Rundle Academy May 2011 Newsletter

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V o l u m e 8 , I s s ue 8 May 10, 2011

ROCKIES RUMBLINGS M E S S A G E F R O M T H E P R I N C I PA L This is a demanding time of year. With the warm weather quickly approaching, it can be difficult to focus on studies; however, it is also a time when students need to be reviewing on a nightly basis, getting ready for those final examinations. There are just under 30 instructional days left, but still enough time to make a significant difference on those final marks.


INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Message from the Principal Moves Mountains Breakfast


Counsellor’s Notes Society News


Grade 12 Graduation


Grade 12 Graduation Senior High Orientation Camps


Fine Arts


Kids for Kids Club


Kids for Kids Club Continued


New Playground


Musical Notes


Jr./Sr. High Student Council Junior High Badminton


Track and Field Day


Track and Field Day Continued


Honor Roll - Senior High


Moves Mountains Awards Citizenship Awards


Extra Curricular Awards


Examinations Schedule


Activities for the Month


RUNDLE ACADEMY 4330 16 Street SW Calgary, AB T2T 4H9 Ph: 250-2965 / Fax: 250-2914

There are a few dates that we need to draw to your attention. The first annual Moves Mountains Breakfast is on Thursday, May 12th, beginning at 8:00 A.M. Ms. Patience’s annual Spring Production, The Hobbit, will run from May 17th to May 20th. The first Achievement Tests (Grade 6 and 9 ELA – Part A) are scheduled for May 18th and 19th respectively. The annual Grade 9 Celebration is scheduled for Mr. Rogers, Ms. Caines and the Heads of Tuesday, June 7th, at the Al Azhar TemYears have been busy working on stu- ple beginning at 7:00 P.M. And finally, the dent enrollment for next year. Presently most significant celebration of the year, we have 32 new families joining the our Grade 12 Graduation will be on FriAcademy community in the fall. Applica- day, June 3th, at the University of Calgary tions continue to come in, but at this Rozsa Centre beginning at 12:00 noon. point, we only have selected availability for seven more new students. Our con- And lastly, we have attached the end of firmed enrolment is 195 students, not in- the year examination schedule. Please cluding eight new students invited to en- check the dates and times to ensure your roll but not yet confirmed. If all grades child arrives on time and is adequately are enrolled to capacity, our enrollment prepared to give their best effort. will be 210 students.

M O V E S M O U N TA I N S B R E A K FA S T Rundle Academy’s First Annual Moves Mountains Breakfast Rundle Academy will be hosting the first annual “Moves Mountains Breakfast” on May 12th, to celebrate students who have demonstrated exemplary qualities in compassion, leadership, citizenship, determination, or personal integrity. Each teacher has chosen a student to receive this recognition award. These students achieved their personal best despite obstacles that may have been in their way. What makes this tribute unique is that it goes beyond the academic or extracurricular endeavours that are more often recognized. Invitations to the award recipients and two guests were mailed last month. The breakfast begins at 8:00 A.M. in the Elementary Gymnasium. There will be a late start (10:00 A.M.) for all students not involved in the Breakfast. Students who normally arrive on a school bus will be picked up two hours later than their normal time.

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COUNSELLOR’S NOTES Making the Transition: Help your child navigate typical junior high school challenges. In some ways, the transition to junior high school couldn’t come at a worse time. Just as your child is wrestling with their rollercoaster emotions; just as they are struggling to understand and accept physical changes (all of which make teens more distracted, forgetful, anxious, selfconscious, and argumentative) everything about the school day is changing too! While most children look forward to these years and don’t spiral into emotional turmoil, that doesn’t mean it’s always smooth sailing. By staying involved in your child’s life, you can anticipate difficulties and be better equipped to help him or her roll with the punches. Here are some ways you can make this transition time go more smoothly: Help your child manage his stress by making sure he eats right, exercises regularly, and gets enough sleep. Remain approachable. Encourage your child to open up about what's going on in school, but don’t interrogate and give advice only when asked. Your goal is to keep them talking so they realizes they can count on you. Bolster social skills. If your child says he has no friends, help him find new ways to get to know classmates better. Replace “No one likes me” with “I’ll be a better listener” or “I’ll invite someone to the basketball game this weekend.” Some children miss social cues and could benefit from counselling to become more aware of the way their words and behaviour affect others.

