Newsletter December 8, 2010

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V o l u m e 8 , I s s ue 3

Ru n d l e A c a d e my

December 8, 2010


M E S S A G E F R O M T H E P R I N C I PA L It is only two weeks until our Winter Break. Our hard working students and staff are all looking forward to a well deserved rest. Ms. Patience and her crew are busy preparing for “Annie.” This year there will be four evening presentations (December 13th - 16th). December 9th will be the Winter Festival of the Arts beginning at 7:00 P.M., with Christmas presentations from all the Fine Arts areas. We look forward to these very entertaining evenings.

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Message from the Principal


Counsellor’s Notes


Society Office Academy Speaker Series


Music Notes Fine Arts


Jr. / Sr. High Student Council Kids for Kids Club


Zoo Field Trip


Outdoor Environmental Ed.


Junior High Girls Volleyball




Rundle College Football


Honor Roll - Elementary


Honor Roll - Junior High


Examinations Schedule


Activities for the Month


RUNDLE ACADEMY 4330 16 Street SW Calgary, AB T2T 4H9 Ph: 250-2965 / Fax: 250-2914

AGM The Annual General Meeting was held on November 25th at Rundle College Elementary. This year there were no elections as the four positions up for reelection were all appointed by acclamation. We now have two parents from the Academy serving on the Board: Mr. Locking for one more year and Mr. McColl, who is just starting a three year term. I know he will represent the Academy well. Dr. Evans will continue as Board Chair for another year.

Examinations The examination schedule will be posted on the website this week. The Midterm Examination week for the Elementary and Junior High will be January 24th to January 27th. Students will write examinations in the morning and have regular scheduled classes in the afternoon. The last day of classes for the Senior High will be January 18th, with examinations scheduled from January 19th to January 27th. High School students are not expected to be at school except to write scheduled examinations or attend review classes. Winter Break Just a reminder that students will be dismissed for the Winter Break on Friday, December 17th, at 1:08 P.M. and school will reopen on Monday, January 3th. On behalf of the faculty and staff at Rundle Academy, we wish you an enjoyable and restful holiday season!

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Volume 8, Issue 3

COUNSELLOR’S NOTES Helping Children and Teens Overcome Test Anxiety Test anxiety is very common. In fact, most students experience test anxiety at some point in their years of study. This type of anxiety can have significant symptoms for some, including upset stomach, headache, loss of focus, fear, irritability, anger, and even depression. Researchers recommend providing students with tools and strategies that focus on both emotional skills and healthy physical habits. This may help students improve their ability to prepare for and perform on tests. It is important to help students identify their emotions and give them tools that will help them cope with feelings such as anxiety, self-doubt, anger or frustration. Also, healthy physical habits enable students to have enough energy for their brain to do its job of thinking for a sustained period of time. Here are a few tips from the Institute of HeartMath. Share these with your child ahead of time to better prepare them emotionally and physically for test taking. Practice the neutral tool: When you have uncomfortable feelings about whether you will do well on the test, practice the neutral tool. It is important to catch negative mind loops that reinforce self-doubt or uncomfortable feelings. Every time you catch a negative thought repeating itself, stop the loop and practice going to neutral. Start by focusing on the area around your heart. This helps to take the focus off the mind loop. Then breathe deeply. Breathe as if your breath is flowing in and out through the center of your chest. Breathe quietly and naturally, fourfive seconds on the in-breath, and four-five seconds on the out-breath. While you are breathing, try and find an attitude of calmness about the situation. Do this in the days leading up to the test, right before and during the test. Address the what-if questions: A lot of times before we have to do something like take a test, much of the anxiety we feel is a build-up from negative “what-if’” thoughts. What if I fail, what if I can’t remember anything, or what if I run out of time. Try writing a what-if question that is positive and can help you take the big deal out of the situation and begin to see things in a different way. Examples of these kinds of questions are, “What if I can remember more than I think I can?” “What if I can feel calmer than I think I can?” Think good thoughts: Science is showing that good feelings like appreciation can actually help your brain work better. When you feel nervous or anxious, try this. You can do it as many times as you need to or want to.

