. Matthew Pringle, Grade 4

I was in my room playing video games when I felt a chill on my back. The lights started flickering on and off. Finally, it stopped as I went to rest my head on my bed. Suddenly the door slammed and I was covered in goosebumps. I went to my bathroom and brush my teeth and the toilet flushed on its own. My teeth start to chatter like crazy. I went to my room and a small creepy monster was playing my video games right then and there. He turned his head I almost fell over. My arms were pulling my teeth. Very clearly you could see my mouth open as he was running at me. I could barely take my eyes off his ugly, green face! I couldn’t help but notice his mouth open to eat ME! Ahhhhhhh! By Daymond Polsfut, Grade 4


You couldn’t help but notice my filthy hair. Looking carefully you can see green skin. And my eyes were black and staring at the cheese. Listening closely you could hear. Grealen opened up my mouth and yelled angry noises. Just then I punch the wall.Suddenly my hair was on fire. Hermes Riva-Cambrin, Grade 4

My dark circular eyes were so black that it looked like I was a vampire onlookers gasped at me sleepwalking with my eyes open. Just then, the bell rang, and I woke up and fell, looking carefully you could see my drool. My hair was so messy. Just then I tripped over a pencil. I lied back down on the floor. All of a sudden, someone stepped on me. I just wanted to go home. Suddenly I started to say random words. A person covered their ears. He had hearings aids. Without warning I screamed. And then I passed out and started sleeping on the floor. Ophelia Pysh, Grade 4

Eden Ma, Grade 4

snow globe stories Grade 4

SNOW GLOBE Georgia Davies, Grade 4 The snow globe had food everywhere like hotdogs, chips and cheese. When chip touched it the glass glowed everywhere standing. Quietly she noticed a short body with a bushy tail and patches and. Spots coming from the light the smell reminded her of a cats body. You couldn’t help but notice the green ears and grey fur her name was patch her eyes seemed to be dark grey chip was surprised at the cats eyeliner because it was green and black and it looked like something out of couldn’t miss patches muscles off in the distance chip saw a police car as chip looked around There was a shadow chip took a deep breath and smelled the damper air listening carefully she could hear police cars. Honking there horns she smelled the damp air once again when she saw the police cat! She stared at the Police cats brown fur suddenly chip heard a loud noise. THE SNOWMAN Eden Ma, Grade 4 The snow globe had icicles hanging down from the roof, candy canes curling, wine bottles that had a strong scent, snowflakes that had lots of detail on each snowflake. When I touched the air, it was cold like an ice cube. Standing quietly I noticed a buzzing sound from the candy cane I was holding. The smell reminded me of wine and candy. You couldn’t help but notice glugs, chugs, and sucking sounds. My hands felt cold like an ice cube. I was surprised at the huge, bright gleaming sunshine. You couldn’t miss a smile and a drop of water down my cheek and a yawn. Off in the distance, you could see people sleeping. As I looked around I felt sharp ice falling on the top of my head it was coming from the ceiling. As I took a deep breath I screamed with joy. To my surprise I saw a new mug. Listening carefully, you could hear snoring coming from outside the snow globe. I smiled when I saw a new friend and her name was Pacha. I stared at Pacha for a long time. Suddenly the girl in the bedroom heard a bark, and ran to her dad for help.


We Move Mountains

REUNITED Ophelia Pysh, Grade 4

TRAPPED Matthew Pringle, Grade 4

Off in 
 the distance, you could see a white, spotted egg with black dots rolling down a steep, grassy hill. It crashed into a colony of bats who were hunting for a mouse or a bird to eat. As the mother grey mother raccoon looked around, she noticed that her egg was missing. Then, she started looking in the nest, but the egg wasn’t there. To her surprise, she heard bats screeching. Then the mother smiled when the screeching ended. The mother stared at the bats flying away. Suddenly, she heard hatching Oh no she thought, my egg is hatching. She freaked out. but it was just a bee. I hope my egg, is ok thought the mom The mother began to sweat. Then, the mother heard something in the bushes She was so scared. What do I do? It was a rabbit. All of a sudden, a great storm blew the egg to its mother. Who was also in the snow globe. Felt so happy to see her egg!

I looked at my black T-shirt and then at my green tie was walking to my school. I decided to try a different way to school It smelled” like rotten eggs and cheese. l saw lots of medium sized buildings, lots of street lights and an abandoned science lab that hadn’t been used for a long time it had a gigantic shrink ray. Suddenly it turned red and the lights were blinking. A green beam shot me a started to shrink me! After it was done it placed me in a snow globe! Then a robotic arm screwed on the cap and then It took me to a snow globe store! The store manager sold me to a very very very tall boy. He had a big green vest and a big baseball cap (well from my point of view). They brought me to there house and then he put me on his bedside table and the snow globe I was in had a palm tree with coconuts on it with the saltwater waves that had marlins, dolphins and giant white sharks surrounding my island! I thought that if I tried to swim I would get eaten by the giant great white sharks.I new the only thing that I could do was build a bridge across from the glass.I got to work building the bridge. The first thing I had to do is chop the palm tree for wood then I cut two pieces of the wood for support for the bridge so it wouldn’t fall with the spare parts I made a huge ram with big wheels on the bottom of it so that I could push it. The next day I decided that I was going to break out of the snow globe! I pushed my ram strongly and quickly towards the bridge and then the glass crash and the glass broke! After I was out I sprinted for the door and then I was outside the house! Then I ran to the abandoned science lab and the shrink ray turned back on and made me grow and grow until I was back to normal then I ran home to my mom to give her a big hug. Then she asked me where were you! It’s a long story.

Suddenly a colony of bats came surrounding the egg. The bats tried to pick up the egg. But failed. the leader bat told everyone to try harder. It still didn’t work. So that bats waited for the egg to hatch they waited an hour. They gave up and left the egg. Alone in the hot warm snow globe. It was up too 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Then a small little ant went to pick up the egg. When he touched it, it burned off his gaster because it was so hot. Suddenly, a great wind storm blew and blew and blew the egg blew out. It was so cold outside and guess what. The egg hatches. And it found its mother! The egg was hot and sweaty.


We Move Mountains

THE SNOW GLOBE Sasha Skibo, Grade 4 Once a 
 girl named Sasha was at Banff and she went into the most beautiful snow globe store she had ever seen. As she looked around at the beautiful snow globes one especially caught her eye it was the most beautiful snow globe she had ever seen. It was a beautiful mermaid snow globe with a beautiful mermaid inside it. Sasha carefully took it off the shelf and brought it to the front desk. She asked the cashier how much it was.10$ dear. Ohh good choice my dear good choice. Sasha was A little confused about what the cashier was talking about but she just said good day and left the store. Once she was done shopping the car ride home was a pain. 2 whole hours in a car was certainly not a favourite of Sasha’s. And 2 percent of the time Sasha was entertained. At this particular moment, she was not entertained. Then she remembers she bought a snow globe. So she carefully took it out and looked at the Beautiful mermaid and wished she were her. The second Sasha got home she carefully ran up the stairs and put her snow globe on her bedside shelf. The second she set the snow globe down it stuck to the table. Suddenly warm magical dust filled the air! And it was coming directly from the snow globe! Warm dust was circling around Sasha! Then all of a sudden the dust took hold of Sasha and pulled her into the Snow globe! When Sasha awoke she was startled! She was lying in a bed of seaweed that certainly did not look like her bedroom at all. She tried to stand up but she couldn’t. And when she looked at the small mirror in front of her gasp!

most delicious food she could smell! But there were more smells then that. Sasha smelled sea salt and seaweed. And the weather there was warm and beautiful! The air felt wet and moist. ( because there was water in the snow globe.) Sasha saw the most beautiful colour of sand and shells. When Sasha saw all these beautiful things a huge smile appeared on Sasha’s face. And her arms body and tail were relaxed. Sasha wanted to stay there for the rest of her life. But all of a sudden the magical warm mist came and surrounded Sasha and pulled her out of the snow globe. Sasha was so sad to leave that magical place. But as she grew into an adult she told her kids that story every night and they never got tired of it. Sasha had never had a better life!

Sasha Almost past out! She had to pinch herself because she thought she was dreaming. Sasha had a TALE! She was a mermaid! Her tale was a beautiful sparkly turquoise. Her honey brown hair was as long as a broom. She saw seaweed, cats tail and coral reef. Sasha saw the most beautiful animals she had ever seen! Seahorses, Fish, sharks, stingray puffer fish, dolphins, eels and starfish. Sasha heard A bunch of people talking and waves crashing. Sasha smelled the


We Move Mountains

main events  

Grade 4

THE GREAT WAR OF DRAGONS Jonas Boychuk, Grade 4

THE ALIEN Georgia Davies, Grade 4

I was really glad that when I left my house, I packed some fish and my survival kit and tried to tame, but almost die in the process, the dragon. The scaly creature blasted a 30 foot long stream of fire and I barely got out of the way in time but not unscathed, The heat was so powerful it broke my arm and blinded me spots danced all over my eyes I screamed in pain thinking that I was not going to make it out alive I also thought that this was the last time I would see my family I used the fish that packed. I fed the dragon taming it almost instantaneously. I'm going to call you Debby I said to the dragon and I jumped on bare back riding the dragon just like that I became the the first successful dragon tamer. I remembered what was going outside, a war of dragons going on without warning a stream of fire came out of nowhere and hit me in the chest. All I remember was being torched, by a dragon falling three hundred feet into a boiling lake and then waking up in a hospital.

I got aboard the spaceship and started to get ready for the trip to the moon. I sat down and pressed the button and started to fly off. I flew and flew, but hit the wrong button and crashed into the moon. I smashed my head into the rocks and I had a big scar on my head when I got up.

Where's my dragon? was the first thing I said to the clerk. When I tried to get out of bed I could barely stand and when I looked at my chest I nearly fainted my chest was a black mass of burnt flesh and skin and all over my body was a hole lot of third degree burns, I fainted. When I woke up again from the calendar I new that it was April 29 1000ce I was out for a year last time I was up it was 2000ce I wondered if my not so recently tamed beast was still tamed by then I realized I was in a hospital setting there was shelves with antidotes on them soothing cream in cupboards this time when I looked at my chest it wasn't so bad there was just a scar here and there this time I was fit to walk and went to find my dragon with triumph

I saw stars and shades of black. I felt cold and tired. I could hear flashing sounds and air. I could smell cold air wondering if there were aliens that lived here. I was feeling really cold. I bet the aliens would eat me alive. I will eat these rocks I said hey it really is made out of cheese. I said again as I ate the rocks THESE ROCKS TASTE TERRIBLE! I yelled. I could hear growing noises and blowing sounds and even gargling sounds I looked around I could see dark shadows just then I saw an alien in front of me. The alien looked weird and scary. Quickly I turned and sprained away. I could hear the alien growing behind me. I could see the giant spaceship in front of me I ran really fast my arms were going back and forth I felt terrified about the alien that was going to eat me. I jumped into the machine and landed on the floor. I got up and closed the door and locked the alien was still trying to get in then I went to the control panel. And pressed the button to go back home.


We Move Mountains

THE ALIEN Ophelia Pysh, Grade 4

THE WINTER SETTING Piper Mailer, Grade 4

I was walking normally in the spaceship in my new Nike runners. It was a grey frisbee shape thing in the galaxy. I saw the back of the something's head. It was green and all wrinkly. Kind of like Yoda from Star Wars. The thing turned it’s head both ways like it was looking for something. Very interesting I thought.

The wind was blowing on my face. It was beautiful outside. The sky was ocean blue. I gazed up at the birds flying. The tall tree stood up. Out in the snow, I noticed it was as white as a piece of paper. You couldn’t help but stare at the landscape.

Often, I glimpsed at a crow that was black and white. The scene made me scared I wish I could go home to a warm cup of hot chocolate!

The picture was breathtaking. Every so often I glimpsed at the beautiful treehouse. The scene made me feel happy. I wished I could jump in the snow. The end.

I sprinted and hid behind a wall because The creature might have weapon. What is this thing? Why is it here? What is it looking for? I have to distract it. I had a leftover can of beans in my pocket and I threw it at the alien. He seemed confused, But I ran away I went to the exit, but I saw we were in outer space. Oh no. If I get out of here, I'm going to die. I didn't have an oxygen mask. I turned around and there was the alien.” Stand back! I know jujitsu! I have a black belt" But the alien charged at me. I remember I had pepper spray. I sprayed the alien and it grabbed its eyes. I ran as fast so I could run a marathon. Reached the exit again. I was out of breath. I found an astronaut suit and put it on. I jumped out of the ship. I was in space. I looked behind me and saw the alien. It looked back at me. It was angry I was grinning and looked away. I saw all the planets. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Just then, I turned away from Earth and landed on Venus. Oh no. I'm stuck. Just then, I saw another alien.

WINTER SETTING Cole Danielsen, Grade 4 The clouds were dark and gloomy. It was freezing outside. The sky was cloudy and grey. I gazed up at the sky like a hawk and saw frozen trees. Out in the snow, I noticed footsteps. You could not help but stare at the snowmobiles racing towards me. The red and orange snowmobiles sparkling colour was breathtaking. Every so often, I glimpsed at a crow that was black and white. The scene made me scared I wish I could go home to a warm cup of hot chocolate!

We Move Mountains

POEMS Grade 5

MONKEY Amelia Hyde, Grade 5

BAKING Ines Wakley, Grade 5

Monkey you are the best You stand tall like none of the rest

It always leaves a mess, but baking is the best,

You see the world throw your own eyes Sometimes you have to say goodbyes

The flour gets in my hair, The eggs get everywhere

You eat so many bananas I'm surprised you aren't yellow When I go to the zoo you’re my favorite fellow

If I stop and think That baking stinks

You jump from tree to tree I how I suffer from so much jealousy

It makes me think to go back to bake, for my own sake, But if I want to say what is true, I love baking and you do too,

You're my soul mate but you're in a different State You are the smartest of all But I'm not sure you can call You are my best friend but sometimes it must come to an end I have to go home WATERSKI Caden Isbister, Grade 5

MY PINEAPPLE Olivia Whitehead, Grade 5 Pineapple you are as strong as a rock But sometimes I wanna smash you like a clock Sometimes you are a pleasure If I sold you-you would be a treasure Sometimes I wish you would float away like a boat Pineapple you are such a goat

Oh, waterski, you mean so much to me.

You look never look ruff Pineapple, when you talk your annoying voice, traps me like a cuff

As my dad guns the boat I felt like I start to fly “Not so fast dad,” or I might soon die

You are very tall And you trap me like a wall

When I was in the lake it meant so much to me Cruising on a water ski, I never felt so free

You are as spiky as a pine Out of 1-10 on the delicious scale, I give you a nine

As I jumped in the lake I just realized I can't swim.

You are as sweet as candy When I am hungry you are handy

Thankfully I had a life jacket or else this day would be grim

You are a good deed And even though I say a lot about you-you are what I need

THE MAGICAL BEE Katie Workun, Grade 5

And his eyes were blue with care First I sprinkle magic dust And then you can do what you must

There was a magical bee Like any other, he loved honey

You go to your hive and get me some honey I'm sure it is yummy

He had two brothers And a mother

So he went with-out a word Flying so fast it was like he was a bluebird

He wanted to go on a adventure ‘Cause of his quencher All that honey made him thirsty But his mother wouldn’t let him leave in-case of people blood thirsty So here was the magical bee Wanting to go out of the trees

He snuck in quiet as a mouse To his tree house He took some honey As quick as you could flip a penny The man was waiting with a smile You have a meet life style

When his mother was not looking He slipped out carefully when she was cooking

Congratulations you past the test You are the best

There were so many sounds And yet he frowned

Now you will be magically And bee passionately

Where was the water? And why was it getting hotter? Suddenly he spotted something big I think that thing could snap a twig It stomped up to him He raised his hands and cried I can't swim But the person didn't reach me Does he even know I'm a honeybee? He stomped in front And let out a grunt And said you can be magical if you do what I say Okay I’ll do it so I followed him on the pathway The stranger had brown hair


We Move Mountains


Bling, bling, bling I didn't think it would be this hard to rob a bank. There were police all around me, so I went to the back of the bank store and jumped into my jet. I loaded the 20 bombs that I stole. Hunter: I am Hunter an assassin that is supposed to kill Billy. He stops 20 bomb I called my friend Pebble and told him to get the Pebble Car. Pebble: As soon as I got the call from Hunter he told me to form into a car, then I saw Hunter jump off the roof. Now I know why Hunter wanted me to go into a car, so I opened the sunroof and Hunter hopped in. We drove off to the crime scene. Billy: As soon as I got into my jet I saw two people shape-shifting from a car to a jet. They started chasing me and I realized that it was Pebble and Hunter.


Billy: When I was tied up to the tree I saw the Pebble Car come towards me and knocked the tree on the road. I saw far away from a car coming towards me and I had remembered that to rob the bank I had a knife, so I cut the ropes off me and ran off the road. Hunter: I slid down the hill. Pebble started to shape-shifted into a sword. I grabbed Pebble as Billy grabbed his knife he stabbed me. I was bleeding super-fast. Pebble: As I saw Hunter about to get liberated by Billy I turned into Pebble Prime and dove in front of the shot. Billy: As Pebble died I was so happy I started to run as Hunter was chasing me. I pulled out my double barrel shotgun and blasted Hunter, but Hunter had a force field and block every shot I took.

Hunter: As we were flying up to Billy’s jet I grappled onto the engine and threw my C4 on it I broke the glass of the front window, and I took him out. As he parachuted I was still stuck in the jet. I crashed in a tree.

Hunter: As I shielded the blast I cloned myself. When a car was coming I hooked Billy's legs to a tree. He was just out of reach of his gun. I rewild pebble into a car and hooked Billy on it. The car sped off. Billy was attached to it. Billy cut the rope. Billy slammed back into the jet. I threw my C4 at it and Billy blew up with the jet.

Pebble: When I looked at Hunter he was hurt. On the walkie-talkie, he told me to shape-shift into Pebble Prime. I grabbed Billy by his neck and then I through Billy to Hunter. Hunter tied him up to a tree.

Caleb Chandler, Grade Five

#WEARERUNDLE We Move Mountains

THE SQUISHY SERUM FOR BAD Christian Saliba, Grade Five 
 My teacher Mr. Mister always sends me for the worst jobs to do I thought as I was going to the basement of the school. I saw a needle labeled squishy serum picked it up to report it to the teacher Suddenly! I slipped and the needle went in the air and got stuck in Caleb. He got bigger and bigger and bigger. The squishy serum turned him into a squishy. The Squishy started to chase me I got into the Rundle van and drove away. The squishy was chasing right behind me I accidentally hit a kid I got out the car and put them the van. He was unconscious I brought into my treehouse He woke up and said to me “Why the heck did you hit me with the bus?” And I told him the Story. I pushed a button and a bunch of guns came out from a bunker and I told him all about Squishy Serum. The Squishy got bigger and bigger and bigger. I pushed a button. The kid knew the launch code for the nukes. We shot it at squishy Caleb and ricocheted off of Caleb I push the red button and a fighter jet appeared out of nowhere. From the tree house, I drove it with the kid up in the sky.

Chapter 3: Not such a good potato

Chapter 2: That's a lot of damage

Apart from being punched in the face by a cloud which kind of defies physics it kind of tastes like a cotton candy almost. You know it kind of reminded me of the time I went to Callaway Park. I told my friend to not feed the ducks sourdough bread or else it would kill them but he didn't listen. Anyway, It taste like cotton candy. So I started biting into the cloud It was like a minty breeze flavour The cloud was very tasty but of course it got bigger every time I ate it for some reason because that defines physics too. There was no way to stop it until I threw my lighter at it .It caught on flames really quickly it just blew up Beep beep beep beep I woke up in the hospital with all my bones broken Yeah I shouldn't have thrown the lighter at the cloud Well I save the world and I got 999999999999999999999999999999 million dollars.

I showed the kids in the suits .We rocked to downtown Squishy Caleb destroyed the boat tour. We started shooting at him with the nail guns. Bubba… Bubba…. He was invincible. He did his retreat jump to Dubai. With the Mech suits we rocketed towards Dubai. He was on the Dubai tower bam Squishy Caleb ran towards me I ran as fast as I could it was behind me. I was faster then light. The suit was super speed. It was amazing going so fast I turned I ran so fast towards Squishy Caleb. I took my knife and dash through him. He wasn't taking any damage I tried over and over and over again but nothing worked. He was indestructible Squishy Caleb Did his super jump to the other side of the world. I followed him. We ended up in a toxic factory. He was on the very top of the ring. Suddenly I had a flash from my social studies class Mr. Mister said if you leave your bagel on the ground someone could slip on it Suddenly I remembered my mom packed me a bagel in my lunch. I Through it at Squishy Caleb. He slipped into the toxic waste and solidified to death He was dead. I Skyrocketed towards the kids

As I came towards the kid I saw a bunch of people dropping potatoes into toxic waste the potatoes got bigger and bigger and bigger The potatoes turn into little Potato Man The Giant Potatoes Started destroying everything The potatoes corner us Suddenly I remembered My mom packed me onions in my lunch. We squirted the onion juice in their eyes. Always through the cottage cheese and they blew up. Significantly Giant Potato came It had a little crown on it for some reason It looked at me It chased me up the volcano It was so fast I ran up the volcano. Suddenly started to crack open It was erupting chunks of lava rock or falling It hit the potato. It started to fry as I grabbed a gun and shot it in its thigh It fell over on the floor bribing in pain. As the lava waterfall came down It started to burn him I booted him into the volcano, and he turned into a hash brown he solidified into gas. The gas turned into a cloud monster It punched me Chapter 4: To make a long story short…Bam Chapter 5: The end


We Move Mountains

BULL AND THE HORSE Tristan Whitney-Whittaker, Grade 5 One day on a sunny morning in the Riverdale Farm, the birds were chirping, and the sun peeked over hills and smiled upon everyone in the farm. In the Riverdale farm everyone was friends except the big, short tempered, strong, Bull and the cheeky, prissy, Horse. They were friends when they were calf and colt. But when they got older they didn’t get along. In fact they hated each other. One day Bull challenged Horse to wrestle him. And Horse lost short after. The next day Horse got up early when sun wasn't even shining and challenged Bull to a dance battle. After it seemed like years of dancing Horse finally won. After many more fights, Bull finally said he was sorry to Horse. Then Horse paused for a moment and then said he was sorry. Then Horse said do “you wanna be friends?’’ Bull said “yes!”. And gave Horse a warm smile. Then after that they spent almost all their time together. The Moral Of The Story Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. And despite their differences everyone should be treated the same big or small: with kindness.

#WEARERUNDLE We Move Mountains

THE POLAR BEAR AND THE EEL Sarah Workun, Grade 5 There once was an Eel and a Polar Bear, they lived in the Arctic ocean. There was not a lot of food but just 
 enough for them to stay alive. They were happy with just a little bit of food. Suddenly Eel woke up and realized that his tummy was rumbling Eel was not eating enough. Eel started to eat all the food and no one got any food only Eel. He always had a full stomach. Polar Bear and the other animals were all very hungry. Polar Bear did not understand why Eel could not share. One cold day the furry creature swam to Eels house. Eel opened the door ‘’what is it’’ ‘’your taking all the food and soon were going to starve can you stop said Polar Bear! ’’ ‘’I am not going to stop i like my life how it is right now goodbye’’ replied eel. Why was he so mean she thought. The day were colder and polar bear was miserable all the animals were but not Eel he was well fed. Polar Bear went to eels house to worn him that he will get fat if he eats to much. Partly because she and the others were hungry she knocked Eel ‘’what do you want.’’’’ I'm here to say can you stop eating all the food you might get fat.’’ In a blink of an eye Eel swim into his house and slammed the door. Well she had warned him. The next day Eel was on his porch enjoying the sun he was really big now this was enough she swam and yelled. ‘’Please stop taking all the food’’. Suddenly his face flush with angry from out of nowhere Eel blue up. He was gone’’ yay now we get some food’’ ALL THE ANIMALS YELLED……….. MORAL: Don’t take more than you need



One day Turtle and Dolphin were playing in the deep ocean. Dolphin wanted to play hide and seek but Turtle wanted to play tag. They argued back and forth all day until their parents told them that it was time to come in for dinner. The next day Dolphin came back to apologize to Turtle but no one was at their normal meeting spot. So he went to Turtle’s house but only his parents were there. They said that Turtle had got up early to go and apologize to Dolphin. So then Dolphin swam home at full speed. Then out of nowhere a gang of Jellyfish had him surrounded and then one of them said come with us if you want to ever see your friend again. Dolphin reluctantly went with them. They took him to there secret base and threw him in a jail cell with Turtle. Turtle he croaked weekly is that you. Dolphin you found me. We need to break out of here, yes we do said Turtle. “But how?” “with this” Turtle said pulling out a key from in his shell. How did you get that? I got it from my guard. “Then let's get out of here” “yes let’s go”! they waited till the cover of dark. Then they snuck out without being seen. When they got home they apologized to each other and decided to play hide and seek tag. They lived happily ever after as great friends. Moral Small friends can be great ones it's not worth losing them over a small fight.


THE BALD EAGLE AND THE GOLD EAGLE Jacob Murphy, Grade 5 One day 
 there was two Eagles. There was a Gold and a Bald Eagle. The Bald Eagle was flying in the beautiful Rocky Mountains in the morning. It was a harsh winter and there was no food to be found. Bald Eagle hadn't ate in three days, “I’m so hungry” the Eagle said. Gold Eagle was also looking for food, and Gold Eagle also had a harsh winter to. But he was in luck, Gold Eagle spotted a rabbit and screech for joy. Bald Eagle heard the noise and went straight to it. Bald Eagle saw the same rabbit that the Gold Eagle saw and went to grab it. But Gold Eagle flew to Bald Eagle and pushed him. And Bald Eagle wasn't happy about it, so he pushed the Gold Eagle back “that’s my food” said Gold Eagle. Bald Eagle said “NO that’s my food” and he charge towards Gold Eagle and he started to charge towards him and they started fighting each other. The Eagles both are very very hungry. Fighting for the rabbit, both are grabbing and biting each other. They are so hungry they could eat anything, they just need food! As the Eagles are fighting, the rabbit ran as far away as possible. Both of the Eagles wanted food, Bald Eagle said “maybe it’s better if we work together to find food” Gold Eagle agreed and said “yeah, it would be easier to find food”. And both Eagles helped each other find food. Moral Those who share help themselves but others too.

THE FOREST Skylah Fleury, Grade 5 As the sunset dusk arose over the mountains the sun faded in to black. The moon was full, not like any other. The wind whistled and howled as trees danced in the wind. All of the sudden I could hear the crackling of branches. The roots in the trees shook and shivered as something rustled against them. I started to feel uneasy. Out of my cabin window I swear I saw something again. I felt a little lightheaded, I looked a second time out my window and the forest was empty. I thought I was going crazy, as I crept down the front stairs. I slowly open the door and I felt a shiver up my spine. Slowly I closed the door. Something told me to go take a second look. All of the sudden there was a ginormous black beast was crawling towards the cabin. I jumped as tears rolled down my face, at this point I didn’t know what to do, the beast had two enormous feet. Black beating eyes, teeth as sharp as a knife. I froze and took a big inhale as my lungs filled with fear. The Creature stood on it two feet making it as tall as it could. The bone chilling beast Swung it paws at the cabin with a Powerful swing. I grasped my rifle trying to pull the trigger. As the beast crawled on the roof, I could hear the wood cracking as each paw clawed at work, I ran as fast as could out of the cabin. All of the sudden the roof collapsed and beast was standing there.

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THE WOLF Anna Lavallee, Grade 5


Wolf walked to lake superior and saw his friend, 
 Bear. Wolf thought bear was much cooler than him, because he was much stronger. Wolf asked Bear if he could help him become stronger, like him. The bear roared with laughter, “You think that you can become strong like me? That would take YEARS! That’s a waste of my time, can’t you see that i’m trying to get ready for winter?” Wolf was confused. “Your lying right? I thought you would help me?” Wolf whined. “Scram Wolf! You should get ready for winter too.” Bear yelled with anger. Wolf’s ears flopped down, Wolf started to speed up and ran like a bolt! Wolf ran back to his den, suddenly he slowed down. Just then Wolf noticed something, “I don’t need to be strong to be cool, I’m fast. That’s what makes me cool!” Wolf spoke again,“Everyone is cool in there own way, Bears are Bears, Wolfs are Wolfs.” MORAL: 1.Doesn’t matter how strong you really are. 2.You don’t need to be strong to be cool.

BANG BANG BANG! The wisk hit the side of the bowl as granny was making some delicious mouthwatering cookies. She started to prepare the baking tray and rolled the cookies up into balls and popped the tray into the oven. As the cookies were baking, she could smell the delightful heavenly aroma. Granny went to the supermarket to get a jug of milk for breakfast tomorrow. When she got back she put the milk on the counter and goes to get the cookies out of the oven, she turns around and knocks the milk off the counter. It spills all over the floor and the cookies come swinging out of her hands. As she looks down the cookies land on the milk all cracked. As granny looks down angrily she grabs a cloth to clean it up. She realizes that she can still eat them even though there cracked. So, she picks up a cookie covered milk and takes a bite it tastes delicious! For now, on I will eat cookies with milk.

#WEARERUNDLE We Move Mountains

HAMSTER AND THE WOLF Charlie Thiessen, Grade 5

THE SHARK AND THE MONKEY Elias Tsaprailis, Grade 5

The Wolf and Hamster were running from a hunter; Hamster is on Wolf’s back. Wolf is strong and stubborn. He has long grey and white hair that is as bright as all stars. His eyes are as red as blood and a stubby little tail from all the fights. Wolf is so big he doesn’t fit in Hamster house. Hamster on the other hand, is small and helpful. Her brownish hair is as fluffy as a cloud. Her crafty mind and her generous touch help her kind heart. Wolf ran into the woods “BOOM,” the gate closed. Hamster and Wolf were suck in the woods, the hunter smiled “Good. This odd friendship will bring money!” “Yah” cried the hunter’s friend. Then Wolf saw a small drop of water on hamster face. “wolf…” Hamster quietly cried, “you promise not to… “promise” Wolf explained happily. Hamster and the Wolf started to gather equipment for a shelter. They made 2 beds and managed to gather a few pieces of food. Hamster and Wolf slept on a soft pile of roses. The next day Hamster and Wolf begin to make a plan to escape. 4 years of planning later, Wolf begin to starve, but his promise he’s little friend not to eat her. Later Hamster brought Wolf 17 flowers for dinner but Wolf can take it anymore he needed meat. Hamster cried of sadness” Wolf stop and look at yourself. Your becoming a MONSTER.” Hamster cried and cried and cried till she had no more tears to cry.

The Shark Was in the water and he was thinking of playing hockey, he yelled to monkey hey you want to play hockey? monkey wants to play hockey however the shark said if your team wins you get to take over the hole jungle. Monkey said yes Shark is very scary and very sneaky and has big sharp teeth and dark grey body and is mean greedy and selfish. Monkey is friendly good sportsmanship encourage his teammates, brown greyish reddish fur. Whoever wins the game gets to take over the jungle and the water. They go to the arena and its game day. They tie their skates They go out on the ice. The Sharks yell to the Monkeys “you guys are weak and not good “. The Monkeys felt sad. Both teams are excited. A Bird drops the puck and then they play hockey. Number 4 on the Monkey’s team gets the first goal!! The Sharks number 19 scored next. The Monkeys feel sad that they let them score. in second period, number 10 scored it was 2-1 for the Monkeys !! then the Sharks scored now it is 2-2. now going into the 3 period to then Monkeys scored and then Monkey win 3-2 final !! They get to take the hole jungle and Shark said good game to Monkey. And then the Monkeys team was so happy! Moral: To treat people with respect.