ing or motivational issue. If your child continues to struggle, schedule a conference with the teacher and/or counsellor so you can figure out what steps to take. Help silence his inner critic - the little voice that tells him he’s a loser. The child who doesn’t feel good about himself will have a hard time doing well academically. To oust negative thoughts that keep him stuck, role-play how to substitute positive messages. If he says, “I can’t do anything right,” suggest that he say to himself: “Mistakes are a chance to learn. I’ll ask the teacher for help and do my best.” Maintain family traditions and rituals - especially family dinners. Your tween may sit silently, but these little events will add to his/her sense of security and remind him/her of how much he/she is loved. Junior high schoolers take a lot of hard knocks and need to know their family is on their side when they get home. That alone can help keep your child on course. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this issue, or any other, please do not hesitate to contact me at 403-250-2965 (Ext. 103) or Jana-Lynn Caines, B.Ed., M.C. Registered Provisional Psychologist School Counsellor (Article modified from

Don't overreact. Remind yourself that your child’s behaviour is not unusual. Empathize with his/her frustrations (remind him/her of some of your own school difficulties). Of course, chronic lateness or forgetfulness or consistently low grades may also be a sign of a deeper learn-

SOCIETY NEWS Uniform Store Hours October 2010 to May 2011 Tuesdays and Thursdays only 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. 12:00 P.M. to 1:00 P.M. (store closed daily)

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G R A D E 1 2 G R A D UA T I O N - A L L All Rundle Academy students will be in attendance at the 2011 Grade 12 Graduation Ceremony, which will be held at 12:00 P.M. on Friday, June 3, 2011. The busses that are taking the students to the Eckert-Gramatte Theatre in the Rozsa Centre at the University of Calgary for the ceremony, will be leaving the Academy at 11:30 A.M. (students will be given time to eat lunch and should not


leave campus). Once the busses arrive at the Rozsa Centre, students will be directed to the Eckert-Gramatte Theatre. Staff will be there to give directions. The students who normally take school busses will be picked up at approximately 1:00 P.M. Those students who do not normally take the school bus home will need to make arrangements to be picked up by their parents.

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G R A D E 1 2 G R A D UA T I O N Students

All Students All

Rundle Academy students will be in attendance at the 2011 Grade 12 Graduation Ceremony, which will be held at 12:00 P.M. on Friday, June 3, 2011.


dress uniform (blazer) is required.


will take students and teachers to the Eckhardt-Gramatte Theatre in the Rozsa Centre at the University of Calgary for the ceremony. Students will be dismissed at 11:00 A.M. for lunch and should not leave campus. The busses will leave at 11:30 A.M.

who do not normally take the school bus, will need to make arrangements to be picked up by 1:00 P.M.


who take public transit will need to research other routes.


school students who choose to drive themselves are welcome to do so, but if they plan on taking someone with them, a note will be required from BOTH parents (driver and passenger).

Grade 12 Students Grad


the busses arrive at the Rosza Centre, teachers will help show students to their seats.


ceremony should be complete at approximately 1:00 P.M.


students who take the school bus, their regular busses have been directed to pick them up in front of the Rozsa Centre.

students must be at the Rozsa Centre by 9:30 A.M. to get into their robes and do a runthrough.


12 gentlemen need to wear dress pants and a collared shirt (preferably white) and tie. Grade 12 ladies may wear an open neck or collared shirt and skirt or pants.

S E N I O R H I G H O R I E N TA T I O N C A M P S It is hard to believe that we are already thinking about the next year. We have started to make plans for the High School Orientation Trips which take place at the beginning of the school year. The three trips (Frontier Lodge for grade 12 students, canoe trip on the Bow River for the grade 11 students, and camping at Jumping Pound for the grade 10 students) will be taking place next fall from August 31st to September 2nd, inclusive. You can look for more information which will be sent home with your child in early June.