Remember something that makes you feel good. Maybe it is your pet or how you felt when you got a big hug from your mom, or how you felt after a super fun day at the amusement park with your friends. After you remember how you felt, hold that feeling. Let yourself feel that feeling for 10-20 seconds or more. It is important to let yourself really feel that good feeling all over again. Practice this tool right before the big test. Get enough sleep: Big tests require a lot of energy and stamina to be able to focus for several hours. Make sure you get at least 8-10 hours of sleep the night before the test. Have fun: Do something fun the night before to take your mind off the test, like see a movie, play a board game with your family or participate in a sports activity. That way your mind and emotions are more relaxed in the time leading up to the test. Eat a hearty breakfast: The brain needs a lot of energy to maintain focus on a big test for several hours. Eat a hearty and healthy breakfast, including complex carbohydrates and protein to make your energy last as long as possible. Foods such as eggs, cereal and whole-wheat toast help energize your brain to think more clearly and much longer compared with the fast-disappearing bolt of energy from drinking a soda pop or eating a cookie for breakfast. For a snack food, bring simple foods such as peanut butter and crackers, cheese and crackers or a burrito to sustain energy until lunch.

Practicing these tools in advance of and during a test can help students limit test anxiety and perform even better on their school work. Please feel free to contact me if you would like some further information on helping your child with test anxiety. Ms. Jana-Lynn Caines 403-250-2965 (ext. 103)

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Volume 8, Issue 3


Uniform Store Hours October 2010 to May 2011 Tuesdays and Thursdays only 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. The store is closed daily during the noon hour from 12:00 P.M. to 1:00 P.M.

ACADEMY SPEAKER SERIES Information Evenings For Parents and Students January 12, 2011 Study & Memory Skills * Ms. Emma Guy February 9, 2011 Junior High School Orientation & High School Orientation * All Grade 6 and Grade 9 Parents and Students * John Wolf, Jamie Burla and Terry Hoganson March 2, 2011 Open House * For prospective parents March 16, 2011 Panel Discussion on ADHD—Implications for School & Home * Speakers TBA April 14, 2011 What to expect at Post Secondary Institutions—Transition Planning *Dr. Brent Macdonald, University of Calgary and Alumni Student Panel

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Volume 8, Issue 3


The elementary music students and junior high performing arts students will be performing a holiday musical called "Jingle Bell Jukebox" on Thursday, December 9th. The show starts at 7:00 p.m. Students involved will need to be here by 6:30 p.m. that night. Tickets are $5 each. Please email Mrs. O’Brien ( for tickets.

FINE ARTS Rundle Academy Drama Club

Proudly Presents

December 13 - 16 , 2010 7:30 P.M. Tickets now on sale.

Adults $10 and Children/Students $5 Reserve tickets at

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Volume 8, Issue 3

JUNIOR/SENIOR HIGH STUDENT COUNCIL Rundle Academy Student Council has been making Christmas plans for several weeks now. Starting on December 13th, we will be having a whole week of fun holiday activities! See the list below for all the great things coming up! Events are for everyone, grades 4 - 12, unless specified otherwise! Monday, December 13th  Candy grams go on sale for $2 (the BIG ones!). A great way to show your friends how much you care!  Gingerbread raffle begins ($1 per ticket, or 3 for $2). All proceeds to the Mustard Seed.  Hot chocolate will be handed out in the junior high lunch room to boost spirits for this fun week. Tuesday, December 14th  A donation of a quarter will allow you to wear your Christmas tie and/or tights to school.  Candy grams and gingerbread raffle tickets will also be available. Wednesday, December 15th  Wear your ugly Christmas sweater and, with a quarter donation, get to wear dress-down pants.  Candy grams and gingerbread raffle tickets will also be available. Thursday, December 16th  With your quarter donation, wear your awesome Santa Hat all day!  Candy grams and gingerbread raffle tickets will also be available. Friday, December 17th  Candy grams will be handed out.  Gingerbread house winners will be drawn.  Junior/Senior High – dress your TA teacher up like a snowman! A new twist on the Christmas tree contest from last year!  Spirit points will be awarded for wearing your Christmas PJ’s.  A showing of The Polar Express in the Rundle Movie Hall will cap off a fun filled week.