And that is when Wolf remembered at Hamster is his best friend, he can’t eat her! But not eat changes one. Wolf was blinded, so blinded he did not think. Even though he didn’t what to, he did it. He eats his best friend. Wolf had never felt so lonely in his life. Wolf was not hungry but, he lost his friend. Moral: Choose friends over food.


We Move Mountains

THE HUMMINGBIRD AND THE MONKEY Rhys Whittaker, Grade 5 A long time ago in an emerald green jungle where flowers are rainbows of colour, and the water sparkles in the sun. The animals all live in peace with one another. but then there is a monkey he is short and stubby, with golden hair and spots of brown and black. He’s always stealing, bragging and being obnoxious. Everyone wanted monkey to leave but he lives here and even though they should make him leave they don't. Monkey lives in one of the tallest trees that overlooks the north side of the jungle, with the lions and snakes. But if he's not there he's begging and taking food from the other animals. But on the other end of the spectrum is hummingbird lives down in the south east with the dragonflies and the rabbits they keep to themselves. Hummingbird lives in a nice large nest that he puts flowers in every day. Hummingbirds usually live in the Northwest. Hummingbird is a great aquamarine with lavender purple spots, with chocolate brown eyes. Hummingbird didn’t even know about how much trouble monkey was causing with other animals, until a couple weeks ago. Hummingbird Overheard from a couple of dragonflies that a monkey stole from one of the rabbits. He thought that they were just over exaggerating, but he wouldn’t jump to conclusions so soon, without even seeing him in person. Hummingbird was feeling a little bit hungry so she decided to go get some nectar, so he started to fly to the north side of the jungle. That’s where the pink flowers grow those are hummingbirds favorite. From the sky he could see all of the animals carrying on with their little lives with no cares at all, from above he could see the emerald green trees and the, the golden grasses in the beautiful fields separating the little patches of flowers on the edge of grand river just after the rapids. He was slowly getting to the north, but then he heard a cry for help. He soared through the air in the direction of the scream. when he looked down and saw it was a small, stubby, long tailed, brown and golden monkey. He dived and landed and he saw a monkey that looked hungry, then he stuttered that “I need food” hummingbird being so nice said “ok I’ll be back within one minute”. Scooped around monkey picked up berries and drop them in front of monkey. Hummingbird was wearing a nice hat made out of leaves, but once hummingbird was finished he realized that the hat was gone and so was monkey. Hummingbird was furious he kicked off into the sky, he scanned the area for any signs of monkey but he was nowhere to be found. He kept flying until there he was monkey was running as fast as he could hummingbird soared down and landed on top of monkey, brought him to the ground put his claws to his throat and he said three challenges if I win you leave the jungle, but if you win you get my tree, and then hummingbird kicked off short into the sky and went home. It was not long until the whole jungle knew about the three challenges and the jungle was split into monkey supporters mostly monkeys, and hummingbird supporters that were animals of all sorts.

We Move Mountains

He awoke the next day to flowers of all-sorts some that he had not seen before. But he didn't want to get distracted he remembered that the challenges started today the first one in the morning, the second one in the afternoon, the third one in the night. He flew off to where the tree climb was supposed to be, it was the same
 place where hummingbird met monkey. Once he got there he saw the cluster of animals all cluttered together around one large tree. He landed on the ground and saw the con Master monkey. It was not long until the challenges begun, the tree climb started with a lion commentating. But he had a trick up his self, he would just fly. Monkey was fast but hummingbird was faster. He was hitting branch after branch, and just like that he won. it was not until the carrying challenge was on, Monkey was first up. He could carry tree large rocks. Then it was hummingbird turn he could carry three pebbles, monkey was laughing his tail off. And then one of the loins said “I declared a feast for all animals, tall and the small. The crowd erupted into cheers monkey and hummingbird were carried to the feast. Hummingbird had a large crowd had had enclosed around hummingbird, he was on the back of the largest elephant. As monkey, had just as many animals around him he was on the back of a large loin. Soon they were at large canopy decorated with as sorts of tassels, Jewels and other rare Beautiful decorations. They can to a long and thin table with the exact number of animals in the jungle. They all sat down at the table, and the lion “said let the feast begin” and then monkey sprung up on to the table and every single dish insight. And there he was a fat blond haired monkey with three dishes in each hand. All the animals look disgusted, Before anyone could say anything they were all gone. As the party went on Monkey looked tired, and then he fell asleep right on the Maggot pie. And then the lion said time for the puzzle challenge. Hummingbird I knew he had the upper hand. As all the animals started leave monkey just sat there fast asleep. Once they got to the place where was puzzle, they saw a scrambled picture made out of clay tiles. Monkey slowly but surely stumbled in. With lines under his eyes he said “what are we waiting for”. As monkey and hummingbird walked up to the puzzle, he saw that a tile was missing. Before the horn blew, the lion announced” if you find the missing tile you win. And then a large bellowing sound announced that the final challenge had begun. As the two speeded off to the puzzle, monkey took one look at the puzzles and ran off. He completed the puzzle and saw it was of the jungles centre, and he thought that were the tile was missing that's where it was. once he got to the place, he saw the tile in the large tree and monkey was nowhere to be found. But then the sky darkened and the clouds roared. And the lightning danced across the sky. And then hit the tree and setting it on fire and taking another with it. Soon it spread to the other tree the long dry season made the trees like a Match As the tree with the tile in it as it fell he Caught in his mouth dodging the tree. He went to the canopy he knew that the animals would have gone there for shelter from the rain. And he was right and monkey was there and the puzzle. Hummingbird asked who brought it and monkey said I did. Hummingbird asked why then he said when the rain came and the animals started to go I said go to the canopy and then I waited until all the animals were accounted for then I bought the puzzle. All that hummingbird said “together” as monkey walked closer the two lifted the tile and place it in the puzzle. The end.


We Move Mountains

THE DOG AND THE CLEVER CAT Ria Mogan, Grade 5 “Ouch! You pulled my tail!” The dog yelled at the clever cat. The dog was mad at the clever cat, so he 
 chased her around the yard to get his revenge. He tripped and fell flat on his face! The dog had short scruffy hair and had brown dirty hair. The clever cat had long 27 " hair that was striped white and grey. The cat, being so clever jumped gracefully onto a fence claws clacking rhythmically. Then she leaped off the fence and ran seeking sanctuary from the dog. She didn't like this chase one little bit. Meanwhile the dog was still stuck on the wrong side of the fence. He couldn't find a way to get to the other side then he saw it a way out! There was a loose board that was big enough for the dog to fit! He pushed the board and ran through, bolting after the grey and white cat. Then they ran all around the neighbourhood. Eventually the cat ran through a window into a house and down the stairs into the crawlspace, spoking Chester the bunny because of all the commotion. The cat then turned sharply and suddenly causing the dog to crash. The cat knew this would happen and Exclaimed, “I got out ok because I thought it through carefully and strategically you did it fast and quickly. Moral: clever planning beats fast planning. THE DOLPHIN AND THE SEA TURTLE Taryn Stanford, Grade 5 In the ocean by the town of Sea World lived the sea turtle. He was known for doing stuff without thinking like the time when he when skydiving. He’s mischievous, funny and as brave as a soldier. The sea turtles best friend is dolphin. They have known each other since birthing I won't get into that story. The dolphin is a true minded, clumsy, loving, trustworthy, and always puts a smile on your face type of dolphin. The dolphin and the turtle whizzed past cape coral pass like they do every day to school. “Come on do we have to take the same path every day?” Announced the turtle. It's so boring taking the same path again and again. I'm going to shark valley with or without you are you coming dolphin? “Don't go to shark valley is supposed to be the most dangerous path in the world, shouted the dolphin.” In a blink of an eye he was gone. Dolphin cried and cried. The dolphin had no choice but to wait at the end of the path he waited and waited and waited and waited and waited and waited some more. The dolphin glanced at the coral clock it was already 7. She had no choice but to call 911. Seconds later nino nino nino nino. They explained that the turtle had been eaten by a shark and his bones were left by the bench of sharks. From then on the whole town of SeaWorld knew never to take shark valley and trust one another specially to trust dolphin. The moral of the story- Trust one another.


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THE WHALE CATASTROPHE Addison Nelson, Grade 6

He opened up the door and ran up to his room. He grabbed his skate board and his thick rope and ran downstairs.

“Bye mom” yelled Jackson as he dashed out the 
 front door jumping onto his bike. He was going for a leisurely bike ride around the small ocean side town of Mackenzie Side. His bright yellow shirt shook in the wind, his dirty blond locks danced in the salty ocean breeze. He went for a bike ride every day before his home schooling. He wasn’t like a normal kid who went to school every day, well he went to school bit it was just at home and his teacher was his mom. He went to a normal neighbourhood school in grade 1, 2, 3 and 4, but he didn’t like it. All the kids found something to make fun of him. And in grade 5 he finally had the guts to ask his mom to home school him she said, “I would love to home school you” and now he has been home schooled for 2 years. Now he is in grade 6 and he loves it. His shoes shine in the morning sun light. He biked over to the Mackenzie hill the biggest hill in town. The hill goes down then up it kind of looks like a u shape. Jackson peddled to the hill. He adjusted his helmet he put on his race face. He was planning to go down the whole hill not using his breaks. He peddled down the hill he was going so fast, and then all of a sudden a great big hump back whale jumped belly first right in the middle of the road almost crushing Jackson. Jackson turned around his face was I shock, he stood staring at the whale for about 1 minute. Eventually he came out of shock. He thought to himself, “is it just me or am I hallucinating?” Then all of a sudden he heard a screech, “it’s a whale AAAHHHHH run for your life!” “I guess it’s not just me,” he said. “I need to get this poor whale back to the ocean,“Jackson said. He thought of a quick game plan. He would quickly bike home, get his skate board and a thick rope, ride back and then tow the whale back to the ocean but that’s ok because the ocean is only 2 blocks away.

His mom said, “YOU ARE LATE!” “SORRY MOM THIS IS AN EMERGENCY,” yelled Jackson. “I have to go!” “YOU GET BACK HERE NOW MISTER!” Jackson slammed the door behind him and rode back to the whale. When he got there, the blue humpback whale was not so blue now. He was grey and crusty and Jackson needed to get the whale back to the ocean immediately. So Jackson rolled the skate board under the whale’s belly and attached one end of the thick rope to the front of the skate board and the other end to Jackson’s bike. Jackson was amazed that the skate board didn’t break. So Jackson got a good grip on the handle bars, Jackson used all his might to pull the whale up the hill. But Jackson was not strong enough to pull the whale up the hill. But that didn’t stop him, he didn’t give up, and then all of a sudden the bike started to move. The whale was moving! Jackson was really pulling the whale up the hill! Jackson and the whale went up Mackenzie hill, down Mackenzie Ave and right down to Mackenzie beach. Jackson rode his bike onto the dock and then he pushed the whale back into the ocean. He immediately found his group of whale friends, and then the whale shook his tail in the air saying thank you Jackson. Jackson really felt like a true superhero. He rode home and told his mom but obviously she didn’t believe him. But then his mom turned on the TV and Jackson was all over the news. Jackson’s mom said, “I am so proud of you for never giving up!”

“Now,” said Jackson, “I have to do this quickly.” He hopped on his bike and rode home the fastest he had ever ridden before in his whole entire life.


We Move Mountains


Kieran Jordan, Grade 6

“OOH OOH OOH,” “What was that,” Jeremey said. What the boy did not know was that Mayor Bumble Trump was trying to get revenge on all the whales in Newfoundland and Labrador. “I don’t think that noise is coming from the bay.” Jeremey said to himself, so the boy went back home to fetch his trusty dog Baxter. When the boy and his dog got to the bay they saw Mayor Bumble Trump with a rifle and shooting all the whales, except one. The Mayor said to himself in his disturbing voice “This is the last whale in the bay I will not kill it today, but tomorrow will be the whale’s execution. This last whale will be killed at the rally held at mid day tomorrow and everyone can see why they suck.”The boy was devastated he could not believe that the Mayor hated whales so much. The boy had a plan to stop the tragedy and to embarrass the Mayor. But first he had to get the whale back into the water. It was nightfall, Jeremy and his dog Baxter set out on his bike towards the bay. The whale looked like it needed water because it no longer had its beautiful colour of dark blue and white under belly. The colour on the top of the whale where the dark blue had been was very light blue with a lot of dry peeling skin. Its white colour was close to black. The boy had to remind himself that there was no time to look at how bad the whale was. He must take his dad’s boat and tie a rope to the boat and the whale, and then try to pull it as far as possible out of the bay. After the boys got the whale out of the bay, the whale jumped up into the sky and said, “HOOROO.” Now it was time to embarrass the Mayor, the boy got a sign that was shaped like a whale, but was not a whale. It said, “I am a big stupid idiot, I like to kill whales in the bay. All the moaning was the whales getting shot with a rifle.” Now the boy had to make sure the Mayor did not find the fake whale so he covered it with a blanket and left a note. “Hi Mayor, I got the whale all sorted out. Sincerely, your assistant who should get a higher salary and a Lamborghini Hurricane.” At the rally, the Mayor brought the fake whale. The Mayor said, “This object that is covered by a blanket is the last whale and you will all watch me kill it. But when the Mayor took the blanket off and then everyone read out loud the sign “I am a big stupid idiot, I like to kill whales in the bay. All the moaning was the whales getting shot with a rifle. “Everyone turned and looked at the Mayor and started chanting “NO MORE MAYOR BUMBLE TRUMP,” and throwing tomatoes at the no longer Mayor. Then Jeremey was walking home he was thinking to himself how he saved the last whale. He was really proud of himself, when he grows up he will become a whale saver.


We Move Mountains

STUDENTS WENT TO A SKY PRESERVE LAST WEEK Lola Brimacombe, Grade 6 A grade 6
 class went to a sky preserve last week in Alberta. The purpose of the visit last week was to learn more about dark-sky preserves and why they are important to people and animals. There are only four dark-sky preserves in Alberta where we don’t have much light pollution from artificial sources. We have a incredible view of the Milky Way galaxy. “Did you know the biggest sky preserve is in Alberta in wood buffalo national park” said a student in the class. Dark sky preserves are normally located away from cities. There’s barely any artificial light at dark sky preserves. Did you know that some animals use darkness to hide from predators? And that owls, nighthawks, and bats are most active in the night and that light pollution effects animals. People in towns and cities are unaware of beauty of the night sky. A lot of night objects are invisible in artificial light. A lot of wildlife and environment are sensitive to artificial lighting.

THE WHALE HUNT Mikayla Coupland, Grade 6 ZAP! The lights started to flicker before they went out, the storm was getting stronger the ocean waves crashing down onto the houses below. The storm finally came to an end. Then I started to go for a walk I couldn’t help to notice this things on the road. From here it looked like a dolphin. I ran up closer to get a better look. I couldn’t believe my eyes, a whale was sleeping in the middle of the LA highway! He must have washed up here during the storm. I have to get him back to the ocean. I have an idea. I sprinted straight home. When I got home, I grabbed my bike and biked back to the whale. When I got there the whale was still asleep I climbed onto him and started jumping. He woke up right away. I slid down him like he was a slide. I noticed how beautiful the LA sign was and the view of the city was phenomenal. I noticed he was a navy dark blue humpback whale. Bright blue eyes shimmered in the light. Water burst out of his blow hole, he was so cute I couldn’t stand myself. I told the whale I was going to get him back to the ocean. I said “Hi my name is John what is your name.” Willy he replied. “Nice to meet you Willy, can you bite on this string? I will attach it to my bike then I can take you back to the ocean let’s go.” I tried attaching the rope to my handle bars, here we go I said to Willy. There was no room for my hand I took it off maybe my pedal I said. I tried to pedal, that was an epic fail. Then I attached it to my seat. Here we go. I started to pedal, it worked! Up and up we went 2 more minutes. “We’re almost there Willy.” 2 minutes later. “Willy we’re here.” Willy spat out the rope I pushed him into the ocean. He found his pod in no time. “Bye Willy” I said as he swam away. This was the best day ever. I saved a whale and got to watch him swim away with his pod. I biked home. “I am happy I saved you Willy, I said.”


We Move Mountains

THE MAGIC PENCIL OF POWER Natalie Strauss, Grade 6 “Where do I go!?” Alex thought running violently trying to find a spot to hide. Suddenly Alex ran past a 
 large, steel storage trunk. Just then making a fast turn backwards she sprung behind the firm crate. “Where are you, rotten thug” said Bob. Bob has been cruel, nasty and a bully to Alex forever. What is worst is they are always together they go to the same school, are in the same class and both there moms are best friends with each other! What happened today is Bob injured Alex’s arm now her arm is all bloody! A moment later Alex saw something in the corner of her eye, a marvellous pencil with gold dots and blue stars. Baffled, Alex gets a note book out of her backpack and starts to draw a water bottle. Not a moment too soon the same water bottle Alex sketched was at her feet! Trying it again, Alex sketched shoes that can make her run as fast as she wanted and just like before the shoes were at her feet. “This is awesome!” She said yelling as loud as she can. Just then she remembered that Bob was looking for her. Soon Bob yelled “where are you.” Getting her new shoes on Alex runs all the way home. The next day Alex gets to school feeling pleasant. Surprised, she sees Bob in the hallway drawing something. BLEEM! As the bell for class rings and right after Bob throws the drawing in the trash. Alex’s class is in one hour so she gets the paper and is shocked to see a suicide note and plan! Worried as can be Alex runs to the head master’s office “What are you doing entering my office get out!” the head master said angry “I am so very sorry sir but I found a…” Just then the head master pushed her out of the room and locked the door. After reading the plan Alex found out the Bob was going to kill himself by drowning at the bay near the board walk. After school was done Alex started to spy on Bob and heard Bob talking to his friends about how much he loved sea monsters and he loved them more than life. Just then Alex got a great idea. Today was Saturday and the day Bob was going to kill himself. Starting to run to the board walk Alex sees Bob but he looks terrible, both his eyes are purple, he has a bloody nose and there is a giant rash on his forehead. Knowing there is not a lot of time left Alex got her magic pencil and her notebook and sketched a sea monster with eyes as black as the night sky and skin has blue has the sea. Suddenly the sea beast fell into the ocean soon after Alex was surprised to see Bob cry and hug the monster but then he saw her. At first Alex thought that Bob was going to hurt her but then Bob hugged her and said “I am sorry thank you for helping me see that I am not useless and not to kill myself” “but how did you know I made him” said Alex but Bob started to walk away. Alex never thought she’d see Bob again he moved to France and Bob’s mom stop talking to her mom. But 9 years later Alex got a text from someone name Bob Ross “Hi Alex it’s me from school can you meet me at the board walk I last saw you at, sorry for everything.” THE END



Clara said in surprise. “Okay, I believe you.” Frank said, “Wait, the lochness monster can talk.”

 that?” thought Clara. “Hey Frank, come see this.” Sadie the dog followed Frank as usual to the side of the dock. “Look at the giant splash, Frank.” Frank replied, “That’s not a usual splash.” Clara said. “It’s just a regular splash. Fish can do that.” Frank said. “But Clara…oh never mind.” Later that afternoon, Frank came over to Clara. Frank said, “Mom said it’s time for lunch.” After lunch, Clara said, “Come on Frank, let’s go on the boat.” Frank said, “Look there it is again.” The giant splash came up. Sadie the dog jumped in the water. Clara exclaimed, “No, Sadie, no! First Sadie, now you Frank?” Frank also jumped into the water. “Mom and Dad are going to be so mad!” Underneath the boat they head a rattling. Frank said, “Look, the Lochness Monster, Clara.” “The Lochness monster is not real, Frank. It’s just a fairy tale.” Frank said, “No, but Clara look!” “I told you it’s just a fairytale.” Frank said, “Get out of the boat or you are going to get yourself killed. Mom and dad would rather have you than the boat.” Clara jumped out of the board and surprise there was a green slimy thing making a splash like earlier. “Clara, I told you it was real.”

“Oh hello children, my name is Michael. What is yours?” “My name is Clara and this is my younger brother Frank.” Michael said, “Let’s go on an adventure.” Frank squealed in excitement. “You really are real! Can we take you back to show our parents?” “Oh no, not this again. Don’t make me go through the kid stage! But okay we can go.” Clara said, “You kind of ruined our boat. How do we get back to shore?” “You can ride on my back,” said Michael. “Hop on my tail.” “Okay,” said Clara, “let’s go Frank.” On they got. “Hold on tight,” said Michael. “Or you are going to go flying.” Later that afternoon, they eventually got to the dock. As Michael rose out of the water their parents screamed in shock, “I thought the Lochness monster wasn’t real. It’s supposed to be a fairytale.” All of the boats that were in the lake got a closer look. A man in a random boat said, “Is that who I think it is?” He fainted right there in front of everyone on the dock. And that’s the story of the Lochness monster.


THE BIRD Sam McDougall, Grade 6 Max and
 Emma were at their cabin in Panorama, BC. “Wow I can’t wait to try my new RC airplane” Max said. His sister Emma was just 5 years old, and she was playing in her room with her pink Barbie house set. As Max walked outside down a hill to the snow-covered basketball court, in the corner of his eye he saw something blue and white. Quickly, he turned to look and nothing was there. Hmmm that’s strange he thought. Suddenly, he heard rustling in the tree branches ahead but kept walking. “This is really creepy,” Max thought. He kept walking cautiously looking around darting his eyes here and there. After ten long freaky minutes he made it to the basketball court. Max slowly turned on his plane the tiny motors made a loud wrrrrriing noise as the plane took off. The small plane was very good at performing stunts. Max saw Emma on their back porch watching it do loop the loops, hartline rolls and even fly upside down for a while. Just then a white and blue blur swooped down grabbed the plane and flew away. NOOOOOOO!!! Max screamed chasing after the bird. “Emma sweetie,” her mom said, “Go walk Bob the dog please.” “Ok” Emma replied, but she wanted to help Max. Quickly Emma had an idea she harnessed up Bob to her sled and chased after Max. Max was chasing the bird deep into the forest. He was panting, Emma was slowly catching up behind him they were on its tail. No matter what it did, they kept after it, around trees, past the valley up hills, they even went back to the basketball court. By the time they were past the valley they didn’t realize they were separated. Without noticing Max was still after the bird, Emma had abandoned her sled and was following Bob who was sniffing out Max. “MAX!!!” Emma cried out. No answer. “MAX!!!” she said again. Still no answer, one last time she yelled, “MAX!!!” “EMMA!?” he replied quickly. Emma ran over to him. She looked up only to see that they weren’t getting the plane back the bird had ripped up the Styrofoam parts and made them into its net. It was only then that they realized they were lost. “Oh no,” Max said looking up its getting dark. Emma went into a panic attack blabbering on and on about how they will die or never find home again. Max just ignored her and started collecting sticks. Once he had enough he started rubbing them together really fast. Soon he has started a fire. Emma jumped with happiness. Max just remembered he had his rose gold iPhone X in his pocket. Soon after Search and Rescue was coming, the sky was pitch black. Emma sitting by the fire with Bob laying on her lap. Max put the rest of the wood on the fire. “Why are you putting so much wood on the fire,” Emma asked. “So it will be easier for the rescue team to find us,”Max said. They heard a howling noise in the distance, Emma was shaking with fear. After about an hour she was fast asleep on Max’s lap. He slowly stood up so Emma won’t wake up. Suddenly he started to hear a very loud chopping noise. “Finally!” Max said. Emma woke up she takes one look around saw the helicopter and screamed with happiness. They were brought to a hospital where they were checked for injuries and met back up with their parents.


We Move Mountains

THE MYSTERY IN THE WOODS Samantha Dietrich, Grade 6

crash ever where “ Luke said to Maggie. They look around nobody was on the plane “Maybe we should go home for now mom probably wants us Beep Beep Beep ‘’AHH” Maggie said when she fell home” Luke said scared “Fine but can we come 
 out of bed. She feel the beam of the sun shining back tomorrow Luke please if we can’t then I am on her, “That is good weather for walking not leaving from here” She said “Ok lets go now”. brownie, LUKE, COME ON IT SUNNY OUT!” She They both walk back home brownie walking said excited. Maggie ran downstairs and made behind them. “We can’t tell mom about this ok” some food for Luke and herself, “Morning Luke said to both brownie and Maggie “ok but Maggie” Luke said “Morning Luke today is the tomorrow we will tell mommy that we are taking day the sun is beaming out and because it nice brownie for a walk and we can then go see that out, can we maybe take brownie on a walk we can plane crash that happened” Maggie charm “Yes find cool things, on the walk and we can even go but we can’t go there everyday , and it might be to are favorite places the woods!” Maggie said smart to tell someone about this because we went well she was making breakfast “Fine we can take in the plane but we didn’t search it all. There brownie on a walk but it still is snowing out” Luke could be people that are hurt and need help we said. Both Luke and Maggie walk outside and got don’t know when that plane crash I could of crash brownie all ready for the walk. They would always today we need tell someone now and quickly” take brownie in the woods! “Wait up Maggie I Luke said. Luke got a call from his mom “hello need to leave a note for mom” Luke yelled. He mom yes we are coming home now don’t worry swiftly write the note it said. Dear mom. Me and we are find” Luke hang up. “ok we have to get Maggie are going to be taking brownie on a walk , home quick” Luke said. When they got home they if you need us we will be in the woods, and yes saw there mom sitting at the table “You said you mom we will be careful. Love Maggie and Luke. would be home by 3:00 it is 6:00 now what ‘’Ok Maggie let's get going now we probably will happened” there mom Kai said “Sorry mom be home at 3:00pm ok sis” Luke said well he was Maggie wanted to climb a tree that we found” running “Ok we will be home at 3:00pm I want to Luke said “Well it bed good night and your not stay till 5:00pm but I guess not “ she said in a going to be going outside tomorrow” Kai yelled shabby voice. They both walk down a dark path “Sorry mom good night” Maggie said. Both kids lead them in to the woods, they played around for ran upstairs “Luke we need to go tonight to see a long time “Maggie we have to go home now it’s that plane crash or we will never see it again come 3:00 pm”Luke said out of breath “Ok but first can Luke lets go please” Maggie said quickly “Fine but me and brownie climb up that tree over there we have to be back here by the morning we are in please “Maggie said “Fine but be careful because if trouble” Luke said. They wait till there mom was you break a leg, it going to be everything on me asleep then they ran outside and into the woods and brownie can’t climb that tree” Luke chuckle. they follow the path and it lead them to the same So Maggie started to climb the tree “OW” Maggie tree before. “This is it right” Maggie said well yelled. ‘’What’s wrong Maggie” Luke said “There looking up that the tall tree they both climb up the a plane in the tree” She said “HAHA a plane tree “Here it is the plane crash well nobody is here really Maggie funny” Luke said “No look’’ Maggie right now” said Maggie they look around said. Luke climb up the tree to really see if Maggie “nobody’s in the plane I look” Like said “Well saw a crash plane, he climb up high and saw that what is this plane for?’’ Maggie said “I don’t know there was the biggest plane he ever saw ‘’Wow I but we should not be here we should be in bed am going to go in the plane ok” Luke yelled down this is not are plane let's go home now Maggie” to Maggie “No not without me Luke” Maggie said. Luke said. When they were walking home they So Luke help Maggie up the tree the plane was saw this guy climbing up the same tree “Who’s crash down it didn’t look like anyone was in the that” Maggie said “Let’s go see but after that we plane so they both step in the plane “This is wired going home and going to bed so mom does not a plane in a tree?” Maggie said “Yes but plane can now that we were out in the woods alone” Luke #WEARERUNDLE

OUT OF THIS WORLD! Matteo Fontana, grade 6 BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP, I woke up in a panic thinking the beeping was a fire alarm, but lucky for me it 
 was just my alarm clock, it wakes up my roommate too and we both start to get up and get dressed and we both start walking down the military halls, and I check if I have to do military training today. Fortunately, I don’t till later, and I have nothing on my schedule this morning, so I decide that I’ll take a walk. As I walk out of the military base. But on my way, out I notice a boy, a girl, and a dog staring at something in a tree, I ask them if they know what it is and the boy says “no, but we do know how it got in that tree. it came from space, and it started moving down at us faster and faster but it crashed into this tree before it could hit us. BRRRRING BRRRRING BRRRRRRRING my phone gets a call from the military base, I answer and it and the commander shouts over the phone, GET BACK HERE, NO TIME TO EXPLAIN, AND GET IN YOUR PLANE! It sounds like something big is happening, it sounds like an emergency! so I run as fast as I can back to the military base and get in my plane and take off and I see: SO MANY SHIPS, and they all look like that one in the tree. they start to fire missiles and come done at us. Some missiles hit the other pilots and they instantly explode! I start shooting some explosives at them. it takes some of them down I see them shooting back at me, I see my life flash before my eyes as I veer awe form a missile. And then I realize, this attack isn’t from another nation this is space invaders!!! When I look up they look just like the invaders from the game! After a lot of battling we make it to the last wave, wave 269. We kill the last invader and then all the ships land back at the base and lucky for us we won the war, but off in the dissents we hear: Wacka Wacka Wacka Wacka Wacka Wacka Wacka Wacka


We Move Mountains

THE FAIRY Ivy Edwards, Grade 6 Chapter
 1 “come on Sara!” Ron called “slow down!” Sara yelled back “WOOF! WOOF!” Daisy barked. It wasn’t fun being the youngest sibling with Ron the oldest well at least that’s what most people would think but not Sara she was happy that she had someone to look up to someone to help her and be there for her but she stopped running to catch her breath, “hey slow poke come on!” Ron yelled from not far ahead “I can’t run in snow pants and carry this stupid sled!” Sara called back Ron walked over and sat down beside her soon after daisy trotted over and started rolling around in the snow slowly a grin spread across Ron’s face a grin that said, I have an idea Chapter 2 “IS THIS SAFE?!” Sara screamed “relax you big baby, daisy knows what she’s doing!” Ron said “no! no she doesn’t she is a dog that is pulling us in a sled she is pulling ME in a sled not to mention that she has like two brain cells and can go what I assume is faster than Usain bolt! And I know that when you mix those two bad things happen!” Ron thought for a moment and then realized that they were about to go of turtle hill the hill that is slightly less steep than a double black diamond skiing mountain quickly he grabbed Sara’s coat sleeve and jumped of the sled yanking Sara with him they peered of the side of the hill and saw daisy still bolting down at speeds neither of them thought were possible “do you think we’ll ever get the sled back?” Sara asked. Daisy had reached the bottom of the hill but all they could see was a daisy shaped hole in the snow they waited for a few minutes and daisy popped up beside them startled, Ron fell backwards then daisy trotted over to a tree and looked at it curiously before going ballistic barking and howling at the tree but as Ron got closer it seemed it was something in the tree he bent down to daisy’s level of view and he saw… a sparkle? “what the heck?” he said “Sara did you see that?” he said looking over his shoulder she nodded slowly “I have to see what’s up there” Ron exclaimed “well there’s no stopping you” Sara sighed he grabbed on to one of the branches and pulled himself up to grab another branch he then

placed his foot on the first branch he repeated that until he got to the branch were they saw the strange glimmer and when he saw the thing he saw was a small humanoid creature that had what looked like wings. Chapter 3 “AHHHH!” Sara screamed as Ron crashed down on top of her “SARA THERE WAS A HUMAN BUG THING!” Ron yelled in a panicked tone “what do you mean?!” Sara asked “it had a human body but really small and it had wings like a butterfly!” he said “Ron that’s a fairy” Sara told him Ron seemed to calm down but Sara wanted to bring the fairy down to the ground she climbed the tree and gently took it in her hands she got to the ground and grabbed Ron’s hat “hey! Give me back my hat!” Ron said, ignoring him she placed the fairy inside to keep it warm they started back to the house but after five minutes Ron said “Sara its kind of cold out here can we ride the sled back” and he was right it was cold and the news did say that there was a possibility of a snow dump “Sara if you’re worried about the fairy it will just die faster out here” Ron told her, Sara hadn’t thought about that “fine” she said as she got on the sled Ron then boarded and then screamed at daisy “ do you want a treat?” daisy then ran faster than anything like if you compared a rocket ship with her she would be faster than the rocket ship in about three minutes she reached home “good girl” Sara said as she pated daisy on the head and they all stepped in side Chapter 4 Sara placed the fairy by the fire got some hot coca as she drank it she grabbed an old hamster cage and put the fairy inside after five or ten minutes it finally woke up and spoke surprisingly good English “um hi!” Sara said “hello!” the little fairy replied “where am I?” so Sara and Ron explained everything that happened (with slight exaggerations from Ron) when the fairy heard what happened she told them that she would of died if they hadn’t helped her “well it’s only going to get worse outside so you can stay with us if you want, our mom is a mythologist so she should be fine with it” Sara told her “ok then!” the fairy said excitedly so the three (and daisy) became fast friends.


