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Academy Alumni Updates
Zach Flower ‘06

Congratulations ‘06–‘08
Devra Moore ‘06

I graduated from Rundle Academy twelve years Sexual Assault Support Centre asked me to head up ago and since then I graduated from Mount Royal their grades 5–8 program called, “No Secrets Part University in early learning and 2.” We call ourselves educators and go child care. After graduating, into schools all around central Alberta. I worked as a preschool/ We talk to children from K–12 about our kindergarten teacher for 9 years. program. We talk about what a safe and During this time, I opened my own unsafe touch is. It’s powerful and we Yoga business where I teach kids need to get the word out to the world and families the basics of yoga. and teach these kids that they have the power to say “No!” We give them tools Last June, I decided that I needed and prepare them that if something does to make a difference in the lives happen, what to do, and how to get help. of other children who needed me more. I loved what I was doing With this new position, I have definitely before, and because of it, this heard some scary things that one should new career path was presented never have to hear from a child. I have to me. I moved to Red Deer in the Bailey Martineau ‘08 now become a safe person for these summer and become an intern for kids and I am so grateful for this new path the Central Alberta Child Advocacy Centre. The CAC that has chosen me. My goal though is to become a is such an amazing company! They support children full-time child advocate at the CAC. who are abused and help make their world not so scary anymore. Our sister company, Central Alberta

Victoria Hill ‘13 completed her degree in behavioural science and is now working at The Alex. Her work is focused on helping and housing those experiencing mental health issues, addiction, and homelessness.

Nicolaj Duus ‘14 has a 3-year-old daughter now and works full-time at the Vecova Bottle Depot.
Taylor Evans ‘15! Connor MacLean ‘14 2019 Rundle Academy Distinguished Award recipient.


Alumnus William Midkiff ‘13 is currently completing his Masters in Engineering down in New Orleans. He also just won the AGF New Orleans championship (max division 190 lbs) for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu! He says the grappling community is a mix of wrestlers, Jiu-Jitsu and Judo competitors and that his experience wrestling at Rundle was foundational in his development. He's having a blast and it’s great to see him
competing again!

Dominic Petty ‘17 is currently a math TA at McGill University

Academy Reflections

Connections Sawyer Figol ‘20
The moment I came to the Academy in grade 5, I knew it was the school for me. The connection, inspiration, and education in the core values of being kind, curious and well are what made my experience something I’ll be eternally grateful for.
Now that I’m graduating, looking back on everything that I’ve accomplished really puts things in perspective on how I was able to grow both as a student and as a person over my Rundle career. I’ve known a majority of the Class of 2020 for over half of my life, so to call them friends would be an understatement. Each of my classmates has been fundamental to my contemporary success; family would be a more apt description in terms of what they mean to me.
Even those who have spent less time at the school find a home in our community thanks to the incredibly talented and kind staff and faculty. The connections you build at Rundle last a lifetime as each of my fellow students and teachers can attest to. No matter where I go, I’ll always know I’m welcome at the Academy.
Yet, another unique thing about our school is the fact that each of us comes here with the challenge of a learning disability. The attitude the Academy expresses towards these disabilities is that they are less a defining feature of who you are and more of a mountain that needs to be moved. This was precisely true to my situation as when I first came to Rundle, I found great difficulty in writing. Perhaps, without the help of my persistently optimistic teachers, I would have never learned to enjoy writing or make it into one of my strong suits. Simply put, the teachers of this incredible school find the potential in each of us, even when we ourselves don’t think it’s there.
Throughout my life, I have “No matter where I go, I’ll been blessed always know I’m welcome at to meet some the Academy.” of the most remarkable people in the world. That being said, a large majority came from Rundle Academy. I challenge anyone to find such a fantastic learning environment that instills the values of being kind, curious, and well, whilst also forging bonds like none other.
Truly, I have a lifetime of gratitude to repay, but with the life lessons I’ve learned, I’m sure neither myself, nor any of my fellow graduates, will have a problem accomplishing that.
Curiosity Isabella Carinelli ‘20

As soon as I walked into Rundle, I felt the abundance of warmth. I was greeted by teachers, as well as students in my grade. This was now my home!
As a student, the Academy has taught me to be curious. For most of my time as a student, I only learned information that was going to be tested on an exam. I then became a curious student who wanted to learn about all kinds of things. I started to enjoy school more. Not only that, I began to enjoy life more because I realized that there is so much beauty in the world around us.
Before Rundle, I tried to achieve perfection but I wasn’t able to meet those exceptional standards and I had become disappointed, and at times, had lost motivation. During my time at Rundle, I learned to focus on progress and not perfection, because there isn’t such a thing as a perfect student! After all, we’re all flawed human beings. The Academy has helped me turn that around and focus on my progress. I’ve realized that getting better is its own reward.
In the end, I was able to accept my learning disability as something that isn’t an inconvenience. It is seen as one of my strengths because I understand I need to learn in different ways.
The Academy has provided me with amazing opportunities and I will truly miss my years with the teachers and students, but I know that we will continue to keep in touch in the years to come. Alumni