The Spiciest Homeroom Contest This year the Kids for Kids Club is supporting a charity called the Dirty Wall Project, which is a one-man charity that helps children in the slums of Mumbai (Bombay), India. Kane Ryan, the founder of the Dirty Wall Project, worked closely with women from the Saki Naka Pipeline Slum Community to create a delicious Masala to make authentic Indian curries. He sells these spice packs to raise money for the Dirty Wall Project. For the month of November, the Kids for Kids Club put out a challenge to the students on Rundle Academy to see which homeroom could sell the most spice packs.

The response was been outstanding and beyond our expectations. The contest, which has been dubbed “The Smelliest Homeroom”, has brought a friendly competition between all three divisions, as well as TA’s and homerooms within each division. In total, the Spiciest Homeroom Contest has raised more than $3000 in one month. As the triumphant division, Mrs. Moslow’s Elementary class has won an extra dress-down day. Mr. Mellor (Junior High) and Ms. Phillips (Senior High) classes have each won a Booster Juice party. Congratulations to all the winners!

On behalf of the Kids for Kids Club and the Dirty Wall Project, thank you for all your support!

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Volume 8, Issue 3

ZOO FIELD TRIP On Monday, November 29th, the grades four and five classes embraced the cold weather for a field trip to the Calgary Zoo. The morning was spent indoors experimenting with solar and wind technology. The students tested circuits, magnets, and mini versions of photovoltaics and wind turbines to determine the best weather for maximum voltage! They discovered how whale fins and butterfly wings are inspiring future innovations in energy conservation. Students observed alternative technologies firsthand, and learned ways to conserve energy in their own homes. The afternoon was spent exploring animals in their habitats before returning to the school.

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Volume 8, Issue 3

O U T D O O R E N V I R O N M E N TA L E D U C A T I O N The Junior High Outdoor Education Class has recently built snow caves and had visits from the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society. We will finish up the semester with visits from the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society and our full day snowshoe trip to Peter Lougheed Provincial Park on Thursday the 13th of January. Students will need to have ski poles, winter pants, jackets and snow boots. An equipment list has recently been sent out by email. Students will also come home with a paper copy early next week.

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Volume 8, Issue 3


A great season comes to an end! Mr. Maitland, Mr. Burla and the whole Rundle staff would like to congratulate the girls on a truly great season. The girls playing in the Grade 9 league made the play-off tournament - a feat not done with that grade in a number of years. The girls playing on the 6/7/8 team won their

championship banner and came away from a very tough tournament as champs – congrats to all players. We had a very large team this year and every girl improved her skills, which makes the future of Rundle Academy volleyball very bright.

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Volume 8, Issue 3


Junior High Wrestling

Remembrance Day Classic

The Junior High Rockies Wrestling season is underway! The team has been diligently training during morning practices Monday to Thursday at 7:00 a.m. The team has faced wrestling squads from Rundle College, Calgary Academy, Calgary Science School, FFCA and GCC to name a few. The wrestling team has completed a quad circuit and will now be at the University of Calgary on December 4th for one of the biggest Junior High tournaments in the province. The CISAA Championships will be held at Rundle College December 8th, where the team will compete for the banner! Come on out and support the Junior High Wrestling Team.