We Move Mountains

WORLDS Joseph Hawkings, Grade 6

feel little feeling of a shock and it feels like it slowly poking me in I see tiny bright blue lightning bolts touching my fingertips I’m almost Meep meep meep meep, BAM I slam my fist on touching the circle. It feels very warm I touch the 
 my alarm, I here a few sparks coming from my left circle it starts blessing so bright where my hands side I look cautiously at my alarm there was wires touch that I almost can’t see. But it feels like I’m erupting form the alarm. “Oh maaaan” I sighed, I in another place. Finally I let myself fall into the had just broke my alarm there were sparks circle and I close my eyes all I can see is white. exploding everywhere, wires sticking out of it and whoosh I open my eyes I see a lot of islands the screen was cracked. Well this isn’t going to be floating in midair some are big, small, tiny, and a good day I thought to myself as I threw myself even enormous. “Aaahhhhhhh” I realize I’m off my bed and stumbled on to my feet. I grasped falling to the ground probably to my death on a a shirt and threw it on then some pants and some small floating island. Why oh why did I go to that socks that were miss matched and went down the light I’m such an idiot going to that thing I think stairs to grab some breakfast before I had to go to as I close my eyes expecting to hear a thud, but school. “Hey mom,” I said moaning in tiredness nothing? I open up my eyes and I’m an inch from “hey sweetie, what was that loud bang upstairs” the ground but I’m levitating It feels like I’m she replied “I broke my alarm clock” I sighed. falling but I’m staying still. Russell swoop came “Ok” she sighed back “I’ll get a new one”. from a nearby bush. “Who’s there” I call to the Scraaape scratched the table as my mom slid the bush It ruled again I repeated myself a bit bowl of cereal to me “thanks” I say. Please, sacredly “who-who’s there” finely something came something fun and good happen today I think as I out a creature with two large ears, big eyes, and a cross my fingers. I finish my cereal and head small body with long back legs. Is that a bunny I towards the door to put on my backpack, I slump questioned in my mind it's designs were different on my backpack. Bye sweetie have a good day she than usual there were glowing blue lines in the says as I leave to walk to school from my house, shape of the body part and it with dark ocean blue the chilly breeze sweeps over me, the air smells fur. Thump-a-thump-a the bunny like creature smoky and thick and I continue to walk to school. run away, I started to run after it I yelled “no wait Creeeekk the school’s door whines from the rusty where am I”. where is it going I thought as the hinges as I enter. Ring ring ring (skipped to end creature made it to the end of the island then it of the day) jumped with force it looked like it was the moon The school bell shouts for the end of school “bye because when the creature jumped it floated but Mrs. Mary” I call out as I race out of the school slowly went down on to another island. I jumped hoping my wish of something exciting would and I floated too like I was on the moon onto the happen. next island then it stopped and a glowing blue As I search every corner for something for mist extinguished of the creature the fog formed something exciting or fun and good but I don’t see into words and pictures. The words read I am a anything and I can see my house from where I’m rabbit also known as a bunny, you are in the standing. “hhhagh” I sigh, I look one last time and world of unknown things the light you went look carefully in the forest near our house and see through was a portal to our world. “Ok” I replied a bright blue and white light poking through the “What’s your name” I asked the rabbit, my name trees. I start to walk into the forest focusing hard is Spirit and I’m a girl, the misty blue the words on the light coming from the depths of the dark read. “Did you bring me here” Yes answered Spirit forest. Crunch smash crunch smash makes the “but why” I questioned Because there is a great leaves crackle and smash under my feet the air is darkness in our land that we must get rid of she getting thick and clear and warmer. It smell like answered again. “But why me” We need help static electricity and burnt paper, I can’t taste anyfighting. I knew this was important so I agreed thing. It’s getting brighter every step I take. The and I followed her to where we were going. Hop light has turned into a curvy large circle with nice thump we jumped island to island to travel there blending colours of blue in the middle and “I’m starving” I complained, there should be some blending into white. There is no winces of smoke berries in that bush over there, the words said any more just fresh air and no wind I start to from Spirits mist like words. “Thanks Spirits” I reach for the beautiful coloured curvy circle. I can sighed in relief, I weakly stumbled towards the #WEARERUNDLE We Move Mountains

MYSTERY IN THE WOODS Gracyn Knaus, Grade 6

morning! “Jack I can’t stop thinking about what’s in that tree” Ally complained. “Maybe we

“What time should we leave to walk Buster” Ally 
 asked? “Around 2:30 I think” Jack said. “Ally,

should go water it again one more time” Jack suggested. So they went back to the tree and it

would you feed Buster for me” Jack asked. “Nope, it’s your day to feed him I did it yesterday’’

had gotten smaller for not watering yesterday. “ Ally am I just seeing things or is the thing

Ally yelled from down the hall. It was around 2:25 when they released they have to walk

living inside the tree slowly coming out” Jack whispered! “Your seeing the same thing I’m seeing

buster. “You grab the leash and I will get buster” Ally yelled. “SMASH ” “OW” Ally yelled. “wow you ran into the one of the coolest trees ever Ally” Jack said helping Ally up! “Do you see that little thing inside the tree it looks like it’s moving there could be something growing inside it” Ally said. “Maybe we should help water the tree everyday and see how big it gets” Jack asked. “That’s a great idea Jack might be the best idea you have ever had! Ally said with a smile. They went home put buster down in the kitchen and got a watering can, and watered it a little bit each day. “Wow who new a tree can get so big in just a month” Jack jumped with excitement! “Ally why is the tree shaking” Jack asked in fright? “I don’t know but I think something is coming out of it” Ally yelled! “RUN”! They both yelled! They were jumping and running and hopping! They felt like they were in a video game! “I think we ran far enough” Jack said panting like a dog out of breath. They got home they thought they should go back there to see what it was but they were just to scared they never wanted to see that tree again! “ What have you guys been doing this afternoon” There mom wondered? “Just playing in the wood’s” Ally answered. The next

then. Whatever this thing is had giant hand’s giant feet and a huge red dot on it’s nose and a deep voice. “What are you children doing by my tree” the monster said! “We were just watering it to make you grow” Jack said shaking like he was going to die! “We just wanted to help we had no clue you were growing inside of this tree” Ally said shaking like she was going to die as well. “Well I did enjoy how you kid’s wanted to help my tree stay living. “Can we come back tomorrow to water it again” Ally asked? The monster shook his head yes and went back into the tree. “My name is Martin”. The monster yelled! The kids went home and Martin went to sleep. The next day,the Ally and Jack ran off early in the morning to go water Martin. They have been watering Martin for a week now and they love playing games with him but martin has never come out of the tree. There favorite games to play with him is hide and seek but martin will mostly count, They love playing eye spy and all other game’s. Martin can also help them with homework he is amazing at math and science. “Hey martin I got an A on my math test” Ally said jumping for joy. Back at there house. “Ally look is that martin on the most wanted

monster’s list” Jack asked. “It can’t be he can’t be on a most wanted list he is so kind and a #WEARERUNDLE We Move Mountains

THE FLY Gabe Bart, Grade 6 Ok, let’s
 get started about my life and what happened. When I was born, all I could see was the white from my egg, Every once and a while I would hear a big thump, And then a smaller one, which, was probably my mom Patting her belly. Growing up I got picked on quite Frequently, because of my size, And… Let me just say, All of us are small I’m a FLY FOR PETES SAKE! I didn’t have very many friends, because when you’re A fly you don’t go to school. So, I’ll let you guys know how I got here. It all began when I was flying around, gosh I thought, What is that smell? Rapidly gazing around, when suddenly, A beautiful cherry pie caught my eye, no one was around. “Hello?” Ok, Ok, Hold it, before you go on and make fun of me for saying “hello”, I’m a wimpy guy OK! Back to my life. While I was sniffing, I didn’t know that I was getting closer and closer to the house as I kept going. And by the time I realized I was there it was too late! WAM! I was smacked onto the ground by one of the ugliest fly swatters I’ve ever seen. And that’s how I got to where I am now. DAY 1 being here sucks It’s hot, there’s no food, and there’s a DOG that want’s me dead. I start to jump up and fly to look for a place to set up a plan, Not the computer desk, I think to self, definitely not the dog house, but the spare bed room might work. So, here’s what I have for my plan to escape this dump, 1. Somehow distract the dog, 2. Find an open window, which might be hard because being a fly with all these lenses makes you basically blind. 3. Escape. “Let’s do this!” flying at top speed I hope not to black out stopping I say to myself loudly “objective #1 trying not to bail

I fly in. As soon as the dog sees me, it starts to do that thing where it makes this loud noise out of its mouth, “Oh gosh ““the dog” Is chasing me already,screaming for my life I head for the window. WHAM! My eyes are closed but I’m still in the air, the air seems more fresh than normal, I un-cover my eyes and, I’M STILL IN THE HOUSE! How? I think to myself. My belly is still dying from hunger, But wait, my really sensitive nose senses something, It- it’s the pie! I’m in heaven, diving into the pie I notice the juicy taste that it gives when you bite into the beautiful thing, It feels like Ivy’s Unicorn squishy, and the smell is like Gabe’s outstanding hair. Now that I think about it I never really got the chance to check out the house that I’m in. I’m buzzing around, and suddenly some human walks at me with the same Ugly fly swatter, flying for my life, I cut into the bathroom for complete safety. But if had known better, there was an even bigger human there on the toilet, saying “ better eat your tacos or the cookie monster will come” or something like that, screaming for my life I head down to the spare bedroom and hope to god no one follows me there. After that experience I won’t go exploring ever again! Suddenly a jolt of fear runs down my body, and I instantly know what it is, THE DOG, oh wait, THE TOILET! I hear a loud noise that seemed to be coming from outside, so I zoomed to where it seemed to be coming from. It was a big ice-cream truck, probably the biggest thing I’ve ever seen, if I hadn’t of seen the house. And then a thought entered my mind, if I trained enough, I could ready to have the skills to leave the house.

So, I went downstairs and got on the task of… working out, which I’ve never done in my life, but it’s always a good time to start. I’ll start with push-ups, let’s do this. “One t-two UGGHH” I collapsed With-in two of these, come on, Goner (my name). Within an hour I could do about 20, But I still have to learn to fly faster, and practice dodging the dog. Let’s go, flying fats is easy for a fly like me, because, when I was a kid I had to go fast all the time, if wanted to escape the bullies. After I #WEARERUNDLE We Move Mountains

THE TREE CRASH Chaz Gunderman, Grade 6 Clink. As
 two glasses hit together on the flight attendants cart. The captain went over the intercom and said “We have hit some turbulence so make sure your seat belts are fastened and your tray table is stowed” I thought to myself usually on this route there is no turbulence. The plane started to wobble up and down. My drink started to spill in my hands so I threw it on the ground. I started to get pushed around in my seat. The person in the seat beside me said “oh dear”. The plane started to descend rapidly. I started to shiver. The plane was flying vertically towards the ground. The flight attendants start yelling “brace for impact bend over stay down”. There was a loud sshh noise. I held on for my life. The person 4 rows back started to cry. And after that a few other people started to cry. I looked out the window and I saw smoke coming out from the engine. “that’s not good” I said to myself. some people were yelling. Boom. We hit a tree. smoke started to fill the plane. I saw my life flash before my eyes. I started to get faint. I looked out the window to see a boy, a girl and a dog. Looking straight up towards the aircraft. I started to feel sharp pains in my back, my ankle, and in my ribs. I looked to my girlfriend sitting beside me and asked her “are you ok” before she answered I looked down and saw a bone sticking out of her leg. She said “my leg hurts”

“I am sending help to you right now. She said I said “ok” and then I hang up the phone. I said to my girlfriend “help will be here soon” I looked out the window and I saw children from earlier and some adults outside with them I yelled at them “help” They all looked at me thru the tiny airplane window. We waited in pain. A few minutes later we started to see ambulances and fire trucks coming towards us. I felt relieved. The firemen quickly grabbed there ladder out of the back off their fire truck they put the ladder up the tree just reaching us by an inch. they tried opening the door on left side of the aircraft the door did not open the frame was two bent from the crash. The fireman that was on the ladder went down to tell the other fireman that the door was not open. When they were done talking he came up again with the saw. He was cutting the cabin door open first the left side then the right. He finally got the door open. Me and my girlfriend new now that help is here. Because we were in the first row the firemen came to us first. They carried my girlfriend out first and then me as the other fireman picked me aching in pain. He gently went down the ladder with me in his hands. At the bottom, there were paramedics and an ambulance to take me to the hospital. He put me on a stretcher and the paramedics rolled me in the ambulance. They asked me “where Is your pain’ and I said” my ankle, my ribs, and my back” as soon as I said that they put me in a neck brace.

When we got to the hospital they wanted to take x-rays of me. After they x-rayed me they said that “you broke 2 ribs and your ankle you need to have surgery on your ankle”. I asked them “how’s my I knew we needed to get out of the plane before it girlfriend” and they said “she is okay. And she is blows up I looked around and saw a lot people in surgery now. We can give you surgery now if injured. I tried to get up. But pain rushed thru my you want” I said “sure” They brought me into the body so I sat back down. I hoped somebody surgery room. And they put me asleep. When I called 911. woke up they had put a black cast on my leg. They said “You need to stay here the rest of the day and There was blood all over the cabin of the plane. then you can go home” People were screaming in pain. I grabbed my I waited a few hours and then I had dinner it was phone that was in my pocket and dialed 911 chicken corn chowder soup I usually like it. but ‘911 what’s the emergency” the operator said “the this soup tastes horrible everything was settling to plane that I’m on has crashed” I said frantically the top and it tasted ten years old. After dinner, “where are you” the operator said I said “I don’t the doctor said “Now you can go home” he know.” brought me a wheelchair I went to my girlfriends “What is your flight number” she said “united room and got her. She got in a wheelchair too. We airlines flight 531” I said rolled to the front door of the hospital and called #WEARERUNDLE We Move Mountains


Charlie Roberts, Grade 6

“Charlie was calling a meeting and he was mad!” It time we live this dump I am sick and tired of them taking or eggs and do you know what they do with them they eat them! Let’s go south with are cousins. We will hitch hike “watts are that?” No, we want to that’s long we will fly ‘but we can’t fly”. Yes, we can we will learn to fly “how? “It Is easy I will show you we have to do is move our wings up and down rely fast on upon see. Charlie jumps off the stars moved his wings up and down rely fast on upon and he landed head first on his head! The next day he tried an again he would jump down the stars and land on his head over and over agent in till he was so dicey he cud not get up then he had an idea he will dig out he noticed a hole in the pen house a while ago he cud go under the hen house and dig a hole to get away fume her. I need to call another meeting every one lesson up I know a way to get out we can dig out “how” under the hen house. We go under the open house and we start digging in till we get out it’s that simple but it wisent that simple it was complicated every buddy has to take sifts to stay on track and I will take 24 hours shifts to get out of her! So, the chickens started to dig and dig and dig and dig until the kids came! The kids came because they had to get the eggs but they had no eggs! the kids had come in I quickly sat on the hole that was halfway done the kids wore looking for eggs to surprise Betty laid an egg it amassing the kids had left, “Betty how did you do that I lea an egg when I am nerves. Good job Betty”. The next day they had been working all night long and we are nearly done 10 more feet and we are done we are out!! Finlay, we are out ono the kids are coming every buddy RUN FAST! we hide in a bush the kids are now we walk south but it seems to get colder and colder and colder it starts to snow we have to turn back it is too cold! They start to run it is colder and colder they see some birds flying above they were going the wrong way! We go the way the birds are going we finally are back home when we got home I remembered how happy we were when we got out, but now we are not happy. We go to some bushes and fall asleep dreaming and wishing of a vacation. The end.


We Move Mountains

SILKEY Swimming in puke   sleepy, constant coughing I am very Karma for faking sick Liquid comes out of mouth Evacuate, I'm going to puke Yeah I'm still sick Max Bailey, Grade 6

CONFUSED Curious about what's going on Open mind because I'm wondering what's going on Non-sadness Feelings high Using your eyes to look around Serious blank face Eyes wide Dark mind Elliott Condic, Grade 6

DELIGHTFUL Dancing and singing. Energy buzzing all over me. Loose, giggly muscles. I’m having so much fun. Giggling so hard that I fall down. Happiness is glowing inside me. Teeth glowing off my face. Fun all day! Unable to stop smiling! Laughing so hard that I'm crying. Claudia Stewart, Grade 6


We Move Mountains

Catching the ball On my way to the end zone Nice and brave Finding People in football to tackle Interception are coming my way Diving in to take down a kid in football Energy/stamina flows through me Nervously people in football come my way The sky is golden and the sun is shining Brett Gower, Grade 6



We Move Mountains

Hangry fish swims side to side Uneasy and dizzy No energy in my body Grumpy in the morning Run to the pantry to get food You feel empty Beatrice Pashniak, Grade 6


umping with joy verly excited

outhful smile

eeling warmth and sunshine plifting feeling

oud happy screams

Augusta Toews, Grade 6



We Move Mountains


Anderson Godenir, Grade 6

Storm of tears raining A flaming firey face Don’t feel good Nervous of people seeing me Extremely wanting to be left alone Sometimes I feel weak So sad that blue pops into my mind Alex Jamieson, Grade 6

BIATHALON Rian McCorkindale, Grade 6 I like biathlon because it is fun I have lots of fun skiing with my friends In a race I’m not competitive in, I'm supportive When I am shooting I don’t go fast I go slow and steady. When you go on the field you are a winner But never never ever give up on yourself Don't quit your sport because quitters quit You can do it even if you have a disability



EMERALD SCALES Meagan Edmunds, Grade 7

A flash 
 of bright green scales penetrated the gloomy fog of a dark forest, a trail of fallen leaves fluttered to the ground behind the dragon. No sooner had the green dragon passed that a fiery red dragon followed him, giving chase. The green dragon had no idea where he was going, he darted around trees and jumped over fallen logs, before finding himself at the edge of a cliff. The green dragon only just managed to stop in time. The dragon spun around only to find the red dragon flying a couple of inches above the soft forest floor. “Looks like your cornered”, the red dragon said menacingly. The red dragon proceeded to flap closer, the cornered dragon shuffled his wings nervously. The red dragon held out his talon and tapped the green dragon on the horn at the same time yelling “TAG!” “Hey thats cheating, you know I can’t fly Cinder,” the young green dragon complained. “Is it? You never specified the rules,” the red dragon giggled. The green dragon smiled then flopped onto his back laughing. Cinder jumped onto the green dragon and the two wrestled until sunset. “I’m kinda hungry,” Cinder stated. “Well I’m as hungry as a horse,” the green dragon agreed smiling.

“Who is this?” Cinders mom questioned. “This is… I never caught your name what was it again?” Cinder asked. “Oh.. my name is Emerald,” the green dragon stammered. “Well come on Emerald, I cant wait to show you what what my room looks like,” Cinder said excitedly. Cinder flew off into the cave Emerald tried to follow but his mom blocked him with her tail. Emerald looked up confused “Look, I don’t know who you are, or why your scales are green, not red like the rest of ours. But I don’t want my son hanging out with some creature with strange green scales,” the mom whispered, so cinder wouldn't hear. She went back into the cave without another word. Disappointed, Emerald walked off into the forest, crying. Until her heard some dragons laughing and having fun he followed the sound until he spotted a group of young red dragons trying to see who could breathe the most fire. In fear of being burned he climbed a tree, but he only got halfway when some dragon yelled. “Hey look a green dragon is climbing a tree!” All the dragons took one look and started laughing. “Why don’t you just fly to the top of the tree?” another yelled, Emerald sat on a branch and shuffled his wings, before saying “because I… can’t,” he said embarrassed.

“Hey you should come to my house for dinner!” Cinder exclaimed. The two dragons walked and talked until they made their way to a large cave. Cinder then yelled “HEY MOM I’M HOME” a fully grown red dragon emerged from the cave and stared at the green dragon. The green scaled creature shuffled his wings uncomfortably.


We Move Mountains

Emerald found himself walking through the forest crying again, he heard a crow up in one of the trees, and then he remembered how hungry he was. He found the tree that the crow was in, and he started to climb it, realizing that flying would be much more efficient, but he was to close to the crow to worry about that now. Suddenly without a sound he pounced on the crow only to realize that this was a very strange crow. It’s feathers where a clean white instead of the usual black. “Ahhh, what did you do that for?” the white crow protested. “Oh I’m sorry, just, umm, why are your feathers white?” Emerald questioned. “Well now, you don’t have to be so insulting about it,” the white crow continued. “What are you talking about?” Emerald said startled. “I’m old okay, live with it! Crows just never get old enough for their feathers to turn white because you dragons kill us all,” the crow said angrily. “Now, I was working and getting some herbs for a sick dragon,” the white crow continued. “WAIT, your that magic crow, thing,” Emerald interrupted. “I’d prefer not to be called a ‘thing’ but yes,” the crow muttered. “Does that mean that you could turn me from a green to a red dragon?” Emerald blurted, “Well, yeh I suppose,” the crow said annoyed. “Okay tell me what I need to do,” Emerald said determined. “Woah, calm down there, I didn’t say,-” the crow started. THE END.

 I was getting ready for school, but I didn’t even like my school. All my friends are just bratty rich kids that don’t even appreciate what I do for them. Then Isabella the maid walks into my room and ask “Are you ready for school Avril?” Isabella is a lot like family to me because my parents are always busy. They never have the time to eat supper with me even just for a minute. So I always ask Isabella if she can eat with me so then I won’t be lonely. Sometimes all I want to do is run away from being a princess or at least royal.

I told Isabella “That I will be down in a minute.” As I was walking downstairs I was trying to say something to my parents, but of curse they were busy like every other time I need them. I am 17 years old so I am graduating this year, but the thing is I don’t think my parents aren’t coming to that ether. All I want from them is to notice me so I told my uncle Tod “That I am going to drive my self to school today.” He said “Okay just make sure your parents are fine with it.” My uncle is always there for me too. He always drives me too school and I can tell him anything to. I love him so much, he makes me laugh all the time. So I started driving and called the school, to tell them I won’t be attending. They were fine with it. As I was driving around I though about looking for a job so then I could rent an apartment for a few days after I graduate. It’s not like my parents will realize. So as I was thinking about it I would have to charge my name. I was thinking about and I finally thought of it would be Skyler Smith. As I was driving I saw there was an opening spot at bakery. I used to always bake with my mom, but as I was getting older we started to stop because she told me something happened, but she never told me what. So I got out of the car and went inside to see if they were still interviewing people. When I was inside there was such a big line of people that wanted to get interviewed. So I waited, waited and waited it was finally my turn it felt like an hour. When they were interviewing me I was trying to answer all the question, but it was so hard because they asked me

if I had ever worked at a bakery and I said “Yes!” So they were asking question about the fake job I told them about. After I was done the interview they told me they were going to get back at me when they know the details. So I drove back home went to go eat supper, but the weird thing is Isabella wasn’t there. So I asked my uncle and told him about my amazing day. I know I can trust from the bottom of my heart. He told me that “That he was happy for me.” When he said that he made my day even happier. The next day, I was looking at my phone for the whole day and then I finally see a text hoping up. It said that I got excepted to work for them, and said the rules after. The days I am working are Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday at 3:00 to 8:00 for the week days and 12:00 to 8:00 for Sunday and I might have to work on Saturday if someone is missing. I tell all of this to my uncle so then he could drive me if my parents are looking for there cars. I was waiting for the next day because I was so exited to work at Micky’s Bakery. I was getting ready for bed and then went in bed and watched River-dale, I know what you think that I am a princess and watch Netflix and it’s not a royal movie or show will I am not a fan of those. At one point I fall asleep. I wake up so exited I got ready for school and put some extra clothing for after because at my school I have to wear a uniform it’s not even pretty it’s green. Why can’t it be any other colours. My uncle drove me to school and said he “Will pick me up around 2:30.” After a few classes the says “Avril come to the office!” I went to the office, and my uncle was there to dive me to my new job. I went in the truck and got dressed and finally we arrived. When I went inside I realized that another person got the job too his name is David he looks really nice he as brown shinny hair and blue really bright eye. In my head I was saying “OMG HE LOOKS SO HOT!”


We Move Mountains

We were working together I was so happy know I can get to know him better. Every week as we were working together I started to know more about him his personality was one of my favourites because he loves action show and movies like me and more, but probably to boring to hear. 
 After we got to know each other more we started to hang out, but out of work he said “Not at his place.” But you know that it definitely can’t be at mine. So we went to a cafe called Cherry Bomb Cafe. It was an amazing place to eat at, after we ordered he asked me out on a date. I told him “Yes!” Then we got our food, but his parents called and told him that. So David left, but in my head I wished that my parents would do that, but all they care about is themselves. So I left don’t worry I payed. I called my uncle, but he didn’t pick up so I decide to call my parents. They picked up. I asked them if they could pick me up? My dad said “Yes!” But my mom can’t. I was happy that my dad can, but I wanted both. I realized that I don’t want to rent maybe instead I will try to talk to them and tell them everything and see if they will understand. When I got into my dad’s car I started talking to him it was my best day that week. It brought back so much memories when I was younger. My dad, mom and I always played, I told them all my problems and we cooked together. It was the best. When I got home I called David first and told him “I will have to cancel the date.” I then went to my mom and brought her downstairs so then I can talk to her and my dad and told them everything. After I told them they understood and said “everyday we will spend time with you.” We got closer every since then and I will always love them no matter what happens because they are always going to be apart of my family. So I told them “In one day I am graduating are you going to make it?” They said “They will try there best!” I woke up and screamed. I’m graduating today! She puts on a dress and her graduating outfit over top she drives to school and goes to the Assembly Hall and takes her seat. Her parents are there yet and she gets worried and then it was her turn to go up and her parents just showed up. She was so happy that she was crying in tears. After the speeches are done she ran to her parents and say “I love you guys!” And we all lived happily together.


We Move Mountains

MY PS4 William Rengger, Grade 7 The slim object awaits on top of the counter 
 Over-used, dented, A strong stench Pulsing off the machine From when I died, Over and over. As I rage from the device, I make amends. When it's night time I you comfort me with emotions of greatness, Dedication, happiness You make me more open to the world Because cherish you. Peacefully you lay there waiting For me to play with. You'll always excite me, Even if you make me aggravated. When i throw my controller, And storm off in frustration, You're there for me no matter what. You are my cherry to my milkshake. I love my PS4 so much I can't leave it alone. BASEBALL Ben MacInnis, Grade 7 The game has just begun The pitcher throws the ball The crack of the bat As the ball climbs the sky It makes its way over the fence. Fans yell and scream Players run and talk. Gum and sunflower seeds The dirt and the outfield grass Score climbs Balls scream Gloves break Fans are in awe Players are happy. Umpires toss coaches out Players sweat Players print like the wind This is why I wrote my ode to baseball This game brings me happiness every game with close games I can't live without baseball.

URSULA Hayden Whittaker, Grade 7 (A poem written by a resident of Wentworth Manor)

Uplifting to the Soul Resonating in my Mind Super Special Undying Fun Lighting Up the Room Absolutely Awesome MONSTER Mack Stephen, Grade 7 Sitting on an old rusty park bench, there was a huge docile monster that was vibrant purple with ocean blue spots. As the wind blew, the beast’s 2-inch fluffy fur coat trembled. The beast had tremendous cream coloured horns that were four feet long and had razor sharp tips. They came out of his neon orange head. Staring at me with his red bloodshot eyes, I slowly crept behind a tree. Just below his eyes, there was a nasty purple nose, gold rushed out of it like snot into his mouth. Razor sharp teeth hovered above a forked tongue. I carefully snuck over and got a strong whiff of peanut butter. All of a sudden, looking up, I saw him shovelling massive scoops of peanut butter into his drooling mouth with his tail. Without warning, the barbarian like creature hopped off the park bench. To my surprise, he didn’t have legs, so waddled and advanced toward me. When he did, all the luscious trees, flowers, and grass turned dusky and perished. When he tried to be sneaky, the ground shook beneath his humongous paws like a lion. His chubby body stood on his paws before me. A moment later he thundered, “YEEEEEEE.” My heart nearly stopped, and I bolted away as fast as my legs could carry me. I glanced back and didn’t see a thing.


We Move Mountains

Early one morning two years ago. Silence fell upon a town. Shock and awe. For it looked as though Heaven's crown had fallen in this valley. Leaving a vast amount of snow. Like trash in an alley. Everyone saw the white blanket before them all. Sadly this was the bait as it was 20 below. It was like a polar snow. Bundled ready to go. For it was like a trap as people were stuck inside. And For snow blocking the road. Outside felt like a Knife stinging as it cut in my side. For my motivation was to ski in this snow. A Plow or hoe. Could dig in the snow. To get to the car was quite a show. Once on the hill looking down. It looked as if there was no ground.