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The Rundle Academy Drama Club Proudly Presents

May 17 – 20 , 2011, 7:30 P.M. Tickets available May 6th, 2011 $10 Adults / $5 Students Please order tickets at th


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KIDS CLUB Brown Bagging On Thursday, April 28th, ten students from the Kids for Kids program returned to the Brown Bagging for Calgary Kids Society. Armed with enthusiasm and spirit, the group eagerly joined teams to make various types of sandwiches for those students and youth in Calgary who are less fortunate. The group made more than 1200 sandwiches, hundreds of veggie packs, snacks made of crackers and cheese, as well as homemade oatmeal-chocolate chip cookies. Kids for Kids looks forward to brown bagging again in the Fall.

Used Uniform Sale The Annual Used Uniform Sale will take place May 16th - 20th. We will be selling gently worn uniform items for a great price and a great cause. All the proceeds will go to Kane Ryan and the ‘Dirty Wall Project.’ Watch your e-mail for detailed information on the sale location and times. Kids for Kids is accepting donations of good quality/washed uniform items. Please have your children drop off any items they would like to donate to Mr. Rogers or Mrs. Kaptiza.

“Faces of the World – The Kids for Kids and Dirty Wall Project Art Gala” with Special Guest Kane Ryan May 24, 2011 Kids for Kids is excited to be hosting Kane Ryan on May 24th. Kane will be spending the day at Rundle Academy with our students talking about his experiences working with kids in the slums of Mumbai. In the evening, we will be having an Art Gala that will include student art displays, appetizers from our foods course, music from our music club and photographs from Kane. Kane will also be giving a short talk about his efforts in India. Kane’s photos will also be for sale this evening. We hope to see many of our parents and students out to this unique event!

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On Monday, May 2nd, students from the Academy participated in the "Music Monday" celebration at the Rundle College Primary Campus. The weather was perfect for our outdoor concert! At 11:00 A.M. students from both schools joined together to sing the song "Tomorrow is Coming," while more than 1700 schools across Canada all performed the song at the exact same time. The objective was to "fill the skies with music," while promoting the importance of music in our schools and in our lives. Afterwards, Academy students treated the Primary students to a show full of singing, instruments and choreography. Excellent work students! Mrs. O'Brien, Music Teacher

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JUNIOR/SENIOR HIGH STUDENT COUNCIL These are some upcoming Student Council events for the month of May: May 13th


Super Hero Day and Booster Juice Dress up like your favorite superhero! If you are not in costume, regular uniform applies.

May 20th - Nerd/Gangster Day Dress up like a nerd, gangster, or a combination of the two. Regular uniform applies if not taking part. May 26th - OPA Lunch Forms will be coming home on the 16th, due back on the 20th. Stay tuned for information about the third annual Rundle Academy Scavenger Hunt!

JUNIOR HIGH BADMINTON This year Rundle Academy was very well represented in the sport of badminton. In the junior high, we had well over 30 members join the team. While it is a short season, we were able to jam pack practices and two tournaments into approximately a two and a half week span! We first participated in the Calgary Academy / CFIS season opener tournament. The competition was stiff, but Robyn Brodylo, in grade seven, won a silver medal. Curtis Holloway, in grade 8, walked away with the bronze.

The following week the entire team played in the ISAA tournament held at Rundle College, Calgary Academy and Bearspaw Christian School. This tournament had the city’s best players in attendance. Curtis Holloway ended up winning the silver medal in grade 8 boys singles and will represent Rundle Academy at South Central Zones on Thursday, May 5th in Olds. Good luck to Curtis as he plays for the “big one” in Olds!

Coaches Mr. Paz and Mr. Mellor would like to thank the players and their parents for their dedication, enthusiasm and support this season. Great job!

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FIELD DAY On Thursday, May 5th 2011, all of Rundle Academy participated in our annual Track and Field Day at Glenmore Athletic Park. All students and teachers were involved in this event, and the day went off without a hitch. Though the weather was a little bit cooler than expected, it did not hinder the start to the day with 400m Elementary races and 800m Junior/Senior High races. The students all competed very well in these events. We then broke off into groups based on grade, and spent the rest of the morning participating in other events, which included discus, shot-put, long jump, high jump, and 100m sprints. At lunch time, we enjoyed a delicious hot dog lunch, prepared by Mrs. Scott and Mr. Palmer, and supplied by the PAC. The afternoon saw the students participate in a couple more events and finished with the always entertaining Staff versus Students 4x100m relays! Of course, the students defeated the staff in both races, but everyone involved had a strong showing. Thanks to everyone for their support and we look forward to another great Track and Field Day next year! Mr. Waterbury, Athletic Director