On November 9th, Rundle Academy kicked off their annual Rockies Remembrance Day Classic Wrestling Tournament. The meet was the first of the CISAA quad meets for the 2010 season. Teams from the league came to compete at the exceptionally well run tournament. Coach Palmer was interviewed after the tournament and said the team was gaining valuable experience for the season. The team wants to thank all volunteers such as Mr. and Mrs. van der Meer, Mr. Wolf, Mr. Rogers, Ms. Defoy, Mr. Lawson, Mr. Waterbury and students, such as Will and Sam Midkiff, Scott Roman, Troy Brintnell, Ryan Cartmell, Angus Warltier and Emily Street.

Junior High Wrestling Team Grade 6: Will Berry, Adam Miller, Nick Larmour Ross Geiger, Liam Cronin Grade 7: Tyler West, Dylan Graham, Anthoney Stan Mitchell Tuckwood, Payton Budd Grade 8: Sean Clarke, Cameron Olson, Mitchell Brons Nicholas Hansen Grade 9: Bryce Hall, Charlotte Jones, Sam Midkiff

Rundle Academy Senior Wrestling After coaching a long Football season, Mr. Barry has begun practices with the Senior Wrestling Team. The team will compete at some of the major tournaments around the city and we look forward to some fantastic results. Experience will come from Sean Molle and Brock duBerger, who both compete locally and provincially in the sport.

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Volume 8, Issue 3

RUNDLE COLLEGE FOOTBALL Rundle Football – Tier IV Provincial Champs Congratulations to the Rundle Football Team on an outstanding season. The team started their defense of last year’s Tier IV Provincial Championship with an impressive 52-3 Quarter-Final victory over St. Timothy of Cochrane. This qualified the team to play against #1 ranked and undefeated Willow Creek from Claresholm - an enormous but necessary challenge for a team bent on repeating as Champs. Rundle got off to a great start, scoring on their first three possessions and led 34-6 at the half. The second half was more evenly matched with the game ending 56-31 - another Cobra victory. Champs

#30 duBerger and #44 Tyson, Grade 10s

The team’s goal was now in sight. All that stood between them and another championship was a team from Lloydminister called Holy Rosary. The Cobra’s statistics from their previous four games were impressive, as they outscored their opponents by a 52 – 10 margin. The game was even billed as a David and Goliath match-up with Rundle in the role of Goliath; “Last year’s champs are back for another shot at the title against the little team that could from the North.” Once again the team got off to a great start with Chris Huband scoring 3 touchdowns in the first quarter, including an 85 yard run, but Holy Rosary closed the quarter with a score of their own: a 99 yard kick-off return. Rundle responded with a 75 yard pass and run from quarterback Andrew Buckley to slotback Emmitt Tims and another Chris Huband touchdown to end the half 34-7. The second half was more evenly matched as many of the younger players were given an opportunity to play in a Provincial Final. However, the end result was another Rundle Tier IV Provincial Football Championship with a final score of Rundle College - 41 and Holy Rosary – 21. The most impressive aspect of this team was their patience, commitment and perseverance in overcoming early season losses and injuries to accomplish their lofty goal. Congratulations to all the players, particularly, to Chris Huband, Sean Molle, Collin Levesque and Linden MacMillan who graduate this year as two time Provincial Champs. Thank you to all the students, parents and staff for their encouragement and support in helping us fully experience this incredible season.


#42 Molle and #47 Gall, Ready for Action

Tier IV Provincial Champions

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Volume 8, Issue 3

HONOR ROLL - REPORT 1 - 2010/2011 ELEMENTARY Gold (85% - 89%) Bouma, Bram (Gr. 5) Miller, Adam (Gr. 6)

Petti, Dominic (Gr. 6)

Silver (80% - 84%) Nakamura, Ryan (Gr. 4) Collins, Jack (Gr. 5) Hansen, Julia (Gr. 5) Hadford, Adam (Gr. 5) Petti, Oliver (Gr. 5) Brobbel, Jeremy (Gr. 6) Geiger, Ross (Gr. 6) Loughlin, Brandon (Gr. 6)