CREATURE Mason Hussey, Grade 7 I rounded the corner and I found a cave and I walked a bit deeper in. Then I saw this mysterious light was shining. I continued to search for where it was coming from. In an instant, I heard this super loud chewing and then I saw this bizarre creature. Sitting in the corner grunting and groaning, he appeared to be a man. Or well, that is what I think the creature is. His face was really tanned and he had humongous dimples that looked like craters on his face. The beast’s skin was old and crusty like a crab his eyes were in a egg and they were as white as fresh snow they also were enormous and were bugged out. The savage monster sat on this makeshift chair and he looks like he was zoned out and it also looked like he had a bit too many drinks. The magnificent beats a had a bright red hat on but it looks like it was a big cherry on the top of his head it said on the hat “I chew like a cow.” looking up at the creature I noticed that it had an absurd amount of freckles, It looks like a bunch of little kids drew polka dots on his face. I peered over and looked at his legs were gigantic and had fat rolls on them they looked like he is on my 600-pound life. He had a legendary afro it looked like it was a bird's nest. It was as red as fresh strawberries. Curiously I looked over at his hands they were enormous but he had mini fingers that looked like he was a infant. He had a Supreme Box logo on and it was a Ferrari red colour. I noticed the strange creature had camo pants that were super ripped from sitting in the cave for so long. In addition, he had bright Rainbow socks on with unicorns on them and from what I could tell he didn't seem like someone that would wear socks with unicorns on them. Out of now where the beats whips out chicken strips and started eating them I thought there was an earthquake happening because he chews so loud and then I realized that is why it says I chew like a cow on his hat. Then once he was done chowing down on the chicken strips he pulled out a bucket of candy and he started to gobble that up in no time he had eaten the whole thing. The whole time I heard a weird splashing noise and it was just a leaky whole in the cave. Out of nowhere, he said, “Reeeeeeeeeeee.” And then he said, “Bop.” I was shocked by what he was saying. Then out of nowhere, he said in a raspy voice, the magnificent creature said go fetch me a bucket of candy. All of a sudden, I heard a grumbling noise and then I knew it was time to get out of the unusual cave.

A PRINCESS WHO WORE CLEATS Camryn Mayhew, Grade 7 
 “Maria come down for dinner!” Maria’s mother shouted. Maria only replied with a huge and sassy eye roll. As she stormed through the hall, her roaring footsteps activated the floorboards to shift. As she made her way down stairs you can hear all the cooks preparing dinner. Maia slumped down in her chair at the dinner table and gave her mother a glare with her piercing green eyes and whipped her sassy blonde ponytails the other way. As soon as Maria could her the plates she dashed to the cook snatched the plate out of his hand as ran the opposite way yelling “Thank you!” Maria found herself at the barn where she made a petite seat cushion out of hay, and sat with the pigs and cows. She gave every last bit of her vegetables to the goats while the others had the chicken. Maria has always been a curious girl and as it came to her attention that she found something unrecognizable. Maria got up from her seat as there was still some hay attached to her purple dress, she found a huge, red, metal box saying burn. At first she thought it was empty until she tried to lift that 100-pound thing. As Maria cautiously and slowly opened the box she noticed a whole bunch of papers in all different sizes and shapes. Without thinking Maria dumped all of the papers out ready to read them. As she picked up the first one she caught something in the corner of her eye, it was a bright, yellow diamond sticker that was attached to the box. Maria read it out loud “This is a burn box, that is used for burning anything you don’t want, be careful.” Maria chuckled “There was no way it works” she said to herself. As Maria sat it the huge pile of papers, she started reading for the whole night. They were mostly bills and spells and stuff but there was one note at the bottom the caught her eye. It was shaped in a shoe and had messy writing. “The cleat spell” Maria stopped dead in her sentence and began to squeal. For all of her life she has always wanted to play soccer, but when her mother found out she burned every soccer cleat there was in the kingdom. Maria has tried everything to make soccer shoes but, it came to the point where she had to tape a log to her foot. During that moment Maria caught her breath but mostly her excitement and began reading. “To make soccer cleats you will need three items, number one you will need a leaf from the forbidden forest, number two you will need sand from the sandy bay, and finally you will need a piece of wood from the lumber jack territory, good luck!” Maria’s eyes were as wide of gum balls and her jaw was almost touching the floor. Maria was amazed but scared, she knew that she had to do this and her grandfather would be proud. As Maria was telling the animals, she heard her mother shouting “Maria bedtime!” Maria got up with this time hay in her hair, and slid the piece of paper with her dreams on it in her boot. She bolted towards the castle door as she saw her mother standing there. Maria took off her boots and dashed upstairs towards her room and slammed the door so hard the cows got startled. Maria wanted to stay up to read but she knew it was best to get some rest. “Cock-a-doodle-doooo1” went the chickens awaking Maria. Maria got up with knots in her hair and slobber on her night gown, but whiteout a reminder she knew what was today the royal ball. The royal ball is to celebrate her mother having a baby, which Maria was not pleased with. Maria went to her wardrobe and got out the most athletic stuff she could find and put a dress over top. She put a brush through her hair and put on her necklace. She walked gracefully through the corridor and down the stairs She strolled up to her mother and kindly gestured “Hello mother, I’m offering to get some berries for the ball tonight?” Her mother sighed with relief “That would be lovely Maria would you like a guard to come with you?” “Not at all, I will be fine thank you” Maria said fast without having a heart-attack of her plan being busted. Maria dashed like a tiger getting his prey towards to door and at high speed she put on her boots and bolted out the door. She took her dress of with her adventure clothes underneath and pulled the slip of paper out of her short pockets. She looked at the note and decided to get the leaf first and luckily her castle was just a little east to it!


We Move Mountains

As Maria finally made it she was frightened, the smell was damp and the air was cold. She got the chills and she heard wolves howl, but that didn’t stop her. She caught a mud puddle in the corner of her eye and walked up to it. She dug her hands in a wet, slimy, cold mud and smeared two lines under each side of her eye’s. And then 
 walking in the deep, dark, forest, Maria's eyes were as shiny as broken glass by how hard she was continued looking for a leaf. She came across a bright green leaf in a tree, so she went for it. She climbed up the tree like a spider, slow and steady. She finally reached the top of the tree where the leaf had laid a ripped it off the tree and put it straight in her backpack. And with practice she aced the landing to the bottom of the tree. While she was making her way, she heard howling that was super close so Maria’s move was to dive into the bush. As Maria was lying down in pain she saw these colossal, black, hungry wolves in the distance. They had dark red ferocious eyes, they starting walking towards Maria. They were getting so close Maria could feel them breath down her neck. “I smell something often similar like a kid” the Wolf said, but luckily enough they heard birds chirping it the distance and ran the opposite way Maria is going. Maria came from out of the bush and was brushing the bugs off of her. Maria had no time to think but run, so Maria ran all the way to the lumber jack territory. When she made it there were trees everywhere some Maria ran to the first one she saw and got her dads old axe out of her bag and chopped away until she got the right fit. Then Maria knew she had time to walk for the next one because it wasn’t that far away. While she made the journey north toward the beach she thought about her relationship with her mother “I may give her a hard time but, she took away the one thing I loved, soccer” Maria said to herself. And by the time she was done being honest she made it to the beach right outside her kingdom! She grabbed the mason jar from her bag and filled it up with sand. But without thinking she was stuck it quick sand, she panicked as she kept on sinking. It is now to her knees and the cold sand has got her trapped, Maria had sight of a rope just in reaching distance. But she couldn’t grab it, she shifted herself violently and finally had a firm grip of the rope. It was only a matter of time until she would be the wolves’ dinner, she pulled and pulled until she finally got out and ran to the grass. She was so relieved she was out and ran to the kingdom when she opened the door she quickly and carefully ran to her room trying not to get seen. As she made it to the bedroom she didn’t care about herself and how she looked, she just wanted to make her shoes! One by one she pulled out the items and she put them all in a bowl and the magic stated to begin. They’re where purple, blue, yellow and many more magical sparkles that filled the room. All of a sudden a burst of light filled the room blinding Maria for a moment. When her eye’s finally adjusted, these magical cleats appear with bright green laces and a wooden base, the little studs where the texture of sand. These were truly magical cleats it was only a matter of time if they fit. Maria slipped the shoes on and they were a perfect fit! Maria's face was so happy that her eyebrows shot up and her eye popped out she even let out a squeal. She bolted through the corridor and to the barn she grabbed the fastest cow in the stables and she let a smirk on her face, and that smirk was her idea smirk. She somehow got lightning the cow to her room and tied the lead rope to the doorknob. Maria got into to her fancy dress and done her hair up in a bun. When the announcer at the party announced “Next up we have Princess Maria” Everyone cheered in hope to see to royal princess but Maria wasn’t there. The announcer repeated again “Next up we have Princess Maria” and finally a huge burst of yelling came out as Maria was riding the cow lighting through the party and yelled “Forget the glass slipper I wear cleats!” Everyone gasped but Maria lived happily ever after living in the barn with her best friend and her cleats!



We Move Mountains

GRANDMA’S KITCHEN Julia Kemp, Grade 7 It's warm inside. It smells like yeast, cinnamon, blissful and warm The early morning light slants through the windows, you know this will be happiness for your belly the smell of fresh baked banana bread The love that was put into the goods that lay before you your grandma smiles at you with nothing but love in her eyes. She made all this sweets for you and you can’t say no it’s too good to Delicious you it's like a ghost has taken over you and is leading you to the cake or banana bread that you will finish by the end of the hour it feels good in the moment but after with a tummy about to explode you regret but always want more. But at the end of the day you sneak down stairs too have an slice. But shhhh that’s our secret.


We Move Mountains

YOU TRUST TOO MUCH Sasha Toews, Grade 9

squeezed me tight. When I regained my sanity, lily had already put 2 and 2 together.

The ringing in my ears that usually made me sick with rage and jealousy, brought me joy today. Unimaginable joy. I was ringing the cancer free bell at the Boston Memorial Hospital. I had been waiting for this day for almost 2 year. The doctors and nurses, that I knew too well were in my room with gargantuan smiles. “For the next month you should take it slow. Don’t push yourself to hard your still weak.” Doctor Hall said with a twisted grin on his face. He probably knew that I would never listen. I had been in and out of this hospital for 2 years and I just wanted to be normal again. As I packed up my belongings and left I booked my appointment for 1 month from now. When I got home I was greeted by my best friend lily who pulled me into her arms so fast and so tight that I could not breath. Lily and I sat on my bed turned on Keeping Up with The Kardashians and ate junk food until we were sick. Two thing we could never do in a hospital. After a week of being free I was back to my old self. I went for a run in the morning and played tennis in the afternoon. I was looking for a job, to because when I was diagnosed with lung cancer I quit my job. I was feeling better than I have ever felt, and I was taking the life that was stolen from me back. Lily and I went out for dinner and had a long discussion about my life and what I would do with it now. She made a comment that before I was diagnosed I was running every day and I was not having trouble breathing. I had forgotten about that and I thought it was a little weird but the doctor knows best so I tried to push the thought away. Before I knew it, a month had gone by. “It’s funny how time goes so fast when you’re not dyeing in a hospital bed.” I chuckled to Lily. She did not find it funny. I drove to the doctor with butterflies on my stomach, walked up to the cancer ward and sat in the examination room 7. Five minutes later doctor Hall walked in greeted me as he always doses and drew my blood. I was so used to this pattern that it was like running lines in a play. Amitotic. Then I paid, left, and drove home. 3 hours later I got the call that I had been waiting for. The firm grip of stress help me and shook me around like a bull shark on the attack. The feeling mostly subsided when I told myself that I felt great and was back to my old self. I picked up the phone. The doctor got straight to the point “I'm so so sorry” the moment he said that my heart screamed and tried to fight its way to a safe haven, were no bad could happen. The phone fell to the ground. I could feel the warm tears falling off my face, my breath slowed and almost stopped, my knees felt like jelly and I crumbled to the floor. I sobbed and screamed I felt like my heart was being crushed. I didn’t hear the car pull up or the door open not even her footsteps, but Lily's was there and her hands garbed me and

Lily snapped into action. Then she grabbed the phone off the floor and called doctor Blaskin the most in demanded cancer specialist in all of Boston. He had only one opening form today until 3 months from not and the only reason he had an opening was because Lily verbally ripped his head off. when someone she loved needed help, she was ready to go to battle for them. just one of the reasons I love her. She pushed my droopy body into the car and drove 2 hours to Boston’s private cancer clinic. We entered the doors and I sat down still in a hays, we waited for what felt like 6 years. When doctor Blaskin called me into his office he poked and prodded me. Then he sent my droopy body back into the waiting room. When he got the results back from the numerous test his fact looked confused and happy but also extremely angry all at the same time. He then spoke to me in a quiet caring voice “Jane I don’t know how this is possible but I have run all the test results twice and they say without a doubt you don’t have cancer. And in face you never had cancer! There was not a single sign that could have even been confused as a cancer cell.” I was shocked. Then Lily and I celebrated in a careful manner still expecting that is was an elaborate joke. Doctor Blaskin suggested we call the police so that they could run a clear investigation. On the drive home, I fell back into a daze but this one was of pure and unadulterated rage. It festered inside me like a fire from my stomach. It blinded me to the point where I could not see any good anymore. I felt week and also like I could lift a building and throw it on top of doctor Hall. The investigation of the doctor and his business was open and shut. It turned out that the doctor had scammed 6 other people. I was told by the police chief that there would be a trial, and every patient would have to testify. I was more than happy to do it. I wanted to send the son of a bug to prison for the rest of his life. I hoped he would be killed and he would burn in hell. I had never felt this kind of anger towards anyone before and the emotion kind of scared me. One week later the trial started, and I was the first person to testify. I recounted the entire contents of the past 2 years. The sadness when I was diagnosed, pain, hair loss and sickness during chemo. The depression throughout the whole process. I did not lie once but I embellished the story to make doctor Hall look more like a monster. His lawyer asked me numerous questions and she also made many statements. One of which was “why would you not get a second opinion? Is it because you heard about the doctor? Or because you trust too much.” the question rocked me but I had no answer, why would I be so trusting to one man that I didn't even know.


We Move Mountains

FACED WITH A FORK IN LIFE Sam Stephen, Grade 9 
 Have you ever looked back to acknowledge how choices affect your life today? Choices do cause significant change to the future life of ourselves and to the people around us. Throughout the stories, “Taste of Melon” by, Borden deal, “The Road Not Taken” by, Robert Frost and “Long Long After School”, by Ernest Buckler all the characters showed choice making. Decisions for just a part of everyday life, although as Robert Frost said, “And that has made all the difference.” Pronouncing that the choices made today construct your tomorrow, the tomorrow of yourself and others.

Firstly, friendships. Choices affect friendships by allowing people to see that you truly believe in and who you are. The narrator in the taste of melon proved his self-worth not only to himself but also to the people around him when he confronted Mr. Wells and renounced with a sigh to question asking if the thief was him, “Yes, sir,” he exclaimed in a disappointed tone. In that specific instance the level of respect towards the young man from Mr. Wells, Willadean, His father and everyone else’s level of respect took a substantial step up just because of taking responsibility for his actions. Not only did confronting Mr. Wells take an unimaginable amount of courage but telling his father that it had to be done is unheard-of. Also by opening up to allow friendships to form your choices can be altered for the better buy knowing new perspective and ideas. Unquestionably the choice made to completely forget an incident you performed to harm someone else is unacceptable. The choices made by the protagonist in Long Long after school had Extreme mental effects on Wes. Being the only black kid in town would have been hard, not having the choice to be their associates because even if you tried they would reject you biased on appearance. During the sled accident where the board member completely disregarded the incident based on racism and moved on. Issues can be left behind and transformed into forgotten ideas. When the protagonist stares “Did I do on purpose?” it absolutely suggests it was a forgot idea. Wes was stuck with trapped emotions and depression. Without Miss Tretheway Wes would have been alone, no want to go to, no one to feel protected with. Choices will undoubtedly affect the future of everyone. During the poem “The Road Not Taken” the individual had an important decision to make, the right path or the left. Throughout this poem the analogy between the right and left path compared to dropping out of school to be with your wife and kid or continue school and leave family behind to pursue dreams and goals. The final sentence in this poem was the most meaningful. “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-- I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” This leaves me with the impression Robert Frost was delighted with his decision. I believe the choice made by Robert Frost would suggest he chose his family. I consider this to be so, given the information that not only he is happy but his wife and child are happy as well. As he himself said “And that has made all the difference.” The decision made, right or left was not mentioned, I believe this was done to let our minds decide for ourselves. Through the lens of my eyes in my soul within I know there is always positive every choice we make. By pioneering through all of leaves not yet trodden black provide A Profound View on life and the choices we encounter. All choices affect our future, primarily the larger choices have greater effects on our tomorrow. Happy, sad, positive or negative all do will continue to affect us until we reach the end of the dash between dates. Like a Lego brick castle, the more intellectual intelligence we have on our surroundings and community the higher the chance to find the good in all our choices. It is not what choices we are faced with it is what we construct with them once concord. Not only are our lives affected by the decisions we make, but also the lives about us.

#WEARERUNDLE We Move Mountains

 Kaden Hecker, Grade 9

Have you ever recognized the impact that choices have on you? Undoubtedly choices disturb you and what happens to you in the future. Choices have dramatic impacts or repercussions and can sometimes have unexpected results. In the story “Golden Girl”, by Gillan Chan, the main character Donna, made many choices that alter friendships, change people’s judgments and amend the characters views and decisions. 
 Choices shape your friends, companions and surroundings. An illustration of this is when Donna, the protagonist, encouraged and manipulated Anna to go after Mr. McCallum, a new student teacher. One way she did this is by lying to Anna about how she saw him looking at her. This is evident from the story “Golden Girl”, when Donna exclaimed. “I saw him looking at you while you were reading, he was really impressed, I hadn’t of course but I knew she would buy it.” Furthermore, this conveys how choices shape friends, companions and surroundings by manipulating someone’s decision on who they want to be with or what they want to do. Choices are a very powerful tool that people have to use every day whether it is choosing what outfit they want to wear or to the extent of deciding if an offender is guilty in court. 
 Choices can also have negative repercussions that can change people’s judgments in ways that you wouldn’t anticipate. In this story, in particular, there were many choices that did just that. The main example of this is when Donna retrieved the love letter that Anna wrote to the student teacher and showed it to Anna’s boyfriend. Donna was hoping that Michael, Anna’s boyfriend, would lash out at Anna and break up with her. Although something else happened that was completely unexpected. Instead of getting mad at Anna he lashed out at Donna for what she was doing and confronted her. Michael’s reaction or feeling to this situation was shown by him stating, “Donna you’re supposed to be Anna’s friend. And here you want to set her up, humiliate her.” Thus as a result of this choice that Donna made it changed Michael’s views on mostly Donna but Anna too. This is one of many examples of the powerful impact that choices hold on people’s judgments and views, and how people do not realize the impact of these choices until the action is done. 
 Some choices can change your views or identity and teach you lessons that can turn you into a better person. For instance, one choice that sticks out like an elephant in a dog park is when Donna, after all of her unwise decision she decided not to humiliate Anna, and therefore did not bring anyone to the coffee shop. This decision was finally evident when Donna stated, “I never told anyone though. There was no point.” Hence through this decision, Donna finally after everything that has happened decided to start accepting her place in the social structure.

Overall out of the three choices that were highlighted in this essay this choice in particular displays the most about the character and what she’s going to turn into in the future. 
 The situation that the characters end up in in the story “Golden Girl” are a direct product of their choices. The choices made by Donna altered friendships, change people’s judgments and affected the characters views and decisions. Manny different outcomes can be a result of your choices, these outcomes are sometimes unexpected. If you make the constant right decisions positive things will happen as a result.


We Move Mountains


Dear diary: Now that the boats engine is flooded we are not making any progress to Florida, and my guilt and fear has set in. What if me and Luis aren't forever? What if we're just temporary? It is hard for me because my love for Maria and Mama and Papa is the size of the galaxy but my love for Luis is the size of whole solar system. It was a little awkward before when Lito was hitting on me. But it was okay because I realized he was just joking and wasn't actually into me. The fear though is that we are going in the wrong direction maybe we are sailing south when we're supposed to be sailing north. But I would rather die trying than live in the conditions and the dictatorship we live in now. I was willing to risk my life once so I will do it again. When I left, the police force I knew that it was what I had to do even though it may not have been the safest idea. I also know that Luis will protect me and love me. We've been together this long and been through so much he has not given up on me yet, but I'm have not given up on Luis and he will never stop giving. I know hope is the only thing stronger than fear. I just keep believing we're doing everything we possibly can to get to Florida. We will get there. Even if everything goes wrong in my life, I know that in this moment I am loved, not only by my family but the most amazing man in the world. I wish I could express how much I love everyone. I also wish I could send a letter to mama and papa and Maria telling them that I'm sorry and I will never stop loving them. Believing in the engine that it will start is the best I can do, for I am a police officer not a mechanic. Just like mama and papa believe in me when even I don’t believe in myself when I wanted to become a police officer. Maybe the engine just needs someone to believe in it like I needed someone to believe in me. Everything has changed now that Isabel's mother is pregnant. I am considering having children of my own, myself when I'm older and make it to Florida. But I may be having one in the not so far Future. I have heard that it is a beautiful place to live. Maybe we can even go to Disney World me and my child and Luis of course.

#WEARERUNDLE We Move Mountains

SINISTER TURMOIL By Elijah Staley, Grade 9 The phone began to ring within Nathan Robinson’s deep pocket. The name labeled on the cell phone was “Tobias”. Nathan took hold of his phone and put it to his ear. “They called me back… you were accepted.” A slight shock was in Nathan’s ocean blue eyes. Without a single response Nathan hung up. Nathan Robinson… private investigator on the paranormal. All though he retired six years ago, he never gave up one case. Obsession grew within his very soul. “That damn company with their mistakes” is what he said every day when working on the case. Nathan has been attempting to expose that company, but failed every time. But thanks to Tobias, he may have a real shot in shutting some light on the history. The day passed to night, Nathan drove to the park but hesitated to even leave his vehicle by his arrival. The parking lot was empty. Not a single soul in sight, except a man… standing at the entrance just staring. His appearance was hidden, but he was a man. Nathan ignored the man to not cause anxiety and stress. The park was eerie enough. Even the entrance itself did not look very bright and wonderful, but it appeared as if it was children’s nightmare. Nathan pulled the door handle, and stepped outside. He looked back at the entrance to see the man once more, but he wasn’t there. The man disappeared into thin air. As Nathan inspected the gate once more, he noticed how rotten and old it looks. “Bubba’s Funland” is what the park was called. Walking towards the front gate, Nathan stopped… and just stared into the darkness passed the black painted metal gate. He took a deep breath and strolled inside. He walked in confusion, not knowing where to go until he saw one building all lit up. “Some security they have” As Nathan looked back at the wide-open gate. As he almost began to jog towards the lit up building like there was something or someone to run away from, a shadow of a person was inside the building through the window, but no man was in sight. He walked toward the door that was cracked open, but when Nathan got inside the shadow was no longer there. Disappeared into thin air. “I got a bad feeling about this” Nathan thought to himself. On the office chair inside lay a white uniform with a note on it. The note read, “Please wear this uniform when on duty. Thank you”. Nathan moved the uniform to the side for now, and took hold of the computer. Scrolling through the security cameras, he came to yet another strange man at the Puppeteer Carousel. Nathan stared at the man and his sinister stare went right back at him. Nathan quickly put down the blinds on the windows and slipped his uniform on quickly. He grasped his light stick and began to search within the park for the strange man. Suddenly Nathan’s dirty old cell began to ring once again. It was not a call, it seemed more that a prerecorded message. The message said in an old deep voice, sounding similar to Tobias’s voice, “Welcome to your new summer job at Bubba’s Funland. I am your guide today and I will give you a wonderful tour around the place. Fir- “. Nathan hung up his phone. “Guide? What is the point of a guide?” Thought Nathan. Wandering around, Nathan saw a roller coaster in the distance. His memories began to flush in when he was just a little boy. “PorkPatch Coaster” tabled in big text on the coaster. Nathan began thinking to himself where all the… characters were placed. From all Nathan can remember there was only Bubba the Bear, PorkPatch the Pig, and some puppet. Nathan continued to wander around, from place to place, area to area, Nathan could not find that man or the characters until he reached the theatre. Standing on the shiny brown painted stage, red curtains and multicoloured lights shining bright onto the two characters. “Well hello Bubba and Porkpatch” Nathan said out loud, not in excitement but in a slight sarcastic voice.

We Move Mountains

To the corner of Nathan’s eye, he could see something moving. He quickly turned and to his surprise, he was face to face with the Puppeteer. “Hey there! Would you like one of my gifts?” Asked the Puppeteer in a creepy robotic but happy voice. Nathan denied the gift but in a kind voice. He never remembered the Puppeteer being able to walk around handing out gifting during the day, even at night. Nathan’s mind began to wander everywhere theory from theory to facts. “Why would the Puppeteer be allowed to walk around during the night?” Whispered Nathan in massive curiosity. Slowly turning his head, Nathan noticed Bubba and Porkpatch were missing. He darted back toward his office, quickly locked the windows and door. He checked all the security cameras in panic, but with relief they were just wandering around on the paths. “I guess that is what they do during the day… but why at night too?” That was Nathan’s next major question, “Why at night?” Assuming they would just ask if you’d want one of their “gifts”, Nathan ran back to the main stage, no longer panicking. The mechanical animals were still off the stage and walking around. They seemed to have some path finding or a trail of some sort, like they always walk on the path not anywhere else. Wandering and wandering, the mechanicals all joined together at one particular spot… the storage room. Upon Nathan’s arrival, they all turned towards him and at the same exact time, began asking him if he would like a gift. He refused all of them until… one of them grabbed hold of his shoulder. One of them as in not the mechanical animals standing in front of Nathan, no… but one behind him. Nathan turned around to see a Puppet… it had an old n’ rotten look to it, it’s texture seemed a little burnt. Its face was horrifying, teeth along its mouth. Black dried paint spilled out of its eyes as if they were… tears. All the animals backed off Nathan and began to wander around again, following their trail. All of them except for the old looking Puppet. Still standing one foot away from Nathan, staring at him. The Puppet gave a sinister smile when it’s eyes laid upon Nathan. Nathan looked away from the Puppet and into the storage room. There lay a dirty old suit, it smelled too. As if there was a body inside the suit, that kind of smell. He took out his phone, and turned back toward where the Puppet was standing. But it was gone, disappeared into thin air. Later that night, Nathan got a call from Tobias’s mother saying that there was an accident, and she wanted to inform me of the event. Nathan began documenting the events that has occurred into his notes. The park had secrets, and it seemed like the characters were not happy. Tobias’s death may have had something to do with the secrets of this park. Then it struck Nathan’s brain, “The Puppet is my best friend Nathan! Y’know, the really tall and black one?” Said by Tobias when Nathan and him were just kids. The Black Puppet. Nathan was beginning to plan, he needed to find out who that Black Puppet was. But until then, he must not tell anyone of this night, and especially Tobias. Next night came in place, Nathan was meant to stay for three more nights, but there has been a change in the characters behaviour. They were no longer just wandering around, they were wandering toward something or someone. The shadow of the man continued to appear, it may have something to do with that Black Puppet. But no conclusions just yet, not until I break the locks on the box to reveal all the secrets that this park holds. Nights and nights passed, Nathan was still unable to figure out what they are walking towards and why, they seem to be changing directions every time they reach a new area of the park. One of them went towards the eating area, then back towards the Ferris wheel where they had already gone. The must be a pattern to their movement. Nathan’s pocket vibrated, “New Message: Or maybe they are sending you a message Nathan”. Nathan sprung up from his chair nearly throwing his phone to the ground, opening the blinds and looking outside, slamming the door open as it bangs the wall. No one was outside, the message never said who it was from, but Nathan knew someone was watching him and knows who he is, and maybe even why he is in the park.

We Move Mountains

“Night five, the character’s behaviour changed, I am getting closer to what they are walking towards, now it seems they are walking in the same direction for about five minutes until they reach the next area, then they go part ways. I have been watching their feet and their walking pattern. I think they may be drawing words with their feet as they walk.” Nathan closed his notebook, and took a deep breath. Not a single day have they shown aggression towards him. But whenever Nathan walks out the door of his office, the characters began to walk on their trail as they do during the day. Nathan was on his final night until next week, but Nathan was not even wanting to go for another week. But when mysteries are unsolved, the time takes longer. “I have found their words they have made, it creates a sentence… Nathan you know me. I assume the characters were speaking of the Black Puppet.” Nathan came closer and closer to breaching the vault door and releasing the mysteries. He soon realized that the company didn’t make multiple mistakes, only one. And that one mistake was a living person. After hours and hours, Nathan walked outside and began to backtrack where the characters went towards, and it all went straight into the storage room. The suit that was laying on the floor was no longer there. The characters must have moved it, or used it somehow. Behind him… behind Nathan… the tall Black Puppet stood glaring down with its smile, but no longer sinister… it seemed to be a smile of relief. Nathan turned toward the puppet… seconds of staring turned into minutes. Nathan was inspecting the puppet, analyzing it, trying to figure out what it was doing, who it was, and why it was here. The thirty minute mark hit Nathan, and it banged him on the skull. The Black Puppet is someone he knows… “The Puppet is my best friend Nathan! Y’know, the really tall and black one?” Nathan looked at the ground thinking, then back up at the Black Puppet in shock. Staring into the Puppets white glowing eyes, it had no longer had sinister eyes, but relaxed and gentle eyes. As Nathan was still staring into the Puppet, he kept putting everything he noted down all together in his head until he opened the locked box… “T-Tobias?”

We Move Mountains

THE NOT SO IDENTICAL TWINS AND THE UNTHINKABLE Alexsa Zurowski, Grade 9 Biologically I have a twin. We have the same parents, we look the same, with our emerald green eyes and our semi-long lucent blond hair like most people would assume of twins, but on the inside, our minds work completely different. Ever since I was a child, I was the smarter one, the one with more friends, but Melina would not allow that. She would be sure to take away anything I love like it was her mission in life to keep me unhappy. Every time I got a new toy, she would snatch it from my grasp and destroy it or hide it, whatever she felt like that day. When I tried to tell our parents about her behaviour, Melina was the one who cried and carried on and my parents would listen to. Growing older, in grade school, she would always take away my friends meaning I couldn’t talk to them anymore. She made up lies about me to my friends so they wouldn’t talk to me anymore. But that’s just typical Melina. She was envious that I had more friends than her. So was up to Melina to take that away from me. In school, I was always better at creating projects and getting high grades on them. Oh, no, Melina would destroy my poster boards before I even got a chance to show them. It was like I had nobody on my side. I was constantly trying to fight against her. When grade school ended, I would have the privilege of attending Switzerland’s best university. I would be able to travel and get away from the evil past I had endured since I was alive. That was all fantasy when my parents died. Apparently, they died traveling home from their banking trip on the highway from Germany. It was a huge shock to me. I had never thought they would be gone so soon. They might have listened to Melina’s stories about her stealing or destroying my things, but they still loved me the same as Melina. To them we were the same. Equals. It was the only love I had in my life. The only people that loved me and cared for me. Now that was gone. After our parent’s death Melina asked me to go to our cottage four hours north of Zurich, Switzerland. Melina wanted to go to our cottage to clean out all of our parents’ personal stuff. I was surprised. Why would Melina want to take me to clean out our cottage? She genuinely wanted me to come with her and help clean up. Wanting badly to go to our cabin because I hadn’t been there in two or more years, but I didn’t want to go with Melina. I was so upset about our parents’ death that I accepted her. Melina and me sat in the decrepit car and started driving down the sloping highways, peering all around at the un real scenery. Snow topped mountains poked out of the top of the thick lush green trees, and you

could hear the calm babbling brook make its way down the river. The narrow highways were surrounded with thick forest that grew everywhere and you could see nothing but trees around every corner. Me and Melina drove the windy roads for what seemed like hours talking quietly. It was quite strange how Melina was acting. She was not her manipulative, self-centered self today. She was smiling and laughing. “Hanna, I love that sweater you’re wearing. Is it new? It wouldn’t look good on me. I couldn’t wear that light beige colour.” “Thanks, I got it the other day, yeah”. Melina smiled to herself. Not a smirky smile. A happy smile. I still couldn’t figure out why Melina was acting so strange. She mistreated me all my life and then she’s acting like it never happened. Why is she doing this? This is so unlike her. “Hanna, I can’t wait to get there. I love the waves rolling onto the rocky shore” “Yeah, I agree Melina” We continued our drive through the dense forest for about another hour sitting quietly, every once in a while, you could hear Melina asking me small questions, keeping the conversation going. When we arrived at the cottage, it was a breath of fresh air. I hadn’t been there for an eternity. We stepped into the cottage and set our bags down on the old creaky couch. Next to it, there was a small set of elderly table and chairs. “Hanna, I’m feeling tired after the long day, how about we sit?” “No I’m going to go up”. I headed up the old squeaky steps leading up to the upstairs attic. The door creaked as I opened the door and stepped into the dimly lit room. A small square window sat perched at the top of the room. Sunlight streamed through, overpowering the darkness. Dust was in every corner of the small square room, and two bookshelves sat there. I bent down on my hands and knees, swished a thick layer of dust from the floor, and started pulling out the items. I came across a hefty book sitting alone on one of the book shelfs. I was instantly pulled forward. I picked up the thick book and swished the thick layer of dust from the cover. The book was Melina’s old novels from high school. Intrigued, I opened the front cover to reveal a messy scrawl that said “I will kill you if it is the last thing I do” I gasped. I in tacked breath. I now knew why Melina was acting so strange. So nice. She was here to kill me. My own sister. She has abused me all my life but to kill me? I was so shocked that I fell to the floor and stared up at the low ceiling. My body shivered and shacked uncontrollably. I started thinking of ways to get revenge. All I was thinking about was ways to destroy my evil sister. My head felt heavy, spinning in circles how I was going to do this.