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HONOR ROLL - REPORT 3 - 2010/2011 SENIOR HIGH Excellence (90% - 100%) Midkiff, William (Gr. 10) Breton, Rosemary (Gr. 11)

Gold, Virginia (Gr. 11) Brintnell, Troy (Gr. 11)

Gold (85% - 89%) Cosman, Lauren (Gr. 10) Empey, Luke (Gr. 10) McColl, William (Gr. 10) Salahor, Drewe (Gr. 10) Timlick, Steven (Gr. 10) Warltier, Angus (Gr. 10) Abels, Michael (Gr. 11)

Dowling, Sarah (Gr. 11) Rose, Amber (Gr. 11) Hashman, Gabrielle (Gr. 12) Horth, Chandra (Gr. 12) Huband, Chris (Gr. 12) Ruck, T.C. (Gr. 12)

Silver (80% - 84%) Dirks, Ian (Gr. 10) Hartwell, Alex (Gr. 10) Marston, Stephanie (Gr. 10) Alvarez, Hugh (Gr. 11) Brodylo, Alex (Gr. 11) Driscoll, Dan (Gr. 11) Duckworth, Victoria (Gr. 11) Fowler, Justin (Gr. 11)

Kinzer, Jacob (Gr. 11) Morrison, Andrew (Gr. 11) Vanderbeek, Danielle (Gr. 11) Lamoureux, Sarah (Gr. 12) Levesque, Collin (Gr. 12) Molle, Sean (Gr. 12) Wood, Emily (Gr. 12)

Bronze (75% - 79%) Buckley, Jason (Gr. 10) Loughlean, Nate (Gr. 10) Roman, Scott (Gr. 10) Ruck, Alex (Gr. 10) Smith, Margaret (Gr. 10) Beckford, Callum (Gr. 11) Hunter, Gordie (Gr. 11) Janzen, Megan (Gr. 11) Gall, Carter (Gr. 11) Luca, Matthew (Gr. 11) Macdonald-Jasper, Megan (Gr. 11) Magee, Darian (Gr. 11)

Ollive, Connor (Gr. 11) Provost, James (Gr. 11) Wartman, Kayla (Gr. 11) Bailey, Mackenzie (Gr. 12) Curtis, Anya (Gr. 12) Henderson, Jackie (Gr. 12) Hendry, Cole (Gr. 12) Johansson, Stefanie (Gr. 12) Jones, Lidia (Gr. 12) Miller, Kayley (Gr. 12) Rood, Jordane (Gr. 12) Warren, Andrew (Gr. 12)

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M O V E S M O U N TA I N S A W A R D S Awarded to students who overcome challenges academically or personally while displaying appropriate and positive behaviour.

Tal Preston Grade 6

Lucas Sampson Grade 9

Jordane Rood Grade 12

CITIZENSHIP AWARDS Awarded to students who display an aptitude in leadership, contribute to positive school climate and have a genuine concern for the well-being of others.

Oliver Petti Grade 5

Annette Berry Grade 5

Bram Bouma Grade 5

Sneh Yadav Grade 6

Sarah Reeder Grade 6

Emily Smith Grade 6

Will Berry Grade 6

Madison Shields-Knutson Grade 7

Ramy Abdel-Keriem Grade 8

Alex Moumdjian Grade 8

Lauren Reynolds Grade 9

Ryan Scott Grade 9

Jordane Rood Grade 12

Chandra Horth Grade 12

Tayton Harbaruk Grade 12

Lidia Jones Grade 12

Anya Curtis Grade 12

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EXTRA CURRICULAR AWARDS Awarded to students who exemplify the values of sportsmanship, participation, cooperation and team work.