Reeder, Sarah (Gr. 6) Robertson, Tyler (Gr. 6) Smith, Lara (Gr. 6)

Bronze (75% - 79%) Bruyn, Juliana (Gr. 4) Colwell, Taya (Gr. 4) Kloss, Mitchell (Gr. 5) Retzer, Nathan (Gr. 5) Shomody, Phoenix (Gr. 5) Willson, Gannon (Gr. 5) Bradley, Soren (Gr. 6) Berry, William (Gr. 6) Cottingham, Amy (Gr. 6) Cronin, Liam (Gr. 6)

Davis, Aia (Gr. 6) Larmour, Nick (Gr. 6) Rogers, Avery (Gr. 6) Yadav, Sneh (Gr. 6)

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HONOR ROLL - REPORT 1 - 2010/2011 JUNIOR HIGH Gold (85% - 89%) Brodylo, Robyn (Gr. 7) Graham, Dylan (Gr. 7) Stephen, Alix (Gr. 7) Berloni, Mia (Gr. 8)

Olson, Cameron (Gr. 8) Read, Jeffrey (Gr. 8) Halwas, Darian (Gr. 9) Scott, Ryan (Gr. 9)

Silver (80% - 84%) Garcia-Ahmadi, Aden (Gr. 7) Bridges, Jack (Gr. 7) Champagne, Cali (Gr. 7) Hillstead, Madison (Gr. 7) Rehill, J.T. (Gr. 7) Smith, Garrett (Gr. 7) Hallson, Eric (Gr. 7) Huntley, Kennedy (Gr. 7) Smith, Max (Gr. 7) Tecklenburg, Cal (Gr. 7) Almond, Sydney (Gr. 8) Bhullar, Rajan (Gr. 8) Clarke, Sean (Gr. 8) Gaetz, Jaxon (Gr. 8)

Geskin, Auria (Gr. 8) Kaluznick, Georgia (Gr. 8) Quantz, Taylor (Gr. 8) Hansen, Nicholas (Gr. 8) Holloway, Curtis (Gr. 8) Ramage, Colin (Gr. 8) Yee, Ashley (Gr. 8) Adams, Sam (Gr. 9) Dean, Jake (Gr. 9) Gardner, Doug (Gr. 9) Maybee, Tristan (Gr. 9) Midkiff, Sam (Gr. 9) Rasch, Conner (Gr. 9) Street, Emily (Gr. 9)

Bronze (75% - 79%) Budd, Payton (Gr. 7) de Paiva, Max (Gr. 7) Guterson, Gracie (Gr. 7) Maxwell, Davis (Gr. 7) Shields-Knutson, Madison (Gr. 7) Tuckwood, Mitch (Gr. 7) West, Tyler (Gr. 7) Abdel-Keriem, Ramy (Gr. 8) Block, Adam (Gr. 8) Colpitts, Gabriel (Gr. 8) Eichler, Oscar (Gr. 8)

Farmer, Carmen (Gr. 8) Kaluznick, Georgia (Gr. 8) Jurok, Johanna (Gr. 8) Wheatley, Amanda (Gr. 8) Andreychuk, Loren (Gr. 9) Duus, Nic (Gr. 9) De Jager, Bailey (Gr. 9) Heaton, Natalie (Gr. 9) Jones, Charlotte (Gr. 9) Hardock, Jonathan (Gr. 9)

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Rundle Academy Diploma, Final & Mid-Term Examinations January 12 – January 27, 2011 Wednesday, January 12 Thursday, January 13 Tuesday, January 18 Wednesday, January 19