We Move Mountains

The following morning, I woke up with my head spinning. Energy buzzed through me like an electric current. I went down the spiralling staircase, creaking all the time, and made my way to the small cramped kitchen. Melina came down shortly after, yawning. Making coffee, I reached for the small packet of cyanide at the back of the cupboard. We keep it there for mice. I casually ripped open the package while Melina sprawled out on the couch. Blood pulsed through my head and heat flooded to my face. I gently poured the microscopic white powdery substance into Melina’s cup. I gently stirred the substance in until all the white powder dissolved not making any trace there was something added whatsoever. The telephone rang. I went over to the telephone and picked up. “Hello, is this Hanna? This is Switzerland University. We are calling to let you know that you are accepted into the program.” I dropped the phone. My mouth gaped open. I stared at the phone with disbelief. My life dream. Still in disbelief, I grasped the telephone again and said, “Hello?” “This is the university; do you still want to go?” “Yes, yes!” “Ok, semester one starts in two months.” “Thank you!” I hung up. I leaped off the ground wildly. I was so happy. The happiest I had felt in all my life. I sat down at the kitchen table with my coffee. Melina sat beside me, a beam on her face. I sipped my coffee, and I suddenly felt like I was choking. I struggled for air and realized that Melina was killing me. Melina had switched the coffee. I never thought that Melina was going to be the one to kill me.

We Move Mountains

BOOKSTORE Ainsley Lumsden, Grade 9 Today was 
 like any other day, I woke up at 7:00 am, got ready and headed to work. I worked at Smith’s antique book store, it was my dream job. Every day when I get there I start by going down to the basement and checking on the one of a kind books, they are kept in a special fibre glass room. These books can’t be touched by light or-else it can ruin the pages or the book cover. The room has 1 chair and a rug if I wanted to read any of the books, but I never do. When the store opens at 8 nobody is rushing to get in. Most of my work days are very slow. I guess there really isn’t much of an audience for antique books. Today was different, my coworker, Joey opens the door and a woman immediately rushes in. She had long blonde her with brown at the roots, eyes that were like the sky and tan skin. “Hi, I’m Jenny and I looking for a book.” She said in a rushed tone. “Well then Jenny, how may I help you.” She didn’t seem like the type to be looking for a book, she seemed to posh for that. “Well I looking for this cookbook, I don’t know the name but my grandma used to cook from it and I know what it looks like.” I directed Jenny over to the cookbooks, I watched her take out every-book with care and look at it to see it was the one. “Here it is!” I could tell Jenny was exited to find this book, you could just see the joy in her eyes. We walked over the register and Jenny place the book down carefully. “All I need is your full name and your phone number and the book is yours.” We had to ask each customer for here phone number so we could call them in 2 weeks’ Time and ask if they were going to purchase the book or return it. “Jenny Cove and 309-765-0087.” I watched her walk out, she was gorgeous and I just had to know more about her. “Are you interested in her?” Joey asked. “No, of course not, she just seems different.” That night I went home, made a salad and sat on my couch. Jenny puzzled me, why was I so fascinated by his girl. “That’s it!” I opened up my laptop and searched her name. And there she was, every aspect of her life on the internet. She posted something new almost every day, she was always with her friends out at some fancy bar on the upper east side. Then I found what I was looking for, a picture of her in her house. The only thing about this picture was I could see where she lived, the street address and the house in front of hers. She lived in the East Village on Cranberry road.

A yellow cab pulled up and she rushed to get out of the door. Once I saw she was gone I headed to work. I waved at Joey and walked down to the basement of the book store. I opened my laptop to see if Jenny had posted anything. She posted a picture of her in a yoga studio. Jenny had a name tag on so I assumed she worked there. I searched up the yoga studio and I was looking through the class options. “Yoga with Jenny.” As soon as I saw that I signed up right away. Classes were every Tuesday and Thursday from 9-10 AM. I only went to some yoga. I didn’t want Jenny to think I was weird. Like nobody goes to every yoga class, right? After every yoga class I would head back to work. Joey was always asking why I was late to work and what I was doing. I couldn’t tell him I was doing yoga. So, I just told him I joined a fencing club. “No way man, I do fencing too! Where do you do yours?” I had to think I didn’t know any fencing clubs in New York. “Oh I just started so, I’ll tell you the name of it next week.” “Ok man, maybe we can do some fencing together some time.” I nodded and went to the basement. As I always did I went and checked on the one of a kind books. They were all there so I had nothing to worry about. I went on to my laptop to see if Jenny had posted anything new. “East Village bar free mic tonight, come see me read my new writing piece!” Well its free for anyone to see so it wouldn’t be that strange if I went. I finished work at 4PM and asked Joey to close up the shop. I went home and got ready to go to the east village. It was a 20-minute subway ride away and I thought about being there early so I could see Jenny and all her wonderfulness. I sat down at the bar. The bar was dimly lit except for the stage. The stage had a big white spotlight right in front of the mic. Jenny walked in and said hello to her friends very excitedly. All her friends live luxurious lives from what I could see online. Tina was a travel blogger, Jennifer worked with her husband on their vegan food restaurant on the upper east side and Monica was a Vegetarian blogger. Jenny looked thrilled to be sharing her writing piece. I could see her being giddy in her seat. “Open mic is now open!” Said the owner of the bar. “Oh that’s me!” When Jenny walked up her friends rolled their eyes. They must have heard her writing before and maybe it just wasn't that good. Jenny started to speak her voice was like music to my ears. I was so distracted by her that before I knew it her piece was over. One or two people clapped. Jenny looked upset when she walked down from the stage. “Jenny we got you this martini became we know how hard it can be public speaking.” Jenny gave them a half smile and chugged it back. Before I knew it, she was blackout drunk, couldn’t keep her balance and was slurring her words. The bartender cut her off and she stumbled out of the bar. “Well she can’t go out there alone.” I thought to myself.

That next morning, I woke up at 6:30 am. I walked to Jenny’s house and watched her through the window. She had a pale pink townhouse with big windows in the front. You could see everything from those windows. I could see the mess of her clothes on the floor and unfinished take-out food. Her walls were a beige tone. It didn't really seem like the kind of place a fancy person #WEARERUNDLE would live.

I walked out of the bar and followed her. Jenny stumbled down each and every corner. She almost fell a few times but managed to keep herself up. Jenny went down to the 
 subway. I kept my distance so she wouldn't recognize me. She walked in a zig zag pattern. She stumbled onto the platform and stood in front of the yellow line. Jenny would sway back and forth and almost fall into the tracks. Then this time she swayed a little too much and fell into the tracks. The train was coming and I had to think quickly, either save her or let her die. I rushed over to the edge and put my arm out she grabbed it and I lifted her off the tracks right before the train got there. “Oh my gosh, you saved my life!” Jenny said thankfully. “That I did, maybe you should call a cab?” Jenny looked at me and then back at her phone. “I guess that would probably be a good idea.” Jenny and I walked up the subway stairs and she called a cab. Jenny kept insisting that I take the ride with her as it was the least she could do since I saved her life. “I feel like I just know you from somewhere.” Jenny said. I couldn't expose myself right here. I had to keep this going. “I have a pretty generic face, at this point I could be anyone in New York.” she nodded her head and laughed “I guess you do.” during that cab ride I felt like me and Jenny had a connection, I felt like I knew everything about her. “Oh well here is my house, but we should stay in contact. let me put your number in my phone.” Jenny reached into her pocket to grab her phone, but it wasn't there. “Oh darn, I must had dropped it on the tracks and left it there, but I will give you my email.:” I took out my phone and put in her email. “Well it was nice meeting you Jenny.” She got out of the cab and stumbled to her door. As we were driving in the cab I took out Jenny’s phone. When she fell, her phone fell out of her pocket and I didn't want it to get ruined so I just took it. She didn't have a password which was kind of dumb for the age we are living in but I didn't mind. I looked through her entire phone. She really did put everything on here. the time she went to Mexico back in 2011 with her grandparents, or the time she was in Disney world with her friends. Her life was on this phone. Now that I knew Jenny’s entire schedule I would get to see her more. I went to every restaurant her and her friends went to, I went to every bar she was at. but I still had to keep this all very low-key. eventually I got the courage to email her. I asked if she wanted to go out for coffee sometime. She replied speedily and said yes. over the next few weeks we spent every moment together. We were always hanging out. Jenny stopped her yoga classes just to spend more time with me.

would be ruined. In l, this moment when she was flipping the pages I walked out of the cage and looked at her. Never had I met a girl so special to me, I only wanted her to be mine. Then I got up and locked the door. Jenny looked at me like I was joking around but I wasn’t. I wanted her to be mine and nobody else's. She started to bang and scream in the cage. I reminded her that the basement was sound proof and the glass would not break. when she hit it. Jenny started to through things and tear books apart. but those books meant a lot less to me than she did. Jenny was my world. I kept her down there for a few days. I would bring her food and water. She could request anything she wanted form me and I would bring it to her. I was in love with Jenny. After a while she started to look more pale, almost like she was decaying. I still would bring her food, but not as often so she would be more excited to see me. One day she was sleeping, so instead of putting the food trough the holes of the cage, I unlocked it and went in. I laid next to her and wondered why she didn't love me back. all of a sudden she woke up abruptly. She stood towering over me. The next thing I knew was I was locked in the cage. Jenny ran up the stairs and yelled for help. once again everything is sound proof and I lock all the doors. I remembered that there was a spare key in one of the books. I unlocked the door and went to go find something to capture Jenny. I looked everywhere but couldn't find anything. Jenny came sprinting down the stairs and looked right at the cage “He's gone.” she said in terror. At that very moment I knocked her out with a book on the back of her head. There she was my one love, dead on the floor. But I loved her so it was ok. I walked up the stairs so I could continue to do my job and not get fired. a nice young lady came in “Hi I'm Amanda and I'm looking for a vegetarian cookbook, my grandfather loved to cook from it.” I walked over to the section with her. I watched look at every book like it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. “Ahh this is the one!” she smiled with glee. We walked back to the register and she wrote down her name and number. “Ooo another girl, what happened to the last one?” Joey said. “Ya I'm not too sure, she kind of just disappeared.” and with that, I knew that Amanda would be my next true love.

One day I took her to my bookstore. I knew she loved books because every 5th post on her Instagram was about the book she just read. I took her down to the basement where all the one of a kind book were. I walked her in to the fibre glass cage. I explained that these books could not be touched by sun or the pages

#WEARERUNDLE We Move Mountains

SARAH, GODDESS OF ICE CREAM Sydney Barnden, Grade 8 
 Once, not so long ago, there lived a girl named Sarah who lived on a milk farm in Alberta. Sarah had 1 dairy cow on her milk farm since the other dairy cows died in the harsh winter because it so cold. Sarah cursed her mother, Persephone for letting the earth have such a cold winter. One early morning on a cold day, Sarah decided to get milk from the cow. She grabbed a pail and milked it. Sarah got a pail full of milk. She took it inside of her cozy cottage and placed it in the kitchen. Little did Sarah know, that the sugar was right beside the milk. Sarah turned and accidentally bumped the sugar into the milk with her elbow. Sarah did her best to get the sugar out of the milk, but most of it had dissolved. Sarah cried out in rage. Sarah decided to place it in the fridge, but she misplaced the freezer for the fridge. Sarah accidentally placed the milk with sugar in the freezer instead of the fridge. At dinner time, Sarah could not find the milk anywhere. Sarah’s faced burned. Sarah checked the freezer, the last place she expected it to be. The milk was frozen and looked like dried up plaster. Sarah scowled. She decided to eat the milk like this because she was very hungry and dinner was still in the oven. She grabbed a spoon and dug it into the plaster like frozen milk. The milk was so cold that it felt like a 1000 tiny needles poking at Sarah’s gum and teeth. The milk tasted like sweet syrup. Sarah cried out in joy. It was the best thing she had ever made. She decided to call the sweet delicacy ice cream. Sarah decided to make more ice cream. This time, she made it more creamier and have more sugar. For the past few days, Sarah was a bundle of joy. She was so proud of her big accomplishment. Sarah ordered delivery trucks so they can deliver the sweet treat to Calgary, a big city in Alberta. Soon Dionysus, Sarah’s father found out about the delicacy. Dionysus felt that something bad would happen if Sarah stopped making the delicacy. Dionysus knew Sarah never listened to anything he said, but he told her anyways. Sarah didn’t care what Dionysus said. He may have been her father, but she had control over what she wanted to do. Soon, everyone in Calgary had tried the ice cream and demanded more. Sarah had to wake up every morning before the sunrise and work till dawn to make ice cream. Sarah’s arms were starting to get sore, but she fought through the pain. Soon, all of Alberta was demanding more Ice cream. Sarah was working every single day. Alberta demanded more flavours. Vanilla, chocolate and fruit flavoured. Although her arms were sore, Sarah refused to get any help because she did not want to share the secret recipe of ice cream. Sarah made the ice cream more creamier and added more flavour. Her one and only dairy cow was becoming tired so she had to buy more dairy cows. Now, all of Canada, the United states, South America, Europe and Africa demanded ice cream. Sarah worked night and day. More delivery trucks came to her farm. “The people demand more! Make it faster!” the truck driver cried. “I’m trying!” Sarah cried with ire. She loaded the trucks with the ice cream so they could deliver it around the world. After many restless nights and hard working days, Sarah decided to stop making ice cream. She didn’t listen to Dionysus. Anyways, what could possibly happen? Mortals and gods had soon heard the news that Sarah had stopped making ice cream. Gods and mortals were mortified. They could no longer eat the sweet treat that they savoured. Suddenly, something surprising happened. Gods and mortals suddenly felt something they never felt more. A desire to get their hands on ice cream like their life depended on it. Greed. Very angry people went to Sarah’s dairy farm in the middle of the night. Sarah was in deep, deep sleep because she hadn’t slept in weeks. People started to scream and moan and complain


We Move Mountains

“Make more ice cream!” they cried “Give it to us. We need it,” one person cried. Eventually, Sarah woke up to see a very big crowd of people on her property. Sarah opened up the door and went 
 outside. “You should have not stopped making ice cream,” Eris, the god of disagreement said. Sarah started to shake. She went back inside to look in her freezer, but she had no ice cream left. She went back outside to tell them she had none left. As soon as everyone heard this, they all cried and complained. The crowd soon left once they heard the sad news, but their greed was still there. Sarah went back into bed and fell back to sleep. Sarah woke up to Zeus, Eris and Aphrodite at her bed side. Started, Sarah jumped up straight out of bed. “I loved ice cream, but then you took it away,” Aphrodite claimed. Zeus, Eris and Aphrodite took Sarah to one of the coldest places on earth: the artic. The 3 gods chained her up as a punishment for not making any more ice cream. They chained her to the cold ice. It felt as if Sarah was in hell. Sarah wish she had kept making ice cream. She wished she listened to her father, Dionysus, who knew better than she did. Soon, Sarah died from frost bite with the secret recipe of ice cream. Humans looked for the recipe in case Sarah had written it down anywhere, but she did not. Humans soon found out how to make ice cream, but it was not nearly as good as Sarah’s. If only Sarah did not stop making ice cream, or there wouldn’t be any greed in the world.


We Move Mountains

THE LONG WALK HOME Sophie Brimacombe, Grade 8

THE COAT By Mac Abbott, Grade 8

How cold was it? 
 I peered around the corner to see winter spinning towards me it was a white, winter, wonderland.

You are a coat on a winter day You are a four leaf clover that I found You are also the alpha wolf in a pack

The blizzard was as brisk as Antarctica, a thermometer slowly creeping up to -70 that was wrapped around my swollen purple hand. plop! a million of pieces of ice crystals come dancing down like ballerinas, and hit the 30 cm powdered snow so slow.

However, you are not the guy on the tool shed beer can Or the burger without meat And you are not bull in a China shop There is just no way you are

My toes where purple and had a tingling feeling crept up them my toes where as numb as when a dentist puts anesthetic in you mouth and your mouth has no feeling. The immersible powder traveled all the way up to my neck.

It is possible you are a bee in a flower shop Maybe the supports on a house But you are the gold at the end of a rainbow And a quick look in the mirror will show That you are neither a sitting duck Nor an old pair of boots in a corner

My breath was so cloudy when I breathed it was like a dragons breath.

It might interest you to know, Speaking of the plentiful imagery of the world, That I am the sound of rain in a rainforest

THE CAT FOOD Rohan Pernitsky, grade 8

I also happen to be the light at the end of the tunnel The fire on a cold night And the turtle on its back

Not so long ago in 2016 there were 2 cats. They were cute cat and naughty cat. One day cute cat came to eat but there was only enough food for 1 cat. So she went down to eat when she saw naughty cat going to eat pizza. She told him that he will get in trouble and he did the human saw him too so he lifted him up and put him where I was. Then naughty cat started to scare the cute cat. Then the human came back with 16 bag’s full of food. He opened one and set down a new bowl and he put cat food in both of them. After that they never fought again. In 2017 they got kittens. Then grandpa cat came to see the kittens. And in 2015 he had ran away. Then the human found him in 2018 and he was so happy to see him again. Then upon his return, he made a cake made out of cat food but the human forgot that it was made out of cat food so he ate the cake too, in the end, they had all have had the same amount of cat food.

I am also the colour on the dark day And the house you come home to at the end of the day But don’t worry, I’m not coat on a winter day You will always be the the coat on a winter day Not to mention the four leaf clover I found WAITING FOR THE BUS Jack Frishbutter, Grade 8 The cutting crisp temperature plummets As I walk into the abyss, It’s like climbing to the summit To get a frostbitten kiss. The trees with no leaves, The slippery ice demands a price, As my heart grieves It hopes it only lasts a trice. I exhale my breath, Chilled, crisp, and cool. Am I inhaling death, Or am I just a fool? It’s so cold outside I cry, Icicles freeze my face, Wishes fly to the sky In hopes to escape this place.


We Move Mountains

ACADIAN LETTER Gabrielle Salt, Grade 8 August, 
 17th 1756 Dear Yvonne and Zachary Pitre, I am writing to you Aunt Yvonne and Uncle Zachary to tell you about the tough times we have had recently. Before I was born my father took an oath to stay neutral between France and Britain, when they were fighting we called it the Oath of Neutrality. We continued to farm and did what we always did. Then the British soldiers took all the men in the village into the church and I heard yelling. We assumed that the oath of Allegiance was being forced on are people again. We didn’t think it was right to take an oath to fight for the British because we were related to the French people and we didn't want to fight the Mi'kmaq either. Then they all filled out looking sad and started going towards the bay. We soon realized what this meant. They were removing us from this land and sending us elsewhere. All the women and children were running trying to catch up to their husbands, fathers, and brothers. I was running as well trying to get to Papa but the British soldiers were holding us back. They kept us separated for a long time but once we got back to papa and my brothers they were putting us on ships. I got grabbed by a British soldier really firmly on the arm and got dragged onto a row boat that was almost full. The boat started to head to one of the large British ships. I tried to jump into the water and swim back to my family but before I could get into the water a British soldier grabbed the collar of my dress and pulled me back down onto the boat. He yelled at me in a language that I didn't understand with a musket pointed at me the whole time. He finally released me once we got into the ship. I looked back and saw the rest of my family getting on another large ship that was going in the opposite direction. I felt my eyes swelling up then I burst into tears realizing that I would never see my family again. I went to the lower deck with all the other Acadians and we spent a long time down there. Lots of people got sick and some died. We all had to take turns sleeping because there wasn’t enough room for us to all lay down and stretch out at the same time. After what was about 35 days of being on that boat we finally got to a land that had lots of swamps. We all loaded off the boat and then the British left. We didn't know where we were, We didn’t know if there was even food for us to eat. All the families that were still together were talking about what they should do. I went into the forest until I saw houses and there was a family walking on the path and going to buy a treat from the bakery. I checked my pockets to see if I have a dollar to buy some food cause I realized that I was starving. I continued to walk when I heard something. I turned around to see what. I turned around and the little boy from the family that I saw going to the backers. The boy was handed me a freshly baked bun. I spent the night with the nice family and everything was more amazing then I could have wished for after the separation. The family took me in as one of their own. It has been a year since the Great Deportation and I am now 11. I still cannot find Mama and Papa. I still get nightmares after that tragic day, but I grateful for the generosity that the Savoies have shone me. With love, Adrienne Pitre


We Move Mountains

THE WRESTLING MATCH Breanna Morgan, Grade 8 
 Beep, Beep, Beep! I hit the alarm-clock with my fist then tossed of the covers and rolled out of bed. Walking over to my closet I cracked my back and stretched my neck. “Finally!” I said to my self “it’s wrestling day.” I held the gold medal in wrestling for girls 43 to 47 kg weight class in Alberta. Waiting for the next season to start was agonizing, but today was the day! Rummaging through my closet I found got my Jr. Dino wrestling bag and put on my red Dino shirt, some black shorts, and my Dino sweater. I beaded my dirty blond hair in two Dutch brides and put on some mascara. “Emma!” called dad, “We are going to be late!” “coming!” I Yelled back as I ran down the stars and in to dads car. The wrestling room at the Jr. Dino gym was all red with red mats on the walls and floor. When I got their coach was in the middle of the floor surrounded by similar faces. Grabbing my shoes out of my bag I ran to the middle and grabbed a seat. Coach was a short man with muscles the size of cantaloupes. His voice boomed as he introduced a new girl named Liz. Apparently she had jest moved from Victoria and she was going to join are club. When coach saw me he said perfect and introduced us. Liz told me she was In the 43 to 47 kg weight class and my hart dropped. Liz keeps on talking but I wasn’t listing. My mind raced. She was in the same weight class as me? What if she was better then me? I’m not that good with competition. Not to be rood to everyone els in my weight class but they all suck. Liz and I were pared up and she was good. We practised single legs and she was better at those, But I was better at double legs. I really wanted to be the best and what if Liz was better? I couldn't handle that. At the next practice me and Liz where partners once again. I tried harder then I ever had agented the other girls in my weight class and It looked like she did to. It was the first tournament of the year and all of us where excited. Liz and I sat on the buss together and we started to talk. Liz was nicer then I thought and that made it harder to hate her. At the tournament there where four people in my weight class including me and Liz. Couch led the team in a warm up a stretch. After me and Liz decided to scope out the competition. We found a weight sheet and saw that the other girls in are weight class were named Sam and Jessica. I knew who they were and I showed Liz. “There not that good,” admitted Liz, “yah” I agreed. “Good thing I came then” added Liz, “ Guess it is.” I said pondering the idea in my head. I had never thought of competition as being a good thing but I had to admit I have gotten better since Liz got here. We headed back to the team and found out what mat we would be wrestling at. The competition started, My match against Sam was first. I stepped in to the ring and shook Sams hand. I shot like a built dropping done to her legs. My fingers found each other connecting around her the backs of her knees. I puled her legs towards my cheat shifting my all weight on to her. Bang! Sam hit the mat then flipped to her stomach. Coach yelling “Chest to chest!” I shimmied up Sams legs to her back, weaved my are thought hers then on the back of her head. Using my arm for leverage and pushing off my tows I flipped her. I scoped her head and put all my weight on her chest to chest. The ref sealed beside us. I could hear Liz and coach yelling “push, push!” I pushed with my toes, the ref smacked his hand on the mat singling thatI had pined Sam! The ref shook Sam’s and my hands then grabbed both are wrists and raised mine. I looked at the clock and only 37 seconds had passed. I ran to coach at he gave a hight five. Next was Liz’s mach agents Jessica. She shook her hand and the mach started. Jessica shot first but Liz started pushing Jessicas head down to the mat. Liz spun like a top getting behind Jessica. Grabbing her arm Liz pushed Jessica over with her chest then scoped her head. “Chest to chest!” I screamed. Liz put all her weight on Jessica and she got a pin! The ref shook there hands and raised Liz’s. She one her mach in 45 seconds. When liz came off the mat I hugged her “good job.” I told her “Thanks” bubbled Liz. After are matches me and Liz had 45 minutes of down time. We talked and it turned out that we had lots in common. We both are in grade 9 and are both 15. Liz talked about all the cute boys at her new school and showed me the cute ones instagrams. I realized Liz and I could be good friends. When 30 minutes had passed we went back to the mat sat down. Wile waiting for the next mach coach came over “Im not going to coach you two when you wrestle agents each other, ok,” he announced. “ok,” we answered.


We Move Mountains

The ten minutes before mine and Liz’s match seemed to go by like hours. I was so nervous because she was good like provincials good. “I am to.” I said silently in my head. There was one mach till ares and I started bouncing from foot to foot warming up. I closed my eyes and focused on moves, I visualized a single leg, double leg, angle last, and a gut wrench. Then the ref calmed mine and Liz’s names. My hart started beating faster and faster till it felt like it was beating out of my chest. I shook Liz’s hand then we began. Lis shot for my legs but I sprawled pushing my hips down to the mat. Liz went on all fours but she still had my legs I tried spin out but Liz spun with me. The ref called us back up to standing this time I shot first. I did a double lag and Lis fell to her stomach. Then I warped my arms around her legs like I was a serpent. Taking a peek at the scoreboard I saw that we both had two points. Knowing that each time you roll someone it is two points and I hod to role her five times to win. I started to roll but Liz was working hard agents me. Then I rolled her, four points. After the first room I had momentum on my side I rolled once more, six points. Another cool, eight points. Last one I thought, I posted with all my might, ten points! The ref blew his whistle and we stood up. Liz shook my hand and my arm was raised. We walked of the mat. “Good job.” I told Liz, “You to.” Answered Liz. The tournament was over in about an hour after the mach. All the clubs sat to gather waiting for the meddles. “43 to 47 kg!” boomed the announcer, “Third place Jessica, second Liz, and first Emma!” Liz and I walked over to the podium to gather. We got are meddles and took a pitcher. When I got home my dad asked “did you crush Liz?” I answer “ yes, but I'm glad that she is here because she gave me a run fo my money.” “Thats good,” answers dad, “good competition pushes us to greatness.” I went up stars and had a shower to wash off. The next day I spend up instagram and saw That Liz had tagged me in a pitcher. I opened it up and saw me and her with are meddles. I remembered how threatened I felt when I first met Liz and how silly I was. Now in know that good competition is a good thing.

We Move Mountains

The Cold Was a Silent Killer Amelia, Grade 8

Void of Sleep Carter Kemp, Grade 8

It swarmed around me. It consumed everything. I was trapped in it’s icy spell, its unforgiving bitter spell. My blood ran cold, and my skin stiffened up as the harsh wind blew. The cold was a silent killer.

Under my only defence a beastly chill bit. Under the fussy field of roses a trace like a river of ice. Under the weight of self doubt, blood rushes to my ears. Under my lifeline I look into the shark's eye, cold and lifeless Under the restoration of sleep the savoury taste of the void. Sleep sleep sleep…

It stung, pierced, and prodded at me. It froze me from the inside out. Coldness enveloped me. The cold was a silent killer. It was misunderstood. It was so unsympathetic. It’s raging inhospitable temperament was reckless. I had given in, I let the raw, bleak, cold consume me. The cold was a silent killer My Beautiful Mom Kayden Baker, Grade 9 46 years ago, 1972 was an amazing year. You were born... My mother, My mentor... the person I look up to above everyone else. Although I struggle with school at times, and the “focusing bit,” you never stop encouraging me to do my best. Without you there at night to keep me in line to do my homework, to brush my teeth, to wash my face, I'd be very confused. YOU are the final piece to the puzzle every night to complete my day when you say goodnight and I love you. I love you- and your big heart that - is always ready to care about me, think about me, and accept me no matter what I do.

The Choices Made In The Golden Girl Book Aidan Berkhold, Grade 9 The choices made in the book Golden Girl made a model friend named Donna, turn in to a backstabbing, betrayer friend. The protagonist of the story, Donna, had made an exceptional friend at school for Anna, the prettiest girl in school, Donna was her best friend, and Donna was tired of everyone blaming her for everything Anna did. She made a backstabbing choice to her best friend and took a note out of the trash that Anna had given to Mr. Mcallum because Anna loved him, Mr. Mcallum was a hot new teacher at the school that Anna fell in love with. Without a doubt this is the kind of thing that set off Donna to set out to make sport of the disappointment of Anna. Donna had seen the note before Anna gave it to Mcallum, it said to meet her at the coffee shop at 11:00 o’clock. I’ll have you know that this was the bait that Donna was looking for, her plan was to go to the coffee shop with a huge number of people and they would all be laughing at her when she arrived at the coffee shop without Mr. Mcallum being there. For this reason, I think that this book of choices is the most amount of change that the protagonist has went through.

You have inspired me to perform at high standards athletically and to push myself to my Max everyday. I love you to the top of Highwood pass and back 100 times. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM


We Move Mountains

“Stop dreaming about your bucket list and start living it”-Annette White Owen 
Brown, Grade 9 Antoine De Saint-Exupery, a famous French writer and pilot once said, “People dream of adventures and accomplishing great things, but often, it never happens.” This quote is saying if you don't plan something you want to do, you will never get it done. That’s why so many people in our world never get their dreams finished because they never think about doing them. So I started to make a bucket list. There are so many things on my bucket list, but the main three are skydiving, driving a fast car on a racetrack and watch my favorite NBA star Kyrie Irving play ball.

Kyrie’s skills on and off the court so this is why I need to see him. When I get enough money to go watch him play I will be ready to be amazed by Kyrie the god skills.