Cal Tecklenburg Grade 7

Madison Shields-Knutson Grade 7

Mitchell Brons Grade 8

Curtis Holloway Grade 8

Rajan Bhullar Grade 8

Sean Clarke Grade 8

Alexis John Grade 10

Stefanie Mudry Grade 11

Danielle Vanderbeek Grade 11

Sarah Dowling Grade 11

Collin Levesque Grade 12

Emily Wood Grade 12

Cole Hendry Grade 12

Anya Curtis Grade 12

Tayton Harbaruk Grade 12

Olivia Adams Grade 12

Taylor Reich Grade 12

Chandra Horth Grade 12

Chris Huband Grade 12

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Rundle Academy Diploma, Final & Mid-Term Examinations May 18 - June 27, 2011 Wednesday, May 18


Grade 6 English Language Arts Achievement – Part A

Thursday, May 19


Grade 9 English Language Arts Achievement – Part A

Monday, June 13


English Language Arts 30-1/30-2 Diploma – Part A

Tuesday, June 14

9:00-3:00 9:00-12:00

Social Studies 30-1/30-2 Diploma – Part A Grade 6 Social Studies Achievement

Wednesday, June 15


Grade 6 English Language Arts Achievement – Part B

Wednesday, June 15

Last Day of High School Classes

Thursday, June 16

9:00-3:00 9:00-2:00 9:00 – 12:30

English Language Arts 30-1/30-2 Diploma – Part B Social Studies 10-1/10-2 Final – Part A Grade 6 Mathematics Achievement

Friday, June 17

9:00-2:00 9:00-3:00 9:00-2:00 9:00-12:00

Social Studies 30-1/30-2 Diploma – Part B English Language Arts 20-1/20-2 Final – Part A Math 20 Pure Final Grade 6 Science Achievement

Monday, June 20

9:00-2:00 9:00-3:00 9:00-3:00

Physics 20 Social Studies 20-1/20-2 Final – Part A Social Studies 10-1/10-2 Final – Part B

Monday, June 20

Last Day of Junior High Classes

Tuesday, June 21

9:00-2:00 9:00-2:00 9:00-12:30 9:00-12:00

Chemistry 20 Final Science 10 Grade 8 Social Studies Final Grade 7 Science Final

Wednesday, June 22

9:00-2:00 9:00-2:00 9:00-12:30 9:00-12:30 9:00-12:00

Biology 30 Diploma English Language Arts 20-1/20-2 Final – Part B Grade 9 English Language Arts Achievement – Part B Grade 8 English Language Arts Final Grade 7 Mathematics Final

Wednesday, June 22

Last Day of Elementary Classes

Thursday, June 23

9:00-2:00 9:00-2:00 9:00-2:00 9:00-12:30 9:00-12:00 9:00-12:30

Mathematics 30 Applied/Pure Diploma Mathematics 31 Final Mathematics 10 Common Final Grade 9 Science Achievement Grade 8 Mathematics Final Grade 7 Social Studies Final

Friday, June 24

9:00-2:00 9:00-2:00 9:00-12:30 9:00-12:30

Chemistry 30 Diploma Biology 20 Final Grade 9 Mathematics Achievement Grade 7 English Language Arts

Friday, June 24 Monday, June 27

Tuesday, June 28

Elementary Report Card and IPP Meetings 9:00-2:00 9:00-2:00 9:00-12:40 9:00-12:00

Physics 30 Diploma Social Studies 20-1/20-2 Final – Part B Grade 9 Social Studies Grade 8 Science Final

Junior/Senior High Report Card and IPP Meetings

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May 12

Moves Mountains Breakfast (8:00 A.M.)

May 17

High School Track and Field Meet (Glenmore Track)

May 17-20

Drama Spring Production - The Hobbit

May 18

Grade 6 ELA Achievement Test – Part A

May 19

Grade 9 ELA Achievement Test – Part A

May 23

Victoria Day (No Classes)

May 24

Faces of the World Art Gala (7:00 P.M.) Junior High Track and Field Meet (Webber School)

May 25

Junior High Track and Field Meet (Rotary Challenger Park)

May 27

Rally, DDD

June 3

Grade 12 Grad Ceremonies and Banquet

June 6

PAC Meeting (7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.)

June 7

Grade 9 Celebration

June 9

Awards Day (12:00 P.M.), School Picture

REMINDER TO ALL PARENTS Look for morning announcements posted on the website Our Classroom Moodle Pages and our Division Portals sites are accessible from our homepage ( For students not attending the Moves Mountains Breakfast on May 12th, classes will begin at 10:00 A.M. School busses will be running their regular routes two hours later (i.e., If your regular pick up is at 7:00 A.M., you will be picked up at 9:00 A.M.).

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