Thursday, January 20

Friday, January 21

Monday, January 24

Tuesday, January 25

Wednesday, January 26

Thursday, January 27

Friday, January 28 Monday, January 31

9:00-3:00 English Language Arts 30-1 Diploma – Part A 9:00-3:00 English Language Arts 30-2 Diploma – Part A 9:00-3:00 Social Studies 30-1 Diploma – Part A 9:00-3:00 Social Studies 30-2 Diploma – Part A Last Day of High School Classes 9:00-3:00 English Language Arts 30-1 Diploma – Part B 9:00-3:00 English Language Arts 30-2 Diploma – Part B 9:00-2:00 English Language Arts 20-1 Final – Part A 9:00-2:00 English Language Arts 20-2 Final – Part A 9:00-2:00 Social Studies 30-1 Diploma – Part B 9:00-2:00 Social Studies 30-2 Diploma – Part B 9:00-2:00 Social Studies 20-1 Final – Part A 9:00-2:00 Social Studies 20-2 Final – Part A 9:00-2:00 English Language Arts 10-1 Final – Part A 9:00-2:00 English Language Arts 10-2 Final – Part A 9:00-12:30 Chemistry 20 Final 9:00-2:00 English Language Arts 20-1 Final – Part B 9:00-2:00 English Language Arts 20-2 Final – Part B 9:00-2:00 Grade 9 English Language Arts Mid-Term – Part A 9:00-12:30 Grade 8 Science Mid-Term 9:00-12:30 Grade 7 Mathematics Mid-Term 9:00-2:00 Grade 6 English Language Arts Mid-Term – Part A 9:00-2:00 Biology 30 Diploma 9:00-12:30 Mathematics 20 Applied Final 9:00-12:30 Mathematics 20 Pure Final 9:00-12:30 Physics 20 Final 9:00-12:30 Science 10 Final 9:00-12:30 Grade 9 Social Studies Mid-Term 9:00-2:00 Grade 8 English Language Arts Mid-Term – Part A 9:00-12:30 Grade 7 Science Mid-Term 9:00-12:00 Grade 6 Social Studies Mid-Term 9:00-2:00 Mathematics 30 Applied Diploma 9:00-2:00 Mathematics 30 Pure Diploma 9:00-12:30 Mathematics 10 Common Final 9:00-12:30 Grade 9 English Language Arts Mid-Term – Part B 9:00-12:30 Grade 8 Mathematics Mid-Term 9:00-2:00 Grade 7 English Language Arts Mid-Term – Part A 9:00-12:00 Grade 6 English Language Arts Mid-Term – Part B 9:00-2:00 Chemistry 30 Diploma 9:00-12:30 Biology 20 Final 9:00-12:30 Social Studies 20-1 Final – Part B 9:00-12:30 Social Studies 20-2 Final – Part B 9:00-12:30 English Language Arts 10-1 Final – Part B 9:00-12:30 English Language Arts 10-2 Final – Part B 9:00-12:30 Grade 9 Science Mid-Term 9:00-12:30 Grade 8 Social Studies Mid-Term 9:00-12:00 Grade 7 English Language Arts Mid-Term – Part B 9:00-12:00 Grade 6 Mathematics 9:00-12:30 Grade 9 Mathematics Mid-Term 9:00-12:30 Grade 8 English Language Arts Mid-Term – Part B 9:00-12:30 Grade 7 Social Studies Mid-Term 9:00-12:00 Grade 6 Science Professional Day – No Classes Semester Two Begins

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December 2-4

Junior High Basketball Tournament

December 9

Winter Festival of the Arts (7:00 P.M.)

December 10


December 13

PAC Meeting (7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.)

December 13-16

Annie Production (7:30 P.M.)

December 17

Last Day of Classes Before Winter Break

January 3

Classes Resume

January 10

PAC Meeting (7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.)

January 12

ELA 30-1/2 Diploma – Part A Speaker Series – Study & Memory Skills (7:00 P.M.)

January 13

Social Studies 30-1/2 Diploma – Part A

January 18

Last Day of High School Classes

REMINDER TO ALL PARENTS Look for morning announcements posted on the website Our Classroom Moodle Pages and our Division Portals sites are accessible from our homepage (

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