Oh skydiving, I have always wanted to go soaring through the air at lightning fast speeds. That's why I have desired to go. Ever since I have seen red bull commercials of them skydiving I have always wanted to do it. I will have to start saving right now because it costed $250 to skydive in New York, but that is American money. Personally I would love to have an exciting rush by jumping out of a plane. This will make me never scared of heights ever again. Amazingly this will be awesome to do because you can tell people you jump out of a plane that was 12,500 feet in the air. It will cost a bit but I will get there some day and jump out of that plane!

Just imagine a sound so loud that it would shatter your ear drums. Just think of going so fast that you feel like you have super speed. All those categories are in one of the best bucket list ideas ever. To drive a fast car on a race track but not just any car.. no no, a Mclaren P1. I will need to rent the car but it will probably have to be in Vegas because you can rent almost any car there or even in Dubai they also have a lot of those types of cars. The cost will be a lot because the car can sell up to 10 million dollars if it is custom so insurance will be a lot. Willingly I would love to feel the power in a P1 and feel the power of it as well. It would be cool to see the cool butterfly doors and how low it is to the ground. This would be cool because I have never been in a million dollar car before and I want to see why it is so expensive. When I get this check off my bucket list and I will tell my friends that I have driven in a million dollar car. When I get these things done I will feel accepted and very proud. Maybe after I have check them off I can start to do more and more, and maybe one day I can check off all the things I want to do. I just need to get it done and find my greatness.

Oh Kyrie, he has been my idol ever since I started to play basketball. I saw him on tv one day playing and I was amazed how good he was. Kyrie is the one that encouraged me to play basketball. I need to see him play, I just do. I will have to buy tickets to Boston which are $362 for the plane, but I still have to buy tickets to a game and a hotel. It will be at least in the thousands for how much it will be. I would love to see Kyrie up close with his smooth handling skills and his amazing jelly layups. As well I would like to see him go through five people at once like it is nothing. This would be cool to see him up close and see is warm up routine. I have always loved


We Move Mountains

DARKNESS! Lev Markin, Grade 9

“Get out of my head you little monster!” screams Leo.

Fluffy grey pillows float the night sky, the slow echo of H20 bouncing across towns. The scent of apple cider rose against Leo’s nose. (But something dark, terrorizing and evil is coming for Leo.) Without, warning the sky turns absolutely pitch black, the scent pouncing into Leo’s nose smelling like rotten cheese. Leo realizes that he is strapped down by blue glowing chains beaming with a red source, he recites seeing this thing happen in his dreams. Leo knowing that there is something terribly wrong. Suddenly a blur in the distance creeps forward, getting closer and closer. Leo closes his eyes completely shut, afraid what was going to happen next. Leo feels a hot mist overcome his presence, he peaks slightly questioning… what can it be? Leo describes a black 7 foot sharked toothed beast. “Of course it’s a demon.” Leo shakily says. “Well yes it is indeed Leo, I came here to tell you… That it is impossible to leave my pain and suffering, demon child,” whispered the entity in a satanic dark voice.

All of a sudden, a portal with a white bright light starts beginning to open. Leo looks at the mysterious opening, Leo smiles with enjoyment hoping he can leave. Sprinting to the object a mumbling voice starts talking louder. Leo grasps the portal and slowly creeps into the blinding hole. “Leo, I’m sorry but that is all the time we have today,” the mysterious voice explains. The voice seemed to be a women, Leo starts leaning in to get a bit more of a clear vision of her. Leo describes that she was wearing a black suit jacket and a plain black skirt, him quickly realizing that she must be in business of some sort. The women looks at Leo with a pleasant look. Out of know where she passionately waves goodbye and starts heading out the door. As the women left, Leo sees a metal name plated on the wooden door in big letters.

-Grief Counselling Specialist, MD

(-Whoosh- Leo’s chains fall ) Leo angrily says, “Where did you go? I need answers.” Clasping his head, he rocked back and forth with concern. The corners of his mouth quivered, wondering about if he will be free. Out of know where, Leo starts having vivid memories of the dark past. Leo’s mind bolting across each horrid memorable idea. Reminding him that life and love is absolutely useless. Leo explains, “I am positive no one will love me for who I am…” “Tears fall off the loved ones that have felt the loss of your soul decreasing from your coffin.” Demon shames Leo.


We Move Mountains

MOONLIGHT TERROR Kate Holt, Grade 9 The wind 
 was breezing through the town, causing the light weight leaves to slowly fall onto the dark warm pavement of the neighbourhood street. The sun had already warmed the concrete during the day, making for a nice cool Saturday summer night. Sophie and I were walking to a party down a couple blocks away from our university residence. As we were walking, you didn’t need the light of the street lamps to see, due to the massive full moon overhead in the starry sky. The party we were going to was hosted by a friend in Sophie’s Kinesiology class. As we entered a house full of chaos, Sophie went with her boyfriend and left me beside the punch bowl. “I will be back in a couple of minutes, ok Emily?” I gave her the nod and stood awkwardly by myself. Sometimes I wish that I had a boyfriend like Sophie, so that I wasn’t alone all the time. Just then, as I was filling up my cup full of disgusting punch, I caught the glimpse of a new arrival. His eyes were locked with mine and he wouldn’t dare to look away. I veered around to avoid him, because he probably wasn’t looking at me. Instantly, I felt the tap of two gentle ice cold fingers hit the skin below the cuff of my short sleeve shirt. Startled by the unfamiliar touch, I dropped my cup of red punch, and turned around to see the cause of distress. He was gorgeous. The brown fluffy hair perfectly parted, his unique eye colour. And the way he smelled was unforgettable. I froze in fear and admired every single part of him. “Oh I’m so sorry,” he said. Even his voice was a sound from heaven. He leaned down and picked up my empty cup. “ It’s really no big deal,” I told the stranger, with a slight stare in my eyes. “ I’m Edgar.” “ I’m Emily, wow…. Edgar. What a vintage name!” I said trying to be funny. Edgar grinned a bit. “ So how come I’ve never seen you on campus before?” “ I’m an exchange student, I’m trying to get my master’s degree.” He said filling up another cup of punch for me. “ Good for you! That’s a lot of years in school.” I said trying to sound smart. Edgar smiled and we continued talking for the rest of the evening. The way Edgar talked, listened, even moved, fascinated me. As the numbers on the clock began to move higher in the digits, it was time to leave the party. Edgar offered to walk me home in the dark, because we couldn’t find Sophie. The street of my house was completely deserted in the moonlight. Normally, I would feel afraid walking by myself at night, but I had Edgar. There was just something about Edgar that made me feel more comfortable around him. We finally reached the door step of my residence. Gazing into Edgar’s eyes, I was hoping for a late night kiss. I knew he wanted the same. “ Emily, I know we just met but, I think I have feelings for you. You just make me feel different, in a good way.” “ Edgar, I’ve never felt the same for anybody else either.” “ Which is why I have too…” and Edgar began to lean in. I thought to myself, “Here it comes Emily, he is going to kiss you!” I leaned in as well. All of a sudden, Edgar sank his mouth into my neck.


We Move Mountains

THE FALLS Jordan Leischner, Grade 9 “STOP” I yelled at my little brother who we all call little John. Like always little John was in the fridge drinking out of the big milk jug instead of poring the milk into a glass. Little John is my little brother he is three years hold and is in grade one. He is relatively short, he has light brown hair, and is always wearing mis match socks with bright colure shoes. Little John is not my only little brother I have another cute but obnoxious one his name it Brenden. He is in grade 5 and is the complete opposite of little John. He has blond hair and is really tall for his age, plus he is a perfection’s like me. He would never wear miss match socks or really bright colure shoes. In total there are five of us in our family, me, my mom, dad, and two brothers. Even though they can all be annoying I love all of them very much and I wouldn’t trade them for the world. Today my parents decided to take me and my two brothers on a family hiking trip to go see the most alluring water falls in the world. Little John my little brother is obsessed with swimming. Thats all he ever talks about. For his birthdays, or when his friends come over he wants to go swimming. On the other hand Brenden is terrified of water. So he will not be setting foot in the falls. Moments later I can hear from a distance my parents yelling at me to gather my brothers and get in the car fairly fast. In the car and all the way to the falls everyone is talking about what they think the falls are going to look like, the gorgeous views that they think they’re going to see, and the lovely cent of the moist cool wet air from the falls. Finally after a two and a half hour drive talking about the falls we will finally get to see them with our own eyes. The air is humid as I felt it hit my skin. The sun is shining bright overhead, and there is not a single cloud in the sky. From a far distance I can hear water trickling slowly down something. After a minute of taking in the views I turn towards my family and give them the signal to start moving. “ Are you excited little John, and Brenden?” I asked with excitement on my face. They each gave me a nod and a smile. “Then lets go” I say. On the paved black paths you can see little green plants growing along the side. If you look around you there are massive trees with plenty of flowers surrounding you. It would make a good Instagram photo! Eventually we reach our destination which is the falls. When we get there it is magnificent. There is a small shallow pool ground level, that is a light blue colure with sparkles shimmering across the water. Horizontal form the pool there is a massive waterfall that is pouring into a bigger pool. The water and the falls are stunning. It looks so clean, safe, and assuring. But sadly all along the water and anywhere near it there are signs that say in big bold red letters do not go in the water. I could see Little Johns sad face that said I wanted to go swimming. He was devastated, but he still had hope. “Mom dad can I please go swimming I will be careful?” “Little John you know you can’t go in the water there are big signs that say it is dangerous and they are there for a reason to keep you safe, I love you and don’t want anything bad to happen to my precious boy. You may not go in the water. Do not ask again.” “But mom” Little John said

We Move Mountains

“No buts” She replied. Little John felt a rush of sadness in his chest. He felt like he had just been stabbed in the heat and was about to die. I could see tears forming in his eyes as he walked away. I felt bad for 
 him but I knew that was the best thing for him and I did not want him getting hurt. Then all of a sudden from out of nowhere in the corner of my eye I saw something. I could not believe what I was seeing. I ran as fast as I could to see my little brother Jon jumping into the water. My reflexes where to jump into save him. So that’s what I was going to do. I took one leap released my foot and jumped. But I felt something grab my hand and pull me back to the ground before I hit the water. It was my mom her arms were wrapped around me looking in at the water to see my brother. “See I'm fine he yelled at my mom and dad. Nothing dangerous about this.” But then by surprise witch caught me off guard I heard a yelping scream gasping for help. It was my brother, “help” he yelled. The water was starting to wrap around his neck tight, I could see the water pulling him down, blood was all over his body it was like there was knives in the water or something. His face was slowing starting to fade away until it was gone. There was no more little John. Everyone in my family was horrified. Tears started forming right away in all of our eyes. I felt empty like someone had just taken away my little boy. “Was he really dead?” I thought to myself. “Or is this all a dream”? Little John was like my little best friend. He always made me laugh and on sad days and made me smile on hard days. He was an amazing little brother. My heart was stinging, and I felt my mom’s arms titan around me and her tears on my shoulder. My dad and Brandan where hugging each other and Brandon was balling his eyes out. This had never happened to me before. Someone close to me had dyed. Now I knew how it felt. It was awful. Me and my family where speech less and walked down to the car devastated and thinking about what was going to happen next. A week has passed from Little Johns death and my whole family is devastated. We all loved him very much, and miss him like hell. Our life will never return to the way it was without Little John. Me and my brother Brenden have learned a valuable lesson from my brother’s death. When my parents say something we should listen because they have experience and knowledge about things that we don’t have. When they tell us no they most likely have a good reason because of their past experience or previous knowledge. They will most likely always influence in a positive way. So if listen and make the right chose things will most likely go well for you.

#WEARERUNDLE We Move Mountains

SHE’S GONE Ellie Mogan, Grade 9

(Based on the Novel Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo. Spoilers if you want to read it, would recommend) “Why?!” I nearly screamed at Kaz, and then realized my mistake. No one ever yelled at Kaz Brekker, Dirtyhands one of the most feared people in the Barrel. Kaz turned slowly his fabricated crow-headed cane scraping loudly on the old wooden floor. “Do you think I just let him take Inej? Do you think I meant for them to take my Wraith?” Kaz said cooly, his face betrayed no emotion. His eyes were dark, cruel and looked almost evil. His face was cast half in the shadow making him look like the devil everyone thought he was. Maybe they are right, maybe I should just leave Kaz alone, no one wants to anger Dirtyhands. What if his leather gloves come off. Will he have talons or hands stained red with the blood of those he’s killed? Saints know what he is capable of? I slowly start retreating down the dark, narrow hallway, to the stairs where Kaz might not bother to follow me down. He saw me, of course, and started to walk as well, his limp extremely pronounced and he leaned heavily on his cane. He looked more tired and stressed then anyone one at his age of 17 should, but then not everyone is the leader of the Dregs. “Listen to me,” he growled and I slowly faced him though with averted eyes. “ I want you to go talk to Per Haskell, tell him I’ll be gone for a bit longer. Also, inform the White Rose that Nina is… sick. I don’t want them on our case too.” He laughed, “Though I doubt they would, we need to play it safe in our condition.”

His slender gloved fingers started to curl and uncurl, his lockpicks twirling around his fingers and back up his sleeve. Anyone who had been around him longer than a day would know it was his ‘scheming face’ as Inej had called it. The face he made when he was concocting a wild idea that would make any sane man would assume he was far beyond mad. Ideas to steal from the most secure places in the world like the Ice Palace, break into jail or destroy the rich, powerful Van Eck family or rescue Inej. “Yes, Kaz,” I mumbled starting to back down the creaking stairs and out of the Slat. Inej was to only one who ever managed to go down them silently. “Oh, and one more thing. Go talk to Helen and some other places in the Barrel see if there's anyone who can climb. Or go get Rotty, I need someone, now.” I knew he was trying to find someone to replace Inej, no one would be as good, of course, but maybe they were good enough to help get her back if that was still an option. That was everyone's hope, the Dregs would never be the same if Inej wasn’t here, Kaz wouldn’t either. Kaz had been better when she was here, and much, much worse once she was gone. It was subtle but I noticed everything that's why I was here, I could see the slight drop of his shoulders and the calmer look behind his dark eyes. Maybe Kaz had been learning to be human, if that was possible, for her. That would always confuse me, Kaz always said he was born from the Barrel, no real home, no real emotion but Inej might have been the only one who could have helped. But not anymore, she was gone, probably dead. There would be no more getting her back; it was a useless plea of hope. But one we were all still fighting for.

“But Kaz, you're really just want to leave Haskell. Now?” “Tell him or don’t tell him. It will be the same no matter what.” He looked calm and like he couldn’t care less, and that he was daring me to question him again. His face slowly started to lose a bit of anger and he started to look distant.


We Move Mountains


“Well my name is Ramen Boodles, and I was also born with this name.”

It started with a gunshot, and it ended with a bang. My life 
 has been strange ever since I died one year ago and became a ghost. The people who know what happened to me still call me Dead Man, but it’s hard for them to say it with a straight face considering my situation. I’ve shown up in ghost shows and got some pretty good reactions. I’m flying around the city looking at everyone on the sidewalks talking, moving out of stores with bags around their arms, and a few street performers. It’s all colourful and happy, it’s hard to not soak in the life around me. Suddenly while I was looking at the streets I see another ghostly figure fading in and out of the crowds of people. He rounds a corner and I go straight after him like a rocket. When I round the corner I get a better look at the fellow. He has a similar shape to me, which is practically a floating blob with eyes, but he’s more smooth and organized as if he’s been like that for longer than I’ve been alive. He turns around and asks in a deep, strong voice, “And what exactly are you doing here?” I float there in shock, I’ve never heard a voice that’s so sharp and deep.

“So ummm, how did you end up as a ghost?” I ask.

I regain my composure and answer, “Well, you were fading in and out of people so you were being pretty noticeable.” He doesn’t respond so I take the time to get a look at him. His face is also similar to mine, but his eyes are empty, they have no pupils, no veins, no colour, just a white empty void. “Wait, who are you anyways?” I question, but he doesn’t respond, he just stares into my soul’s soul. “I’m Dead Man, I know the name is ridiculous it’s fine to laugh,” but he doesn’t laugh. How hard is it to make this guy happy? I think to myself. I stick my hand out to shake his, but he still keeps floating there with not a hint of human inside. He finally starts talking again, “I don’t care about your name, what I do care about is not trusting you so please leave.” “Calm down I’m just here to have a friendly-“ “What if you’re here to take my place? You look like me which raises suspicion, so don’t you dare come near me.” “Okay look can we just sit down and chat? If I were here to replace you I would’ve been doing it already okay? Just chill.” He gives in, “Fine, but if you try anything, you’re gone.” We sit down and start chatting, “So your name is Dead Man?” “Yes it is,” I say, “And yes, I was born with this name.”

He pauses for a moment and answers, “I was put into the world like this, how did you die?” I stop, I try to soak in the fact he was made as a ghost.

I finish thinking it through and reply, “Last year I got shot by someone, and then I woke up in hell and got chased by Death through limbo, only to save another person from the one that shot me-“ He cut’s me off, “I asked how did you die not what you whole life story is.” He looks at me with that cold, frozen stare, “Take my advice kid and don’t trust people like that, it’s gonna end up getting you in trouble.”

I stare at him and say, “I think you need to be more trusting, you’re not gonna get anywhere in life being cranky and alone.” We both turn our heads, and I think to myself who does this guy think he is?! ‘don’t trust anyone like that’ yeah sure whatever. We part ways and I think back on what I did one year ago, I still remember that loud, hazy and unforgiving voice, “YOU HAVE SINNED AND WILL PAY FOR YOUR CRIMES!!!” But then I think of the end, “It seems that my judgements were wrong, you are free to go, and I shall not chase you any further I promise, this reaper always keeps his word,” he said, and I forgave him because I trust him. I don’t need someone else saying that I can’t trust Death’s word, it’s Death! He would never turn back on his promise he swore he wouldn’t. I start flying around again when suddenly a person calls me over. I float over and they say, “I couldn’t help overhearing the little conversation you had, and I heard what you went through. Follow me I have something to show you.” His voice is calm and welcoming. He seems like the guy you want to get a beer with. I follow him and we go down into a bar. It’s bright and colourful, everyone is drinking and having a good time. There are neon lights that fill the entire bar with the feeling that nothing wrong could ever come from this place. The faces here are happy and joyful, they know how to have a good time. We walk through a few crowds and end up at a door. “Go on, open it, it’s not gonna kill you,” he says. I grab the nob, but when I start pulling the door bursts open and I get sucked in. I wake up on a pentagram, I try to move around but nothing is moving, all I can do is look and talk. A hooded figure approaches me and announces, “I’m so glad you could make it today to this ritual.” At that moment I recognize that voice. Make it up to for saving me-“


We Move Mountains

“Wait, Death?! I thought we were on even grounds!? What are you doing now?!” I yell out “One year 
 ago you defeated me in combat, and I thought I would regain my strength, but no, you took away my strength so now I will regain by taking yours!” He cackles. The pentagram starts glowing as I feel sharp pain all over my body, it’s as if a million needles are sucking out every bit of strength I have. I cry out in complete and utter pain, it’s the only thing I can do. Suddenly the pain stops, I open my eyes to see him smiling at me, “I’m not going to let this all happen at once now, I will wait until you fully how much effort it took for this one ritual.” Suddenly everything gets lit up. I start looking around to see those friendly faces at the bar, but that’s the only thing friendly about them. Their faces look frozen in that position, there’s blood all over their body as guts crawl out of it. There’s hooks that go straight through their neck and out the mouth, it’s the only thing holding them up. I’m terrified, I can’t speak, I can’t blink, I can only stare at this horrific sight. “Now that you’ve had a look let’s continue the process,” he says. The pentagram starts to glow again as I feel this pain cover my every being. I can feel myself slowly fading into nothing as I yell in terror.

bird soaring in the air. I come back down and look back to see that the door we came out of somehow disappeared. I look at Boodles and apologize, “Look, I’m sorry I didn’t take your advise, I don’t know how to make it up to for saving me-“ He interrupts me, “You don’t need to be so sentimental it’s fine and plus, you already made it up by what you did with that scythe.” I drop the scythe on the ground, “Eh, it’s big, and a bit too heavy for me, plus I don’t think I’m that EDGEy!” He chuckles, “Okay then, whatever you say.” We look out at the stars as the camera rises up and fades to black. The credits start to play as Boodles and I clap. “Oh boy that ending was a bit too cheesy, and that pun, oh lord is it weird,” I comment “Hey well the one-liner was pretty good, and the camera angles were stunning!” Ramen Boodles replied.

Just as I fade away it stops again, but this time Death is the one in shock, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! YOU’RE RUINING EVERYTHING YOU FOOL!” I open my eyes to see Ramen Boodles making the pentagram smear everywhere.

Death walks up to us and reports, “So I was overhearing some of the audience and they said that the movie was pretty good!”

“You didn’t think that someone might destroy the pentagram made from blood? It’s not that hard all you need to do is run your finger over it,” he remarks. I regain some of my strength and realize that I can move again so I quickly get up and float away from Death. “This is what I mean when I say not to trust anybody! Lets get out of here before we get into more trouble.”

We all get out of the theatre and I say, “So, what do we do now?” “Let’s play Smash Ultimate!” Ramen suggested. Death agreed, “There’s nothing better to do so why not?”

“Alright then, I hope you guys are ready because I’ve gotten better since the last time!” The End

I’m able to speak out, “sure…but not before this.” I start to burst with energy and blast towards death as he grabs his scythe to swing at me. I slow down and grab his scythe, then I start swinging. I first get his arms and launch him up into the air and swing the blade through his head. “They should hire a new Death because you’re going into an early retirement,” I utter. Death’s body suddenly explodes into a black mist. I hold the scythe by my side as Ramen Boodles stares at me in shock. “…Wow, that was amazing, but let’s leave, we don’t need to be in this for any longer,” he states. We move around to see a door so we go through it and outside into the night. The stars are glistening in the beautiful moonlight. Ecstatically, I fly around like a


We Move Mountains

“HEARING IS STILL SEEING…” Braelyn Roy, Grade 9 Hearing is something that I have had to live with since I was a little girl, age fifteen to be exact. Clicking of shoes, the hitting sound of my cane are the only things I can live with now. Everything changed me on that fateful day, where my vision would forever be out of my reach. Being visually impaired is lonely, you don’t know if someone is around, who they are, what they look like. Lonely isn’t even enough to explain the agony I feel in my heart. Depressingly, I will never be able to see my family again, never to see someone smile, for now how I live is pitch black. Sounds, touch, taste, and smell are the only things that will fill my mind.

As she leads me over to an empty sounding room I take a seat that supposedly had someone sitting across from me. Steady breaths fill my ears, very fast ones at that, sounds like a young one.

Slipping out of my silky feeling bed, and gently picking up my black glasses, so no one will see my grey lifeless eyes. Click! Turning my head over to the direction of sound I hear that the door has been now been open. Putting on my smile I will no longer see, my mouth begins to move, “Mrs. Scarlet, perfect timing, I would really appreciate if you help me put on my clothes.” Sounds of her shuffling near me, I pick up my long silver walking stick. “Of course I’ll help you Paige, just wait a moment while I get out your clothes,” a voice was soft as a plushy blanket, loving as hearing someone laugh, gentle like a cat laying on your chest. Scarlet Blessing, a kind out going soul that every person wants to be around, but she for some reason decide to become a nurse for unfortunate people that can no longer see. Black obis filling your eyes, while trying to walk isn’t a fun combo. Even though, I have been blind for twenty two years now it is still extremely annoying to walk in crowded places. Booming laughter and conversation starts to get closer and closer to me as I took each swift step. Tapping down on my cane I listen closely to see how close the door is to me, so just like a bat I can tell I’m only about four steps from the door. Irksome areas in life are easy to come by, but this cafeteria is beyond the loudest thing I have ever heard. Listening hastily, little kids running around laughing could be heard, older folk in their 60’s is my guess are sitting at a table just right from the door way. Clicking around my cane as I walk carefully over to the food pick up. “Oh, Miss. Paige, what a coincidence, someone has asked to see you in private,” inspecting the chatty like voice I know for a fact that it was Amanda. Easygoing Amanda is her nickname, she always has something to say. Giggling at her enthusiasm I can hear that she is smiling no doubt, so as I smile in return I tell her in a playfully, “Lead the way Amanda!”

“Hello auntie, it’s me Sophia,” my eyes widen even though I can’t see, a bright smile covers my face. Pounding heart beats fill my body with joy. Without a care in the world, I lean over to hug her. Lovingly, a small slender figure pushes up against my chest. Oh my dear girl, I missed you for so long, I have so much to ask you! “My dear Sophia, how long has it been? Two years?” As my question met to her, I hear pieces of paper shuffling against each other. “Paige, I have come to ask you about how you got to be, umm…,” smiling lightly at her caring voice I help her finish, “Blind? You want to know how I became blind is that right?” Without a doubt, she nods to answer my question.

“Yes, is that alright?” Sweet, caring, and strong are all traits this young lady has. Oh my sweet Sophia, it is alright to know. “But of course you can, I’m guessing this has something to do with school?” Insisting on her asking about me, a deep breath sucks into her chest. “Yes it is, but it’s for my essay at school,” Sophia adds, “it is about learning from others, so I thought I would go to you for some wonderful wisdom!” Sophia buzzes as she took my hands, as soft as mine were, hers were like angel wings. Nodding as a giggle fills my lungs I start my little story. “It was year 1997, I was 15 and a troublesome teenager at that. Me and my friends were all having a sleep over and trying on my sister’s clothes, not until I looked out the window did I see Jonathan sneaking in a branch watching us. So I ran to the window…” as I tell her my story my mind drifts back to that day. Aggressively I slammed my hands on my window, so it scared the pervert away. “What’s wrong Paige, you see something?” Rhianna asked me in concern. “Yes I did, it was that pervert Johnny, he probably saw all of us naked!” yelling out of anger, Kate who looked disgusted commented, “Oh the nerve, that’s just revolting!” as Kate barked this, Rhianna, Ellie, and Avery all nod their heads in agreement.

“Hey, let’s go have some fun, let’s make it so he won’t do it again,” moving over to my bed as I smirked at my idea, I shuffled a brown box from under my bed into the middle of my blue filled room. Excitedly, we all took off the lid and found some awesome goodies. Stink bombs, fireworks, and flash bombs filled up the inside. Picking up what I think was a stink bomb I look at the girls, “Were going to stink up his creepy, perverted room,” smirking we all giggle at my idea. “Let’s do it Paige, you in girls!” Kate enthusiastically asked us. Out of nowhere we all threw our hands in the air and replied, “YEAH!” Lightning fast, we all made it to Johnny, the perverts, house. “Yo look, his window is open!” Loudly I whispered to them I then ask for the lighter. “This should be easy considering he is on the first floor.” Kate commented stating a very true fact. Flicking on the lighter my heart began to pound out of excitement. Quickly, I lighted up the stink bomb we all started to giggle at the idea again. Then, all the sudden Ellie took it from my hands and threw it into the window. “Wow Ellie, you really are good at baseball!” Avery complimented Ellie, we all sat waiting for it to explode. Out of nowhere I remember something very important, Crap! The stink bombs are yellow, not blue! Crap, I threw in a flash bomb! I stood up and ran instantly back to the window I try to grab the bomb, but it was too late. All the sudden, a white flash filled my eyes and then in an instant everything went black. “Paige! What were you thinking, I thought you said it was a stink bomb, not a flash bomb!?” What I assumed was Rhianna’s voice, I asked them plainly, “Hey, I didn’t know alright, and why is it so dark, did the lights go out or something?” Only silence surrounded me. “Guys? What’s wrong?” As I asked them scared I start to cry. “Paige what happened to your eyes, why are they grey, and I don’t know what you mean,” suddenly I heard someone gasp as if they solved something, “all the lights are on Paige…” Coming back into the present where I sit in a comfy chair across from Sophia, I tell her the last bit of my story, “Once I was in the hospital, a doctor told me I was now blind.” “I’m so sorry auntie, I didn’t mean to make you cry!” Confusing words met my ears. Lifting up my hand to

my face, I feel a wet tear under my eyes. I started to cry? “Sophia dear, don’t worry I’m alright,” telling her this I add one more thing to tell her, “but just know that harming another person isn’t they to go, look where it led me.” Sighing I add, “Sophia, no matter what or who it is, don’t take things away from people, I tried to do something funny, but I messed up to the point where I have become blind.” “Oh auntie, I’ll never do anything to harm a single soul, I promise,” hearing her just say those words were all I need to hear. Walking her out of the building tearing up, I began to hear her sob. “Seeing is a gift you are given, but if miss-treated it will hurt far more than all the scars you get in your life Sophia, and remember I will always see you smile, even if I can’t see.” Hugging her tightly as I tell her this my tears start to fall away into her shoulder. “Thank you auntie, I will make you proud,” sobbing away onto my shoulder as well. Bidding her goodbye, I wave to her direction. “Miss. Paige Jonathan is waiting for you!” Scarlet yells from down the hallway I smile at his name. “Who knew that the boy I tried to harm is now my love!” Laughing as I enter my room I feel a tight embrace wrap around my body. “I heard about it all Paige, but you already know that I was actually stopping my brother from taking pictures,” a soft hand strokes my hair as I nod into his chest. “I know you can’t see yourself anymore, but you must know your still as lovely as a flower.” Giggling into his chest I reply, “I’m not to sure about that, but if you think so, I’ll believe you, even if your blind too.” All I want for Sophia is find meaning in life, and enjoy the fact she can see smiles and colours for the rest of her life! ~THE END~

ALABAMA Adam Keirle, Grade 9 “Oh whatever happened to my parents?” buzzed Jeffrey. Bruce and Jeffrey were walking their dog around the neighborhood. Jeffrey and Bruce loved to walk and talk with their dog by their side, the couple had their dog trotting beside them as they spoke. Bruce had thought about what Jeffrey had said for second, and while they were walking he finally came to the conclusion. “Wait Jeffrey you don’t know your parents either?” Bruce gasped with surprise in his voice. “Yes, Bruce! You didn’t know this? We’ve been together for 3 years and you didn’t know I was put into foster care!” barked Jeffrey. “Well, Jeffrey, I was put into foster care as well! My parents abandoned me when I was little, not once in my life have I met them.” sighed Bruce. Jeffrey brought his voice down realizing he didn’t know that either. Bruce was saddened thinking about his parents, but Jeffrey being the loving man he is, gave Bruce a peck on the lips too make him feel better. Jeffrey has this thing for always knowing how to make Bruce feel better no matter what the situation was. Jeffrey was the most thoughtful people he has ever met. After Jeffrey gave Bruce the kiss a smile started to come upon his once darkened face. Bruce continued on the conversation and said “Well how come you never tried to find out who your parents are or even your brother” questioned Bruce. “Well my parents can go to hell for all I care, they left me dry and high in the system, but my brother, however, I wouldn’t mind meeting…he might be gay too,” Jeffrey said jokingly. Bruce and Jeffrey were a lovely couple, their pretty much the same person you could never tell the difference between the two. The only thing that stood them apart was Bruce’s voice, it had this I don’t know this kind of…. you know when you’re watching TV and the cartoon gay guy comes on and has that voice you know they the “HEY GIRLLLSSSS,” yeah that one. Well that’s what Bruce sounded like pretty much. They were both similar in size Bruce was six foot tall with brown hair blue eyes, and Jeffrey was six foot one with almost brown hair like really dirty blonde, and he had brown eyes. Most people thought that were brothers until you know they kiss, that’s when they get the looks from some people, like “ Wait what aren’t you two brothers or something?” Then Bruce and Jeffrey would laugh and say, “Well no, but we are something. We have been dating for three years now.” That’s usually when people start to get little less weirded out. Bruce was always the best at giving gifts. He always knew what to get someone, and of course it was Jeffrey’s birthday coming up in a month so Bruce knew exactly what to do. As soon as Bruce and their dog Cheddar got home, Bruce went straight up to his office and started searching up websites or places where he could go to find out who Jeffrey’s brother was. He started sending out emails and calling places to see whether or not they could do it, after hours and hours of searching he finally found the place, and he called them up and asked if he could find out who his brother was and they said “Oh of course we can just come by anytime tomorrow between seven am and three pm and just drop off the DNA sample, then well send it straight to the lab.” Bruce was ecstatic, he was jumping around with glee and excitement, finally Jeffrey came running into the room wondering what, “Gods jungle bridge is going on here!” But Bruce knew he had to keep it to himself so he announced holding back joy and happiness, “I just got promoted by my branch manager!” Jeffrey being the gullible person he is bought the entire thing and started jumping around as well. After all the shenanigans was over, Bruce had to figure out how to get Jeffery’s DNA without him knowing it but then the perfect plan came to mind he went upstairs with a plastic bag in his hand, Bruce strolled into the washroom and grabbed hair from Jeffery’s comb, put it in the bag, and hid it in his car. The next day he got ready for what Jeffery thought he was going to was work but in reality he was going to the DNA hut. Bruce had finally arrived at the DNA hut and walked into the hut and asked the receptionist whether or not he drops off the DNA sample here she said “Yes of course just wright your name and phone number and we’ll call you as soon as we get the results.” Then Bruce left the hut and carried on with his day. About a month later Bruce still hadn’t gotten the results and Jeffery’s birthday is in one day. So he decided to call the DNA hut and ask about why he hadn’t gotten the results yet, they replied with “Oh my we oh so very sorry just come by anytime and well give the results to you free of charge.” Bruce forgave them and appealed to the offer they had given him and accepted it.

