5 minute read
So, You Think You Know Rundle? Take the quiz and see how you do!
1. Where was the first Rundle Campus located? a. Balmoral b. Bridgeland c. Barlow d. Bridlewood
2. How many campuses in total have the College and Academy Senior High Schools been located at? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
3. What was Rundle’s first mascot or team name? (Hint: answer is in last year’s alumni magazine.) a. Ravens b. The Mighty Cobras c. Mountaineers d. Cougars
4. How many students were in Rundle’s College and Academy first graduating class respectively? a. 4 & 3 b. 6 & 6 c. 7 & 3 d. 12 & 6
5. How many graduates are in the Class of 2020 at the College and Academy respectively? a. 72 & 15 b. 76 & 22 c. 84 & 26 d. 80 & 30
6. How many years has Rundle College been in existence? a. 32 b. 34 c. 35 d. 38
7. How many Headmasters has Rundle College had? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 8. Which alumni now teach(es) at Rundle? a. Travis Rasch b. Taryn Knorren c. Stephanie Falkenberg d. All of the above
9. In which sport did Rundle have its first ever team? a. Volleyball b. Wrestling c. Basketball d. Track & Field
10. What musicals have been staged at Rundle schools? a. Sound of Music & Little Shop of Horrors b. Hair & Shampoo c. Franklin – Life of a Chemistry Teacher &
Breaking Bad d. Hamilton & The Tiger Cats
11. Before 2019, what was the only sport that Rundle had not won a provincial championship? a. Volleyball b. Basketball c. Golf d. Wrestling
12.How many Academy and College high school sports teams now compete at the senior varsity level? a. 20 b. 26 c. 29 d. 31
13. What country has not been visited by the Rundle
Travel Club? a. Vietnam b. Russia c. Guatemala d. Italy
14. What does our motto mean? a. Attention to Education b. Attention to Excellence c. Attention to Excalibur d. Pay Attention in Class
15. Prior to starting Rundle College, what similar professions did Dr. Conklin and Dr. Collett have? a. Sales Associates at HBC b. Bankers c. Professors d. Ranchers
16. Which staff member had(has) the longest career at
Rundle? a. Mr. Hauk b. Ms. Baird c. Mr. Lawson d. Mr. Rogers
17. What year did Mr Hauk retire as Headmaster? a. 2014 b. 2015 c. 2016 d. Who’s Mr. Hauk?/He’s retired?/Will he ever?
18. How many grades did Rundle College have in 1985? a. 3 b. 6 c. 9 d. 12
19. What is the name of the field located at Rundle
College? a. Hauk Field b. Cobra Field c. Conklin Field d. Field of Dreams
20. What city or town did Mrs. Belt and Mrs. Phillips, respectively, teach in before coming to Rundle? a. Balzac & Airdrie b. Cardston & Jasper c. Eckville & New York d. Singapore & Tokyo
Feeling confident you know Rundle? Turn to page 51 for answers.
Got all 20 right? You’re a co-founder for sure! Came in with 15–19 correct! Could fill in for the Headmaster A solid showing with 10–14. Principal for the day 5–9 Correct? You should have studied more Oh, my! Only 1–4? You were sleeping in class 0 – zero? Did you even go to Rundle?
the faculty/staff possess. We have been fortunate to have incredible students who are eager to engage in all that is offered. The more students engage, the more I feel we give. It has been a symbiotic relationship that has helped us be “the little school that could” and the success of so many programs is attributed to the dedication of this community working towards a common goal, a vision to provide the best educational experience possible. This, I believe, we have accomplished.
To the students who have attended and graduated, past and present, are unquestionably the stars of Rundle and our future world. Recounting the amazing accomplishments you have had as students and graduates, seeing the countless number of alumni who return to help coach, mentor, present, and yes, even come back to be teachers at our school, you are the reason we educate and could not be more proud of.
As one who can appreciate, it has been very different teaching and learning in the virtual world of COVID-19 and it has changed the landscape of education and society in general. In my years of teaching, I have not witnessed anything like it, nor do I hope to ever again. Rundle has done a fantastic job with the REEDS synchronous educational platform (see page 17). It is the next best thing to teaching “live”, but as one can imagine, I yearn for the in-person interactions, especially as a PE teacher and coach. These relationships and connections are the core, and the cornerstone of why we teach, coach, and mentor. The adaptability, compassion, grit, and perseverance displayed by staff, students and families in our early years, clearly enabled us get to where we are today. The strong and caring Rundle community has come together to support one another through difficult and emotional times, with kindness and empathy demonstrated in both recent and past years with the loss of some very beloved staff, students and family members as well. Similarly, I know the Rundle community will continue to display these same incredible values to navigate and successfully come out of the COVID-19 situation stronger, closer, and better people in the end.
The end of COVID-19 cannot come soon enough, but if there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, the one blessing for me has been the time afforded to me with my beautiful wife and three lovely daughters. Those precious and treasured moments that will fade away all too quickly as we are able to go back to a more normal life. Just maybe this has given us all a new perspective on the importance of the simpler things in life and to not take for granted the people and things we have in front of us and a true realization on just how special and valued our relationships are.