We Move Mountains

The blissed man drove to the DNA hut ran over to the Hut and asked if he could get the results the lady smiling gave him the results and said thank you for choosing DNA Hut have a nice day. He walked out of the Hut with huge grin on his face. Then it dawned on him, Bruce was a very curious man and when he looked at the envelop, the curiosity over powered him and he quickly grabbed the envelop and opened it but you know the saying curiosity killed the cat. Bruce could not bring it to himself to say it out loud or even in his mind. The terrified disgusted man made his way home with this darkness that followed him, the worst part about it is Bruce still wrapped the present. The next day was Jeffery’s birthday and like every year Jeffery is ecstatic to find out what Bruce got him cause it was always a surprise, but this year wouldn’t be like any other birthday this Jeffery would be surprised with something very unpleasant. Bruce walked down the stairs with the present in hand, Jeffery was sitting in the kitchen with a coffee enjoying himself. Jeffery saw him with the present and Jeffery’s first reaction was “You shouldn’t have, oh Bruce you shouldn’t have!” Jeffery leaned in for a kiss and Bruce backed off. That was weird of Bruce to never accept a kiss. Jeffery asked, “What’s wrong?” he sounded with concern in his voice. “Just open the present.” He had this notion in his voice like something was very wrong. Jeffery quickly opened the opened the present he saw the envelop a big beam came off his face he opened it up and started reading that beam of light slowly died like the light of a star dying off. “It can’t be true there’s no way this could be possible…… we……. We’re brothers?” Jeffery exclaimed. “I know Jeffery! I had the same face the same reaction as you I think we should break up, sell the house, spit the profits, and move on in our lives and act like this never happened.” He had this break in his voice when he said they should leave each other like the cry of a baby boy when his mother leaves him to go to work. “Well umm I’m not sure to say I just can’t believe that were…..” Bruce interrupted. “Brothers. I know which is why I’m suggesting you stay here and I’ll move to Canada. You can say that you went to the grocery store and I just up and left, you didn’t know where I went or what happened to me.” Jeffery stood there for a second, “ Well… well I agree with what you’re saying but never talk to each other again.. I mean, we’re brothers.. can’t we have a phone call every once in a while?” “In other circumstances I would of course I would but I have too strong of feelings for you Jeffery, I know this is very illegal and everything but I’ll say it one last time…….. I love you Jeffery………. Goodbye……” Jeffery paused a tear strolled down his cheek as Bruce walked up stairs grabbed his clothing and called a cab he waited outside his front, Jeffery was standing there by the window, watching the cab drive away with the love of his life.

We Move Mountains

HUDSON’S MIDTERM STORY Hudson Zaharko, Grade 8

it was eleven o’clock and Alex knew he had to go to bed. When Alex got into his house he looked around and saw his mom sitting at the kitchen table.

As Alex brown stepped outside of his high school he felt a cold burst of icy win hit his coat. It was the middle of January and there was a humungous snow storm going on. Alex and his team had just finished their basketball practice and something had gone wrong. Just thinking about it made Alex cringe. He tightened his hands into fists and his face turned as red as a tomato. He was ineligible to play because a new kid Brock Mackalwyane had joined and the coach wanted to give Brock a chance. Alex could admit that Brock did have some good moves but in the back of his mined Alex knew he was better. As Alex started to walk home he thought about how he could play. He was still hurt from the accident that had happened last game, when he had slipped on the floor and had broken his arm. He felt like he was getting taken advantage of because he was hurt.

“How are you felling mom” Alex’s soft voice said “I’m fine, you should probably go to bed though because you’re are getting you cast taken off tomorrow!”

When Alex got home he got greeted by his mother who said she had a surprise for him. his older brother was a work and his dad was out designing a house in Canada for his clients. So, it was just Alex and his mom she told him to finish all of his school work, and then she would tell him what the surprise was. As Alex walked down the stairs he pretended to be nonchalant but inside he was just bursting with excitement. About fifty minutes later he came back upstairs to see his mother lying on the ground. His body took over and he went into a panic. His hart was meeting 200 miles per hour and so many thoughts were going through his head. “What should I do.” Who can I call.” Alex had left his phone down stairs and did not want to risk leaving his mom alone. So, he went to the living room and got his land line and called 911. As they picked up the phone all Alex could here be just mumbling. But he must have talked because five minutes later the ambulance came to help Alex's mom. “Why did this happen to me why not someone else like Brock” thought Alex. Just than the doctor walked out of the room. He told Alex the she was just fine she had just had an asthma attack. And that they still want to keep her at the hospital for a couple more hours because they do not want her to have another severe asthma attack like she had just had. They said that Alex could stay at the hospital with his mom for one more hour or go home. Alex new that he should have stayed but he picked to go home. When Alex got back to his house it was dark and cold outside but he put on his jacket tied his shoes and went out to play basketball he knew that if he wanted to beat Brock and get his spot on his team that he was going to have to work for it. Just like the doctor had said Alex’s mom arrived home about one hour later. Now

Alex’s jaw dropped that meant that he could ask his head coach if he could play in the city championships which were in less than a week. When Alex woke up he was filled with excitement. Maybe he had had a chance to beat Brock. When they went to the doctor’s office Alex asked if he could play in 6 day and the doctor said yes. He actually said that he could start training the day after it was off. Alex could not believe his luck. “I can play he exclaimed”! When Alex got to school, he told all of his friends and told his coach. His coach said that it was great that he could play but there were not enough spots on the team so he would have to vs Brock to see who was better. Alex nodded his head he thought about how bad he wanted this and how much he was willing to give up to have it. After school Alex went straight outside to his basketball hoop to practice. He used his mom getting hurt as motivation he knew he wanted this more than Brock. About two hours later he went to bed. Alex new that he had to get a good sleep to beat Brock. When Alex got to school the next morning, he got ready and heeded the gym. He saw that Brock was already there and that he was warming up. After Alex finished warming up they went straight into the first drill which was sprints Alex darted as fast as he could but he was to slow and Brock beat him. The next drill was passing. Alex new that he was a great passer but Brock was too but Alex ended up being him. And the last drill was shooting he knew that they were both good shooters and it would be hard to beat Brock. The first shot was a layup and they both got it in. The next was a free through and they both got it in again. The last but not least was a three pointer as Brock stepped up he pushed the ball forward and followed through but right at the end he missed the net by an inch. Alex new that this could be his break. He stepped up planted his feet and took a look at the net. And then shot the ball everything slowed down it felt like the ball was in the air for two minutes and then swish! The ball flew into the net Alex was in so much shock and his head coach was so impressed. This meant so much to Alex he felt like he had just won the lottery Alex wished that something this stressful would never happen again but then he realized how commotion was so good and how it made him better at the sport he loves.

LIKE YOU MEAN IT! Ella Pacey, Grade 8 “13, 12, 11, 
 Push! Harder! harder like you mean it!” The seconds ticked away as Emily struggled, her sweaty hands slipping on the metal bar. Digging she forced the spikes on her cleats into the track. “Anndd done,” sighed Lily looking at her with a disappointed glare in her eyes. “How do you expect to win any races when it takes you thirty seconds to push the sled fifty meters?” Panting, she lay on the hot rubber, hands still grasping the bar behind the weighted sled. Salty tears mixed with sticky perspiration stayed stuck in her eyes, slowly she stood up. Leaving the long stretch of dry track and entering the moist shade that the tall full trees provided. Before going over to see her sister who was standing at the starting line, clip board in hand. Ever since Emily’s father had passed away her and her siblings fought for their mothers attention like wolves after a deer. Track had been her strength, that was until the voices started. Constantly they tore her down, taunting and shaming her till she gave in. Just last year she had been on top of the world, championship upon championship but now she was lucky if her mom even realized her presence. School wasn’t giving her much justice either, all three of her younger brothers had all of the academic achievement. 110% sure they had never gotten a B in their lives.

“Wait hon, before you excuse yourself,” Emily glanced up from her plate, butt already out of the chair. “I just wanted to let you know that I signed you and Lily up for the Lake View track meet!” Smiled her mom clearly proud of the initiative she took. A cold chill ran up her spine.What a track meet! But, but I’m too slow right now! “Wow thanks mom thats great…” lied Emily but her voice faltered. “Ok well I’m going to go do my homework now!” Up in her room the voices started talking to her again, and out of pure anger and frustration. Across the room she ran, and into the bathroom she fled. Ripping open the medicine cabinet Emily grabbed her anxiety medication that she had neglected to take for so long. Popping two tablets into her mouth, a swig of water sent them swiftly gliding into her system. Ignoring her homework she fell onto the bed. Pulling the laptop onto her lap Emily typed Lake View track meet into the search bar. Except for the annoying pop up adds that consumed the screen every couple of minutes. The website proved to be quite useful. Since registration had closed a complete list of every one who was competing in the age group 10-13, 100m dash was available. Of course the list was long, they would have to run it in groups. Scanning the names Emily made mental notes of who she had beaten or not. Vividly the memories of her past races played out in her mind, the sound of the gun, pushing out of the start blocks. Calmly she smiled, happy to have her thoughts to herself.

Biting her lip she fought back tears, “Was it really that bad?” Asked Emily head bowed.

Scribbling, Emily eventually filled in every day on the calendar for the next week. A training plan her dad had made up for her awhile back, approved by her coach. Intent and proud of her plan she finally sat down to do her homework. Finding that not having nagging voices in her head made it easier to concentrate.

Of course it was that bad! What are you stupid you will never be as fast as Lily just accept it! Emily couldn’t hear Lily’s answer, head already swirling with poisons words. The walk home was silent, as tension was high between the two of them. Once they got home Emily was met with a quick hello from her mother, but her mind was absent. At last she had crawled out of the never ending swirl of words, and sat down at the dinner table. Wiping her nose with her sleeve tears welled up in her eyes. Body already to depleted to stop them from coming. Stop crying your embarrassing yourself. Despite the cruel words of her anxiety she wailed on. Feeling the watchful eyes of her siblings, Emily stared down at her plate watching the tears spilled out onto the white porcelain. Quickly she shovelled a few mouthfuls of lasagna into her mouth, it burned her insides as it slid down her throat.

But when morning came, she found that a family of butterflies had found a home in her stomach. Annoyed she dragged herself out of bed the sound of her alarm still ringing in her ears. The bathroom was crowded, as usual. Shower running, toilet flushing, sink filling up, five kids vs one bathroom. Determinedly she fought her way to the mirror, a mop of curly brown hair sat on the top of her head. Not surprised, she continued to budge her way through to the medicine cabinet. Reading the bottle it called for one more tablet. Swallowing it dry the pill stuck to her throat. Pounding on her chest it finally went down. After what felt like an eternity of waiting it was finally her turn to use the shower, but the hot water had run out two showers ago. Rigid Emily let the ice water sooth her joints. Shivering she wrapped herself tightly in a towel and headed for her room where she would finish getting ready.

Lily, her older sister had risen while Emily had fallen. Both of them competed in the 100m dash, friends on the sidelines, blood thirsty enemies on the track.


The school day dragged on, teachers moaned on about boring things and announced pop quizzes like they won the lottery. Eager she ran out of the school as soon 
 as the bell rang and jumped into the car. Monday, that means its training with the team, thought Emily as they pulled away from the curb. Days flew by and Emily made massive improvement, of course the skill had never really left her it was just pushed to the side waiting to be used once more. As the week slipped by and Friday rolled around the butterflies started flying faster creating a mess of jumbled up feelings. Lily also seemed to be sharing the same emotions, she wasn’t her normal confident self. Before either of them knew it Saturday had arrived, the day of the meet. Sunny with a blue sky it was the perfect weather for a race. Slipping on her shorts and tank top Emily admired the deep purples and light greys of her outfit. Hair up and out of her face she laced up her cleats. The volunteer called up eight names, her sister was one of them. Trying to be supportive she flashed her a thumps up and Lily smiled back. Prepared in her blocks she waited for the sound of the gun. In the corner of Emilys eye she noticed her mom taking her seat in the bleachers with her three younger brothers close behind. Bham! The gun sounded but Lily quickly got left in the dust. Her pelvis is to far forward and she needs her arms to build momentum. Thought Emily, but almost as soon as it had started the race was over. A couple kids had their arms in the air and were hugging, but Lily just stood there. Knowing it was against the rules she ran over and embraced Lily anyway, as she was handed her pink ribbon, sixth place. Quickly she ran back to listen to the volunteer read out the next list of names. Nervously Emily approached her blocks in the fourth lane, her name had been called. With great focus she placed her toes on the ground and rested her heal up against the blocks. Placing her fingers just before the white line painted on the track. “On your marks!” Yelled the volunteer, the racers stuck there butts in the air. Just then, Bham! the gun sounded. Pushing out of her crouch, she fixed her eyes ahead of her and tore up the track. Lengthening her stride she pulled the air by with her arms. Whipping and stinging her eyes a light breeze became deadly at their high speeds. Digging her heals down Emily punctured the ground and took the lead. Running from an invisible monster, her chest rose and fell quickly. Leaning forward she bowed for the finish line, making sure the beam of red light met her chest first. Turning around Emily saw the other sprinters dart by, as she continued taking hard deep breaths. Waiting for them to all finish a triumphant smile spread across her face while she leaned over resting her hands on her knees. Lily, (who was

already at the finish line) jogged over to strangle her in a joyful embrace. Sticky and warm there skin peeled apart as Emily pulled away to smile at her sister. “Now there’s the Emily I know and love,” rejoiced Lily with wide eyes, pulling her into one more hug. “First place goes to… Emily Tobber!” Bellowed the male volunteer as he threw his hands in the air. Clearly he’d been rooting for the reigning champion. Ecstatic she ran over as the man slowly placed the metal over her head. Catching on her pony tail she helped readjust it down to her neck. Arrogantly she watched as the two girls that got second and third were handed there metals and everyone else got handed a ribbon. Pulling the laces loose from her cleats she noticed a giant statue in the middle of the grounds. Checking her watch she had ten minutes before she would race the winner of the other group. “That’s enough time to check it out,” decided Emily glancing around. As she got closer she recognized the wreath of olive branch placed neatly in her hair. It was Nike the goddess of competition, curiously she studied her facial expression it looked proud. Even though she did not know how to prey to her Emily still closed her eyes and thanked her. Thank you, the spirt of competition has helped me realize that I needed help with my anxiety, and it gave me something to strive towards! Honestly it gives me a reason to push myself every day! Opening her eyes Emily could have sworn the statue winked and a grateful smile tugged at her lips. “Your father would be so proud of you,” whispered her mother. Startled Emily spun around quickly, “I was getting worried about you sweetheart! I’m sorry that my attention is always spread so thin. But I’m glad that your fathers spirt has helped you,” smiled her mom with a far away look in her eyes. “Me to mom, me to.” Smiling Emily reached up and kissed her mom’s cheek before running off to help her siblings finish a lemonade The End.


We Move Mountains

Villains To Heroes $1.50 April 19, 1965

Quote from Jerry Woods he reported that, “ the towheaded kid (Dally Winston) is going to be alright. Also that he burned one arm pretty badly trying to drag the other kid out of the window. About Johnny, well, I don't know about him. A piece of timber caught him across the back. He might have broken his back and was burned pretty badly, he passed out before he got out of the window they're giving him plasma now.”

Johnny Cade and His Heroic Friends Help Save School Children From a Burning Church.

Quote from teacher Mrs. O’Briant stated that “ I think you were sent straight from heaven. Or you are just professional heroes or something.” Ponyboy Curtis was shocked to hear that somebody thought they were heroes or that they were sent from straight out of heaven. Ponyboy Curtis Informed Jerry Woods that they were greasers.

Molly Milligan, Grade 8

Mid-afternoon on April 18, 1965, 16-yearold Dally Winston was driving to the Canyon Ridge Christian Church where 14-year-old Ponyboy Curtis and 16-year-old Johnny Cade had currently been living. Curtis and Cade, the villains who had been convicted for the murder of Bob Sheldon last week, were driving with Winston. They drove past the church, and they realized that there was a combustion of flames over the church. All 3 of the boys jumped out of the car and ran to the nearest adult. A quote from Jerry Woods, one of the adult chaperones, shows how intense it was: “We were having a school picnic up here and the first thing we knew the place was burning up.” Cade and Curtis heard crying and screaming from inside the burning church. Other chaperones Mrs. O’briant age 44 had screamed, “Some of the children are missing!”

Ponyboy Curtis explained what greasers are. Quote from Ponyboy Curtis mentioned that “ Greasers are like hoods, DJ's. Johnny Cade is wanted for murder, and Dally Winston has a record with the fuzz a mile long. We're not heroes.” Ponyboy Curtis said with a shocked look on his face.

Acting on instinct, Cade jumped through the burning window of the church with Curtis following right behind. Cade ran into the back of the church with four kids, around eight years old, screaming their heads off, as smoke filled their lungs.

Curtis was waiting for Cade and Winston. Then he saw Cade and Winston on stretchers. Winston's eyes were closed. When Curtis would speak to Winston he tried to grin and told him to never do a stupid thing like that again or he beat the tar out of him. Quote from Ponyboy Curtis mentioned that “When he saw Cade he came in unconscious but I was relieved to see that his face wasn't burned he just looked very pale and still sort of sick.”

Inside the church, the door was blocked. So Cade took the kids and threw them out the window into Curtis’ arms. They had got all the kids out but the church was about to collapse. Cade shouted at Curtis to get out as the church was about to fall. Winston jumped onto Curtis who was laying there on the ground as his back was in flames. Winston thankfully put the flames out, but Cade wasn’t out of the church yet.

Jerry Woods stayed with Curtis all day. He kept thanking Curtis for getting the kids out. He didn't seem to care that they were from the hood.

Curtis and Woods were in an ambulance driving to the hospital Woods reported that Curtis kept asking about his friends and how they were.

Curtis and Two-bit Mathews were some of Cade's friends. They went to visit Johnny but he was doing too well. He was still pale but he enjoyed their company. Curtis knew it wasn’t looking good for Cade and he might not make it. Quote from Ponyboy Curtis reported that “ I hated hearing that Curtis was scared.” Curtis told Cade not to worry and that people thought they were heroes and saw them in the paper.

From now on Ponyboy Curtis, Dally Winston and Johnny cade would be known as Heroes.

SNOW Flora Lupi, Grade 8


Millions  of snowflakes swirled around my head. My nose turned bright apple red. The snow was 20 meters deep. I could barely even see my feet. Icicles started to form on my face. Dancing snowflakes looked like lace.

Who is the most isolated character in Refugee for me it is Mahmoud? He used to answer all of the questions in class. He was very smart but ever since he got beat up he has stopped answering all of the questions and decided to sit at the back or the class so the teacher won't call on him. He has done this because he needs to protect himself to protect his family. But unfortunately, he was bombed so being quiet won't keep him safe forever. He now does not known what to say he does not speak his mind because he doesn't want to be hurt in a way that he was before he has a fear that if you talk much you'll get hurt and it is better to be quiet then risk the chances of getting sent back to Syria where there is war no matter where you look. He thinks every time he speaks his mind bad things will happen because the last time he did that was when they gave Hana away and he feels like it is his fault if anything bad happens to her. He still has not forgiven himself even though he saved his mom from drowning as well as the Hana.

Thousands of trees were filled with snow. The temperature was getting low. The wind roared like a wild tiger. I wished that I could sit beside the flames of a burning fire. It was so cold that my hands couldn’t stop shaking. I kept walking, even though it was bake braking. As I opened my mouth, I could see a puffy cloud of my breath. My whole body felt like death. I pushed my boots through the thick sparkling blanket of snow. The frosty air chilled me to the bone. I only had a few miles left to go. Soon I would be home. ICE DRAGON Oliver Condic, Grade 8 The wind howled like 3000 wolves, as the cold breeze soared through the air and trees, started to move faster and faster As the wind started to pick up. It was like a snow storm about to begin. My face began to turn bright blue like the sea crystal clear. My breath was like smoke coming out of a fiery volcano as I let out a puff. The white snow blanketed me as I laid there stiff and firm. Nowhere to go and nowhere to hide as I laid there. The cold weather started to attack me like an ice dragon. Where to shoot 1 million snowballs right at me But there I lay hoping for some warmth.


We Move Mountains

THE TREE GAP EXPRESS Noah Crawford, Grade 8

Suddenly, I awoke to the sound of my friend Henry yelling, “Detective, Detective Michaels wake up!” I sprang up as fast as a bullet leaving a gun. It took me a few seconds before realizing what was happening. When my mind stopped spinning I remembered that I was on the Tree Gap Express. A train that traveled from Italy to Britain over dangerous mountains filled with snow, ice, and lots of pine trees. “What is it?” I asked Henry as I slowly got out of bed as if I had not gotten enough sleep that last night. “There has been a murder, a seventeen-year-old named Sam,” Henry said in response as he led me to the scene of the crime. There was blood everywhere it covered the seat, the bed, the walls and floor. Sam was lying face first on the ground lifeless as a rock almost as if he never had life in the first place. “How could someone do this to such a young kid like Sam,” I thought to myself as I entered the room slowly and started to search around for some proof of who killed Sam. When I turned over the body I saw that Sam was a tall, blond haired boy with broad shoulders, and blue eyes. I realized after looking at the body that Sam died from blood loss after his throat was slit open. After searching around for a while nothing was found. Since it was getting late I decided to go back to my cabin and get some rest before continuing the search in the morning. All of a sudden, I awoke to the sound of Henry calling, “Detective Michaels wake up there has been another murder, this time it is an eighteen-yearold boy named Gorge!” “I wonder if it is the same person who committed both of the murders?” I thought to myself as I followed Henry to the new crime scene. “Hey Henry why is there blood on the bottom of your shoe?” I asked Henry as I walked alongside him.

“It is just the victims it must have gotten on my shoe when I first found the body,” Henry answered quickly as if trying to deflect the question. Just like the last murder there was blood everywhere on the floor, the seat, the bed, and the walls. George was a short scrawny kid with skinny shoulders and almost no body fat. George was lying face first on the ground lifeless as a concrete road. When I turned over the body I noticed that Gorge died from blood loss after being stabbed about a dozen times all around the body. “I think that Sam and George were killed by the Same person using the same knife by the way that the puncher wounds were similar in size” I thought to myself as I started to head back to my room because it was starting to get late. Out of the blue, I was awoken again but this time not by Henry but by footsteps outside my door. Worried that it was the murderer I got up and walked over to the back of the door slowly. I waited for the hunter to open the door. When he finally did I waited for him to come through the door way. I sprang out and rapped my arm around their neck and choked them out just enough that they fell unconscious. Then I laid them down on the ground. “I wonder who the murderer is’” I thought to myself as I went to flip the lights on. The light seemed to take longer to fill the room. I saw the figure on the ground to my surprise it was Henry. I was in shock my closest friend was really a murderer. “How could you end all of these life’s for no reason,” I asked henry as I went to grab him to bring him to the closest exit. “I just couldn’t stop killing it was just too much fun watching them quiver in the corner knowing they would die soon,” Henry replied as he tried to struggle his way out of the hand cuffs. “That is why Henry had Georges blood on his shoe because he killed him,” I thought to myself as I made the correlation between the two. “See Henry It was foolish of you to think that you could trick me because you will always be punished for your crimes,” I said as I took him off the train and to the local prison.


We Move Mountains


We Move Mountains

FIELD OF FLOWERS Katie King, Grade 7

I was excited to meet her. I rounded the corner and then I saw her in a field of flowers. Her name was Brooklyn. On her feet she wore a pair of purple flats done up with a heart shaped button, she was quit tall with amber skin wearing a white striped dress with violet flowers and green leafs, her purse that had a purple and again white with violet flowers and green leafs matching the dress. One of her hands touched her hair the other was at her side, she had painted her nails purple and she wore a silver charm bracelet with a single silver charm of the Eiffel tower. Around her neck she wore a necklace that shimmered in the sun, It looks to be a locket, a shimmery pink locket made with glitter. The outer part of the locket was gold along, with the chain that came up around her neck and disappeared behind her hair, It was obvious that they treasure. The heart-shaped locket. I looked up into her into her face, he was framed with ringlets of perfect orange hair I gazed into her eyes they were blue or maybe teal. Her cheeks were Rosy just like a freshly picked flower, her lips were pink with a hint of purple, really subtle though they were pulled into a smile that warms me. But what I was really drawn to what's her beautiful orange hair is in perfect rings Bethel on her shoulders and where behind your ears. The song shine on her hair causing it to sparkle like tiny pearls where in her hair They were very pretty. The crowning thing in her hair what's a herpes or rather headband the white band slightly stud out but not too much because there was so many orange locks covering it. On top there was two flowers and two leaves the flowers were made out of gems that looks like they were made out of rainbows and the leaves were made out of bright green gems. Her freckles stood out perfectly. Behind her there was a giant weeping willow tree and underneath though it was barely visible because the tree was so big Was a small picnic blanket different delicacies underneath nearby there was a fish pond the back to the blanket it was a half and half split of different foods half of the food's looks to be from France where her mother was from the other half looks to be from South America where her father was from The blanket they sat on was like the picnic blankets you saw movies it was white and red plaid the grass with long there and covered the edges of the blanket the purple flowers sprouting nearby on her mother's side of the blanket there was bagels, croissants , crepes, macarons, and Crème Brule. On her father's side of the blanket there was Empanada, Aria, Dulce de leche and Picaroons’ it looked like a very painful place to sit and have lunch.


A SIMPLE GIRL Mariah Mason, Grade 7

As I walked down the hall I heard the…. RIIIIIIING! The ringing of the bell made my ears scream. Steadily, I walked to the girls bathroom to check out my outfit. I was wearing a white flowy skirt paired with a white plain t shirt, and my gold bomber jacket printed with an image of a dragon on the back. I was wearing large gold hoop earrings, and black high heels. While walking out of the bathroom, I took my brown silky hair out of its bun. My friend Avery says my hair was glowing I laughed and walked away. Of course I can never have a normal good day, I tripped and one of my heels broke off. Everyone saw me. I grab the heel off my foot and ran to the bathroom. Awkwardly, I cried. I looked in the crusty old mirror and saw my sad reflection. My old black mascara was running down my face as I shed another tear. I think to myself “Get up!” I pick myself up off the ground, and wipe the dark black mascara off my face. I turn on the tap and hear the water falling and gushing. The sound calms me down. It reminds me of being on a beach. Quickly, my sense of reality steps in. I clean the mascara tears off my face, walk out of the bathroom RIIIIING! I think to myself that's the bell I have to get to class! I ran to class awkwardly, one shoe one and one bare foot. Accidentally, I ran into someone who was holding a coffee and books. I banged into her and SPLASH! She spilled her burning lava coffee all over me. Her books fell on the floor. I screamed AAAAAH! My skin went from pale to burning red. She yelled at me “WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING NEXT TIME!” I tried to help her pick up her books and be polite while my skin was burning red hot. She nudged me away. I get up and think I have to clean my white t shirt. I rushed to the bathroom but then realize “Oh no, my final exams are today!” I panicked as I realize they started in 5 minutes. I start to freak out in my mind. I started running with my one black heal and my one barefoot. I got a lot of stares in the hall. I tried to ignore them. I felt so embarrassed. I just kept on going and ran to my class. I sat down but there a second before the test began. I thought to myself “Well at least I made it to my test!” I stared out the window and thought to myself, what a terrible day!

THE BUTLER Mason Lumby, Grade 7

The massive doors to the mansion slid smoothly on its oiled hinges and there stood to my astonishing surprise a humanized dog. With role of a butler, the German Shepherd, had a tight black onesie that cut off at his wrists and knees. At least I think it was his knees but they bent backwards like a dog’s knee. The dog made a sharp moderate bark and said in a British Butler voice, “your guest is here” and from somewhere in the colossal house I heard I voice call, “thank you Oliver, I will be there in a minute’’. We moved into the parlour as the butler’s lips moved minimally but in a creepy way he stared at me through his monocle for a second before laughing and mumbling out, “everyone has the same reaction. Come in and have a cup of tea or coffee.” I imagined he would have had to have his own special chair because his knees bent backwards. As he passed me a cup of tea I noticed his hands were like a human’s but the pads of his fingers and hands were like a dog's pad. This was also true for the hair on them although I noticed his nicely trimmed nails. I was boiling with questions but the biggest question I had was focused on what his fur would feel like. With an uncanny sense, he knew what I was thinking and bluntly stated ‘’it's alright I'm used to it’’ and held his arm out for me to feel his hair. When I tentatively touched his arm, I thought the hair on him would be wiry but it was fine, more like human’s hair on their arms and legs, but there was plenty of it. I was so grateful for my cup of tea, it tasted like nectar to a bee on my tongue.


EMERGENCY ROOM Maya Robinson, Grade 7 The curly, red haired man limped through the entrance of the ER, screeching in pain. “Help me! Help me please!” he cried, clenching onto his chest, which was covered with three deep bloody cuts. I quickly laid him onto a long stretcher, and moved his beat up body towards the operating room. As fast as I could, I transferred the man onto the operating table. Quickly, I scanned his body with my eyes for the worst injuries. Immediately, my eyes were quickly drawn to the two bones, extending out of his skin, one of which was sticking out of his elbow, and the other sticking out of his knee cap. I needed to operate on him before he lost more blood. First, I began to carefully cut through the dried up flesh of his injured knee, in attempt to place the bone back into its original form. I could not help but wince at the sight of the dark purple bruises that coated his fragile shins. After the two bones were back into place, without hesitation I grabbed a stitching needle off the cold operating table, and began stitching the open wounds up that covered his body. The deepest cuts had to be the three cuts on his chest, that had pierced completely through his grey shirt. What could have happened to this poor man? I wondered as I used a paper towel to soak up the blood dripping from his mouth. This was one of the hardest things I have ever had to look at. Everything about his injuries made she shiver, especially the circular, bloody scars, that were bulging out of his forehead, his cheeks, and his nose.


HUNGRY Millie Pringle, Grade 7

they were downstairs in an instant and quickly tossed Walle into the freezer. Wall-e was just mad at his brothers for they had caused him all this trouble. He could see them laughing at him and eating his food. The next morning wall-e was so hungry. And his parents had not come home yet so they could not see that his brothers were starving him. After 3 days in the freezer, the blizzard ended and wall-e was going insane for not having any food. The two brothers knew their parents were coming home today so they decided to let wall-e out. They went downstairs and opened the freezer door but wall-e was nowhere to be found they both turned around and something grabbed Jimmy's shoulder, Liam walked ahead of jimmy so he did not realize what was happening, jimmy then screamed deathly sound, Liam turned around and saw wall-e eating Jimmy alive. The blood was spilling everywhere and Liam was in pain, his arms were being torn off and his backbones being broken. Liam ran out of fear upstairs hoping Wallewould not find him. As Liam ran around the house searching for a hiding spot he heard the basement door slam. He knew he would have to think fast so he went into a closet and locked the doors. He began to breathe heavily and Walle- s footsteps could be heard. One by one the noise of the stairs grew. Wall-e was right outside of the closet. Liam could see the blood drip underneath the closet and the door began to shake. Then it went silent. Liam did not see the shadow of walle and decided to check out side. He looked to the left and there was no one. Then before he could look to the right wall-e broke his neck and began tearing his throat, wall-e was stepping on his knees pushing them in backwards the biting into his flesh. tripping his insides out and killing Liam in seconds. Walle was finally done eating Liam he grabbed the mangled corpse’s and put them in front of the door to ‘surprise’ his parents. A few hours later the doorbell rang. Once the door opened and the parents walked in, they began screaming at the mess of their sons bodies torn up all on the ground. The scream echoed down the hall and wall-e knew they were home. He ran towards his parents and killed them. That is how wall-e lived the rest of life, killing for food, never again did wall-e the dog go hungry. THE END.

Here in the icy village of Calgary, Long, long, ago, there was a little family of miniature schnauzers. They resided on the tallest mountain in there town. Underneath the chocolate brown cabin’s roof, there lived 3 brothers and two parents. One fateful Saturday, the mother and father left to go get some food at the nearby market. Not being taken with their parents the kids were left at home, the eldest brother Jimmy was beginning to get bored and hungry. Grinning an evil smirk, An idea popped into his head, he should throw a prank on his favorite victim, his middle brother wall-e. Yes this would be the perfect idea, he went ahead and asked the youngest brother Liam, if he wanted to join him in scaring wall-e. Liam agreed thinking that this would be hilarious. After a few minutes of thinking they were ready to go sneak up on their brother. They were both starting to get a bit hungry until they heard a can drop on the floor. They shot around and saw wall-e in the kitchen making a meaty lamb sandwich. They let their hunger get the best of them and entered the kitchen, while quickly snatching the tasty sandwich jimmy went ahead and ran off down stairs, where he and Liam would have their snacks. Walle- was a bit upset by this, Around an hour later the two mischievous brothers were listening to the radio, something caught their attention, “ ladies and gentlemen we have just received intel about a blizzard….blizzard….don't leave house….stay where you are”. The brothers were not surprised by this but they then realized that their parents would not be coming home soon. 2 hours later. Jimmy was soon bored again and saw Walle- exit the room, he was curios at his brothers actions and decided to follow him to see what wall-e was doing. As Jimmy entered the kitchen he saw wall-e making a delicious chicken salad, Jimmy jumped and grabbed the little bowl the ran off downstairs. Wall-e was now very upset for he was also hungry. Liam placed the salad on the mini table that Liam set up, across from him Liam was placing the meat sandwich down to. They were about to dive in when they heard wall-e cry, they went upstairs and wanted to bug him once more by tricking him to coming down stairs to get his food.. When they succeeded to pry wall-e off the floor #WEARERUNDLE

SKELLIG Zara Dahlin, Grade 7

As I slowly walk down the hallway, I see a small figure in front of me slowly getting bigger I can't figure out what it is. All I see is red, white and brown feathers with very small claws and legs. It looks like a hawk body but not as vicious as most hawks. As I get closer it starts to look more clear, the head does not at all look like a hawk head, it is big, and a smooth grey, with huge ears each one the size of my head. The only thing that I can see it wearing is a big pink bow on its left ear. As I get closer and closer, I start to see a big long trunk that fades a lighter grey towards the end. Then, suddenly I hear an elephant noise almost as loud as if could blow me away, but straight after that there is a barking noise that sounds just like a dog’s bark. It was not just like somebody was faking a barking noise. I try to run, but it started to chase me. I turn back and suddenly it starts to fly all the way onto the ceiling.“ Stop chasing me!” I shout, not expecting a response. “Fine,” The creature says in a deep voice. I turn around in wonder, how is this possible? What is this thing that is chasing me? But I don't say it because I do not want a response. I slowly open my eyes and it's not what I had imagined. A huge creature but not scary at all. It is even eating pink cupcake! Its long face looks down at me and smiles. I touch its long soft feathers and silky face. I walk in circles trying to get all of this into my brain without it exploding. Suddenly out of nowhere I say “can you fly, can you fly me somewhere?” After, I think to myself what have I done. What if it says yes, what if he says no. Out of nowhere I am flying out the window and up into the air on his back riding into the bright blue sky. As we fly through the sky, I feel his brittle back up against my hand, and his claw lightly grabbing my hand to keep me on. “AHH AHH AHH AHH!” I scream with joy and fright, as we go higher and higher every second. The creature slowly lowers us to the ground, and boosted me onto its long silky trunk, to slide down like a slide.




GLOBALIZATION Jaylah Lawson, Grade 10 Source Analysis This political cartoon communicates how free trade and globalization is causing extreme harm to our environment, thus preventing us from sustainability. The machine is titled “The Free Trade and Globalization Machine.” The machine is sucking up and collecting natural resources and cheap labour which is increasing the global GDP. However, while the machine is producing “consumer junk” out of the materials, it is also producing “environmental destruction,” and “pollution and CO2 emissions.” This source indicates that the author clearly disagrees with free trade and globalization. Now what exactly is free trade? Free trade is when trade barriers and the rules of trade are removed. This type of trade is useful for developed countries because they are not only able to create cheap products for consumers to buy, but they are also able to make plenty of money since they do not really need to spend much. However when it comes to developing countries, free trade is not as positive for the workers. They are hardly paid for the huge amount of work they do, yet the governments in the global north continue to benefit. This is clearly shown from the man in this source saying “Full speed ahead!!” The source also states that free trade causes more pollution for the environment because free trade tends to take more natural resources since there is a high demand of certain products from consumers. In conclusion, this source suggests that globalization and free trade our preventing our world from being sustainable. Perhaps if we make changes to globalization and free trade, we can increase sustainability in our environment and help other countries to be sustainable, too.


We Move Mountains

GLOBALIZATION Tylar Knaus, Grade 10 Source  Analysis This political cartoon shows three individuals showing off the items they got from Paris, London and Rome after returning from there trips. All three of them are experiencing globalization while comparing their items from Nike-town, The Disney Store, and McDonalds. The intention of this political cartoons was to express the problems of homogenization in globalization and universalization. Homogenization in globalization refers to the world becoming smaller. For example, American companies are influencing other countries toward American culture. Additionally, the term universalization is also extremely significant here. The concept universalization refers to the idea of spreading something around the world to the point where it becomes a standard everywhere on the planet. An example of this could be pop culture and fast food restaurants. Homogenization in globalization and universalization are closely related because the influence the global north has on other countries is substantial, which is also known as westernization. Through homogenization in globalization and universalization companies are being spread all around the world. The author of this political cartoon is trying to express how everywhere in the world is becoming more and more similar as time goes on. The three individuals illustrated in the cartoon where being impacted by globalization, but they probably didn’t realize that they could have most likely purchased the same items in their home country. For example the woman in the cartoon purchased a shirt from the Disney Store in London, when she could have gone to Calgary and bought the same item for roughly the same price. Homogenization in globalization and universalization are both connected to globalization because they both play a particular part of trade, one of the four forces of globalization. In most situations trade is displayed when one is intending on exchanging money for an item that they want or need. When it comes to the problems of globalization, homogenization in globalization and universalization defeat the purpose of diversity and trade and is expressed negatively.


We Move Mountains

GLOBALIZATION Tess Sangwine, Grade 10 Source Analysis 
This source includes three people that look as

though they’re a family. They are all wearing what most would call “westernized” outfits, and at the top of the picture there is a headline that says “Problems of Globalization.” Above each person's head there is a speech bubble explaining where they have been, and how the stores that they went to had nothing to do with the places they got them from. In the first speech bubble there's a man saying, “we got these cool hats at Nike-town in Paris.” While this shows that they went to Paris, we realize that they anything related to Paris at all. In the second speech bubble there's a women adding on to what the first man was saying. She says, “...And this great shirt at the Disney store in London.” There's one more speech bubble and it’s a boy saying, “After a great dinner at McDonalds in Rome, we found these neat shorts at the Gap.” One of the key topics of this source is explaining is how our world is becoming more westernized due to the influence of the global north. This family went on three different trips, not experiencing the cultures they visited at all, but going to places in new countries that they previously knew about. It does not seem that they experienced the things culturally related to the countries they visited. The author is suggesting that places like the ones mentioned in the picture, Paris, London, and Rome, are losing their culture due to globalization. This seems to be more and more common, as different people descend into these different places causing the world to become more connected. Places such as these are rapidly changing, and losing their culture. The author may be suggesting that he/she is concerned about the controversy of everything and everyone being increasingly connected. Because of it, not only countries but people are starting to lose their culture. A modern example of this may be the fact that in places such as China or India you can easily see how globalization is causing these places to become more westernized. While being in Cambodia recently, I saw countless numbers of posters with people from the global north on them, and even walking into stores their were generally more western outfits then culturally significant ones. It was almost as if I was back in a warmer Canada. This was (as you can only imagine) a shock for me as I had no idea a place so far could be this similar to Canada. Looking even further into globalization, this specific source fits under the umbrella of globalization because not only have these people bought shirts they could find anywhere in the world, but instead of going to places culturally related to the country, they go to places completely unassociated to the place their visiting. This is also an issue because globalization is causing people to be unable to experience new things, and visit places without seeing something from a global north point of view. This author suggests that the world is connected on a higher level due to globalization and this impacts culture.


We Move Mountains

ALEX VALENTIN By Sawyer Figol, Grade 11 Alex Valentin was a quiet boy growing up in Selikovy. Each day he would come to school with fresh belt marks on his hands 
 and a bruised face to match them. Alex’s father had been a drunk, the whole town knew this. “It is none of your damn business askn!” is what the shopkeeper would bark at me when I questioned why Alex’s dad was in handcuffs one night. That was the last time I would ever see Mr. Valentin, and it was the last time the town ever thought of him. Mama always said that “he was a devil that had passed by on his trip to hell” I never quite understood what she meant by that. On the night of his departure, something strange happened. I was too young to understand then. Mr. Valentin had come home in worse order than usual. I heard the scheduled sharp clap of the belt and the cries of pain to follow them a block away. Papa put down his newspaper and walked towards the living room window. He looked down the street towards the house. “It’s loud tonight isn't it?” Papa commented mildly before putting out his cigar in the ashtray. “Yes, very.” Mama had stopped knitting now and began to creep towards the window as well. Suddenly a rolling pop thundered throughout the streets. Mother swivelled immediately towards me. “To your room, now!” she commanded. I would never forget the way she looked at me, her eyes were wide and full of liquid fear that disguises itself as our tears. I ran, falling on my self up the stairs, terrified of what might come. I closed my door frantically and got into my bed, throwing the sheets over me. I lay there for hours listening to my parents speak in adult tongues; not knowing what was going on. Gradually, I began to hear the soft echo of music coming from the outside. I crept cautiously towards the window and peered out over its edges. From my room, you could see the half-lit neighbourhood park. The streetlights held a spotty, soft and warm glow making the field just barely visible. In the middle of the park, an old pine tree sat with a piano at its base. The piano played a delicate and unbalanced tune, however, the song in itself was still alive and vibrant. It was then that I realized that it was a bloodied and grieving Alex Valentin that was playing this precarious melody. He sat there for hours, playing and playing as I did watching him in a fascinated intensiveness. He cried more that night then I had ever seen him cry in his whole life. His tears washed his pale, dirty cheeks creating rivers of white in his face. His clothes were scorched and his short back hair soiled and matted against his bloody forehead. Blood inclosed one of his sleeves as his white button up continued to grow pink. He played on throughout the night. Yes, that was the last night anyone ever saw Mr. Valentin, However, it was also the last night anyone ever saw Mrs. Valentin. For the rest of his time in Selihovy, Alex would be alone to fend for himself. 4 years later, me and a couple other boys I had gone to school with enlisted in the army. We were just now starting to push the fritz back but at heavy losses. One night in late winter Alex's platoon and been flanked by a Panzer division. They say the Jerrys had targeted the barn the platoon had taken shelter in and the whole structure had come down right on top of them, killing most of the men inside. Those who managed to escape were tagged by sniper fire and infantrymen waiting by the exits. Alex and a couple other guys were smart enough to play dead in the barn and wait for the division to clear out. They lay there in the pile of their comrades for 3 hours before moving back towards friendly lines. All the men were rattled and distraught when coming back. Dirt wore their faces black and their wounds bore deep into their skin. Cheap med boxes were quickly emptied of their bandages and almost instantly stained dark red on the moment of use. Screams of pain were heard throughout the med tents as morphine injectors were stabbed into any part of the body’s armour that hadn't been previously pierced in battle. There was one man who didn't cry though. He stood sloped against a tree holding his arm that had clearly been skimmed by an untalented sniper. His dark green eyes ran deep into the ground. He didn't seem at all alarmed by his surroundings or the wound. Instead, he presented a disposition that a man may have while waiting for a bus, making a cup of coffee in the morning, or reading the newspaper. He was calm but not at peace. Any other medic could mislabel this condition as shock or fear, but I knew better. Alex’s eyes readjusted their fix on me. He, just like myself, was nothing more than a boy, but his face made him a statue. His features were more prominent now in his adult life; as if they had been chiseled to his flesh. There was a layer that smeared his appearance in both dirt and a dark unshaven stain that covered the upper lip. He created a handsomely uneases air that froze our surroundings. I could see his pain was beyond a need to cry out and pray as the other men had. Instead, in a rather defeated way, he lay dormant and accepted the ocean of blood he had been swept away by. A cry came out from a nearby med tent; I quickly used the opportunity to awkwardly flee the silent conversation. I was afraid, not of him but of the realization his presence made me rediscover. He was, and had always been, a distorted reflection of myself. We both had gone to the same school, lived on the same block and worked at the same marketplace. Yet I had always been on the favourable side of our symmetrically impaired worlds. Death and pain followed Alex Valentin like an obedient dog wherever he went, while I was spared from these misfortunes. Some could say he was cursed, but I would say that he just needed an escape, and not anyone, especially myself, could offer him one in words. I owed him. The whole world owed him.

The next day I anonymously requested Alex Valentine’s transfer into my patrol squad. It was morning now, the sun barely made its way through the thick cloud to meet our faces. The leaves crumpled 
 my rifle rhythmically struck my hip at each new stride. Ivan walked next to me, the Sargent was in the underfoot as front and both Alex and Yusuf held up the rear. “He’s talking a lot today,” Ivan glanced over his shoulder to the pair in the back. I nodded in false agreement. “Well, for him.” Ivan was an experienced patrolman who knew these woods better than anyone; except for the Sargent that is. He was a continuous smoker, a hard drinker, and most of all a great friend. He told stories and jokes about the relationships he had back in Moscow and some of them even Alex would get caught smirking at. “He’s getting better, ” I said, wanting to believe the broken words I spoke were true, yet they still remained stale and meaningless. During the day he appeared as though better health had finally begun to reach him. Yet, as the light of day faded, so did my hopes for his recovery. Night trimmers were not uncommon by the men who survived the attack 2 months ago but Valentin’s were of biblical proportion in comparison. Some nights they were so potent I would be forced to hold him down until his fit ceased. Alex would wake remembering none of this, or if he did he had a simple blind refusal to talk about it. I looked back at Yusuf. He, like most soldiers, was a patriotically blunt person. He was all about the war, as long as it involved him that is. Each night before our shift he cleaned his rifle with a surgical focus, making sure every screw was exactly how he wanted it. I couldn't imagine how displeased he must have been finding out he was put on the back lines for simple patrol duty. We walked on through the silent forest as the cool moist air kissed our faces. The trees were the frozen skeletons embracing our surroundings with there leafy attire that lay used and rotten on the crackling ground beneath. It was tranquil, peaceful, loving and calm, yet it held a secret shame that marked itself a victim to the presence of a violent mankind. Bullets holes and grenade explosions robbed the forest of its natural beauty and broke apart the calming air, leaving a corpse of what used to be a welcome home to all creatures of the earth. Suddenly we stopped. In front of us, I could barely make out a brown blur in an opening ahead. “What the hell is-” Ivan was interrupted by the Sargent. “Everyone get down and find cover!!” Suddenly, like dogs being told to fetch, each member of our patrol ran to the nearest tree we could find and fell behind it with great urgency. I frantically reached for my rifle; pushing it up against my chest. I looked over at Ivan and Alex who were behind the trees adjacent to mine. Ivan had his rifle drawn and pointed north to where the Sargent was leading us. We stayed silent and still for a length of time I could only guess at. Fog of the forest rolled in covering our advance to a large bush on the border of a clearing where the Sargent had taken shelter. Yusuf and I arrived first, sprinting then baseball sliding into the cover of the shrubbery. Yusuf's eyes dance with anxious excitement. “Where are they.” He whispered as he loaded his rifle at a timely pace. “I don't know, I don't know, but there sure as hell close.” the sergeant was on his knee peeking out the side of the bush. Ivan and Alex arrived crashing into the cover. “Shhhhh! The hell you think you're doing! There could be snipers all over the bloody place, are you trying to get your head taken off!” The Sargent was trying to contain his frustration as much as possible. Ivan ignored the Sargent and quickly reached for one of his breast pockets and pulled out a small mirror with a sharp corner on the bottom of it. He grabbed a nearby stick and stabbed the mirror into it, holding up the makeshift creation to see what was on the other side of the brush. The mirror revealed and open space circled by trees; in the centre sat an old oak piano. The piano itself was beautiful, its glass-like surfaces and carefully polished edges were clearly alien to this environment. It was to me, a welcome sight, for the war and been nothing but rough surfaces and cracked corners. The simple beauties in life were erased and forgotten only to be replaced with the ugly evil of death. Sadly though, I reconsidered the majesty of the piano, and as I looked around at the faces of suspicion that filled my patrol I came to the conclusion everyone else did as well, everyone except Alex Valentin. He sat on the far side of the bush gazing with the same green eyes he looked at me with 2 months ago.


“It's obviously a trap!” Yusuf barked, “Like a mine or something.” “No not a mine,” Ivan said as he stuffed the mirror back into his pocket “but they're probably a couple of fat asses somewhere in those trees licking their lips, trying to get a shot at us.” 
 “It could just be a piano,” I muttered under my breath. Ivan looked directly at me, his eyes turned to steel, “it’s never just a piano.” My gaze shifted back over to Alex, he was gone. He had stood up and begun to walk slowly towards the piano his rifle rested on his sling behind him. “SHIT!- VALENTIN GET THE HELL BACK HERE!” Ivan had gotten up now and found cover to a pine tree nearby. “BOY, I SWEAR TO GOD I’LL SHOOT YOU MYSELF IF YOU DON'T GET THE HELL BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!” The Sargent and Yusuf argued as Alex continued to walk apathetic towards his surroundings. He reached the piano and began to play. It was that same soft delicate tone that echoed throughout the woods as it did in the park back home so many years ago. We watched in amazement, as a child does at a magician, while the melody resurrected the forest’s lost life. We were momentarily departed from our thoughts and washed away in the sound that seemed to bring colour to an otherwise black world. That was the only time in the entire war I saw Alex Valentin truly happy. He had found his escape and he had, in turn, found a joy and peace that was unknown to him for the longest of time. You could see it in him, you could see it in all of us. If I were to die today and heaven where take me in, my only request would be to relive that moment again and feel that release we had all felt. Suddenly, a whizz of air cut through the music and hit Alex in the back, he fell forward landing chest down on the piano with his body creating the last note he would ever play. And just like that, we were back, the air had lifted, and the war had begun again.


THE BENEFITS OF RESTORATIVE JUSTICE Sophie Kaganov, Grade 11 “It strives to provide support and safe opportunities for the voluntary participation and communication 
 between those affected (victims, offenders, and community) to encourage accountability, reparation, and a movement towards understanding, feelings of satisfaction, healing, safety and a sense of closure.” (Correctional Services of Canada) Restorative justice is a more effective justice system for responding to minor crimes as it rehabilitates the offender as opposed to the traditional penal system. Restorative justice is a branch of criminal justice which targets rehabilitation of the offender focusing on forgiveness and healing between the offender, the victim, and the community. The traditional penal system is the mainstream of the corrections system. This system punishes the offender by isolating them from society in hopes that it will rehabilitate the offender. However, this system causes a higher rate of reoffending and less empathy towards to victims. The Restorative Justice System is the best option for offenders and the victims of their offences because it is based on the reconciliation between the victim and offender, as well as repairing the harm in the community from the offence that has occurred. Through the exploration of how restorative justice works, how it differs from the traditional penal system, and the ways in which it repairs community relationships, it is clear that this is a superior method of justice and rehabilitation. Restorative justice is a rehabilitation program for offenders that focuses on the victim's needs along with the restoration between the victim and the offender, selection for the program are gone through carefully so that there is no risk for re-victimization. Restorative justice, also known as the problem-solving court, prioritizes making peace between all parties involved compared to the traditional penal system which just works with the offender. Compared to the traditional court and incarceration, restorative justice works to get to the root of crime and addiction so they can heal from there providing a more in depth rehabilitation for the offender which also benefits the victim. For an offender to be eligible for a restorative justice program, they need to be willing to participate in this type of rehabilitation with the victim if they are also inclined to participate in the program. Walgrave observes that “willingness to join in the mediation or conference is influenced positively or negatively by social pressure, threat of being referred to court, and the quality of the invitation among other elements.” (Walgrave 108). If, both the offender and the victim are willing to participate then they can work together with each other as well as the other people included in the intervention to find a final goal of reconciliation that they can work towards. The victim could decline this invitation due to emotional or practical reasons. The offender can also decline this invitation because of lack of benefits to them, but most minor crime offenders will take this opportunity because it can help them avoid incarceration. Selections for a participant in the restorative justice system are made through the criminal justice system which is the gatekeeper to the restorative justice system (Walgrave 95) most commonly used for minor crimes because they do not want to take any risk for a victim and the community’s sake of more harm being done. Clairmont points out, “Fully one--third of all youth arrests are diverted to the RJ stream.” (Clairmont 171), which explains to us that one-third of the youth arrests are put on to the restorative justice system, presuming these youths are being diverted to the program because they have committed minor crimes and are viewed as non-risk cases. These are the types of cases that would have a higher rate of selection because the youth have an opportunity at a better future if they are rehabilitated. The restorative justice system is widely different from the traditional penal system in the ways of the rehabilitation process that is used and the treatment of the offender which creates contrasting outcomes for offenders who participate in restorative justice versus incarceration. The traditional penal system which will usually lead to court trials and incarceration focuses on disciplining the offender and not helping them to realize the extent of the crimes that they have committed. Yes, incarceration is the option that needs to be used for violent and serious offender because it keeps the communities safe from people who are dangerous to the public. For youth offenders, being incarcerated can lead to a higher rate of reoffending because it just punishes the juveniles, instead, of helping them apprehend what they have #WEARERUNDLE done.

Tsui asserts, “The shortcomings of utilizing detention as the primary method of dealing with juvenile crime create a void in effective response mechanisms,[...]” (Tsui 637). This quote is stating that the detention
 system for youth in most cases cannot help the young offender understand the degree of the crimes and offences that they have done. This creates a void in how they learn of the wrongdoing that they have done, as well as how they have affected the community and people around them negatively. Reoffending is a serious problem after an offender has been released from incarceration. In the United States, around two-thirds of released prisoners re-vindicate within a three year time period after being introduced back into society (Tsui 641); this statistic shows us how the incarceration system produces unreliable results. The United States has the highest rate of incarceration due to the lack of successful rehabilitation that they are providing creates a higher rate of offenders reoffending. The Ministry of Justice (UK) explains, “However, re-offending varied considerably by age, type of offence and type of sentence, so that, for example, 66% of those sentenced to prison re-offended, compared to 53% of those given a community sentence.” (Ministry of Justice 10). The Ministry of Justice in the UK gives us these statistics representing the 13% difference between the type of rehabilitation that people receive, it may seem like a small difference, but it makes a large difference in these peoples lives. The people who get incarcerated have a higher probability of reoffending and not being able to improve their life compared to the people who receive restorative justice. Restorative justice can be a viable option to help lower the rate of reoffending with minor offenders. Tsui acknowledges, “In particular, studies have shown that low-level juvenile offenders are less likely to reoffend if, rather than being incarcerated, they are allowed to remain within their communities and are given access to community-based programs.” (Tsui641). By saying this she is explaining how having community-based programs can be vital to helping youth offenders to understand the offence they have done, furthermore, are able to move on from what they did. Through giving youth offenders a community sentence it helps keep the families close and does not remove the youth from their routine and daily life, compared to removing them from society and putting them into a detention centre. “[Restorative justice] may include coercive obligations in pursuit of partial reparation, such as formal restitution or compensation, fines or working for the benefit of a victims' fund, and community service. Generally, they are imposed by a justice system that should also be oriented primarily towards imposing reparative sanctions instead of punishments.” (Walgrave 96). This quote explains how restorative justice is different from the traditional justice system due to how it is focused on the victim and how it can lead to reparations for the victim as a way to forgive the maltreatment that has been done, by doing services and possibly paying the victims. Unlike the traditional penal system that would punish the offender, restorative justice is helping come to a shared goal of forgiveness. Restorative justice gives offenders and victims an opportunity to connect and come to a mutual goal of forgiveness, as well as a way of healing for the victims. Restorative justice is a way to help repair and restore trust inside communities in which have been harmed. With restorative justice, the victims of minor crimes can use this system to help express how they feel and how it has affected them to the offender themselves. Communication between the victim and offender can help provide a better understanding and ability to heal if the victim is will to. Walgrave believes, “Benefits victims see in a restorative justice process are grounded mainly in the opportunity for communication: they want to express their feelings to the offender, hope to receive an explanation, and hope to have an impact on what should be done.” (Walgrave 106). Communication with the victims can help the offender comprehend the gravity of the crime. When the offender understands the weight of their crime on the victim it can help them resist reoffending as well as consider the effects that it has on the victim.


The victim can be benefited from restorative justice because it can help them forgive the offender also give them peace of mind after a crime has been committed against them. Rehabilitation of the offender as well as restitution between the victim and offender is the wanted outcome from restorative justice. The process of restorative justice and how it allows the victim and offender to find peace will help the offender be rehabilitated, especially youth offenders who may not know what they have done is wrong. Walgrave emphasizes, “We shall see that the process during the meeting itself makes most offenders understand the harm they caused and become increasingly emotionally involved and less rationally calculating.” (Walgrave 109). This quote reveals how when the offender becomes emotionally involved it can lead to the offender gaining perspective on the harm that they have done. Having an emotional understanding of the harm that has been made is an approach to the rehabilitation that has been proven by Walgrave that it can improve the restitution. A community is a place where you learn, the values and beliefs you have are most likely shaped by the people who you spend time around. Restorative justice is a way to keep communities intact after they have been harmed. Healing and forgiving in a community is important after some sort of damage has been done. Earle observes, “The criminal justice system depends on the community. The community is the source of power in a democracy. It is the source of healing, of values. We learn our values from the institutions of community--home, family, neighbourhood, church (or temple or mosque), and school.” (Earle 77). Earle emphasizes that the community around you can be there to teach you and be there for you. With restorative justice, the criminal justice system can be achieved outside of the traditional penal system and court. Staying in your community by receiving a community-based sentence gives an advantage to the offender because it gives them a support system from the community that is there for them, this creates stronger bonds within a community after the damage has been done. From the victim's standpoint, this is a convenient and useful situation if they are willing to go through restorative justice. Staying within the community can provide a better way for communication not just between the victim and offender but from the surrounding community as well. Restorative justice is the superior method for dealing with offenders versus the penal system. The restorative justice system helps the victims and offenders reconcile, it helps repairs damaged communities. Because it is based around the community it creates a safe space for the victims and creates a more successful method of justice and rehabilitation. Restorative justice has been shown to be a commendable course of justice. It has been shown that restorative justice both helps keep communities strong after it has been harmed, along with, how it helps all parties involved in the offence to learn and heal together. Resources Sarkin, Jeremy. "Enhancing the legitimacy, status, and role of the International Criminal Court globally by using transitional justice and restorative justice strategies." Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Rights Law, Annual 2011, p. 83+. Academic OneFile, AONE?u=albertak12&sid=AONE&xid=1ac88b64. Accessed 20 Nov. 2018. Clairmont, Don. "The development of an aboriginal criminal justice system: the case of Elsipogtog." University of New Brunswick Law Journal, Jan. 2013, p. 160+. Academic OneFile, Accessed 20 Nov. 2018. Walgrave, Lode. "Investigating the potentials of restorative justice practice." Washington University Journal of Law & Policy, vol. 36, 2011, p. 91+. Academic OneFile, Accessed 22 Nov. 2018. Tsui, Judy C. "Breaking free of the prison paradigm: integrating restorative justice techniques into Chicago's juvenile justice system." Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Summer 2014, p. 635+. Academic OneFile, u=albertak12&sid=AONE&xid=56346111. Accessed 28 Nov. 2018.

Alberta, Government of. “Restorative Justice: Investing in Rehabilitation.”, Sitemap, et al. Restorative Practice in Schools | Restorative Justice Council, “Rehabilitation and Restorative Justice.” National Organization of Victims of Juvenile Murderers, 25 May 2015, prevention-rehabilitation/. Earle, Ronnie. "Restorative Justice Restores Power to Communities." Tikkun, Sept.-Oct. 2009, p. 18+. Academic OneFile, doc/A207463018/AONE?u=albertak12&sid=AONE&xid=71cc7389. Accessed 6 Dec. 2018.

Correctional Service of Canada, Communications. “Restorative Justice Factsheet.” Gouvernement Du Canada, Service Correctionnel Du Canada, Secteur Des Communications Et De L'engagement Des Citoyens, Publication Et Communications Électroniques, Directeur, 7 Aug. 2012,


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